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Based on December, 2021 Version-IV
Occupational standard (OS)

March, 2022
Adiss Ababa
The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the labor
market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark and standard
for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and documented –
taking into account international benchmarking – as occupational standards (OS).

In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role
with regard to quality driven comparable TVET-Delivery. The Curricula help to facilitate the
training process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills,
knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational
standards (OS).

This curriculum has been developed by a group of professional experts from different
Regional TVET Bureaus, colleges, Institutes and universities based on the occupational
standard for Hardware and Networking Service Level I.

The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by Ministry
of Labor and Skills.

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
TVET-Program Design
1.1. TVET-Program Title: Hardware and Networking Service Level I

1.2. TVET-Program Description

The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the
trainees to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line
with the occupational standard. The Trainees who successfully completed the Program will
be qualified to work as Hardware and Networking service supporter I with competencies
elaborated in the respective OS. Graduates of the program will have the required qualification
to work in the Economic Infrastructure sector in the field of Hardware and Networking

The prime objective of this training program is to equip the Trainees with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to Connect Hardware
Peripherals, Operate Personal Computer, Protect Application or System Software, Install
Software Application, Develop Computer Keyboard Skill, Create and Use Spreadsheet,
Maintain Equipment and Software Inventory and Documentation, Identify and Use Network
Hand Tools, Access and Use Internet, and Apply 5S Procedures in accordance with the
performance criteria and evidence guide described in the OS.

1.3. TVET-Program Training Outcomes

The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the following
units of competences:
EIS HNS1 01 1221 Connect Hardware Peripherals
EIS HNS1 02 1221 Operate Personal Computer
EIS HNS1 03 1221 Protect Application or System Software
EIS HNS1 04 1221 Install Software Application
EIS HNS1 05 1221 Develop Computer Keyboard Skill
EIS HNS1 06 1221 Create and Use Spreadsheet
EIS HNS1 07 1221 Maintain Equipment and Software Inventory and Documentation
EIS HNS1 08 1221 Identify and Use Network Hand Tools
EIS HNS1 09 1221 Access and Use Internet
EIS HNS1 10 1221 Apply 5S Procedures

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
1.4. Duration of the TVET-Program
The Program will have duration of 420 hours including the on school/ Institution training
and on-the-job practice or cooperative training time. Such cooperative training based on
realities of the industry, nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institution, and other
factors will be considered in the training delivery to ensure that trainees acquire practical and
workplace experience. Unit competency TVET Institution Cooperative Total Remarks

training training hours
Theory Practical
1. Connect Hardware Peripherals 15 18 17 50

2. Operate Personal Computer 24 28 28 80

Protect Application or System 15 18 17 50

4. Install Software Application 9 11 10 30
5. Develop Keyboard Skills 9 11 10 30
6. Create and Use Spreadsheets 15 18 17 50
Maintain Inventories of 6 8 6 20
7. Equipment, Software and
Identify and Use Network Hand 12 14 14 40
9. Access and Use Internet 9 11 10 30
10. Apply 5S Procedures 12 14 14 40

Total hours 130 148 142 420

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
1.5. Qualification Level and Certification
Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification
Framework (NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is Level I.

The trainee can exit after successfully completing the modules in one level and will be
awarded the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. However, only
institutional certificate of training accomplishment will be awarded.

1.6. Target Groups

Any citizen with or without disability who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7
and capable of participating in the training activities is entitled to take part in the Program.

1.7 Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or
directive of the Ministry of Labor and Skills.

1.8 Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical skills.
The mode of delivery is co-operative training. The time spent by the trainees in the real work
place/ industry will give them enough exposure to the actual world of work and enable them
to get hands-on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion, simulation

and actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are exposed to the
industry environment.

Hence based on the nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institutions, and interest
of the industry alternative mode of cooperative training such as apprenticeships, internship
and traineeship will be employed. In addition, in the areas where industry is not sufficiently
available the established production and service centers/learning factories in TVET
institutions will be used as cooperative training places. The Training-Institution and identified
companies have forged an agreement to co-operate with regard to the implementation of this

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
1.9. TVET-Program Structure
Duration (In
Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Training Outcomes
EIS HNS1 01 1221 Connect EIS HNS1 M01 0322 Connecting Hardware  Confirm requirements of client 50
Hardware Peripherals  Obtain required peripherals
Peripherals  Connect hardware peripherals
 Connect workstation to the internet
EIS HNS1 02 1221 Operate Personal EIS HNS1 M02 0322 Operating Personal  Start and Shutdown the computer 80
Computer Computer  Access basic system information
 Navigate and Manipulate desktop
 Organize basic directory/ folder structure
and files
 Organize files for user and/or organization
 Print information
 Operate application software
EIS HNS1 05 1221 Develop EIS HNS1 M03 0322 Developing Computer  Use safe work practices 30
Computer Keyboard Skill  Identify and develop keyboard skills
Keyboard Skill  Check accuracy
EIS HNS1 06 1221 Create and Use EIS HNS1 M04 0322 Creating and Using  Select and prepare resources 50
Spreadsheet Spreadsheet  Create spreadsheets
 Produce simple charts
 Finalize spreadsheets
EIS HNS1 04 1221 Install Software EIS HNS1 M05 0322 Installing Software  Determine software and upgrade 30
Application Application requirements
 Obtain software or software upgrade
 Install or upgrade software
EIS HNS1 03 1221 Protect EIS HNS1 M06 0322 Protecting Application  Ensure user accounts are controlled 50
Application or or System Software  Detect and remove destructive software
System Software  Identify and take action to stop spam

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
EIS HNS1 09 1221 Access and Use EIS HNS1 M07 0322 Accessing and Using  Access internet 30
Internet Internet  Search internet
 Organize and Complete Daily Work
EIS HNS1 08 1221 Identify and Use EIS HNS1 M08 0322 Identifying and Using  Basic network Overview 40
Network Hand Network Hand Tools  Identify and Uses of basic Network hand-
 Work with others
EIS HNS1 07 1221 Maintain EIS HNS1 M09 0322 Maintaining  Document and update inventory 20
Equipment and Equipment and  Store technical documentation
Software Software Inventory
Inventory and and Documentation
EIS HNS1 10 1221 Apply 5S EIS HNS1 M10 0322 Applying 5S  Prepare for work. 40
Procedures Procedures  Sort items.
 Set all items in order.
 Perform shine activities.
 Standardize 5S.
 Sustain 5S.
Total Hours 420

*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
1.10 Institutional Assessment
Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which training outcomes
are achieved. The specific training outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing them,
verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.
The formative assessment is incorporated in the training modules and form part of the
training process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding success
or failure in attaining training outcomes. It identifies the specific training errors that need to
be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the teacher,
formative evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial work more

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term of
institutional Assessment implementation guidelines..

Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or
written test, demonstration and on-site observation.

1.11 TVET Teachers Profile

The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are B Level and above who have
satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Hardware and Network Servicing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Connecting Hardware Peripherals

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This unit defines the competence required to identify and connect
hardware peripherals according to instructions and a workstation or networked computer to the
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Confirm Requirements of the client
LO2. Obtain required peripherals
LO3. Connect hardware peripherals
LO4. Connect workstation to the internet
LO1. Confirm Requirements of the client

1.1 Introduction to Computer

1.1.1 Understand purpose of a computer
1.1.2 Identify Hardware and Software Computer Components
1.1.3 Identify Computer Classifications
1.2 Identifying client peripherals requirements and confirming accordance of
organizational standards
1.3 Documenting client requirements of peripherals and reporting for appropriate
1.4 Verifying client requirements based on organizational standards
1.5 Ensuring vendor warranty and support services
1.5.1 User manual
1.5.2 Written instructions from meetings
1.5.3 Verbal request or help desk
1.5.4 Search engine references

LO2. Obtain required peripherals

2.1. Obtaining peripherals devices

2.2. Entering peripherals into equipment inventory

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
2.3. Validating delivered physical components
2.4. Storing peripherals

LO3. Connect hardware peripheral

3.1 Verifying installation schedule
3.2 Removing and/or Replacing old peripherals
3.3 Connecting and configuring new peripherals
3.4 Testing hardware peripherals

LO 4. Connect workstation to the internet

4.1. Connecting workstations to existed internet connection
4.2. Launching internet browser software and test

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture in  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
 Summarize main points
Demonstratio  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
n  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance  Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
  P  P
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard copy

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Lo1. Confirm requirements of client
 Client peripherals are identified requirements and confirmed in accordance with
organizational standards
 Client requirements and peripherals needed are documented in line with
organizational standards and findings are reported to the appropriate person
 Client requirements are verified with appropriate person in line with organizational
standards and reporting procedures
 Action must be taken to ensure client support expectations are covered by vendor
warranty and support services
Lo2. Obtain required peripherals
 Peripherals are obtained under instruction from appropriate person
 Peripherals are entered into equipment inventory according to organizational
 Validate that contents of delivered components and physical contents match the
packing list and resolve discrepancies, if necessary
 Peripherals are stored according to vendor/manual guidelines
Lo3. Connect hardware peripherals
 Timeframe for installation schedule is verified with the client in accordance with the
organization requirements
 Old peripherals are removed and/or replaced with minimum disruption to clients
taking into account environmental considerations and OHS standards
 New peripherals are connected with minimum disruption to clients and taking into
account the operating system procedures
 The computer is configured to accept the new peripherals
 Hardware peripherals are tested and confirm client satisfaction, particular attention
must be paid to possible impact on other systems and adjustments are made as

Lo4. Connect workstation to the internet

 Workstations are connected to the internet through the existing internet connection
and functionality confirmed
Internet browser software is launched to enable access to the internet and
functionality confirmed.

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Annex: Resource Requirements

Connecting Hardware Peripherals (EIS HNS1 M01 0322)

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended
No. Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM  Prepared by 25 1:1
2. Reference Books

2.1 IT essential: PC Hardware and Cisco Module 5 1:5

2.2 Exploring Computers Kevin Wilson 5 1:5
Windows Edition
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
High speed broad
1. Internet 1 1:25
band, Wifi
2. Library Multipurpose 1
3. Work shop class room with IT 1 1:25
4 White board 1.20 X 1.50m 1 1:25
5 Shelves wood or metal 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank CD CD-RW 25 1:1
2 Stationery marker, printing 1 1:25
paper, printer ink
San disk or
3 Flash disk 25 1:25
similar 4-8GB
converters, splitters
4 Connectors 5 1:5
( SATA to IDE,
USB) splitter
D. Tools and Equipment’s
HDD: 500GB,
1. Computer RAM: 2GB 25 1:1
Speed: 2GHz
American socket
2 Divider 10 1:3
4 Projector LCD 1 1:25

5 Switch 16/24 port 2 1:13

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Hardware and Networking Service Level I

MODULE TITLE: Operating Personal Computer
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competence required to operate a personal
computer, including starting the PC, logging in, using and understanding desktop icons and their
links to underlying programs, navigating a directory structure, saving work, printing, closing
down the PC and working with word processing.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Start and Shutdown the computer
LO2. Access basic system information
LO3. Navigate and Manipulate desktop environment
LO4. Organize basic directory/ folder structure and files
LO5. Organize files for user and/or organization requirements
LO6. Print information
LO7. Operate application software
LO1. Start and Shutdown the Computer
1.1. Checking connected peripheral devices
1.2. Checking appropriate input voltage
1.3. Switching On/Off computer power
LO2. Access Basic System Information
2.1 Creating user account
2.2 Setting user account policy
2.3 Accessing system information
2.4 Using help and support functions
LO3. Navigate and manipulate desktop environment
3.5 Creating and customizing desktop icons
3.6 Selecting, opening, and closing desktop icons
3.7 Manipulating application windows
LO4. Organize basic directory/ folder structure and files

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
4.1 Creating directory
4.2 Identifying directory attributes
4.3 Copying, and moving subdirectories and directories
4.4 Renaming, hiding/showing subdirectories and directories
4.5 Accessing subdirectories and directories
4.6 Creating and opening documents
4.7 Saving, printing and closing documents
LO5. Organize files for user and/or organization requirements
5.1 Using system browsers/search
5.2 Accessing files
5.3 Selecting, opening and renaming files
5.4 Copy/ move files
5.5 Deleting and restoring files
5.6 Erasing and formatting disks
Lo6. Print information
6.1 Installing printers
6.2 Changing default printer
6.3 Printing document/ information
Lo7. Operate application software
7.1 Creating word document
7.2 Changing the Basic Setting of Documents
7.3 Using Mail Merge
7.4 Inserting Tables and Images
7.5 Selecting Basic Documents Print Settings

