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General Physics 2, Grade 12, Quarter 4, Week 7a


Name: ___________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

- Identify the factors that affects the magnitude of the induced emf and the magnitude and
direction of the induced current. (STEM_GP12EMIVa-1)
- Compare and contrast electrostatic electric field and non-electrostatic/induced electric
field. (STEM_GP12EMIVa-3)
- Calculate the induced emf in a closed loop due to a time-varying magnetic flux using
Faraday’s Law. (STEM_GP12EMIVa-4)

Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. determine the factors affecting the magnitude and direction of an induced emf and
induced current;
2. differentiate electrostatic electric field and non-electrostatic electric field; and
3. solve problems involving the induced emf in a loop to the change in magnetic flux
using Faraday’s Law.

Time Allotment: 4 hours

Key Concepts
 A magnetic field can produce an electric field that can drive a current. This link between
a magnetic field and the electric field it produces is now called Faraday’s Law of
 Faraday’s Law of Induction was discussed using simple
experiments. Figure 1 shows a coil of wire connected to a
galvanometer. When the nearby magnet is stationary, the meter
shows no current. This means that there is no source of emf in the

Figure 1. A stationary magnet does NOT induce a

current in a coil
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics
with Modern Physics” 12 th edition.

 When the magnet move either toward or away from the coil as what
Figure 2 shows, the meter displays current in the circuit, but only
while the magnet is moving. Moreover, when the magnet is
stationary and the coil is moving, the meter again detects a current
during the motion called induced current. The corresponding emf
required to cause this current is called induced emf.

Figure 2. Moving the magnet toward or away Meter show

from the coil induced
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University
Physics with Modern Physics” 12th edition.

Author: Shekaina Faith C. Lozada

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
 In Figure 3, the magnet is being replaced with a second coil connected to a battery. When
the second coil is stationary, there is no current in the first coil. However, when the
second coil is being moved toward or away from the first or move the first toward or away
from the second, there is current in the first coil, but again only while one coil is moving
relative to other.

They cause the magnetic

field through the coil to

Figure 3. Moving a second, current-carrying

coil toward or away from the coil
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University
Physics with Modern Physics” 12th edition.
 Another set-up using two coils is shown in Figure 4. Both coils are keep stationary and
vary the current in the second coil, either by opening and closing the switch or by
changing the resistance of the second coil with the switched closed (by changing the
second coil’s temperature). When the switch is open or close, there is a momentary
current pulse in the first circuit. In addition, as the resistance (and thus the current) in
the second coil varies, there is an induced current in the first circuit, but only if the
current in the second circuit is changing.

Figure 4. Varying the current in the second coil

(by closing or opening a switch)
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University
Physics with Modern Physics” 12th edition.
 Another illustration is shown in Figure 5. A coil of wire is connected to a galvanometer,
then place a coil between the poles of an electromagnet whose magnetic field varies. This
illustration shows that when there is no current in the electromagnet, so that B = 0, the
galvanometer shows no current. When the electromagnet is turned on, there is a
momentary current through the meter as B increases.

Figure 5. A coil in a magnetic field. When the B field is constant and the shape,
location, and orientation of the coil do not change, no current is induced in the coil.
A current is induced when any of these factors change.
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics” 12 th edition.

Author: Shekaina Faith C. Lozada

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
 Considering the factors of the above set-up, the following are being observed:
 When B levels off at a steady value, the current drops to zero, no matter how
large B is.
 When the coil is squeezed in a horizontal plane, the cross-sectional area
decreases. Thus, the meter detects current only during the deformation, not
before or after. When we increase the area to return the coil to its original
shape, there is a current in the opposite direction, but only while the area of
the coil is changing.
 If the coil rotates a few degree about a horizontal axis, the meter detects current
during the rotation, in the same direction as when the area decreased. When
the coil rotates back, there is a current in the opposite direction during the
 If the coil is jerk out of the magnetic field, there is a current during the motion,
in the same direction as when the area decreased.
 As the number of turns in the coil decreases, the magnitude of the induced
current decreases. When the number of turns in the coil increases, the
magnitude of the induced current increases also.

 The common element in all induction effects is changing magnetic flux through a circuit.
Thus, the Faraday’s Law of Induction states that “the induced emf in a closed loop equals
the negative of the time rate of change of magnetic flux through the loop”. Mathematically
defined as,
ε=− 𝑑𝑡

Sample Problem 1: Emf and current induced in a loop

The magnetic field between the poles of the electromagnet in Figure 6 is uniform
at any time, but its magnitude is increasing at the rate of 0.020 T/s. The area of the
conducting loop in the field is 120 cm2, and the total circuit resistance, including the
meter is 5.0 Ω. Find the induced emf and the induced current in the circuit.

Figure 6. A stationary conducting loop in an increasing magnetic field

Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics”
12th edition.


𝑑 Φ𝐵 𝑑(𝐵𝐴) 𝑑𝐵
= = A
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡

= (0.020 T/s) (120 cm2) = 2.4 x 10-4 V = 0.24 mV

Author: Shekaina Faith C. Lozada

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
 To determine the direction of an induced emf or current, the following are some simple
sign rules.
1. Define a positive direction for the vector area A.
2. From the direction of A and the magnetic field B, determine the sign of the
magnetic flux Φ𝐵 , and its rate of change dΦ𝐵 /𝑑𝑡.
3. Determine the sign of the induced emf or current. If the flux is increasing, so
dΦ𝐵 /𝑑𝑡 is positive, then the induced emf or current is negative. If the flux is
decreasing, dΦ𝐵 /𝑑𝑡 is negative and the induced emf or current is positive.

 If there is a coil with N identical turns, and if the flux varies at the same rate through
each turn, the total rate of change through all the turns is N times as large as for a single
turn. If Φ𝐵 is the flux through each turn, the total emf in a coil with N turns is

ε = −𝑁 𝑑𝑡
 When a conductor moves in a magnetic field, there is an induced emf on the basis of
magnetic forces on charges in the conductor. An induced emf also occurs when there is
a changing flux through a stationary conductor.
 Figure 7 shows a long, thin solenoid with cross-sectional area A and n turns per unit
encircled at its center by a circular loop. The galvanometer G measures the current in
the loop. A current I in the winding of the solenoid sets up a magnetic field B along the
solenoid axis.

Figure 7. (a) The windings of a long solenoid carry a current I that is increasing at a rate
dI/dt. The magnetic flux in the solenoid is increasing at a rate dΦ𝐵 /dt, and this
changing flux passes through a wire loop. An emf ε = - dΦ𝐵 /dt is induced in
the loop, inducing a current I’ that is measured by the galvanometer G.
(b) Cross-sectional view.
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics” 12 th edition.

 Neglecting the small field outside the solenoid and take the area vector A to the point in
the same direction as B, then the magnetic flux Φ𝐵 through the loop is given as

Φ𝐵 = 𝐵𝐴 = µ0 𝑛𝐼𝐴
 When the solenoid current I changes with time, the magnetic flux Φ𝐵 also changes, and
according to Faraday’s law, the induced emf in the loop is given by

𝑑Φ𝐵 𝑑𝐼
ε=− 𝑑𝑡
= -µ0 𝑛𝐼𝐴
where µ0 = 4π x 10-7 Wb/A · m . If the total resistance of the loop is R, the induced
current in the loop which is called as I’ = ε/R.

Author: Shekaina Faith C. Lozada

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
 The forces that make the charges move around the wire loop is due to the induced
electric field in the conductor caused by the changing magnetic flux.
 From Faraday’s law, the emf is also the negative of the rate of change of magnetic flux
through the loop. Thus for this case we can restate Faraday’s law as

∮ 𝑬 · 𝒅𝒍 = ε
∮ 𝑬 · 𝒅𝒍 = − 𝑑𝑡𝐵

𝟏 𝑑 Φ𝐵
𝟐𝝅𝒓 𝑑𝑡
 Faraday’s law is also valid for a time-varying magnetic field that induces an electric field
E in a stationary conductor and hence an emf, the E is induced even when no conductor
is present. This E differs from an electrostatic field as it is non-conservative which is
called as non-electrostatic field. In contrast, an electrostatic field is always conservative
and always associated to potential function.

Sample Problem 2: Induced Electric Fields

Suppose the long solenoid in Figure 7a has 500 turns per meter and cross-
sectional area 4.0cm2. The current in its windings is increasing at 100 A/s.
a. Find the magnitude of the induced emf in the wire loop outside the solenoid.
b. Find the magnitude of the induced electric field within the loop if its radius is
2.0 cm.


𝑑Φ𝐵 𝑑𝐼
ε=− 𝑑𝑡
= -µ0 𝑛𝐼𝐴
= - (4π x 10-7 Wb/A · m)(500 turns/m)(4.0 x 10-4 m2)(100 A/s)
= -25 x 10-6 Wb/s
= -25 x 10-6 V
= -25 µV
25 𝑥 10−6 Wb/s
= 2𝜋 (2.0 𝑥 10−2 𝑚)
= 2.0 x 10-4 V/m

Author: Shekaina Faith C. Lozada

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
Activity 1: Choose Me!

Objective: Determine the factors affecting the magnitude and direction of an induced emf and
induced current

What you need:

 Paper and pen

What to do: Choose the correct answer from the choices given. Write the letter of the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Faraday’s Law of Induction states that “The induced emf in a closed loop equals the _______
of the time rate of change of _____________ through the loop”.
A. negative, magnetic field
B. negative, magnetic flux
C. positive, magnetic field
D. positive, magnetic flux

2. What is the direction of the current if the coil is jerk out of the magnetic field?
A. In the same direction of the induced emf.
B. Parallel to the direction of the magnetic field.
C. In the same direction as when the area decreased.
D. Perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field.

3. When the coil is squeezed in a horizontal plane, the cross-sectional area decreases. Thus,
the meter detects current only during the deformation, not before or after. When we
increase the area to return the coil to its original shape, there is a current in the opposite
direction, but only while the area of the coil is changing. The statement simply describes
which of the following factors that affect the magnitude and direction of induced emf and
induced current?
A. Shape
B. Position
C. Strength
D. Number of Turns

4. A magnetic field of 0.10 T is directed downwards at 90.0 o to a coil of wire with 10 turns.
The coil has a radius of 0.39 m, the magnetic field is then removed in a time of 0.20 s.
An external resistor, R, is attached to the loop. What factor would increase if more turns
of wire are added to the loop?
A. Size of the area of the coil
B. Strength of the magnetic field
C. Magnitude of the induced current
D. Resistance of the external resistor

5. The diagram in the right shows the south pole of a magnet moving
towards a coil of wire generating a current that is measured by the
galvanometer. What to do in order to achieve the same effect?
A. Hold the magnet stationary and move the coil up.
B. Hold the coil and the magnet stationary but use a “stronger”
C. Rotate the magnet so that the north pole faces the coil and moves
forward. Figure 8. South Pole of a
D. Move the south pole of the magnet downwards away from the magnet moving towards
stationary coil. a coil.

