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3 Reece Kershaw (Australian date) 10-6-2022
4 Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police
5 Forwarded via email [email protected]
7 Cc: [email protected] Advisory Committee on Vaccines, Therapeutic Goods Administration
8 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Pharmacovigilance and Special Access Branch, MDP 122
9 [email protected] Committee Support Unit, Therapeutic Goods Administration
10 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Scheduling & Committee Support Section, MDP 122
12 Mr Daniel Andrews Premier [email protected]
13 [email protected]
15 Re: 20220610-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police-
16 Suppl 71-Treasonous G-G, politicians, TGA, etc.
19 Sir,
20 further to my original COMPLAINT of 6 August 2021 I provide a further supplement hereby.
22 Supplement 70 concentrated upon the Ukraine constitution and the failure by the Ukraine NAZI
23 government and its troops to observe legal principles embedded in the Ukraine constitution.
25 As I detailed to some extend in Supplement 70 the Bucha and other crimes committed by the
26 Ukraine NAZI government and its troops were also (wrongly) blamed upon the Russian
27 Federation, and while we are supposed to have ASIO and the Australian Federal Police to
28 investigate war crimes somehow they are in my view grossly incompetent or merely following
29 (like the TGA) “government policy”. As result we had the plundering of our defence forces
30 equipment and also the Consolidated Revenue Funds to provide weapons and funds to the
31 Ukraine NAZI government and the governor-general seemed to me grossly incompetent to take
32 action against the Ministers concern for violating the legal principles embedded in the
33 constitution. After all unless the Governor-General published in the Gazette a declaration of war
34 (specifically naming the RUSSIAN FEDERATION) the Minister(s) had no constitutional
35 authority to get involved in any war mongering, let alone hand over military equipment and
36 monies from Consolidated Revenue Funds.
37 Yet, I understand that the then Leader of the Opposition Mr A. Albanese instead of pursuing the
38 proper application of the legal principles embedded in the constitution sided with the Ministers
39 and their officials to not only condemn the Russian federation, in particular Russian Federation
40 President Vladimir Putin but also I view aided and abetted to expel Russian diplomats and
41 provide weapons and monies to the Ukraine NAZI government. And the Governor-General as
42 the CEO seemingly was incapable to do his job to keep those Ministers within the provisions of
43 the constitution and them failing to do so to withdraw (terminate) the commission that they were
44 provided with.
45 Clearly Mr A. Albanese is part of the problem and lacked the credibility to be subsequently
46 commissioned as a Minister after the alleged federal election. It appears to me that in fact Mr A.
47 Albanese was already plotting to hand over Australia’s sovereignty to the W.H.O., etc.
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2 Any government official can only exercise legal powers for as long as he acts within
3 the confines of the legal principles embedded in the (relevant) constitution.
5 This in my view applies to any government that is required operate within a constitutional
6 framework
9 convince-west-to-send-more-weapons/
10 Fired Ukrainian Official Admits To Pushing Propaganda To Convince West to Send More
11 Weapons
13 Share this:
14 1
15 Share
16 Lyudmila Denisova, a former Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights,
17 has claimed that she “exaggerated” claims of sex crimes allegedly committed by Russian
18 soldiers in order to “convince the world to contribute weapons and pressure” on behalf of
19 Kiev’s leadership. Denisova claimed her exaggerations worked on at least one occasion in
20 an interview published Friday in a Ukrainian outlet:
21 From Sputnik News :
22 “When, for example, I spoke in the Italian parliament at the Committee on
23 International Affairs, I heard and saw such fatigue from Ukraine, you know? I talked
24 about terrible things in order to somehow push them to make the decisions that
25 Ukraine and the Ukrainian people need.” Italy’s Five Star Movement, Denisova
26 claimed, was originally “against the provision of weapons to us, but after [her]
27 speech, one of the party leaders… said that they will support [us], including by the
28 provision of weapons.”
29 Denisova was removed from her post as human rights ombudswoman for spreading
30 misinformation following a no-confidence vote of 234-to-9 by Ukraine’s parliament
31 on May 31. As Newsweek reported in the days that followed, one member of the
32 Ukrainian parliament, Pavlo Frolov, provided a number of reasons why Denisova was
33 removed, including “the numerous details of ‘unnatural sexual offenses’ and child
34 sexual abuses in the occupied territories, which were unsupported by evidence.”
35 Frolov reportedly claimed that such misinformation has “only harmed Ukraine.”
36 But there’s little doubt that Denisova’s penchant for “exaggeration” has harmed
37 Russia as well. Since the beginning of the Russian Federation’s special military
38 operations in Ukraine in February, the disgraced ombudswoman’s dramatized claims
39 have been presented as fact in dozens of mainstream publications,
40 including CNN and the Washington Post.
41 The media was quick to put this woman’s BS claims out but couldn’t care less about
42 correcting the record.
43 Zelensky and his underlings have been lying nonstop about every aspect of the war from
44 the very beginning in an attempt to con the West into World War III. What really makes
45 this story truly noteworthy is that Denisova was actually punished.
46 Remember how Ukrainian MP Lesia Vasylenko shared a photo of a woman journalist
47 Patrick Lancaster reported was tortured in an Azov basement and every media
48 outlet from the New York Post to Newsweek ran with it knowing full well it was a lie?
49 Ukrainian atrocity propaganda literally reinterpreting Azov war crimes as Russian
50 ones; the dead mutilated woman was discovered in an Azov basement in Mar iupol a
51 week ago, those images are swimming all over
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 Telegram.

2 — Anatoly Karlin (🅉,🅉) (@powerfultakes) April 4, 2022
3 Russian soldiers loot, rape and kill. 10 y.o. girls with vaginal and rectal tears. Women
4 with swastika shaped burns. Russia. Russian Men did this. And Russian mothers
5 raised them. A nation of immoral criminals
6 — Lesia Vasylenko (@lesiavasylenko) April 3, 2022
7 Where are those “fact check” boxes Twitter placed on every one of Trump’s tweets now
8 that this crap has been debunked?
9 Vasylenko’s Twitter feed is just an endless string of intentional misinformation and
10 atrocity propaganda interspersed with demands for Western weaponry.
11 Countries that say ‘no’ to weapon transfer to #Ukraine do realize that they are
12 contributing to autocratic regime change in #Europe? And disappearance of an
13 independent country? And human right abuses? #Switzerland sticking to ‘neutrality’
14 is one example
15 — Lesia Vasylenko (@lesiavasylenko) June 2, 2022
16 All those fighter jets in the #jubilee parade should be going to #Ukraine. Actually all
17 countries that have weapons they don’t use should send them to Ukraine. Because the

18 more has, the less likely it is the other countries will need them for anything
19 other than parades
20 — Lesia Vasylenko (@lesiavasylenko) June 2, 2022
21 Rockets are a continued threat to all of the territory of #Ukraine. The country really

22 needs Israel’s iron done air defence system. negotiations on this will come to
23 fruition sooner rather than later
24 — Lesia Vasylenko (@lesiavasylenko) June 8, 2022
25 If Denisova was dismissed for pushing fake atrocity propaganda why is Zelensky still in
26 power? How are his endless lies any different?
30 artillery/5782760?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles
31 Kiev’s Forces Attack Civilians in Donbass Using Long-range Artillery
33 In the last week, the sending of Western heavy artillery to Ukraine, with long-range missile
34 systems, was one of the most commented topics in newspapers around the world. After the
35 announcement by the American government that such equipment would be placed on
36 Ukrainian territory, many experts began to fiercely criticize the measure, considering it a
37 threat of escalation of the conflict. And, as expected by analysts and Russian authorities,
38 weapons immediately began to be used illegally, resulting in new war crimes.
39 In a statement on June 6 the Russian ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, reported that
40 Western long-range weapons in Ukraine have been used in recent days to attack civilian targets
41 in the Donbass.
42 “We have taken note of the intention of the USA and the United Kingdom to supply long-
43 range artillery and multiple launch rocket systems [MLRS] to Ukraine. …I would like to
44 point out that the Kiev regime has already taken this as carte blanche to… intensify the
45 shelling of civilian targets in Donbass, where after a number of recent defeats, the
46 Ukrainian artillery was no longer able to reach”, said the ambassador.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 According to him, therefore, since the long-range weapons were sent to Ukraine, Kiev’s
2 artillery was able to hit certain regions of the Donbass over which they no longer had
3 firepower until some days ago (before the arrival of the new weapons). Precisely in those
4 regions where Ukrainian forces were no longer attacking, civilian life was returning to normal,
5 which is why schools for children were operating again. And, among the targets attacked,
6 according to Russian reports, the main ones would have been schools, with several occurrences
7 of bombings against buildings during working hours in those regions. At least one child died in
8 one of the bombed schools, in addition to an uncertain number of dead and wounded among
9 the adults who were working in the facilities during the attacks.

10 Oversaturation of Ukrainian Forces Escalates Security Crisis

11 Despite the gravity of the situation, this was an expected risk. The biggest fear, however, is
12 that this Ukrainian ambition for new targets will reach the sovereign territory of the Russian
13 Federation. On some previous occasions, civilian targets in Russian space were already
14 attacked by Ukrainian artillery, which was not responded with full force by the Russian troops
15 involved in the operation, as the situation in Ukraine was under control and in a short time
16 Kiev would totally lose its long-range power. But as the West supplies Kiev with new long-
17 range weapons whenever Russia neutralizes that power, the situation is starting to demand
18 more incisive action.

19 Before authorizing the shipment of long-range missile systems to Ukraine, Joe Biden stated
20 that the equipment would under no circumstances be used against Russian territory, but at all
21 times Moscow’s authorities and experts around the world expressed skepticism about that.
22 Now, this distrust only tends to increase, as the Kiev’s forces have already demonstrated that
23 they have not changed their combat perspective, maintaining the strategy of attacking civilian
24 targets and without involvement in the Russian operation, making it predictable that soon
25 Russian citizens will be hit as an attempt to destabilize the troops.
29 spirals-out-control/5782639?pdf=5782639
30 ‘Beacon of Democracy’: Kiev Regime’s Practice of Kidnapping People Spirals Out of Control
32 Ever since the Obama administration orchestrated the 2014 Euromaidan color revolution
33 (US/NATO’s weapon of choice when hijacking entire nations), the mainstream media have
34 been feeding the political West’s populace the narrative of Ukraine being the “freedom and
35 democracy lighthouse in the dictatorial post-Soviet darkness”. However, after the start of
36 Russia’s special military operation more than three months ago, this narrative went into orbit.
37 Still, in order to proclaim a country “the beacon of freedom and democracy”, let alone claim
38 the said country could “teach Americans and the world a thing or two about democracy”,
39 certain standards should be met.
40 One of the first postulates of freedom and democracy should be the freedom of thought, speech
41 and expression. This includes both mass media and individuals. However, one problem with
42 this is that not even the West respects these basic principles, as most alternative sources of
43 information there have been suppressed. Thus, in practice, Ukraine does follow the political
44 West’s definition of “freedom and democracy”.
45 Worse yet, Ukraine goes even further in implementing it. And it does so by physically
46 removing any individual with “dissenting” views and opinions. All one needs to do is
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
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1 disagree with any of the Kiev regime’s decisions, policies or laws and they’re immediately
2 removed. As in, quite literally taken, or more precisely, kidnapped by the regime, in particular
3 its SBU enforcers, in a manner echoing the “best” CIA and NSA practices.
4 In recent months, these practices have escalated out of control. On June 3 the Donetsk
5 People’s Republic Ombudsman Daria Morozova stated that Donetsk People’s Republic
6 services have provided information on mass abductions of people by the special services
7 of Ukraine, primarily the infamous SBU. Ukrainian services carry out illegal mass
8 arrests on ideological grounds. Most disturbingly, this also includes the kidnapping of
9 minors.
10 “With the start of the special operation, ideologically motivated kidnappings not only
11 resumed, but also acquired a massive character,” Morozova commented on the situation
12 in Ukraine. “I received reports of mass abductions, including of minors. At present, I
13 have received a certain number of applications from relatives of those abducted on the
14 territory of Ukraine,” the official stressed.

15 Kiev’s Forces Attack Civilians in Donbass Using Long-range Artillery

16 Morozova described the illegal detention of citizens as “methods of the US and UK.” The
17 abducted are kept in special prisons and are subjected to “illegal methods of
18 interrogation” or more precisely, torture. The ombudsman cited statistics from the Office
19 of the UN High Commissioner – from April 2014 to April 2022, up to 4,000 people were
20 arbitrarily detained by Ukrainian services in connection with the situation in Donbass,
21 with approximately 60% of arrests made without legal grounds.

22 In Kharkov, Ukrainian security services kidnapped the daughter of Vladimir

23 Demchenko, an officer of the DPR People’s Militia. He spoke about this at a briefing on
24 June 3 in Donetsk. The Special Operations Forces (SOF) of Ukraine have already
25 contacted the military and tried to force him to cooperate with them.

26 “I received a message via Telegram: ‘Dad, they took me because of you, tomorrow at 11:00
27 they will get in touch.’ They told me that they represent the special operations forces and
28 added ‘you will talk to us or it will be different from what you want.’ The conversation we had
29 lasted about 21 minutes, during which they tried to persuade me to cooperate,” Demchenko
30 stated.

31 Another instance of the Kiev regime’s view on “freedom and democracy” is the fate of
32 Elena Berezhnaya, the founder and director of the Institute for Legal Policy and Social
33 Protection. For nearly three months, she has been in the dungeons of the SBU.
34 Berezhnaya, one of the most prominent human rights activists in Ukraine was arrested by
35 the SBU on March 16 in her Kiev apartment and thrown into the Lukyanovka pre-trial
36 detention center. As of this writing, there has been no contact with her, and nothing is
37 known about her condition. Berezhnaya has been reporting on the state of human rights
38 in Ukraine since 2014. She provided irrefutable evidence of the atrocities committed by
39 numerous Neo-Nazi groups and their connections with the Kiev regime, including crimes
40 against civilians and violations of the rights of Russian-speaking citizens.
41 Berezhnaya is well known for her report to the German Bundestag, in which serious Kiev
42 regime violations of the European Convention on Human Rights were documented in
43 detail. OSCE also received her reports on justice in Ukraine and the disastrous
44 consequences of reforms and discriminatory laws passed by the Kiev regime. Despite
10-6-2022 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
[email protected] See also
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1 regular and close cooperation with international organizations, they completely ignored
2 the kidnapping and arrest of the Ukrainian human rights activist and did not even try to
3 arrange her release. The SBU accused Berezhnaya of “treason” – a very serious charge
4 used as an excuse for arresting any dissident with supposedly “pro-Russian views.”
6 And
8 During his arrest, Volga was wounded and then tortured during interrogation. He
9 was also denied medical care. The Kononovich brothers from Kiev were
10 also arrested and subjected to severe torture. Mikhail and Alexander Kononovich
11 were the leaders of the Ukrainian Komsomol and their “crime” was the
12 condemnation of the Kiev regime’s attempted ethnic cleansing and armed aggression
13 in Donbass. As of this writing, no information about their fate is available. Neither
14 relatives nor lawyers have been able to contact them.
17 We now have to consider the conduct of the Australia’s Governor-General.
19 No matter how unattractive reading extensively of Hansard records might be it is nevertheless
20 important to get a grasp about some issues.
22 Hansard 2-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
23 Convention)
24 QUOTE Mr. DEAKIN (Victoria).-

