The Problem and Its Setting

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Chapter I



Discipline is the main component that defines wholly as a human being.

These values create an impact to human conduct in relation with others. A

guidance counselling program is performed by the professional people called

Counsellor which help to assist and guide the students in understanding

themselves better as they go through the stages of their personal growth and

development. It helps the students recognize their abilities, accept and develop

their potential, adjust to their environment and develop the skills needed to cope

with the problems they encounter. Thus, students will be able to know about

themselves and look for the solutions of the day to day life circumstances.

The school, besides the family, and teacher, is a major influence in

students’ personal-social development. As students’ progress in Senior High

School, they need an environment that is secure, warm, caring, and nurturing.

According to the study of Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati (2019)

stated that counselling is the “heart” of the Guidance and Counselling Program. It

is a professional service through which each student is helped to understand

himself in relation to his unique and developing world through an opportunity of

free expression within a setting of privacy and acceptance to deal with rampant

behavioural cases. However, in the study of Moindi (2011) that the services given

by the guidance counselling program in Kenya are not effective in helping

particularly the behavioural changes among the students. On the other hand, the

national perspective of Tuason et. al. (2012) stated that the important

development in Philippine counselling is the Guidance and Counselling Act of

2004 or the (Republic Act No. 9258). The Act was intended to practice a

guidance counselling which is under the Professional Regulatory Commission.

Prior to provide proper counselling to each students and improve the behavioural

perspective so that the students will be able to respect and understand one


Guidance counselling is an important program in school to assess and

develop the human perspective of the students. The researcher prepared the

following indicators to measure the level of awareness among arts and design

track: Physical facilities, Availability and Accessibility, Manpower/Personnel and

Guidance Services. This four part require immediate action or attention in

Guidance and counselling and it is an integral and requisite part of any education

system and a lot of emphasis should be laid on its implementation to ensure that

its roles and objectives are realized.

This study will help the readers, and students especially the Grade 12

students to pursue the right type of education, will help to learn in organizing

their leisure, helps asses individuals to make informed decisions about

education, helps facilitate the smooth transition for the students from home to a

higher educational institutions to the world of work, helps student to be aware

regarding the guidance counselling program so that every student should benefit

the given assistant of the counsellor, hope with examination and anxiety, and

helps student to develop effective study habits. Moreover, the students will be

appropriate in doing the right conduct and the morality of a person.


This study aims to assess the level of awareness of the students in guidance

counselling of Tupi National High School.

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the students in terms of the


1.1 age;

1.2 sex; and

1.3 religion?

2. What are the level of awareness of the students to the functions of

guidance office relating to the following:

a. physical facilities;

b. availability and accessibility;

c. manpower/personnel; and

d. guidance services?

3. Based on the findings, what Guidance counselling program may be



The researcher will provide knowledge about the Arts and Design

Students’ Level of Awareness in Guidance Counselling: Basis for Student

Information Services. The study will be significant to the following sectors.


To the Department of Education. This study is significant to curriculum

developers in that it will help align the curriculum to address issues of discipline

among students. To the school administrators and teachers in general, would

appreciate this research for it and be encouraged to go for intervention training in

the discipline to be able perform it professionally.

To the students. In this research would also encourage the students to have a

focus in life and be responsible citizens with skills in time management as well as

upholding good morals?

To the proponent. This study is significant to the proponent in the sense that the

study will shed light to the use of guidance office and to improve which has a

broad range of activities and services aimed at assisting individuals in institutions

of learning to understand themselves in the total development of students is

stimulated in areas relating to their personal, social, career, emotional and

academic concerns. By this the researchers/proponent will have an idea about

the guidance office counselling better as they go through the stages of senior

high school.

To the future researcher. This study may provide new ideas, programs,

concepts, and designs that can be improved by the future researchers. And

serve as a reference for the future studies.


This study focuses on the Arts and Design Students’ Level of Awareness

in Guidance Counselling: Basis for Crafting Guidance Counselling. The purpose

of this research study is to assess the level of awareness so that it will be easier

for the students to be aware in terms of the guidance counselling program. The

respondents will be the (54) Arts and Design Senior High School students of Tupi

National High School in the S.Y 2019-2020. The research is being conducted at

Tupi National High School. The survey will have two days to conduct its

information from the respondents.

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