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Technology and

Livelihood Education
Industrial Arts – Module 12:
Recyclable Products/ Waste

CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
TLE – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Industrial Arts – Module 12: Recyclable Products/ Waste Materials
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Gerald V. Samson
Editors and Reviewers: Jeanalyn L. Jamison, Ana Lee C. Bartolo,
Petronilo R. Bartolo, Velly P. Seguisa, Ivy Dalisay
Illustrator: Jofel D. Nolasco
Layout Artists: Jofel D. Nolasco, Ana Lee C. Bartolo, Rynwalter A. Paa
Management Team: Ramir B. Uytico, Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Neri Anne M. Alibuyog, Bernie L. Libo-on
Elena P. Gonzaga, Donald T. Genine
Melgar B. Coronel, Ana Lee C. Bartolo
Jeanalyn L. Jamison

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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Industrial Arts – Module 12:
Recyclable Products/ Waste
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by- step as
you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM. This
will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask
your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson.
At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your
learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will
be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also provided
to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best help
you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of this
SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And read
the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks
in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the skills in recycling waste materials. The scope of this module permits
it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using

This module focuses on the following topics:

a. Different types of waste materials that can be recycle; and

b. Waste materials that are Recyclable.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

a. Identify recyclable products/ waste materials made of wood, metal,

paper, plastic and others. (TLE6IA-0i- 12)

1 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
What I Know

A. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Cellphones, DVD, CD, computers, televisions, electronic toys and

appliances are called .
A. Industrial waste
B. Construction and demolition waste
C. Electronic waste
D. Medical waste

2. Which of the following are commonly called garbage from homes and
commercial establishments?
A. Electronic waste
B. Industrial waste
C. Medical waste
D. Municipal solid waste

3. Which of the following are examples of construction and demolition waste?

A. CD, DVD, cellphones
B. Processed foods, pesticides, cement
C. Needles, syringes, surgical waste
D. Concrete, wood, metals

4. Needles, syringes, radioactive waste are called .

A. Medical waste
B. Solid waste
C. Electronic waste
D. Industrial waste

5. This waste is best described as leftovers from extraction and production

processing of paper, plastic, steel and others.
A. Electronic waste
B. Industrial waste
C. Medical waste
D. Solid waste

2 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
6. It is a process of converting or transforming waste materials into reusable
A. Reducing C. Recycling
B. Reusing D. Refusing

7. What is the importance of identifying recyclable materials from other waste?

A. Gives different kinds of recyclable materials.
B. Creates great file of waste in our barangay.
C. Increases waste disposal of our community.
D. Minimizes the volume of waste materials thrown every day.

8. What will happen if we do not practice recycling?

A. All waste materials will rot away in due time.
B. Surroundings will be cleaner and greener.
C. Recyclable materials will scatter everywhere.
D. We can minimize garbage.

9. Who can practice recycling?

A. Only the professionals.
B. Those who produce more waste.
C. Only those who to sell the product.
D. Everyone who is interested can develop a skill in recycling.

10. What will happen if there is improper waste management in your place or
A. Spread of diseases will be minimized.
B. Flood control will be implemented.
C. Successful environmental protection.
D. Waste and recyclable materials will scatter everywhere.

3 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
Lesson Recyclable Products/ Waste
1 Materials

Proper waste management is encouraged to prevent the harmful effects of

wastes to both human and environment. How can a pupil like you, contribute to
waste management? Perhaps the answer to this is, if you are able to identify
recyclable products and wastes materials.

What’s In

“Are wastes not really a problem?” Of course, every one of us is really having
a hard time disposing our waste at home or in our workplace. It is just good that we
have previously discussed the principles of 5S because it will help us make our home
and workplace become more ideal.

By the way, can you still recall what this 5S stands for? Can you enumerate
the five Japanese words and their English term? Very good if you can. One of the
Principles in 5S is seiri (sort) which means to identify and eliminate unnecessary
item in the workplace. In eliminating them, we may consider those things which are
recyclable and can be made into useful object.

Directions: Choose the principles of 5 “S” inside the box that is best described by
the sentences below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper

Seiri (Sort)
Seiton (Systematize/Set in order)
Seiso (Sweep)
Seiketsu (Standardized)
Shitsuke (Sustain)

1. Instill the habit of cleaning.

2. Identify and eliminate unnecessary items.
3. Put all needed materials in order.
4. Clean the workplace thoroughly after work.
5. Maintain high quality of cleanliness and orderliness.