25 The record of these debates may fairly be

26 expected to be widely read, and the
27 observations to which I allude might otherwise
28 lead to a certain amount of misconception.
31 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
33 Mr. WISE.-If the Federal Parliament chose to legislate upon, say, the education question-and the
34 Constitution gives it no power to legislate in regard to that question-the Ministers for the time being in each
35 state might say-"We are favorable to this law, because we shall get £100,000 a year, or so much a year, from
36 the Federal Government as a subsidy for our schools," and thus they might wink at a violation of the
37 Constitution, while no one could complain. If this is to be allowed, why should we have these elaborate
38 provisions for the amendment of the Constitution? Why should we not say that the Constitution may
39 be amended in any way that the Ministries of the several colonies may unanimously agree? Why have
40 this provision for a referendum? Why consult the people at all? Why not leave this matter to the
41 Ministers of the day? But the proposal has a more serious aspect, and for that reason only I will ask
42 permission to occupy a few minutes in discussing it.
45 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
47 2 Governor-General
48 A Governor-General appointed by the Queen shall be Her Majesty’s representative in the
49 Commonwealth, and shall have and may exercise in the Commonwealth during the Queen’s
50 pleasure, but subject to this Constitution, such powers and functions of the Queen as Her Majesty
51 may be pleased to assign to him.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
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3 As such, the wording “but subject to this Constitution ” limits the powers of the Governor-
4 General considerably. Like it or not the Governor-General is in service of Her Majesty and
5 cannot exceed any powers Her Majesty granted to him.
8 follow/101127738
9 The federal government has appointed an assistant minister ... - ABC
10 3 days ago ... Australia swore in its first-ever Assistant Minister for the Republic last
11 week, sparking speculation the new Prime Minister might push for ...
14 opportunity-next-for-australia
15 New minister for republic says 'twilight' of Queen's reign chance 'to ...
16 1 June 2022 ... The new prime minister, Anthony Albanese, has spoken at events held by
17 the Australian Republican Movement, telling a 2019 dinner “a modern ...
20 minister-republic
21 Shadow Assistant Minister for the Republic - Australian Government ...
22 23 May 2022 ... Following the 2022 Federal Election outcome an interim Ministry has
23 now been sworn in and the caretaker period has ceased.
26 andbook/current_ministry_list
27 Current Ministry List - Parliament of Australia
28 Current Ministry List ; Prime Minister The Hon Anthony Albanese MP ; Deputy
29 Prime Minister Minister for Defence The Hon Richard Marles MP ; Minister for
30 Foreign ...
33 Here's what the new Assistant Minister for the Republic has planned
34 6 days ago ... The Commonwealth of Australia now has its first-ever
35 Assistant Minister for the Republic in Matt Thistlethwaite. An Australian republic ...
38 time-to-discuss-a-referendum-as-queen-celebrates-platinum-jubilee/news-
39 story/fb0e2febf315cc721d926b01119688a8
40 Australia's first ever minister for a republic declares it's 'time' to ...
41 7 days ago ... Anthony Albanese has appointed Australia's first ever minister for
42 a republic who says it is appropriate to begin discussing a referendum as ...
45 republic/f61028f3-232c-42a5-9150-35fa0078aaff
46 PM's push to ditch the Queen and become a republic - 9Now
47 2 days ago ... In a first for Australia, an assistant minister for the republic has been sworn
48 into Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's cabinet.
51 20220602-p5aqmj.html
52 'Undemocratic': Monarchist fury over republican ministry appointment
53 7 days ago ... Assistant minister Matt Thistlethwaite says the republic is a two-term
54 proposition for Labor. Credit:James Brickwood.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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3 Republicanism in Australia - Wikipedia
4 There has been an Assistant Minister for the Republic since 2022. Australian voters
5 rejected a proposal to establish a republic with a parliamentary ...
7 What is set out below ought to make clear that the Governor-General is limited by the
8 constitution “subject to this constitution” and therefore had no prerogative powers to commission
9 any “Assistant Minister for a Republic” to be sworn in. Neither could the Parliament of the
10 commonwealth of Australia provide any legislation to provide such powers as it is beyond the
11 scope of section 51 & 52 of the constitution, as set out below. Hence, I view the Governor-
12 General acted without any legal powers in violation to constitutional limits and by this no longer
13 can be deemed to be a rightfully commissioned Governor-General.
15 Because the appointment was outside any legal powers then I view this constituted TREASON!
16 To act in violation to the legal principles embedded in the Commonwealth of Australia
17 Constitution Act 1900 (UK) first 8 clauses. As set out below the Framers of the Constitution
18 made it very clear that the constitution (clause 9) could not be used to turn the Commonwealth of
19 Australia into a republic!
21 By the conduct of Mr a Albanese to pursue this republic issue as he did then I view he
22 participated in seeking to overthrow our constitutional system as applicable and cannot be
23 deemed to hold any legitimate commission to be Minister!
25 Scheuer v Thodes, 416 US 232 94S Ct 1683, 1687 (1974) states:
27 “when a state officer (which includes Judges) acts under a state law in a manner violative
28 of the US Constitution, he comes into conflict with the superior authority of that
29 Constitution, and he is in that case stripped of his official or representative character and is
30 subjected in his person to the consequences of his individual conduct.
31 The State has no power to impart to him any immunity from responsibility to the supreme
32 authority of the United States”.
34 I understand that the Governor-General commissioned Mr A Albanese and ordinary within
35 section 64 of the constitution the Governor-General can commission any person for up to 3
36 months but no longer unless the person becomes a Member of Parliament.
38 Mr A Albanese was not commissioned to be leader of a Labor Government, but to be a Minister
39 for the whole of the Commonwealth of Australia. Much alike Mr Edmund Barton was on 1
40 January 1901.
42 Mr Matt Thistlethwaite not even being a Member of Parliament!
45 Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP - Parliament of Australia
46 Member for Kingsford Smith · Seating Plan · Electorate Office · Parliament Office · Connect with Hon Matt
47 Thistlethwaite MP · Alternative URL.
49 As the writs to my understanding are to return on about 26 June 2022 then clearly Mr Matt
50 Thistlethwaite is NOT a Member of Parliament until he is sworn in for the seat. Yet he is now
51 spruiking Labor Party policy and proving not to be a Minister for the whole of the
52 Commonwealth either.
10-6-2022 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
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2 The Governor-General cannot commission a political party, but only a person irrespective of the
3 person’s political affiliation, if any.
5 Where I view Mr Matt Thistlethwaite already has shown to defy the legal principles embedded in
6 the constitution then his commission neither can be deemed valid.
8 One can only exercise constitutional granted powers as long one act within the limits of those
9 powers.
11 While it may be argued that there was a 1999 referendum to become a republic, this too was
12 unconstitutional then and will be now, if one were to be held.
14 If I last week were to be speeding and today a law enforcement officer were to stop me in regard
15 of speeding then I could hardly have a legitimate excuse that I was previously speeding and so it
16 is now lawful to be speeding.
18 The same with the purported 1999 referendum for a republic, it was not within the legal
19 principles embedded in the constitution and neither can be so at any time thereafter within the
20 context of the constitution.
22 It ought to be understood that none of the 128 sections, including section 128 for a referendum
23 can be used but only for part 9 of the constitution act.
25 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
27 Clause 1
28 An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia
29 [9th July 1900]
30 WHEREAS the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania,
31 humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal
32 Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and under
33 the Constitution hereby established:
34 And whereas it is expedient to provide for the admission into the Commonwealth of other
35 Australasian Colonies and possessions of the Queen:
36 Be it therefore enacted by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent
37 of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by
38 the authority of the same, as follows:
39 1 Short title [see Note 1]
40 This Act may be cited as the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.
41 2 Act to extend to the Queen’s successors
42 The provisions of this Act referring to the Queen shall extend to Her Majesty’s heirs and successors
43 in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom.
44 3 Proclamation of Commonwealth [see Note 2]
45 It shall be lawful for the Queen, with the advice of the Privy Council, to declare by proclamation
46 that, on and after a day therein appointed, not being later than one year after the passing of this Act,
47 the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, and also, if
48 Her Majesty is satisfied that the people of Western Australia have agreed thereto, of Western
49 Australia, shall be united in a Federal Commonwealth under the name of the Commonwealth of
50 Australia. But the Queen may, at any time after the proclamation, appoint a Governor-General for
51 the Commonwealth.
52 Clause 4
53 4 Commencement of Act
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
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1 The Commonwealth shall be established, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth shall take
2 effect, on and after the day so appointed. But the Parliaments of the several colonies may at any
3 time after the passing of this Act make any such laws, to come into operation on the day so
4 appointed, as they might have made if the Constitution had taken effect at the passing of this Act.
5 5 Operation of the Constitution and laws [see Note 3]
6 This Act, and all laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth under the Constitution, shall
7 be binding on the courts, judges, and people of every State and of every part of the Commonwealth,
8 notwithstanding anything in the laws of any State;
9 and the laws of the Commonwealth shall be in force on all British ships, the Queen’s ships of war
10 excepted, whose first port of clearance and whose port of destination are in the Commonwealth.
11 6 Definitions
12 The Commonwealth shall mean the Commonwealth of Australia as established under this Act.
13 The States shall mean such of the colonies of New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland,
14 Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, and South Australia, including the northern territory of
15 South Australia, as for the time being are parts of the Commonwealth, and such colonies or
16 territories as may be admitted into or established by the Commonwealth as States; and each of such
17 parts of the Commonwealth shall be called a State.
18 Original States shall mean such States as are parts of the
19 Commonwealth at its establishment.
20 7 Repeal of Federal Council Act [see Note 4]
21 The Federal Council of Australasia Act, 1885, is hereby repealed, but so as not to affect any laws
22 passed by the Federal Council of Australasia and in force at the establishment of the
23 Commonwealth.
24 Clause 8
25 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 9
26 Any such law may be repealed as to any State by the Parliament of the Commonwealth, or as to
27 any colony not being a State by the Parliament thereof.
28 8 Application of Colonial Boundaries Act
29 After the passing of this Act the Colonial Boundaries Act, 1895, shall not apply to any colony
30 which becomes a State of the Commonwealth; but the Commonwealth shall be taken to be a self-
31 governing colony for the purposes of that Act.
32 9 Constitution [see Note 1]
33 The Constitution of the Commonwealth shall be as follows:
34 The Constitution
35 This Constitution is divided as follows:
36 Chapter I—The Parliament
37 Part I—General
38 Part II—The Senate
39 Part III—The House of Representatives
40 Part IV—Both Houses of the Parliament
41 Part V—Powers of the Parliament
42 Chapter II—The Executive Government
43 Chapter III—The Judicature
44 Chapter IV—Finance and Trade
45 Chapter V—The States
46 Chapter VI—New States
47 Chapter VII—Miscellaneous
48 Chapter VIII—Alteration of the Constitution
49 The Schedule
52 It should be understood that section 128 referendum can only apply to “9 Constitution” and not
53 at all to the previous 8 clauses!

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1 (xxxvii) matters referred to the Parliament of the Commonwealth by the Parliament or Parliaments
2 of any State or States, but so that the law shall extend only to States by whose Parliaments the
3 matter is referred, or which afterwards adopt the law;
6 Subsection xxxvii actually only can be achieved by the relevant state(s) obtaining by a state
7 referendum the powers for this as the states constitutional powers are limited to “constitutional”
8 powers and no longer as ‘sovereign” powers.
10 Hansard 6-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
12 The constitution of this federation will not be charged with the duty of resisting privileged classes, for
13 the whole power will be vested in the people themselves. They are the complete legislative power of the
14 whole of these colonies, and they shall be so. From [start page 106] them will rise, first of all, the federal
15 constitution which we are proposing to establish, and in the next place will come the legislative powers of the
16 several colonies. The people will be the authority above and beyond the separate legislatures, and the
17 royal prerogative exercised, in their interest and for their benefit, by the advice of their ministers will be
18 practically vested in them. They will exercise the sovereignty of the states, they will be charged with the
19 full power and dignity of the state, and it is from them that we must seek the giving to each of those bodies
20 that will be in existence concurrently the necessary powers for their proper management and existence. Each
21 assembly, each legislature, whether state or federal existing under this constitution, will be as Dicey
22 again says-a merely subordinate law-making body whose laws will be valid, whilst within the authority
23 conferred upon it by the constitution, but invalid and unconstitutional if they go beyond the limits of
24 such authority.
26 .
27 HANSARD 10-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
28 QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-
29 Then, again, there is the prerogative right to declare war and peace, an adjunct of which it is that the Queen herself, or he r
30 representative, where Her Majesty is not present, holds that prerogative. No one would ever dream of saying that the Queen would
31 declare war or peace without the advice of a responsible Minister.

34 HANSARD 6-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates QUOTE
35 Mr. DEAKIN: We can make an exception in favour of imperial interests. We have no desire to interfere
36 with the imperial prerogative in matters of war and peace!
39 HANSARD 10-03-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
41 Dr. COCKBURN: All our experience hitherto has been under the condition of parliamentary
42 sovereignty. Parliament has been the supreme body. But when we embark on federation we throw
43 parliamentary sovereignty overboard. Parliament is no longer supreme. Our parliaments at present
44 are not only legislative, but constituent bodies. They have not only the power of legislation, but the
45 power of amending their constitutions. That must disappear at once on the abolition of parliamentary
46 sovereignty. No parliament under a federation can be a constituent body; it will cease to have the
47 power of changing its constitution at its own will. Again, instead of parliament being supreme, the
48 parliaments of a federation are coordinate bodies-the main power is split up, instead of being vested in
49 one body. More than all that, there is this difference: When parliamentary sovereignty is dispensed
50 with, instead of there being a high court of parliament, you bring into existence a powerful judiciary
51 which towers above all powers, legislative and executive, and which is the sole arbiter and interpreter
52 of the constitution.
55 French J (before becoming French CJ High Court of Australia) made clear that this section does
56 no more but to grand the Commonwealth to accept reference of legislative powers but the
57 powers of any state to refer any matter to the Commonwealth must be found elsewhere. Because
58 the states no longer were “sovereign” in powers it no longer could interfere with the judicial
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1 powers of the state supreme court. To refer legislative powers to the Commonwealth would
2 effectively remove the state judicial powers from the state supreme court, and that only could be
3 achieved by a state referendum by the state electors to approve this. To my understanding no
4 such state referendum was held let alone approve and hence all purported “reference of
5 legislative powers to the Commonwealth was without constitutional validity.
8 (xxxviii) the exercise within the Commonwealth, at the request or with the concurrence of the
9 Parliaments of all the States directly concerned, of any power which can at the establishment of this
10 Constitution be exercised only by the Parliament of the United Kingdom or by the Federal Council
11 of Australasia
14 This section has been much misinterpreted/misunderstood1
16 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
18 Sir JOHN DOWNER.-We spend time enough in discussing things here, and when every one is agreed that
19 this clause is not to be adopted in the form in which it is printed, but is only to be a power of the Parliament,
20 it is not worth while to discuss the question of whether it is [start page 1665] absolutely necessary to put in
21 the words. Where there is a wide difference of opinion, it would be safer to do it. I agree with Mr. Barton that
22 there is no power, because sub-section (37) of clause 52 reads-

23 Any matters necessary for or incidental to the carrying into execution of the foregoing powers, or of any
24 other powers vested by this Constitution in the Parliament or Executive Government of the Commonwealth,
25 or in any department or officer thereof.
26 I venture to say that these are not necessary or incidental to the execution of any powers. The
27 Commonwealth will come into existence under this Constitution plus English law, one of whose
28 principles is that the Queen can do no wrong. That is the foundation on which the Constitution is
29 established.
32 It should be understood that the term “under this Constitution plus English law” refers to the ordinary
33 British legislative powers in regard of “9 Constitution”. For example, the UK joined the
34 European Union and the European Union laws by this became complimentary applicable to the
35 Commonwealth of Australia. However, it would be absurd to claim that somehow the
36 Commonwealth of Australia could legislate that the British Crown no longer could exist, that the
37 Commonwealth of Australia somehow could interfere with who shall be the next Monarch in the
38 UK (United Kingdom), etc. fancy the Commonwealth of Australia to legislate that Northern
39 Ireland now shall be deemed part of the Commonwealth of Australia. Reality is that subsection
40 51(xxxviii) can only be applied within the clause 9 (“9 Constitution”) and not beyond.
42 As a matter of fact, the Commonwealth of Australia cannot even oust the European Union
43 legislative provisions which complimentary applies to the Commonwealth of Australia unless the
44 Commonwealth of Australia within its legislative powers can legislate contrary to such EU legal
45 provisions.
47 The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) is a British Act and as such
48 considering the decision of Aggregate Industries UK Ltd., R (on the application of) v English
49 Nature and & Anor [2002] EWHC 908 (Admin) (24th April, 2002) and Judgments - Mark
50 (Respondent) v. Mark (Appellant), OPINIONS, OF THE LORDS OF APPEAL for judgment
51 IN THE CAUSE, SESSION 2005-06 [2005] UKHL 42 on appeal from: [2003] EWCA Civ 168
52 It appears that the The European Convention for the protection of Human Rights and
53 Fundamental Freedoms (“the ECHR”) albeit not overriding constitutional law, is
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1 complimentary to British (constitution) law, as the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution

