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Mai Hiên – GV chuyên luyện B1,B2 Vstep - 0975864971


Adj (tính từ) Example (ví dụ)

- Interesting: hay, thú vị The book is interesting/ Playing sports is interesting
- Popular: phổ biến, yêu thích Facebook is popular with people all over the world
- Useful: hữu ích These programs are really useful/ Reading books is useful
- Convenient: thuận tiện Learning online is convenient for busy people
- Relaxing: thư giãn Watching TV is relaxing
- The food in the countryside is cheap, fresh, and healthy
- Cheap: rẻ My favourite food is seafood because it is delicious
- Delicious: ngon
- Healthy: có lợi cho sức khỏe
- Fresh: tươi
- Going by air is fast, safe, and comfortable
- Fast: nhanh
- Safe: an toàn I choose Dalat because it is beautiful and quiet
- Comfortable: thoải mái
Life in the countryside is peaceful
- Beautiful: đẹp
Big cities are exciting and modern but crowded, noisy and
- Famous: nổi tiếng (well-known)
- Quiet: yên tĩnh
- Peaceful: yên bình
- Exciting: nhộn nhịp, thích thú The environment in big cities is seriously polluted
- Modern: hiện đại The weather in Dalat is cool and pleasant
- Expensive: đắt đỏ
- Crowded: đông đúc
- Noisy: ồn ào
- Polluted: bij ô nhiễm
- pleasant: dễ chịu
- friendly: thân thiện
- kind: tốt bụng
- kind – hearted: có trái tim nhân hậu

ĐỘNG TỪ - Verbs và TRạng Từ - Adv

Verbs and phrases Examples

Improve: cải thiện I want to improve my English this summer
Develop: phát triển They can develop the economy and traffic
Save : tiết kiệm We can save a lot of money for other things
Increase: tăng Tourism helps local people increase their income (du lịch giúp
Earn/get/make: kiếm người dân địa phương tăng thu nhập)
Mai Hiên – GV chuyên luyện B1,B2 Vstep - 0975864971

Get good jobs: kiếm dc việc làm tốt Local people can get good jobs. Therefore, they can earn more
Share: chia sẻ money
Contact: liên lạc She often share difficulties with me
Keep in touch: giữ liên hệ I use Facebook to contact/keep in touch with my friends
Relax: thư giãn Watching TV helps people relax/ I can relax when I listen to music
Admire: ngưỡng mộ I really admire My Tam
Prefer: thích I prefer spending my free time outdoors/ I prefer reading books
Reduce: giảm Reading books helps me reduce stress/ I can relax and reduce
Take care of: chăm sóc stress
Using public transport can reduce accidents and pollution
My mother takes care of us with all her love

Describe: miêu tả What does the writer describe?

Refer to: nói tới What does the word “Parisian” refer to?
Infer: suy ra What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
Imply: ngụ ý What does the writer imply?
Replace: thay thể We should replace the battery
Mention: đề cập đến Why does the writer mention Victor Hugo?
Affect: ảnh hưởng Smoking badly affects our health
Destroy: phá hủy It destroys the environment
Pollute: làm ô nhiễm Smoking can pollute the air

Mẫu câu với động từ

- S+V
VD: I come from Hanoi. I live in HCM city. I work for a big company
- S + V1 + V2:
VD: I want to live in the countryside
I love swimming in the sea

- S + can/should/will.. + V
VD: I can earn money and improve my life

- Well Children can speak English very well now
- Strongly I strongly agree with the first idea
- Badly Smoking badly affects people’s health
- Seriously Pollution can seriously affect our life
Mai Hiên – GV chuyên luyện B1,B2 Vstep - 0975864971

- Carefully We should drive carefully to avoid accidents

- Really I really love plying sports
Mai Hiên – GV chuyên luyện B1,B2 Vstep - 0975864971

