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Designers: Phillip Larwood, Jeff Lee, Development Lead: Meagan Maricle
and Christopher Lockey Editing Lead: Meagan Maricle
Additional Design: Scott Gable, Marc Radle, Cover Artist: Tomasz Chistowski
and Mike Welham
Interior Artists: Paola Andreatta, Miguel
Guest Designers: Rudy Basso (cape of targeting), Regodón Harkness, Julian Hellwig, Basith Ibrahim,
Wolfgang Baur (book of ebon tides, thunderous kazoo), William O'Brien, Fabian Parente, Addison
Adam Bradford (timeworn timepiece), Celeste Rankin, Florian Stitz, Egil Thompson, and
Conowitch (garments of winter’s knight, witch’s circle), Damon Westenhofer
Dan “Professor Dungeonmaster” DeFazio (verses of
vengeance), Janet Forbes (flute of saurian summoning), Layout and Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Shanna Germain (honeyed halfheart), Luke Gygax Additional Layout: Anne Gregersen
(orbs of obfuscation), Meagan and Todd Kenreck
Fantasy Grounds Digital Edition: Linda Buth
(butter of disbelief), Daniel Kwan (wolf brush), Justin
“The Noir Enigma” Miller (potion of empowering Roll20 Digital Edition: Nic Bradley
truth), Vee Mus’e (amulet of the oracle, boots of the Shard Tabletop Digital Edition: Haley Howard
grandmother, clockwork hare, clockwork mace of divinity,
ring of the grove’s guardian, spear of the stilled heart, Director of Digital Growth: Blaine McNutt
valkyrie’s bite), Victoria Rogers (bagpipes of battle), Art Director: Marc Radle
Patrick Rothfuss (Foulton door), Mike “Slyflourish” Editorial Directors: Amanda Hamon and
Shea (whip of the blue wyrm), Gail Simone (humble Thomas M. Reid
cudgel of temperance, matched blades of the eternal
feudalists), Nerdarchist Ted (armor of the ngobou), Director of Operations: T. Alexander Stangroom
Lauren Urban (teapot of soothing), Deborah Ann Publisher: Wolfgang Baur
Woll (matryoshka dolls), and Bee Zelda (hair pick of

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License
version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters,
place names, new deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, story elements, locations, characters, artwork, sidebars, and trade dress.
(Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.)
Midgard and Kobold Press are trademarks of Open Design LLC. All rights reserved.

Open Game Content: The Open Content includes the magic items in each chapter (excluding all place names and
specific character references, such as gods and NPCs), except for the Specialty Consumable items within the Potions and
Scrolls chapter and all items in the Fabled Magic Items chapter. All other material is Product Identity, especially place
names, character names, locations, story elements, background, and fiction.
Lugax and Kennich are copyright Luke Gygax 2021 and used with permission.
No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission.
©2021 Open Design LLC. All rights reserved.
PO Box 2811 | Kirkland, WA 98083
Printed in China
ISBN: 978-1-950789-24-5
2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1

The Magic of Items
I started playing around with trinkets when I was a When I began to write my own campaigns, it was
kid. Like many creative youngsters, I had a dress-up important to me to honor that feeling of imaginative
chest, sometimes referred to as a toy chest. I kept agency above all else. And that extended to the “stuff ”
costumes and bits and bobs of things that I found (sometimes known as “magic items”) that I scattered
around my grandparent’s house, rooting through about my realms. Just like the trinkets I kept as a
my parent’s closet, or even items I had found on the child, I believe the power of any item is really only
street, in the woods, or at the beach. None of these determined by the player. Yes, magic items have
items had any inherent value of their own, but in rules and mechanics, but that only takes you so far.
my enthusiastic hands, an old shawl became a cape Whether it is a plus-two sword or a magic trinket that
of defense, a set of wooden blocks became cubes of hides in plain sight, the true power of a magic item
sticky goo, and a spool of thread unraveled into a is in how the player chooses to use it. While many
deadly trap. items come with legendary backstories, when a player
As I grew up, I found ways to continue to tap into takes possession of an item, the adventures they
that youthful experience. I became an actor, using have wielding its magic become its living legend. The
imagination and story to fuel that need to play. It was players should feel they are joining that canon, not
and still is a thrilling experience, but it wasn’t until beholden to it.
I found tabletop roleplaying games that I felt that To that end, I hope this book serves as a figurative
same child-like thrill of spontaneous creation. These “toy chest” for all of us, brimming with inspiration
extraordinary games beautifully married the free play and opportunities to create legendary moments with
of my youth with the complexity of adult storytelling. extraordinary stuff.
I was hooked. Deborah Ann Woll
March 2021

A special thanks to the designers and contributors to earlier printings of some items that appear in this
book, including, but not limited to: Lou Anders, Bryan Armor, Paul Baalham, Wolfgang Baur, James Bitoy,
Peter von Bleichert, Morgan Boehringer, Quin Callahan, Jarrod Camiré, Lysa Chen, Andrew Christian, Matthew
Cicci, Bill Collins, Vincent Colón-Roine, Tim and Eileen Connors, Celeste Conowitch, David “Zeb” Cook,
Matthew Corley, Ryan Costello Jr., Adam Daigle, R P Davis, Dan Dillon, Jonathan Drain, Benjamin Eastman,
Robert Fairbanks, Richard Flanagan, Clay Fleischer, Crystal Frasier, Michael Franke, Michael Furlanetto,
Basheer Ghouse, Bayley Gillier, Frank Gori, Richard Green, Jim Groves, Jeff Grubb, James Haeck, Matthew
J. Hanson, Chris Harris, Jeffery Harris, Brandon Hodge, James Introcaso, Victoria Jaczko, Matt James, Josh
Jarman, Clare Jones, Russell Jones, Michael Kortes, Dawson Kriska, Michael Lane, Travis Legge, Jerry LeNeave,
Brian Liberge, John Ling Jr., Neal Litherland, Chris Lozaga, Meagan Maricle, Ari Marmell, Michael Matkin,
Jonathan McAnulty, Ben McFarland, Shawn Merwin, Chad Middleton, Eric Miller, Michael Ohl, Kelly Pawlik,
Richard Pett, Marc Radle, Ted Reed, Steve Robert, Jan Rodewald, Karl Rodriguez, Hannah Rose, Adam Roy, Jon
Sawatsky, Amber Scott, Michael Shel, Jason Sonia, Trevor Stamper, Joshua Stevens, Christina Stiles, Matthew
Stinson, Christian Sturke, Stefen Styrsky, Brian Suskind, Troy Taylor, Michael Timpe, Jerall Toi, Sigfried Trent,
Ian Turner, Dan Voyce, Ashley Warren, Steve Winter, and Henry Wong


