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qQrRtrrr€rq, ffiq frfi ffiq fuTr{r

ffi Ph. No. 01 1-2306 19 tt,
+r<r €'. 20s 9., ffiur i{TT, Tt
23063027, F
ax No. O1 1-230 6t,122

Email : [email protected]

R 2A22
miqtoq vrqq

Subject: Duties of Deputy Director General (Enterprise Resource Planning) (ERp),

Director(Developrnent) (ERP) and Director (Operations & Training) (ERP)-
Consequent to the creation of post of DDG(ERP) unit vide OM DG/CAD/B8g dated
01.03.2019 and further strengthened vide DG/CAD/391 dated 2b.08.2019,
DG/CAD/514 dated 23.03.2022 and DG/CADi518 dated L9.04.2022, the competent
authority is pleased decide the duties of officers of Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) unit as under:

1. Duties of Deputy Director General (ERP)

He will be in-charge of overall planning, organizing, control and coordination of the

activities in the ERP Unit. He wilt report to SDG(HQ). His duties are as below:

1. Design, development, configuration, testing, certification and making Go- live all
the applications/modules/ hardware/ software of the complete ERP System.
2. Data migration from all legacy applications being used by CPWD/ other
departments to the ERP system.
3. Integrations/ APIs with other applications/modules/websites.
4. Subsequent changes/ bug removaV glitch removaV addition of any new feature/
new functionality to applications/ modules made Go-Live.
5. Configuration and running of the system cloud/ servers/ databases etc and other
issues like overall system security/ firewalls/ architecture of AWS/ Cloud
6. Transition of aII CPWD processes to applications and modules mad"e Go Live.
7. Complete training and capacity building of all employees and stakeholders on
8- cPwD ERP Helpdesks/ I\lRsi resolution of user service ca[s.
9. Licenses and procurement of software/ hardware for the entire ERP System.
10. outages/ cyber attacks/ hacking attempts on entire ERp systems.
11. Maintenance and Service of all ERP systems.
12. Replies to a1l Audit/ Vigilance references for all above responsibilities.
13. Any other responsibiiity assigned by SDG(HQ)/ DG, CPWD.

2. Duties of Director (Developrnent)

He will be responsible for ail direction and command functions including Technical
and Supervisory controi and direction for the following activities. He will report to

t4 V\y'
1. All activities related to design, development, configuration, testing, certifi.cation
and making Go- live all the applications/modules/ hardware/ software of the
complete ERP System, except those for which Director (Operations & Training) is
2. Data migration from all legacy applications being used by CPWD/ other
departments to the ERP system except those for which Director (Operations &
Training) is responsible.
3' AII integrations/ APIs with other applications/modules/websites (except those for
which Director (Operations & Training) is responsible.
4. All subsequent changes/ bug removaU glitch removaU addition of any new
feature/ new functionality to applications/ modules made Go-Live (except those
for which Director (Operations & Training) is responsible.
5. Complete overall configuration and running of the system cloud/ servers/
databases etc and other issues like overall system security/ frrewalls/
architecture of AWS/ Cloud Services.
6. All issues related to licenses and procurement of software/ hardware for the
entire ERP System.
7. Issues related to any outages/ cyber attacks/ hacking attempts on entire ERP
8. AII issues related to payments of bills including that of the System Integrator
and PMU.
9. Maintenance and Service of e-Tendering and e-Auction Systems.
10. Replies to all Audit/ Vigilance references for all above responsibilities.
11. Any other responsibility assigned by DDG (ERP).

3. Duties of Director (Operations & Training)

He will be responsible for all direction and command functions including Technical
and Supervisory control and direction for the following activities. He will report to

1. Transition of ali CPWD processes to applications and modules made Go Live by

the development unit.
2. All issues related to complete training and capacity building of all employees and
stakeholders on ERP.
3. All issues related to CPWD ERP Helpdesks/ I\lRs/ resolution of User Service
4. All activities
related to design, development, configuration, testing, certification
and making go live aii the applications/modules for maintenance/ real estate
management and finance/ budget functions.
5. A11 issues related to data migration from legacy applications being used by
CPWD/ other departments to the ERP system for maintenance/ real estate
management and finance/ budget functions.
6. AII integrations/ APIs for maintenance/ real estate management and finance/
budget functions with other applications/modules/websites.
7. A11 subsequent changes/ bug removaV glitch removaV addition of any new
feature/ new functionality to applications/ modules made Go-Live for
maintenance/ real estate management and finance/ budget functions.
8. Maintenance and Service of aii Go-Live Systems except e-Auction and e-
Tendering Applications.
9. Replies to all Audit/ Vigiiance references for all above responsibilities.
10. Any other responsibiiity assigned by DDG (ERP).

u* \

4. Duties/Responsibilities of EEs- ERP:

The respective EEs reporting to the Director (Development) (ERP)and Director
(Operations & Training)(ERP) will perform all activities relating to the actual
execution and management of ERP implementation and its service and maintenance
as entrusted to Director concerned including organizing and supervising the
execution of work by the Systems Integrator and the PMU.

They will also be responsibte for any other activity/work assigned to them by the
respective Directors - ERP as weII as DDG - ERP.

One of the EEs (ERP) will also iook after the responsibilities of the EE (HQ) as
designated by DDG (ERP).

Tdo'rqfffiilq1rreTfreqrf,, &'. d. fr. E. e GriCrfiAurfrfu'qrffiTBt

q{r trm I
Eilt'qrero e.rft '{TdT

1. Htft ffiq rdrfraqro \fti Bl!-{ qarRaqro.
z. s$ gu etf,tflidt, G{eftflur Gd}lq-dT qrq s{f,qr
3. efi oTdqrf,f, Gdlqil \rq strf,er
4. 34-drHlfrffi-d6dqTfr

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