2 Act 1900 (UK) is.
4 Where it was held that the British Parliament having become a party to the European Union than
5 any EU legislation would override the British legal provisions, other than any constitution act.
6 This means that the EU legislation overriding UK legislation would automatically also apply to
7 the Commonwealth of Australia provided it was “complimentary” to the Commonwealth of
8 Australia legislative powers and not in conflict to this.
10 Let us consider an issue.
12 Various nations have joined with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, however
14 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
16 Chapter III—The Judicature
17 71 Judicial power and Courts
18 The judicial power of the Commonwealth shall be vested in a
19 Federal Supreme Court, to be called the High Court of Australia,
20 and in such other federal courts as the Parliament creates, and in
21 such other courts as it invests with federal jurisdiction. The High
22 Court shall consist of a Chief Justice, and so many other Justices,
23 not less than two, as the Parliament prescribes.
26 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
28 75 Original jurisdiction of High Court
29 In all matters:
30 (i) arising under any treaty;
31 (ii) affecting consuls or other representatives of other countries;
32 (iii) in which the Commonwealth, or a person suing or being sued on behalf of the Commonwealth,
33 is a party;
34 (iv) between States, or between residents of different States, or between a State and a resident of
35 another State;
36 (v) in which a writ of Mandamus or prohibition or an injunction is sought against an officer of the
37 Commonwealth;
38 the High Court shall have original jurisdiction.
40 76 Additional original jurisdiction
41 The Parliament may make laws conferring original jurisdiction on the High Court in any matter:
42 (i) arising under this Constitution, or involving its interpretation;
43 (ii) arising under any laws made by the Parliament;
44 (iii) of Admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;
45 (iv) relating to the same subject-matter claimed under the laws of different States.
47 77 Power to define jurisdiction
48 With respect to any of the matters mentioned in the last two sections the Parliament may make
49 laws:
50 (i) defining the jurisdiction of any federal court other than the High Court;
51 (ii) defining the extent to which the jurisdiction of any federal court shall be exclusive of that
52 which belongs to or is invested in the courts of the States;
53 (iii) investing any court of a State with federal jurisdiction.
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2 For the above it must be clear that no matter what the EU may legislate as to the ICC it cannot be
3 applied to the Commonwealth of Australia without first having a referendum held and be
4 approved to strip the High Court of Australia from its original jurisdiction. As the UK has left
5 the EU then past legislative provisions (including human rights provisions) still can be
6 “complimentary” applied to the Commonwealth of Australia, but no further EU legislation.
8 Obviously this clause
11 2 Act to extend to the Queen’s successors
12 The provisions of this Act referring to the Queen shall extend to Her Majesty’s heirs and successors
13 in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom.
16 Neither can be amended by the Commonwealth of Australia as it is not part of “9 Constitution”
18 HANSARD 5-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
20 We have come here to frame a constitution, and the instructions that were given to us, I am happy to
21 say, are very clearly laid down by the hon. member, Mr. Baker, in the book which he was good enough
22 to distribute amongst us. He puts it in this form: That it is desirable there should be a union of the
23 Australian colonies. That is one of the principles that has already been settled by all our parliaments.
24 Second, that such union should be an early one-that is, that we should remove all difficulties in the way in
25 order that the union should take place at as early a date as possible. Third, that it should be under the
26 Crown. Now, I am quite sure that is one of the most important conditions of all with which we have to deal-
27 that the union that is to take place shall be a union under the Crown. Fourth, that it should be under one
28 legislative and executive government. That also is laid down by our various parliaments.
31 HANSARD 6-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
33 Mr. DEAKIN: We can make an exception in favour of imperial interests. We have no desire to interfere
34 with the imperial prerogative in matters of war and peace!
36 .
37 HANSARD 6-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
39 Sir SAMUEL GRIFFITH: At all events, I would ask hon. members to pause before they determine upon
40 asking the Queen to surrender all her prerogatives in Australia. For my part, I believe that all the
41 prerogatives of the Crown exist in the governor-general as far as they relate to Australia. I never
42 entertained any doubt upon the subject at all-that is so far as they can be exercised in the commonwealth.
45 Hansard 9-3-1891 Constitution convention Debates
47 Another case I understood the hon. member, Sir George Grey, to put was that be favoured the
48 appointment of the governor-general of the future dominion of Australia being a colonial
49 appointment. But as long as this country is united to the Crown of England-and I hope that it is a
50 very long day off indeed when it shall cease to be so-I maintain that the governor-general of the
51 future dominion of Australia must be the appointee of her Majesty the Queen, our sovereign, who is
52 the apex of that structure, and whose name we revere and respect in this colony equally as in any
53 other [start page 165] part of her Majesty's dominions.
56 Hansard 12-3-1891 Constitution convention Debates

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1 The governor-general must be the representative of the Queen by direct appointment from her
2 Majesty, and that being the case, the government will be carried on in federated Australia in the way
3 usually adopted now in the different colonies.
6 Hansard 31-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
8 There must be some method, and we suggest that as a reasonable one. With respect to amendments of
9 the constitution, it is proposed that a law to amend the constitution must be passed by an absolute
10 majority of both the senate and the house of representatives; that, if that is done, the proposed
11 amendment must be submitted for the opinion of the people of the states to be expressed in conventions
12 elected for the purpose, and that then if the amendment is approved by a majority of the conventions
13 in the states it shall become law, subject of course to the Queen's power of disallowance. Otherwise the
14 constitution might be amended, and by a few words the commonwealth turned into a republic, which is
15 no part of the scheme proposed by this bill.
18 HANSARD 1-4-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
20 people of the colonies?

21 Sir GEORGE GREY: I am afraid I shall lose my chance of moving an amendment to this clause if I do
22 not do it at this stage. I move:

23 That the words "The Queen may, from time to time, appoint," lines 1 and 2, be omitted with a view to the
24 insertion of the words "There shall be."

25 The intention is that the governor may be elected. I feel that in bringing this subject under the notice of the
26 Convention I am entering upon very delicate and very debatable grounds But I feel that, in point of fact, the
27 future of vast multitudes of persons will depend upon the manner in which this question is dealt with. This is
28 a question of the interests of nearly 4,000,000 persons at the present moment who look to us; and it appears
29 to me extremely inexpedient that the power of appointing the governor-general to rule so vast a confederacy
30 should be left in the hands of any minister of the day in Great Britain. The terms used are "the Queen
31 shall appoint"; but we all know perfectly well that that means that the minister for the time-being shall
32 appoint such person as he pleases, whilst such appointment might be absolutely obnoxious to her
33 Majesty herself. The meaning of the thing is that a friend or any other person chosen by the minister
34 may be appointed without the people of this great confederacy being in any way consulted. I
35 understand that the reason usually alleged for that by persons who support the appointment being
36 made by the Queen is that a social appointment is to be made. That is the term usually applied-it is a
37 social question, and not a political question. I contend that the question is twofold, and those two things
38 cannot be separated. The governor has political functions to exercise and he has social functions to
39 exercise, and in either case I hold that a person so appointed is much less fitted to exercise those
40 functions than a governor-general chosen by the people of the country would be. I do not understand
41 how it can be said that any social ends whatever, or, at all events, of [start page 562] any magnitude,
42 are attained by the appointment of the governor-general by the Crown; but I do hold that social ties
43 and social questions of the strongest possible kind require that the governor-general should be elected
44 by the people of the confederacy. Take the case of a widowed mother, herself well educated, perhaps
45 brought up as a teacher in one of your public schools, and possessing great ability; imagine her with
46 her orphaned children, deprived of a father, night after night teaching those children, with a hope that
47 the highest offices of the state of every kind may be open to them all. Is not that a social question-a
48 social gathering of the highest and noblest kind? And hundreds, I may say thousands, of such social
49 gatherings would be witnessed every night in this great commonwealth, if all the highest offices of state
50 were filled by election by the people. If you follow it out, you will find that in all social relations of the
51 family-fathers, mothers, children, brothers, sisters-this question is intimately concerned as being
52 something which binds the whole family together for common objects, and opens paths of distinction to
53 every one of them, if they prove themselves great and deserving men. Why should you say to all these
54 4,000,000 of people, "No one of you, nor any one of the other millions who are to occupy this country,
55 shall have the slightest chance of ever attaining to an honor of that kind"-that it shall always be open,
56 as it certainly, or almost certainly would be, to distant persons with no claim whatever upon the
57 inhabitants of this country, all of whom would be shut out from so great an opening as that of which I
58 speak? It is more materially necessary that we should consider this point now, and that we should come to a
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1 just decision upon it, because I will show hereafter, as the discussion on the bill proceeds, that in every
2 instance all hope is shut out from the great masses of the colony to succeed to any one of the important posts
3 which under this bill will be open to the people of Australia. I say that, looking to our duty to our
4 Sovereign, we owe it to her to select the worthiest man we know to represent her here-to be certain that
5 the man so chosen is worthy to represent her; and in no other way than by his being chosen by
6 ourselves from people whom we know can we be certain that the worthiest man will be chosen to
7 represent the Queen within the limits of the great confederacy which we are about to constitute.
8 Considering the openings that would be given to every inhabitant of Australasia under such a system
9 as I propose, with so many families, as will necessarily do it, directing their every exertion and effort to
10 raise up children worthy of the great opportunities laid open to them, I ask whether this is not to us a
11 greater social question than a few balls and dinners given at Government House, at which none but
12 those in the immediate vicinity can be present? I ask what comparison is there between these two
13 things-one great and far-reaching, extending to millions, the other a mere sham, as it were,
14 representing what passes in another place, as if one were looking through the wrong end of a telescope
15 at some procession that was going on? All matters connected with Government House are diminished
16 here as compared with Great Britain and the influence exercised there. There it is the influence of an
17 hereditary monarch descended from a long line of ancestors. There it is the influence belonging to
18 certain professions-the army and navy-who look to receiving honor from the hands of such a
19 sovereign. Here there are no ties whatever of that kind; and yet for a mere imaginary show, or what is
20 called the performance of social duties-entertaining strangers and also citizens immediately
21 surrounding the vice-regal court, which are the only benefits that are abso- [start page 563] lutely
22 gained-all those benefits that I speak of are lost. Let us look at it in another way, which is also worthy
23 of our consideration. What is the necessary consequence of having a governor-general of this kind,
24 with an enormous salary, and vast expenditure upon various subjects-a salary more than adequate to
25 the duties to be performed? You will find set down in this bill a salary of £10,000 a year.
28 Hansard 6-4-1891 Constitution Convention Debates

30 Mr. GILLIES: We are not all agreed on the question of the establishment of a republic!
31 Dr. COCKBURN: There is no question of that. We want to establish such a commonwealth as will exist
32 with the least strained relations with the mother country.
35 Hansard 6-4-1897 Constitution convention Debates
37 In the first instance, the power of the Crown itself is nowhere defined, and cannot be defined under this
38 constitution.
41 Hansard 6-4-1897 Constitution convention Debates
43 Sir SAMUEL GRIFFITH: I am trying to get at the ideas which are underlying the argument of hon.
44 gentlemen. I confess I have not got at them yet. The hon. member, Mr. Deakin, talks about the powers
45 exercised by the ministers of the Crown in Great Britain. They do not differ in any respect from the
46 powers exercised by ministers of the Crown in any other country.

47 Dr. COCKBURN: They are much superior to the powers of ministers here!

48 Sir SAMUEL GRIFFITH': Not in the east.

49 Mr. DEAKIN: The powers of our ministers are limited, and theirs are unlimited!
52 HANSARD 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
54 Mr. BARTON.-I did not say that. I say that our real status is as subjects, and that we are all alike
55 subjects of the British Crown.
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3 Hansard 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
5 Dr. QUICK.-If we are to have a citizenship of the Commonwealth higher, more comprehensive, and nobler
6 than that of the states, I would ask why is it not implanted in the Constitution? Mr. Barton was not present
7 when I made my remarks in proposing the clause. I then-anticipated the point he has raised as to the position
8 we occupy as subjects of the British Empire. I took occasion to indicate that in creating a federal
9 citizenship, and in defining the qualifications of that federal citizenship, we were not in any way
10 interfering with our position as subjects of the British Empire. It would be beyond the scope of the
11 Constitution to do that. We might be citizens of a city, citizens of a colony, or citizens of a
12 Commonwealth, but we would still be, subjects of the Queen. I see therefore nothing unconstitutional,
13 nothing contrary to our instincts as British subjects, in proposing to place power in this Constitution to
14 enable the Federal Parliament to deal with the question of federal citizenship.
17 Hansard 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
19 Mr. SYMON ( South Australia ).-
20 In the preamble honorable members will find that what we desire to do is to unite in one indissoluble Federal
21 Commonwealth -that is the political Union-"under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
22 and Ireland , and under the Constitution hereby established." Honorable members will therefore see that the
23 application of the word Commonwealth is to the political Union which is sought to be established. It is not
24 intended there to have any relation whatever to the name of the country or nation which we are going to
25 create under that Union . The second part of the preamble goes on to say that it is expedient to make
26 provision for the admission of other colonies into the Commonwealth. That is, for admission into this
27 political Union, which is not a republic, which is not to be called a dominion, kingdom, or empire, but is
28 to be a Union by the name of "Commonwealth," and I do not propose to interfere with that in the
29 slightest degree.
32 HANSARD 10-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
33 QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-
34 Then, again, there is the prerogative right to declare war and peace, an adjunct of which it is that the Queen herself, or he r
35 representative, where Her Majesty is not present, holds that prerogative. No one would ever dream of saying that the Queen would
36 declare war or peace without the advice of a responsible Minister.

39 Hansard 10-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
41 Mr. DEAKIN (Victoria).-I do not propose to detain the Convention with any reply, except to point out that
42 the contention of Mr. Barton in no respect applies to the matter submitted to the Convention. I agree with him
43 entirely in his constitutional construction of the prerogative, and, indeed, went so far out of my way as to
44 quote Todd to put it beyond all doubt. But what are the facts? It took ten years' fight in Victoria to get the
45 question settled, and we have it on the testimony of Mr. Brunker that a struggle has been waged in New
46 South Wales. Todd furnishes an instance in which a Ministry lost its life in South Africa in this struggle, after
47 a prolonged political conflict. Under the circumstances, it seems desirable there should be no ambiguity. We
48 are not dealing with common law, but with a statutory power, and desire to place these powers beyond all
49 dispute. What I would prefer is not the introduction of the words suggested, but such a definition of the term
50 "Governor-General" as would remove the ambiguity which it appears to me exists. The leader of the
51 Convention has told us that the words "Governor-General" or "Governor-General in Council" have
52 been used by the Drafting Committee according as the prerogative has, or has not, been practically
53 surrendered to Parliament. That is not to be found on the face of the measure, and it is always in these
54 cases open to question whether in any particular instance the prerogative has or has not been
55 abandoned. These doubts might be set at rest if there were a definition clause setting forth the sense in
56 which the term "Governor-General" is used in the Constitution.

57 Mr. BARTON.-The term "Governor-General in Council " when used means the Governor-General
58 in Council with the advice of the Executive.

59 Mr. DEAKIN.-And what does "Governor-General" mean?

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1 Mr. BARTON.-That means the ordinary powers intrusted to the Governor-General by the Queen.

2 Mr. DEAKIN.-And these are to be exercised by him only on the advice of his Ministers?

3 Mr. OCONNOR.-When you only find the term "Governor-General," that means the prerogative.

4 Mr. DEAKIN.-On that prerogative Governors have made claims, which have received some recognition,
5 to exercise more power than they claim when the term "Governor-General in Council" is used. Under clause
6 70, any distinction which exists between different exercises of prerogative powers by our Governors are to be
7 preserved in the Commonwealth, and govern the relations of the Governor-General to each particular [start
8 page 2258] state according to the differing practices which may have existed. The difficulty I have mentioned
9 might be settled by some general provision or definition. On account of the strong feeling which exists in
10 some of the colonies, I propose to press this matter. I do not at all insist on the form of the amendment, but
11 call the attention of the Drafting Committee to the necessity of putting beyond all question the sense in which
12 the term "Governor-General" must be accepted. This prerogative power should be exercised, as practically all
13 other powers now are, on the advice of the Executive, or of one of its members.

14 Mr. OCONNOR (New South Wales).-It appears to me, with all respect, that Mr. Deakin has not quite
15 appreciated the meaning of the section. We do not wish to put the Governor-General here in the
16 position of being any less the Queen's representative than the Governors of the various colonies are at
17 the present time. What is the position of the Governor of each of the colonies at present? By virtue of
18 his office the Governor of each of the colonies is Commander-in Chief of the Forces. The letters patent
19 appointing the Governor constitute him Commander-in-Chief of the Forces, and in England it is
20 pointed out the Queen is Commander-in-Chief of the Forces. The only meaning of that is that the
21 prerogative power of commanding the army is vested in the Queen, or in the representative of the
22 Queen.

23 Dr. COCKBURN.-Has the Queen of England ever claimed the right to settle a question of discipline as a
24 Governor has done here?

25 Mr. OCONNOR.-I will deal with that question later on. The Governor is Commander-in-Chief of the
26 Forces by virtue of his position. But the Governor cannot move a step he cannot obtain possession of a
27 rifle or a cartridge without the consent of his Executive. It is a merely nominal appointment, and the
28 power which he gets nominally he cannot exercise without the means which are supplied by his
29 Executive-by the Governor with the advice of his Executive. That is recognised, not only in the
30 Governor's instructions, but in all the Acts dealing with the regulation of the volunteer forces. For
31 instance, in the very Act in New South Wales which Mr. Brunker referred to, and under which a
32 dispute occurred, the Governor is described as Commander-in-Chief of the Forces as the Queen's
33 representative.

34 Dr. COCKBURN.-Just as he is here.

35 Mr. OCONNOR.-The dispute occurred, not because of any difficulty in recognising that position, but
36 because, in carrying out some executive acts, a question arose in the construction of the Act as to whether the
37 Governor meant the Governor with the advice of his Executive Council. It did not turn on this point at all. I
38 hope I have therefore made it clear that there is a recognition from beginning to end of the fact that the
39 Governors are nominally Commanders of the Forces. I would point out where I think Mr. Deakin has made
40 an error. The power of the Commander-in-Chief under this Constitution cannot be exercised until an Act has
41 been passed by the Commonwealth, because until that is done the Commonwealth cannot engage a soldier,
42 acquire a rifle, or a cartridge, or a uniform, or anything whatever. The Governor is simply Commander-in-
43 Chief, without an army, without weapons. How are they to be obtained? By passing an Act of Parliament,
44 and, in passing that Act, no doubt the Parliament will take very good care that the measure makes it perfectly
45 clear that all the executive acts which are to be carried out with regard to the forces are to be carried out by
46 the Governor with the advice of his Executive Council. So that Parliament will have the matter in its own
47 hands. I think Mr. Deakin has jumped before be came to the stile. It appears to me that no amendment which
48 you can put in this Constitution which simply recognises the position of [start page 2259] the Governor as
49 Commander-in-Chief, as the Queen's representative, will have any effect. If Mr. Deakin wants to move an
50 amendment, let him make it in the Act of Parliament which will authorize the Commonwealth to raise an
51 army, to arm it, and to give it all the material forces of the Commonwealth without which it cannot act. In
52 that Act the Commonwealth would take care to provide that the Governor could not take a step without the
53 advice of the Executive Council.

54 Mr. ISAACS.-If it were contrary to the Constitution that provision would not be of much avail.
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1 Mr. OCONNOR.-I quite agree, with the honorable member, but it would not be contrary to this
2 Constitution.