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture in  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the
audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention computer Lab
 Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the computer Lab trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
 Summarize main points
Demonstratio  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
n  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance  Provide structured training material equipment’s/machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
  P  P
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard copy

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
LO.1 Start and Shutdown the computer
 Peripheral device connections for correct position are checked
 Input voltage for the device based on the OHS standards are checked
 Power at both the power button and computer are switched on
 Save important documents and programs to minimize risk of data loss
 Save any work to be retained and close open application programs
 Shut down computer and switch off any unused peripheral devices

LO.2 Access basic system information

 User name and password are inserted as prompted and noted access, privacy, security
and related conditions of use displayed on introductory screens
 Operating system are navigated to access system information to identify system
configuration and application versions in operation
 Help and support functions are used as required

LO.3 Navigate and Manipulate desktop environment

 Desktop icons are created and customized
 Desktop icons are selected, opened and closed to access application programs
 Application windows are manipulated and desktop returned to original conditions

LO.4 Organize basic directory/ folder structure and files

 Directories and subdirectories are created and named
 Attributes of directories are identified
 Subdirectories between directories are copy and moved
 Directories as required are renamed, Hide/show
 Directories and subdirectories are accessed via different paths

LO.5 Organize files for user and/or organization requirements

 System browser are used to search drives for specific files
 Most commonly used types of files in the directories are accessed
 Groups of files are selected, opened and renamed as required

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
 Files between directories are moved
 Files to disks are copied/backup
 Deleted files are restored as necessary
 Disks are erased and formatted as necessary

LO.6 Print information

 Printers are added if required and ensured to have correct printer settings
 Default printer are changed if appropriate
 Information is printed from an installed printer

LO.7 Operate application software

 Documents and customize basic settings are created to meet page layout conventions
 Document and create tables are formatted
 Images and use mail merge are added
 Basic print settings and print documents are selected

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Annex: Resource Requirements

Operating Personal Computer (EIS HNS1 M02 0322)

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended

No. Specifications Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM prepared by the 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
IT Essentials: PC
Introduction to the Personal Hardware and
2.1 25 1:1
Computer Software Course
Booklet, V 5
Vermaat, Misty
Office 2013
Chapter One: Introduction to
2.2 Introductory. 10 1:2
Learning, p.IT3.
See for
Personal Computer
2.3 information. 10 1:2
All about PC
PDF generated
at: Thu, 17 Jun
2010 10:01:50
Learning Facilities &

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
1. Computer Lab class room with 1 1:25
IT equipment
2. Projector LCD 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. CD CD-R, CD-RW 25 1:1
2 DVD DVD-R/RW 25 1:1
5 Paper A4 size 1 Dosta 1:25
6 Cartridge Black and white 2 1:13
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Printers LaserJet / inkjet 1 1:25
RAM: 2GB and
2 Computers 25 1:1
HDD: 500 GB
and above
MS Office 2007
3 Application Software 25 1:1
and above
Windows 7 and
4 Operating System 25 1:1

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Hardware and Networking Service Level I

MODULE TITLE: Developing Keyboard Skills
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This Module describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to develop basic keyboard skills using touch typing techniques.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Use safe work practices
LO2. Identify and develop keyboard skills
LO3. Check accuracy
LO1. Use safe work practices
1.1. Adjusting Ergonomic Requirements
1.2. OHS requirements for work organization
1.3. Safety procedures for conducting work

LO2. Identify and develop keyboard skills

2.1. Identifying Keyboard functions
2.2. Applying Touch typing technique
2.3. Developing keyboard Speed and accuracy

LO3. Check accuracy

3.1. Identifying and correcting Document errors carefully
3.2. Checking final document accuracy

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture in  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the
audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention computer Lab
 Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the computer Lab trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
 Summarize main points
Demonstratio  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
n  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance  Provide structured training material equipment’s/machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
  P  P
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard copy

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
LO1. Use safe work practices
 Workspace, furniture and equipment are adjusted to suit user ergonomic requirements
 Work organization is ensured to meet organizational and Occupational Health and
Safety (OHS) requirements for computer operation
 Established safety procedures are followed when conducting work

LO2. Identify and develop keyboard skills

 Keyboard functions are identified and applied for both alpha and numeric keyboard
 Touch typing technique is applied to complete a task
 Speed and accuracy are developed in accordance with workplace requirements for
level of responsibility

LO3. Check accuracy

 Document is proofread carefully to identify errors
 Document and correct errors are amended
 A final document accuracy check is completed

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Annex: Resource Requirements

Developing Keyboard Skills (EIS HNS1 M03 0322)

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended

No. Specifications Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
prepared by the
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
Applying your
2.1 - Applying your typing skill 25 1:1
typing skill
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Computer Lab Well-ventilated 1 1:25
2. Projector LCD 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. CD CD-R/RW 50 2:1
2 DVD DVD-R/RW 50 2:1
3 Paper A4 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipment’s
1. Printers LaserJet 1 1:25
RAM: 4GB and
2 Computers 25 1:1
HDD: 500 GB
and above
3 Application Software Mavis beacon 25 1:1
Windows 7 and
4 Operating System 25 1:1

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Hardware and Networking Service Level I
MODULE TITLE: Creating and Use Spreadsheets
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to operate spreadsheet applications and perform basic operations, including
creating and formatting spreadsheet data, incorporating charts and objects, and customizing and
printing Spreadsheet.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Select and prepare resources
LO2. Create spreadsheets
LO3. Produce simple charts
LO4. Finalize spreadsheets
LO1. Select and prepare resources
1.1. Minimizing wastage of energy and resource conservation techniques
1.2. Identifying and clarifying Spreadsheet task requirements

LO2. Create spreadsheets

2.1. Inserting and editing appropriate data
2.2. Adjusting spreadsheet page and cell layout
2.3. Using and testing formula
2.4. Using spreadsheet manual, user documentation and online help

LO3. Produce simple charts

3.1. Selecting and inserting chart type and design
3.2. Modifying chart type and layout formatting features

LO4. Finalize spreadsheets

4.1. Adjusting and printing spreadsheet charts
4.2. Saving spreadsheet

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture in  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the
audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention computer Lab
 Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the computer Lab trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
 Summarize main points
Demonstratio  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
n  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance  Provide structured training material equipment’s/machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
  P  P
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard copy