Một số câu hay sử dụng trong viết thư
1. I am very happy (surprised, excited, delighted) to get your letter: tôi rất vui (ngạc
nhiên, thích thú) khi nhận được thư bạn
2. How are you?: bạn có khỏe không
3. How are things going on?: mọi thứ diễn ra như thế nào?
4. I am sorry for not writing to you for so long: xin lỗi vì lâu lắm k viết thư cho bạn
5. I have been so busy these days: dạo này tôi bận quá
6. I have been working hard for the coming exam: tôi đang vất vả chuẩn bị cho kì thi sắp
7. It’s a long time I haven’t written to you: lâu lắm rồi k viết thư cho bạn
8. Can you tell me about your summer vacation in the next letter?: bạn có thể nói cho tôi
biết về kì nghỉ hè của bạn trong lá thư tới nhé
9. I am looking forward to hearing from you: tôi mong nhận được thư của bạn
10. Write to me soon: sớm viết cho tôi nhé
11. I am going to tell you about my summer vacation: tôi sẽ nói cho bạn biết về kì nghỉ hè
của tôi
12. It is a popular place in Vietnam: đó là một nơi phổ biến ở Việt Nam
13. It is very beautiful and famous: nó rất đẹp và nổi tiếng
14. Here we can go sightseeing, swim in the sea and enjoy seafood: ở đây chúng ta có thể
đi ngắm cảnh, bơi ở biển và ăn hải sản
15. We can contact, relax, or share information: chúng ta có thể liên lac, thư giãn và chia sẻ
thông tin
16. Can you tell me about your summer vacation in the next email?: Hãy nói cho tối biết về
kì nghỉ của bạn trong lá thứ tới nhé
17. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Tôi ong nhận dc thử từ bạn


1. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

You are going to have summer vacation. Write a letter to a foreign friend and tell
Mai Hiên – GV chuyên luyện B1,B2 Vstep - 0975864971

- Where you are going and how you get there

- Why you choose this place
- Who you are going with
- What you are planning to do there

You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to write your name and include your
address in the email. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization,
Vocabulary, and grammar

Dear John,

I am very happy to get your letter. How are you? I wish everything is going well with
you. I am sorry for not writing to you for so long. I have been so busy these days. I
have been working hard for the coming exam.

I am going to tell you about my summer vacation. I am going to Dat lat by air. I choose
this place because it is very beautiful, romantic and famous. Here I can go sightseeing,
go for a walk round XH Lake or visit the valley of love. The weather is nice. The people
are friendly and kind. The food is delicious, healthy, fresh and cheap. I am going with
my family. I am planning to take photos, enjoy local food and climb the hills. I hope to
have a nice holiday.

Can you tell me about your summer vacation in the next letter? I am looking forward
to hearing from you. Write to me soon.


1. I am really interested in the training course you advertised in the last issue of the
Newsweek. (tôi rất quan tâm đến khóa đào tạo mà bạn quảng cáo trong số báo gần đây
nhất của tờ News Week)

2. I am writing this email to ask you for some information about the training course (Tôi
viết lá thư này là để hỏi bạn một vài thông tin về khóa đào tạo)

3. I would like to know about how many students there are in each class? (Tôi muốn biết
có bao nhiêu sinh viên trong mỗi lớp)
Mai Hiên – GV chuyên luyện B1,B2 Vstep - 0975864971

4. Please tell me if the teachers are native speakers? (làm ơn cho tôi biết giáo viên có phải
người bản xứ k?)
5. I would be grateful if you could give me more information about the training course
(tôi sẽ rất biết ơn nếu bạn có thể cho tôi thêm thông tin về khóa đào tạo)

6. If you have any question or information, please contact me at 0975864971 or via

[email protected] (Nếu bạn có bất kì câu hỏi hoặc thông tin gì, hãy liên lạc
với tôi qua số đt 0975864971 hoặc qua email [email protected].

7. Thank you for your letter of May, 1st asking about the training course (cảm ơn bạn về lá
thư dc viết ngày 1/5 hỏi về khóa đào tạo)

You saw an advertisement about the summer language camps in the last issue of Newsweek
and you want to join it. Write an email to them. You want to know

- How large are the groups of students?

- Are the students from different countries?
- Are the teachers native speakers?
- What activities are there in the programme?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am John Smith. I am 20 years old. I am a student from Hanoi University. I major in

languages. I saw an advertisement about the summer language camps in the last issue of
Newsweek and I want to join it. I am writing this email to ask you for some information
about the summer language camps.

