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From: Christakis, Dimitri

Sent: Tue, 18 May 2021 15:03:44 +0000

To: Shimabukuro, Tom (COC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP)
Subject: Re: Myocarditis

Please excuse brevity and orthography as this was sent from my iPhone
Dimitri A Christakis MD MPH
Editor in Chief, JAMA Pediatrics
George Adkins Professor
Universityof Washington
Director, Center for Child Health, Behavior & Development
Seattle Childrens Research Institute
Pronouns He/His
Also see my TED talk here
On May 18,2021, at 5:00 AM, Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDIDNCEZID/DHQP)
<ayvi@edegov wrote:

‘CAUTION: This email originated outsideofths organization.

Dear Dimitri,
Itmightbe best to have a quick call to discuss. Are there any good times that you are available today?
Tom Shimabukuro, MD, MPH, MBA
Captain, U.S. Public Health Service
Deputy Director
Immunization Saety Office
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (COC)
1600Cifton Road, Ms V8.4, Atlanta, GA 30329
Phone: 404.438.0679, Fax: 404.438.0666
Email Thimabukuro@cdc gov
From: Christakis, Dimitri<dimitichrstakis @seattlechildrens org>
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 6:56 PM
To: Campbell, Angela J.P. (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD) <app@cdecgov>
Cc: Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP) <ayv6@cde gov
Subject: RE: Myocarditis
“Tom Iwould be happhy to talk and happy to publish ASAP whatever you guys find. It's a bigissue as you
know. And either way if its there, if its not, or if its there but rare.
DimitriA Christakis MD MPH Pronouns He/His
Editor in Chief, JAMA Pediatrics
George Adkins Professor
University of Washington
Director, Center for Child Health, Behavior
& Development
Seattle Childrens Research Institute.
Also see my TED talk here
From: Campbell, Angela J. P. (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OVD) <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 3:26 PM
To: Christakis, Dimitri <[email protected]>
Ce: shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHOP) <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Myocarditis
‘CAUTION: This email originated outsideofthis organization.
Hi Dimitri,
Good speaking with you today. | spoke to Tom Shimabukuro and he is the best point of contact for you,
as Tom is the Deputy Director of the Immunization Safety Office. He oversees VSD (Vaccine Safety
Datalink) whichwill eventually (hopefully soon) provide incredibly useful data
My best,

Angela J.P. Campbell, MD, MPH

Medical Officer
Currently supporting COC COVID-19 Response on the Epi Task Force
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) Unit Lead
Respiratory Viruses Branch, DivisionofViral Diseases
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

From:Christakis, Dimitri<gimitrchristakis@seattlechildrens org>

Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2021 6:01 PM
To: Campbell, AngelaJ. P. (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD)<azpd@cdcgov>
Subject: Myocarditis
hope you are well
Are you seeing an increase associated with Pfizer in kids
rejected a small uncontrolled case series
Would welcome one from COC either way
Happy to tslk

Please excuse brevity and orthography as this was sent from my iPhone
Dimitri A Christakis MD MPH
Editor in Chief, JAMA Pediatrics
George Adkins Professor
University of Washington
Director, Center for Child Health, Behavior
& Development
Seattle Childrens Research Institute:
Pronouns He/His
Also see my TED talk here

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Thise-mail, including any attachments, is or the soleuseof the intended
ecipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information protected by law. Any unauthorized
review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, lease contact
the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of th original message.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail, including any attachments, is fothe soleuseof the intended
recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information protected by law. Any unauthorized
review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited.Ifyou are not the intended recipient, lease contact
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Taw. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the senderby reply e-mail and destroy all copiesofthe original

on 17 iw S021 13258 0000
‘Campbell, AngelaJ. P. (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD)

‘Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP); Broder, Karen

Sues TN: Wyant pstvcine nalescets


bin tars het,
Sen oy. My 17, 2021 515 01
From: Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>

TorCe: Campbell,
roar Koren CO/DOIDINCEAD/ONQP) <kb2@edegov»
Solem RE. poet ost acini adescents
Angela J. P. (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD) <[email protected]>

ight nonouts susana geting ity nthesrvellonge dotatothetnt gone

Sot Monday, My17,20215.06 PA Hansstcies
From: Broder, Karen (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <krb2@cdc gov>