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
LO1. Select and prepare resources
 Workspace, furniture and equipment are adjusted to suit user ergonomic, work
organization and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
 Energy and resource conservation techniques are used to minimize wastage in
accordance with organizational and statutory requirements
 Spreadsheet task requirements are identified and clarified with relevant personnel as
LO2. Create spreadsheets
 Ensure data is entered, checked and amended in accordance with organizational and
task requirements, to maintain consistency of design and layout
 Spreadsheet is formatted using software functions, to adjust page and cell layout to
meet information requirements, in accordance with organizational style and
presentation requirements
 Ensure formulae are used and tested to confirm output meets task requirements, in
consultation with appropriate personnel as required
 Manuals, user documentation and online help are used to overcome problems with
spread sheet design and production
LO3. Produce simple charts
 Chart type and design that enables valid representation of numerical data are selected
and organizational and task requirements are met
 Chart is created using appropriate data range in the spreadsheet
 Chart type and layout are modified using formatting features
LO4. Finalize spreadsheets
 Spreadsheet and any accompanying charts are previewed, adjusted and printed in
accordance with organizational and task requirements
 Ensure data input meets designated time lines and organizational requirements for
speed and accuracy
 Spreadsheet is named and stored in accordance with organizational requirements and
exit the application without data loss/damage

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Annex: Resource Requirements

Creating and Use Spreadsheets (EIS HNS1 M04 0322)

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended

No. Specifications Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM prepared by the 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
IT Essentials: PC
Introduction to the Personal Hardware and
2.1 25 1:1
Computer Software Course
Booklet, V 5
Vermaat, Misty
Office 2013
Chapter One: Introduction to
2.2 Introductory. 10 1:2
Learning, p.IT3.
See for
Personal Computer
2.3 information. 10 1:2
All about PC
PDF generated
at: Thu, 17 Jun
2010 10:01:50
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Computer Lab 1 1:25

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
2. Projector 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. CD CD-R/RW 25 1:1
2 DVD DVD-RW 25 1:1
5 Paper A4 size 2 Dosta 1:13
6 Cartridge Laser 2 1:13
D. Tools and Equipment’s
1. Printers Laser jet 1 1:25
RAM: 2GB and
2 Computers 25 1:1
HDD: 250 GB
and above
MS Office 2007
3 Application Software 25 1:1
and above
Windows 7 and
4 Operating System 25 1:1

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Hardware and Network Servicing Level I
MODULE TITLE:- Installing Software Application
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competence required to install or
upgrade basic software applications using a commercial applications program.

At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
Lo1. Determine software and upgrade requirements
Lo2. Obtain software or software upgrade
LO3. Install or upgrade software

Lo1. Determine software and upgrade requirements

1.1. Documenting Client requirements

1.2. Reporting client’s requirement

Lo2. Obtain software or software upgrade

2.1. Investigating and selecting application program

2.2. Obtaining application program under instruction

2.3. Determining licensing requirements and record

2.3.1. Type of license

2.3.2. Cost of license

2.3.3. Support provided

2.4. Ensuring minimum hardware and operating system requirement

Lo3. Install or upgrade software

3.1. Installing or upgrading application software

3.2. Completing and testing Installation process
3.3. Paying attention to possible impact on other systems
3.4. Ensuring client requirements in line with the organizational standard

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion room seating seating arrangement to be
 Prepare the lecture in audio/video &  Arrange the class room seating to be
arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
in brail format conducive for eye to eye contact
accessible to trainees users.
 Organize the class room seating  Make sure the luminosity of the light
 Speak loudly  Facilitate and support the
arrangement to be accessible to of class room is kept
trainees who have severe
trainees  Ensure the attention
 Introduce new and relevant impairments on their upper
of the trainees
 Write short notes on the black/white vocabularies limbs to take note
board using large text  Present the lecture in
 Use short and clear sentences  Provide orientation on the
video format
 Make sure the luminosity of the light physical feature of the work
 Give emphasis on visual lecture and
of class room is kept  Ensure the attention shop
ensure the attention of the trainees
of the trainees
 Use normal tone of voice
 Avoid movement during lecture time
 Encourage trainees to record the
 Present the lecture in video format

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
lecture in audio format  Summarize main points

 Provide orientation on the physical

feature of the work shop

 Summarize main points

Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
short method trainees having severe upper
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material
limbs impairment to operate
 Use Video recorded
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees equipment’s/ machines
process of guidance
 Provide structured training  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Ensure the attention
 facilitate the support of peer trainees
 Show clear and short method of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Prepare & use simulation
 Use gesture  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support(if
support (if necessary) necessary
 Provide tutorial support (if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion with group members integration of their peers
 Facilitate the integration of trainees
trainees with group

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
 Conduct close follow up with group members members

 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow
group member up
 Introduce the trainees with other
 Brief the thematic issues of the work group member  Introduce the trainees
with other group

 Inform the group

members to speak

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as an
 Ensure or conform whether the proper  Using sign language option for the trainees
communication was conducted with interpreter if having speech challenges
the trainee through the service of the necessary
sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as an
sentences, multiple choices, True or using short sentences, option to give answer for
 Use interview as an option if necessary
False, matching and short answers multiple choices, true trainees having severe
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing or false, matching upper limb impairment
 Time extension and short answers if  Time extension for
 Assign human reader (if necessary)
necessary. trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment

Demonstr  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ation/Obs large text/Brail based assessment assessment
 Brief on the instruction of the exam
ervation  Brief on the
 Time extension  Conduct close follow up
 Provide activity-based/ practical instruction of the
assessment method exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension
 Time extension

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Assessment criteria
Lo1. Determine software and upgrade requirements

 Client requirements are documented and reported to appropriate person in accordance with
the workplace standard
 Act on instructions to meet client requirements in line with organizational requirements

Lo2. Obtain software or software upgrade

 Application program that best conforms to requirements and organizational policies are
investigated and selected

 Application program under instruction is obtained from appropriate person

 Licensing requirements and record are determined in line with organizational guidelines
 Target computer is ensured to conform with the minimum hardware and operating system
requirements of the application program

