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Senior High School

Reading and Writing

Quarter 3 – Module 1
Techniques in Selecting and Organizing
Reading and Writing – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 1: Techniques in Selecting and Organizing Information
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Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Judith C. Mustaham, Ed.D

John Philip M. Eijansantos, LPT

Editor: John Philip M. Eijansantos, LPT

Reviewers: Florenda H. Quinte, Ph. D.
Valeria Fides G. Corteza, Ph. D.
EPS- English
Layout Artist: John Philip M. Eijansantos, LPT
Management Team:
Roy C. Tuballa, EMD.JD. CESO VI
Jay S. Montealto, CESO VI
Norma T. Francisco, DM
Mildred D. Dayao, Ed. D.
Valeria Fides G. Corteza, Ph. D.
Aida Coyme, Ed. D.

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What I Need to Know

Good day learners! Welcome to “Reading and Writing.” This subject will usher you
toward developing your reading and writing skills, which can be applied to a wide range of
For our maiden voyage in this subject, we will learn about the techniques in selecting
and organizing information.
Selecting and organizing information are essential skills that senior high school students
like you must possess. You have to learn how to gather information since your teachers in all
subjects will require you to research certain topics or generate ideas using different materials.
Hence, important points must not be left out when dealing with any material at hand. There are
techniques in selecting and organizing information that includes brainstorming lists, graphic
organizers, outlines, etc.

In this module, you are expected to;

a. Apply the techniques in selecting and organizing information

What I Know

Directions: Below are descriptions of the different techniques in organizing information.

Identify which technique is being described in each item by writing “A” for
Brainstorming, “B’ for Outline, “C” for Venn Diagram, “D” for Concept Map, and
“E” for Bubble Organizer on your answer sheet.

1. ______________ is one way of generating ideas by listing of ideas spontaneously.

It can be done individually or as a group. Through this, you can come up with new
ideas and solve problems.

2. _______________ is another way of organizing information. It organizes materials

hierarchically and sequentially by classifying the main topics, subtopics, and
supporting details. Use “Roman Numerals” for the top-level, ‘capital letters’ in the
alphabet for the next level, ‘Arabic Numerals’ for the next level, and then
‘lowercase letters’ for the next level. Each numeral or letter is followed by a period,
and each item is capitalized.

3. ________________ is used when you compare and contrast things; it helps to
visualize similarities and differences.

4. To create a _____________, write your topic in the middle of the page, then jot
down different ideas, points, or facts that are related to or support your topic.

5. _______________ are particularly helpful for visual learners as they allow writers
to map out ideas spatially.



There is a need to select and organize information as these are essential skills that
senior high school students like you must possess. You’ve got to learn how to gather
information since your teachers in all subjects will require you to research certain topics or
generate ideas using different materials. Important points must not be left out when dealing
with any material at hand; there are techniques in selecting and organizing information. These
include using a brainstorming list, graphic organizers, and outlines, etc.

What’s In

Directions: From the information provided above about selecting and organizing
information, answer the following questions precisely. Write your answer on
another sheet of paper.

1. How do you differentiate the techniques in organizing information?


2. Why are these techniques important in selecting and organizing information?


What’s New

Directions: Identify whether the images/samples below are techniques used in selecting
and organizing information. Write “Okay” if you consider the image/sample a technique
in selecting and organizing information and write “Nope” if not. Write your answer on
another sheet of paper.


Sub - Sub-
topic topic

Fact Fact
Fact Fact
Fact Fact

• Celebration
• Diploma
• Gifts
• Gathering
• Visitors
• Achievement


Sub-idea Sub-idea
Idea Idea
Sub-idea Subject Sub-idea

Sub-idea Idea

What Is It

Selecting and organizing information is a vital skill in senior high school since you will
encounter subjects that will demand you to collect and organize information efficiently.
Hence, learning the techniques to employ is a must.

These are some of the techniques you can use when selecting and organizing

1. Brainstorming 2. Graphic Organizers 3. Venn Diagram

4. Concept Map 5. Bubble Graphs 6. Outlines

Brainstorming is one way of generating ideas by listing of ideas spontaneously. It

can be done individually or as a group. Through brainstorming, you can develop new ideas
and solve problems; think of it as a free association. Listing is a brainstorming technique. It
means writing down anything that comes to your mind about the topic.
Graphic Organizers such as concept maps and mind maps are important and effective
ways for organizing content and ideas. Since the graphic organizer is a visual display, it
demonstrates relationships between facts, concepts, or ideas. It guides your thinking as you fill
in a visual map or diagram. There are four basic graphic organizers: an outline, Venn diagram,
hierarchical topical organizer, and bubble organizer.

