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6 Jacksonville Sheriff's Office ORDER Order Number: ] Title: Order Type: | Version: 502 Direction and supervision A 8 Release Code: | Owner: Effective Date: | Page: R Director of Personnel & Professional Standards 04/06/2022 | 10f8 Table of Contents Purpose of the Policy I. Procedures A. Direction and Supervision Definitions B. Command Protocol C. Duties and Responsibilities of Supervisors D. Duties and Responsibilities of Commanding Officers |. Purpose of the Policy ‘The purpose of this order is to establish the requirements and responsibilities of all Jacksonville Sherif’s Office (SO) members serving in a supervisory capacity. Ul Procedures A. Direction and Supervision Definitions [CALEA 12.1.2] L Chain of Command — The formal line of authority, communication, and responsibility, as established in Order 101 (Organization) and depicted in the Employee Information System (E15), from the Sheriff down to every member of ISO. [CALEA 11.3.1] ‘Commanding Officer — A ranked member who has at least one supervisor directly reporting to him and/or has been given responsibility for the daily operations of one or more units. This designation may either be permanent (a member who was promoted or was hired into a ranked position, such as a lieutenant or a civilian manager) or it may betemporary (a member, such as a sergeant-in-charge, who has been given authority over supervisors and/or a unit in the absence of the permanent commanding officer). [CALEA 11.3.1] Order of Precedence — A system of succession established to ensure that leadership is available when the Sheriff is incapacitated, off-duty, out of town, or otherwise unable to act. Span of Control— The number of individuals directly reportingto a supervisor. Supervisor - A member who has been given supervisory responsibility over members of a lower rank or classification. This designation may either be permanent (a member who was promoted or was hired into a ranked position, such as a sergeant or a civilian supervisor) or it ‘may be temporary (a member, such as an officer-in-charge, who has been given supervisory authority in the absence of a permanent supervisor). [CALEA 11.3.1] j) Jacksonville Sheriff's office ] order Number: Version: Page: ©) Direction and supervision 502 8 20f8 6. Unity of Command - The organizational principle used by JSO that provides that an individual reports to only one direct supervisor, who in turn is responsibleto one direct supervisor, and so on up the organizational hierarchy. [CALEA 11.3.2, FCACS.O1] B, Command Protocol 1. Authority of the Sheriff [CALEA 12.1.2] ‘a. As established by the Florida Constitution, Florida law, and the City of Jacksonville (CO) Ordinance Code, the Sheriff has the authority and responsibility for managing the personnel and resources of ISO. [CALEA 12.1.1] b. In the event of the Sheriff's absence, the order of precedence for command authority is as follows: [FCAC5.04] (1) Undersherif; (2) Director of Patrol & Enforcement; (3) Director of investigations & Homeland Security; (4) Director of Personnel & Professional Standards; (6) Director of Corrections; (6) Director of Police Services; (7) Chief of Patrol; (8) Chief of Patrol Support; and (9) Chief of special Events. c Allmembers with supervisory authority have been delegated the authority to overseethe operations of their respective areas in normal day-to-day operations, as well as exceptional situations. In situations involving other divisions, sections, or units, members with supervisory authority are expected to coordinate using pre-established protocols in order to handle matters as effectively and efficiently as possible. [CALEA 11.3.1] d._ All members of ISO have been delegated the authority necessary to execute their duties and responsibilities. All members are fully accountable for the use of that delegated authority, as well as the failure to useit. [CALEA 11.3.1] 2. Chain of Command [CALEA 12.1.2] Communications, orders, and requests shall be relayed using the appropriate chain of command, except when: Mss) of Jacksonville Sheriff's office | order Number: Version: Page: Direction and Supervision 502 8 30f8 (2) Exigent circumstances exist, rendering the use of the chain of command impractical in order to properly and expeditiously perform one’s duties; or (2) Alternate protocol has been specifically established by the written directives or the ‘member's chain of command. 3. Span of Control a To achieve effective direction, coordination, and control, supervisors shall have no more than 12 direct reports when feasible based on the immediate circumstances. b. When the maximum span of control needs to be limited or expanded further, such as for the Patrol Division, the revised span of control shall be reflected in the appropriate order or unit procedure, 4. Unity of Command Each member is accountableto one and only one immediate supervisor at any given time. [CALEA 11.3.2) bb. In exigent circumstances, a supervisor may exercise direct command over subordinates outside of his usual command. However, as soon as practical, the supervisor shall inform the subordinate’s commanding officer of the orders given. . Duties and Responsibilities of Supervisors Every JSO supervisor shall: a Ensure the authority