3 Mr. ISAACS.-That is the whole question.

4 Mr. OCONNOR.-I think it is perfectly plain that it would not be contrary to the Constitution, because in
5 the Constitution the Governor-General is described, as all the Governors in the different colonies are
6 described, simply as Commander-in-Chief; and taking power to raise, clothe, and equip an army by the act of
7 the Governor with the advice of the Executive Council, could not interfere with the position of a Governor as
8 Commander-in-Chief. As Mr. Douglas reminds me, in all the colonies the position of Governor carries with it
9 ex officio the position of Commander-in-Chief. Now, I am anxious that this matter should remain as it is in
10 the Bill, because I think it would be a reflection on this Convention if the words of the amendment were
11 inserted in this clause, because it would mean that we did not really appreciate the distinction between the
12 position of Commander-in-Chief and the position of head of the Executive who had afterwards to deal with
13 the material matters in regard to which the Commander-in-Chief could not take a single step.

14 Mr. SYMON.-Why the Executive Council would have to ride out with the Governor-General as his staff.

15 Mr. OCONNOR.-Of course, they would have to take all the risks of the position. If the Governor-
16 General is Commander-in-Chief, and he has to go out as actual head of the army, I should hope that
17 every member of the Executive would take the position of danger when the hour of danger arrived. I
18 ask honorable members who support this amendment what danger they anticipate?

19 Dr. COCKBURN.-The danger that the Governor might seek to decide all questions of discipline.

20 Mr. SYMON.-Refer them to the men.

21 Mr. OCONNOR.-You must have some one Commander-in-Chief, and, according to all notions of military
22 discipline that we are aware of, the Commander-in-Chief must have control of questions of discipline, or
23 remit them to properly-constituted military courts. Dr. Cockburn has referred to the trial of breaches of
24 military discipline. Well, I should think that one of the most material parts of any Act constituting the forces
25 of the Commonwealth would be to provide for the mode in which these court-martial would be conducted
26 and the Parliament would have abundant power to decide how these matters were to be conducted, and what
27 the particular form of the court was to be. It comes back to the same position as before. The Commander-in-
28 Chief can take any actual step, whether in regard to carrying on the business of war, or deciding
29 questions of discipline. But he has no machinery to act on until Parliament brings all this machinery
30 into force, and the Commonwealth Parliament can do what they like in deciding what powers are to be
31 exercised by the Governor-General with the advice of the Executive Council, and what powers are to
32 be exercised by the Governor-General himself. I hope that Mr. Deakin will recognise that the
33 movements of the army must be controlled by the Executive. This is not a matter of that kind, but simply
34 a provision that the Governor-General of the Commonwealth shall have, ex officio, the [start page 2260]
35 same rights, and nothing more than the rights, that the Governors of all the colonies have in this regard. I
36 hope the clause will be allowed to remain as it is.
39 Again regarding a republic:
40 It would be beyond the scope of the Constitution to do that.
42 The only way to become a REPUBLIC would be by way of revolution. The problem is that the
43 states are created within section 106 of the constitution “subject to this constitution” and
44 therefore if there was a revolution and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900
45 (UK) was disposed of then there neither can be any states existing. It means that there be no
46 government anywhere within Australia.
48 When you get braindead people into government then you hardly can expect some intelligence
49 from them.
51 As I in a NOTICE OF CONSTITUTIONAL MATTER (Still subject to a 4 December 2002
52 court order) formally opposed the citizenship act (CTH) that the Commonwealth of Australia had
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1 no legislative powers in that regard then regardless the Commonwealth Parliament enacting a R
2 different version of a purported Australian Citizenship Act 2007 it still remains ULTRA
5 Our constitution provides that the governor-General is commissioned by the British Crown upon
6 recommendation of the British Home Office. As the framers of the constitution made clear that
7 otherwise the Governor-General should be “ELECTED”BY THE PEOPLE.
8 What we now have is a purported Governor-General neither commissioned by the Monarch upon
9 recommendation of the Home Office or being ‘ELECTED” BY THE PEOPLE.
10 I accept that “ELECTING” a Governor-General is not provided for within the constitution and
11 neither some Governor-General being appointed by some alleged QUEEN OF AUSTRALIA
12 which is a title that appears to be registered by some private business entity, and as such no valid
13 commission for a Governor-General appears to me to exist.
14 It also should be understood that the so called “Australia Act” being the British version or
15 Australia cannot be deemed valid in that it purports to alter certain constitutional
16 applications/meanings that can only be achieved by a s128 referendum (regarding Clause 9
17 Constitution) or where it deals with clauses 1 to and including 8 then by way of constitutional
18 amendment act by the British Parliament.
20 We also have that the governor-general is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) for the
21 Commonwealth of Australia and must disregard any Ministerial advice where he views this is in
22 violation of the legal principles embedded in the constitution, including to declare a war.
23 Yet, we find that where Scott Morrison as Minister and others commenced to engage in war
24 mongering conduct to support the Ukraine NAZI government in continuing its genocide it has
25 been involved in for the last 8 years against Ukraine citizens the Governor-General failed to
26 withdraw the commission of those Ministers involved in this violation of legal principles
27 embedded in the constitution including that the crown (represented by the Governor-General is
28 the one to declare war or peace.
30 Likewise where Scott Morrison as Minister and other Ministers engaged in unconstitutional
31 conduct being involved with the U.N., the W.H.O. and W.E.F. then the Governor-General was
32 bound to have applied s44 of the constitution and withdrawn the commission of any Minister
33 involved in this unconstitutional conduct. Instead the Governor-General in my view blatantly
34 ignored his laid up duties and obligations and by this I view committed TREASON.
36 While politicians may prefer some dummy, puppet-on-a-string to be Governor-General, We the
37 People are entitled to have the legal principles embedded in the constitution to be properly
38 applied. Clearly we have a massive failure by politicians as well as by the Governor-General and
39 as such this is a major issue.
41 The purported secret contracts by the federal government with pharmaceutical companies is but a
42 clear example that we lack a competent Governor-General as no fair minded person can accept
43 that any government can get involved in secret dealing with foreign companies that undermine
44 Australians rights, health and wellbeing. The so called vaccination mandates are a clear example
45 also. The States lack legislative, executives and administrative powers to get involved in any
46 “man-kind” (infectious) disease and yet we had I view TRAITORS not only going along but
47 even aiding and abetting with it. By robbing the Consolidated Revenue Funds, etc.
49 We have politicians and also government officials requesting big tech to prevent publications of
50 those who dispute the government(s) mantra, however it should be clear that constitutionally
51 FREEDOM OF SPEECH, etc, are embedded in the constitution.
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2 There is also the following:
4 Part V—Powers of the Parliament
5 51 Legislative powers of the Parliament [see Notes 10 and 11]
6 The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to
7 make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the
8 Commonwealth with respect to:
10 Again:
12 “for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth”
14 Hansard 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
16 When we consider how vast the importance is that every word of the Constitution should be correct,
17 that every clause should fit into every other clause; when we consider the great amount of time,
18 trouble, and expense it would take to make any alteration, and that, if we have not made our intentions
19 clear, we shall undoubtedly have laid the foundation of lawsuits of a most extensive nature, which will
20 harass the people of United Australia and create dissatisfaction with our work, it must be evident that
21 too much care has not been exercised.
23 .
24 Hansard 8-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
26 Mr. OCONNOR (New South Wales).-The honorable and learned member (Mr. Isaacs) is I think correct
27 in the history of this clause that he has given, and this is [start page 672] one of those instances which should
28 make us very careful of following too slavishly the provisions of the United States Constitution, or any other
29 Constitution. No doubt in putting together the draft of this Bill, those who were responsible for doing so used
30 the material they found in every Constitution before it, and probably they felt that they would be incurring a
31 great deal of responsibility in leaving out provisions which might be in the least degree applicable. But it is
32 for us to consider, looking at the history and reasons for these provisions in the Constitution of the United
33 States, whether they are in any way applicable; and I quite agree with my honorable and learned friend (Mr.
34 Carruthers) that we should be very careful of every word that we put in this Constitution, and that we should
35 have no word in it which we do not see some reason for. Because there can be no question that in time to
36 come, when this Constitution has to be interpreted, every word will be weighed and an interpretation given
37 to it; and by the use now of what I may describe as idle words which we have no use for, we may be giving a
38 direction to the Constitution which none of us now contemplate. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to see that
39 there is some reason for every clause and every word that goes into this Constitution.
42 Is that the sort of conduct we are to receive here because we have freedom of speech and freedom of opinion?
44 Hansard 12-3-1891 Constitution convention Debates
46 It is to be hoped that when such a proposal goes before the home Government some objection will be taken
47 to it. I could understand that in dealing with foreign nations we should put duties upon their goods, and I
48 should expect that we ourselves should be treated by them in the same way; but when the mother country
49 takes all our productions without imposing the slightest duty it seems to me not a very generous proposal
50 that we should raise a barrier against the productions of the mother country and treat her as a foreign nation
51 That is very loyal indeed; in fact I am astonished at the loyalty of this Convention. I am not going to inflict
52 upon the Convention my opinions with respect to loyalty; but when I hear that we are to be deprived of the
53 Governor appointed by the Queen, that we are to abolish the power of veto, and that we are not to treat with
54 the mother country upon fair and equal terms as regards fiscal matters, I am inclined to ask what hon.
55 gentlemen think about their loyalty, and to say that their loyalty is a sham, and nothing else. How was I
56 treated the other day? When walking down Circular Quay, I happened to see some goods that were
57 imported, and some man said to me, "That is the effect of free-trade." I said, "I am a free-trader"; to which
58 he replied, "You ought to be shot down, and I would shoot you down if I had the opportunity. I am a
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1 protectionist." Is that the sort of conduct we are to receive here because we have freedom of speech
2 and freedom of opinion? Are free-traders to be crushed down because-
5 Hansard 5-3-1891 Constitution convention Debates
7 They have believed that they enjoyed freedom [start page 86] under their present constitution second
8 to none in the world. When the
9 question of a second chamber comes to be considered, they will assuredly not be satisfied to possess less
10 freedom. More than this. In framing a federal constitution, we should set out with the explicit claim to
11 possess and exercise all the rights and privileges of citizens of the British empire to the same extent
12 that they are possessed and exercised by our fellow-countrymen in Great Britain itself. Australia is
13 entitled to absolute enfranchisement. In our union we attain political manhood and the stature of a full-
14 grown democracy.
17 Again:
19 “for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth ”
21 This means that the TGA cannot blatantly ignore/disregard this as it is bound to act within these
22 legal principles and not despite of it to suit politicians) government policy) and/or
23 pharmaceutical and other foreign interest. However it appears to me nothing less than
24 TREASON where the TGA has abandoned reasonable conduct and participated if not
25 commenced to violate these legal principles.
26 The TGA cannot act in a manner that is contrary to these legal principles:
28 “for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth ”
30 In my view, it has done so in regard of some I will set out below:
33 01d1c6738932cddb7dcaf9043a15984f355d7aa522cd46b564a&sd=20201124&cid_source=dnl&
34 cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20220609&mid=DM1186806&rid=1514
35 930390
36 Scientism, Not Science, Rules the Roost
39  As technocracy and transhumanism have risen to the fore, they have brought with
40 them their own form of science — “scientism” — which is basically the religion of
41 science. In other words, it’s a belief even in the absence of evidence, or in the face of
42 contrary evidence, and this is a very serious problem

43  The clearest problem with the admonition to “believe the science” is that bona fide
44 experts are found on all sides of any given empirical question

45  The scientific priesthood is intolerant to new ideas while, simultaneously, search

46 engines and digitization of scientific literature have eroded their authority as
47 gatekeepers of knowledge

48  The way things look right now, the gatekeepers to the scientific priesthood don’t
49 seem to have any intention to open its doors to outsiders and independent thinkers. If
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1 anything, they’re trying to massively increase their control over the information
2 we’re allowed to see and share, even to the point of proposing the creation of
3 certifying boards to police physicians’ sharing of medical opinions

4  The idea that a group of people can be the sole arbiters of “truth” is irrational.
5 Individual biases always creep in, and the greater the influence of such a group, the
6 more ingrained and dogmatic those biases will become, until the system is corrupted
7 to the core. One could argue that dogmatic faith in nonexistent scientific consensuses
8 is the reason for why we are where we are today
12 including-you-will-own-nothing-and-be-happy-from-the-internet/
13 WEF Caught Scrubbing More Of Their Globalist Elite Plans, Including ‘You Will Own Nothing and
14 Be Happy’ From The Internet
16 As the WEF explained on its website:
17 [By 2030] all products will have become services. “I don’t own anything. I don’t own
18 a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.” Shopping is a
19 distant memory in the city of 2030, whose inhabitants have cracked clean energy and
20 borrow what they need on demand. It sounds utopian, until she mentions that her
21 every move is tracked and outside the city live swathes of discontents, the ultimate
22 depiction of a society split in two.
26 their-sinister-plan-to-control-citizens-minds-using-sound-waves/
27 Globalist WEF Caught Trying To Scrub All Evidence Of Their Sinister Plan To Control Citizen’s
28 Minds Using Sound Waves
30 Scrubbing details from a website doesn’t mean they change their intentions but merely that there
31 might be too many objections that it was deemed better to remove the details, albeit their
32 intentions may remain the same.
34 For this “MIND CONTROL” was also needed and well ample of publications exist that the so
35 called covid-19 “vaccine” really was to inject every person (albeit not the so called elite) with
36 something to enable mind control.
39 scrutiny/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=9c2f0145-8a41-435d-9771-
40 58ad9acdec2e
41 Secretive Bilderberg Meetings of ‘Spies, War Hawks and World Leaders’ Escape Media
42 Scrutiny
43 More than 100 of the world’s most powerful people last week participated in the secretive
44 Bilderberg Meetings in Washington, D.C. — while the media paid little attention.
46 A secretive meeting of more than 100 of the world’s most powerful people just took place
47 in a Washington, D.C. hotel behind closed doors and under tight security — while few
48 reporters even took note.
49 Bilderberg Meetings attendees — including the director of the CIA, the secretary-general of
50 NATO, European prime ministers, CEOs of pharmaceutical, energy and tech companies
51 (including Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla) — gathered June 2-5 to discuss global issues under an
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1 anonymity agreement.
2 “The participants take part as individuals rather than in any official capacity, and hence are
3 not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions,” the group’s
4 website states.
5 On the agenda of the invitation-only summit were topics including “Disruption of the
6 Global Financial System,” “Disinformation,” “Energy Security and Sustainability,” “Post
7 Pandemic Health” and “Fragmentation of Democratic Societies.”
11 covid-lies-and-massive-censorship/
12 Globalist elites beg for ‘trust’ despite an ‘unending stream’ of COVID lies and ‘massive’
13 censorship
15 But with regard to citizens trusting the “elites,” Malone suggests it would be helpful if
16 there was not such a well-documented track record of those in power issuing so many
17 “lies” over the last couple of years and he provided the following sample of
18 such blatant falsehoods in a May 19 column:

19  SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has a far higher fatality rate than influenza virus by
20 several orders of magnitude.

21  Everyone has a significant risk of death from COVID-19.

22  No one has immunity, because this virus is new (“novel”) and so expedited
23 vaccine development and deployment is essential.

24  Everyone is dangerous and spreads the infection.

25  Asymptomatic people are major drivers of the spread of disease.
26  Locking down- closing schools and businesses, confining people to their homes,
27 stopping non-COVID medical care, and eliminating travel will stop/eliminate the
28 virus.
29  Masks will protect everyone and stop the spread.
30  Immune protection can only be obtained with a vaccine. 

31  Natural immunity conferred by infection and recovery is short lived and inferior
32 to vaccine-induced immunity.
33 The elites Malone identifies as being responsible for these lies include present and
34 former U.S. federal COVID-19 Response officials Drs. Deborah Birx, Anthony Fauci,
35 and Francis Collins.
39 in-every-4000-doses/
40 European data suggest COVID jabs may be fatal for one in every 4,000 doses
41 There is a high rate of excess non-COVID related mortality correlated to vaccination campaigns
42 that needs to be thoroughly investigated.

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1 In fact, if we plot them on the same chart, scaling the U.K. data once again, we can
2 see how similar these datasets really are.