4 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
Notes to the Teacher
To our beloved teachers,
The words below are defined according to how they are referred to
this module.
Please facilitate and help the pupils understand the meaning of
each word. It is important that pupils understand the words so
that they can comprehend their lessons well.

The words below are defined according to their function in this module. Take
time to familiarize them. It will help you on your journey in this module.

New Words To Learn

a. Recycling – to convert or transform a material into another material

that can be used.

b. Products – refer to different items produce and used.

c. Conservation – planned management of natural resources

- as not to waste the resources.

d. Disposal – getting rid of things that are no longer needed.

e. Variant – different kinds or classes.

f. Reuse – to use again for some or another purpose.

g. Junk – refers to old paper, metal, plastic, wood, glass and tires.

h. Junkshop – a place that buys and sells junk products.

i. Pharmaceutical – relating to medicine production.

5 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
What’s New

Jofel D. Nolasco, waste/garbage, 2019

What do you see in the picture?

Do you regard them as problem? It is necessary to throw them all away?

Problem on waste disposal is an environmental issue. We tend to throw away

things we perceived as waste and wish to never see them again. Some of these
materials are found in streets, dumpsites, landfills, rivers and even on the seashore.

These materials are not waste and can be recycled. Recycling is the process of
turning materials into new, simple and useful products.

Recycling is the best way to conserve energy and solve problem on waste

CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
What is It

What are the different waste materials that can be recycled?

Waste materials include containers and packages made of plastic,

polystyrene, paper, glass, metal, rubbers and others. Some of the wastes do not
decompose but can be recycled.

Different types of waste materials that can be recycled

1. Electronic waste – cartridge, CD, DVD, cellphones, computers, television,

appliances, electronic gadgets and toys.

Illustrations on this page were made

by Jofel D. Nolasco 7 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
2. Industrial waste – leftovers from extractions and production processing in
making paper, steel, cement, processed food, pesticides, pharmaceutical and

3. Construction and demolition waste – concrete, G.I. sheets, woods, metal,

plastic, glass, doors and window.

4. Medical waste – pharmaceutical waste, needles, syringes, radioactive waste and

food waste.

Illustrations on this page were made

by Jofel D. Nolasco 8 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
5. Municipal solid waste – waste commonly called garbage from home and
commercial establishment.

Jofel D. Nolasco, waste/garbage, 2019

6. Other type of waste – wastes found at home which can be converted into
something useful and/or decorative.

Waste materials that are Recyclable

In saving energy and conservation of environment, recycling is the best way. Here
are some of the recyclables that can be found in our surroundings.

Wood waste coming from houses, construction sites, and old furniture can be
processed and introduced as new products. They can be turned into wood tiles,
garden accessories, wooden utensils, chairs, and wooden decorations at home.

Tins and cans as packaging or container of food and drinks are made of metal
and aluminum. They are good materials for recycling. They are even sold to
junkshops where companies of food and drinks buy them to be reused to conserve
energy and other resources.

Old newspaper, old notebooks, old letters, cardboards, junk office papers and
paper packaging are example of paper waste.
These materials can be processed and recycled into something useful and
unique like paper basket, paper-Mache, paper flowers, paper bags and other
decorative paper figures.

CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12

Empty plastic bottles and containers of soft drinks, water, oil, and other
products are great recyclable materials. The plastics are soft and bendable. They can
be cut with scissors and cutters to form them into figures like flowers, animals,
butterflies, and other decorative products. Huge plastic bottles are even made as pots
for flowers and vegetables.

Glass among others is the easiest material to reuse or recycle. Empty bottles
of various products come with different variant, color and sizes. They are best turned
into wall decors, flower vases, and holder of artificial or fresh flowers. Empty wine
glasses add elegance on the wall and cabinets of the house when displayed
Rubbers and tires
Recycling rubbers and tires are discovered recently. Tires of motorcycle and
trucks are made into beautiful animal figures which make our school garden more

What’s More

Activity 1: Understanding the words better

Learning the Skill: Defining a word through scrambled letters
Directions: There are scrambled letters before each item below. Arrange the
scrambled letters to form the correct word. Use the clue words or
sentences provided. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

ueser 1. Using a material again for some other

ductpros 2. Refers to different items produced and
antivar 3. Different kind or class
lasopsid 4. Getting rid of things that no longer
clingercy 5. To convert or transform a material into
new, simple and useful products.