Author: Shekaina Faith C. Lozada

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
Activity 2: Say It!

Objective: Compare and contrast electrostatic electric field and non-electrostatic/induced

electric field.

What you need:

 Paper and pen

What to do: Fill in the Venn diagram with the similarities and differences of electrostatic
electric field and non-electrostatic electric field. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.


1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

Activity 3: Solve Me!

Objective: Solve problems involving the induced emf in a loop to the change in magnetic flux
using Faraday’s Law.

What you need:

 Paper and pen
 Scientific Calculator

What to do: Answer the following problems. Write your solutions in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Single loop of wire with an area of 0.0900 m2 is in a uniform magnetic field that has an
initial value of 3.80 T, is perpendicular to the plane of the loop, and is decreasing at a
constant rate of 0.190 T/s. (a) What emf is induced in this loop? (b) If the loop has a
resistance of 0.600 Ω, find the current induced in the loop.

2. In a physics laboratory experiment, a coil with 200 turns enclosing an area of 12 cm2 is
rotated in 0.040 s from a position where its plane is perpendicular to the earth’s magnetic
field to a position where its plane is parallel to the field. The earth’s magnetic field at the
lab location is 6.00 x 10-5 T.
a. What is the total magnetic flux through the coil before it is rotated? After it is
b. What is the average emf induced in the coil?

3. The long solenoid S shown (in cross section) in Figure 9 has 220 turns/cm and carries
a current I = 1.5 A; its diameter D is 3.2 cm. At its center we place a 130-turn closely
packed coil C of diameter d = 2.1 cm. The current in the solenoid is reduced to zero at a
steady rate in 25 ms. What is the magnitude of the emf that is induced in coil C while
the current in the solenoid is changing?

Author: Shekaina Faith C. Lozada

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
Figure 9. A coil C is located inside a solenoid S, which carries current I.
Source: “Fundamentals of Physics” 10th edition.


When a credit card is “swiped” through a card reader, the information coded in a magnetic
pattern on the back of the card is transmitted to the cardholder’s bank. Why is it necessary to
swipe the card rather than holding it motionless in the card reader’s slot? Write your 5-sentence
answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Rubric for Reflection

3 2 1
Practical application is Practical application is Practical application is
scientifically explained consistent scientifically explained consistent explained consistent to the
to the concepts, and has no to the concepts, but with minimal concepts but with
misconceptions. misconceptions. misconceptions.


Glancolli, Douglas. Physics Principles and Applications 6th ed. New Jersey: Pearson
Education, Inc. 2005.
Halliday, David and Resnick, Robert. Fundamentals of Physics 10th ed. John Wiley
& Sons, Inc. 2014.
Serway, Raymond and John Jewett. Physics for Scientists and Engineers 6th ed.
Thomson Brooks/Cole. 2004.
Young, Hugh D., Roger A. Freedman, A. Lewis Ford, and Hugh D. Young. Sears and
Zemansky's University Physics. 13th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions.

Answer Key
C 5.
C 4.
A 3.
C 2.
B 1.

Activity 1: Choose Me!

3. ε = 75 mv
b. 0.36 mV
2. a. 7.2 x 10-8 Wb
b = 0.0285 A
1. a. ε = 0.0171V Possible Answer:

Activity 3: Solve Me!

Author: Shekaina Faith C. Lozada

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
General Physics 2, Grade 12, Quarter 4, Week 8A


Name: _________________________________________ Section: __________________

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Relate the properties of EM wave (wavelength, frequency, speed) and the properties of
vacuum and optical medium (permittivity, permeability, and index of refraction)
2. Explain the conditions for total internal reflection (STEM_GP12OPTIVb-14).
3. Explain the phenomenon of dispersion by relating to Snell’s Law
4. Calculate the intensity of the transmitted light after passing through a series of
polarizers applying Malus’s Law (STEM_GP12OPTIVc-18).
5. Solve problems involving reflection, refraction, dispersion, and polarization in context
such as, but not limited to, (polarizing) sunglasses, atmospheric haloes, and rainbows

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. discuss the relationship between the properties of electromagnetic wave and the
properties of vacuum and optical medium;
2. describe the conditions for total internal reflection;
3. discuss how the phenomenon of dispersion relates to Snell’s Law;
4. solve the intensity of the transmitted light after passing through a series of polarizers
with the application of Malus’s Law; and
5. solve problems involving reflection, refraction, dispersion, and polarization.

Time Allotment: 4 hours

Key Concepts

 James Clerk Maxwell’s four equations describe how electric charges and
currents create electric and magnetic fields, and how they affect each other. These
four equations are (1) Gauss’s law for electric fields; (2) Gauss’s law for magnetic
fields, showing the absence of magnetic monopoles; (3) Ampere’s law, including
displacement current; and (4) Faraday’s law:

Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
n  Gauss’s law relates an electric field to the charge(s) that create(s) it.
 Gauss’s law for magnetism states that there are no “magnetic charges”
analogous to electric charges, and that magnetic fields are instead generated by
magnetic dipoles.
 Faraday’s law describes how a time-varying magnetic field (or flux) induces an
electric field. The principle behind this phenomenon is used in many electric
 Ampere’s law originally stated that a magnetic field is created by an electrical
current. Maxwell added that a changing electric flux can also generate a magnetic
 Electromagnetic waves consist of both electric and magnetic field waves. These
waves oscillate in perpendicular planes with respect to each other, and are in
 The creation of all electromagnetic waves begins with an oscillating charged
particle, which creates oscillating electric and magnetic fields.
 Once in motion, the electric and magnetic fields that a charged particle creates are
self-perpetuating: time-dependent changes in one field (electric or magnetic)
produce the other.
 Max Planck proved that energy of a photon (a stream of which is an
electromagnetic wave) is quantized and can exist in multiples of “Planck’s
constant” (denoted as h, approximately equal to 6.626×10-34 J·s).
 Photon is the quantum of light and other electromagnetic energy, regarded as a
discrete particle having zero rest mass, no electric charge, and an indefinitely long
 Wavelength is the length of a single cycle of a wave, as measured by the distance
between one peak or trough of a wave and the next. It is often designated in
physics as λ, and corresponds to the velocity of the wave v divided by its frequency
f: λ = v/f.
 Frequency is the quotient of the number of times n a periodic phenomenon
occurs over the time t in which it occurs: f = n/t.
 c is the symbol used to represent the speed of light in a vacuum, and its value is
299,792,458 m/s or approximately 300,000,000 m/s (or equal to 3.0 x 108
 When light travels through medium, its speed is hindered by the index of
refraction of that medium. Its actual speed can be found with: v = c/n
 The maximum possible value for the speed of light is that of light in a vacuum,
and this speed is used for a constant in many area of physics.

Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
 E  hf 
 describes the energy (E) of a photon as a function of frequency (f), or
wavelength (λ).
E hf h
 p   describes the momentum (p) of a photon as a function of its
c c 
energy, frequency, or wavelength.
 The Laws of Reflection and Refraction
1. The incident, reflected, and refracted rays and the normal to the surface
all lie in the same plane. The plane of the three rays and the normal, called the
plane of incidence, is perpendicular to the plane of the boundary surface
between the two materials.
2. The angle of reflection θr is equal to the angle of incidence θa for all
wavelengths and for any pair of materials.
θr = θa (law of reflection)
This relationship, together with the observation that the incident and reflected
rays and the normal all lie in the same plane, is called the law of reflection.
3. For monochromatic light and for a given pair of materials, a and b, on opposite
sides of the interface, the ratio of the sines of the angles θa and θb, where both
angles are measured from the normal to the surface, is equal to the inverse
ratio of the two indexes of refraction (See Figure 1):
sin θ n
a  b or na sin θa = nb sin θb (law of refraction)
sin θ n
b a

Fig. 1. The laws of reflection and refraction

Source: University Physics with Modern Physics (13th), 2012, pdf, page 1084

 Law of refraction is also called Snell’s law, after the Dutch scientist Willebrord
Snell (1591–1626). There is some doubt that Snell actually discovered it. The
discovery that n = c/v came much later.

Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
 In special case such as when light travels from a less dense medium to a denser
medium, sin θ
n a
sin θ
In special case such as when light travels from a denser medium to a less dense
medium, sin θ
n b
sin θ
 The law of refraction explains why a partially submerged object appears bent.
In Figure 2, light rays coming from below the surface change in direction at the
air–water interface, so the rays appear to be coming from a position above their
actual point of origin

Fig. 2. Partially submerged

object appears bent
explained by law of
Source:University Physics
with Modern Physics (13th),
2012, pdf, page 1085

Fig. 3. Index of refraction for various media


Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
Sample problems:
1. A light ray strikes a reflective plane surface at an angle of 56° with the surface.
a) Find the angle of incidence.
b) Find the angle of reflection.

a) angle of incidence:
θi = 90° - θa
= 90° - 56°
= 34°
The angle of incidence is 34°

b) angle of reflection:
θa = θi = 34 ° (by the law of reflection)
The angle of reflection is 34°

2. If light is incident upon a piece of glass (refractive index = 1.52) at an angle of

45°, what is the angle of refraction?

Let’s assume that the first medium is air. The index of refraction for air is taken to
be 1 in most cases (and up to four significant figures, it is 1.000).
sin  a nb

sin  b na
sin(45) 1.52

sin  b 1.00
(1.00) sin(45)  (1.52) sin  b
sin  b 
 b  27.7
The angle of refraction is 27.7°

 The angle of incidence for which the refracted ray emerges tangent to the surface
is called the critical angle, denoted by θcrit. If the angle of incidence is larger than
the critical angle, the sine of the angle of refraction, as computed by Snell’s law,
would have to be greater than unity, which is impossible. Beyond the critical angle,
the ray cannot pass into the upper material; it is trapped in the lower material and
is completely reflected at the boundary surface. This situation, called total
internal reflection, occurs only when a ray in material a is incident on a second
material b whose index of refraction is smaller than that of material a (that is, nb <
sin  crit  (critical angle for total internal reflection)

Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
 Total internal reflection will occur if the angle of incidence θa is larger than or
equal to θcrit.