Table of Contents
Grasping Shield.........................25
Grave Ward Armor.....................25
Grim Escutcheon.......................25
Hammer of Throwing................25
Hellfire Armor...........................25
Hexen Blade............................. 26
Hidden Armament................... 26
Humble Cudgel of
Temperance........................... 26
Iceblink.................................... 26
Impact Club.............................. 26
Impaling Weapon..................... 27
Knockabout Billet..................... 27
ARMOR & WEAPONS Buzzing Blade............................17 Kyshaarth’s Fang...................... 27
Candied Axe..............................18 Labyrs of the
Agile Armor...............................11 Cephalopod Breastplate.............18 Raging Bull............................... 27
Akaasit Blade.............................11 Chainbreaker Blade...................18 Larkmail................................... 27
Anchor of Striking.....................11 Chieftain’s Axe...........................18 Leaf-Bladed Sword................... 27
Angry Hornet............................12 Chillblain Armor.......................18 Living Juggernaut..................... 27
Animated Chain Mail................12 Clockwork Mace of Divinity..... 19 Lockbreaker............................. 28
Anointing Mace.........................12 Commander’s Plate.................. 19 Mail of the Sword Master.......... 28
Armor of Cushioning.................12 Constant Dagger...................... 20 Manticore’s Tail........................ 28
Armor of Spite...........................12 Consuming Rod....................... 20 Masher Basher.......................... 28
Armor of the Leaf......................12 Crimson Starfall Arrow............. 20 Meteoric Plate.......................... 28
Armor of the Ngobou.................13 Crocodile Armor....................... 20 Mirrored Armor....................... 28
Armor of Warding......................13 Crusader’s Shield...................... 20 Moonsteel Weapon .................. 28
Arrow of Grabbing.....................13 Dagger of the Barbed Devil........21 Mordant Blade......................... 29
Arrow of Unpleasant Herbs.......13 Dawn Shard...............................21 Mountain Hewer...................... 29
Asp’s Kiss...................................13 Deadfall Arrow..........................21 Mountaineer’s Crossbow.......... 29
Axe of the Ancients................... 14 Dimensional Net.......................21 Muffled Armor......................... 29
Badger Hide............................. 14 Dirgeblade.................................21 Mutineer’s Blade...................... 29
Black and White Daggers.......... 14 Dirk of Daring.......................... 22 Odd Bodkin.............................. 30
Blackguard’s Blade.................... 14 Dragonstooth Blade.................. 22 Pestilent Spear.......................... 30
Blade of Petals.......................... 14 Encouraging Armor.................. 22 Phidjetz Spinner....................... 30
Blade of the Dervish...................15 Enraging Ammunition.............. 22 Pick of Ice Breaking.................. 30
Blade of the Temple Guardian....15 Ensnaring Ammunition............ 22 Pistol of the Umbral Court........ 30
Bloodbow..................................15 Entrenching Mattock................ 22 Poison Strand........................... 30
Blooddrinker Spear....................15 Exsanguinating Blade............... 22 Primordial Scale........................31
Bloodfuel Weapon.....................15 Fellforged Armor.......................23 Rain of Chaos............................31
Bloodprice Armor..................... 16 Flash Bullet...............................23 Ravager’s Axe............................31
Blood-Soaked Hide.................. 16 Fog Stone..................................23 Reef Splitter...............................31
Bloodthirsty Weapon................ 16 Forgefire Hammer.....................23 Retribution Armor.....................31
Bludgeon of Nightmares........... 16 Fountmail..................................23 Riverine Blade...........................32
Bone Whip................................ 16 Gale Javelin............................... 24 Rowdy’s Club.............................32
Bonebreaker Mace.....................17 Ghost Barding.......................... 24 Ruby Crusher............................32
Bow of Accuracy........................17 Glazed Blade............................. 24 Rust Monster Shell....................32
Brawn Armor.............................17 Gnawing Spear......................... 24 Sacrificial Knife.........................33
Brazen Bulwark.........................17 Goblin Shield............................ 24 Sand Arrow................................33
Breaker Lance............................17 Golden Bolt.............................. 24 Sand Suit...................................33
4 Bullseye Arrow..........................17 Gorgon Scale............................ 24 Sanguine Lance.........................33
Scimitar of the Desert Winds......33 Wave Chain Mail...................... 44 White Ape Hide........................ 45
Scourge of Devotion..................33 Web Arrows.............................. 44 Witch Hunter’s Armor.............. 45
Sea Witch’s Blade...................... 34 Whip of Fangs........................... 44 Witch’s Circle............................ 45
Searing Whip............................ 34 Whip of the Blue Wyrm............. 44 Wolf Brush............................... 45
Serpent’s Scales........................ 34 Whirlwind Bolas....................... 44 Zephyr Shield........................... 46
Serpent’s Tooth......................... 34
Sharkskin Vest.......................... 34
Shepherd’s Flail.........................35
Shield of Gnawing.....................35
Shield of Missile Reversal...........35
Shield of the Fallen.................... 36
Sickle of Thorns........................ 36
Siege Arrow.............................. 36
Signaling Ammunition............. 36
Slick Cuirass............................. 36
Slimeblade................................ 36
Sling Stone of Screeching.......... 36
Slipshod Hammer..................... 36
Smoking Plate of Heithmir........37
Spear of the North.....................37 POTIONS & SCROLLS Locksmith’s Oil.........................53
Spear of the Stilled Heart...........37 Luring Perfume.........................53
Aberrant Agreement................. 47 Odorless Oil............................. 54
Spear of the Western Whale........37
Ash of the Ebon Birch............... 47 Oil of Concussion..................... 54
Spearbiter..................................37 Binding Oath............................ 48 Oil of Defoliation...................... 54
Spectral Blade............................38 Black Dragon Oil...................... 48 Oil of Extreme Bludgeoning..... 54
Standard of Divinity...................38 Blasphemous Writ.................... 48 Oil of Numbing........................ 54
Steadfast Splint..........................38 Bloodlink Potion...................... 49 Oil of Sharpening...................... 54
Stinger.......................................38 Brain Juice................................ 49 Orb of Obfuscation................... 54
Survival Knife............................38 Catalyst Oil............................... 49 Pact Paper.................................. 55
Swarmfoe Suit...........................38 Celestial Charter...................... 49 Philter of Luck........................... 55
Sweet Nature.............................38 Cleaning Concoction................ 50 Potent Cure-All......................... 55
Sword of Fallen Saints............... 39 Cordial of Understanding......... 50 Potion of Air Breathing.............. 55
Sword of Volsung...................... 39 Courtesan’s Allure.................... 50 Potion of Bad Taste.................... 55
Tamer’s Whip........................... 39 Draught of Ambrosia................ 50 Potion of Bouncing.................... 55
Tarian Graddfeydd Ddraig........ 39 Draught of the Black Owl.......... 50 Potion of Buoyancy....................56
Efficacious Eyewash.................. 50 Potion of Dire Cleansing............56
Tenebrous Flail of Screams.......40
Elixir of Corruption...................51 Potion of Ebbing Strength.........56
Thirsting Scalpel.......................40
Elixir of Deep Slumber..............51 Potion of Effulgence..................56
Thirsting Thorn........................40 Elixir of Focus...........................51 Potion of Empowering Truth.....56
Tipstaff..................................... 41 Elixir of Mimicry.......................51 Potion of Freezing Fog...............56
Tracking Dart........................... 41 Elixir of Oracular Delirium........51 Potion of Malleability................56
Trident of the Vortex................. 41 Elixir of Spike Skin....................51 Potion of Sand Form..................56
Trident of the Yearning Tide...... 41 Elixir of the Clear Mind.............51 Potion of Skating.......................57
Troll Skin Armor....................... 41 Elixir of the Deep.......................51 Potion of Transparency..............57
Tyrant’s Whip........................... 41 Elixir of Wakefulness.................52 Potion of Worg Form.................57
Umbral Chopper...................... 42 Extract of Dual-Mindedness......52 Rainbow Extract........................57
Undine Plate............................. 42 Feysworn Contract....................52 Royal Jelly..................................57
Unquiet Dagger........................ 42 Fiendish Charter........................52 Scroll of Conjuring....................57
Valkyrie’s Bite........................... 42 Ghoulbane Oil...........................52 Scroll of Fabrication...................58
Grave Reagent...........................52 Scroll of Treasure Finding..........58
Verses of Vengeance.................. 42
Hardening Polish.......................53 Scrolls of Correspondence.........58
Vestments of the Bleak
Hewer’s Draught.......................53 Tincture of Moonlit Blossom.....58
Shinobi.................................. 43
Interplanar Paint.......................53 Tonic for the Troubled Mind......58
Vile Razor................................. 43 Ironskin Oil...............................53 Tonic of Blandness.................... 59
Void-Touched Buckler............... 43 Liquid Courage..........................53 Trollsblood Elixir..................... 59
Warlock’s Aegis......................... 44 Liquid Shadow...........................53 Unstable Bombard.................... 59 5
Verdant Elixir........................... 59 Gnomesalt Taffy...................... 63 Frungilator............................... 74
Wisp of the Void........................60 Golden Dawn.......................... 63 Ghoulbane Rod.........................75
Witch’s Brew.............................60 Honeyed Halfheart................. 64 Glamour Rings..........................75
Wrathful Vapors........................60 Maiden’s Tears........................ 64 Glass Wand of Leng...................75
Specialty Consumables...........60 Mincemeat Pie........................ 64 Gremlin’s Paw............................75
Bezoars Pickled Aboleth Brain.............. 64 Hazelwood Wand......................75
Bezoar of the Behir.................. 61 Purified Phoenix Tear.............. 64 Howling Rod.............................75
Bezoar of the Bespectacled Queen Bee.............................. 64 Kraken Clutch Ring.................. 76
Owlbear ............................... 61 Roast Bean Juice..................... 64 Lightning Rod.......................... 76
Bezoar of the Chimera............ 61 Saffron-Dusted Carrot............ 64 Oakwood Wand........................ 76
Bezoar of the Cockatrice......... 61 Scarlet Mead........................... 64 Recondite Shield....................... 76
Bezoar of the Seven-Flavored Tea of Ring of Arcane Adjustment....... 76
Dire Owlbear .......................... 61 Forgetfulness.......................... 65 Ring of Bravado.........................77
Bezoar of the Great Horned Sweet Subjects........................ 65 Ring of Deceiver’s Warning........77
Owlbear ............................... 61 Wafer of Warmth..................... 65 Ring of Dragon’s Discernment...77
Bezoar of the Hippogriff......... 61 Winter Coat............................ 65 Ring of Featherweight Weapons.77
Bezoar of the Hoary Owlbear .. 61 Spirit Honey Ring of Giant Mingling..............77
Bezoar of the Manticore.......... 61 Honey of Ancient Meadows.... 66 Ring of Hoarded Life.................77
Bezoar of the Screech Honey of Dead Fields.............. 66 Ring of Imperious Command....78
Owlbear ............................... 62 Honey of Gloomy Flowers ...... 66 Ring of Light’s Comfort.............78
Fantastical Foods and Beverages Honey of Planar Flora............. 66 Ring of Night’s Solace................78
Blue Rose Tea.......................... 62 Honey of the Hungry Flower... 67 Ring of Powerful Summons.......78
Broth of Bolstering.................. 62 Honey of the Master Vine........ 67 Ring of Remembrance...............78
Broth of Needful Fortitude...... 62 Honey of Warped Wildflowers. 67 Ring of Sealing..........................78
Candied Spider....................... 62 Ring of Shadows........................78
Troll Blood
Cloud and Mist Immortality Ring of Small Mercies................78
Potion of Troll Blood............... 70
Tea....................................... 63
Potion of Troll Blood, Ring of Spell Negation.............. 79
Companion’s Broth................. 63
Greater................................. 70 Ring of Stored Vitality............... 79
Dire Bacon.............................. 63
Potion of Troll Blood, Ring of the Dolphin.................. 79
Dragonbone Broth.................. 63 Superior............................... 70 Ring of the Frog........................ 79
Dragonfire Pepper................... 63 Potion of Troll Blood, Ring of the Frost Knight........... 80
Electric Eel Sushi.................... 63 Supreme............................... 70 Ring of the Grove’s Guardian.... 80
Ring of the Jarl.......................... 80
Ring of the Water Dancer.......... 80
Ring of Ursa............................. 80
Rod of Blade Bending................81
Rod of Bubbles..........................81
Rod of Conveyance....................81
Rod of Deflection......................81
Rod of Ghastly Might................81
Rod of Hellish Grounding......... 82
Rod of Icicles............................ 82
Rod of Reformation.................. 82
Rod of Repossession..................83
Rod of Sacrificial Blessing..........83
Clockwork Rogue Ring............. 72 Rod of Sanguine Mastery...........83
RINGS, RODS, Rod of Swarming Skulls.............83
STAVES, & WANDS Crook of the Flock.................... 72
Crystal Staff...............................73 Rod of the Disciplinarian...........83
Ashwood Wand..........................71 Death’s Mirror...........................73 Rod of the Infernal Realms....... 84
Big Dipper.................................71 Devil’s Barb...............................73 Rod of the Jester....................... 84
Blacktooth................................ 72 Eldritch Rod..............................73 Rod of the Mariner....................85
Brass Clockwork Staff............... 72 Elk Horn Rod............................73 Rod of the Wastes......................85
6 Brazen Band............................. 72 Freerunner Rod........................ 74 Rod of Thorns............................85
Rod of Underworld Unseelie Staff............................ 99 Wand of Ignition.....................101
Navigation..............................85 Voidwalker............................... 99 Wand of Plant Destruction...... 102
Rod of Vapor..............................85 Wand of Accompaniment.......... 99 Wand of Relieved Burdens...... 102
Rod of Verbatim.........................85 Wand of Air Glyphs................... 99 Wand of Resistance................. 102
Rod of Warning........................ 86 Wand of Bristles...................... 100 Wand of Revealing.................. 102
Root of the World Tree.............. 86 Wand of Depth Detection....... 100 Wand of Tears......................... 102
Rowan Staff.............................. 86 Wand of Direction.................. 100 Wand of the Timekeeper......... 102
Rowdy’s Ring.............................87 Wand of Drowning................. 100 Wand of Treasure Finding....... 102
Scepter of Majesty.....................87 Wand of Extinguishing........... 100 Wand of Vapors........................103
Second Wind.............................87 Wand of Fermentation............ 100 Wand of Windows....................103
Seelie Staff.................................87 Wand of Flame Control...........101 Webbed Staff...........................103
Serpent Staff..............................87 Wand of Giggles.......................101 Wolfbite Ring..........................103
Shimmer Ring.......................... 88 Wand of Guidance...................101 Zipline Ring............................103
Signet of the Magister............... 88 Wand of Harrowing.................101
Slatelight Ring.......................... 88
Soldra’s Staff............................. 88
Spider Staff............................... 89
Splinter Staff............................. 89
Staff of Binding......................... 89
Staff of Camazotz..................... 89
Staff of Channeling................... 89
Staff of Desolation....................90
Staff of Dissolution...................90
Staff of Fate..............................90
Staff of Feathers........................90
Staff of Giantkin.......................90
Staff of Ice and Fire................... 91
Staff of Master Lu Po................ 91 Bagpipes of Battle................... 109
Staff of Midnight...................... 92
Baleful Wardrums................... 109
Staff of Minor Curses................ 92 Accursed Idol.......................... 104 Band of Iron Thorns.................110
Staff of Parzelon....................... 92 Air Seed...................................105 Bandana of Brachiation............110
Staff of Portals.......................... 92 Alabaster Salt Shaker...............105 Bandana of Bravado.................110
Staff of Scrying......................... 93 Alchemical Lantern.................105 Bands of Restraint...................110
Staff of Spores........................... 93 Alembic of Unmaking..............105 Banner of the Fortunate...........110
Staff of the Armada................... 93 Almanac of Common Battle Standard of Passage........110
Staff of the Artisan.................... 93 Wisdom................................105 Bead of Exsanguination...........110
Staff of the Cephalopod............ 94 Amulet of Memory..................105 Bear Paws................................ 111
Staff of the Four Winds............. 94 Amulet of Sustaining Bed of Spikes........................... 111
Staff of the Lantern Bearer........ 95 Health................................. 106 Belt of the Wilds....................... 111
Staff of the Peaks....................... 95 Amulet of the Oracle............... 106 Berserker’s Kilt........................ 111
Staff of the Scion....................... 95 Amulet of Whirlwinds............. 106 Bituminous Orb....................... 111
Staff of the Treant..................... 95 Angelic Earrings..................... 106 Black Phial...............................112
Staff of the Unhatched.............. 96 Animated Abacus.................... 106 Blessed Pauper’s Purse.............112
Staff of the White Ankh of Aten...........................107 Blinding Lantern.....................112
Necromancer......................... 96 Anuraag’s Crucible..................107 Blood Mark.............................112
Staff of Thorns.......................... 96 Apron of the Blood Pearl..............................112
Staff of Voices........................... 96 Eager Artisan...........................107
Bloodpearl Bracelet.................112
Staff of Winter and Ice............... 97 Arcanaphage Stone................. 108
Bloodwhisper Cauldron........... 113
Stone Staff................................ 97 Ashes of the Fallen.................. 108
Blue Rose................................ 113
Stonedrift Staff......................... 97 Aurochs Bracers...................... 108
Blue Willow Cloak...................114
Stygian Crook........................... 98 Baba Yaga’s Cinderskull.......... 108
Book of Ebon Tides..................114
Umbral Band............................ 98 Bag of Bramble Beasts............. 108
Book of Eibon..........................116
Umbral Staff............................. 98 Bag of Traps............................ 109
Book Shroud...........................116 7
Bookkeeper Inkpot..................116 Cloak of Sails.......................... 124 Ebon Shards............................134
Bookmark of Eldritch Cloak of Squirrels.................... 125 Elemental Wraps.....................134
Insight..................................116 Cloak of the Bearfolk............... 125 Everflowing Bowl....................134
Boots of Pouncing....................116 Cloak of the Eel....................... 125 Eye of Horus............................134
Boots of Quaking.....................116 Cloak of the Empire................. 125 Eye of the Golden God.............134
Boots of Solid Footing............. 117 Cloak of the Inconspicuous Eyes of the Outer Dark............. 135
Boots of the Grandmother....... 117 Rake..................................... 125 Eyes of the Portal Masters........ 135
Boots of the Swift Striker......... 117 Cloak of the Ram..................... 125 Fanged Mask........................... 135
Bottled Boat............................ 117 Cloak of the Rat....................... 125 Farhealing Bandages................ 135
Bountiful Cauldron................. 117 Cloak of Wicked Wings............126 Fear-Eater’s Mask....................136
Box of Secrets.......................... 117 Clockwork Gauntlet................126 Feather Token..........................136
Bracelet of the Fire Tender....... 118 Clockwork Hand.....................126 Ferryman’s Coins.....................136
Braid Whip Clasp..................... 118 Clockwork Hare......................126 Figurehead of Prowess.............136
Brass Snake Ball....................... 118 Clockwork Mynah Bird............126 Figurine of Wondrous Power.....137
Brawler’s Leather..................... 118 Clockwork Pendant.................126 Firebird Feather....................... 138
Breathing Reed........................ 118 Clockwork Spider Cloak..........127 Flag of the Cursed Fleet........... 138
Briarthorn Bracers................... 118 Coffer of Memory....................127 Flask of Epiphanies..................139
Broken Fang Talisman............. 118 Collar of Beast Armor..............127 Fleshspurned Mask.................139
Broom of Sweeping..................119 Comfy Slippers........................127 Flood Charm...........................139
Brotherhood of Fezzes.............119 Commander’s Helm................127 Flute of Saurian
Bubbling Retort.......................119 Commander’s Visage...............127 Summoning..........................139
Buckle of Blasting....................119 Commoner’s Veneer................128 Fly Whisk of Authority............ 140
Burglar’s Lock and Key............119 Communal Flute.....................128 Frost Pellet............................. 140
Burning Skull..........................119 Coral of Enchanted Colors.......128 Frostfire Lantern.................... 140
Butter of Disbelief................... 120 Corpsehunter’s Medallion.......128 Fulminar Bracers.................... 140
Candle of Communion........... 120 Countermelody Crystals..........128 Garments of Winter’s
Candle of Summoning............ 120 Crab Gloves.............................128 Knight................................. 140
Candle of Visions.................... 120 Craven’s Heart.........................129 Gauntlet of the Iron Sphere......141
Cap of Thorns......................... 120 Crawling Cloak........................129 Gazebo of Shade and Shelter....141
Cape of Targeting.................... 120 Crimson Carpet.......................129 Ghost Dragon Horn................141
Captain’s Flag..........................121 Crown of the Pharaoh..............130 Ghost Thread.......................... 142
Captain’s Goggles....................121 Dancing Caltrops....................130 Ghoul Light............................ 142
Case of Preservation................121 Dancing Floret........................130 Giggling Orb.......................... 142
Cataloguing Book....................121 Dancing Ink............................130 Girdle of Traveling Alchemy.... 142
Celestial Sextant......................122 Dastardly Quill and Gliding Cloak......................... 142
Censer of Dark Shadows..........122 Parchment............................130 Gloomflower Corsage............. 142
Centaur Wrist-Wraps...............122 Decoy Card.............................. 131 Gloves of the Magister.............143
Chalice of Forbidden Deepchill Orb.......................... 131 Gloves of the Walking Shade.... 143
Ecstasies...............................122 Deserter’s Boots...................... 131 Goggles of Firesight.................143
Chalk of Exodus......................122 Devil Shark Mask.................... 131 Goggles of Shade.....................143
Chamrosh Salve.......................123 Devilish Doubloon.................. 131 Granny Wax.............................143
Charlatan’s Veneer...................123 Distracting Doubloon..............132 Grasping Cap..........................143
Charm of Restoration..............123 Djinn Vessel.............................132 Grasping Cloak........................143
Chronomancer’s Pocket Doppelganger Ointment..........132 Green Mantle......................... 144
Clock....................................123 Dread Scarab...........................132 Grifter’s Deck......................... 144
Cinch of the Wolfmother.........123 Dust of Desiccation.................132 Gritless Grease....................... 144
Circlet of Holly....................... 124 Dust of Muffling...................... 133 Hair Pick of Protection........... 144
Circlet of Persuasion............... 124 Dust of the Dead...................... 133 Hallowed Effigy...................... 144
Clacking Teeth........................ 124 Eagle Cape.............................. 133 Hallucinatory Dust..................145
Clamor Bell............................ 124 Earrings of the Eclipse............. 133 Hammer of Decrees.................145
Clarifying Goggles.................. 124 Earrings of the Agent............... 133 Handy Scroll Quiver................145
Cloak of Coagulation.............. 124 Earrings of the Storm Hangman’s Noose...................145
Cloak of Petals........................ 124 Oyster................................... 133 Harmonizing Instrument........145
Hat of Mental Acuity.............. 146 Marvelous Clockwork Pocket Oasis............................165
Headdress of Majesty.............. 146 Mallard................................. 155 Pocket Spark............................165
Headrest of the Cattle Mask of the Leaping Gazelle.... 155 Prayer Mat...............................165
Queens................................ 146 Mask of the War Chief............. 156 Primal Doom...........................165
Headscarf of the Oasis............ 146 Master Angler’s Tackle............. 156 Prospecting Compass............. 166
Healthful Honeypot............... 146 Matryoshka Dolls.................... 156 Quick-Change Mirror............. 166
Heat Stone..............................147 Mayhem Mask......................... 157 Quill of Scribing..................... 166
Heliotrope Heart.....................147 Medal of Valor......................... 157 Quilted Bridge........................ 166
Helm of the Slashing Fin..........147 Memory Philter....................... 157 Radiance Bomb...................... 166
Holy Verdant Bat Droppings....147 Mender’s Mark........................ 158 Radiant Bracers.......................167
Honey Buckle..........................147 Minor Minstrel....................... 158 Radiant Libram.......................167
Honey Lamp...........................147 Mirror of Eavesdropping......... 158 Recording Book.......................167
Honey Trap..............................148 Mnemonic Fob........................ 158 Relocation Cable.....................168
Honeypot of Awakening..........148 Mock Box................................159 Resolute Bracer.......................168
Hunter’s Charm......................148 Mongrelmaker’s Handbook.....159 Revenant’s Shawl.....................168
Incense of Recovery.................148 Monkey’s Paw of Fortune.........159 Rift Orb...................................168
Ioun Stone...............................148 Moon Through the Trees..........159 River Token.............................168
Ivy Crown of Prophecy............ 149 Moonfield Lens...................... 160 Rogue’s Aces............................168
Jeweler’s Anvil........................ 149 Mug of Merry Drinking.......... 160 Rope Seed............................... 169
Jungle Mess Kit...................... 149 Nameless Cults....................... 160 Rug of Safe Haven................... 169
Justicar’s Mask....................... 149 Necromantic Ink.................... 160 Saddle of the Cavalry Casters.. 169
Keffiyeh of Serendipitous Neutralizing Bead................... 160 Sanctuary Shell....................... 169
Escape................................. 149 Nithing Pole........................... 160 Sandals of Sand Skating.......... 169
Kobold Firework.....................150 Nullifier’s Lexicon...................161 Sandals of the Desert
Language Pyramid...................150 Octopus Bracers......................161 Wanderer..............................170
Lantern of Auspex................... 151 Oculi of the Ancestor...............161 Satchel of Seawalking...............170
Lantern of Judgment............... 151 Ogre’s Pot................................162 Scalehide Cream......................170
Lantern of Selective Oni Mask................................162
Illumination......................... 151 Oracle Charm..........................162
Last Chance Quiver................. 151 Orb of Enthralling Patterns......162
Leonino Wings........................ 151 Ouroboros Amulet...................162
Lifeblood Gear........................ 152 Parasol of Temperate
Linguist’s Cap.......................... 152 Weather................................162
Living Stake............................. 152 Pavilion of Dreams...................162
Locket of Dragon Vitality......... 152 Pearl of Diving.........................163
Locket of Remembrance.......... 152 Periapt of Eldritch
Lodestone Caltrops................. 153 Knowledge............................163
Loom of Fate........................... 153 Periapt of Proof Against Lies.... 163
Lucky Charm of the Monkey Phase Mirror...........................163
King...................................... 153 Phoenix Ember....................... 164
Lucky Coin.............................. 153 Pipes of Madness.................... 164
Lucky Eyepatch....................... 153 Plumb of the Elements............ 164
Lupine Crown......................... 153 Plunderer’s Sea Chest..............165
Magma Mantle........................ 153
Mantle of Blood Vengeance......154
Mantle of the Forest Lord........154
Mantle of the Lion...................154
Mantle of the Void...................154
Manual of Exercise..................154
Manual of the Lesser Golem....154
Manual of Vine Golems............ 155
Mapping Ink........................... 155