Lo3. Install or upgrade software

 New or upgraded software are installed in accordance with appropriate person or

organizational instructions

 Installation process is completed efficiently and effectively with minimal disruption

 Testing and acceptance are carried out in line with corporate guidelines, paying particular
attention to possible impact on other systems

 Ensure client requirements are satisfied in accordance with the organizational standard

 Outstanding client issues are referred to appropriate person as necessary

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Annex: Resource Requirements
Installing Software Application (EIS HNS1 M05 0322)
Item Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No. (Item:
A. Learning Materials
Teacher’s made
 Information sheet
1. TTLM 25 1:1
 Operation Sheet
 PBT materials
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
- 8x12m; equipped with
1 Workshop networked computer, reference 1 1:25
2. Library - Multipurpose 1 1:25
3. Internet broadband /Wireless 1 1:25
4 Shelves - wooden or metal 5 1:5
5 White Board 1.50 X 1.50 1 1:25
6 Cabinet - metal or wood 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1 Blank Disk - CD-R/RW 5 1:5
- Whiteboard marker, printing
2 Stationery paper, printer ink, pen, 1 1:25
sanitizing alcohol
3 Flash disk 8GB 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipment’s
antivirus software , operating
system (w7,w8,w10 or
5 Software 25 1:1
above),recovery software,
Application soft wares.
7 UPS 1000 Volt 5 1:25
8 Divider Power king and advanced if any 10 1:3
9 Multimedia projector - LCD 1 1:25
10 Printer Laser jet and ink jet 1 1:25

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Hardware and Networking Service Level I

MODULE TITLE: Protecting Application or System Software
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competence required to keep application
or system software working effectively. It includes detecting and removing destructive software.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Ensure user accounts are controlled
LO2. Detect and remove destructive software
LO3. Identify and take action to stop spam
LO1. Ensure user accounts are controlled
1.1. User account type/privileges
1.2. Managing user accounts
1.3. Modifying default security policy
1.4. displaying appropriate logon legal notices
1.5. Monitoring emails
1.6. Accessing information service
1.6.1. Identifying security gaps
1.6.2. Taking appropriate actions

LO2. Detect and remove destructive software

2.1 Defining and identifying common types of destructive software
2.2 Accessing virus protection
2.2.1. Selecting anti-virus software
2.2.2. Installing and updating anti-virus software
2.2.3. Describing advance system protection
2.3. Configuring software security setting
2.4. Running and/or scheduling anti-virus software
2.5. Reporting and removing detected destructive software

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Level- I
LO3. Identify and take action to stop spam
3.1 Defining and identifying common types of spam
3.2 Protecting unauthorized spammer
3.3 Configuring and using spam filters
3.4 Reporting and documenting spams
3.4.1 Identifying security threats
3.4.2 Performing recommended action

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video  Arrange the class room seating to room seating room seating
 Organize the class room seating be conducive for eye to eye contact arrangement to be arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the accessible to accessible for
trainees light of class room is kept trainees wheelchairs users.
 Write short notes on the black/white  Introduce new and relevant  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
board using large text vocabularies  Ensure the the trainees who have
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Use short and clear sentences attention of the severe impairments on
of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture trainees their upper limbs to
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the  Present the lecture take note
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees in video format  Provide Orientation on
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the the physical feature of
 Provide Orientation on the physical time attention of the the computer Lab
feature of the computer Lab  Present the lecture in video format trainees
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the process  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
of guidance  Provide structured training material impairment to operate

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention equipment’s/machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Assign peer trainees to
 provide tutorial support (if  Provide tutorial assist
necessary) support (if  Conduct close follow
necessary) up
 Provide tutorial support
(if necessary
Individual  prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
assignment large text  Provide briefing /orientation on the /orientation on the
 Encourage the trainees to prepare and assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard
Computer   
Interview   Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly Use written response as an
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language option for the trainees

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
proper communication was interpreter if having speech challenges
conducted with the trainee through necessary
the service of the sign language
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as an
 Use interview as an option if necessary sentences, multiple choices, True or using short option to give answer
 Prepare the exam in audio format False, matching and short answers sentences, multiple for trainees having
 Assign human reader  Avoid essay writing choices, true or severe upper limb
 (if necessary)  Time extension false, matching and impairment
 Time extension short answers if  Time extension for
necessary. trainees having severe
upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or provide them  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
Observation in large text  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
 Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
LO1: Ensure user accounts are controlled
 Check whether you logon by Administrator or not.
 Modify default user settings to ensure that they conform to security policy
 Previously created user settings are modified to ensure they conform to updated
security policy
 Ensure legal notices displayed at logon are appropriate
 Appropriate utilities are used to check strength of passwords and consider tightening
rules for password complexity
 Emails are monitored to uncover breaches in compliance with legislation
 Information services are accessed to identify security gaps and take appropriate
action using hardware and software or patches
LO2: Detect and remove destructive software
 Common types of destructive software are defined and identified
 Virus protection compatible with the operating system in use are selected and
 Advanced systems of protection are described in order to understand allow/disable
and further options
 Software updates on a regular basis are installed
 Software security settings are configured to prevent destructive software from
infecting computer
 Virus protection software are run and/or scheduled on a regular basis
 Detected destructive software are reported to appropriate person and remove the
destructive software
LO3: Identify and take action to stop spam
 Common types of spam are defined and identified
 Appropriate action is taken in order to protect unauthorized access of spammers
 Spam filters are configured and used
 Spams are reported and documented to identify the security threats and be able to
perform recommended action

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Annex: Resource Requirements

Protecting Application or System Software (EIS HNS1 M06 0322)

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended

No. Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM TTTLM prepared 25 1:1
by the trainer
2. Reference Books
IT Essentials: PC
2.1 Introduction to the Personal Hardware and 25 1:1
Computer Software Course
Booklet, V 5
Vermaat, Misty
E.Microsoft Office
2.2 Chapter One: Introduction to 2013 Introductory. 10 1:2
Cengage Learning,
p.IT3. 2014
See for more
2.3 Personal Computer information. 10 1:2
All about PC
PDF generated at:
Thu, 17 Jun 2010
10:01:50 UTC
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Computer Lab 1 1:25
2. Projector LCD 1 1:25
C. Tools and Equipment’s
1. Printers Laser jet 5 1:5
RAM: 2GB and
2 Computers above 25 1:1
HDD: 250 GB and
3 Application Software MS Office 2007 25 1:1
and above
4 Operating System Windows 7 and 25 1:1
5 Anti-Virus Software Latest version 25 1:1

