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Sports Organizations


In order to get started, take a look at current hiring practises. Find innovative ways to do these
things to make them better. Employees are a priceless resource that are frequently ignored or
underutilised. It's possible that the people you're attempting to hire can provide some insight into
your hiring style.

Consider speaking with the successful marketing strategists you already have to learn more about
what drove them into your company in the first place, as well as what they enjoy the most about
their jobs.


All stakeholders, including present employees and potential applicants, should be made aware of
the importance of attracting top-notch employees.

Employer Reputation Management:

Create a logo that embodies the spirit of your business. When promoting your firm, use social
media and online work boards. When it comes to hiring new employees, a larger and more
diverse pool of candidates will be available if your firm is well-known. By employing the latest
and best technology both internally and internationally, your company will show prospective
employees that you are not stuck in the past. Maintain a consistent corporate image by working
with the marketing and public relations departments to achieve this. Candidates want to work for
companies with well-developed, well-known brands, and that's how you get them. To
accomplish your company's short- and long-term recruiting goals, you must be able to select the

Make Use of Current Employee Recommendations:

To find people who will easily fit in with the company's culture, this method is the best. It is
possible to save time and gain vital information about a potential customer if you use
recommendations effectively. If you're still on the lookout for top talent, this approach is almost
certain to yield more results. Keeping the company's family-oriented attitude alive by referring
family and friends to it is a win-win situation.

Use Skill Assessments:

When making hiring decisions, turn to pre-employment evaluation tools rather than relying on a
CV that may be biassed. A candidate's abilities and whether or not their qualifications line up
with their CV will be revealed during an interview.

Determine culture compatibility


Conducting a thorough background check on a potential employee is a wise decision before you
hire them. When determining whether or not to recruit a candidate, take into account both their
personality and the overall fit of the firm.

Creating a Plan for Retention

The following is a list of the possible consequences of the organization's retention plan:

Offer Flexible Work Hours/Schedules

Consider staggered shifts or longer days to provide for an extra day off during the week.


 Longevity of employees is improved.

 Permits the continuation of essential business operations.
 Continued management action may be necessary in order to guarantee the completion of
all tasks and tasks


juggling one's professional and personal obligations without becoming overwhelmed Employee
A solid work-life balance is essential to a happy workplace. Home-based employees want to
know that their supervisors are sympathetic to their plight in balancing work and family

Temporarily Offer Premium Pay/Bonus for Extended Working Hours or Hazardous


Additional or critical shift compensation may be available to employees who work additional or
crucial shifts, or who are at a greater risk of injury or illness (example: of COVID-19 exposure.)
Full-time and part-time employees can choose from hourly, flat, or overall bonuses.

An hourly rate, flat rate, or overall bonus amount for full-time and part-time employees are some
of the options available.


 Reward personnel that are essential to the company's survival during this trying
 Encouraging the company's personnel to keep up their excellent standards of
customer service even in the event of a pandemic.

Provide Small Denomination Spot Bonuses for Extraordinary Work


Consider awarding staff with bonuses or gift cards for great performance, effort, and/or going the
extra mile.


 Boosts staff morale by expressing gratitude for efforts that go above and beyond the

 With the promotion of fairness and the reduction of entitlement risk.

Staff should be trained for new roles and/or responsibilities.

Consider the free online training currently accessible for employees to develop new skills that
will assist in current and future business operations (e.g., LinkedIn, Coursera).


 Motivates workers by allowing them to see how their contributions to the company can
have a greater impact.
 In addition to reducing the expense of acquiring new personnel, it maximises the
potential of current employees.
 enables the continuation of vital business operations

Recognize Employees

It's more important than ever to celebrate the successes of your employees. Additionally, look at
peer-to-peer acknowledgment as an alternative to awards and accolades (e.g., point programs,
virtual high-fives, etc.). Celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries virtually in the future as you
have in the past.


 It helps to alleviate feelings of loneliness and apathy.

 There is a high level of productivity and satisfaction among the workforce.
 In turn, this leads to an increase in output.

Participate as a Team in Improving Business Operations

Consider empowering the team to come up with ideas for ways to save costs or generate money.


 Employee morale is boosted when they feel that they have a purpose and are part of a
larger community.

 Ideas that are worthy of further investigation and consideration require time and money.

Wellness programmes may be offered by the company.

A few ideas of what your company could provide to employees are stress management
programmes, retirement planning assistance, and reimbursement for virtual exercise courses.