Scarab of Rebirth.....................170 Talking Torches.......................182 Verminous Snipsnaps.............. 185
Scarf of Deception...................170 Teapot of Soothing..................182 Vessel of Deadly Venoms.......... 185
Scent Sponge...........................170 Tenebrous Mantle...................182 Vial of Sunlight........................186
Scorn Pouch............................170 Thornish Nocturnal.................182 Vielle of Weirding and
Scorpion Feet.......................... 171 Three-Section Boots................182 Warding................................186
Scoundrel’s Gambit................. 171 Throttler’s Gauntlets................ 183 Vigilant Mug............................186
Scout’s Coat............................. 171 Thunderous Kazoo.................. 183 Voidskin Cloak........................186
Screaming Skull....................... 171 Tick Stop Watch....................... 183 Ward Against Wild Appetites.... 186
Scrimshaw Comb..................... 171 Timeworn Timepiece............... 183 Warding Icon...........................186
Scrimshaw Parrot.................... 171 Tome of Knowledge................. 183 Wayfarer’s Candle.................... 187
Selket’s Bracer......................... 171 Toothsome Purse..................... 183 Whispering Cloak.................... 187
Seneschal’s Gloves...................172 Torc of the Comet....................184 Whispering Powder................. 187
Sentinel Portrait......................172 Treebleed Bucket.....................184 White Dandelion..................... 187
Serpentine Bracers...................172 Trick Shot Mirror....................184 Windwalker Boots................... 187
Servile Shabti...........................172 Umber Beans...........................184 Witch Ward Bottle.................... 187
Shadow Tome.......................... 173 Umbral Lantern....................... 185 Worg Salve............................... 187
Shadowhound’s Muzzle...........174 Unerring Dowsing Rod............ 185 Worry Stone............................188
Shark Tooth Crown.................174 Vengeful Coat.......................... 185 Wraithstone.............................188
Sheeshah of Revelations...........174 Venomous Fangs...................... 185 Ziphian Eye Amulet.................188
Shifting Shirt...........................174
Shoes of the Shingled
Shrutinandan Sitar..................174
Signaling Compass.................. 175
Silver Strings........................... 175
Silvered Oar............................. 175
Skald’s Harp............................ 175
Skeleton Key............................ 175
Skullcap of Deep Wisdom........176
Sleep Pellet..............................176
Slippers of the Cat....................176
Smuggler’s Bag........................176
Smuggler’s Coat...................... 177 FABLED MAGIC ITEMS Matched Blades of the
Snake Basket........................... 177 Eternal Feudalists................ 210
Song-Saddle of the Khan.......... 177 Assassin’s Chain......................191 Oak Heart Figurine..................212
Soul Bond Chalice................... 177 Battlecaster’s Armor................192 Raurrick’s Axe.........................212
Soul Jug................................... 178 Blood Moon Orb.....................193 Red Bulette’s Hide...................213
Spell Disruptor Horn............... 178 Blood Spike Armor................. 194 Sacred Mountain Armor......... 214
Spice Box of Zest..................... 178 Bracers of Ganis’briel...............195 Scorpion Sting Scimitar........... 215
Spice Box Spoon......................179 Cailebryn................................ 196 Sovereign’s Scepter..................216
Spider Grenade........................179 Champion’s Plate.....................197 Trickster’s Boots......................217
Spyglass of Summoning...........179 Fire Shield of Rathume............197 Uthariel’s Diadem....................217
Stolen Thunder........................179 Foulton Door......................... 199 Vrithmytrix’s Bane...................218
Stonechewer Gauntlets........... 180 Gauntlets of the Wanderer’s Book.....................219
Storyteller’s Pipe..................... 180 Arcane Fist........................... 203 Wolf ’s Howl Ring................... 220
Sturdy Scroll Tube................... 180 Golden Griffon Shield.............204
Swashing Plumage.................. 180 Grinning Skull........................ 205
Swolbold Wraps....................... 181 Healer’s Hand Amulet............ 206
Tactile Unguent....................... 181 Helm of Velamish................... 207 Treasure Troves by CR
Tailor’s Clasp........................... 181 Kelgror’s Hammer.................. 207 0 to 17+.................................221
Talisman of the Snow Queen.....181 Mage Hunter’s Armor............. 209 Magic Item Tables
Talking Tablets........................ 181 Markum’s Glaive.................... 210 1 to 25............................222–236
Armor & Weapons

This chapter contains magical armors that exude Beasts 2). You can use an action to activate a small
molten lava, help you survive beneath the ocean measure of prescience within the dagger for
waves, or are constructed from the hides of monstrous 1 minute. If you are attacked by a creature
creatures. It also features weapons that drink the you can see within 5 feet of you while
blood of those they strike, unerringly find their mark this effect is active, you can use your
against ghostly foes, or even open rifts to the Void. reaction to make one attack with
Find everything heroes need to armor themselves this dagger against the attacker. If
against great threats and slay terrible monsters! your attack hits, the dagger loses
its prescience, and its prescience
Agile Armor can’t be activated again until the
Armor (any medium or heavy), common next dawn.
This magically enhanced armor is less bulky than its
nonmagical version. While wearing a suit of medium
Anchor of Striking
agile armor, the maximum Dexterity modifier you Weapon (war pick), rare (requires attunement)
can add to determine your Armor Class is 3, instead This small rusty iron anchor feels sturdy in spite of
of 2. While wearing a suit of heavy agile armor, its appearance. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and
the maximum Dexterity modifier you can add to damage rolls made with this magic war pick.
determine your Armor Class is 1, instead of 0. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with
this weapon, the target is wrapped in ethereal golden
Akaasit Blade chains that extend from the bottom of the anchor.
Weapon (dagger), rare As an action, the chained target can make a DC 15
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls Strength or Dexterity check, freeing itself from
made with this magic weapon. This dagger is crafted the chains on a success. Alternatively, you can use a
from the arm blade of a defeated akaasit (see Tome of bonus action to command the chains to disappear, 11
freeing the target. The chains are constructed of Anointing Mace
magical force and can’t be damaged, though they can Weapon (maul), uncommon (requires attunement)
be destroyed with a disintegrate spell. While the target
Also called an anointing gada, you gain a +1 bonus to
is wrapped in these chains, you and the target can’t
attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
move further than 50 feet from each other.
In addition, the ornately decorated head of
Angry Hornet the mace holds a reservoir perforated with small
Weapon (any ammunition), uncommon holes. As an action, you can fill the reservoir with a
single potion or vial of liquid, such as holy water or
This black ammunition has yellow fletching or yellow alchemist’s fire. You can press a button on the haft of
paint. When you fire this magic ammunition, it the weapon as a bonus action, which opens the holes.
makes an angry buzzing sound, and it multiplies in If you hit a target with the weapon while the holes are
flight. As it flies, 2d4 identical pieces of ammunition open, the weapon deals damage as normal and the
magically appear around it, all speeding toward your target suffers the effects of the liquid. For example,
target. Roll separate attack rolls for each additional an anointing mace filled with holy water deals an extra
arrow or bullet. Duplicate ammunition disappears 2d6 radiant damage if it hits a fiend or undead. After
after missing or after dealing its damage. If the angry you press the button and make an attack roll, the
hornet and all its duplicates miss, the angry hornet liquid is expended, regardless if your attack hits.
remains magical and can be fired again, otherwise it is
destroyed. Armor of Cushioning
Armor (padded), uncommon
Animated Chain Mail
Armor (chain mail), rare (requires attunement) While wearing this armor, you have resistance to
bludgeoning damage. In addition, you can use a
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to reaction when you fall to reduce any falling damage
AC, and you can use an action to cause parts of the you take by an amount equal to twice your level.
armor to unravel into long, animated chains. While
the chains are active, you have a climbing speed equal Armor of Spite
to your walking speed, and your AC is reduced by 2. Armor (any heavy), rare (requires attunement)
You can use a bonus action to deactivate the chains,
Unholy glyphs engraved on this black iron magic
returning the armor to normal.
armor burn with a faint, orange light. While wearing
Grasping Chains. While wearing this armor with
the armor, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.
the chains active, you can use an action to attack
At the start of your turn, you can choose to allow
twice with the chains. You are proficient with the
attack rolls against you to have advantage. If you do,
chains. Each chain has a reach of 10 feet and deals
the glyphs shed dim light in a 5-foot radius, and you
bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength
can use a reaction when a creature hits you with an
modifier on a hit. If you hit a creature of your size or
attack to force the attacker to take necrotic damage
smaller using a chain, you automatically grapple the
equal to twice your proficiency bonus.
creature with the chain. You can have no more than
Armor & Weapons

two creatures grappled Armor of the Leaf

in this way at a time. Armor (light or hide), uncommon
While grappling (requires attunement by a ranger)
a target with a
chain, you can’t This suit of armor always has a forest or leaf motif
attack other and is usually green or brown in color. While wearing
creatures with this armor in forest terrain, you have advantage on
that chain. You Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
can’t attack You can use an action to transform the armor
a creature into a cloud of swirling razor-sharp leaves, and each
with either creature within 10 feet of you must succeed on a
chain if you DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 slashing
are climbing. damage. For 1 minute, the cloud of leaves spreads out
in a 10‑foot radius from you, making the area lightly
obscured for creatures other than you. The cloud
moves with you, remaining centered on you. A wind of
at least 10 miles per hour disperses the cloud and ends
the effect. While the armor is transformed, you don’t
gain a base Armor Class from the armor. The armor
12 can’t be used this way again until the next dawn.
Armor of Arrow of Grabbing
the Ngobou Weapon (arrow), very rare
Armor (hide), This arrow has a barbed head and is wound with a fine
rare (requires but strong thread that unravels as the arrow soars. If
attunement) a creature takes damage from the arrow, the creature
This thick and rough must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw
armor is made from or take 4d6 damage and have the arrowhead lodged
the hide of a ngobou in its flesh. A creature grabbed by this arrow can’t
(see Tome of Beasts), move farther away from you. At the end of its turn,
an aggressive, the creature can attempt a DC 17 Constitution saving
ox-sized dinosaur throw, taking 4d6 piercing damage and dislodging
known to threaten the arrow on a success.
elephants of the plains. The As an action, you can attempt to pull the grabbed
horns and tusks of the dinosaur creature up to 10 feet in a straight line toward you,
are worked into the armor as spiked shoulder pads. forcing the creature to repeat the saving throw. If the
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to creature fails, it moves up to 10 feet closer to you. If it
AC, and you have a magical sense for elephants. You succeeds, it takes 4d6 piercing damage and the arrow
automatically detect if an elephant has passed within is dislodged.
90 feet of your location within the last 24 hours, and
you have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or
Wisdom (Survival) checks you make to find elephants.
Ngobou Charge. If you move at least 20 feet straight
toward a creature and then hit it with a melee weapon Arrow of Unpleasant Herbs
attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on Weapon (arrow), uncommon
a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
This arrow’s tip is filled with magically preserved,
Elephants have disadvantage on this saving throw.
poisonous herbs. When a creature takes damage from
Once used, this property can’t be used again until the
the arrow, the arrowhead breaks, releasing the herbs.
next dawn.
The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
Armor of Warding saving throw or be incapacitated until the end of its
Armor (light, medium, or heavy), uncommon (+1), rare next turn as it retches and reels from the poison.
(+2), or very rare (+3) Asp’s Kiss
Charms and wards made of claws, feathers, scales, or Weapon (shortsword), legendary
similar objects adorn this armor, which is etched with (requires attunement by a bard, fighter, ranger, or rogue)
the likenesses of the creatures that contributed the
This haladie features two short, slightly curved
adornments. The armor provides protection against
blades attached to a single hilt with a short,

Armor & Weapons

a specific type of foe, indicated by its adornments.
blue‑sheened spike on the hand guard. You
While wearing this armor, you have a bonus to AC
gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage
against attacks from
rolls made with this magic weapon.
creatures of the type
While attuned to this sword, you
the armor wards
have immunity to poison damage, and,
against. The bonus
when you take the Dash action, the extra
is determined
movement you gain is double your speed
by its rarity. The
instead of equal to your speed. When you
armor provides
use the Attack action with this sword, you
can make one attack with its hand guard
against one of the
spike (treat as a dagger) as a bonus action.
following creature
You can use an action to cause indigo
types: aberration,
poison to coat the blades of this sword.
beast, celestial,
The poison remains for 1 minute or until
construct, dragon,
two attacks using the blade of this weapon hit one
elemental, fey, fiend,
or more creatures. The target must succeed on a DC
giant, humanoid,
17 Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 poison
monstrosity, ooze,
damage and its hit point maximum is reduced by
plant, or undead.
an amount equal to the poison damage taken. This
reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. 13
The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point Black and White
maximum to 0. The sword can’t be used this way Daggers
again until the next dawn. Weapon (dagger), rare (requires
When you kill a creature with this weapon, it sheds attunement)
a single, blue tear as it takes its last breath.
These matched daggers are
Axe of the Ancients identical except for the stones set
Weapon (handaxe), uncommon (requires attunement) in their pommels. One pommel is
chalcedony (opaque white), the other
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made is obsidian (opaque black). You gain
with this magic weapon. When you draw this weapon, a +1 bonus to attack and damage
you can use a bonus action to cast the thaumaturgy rolls with both magic weapons.
spell from it. You can have only one of the spell’s The bonus increases to +3 when
effects active at a time when you cast it in this way. you use the white dagger to attack a monstrosity, and
it increases to +3 when you use the black dagger to
Badger Hide
attack an undead.
Armor (hide), uncommon
When you hit a monstrosity or undead with both
While wearing this daggers in the same turn, that creature takes an extra
hairy, black and white 1d6 piercing damage from the second attack.
armor, you have
a burrowing Blackguard’s Blade
speed of 20 Weapon (dagger or shortsword), common
feet, and you You have advantage on attack rolls made with this
have advantage weapon against a target if another enemy of the target
on Wisdom is within 5 feet of it, and it has no allies within 5 feet
(Perception) of it.
checks that rely
on smell. Blade of Petals
Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement)
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon.
This brightly-colored shortsword is kept in a
wooden scabbard with eternally blooming flowers.
THE ASP’S KISS IN MIDGARD The blade is made of dull green steel, and its pommel
The haladie is a knife common to Khandiria and the is fashioned from hard rosewood. As a bonus action,
Mharoti Empire, though some have been seen as far you can conjure a flowery mist which fills a 20-foot
west as Nuria Natal. Here are hooks for adding the area around you with pleasant-smelling perfume. The
Armor & Weapons

asp’s kiss to your campaign. scent dissipates after 1 minute.