4 The Danish and U.K. figures (once adjusted and scaled) both show a rise from
5 about 1,000 excess deaths at the start of the vaccination campaigns to about 4,000
6 excess deaths now. This is an increase of 3,000 deaths after approximately 12
7 million vaccine doses have been administered i.e., 0.025% or one every 4,000
8 doses.
11 I on Friday 9 June 2022 understood that 91.5FM smooth news claimed that some 8,000+ new
12 infections were recorded and allegedly 22 persons died from “COVID”.
13 What is the meaning died from died from “COVID” that should be questioned, this as the ABS
14 (Australian Bureau of Statistic) does not appear to show such kind of death toll from SARS-
15 CoV-2 at all being realistic. As such, it appears to me that the “22 people died from COVID”
16 really means they died from the so called COVID vaccines but are claimed to be of some
17 COVID disease! The excess deaths recorded in most heavily jabbed countries somehow shows
18 that when the jabs are going up so is the overall death toll!
19 I understand from what TGA John Skerritt state that TGA work with other organisations, such as
20 in the EU (European Union), etc.
22 Ordinary this might be deemed a good conduct but when we consider how the FDA has been
23 involved in deception because of its handling of the Pfizer details and also considering the
24 billions of dollars Pfizer was in various court order to pay such as I understand deceptive
25 conduct, then surely the TGA should have been careful as to any details/information Pfizer and
26 also the FDA provided.
29 2_4503024.html?utm_source=healthnoe&utm_campaign=health-2022-06-
30 07&utm_medium=email&est=5vICC9Pqtr%2FaX1o8a2mUqyDjwqC7u5Tv%2FzHUjuuU4%2F
31 5T4q5c5GeWvWrzfSfdIOQdiIiixUYMh2r4
32 FDA Knew Mass Vaccination Would Cause Spike in COVID Cases

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1 Researchers have confirmed that it’s not the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself damaging the
2 body’s cells, it’s the spike protein. And it does this by binding ACE2, which can lead to
3 mitochondrial damage.
5  COVID cases have risen sharply in nearly every country that has launched a mass
6 vaccination campaign
7  Cambodia began its vaccination campaign in early February 2021 after having
8 compiled zero fatalities; after it started its vaccination program, the deaths started
9 piling up
10  It could be that something in the vaccine itself is killing people
11  Salk researchers confirmed that the main damage from COVID is caused by the
12 spike protein not the virus; if that’s the case, then why are we injecting people with
13 vaccines that teach their cells to make spike proteins
15 And
17 Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409
18 in the vaccination group vs 287 in the placebo group. It is possible that the imbalance
19 in suspected COVID-19 cases occurring in the 7 days post-vaccination represents
20 vaccine reactogenicity with symptoms that overlap with those of COVID-19.
21 Overall though, these data do not raise a concern that protocol-specified reporting of
22 suspected, but unconfirmed COVID-19 cases could have masked clinically significant
23 adverse events that would not have otherwise been detected.”
25 And


28 Chart from Freedom Israel Twitter:

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1 COVID cases have risen sharply in nearly every country that has launched a mass
2 vaccination campaign. (Please watch this short
3 video before You Tube
4 removes it.[1]) Why is this happening?
6 And
10 Definition of Poison: A substance that causes injury, illness, or death, especially by
chemical means.
14 disorder/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=9c2f0145-8a41-435d-9771-58ad9acdec2e
15 COVID Vaccines Linked to New Type of Incurable, Fatal Degenerative Brain Disorder

16 Studies suggest a link between a rapidly progressing, incurable and fatal prion disease known as
17 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and COVID-19 vaccines.


19 Researchers believe the prion region from the original Wuhan COVID-19 variant’s spike protein
20 was incorporated into mRNA vaccines and adenovirus vector vaccines — given to hundreds of
21 millions of humans — and that it can cause a new type of rapidly progressing sporadic CJD.
22 According to Mayo Clinic, CJD is a degenerative brain disorder that leads to dementia and,
23 ultimately, death.
24 Although the Omicron variant does not have a prion region on its spike protein, current COVID-19
25 vaccines still use the genetic material — including the prion region — of the parent Wuhan strain.
26 A French pre-print paper published in May on CJD and COVID-19 vaccination identified a new
27 form of sporadic CJD that occurred within days of receiving a first or second dose of Pfizer or
28 Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
29 Researchers analyzed 26 cases of CJD and found the first symptoms appeared on average 11.38
30 days after injection with a COVID-19 vaccine.

31 Of the 26 cases, 20 had died by the time the study was published and six were still alive.

32 “The 20 deaths occurred only 4.76 months after the injection. Among them, 8 of them lead to a
33 sudden death (2.5 months),” researchers wrote.

34 “This confirms the radically different nature of this new form of CJD, whereas the classic form
35 requires several decades,” wrote the researchers.

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1 Dr. Jean-Claude Perez, lead author of the French study, on June 6 told The Epoch Times that all 26
2 cases resulted in death.
3 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), prion diseases are a family of
4 rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect humans and animals. Prion diseases are
5 usually rapidly progressive and always fatal.
6 Although prions occur naturally in the brain and are usually harmless, they can become diseased or
7 misfolded, affecting nearby prions and causing them to become misshapen.
8 The abnormal folding of the prion proteins “leads to brain damage and the characteristic signs and
9 symptoms of the disease,” the CDC’s website states.
12 I am not aware of the TGA warning about the spike protein, prion issues, etc, when it provided
13 “clinical trials” approval! Why not? Is it that the TGA simply had not bothered to limit the
14 “clinical trial” to a certain number of persons involved as ordinary is applicable but may have
15 been more concerned to advance the benefits of the pharmaceutical companies regardless of any
16 harm to Australians, because the pharmaceutical companies were the once providing monies?
18 Then articles like:
21 Raila Odinga The government is injecting women with a vaccine that causes
22 infertility
24 Are alerting people that this is about “DEPOPULATION” control and not about health issues at
25 all.
28 leaks/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=9c2f0145-8a41-435d-9771-58ad9acdec2e
29 Dangerous Pathogens and Lab Leaks: What Are the Odds?

31 A summary of the reports, which he shared with Undark, is a catalog of mishaps:

32 Researchers have pricked themselves with contaminated needles, dropped plates
33 of monkeypox-infected
34 monkeypox-treatment/ cells and spilled a vial of Rift Valley Fever virus.
38 $9.8 Million Awarded Last Year by Fauci’s Agency to Test Monkeypox Treatment

39 The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, directed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, last
40 year paid $9.8 million to government researchers to test a monkeypox treatment. Some called the
41 timing "curious" given the recent outbreak of the virus.

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1 The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), directed by Dr. Anthony Fauci,
2 last year paid $9.8 million to government researchers to test a monkeypox treatment, the National
3 Pulse reported.
4 According to the National Institutes for Health (NIH), which oversees the NIAID, the research
5 began Sept. 28, 2020 and will conclude Sept. 27, 2025. Its goal is to carry out a “randomized,
6 placebo-controlled trial of the safety and efficacy of tecovirimat for the treatment of patients with
7 monkeypox virus disease.” It is unclear if the grant provided for any payments in 2020.
8 The NIAID awarded the grant to the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, a
9 federally funded research and development center in Frederick, Maryland, supported by the
10 National Cancer Institute.

11 According to the grant abstract:

12 “The similarity between monkeypox and the variola [smallpox] virus, coupled with concerns about
13 the potential of the variola virus as a potential bioterrorism agent, have placed monkeypox
14 treatments at the forefront of public health and scientific research agendas in many countries.”
15 On May 25, SIGA Technologies Inc. announced that it received approval from the U.S. Food and
16 Drug Administration (FDA) for an intravenous formulation of the antiviral tecovirimat
17 (called TPOXX) for the treatment of smallpox.
18 Although smallpox was eradicated in 1980, the treatment was developed in the event
19 smallpox were to be used as a bioweapon.
23 sufferers/
24 Stop the Spread by Not Having Sex, UK Tells Monkeypox Sufferers
26 British officials have told those suffering from monkeypox that they should
27 abstain from sex in the hopes of curbing the spread of the disease.

28 Those showing symptoms of the monkeypox virus should avoid having sex with
29 other people, government experts have advised those suffering from the disease.
31 The advice comes as officials confirm that an additional 71 cases of the rare disease
32 were confirmed in the UK on Monday, with the current outbreak disproportionately
33 affecting the country’s so-called “MSM” population, which stands for “men who
34 have sex with men”.

35 According to the latest guidance agreed upon by all UK nations, those who are
36 confirmed to have the disease should also make sure to use a condom for sex for
37 eight weeks after infection, while so-called “high risk” close contacts of infected
38 individuals have also been told that they should self-isolate for 21 days.
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1 Pregnant women and people who are immunocompromised have also been told that
2 they should avoid caring for someone with the disease if at all possible, with the
3 WHO warningof the danger that the disease can lead to “congenital monkeypox” or
4 stillbirths.

5 Can be Spread by ‘Clothes, Bedding or Sex Toys’: Gay Dating App Grindr Sends
6 Monkeypox Virus Warning to Users
7 — Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 26, 2022
11 censoring-studies-showing-masks-increase-risk-of-death/
12 A Bill Gates-Funded ‘Fact Checker’ Just Got Exposed For Censoring Studies Showing Masks
13 Increase Risk Of Death
15 A Gates-funded “fact checker” has been exposed for pushing their political agenda on
16 America by blocking stories revealing the dangers of wearing masks.
17 In March 2021, far-Left Gabrielle Settles started working for PolitiFact, a Facebook so-
18 called ‘fact-checking’ organization.
19 Settles, however, has no expertise examining or comprehending such data, having done all
20 of her “fact checks” by copying and pasting press releases from Biden’s Centers for
21 Disease Control.
23 And
25 In the first, Natalie Winters reveals how Beny Spira, Associate Professor at the University
26 of São Paulo, published an April 19th 2022 study “analyz[ing] the correlation between
27 mask usage against morbidity and mortality rates in the 2020-2021 winter in Europe.”
28 The data came from 35 European countries, and concluded:
29 “The findings presented in this short communication suggest that countries with high
30 levels of mask compliance did not perform better than those with low mask usage in
31 the six-month period that encompassed the second European wave of COVID -19…”
32 The study also found:
33 “Moreover, the moderate positive correlation between mask usage and deaths in
34 Western Europe also suggests that the universal use of masks may have had harmful
35 unintended consequences…”
36 But Settles found this particular science to be “False” and as a result, the National Pulse
37 story is now being censored on social media. Settles’ source appears to be a singular
38 professor from the corporate-backed Milken Institute for Public Health at George
39 Washington University in Washington, D.C. Her name is Emily Smith.
40 But Smith didn’t even tell Settles that Spira’s study was incorrect. She is quoted as saying:
41 “I think we can just use common sense to say that when cases are rising, people are
42 more likely to do protective things… You’re more likely to wear a mask when you
43 go out and your city or your country might also have made recommendations or
44 requirements to do those things.”
45 In other words, Smith is claiming that the mask usage and deaths is an inverse correlation,
46 though she offers no evidence, nor science, nor refutation of the science offered. Instead,
47 Smith suggests using “common sense” – a phrase oft-derided when used by anti-
48 authoritarian activists at the beginning of the pandemic.
49 Smith, for what it is worth, is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
50 as revealed on her university biography.
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2 What appears to be is that health organisations spurred on by “government policies” are then
3 urging the big tech companies to prevent contrary comment exposing the truth as being
4 “disinformation” and by this I view are actually preventing Australians to provide “informed
5 consent” to be jabbed, this as they are denied to know the truth.
7 from-planes/
8 What Happened After Masks Disappeared From Planes?
10 From the Tom Woods Letter:
11 We all remember Anthony Fauci’s response to the striking down of the transportation (and
12 especially airplane) mask mandate: only “public health” authorities may make these decisions.

13 So what do we do if the geniuses who run our public health establishment do something stupid,
14 or overstep their (imagined) authority?

15 No answer.

16 You will be ruled by public health bureaucrats, and you will like it.

17 Last week Fauci even went so far as to say that the battle over the airplane mask mandate has
18 less to do with masks on planes than it does with who gets to say whether we’re forced to wear
19 masks on planes:

20 “One of the issues that I have articulated in the past, and I will in the future, [is] it’s less about
21 mandates on the plane than it is about who has the right and the authority and the capability of
22 making public health decisions. And I believe that the Department of Justice is operating on
23 the principle that decisions that are public health decisions belong with the public health
24 agency, in this case, the CDC.”

25 As long as we’re on the subject, let’s take a look at the death trends since the mandate was
26 lifted. Remember what a catastrophic health decision this was supposed to have been? The
27 numbers must be through the roof, right? Let’s take a look:

29 I’m sure you’re just shocked at this graph.

30 The great Ian Miller, author of Unmasked, just said that one of his favorite 2022 headlines has
31 been “California extends mask mandate amid record COVID cases,” because it showed not a
32 hint of awareness of what this said about the effectiveness of mask mandates.
33 The main reason they’ve fought against the lifting of mandates is that we’ll see that no
34 catastrophe occurs when the mandates are lifted.
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1 I’ve been saying throughout this fiasco that the parallel between the regime’s “public health”
2 experts and its so-called monetary experts is almost exact.

3 In each case, the alleged experts make bad situations worse, and then expect us to thank them
4 because without them we’re supposed to believe it would have been worse still.

5 In each case, we peons are not entitled to an opinion. Why, the experts have spoken! Now shut
6 up and obey, citizen!
10 preserving-authority/
11 Video: Fauci Openly Admits Biden Mask Mandate Is About Preserving
12 “Authority”
14 Fauci said at the time that more time was needed and that mask mandates should be
15 kept in place. Now he admits it’s not about health concerns, but purely about
16 maintaining power.

17 Speaking with Fox host Neil Cavuto, Fauci said “One of the issues, Neil, that I have
18 articulated in the past and I will in the future – it’s less about mandates on the plane
19 than it is about who has the r ight and the authority and the capability of making
20 public health decisions.”

21 He continued, “I believe that the Department of Justice is operating on the principle

22 that decisions that are public health decisions belong with the public health agency,
23 in this case, the CDC.”

24 “So it’s more of a matter of principle of where the authority lies than it is about
25 whether or not there’s gonna be a mandate on a plane or not,” Fauci declared.
28 When we got those “braindead” Chief Health Officers mandating mask then I view they better be
29 placed in an asylum as they are not promoting health issues but rather want to display authority.
30 After all who can ignore that Premier Daniel Andrews and CHO Brett Sutton were playing
31 political games to refer to “donuts” as to zero infections and zero deaths, while after all this the
32 most recent details I heard was more than 8,000 new infections and 22 deaths. The real problem
33 might be that politicians and those in the health industry are more concerned about what they can
34 get out of providing propaganda to suit the pharmaceutical companies and perhaps a kind of
35 reward for this then about what really is the best to pursue for the health and wellbeing of
36 Australians. If indeed those claimed viruses are spread via aerosol then all these gimmicks used
37 by politicians and health officials certainly were not reducing but rather causing an increase in
38 health problems. If the monies now used to enrich pharmaceutical companies instead had been
39 used to improve public health facilities then we may not only now better off but also in coming
40 decades.
41 If indeed the claimed viruses are an aerosol issue then surely the billions of dollars now wasted
42 could have been used for better health facilities purposes. Cloth mask and other mask are in my
43 view simply not suitable to prevent any claimed virus to cause diseases and as such the real issue
44 ought to have been how can the aerosol issue be appropriately addressed? Perhaps, in nursing
45 and other care homes, and hospitals, provide a better filtering system, etc. social distances cannot
46 be deemed to have worked where one can walk near a person, even if 1.5 metres away, as the
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1 aerosol will spread and so it is a fallacy it works. The same with lockdowns and curfews. After
2 all if there is an aerosol problem then it might be better not to confine a person to a particular
3 area. And imagine if as some scientist appear to claim that domesticated animals are in fact
4 causing certain diseases to be spread amongst the human population then why would they ignore
5 the culling of those animals? It doesn’t mean I recommend culling but merely raise it as an
6 option. If the domesticated or other animals are spreading certain diseases then why not try to
7 address this before it harms humans? So you lock up humans with their animals and may in fact
8 cause more health problems than resolve them.
11 The Impersonator: Eric Feigl-Ding, COVID-19, and an implicit far-left agenda
12 How a nutritionist turned politician became a "COVID-19 expert."
14 If you’re on social media and you follow news related to the coronavirus pandemic,
15 chances are you’ve stumbled upon some panicked pandemic posts coming from a man
16 named Eric Feigl-Ding, a nutritionist and longtime democrat political operative who has
17 succeeded in impersonating a medical professional, and is generating a cult following in
18 the process.

19 With one hysterical tweet after another, Feigl-Ding went from having a small social media
20 following to accumulating a massive army of influence. Feigl-Ding’s consistent elevation
21 of fear and panic, doom and gloom, and his relentless themes of chaos and destruction
22 related to a virus with a 99.8% recovery rate has brought his accounts millions of clicks
23 and views, and hundreds of thousands of new followers.

24 And he did it all without having a clue what he’s talking about.

25 The ‘Charlatan’

26 At the beginning of 2020, Feigl-Ding was an unpaid, visiting scientist in Harvard’s

27 nutrition department. His academic research centered entirely around nutrition, diet, and
28 exercise. If Eric Feigl-Ding was interested in pandemics and the study of viruses, his
29 research and academic credentials did not reflect that.

30 When the coronavirus pandemic began to make waves in the media, everything changed.
31 Feigl-Ding, an aspiring politician, appeared to see an opening to influence the masses and
32 build up his brand.

33 Feigl-Ding’s rise to coronavirus stardom began with this since-deleted tweet falsely
34 describing the coronavirus as “the most virulent virus epidemic the world has ever seen.”

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1 The permanent pandemic

3 Every time I post about this clown, I resolve that it’s the last time. Even beyond his
4 deepening Corona mania and clear signs of mental illness, he’s just such an obvious loser –
5 a mediocrity who spent years on the fringes of his own party as an eccentric back-bencher,
6 known primarily for his fear of salt. He came to prominence very much like Eric Feigl-
7 Ding, as a pseudo-epidemiologist on Twitter, where he relentlessly inflated the risk of
8 SARS-2, denied elementary properties of the human immune system and serially
9 misinterpreted even very simple studies.

10 He’s only worth quoting for two reasons. The lesser of them, is the fact that he’s not-so-
11 subtly helping Moderna with the marketing for their three-in-one combined RSV, Corona
12 and influenza vaccine, which is now in development. Henceforth, the Virus That We Have
13 To Fear In The Fall will always be whatever virus the pharmaecutical companies are
14 hoping to vaccinate against.