Set Fo: ecoposerm adeno

To: Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <ayvb@cde gov>

Please reply.

rom:CampbellAngel 1. (EDCAEID/NERD/OVD) aspect gov

Son Monty, iy 17,2071 55 Pa
Sect Po ocarti postsacimadaesent
To: Broder, Karen (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <krb2@cdc gov>

Sore 0 persistentwith my question, bu ae to rite bck to theIAA Ps tor (1 now him

from before,
3swell) ~ is message pasted below.
[on |Womvosorsmenm CSA Te obes pot of comact Torin?

Sbjct: myocar
hope yousre well


Sent: Monday, May 17,2021 4.04

From: Brooks, John T. (CDC/DDID/NCHHSTP/DHP) <zudd@cde gov>

To: Broder, Karen (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <krb2@cdc gov; Campbell, Angela J.P.

{CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OVD) <appa@cdc gov>; Harrington, Theresa (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP)
<tsh3@cdc gov>; Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>
Cc: Posner, Sam (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OD) <[email protected]>; Matt Oster <OsterM>; Oster,

Subject AE: Morris postvacen nsdlescents

Matt (CDC/DDNID/NCBDDD/DBDID) (CTR) <[email protected]>

Thanks Karen for that follow-up!

Sens Monday ay 17,2021 145 #01

From: Broder, Karen (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <krb2@cdc gov>

To: Brooks, John T. (CDC/DDID/NCHHSTP/DHP) <[email protected]>; Campbell, Angela J. P.

{CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OVD) <appa@cdc gov>; Harrington, Theresa (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP)

Ce Posner, Sam (COC/DDID/NCIRD/OD) shu ce gous: Matt Oster Oster kidsheort com Oster,
<[email protected]>; Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>

Subject A Morris ps acne in aden

Matt (CDC/DDNID/NCBDDD/DBDID) (CTR) <[email protected]>

Joo, Ange
As discussed we will ost CIS sues WG discussion on he topic of myocarditis an THURS May 20,
rough our us and confident processes Tn prposeoftn CISA colo Ths 10 sore
information bout cats and top. 1adiion toowfederal GSA partrers and CIS ate mvesHEIrs,
weare ming 3 academic tutionsshat have reached ott COC homBoston's Chidrets, 0C
National and fle. Wit wil le roide some perspec rom Emery CON. Whe the purges of
Koren rode, MD
From: Brooks, John T. (CDC/DDID/NCHHSTP/DHP) <zudd@cde gov>
Sent: Monday, May 17,2021.9:33 A
To: Campbell, Angela J. P. (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD)<appd>; Harrington, Theresa
{COC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP) <[email protected]>; Broder, Karen (COC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP)
<[email protected]>; Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>
Cc: Posner, Sam (COC/DDID/NCIRD/OD) <[email protected]>; Matt Oster <OsterM; Oster,
Matt (COC/DDNID/NCBDDD/DBDID) (CTR) <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents

FYA | am checking in with Matt andothers]©]

If we need to divide and
conquer, I'm happy to participatein| © |

From: Campbell, Angela J. P. (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD) <appé>

Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 8:56 AM
Tos Harrington, Theresa (COC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP)<tsh3 @cde gov Broder, Karen
{CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>; Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP)
<ane@cdc gov
Ce: Posner, Sam (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OD) <[email protected]>; Brooks, lohn T. {CDC/DDID/NCHHSTP/DHP)
<[email protected]>; Matt Oster <OsterM@kidsheart com>; Oster, Matt (CDC/DDNID/NCBDDD/DBDID)
(CTR) <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents

Ok, thank you. Are there calls sooner? think ©6 |

THE om what oration Fe had Trough Sal chains thus Tam 330g Sam, John, andJvewhiedmen Matt since |
know they have been thick in the loop(s) already. | saw that the CISA response is ramping up, which is
grea. | am wondering whothe COCpoint person(s) or group fo reference on this should be?
Specifically, received anemal from the eltor of JAMA Pediatric this weekend to say that
/ould like to know who to refer him to and guidance for response. Happy to talk on the
hone easier
Angela J.P. Campbell, MD, MPH
Medical Officer
Currently supporting CDC COVID-19 Response on the Epi Task Force
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) Unit Lead
Respiratory Viruses Branch, DivisionofViral Diseases
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Centers forDiseaseControl and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

From: Harrington, Theresa (COC/DDID/NCEZID/OHOP) <tsh3@cde gov

sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 12:18 AM
To: Campbell, AngelaJ. P. (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD) <appé@ecde gov»; Broder, Karen
(CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <krb2@cdc gov>; Shimabukuro, Tom (COC/DDID/NCEZID/OHAP)
<ap@cdc gov>
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents
Hi Angie,
We're scheduling call for Thursday to hearfrom a fewsites about what they are seeing. Invitations will
besent on Monday, and you and others are on the invitee lst.
From: Campbell, AngelaJ. . (COC/DDID/NCIRD/OVD) <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2021 11:21 PM
To: Broder, Karen (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP) <[email protected]>; Shimabukuro, Tom
(CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <ayv6@cdc gov; Harrington, Theresa (COC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP)
Ce: Patel, Manish (COC/DDID/NCIRD/ID) <aul3@cdc gov>; Zambrano, Laura (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD)
Subject: FW: Myocarditis post-vaccinein adolescents
“Thanks so much, Manish.
Karen, Theresa, Tom we are hearing quite a ot about this now, and | don't have a clear understanding
of what s and has beenbeing done.Canwe please set up atime to tak? | can lookfor a time on the
calendar and send an invite in the morning (unless thereisalready something scheduled ~ was out last
week and will be digging out for days so | may have missed emails)
Thank you,

Angela J.P. Campbell, MD, MPH

Medical Officer
Currently supporting CDC COVID-19 Response on the Epi Task Force
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) Unit Lead
Respiratory Viruses ranch, Divisionof Vial Diseases
Nations Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Centers orDiseaseControl and Prevention, Atants, GA

From: Kaltman, Jonathan (NIH/NHLBI) (€) mm]

Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 2:12 PM
To: Patel, Manish (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ID) <[email protected]>
Ce: Broder, Karen (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP) <krb2 @cde gov; Campbell, Angela J. P.
{CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OVD) <appd@cdc gov>; Shimabukuro, Tom (COC/DDID/NCEZID/OHAP)
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents

Roberta Dibias: Rebizsi

chicrensnationl org
David Wessel OWessel@childrensnationalorg
From: Patel, Manish (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ID) <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 12:51 Pia
Tor Kaltman, Jonathan (NIH/NHLBI) (£]CE]
Ce: Broder, Karen (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>; Campbell, Angela J. P.
{CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OVD) <[email protected]>; Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP)
Subject: RE: Myocarditispostvaccine in adolescents
Hello Jon
Thanks for the information. We havea safety group here tracking reported events and we wl ensure
follow-up. Please do provide us the contact person at Children’s
From: Kaitman, Jonathan (NIH/NHLEI) (£) Ear]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 1206 PM
To: Patel, Manish (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ID) <aul3@cdc gov>
Subject: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents

Hi Manish,
hope you are doing well. know that you have been emailing with Gai Parson about tis postvaccine
issue in adolescents. | wanted to lt you know there havebeen two suspected case ofthis at Children's
National in DC where| see patents one dayaweek. Bothcases involved ECG changes and troponin
elevations but fortunately were relativelymid | don’ think either id needed the ICU. | can provide a
contac persona Cire you re merested:
Jonathan Kalman, >
Sonor Scenic Advisor | Leat in Data cine
Onisionof Cardiovaseulr Snces | Notional eat, Lung, and Blood Institute

on 17 iw S021 15729-0000
‘Campbell, Angela J. P. (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD)

‘Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP)

Subject: RE: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents

Tro ———

Sem indo, My 1,Tom2021515
Pi ca@ctegov
To: Broder, Karen (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP) <[email protected]>
Ce: Campbell, Angela J. P. (COC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD) <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents

Right now our focus is on surveillance and getting clarity on the surveillance data to the extent possible.

rom rade, aren ECCI)

Sen ior, Mo 17.2021 506701 ite
Simabire. fom COCO ZD/DHGP) <p@c 500
FW: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents

From:Campbell, AngelaJ. P. (COC/DDID/NCIRD/OVD) <[email protected]>
Sen iowa io 7.207355.
Torben Rar ECRBETD/ACP) sot o>
ee ——————

from before,
aswell) his message pasted below. we 1]
[om ould you or someone in CISA Tike to be a point of contact for im?

bie: peers
Thopevou re wel

From: Brooks, John T. (CDC/DDID/NCHHSTP/OHP) <zudd@cdc gov>

Sn ido, My 47,031 401 cus
To: Broder, Karen (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <krb2@cdc. gov>; Campbell, Angela
J. P.
(COC/DDID/NCIRD/OVD) <appa@cdc gov>; Harrington, Theresa (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP)
<[email protected]>; Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <ayvé@cde gov>
Cc: Posner, Sam (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OD) <[email protected]>; Matt Oster <OsterM>; Oster,
Matt (CDC/DDNID/NCBDDD/DBDID) (CTR) <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents

Thanks Karen for that follow-up!

Ss onda, My 17,2021 1.43 #0 p—
To: Brooks, John T. (CDC/DDID/NCHHSTP/DHP) <[email protected]>; Campbell, AngelaJ. P.
{CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD) <[email protected]>; Harrington, Theresa (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP)
<[email protected]>; Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>
Cc: Posner, Sam (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OD) <[email protected]>; Matt Oster <OsterM @kidsheart.coms; Oster,
Matt (CDC/DDNID/NCBDDD/DBDID) (CTR) <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents

discussed we wil os GSsusWG dissoo he apcof myocar on THURS Woy20,
our usual and confidential processes. The purpose of the CISA call on Thursday is to share

eon and al.3 academic
out or0COC Hom Boston's
EmoryHO Chivers,
hiethe pape oCof
Koren oder, 0
From: Brooks, John T. (CDC/DDID/NCHHSTP/DHP) <zudd@cde gov>
Sent: Monday May 17,2021 $23 AM
To: Campbel, Angela. P. (COC/ODID/NCRD/OVD)
<azp4@cdcgov Harrington, Theresa
{CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>; Broder, Karen (COC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP)
<[email protected]>; Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <ayv6@cdc gov>
Ce Posner, Sam (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OD) <5ciov; att Oster <Oster Skidsheart.con; Oster,
Matt (CDC/DDNID/NCBDDD/DBDID) (CTR) <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post vacine in adolescents
FYA | am checking in with Matt andothers] © |
TF we need todivide and
conquer, I'm happy to participate in|

FE p———
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 8:56 AM
‘To: Harrington, Theresa (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>; Broder, Karen
{CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>; Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP)
Ce: Posner, Sam (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OD) <[email protected]>; Brooks, John T. {COC/DDID/NCHHSTP/DHP)
<[email protected]>; Matt Oster <[email protected]>; Oster, Matt (CDC/DDNID/NCBDDD/DBDID)
{CTR) <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post vaccine in adolescents
Ok, thank you. Ave there calls sooner? hi]
Cm Tuswiimems
Te on what formation he had Trough eal cain ~hs Tam adding Sam, John, and Matt since
know they have been thick in the loop(s) already. | saw that the CISA response is ramping up, which is
great. | am wondering who the CDC point person(s) or group for reference on this should be?