A creature damaged by the blade must succeed on
Mysterious Assassin. A basteti merchant family in
a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be charmed by
Nuria Natal, the Antars, are being hunted by an
you until the end of its next turn. A creature can’t be
unnamed assassin, who causes the Antar victims to
charmed this way more than once every 24 hours.
weep a single blue tear upon death. The current head
of the family, Neerlop Antar, remains unconcerned
about the mysterious deaths, but his sister, Tahani
Antar, fears for the lives of her children. She believes
the assassin wields the legendary asp’s kiss and
seeks adventurers who can track down and stop the
assassin before her entire family is destroyed.
Retired Warrior. Ghazi Taslimi is an old dragonborn
warrior who found a magical haladie while fighting
in the wars against Khandiria under Sultan Makbule
Khezmir. Retired and near the end of his life, Ghazi
seeks a worthy inheritor of the asp’s kiss. Thus far,
he hasn’t found a successor, leaving a trail of victims
stained with blue tears in his wake as he searches.
Blade of the Dervish Blooddrinker Spear
Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement) Weapon (spear), rare (requires attunement)
This magic scimitar is empowered by your Prized by gnolls, the upper haft of this
movements. For every 10 feet you move before spear is decorated with tiny animal skulls,
making an attack, you gain a +1 bonus to the attack feathers, and other adornments. You gain
and damage rolls of that attack, and the scimitar a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with
deals an extra 1d6 slashing damage if the attack hits this magic weapon.
(maximum of +3 and 3d6). When you hit a creature with this spear,
In addition, if you use the Dash action and move you mark that creature for 1 hour. Until the
within 5 feet of a creature, you can attack that mark ends, you deal an extra 1d6 damage
creature as a bonus action. On a hit, the target takes to the target whenever you hit it with
an extra 2d6 slashing damage. the spear, and you have advantage
on any Wisdom (Perception) or
Blade of the Temple Guardian Wisdom (Survival) check you make
Weapon (shortsword), uncommon to find the target. If the target drops
(requires attunement by a monk) to 0 hit points, the mark ends. This
This simple but elegant shortsword is a magic property can’t be used on a different
weapon. When you are wielding it and use the Flurry creature until you spend a short rest cleaning
of Blows class feature, you can make your bonus the previous target’s blood from the spear.
attacks with the sword rather than unarmed strikes.
If you deal damage to a creature with this weapon
Bloodfuel Weapon
and reduce it to 0 hit points, you absorb some of its Weapon (any weapon that deals piercing or
energy, regaining 1 expended ki point. slashing damage), rare (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage
Bloodbow rolls made with this magic weapon. The first
Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement) time you attack with the weapon on each of
This longbow is carved of a light, sturdy wood such as your turns, you can spend one or more Hit
hickory or yew, and it is almost always stained a deep Dice, up to your maximum Hit Dice. For
maroon hue, lacquered and aged under layers each Hit Die spent in this way, you roll the
of sundried blood. The bow is sometimes die and add your Constitution modifier to
decorated with reptilian teeth, centaur it. You lose hit points equal to the total, and
tails, or other battle trophies. the target takes extra necrotic damage equal
The bow is designed to harm the to the total. You can’t use this feature of the
particular type of creature whose weapon if you don’t have blood.
blood most recently soaked the Hit Dice spent using this weapon’s feature
weapon. When you make a ranged can’t be used to regain hit points during

Armor & Weapons

attack roll with this magic weapon a short rest. You
against a creature of that type, you regain spent Hit
have a +1 bonus to the attack and Dice as normal.
damage rolls. If the attack hits, the
target must succeed on a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw or become
enraged until the end of your next turn.
While enraged, the target suffers a
random short-term madness.
Bloodbows are most commonly
soaked in the blood of bandits,
thieves, or other humanoids. If
you soak this weapon in the blood
of a different type of creature for
at least 1 hour, it ceases to affect the
previous type of creature. The bow
affects the new type of creature after
you finish a long rest.

Bloodprice Armor Bloodthirsty Weapon
Armor (light, medium, or heavy), legendary Weapon (any weapon that deals piercing or slashing
(requires attunement) damage), rare (requires attunement)
When a melee attack would hit you while you are This magic weapon bears long, branching channels
wearing this armor, you can use your reaction to inscribed into its blade or head, and it gives off a
increase your Armor Class by up to 10 against that coppery scent. When you damage a creature that has
attack. If you do so, you lose hit points equal to 5 blood with this weapon, it loses an additional 2d6 hit
times the bonus you want to add to your AC. For points from blood loss.
example, if you want to increase your AC by 2 against Thirsting. The weapon acquires a taste for creatures
that attack, you lose 10 hit points. it damaged. When you miss an attack with this
weapon against a creature you damaged with this
Blood-Soaked Hide weapon within the last 1 minute, the target loses
Armor (hide), very rare (requires attunement) 2d6 hit points due to blood loss as the weapon
Blood-soaked hide armor is crafted from the tanned draws blood out of open wounds as it passes. If the
skins of humanoids, carefully preserved and layered. wounded creature uses an action to stanch the wound
The armor is always smeared in tacky, semi-dried with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check
blood, no matter how carefully it’s cleaned. While or the creature receives magical healing, the blade
wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and no longer has a taste for it, preventing this property
you are immune to any effect that would cause you to from triggering. This property doesn’t work against
lose hit points due to blood loss or ongoing wounds, creatures that don’t have blood.
such as the infernal wounds caused by a horned
devil’s tail or the necrotic damage caused by a sword
Bludgeon of Nightmares
of wounding. Weapon (flail, mace, or morningstar), rare
Blood Form. As an action, you can transform into a (requires attunement)
flowing pool of thick blood for 1 minute, or until you You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
use a bonus action to revert back to your true form. with this weapon. The weapon appears to be a mace of
Any equipment you are wearing or carrying melds disruption, and an identify spell reveals it to be such.
into your form or falls to the ground (your choice). Curse. This weapon is cursed. Becoming attuned
Your statistics remain the same, but any magic to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain
items other than the blood-soaked hide cease to cursed, you are unwilling to part with the weapon,
function. While in blood form, you can’t speak, you keeping it on your person at all times. While attuned
are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing to this weapon, you have disadvantage on attack rolls
damage, you can move through any opening as small made with weapons other than this one.
as 1 inch wide without squeezing, and you can enter The first time you use this weapon to kill a creature
the space of other creatures and end your turn there. that has an Intelligence score of 5 or higher, you begin
A creature that starts its turn in your space must having nightmares and disturbing visions that disrupt
Armor & Weapons

succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or your rest. Each time you complete a long rest, you
lose 3d6 hit points due must make a Wisdom saving throw. The DC equals
to blood loss, and you 10 + the total number of creatures with Intelligence 5
regain a number of or higher that you’ve reduced to 0 hit points with this
hit points equal to weapon. On a failure, you gain no benefits from that
half the number long rest, and you gain one level of exhaustion.
of hit points the
creature lost. Bone Whip
Constructs and Weapon (whip), very rare (requires attunement)
undead who This whip is constructed of humanoid vertebrae with
aren’t vampires their edges magically sharpened and pointed. The
are immune to bones are joined together into a coiled line by strands
this effect. of steel wire. The handle is half a femur wrapped in
Once used, soft leather of tanned humanoid skin. You gain a +1
you can’t use bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.
this property You can use an action to cause fiendish energy to
of the armor again coat the whip. For 1 minute, you gain 5 temporary hit
until the next dawn. points the first time you hit a creature on each turn.
In addition, when you deal damage to a creature with
this weapon, the creature must succeed on a DC 17
intervals and provides
three‑quarters cover to
creatures behind it. The
wall remains in place for
1 hour or until you use
an action while within
5 feet of the wall to
don the shield. Each
section of the wall has
Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum AC 17 and 30 hit points.
is reduced by an amount equal to the damage dealt. If both sections of the
This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long wall are reduced to 0
rest. Once used, this property of the whip can’t be hit points, the shield
used again until the next dawn. reverts to its normal
form, and its magic
Bonebreaker Mace ceases to function until
Weapon (any weapon that deals bludgeoning damage), the next dawn. Once
rare (requires attunement) used, this property can’t
You gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls made be used again until the next dawn.
with this magic weapon. The bonus increases to +3
when you use it to attack an undead creature. Often Breaker Lance
given to the grim enforcers of great necropolises, Weapon (lance), rare (requires attunement)
these weapons can reduce the walking dead to You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with
splinters with a single strike. this magic weapon. When you attack an object or
When you hit an undead creature with this magic structure with this magic lance and hit, maximize
weapon, treat that creature as if it is vulnerable to your weapon damage dice against the target.
bludgeoning damage. If it is already vulnerable to The lance has 3 charges. As part of an attack action
bludgeoning damage, your attack deals an additional with the lance, you can expend a charge while striking
1d6 radiant damage. a barrier created by a spell, such as a wall of fire or
wall of force, or an entryway protected by the arcane
Bow of Accuracy lock spell. You must make a Strength check against
Weapon (any bow), common a DC equal to 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful
The normal range of this bow is doubled, but its long check, the spell ends. The lance regains 1d3 expended
range remains the same. charges daily at dawn.

Brawn Armor Bullseye Arrow

Armor & Weapons

Armor (hide), rare (requires attunement) Weapon (arrow), uncommon
This armor was crafted from the hide of an ancient This arrow has bright red fletching and a blunt, red
grizzly bear. While wearing it, you gain a +1 bonus to tip. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with this
AC, and you have advantage on grapple checks. magic arrow. On a hit, the arrow deals no damage,
The armor has 3 charges. You can use a bonus but it paints a magical red dot on the target for 1
action to expend 1 charge to deal your unarmed strike minute. While the dot lasts, the target takes an extra
damage to a creature you are grappling. The armor 1d4 damage of the weapon’s type from any ranged
regains all expended charges daily at dawn. attack that hits it. In addition, ranged weapon attacks
against the target score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or
Brazen Bulwark 20. When this arrow hits a target, the arrow vanishes
Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement) in a flash of red light and is destroyed.
This rectangular shield is plated with polished brass
and resembles a crenelated tower. While wielding this
Buzzing Blade
shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is in Weapon (any sword or axe), rare (requires attunement)
addition to the shield’s normal bonus to AC. You can use a bonus action to speak this weapon’s
Brazen Wall. As an action, you can plant the shield command word, causing the blade to emit a loud
in the ground in front of you, transforming it into buzzing sound. The buzzing noise is audible out to
a steel wall 10 feet high, 3 inches thick, and up to 100 feet. While the sword is buzzing, it deals an extra
20 feet wide. The wall has arrow slits set at 5-foot 2d6 thunder damage to any target it hits. The buzzing
lasts until you use a bonus action to speak the Cephalopod Breastplate
command word again or until you drop or sheathe Armor (breastplate), rare
the weapon.
This bronze breastplate depicts two krakens fighting.
Candied Axe While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Weapon (battleaxe), very rare (requires attunement) You can use an action to speak the armor’s
command word to release a cloud of black mist (if
This battleaxe bears a golden head spun from above water) or black ink (if underwater). It billows
crystalized honey. Its wooden handle is carved with out from you in a 20-foot-radius cloud of mist or
reliefs of bees. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and ink. The area is heavily obscured for 1 minute,
damage rolls made with this magic weapon. although a wind of moderate or greater speed
Blessing of the Bee. While you are attuned to the (at least 10 miles per hour) or a significant
axe, you have immunity to poison damage, and you current disperses it. The armor can’t be
have advantage on any Charisma check to interact used this way again until the next dawn.
with beasts.
Honey Drip. While you are holding the battleaxe, Chainbreaker Blade
you can use an action to cast the slow spell (save DC Weapon (any sword), rare
15) from the weapon. Once used, this property can’t
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage
be used again until the next dawn.
rolls made with this magic weapon. When
Curse. The axe bears a curse that affects any non-
you use this weapon to attack or break
bearfolk that attunes to it. Even if the attunement
chains, manacles, or similar metal objects
ends, the curse remains. With each passing day, the
restraining creatures, you have advantage
creature’s physical appearance and stature become
on the attack roll or ability check. In
more bearlike. After 7 days, the creature looks like
addition, such items have vulnerability
a typical bearfolk, but the creature neither loses its
to this sword’s weapon damage.
racial traits nor gains the racial traits of a bearfolk.
The physical changes Chieftain’s Axe
wrought by the axe can’t Weapon (battleaxe), very rare
be dispelled, but they (requires attunement)
can be undone by any
effect that removes a Furs conceal the worn runes lining
curse, such as the the haft of this oversized, silver-headed
remove curse spell. battleaxe. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage
rolls made with this silvered, magic weapon.
Chieftain’s Rally. You can use an action to raise the
axe while shouting a rallying cry. All allies who can
hear and see you can use a reaction to make a melee
attack. Once used, this property can’t be used again
Armor & Weapons

until the next dawn.

Bearfolk Belonging. If you aren’t a bearfolk,
bearfolk who see you carrying the chieftain’s axe
are immediately hostile. In addition, you have
disadvantage on Charisma checks to influence
bearfolk. However, if you turn the axe over to
bearfolk, provided you haven’t used the axe against
bearfolk to their knowledge, they become friendly
and, at the GM’s discretion, might provide aid to you
and your allies.

Chillblain Armor
Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide), very rare (requires
This armor is forged from overlapping blue steel
plates or blue rings and has a frosted appearance.
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC,
and you have resistance to cold damage. In addition,
when a creature hits you with a melee weapon attack,
18 it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw or become numbed by the supernatural cold Commander’s Plate
radiating from the armor. A creature numbed by the Armor (plate), uncommon
cold can use either an action or bonus action on its
This armor is typically emblazoned or decorated
turn, not both, and its movement speed is reduced by
with imagery of lions, bears, griffons, eagles, or other
10 feet until the end of its next turn.
symbols of bravery and courage. While wearing this
Curse. This armor is cursed, a fact that is revealed
armor, your voice can be clearly heard by all friendly
only when an identify spell is cast on the armor or you
creatures within 300 feet of you if you so choose.
attune to it. Attuning to the armor curses you until
Your voice doesn’t carry in areas where sound is
you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar
prevented, such as in the area of the silence spell.
magic; removing the armor fails to end the curse.
Each friendly creature that can see or hear you has
While cursed, you have vulnerability to fire damage.
advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
If you are hit by a critical hit that deals fire damage
You can use a bonus action to rally a friendly creature
while wearing this armor, the armor shatters into
that can see or hear you. The target gains a +1 bonus
useless fragments.
to attack or damage rolls on its next turn. Once you
Clockwork Mace of Divinity have rallied a creature,
Weapon (mace), uncommon you can’t rally that
(requires attunement) creature again
until it finishes a
This clockwork mace is long rest.
composed of several different
metals. While attuned to
this magic weapon, you have
proficiency with it. As a bonus
action, you can command the mace
to transform into a trident. When
you hit with an attack using
this weapon’s trident form,
the target takes an extra 1d6
radiant damage.