Sample problem
Find the critical angle of a glass which has an index of refraction of 1.52.
sin  crit 
sin  crit 
 crit  arcsin(0.658)
 crit  41.15
The critical angle of the glass is 41.15°
 The dependence of wave speed and index of refraction on wavelength is called
 Ordinary white light is a superposition of waves with wavelengths extending
throughout the visible spectrum. The speed of light in vacuum is the same for all
wavelengths, but the speed in a material substance is different for different
wavelengths. Therefore the index of refraction of a material depends on wavelength.
 In most materials the value of n (index of refraction) decreases with increasing
wavelength and decreasing frequency, and thus n increases with decreasing
wavelength and increasing frequency. In such a material, light of longer
wavelength has greater speed than light of shorter wavelength.
 When you experience the beauty of a rainbow, you are seeing the combined effects
of dispersion, refraction, and reflection. Sunlight comes from behind you, enters a
water droplet, is (partially) reflected from the back surface of the droplet, and is
refracted again upon exiting the droplet. A light ray that enters the middle of the
raindrop is reflected straight back.

Fig. 4. Index of Refraction n in Selected Media at Various Wavelengths


Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
Sample problem
A beam of white light goes from air into crown glass at angle of incidence of
43.2°. What is the angle between the red (660 nm) and violet (410 nm) parts of the
refracted light?

Applying the law of refraction for the red part of the beam

nairsinθair = nredsinθred,
we can solve for the angle of refraction as

θred = sin−1(nairsinθair/nred)
= sin−1[(1.000)sin43.2°/(1.512)]
= 27.0°
Similarly, the angle of incidence for the violet part of the beam is

θviolet = sin−1(nairsinθair/nviolet)
= sin−1[(1.000)sin43.2°/(1.530)]
= 26.4°
The difference between these two angles is

θred − θviolet = 27.0°−26.4° = 0.6°

 Polarization is the attribute that wave oscillations have a definite direction

relative to the direction of propagation of the wave. Electromagnetic waves are
transverse waves that may be polarized.
 Polarization distinguish transverse waves from longitudinal waves. Only transverse
waves can be polarized. A transverse wave is said to be polarized if its vibrations
are confined to one direction.
 The light from the sun, electric bulb and from other source are unpolarized light.
They may be polarized by allowing them to pass through some materials which are
capable of making light vibrate in one direction. The direction is known vibration
direction. The vibration direction depends on the transmission axis of the material.
 The direction of polarization is defined to be the direction parallel to the electric
field of the electromagnetic wave. Unpolarized light is composed of many rays
having random polarization directions.
 Materials capable of polarizing light is called polarizers. An ideal polarizer passes
100% of light parallel to its transmission axis and blocks 100% of light
perpendicular to it.
 When an unpolarized light passes through an ideal polarizer, the intensity Imax of
the transmitted light reduces to half of its original intensity I0, that is Imax = I0/2
 If the polarized light with intensity Imax passes through another polarizer, called
analyzer, the intensity I of the transmitted light is given by Malus’s Law,
I = Imaxcos2θ
θ = angle between the transmission axes of the polarizer and the analyzer.
Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
Sample problem:
Unpolarized light with intensity Io passess through a polarizer and then a
second polarizing filter (analyzer) with an angle of 30° relative to the first one.
What is the intensity of the light as it pasess through each filter in terms of Io?

I2 = I1cos2θ I2 = 3/4 I1
I2 = I1cos2(30) I2 = 3/4 (1/2)Io
I2 = I1cos(√3/2)2 I2 = 3/8 Io
I2 = I1 (3/4)

Activity 1. Is it true? Wave and particle?

Discuss the relationship between the properties of electromagnetic wave and the
properties of vacuum and optical medium.

What you need: Paper and pen

What to do:
Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and if not, underline the word or
statement that makes the sentence incorrect and write the correct answer on the space

_________________________ 1. Electromagnetic waves consist of both electric and magnetic

field waves.

_________________________ 2. These waves oscillate in parallel planes with respect to each

other, and are in phase.

_________________________ 3. The electric and magnetic fields that a charged particle

creates are self-perpetuating.

_________________________ 4. When light travels through medium, its speed is hindered

by the index of reflection of that medium.

_________________________ 5. The speed of light in a vacuum is 299,782,459 m/s2.

Guide Question:
1. Light is both a wave and a particle. Can light travel through a vacuum? What
happens to its speed from less dense to a more dense medium?

Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
Activity 2. Reflect Internally

Objective: Describe the conditions for total internal reflection

What you need: Paper and pen

What to do: Observe the pictures below and answer the the following guide questions.

Figure 5. Total internal reflection of light in block Figure 6. Refraction of light through
Source: the block
11/geometrical-optics/images/1280px- Source:
TIR_in_PMMA.jpg/ rg/wikipedia/commons/8/85/Refr
Guide Questions:
1. Why was the light reflected back through the block? (Refer to Figure 5)
2. Why was the light in the block refracted out in the air? (Refer to Figure 6)
3. If the the object has a lower refractive index but with the same angle of
incidence, will the light reflect back through the object? Why or why not? (Refer to
Figure 5)
4. What are the conditions so that we can achieve total internal reflection?

Activity 3. From White to Rainbow

Objective: Discuss how the phenomenon of dispersion relates to Snell’s Law.

What you need: Paper and pen

What to do: Observe the picture below and answer the the following guide questions.

Fig.7. Dispersion of light

through Prism

Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
Guide Questions:
1. What happened to the white light when it reflected out in the air? Why the light
reflected out in such manner when it is white?
2. How did the white light reflect out that way?
3. What do you call this kind of phenomenon?

Rubric for Activity 1, 2 and 3, Guide Questions 1 to 4

3 2 1
Explanations are Explanations are Explanations are
conceptually correct conceptually correct and conceptually incorrect.
and complete. incomplete.

Activity 4. Solve It!

1. Solve the intensity of the transmitted light after passing through a series of
polarizers with the application of Malus’s Law.
2. Solve problems involving reflection, refraction, dispersion, and polarization.

What you need: Paper, pen, scientific calculator

What to do:
Answer the following problems. Write your solutions on a separate sheet of paper.

1. A light ray strikes a reflective plane surface at an angle of 38° with the surface.
a) Find the angle of incidence.
b) Find the angle of reflection.

2. If light is incident upon the water (refractive index 1.33) at an angle of 60°,
what is the angle of refraction?
3. Find the critical angle of a sapphire which has a index of refraction of 1.77.

4. A beam of white light goes from air into quartz at an angle of incidence of 50°.
What is the angle between the red (660 nm) and blue (470 nm) parts of the
refracted light?

5. Unpolarized light with an intensity of 125 W/m2 passes through polarizing filters
that are oriented at an angle of 50° to each other. What is the intensity of the light
that emerges from each filter?

Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]

Fiber optics is one application of total internal reflection that is in wide use. In
communications, it is used to transmit telephone, internet, and cable TV signals. Fiber
optics employs the transmission of light down fibers of plastic or glass. Because the
fibers are thin, light entering one is likely to strike the inside surface at an angle greater
than the critical angle and, thus, be totally reflected.
If fiber optics were not invented, what do you think is its impact to our education
today? Write your 5-sentence answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Rubric for Reflection

3 2 1
Practical application is Practical application is Practical application
scientifically explained scientifically explained is explained consistent to
consistent to the concepts, consistent to the concepts, the
and has no misconceptions. but with minimal concepts but with
misconceptions. misconceptions.

References for learners:

Young, Hugh D., Roger A. Freedman. Sears and Zemansky's University Physics with
Modern Physics. 13th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2012.

Lumen Boundless Physics. “Electromagnetic Waves and their Properties”

Accessed on April 17, 2021

OpenstaxTM. “University Physics Volume 3, 1.5 Dispersion”

Accessed on April 21, 2021

Siyavula Technology Powered Learnng. “5.7 Critical angles and total internal reflection”
Accessed on April 21, 2021

Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
Answers Key

Author: AR A. Ranesis
School/Station: Alba Integrated School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
General Physics II 12 Quarter 4 Week 8b

Geometric Optics: Mirrors and Lenses

Name: ___________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Most Essential Learning Competencies

• Explain image formation as an application of reflection, refraction, and paraxial

approximation (STEM_GP12OPTIVd-22)
• Relate properties of mirrors and lenses (radii of curvature, focal length, index of refraction
[for lenses]) to image and object distance and sizes (STEM_GP12OPTIVd-23)
• Determine graphically and mathematically the type (virtual/real), magnification, location,
and orientation of image of a point and extended object produced by a plane or spherical
mirror (STEM_GP12OPTIVd-24)
• Determine graphically and mathematically the type (virtual/real), magnification, location/
apparent depth, and orientation of image of a point and extended object produced by a lens
or series of lenses (STEM_GP12OPTIVd-27)
• Apply the principles of geometric optics to discuss image formation by the eye, and
correction of common vision defects (STEM_GP12OPTIVd-28)

Specific Objectives
• Construct ray diagrams using the graphical methods in spherical mirrors.
• Determine the location, orientation, size, and type of images formed by spherical mirrors.
• Calculate the exact size and location of the image formed in a concave and convex mirror.
• Determine whether the image formed is real or virtual, upright or inverted.
• Construct ray diagrams using the graphical methods in lenses.
• Determine the location, orientation, size, and type of images formed by lenses.
• Calculate the exact size and location of the image formed in a concave and convex lens.

Time Allotment: 4 hours

Key Concepts

Geometric Optics
• Geometric optics uses lines, or “light rays,” to explain
phenomena such as reflection and refraction, which are the
principles of mirrors and lenses, respectively.
• To understand images and image formation, all we need are
the ray model of light, the laws of reflection and refraction,
and some simple geometry and trigonometry.
• Images are formed by mirrors, by refracting surfaces, and by
thin lenses.
• These results lay the foundation for understanding many
familiar optical instruments, including camera lenses,
magnifiers, the human eye, microscopes, and telescopes.
Figure 1. Formation of an
image in a plane mirror.
Source: Krauskopf B. (2010).
The Physical Universe, p. 238

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
Reflection in Plane Mirrors
• A change in direction takes place when light strikes and rebounds from a surface. A
change in direction by this method is called reflection.
• An incident light ray is reflected from
a surface in a particular way. As
illustrated in Figure 2, the angle of
the incidence (θi) and the angle of
reflection (θr) are measured relative
to the normal, a line perpendicular to
the reflecting surface. These angles
are related by the law of reflection:
“The angle of reflection (θr) is equal to
the angle of incidence (θi)”.
• Reflection not only happens on a Figure 2. Law of Reflection
Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., & Higgins, C. (2013). An
smooth surface like plane mirrors, Introduction to Physical Science (13th ed.), p. 159
but also happens on rough surfaces.
• In specular reflection (Figure 3a), incident parallel rays are parallel on reflection. In
contrast, rays reflected from relatively rough surfaces are not parallel but scattered. This
reflection is called diffuse reflection (or irregular reflection, Figure 3b).

