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Your Guide to Promotion Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

1. What do you like best about your current position at the company?

When the interviewer asks this question, they are looking to assess your overall attitude
about your current position. They likely want to make sure you have a positive attitude,
can-do about your current role at the company. Focus on positivity and how the
company has assisted you with your success in your current role.

Example: “I have enjoyed working with my current leaders to develop new processes
that have improved the efficiency of our products and services. I have been fortunate to
work with a supportive team that assists me in providing solutions to tough situations.”

I have enjoyed working with my current assignment, DOH-POC. It’s

tough because there’s no automated accounting system and it involves
four fund sources, however, it improved my resourcefulness, skills and
attitude towards work. I have been fortunate to work with a supportive
leader that assists me in times of difficulties.

2. Why do you want the new position?

The interviewer is seeking to uncover the reason why you applied for this position. They
likely want to determine what your motivation is and they will assess if you will be able
to stay motivated to succeed in this position for the right reasons. This could also give
you an opportunity to mention how your values match the company’s values and goals.

Example: “Since I have worked for this company, I have refined my skills and grown to
be efficient in my current role. Now I’m not only ready to apply my skills and abilities to
a new role, but I’m ready to learn and develop to further benefit this company at a
higher level. One of the core values of this company is innovation. I believe that
innovation begins with constant self-development and the willingness to take on new
and exciting challenges.”

Since I have worked for more than 7 years in this Commission, I have
refined my skills and grown to be efficient in my current role. Now I’m
not only ready to apply my skills and abilities to a new role, but I’m
ready to learn and develop to further achieve the mandate of this
3. Why should we consider you for this promotion?

This question is usually asked by the interviewer to make sure you are confident that
you can handle this new role. If you can’t provide a reason as to why you should get the
promotion, then they likely won’t want to consider you either. This question provides you
with the opportunity to mention accomplishments and awards you have won during your
employment with the company.

Example: “I should be considered for this promotion because I have exceeded

expectations in my current role. I have created several campaigns that have contributed
considerably to the net operating income of this company. I work well in a team
environment and have communicated efficiently with my team for the best possible
results. I believe that I can bring my comprehensive skill set and insight into this
company and exceed expectations in this role as well.”

I should be considered for this promotion because I have exceeded

expectations in my current role. I am just an audit team member but I
was able to do some of the usual tasks of an audit team leader such as
preparation of management letters or annual audit reports. We always
ensure the quality and timeliness of our MLs or AAR.

4. Can you tell me what you know about the position you are being
considered for?

Researching the job role expectations will assist you with your response to this
question. Answer this question to the best of your knowledge. Don’t fabricate an
answer. Ask for clarification on the expectations and duties of the new role if needed.

Example: “I know that this position requires a high-level of collaboration and a

considerable amount of analysis to successfully meet the high-quality standards of this
organization. I also know that this role will be project-based and require working
overtime hours.”
5. How would your current team members describe your work?

The interviewer most likely knows how your current team members have described you.
Try asking for feedback from your team members to prepare for this promotion
interview. Be realistic and honest in your response to this question while remaining

Example: “My team members would describe my work as detail-oriented and efficient.”

My ATL appreciates my initiatives, dedication and responsiveness to

assigned tasks

6. How will you react if you don’t get this promotion?

Remain professional when answering this question. The interviewer wants to get an
idea of how you handle rejection and if you will want to remain with the organization if
you don’t get the promotion.

Example: “If I don’t get this promotion I will be disappointed because I do believe I can
make a difference in this new role. However, I understand that the hiring process is
complex and if I am not the right person for the job then this company has to hire the
person who is the best person for the job. I will still continue working on my current
projects with my team to ensure the highest quality production.”

If I don’t get this promotion, I will be disappointed because I do believe I

can make a difference in this new role. However, I understand that the
hiring process is complex and if I am not the right person for the job
then this Commission has to hire the person who is the best person for
the job. I will still continue working on my current role with the team to
ensure the highest quality output.

7. How will this promotion affect your current work relationships?

The interviewer will likely want to make sure that if you are promoted there won’t be any
conflicts with you and your team. This is an important question to consider if you are
being promoted within the same department or location.

Example: “I will maintain the same relationships that I currently have when I am
promoted. My goal will be to help and mentor my team and let them know that the
environment will be open, honest and inclusive. I will continue to develop my work
relationships and deal with any issues with patience and open communication as they
may come up.”

8. Tell me about a time when you had to complete a task you had never
done before…how did you go about it?

This question may be asked to measure your ability to approach new and challenging
tasks. Many promotions include tasks that you may not have completed before and your
employer will want to assess how capable you are.