Specifically, |received an email from the editor of JAMA Pediatrics this weekend to say tha__©©|
— ee 1]
Would Ti to know wha ta reer imto and grdancefor response. Happy 1 ak on the
Phone easir
Angela. Compbell, MD, MPH
Medical Officer
Currently supporting COC COVID-19 Response on the Epi Task Force
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) Unit Lead
Respiratory Viruses Branch, DivisionofViral Diseases
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

From: Harrington, Theresa (COC/DDID/NCEZID/DHOP) <tsh3@cdc gov>

Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 12:18 AM
To: Campbell, Angela J. P. (COC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD) <appé@cde. gov; Broder, Karen
{CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>; Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHOP)
<ap6@cdc gov
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents
Hi Angie,
We're scheduling call for Thursday to hear froma fewsites about what they are seeing. Invitations will
besent on Monday, and you and others are on the invitee lst.
From: Campbell, Angela J. . (COC/DDID/NCIRD/OVD)<appd@cdegov
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2021 11:21 PM
To: Broder, Karen (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP) <krb2 @cdc gov; Shimabukuro, Tom
(CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <ayv6@cdc gov»; Harrington, Theresa (COC/ODID/NCEZID/OHQP)
<shi@cdc go>
Cc: Patel, Manish (COC/DDID/NCIRD/ID) <aul3@cdc gov>; Zambrano, Laura (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD)
Subject: FW: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents
“Thanks so much, Manish,
Karen, Theresa, Tom - we are hearing quite a ot about this now, and | don't have a clear understanding
ofwhats and has beenbeing done. Canwe please set up atime to talk? | can lookfor a time onthe
calendar and send an invite in the morning (unless thereisalready something scheduled~ was out last
week and will be digging out for days so | may have missed emails).
Thank you,

Angela J.P. Campbell, MD, MPH

Medical Officer
Currently supporting COCCOVID-19 Response on the Epi Task Force
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) Unit Lead
Respiratory Viruses Branch, Division of Viral Diseases
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

From: Kaltman, Jonathan (NIH/NHLBI) (€]

Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 2:12 PM
To: Patel, Manish (COC/ODIO/NCIRD/ID) <[email protected]>
Cc: Broder, Karen (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <krb2@cdc gov;Campbell, Angela 1. P.
{CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OVD) <appé@ccic gov»: Shimabukuro, Tom (COC/DDID/NCEZID/DHAP)
<anb@cdc gov
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post vaccine in adolescents
Roberta Dibiasi: Roebiasi@childrensnational. org
David Wessel: DWessel@childrensnational org
From: Patel, Manish (COC/DDIO/NCIRD/ID) <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 12:51 PM
To: Kaltman, Jonathan (NIH/NHLBI)(£] Car
Cc: Broder, Karen (CDC/0DID/NCEZID/OHQP) <[email protected]; Campbell, Angela J. .
{CDC/DDID/NCIRD/OVD) <appé@ccic gov; Shimabukuro, Tom (COC/DDID/NCEZID/DHAP)
Subject: RE: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents
Hello Jon
Thanks for the information. Wehave a safety group here tracking reported events and we will ensure.
follow-up. Please do provide us the contact person at Children's
From: Kaltman, Jonathan (NIH/NHLI) (£m———1
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 12:06 PM
To: Patel, Manish (COC/DDID/NCIRD/I0) <aul3@cdc gov>
Subject: Myocarditis post-vaccine in adolescents
Hi Manish,
1hope you are doing well 1know that you have been emailing with Gai Pearson about this post-vaccine
issue in adolescents. | wanted to let you know there have been two suspected cases of this at Children's
National in DC, where| see patients one day a week. Both cases involved ECG changes and troponin
elevations but fortunately wererelatively mld ~ | don't think either kid needed the ICU. | can provide a
contact person at Children's if you are interested.
Jonathan Kaltman, MD
Senior Scientiic Advisor | Lead in Data Science
Division of Cardiovascular Sciences | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Ce me e
From: Weintraub, Eric {CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP)

To: McNeil, Michael (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP); Shimabukuro, Tom


a 59
ha 21 80 19785 ggg1 23616 19844 ge 23606
17 212 101 313 2675 gq75 28453 22887 5g70 28766
18 oat 2822 12283 M19 gop 1983 212% gee0 5115

19 8710 3551 13261 M092 406 19290 20742 g405 pp557

TH9 igs
sere sas

To: Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]; Weintraub, Eric

(CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP) <[email protected]>
Eric can provide the real numbers and may have updates for this week.
Fm attaching ast week's datapull see third combined tableby age/age groups eyeballng it's approx.
300,000-400,000 1 doses each of Pfizer and Moderna and approx. 10,000 2" doses of each