Figure 3. Two types of Reflection

Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., & Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction to Physical Science
(13th ed.), p. 160

• A ray diagram for determining the apparent location of

an image formed by a plane mirror is shown in Figure
4. The image is located by drawing two rays emitted by
the object and applying the law of reflection. Where the
rays intersect, or appear to intersect, locates the image.
For a plane mirror, the image is located behind, or
“inside,” the mirror at the same distance as the object
is in front of the mirror.
Figure 4. Ray Diagram
Reflection in Spherical Mirrors Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., &
Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction to
• A spherical mirror is a section of a sphere of radius Physical Science (13th ed.), p. 161
R. A line drawn through the center of curvature C
perpendicular to the mirror surface is called the
principal axis. The point where the principal axis
meets the mirror surface is called the vertex V. (See
Figure 5)
• Another important point in spherical mirror
geometry is the focal point F. The distance from the
vertex to the focal point is called the focal length f.
• For a spherical mirror, the focal length is one-half the
value of the radius of curvature of the spherical
𝑅 Figure 5. Anatomy of a Ray Diagram
surface (𝑓 = ). Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., &
• The inside surface of a spherical section is said to be Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction to
concave and when it has a mirrored surface, it is a Physical Science (13th ed.), p. 172
concave (converging) mirror (Figure 6a).

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
• Reflecting light rays parallel to the principal axis converge and pass through the focal
point. The rays are “focused” at the focal point.
• Similarly, the outside surface of a spherical section is said to be convex, and when it
has a mirrored surface, it is a convex (diverging) mirror. Parallel rays along the
principal axis are reflected in such a way that they appear to diverge from the focal point
(Figure 6b).

Figure 6. Spherical Mirrors

Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., & Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction to Physical Science (13 th ed.), p. 172

Graphical Methods in Spherical Mirrors

• The images formed by spherical mirrors can be found graphically using ray diagrams.
An arrow is commonly used as the object, and the location and size of the image are
determined by drawing four rays. These are called principal rays (Figure 7).
1. A ray parallel to the axis, after reflection, passes through the focal point F of a
concave mirror or appears to come from the (virtual) focal point of a convex mirror.
2. A ray through (or proceeding toward) the focal point F is reflected parallel to
the axis.
3. A ray along the radius through or away from the center of curvature C
intersects the surface normally and is reflected back along its original path.
4. A ray to the vertex V is reflected forming equal angles with the optic axis.

Figure 7. Principal Rays for Spherical Mirrors

Source: Young, Hugh D., Roger A. Freedman, A. Lewis Ford, and Hugh D. Young. Sears and Zemansky's University
Physics. (13th ed), p. 1124

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
• The intersection of these rays (tip of arrow) locates the position of the image.
• In the ray diagrams, ho is the height of the object and hi is the height of the image. Do is
the object distance (distance of the object from the vertex) and Di is the image distance
(distance of the image from the vertex). The object distance in a ray diagram can be
determined relative to the focal point F or the center of curvature C.
• The characteristics of an image are described in terms of its Location, Orientation
(upright or inverted), Size (magnified or reduced), and Type (real or virtual). If the
diagram is drawn to scale, then the magnification (greater or less than 1) may be found
by comparing the heights of the object and image arrows in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Characteristics of an image in Spherical Mirrors

Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., & Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction to Physical Science (13 th ed.), p. 173

• Ray diagrams will help you determine the approximate location and size of the image,
but it will not provide you with the numerical information about image distance and
object size. To determine the exact location and size of the image formed in a curved
mirror, an equation is needed.
• An object's magnification is generally given by the equation,
ℎ −𝐷
M= 𝑖 = 𝑖
ℎ𝑜 𝐷𝑜
M is the magnification
hi is the image height
ho is the object height
Di is the image distance
Do is the object distance.
• The equation below, called mirror equation, applies to both concave and convex
mirrors. However, for all location of objects in front of the convex mirror, the image always
appears as if it is located behind the mirror. It is therefore considered that the value of
image distance, di is negative. In the same manner, the focal point F in a convex mirror
is located on the other side of the mirror (behind the mirror), thus, the focal length f is
also negative.
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= + (Mirror Equation)
𝒇 𝑫𝒐 𝑫𝒊
f is the focal length
Do is the object distance from the mirror
Di is the image distance from the mirror

• Sign conventions for Mirrors

f is positive (+) if the mirror is a concave mirror.
f is negative (-) if the mirror is a convex mirror.
Di is positive (+) if the image is a real image (located on the object’s side of the mirror).
Di is negative (-) if the image is a virtual image (located behind the mirror).
hi is positive (+) if the image is an upright image.
hi is negative (-) if the image is an inverted image.

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
Refraction in Lenses
• The deviation of light from its original path arises
because of a change in speed in the second medium.
This effect is called refraction (Figure 9).
• The directions of the incident and refracted rays are
expressed in terms of the angle of incidence θ1 and the
angle of refraction θ2, which are measured relative to
the normal line, a line perpendicular to the surface
boundary of the medium (Figure 10). Figure 9. A beam of light is refracted.
• The different speeds in the different media are Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., &
expressed in terms of a ratio relative to the speed of Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction to
Physical Science (13th ed.), p. 162
light. This is known as the index of refraction n:

𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑣𝑎𝑐𝑢𝑢𝑚 𝑐

index of refraction n = =
𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑚

• The index of refraction is a pure number (it has no units)

because c and cm are measured in the same units,
which cancel.
• A lens consists of material such as a transparent piece
of glass or plastic that refracts light waves to give an
image of an object. Lenses are extremely useful and
are found in eyeglasses, telescopes, magnifying Figure 10. Refraction
glasses, cameras, and many other optical devices. Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., &
Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction to
• In general, there are two main types of lenses. A Physical Science (13th ed.), p. 163
converging lens (convex lens) is thicker at the center
than at the edges. A diverging lens (concave lens) is
thinner at the center than at the edges. These two types
and some of the possible shapes for each are illustrated
in Figure 11.
• Light passing through a lens is refracted twice, once at
each surface. The lenses that are commonly used are
known as thin lenses. Thus, when constructing ray
diagrams, the thickness of the lens can be neglected.
Figure 11. Types of Lenses
• Rays coming in parallel to the principal axis are refracted Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., &
toward the principal axis by a converging lens. For a Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction
converging lens, the rays are focused at point F, the focal to Physical Science (13th ed.), p. 176
point. For a diverging lens, the rays are refracted away
from the principal axis and appear to emanate from the
focal point on the incident side of the lens. (See Figure

Graphical Methods in Lenses

• The position and size of an image formed by a thin lens
can be determined by using a graphical method very Figure 12. Lens Focal Points.
similar to the one used in mirrors. (See Figure 13) Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., &
1. A ray parallel to the axis emerges from the lens Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction
in a direction that passes through the second to Physical Science (13th ed.), p. 176
focal point of a converging lens, or appears to
come from the second focal point of a diverging lens.
2. A ray through the center of the lens is not appreciably deviated; at the center
of the lens the two surfaces are parallel, so this ray emerges at essentially the
same angle at which it enters and along essentially the same line.
3. A ray through (or proceeding toward) the first focal point emerges parallel to
the axis.

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
Figure 13. Principal Rays for Lenses.
Source: Young, Hugh D., Roger A. Freedman, A. Lewis Ford, and Hugh D. Young. Sears and Zemansky's University
Physics. (13th ed), p. 1136

• The characteristics of the images formed by a converging or convex lens change, similar
to the way those of a converging mirror change as an object is brought toward the mirror
from a distance. Beyond the focal point, an inverted, real image is formed, which
becomes larger as the object approaches the focal point.
• For lenses, a real image is formed on the opposite side of a lens from the object and can
be seen on a screen (Figure 14a). A virtual image is formed on the object side of the lens
(Figure 14b).

(a) (b)

Figure 14. Characteristics of an image in Convex (Converging) Lenses.

Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., & Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction to Physical Science (13 th ed.), p. 177

• For a diverging or concave lens, the image is always upright and reduced, or smaller than
the object (Figure 16).
• When looking through a concave lens, one sees images as shown in Figure 15. Also, a
concave lens forms only virtual images.

Figure 16. A diverging (concave) lens gives an

Figure 15. Characteristics of an image in Concave upright, reduced, and virtual image.
(Diverging) Lenses. Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., & Higgins, C. (2013).
Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., & Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction to Physical Science (13th ed.), p. 177
An Introduction to Physical Science (13th ed.), p. 177

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
• To determine the exact location and size of the image formed in lenses, a lens equation
is needed.
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= + (Lens Equation)
𝒇 𝑫𝒐 𝑫𝒊
f is the focal length
Do is the object distance from the lens
Di is the image distance from the lens

• Sign Conventions for Lenses

f is positive (+) if the lens is a double convex lens (converging lens).
f is negative (-) if the lens is a double concave lens (diverging lens).
Di is positive (+) if the image is real and located behind the lens.
Di is negative (-) if the image is virtual and located on the object’s side of the lens.
hi is positive (+) if the image is an upright image (and therefore, also virtual).
hi is negative (-) if the image is an inverted image (and therefore, also real).

The Human Eye

• The human eye contains a convex lens along with other refractive media in which most
of the light refraction occurs.
• As illustrated in Figure 17, the lens focuses the light entering the eye on the retina. The
photoreceptors of the retina, called rods and cones, are connected to the optic nerve,
which sends signals to the brain. The rods are more sensitive than the cones and are
responsible for light and dark “twilight” vision; the cones are responsible for color vision.
• Because the distance between the lens
and retina does not vary, in this
situation Di is constant. Because Do
varies for different objects, the focal
length of the lens of the eye must vary
for the image to be on the retina.
• The lens is called the crystalline lens
and consists of glassy fibers. By action
of the attached ciliary muscles, the
shape and focal length of the lens vary
as the lens is made thinner and thicker.
Figure 17. The Human Eye
• Many people have trouble seeing
Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., & Higgins, C. (2013).
objects at certain distances. These An Introduction to Physical Science (13th ed.), p. 178
individuals have one of the two most
common visual defects:
nearsightedness and farsightedness.
• Nearsightedness (myopia) is the
condition of being able to see nearby
objects clearly but not distant objects.
This occurs when, for some reason, the
distant image is focused in front of the
retina (Figure 18a). Glasses with Figure 17. Common Visual Defects.
diverging lenses that move the image Source: Shipman, J., Wilson, J., & Higgins, C.
back to the retina can be used to (2013). An Introduction to Physical Science (13 th
correct this defect. ed.), p. 179
• Farsightedness (hyperopia) is the condition of being able to see distant objects clearly
but not nearby objects. The images of such objects are focused behind the retina (Fig.
18b). The near point is the position closest to the eye at which objects can be seen
clearly. For farsighted people, the near point is not at the normal position but at some
point farther from the eye.

