Navotas Polytechnic College

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Navotas Polytechnic College

Bangus Street, Corner Apahap Street, NBBS., Navotas City


Course/Subject : The Contemporary World

Topic : A World of Ideas: Globalization of Religion

Week : Eleven (11)

Activity no. : Eleven (11)

Deadline of Submission : June 04, 2022

Platform : Google Classroom

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

C 1.It is a psychological phenomenon in which the mind responds to a stimulus,

usually an image or sound, by receiving a familiar pattern where none exists.

a. Psychosis c. Pareidolia

b. Schizophrenia d. Social Anxiety Phobia

D 2. He concedes that “society” is the conceptual matrix for understanding religion.

c. Jacques Derrida c. William H. Mott

d. Emile Durkheim d. Niklas Luhman

C 3. is the physical expansion of geographical domain of the global.

e. Internationalization c. Globalization

f. New World Order d. Regionalization

D 4. assumes a diversity forms, expressions, and epitomizes one of the subsystems

of a global society.

g. Global Economy c. Global Religion

h. Global Politics d. Global Education

C 5. He is someone unsure whether God exists or not exists?

i. Atheist c. Agnostic

j. Dubious d. Theist

C 6.This is an enlightened state that is free from desire.

k. Karma c. Nirvana

l. Kamacchanda d. Pali Tipitika

D 7.It is a monotheistic religion founded by their Prophet Muhammad in the seventh

Navotas Polytechnic College

Bangus Street, Corner Apahap Street, NBBS., Navotas City


a. Buddhism c. Christianity

b. Hinduism d. Islam

D 8. He adheres to the idea of the global expansion “mondialatinisation.”

a. Jacques Derrida c. William H. Mott

b. Emile Durkheim d. Niklas Luhman

B 9. It states that one can eliminate suffering by eliminating all attachments from
materials of the world.

c. Dukkha c. Samudaya

d. Nirodha d. Magga

B 10. is a polytheistic religion with over 330 million gods and goddesses and one
supreme and impersonal god known as Brahmin.

a. Buddhism c. Christianity

b. Hinduism d. Islam

III. Directions: Write a poem about Globalization of Religion follow the rubrics below.


Title 4

Neatness 4

Grammar 6

Creativity 6

Content 10


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