15 The greater point here, though, is that his remarks reveal the total circularity of pandemic
16 management. The problem now is that our measures have caused a population-wide
17 immunity deficit, for which there is no solution but a continuation of measures. We are so
18 far into this farce, that even Lauterbach can proclaim publicly that restrictions have
19 become their own cause, a self-perpetuating end unto themselves, and nobody even blinks
20 or reports on his remarkable admission
24 podcast/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=9c2f0145-8a41-435d-9771-58ad9acdec2e
25 ‘It’s a Crime’: COVID Treatments ‘Deliberately Suppressed,’ Authors of New Book Tell
26 RFK, Jr.

28 “It’s precisely because [the drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin] worked that they were
29 suppressed,” he added. Leake called this not only “a massive crime” but also a mystery.
30 “What is it about this … biopharmaceutical complex that becomes so voracious and so ruthless and
31 unmoored from ethical considerations? he asked. “This is one of the mysteries that we grapple with
32 in the book.”
33 McCullough said the two had “a clear impression” that it was only those therapies that really
34 worked that were being actively suppressed.

37 In my view a proper criminal investigation should be conducted as to why the TGA caused a
38 limitation on the availability of ivermectin under what I understand excuse of people misusing it.
39 In the overall circumstances prevailing it appears to me the TGA simply made the decision to
40 suit the pharmaceutical companies to seel their so called (mRNA) “vaccines this even so they
41 were not “vaccines” at all but “gene therapy” as was already made known by Moderna years
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1 earlier. Why on earth the deceptive referral by the TGA as to “vaccine” when it knew or ought to
2 have known that Moderna itself had stated (vide) that it was a “gene therapy” unless as I suspect
3 the TGA was perhaps on the take to deliberately purport it to be a “vaccine” as to deceive
4 Australians!
7 Finance, climate, diplomacy, science, medicine, education and psychology: The “experts”
8 are WRONG about almost everything
10 (Natural News) Have you noticed how the so-called “experts” are usually incompetent
11 morons? We have experts in finance who don’t know that printing trillions of dollars
12 causes inflation. We have experts in education and psychology who think mutilating the
13 genitals of children is something to celebrate in the name of “pride.” We have experts in
14 diplomacy who think Russia has no right to its own national interests. And we have experts
15 in science and medicine whose vaccines are so deadly, they have to resort to censorship
16 and paid propaganda to cover up all the vaccine deaths.
17 The “experts,” it turns out, are wrong about almost everything.
18 How did we get to this place? Because people prefer comfortable lies over hard truths,
19 so the most incompetent “experts” who are willing to lie get promoted to positions of
20 influence and power. The more they lie, the higher they rise in the system. Anyone who
21 tells the truth, on the other hand, gets sh#tcanned.
22 Tell the truth about money printing and you aren’t welcome anywhere in the realm of
23 finance. Tell the truth about vaccine injuries and you get blacklisted from the field of
24 medicine. Tell the truth about transgenderism and you’ll lose your job as a school
25 counselor or university professor.
26 Anyone who tells the truth about almost anything — gender, food science, climate, free
27 energy, geoengineering, etc. — is banished from having any influence in society.
28 So now, as a result of all this, we are ruled by the cognitively retarded who cannot
29 process reality and have no ability to make decisions in meaningful ways that benefit
30 society.
31 This has all happened before, of course, and the next step in this scenario is the total
32 collapse of the empire. That’s exactly what’s coming for America and much of western
33 civilization, it turns out.
34 Ukraine vs. Russia: Bullsh#t information war vs. actual kinetic war
35 A great example of all this is Zelensky’s information war in Ukraine vs. Russia’s real
36 (kinetic) war. Ukraine’s corrupt, inept government is focused almost entirely on pushing
37 out information propaganda rather than fighting a real war. On the battlefield, Ukraine is
38 losing so badly that the entire Ukrainian military is likely just weeks away from a total
39 collapse. Yet the “experts” continue to claim that Ukraine is winning and Russia is losing
40 and somehow dozens of Russian generals have all been killed recently, although there is
41 zero evidence to back such absurd claims.
42 Russia, meanwhile, is actually shelling Ukrainian forces with a merciless barrage of high
43 explosive artillery rounds. No fakery is needed when you are communicating through high
44 explosives. The detonation of each charge sends an unmistakable message: Leave this are
45 or perish.
46 Ukraine has experts in psychological warfare and bullsh#ttery. Russia has experts in armor
47 and artillery. Guess which one is going to win in the end?
48 In the competition between bullsh#t and bombs, bullsh#t loses.
49 All the incompetent, retarded leaders of the West still haven’t come to realize this…
50 largely because they are incompetent retards. They think they can bullsh#t their way to
51 some claimed delusional fantasy of global domination, even as their own currencies are on

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1 the verge of collapse and their economies are imploding by the day.
2 As reality sinks in, LIES are all the regime has left
5 And this might be the real issue. They are discovering that people are objecting more and more
6 and lost trust in those governing and so they are trying to pretend to change what they seek to
7 accomplish where in reality their aims remain the same.
11 Stephen Andrew MP for Mirani
12 21h ·
14 Australia is experiencing crippling mass shortages of hundreds of life-saving medications and a range of other healthcare
15 products.
16 Since 2020, the TGA has listed in excess of 700 medicines as in limited supply. Today, there are 290 medicines that are
17 either ‘unavailable’ or in short supply.
18 Why is this happening?
19 Well it turns out that virtually all the world’s active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and chemicals needed to
20 manufacture essential medicines, are made in China.
21 In some cases, they are produced by just one Chinese factory!
24 What we appear to me to have is that the TGA fails to ensure that any medication that is
25 approved has some form of back-up supply and not just serve one particular company, where if
26 there is a system problem then a back-up company can still provide required medications. while
27 it might be argued that the TGA is not in control of such system, in my view it must not limit
28 then certain medication to a specific drug maker as by doing so it actually enhances the single
29 product maker to apply rip of charges and withhold supply to seek to force prices to go up, etc.
30 after all the TGA by not approving perhaps other medication that might be of similar qualities it
31 means it may cause the underlining problem of supply issues. The TGA by restricting supplies to
32 one supplier may very well undermine anti-competition policies.
34 One may have to question why certain drugs are becoming unavailable when perhaps more
35 harmful drugs remain available?
38 drugs-they-were-on/
39 List of 45 Different Murders and Pharma Drugs They Were On
41 February 13, 2013. One month ago, and only three weeks after the tragic shooting at Sandy
42 Hook, two well-known 2nd Amendment activists were found mysteriously murdered on
43 two different rural roads on two different sides of the country. One of them, firearms
44 manufacturer John Noveske, had posted one final warning on his Facebook page. It was a
45 list of all the recent mass shootings, the kids responsible and the Big Pharma drugs they
46 were taking. Within days, he was dead. Here is his list.

47 Below is John Noveske’s final Facebook post before his body was found on a rural Oregon
48 road last month.

49 John Noveske’s company is one of the most celebrated rifle manufacturers in America. His
50 firearms are widely considered to be some of the finest pieces of American-made hardware
51 in the industry. In the days and weeks following the horrible tragedy in Newtown, CT and

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1 the frenzied call for gun control across the nation, many gun owners began to feel
2 increasingly threatened.

3 But Noveske, one of the country’s foremost gun experts, had quickly become an expert in
4 something else – Big Pharma drugs and their connection to mass shootings. While
5 America’s corporate-owned news outlets invested hundreds of millions of dollars in
6 broadcast air time to ceaselessly blame firearms for the skyrocketing number of mass
7 killings, Noveske and millions of others noticed something else, something the media
8 outlets funded by Big Pharma refuse to disclose for fear of upsetting their largest
9 advertisers – all the people who carried out the bloody massacres were under the influence
10 of pharmaceutical drugs.

11 Noveske took the results of his research to Facebook. There, he posted a detailed list of 45
12 of the most recent mass murders carried out by teenagers, young adults and even some
13 small children. He also documented the exact pharmaceutical drugs each killer was taking
14 at the time. As fate would have it, that would be the last Facebook post John Noveske
15 would ever make. One week later on January 4, 2013, his lifeless body was found on the
16 side of a rural Oregon road.

17 Here is the list published by John Noveske of mass murderers and the pharmaceutical
18 drugs they were prescribed at the time of the killings. Many gun owners and critics of the
19 pharmaceutical industry believe it wasn’t a dark, winding road that cost Noveske his life.
20 They believe it was the publishing of this list.

21 The last post John Noveske ever made on his Facebook page before he was killed.

22 -Eric Harris age 17 (first on Zoloft then Luvox) and Dylan Klebold aged 18 (Columbine
23 school shooting in Littleton, Colorado), killed 12 students and 1 teacher, and wounded 23
24 others, before killing themselves. Klebold’s medical records have never been made
25 available to the public.

26 -Jeff Weise, age 16, had been prescribed 60 mg/day of Prozac (three times the average
27 starting dose for adults!) when he shot his grandfather, his grandfather’s girlfriend and
28 many fellow students at Red Lake, Minnesota. He then shot himself. 10 dead, 12 wounded.

29 -Cory Baadsgaard, age 16, Wahluke (Washington state) High School, was on Paxil (which
30 caused him to have hallucinations) when he took a rifle to his high school and held 23
31 classmates hostage. He has no memory of the event.

32 -Chris Fetters, age 13, killed his favorite aunt while taking Prozac.

33 -Christopher Pittman, age 12, murdered both his grandparents while taking Zoloft.

34 -Mathew Miller, age 13, hung himself in his bedroom closet after taking Zoloft for 6 days.

35 -Kip Kinkel, age 15, (on Prozac and Ritalin) shot his parents while they slept then went to
36 school and opened fire killing 2 classmates and injuring 22 shortly after beginning Prozac
37 treatment.

38 -Luke Woodham, age 16 (Prozac) killed his mother and then killed two students,
39 wounding six others.

40 -A boy in Pocatello, ID (Zoloft) in 1998 had a Zoloft-induced seizure that caused an

41 armed stand-off at his school.
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1 -Michael Carneal (Ritalin), age 14, opened fire on students at a high school prayer meeting
2 in West Paducah, Kentucky. Three teenagers were killed, five others were wounded.

3 -A young man in Huntsville, Alabama (Ritalin) went psychotic chopping up his parents
4 with an ax and also killing one sibling and almost murdering another.

5 -Andrew Golden, age 11, (Ritalin) and Mitchell Johnson, aged 14, (Ritalin) shot 15
6 people, killing four students, one teacher, and wounding 10 others.

7 -TJ Solomon, age 15, (Ritalin) high school student in Conyers, Georgia opened fire on and
8 wounded six of his class mates.

9 -Rod Mathews, age 14, (Ritalin) beat a classmate to death with a bat.

10 -James Wilson, age 19, (various psychiatric drugs) from Breenwood, South Carolina,
11 took a .22 caliber revolver into an elementary school killing two young girls, and
12 wounding seven other children and two teachers.

13 -Elizabeth Bush, age 13, (Paxil) was responsible for a school shooting in Pennsylvania.

14 -Jason Hoffman (Effexor and Celexa) – school shooting in El Cajon, California.

15 -Jarred Viktor, age 15, (Paxil), after five days on Paxil he stabbed his grandmother 61
16 times.

17 -Chris Shanahan, age 15 (Paxil) in Rigby, ID who out of the blue killed a woman.

18 -Jeff Franklin (Prozac and Ritalin), Huntsville, AL, killed his parents as they came home
19 from work using a sledge hammer, hatchet, butcher knife and mechanic’s file, then
20 attacked his younger brothers and sister.

21 -Neal Furrow (Prozac) in LA Jewish school shooting reported to have been court-ordered
22 to be on Prozac along with several other medications.

23 -Kevin Rider, age 14, was withdrawing from Prozac when he died from a gunshot wound
24 to his head. Initially it was ruled a suicide. But two years later, the investigation into his
25 death was opened as a possible homicide. The prime suspect, also age 14, had been taking
26 Zoloft and other SSRI antidepressants.

27 -Alex Kim, age 13, hung himself shortly after his Lexapro prescription had been doubled.

28 -Diane Routhier was prescribed Welbutrin for gallstone problems. Six days later, after
29 suffering many adverse effects of the drug, she shot herself.

30 -Billy Willkomm, an accomplished wrestler and a University of Florida student, was

31 prescribed Prozac at the age of 17. His family found him dead of suicide – hanging from a
32 tall ladder at the family’s Gulf Shore Boulevard home in July 2002.

33 -Kara Jaye Anne Fuller-Otter, age 12, was on Paxil when she hung herself from a hook in
34 her closet. Kara’s parents said “…. the damn doctor wouldn’t take her off it and I asked
35 him to when we went in on the second visit. I told him I thought she was having some sort
36 of reaction to Paxil…”).

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1 -Gareth Christian, Vancouver, age 18, was on Paxil when he committed suicide in 2002
2 (Gareth’s father could not accept his son’s death and killed himself).

3 -Julie Woodward, age 17, was on Zoloft when she hung herself in her family’s detached
4 garage.

5 -Matthew Miller was 13 when he saw a psychiatrist because he was having difficulty at
6 school. The psychiatrist gave him samples of Zoloft. Seven days later his mother found
7 him dead, hanging by a belt from a laundry hook in his closet.

8 -Kurt Danysh, age 18, and on Prozac, killed his father with a shotgun. He is now behind
9 prison bars, and writes letters, trying to warn the world that SSRI drugs can kill.

10 -Woody ____, age 37, committed suicide while in his 5th week of taking Zoloft. Shortly
11 before his death his physician suggested doubling the dose of the drug. He had seen his
12 physician only for insomnia. He had never been depressed, nor did he have any history of
13 any mental illness symptoms.

14 -A boy from Houston, age 10, shot and killed his father after his Prozac dosage was
15 increased.

16 -Hammad Memon, age 15, shot and killed a fellow middle school student. He had been
17 diagnosed with ADHD and depression and was taking Zoloft and “other drugs for the
18 conditions.”

19 -Matti Saari, a 22-year-old culinary student, shot and killed 9 students and a teacher, and
20 wounded another student, before killing himself. Saari was taking an SSRI and a
21 benzodiazapine.

22 -Steven Kazmierczak, age 27, shot and killed five people and wounded 21 others before
23 killing himself in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his girlfriend, he
24 had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax and Ambien. Toxicology results showed that he
25 still had trace amounts of Xanax in his system.

26 -Finnish gunman Pekka-Eric Auvinen, age 18, had been taking antidepressants before he
27 killed eight people and wounded a dozen more at Jokela High School – then he committed
28 suicide.

29 -Asa Coon from Cleveland, age 14, shot and wounded four before taking his own life.
30 Court records show Coon was on Trazodone.

31 -Jon Romano, age 16, on medication for depression, fired a shotgun at a teacher in his
32 New York high school.

33 “The news shouldn’t be left wing or right wing, conservative or liberal. It should be the
34 news. It should be independent” – Mark Wachtler, Whiteout Press founder

35 Missing from list… 3 of 4 known to have taken these same meds:

36 -What drugs was Jared Lee Loughner on, age 21…… killed 6 people and injuring 14
37 others in Tuscon, Az?

38 -What drugs was James Eagan Holmes on, age 24….. killed 12 people and injuring 59
39 others in Aurora Colorado?
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1 -What drugs was Jacob Tyler Roberts on, age 22, killed 2 injured 1, Clackamas, Or?

2 -What drugs was Adam Peter Lanza on, age 20, Killed 26 and wounded 2 in Newtown Ct?

3 *Roberts is the only one that I haven’t heard about being on drugs of some kind.

4 **End post**

5 This was John Noveske’s final Facebook post. Again, within a week, his lifeless body was
6 found on a rural road. Keep in mind, the above information was compiled by one amateur
7 researcher. The true cost of unnecessary pharmaceutical drugs on American society, and
8 the list of additional unexplained killings, is unquestionably much, much longer.
11 A major problem is that the medical profession and politicians also around the world heavily
12 relied upon the information/details the CDC (USA) provided. Most never realizing that the CDC
13 actually was set up as a private company and its employees are not public servants, and its
14 principle obligation lies to its donors/sponsors like pharmaceutical companies and the likes of
15 Bill Gates.
17 The following may also be a warning that the falsehood by the CDC may be also affecting
18 Australian children.
20 After all if the vaccination programs are increasing 40 fold of a child to suffer “autism” then why
21 had the TGA not addressed this issue appropriately? Is it a case of protecting the pharmaceutical
22 companies at cost of the taxpayers and ignoring the real duties and obligations the TGA has
23 towards Australians?
26 harm/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=4a817a99-1016-471c-97bd-
27 79aba49bdc3d
28 Gaslighting Autism Families: CDC, Media Continue to Obscure Decades of Vaccine-
29 Related Harm

31 Media and public health officials perpetuated their entrenched practice of gaslighting
32 autism families when earlier this month they trotted out the worn-out canard that a 23%
33 rise in autism prevalence over a two-year period “reflects more awareness … rather than a
34 true increase.”
35 The basis for this mean-spirited whopper was the Centers for Disease Control and
36 Prevention’s (CDC’s) release of its biennial report on autism prevalence as of 2018.

37 The report estimated autism affected 1 in 44 American 8-year-olds born in 2010 (2.27%).
38 The CDC’s prior report estimated prevalence at 1 in 54 8-year-olds born in 2008 (1.85%).
39 Using a different methodology, the 2019-2020 National Survey of Children’s Health
40 situated autism prevalence for children ages 3 to 17 at 1 in 34 (2.9%).