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
Activity 1: Ray Diagrams for Spherical Mirrors

• Construct ray diagrams using the graphical methods in spherical mirrors; and
• Determine the Location, Orientation, Size, and Type of images formed by spherical mirrors.

What you need

• pencil/ballpen
• sheets of paper
• protractor and ruler

What to do
• Using the protractor and the ruler, copy the diagrams below on a separate sheet of paper.
As much as possible, use the four principal rays to locate the image formed in a curved
• The height of the arrow must be 0.5 in.
• The length of the center of curvature C must be 2 inches from the vertex V thus the focal
length f should be 1 in.
• Follow the Graphical Methods in Spherical Mirrors as presented in the Key Concepts
and write the characteristics of the image formed.

Concave (Converging) Mirrors

1. Object: Beyond C 2. Object: At C

------1 in------
----------------2 in----------------

L: _________________________________ L: ___________________________________
O: _________________________________ O: ___________________________________
S: _________________________________ S: ___________________________________
T: _________________________________ T: ___________________________________

3. Object: Between C and F 4. Object: At F

L: _________________________________ L: ___________________________________
O: _________________________________ O: ___________________________________
S: _________________________________ S: ___________________________________
T: _________________________________ T: ___________________________________

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
5. Object: Between F and vertex

L: ______________________________ ___
O: _________________________________
S: _________________________________
T: _________________________________

6. Object: Between F and vertex


L: _________________________________
O: _________________________________
S: _________________________________
T: _________________________________

7. Object: Between C and F


L: _________________________________
O: _________________________________
S: _________________________________
T: _________________________________

8. Object: Beyond C


L: _________________________________
O: _________________________________
S: _________________________________
T: _________________________________

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
Activity 2: Mirror Equation

• Calculate the exact size and location of the image formed in a concave and convex mirror;
• Determine whether the image formed is real or virtual, upright or inverted.

What you need

• sheets of paper
• ballpen
• scientific calculator

What to do
• In a separate sheet of paper, solve the following problems to determine the exact size and
location, orientation, and type of images formed by spherical mirrors.
• Use the Sign Conventions for Spherical Mirrors in determining the orientation and type
of images formed.

Sample Problem
A 5.00-cm tall candle is placed at a distance of 45.0 cm from a concave mirror
having a focal length of 10.5 cm. Determine the image distance and the image size.
To solve for the Di To solve for the hi

𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝒉𝒊 −𝑫𝒊
= + =
𝒇 𝑫𝒐 𝑫𝒊 𝒉𝒐 𝑫𝒐
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= + 𝒉𝒊 −𝟏𝟑. 𝟕 𝒄𝒎
𝟏𝟎. 𝟓 𝒄𝒎 𝟒𝟓. 𝟎 𝒄𝒎 𝑫𝒊
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 =
− = 𝟓. 𝟎𝟎 𝒄𝒎 𝟒𝟓. 𝟎 𝒄𝒎
𝟏𝟎. 𝟓 𝒄𝒎 𝟒𝟓. 𝟎 𝒄𝒎 𝑫𝒊
𝟒𝟓. 𝟎 𝒄𝒎 − 𝟏𝟎. 𝟓 𝒄𝒎 𝟏 (𝟓.𝟎𝟎 𝒄𝒎)(−𝟏𝟑.𝟕 𝒄𝒎)
= hi =
𝟓.𝟎𝟎 𝒄𝒎
(𝟏𝟎. 𝟓 𝒄𝒎)(𝟒𝟓. 𝟎 𝒄𝒎) 𝑫𝒊
hi = -1.52 cm (inverted image)
Di = 13.7 cm (real image)

1. Determine the image distance and image height for a 5.00-cm tall object placed 30.0 cm
from a concave mirror having a focal length of 15.0 cm.

2. A 7.0-cm tall light bulb is placed at a distance of 37.5 cm from a convex mirror having a
focal length of -12.5 cm. Determine the image distance and the image size.

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
Activity 3: Ray Diagrams for Lenses

• Construct ray diagrams using the graphical methods in lenses; and
• Determine the Location, Orientation, Size, and Type of images formed by

What you need

• pencil/ballpen
• sheets of paper
• protractor and ruler

What to do
• Using the protractor and the ruler, copy the diagrams below on a separate sheet of paper.
As much as possible, use the three principal rays to locate the image formed in a lens.
• The height of the arrow must be 0.5 in.
• The length of the center of curvature C must be 2 inches from the vertex V thus the focal
length f should be 1 in.
• Follow the Graphical Methods in Lenses as presented in the Key Concepts and write
the characteristics of the image formed.

Concave (Diverging) Lenses

1. Object: Between F and vertex


L: _______________ O: _______________ S: _______________ T: _______________

2. Object: Between C and F


L: _______________ O: _______________ S: _______________ T: _______________

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
3. Object: At C


L: _______________ O: _______________ S: _______________ T: _______________

Convex (Converging) Lenses

4. Object: At F


L: _______________ O: _______________ S: _______________ T: _______________

5. Object: Between C and F


L: _______________ O: _______________ S: _______________ T: _______________

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
Activity 4: Lens Equation

• Calculate the exact size and location of the image formed in a concave and convex lens;
• Determine whether the image formed is real or virtual, upright or inverted.

What you need

• sheets of paper
• ballpen
• scientific calculator

What to do
• In a separate sheet of paper, solve the following problems to determine the exact size and
location, orientation, and type of images formed by lenses.
• Use the Sign Conventions for Lenses in determining the orientation and type of images

Sample Problem
A 4.00-cm tall light bulb is placed at a distance of 45.7 cm from a double convex
lens having a focal length of 15.2 cm. Determine the image distance and the image size.

To solve for the Di To solve for the hi

𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝒉𝒊 −𝑫𝒊
= + =
𝒇 𝑫𝒐 𝑫𝒊 𝒉𝒐 𝑫𝒐
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= + 𝒉𝒊 −𝟐𝟐. 𝟖 𝒄𝒎
𝟏𝟓. 𝟐 𝒄𝒎 𝟒𝟓. 𝟕 𝒄𝒎 𝑫𝒊 =
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟒. 𝟎𝟎 𝒄𝒎 𝟒𝟓. 𝟕 𝒄𝒎
− =
𝟏𝟓. 𝟐 𝒄𝒎 𝟒𝟓. 𝟕 𝒄𝒎 𝑫𝒊
𝟒𝟓. 𝟕 𝒄𝒎 − 𝟏𝟓. 𝟐 𝒄𝒎 𝟏 hi =
(𝟒.𝟎𝟎 𝒄𝒎)(−𝟐𝟐.𝟖 𝒄𝒎)
= 𝟒𝟓.𝟕 𝒄𝒎
(𝟏𝟓. 𝟐 𝒄𝒎)(𝟒𝟓. 𝟕 𝒄𝒎) 𝑫𝒊 hi = -1.99 cm (inverted image)
Di = 22.8 cm (real image)

1. A 4.00-cm tall light bulb is placed at a distance of 35.5 cm from a diverging lens having a
focal length of -12.2 cm. Determine the image distance and the image size.

2. Determine the image distance and image height for a 4.0-cm tall object placed 54.0 cm
from a converging lens having a focal length of 18.0 cm.

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]

Optics is part of our everyday life. In fact, the presence of visual systems like the microscope
in biology indicates the central role optics plays as the science of one of the five senses. Many
people benefit from eyeglasses or contact lenses, and optics is integral to the functioning of many
consumer goods including fiber optic cables (internet), cameras, and binoculars.

If these optical devices were not invented, what do you think will be its impact to our life
today? Write your five-sentence answer in a separate sheet of paper.

5 4 3 2 0
Practical Practical Practical Practical No discussion at
application is application is application is applications are all.
scientifically scientifically explained explained
explained explained consistent to the consistent to the
consistent to the consistent to the concepts but concepts but
concepts, and concepts, but with one or two with more than
has no with minimal misconceptions. two
misconceptions. misconceptions. misconceptions.

References for learners:

Krauskopf K., & Beiser A. (2010). The Physical Universe (14th ed.). The McGraw-Hill Companies,
Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

Shipman, J., Wilson, J., & Higgins, C. (2013). An Introduction to Physical Science (13 th ed.).
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning

Young, Hugh D., Roger A. Freedman, A. Lewis Ford, and Hugh D. Young. Sears and Zemansky's
University Physics. 13th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2012.

Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ

email address: [email protected]
email address: [email protected]
Author: RIC ME D. DIAZ
Activity 2: Mirror Equation
1. Di = 30.0cm, real
hi = -5.00cm, inverted
2. Di = -9.38cm, virtual
hi = 1.75cm, upright
Activity 1: Ray Diagrams for
Spherical Mirrors
1. L = between C and F
O = inverted
S = reduced
Activity 4: Lens Equation T = real
2. L = at C
1. Di = -9.08cm, virtual
O = inverted
hi = 1.02cm, upright
S = same size
2. Di = 27.0cm, real
T = real
hi = -2.00cm, inverted
3. L = beyond C
O = inverted
Activity 3: Ray Diagrams for Lenses S = magnified
T = real
1. L = object’s side (between F & V) 4. L = no image
O = upright O = no image
S = reduced S = no image
T = virtual T = no image
2. L = object’s side (between F & V) 5. L = behind the mirror
O = upright O = upright
S = reduced S = magnified
T = virtual T = virtual
3. L = object’s side (between F & V) 6. L = behind the mirror
O = upright O = upright
S = reduced S = reduced
T = virtual T = virtual
4. L = no image 7. L = behind the mirror
O = no image O = upright
S = no image S = reduced
T = no image T = virtual
5. L = behind the lens (beyond C) 8. L = behind the mirror
O = inverted O = upright
S = magnified S = reduced
T = real T = virtual
Answer Key
General Physics 2, Grade 12, Quarter 4, Week 9a


Name: ___________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Learning Objectives:
- Determine the conditions (superposition, path and phase difference, polarization,
amplitude) for interference to occur emphasizing the properties of a laser as a
monochromatic and coherent light source (STEM_GP12OPTIVf-32)
- Relate the geometry of the two-slit experiment set up (slit separation, and screen-to-slit
distance) and properties of light (wavelength) to the properties of the interference pattern
(width, location, and intensity) (STEM_GP12OPTIVf-33)
- Relate the geometry of the diffraction experiment setup (slit size, and screen- to-slit
distance) and properties of light (wavelength) to the properties of the diffraction pattern
(width, location, and intensity of the fringes) (STEM_GP12OPTIVf-35)

Specific Objectives:
After the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Determine the patterns formed by the interference of two coherent light waves.
2. Evaluate the intensity at various point in an interference; and
3. Solve problems on diffraction formed when coherent light passes through a narrow

Time Allotment: 4 hours

Key Concepts
• The term interference refers to any situation in which two or more waves overlap
in space. When this occurs, the total waves at any point at any instant of time is
governed by the principle of superposition, in the context of waves on a string.
This principle also applies to electromagnetic waves and is the most important
principle in all physical optics. The principle of superposition states:

When two or more waves overlap, the resultant displacement at any point and at
any instant is found by adding the instantaneous displacement that would be
produced at the point by the individual waves if each present alone.