A Venn diagram is used when you compare and contrast things; it helps to visualize
similarities and differences. Connected organizational charts and bubble graphs are
particularly helpful for visual learners as they allow writers to map out ideas spatially. To create
a concept map, write your topic in the middle of the page, then jot down different ideas, points,
or facts related to or support your topic.

An Outline is another way of organizing information. It organizes materials

hierarchically and sequentially by classifying the main topics, subtopics, and supporting
details. Use “Roman Numerals” for the top-level, ‘capital letters’ in the alphabet for the next
level, ‘Arabic Numerals’ for the next level, and then ‘lowercase letters’ for the next level.
Each numeral or letter is followed by a period, and each item is capitalized.
There are two general types of outlines-the sentence outline and the topic outline. The
sentence outline is done by using sentences, while the topic outline uses words or phrases.

What’s More

Activity 1: Poll

Directions: Using a scale of 1 to 5, measure how often you use the following techniques to
select and organize information. Write a “√” to indicate your response. Write your answer on
a separate sheet of paper.

Technique 1-Never 2-Rarely 3-Occasionally 4-Most of the 5-Often






Activity 2: Identification

Directions: Below are situations about the different techniques in organizing information.
Identify which technique is being described in each item by writing “A” for
Brainstorming, “B’ for Outline, “C” for Venn Diagram, “D” for Concept Map, and “E”
for Bubble Organizer on another sheet of paper.

_______1. Teacher Joy asks you to generate ideas by giving a list of ideas about the given

_______2. You are tasked to compare the similarities and differences between public and
private schools.

_______3. Your adviser is told to prepare a message to be delivered during the program at an
English Camp. As a brilliant speaker, you arrange your ideas based on the topic, subtopics,
and supporting details.

_______4. In this graphic organizer, you place the topic in the middle of the page, then jot
down different ideas and sub-ideas.

_______5. This way of organizing information uses Roman Numerals for the main topic.

Activity 3: True or False

Directions: Write “True” if the statement about the techniques in selecting and organizing
information is correct and write “False” if it is not. Write your answer on your English

1. Brainstorming can be done individually or as a group. Through this, you can come
up with new ideas and solve problems.

2. Outlining is another way of organizing information. It organizes materials

hierarchically and sequentially by classifying the main topics, subtopics, and
supporting details. Use “Roman Numerals” for the top-level, ‘capital letters’ in the
alphabet for the next level, ‘Arabic Numerals’ for the next level, and then
‘lowercase letters’ for the next level. Each numeral or letter is followed by a period,
and each item is capitalized.

3. Venn Diagram is used when you compare and contrast things; it helps to visualize
similarities and differences.

4. To create a Concept Map, write your topic in the middle of the page, then jot down
different ideas, points, or facts related to or support your topic.

5. Bubble Graphs are particularly helpful for visual learners as they allow writers to
map out ideas spatially.

Activity 4- SHADE ME
Directions: Read the situations below. Identify which technique in selecting and organizing
information is being described. Shade your answer. Place your answer on another
sheet of paper.

You and your family are going out on a picnic for your Brainstorm
summer break. Unfortunately, you were tasked by your Outline
mom to prepare the things you will need for your Venn Diagram
summer getaway. In jotting down the things, you need, Bubble Graph
which technique is the most appropriate? Concept Map

You were invited by your best friend to his wedding in Brainstorm
Los Angeles, Pampanga. During the reception, you were Outline
informed that you are set to deliver a speech for the Venn Diagram
newlyweds. Which technique do you think can perform Bubble Graph
the job well when it comes to organizing your speech? Concept Map

What I Have Learned

Techniques in selecting and organizing information.

1. Brainstorming list (listing)-listing possible topics and then sub listing what you could
say about the topic.

2. Graphic organizers (Venn diagram, hierarchical topical organizer, and bubble

organizer) are visual displays demonstrating relationships between/among facts,
concepts, or ideas.

3. An outline is a tool used to organize written ideas about a topic into a logical order.
Outlines arrange major topics, subtopics, and supporting details.