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1 Notwithstanding the media spin, CDC’s new report cannot hide the fact that autism rates
2 have not stopped rising — and the trend has persisted for decades.
3 This was acknowledged by the report’s New Jersey author, researcher Walter Zahorodny,
4 who states that U.S. autism prevalence — far from plateauing — “has increased
5 continuously over 20 years.”
6 Zahorodny, who years ago described the situation as “urgent,” has
7 consistently rejected “better awareness” or “changes in diagnostic criteria” as explanations.
8 Twenty years (the period of time during which CDC has had its tracking system in place)
9 is itself a gross understatement — autism prevalence in the 1990s (1 in 1,000) already
10 represented a tenfold increase over the condition’s estimated prevalence in the 1970s.
11 Greeting the new data with a wink and a yawn, the media also ignored the fact that some
12 subgroups and regions are experiencing even more of a “red alert” situation.

13 Zahorodny called attention, for example, to the finding that autism prevalence for
14 California’s boys is an “unprecedented” 1 in 16 (6.4%) — almost double the dreadful rate
15 of 1 in 28 boys overall (3.6%).

16 The “Golden State” now has the dubious distinction of having the highest autism rate in
17 the nation.

18 Moreover, recent projections by autism researchers Mark Blaxill, Toby Rogers and
19 Cynthia Nevison suggest, if current trends continue, the autism rate could surpass 6% for
20 ALL American children within a few years.
21 Although there are any number of environmental toxins that harm children’s
22 neurodevelopment, a preponderance of information from national and international sources
23 pinpoints vaccines as the driving factor behind the autism epidemic.
24 This information includes the CDC’s own data — despite the agency’s
25 numerous fraudulent attempts to make years of troublesome findings “go away.”
26 Tragically, officialdom’s willful refusal to acknowledge or address vaccine-autism safety
27 signals is no longer just an ongoing slap in the face to those directly affected — it is now
28 affecting the U.S. population as a whole.

29 Why? Because CDC and Big Pharma are now using the very same playbook to gaslight
30 victims of COVID vaccine injuries.
31 Omnibus Autism Proceeding trickery: a reminder
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1 In the early 2000s — when autism prevalence had surged to an estimated 1 in 150 children
2 — the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) consolidated 5,400 claims
3 into something called the Omnibus Autism Proceeding (OAP).
4 The claims were filed by parents who asserted vaccines had injured their children, causing
5 seizures, developmental delays and mitochondrial injuries that ultimately led to a diagnosis
6 of autism.
7 Under the VICP, vaccine-injured individuals file claims against the secretary of the U.S.
8 Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in the U.S. Court of Federal
9 Claims Office of Special Masters.
10 The adversarial process pits petitioners not just against the special masters who adjudicate
11 the claims but also against U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys who “defend HHS.”
12 In the case of the OAP, the special masters told thousands of families they would make a
13 determination about compensation based on nine “test cases” — almost immediately
14 whittled down to six — using them to evaluate three narrowly defined theories of autism
15 causation via vaccine injury.
16 Knowing that if their conclusions pinpointed vaccination as the likely culprit in even one
17 of the test cases, the VICP might be on the hook to compensate all 5,400 families — an
18 outcome that would have bankrupted the VICP and cast a black cloud over the
19 entire childhood vaccination program — the special masters and DOJ then pulled a couple
20 of fast ones.
21 First, HHS quietly removed one of the test cases, “Child Doe 77,” later revealed to
22 be Hannah Poling.
23 After awarding millions to be disbursed over Poling’s lifetime — and admitting vaccines
24 were responsible for her autism — the special masters sealed the documents, so the case
25 “could not be used to establish precedent on any of the other OAP cases.”
26 In a parallel move to ensure none of the remaining five test cases would lead to
27 compensation, two DOJ attorneys allegedly distorted the views of HHS’s star expert
28 witness, Dr. Andrew Zimmerman.
29 At the time, Zimmerman wrote an opinion for one of the test cases in which he rejected the
30 proposed vaccine-autism theory of causation in that specific case.
31 In 2019, however, Zimmerman signed an affidavit disclosing how he had informed the two
32 attorneys during the OAP deliberations that his opinion in that one case was not intended
33 “to be a blanket statement as to all children and all medical science.”

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1 In fact, Zimmerman told the DOJ attorneys, he believed vaccines could indeed cause
2 autism in some children.

3 As noted by journalist Sharyl Attkisson, Zimmerman’s consequential scientific opinion

4 “stood to change everything about the vaccine-autism debate — if people were to find
5 out.”
6 To make sure people did not “find out,” Zimmerman was immediately fired as an expert
7 witness.

8 Even worse, DOJ’s two attorneys intentionally used Zimmerman’s statements — written
9 for the single test case — to misrepresent his broader views, omitting the expert’s stated
10 belief that vaccines can and did cause autism in a subset of children.

11 Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. described the Justice
12 Department’s OAP cover-up as “one of the most consequential frauds, arguably in human
13 history.”
14 This “fraud” allowed the VICP special masters to dismiss out of hand the petitions of all
15 5,000-plus families.

16 Lessons for today

17 At the close of 2021, autism’s annual costs — at $238 billion — are projected to more than
18 double to $589 billion by 2030.
19 School districts and municipalities, tasked with providing special education services, are
20 already “drowning” under the burden of coming up with the necessary funding.
21 Under the circumstances, it is a mystery why the media still get away with making the
22 insulting case that autism awareness and better diagnosis account for the ever-higher
23 numbers of children with autism.

24 The fact is that autism is, and always has been, a matter of urgent public concern, with
25 wide-ranging impacts on families, communities and society that will endure for decades to
26 come.

27 Nor is the autism epidemic limited to the United States — other countries, such as Ireland,
28 have produced data that mirror the shocking numbers just reported by CDC for California.

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1 With the experimental COVID shots now blazing an unfortunate trail of death and
2 disability, both in the U.S. and internationally, many more individuals and families are
3 entering the bizarre twilight zone until now largely inhabited by autism families.
4 Similar to those dealing with autism, the COVID-vaccine-injured are:

5  Finding it difficult-to-impossible to gain recognition for their injuries, encountering

6 public ridicule and scorn rather than support for the empirical contention that vaccines
7 triggered their damage.
8  Discovering that many in the medical community are only too willing to brush off
9 or deny serious physical problems following COVID vaccination, instead suggesting that
10 anxiety or the opportunely created “post-pandemic stress disorder” are responsible.
11  Belatedly discovering that vaccine injuries are a significant cause of family bankruptcy
12 and, with manufacturers enjoying complete protection from financial liability, the
13 prospects for injury compensation are slim to none — the Countermeasures Injury
14 Compensation Program that is supposed to provide compensation for “provable” COVID
15 vaccine injuries hasn’t paid out a single claim.
16  Learning, with the recent greenlighting of the shots for children ages 5 to 11, that public
17 health officials, vaccine manufacturers and policy-makers are only too willing to “throw
18 children under the bus,” by pushing injections that offer zero benefit, pose outsized
19 risks and jeopardize our country’s future.
20 In the face of these tragedies, perhaps the only silver lining that can be drawn is that the
21 swelling ranks of the vaccine-injured, along with their families and communities, represent
22 a mighty army — one that is likely to reject continued gaslighting and to push back against
23 corporate malfeasance and genocidal health policies with growing determination and
24 strength.

25 If one day, an OAP equivalent arises to address the tidal wave of COVID-vaccine-related
26 injuries, this army may make it more difficult for arrogant authorities to carry out their
27 customary dirty tricks.
30 As I understand it those in the health services have been parroting the “vaccine do not cause
31 autism” for far too long while ignoring the real harm inflicted upon Australian children. I view a
32 proper criminal investigation must be conducted if those in the health occupations were
33 deceiving the parents/guardians of Australian children and so why, etc?
36 variants/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=94670ff1-41a9-423a-9925-
37 b4fcb043224f
38 Americans Keep Getting Reinfected With COVID as New Variants Emerge + More
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2 Yet, despite clear and convincing evidence that Omicron is mild compared to its
3 predecessor strains, the Biden administration continues to peddle fear. As Stanford health
4 policy professor Jay Bhattacharya wrote in the Wall Street Journal on Sunday — White
5 House COVID response coordinator Ashish Jha is engaging in “scare-mongering about the
6 danger of COVID to children.”
7 On Friday, state Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo openly questioned the safety of COVID-
8 19 vaccines. During a press conference to announce an agreement with the Special
9 Olympics to lift a vaccine mandate, the Florida Department of Health boss said: “People
10 will say oh, you know, millions of people have taken these vaccines, they must be safe,”
11 adding “Well, you can’t know the answer to that when it is taboo to talk about having a
12 reaction after vaccines.”
15 Now a complete different issue:
17 We had that Meg Lees (then the Australian Democrat leader) had rejected the legislation of the
18 GST and then overnight had the bill returned to the senate and approved allegedly because of
19 better provisions. Just that the minimum 3 months period as I am aware of was not provided for.
20 In addition the GST is a taxation that violated the provisions of the constitution that a tax law
21 cannot deal with more than 1 item. It is irrelevant if politicians have some “CONVENTION” in
22 place to disregard constitutional restrictions this as “CONVENTIONS” cannot override legal
23 principles embedded in the constitution.
25 HANSARD 19-4-1897 Constitution Convention
27 Mr. Barton first of all recites Dicey to show what occurs under the unwritten Constitution of
28 England. But here we are framing a written Constitution. When once that Constitution is framed we
29 cannot get behind it.
32 It means that the purported GST legislation and for that any other legislation, that failed to
33 observe the minimum of 3 months period when applicable, are not valid legislative provisions at
34 all.
36 Three months MINIMUM period between first rejected Bill and the second submission of the
37 Bill.
38 (Consider the GST overnight Bill!)
40 Hansard 9-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
42 Mr. SYMON.-Then why say in the next session at all? If the object is to have it done any speedier,
43 there is no necessity for my honorable friend's amendment.

44 An HONORABLE MEMBER.-One day might make a new session.

45 Mr. OCONNOR.-We do not want a new session at all. The whole object of the amendment is that
46 some interval may elapse, and the honorable member says next session; that may be more than six
47 months, and the honorable member wants it to be at least six months. If the next [start page 2159]
48 session is more than six months, what more is wanted?

49 Mr. SYMON.-That is if the matter is urgent.

50 Mr. OCONNOR.-Then, if it is urgent, resist Mr. Isaacs' amendment.

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1 Mr. TRENWITH (Victoria).-I submit there is some justification for the suggestion that there should be
2 some specified time. The object of requiring two sessions clearly is that there shall be an interval, but it
3 is extremely desirable that the interval should be a reasonable one, because we may assume that before
4 a dispute has arrived at an acute stage there has been some time and trouble taken over the proposed
5 legislation. It would not be proposed unless in, the opinion of one or both Chambers it was necessary.
6 Therefore we must be careful that we do not have undue delay in connexion with necessary legislation. If Mr.
7 Symon would do what is frequently done in Victoria in connexion with measures in which it is proposed
8 there should be an interval before they are submitted and voted on, fix six weeks instead of six months, you
9 might be assured. that there will be substantial delay. You would be secured against an unfair rush.

10 Mr. SYMON.-That is all we want.

11 Mr. TRENWITH.-I understand that.

12 Mr. MCMILLAN.-Supposing a measure was sprung very suddenly upon the Parliament, and
13 suddenly rejected, it would not come under the consideration of the public at all.

14 Mr. TRENWITH.-I respectfully submit that a measure passed very suddenly, and suddenly rejected,
15 would not be likely to be a measure about which this part of the Constitution would be brought into
16 execution. Measures of importance, such as will create disputes between the two Houses, are sure to be
17 measures discussed at considerable length in both Houses, and, as Mr. Deakin points out, the Senate is not
18 coerced into dealing with them. The Senate can take its time, even though the House of Representatives
19 sends up a measure. It is not bound to deal with it the day it receives it. Therefore, I submit there is
20 justification for the proposal, and we should concede it, even it it is distasteful to us.

21 Mr. SYMON.-Will the honorable member allow me to point out the necessity for a longer interval than is
22 given in Victoria? This is a Commonwealth matter, and you have the whole of Australasia to consider, and
23 not one colony, if you we to get an expression of opinion.

24 Mr. TRENWITH.-Of course, I am very anxious that we should in this connexion carry a proposal, if
25 possible, nearly unanimously.

26 Mr. SYMON.-Make it three months.

27 Mr. TRENWITH.-Personally, I rose to point out that six months is too long; but perhaps three
28 months would be a reasonable interval in view of the fact that such an extensive area has to be
29 considered. I am reminded that in parts of Western Australia a letter takes three weeks for delivery.
30 Therefore, we should require more time in Western Australia than in Victoria or New South Wales.
31 However, if the honorable member will accept three months, I will support him.

32 Mr. OCONNOR (New South Wales).-I hope the amendment will be passed as proposed. For such a matter
33 as three months, is it worth while to, make a provision in the Constitution? The necessary steps to be taken
34 by the Government itself will at least insure that delay, and, on the other hand, it may be very important to
35 put the thing through in the public interests with so much rapidity that it would be impossible to allow the
36 exact time in the Constitution. After all, it is not worth troubling about.

37 Sir JOHN FORREST (Western Australia).-Mr. O'Connor overlooks the fact that the Senate may not put it
38 through; there is a little safeguard there. But it seems to me that the words proposed by Mr. Barton, if
39 they mean anything, mean another ordinary session. That is the [start page 2160] intention of the
40 honorable member moving it; but the way, in which it will be done will be to make a special session, as was
41 done in South Australia, where I believe that was done in order to get over this very difficulty. A new session
42 was summoned three days after the termination of the other session. If that is the object of the honorable
43 member-to try and rush the thing through by summoning another session immediately-I am sure it cannot be
44 the intention of Mr. Barton. I am sure that, in his mind, another session meant another ordinary session;
45 but seeing that the object of the mover can be frustrated, surely some reasonable interval should be
46 made. I think three months a reasonable time, and it is certainly little enough. The honorable member
47 (Mr. O'Connor) seems to forget that although you can take a horse to the water you cannot make him drink.
48 Therefore, the sending of a Bill up to the Senate does not make the Senate pass it.

49 Mr. OCONNOR.-That will give you all the more time.

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1 Sir JOHN FORREST.-I know that it will, but, at the same time, I think some interval should elapse,
2 because if it is proposed to have another session it does not mean a manufactured session for the
3 purpose, but an ordinary session.

4 Mr. KINGSTON (South Australia).-My right honorable friend (Sir John Forrest) is a little in error as to
5 what happened in South Australia. It was not any attempt to apply a provision of this sort. What happened
6 was this: The Legislative Council threw out a Taxation Bill by carrying the motion that it be read this day six
7 months. Under these circumstances it could not be re-offered for their consideration, and as it had been
8 proved to the satisfaction of the majority of the members of that Chamber that they had made a mistake
9 Parliament was prorogued, a new session was convened, the Bill was sent up again, the Council reversed
10 their vote, and the Bill was carried. This has nothing whatever to do with it.

11 Mr. DEAKIN.-It was done to oblige the Legislative Council.

12 Mr. KINGSTON.-It was done to assist the Government and to oblige the Legislative Council; to enable
13 them to correct their mistake at the earliest possible date. I am very glad to reflect that they took advantage of
14 the opportunity which was offered. I would like to point out that if the proposal which is now suggested is
15 adopted, we shall be whittling away this clause. As it left Sydney it provided that if the House of
16 Representatives passed any proposed law, and the Senate rejected the same, or failed to pass it, or passed it
17 with amendments to which the House of Representatives would not agree, the Governor-General could
18 thereupon dissolve the House of Representatives. Nothing whatever was said there of a second session of
19 Parliament. What is the proposal now? We have already agreed to alter the clause so as to require a second
20 passing of the Bill in a second session; but, not content with that, it is suggested that a certain interval shall
21 intervene. Where is this to end? I submit that the matter can be fairly left to the discretion of the Executive
22 Council, and that there is not likely to be any abuse of power. As regards the instance cited by Sir John
23 Forrest, if there had not been the opportunity to give the Legislative Council a chance to reconsider their vote
24 and alter their determination the finances of the colony would have been thrown into the greatest disorder. So
25 here, if you limit the clause in the way proposed, I think it will be a great inconvenience.
28 Hansard 9-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
30 Sir JOHN DOWNER.-I know that my right honorable friend, judging probably from the time I am taking
31 now, thinks that in such a case I would take a long time, if I were in the Senate. I admit that his surmise is
32 quite right in my case. I admit there are persons on whom this terrorism could not be practised, or on
33 whom, if practised, it would probably not be effective. But I am thinking of persons of weaker minds and
34 wills, and I say that, as far as this Constitution is concerned, it is absolutely necessary to put some provision
35 in this Bill which will strengthen the Senate and prevent it being intimidated in the way indicated. We have
36 been frittering away the first principles of the Federal Constitution long enough.
39 A State cannot interfere with the taxation powers of the Commonwealth.
41 (consider not-for-profit/non-profit exclusions)
43 The Commonwealth is bound to apply taxation on a sliding scale, which means that all
44 people/corporations must be equally taxed concerning the same level of income. Not that one
45 could be required to pay more percentage in taxes versus another having the same income merely
46 to suit say businesses versus ordinary employees. Obviously the Commonwealth can apply
47 across the board certain provisions for deductions but exemption of any taxation is
48 unconstitutional. The Commonwealth could allow for deductions of any donations to any
49 registered charities but those charities must themselves nevertheless be held accountable for any
50 income. Not as I understand now is eventuating that some charities are not paying any taxation
51 and transfer their profits overseas, etc. Likewise, businesses cannot be excluded from paying
52 taxation. Much has been argued about some digital financial system to exclude cash but this is
53 not constitutionally permissible as gold and silver must remain to be in use. The commonwealth
54 cannot override the constitution and neither can violate the legal principles embedded in the
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1 constitution. The fact it constantly does is no excuse as much as that a person repeatedly
2 speeding cannot hold this as giving the right to speed for ever.
4 Hansard 16-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
5 QUOTE Mr. ISAACS (Victoria).-
6 In the next sub-section it is provided that all taxation shall be uniform throughout the Commonwealth.
7 An income tax or a property tax raised under any federal law must be uniform "throughout the
8 Commonwealth." That is, in every part of the Commonwealth.
10 .
11 Hansard 19-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
13 Mr. MCMILLAN: I think the reading of the sub-section is clear.