Armor & Weapons

Deep in the Eastern Heart of the Margreve sits the and believing in second chances, Xira, Shreg, Slaine,
Grove of Eternal Autumn. There lives a clan of alseid Jervayn, MAURICE, Eowilgalith, and Weeble Wobble
who speak fondly of a group of adventurers, who not realized there is more than meets the eye to the
only saved the fate of their village, but that of the Margreve, its inhabitants, and each other, and they
balance of the Margreve itself. Each adventurer bore a became honorary members of the Grove of Eternal
magical gift from the sly contributions of Baba Yaga, Autumn in turn.
the intentional interventions of Rava, or the unexpected Their magic items first appeared in the livestream
generosity from the Queen of Night and Magic, and campaign, The Last Heir, but now live on beyond those
each gift reflected the journey and growth of the heroes characters, awaiting new heroes to take up their legacy.
who received them.  These items are the amulet of the oracle (see page 106),
Thanks to these gifts and the heroes’ dedication and boots of the grandmother (see page 117), clockwork hare
bravery, they stopped the attempted destruction of (see page 126), clockwork mace of divinity, ring of the
the Grove by a power-driven, wayward clan member, grove’s guardian (see page 80), spear of the stilled heart
who was under the manipulations of a freed elder (see page 37), and valkyrie’s bite (see page 42).
vampire from the Dead Druid’s Run. After defeating
the elder vampire, restoring the integrity of the stones,

Constant Dagger total, and each creature within 10 feet of the target,
Weapon (dagger), rare including the target, must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw, taking necrotic damage equal to the
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
hit points you lost on a failed save, or half as much
with this magic weapon.
damage on a successful one. You can’t use this feature
When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this
of the arrow if you don’t have blood.
weapon, the target loses its resistance to bludgeoning,
Hit Dice spent on this arrow’s feature can’t be used
piercing, and slashing damage until the start of
to regain hit points during a short rest. You regain
your next turn. If it has immunity to bludgeoning,
spent Hit Dice as normal.
piercing, and slashing damage, its immunity instead
becomes resistance to such damage until the start of Crocodile Armor
your next turn. If the creature doesn’t have resistance Armor (leather or hide), rare
or immunity to such damage, you roll your damage
dice three times, instead of twice. While wearing this armor fashioned from crocodile
skin, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Consuming Rod In addition, you can hold
Weapon (mace), very rare your breath for 15
(requires attunement) minutes, and you have
a swimming speed
This bone mace is crafted from a
equal to your
humanoid femur. One end is carved
walking speed.
to resemble a ghoulish face, its mouth
open wide and full of sharp fangs. The
mace has 8 charges, and it recovers 1d6 + 2
charges daily at dawn.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and
damage rolls made with this magic
mace. When it hits a creature, the mace’s
mouth stretches gruesomely wide and
bites the target, adding 3 (1d6) piercing
damage to the attack. As a reaction, you can expend
1 charge to regain hit points equal to the piercing
damage dealt.
Alternatively, you can use your reaction to expend Crusader’s Shield
5 charges when you hit a Medium or smaller creature Armor (shield), common
and force the mace to swallow the target. The target (requires attunement by a cleric, druid, or paladin)
must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or A bronze boss is set in the center of this round shield.
be swallowed into an extra-dimensional space within When you attune to the shield, the boss changes
Armor & Weapons

the mace. While swallowed, the target is blinded and shape, becoming a symbol of your divine connection:
restrained, and it has total cover against attacks and a holy symbol for a cleric or paladin or an engraving
other effects outside the mace. The target can still of mistletoe or other sacred plant for a druid. You can
breathe. As an action, you can force the mace to use the shield as a spellcasting focus for your spells.
regurgitate the creature, which falls prone in Versatile Cantrip. While holding the shield, you
a space within 5 feet of the mace. The mace can try to cast a cantrip that you don’t know. The
automatically regurgitates a trapped creature at cantrip must be on your spell list, and you must make
dawn when it regains charges. a DC 10 Intelligence (Religion) check. If the check
succeeds, you cast the spell.
Crimson Starfall Arrow
If the check fails, so
Weapon (arrow), uncommon does the spell, and
This arrow is a magic weapon powered the action used to
by the sacrifice of your own life energy cast the spell is
and explodes upon impact. If you hit a wasted. In either
creature with this arrow, you can spend case, you can’t
one or more Hit Dice, up to your use this property
maximum Hit Dice. For each Hit Die again until you
spent in this way, you roll the die and finish a long rest.
add your Constitution modifier to
it. You lose hit points equal to the
Dagger of the Barbed Devil
Weapon (dagger), rare
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon.
You can use an action to cause sharp, pointed barbs
to sprout from this blade. The barbs remain for 1
minute. When you hit a creature while the barbs are
active, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw or a barb breaks off into its flesh and
the dagger loses its barbs. At the start of each of its
turns, a creature with a barb in its flesh must make a
DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it has
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until
the start of its next turn as it is wracked with pain. The
barb remains until a creature uses its action to remove
the barb, dealing 1d4 piercing damage to the barbed
creature. Once you cause barbs to sprout from the
dagger, you can’t do so again until the next dawn.
Dimensional Net
Weapon (net), rare (requires attunement)
Dawn Shard Woven from the hair of celestials and fiends, this
Weapon (any sword or dagger), uncommon (requires shimmering iridescent net can subdue and capture
attunement) otherworldly creatures. You have a +1 bonus to attack
The blade of this magic weapon gleams with a faint rolls with this magic weapon. In addition to the
golden shine, and the pommel is etched with a normal effects of a net, this net prevents any Large
sunburst. As a bonus action, you can command the or smaller aberration, celestial, or fiend hit by it from
weapon to shed dim light out to 5 feet, to shed bright using any method of extradimensional movement,
light out to 20 feet and dim light for an additional 20 including teleportation or travel to a different plane of
feet, or to douse the light. existence. When such a creature is bound in this way, a
The weapon deals an extra 1d6 creature must succeed on a DC 30 Strength (Athletics)
radiant damage to any creature it hits. check to free the bound creature.
This increases to 2d6 radiant The net has immunity to damage dealt by the
damage if the target is bound creature, but another creature can deal 20
undead or a creature slashing damage to the net and free the bound
of shadow. creature, ending the effect. The net has AC 15 and 30
hit points. It regains 1 hit point every 5 minutes as
long as it has at least 1 hit point. If the net drops to 0

Armor & Weapons

hit points, it is destroyed.

Weapon (rapier), legendary (requires attunement by a bard)
This weapon is an exquisitely crafted rapier set in a
Deadfall Arrow silver and leather scabbard. The blade glows a faint
Weapon (arrow), rare stormy blue and is encircled by swirling wisps of
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls clouds. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage
made with this magic arrow. On a hit, the arrow rolls made with this magic weapon.
transforms into a 10-foot-long wooden log centered This weapon, when unsheathed, sheds dim blue
on the target, destroying the arrow. The target and light in a 20-foot radius. When you hit a creature
each creature in the log’s area must make a DC 15 with it, you can expend 1 Bardic Inspiration to
Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes impart a sense of overwhelming grief in the target. A
3d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone and creature affected by this grief must succeed on a DC
restrained under the log. On a success, a creature 15 Wisdom saving throw or fall prone and become
takes half the damage and isn’t knocked prone or incapacitated by sadness until the end of its next turn.
restrained. A restrained creature can take its action to Once a month under an open sky, you can use a
free itself by succeeding on a DC 15 Strength check. bonus action to speak this magic sword’s command
The log lasts for 1 minute then crumbles to dust, word and cause the sword to sing a sad dirge. This
freeing those restrained by it. dirge conjures heavy rain (or snow in freezing
temperatures) in the region for 2d6 hours. The
precipitation falls in an X-mile radius around you,
where X is equal to your level.

Dirk of Daring
Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon. While holding the dagger,
you have advantage on saving throws against being

Dragonstooth Blade
Weapon (greatsword or longsword), very rare
(requires attunement)
This razor-sharp blade, little more than leather
straps around the base of a large tooth, still carries
the power of a dragon. This weapon’s properties are
determined by the type of dragon that once owned is within 5 feet of you, it attacks you. An enraged
this tooth. The GM chooses the dragon type or creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
determines it randomly from the options below. of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
When you hit with an attack using this magic
Ensnaring Ammunition
sword, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of a type
determined by the kind of dragon that once owned Weapon (any ammunition), uncommon
the tooth. In addition, you have resistance to the type When you hit a creature with a ranged attack using
of damage associated with that dragon. this magical ammunition, the target takes only
half the damage from the attack, and the target is
d6 Damage Type Dragon Type restrained as the ammunition bursts into entangling
strands that wrap around it. As an action, the
1 Acid Black or Copper
restrained target can make a DC 13 Strength check,
2 Fire Brass, Gold, or Red bursting the bonds on a success. The strands can also
3 Poison Green be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; immunity to
4 Lightning Blue or Bronze bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).
5 Cold Silver or White Entrenching Mattock
6 Necrotic Undead Weapon (war pick), rare
You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls with this
magic weapon. This bonus increases to +3 when you
Armor & Weapons

Encouraging Armor use the pick to attack a creature made of earth or

Armor (light, medium, or heavy), very rare (requires stone, such as an earth elemental or stone golem.
attunement) As a bonus action, you can slam the head of the pick
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. into earth, sand, mud, or rock within 5 feet of you to
In addition, each friendly creature within 10 feet of create a wall of that material up to 30 feet long, 3 feet
you that can see you gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls high, and 1 foot thick along that surface. The wall
and saving throws. If you are a paladin with the Aura provides half cover to creatures behind it. The pick
of Courage feature, this bonus increases to +2. can’t be used this way again until the next dawn.

Enraging Ammunition Exsanguinating Blade

Weapon (any ammunition), uncommon Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)
When you hit a creature with a ranged attack using This double-bladed dagger has an ivory hilt, and its
this magical ammunition, the target must succeed gold pommel is shaped into a woman’s head with
on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become enraged ruby eyes and a fanged mouth opened in a scream.
for 1 minute. On its turn, an enraged creature moves You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
toward you by the most direct route, trying to get with this magic weapon.
within 5 feet of you. It doesn’t avoid opportunity When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this
attacks, but it moves around or avoids damaging weapon against a creature that has blood, the dagger
terrain, such as lava or a pit. If the enraged creature gains 1 charge. The dagger can hold 1 charge at a time.
You can use a bonus action to expend 1 Flash Bullet
charge from the dagger to cause one of Weapon (sling bullet), common
the following effects:
When you hit a creature with a ranged attack using
• You or a creature you touch with this shiny, polished stone, it releases a sudden flash of
the blade regains 2d8 hit points. bright light. The target takes damage as normal and
• The next time you hit a must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw
creature that has blood with or be blinded until the end of its next turn. Creatures
this weapon, it deals an extra 2d8 with the Sunlight Sensitivity trait have disadvantage
necrotic damage. on this saving throw.
Fellforged Armor Fog Stone
Armor (plate), very rare Weapon (sling bullet), uncommon
(requires attunement) This sling stone is carved to look like a fluffy cloud.
While wearing this steam-powered Typically, 1d4 + 1 fog stones are found together. When
magic armor, you gain a +1 bonus to you fire the stone from a sling, it transforms into
AC, your Strength score increases by a miniature cloud as it flies through the air, and it
2, and you gain the ability to cast speak creates a 20-foot-radius sphere of fog centered on the
with dead as an action. As long as you target or point of impact. The sphere spreads around
remain cursed, you exude an unnatural corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for 10
aura, causing beasts with Intelligence 3 or less within minutes or until a wind of moderate or greater speed
30 feet of you to be frightened. Once you have used (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
the armor to cast speak with dead, you can’t cast it
again until the next dawn. Forgefire Hammer
Curse. Once attuned to this armor, you can’t Weapon (maul or warhammer), rare
remove it unless you are the subject of a remove curse The head of this weapon is shaped like an anvil, and
spell or similar magic. As long as you remain cursed, engravings of fire and arcane runes decorate it. You
while wearing the armor, you gain an unnatural aura, can use a bonus action to speak this magic weapon’s
causing all animals to panic when you are within 30 command word, causing its head to glow red-hot.
feet of them. You also gain disadvantage on attack While red-hot, the weapon deals an extra 1d6 fire
rolls against incorporeal undead and on saving damage to any target it hits. The weapon’s anvil-like
throws made against their spells and abilities. head remains red-hot until you use a bonus action to
speak the command word again or until you drop or
sheathe the weapon.
When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this
weapon against a target holding or wearing a metal
object, such as a metal weapon or metal armor, the

Armor & Weapons

target takes an extra 1d4 fire damage and the metal
object becomes red-hot for 1 minute. While the object
is red-hot and the creature still wears or carries it, the
creature takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of
its turns.

Armor (chain mail), legendary (requires attunement)
This armor is a dazzling white suit of chain mail with
an alabaster-colored steel collar that covers part of the
face. You gain a +3 bonus to AC while you wear this
armor. In addition, you gain the following benefits:
• You add your Strength and Wisdom modifiers in
addition to your Constitution modifier on all rolls
when spending Hit Die to recover hit points.
• You can’t be frightened.
• You have resistance to necrotic damage.

Gale Javelin is grappled by you. At the start of each of your turns,
Weapon (javelin), uncommon the spear twists and grinds, dealing 2d6 piercing
damage to the grappled target. If you release the
The metallic head of this spear, it remains lodged in the target, dealing damage
javelin is embellished with each round as normal, but the target is no longer
three small wings. When grappled by you. While the spear is lodged in a target,
you speak a command you can’t make attacks with it. A creature, including
word while making a the restrained target, can take its action to remove the
ranged weapon attack spear by succeeding on a DC 15 Strength check. The
with this magic weapon, target takes 1d6 piercing damage when the spear is
a swirling vortex of removed. You can use an action to speak the spear’s
wind follows its command word, causing it to dislodge itself and fall
path through the into an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target.
air. Draw a line
between you Goblin Shield
and the target of Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)
your attack; each
creature within 10 feet of this line must make a DC 13 This shield resembles a snarling goblin’s head. It has
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at
is pushed backward 10 feet and falls prone. dawn. While wielding this shield, you can use a bonus
In addition, if this ranged weapon attack hits, the action to expend 1 charge and
target must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. On command the goblin’s
a failed save, the target is pushed backward 15 feet and head to bite a creature
falls prone. within 5 feet of
The javelin’s property can’t be used again until the you. Make a melee
next dawn. In the meantime, it can still be used as a weapon attack with
magic weapon. the shield. You
have proficiency
Ghost Barding with this attack if
Armor (light, medium, or heavy), uncommon you are proficient
with shields. On a
This armor is blue-green and translucent. It weighs hit, the target takes
only 1 pound, and if the armor normally imposes 2d4 piercing damage.
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks or has
a Strength requirement, this version of the armor Golden Bolt
doesn’t. The armor’s base Armor Class applies only Weapon (heavy crossbow), uncommon (requires attunement)
against attacks by undead creatures and doesn’t
provide protection against any other attacks. When You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon. This crossbow doesn’t
Armor & Weapons

a beast wears this armor, the beast gains a +1 bonus

to AC against attacks by undead creatures, and it has have the loading property, and it doesn’t require
advantage on saving throws against the spells and ammunition. Immediately after firing a bolt from this
special abilities of undead creatures. weapon, another golden bolt forms to take its place.

Glazed Blade Gorgon Scale

Weapon (any sword or axe), common Armor (scale mail), very rare (requires attunement)

A pleasant scent emerges from this weapon. While it The iron scales of this armor have a green-tinged
is on your person, you have advantage on Charisma iridescence. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1
(Persuasion) checks made to interact with humanoids bonus to AC, and you have immunity to the petrified
and fey. condition.
If you move at least 20 feet straight toward a
Gnawing Spear creature and then hit it with a melee weapon attack on
Weapon (spear), rare (requires attunement) the same turn, you can use a bonus action to imbue
the hit with some of the armor’s petrifying magic. The
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw.
this magic weapon. On a failed save, the target begins to turn to stone and
When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this is restrained. The restrained target must repeat the
spear, its head animates, grows serrated teeth, and saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success,
lodges itself in the target. While the spear is lodged in the effect ends on the target. On a failure, the target
24 the target and you are wielding the spear, the target is petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or
other magic. The armor can’t be used this way again Hammer of Throwing
until the next dawn. Weapon (light hammer), uncommon
(requires attunement)
Grasping Shield
Armor (shield), uncommon (requires attunement) You gain a +1 bonus to attack and
damage rolls with this magic
The boss at the center of this shield is a hand weapon. In addition, when you
fashioned of metal. While wielding this shield, you throw the hammer, it returns to
gain a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the your hand at the end of your turn.
shield’s normal bonus to AC. If you have no hand free, it falls to
Grasping Defense. When a creature you can see the ground at your feet.
within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee weapon
attack, you can use a reaction to animate the hand Hellfire Armor
on the shield. Make a melee weapon attack with the Armor (any metal), rarity varies
shield. You have proficiency with this attack if you are
This spiked armor is a dark,
proficient with shields, and you gain a +1 bonus to the
almost black crimson when inactive.
attack roll. On a hit, the attacker is grappled (escape
Hellfire Armor (Common). While wearing this
DC 13) by the hand. While the shield is grappling a
armor, you can use an action to cause it to glow and
creature, you gain no bonuses to AC from the shield.
appear red-hot, giving you a hellish appearance. The
The grapple ends when you can command the shield
armor sheds light as a candle, but it doesn’t emit heat.
to release the target (no action required), when the
The effect lasts until you use a bonus action to end it.
creature escapes, or when you drop the shield.
Molten Hellfire Armor (Uncommon). This more
Grave Ward Armor powerful version of hellfire armor has 3 charges. It
Armor (light, medium, or heavy), regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you
very rare (requires attunement) expend 1 charge as part of the action to make the

This armor bears gold or

brass symbols of sunlight
and sun deities and
never tarnishes or
rusts. The armor is
immune to necrotic
damage and rusting
attacks such as those
of a rust monster.
While wearing
this armor, your
maximum hit points

