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Action Plan In Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan

School Year 2018-2019

Priorities of Program of Objectives Strategies and Key Players Time Fund Expected
Action Project Activities Frame Output
A.Learners Brigada cleaning Coordinate SPG Officers SPG involvement in teachers May-June LGU’s Group involvement
Development and trimming to extend help on the Brigada Bayanihan Pupils 2018 MOOE were done
continuous DepEd Principal accordingly.
Engaging pupils in
the real scenario Teachers Initiative Pupils July- Activities were
of cooking, Promote high Teachers March successfully
washing, ironing, performance of the child principal implemented
gardening etc. through individual or
group activities

Develop pupils Teachers/pupils Teachers Septembe The training was

skills and initiative pupils r 2018 conducted
potentials Develop potential leaders accordingly.

B. Teachers Attending Master’s To upgrade learnings and Attending Master’s June- Individual Permitted and
Development Degree professional growth and Degree March Expense Complied
development .

To be more competent Teachers are needed

Attending and equip in the learning to upgrade learnings. Oct 2018 Individual Teachers Attended
Seminars outcomes Inset Expense Seminars
To uplift and update to the
new trends of learning

C. Curriculum Enhancing the Enhance the curriculum Monitor and upgrade The curriculum
Development curriculum Guide Guide used in K to 12 and the curriculum in the Whole MOOE guide was be made
in K to 12 and BEC task card implementation of Teachers year Individual specific and
BEC teaching-learning round Expense appropriate and
process. strictly followed.
D. Physical Canteen Maintain cleanliness and Proper monitoring June- MOOE Strictly followed the
Facilities Instructuring proper sanitation. and followed the March Stakeholders guidelines.
memorandum on the
Use clean Utensils in canteen operation
preparing the foods.

E. Special Using Multimedia Use/implement the new Upgrade the learning of Teachers ICT July- MOOE Well Equipped to
Programs and Projector and trend materials in teaching the child through using coordinator March the new trend
Projects other New Trends learning process approach multimedia facilities pupils materials

Gulayan Sa Implement gulayan sa Lessen the scarcity of Pupils July- Increased food
Paaralan paaralan project foods Teacher. March production

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