• The term “displacement” in a general sense. With waves of the surface of a liquid,
we mean the actual displacement of the surface above or below its normal level.
With sound waves, the term refers to the excess or deficiency pressure. For
electromagnetic waves, we usually mean a specific component of electric or
magnetic field.

Author: Marvelous Saint P. Jumanoy

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
• One important case of interference, in which two
identical waves propagating in opposite directions
combine to produce a standing wave. For transverse
wave on a string and for longitudinal waves in a fluid
filling a pipe; It described the same phenomenon for
electromagnetic waves.

• In all of these cases the waves propagated along from

the single axis: Along a string, along the length of a
fluid-filled pipe, or along the propagation direction of
an electromagnetic plane wave. But light wave can
(and do) travel in two or three dimensions, as can any
kind of waves that propagates in a two-or three
dimensional medium. Figure 1: A snapshot of sinusoidal waves of
frequency f and wavelength 𝜆 spreading
• Interference effects are most easily seen when out from the source S1 in all directions.
sinusoidal waves are combined with a single
frequency f and wavelength 𝜆. Figure 1 shows a Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University
Physics with Modern Physics” 12th edition.
“snapshot” or “freeze-frame” of a single source 𝑆1 of
sinusoidal waves and some of the wave fronts produced by these sources. The
figure shows only the wave fronts of the corresponding wave crests, so they’re
spacing between successive wave fronts in one wavelength. The materials
surrounding 𝑆1 is uniform, so the waves speed is the same in all directions, and
there is no refraction, hence no bending of the wave fronts.

• If the waves are two-dimensional, like waves on the surface of a liquid, the circles
in Figure 1 represent circular wave fronts; if the waves propagate in three
dimensions, the circles represent spherical wave fronts spreading away from 𝑆1 .

• The idea of the superposition principle is illustrated in Figure 2.

Constructive Interference

Destructive Interference

Figure 2. Superposition of waves. (b) Constructive interference, and (c) destructive interference.
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics” 12 th edition.

• In 1801, Thomas Young carried out an experiment also called Young’s Double-
Slit Experiment, in which the wave nature of light was demonstrated. The
schematic diagram of the double-slit experiment is shown in Figure 3.

Author: Marvelous Saint P. Jumanoy

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
Figure 3. Young’s double-slit experiment.
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics” 12 th edition.

• A monochromatic light source is incident on the first screen which contains a slit
S0. The emerging light then arrives at the second screen which has two parallel
slits S1 and S2, which serve as the sources of coherent light. The light waves
emerging from the two slits then interfere and form an interference pattern on the
viewing screen. The bright bands (fringes) correspond to interference maxima, and
the dark band is interference minima.

• Figure 4 shows the ways in which the waves could combine to interfere
constructively or destructively.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4. Constructive interference (a) at P, and (b) at P 1.(c) Destructive interference
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics” 12 th edition.

• The geometry of the double-slit interference is shown in the Figure 5.

Author: Marvelous Saint P. Jumanoy

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
Figure 5. Double-slit experiment.
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics” 12 th edition.

• CONSTRUCTIVE INTERFERENCE produces Bright fringes which occur when the

amplitude of the resultant wave is greater than the amplitudes of either
component wave. It results for brighter light, and for sound, it produces a louder
dsin θₙ = nλ,

where n = 0, 1, 2, 3...

• DESTRUCTIVE INTERFERENCE produces Dark fringes which occurs when the

resultant amplitude is smaller. It results for darker light, and in sound, it cancels
the sound completely.
dsin θₙ = nλ/2,

where n = 1, 3, 5, 7...

(a) (b)
Figure 6. (a) Destructive interference. (b) Constructive interference
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics” 12 th edition.

• In addition to interference, waves also exhibit

another property – diffraction, which is the
bending of waves as they pass by some objects or
through an aperture. The phenomenon of
diffraction can be understood using Huygens’s
principle which states that every unobstructed
point on a wavefront will act a source of secondary
spherical waves. The new wavefront is the surface
tangent to all the secondary spherical waves. The
propagation of the wave is based on Huygens’s

Figure 7. Shows Diffracted Wavepoint.

Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics” 12 th edition.

Author: Marvelous Saint P. Jumanoy

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
• DIFFRACTION GRATING - it is the pattern obtained at a brighter and sharper
diffraction which slits similar to Young’s experiment are spaced regularly and of
the same width.

FORMULA for Diffraction Grating:

dsin θₙ = nλ,
where n = 1, 2, 3...
d = spacing of slits
θₙ = deviation of angle for the nth bright fringe
λ = wavelength of incident light

A diffraction grating having 15,000 lines per inch is illuminated by parallel light of
wavelength 589 nm. What are the angles at which the 1st and 2nd order bright fringes

1 (0.0254 m)
d= × = 1.69 × 10⁻⁶ m/line
(15000 line/in.) (1 in.)
589 nm x (1.0 m)
λ= = 5.89 × 10⁻⁷ m
(1.0 × 109 nm)

n = 1, 2
Use formula:
dsin θₙ = nλ

nλ (1)(5.89 × 10⁻⁷ m)
sin θ₁ = = = 0.349
𝑑 (1.69 × 10⁻⁶ m/line)
θ₁ = 20.4°
nλ (2)(5.89 × 10⁻⁷ m)
sin θ₂ = = = 0.697
𝑑 (1.69 × 10⁻⁶ m/line)
θ₂ = 44.2°

Author: Marvelous Saint P. Jumanoy

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
Activity 1: Go Precisely!

Objective: Determine the patterns formed by the interference of two coherent light waves.

What you need:

• Paper and pen

What to do: Answer briefly and clearly the following questions. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. What will happen if two beams of coherent light are shining on the same piece of white
paper, with respect to the crests and troughs of such waves?

2. In Young’s double-slit interference experiment, what will happen to the distance adjacent
to light and dark fringes changed when the wavelength of the source is doubled?

Activity 2: Multiple Choices!

Objective: Evaluate the intensity at various point in an interference.

What you need:

• Paper and pen
• calculator

What to do: Answer the following questions based on the concepts that you have learned. Write
your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. In what condition does the two waves undergo constructive interference?

A) when their phase difference is zero.
B) when their phase difference is /2 rad.
C) when their phase difference is /2 rad.
D) when their phase difference is an even integral multiple of  rad.
E) when their phase difference is an odd integral multiple of  rad.

2. In what condition does the two waves undergo destructive interference?

A) when their phase difference is zero.
B) when their phase difference is /2 rad.
C) when their phase difference is /2 rad.
D) when their phase difference is an even integral multiple of  rad.
E) when their phase difference is an odd integral multiple of  rad.

3. Two coherent sources emit waves of 2.0-m wavelength in phase. If the path length to
an observer differs by ________, then _________ interference occurs.
A) 1.0 m, constructive
B) 2.0 m, destructive
C) 3.5 m, constructive
D) 7.0 m, destructive
E) 8.0 m, destructive

Author: Marvelous Saint P. Jumanoy

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
4. Which of the following shows a destructive interference.

a. b. c.

5. Superposition principle can also be applied to the following, EXCEPT

A) Electromagnetic wave
B) light in crystal
C) sound wave
D) water movement

Activity 3: Solve Me!

Objective: Solve problems on diffraction formed when coherent light passes through a narrow

What you need:

• Paper and pen
• Scientific Calculator

What to do: Answer the following problems. Write your solutions in a separate sheet of paper.

1. A diffraction grating having 10,000 lines per inch is illuminated by parallel light
of wavelength 589 nm. What are the angles at which the 1st and 2nd order bright
fringes occur?

2. Light having a wavelength of 600 nm passes on a 0.32-mm-diameter lens. On a screen

80 cm away, a diffraction pattern form. What is the distance from center of the pattern
to the first dark fringe?

3. Light of wavelength 540 nm is incident on a slit of width 0.15 mm, and a diffraction
pattern is produced on a screen that is 2.00 m from the slit. What is the width of the
central bright fringe? (1 nm = 10-9 m)

Give practical applications of the concepts that you have learned from the learning
activities. Write your 5-sentence answer in a separate sheet of paper.
3 2 1 0
Practical application is Practical application is Practical application No discussion.
scientifically explained scientifically explained is explained
consistent to the consistent to the consistent to the
concepts, and concepts, but with concepts but with
has no misconceptions. minimal misconceptions.

Author: Marvelous Saint P. Jumanoy

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
References for learners:

Glancolli, Douglas. Physics Principles and Applications 6th ed. New Jersey: Pearson
Education, Inc. 2005.
Caintic, Helen E. General Physics 1 for Senior High School. C & E Publishing Inc.,
Halliday, David and Resnick, Robert. Fundamentals of Physics 10th ed. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. 2014.
Serway, Raymond and John Jewett. Physics for Scientists and Engineers 6th ed.
Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2004.
Young, Hugh D., Roger A. Freedman, A. Lewis Ford, and Hugh D. Young. Sears and
Zemansky's University Physics. 13th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions,

Answer Key
B 5.
C 4.
D 3.
E 2.
D 1. fringes is also doubled.
2. The distance between adjacent light and dark
Activity 2 from the other.
crest from one wave overlaps with the trough
1.5 mm 1. Darkness will occur on the paper where the
3. s₀ = 1.5× 10⁻³ or
Possible Answer:
or 1.83 mm
2. s₀ = 1.83 × 10⁻³ Activity 1
1. 450

Activity 3: Solve Me!

Author: Marvelous Saint P. Jumanoy

School/Station: Gamut National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
email address: [email protected]
General Physics 2, Grade 12, Quarter 4, Week 9B


Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. state the postulates of Special Relativity and their consequences (STEM_GP12MPIVg-39);

2. apply the time dilation, length contraction and relativistic velocity addition to worded
problems (STEM_GP12MPIVg-40-41);
3. calculate kinetic energy, rest energy, momentum, and speed of objects moving with speeds
comparable to the speed of light (STEM_GP12MPIVg-42);
4. explain the photoelectric effect using the idea of light quanta or photons
5. explain qualitatively the properties of atomic emission and absorption spectra using the
concept of energy levels (STEM_GP12MPIVh-46); and
6. calculating radioisotope activity using the concept of half-life (STEM_GP12MPIVh-i-47).