From: Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP) <a@cdegovs

Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 4:21 PM
To: Weintraub, Eric (COC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <[email protected]>; McNeil, Michael
(CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OHQP) <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Pentagon Tracking 14 CasesofHeart Inflammation in Troops After COVID-19 Shots
Do we know how may Pfizer and Moderna doses have been administered in patients up to age 40 in
From: Markowitz, Lauri (CDC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD) <iem2@cdc gov
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 4:14 PM
To: Shimabukuro, Tom (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <aw6@edegow;Gee, Julianne
(CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQF) <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Pentagon Tracking 14 CasesofHeart Inflammation in Troops After COVID-19 Shots
Fyi=Bob sentthisto VasT members
From: Schechter, Robert@COPH <RobertSchechter@cdoh>
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 3:37 PM
To: Markowitz, Lauri (€DC/DDID/NCIRD/DVD) <[email protected]>; Daley, Matt
<Matthev. [email protected]>; Edwards, Kathy <sathrvn.edwards@vumc org>; Hopkins, Bob
<[email protected]>; Jackson, Lisa <[email protected]>; Lee, Grace
<GMLec@stanfordchildrens org; McNally, Veronica <[email protected]>; Patricia Whitley-
Williams (whitlepn@ rims <[email protected] edu>; Riley, Laura
<13:[email protected]>; Talbot, Keipp <[email protected]>; Wharton, Melinda
(CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ISD) <[email protected]>
Subject: Pentagon Tracking 14 Cases of Heart Inflammation in Troops After COVID-19 Shots
Sorry if duplicate
From: Chang, HarryP LTC USARMY (USA) <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 12:23 PM
To:Mitchell.Medigovich@CalOES ca gov;[email protected] gov; Blocher, Ticia@CDPH
<Tricia Blocher@cdon ca gov
Cc: Joseph, Grady@CalOES <[email protected]>; Green, Marvin Rll COL USARMY NG
<danielt.>; Johnson, Mark P CWA USARMY SOCOM (USA)
<mar,ohnson34. mil@mailmi>
Subject: Trending news for 04.27.21
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Today's trending news and analysis is robust as some significant noteworthy items have
occurred. 1 would like to draw attention to prelim heart inflammation cases possibly
associated w/ Plizer/Moderna vaccines
Vaccine Updates/Analysis
“Pentagon Tracking 14 Cases of Heart Inflammation in Troops After COVID-19
hitps://www. military com/daily-news/2021/04/26/pentagon-trackDing-14-cases-of-heart-
inflammation-roops-after-covid-19-shots htm
« The Israel Health Ministry was first reported to be investigating heart
inflammation (myocarditis) reports resulting from the Pfizer vaccine
+ DOD is reporting 14 cases since March
© 11 service members received the Moderna vaccine; 3 service members
received the Pfizer vaccine
© 1 service member developed myocarditis after the first shot; 13 service.
members developed it after the second shot
o A civilian member of the Pentagon Press Corps, Marcus Weisgerber, 39,
developed myocarditis after his second Pfizer shot (not part of the 14 DOD.
« VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Report System), of Friday showed at least
45 reports of myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccines
© Majority of cases occurred after the second dose; 19 cases reported after
the Pfizer vaccine and 26 after the Moderna vaccine
« 62% of the American cases reported were in men, most between the ages of 20
and 45
© One reported 19-year-old male six days after receiving his first dose
« The report is not yet widely tracked in media, but is expected to gain
attention in the next few days
© A pause of the Pfizer/Moderna administration (much like the J&J
blood clot pause) will have an adverse impact on US/CA vaccination
rates; assessed as unlikely due to causes of myocarditis can come
from multiple sources (eg. COVID, other conditions, other
vaccines/prescriptions, etc)
* However, increasing reported #s & media attention is likely to
trigger a safety review pause by ACIPIFDA
o Likely to add to further concerns by general public over vaccine safety and
make the "vaccine wall" more challenging to overcome

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