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Hardware and Network Servicing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Accessing and Using Internet



MODULE DESCRIPTION: this module defines the competence required to access internet and
complete basic web search tasks. It includes finding required information

At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Access internet
LO2. Search internet
LO3. Organize and Complete Daily Work Activities


1.1. Opening internet browser and setting internet options

1.2. Adjusting display/view mode and toolbars

1.3. Accessing data and image from particular site

1.4. Deleting cookies and history of internet browser


2.1. Using search engines
2.2. Saving and presenting search results
2.3. Creating and saving bookmarks
2.4. Modifying page setup options and printing information
2.5. Setting up proxy server in internet browser
2.6. Ethical use of Internet

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
LO3. Organize and Complete Daily Work Activities
3.1. Negotiating and agreeing work goals and plans
3.2. Developing an understanding between teams relationship
3.3. Planning and prioritizing workload
3.4. Completing tasks with in designated time lines.
3.5. Communicating task progress.

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Impaired Trains
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion room seating seating arrangement to be
 Prepare the lecture in Audio/video &  Arrange the class room seating to arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
inBrail format be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
contact trainees
 Organize the class room seating  Facilitate and support the
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
trainees light of class room is kept impairments on their upper
 Ensure the limbs to take note
 Write short notes on the black/white  Introduce new and relevant attention of the
board using large text vocabularies trainees  Provide Orientation on the
physical feature of the work
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Use short and clear sentences  Present the lecture shop
of class room is kept in video format
 Give emphasis on visual lecture
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the  Ensure the
trainees attention of the
 Encourage trainees to record the
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture
 Provide Orientation on the physical
feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points
 Summarize main points

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
short method trainees having severe upper
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material limbs impairment to operate
 Use Video recorded equipment’s/ machines
 Provide special attention in the process  Ensure attention of the trainees material
of guidance  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Provide structured training  Ensure the attention
 facilitate the support of peer trainees of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Show clear and short method
  P
 Prepare & use simulation
 Use gesture rovide tutorial rovide tutorial support
 support
P (if necessary
rovide tutorial support (if necessary)
(if necessary)
  p  U P
Individual repare the assignment questions in se sign language interpreter rovide briefing
assignment large text/Brail  /orientation
P on the
 Encourage the trainees to prepare and rovide briefing /orientation on the assignment
submit the assignment in large assignment  P
texts/Brail  rovide
P visual
rovide visual recorded material recorded material
 Make available recorded assignment
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard


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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as an
sentences, multiple choices, True or using short sentences, option to give answer for
 Use interview as an option if necessary False, matching and short answers multiple choices, trainees having severe
 Avoid essay writing True or False, upper limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension matching and short  Time extension for trainees
answers if necessary. having severe upper limb
 Assign human reader
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstratio  Brief the instruction or provide them in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
n/Observation large text/Brail based assessment assessment
 Brief on the instruction of the exam
 Time extension  Brief on the  Conduct close follow up
 Provide activity-based/ practical instruction of the
assessment method exam  Time extension

 Time extension  Use loud voice

 Time extension

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I

LO1. Access internet

 Internet browser is opened and a home page of personal choice set up by setting internet options

 Display/view modes is adjusted to suit personal requirements

 Toolbar is modified to meet user and browsing needs

 Particular site is accessed and retrieved data

 Images are loaded or not loaded depending on modem speed, computer and browser capabilities

 URL is opened to obtain data and browse link

 Cookies and history of internet browser are deleted as precaution from virus infection

LO2. Search internet

 Search engines are opened and search requirements defined using a range of search parameters

 Search results are saved and presented as a report according to the information required

 Bookmarks are created for required web page and saved in associated bookmark folder

 Page set up options is modified and web page or the required information printed

 Browser is shut down and exited

 OHS and netiquette principles are observed through the process

LO3. Organize and Complete Daily Work Activities

 Work goals and plans are negotiated and agreed with assistance from appropriate persons

 An understanding of the relationship between individual work goals and plans, and
organizational goals and plans is developed

 Workload is planned and prioritized within allocated timeframes

 Tasks are completed within designated time lines and in accordance with organizational
requirements and instructions

 Progress of task is communicated to supervisor or colleagues as required

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Annex: Resource Requirements

Accessing and Using Internet (EIS HNS1 M07 0322)

Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Learner)
Learning Materials
- Teacher’s Made
 Information sheet
TTLM  Operation Sheet 25 1:1
 OBT Materials

CompTIA Network+ all in

Reference Books one exam guide 6th edition 25 1:1
Basics of Networking
Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
- 8x12m; equipped with IT
Lecture Room 1 1:25
equipment and internet
Library - Multipurpose 1 1:25
Shelves - wooden or metal 5
Locker - wooden or metal 2
Cabinet - metal 1
Consumable Materials
- Whiteboard marker,
Stationery printing paper, printer ink 1 1:25

Flash disk San disk or similar 16GB 25 1:1

Tools and Equipment’s

 ZTE 1 1:25
Access point
 Internet Explorer ,
Browser Software 1 1:25
 Mozilla Firefox
UPS  1000 Volt Amper 25 1:1
Core I5, RAM=4GB,
Desktop Computer 25 1:1
Multimedia projector - LCD 1 1:25
- Laser jet printer
Printer 1 1:25
- color printer

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Hardware and Networking Service Level I

MODULE TITLE: Identifying and Using Network Hand Tools
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to use basic network tools to assist in using a network basically.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Basic network Overview
LO2. Identify and Uses of basic Network hand-tools
LO3. Work with others
LO1. Basic network Overview
1.1. Introducing Network
1.2. Identifying Types of Network
1.3. Identifying Forms of Ethernet Cables
1.3.1. Straight Through
1.3.2. Crossover
1.3.3. Rollover
LO2. Identify and Uses of basic Network hand-tools
2.1. Using Network Hand Tools
2.1.1. Identifying Appropriate Network Hand Tools and Power Tools
2.1.2. Function of Network Hand Tools
2.2. Reviewing OHS Hazards and Factors
LO3. Work with others
3.1. Seeking Assistance from Workgroup
3.2. Providing Support to Team Members
3.3. Sharing Relevant Information

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture in  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the
audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention computer Lab
 Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the computer Lab trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
 Summarize main points
Demonstratio  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
n  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance  Provide structured training material equipment’s/machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
  P  P
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard copy

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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Level- I
LO1: Basic network Overview
 General network will be introduced
 Types of networks are identified
 Forms of Ethernet cables are identified
LO2: Identify and Uses of basic Network hand-tools
 Identify appropriate Network hand tools
 Identify appropriate Power tools
 Uses and functions of network hand tools
 Appropriate use of network hand tools
 Review OHS requirements for tool use
LO3: Work with others
 Assistance is sought from workgroup when difficulties arise and addressed through
 Support is provided to team members to ensure workgroup goals are met.
 Information relevant to work is shared with team members to ensure designated goals
are met.