Time Allotment: 4 Hours

Key Concepts


• The Theory of Special Relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 explains the
behavior of things that move very fast comparable to the speed of light where regular
Newtonian physics does not always apply. The speed of light and all other electromagnetic
waves traveling in a vacuum is exactly equal to 299,792,458 m/s (we often use the
approximate value 𝑐 = 3.00 𝑥 108 𝑚/𝑠 which is within one part in 1000 of the exact value).

• It is called Special Relativity because it only applies to specific situations where the different
frames of reference, called inertial reference frames that are not accelerating.

• Einstein’s first postulate, called the Principle of Relativity, states: The laws of physics
are the same in every inertial frame of reference. If the laws differed, that difference
could distinguish one inertial frame from the others
or make one frame somehow more “correct” than

• Consider this situation for the First Postulate:

Suppose you watch two children playing catch with
a ball while the three of you are aboard a train
moving with constant velocity. Your observations of
the motion of the ball, no matter how carefully done,
can’t tell you how fast (or whether) the train is
moving. This is because Newton’s laws of motion are
the same in every inertial frame.

• Another example situation is the electromotive force Figure. 1. The same emf is induced in the
(emf) induced in a coil of wire by a nearby moving coil whether (a) the magnet moves relative to
the coil or (b) the coil moves relative to the
permanent magnet. In the frame of reference in magnet.
which the coil is stationary (Fig. 1a), the moving Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with
Modern Physics”, 13th edition

Author: Marvin T. Tejano 2

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
magnet causes a change of magnetic flux through the coil, and this induces an emf. In a
different frame of reference in which the magnet is stationary (Fig. 1b), the motion of the
coil through a magnetic field induces the emf. According to the principle of relativity, both
these frames are equally valid. Hence the same emf must be induced in both situations in
Fig. 1.

• Einstein’s second postulate states: The speed of light in vacuum is the same in all
inertial frames of reference and is independent of the motion of the source.

• Consider this situation for the Second Postulate: Suppose two observers measure the speed
of light in a vacuum. One is at rest with respect to the light source, and the other is moving
away from it. Both are in inertial frames of reference. According to the principle of relativity,
the two observers must obtain the same result, despite the fact that one is moving with
respect to the other. And that is the speed of light 𝑐 = 3.00 𝑥 108 𝑚/𝑠 (approximate value).

• Another example situation: A spacecraft moving past the earth at 1000 m/s fires a missile
straight ahead with a speed of 2000 m/s (relative to spacecraft) (Fig. 2). What is the missile’s
speed relative to the earth? Simple, you say; this is an elementary problem in relative
velocity. The correct answer, according to Newtonian mechanics, is 3000 m/s. But now
suppose the spacecraft turns on a searchlight, pointing in the same direction in which the
missile was fired. An observer on the spacecraft measures the speed of light emitted by the
searchlight and obtains the value c. According to Einstein’s second postulate, the motion of
the light after it has left the source cannot depend on the motion of the source. So the
observer on earth who measures the speed of this same light must also obtain the value c,
not 𝑐 + 1000 𝑚/𝑠. This result contradicts our elementary notion of relative velocities, and it
may not appear to agree with common sense. But “common sense” is intuition based on
everyday experience, and this does not usually include measurements of the speed of light.

Figure. 2. (a) Newtonian mechanics makes correct predictions about relatively slow-moving objects; (b) it makes
incorrect predictions about the behavior of light.
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics”, 13 th edition

• The second postulate immediately implies that “It is impossible for an inertial observer
to travel at c, the speed of light in vacuum”.

• It is known that (𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑, 𝑣)𝑥(𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒, 𝑡) = (𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒, 𝑑). Since speed of light, according to the
special relativity is always constant, then time and distance must change. When time
changes, that is called time dilation. On the other hand, when distance changes, that is
called length contraction.

Author: Marvin T. Tejano 3

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
• Time Dilation occurs when another reference frame is moving relative to the observer. So,
time in a reference frame slows down relative to the time measured by the observer.
Mathematically, time dilation is:
∆𝒕 =
√𝟏 − 𝒖 ⁄ 𝟐
where u – non relativistic speed (the constant speed of the second frame moving relative to
the rest frame).
c – speed of light (3 𝑥 108 𝑚/𝑠)
∆𝑡0 – proper time (time in the stationary reference frame)
∆𝑡 – time measured by an observer (time in the moving reference frame)

• Proper time is the time by which the two events occurred in a frame of reference.
The quantity 2
appears so often in relativity that it is given its own symbol 𝜸 (the
√1−𝑢 ⁄ 2
Greek letter gamma):
√𝟏 − 𝒖 ⁄ 𝟐

In terms of this symbol, we can express the time dilation formula:

∆𝒕 = 𝜸∆𝒕𝟎

• Length contraction means that if something is moving relative to the observer, its length
in the direction that it is moving will seem shorter than it would if it was not moving. Its
equation is given by
𝒍 = 𝒍𝟎 √𝟏 −
where u – non relativistic speed (the constant speed of the second frame moving relative to
the rest frame).
c – speed of light (3 𝑥 108 𝑚/𝑠)
∆𝑙0 – proper length
∆𝑙 – length measured by an observer

The proper length of an object is defined as the length of the object measured by
someone who is at rest with respect to the object.

• Relativistic momentum 𝒑 – is classical momentum multiplied by the relativistic factor 𝛾 =

𝒑 = 𝜸𝒎𝒖

where, m – is the rest mass of the object

u – object’s velocity relative to an observer

Author: Marvin T. Tejano 4

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
• The relativistic definition of momentum has sometimes been interpreted as an increase in
the mass of an object. Relativistic mass is:
𝒎𝒓𝒆𝒍 =
√𝟏 − 𝒖𝟐
where m - is the rest mass of an object

• The relativistic kinetic energy is:

𝑲= − 𝒎𝒄𝟐 = (𝜸 − 𝟏)𝒎𝒄𝟐
√𝟏 − 𝒖𝟐
• 𝑬= 𝒎𝒄𝟐is Einstein’s famous mass-energy equivalence equation, which shows that mass is
a measure of the total energy in all forms. The total energy of a particle is:
𝑬 = 𝑲 + 𝒎𝒄𝟐 = = 𝜸𝒎𝒄𝟐
𝒖 𝟐
√𝟏 − 𝟐
• Total energy, rest energy, and momentum
𝑬𝟐 = (𝒎𝒄𝟐 )𝟐 + (𝒑𝒄)𝟐

• The Rest Mass Energy of a Particle is:

𝑬 = 𝒎𝒄𝟐

Example Problem 1: Time dilation at 0.990c

High-energy subatomic particles

coming from space interact with atoms in
the earth’s upper atmosphere, in some
cases producing unstable particles called
muons. A muon decays into other particles
with a mean lifetime of 2.20 𝜇s = 2.20 x 10-
6 s as measured in a reference frame in

which it is at rest. If a muon is moving at

0.990c relative to the earth, what will an
observer on earth measure its mean
lifetime to be?


Identify and Set up: The muon’s lifetime Figure 3. Measuring the length of a moving spaceship
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics”, 13 th
is the interval between two events: the edition
production of the muon and its subsequent
decay. Our target variable s the lifetime in your frame of reference on earth, which we will call
frame S. We are given the lifetime in a frame S’ in which the muon is at rest; this is its proper
lifetime, ∆𝑡0 = 2.20 𝜇𝑠. The relative speed of these two frames is 𝑢 = 0.990𝑐. We use equation ∆𝑡 =
to relate the lifetimes in two frames.
√1−𝑢 ⁄ 2

Execute: The muon moves relative to the earth between the two events, so the two events occur
at different positions as measure in S and the time interval in that frame is ∆𝑡 (the target variable).

Author: Marvin T. Tejano 5

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
∆𝒕𝟎 𝟐. 𝟐𝟎 𝝁𝒔 𝟐. 𝟐𝟎 𝝁𝒔
∆𝒕 = = = = 𝟏𝟓. 𝟔 𝝁𝒔
√𝟏 − 𝒖 ⁄ 𝟐 √𝟏 − (𝟎. 𝟗𝟗𝟎)𝟐
(𝟎. 𝟗𝟗𝟎𝒄)𝟐
𝒄 √𝟏 − ( ⁄ 𝟐)

Evaluate: Our result predicts that the mean lifetime of the muon in the earth frame (∆𝑡) is about
seven times longer than in the muon’s frame (∆𝑡0 ). This prediction has been verified experimentally;
indeed, this was the first experimental confirmation of the time dilation formula.

Example Problem 2: How long is the spaceship (length contraction)

A spaceship flies past earth at a speed of 0.990c. a crew member on board the spaceship
measures its length, obtaining the value 400 m. what length do observers measure on earth?


Identify and Set up: This problem is about the nose-to-tail length of the spaceship as measured
on the spaceship and on earth. This length is along the direction of relative motion (Figure 6), so
there will be length contraction. The spaceship’s 400-m length is the proper length 𝑙0 because it is
measured in the frame in which the spaceship is at rest. Our target variable is the length 𝑙
measured in the earth frame, relative to which the spaceship is moving at 𝑢 = 0.990𝑐.

Execute: From the equation of length contraction, the length in the earth frame is

𝒍 = 𝒍𝟎 √𝟏 − = (𝟒𝟎𝟎 𝒎)√𝟏 − (𝟎. 𝟗𝟗𝟎)𝟐 = 𝟓𝟔. 𝟒 𝒎

Evaluate: The spaceship is shorter in a frame in which it is in motion than in a frame in which it
is at rest. To measure the length 𝑙, two earth observers with synchronized clocks measure the
position of the two ends of the spaceship simultaneously in the earth’s reference frame as shown
in Figure 6. (These two measurements will not appear simultaneous to an observer in the


• Photoelectric Effect is a phenomenon that

gives insight into the nature of light, in which
the material emits electrons from its surface
when illuminated (Fig. 4). An electron absorbs
enough energy from the incident light to
overcome the attraction of positive ions in the
material and escapes from the surface

• Photoelectrons are elctrons emitted by the

illuminated cathode.

• Photocurrent is a current produced during

the travel of photoelectrons. Figure 4. The Photoelectric Effect
Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern
Physics”, 13th edition

Author: Marvin T. Tejano 6

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
• The maximum Kinetic Energy of Photoelectrons is:
𝑾𝒕𝒐𝒕 = 𝑲𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝒎𝒗𝟐 = 𝒆𝑽𝟎
where, K – is Kinetic Energy Maximum
𝑒 – charge of electron
𝑉0 - stopping potential

• Einstein made the radical postulate that a beam of light consists of small packages of
energy called photons or quanta. Since photon is an energy, it is absorbed by the electron
allowing them to be ejected out from the material. The Energy of a Photon is given by:
𝑬 = 𝒉𝒇 =

where 𝒉(𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑘 ′ 𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡) = 6.626 𝑥 10−34 𝐽𝑠

𝝀 = 𝑤𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛
𝒇 = 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑣𝑒

Particle Behaving as Waves

• As reasoned by Niels Bohr (1885-1962), the emission of an element tells us that atoms of
that element emit photons with only certain specific frequencies f and hence certain specific
energies E = hf. During the emission of a photon, the internal energy of the atom changes
by an amount equal to the energy of the photon. Therefore, said Bohr, each atom must be
able to exist with only certain specific values of internal energy. Each atom has a set of
possible energy levels.