Example: “I once was given XYZ task about three months ago that I wasn’t sure how to
complete. I started by reviewing the information on the project thoroughly. Then I
researched other tasks that were similar to it to get an idea of the work that was
expected. I created an outline to stay organized and then gave myself a timeline of
when I expected the work to be completed.”

9. If given this promotion, what do you hope to accomplish within the

next three to six months?

This is a great question for you to respond to using your knowledge of the position and
company expectations. Your interviewer may ask this question to see if you have
personal goals within the new role that you’d like to accomplish. This answer will
change depending on your industry, but try to be specific when responding to this

Example: “I hope to increase team morale, help them set actionable goals, reduce our
monthly spending by half of what it is now and create new and innovative ideas that will
produce excellent results.”

As Head of Auditing Unit

1. Evaluates/acts on request for relief from money/property accountability (within the signing
authority) and transfer of funds from one accountable officer to another within the audited
2. Reviews/Evaluates/Recommends appropriate action on the following before affixing signature:
a. Appeals for actions made by Resident Auditor
b. Request for relief from money/property accountability (beyond the signing authority)
c. Request for write –off of accounts
d. Request for exemption from use of accountable forms
e. Request for exclusion as person liable
f. Request for reconsideration on audit suspensions, disallowances, and/or
g. charges
h. Other requests/referrals by auditee
3. Reviews the required reports before affixing signature thereon like the Report on Post-Audit
Work and Issuance of CSB, Annual Work and Audit Plan, Questionnaire on the Verification,
Reconciliation and Analysis of Trial Balance and Summary of Material Findings, Progress Report
on Settlement of Cash Advances, Quarterly Sampling Accomplishment Report, Certificate of
Settlement and Balances (CSB), Monthly Accomplishment or AUMAR, Progress Report on
Settlement of Cash Advances and other attached documents and other reports that may be
required from time to time.
4. Prepares/reviews and approves the formulated and developed comprehensive audit plans or
work programs for the agency.
5. Supervises the conduct of financial, compliance and value for money audit or any other special
6. Supervises the effective implementation of audit plans and/or work programs and activities of
the Office.
7. Supervises the audit revenues, obligations, expenses and disbursements, as well as journal
8. Prepares/reviews Annual Audit Reports and submits to the Operating/Regional Office
9. Oversees the consolidation of AAR of the central/head office, regional and field offices, branches
and satellite branches of the audited Department/Corporation/ Agency and its submission to
the Operating/Regional Office concerned.
10. Evaluates issues or concerns by audited agency relevant to existing laws, accounting and
auditing rules and regulations.
11. Causes the conduct of special audit, if warranted.
12. Recommends to the Director concerned, improvement/revisions of existing laws, rules and
regulations on accounting and auditing matters.
13. Reviews and approves post-audited vouchers, receipts and other transactions beyond the limits
of the signing authority of subordinates.
14. Reviews the following before affixing signature thereon:
a. Certificate of Settlement and Balances (CSB)
b. Notice of Suspension (NS)
c. Notice of Disallowance (ND)
d. Notice of Charge (NC)
e. Credit Notice (CN)
f. Audit Observation Memorandum (AOM)
g. Systems Review Observation Memorandum (SROM)
h. Audit Query (AQ)
i. Management Letter (ML)

15. Oversees the implementation of existing laws, rules and regulations relative to accounting and
auditing matters as well as administrative issuances.
16. Reviews the accomplishment report and the performance rating sheets of
subordinates/supervised personnel.
17. Prepares AWAP/Action Plan of auditing unit.
18. Causes the preparation and reviews the audit and administrative reports prepared for the
auditing unit.
a. Monthly report of attendance
b. Performance Appraisal Report
c. Auditor’s/Unit’s Monthly Accomplishment Report

As Staff of the Auditing Unit

1. Acts as Officer-in-Charge in the absence of the Resident Auditor.

2. Conducts Post-audit of collections and disbursements as well as Journal Vouchers (JVs).
a. Audit collections, disbursements and journal vouchers and trace them to the General
Journal (GJ) or appropriate journals then to the Subsidiary/General Ledger.
b. Reviews post-audited journal vouchers
3. Performs Cash Examination
4. Verifies Financial Statements/Trial Balances
5. Performs Other Audit Activities
6. Conducts Value-For-Money (VFM) Audit
7. Evaluates Internal Control System (ICSs) of the Agency
8. Prepares Summary of Control Weaknesses (SCW)
9. Performs Administrative Activities
1. Why do you want to move out of your current role?
When applying for an internal job opportunity, the one thing you must know is how to answer "why do you want to leave your current
position in the company?"