Armor & Weapons

can’t be reduced.
As an action, you can speak a command word to
gain the effect of a protection from evil and good spell for
1 minute (no concentration required). While the spell
is active, if you are reduced to 0 hit points, you drop
to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this property, it
can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Grim Escutcheon
Armor (shield), uncommon (requires attunement)
This blackened iron shield is adorned with the
menacing relief of a monstrously gaunt skull. You
gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wield this shield.
This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal
bonus to AC.
While holding this shield, you can use a bonus
action to speak its command word to cast the fear
spell (save DC 13). The shield can’t be used this way
again until the next dusk.
armor glow, you can make the armor emit heat in When you roll
addition to light for 1 minute. For the duration, when a 20 on an attack
a creature touches you or hits you with a melee attack roll made with this
while within 5 feet of you, it takes 1d4 fire damage. weapon, the target
You are immune to the armor’s heat while wearing it. becomes poisoned for
1 minute. If the target
Hexen Blade was already poisoned,
Weapon (shortsword), rare it becomes incapacitated
(requires attunement) instead. The target can make a
The colorful surface of this sleek adamantine DC 13 Constitution saving throw
shortsword exhibits a perpetually shifting, at the end of each of its turns,
iridescent sheen. You gain a +1 bonus to ending the poisoned or incapacitated
attack and damage rolls made with this condition on itself on a success.
magic weapon.
The sword has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 Iceblink
charges daily at dawn. While holding it, you can Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)
use an action and expend 1 or more of its charges The blade of this weapon is cool to the
to cast one of the following spells from it, using touch and gives off a yellow-white radiance,
spell save DC 15: disguise self (1 charge), hypnotic shedding bright light in a 10‑foot radius
pattern (3 charges), or mirror image (2 charges). and dim light for an additional 10 feet. In
temperatures above freezing, vapor wafts
Hidden Armament off the chilled blade. When you hit with an attack
Weapon (any melee weapon that isn’t using this magic sword, the target takes an extra 1d6
two-handed), uncommon (requires attunement) cold damage.
While holding this magic weapon, you can use an Freeze Water. While holding the sword, you can
action to transform it into a tattoo on the palm of use an action to plunge the blade into a body of
your hand. You can use a bonus action to transform water, causing its surface to freeze over. The water
the tattoo back into a weapon. freezes to a depth of 3 inches within a 60-foot radius
of the point where you plunged the blade. Creatures
Humble Cudgel of Temperance that were swimming on the surface of the water must
Weapon (club), uncommon succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be
This simple, polished club has a studded iron band restrained by the ice. A restrained creature can use
around one end. When you attack a poisoned creature an action to make a DC 15 Strength check, breaking
with this magic weapon, you have advantage on the free on a success. The ice is not magical and melts
attack roll. after 1 minute if temperatures in the area are not cold
enough to sustain it. Once used, this property can’t
be used again until the next dawn.
Armor & Weapons

Snowblind. While holding the sword, you can use

FAUSTIN AND THE HUMBLE an action to generate a bright flash of light from the
CUDGEL OF TEMPERANCE blade at one creature you can see within 5 feet of you.
The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
Formerly a moneylender with a heart of stone and
saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. The
a small army of brutal thugs, Faustin the Drunkard
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
awoke one day with a punishing hangover that
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
seemed never-ending. He took this as a sign of
success. Once used, this property can’t be used again
punishment from the gods, not for his violence and
until the next dawn.
thievery, but for his taste for the grape, in abundance.
He decided all problems stemmed from the Impact Club
“demon” alcohol, and he became a cleric. No less Weapon (club), uncommon (requires attunement)
brutal than before, he and his thugs targeted public
houses, ale makers, and more. In his quest to rid
This magic weapon has 3 charges and regains 1d3
the world of alcohol, he had the humble cudgel
expended charges daily at dawn. When you hit a
of temperance made and blessed with terrifying
target on your turn, you can take a bonus action
power. Now long since deceased, his simple,
to spend 1 charge and attempt to shove the target.
humble‑appearing club continues to wreck havoc
The club grants you a +1 bonus on your Strength
wherever it turns up.
(Athletics) check to shove the target. If you roll a 20
on your attack roll with the club, you have advantage
on your Strength (Athletics) check to shove the target, Labyrs of the
and you can push the target up to 10 feet away. Raging Bull
Weapon (battleaxe or
Impaling Weapon greataxe), rare
Weapon (any melee weapon that deals piercing damage),
rare (requires attunement) You gain a +1 bonus to
attack and damage rolls
When you attack a creature with this magic weapon made with this magic
and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you embed the weapon. While you wield
weapon in the target. If the target is Medium or the axe, you have advantage
smaller and is within 5 feet of a wall or other solid on Strength (Athletics)
object when you hit with this weapon, it is also checks to shove a creature, and
restrained while the weapon is embedded. At the end you can shove a creature up to two
of the target’s turn while the weapon is embedded sizes larger than you.
in it, the target takes damage equal to the weapon’s
damage, with no additional modifiers. A creature, Larkmail
including the target, can use its action to make a DC Armor (chain mail), rare
13 Strength check, removing the weapon from the (requires attunement)
target on a success. You can remove the embedded
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
weapon from the target by speaking the weapon’s
The links of this mail have been stained to create the
command word.
optical illusion that you are wearing a brown-and-
Knockabout Billet russet feathered tunic. While you wear this armor,
Weapon (club), common you have advantage on Charisma (Performance)
checks made with an instrument.
This stout, oaken cudgel helps you knock your In addition, while playing an instrument, you
opponents to the ground or away from you. When can use a bonus action and choose any number of
you hit a creature with this magic weapon, you can creatures within 30 feet of you that can hear your
shove the target as part of the same attack, using your song. Each target must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma
attack roll in place of a Strength (Athletics) check. The saving throw or be charmed by you for 1 minute.
weapon deals damage as normal, regardless of the Once used, this property can’t be used again until the
result of the shove. This property of the club can be next dawn.
used no more than once per hour.
Leaf-Bladed Sword
Kyshaarth’s Fang Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)
Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)
This thin, curved blade has a bell guard shaped like a
This dagger’s blade is composed of black, curled, golden leaf. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and
bone-like material. Tales suggest the damage rolls with this magic weapon. When you hit

Armor & Weapons

weapon is fashioned from a voidling’s an aberration or undead creature with it, that target
(see Tome of Beasts) tendril barb. When takes an extra 1d8 damage of the weapon’s type.
you hit with an attack using this magic You can use an action to cast the barkskin spell
weapon, the target takes an extra on yourself for 1 hour, requiring no concentration.
2d6 necrotic damage. If you are Once used, this property can’t be used again until
in dim light or darkness, you the next dawn.
regain a number of hit points
equal to half the necrotic Living Juggernaut
damage dealt. Armor (plate), rare (requires attunement)
This broad, bulky suit of plate is adorned with large,
blunt spikes and has curving bull horns affixed to its
helm. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus
to AC, and difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra
Juggernaut Rush. While wearing this armor, you
can use the Dash action to move into and through
the spaces of any creatures no more than one size
larger than you, physically ramming into them as
you pass. You can’t ram into a creature more than
once during the same movement. Each creature
you ram must make a When you roll a 20 on
DC 15 Dexterity saving an attack roll made with
throw. On a successful this weapon, the target is
save, the creature can stunned until the end of
choose to be pushed its next turn.
5 feet away from your
path. A creature Meteoric Plate
that chooses not Armor (plate), rare
to be pushed or (requires attunement)
that chooses to make This plate armor was
an opportunity attack magically crafted
against you suffers from plates of
the consequences of a interlocking stone.
failed saving throw. On Tiny rubies inlaid
a failed save, the creature in the chest create
takes bludgeoning damage a glittering mosaic
equal to 2d6 + your Strength of flames. When you
modifier, and it is pushed 5 feet in a direction of your fall while wearing this
choice. Once used, this property of the armor can’t be armor, you can tuck
used again until the next dawn. your knees against your
chest and curl into a ball.
Lockbreaker While falling in this way, flames form around your
Weapon (dagger), common body. You take half the usual falling damage when
You can use this stiletto-bladed dagger to open locks you hit the ground, and fire explodes from your
by using an action and making a Strength check. The form in a 20-foot-radius sphere. Each creature in
DC is 5 less than the DC to pick the lock (minimum this area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw.
DC 10). On a success, the lock is broken. On a failed save, a target takes fire damage equal to
the falling damage you took, or half as much on a
Mail of the Sword Master successful saving throw.
Armor (half plate), uncommon (requires attunement) The fire spreads around corners and ignites
While wearing this armor, the maximum Dexterity flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn
modifier you can add to determine your Armor Class or carried.
is 4, instead of 2. While wearing this armor, if you are
wielding a sword and no other weapons, you gain a +2
Mirrored Armor
bonus to damage rolls with that sword. Armor (breastplate, half plate, plate, or shield), uncommon
This metal armor is always polished to a mirror
Manticore’s Tail sheen, highly reflective, and can’t be dulled. If a
Armor & Weapons

Weapon (morningstar), uncommon (requires attunement) creature has an action or trait that requires it
Ten spikes stick out of the head of this magic to gaze at you to affect you, such as a basilisk’s
weapon. While holding the morningstar, you can Petrifying Gaze or a lich’s Frightening Gaze,
fire one of the spikes as a ranged attack, using your it sees its reflection in the armor and is also
Strength modifier for the attack and damage rolls. affected by the gaze.
This attack has a normal range of 100 feet and a
long range of 200 feet. On a hit, the spike deals 1d8
Moonsteel Weapon
piercing damage. Once all of the weapon’s spikes Weapon (rapier or dagger), rare
have been fired, the morningstar deals bludgeoning The blade of this magic weapon
damage instead of the piercing damage normal for a seems to shine from within with
morningstar until the next dawn, at which time the a pale, white light. The weapon
spikes regrow. deals an extra 1d6 radiant
damage to any creature it hits.
Masher Basher If the creature is a
Weapon (greatclub), uncommon shapechanger or
A favored weapon of hill giants, this greatclub any other creature
appears to be little more than a thick tree branch. not in its true form,
When you hit a giant with this magic weapon, the it becomes frightened
giant takes an extra 1d8 bludgeoning damage. until the start of your next
turn. At the start of its turn, a creature frightened in
this way must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving
throw or immediately return to its true form. For the
purpose of this weapon, “shapechanger” refers to any
creature with the Shapechanger trait.

Mordant Blade connects to

Weapon (any weapon that deals slashing damage), rare the crossbow via an
(requires attunement) adamantine cable.
You can use a bonus action to speak this magic While the grappling
weapon's command word, causing the blade to weep hook is attached to a
a caustic, green acid. While weeping acid, the weapon surface and you are
deals an extra 2d6 acid damage to any target it hits. holding the crossbow,
The weapon continues to weep acid until you use a you can use an action
bonus action to speak the command word again or to speak a command word to reel yourself and up
you sheathe or drop the weapon. to 1,000 pounds of willing creatures and objects
Acid Arc. While holding the weapon, you can use connected to you to the surface. Speaking a second
an action to swing it in a wide arc, spraying acid in a command word as a bonus action releases the
15‑foot cone. Each creature in the cone must make grappling hook from the surface, reattaching it to the
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 acid crossbow, and winds the cable back into a tiny pocket
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a dimension inside the crossbow.
successful one. Once used, this property can’t be used This cable has AC 12, 20 hit points, and immunity
again until the next dawn. to all damage except acid, lightning, and slashing
damage from adamantine weapons. If the cable drops
Mountain Hewer to 0 hit points, the crossbow can’t be used in this way
Weapon (greataxe), very rare (requires attunement) again until 24 hours have passed.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made Muffled Armor
with this magic weapon. The massive head of this Armor (padded, scale mail, half plate, or any heavy), common
axe is made from chiseled stone lashed to its haft by
thick rope and leather strands. Small chips of stone This magical armor is laid with enchantments to
fall from its edge intermittently, though it shows no mute its noise and ease movement, even muting
sign of damage or wear. You can use your action to and dulling its colors and shine when you attempt to
speak the command word to cause small stones to conceal yourself. While wearing this armor, you don’t
float and swirl around the axe, shedding bright light have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks as a
in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 result of wearing the armor, but you might still have
feet. The light remains until you use a bonus action to disadvantage on such checks from other effects.
speak the command word again or until you drop or

Armor & Weapons

Mutineer’s Blade
sheathe the axe.
Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement)
As a bonus action, choose a creature you can see.
For 1 minute, that creature must succeed on a DC This finely balanced scimitar has an elaborate brass
15 Wisdom saving throw each time it is damaged by hilt. You gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls
the axe or become frightened until the end of your made with this magic weapon. You can use a bonus
next turn. Creatures of Large size or greater have action to speak the scimitar’s command word,
disadvantage on this save. Once used, this property of causing the blade to shed bright green light in a
the axe can’t be used again until the next dawn. 10‑foot radius and dim light for an additional 10
feet. The light lasts until you use a bonus action
Mountaineer’s Crossbow to speak the command word again or until you
Weapon (any crossbow), uncommon drop or sheathe the scimitar.
This crossbow has a weathered look, and scenes of When you roll a 20 on an attack roll
mountains are etched across its stock. An adamantine made with this weapon, the target
grappling hook and cable are built into this magic is overcome with the desire
crossbow. While no ammunition is loaded in the for mutiny. On the target’s
crossbow, you can use an action to fire the grappling next turn, it must make one
hook at a surface, structure, precipice, or other similar attack against its nearest
location that you can see within 60 feet of you. The ally, then the effect ends,
grappling hook magically attaches to the surface and whether or not the attack
was successful. 29
Odd Bodkin After the attack, the spinner flies up to 60 feet and
Weapon (dagger), rare tries to return to your hand. If you have no hand free,
it falls to the ground at your feet.
This dagger has a twisted, jagged blade. You gain a
+1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this Pick of Ice Breaking
magic weapon. When you hit a creature other than Weapon (war pick), uncommon
a construct or an undead with this weapon, it loses
1d4 hit points at the start of each of its turns from The metal head of this war pick is covered in tiny
a jagged wound. Each time you successfully hit the arcane runes. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and
wounded target with this dagger, the damage dealt by damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The
the wound increases by 1d4. Any creature can take an bonus increases to +3 when you use the war pick to
action to stanch the wound with a successful DC 11 attack a construct, elemental, fey, or other creature
Wisdom (Medicine) check. The wound also closes if made almost entirely of ice or snow. When you roll a
the wounded creature receives magical healing. 20 on an attack roll made with this weapon against
such a creature, the target takes an extra 2d8 piercing
Pestilent Spear damage. When you hit an object made of ice or snow
Weapon (spear), uncommon with this weapon, the object doesn’t have a damage
threshold when determining the damage you deal to
The head of this spear is deadly sharp, despite the rust
it with this weapon.
and slimy residue on it that always accumulate no
matter how well it is cleaned. When you hit a creature Pistol of the Umbral Court
with this magic weapon, it must succeed on a DC Weapon (hand crossbow), very rare (requires attunement)
13 Constitution saving throw or contract the sewer
plague disease. This hand crossbow is made from coal-colored
wood. Its limb is made from cold steel and boasts
engravings of sharp teeth. The barrel is magically
oiled and smells faintly of ash. The grip is made from
rough leather.
You gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls
made with this magic weapon. When you hit with an
attack with this weapon, you can force the target of
Phidjetz Spinner your attack to succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving
Weapon (dart), uncommon (requires attunement by a monk) throw or be pushed 5 feet away from you. The target
takes damage, as normal, whether it was pushed away
This dart was crafted by the monk Phidjetz, a martial
or not.
recluse obsessed with dragons. The spinner consists
As a bonus action, you can increase the distance
of a golden central disk with four metal dragon heads
creatures are pushed to 20 feet for 1 minute. If the
protruding symmetrically from its center point: one
creature strikes a solid object before the movement is
red, one white, one blue and one black.
complete, it takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for
Armor & Weapons

As an action, you can spin the disk using the pinch

every 10 feet traveled. Once used, this
grip in its center. You choose a single target within 30
property of the crossbow can’t
feet and make a ranged attack roll. The spinner then
be used again until the
flies at the chosen target.
next dawn.
Once airborne, each dragon head emits a blast of
elemental energy appropriate to its type. When you
hit a creature, determine which dragon head affects it
by rolling a d4 on the following chart.