There are two types of outline: Topic outline and Sentence outline

Points of Topic Outline Sentence Outline


Words / Phrases/ Clauses Sentences

No periods at the end of entries Periods mark the end of entries

Used for long or short compositions Used for short compositions

The parallelism of words, phrase, or The parallelism of coordinate
clauses sentences

What I Can Do

Directions: Tiktok has been the new craze among teenagers. A lot of youngsters post their
Tiktok videos on Facebook and other Social Networking Sites (SNS). In these videos,
individuals can showcase their skills in dancing and theatrics. Now, please give us
the step-by-step procedure on how to come up with a fantastic Tiktok video. Use
the Topic outline in listing down the steps. A sample of a Topic Outline is also
available below.

Study this sample outline and try to be creative in writing your procedure on how to come up
with tiktok video. Make it simple so that others when they red it Can easily understand and
follow the procedure. You can do this.

Worship Service

I. Reasons for Conducting a Worship Service (Main idea)

A. Praising God (Sub-idea)

1. Singing songs (Detail of A)
2. Reading the Scripture (Detail of A)

B. Praying (Sub-point)
1. Sin committed (Detail of B)
2. Supplication (Detail of B)

II. Benefits of Worship Service (Main idea)

A. Emotional Aspect
1. Peace of mind
2. Comfort
B. Spiritual Aspect
1. Spiritual Growth
2. Heavenly Wisdo


Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer. Place your
answer on another sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about brainstorming?

a. Brainstorming creates new ideas, solves problems, motivates and develops teams
b. It is a formal way of generating topics to write about.
c. It is a kind of restricted association.
d. Brainstorming can be done at the end of the writing process.

2. Which of the following graphic organizers is applicable when you compare two

a. hierarchical topical organizer

b. Venn diagram
c. bubble organizer
d. mind map

3. To create a concept map, where do you begin and then jot down different ideas, points,
or facts related to or support your topic?

a. middle of the page

b. upper right-hand corner
c. upper left-hand corner
d. bottom of the page

4. Which of the following is NOT what the graphic organizers demonstrate between or
among facts, concepts, or ideas?

a. connection
b. relationships
c. association
d. conflict

5. Graphic organizers actively engage a wide variety of learners by integrating text and
visual imagery. Which of the following is NOT a benefit to students?

a. Making it easy for students to classify ideas and communicate

b. Guiding students in demonstrating their thinking process
c. Helping students increase reading comprehension and writing composition ability
d. Encouraging students to organize essential concepts and ideas

Additional Activity

Do you want more exercise? Fine, let us find out if you are familiar with a Topic Outline and
a Sentence Outline. Try answering the activity below.

Directions: Fill in the blank/space with the appropriate characteristic of a Topic Outline and a
Sentence Outline. Place your answer on another sheet of paper.

Points of Topic Outline Sentence Outline


Words / Phrases/ Clauses

No periods at the end of entries Periods mark the end of entries

Used for short compositions

The parallelism of words,
phrase, or clauses

Answer Key

Filomena T. Dayagbil, Ed.D., Ethel L. Abao, Ed.D. and Remedios C. Bacus, Ed.D. Critical
Reading and writing for Senior High School. Lorimar Publishing Inc., Quezon City,
Philippines, 2016, 9-15.

For further reading, please follow these links:

“What does a good outline look like?” Library and Learning Services.
RASMUSSEN College, accessed June 20, 2020,

“Quick Outline Review” Glendale College English Lab/Reading Department

Pages. accessed June 10, 2020,

“Types of Graphic Organizers” Westford Public Schools. accessed May

1, 2020,

Development Team

Writers: Judith C. Mustaham, Ed. D., SHST- III

Baliwasan Senior High School Stand-Alone

John Philip M. Eijansantos, LPT, SHST- II

Don Pablo Lorenzo Memorial High School
Stand-Alone Senior High School

Editor/QA: John Philip M. Eijansantos, LPT

Reviewera: Florenda H. Quinte, Ph. D.

Valeria Fides G. Corteza, Ph. D.
EPS- English

Layout Artist: John Philip M. Eijansantos, LPT

Management Team:
Roy C. Tuballa, EMD.JD.CESO VI
Jay S. Montealto, CESO VI Norma
T. Francisco, DM
Mildred D. Dayao, Ed. D.
Valeria Fides G. Corteza, Ph. D. Aida
Coyme, Ed. D.


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