commensurate with his rank or position is never abused and is always used to serve the best interests of ISO and the community; b. Direct the efforts of employees to meet all SO objectives and to support the 1S Mission and Core Values; © Be responsible for the supervision, performance, and conduct of each subordinate, ensuringthe written directives are acknowledged in accordance with Order 581 (Written Directives) and followed at all times; [CALEA 11.3.2] d. Maintain full responsibilty for the proper execution of orders given to his subordinates, recognizing that the delivery of an order to a subordinate does not absolvethe supervisor of the responsibility to ensure it is completed; @ Promote a high standard of excellence for his subordinates’ work performance; f. Ensure the appearance and equipment of each subordinate complies with policy; Mss) of Jacksonville Sheriff's office | order Number: Version: Page: Direction and Supervision 502 8 40f8 Maintain proficiency in the duties and responsibilities of each subordinate, but only performing those duties when the need arises or as directed; Have a working knowledge of all current written directives and collective bargaining unit agreements applicable to his subordinates; Ensure all current written directives and collective bargaining unit agreements are made available for review to his subordinates; Attend the daily roll calls or unit meetings held by the commanding officer; Be responsible for the security and control of subordinates’ personal property brought into any 150 facility; Ensure subordinates quickly respond to any incident involving life safety; Respondto any situation involving one of his subordinates that is non-routine, serious, or otherwise deemed worthy of a response by written directives, unless current circumstances necessitate the delegation of that response to another subordinate who can immediately respond and take temporary command of the situation; Maintain a division file on each subordinate, in accordance with Order 517 (Personnel Development and Movement); Make logically sound, rational decisions when handling situations not directly addressed by written directives; Cooperatively work with other divisions, sections, and units as necessary to handle an incident or situation; Complete all supervisory reviews of reports and forms completed by his subordinates, ensuring each document is complete, accurate, grammatically correct, and legible; [CALEA 41.3.7] Immediately handle and/or forward all chain-of-command communications; Monitor the location and work performance of on-duty subordinates, frequently observing them to ascertain their knowledge of the policies and procedures pertainingto their duties and responsibilities Monitor each subordinate on a daily basis for potential factors indicating the need for early intervention efforts, in accordance with the Personnel Early Intervention Program outlined in Order 572 (Professional Oversight); Ensure interactions involving individuals with disabilities are handled appropriately and in accordance with Order 504 (Providing Services for Disabled Individuals}; Mss) of Jacksonville Sheriff's office | order Number: Version: Page: Direction and Supervision 502 8 5of8 aa bb. cc. ee. Ensure the time and attendance information for all subordinates is accurately reflected in Els; Ensure on a monthly basis that subordinate recall information in E1S is accurate, including home address, work number, personal number, and emergency contact information. Ensure all career counseling and evaluation components of the Annual Performance Evaluation are completed each year for each subordinate, in accordance with Order 517 (Personnel Development and Movement); Ensure probationary discussions and written probationary performance evaluations are completed for each probationary member, in accordance with Order 517 (Personnel Development and Movement); Provide coaching, mentoring, and guidance on performanceto each member, with special attention being directed towards any member currently in a probationary status; Regularly review policies and procedures with subordinates, especially directives related to critical incidents and high-liability components; Ensure all subordinates are prepared for and attend required court-related proceedings and administrative hearings, referring them to the appropriate counsel or union representatives, when appropriate; Ensure monthly and quarterly line inspections are completed for all subordinates; Police supervisors shall complete Form P-0721e (Vehicle & Equipment Line Inspection Form) for all subordinates in accordance with Order 461 (Agency Vehicles) and Order 583 (Staff Inspections) Ensure quarterly line inspections are completed for all subordinates; (2) Police supervisors shall complete the equipment checklist (page 2) of Form P-O721e (Vehicle & Equipment Line Inspection Form) for all subordinates. (2) Corrections supervisors shall complete Form P-1737e (Corrections Quarterly Personnel inspection) forall subordinates. Promptly review grievances submitted to him, either resolving the matter when appropriate or forwarding a recommendation up the chain of command; Ensure each member has been properly trained to perform all duties and responsibilities affiliated with his