10 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
vationerscon 6. Planned management of resources as
not to waste the resources
punkjosh 7. A place that buys and sells junk
elbadargedoib 8. Materials or wastes that decompose
elbadargedoibnon 9. Materials or waste that do not
kunj 10. Materials that are old and no longer in

Activity 2: Waste I Know

Learning the Skill: Brainstorming
Directions: Below are the different types of waste. List down at least five (5) examples
that belongs/ or under each category. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

A. Electronic waste B. Medical waste

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

Illustrations on this page were made

by Jofel D. Nolasco 11 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
C . Industrial waste D. Municipal solid waste
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Activity 3: Creative Thinking

Learning the Skill: Creating something
Directions: Below are examples of recyclable materials. Give possible items that can
be made from them. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Plastic bottles:
2. Colored wine bottles:
3. Rubbers and tires:
4. Old papers:
5. Tins and cans:

Illustrations on this page were made

by Jofel D. Nolasco 12 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
What I Have Learned

Directions: Recall the facts and write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

How do we classify waste materials?

Waste materials can be classified as and

What are the common waste materials found in our community?

There are many kinds of waste materials in our community such as containers
and packages made of , , , ,
, and others.

What are the other sources of waste materials in our community?

Some sources of waste materials in the community are:

13 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
What I Can Do

Directions: Based on the situation presented below, analyze and write a paragraph
on what you’re going to do on a separate sheet of paper.

Everyday, you go to school and you notice that there are lots of empty plastic
bottles scattering around. You know the possible hazard that they can bring to
human and to the environment.
As a student of your age, what is the best thing that you can do to solve that

14 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. In what group of waste materials do computers, television, electronic toys

and appliances belong to?
A. Industrial
B. Medical
C. Electronic
D. Construction and demolition
2. What do we call the materials or substance which are discarded after primary
A. waste
B. product
C. recyclable
D. construction
3. What is the process of turning waste materials into useful products?
A. Reducing
B. Refusing
C. Extraction
D. Recycling
4. Which of the materials can be recycled into something useful like basket,
flowers, toys and other decorative figures?
A. Paper
B. Plastic
C. Rubber tires
D. Bottles
5. Which of the following are examples of construction and demolition waste?
A. Wood and metals
B. Cellphones and television
C. Surgical waste and needles
D. Cement and processed foods
6. Which of the following are commonly called garbage from homes and from
commercial establishments?
A. Industrial Waste C. Municipal Solid Waste
B. Electronic Waste D. Medical Waste

15 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
7. These are considered as old or discarded material that can be found at home
on in commercial establishments.
A. junks
B. products
C. substance
D. decorative figures

8. What will happen if we practice recycling recyclable waste or products?

A. We can minimize garbage or waste.
B. All waste materials will rot away in due time.
C. Dumpsite will be filled with lots of waste.
D. Recyclable materials will scatter everywhere.

9. What is the importance of identifying recyclable materials from other waste?

A. Helps our local government.
B. Gives households time to collect waste.
C. Knows the volume of waste materials collected.
D. Gives us the opportunity to reduce, reuse and recycle.

10. What will happen if there is improper waste management in your place or
A. Spread of diseases will be minimized.
B. Flood control will be implemented.
C. Successful environmental protection.
D. Waste and recyclable materials will scatter everywhere.

Additional Activities

A. Below are examples of recyclable waste materials found in your community. List
down at least three (3) examples of a new product that can be made from them.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Glass: , ,
2. Wood: , ,
3. Paper: , ,
4. Plastic: , ,
5. Metal: , ,

16 CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12 17
Additional Activities Assessment
Note: 1. C
The teacher will facilitate 2. A
checking. 3. D
Answers may vary.
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. D
What’s More
What I Know What's More Activity 3
1. C Activity 1.1. Note:
2. D 1. Reuse The teacher will facilitate
3. D 2. Products checking.
4. A 3. Variant Answers may vary.
5. B 4. Disposal
6. C 5. Recycling What I have Learned
7. D 6. Conservation 1. Biodegradable
8. C 7. Junkshop Non-biodegradable
2. plastic
9. D 8. Biodegradable polystyrene
10. D 9. Non-biodegradable paper
10. Junk glass
What’s In Activity 2 metal
1.Shitsuke Electronic Waste rubber
Medical Waste 3. Electronic Waste
2.Seire Industrial Waste
3. Seiton Industrial Waste
Municipal Solid Waste
Construction Waste
4. Seiso Medical Waste
5.Seiketsu Municipal Solid Waste
The teacher will facilitate
Answers may vary.
Answer Key
A. Books/References

Department of Education Curriculum Guide 2016, EPP 6, Industrial Arts pages 38 – 41

Department of Education MELCs in EPP/TLE Grade 6 Industrial Arts pages 353 – 354

B. Online Sources

CO_TLE-IA6_ Module12
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

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Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: [email protected] * [email protected]

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