It is a crucial promotion interview question as its answer will also help the interviewers decide if you deserve the promotion.

To answer well,

 Talk about your achievements in the current role

 Focus on explaining your plans for the position you are interviewing for

 Discuss why you feel you deserve the promotion with facts and figures

 Avoid mentioning any dissatisfaction you may have in your current role

 Align your answer with your career goals

Sample answer
Having worked as an Assistant Manager for 2 years with your organization, I have learned a lot about this industry.
Last year, I led the annual sales-drive under my manager’s supervision, and we estimated X% revenue growth in a month.
After working on several such projects, I feel I’m ready to take on additional responsibility and contribute more to the company’s goals.
This position also helps me meet my 5-year plan, so that is another reason why I’m keen on getting the promotion.

Having worked as an Associate at SGV and as SA for 7 years in this Commission, I have learned a lot.
As ATM, I was exposed to the tasks of ATL such as preparation of around 70+AOMs and WPs, 1 NS,
5NDs, 2 Answer to Appeal Memo.
After working with various ATLs and SA at DOST and DOH, I feel that I’m ready on additional responsibility
of a SA III and contribute more to the goal of this Commission.
2. We have received several applications, why should we consider you?
Interviewers ask this promotion interview question to understand how you stand out from other applicants.
With thorough preparation, this can be your golden opportunity to discuss your accomplishments towards the company.
To answer this question,

 Use your association with the company to your advantage

 Quantify your achievements with numbers and data to highlight your contributions

 Discuss your goals for the new position, using your understanding of it in your current position

 Identify the skills you have that are crucial to this position
Sample answer
After working here for 4 years, I’m well-aligned with our company’s culture and vision.
As an Assistant Project Manager, I was able to diversify my knowledge and contribute to the project, leading to a 4% growth in revenue in
the 3rd Quarter.
I feel I can use my data analysis and quick decision-making skills in a senior role and make more valuable contributions in that capacity.

After working here for more than 7 years, I’m well aligned with the goals of this Commission.
 dedication to service and being a proactive in executing my assigned duties and
 coupled with good work ethics and persistence in helping the audit team achieve its objectives
 eagerness to learn new ideas and applies her adept knowledge and experience in the conduct
of her work.
I believe my attributes such as dedicated and proactive employee, experiences and expertise I
gained on my job make me a good candidate for the promotion to State Auditor III and will definitely
cope up with the demands of this position.
3. What would be your first course of action in the new role?
It is an important promotion interview question asked to gauge how prepared you are to take charge of the new role.

The good news is, unlike the external candidates, you have the internal updates, and know all the red and green flags necessary
to draft an answer your interviewers would like.

Talking points to answer effectively can include,

 Ideas around existing projects that would add to the efficiency

 Ability to work/manage with the team

 Any changes you would like to introduce to increase efficiency, employee morale or revenues

Sample answer
The first thing I would like to do is change is the criteria of how we measure the success rate of projects.
I would also shift the focus from organic search and experiment with affiliate marketing.
We have an impressive presence on social media, but our post frequency is low.
I would direct my team’s efforts to put out more engaging content so that people can interact with us and recognize our brand name.
4. What do you like about your current role?
Interviewers ask this question in a promotion interview to understand what makes you want to continue working with the
You can use this opportunity to,

 Showcase your loyalty towards the company

 Highlight any emotional attachment you may have with your team

 Toot your own horn about what you do in your job

 Talk about company objectives, culture and your idea of its potential growth map

Sample answer
I have been associated with this organization for 4 years, since its early days.
My team is like a family, and I would be thrilled at an opportunity that could provide growth here.
As a marketing executive, I have created an optimal brand recognition for our products, making a unique place for ourselves in the market.
I believe in our projects, and it would make me extremely happy to continue working here.
5. How would you react if you don’t get this promotion?
While promotion interviews give internal employees an upper hand, it does not guarantee you the promotion.

Interviewers ask this promotion interview question to understand how you deal with rejection and if it would affect your work in
your current position.

To answer effectively,
 Prepare yourself to take criticism
 Take ownership of your mistakes and explain your situation (If it comes up)

 Be understanding of the interviewers

 Assure the interviewers that it would not affect your work in the current capacity

 Express gratitude to give you a chance to interview

Sample answer
I would understand if I do not get the promotion, though I sincerely hope I do.
I may have made some mistakes in my tenure, but I have also learned from them to improve myself.
In case I do not get this promotion, I’ll go back to doing my job and wait for the right opportunity.

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