d4 Effect
1 Red. The target takes 1d6 fire damage and
combustible materials on the target ignite, doing
1d4 fire damage each turn until it is put out. Poison Strand
2 White. The target takes 1d6 cold damage and is Weapon (whip), very rare (requires attunement)
restrained until the start of your next turn. When you hit with an attack using this magic whip,
3 Blue. The target takes 1d6 lightning damage and the target takes an extra 2d4 poison damage.
is paralyzed until the start of your next turn. If you hold one end of the whip and use an action
4 Black. The target takes 1d6 acid damage and is to speak its command word, the other end magically
poisoned until the start of your next turn. extends and darts forward to entangle a creature
you can see within Rain of Chaos
20 feet of you. The Weapon (longbow), uncommon (requires attunement)
target must succeed
This magic weapon imbues arrows fired from it with
on a DC 17 Dexterity saving
random energies. When you hit with an attack using
throw or become restrained. While
this magic bow, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage.
restrained, the target takes 2d4 poison
Roll a d8. The number rolled determines the damage
damage at the start of each of its turns, and
type of the extra damage.
you can use an action to pull the target up to
20 feet toward you. If you would move the target
into damaging terrain, such as lava or a pit, it d8 Damage Type
can make a DC 17 Strength saving throw. 1 Acid
On a success, the target isn’t pulled 2 Cold
toward you.
3 Fire
You can’t use the whip
to make attacks while 4 Lightning
it is restraining a 5 Necrotic
target, and if you 6 Poison
release your end of the whip, the target is no longer
7 Radiant
restrained. The restrained target can use an action
to make a DC 17 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity 8 Thunder
(Acrobatics) check (target’s choice). On a success, the
target is no longer restrained by the whip. Ravager’s Axe
When the whip has restrained creatures for a total
Weapon (greataxe), very rare
of 1 minute, you can’t restrain a creature with the
whip again until the next dawn. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon. Any attack with this axe that
Primordial Scale hits a structure or an object that isn’t being worn or
Armor (scale mail), uncommon (requires attunement) carried is a critical hit.
This armor is fashioned from the scales of a great, When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this
subterranean beast shunned by the gods. While axe, the target takes an extra 1d10 cold damage and
wearing it, you have darkvision out to a range of 1d10 necrotic damage as the axe briefly becomes a rift
60 feet. If you already have darkvision, wearing to the Void.
the armor increases its range by 60 feet, but you Reef Splitter
have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom
Weapon (warhammer), very
(Perception) checks that rely on sight when you are
rare (requires attunement)
in sunlight. In addition, while wearing this armor,
you have advantage on saving throws against spells The head of this

Armor & Weapons

cast by agents of the gods, such as celestials, fiends, warhammer is constructed
clerics, and cultists. of undersea volcanic rock and
etched with images of roaring
flames and boiling water. You gain
a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls
made with this magic weapon.
When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made
with this weapon, the hammer erupts with
magma, and the target takes an extra 4d6 fire
damage. In addition, if the target is underwater, the
water around it begins to boil with the heat of your
blow, and each creature other than you within 5 feet
of the target takes 2d6 fire damage.

Retribution Armor
Armor (breastplate), very rare (requires attunement)
Etchings of flames adorn this breastplate, which is
wrapped in chains of red gold, silver, and black iron.
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
In addition, if a creature scores a critical hit against 31
you, you have advantage on any attacks against that this special action has been used three times, it can’t
creature until the end of your next turn or until you be used again until the next dawn.
score a critical hit against that creature.
Retributive Resurrection. If you are killed by a Ruby Crusher
creature while wearing this armor, you arise the Weapon (greatclub), legendary
following round as a tireless, vengeful undead. Your (requires attunement)
type changes to undead, and you gain the following This greatclub is made entirely
benefits: of fused rubies with a grip wrapped
• You have resistance to necrotic damage, and you in manticore hide A roaring fire
are immune to poison damage. burns behind its smooth facets.
• You can’t be charmed or poisoned, and you don’t You gain a +3 bonus to attack
suffer from exhaustion. and damage rolls made with
• You have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. this magic weapon.
You can use a bonus action
• You have advantage on saving throws against to speak this magic weapon’s
effects that turn undead. command word, causing it to
• You can use an action to sense the direction of be engulfed in flame. These
your killer. This works like the locate creature spell, flames shed bright light in
except you can sense only the creature that killed a 30-foot radius and dim
you. light for an additional 30
You rise as an undead only if your death was caused feet. While the greatclub is aflame, it deals fire damage
with intent; accidental deaths or deaths from instead of bludgeoning damage. The flames last until
unintended consequences (such as dying from a you use a bonus action to speak the command word
disease unintentionally passed to you) don’t activate again or until you drop the weapon.
this property of the armor. You exist in this deathly When you hit a Large or larger creature with this
state for up to 1 week per Hit Die or until you exact greatclub, the creature must succeed on a DC 17
revenge on your killer, at which time your body Constitution saving throw or be pushed up to 30 feet
crumbles to ash and you finally die. You can be away from you. If the creature strikes a solid object,
restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or such as a door or wall, during this movement, it and
wish spell. the object take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each 10
feet the creature traveled before hitting the object.
Riverine Blade
Weapon (longsword), rare Rust Monster Shell
The crossguard of this distinctive sword depicts a Armor (breastplate), rare (requires attunement)
stylized garroter crab (see Tome of Beasts) with claws While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to
extended, and the pommel is set with a smooth, AC. In addition, you can use an action to magically
coat the armor in rusty flakes for 1 minute. While
Armor & Weapons

spherical, blue-black river rock. You gain a +2 bonus

to attack and damage rolls made with this magic the armor is coated in rusty flakes, any nonmagical
weapon. While on a boat or while standing in any weapon made of metal that hits you corrodes. After
depth of water, you have advantage on Dexterity dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent
checks and saving throws. and cumulative –1
penalty to damage
Rowdy’s Club rolls. If its
Weapon (club), uncommon penalty drops to
This knobbed stick is marked with nicks, scratches, –5, the weapon
and notches. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and is destroyed.
damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Nonmagical
While wielding the club, you can use an action to ammunition
tap it against your open palm, the side of your leg, a made of metal
surface within reach, or similar. If you do, you have that hits you is
advantage on your next Charisma (Intimidation) destroyed after
check. If you are also wearing a rowdy’s ring (see page dealing damage.
87), you can use an action to frighten a creature you The armor can’t
can see within 30 feet of you instead. The target be used this way
must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be again until the
frightened of you until the end of its next turn. Once next dawn.
Sacrificial Knife This armor has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3
Weapon (dagger), rarity varies expended charges daily at dawn. As a reaction, when
(requires attunement) you are hit by an attack, you can expend 1 charge and
make the armor flow like sand. Roll a d12 and reduce
Runes dance along the blade of this
the damage you take by the number rolled.
keen knife.
Sacrificial Knife (Common). Sanguine Lance
While attuned to it, you can use this Weapon (lance), uncommon (requires attunement)
magic, rune-inscribed dagger as a
spellcasting focus. This fiendish lance runs red with blood. You gain a
Ceremonial Sacrificial Knife +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this
(Uncommon). More powerful versions magic weapon.
of this blade also exist. While holding the When you hit a creature that has blood with this
greater version of this dagger, you can use it lance, the target takes an extra 1d6 necrotic damage,
to perform a sacrificial ritual during a short and you regain hit points equal to half the amount of
rest. If you sacrifice a Tiny or Small creature, necrotic damage dealt.
you regain one expended 1st-level spell slot. If you Curse. This lance is cursed, and becoming attuned
sacrifice a Medium or larger creature, you regain one to it extends the curse to you. Each day, as long
expended 2nd-level spell slot. as you remain cursed, you have disadvantage on
Constitution saving throws until you draw blood
Sand Arrow from another creature with the lance. Once the
Weapon (arrow), uncommon lance has done damage to another creature or its
surface has been in contact with the blood of another
The shaft of this arrow is made of tightly packed
creature, this effect of the curse is suppressed until
white sand that discorporates into a blast of grit when
the next dawn.
it strikes a target. On a hit, the sand catches in the
fittings and joints of metal armor, and the target’s Scimitar of the Desert Winds
speed is reduced by 10 feet Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement)
until it cleans or
removes the armor. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and
In addition, the target damage rolls made with this magic
must succeed on a DC weapon. While holding or carrying this
11 Constitution saving scimitar, you can tolerate temperatures as
throw or be blinded low as –50 degrees Fahrenheit or as high
until the end of its as 150 degrees Fahrenheit without any
next turn. additional protection.
Wind Strike. When you hit a creature
with the scimitar, you can use a bonus
action to call upon the power of the

Armor & Weapons

desert winds. The target must succeed
on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or
be pushed up to 15 feet away from
Sand Suit you in the direction of your choice
Armor (leather), very rare (requires attunement) and knocked prone. The scimitar
can’t be used this way again
Created from the treated body of a destroyed
until the next dawn.
apaxrusl (see Tome of Beasts 2), this leather armor
constantly sheds fine sand. The faint echoes of Scourge of Devotion
damned souls also emanate from the armor. Weapon (flail), rare (requires attunement)
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus
to AC, and you can understand and speak Abyssal. This cat o’ nine tails is used primarily for
In addition, you can move through nonmagical, self‑flagellation, and its tails have barbs of silver
unworked earth and stone at your speed. While doing woven into them. You gain a +1 bonus to attack
so, you don’t disturb the material you move through. and damage rolls made with this magic weapon,
Because the souls that once infused the apaxrusl and the weapon deals slashing damage instead of
remain within the armor, you are susceptible to effects bludgeoning damage.
that sense, target, or harm fiends, such as a paladin’s You can spend 10 minutes using the scourge in a
Divine Smite or a ranger’s Primeval Awareness. self-flagellating ritual, which can be done during a
short rest. If you do so, your hit point maximum is
If the attack hits, that creature and each creature in
a line that is 5 feet wide between you and the target
takes damage as if hit by this whip. All of this damage
is radiant. If the target is undead, you have advantage
on the attack roll.

Serpent’s Scales
Armor (scale mail), rare (requires attunement)
reduced by 2d8. In addition,
you have advantage on Constitution While wearing this armor
saving throws that you make to maintain made from the skin of a giant
your concentration on a spell when you take snake, you gain a +1 bonus to
damage while your hit point maximum is AC, and you have resistance
reduced. This hit point maximum reduction can’t be to poison damage.
removed with the greater restoration spell or similar While wearing the armor,
magic and lasts until you finish a long rest. you can use an action to
cast polymorph on yourself,
Sea Witch’s Blade transforming into
Weapon (shortsword), very rare (requires attunement) a giant poisonous
snake. While you
This slim, slightly curved blade has a ghostly sheen
are in the form of
and a wickedly sharp edge. You can use a bonus
a snake, you retain
action to speak this magic sword’s command word
your Intelligence,
(“memory”) and cause the air around the blade to
Wisdom, and
shimmer with a pale, violet glow. This glow sheds
Charisma scores.
bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an
In addition, you
additional 20 feet. While the sword is glowing, it
don’t need to maintain
deals an extra 2d6 psychic damage to any target it
concentration on
hits. The glow lasts until you use a bonus action to
the spell, and the
speak the command word again or until you drop or
transformation lasts for
sheathe the sword.
1 hour, until you use a
When a creature takes psychic damage from the
bonus action to revert
sword, you can choose to have the creature make a
to your normal form,
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you take
or until you drop to 0
2d6 psychic damage, and the creature is stunned until
hit points or die. The
the end of its next turn. Once used, this feature of the
armor can’t be used
sword shouldn’t be used again until the next dawn.
this way again until
Each time it is used before then, the psychic damage
the next dawn.
Armor & Weapons

you take increases by 2d6.

Searing Whip Serpent’s Tooth

Weapon (spear), uncommon (requires attunement)
Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement)
When you hit with an attack using this magic
Inspired by the searing breath weapon of a light
spear, the target takes an extra 1d6 poison damage.
drake (see Tome of Beasts 2), this whip seems to have
In addition, while you hold the spear, you have
filaments of light interwoven within its strands. You
advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon. When you hit a creature with Sharkskin Vest
this weapon, the creature takes an extra 1d4 radiant
Armor (leather), rare (requires attunement)
damage. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made
with this weapon, the target is blinded until the end While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to
of its next turn. AC, and you have advantage on Strength (Athletics)
The whip has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended checks made to swim.
charges daily at dawn or when exposed to a daylight While wearing this armor underwater, you can use
spell for 1 minute. While wielding the whip, you can an action to cast polymorph on yourself, transforming
use an action to expend 1 of its charges to transform into a reef shark. While you are in the form of the
the whip into a searing beam of light. Choose one reef shark, you retain your Intelligence, Wisdom,
creature you can see within 30 feet of you and make and Charisma scores. In addition, you don’t need
one attack roll with this whip against that creature. to maintain concentration on the spell, and the
transformation lasts Shield of Gnawing
for 1 hour, until you use Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement by a barbarian)
a bonus action to revert
The wooden rim of this battered oak shield is covered
to your normal form, or
in bite marks. While holding this shield, you gain a +1
until you drop to 0 hit
bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s
points or die. The armor
normal bonus to AC. In addition, you can use the
can’t be used this way again
Shove action as a bonus action while raging.
until the next dawn.
Gnawing Attack. If you bite down on the shield
Shepherd’s Flail while moving at least 20 feet straight toward a
Weapon (flail), legendary creature and then hit it with a melee weapon attack
on the same turn, the target takes an extra 4d6
The handle of this necrotic damage. You gain temporary hit points
simple flail is made of equal to the necrotic damage dealt. Once used, this
smooth lotus wood. The three threshers are made property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
of carved and painted wooden beads. You gain a +
1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this Shield of Missile Reversal
magic weapon. Armor (shield), rare
True Authority (Requires Attunement). You must (requires attunement)
be attuned to a crook of the flock (see page 72) to attune
While wielding this
to this weapon. The attunement ends if you are no
shield, you gain a
longer attuned to the crook. While you are attuned
+1 bonus to AC.
to this weapon and holding it, your Charisma score
This bonus is in
increases by 4 and can exceed 20, but not 30. When
addition to the
you hit a beast with this weapon, the beast takes an
shield’s normal
extra 3d6 bludgeoning damage. For the purpose of
bonus to AC. When
this weapon, “beast” refers to any creature with the
you would be struck
beast type.
by a ranged attack, you
The flail also has 5 charges. When you reduce a
can use a reaction to
humanoid to 0 hit points with an attack from this
cause the outer surface of
weapon, you can expend 1 charge. If you do so,
the shield to emit a flash of
the humanoid stabilizes, regains 1 hit point, and
magical energy, sending the
is charmed by you for 24 hours. While charmed in
missile hurtling back at your
this way, the humanoid regards you as its trusted
attacker. Make a ranged weapon
leader, but it otherwise retains its statistics and
attack roll against your attacker
regains hit points as normal. If harmed by you or
using the attacker’s bonuses on the roll.
your companions, or commanded to do something
If the attack hits, roll damage as normal, using the
contrary to its nature, the target ceases to be charmed

Armor & Weapons

attacker’s bonuses.
in this way. The flail regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges
daily at dawn.


The crook of the flock (see page 72) and shepherd’s flail were created for the
beloved god-king Hekhmet, who was known for his way with people and
beasts. The set of magical tools enhanced his natural talents and was interred
with him when he passed, some years into a prosperous and happy reign.
Generations later, his descendent, Ibris Hekhmet’s leadership abilities are
being called into question due to his underwhelming presence. A recent
increase in predatory beasts hunting the local livestock and a hopeful new
leader eager to enact his own plans upon the kingdom have left Ibris fearful
of losing the right to rulership. Ibris is seeking a group of adventurers who
can lend legitimacy to his claim to rule by retrieving the crook and flail from
his ancestor’s tomb, and in doing so, help him restore prosperity and peace
to his people.