• An atom can have an amount of internal energy equal to any one of the levels, but it cannot
have an energy intermediate between two

• Suppose an atom is raised, or excited, to

a high energy level. According to Bohr, an
excited atom can make a transition from
one energy level to a lower level by
emitting a photon with energy equal to
the energy difference between the initial
and final levels (Fig. 5). If Ei is the initial
energy of the atom before such a
Figure 5. An excited atom emitting a photon
transition, Ef is its final energy after the Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern
transition, and the photon’s energy is Physics”, 13th edition

ℎ𝑓 = ℎ𝑐/𝜆, then conservation of energy

𝒉𝒇 = = 𝑬𝒊 − 𝑬𝒇
(𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛)

• The observation that atoms are stable

means that each atom has a lowest
energy level, called the ground level.

• Levels with energies greater than the

Figure 6. An atom absorbing a photon
ground level are called excited levels. Source: “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern
Physics”, 13th edition

Author: Marvin T. Tejano 7

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
• An atom in an excited level, called an excited atom, can make a transition into the ground
level by emitting a photon as in Fig. 5. But since there are no levels below the ground level,
an atom in the ground level cannot lose energy and so cannot emit a photon.

• Collisions are not the only way that atom’s energy can be raised from one level to a higher
level. If an atom initially in the lower energy level in Fig. 5 is stuck by a photon with just
the right amount of energy, the photon can be absorbed and the atom will end up in the
higher level (Fig. 6).

Nuclear Physics

• The half-life of an isotope is defined as the time it takes for half the original amount of
parent isotope in a given sample to decay. For example, the half-life of 146𝐶 is about 5730
years. If some time a piece of petrified wood contains, say 1.00 x 10 22 nuclei of 146𝐶 , then
5730 years later it will contain half as many, 0.50 x 1022 nuclei. After another 5730 years it
will contain 0.25 x 1022 nuclei, and so on. Since the rate of decay ∆𝑁⁄∆𝑡 is proportional to
N, it, too, decreases by a factor of 2 every half-life.

• The half-lives of known radioactive isotopes vary from very short (≈ 10−22 s) to more than
1023 yr (> 1030 𝑠). It should be clear that half-life (which we designate 𝑇1 ) bears an inverse
relationship to the decay constant. The longer the half-life of an isotope, the more slowly it
decays, and hence 𝜆 is smaller. Conversely, very active isotopes (large 𝜆) have very short

Example Problem 3: Energetic electrons

(a) Find the rest energy of an electron (𝑚 = 9.109𝑥10−31 𝑘𝑔, 𝑞 = −𝑒 = −1.602𝑥10−19 𝐶) in

joules and in electron volts.
(b) Find the speed of an electron that has been accelerated by an electric field, from rest,
through a potential increase of 20.0 kV or of 5.00 MV (typical of a high-voltage x-ray


Identify and Set up: This problem uses the ideas of rest energy, relativistic kinetic energy, and
potential energy. We use 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 2 to find the rest energy and 𝛾 = 2
and the equation of the
√1−𝑢 ⁄ 2
𝑚𝑐 2
total energy of a particle 𝐸 = 𝐾 + 𝑚𝑐 2 = 2
= 𝛾𝑚𝑐 2 to find the speed that gives the stated total
√1−𝑣 ⁄ 2


(a) The rest energy is

𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 2 = (9.109𝑥10−31 𝑘𝑔)(3.0𝑥108 𝑚/𝑠)2 = 8.187𝑥10−14 𝐽

From the definition of the electron volt, 1 𝑒𝑉 = 1.602 𝑥 10−19 𝐽. Using this, we find

Author: Marvin T. Tejano 8

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
1 𝑒𝑉
𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 2 = (8.187𝑥10−14 𝐽) = 5.11𝑥105 𝑒𝑉 = 0.511 𝑀𝑒𝑉
1.602𝑥10−19 𝐽

(b) In calculations such as this, it is often convenient to work with the quantity 𝛾 = 1
⁄√1 𝑣 2
− ⁄ 2
from the equation of total energy of a particle. Solving this for v, we find
𝑣 = 𝑐√1 − (1⁄𝛾 )2
The total energy E of the accelerated electron is the sum of its rest energy 𝑚𝑐 2 and the
kinetic energy 𝑒𝑉𝑏𝑎 that it gains from the work done on it by the electric field in moving
from point a to point b:
𝐸 = 𝛾𝑚𝑐 2 = 𝑚𝑐 2 + 𝑒𝑉𝑏𝑎 or
𝛾 = 1+
𝑚𝑐 2
An electron accelerated through a potential increase of 𝑉𝑏𝑎 = 20.0 𝑘𝑉 gains 20.0 𝑘𝑒𝑉 of
energy, so for this selection
20.0 𝑥 103 𝑒𝑉
𝛾 =1+ = 1.039
0.511 𝑥 106 𝑒𝑉
𝑣 = 𝑐√1 − (1/1.039)2 = 0.272𝑐 = 8.15𝑥107 𝑚/𝑠
Repeating the calculation for 𝑉𝑏𝑎 = 5.00 𝑀𝑉, we find 𝑏𝑎2 = 9.78, 𝛾 = 10.78, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑣 = 0.996𝑐

Evaluate: With 𝑉𝑏𝑎 = 20.0 𝑘𝑉, the added kinetic energy of the 20.0 𝑘𝑒𝑉 is less than 4% of the rest
energy of 0.511 MeV, and the final speed is about one-fourth the speed of light. With 𝑉𝑏𝑎 = 5.00 𝑀𝑉,
the added kinetic energy of 5.00 MeV is much greater then the rest energy and the speed is close
to c.

Activity 1. Strategic Planning


1. State the postulates of Special Relativity and their consequences.

2. Explain the photoelectric effect using the idea of light quanta or photons.
3. Explain qualitatively the properties of atomic emission and absorption spectra using the
concept of energy levels.

What you need: ballpen, a separate sheet of bond paper

What to do: Suppose you are a graduating grade 12 student and is assigned to accommodate
students in a Physics Exhibit in a school-based science fair. During the fair, a group of students
approached you and asked interesting questions about Modern Physics. Some of their questions
were, “can you explain the Postulates of Special Relativity by Einstein and their consequences”,
“how do you explain photoelectric effect”, and “give us an idea about the properties and absorption
spectra”. Present a strategic plan (including a script) as to how are you going to extensively deliver
your idea including all the necessary information about these anticipated questions. Your plan
will be evaluated based on the given rubric.

Author: Marvin T. Tejano 9

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Minimum Unacceptable

Analysis and Analysis and Analysis and Analysis and No analysis and
Depth of Analysis information information information information information
and Quality of presented is presented is presented is presented is presented.
Information excellent. very satisfactory. lacking.
Presented (30) satisfactory.

30 25 20 15 0

Script is
Script is clear Script is clear
Quality of the Script is clear somehow clear
and concise. but not concise.
and concise. No and concise.
script and Clarity Minimum Many No script and
grammatical Some
of Strategic Plan grammatical grammatical strategic plan
errors and grammatical
errors and errors and presented.
misspelled errors and
(20) misspelled misspelled
words. misspelled
words words.

20 15 10 5 0

Activity 2. Word Problems


1. Apply the time dilation, length contraction and relativistic velocity addition to worded
2. Calculate kinetic energy, rest energy, momentum, and speed of objects moving with speeds
comparable to the speed of light.
3. Calculate radioisotope activity using the concept of half-life.

What you needed: ballpen, a separate sheet of paper, scientific calculator

What to do: Read and analyze the problem given. Show your complete solutions neatly on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. The positive muon (𝜇+), an unstable particle, lives on average 2.20𝑥10−16 𝑠 (measured in its
own frame of reference) before decaying. (a) If such as particle is moving, with respect to
the laboratory, with a speed of 0.900𝑐, what average lifetime is measured in the laboratory?
(b) What average distance, measured in the laboratory, does the particle move before

2. A spacecraft of the Trade Federation flies past the planet Coruscant at a speed of 0.600𝑐. A
scientist on Coruscant measures the length of the moving spacecraft to be 74.0 m. The
spacecraft later lands on Coruscant, and the same scientist measures the length of the now
stationary spacecraft. What value does she get?

3. A proton (rest mass 1.67𝑥10−27 kg) has total energy that is 4.00 times its rest energy. What
are (a) the kinetic energy of the proton; (b) the magnitude of the momentum of the proton;
(c) the speed of the proton?

Author: Marvin T. Tejano 10

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]

Upon hearing these topics: Relativity, Photons, Particles Behaving as Waves, and Nuclear Physics,
how can you connect these terminologies to your life? How do they affect us people in the modern
society? Write your five-sentence answer in a separate sheet of paper.

5 4 3 2 0
Practical Practical Practical Practical No discussion
application is application is application is applications are at all.
scientifically scientifically explained explained
explained explained consistent to the consistent to the
consistent to the consistent to the concepts but concepts but with
concepts, and concepts, but with one or two more than two
has no with minimal misconceptions. misconceptions.
misconceptions. misconceptions.


Giancoli, D. (2014). Physics Principles with Applications. United States America: Pearson
Education, Inc.

Serway, R. A., Moses, C. J., & Moyer, C. A. (2005). Modern Physics Third Edition. United States of
America: Thomson Learning Academic Resource Center.

Young, H. D., Freedman, R. A., & Ford, A. L. (2012). Sears and Zemansky's Universtiy Physics
with Modern Physics 13th Edition. 1301 Sansome Street, Sanfrancisco, CA, 92111, United
States of America: Pearson Education, Inc.

Answers Key

(c) 𝑣 = 0.968𝑐
(b) 𝑝 = 1.94𝑥10−18 𝑘𝑔 ∙ 𝑚/𝑠
3. (a) 𝐾 = 4.50𝑥10−10 𝐽
2. 𝑙0 = 92.5 𝑚
vary. (b) 𝑥 = 1.36 𝑘𝑚
Students’ answers to this activity will 1. (a) ∆𝑡 = 5.05𝑥10−6 𝑠

Activity 1 Activity 2

Author: Marvin T. Tejano 11

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur Division
email address: [email protected]

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