I would like to know how large the groups of students are. Please tell me if the students are
from different countries and the teachers are native speakers. Can you tell me what activities
there are in the programme? I would be grateful if you could give me more information
about the summer language camp.

If you have any question or information, please contact me at 0975864971 or via

[email protected].

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Write to me soon.

Best regards.
Mai Hiên – GV chuyên luyện B1,B2 Vstep - 0975864971


- Passage: bài đọc
- Paragraph: đoạn
- Sentence: câu
- Phrase: cụm từ
- Word: từ
- According to: theo như
- Author = writer: tác giả, người viết
- Describe (v): miêu tả
- Replace (v): thay thế
- Refer to: nói tới
- Infer (v): suy ra
- Imply (v): ngụ ý
- Mention (v): đề cập
- Affect (v): ảnh hưởng
- Which of the following: đáp án nào dưới đây
- Have closest in meaning: có nghĩa gần nhất
- Best replace: thay thế tốt nhất
- Best describe: miêu tả đúng nhất
- Best express: diễn tả đúng nhất
- Purpsose (n): mục đích
- Attitude (n): thái độ
- Title (n): tiêu đề
- Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
- EXCEPT: ngoại trừ
- TRUE: đúng
- FALSE: sai
Mai Hiên – GV chuyên luyện B1,B2 Vstep - 0975864971

- Topic (n): chủ đề
- Trend (n) xu hướng
- Problem (n): vấn đề
- Discuss (v): thảo luận
- Advantage (n): ưu điểm, lợi ích
- Benefit (n): lợi ích
- Disadvantage (n): bất lợi
- Drawback (n): hạn chế
- Effect (n): ảnh hưởng (= influence, impact )
- Positive effect : ảnh hưởng tích cực
- Negative effect: ảnh hưởng tiêu cực
- Idea = view = opinion: ý kiến, quan điểm
- Statement = saying: câu nói
- Believe (v): tin tưởng
- Argue (v): tranh luận
- Agree (v): đồng ý
- Disagree (v): không đồng ý
- To what extent, do you agree or disagree …?: Trong chừng mực nào thì bạn đồng ý hay
không đồng ý ..?
- Solution (n): giải pháp
- Play an important role in our life: đóng vai trò quan trọng trong
- Personally: cá nhân tôi mà nói
- We must say that : chúng ta phải nói rằng
- It is the fact that : sự thật là (= it is true that)
- We should not forget that : chúng ta không nên quên rằng
- We cannot deny that: chúng ta không thể phủ nhận rằng
- Interested in: quan tâm, thích
- Popular phổ biến
- On the one hand: ở mặt này
- On the other hand: mặt khác
- However: tuy nhiên
- Reason: lí do
- Beneficial (adj): có lợi
- To sum up: nói tóm lại

Discussion/ opinion
Opinion (đề bài: your view, your opinion, do you think..? what do you think ….? Do you
agree or disagree?.. )
Mai Hiên – GV chuyên luyện B1,B2 Vstep - 0975864971

1. There is a trend that young people tend to live with friends instead of their families.
Is this a positive or negative development?

Write an essay to discuss the effects of this trend

2. Some people say that playing sports is the best way to improve our health. To what
extent, do you agree or disagree with this statement?

3. Watching TV is one of the cheapest source of entertainment for children. Some

people say watching TV is good for children while others believe that it can be
harmful to them.

Write an essay to discuss both advantages and disadvantages of watching TV for


4. Watching TV is one of the cheapest source of entertainment for children. Some

people say watching TV is good for children while others believe that it can be
harmful to them.

Write an essay to discuss both views

5. Watching TV is one of the cheapest source of entertainment for children. Some

people say watching TV is good for children while others believe that it can be
harmful to them.

Write an essay to discuss your view

Đề minh họa
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task
Read the following text from a book about tourism.

Tourism has become one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Millions of
people today are travelling farther and farther throughout the year. Some people argue
that the development of tourism has had negative effects on local communities; others
think that its influences are positive.

Mai Hiên – GV chuyên luyện B1,B2 Vstep - 0975864971

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the effects of tourism on local communities.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.

You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

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