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TIGP Summer Internship Program _Guidelines for Applicants

Preface In order to cultivate international talents and to help promote the internationalization of higher education in Taiwan, in 2002, Academia Sinica launched the Taiwan International Graduate Program in collaboration with local research universities. Currently, TIGP offers 9 interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs in cutting-edge research fields, as well as the all-English teaching and research environment to its international students. ( The Ph.D. programs are listed as follows: 1. Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics (CBMB) Program: 2. Molecular Science and Technology (MST) Program 3. Molecular and Biological Agricultural Sciences (MBAS) Program 4. Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) Program 5. Bioinformatics Program (BP) 6. Nano Science and Technology (NST) Program: 7. Molecular Medicine (MM) Program 8. Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (CLCLP) Program 9. Earth System Science (ESS) Program Recently, Academia Sinica lunches the TIGP Summer Internship Program (TIGPSIP) which is designated to provide visiting students with an opportunity to become familiar with the research environment and graduate programs of Academia Sinica. International applicants with diverse science background are encouraged to obtain hands-on research experience under the supervision of TIGPs well-established researchers. Hopefully, the experience would motivate interested students to consider careers in science-related disciplines and choose TIGP for their Ph.D. studies. Outline of the Summer Internship Program 1. Program Duration for 2010: two to three months in the summer of 2010 as agreed upon by the applicant and the sponsoring TIGP faculty member. 2. Hands-on Research Experience: According to research interests and academic experience, the qualified applicants will be assigned to work in laboratories with the latest methodologies and facilities in related research fields. Appropriate faculty supervision will also be provided throughout the internship, and students will participate effectively as a member of a research team. 3. Activities: (1) Orientation: July (2) Field Trips:

Visit famous cultural and historical sites in Taiwan: July Visit TIGPs Partner Universities: July & August
(3) Intensive Chinese language classes: free and optional (4) Evaluation: After completion of the internship, participants should submit a report or deliver a presentation that includes the research project they work on and the suggestions they have for the internship program. 1

Application: 1. Application Duration : 14th January ~ March 5th, 2010 2. Eligibility : The internship is open to overseas applicants of the following status: (1) students who are currently studying at an overseas university at a level of third year or above, or studying in a master degree program (2) non-students who already obtained a B.S. or Master Degree 3. Applications Procedure: (1) Application can be submitted via on-line application system or by sending a completed form (download) (along with all requested documents) to the TIGP Office before the deadline (please refer to the attached application procedure). In addition to personal information, it is recommended that applicants complete the application describing relevant course work and research experience. For application, please also submit the following requested and supporting documents along with the completed application form. (A) Current resume

Statement of purpose (please include the following sections: 1) rationales for

your preference towards the selection of research institutes/TIGP programs; 2) what do you intend to achieve if you are admitted to the internship program; 3) future plans for your graduate studies and career planning; 4) how did you find out about the internship program)

(C) 2 letters of recommendation (D) Official transcripts of academic records (E) Other supporting document (such as publications, conference presentation, honor, award, service, scholarly membership, proof of English proficiency) (2) Application can be submitted directly by international applicants or through the recommendation of a TIGP Faculty Member. (the maximum number of candidate recommended by a TIGP faculty member is one candidate per faculty per year) (3) Housing: application for on-campus housing can be submitted along with the internship application (for more detail, please refer to item 4 in the application form) (4) Please send the complete application form along with all supporting documents to TIGP Office ([email protected]) before the deadline (March 5th ). Evaluation and Announcement 1. Evaluation of application and assignment of placement will be conducted by the admission committees of respective Ph.D. programs. 2. Announcement of the placement The evaluation result will also be posted at the TIGP website ( in April. Successful applicants will be provided with a letter of acceptance issued by the Program Coordinator, which can be used for visa application. 3. Upon successful completion of the project, students will receive an evaluation report 2

of their work from the sponsoring faculty member, which, later, may serve as supplementary documentation when applying for the admission to TIGP. Financial Support for the Internship 1. Airfare: TIGP will cover 1/2 of the airfare for a round-trip at economic class 2. Compensation for the intern: (1) TIGP will provide a monthly stipend of NTD20,000 (~USD605) for up to two months. (2) The sponsoring faculty will provide additional monthly stipend of at least NTD10,000. (3) A 20% income tax will be deducted from the above stipends. Responsibilities of the Sponsoring Faculty The sponsoring faculty accepting one of the interns is responsible for: 1. attempting to integrate the intern(s) into the institute's activities; 2. providing supervision for the intern(s) during the internship; 3. submitting an evaluation report at the end of the internship. Obligations of the Intern The student, in acceptance of a TIGP Summer Internship, agrees to: 1. meet the requirements of this program: TIGP-SIP requires a full-time commitment. It is not permissible to hold other employment during the internship. Specific work schedules are arranged between the intern and the faculty mentor. 2. abide by the regulations of the host organization (Academia Sinica): In the case of sever violation of relevant regulations, the internship may be terminated by Academia Sinica immediately. 3. maintain a professional demeanor during the internship. 4. submit a report /or deliver a presentation about the research project they work on and the suggestions they have for the internship program. Enquiries For enquiries, please contact TIGP Office: Dr. Seau-Feng Hong Tel: 886-2-27899414 Fax: 886-2-27858944 E-mail: [email protected]

Supplement 1. Application Procedure for the TIGP Intership Program

1. Application can be submitted through the on-line application system or by completing the application form (download). To apply, please follow the application procedure indicated below:

1. Announcement of the TIGP Internship Program

First week of January

2. Download and complete the application form. Send the completed form along or with the original copy of requested documents to the TIGP Office before the deadline.


2. Apply through the on-line application system (requested documents can be scanned and uploaded for evaluation purpose). The original copy of the requested documents should be delivered to the TIGP Office before the deadline.

Deadline: 5th March

3. According to the choices of the applicants, the TIGP Office will refer the applications to the Admissions Committee of relevant program (s) for evaluation.


4. The evaluation result will be announced at the TIGP website ( The successful applicants will receive an acceptance letter from TIGP Office.


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