assignment; Ensure each subordinate attends all required in-service training and completes all monthly roll cal training; Mss) of Jacksonville Sheriff's office | order Number: Version: Page: Direction and Supervision 502 8 60f8 hhh, Recognize instances of meritorious service by issuing letters of commendation and/or nominating members for consideration by the Meritorious Awards Review Board, in accordance with Order 555 (Meritorious Awards); ii, Intervene, when necessary, to prevent policy or procedural violations from occurring; jj. Conduct thorough administrative investigations and implement corrective actions in a timely manner, in accordance with Order 501 (Code of Conduct), taking steps to ensure subordinates are not reprimanded in public or in front of their peers when possible; kk, Submit suggestions for change when policies or processes need updating; |. In his absence, ensure a subordinate is designated to assume his duties and responsibilities; and ‘mm. Carry out any additional duties and responsi established in unit procedures. ities required for his specific position, as D. Duties and Responsibilities of Commanding Officers, 1. Every JS commanding officer shall: Carty out all duties and responsibilities established for supervisors in this order; b. Be responsible for the collective work product of his unit or watch, making necessary adjustments when expectations are not being met; © Ensure staffing levels and scheduled work hours allow the unit or watch to effectively perform its functions; [CALEA 41.1.1] d. Hold watch roll calls on a daily basis, or unit meetings at a frequency dictated by the needs of the specific unit, to: [CALEA 12.1.4] (2) Disseminate and share pertinent information with each subordinate, including noteworthy incidents and policy reviews; (2) Ensure all subordinates are informed of their assignment for the shift; (3) Ensurethe appearance and equipment of each subordinate complies with policy; and (4) Present anniversary pins and letters of commendation. Ensure all documents and records are maintained, released, and purged in accordance with: (1) Collective bargaining agreements; Mss) of Jacksonville Sheriff's office | order Number: Version: Page: Direction and Supervision 502 8 70f8 (2) 180 written directives; and (3) Public records laws. f. Coordinate with commanding officers over other units or watches in order to foster harmonious working relationships within JSO, avoid duplication of effort, and maximize the agency’s effectiveness at achieving ISO's goals and objectives; and g Carty out any additional duties and responsibilities required for his specific position, as established in unit procedures. 2. Transfer of Command ‘Within 90 days of assuming command of a unit or watch, a commanding officer is required to review each of the following items, ensuring all documentation is accurate and any necessary updates or changes are made: (2) Division files, training records, and Ets information for all subordinates; (2) Calendars used by the unit or watch; (3) Form P-0721¢ (Vehicle & Equipment Line Inspection Form) for all subordinates and pool vehicles assigned to the unit; (4) Form p-1737e (Corrections Quarterly Personnel Inspection) for all subordinates assigned; (6) The unit’s most recent Staff Inspections Report; (6) The unit’s most recent internal Audit Report; (7) The unit's order and unit procedure; (8) Accreditation standards related to the unit; (9) Callout information on the Communications site on 94Net; (10)Database and network access permissions, with the assistance of Information Systems Management (ISM); (12) Open 1SM work orders for the unit; (12JThe unit's site on 94Net; (13}Access privileges to the unit's facilities, with the assistance of the Security Coordinator; Mss) Jacksonville Sheriff's office | order Number: Version: Page: ©) Direction and supervision 502 8 80f8 b. « (14) Open facility maintenance requests, with the assistance of the Facilities Maintenance Unit; (15)The current and proposed budget for the unit; (16}Financial documents related to purchasing cards, checking accounts, and petty cash funds, with the assistance of the Budget Division; (17)Procurement documents for the unit, including blanket orders and purchase orders; (18}speciat purpose forms and documentation used by the unit; and (19} Original documents and records maintained by the unit. ‘At the time of assuming command, the new commanding officer and former commanding officer are required to conduct a joint changeover verification of the following items: () Le inventory items assigned to the unit, including their serial and registration numbers, using the tangible inventory list maintained by the Supply Unit; (2) All equipment on loan from the Technical Support Unit; (3) All cash on hand assigned to the unit; (4) Combinations to any safe or vault, which must be changed when any member leaves the unit; and (6) The locations of all keys to the unit's facilities. With the assistance of the former commanding officer, commanding officers assuming command of a unit shall also notify external entities, such as other COJ personnel or contacts from other law enforcement agencies, of the change in command. Mele [ol Mike Wiliams sheriff References:

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