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Annex: Resource Requirements

Identifying and Using Network Hand Tools (EIS HNS1 M08 0322)

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended

No. Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM TTTLM prepared 25 1:1
by the trainer
2. Reference Books
IT Essentials: PC
2.1 Introduction to the Personal Hardware and 25 1:1
Computer Software Course
Booklet, V 5
Vermaat, Misty
E.Microsoft Office
2.2 Chapter One: Introduction to 2013 Introductory. 10 1:2
Cengage Learning,
p.IT3. 2014
See for more
2.3 Personal Computer information. 10 1:2
All about PC
PDF generated at:
Thu, 17 Jun 2010
10:01:50 UTC
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Computer Lab Well equiped 1 1:25
2. Projector LCD 1 1:25
C. Tools and Equipment’s
1. Printers Laser Jet 1 1:25
RAM: 2GB and
2 Computers above
25 1:1
HDD: 250 GB and
3 Application Software MS Office 2007
25 1:1
and above
4 Operating System Windows 7 and
25 1:1
5 Network toolkit Full set 10 1:3

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Hardware and Network Servicing Level I
MODULE TITLE: Maintaining Inventories of Equipment, Software and Documentation
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module defines the competence required to record and store
details of software, hardware and technical documentation.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Document and update inventory
LO2. Store technical documentation
LO1. Document and update inventory

1.1. Inventory concept and principles

1.2.Inventory techniques and procedures

1.3.Maintaining hardware inventory

1.4.. Maintaining licenses and software inventory

1.5.Recording and organizing user documentation or technical manuals

LO2. Store technical documentation

2.1 Storing equipment, software and documents securely
2.2 Accessing technical documents
2.3 Disseminating technical documentation and manuals

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Hardware and Networking Service
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture in  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video

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Level- I
 Summarize main points
Demonstratio  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
n  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance  Provide structured training material equipment’s/ machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
  P  P
rovide tutorial support rovide tutorial rovide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Level- I
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard copy

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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Level- I

Lo1. Document and update inventory

1.1 Hardware inventory is maintained that creates a profile or description of each piece
of equipment

1.2 Software inventory and licenses are maintained and updated, as required,
particularly when upgrading software
1.3 Storage of user documentation or technical manuals are recorded and organized

Lo2. Store technical documentation

2.1 Action is taken to ensure software, hardware and equipment not in use, stored in a
manner as recommended by technical manuals

2.2 Ensure technical documentation is stored securely

2.3 Technical documentation are accessed and disseminated as required by client

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Level- I
Annex: Resource Requirements

Maintaining Inventories of Equipment, Software and Documentation (EIS HNS1 M09 0322)

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended Ratio

No. Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
 Information
1. TTLM  Job sheet 25 1:1
 Operation
 Session plan
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
High speed
1. Internet 1 1:25
broad band, Wifi
2. Library Multipurpose 1 1:25
3. Work shop class room with 1 1:25
IT equipment
4 White board 1.20 X 1.50m 1 1:25
5 shelves wooden or metal 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank CD CD-RW 25 1:1
2 Stationery marker, printing 1 1:25
paper, printer ink
3 San disk or 25 1:25
Flash disk
similar 4-8GB
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Computer Any 25 1:1
2 Divider Any 5 1:5
3 projector LCD 1 1:25

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Level- I

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Hardware and Networking Service Level I

MODULE TITLE: Applying 5S Procedures
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
apply 5S techniques to his/her workplace. It covers responsibility for the day-to-day operations
of the workplace and ensuring that continuous improvements of Kaizen elements are initiated
and institutionalized.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Prepare for work
LO2. Sort items
LO3. Set all items in order
LO4. Perform shine activities
LO5. Standardize 5S
LO6. Sustain 5S
LO1. Prepare for work
1.1. Using Work Instruction
1.2. Reading and Interpreting Job Specifications
1.3. Observing OHS Requirements of Work Needs
1.4. Preparing and Using Tools and Equipment
1.5. Identifying and Checking Safety Equipment and Tools
1.6. Preparing and Using Kaizen Board

LO2. Sort items

2.1. Preparing Sort Activities Plan
2.2. Performing Cleaning Activities
2.3. Identifying Workplace Items and Appropriate Procedures
2.4. Listing Necessary and Unnecessary Items
2.4.1. Using Appropriate Format and Red Tag Strategy for Unnecessary Items

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Level- I
2.4.2. Recording and Quantifying Necessary Items
2.4.3. Reporting and Checking Workplace Necessary Items Performance Results

LO3. Set all items in order

3.1. Preparing order activities plan
3.2. Deciding location/layout, storage and indication methods
3.3. Preparing and using necessary tools and equipment
3.4. Placing and returning items assigned location
3.5. Checking assigned and ordered each item
3.6. Reporting methods and formats for each set in order result

LO4. Perform shine activities

4.1. Preparing shine activities plan
4.2. Preparing and using necessary shine tools and equipment
4.3. Implementing shine activities
4.4. Reporting shining activities performance results

LO5. Standardize 5S
5.1. Preparing and using standard 5s activities plan
5.2. Preparing and implementing standard 5s activities tools and techniques
5.3. Following standard checklists
5.4. Specifying workplace standard and avoiding standard problem

LO6. Sustain 5S
6.1. Preparing and following sustain 5s plan
6.2. Discussing, preparing and implementing sustain 5s tools and techniques
6.3. Inspecting workplace standard and sustain 5s
6.4. Cleaning workplace
6.5. Identifying workplace situations to standard and specifying actions
6.6. Recommending workplace improvement
6.7. Following checklists and avoiding problems of sustain 5s