It is possible to provide regular feedback on an employee's performance.

Annual performance reviews are being phased out in favour of more frequent discussions with
employees. As you meet with your staff one-on-one, help them see their futures with the
company in the short and long term. Despite the fact that you should never make promises you
cannot keep, you should explore possible career progression situations with your partner and
devise a realistic plan for accomplishing those goals.

How many employees will you need to add and in what departments (manufacturing,
operations, customer service, marketing and sales, finance/accounting, and human
resources) in order to keep up with the increased demand?

Additional employees on HR department:

1 Training Manager/ consultant

1 Compensation and benefits Manager

2 additional employees for Marketing Department

1 Product Research and Development

1 for Online marketing Specialist

Indicate your rationale for the hiring in each area.

1 Training Manager/ consultant

As a training manager, you will be responsible for ensuring that the company's employees are
properly trained. The company only hires people with a high school diploma or GED and does
not provide them with enough training. When standards continue to improve, training will help
keep employees up to date with them. As a result, employees will be able to work more
efficiently and effectively. As the company's requirements expand, so do the requisite skills and
expertise of its employees. To compensate for the retention approach, this training will also
provide opportunities for promotion. To help them deal with intergenerational and cultural
differences, employees will be given cultural diversity training.

1 Compensation and benefits Manager

Compensation and advantages in terms of money Management is in charge of employee

compensation and benefits, and it is their job to look into and make any necessary adjustments.
Since there are no benefits, there is a decrease in staff turnover. To help employees cope with the
increased stress caused by the pandemic, management should do research, analyse the situation,
and make recommendations for additional benefits. When it comes to enhancing employee
retention, a manager might do so by providing perks that are competitive with those offered by
the competition.

2 additional employees for Marketing Department

1 Product Research and Development

To maintain the department's core competitive advantage, product development, extra research
and development personnel are required. The new hire will have a significant impact on the
department's product development activities.

1 for Online marketing Specialist

Sales are increasing, despite an outbreak, because the company is communicating and extending
its online presence. Strategic planning for the company's strong online presence will fall under
the purview of this job. Allows the brand to connect with customers who cannot make it into the

Consider turnover. Identify factors that could be causing turnover

1. Inadequate Growth and Progression

Workers who are able to grow and develop are more likely to stay at a company than
those who are not allowed to do so. If a worker feels that their current job is a dead end,
they are more
likely to look for new employment opportunities elsewhere.

2. A lack of acknowledgment and appreciation

It's probable that you're alienating your employees if you don't provide them with
constructive criticism.
As a manager, you should not avoid giving your employees constructive criticism.
If an employee is struggling to keep up with their workload, they may benefit from
receiving honest feedback. Demoralization, weariness, and resignation are all possible
outcomes of bad feedback or disregarding your employees.

3. Employees Who Aren't a Good Fit


If you can't find the right person, don't force a match with someone who clearly doesn't
fit in with the company's culture or principles. Even if you're in a rush to find someone to
fill the position, hiring the wrong person is bad for your company, the employee, and
yourself. Frustrated employees aren't the best workers, and a new job with a mismatched
personality type isn't going to go well for that employee either.

4. There is a disparity in how each member of the team is treated.

When the boss's handpicked employees are treated differently from the rest of the
workforce, it's just a matter of time until the rest of the crew gets angry. Morale and
productivity will be affected if employees are allowed to set their own flexible work
schedules but no one else is. If there are underlying implicit biases, these injustices can
go beyond the obvious favouritism. The way you see and treat people from different
origins and gender identities may be affected by biases you don't even know you have.
Prejudices that go unchecked could lead to bias in hiring and promotion.

5. The atmosphere at work is oppressive.

Employee well-being is strongly influenced by the culture of the workplace. Employees
are more productive and content when they feel like they belong at work.Dissatisfaction
with the workplace has left them feeling demotivated. Everything from employee
satisfaction to job satisfaction is influenced by workplace culture. When they don't fit in
with the company's principles and culture, they are less likely to stay.


 Arthur, D. (2015) Fundamentals of Human Resources Management: A Practical

Guide for Today’s HR Professional. New York: AMA Self-Study.
 Dias, L. P. (2011) Human Resource Management. Version 1.0. Boston: Flat
 Guinn, S.L. (2013) ‘Predicting Successful People’, Strategic HR Review, 12(1),
pp. 26-31.
 Muller, M. (2012) The Legal Side of HR Practice. New York: AMA Self-Study.

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