14 The reductions may be on a sliding scale, but they must always be uniform.
17 Hansard 19-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
19 Sir GEORGE TURNER: No. In imposing uniform duties of Customs it should not be necessary for the
20 Federal Parliament to make them commence at a certain amount at once. We have pretty heavy duties in
21 Victoria, and if the uniform tariff largely reduces them at once it may do serious injury to the colony. The
22 Federal Parliament will have power to fix the uniform tariff, and if any reductions made are on a
23 sliding scale great injury will be avoided.
25 .
26 Hansard 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
29 But it is a fair corollary to the provision for dealing with the revenue for the first five years after the
30 imposition of uniform duties of customs, and further reflection has led me to the conclusion that, on the
31 whole, it will be a useful and beneficial provision.
34 Hansard 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
36 On the other hand, the power of the Commonwealth to impose duties of customs and of excise such as it may
37 determine, which insures that these duties of customs and excise would represent something like the average
38 opinion of the Commonwealth-that power, and the provision that bounties are to be uniform throughout
39 the Commonwealth, might, I am willing to concede, be found to work with some hardship upon the states
40 for some years, unless their own rights to give bounties were to some extent preserved.
43 Hansard 31-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
45 2. Customs and excise and bounties, but so that duties of customs and excise and bounties shall be uniform
46 throughout the commonwealth, and that no tax or duty shall be imposed on any goods exported from one
47 state to another;
50 Hansard 11-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
52 Taxation; but so that all taxation shall he uniform throughout the Commonwealth, and that no tax or duty
53 shall be imposed on any goods passing from one state to another.
56 Hansard 11-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
57 QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-

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1 That all the words after the word "taxation" where it is first used be struck out, and that the following words
2 be substituted:-"but not so as to discriminate between states or parts of states, or between goods passing from
3 one state to another."
6 Hansard 20-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
8 Mr. HENRY: I would like to ask Mr. Barton what effect this would have on several Marine Boards and
9 Harbor Trusts of the colonies which are dependent for their revenues on tonnage rates. This clause, I see,
10 provides that no tonnage duty should be imposed except by Commonwealth. What position, I would like to
11 know, would the various Harbor Trusts and Marine Boards, which are dependent for a portion of their
12 revenue on these tonnage dues, occupy till the Federal Commonwealth has had time to legislate upon this
13 matter.

14 Mr. BARTON: If the tonnage dues are not an infringement upon the principles of intercolonial freetrade, I
15 take it that they would remain in force after the establishment of the Commonwealth; but if the State
16 proposed to take in hand legislation on the subject, it would not be permitted to legislate on that subject
17 without the consent of the Parliament of the Commonwealth.

18 Mr. HIGGINS: If it were only an amendment?

19 Mr. BARTON: Possibly the only trouble there would be, that a period of six months would elapse before
20 the Commonwealth Parliament was called together after it is established. So far as the tonnage dues,
21 mentioned by Mr. Henry, did not infringe upon the principles of intercolonial freedom of trade, there would
22 be no difficulty.

23 Mr. GLYNN: I think the last few words of this clause are too comprehensive in their meaning. In South
24 Australia there is a lot of land which is leased with the right of purchase, and I can see that under the latter
25 portion of this clause there is considerable danger of defeating the effect of direct taxation.

26 Mr. O'CONNOR: In a case of that kind the reversion which is in the Crown would not be taxed, but
27 the letting value would be taxed.

28 Mr. BARTON: I might mention that the property of the Commonwealth in that land is the reversion upon
29 the lease. The reversion upon the lease would not be [start page 1002] taxable, but the interest of the lessee in
30 the property would be taxable.

31 Mr. GLYNN: I am only pointing out a difficulty that might arise.

32 Mr. HENRY: I would like to raise a question as to the right of the Commonwealth to tax materials
33 for State purposes. In the event of a colony importing rails, machinery, engines, &c., for State
34 purposes, I would like to know whether such exports are to be free from Customs duties. Will the
35 Federal Parliament have a right to levy duties on materials imported for State purposes?

36 Mr. BARTON: This is a matter that was discussed very fully in the Constitutional Committee, and I think
37 my hon. friend Sir George Turner will remember that I consulted the members of the Finance Committee
38 upon it, intimating to them the opinion of the Constitutional Committee on the point. The words:

39 Impose any tax on property

40 do not refer to the importation of goods at all, and any amendment to except the Customs would be
41 unnecessary. This clause states that a State shall not, without the consent of the Parliament of the
42 Commonwealth, impose taxation on property of any kind belonging to the Commonwealth, meaning by that
43 property of any kind which is in hand, such as land within the Commonwealth. That has no reference to
44 Customs duties.

45 Sir GEORGE TURNER: Will articles imported by the States Governments come in free?

46 Mr. BARTON: The question then arises whether articles imported by the States Governments are to
47 come in free, but this section has nothing to do with that. Under this Bill and in the measure of 1891 I
48 believe duties would have been collectable upon imports by any State, and after the consultation which
49 I had with the hon. member and his colleagues on the Finance Committee the Constitutional
50 Committee decided not to make any exemption in the case of any State.
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Page 50

1 The CHAIRMAN: I would ask hon. members to confine themselves to the discussion of this clause.

2 Sir GEORGE TURNER: I propose to carry out your desire, Sir, to restrict my remarks to this particular
3 clause. In Victoria, as I mentioned the other day, we have an independent body called a Harbor Trust, which
4 collects a large amount of money and, as far as I can recollect, does it in the way of tonnage dues. If we pass
5 this clause, and we deprive this body of its revenue, they will simply have to fall back upon the Government
6 of the State. What is the meaning of the phrase:

7 Impose tonnage dues?

8 According to the way I read the clause it means that it is not to pass any law which would put on any fresh
9 dues.

10 Mr. MCMILLAN: I suppose the States gave these rights to the harbor trust.

11 Sir GEORGE TURNER: The State passes a law constituting a Harbor Trust and gives over to them the
12 right to collect these various revenues. What I desire is to preserve that right, whatever it may be. I am in
13 great difficulty as how this particular clause will affect that body, as well as similar bodies in other colonies
14 which collect small sums. I would be glad if my hon. friend Mr. Barton can give me any assistance with
15 regard to this matter, and tell us if this clause will or will not interfere with this existing body. If that be so I
16 shall be prepared to let the clause pass, and then, before the adjourned Convention is held, we shall have an
17 opportunity in the different colonies of ascertaining how these dues and rates are collected, and how this
18 clause will affect them, and whether we should make this amendment. In the meantime I should like Mr.
19 Barton to give me the real meaning of the clause.

20 Mr. BARTON: As far as I can gather from this clause and the clause of 1891, it seems to me to refer to
21 any future legislation on the subject:

22 The State shall not impose tonnage dues.

23 [start page 1003]

24 The question of whether existing legislation would be invalidated would depend, first, upon whether
25 the dues were an infringement of the equality of trade throughout the Commonwealth, and next upon
26 whether the Commonwealth passed a law which-if it were in the province of the Commonwealth to past; it-
27 was in conflict with the law of the State, in which case, to the extent of the difference between the laws, the
28 law of the Commonwealth would prevail if section 98 were passed. It deals only with future legislation, I
29 think. but these tonnage dues may incur a prohibition if we find that they are a system of taxation,
30 because the Parliament of the Commonwealth has power to raise funds by any method of taxation. If
31 the method of carrying out that power were found to be in conflict with the law of the State, the law of
32 the Commonwealth would prevail. We have no provision for the Commonwealth taking over harbors or
33 harbor works, and it may be a question for consideration whether the Commonwealth, as it has power to
34 legislate on other subjects relating to the regulation of commerce and trade and so on, should not take over
35 harbor works too. That is what, on the face of it, seems to me to be the effect of the clause.

36 Mr. MCMILLAN: I think these tonnage dues must be excepted if the Parliament is to take over harbors.
37 Tonnage dues are simply payment for services rendered, and they do not practically come under the system
38 of taxation at all. They are levied for something done. If they are not excepted great trouble will ensue,
39 especially in regard to corporations. Is that System referred to by Sir George Turner administered by a
40 Minister of the Crown?


42 Mr. MCMILLAN: Does it apply then? These. are dues paid by the State as a State, but the case mentioned
43 is one of a corporation, in which there is a payment for services rendered. Tolls are exacted for the services,
44 call them dues or wharfage rates or whatever you like; they are the same in essence.

45 Sir GEORGE TURNER: If we do not guard against it corporate bodies may evade the Act, and the State
46 may appoint corporations to do work so as to evade it.

47 Mr. MCMILLAN: Something will have to be done or great trouble may ensue.

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Page 51

1 Mr. BARTON: With reference to the question of wharfage rates, members will recollect that the United
2 States Constitution contains a prohibition against the State levying tonnage duties without the consent of
3 Congress. It has been decided in the case of the Packet Company v. Catlettsburg, 105 U.S., 559:

4 A city or town on a navigable river may exact a reasonable compensation for the use of the wharf which it
5 owns without infringing the constitutional provisions concerning tonnage taxes or regulations of commerce.

6 That would appear to be rather in favor of the exemption of the harbor trust.

7 Mr. HENRY: It is within my own knowledge that there are Marine Boards in Australia, at all events in
8 Tasmania, worked as State departments. They are nominee bodies with a Minister practically at their head.

9 Mr. HIGGINS: Who gets the money?

10 Mr. HENRY: The Customs officers collect the wharfage and tonnage dues, and they pass into the hands of
11 the Government. I would like to ask Mr. Barton how it would operate in cases where the tonnage rates vary
12 at different ports in Australia? We might have one harbor with a particular rate and another with double or
13 treble that rate, so that we would not have an equality of trade. This is one of the difficulties which Mr.
14 Barton. and others, in considering this matter, should have placed before them. In this clause we are going to
15 hand to the Federal Government the right to legislate with regard to tonnage dues, and it is desirable that we
16 should know precisely what we [start page 1004] are doing and how it is going to affect the various harbor
17 trusts and marine boards.

18 Mr. BARTON: On considering the matter, I think that the tonnage dues mentioned here-we have altered
19 the word "duties" into "dues," and they seem to me like the word "tonnage dues" that used to prevail in the
20 the old country, such as tonnage dues on wines. We find the word referred to in Acts 9 Anne, and 10 George
21 IV. They were tonnage dues granted to the Queen, and I think those referred to here were the same in the
22 United States Constitution. Whether that be so or not, the tonnage dues referred to in the clause seem to be
23 charges for services performed. For instance, a Harbor Trust is formed and carries out improvements and as a
24 means of recouping themselves the harbor authorities charge dues. Wharfage dues are for the use of a
25 wharf and have they not a similar meaning in the modern acceptation of the term? One is an impost
26 for the use of a wharf, the other for the use of a harbor on which money has been spent for the purpose
27 of rendering it more adapted for shipping. If that is so the words may be left out, and if they are left
28 out any tonnage due which is not a charge for services performed would be an impost interfering with
29 the freedom of trade and intercourse, and would come under section 86; that is to say, as soon as
30 uniform duties have been imposed, trade and intercourse shall be absolutely free, If they interfere they
31 could only do so so far as they are of the nature of taxes. If they are only charges for services
32 performed, as I explained in connection with clause 83, then there can be no objection to them. because
33 charges for use of a wharf are much in the same position as charges of the post office authorities for
34 the carriage of letters; they are payments for services. If that view is taken I shall offer no objection to
35 it.

36 Sir GEORGE TURNER: Why not for post and telegraphs?

37 Mr. BARTON: Any mere service that the Commonwealth does not take over is still in the hands of the
38 State. Clause 86 can only be infringed by something which means an interference with the freedom of
39 trade and intercourse. Anything that is fairly construable as a payment for services performed is not
40 handed over-the mere service can be charged for as before, because it is not an interference with trade
41 and intercourse. In such cases as that, mere service can be charged for as before, because it is not an
42 interference with trade or intercourse. I think we may well accept that view and leave out the words:

43 Impose tonnage dues or.

44 I move that they be left out.

47 And just a reminder as to the 6 August 2021 COMPLAINT and the many supplements:
49 Date No. pages Subtotal COMPLAINT PART
51 6 August 2021 22 pages 22 pages Original COMPLAINT
52 7 August 2021 15 pages 37 pages Supplement 1
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1 8 August 2021 35 pages 72 pages Supplement 2

2 9 August 2021 54 pages 126 pages Supplement 3
4 10 August 2021 33 pages 159 pages Supplement 4
5 11 August 2021 23 pages 182 pages Supplement 5
6 13 August 2021 38 pages 220 pages Supplement 6
7 16 August 2021 32 pages 252 pages Supplement 7
9 19 August 2021 36 pages 288 pages Supplement 8
10 24 August 2021 40 pages 328 pages Supplement 9
11 26 August 2021 40 pages 368 pages Supplement 10
12 30 August 2021 32 pages 400 pages Supplement 11
14 31 August 2021 40 pages 440 pages Supplement 12
15 3 September 2021 50 pages 490 pages Supplement 13
16 6 September 2021 27pages 517 pages Supplement 14
17 22 September 2021 72 pages 589 pages Supplement 15
19 9 October 2021 65 pages 654 pages Supplement 16
20 12 October 2021 9 pages 663 pages Supplement 17
21 14 October 2021 48 pages 711 pages Supplement 18
22 16 October 2021 25 pages 736 pages Supplement 19
24 19 October 2021 25 pages 761 pages Supplement 20
25 21 October 2021 63 pages 824 pages Supplement 21
26 22 October 2021 44 pages 868 pages Supplement 22
27 23 October 2021 48 pages 916 pages Supplement 23
29 24 October 2021 33 pages 949 pages Supplement 24
30 28 October 2021 47 pages 996 pages Supplement 25
31 29 October 2021 37 pages 1033 pages Supplement 26
32 2 November 2021 58 pages 1091 pages Supplement 27
34 11 November 2021 40 pages 1131 pages Supplement 28
35 12 November 2021 11 pages 1142 pages Supplement 29
36 13 November 2021 17 pages 1159 pages Supplement 30
37 14 November 2021 23 Pages 1182 pages Supplement 31
39 17 November 2021 27 pages 1209 pages Supplement 32
40 21 November 2021 54 pages 1263 pages Supplement 33
41 25 November 2021 41 pages 1304 pages Supplement 34
42 27 November 2021 28 pages 1332 pages Supplement 35
44 28 November 2021 34 pages 1366 pages Supplement 36
45 29 November 2021 54 pages 1420 pages Supplement 37
46 7 December 2021 18 pages 1438 pages Supplement 38
47 11 December 2021 55 pages 1493 pages Supplement 39
49 16 December 2021 38 pages 1531 pages Supplement 40
50 27 December 2021 41 pages 1572 pages Supplement 41
51 31 December 2021 38 pages 1610 pages Supplement 42
52 6 January 2022 56 pages 1666 pages Supplement 43
54 26 January 2022 57 pages 1723 pages Supplement 44
55 29 January 2022 45 pages 1768 pages Supplement 45
56 2 February 2022 51 pages 1819 pages Supplement 46
57 7 February 2022 72 pages 1891 pages Supplement 47
59 8 February 2022 1 page 1892 pages Supplement 48
60 13 February 2022 52 pages 1944 pages Supplement 49
61 19 February 2022 44 pages 1988 pages Supplement 50
62 27 February 2022 63 pages 2051 pages Supplement 51
64 5 March 2022 26 pages 2077 pages Supplement 52
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1 6 March 2022 81 pages 2158 pages Supplement 53

2 13 March 2022 42 pages 2200 pages Supplement 54
3 14 March 2022 81 pages 2281 pages Supplement 55
5 19 March 2022 35 pages 2316 pages Supplement 56
6 20 March 2022 30 pages 2346 pages Supplement 57
7 25 March 2022 41 pages 2387 pages Supplement 58
8 26 March 2022 16 pages 2403 pages Supplement 59
10 28 March 2022 32 pages 2435 pages Supplement 60
11 31 March 2022 30 pages 2465 pages Supplement 61
12 5 April 2022 32 pages 2497 pages Supplement 62
13 12 April 2022 4 pages 2501 pages Supplement 63
15 28 April 2022 40 pages 2541 pages Supplement 64
16 14 May 2022 42 pages 2583 pages Supplement 65
17 15 May 2022 43 pages 2626 pages Supplement 66
18 18 May 2022 23 pages 2649 pages Supplement 67
20 29 May 2022 52 pages 2701 pages Supplement 68
21 30 May 2022 34 pages 2735 pages Supplement 69
22 5 June 2022 57 pages 2792 pages Supplement 70
23 10 June 2022 53 pages 2845 pages Supplement 71
25 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal
26 constitution!
28 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
29 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


31 (Our name is our motto!)

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