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video  Arrange the class room seating to room seating room seating
 Organize the class room seating be conducive for eye to eye contact arrangement to be arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the accessible to accessible for
trainees light of class room is kept trainees wheelchairs users.
 Write short notes on the black/white  Introduce new and relevant  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
board using large text vocabularies  Ensure the the trainees who have
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Use short and clear sentences attention of the severe impairments on
of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture trainees their upper limbs to
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the  Present the lecture take note
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees in video format  Provide Orientation on
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the the physical feature of
 Provide Orientation on the physical time attention of the the computer Lab
feature of the computer Lab  Present the lecture in video format trainees
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the process  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
of guidance  Provide structured training material impairment to operate

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Level- I
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention equipment’s/machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Assign peer trainees to
 provide tutorial support (if  Provide tutorial assist
necessary) support (if  Conduct close follow
necessary) up
 Provide tutorial support
(if necessary
Individual  prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
assignment large text  Provide briefing /orientation on the /orientation on the
 Encourage the trainees to prepare and assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard
Interview   Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly Use written response as an
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language option for the trainees
proper communication was interpreter if having speech challenges
conducted with the trainee through necessary
the service of the sign language

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as an
 Use interview as an option if necessary sentences, multiple choices, True or using short option to give answer
 Prepare the exam in audio format False, matching and short answers sentences, multiple for trainees having
 Assign human reader  Avoid essay writing choices, true or severe upper limb
 (if necessary)  Time extension false, matching and impairment
 Time extension short answers if  Time extension for
necessary. trainees having severe
upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or provide them  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
Observation in large text  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
 Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension
Oral    

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
LO1. Prepare for work
 Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including method,
material and equipment.
 Job specifications are read and interpreted following working manual.
 OHS requirements, including dust and fume collection, breathing apparatus and eye
and ear personal protection needs are observed throughout the work.
 Tools and equipment are prepared and used to implement 5S.
 Safety equipment and tools are identified and checked for safe and effective
 Kaizen Board (Visual Management Board) is prepared and used in harmony with
different workplace contexts.

LO2. Sort items

 Plan is prepared to implement sorting activities.
 Cleaning activities are performed.
 All items in the workplace are identified following the appropriate procedures.
 Necessary and unnecessary items are listed using the appropriate format.
 Red tag strategy is used for unnecessary items.
 Unnecessary items are evaluated and placed in an appropriate place other than the
 Necessary items are recorded and quantified using appropriate format.
 Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
 Necessary items are regularly checked in the workplace.

LO3. Set all items in order

 Plan is prepared to implement set in order activities.
 General cleaning activities are performed.
 Location/Layout, storage and indication methods for items are decided.
 Necessary tools and equipment are prepared and used for setting in order activities.
 Items are placed in their assigned locations.
 After use, the items are immediately returned to their assigned locations.

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Level- I
 Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
 Each item is regularly checked in its assigned location and order.

LO4. Perform shine activities

 Plan is prepared to implement shine activities.
 Necessary tools and equipment are prepared and used for shinning activities.
 Shine activity is implemented using appropriate procedures.
 Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
 Regular shining activities are conducted.

LO5. Standardize 5S
 Plan is prepared and used to standardize 5S activities.
 Tools and techniques to standardize 5S are prepared and implemented based on
relevant procedures.
 Checklists are followed for standardize activities and reported to relevant personnel.
 The workplace is kept to the specified standard.
 Problems are avoided by standardizing activities.

LO6. Sustain 5S
 Plan is prepared and followed to sustain 5S activities.
 Tools and techniques to sustain 5S are discussed, prepared and implemented based
on relevant procedures.
 Workplace is inspected regularly for compliance to specified standard and
sustainability of 5S techniques.
 Workplace is cleaned up after completion of job and before commencing next job or
end of shift.
 Situations are identified where compliance to standards is unlikely and actions
specified in procedures are taken.
 Improvements are recommended to lift the level of compliance in the workplace.
 Checklists are followed to sustain activities and report to relevant personnel.
 Problems are avoided by sustaining activities.

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
Annex: Resource Requirements

Applying 5S Procedures (EIS HNS1 M10 0322)

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended

No. Specifications Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM prepared by the 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
IT Essentials: PC
Introduction to the Personal Hardware and
2.1 25 1:1
Computer Software Course
Booklet, V 5
Vermaat, Misty
Office 2013
Chapter One: Introduction to
2.2 Introductory. 10 1:2
Learning, p.IT3.
See for
Personal Computer
2.3 information. 10 1:2
All about PC
PDF generated
at: Thu, 17 Jun
2010 10:01:50
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Computer Lab 1 1:25

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Level- I
2. Projector LCD 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. CD R/RW 25 1:1
2 DVD R/RW 25 1:1
5 Paper A4 size 1 Dosta 1:25
6 Cartridge Black 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipment’s
1. Printers Laser Jet 1 1:25
RAM: 2GB and
2 Computers 25 1:1
HDD: 250 GB
and above
MS Office 2007
3 Application Software 25 1:1
and above
Windows 7 and
4 Operating System 25 1:1
5 Anti-Virus Software Latest 1 1:25

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Level- I
The Ministry of Labor and Skills wishes to thank and appreciation for the trainers who donated
their effort and time to develop this outcome based curriculum for the TVET program Hardware
and Networking Service Level I. We also thank all regional TVET Colleges for active
facilitation of their trainers for the development of this curriculum.

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I
The trainers who developed the curriculum
No Name Qualification Educational Region College Mobile E-mail
background number
1 Mohammed Abrar Shafi MSc Information System Addis Ethiopian 0911062776 [email protected]
Ababa Technical
2 Getenesh Osamo MSc ITM SNNP Hosahna PTC 0923816933 [email protected]
3 Zerihun Abate Duguma MSc ITM Oromiya Sebeta PTC 0911858358 [email protected]
4 Endalew Alemu Ayenew MSc IT Amhara Bahir Dar PTC 0918701460 [email protected]
5 Habtamu Zewdu MSc Information System Addis Misrak PTC 0921685804 [email protected]
G/Tsadik Ababa
6 Alemayehu Tesfaye Arga MSc IT Sidama DPC 0912808069 [email protected]

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Level- I

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