Shield of the Fallen Slick Cuirass
Armor (shield), common Armor (leather), common
Your allies can use this shield to move you when This suit of leather armor has a shiny, greasy look
you aren’t capable of moving. If you are paralyzed, to it. While wearing the armor, you have advantage
petrified, or unconscious, and a creature lays you on on ability checks and saving throws made to escape
this shield, the shield rises up under you, bearing you a grapple. In addition, while squeezing through a
and anything you currently wear or carry. The shield smaller space, you don’t have disadvantage on attack
then follows the creature that laid you on the shield rolls and Dexterity saving throws.
for up to 1 hour before gently lowering to the ground.
This property otherwise works like the floating disk Slimeblade
spell. Once used, the shield can’t be used this way Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)
again for 1d12 hours. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon. The blade of the sword is
Sickle of Thorns coated in an endless supply of violet-colored slime.
Weapon (sickle), uncommon (requires attunement) Despite the sword’s tendency to drip, the slime does
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls not flow over the pommel, regardless of the angle
made with this weapon. As an action, you can at which it is held. You are immune to the effect of
swing the sickle to cut nonmagical vegetation the slime while attuned to this sword. While holding
up to 60 feet away from you. Each this sword, you can communicate telepathically with
cut is a separate action with one ooze creatures, and you have advantage on Charisma
action equaling one swing of (Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks
your arm. Thus, you can lead against ooze creatures.
a party through a jungle or In addition, you can use an action to fling some
briar thicket at a normal of the sword’s slime at a creature you can see within
pace, simply swinging the 30 feet of you. The target must make a DC 15
sickle back and forth ahead Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target
of you to clear the path. It takes 2d4 poison damage and is poisoned until the
can’t be used to cut trunks of saplings larger than 1 end of its next turn. On a success, the target takes half
inch in diameter. It also can’t cut through unliving the damage and isn’t poisoned. The sword can’t be
wood (such as a door or wall). When you hit a plant used this way again until 1 hour has passed.
creature with a melee attack with this weapon, that
target takes an extra 1d6 slashing damage. Sling Stone of Screeching
This weapon can make very precise cuts, such Weapon (sling bullet), uncommon
as to cut fruit or flowers high up in a tree without This sling stone is carved with an open mouth that
damaging the tree. screams in hellish torment when hurled with a sling.
Typically, 1d4 + 1 sling stones of screeching are found
Siege Arrow
Armor & Weapons

together. When you fire the stone from a sling, it

Weapon (arrow), common changes into a screaming bolt, forming a line 5 feet
This magic arrow’s tip is enchanted to soften stone wide that extends out from you to a target within 30
and warp wood. When this arrow hits an object or feet. Each creature in the line excluding you and the
structure, it deals double damage then becomes a target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw.
nonmagical arrow. On a failure, a creature takes 2d8 thunder damage and
is knocked prone. On a success, a creature takes half
Signaling Ammunition the damage and isn’t knocked prone. Make a ranged
Weapon (any ammunition), uncommon weapon attack against the target. On a hit, the target
This magic ammunition creates a trail of light behind takes damage from the sling stone plus 3d8 thunder
it as it flies through the air. If the ammunition flies damage and is knocked prone.
through the air and doesn’t hit a creature, it releases Once a sling stone of screeching has dealt its damage to
a burst of light that can be seen for up to 1 mile. If a creature, it becomes a nonmagical sling stone.
the ammunition hits a creature, the creature must
succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be
Slipshod Hammer
outlined in golden light until the end of its next turn. Weapon (light hammer), uncommon
While the creature is outlined in light, it can’t benefit This large smith’s hammer appears well-used and
from being invisible and any attack against it has rough in make and maintenance. If you use this
advantage if the attacker can see the outlined creature. hammer as part of a set of smith’s tools, you can repair
metal items in half the time, but The spear has 3 charges, and it regains all
the appearance of the item is always expended charges daily at dusk. When you
sloppy and haphazard. hit a creature with an attack using it, you can
When you roll a 20 on an attack roll expend 1 charge to deal an extra 3d6 necrotic
made with this magic weapon against a damage to the target. You regain hit points
target wearing metal armor, the target’s equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
armor is partly damaged and takes a Curse. This spear is cursed, and becoming
permanent and cumulative –2 penalty to attuned to it extends the curse to you until you
the AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar
the penalty reduces its AC to 10. magic. As long as you remain cursed, you are
unwilling to part with the spear, keeping it
Smoking Plate of Heithmir within reach at all times. When you expend a
Armor (plate), legendary (requires attunement) charge from the spear, you must succeed on a
This armor is soot-colored plate with DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become
grim dwarf visages on the pauldrons. The sensitive to bright light and distracted by a
pauldrons emit curling smoke and are warm to the thirst for blood for 1d4 hours. If you are already
touch. You gain a +3 bonus to AC and are resistant to suffering from this effect when you fail the
cold damage while wearing this armor. saving throw, increase the duration by 1d4
In addition, when you are struck by an attack hours. For the duration, you have disadvantage
while wearing this armor, you can use a reaction to on Wisdom and Intelligence checks.
fill a 30-foot cone in front of you with dense smoke.
The smoke spreads around corners, and its area is
Spear of the Western Whale
heavily obscured. Each creature in the smoke when Weapon (spear), very rare (requires attunement)
it appears and each creature that ends its turn in the You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
smoke must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving with this magic weapon. Fashioned in the style of
throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A wind of at least a whaling spear, this long, barbed weapon is made
20 miles per hour disperses the smoke. Otherwise, from bone and heavy, yet pliant, ash wood. Its point
the smoke lasts for 5 minutes. Once used, this is lined with decorative engravings of fish, clam
property of the armor can’t be used again until shells, and waves. While you carry this spear, you
the next dawn. have advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) checks to
acquire food via fishing, and you have advantage on
Spear of the North all Strength (Athletics) checks to swim. When set on
Weapon (spear), very rare (requires attunement) the ground, the spear always spins to point west.
This spear has an ivory haft, and tiny When thrown in a westerly direction, the spear
snowflakes occasionally fall from its tip. You deals an extra 2d6 cold damage to the target.
gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
made with this magic weapon. When you

Armor & Weapons

hit with an attack using this magic spear, the Armor (shield), rarity varies (requires attunement)
target takes an extra 1d6 cold damage. The front of this shield is fashioned in the shape of a
You can use an action to transform the spear snarling wolf ’s head.
into a pair of snow skis. While wearing the Spearbiter (Uncommon). When a creature you
snow skis, you have a walking speed of 40 feet can see within 5 feet of you makes a melee weapon
when you walk across snow or ice, and you attack against you, you can use a reaction to attack
can walk across icy surfaces without needing the attacker’s weapon, the wolf ’s head animating
to make an ability check. You can use a bonus and snapping its jaws at the weapon. Make a melee
action to transform the skis back into the weapon attack with the shield. You
spear. While the spear is transformed into a have proficiency with this attack if
pair of skis, you can’t make attacks with it. you are proficient with shields.
If the result is higher than the
Spear of the Stilled Heart attacker’s attack roll against
Weapon (spear), very rare (requires attunement) you, the attacker’s attack
This rowan wood spear has a thick knot in the misses you. You can’t use this
center of the haft that uncannily resembles a property of the shield again
petrified human heart. When you hit with until the next dawn.
an attack using this magic spear, the target Adamantine Spearbiter
takes an extra 1d6 necrotic damage. (Rare). A more powerful
version of this shield exists. 37
Its wolf ’s head is fitted with adamantine fangs and Steadfast Splint
appears larger and more menacing. When you use Armor (splint), uncommon (requires attunement)
your reaction and animate the wolf ’s head to snap
This armor makes you difficult to manipulate both
at the attacker’s weapon, you have advantage on the
mentally and physically. While wearing this armor,
attack roll. In addition, there is no longer a limit to
you have advantage on saving throws against being
the number of times you can use this property of
charmed or frightened, and you have advantage on
the shield.
ability checks and saving throws against spells and
Spectral Blade effects that would move you against your will.
Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement) Stinger
This blade seems to flicker in and out of Weapon (dagger), rare
existence but always strikes true. You gain a +1
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
with this magic weapon. When you hit a creature
this magic weapon, and you can choose for
with an attack using this weapon, you can use a bonus
its attacks to deal force damage instead of
action to inject paralyzing venom in the target. The
piercing damage.
target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
As an action while holding this sword or
throw or become paralyzed for 1 minute. It can repeat
as a reaction when you deal damage to a
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
creature with it, you can turn incorporeal
the effect on itself on a success. Creatures immune to
until the start of your next turn. While
poison are also immune to this dagger’s paralyzing
incorporeal, you can move through other
venom. The dagger can’t be used this way again until
creatures and objects as if they were
the next dawn.
difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force
damage if you end your turn inside an object. Survival Knife
Standard of Divinity Weapon (dagger), common
Weapon (glaive, halberd, lance, or pike), rare (requires When holding this sturdy knife, you can use an
attunement by a cleric or paladin) action to transform it into a crowbar, a fishing rod,
a hunting trap, or a hatchet (mainly a chopping tool;
This weapon was created in a long-forgotten holy war.
if wielded as a weapon, it uses the same statistics as
A woven banner bearing the symbol of a god hangs
this dagger, except it deals slashing damage). While
from it. When you attune to it, the banner changes
holding or touching the transformed knife, you can
to the colors and symbol of your deity. You gain a +1
use an action to transform it into another form or
bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
back into its original shape.
this magic weapon.
Swarmfoe Suit
Armor (leather or hide), uncommon (requires attunement)
Armor & Weapons

While wearing this armor festooned with thin

draconic scales, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. You can
use the scales as a melee weapon while wearing the
armor. You have proficiency with the scales and deal
1d4 slashing damage on a hit (your Strength modifier
applies to the attack and damage rolls as normal).
Swarms don’t have resistance to the damage dealt by
Plant Standard. You can use an the scales. In addition, if a swarm occupies your space,
action to thrust one end of the weapon you can attack with the scales as a bonus action.
into the ground and create a safeguard
for yourself and your allies. Choose Sweet Nature
up to six creatures, which can include Weapon (battleaxe), uncommon
yourself. While within 30 feet of the You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
standard, each creature you chose with this magic weapon. When you hit a humanoid
has advantage on saving throws with this weapon, the humanoid takes an extra 1d6
for 1 minute. While the weapon is slashing damage. If you use the axe to damage a plant
planted in the ground, you can’t creature or an object made of wood, the axe’s blade
use it to make attacks. You can’t liquifies into harmless honey, and it can’t be used
use this property of the weapon again until 24 hours have passed.
again until the next dawn.
Sword of Fallen Saints or carrying the sword. When you are reduced to 0 hit
Weapon (any sword), uncommon points and trigger the locket’s temporary hit points,
(requires attunement) the sword isn’t destroyed, but you can’t trigger that
effect again until 24 hours have passed.
This enchanted blade is infused with
The sword regains all expended charges after
the spirits of fallen warriors who carried
you slay any dragon. For the purpose of this sword,
it in battle long ago. You gain a +1 bonus
“dragon” refers to any creature with the dragon type,
to attack and damage rolls made with this
including drakes and wyverns.
magic weapon. If you die while attuned to
the sword, you gain the effect of the gentle Tamer’s Whip
repose spell. This effect lasts until another Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement)
creature attunes to the sword.
This whip is braided from leather tanned from the
Sword of Volsung hides of a dozen different, dangerous beasts. You
Weapon (longsword or greatsword), very rare gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
(requires attunement by a fighter or paladin) this magic weapon. When you attack a beast using
this weapon, you have advantage on the attack roll.
Legends tell of a dragon whose hide was When you roll a 20 on the attack roll made with
impenetrable and so robust that only a blow to this weapon and the target is a beast, the beast must
the heart would kill it. An unnamed hero finally succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become
defeated it and tore its heart into two. The dragon’s charmed or frightened (your choice) for 1 minute.
name was lost, but its legacy remains. This sword is If the creature is charmed, it understands and obeys
one of two items that were crafted to hold its heart. one-word commands, such as
The black blade is adorned with glittering silver “attack,” “approach,” “stay,”
runes, and its guard has a shallow opening at the or similar. If it is charmed
center with grooves connecting it to the first rune. and understands a
The sword’s pommel is a large, clear crystal held fast language, it obeys any
by silver scales. command you give
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls it in that
made with this magic weapon. When you hit a dragon language. The
with an attack using this sword, that creature takes an charmed or
extra 1d6 slashing damage. frightened
Runes of Courage. You can’t be frightened while creature can
holding or carrying this sword. repeat the saving
Fragment of Gram Awakened. You can use a bonus throw at the end of each
action to awaken a fragment of the spirit of the great of its turns, ending the
wyrm that inhabits this blade. For 24 hours, you gain effect on itself on a success.
a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic

Armor & Weapons

sword, and when you hit a dragon with an attack Tarian Graddfeydd Ddraig
using this sword, that creature takes an extra 3d6 Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)
slashing damage. Once used, this property can’t be This metal shield has an outer coating consisting of
used again until 3 days have passed. hardened resinous insectoid secretions embedded
If you have performed the Dragon Heart Ritual, with flakes from ground dragon scales collected
you can use a bonus action to expend 2 of the sword’s from various dragon wyrmlings and one dragon
charges to activate this property, and you can use this that was killed by shadow magic. While holding
property as often as you want, as long as you have the this shield, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. This bonus
charges to do so. is in addition to the shield’s normal bonus to AC.
Dragon Heart Ritual. If you are also attuned to the In addition, you have resistance to acid, cold, fire,
locket of dragon vitality (see page 152), you can drain 3 lightning, necrotic, and poison damage dealt by the
charges from the locket into the sword, turning the breath weapons of dragons.
crystal pommel a deep red and rendering the locket While wielding the shield in an area of dim or
broken and irreparable. Doing this requires a long bright light, you can use an action to reflect the light
rest where you also re-attune with the newly charged off the shield’s dragon scale flakes to cause a cone
sword of volsung. of multicolored light to flash from it (15-foot cone
Upon completing the Dragon Heart Ritual, the if in dim light; 30-foot cone if in bright light). Each
sword contains all remaining charges from the creature in the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity
locket, and you gain the locket’s effects while holding saving throw. For each target, roll a d6 and consult
the following table to determine which color is Thirsting Scalpel
reflected at it. The shield can’t be used this way again Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement)
until the next dawn. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with
this magic weapon, which deals slashing damage
d6 Effect
instead of piercing damage.
1 Red. The target takes 6d6 fire damage on When you attack a creature with this weapon and
a failed save, or half as much damage on a roll a 20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra
successful one. 2d6 slashing damage. If the target is a creature other
2 White. The target takes 4d6 cold damage and than an undead or construct, it must succeed on a
is restrained until the start of your next turn DC 13 Constitution saving throw or lose 2d6 hit
on a failed save, or half as much damage and is points at the start of each of its turns from a bleeding
not restrained on a successful one. wound. Any creature can take an action to stanch the
3 Blue. The target takes 4d6 lightning damage wound with a successful DC 11 Wisdom (Medicine)
and is paralyzed until the start of your next check. The wound also closes if the target receives
turn on a failed save, or half as much damage magical healing.
and is not paralyzed on a successful one. Curse. This scalpel is cursed and contains a bearded
devil’s essence. Becoming attuned to it extends the
4 Black. The target takes 4d6 acid damage on
curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are
a failed save, or half as much damage on a
unwilling to part with the scalpel, keeping it on your
successful one. If the target failed the save, it
person at all times. While attuned to this weapon, you
also takes an extra 2d6 acid damage on the
have disadvantage on attack rolls made with weapons
start of your next turn.
other than this one.
5 Green. The target takes 4d6 poison damage In addition, once every 7 days while the scalpel is on
and is poisoned until the start of your next your person, you must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma
turn on a failed save, or half as much damage saving throw or become driven to feed blood to the
and is not poisoned on a successful one. scalpel. You have advantage on attack rolls with the
6 Shadow. The target takes 4d6 necrotic scalpel until it is sated. The dagger is sated when you
damage and its Strength score is reduced by roll a 20 on an attack roll with it, after you deal 14
1d4 on a failed save, or half as much damage slashing damage with it, or after 1 hour elapses. If the
and does not reduce its Strength score hour elapses and you haven’t sated its thirst for blood,
on a successful one. The target dies if this the dagger deals 14 slashing damage to you. If the
Strength reduction reduces its Strength to 0. dagger deals damage to you as a result of the curse,
Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target you can’t heal the damage for 24 hours.
finishes a short or long rest. The remove curse spell removes your attunement to
the item and frees you from the curse. Alternatively,
casting the banishment spell on the dagger forces the
Tenebrous Flail of Screams
Armor & Weapons

bearded devil’s essence to leave it. The scalpel then

Weapon (flail), rare (requires attunement) becomes a +1 dagger with no other properties.
The handle of this flail is made of mammoth bone
wrapped in black leather made from bat wings. Its Thirsting Thorn
pommel is adorned with raven’s claws, and the head Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement)
of the flail dangles from a flexible, preserved braid You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
of entrails. The head is made of petrified wood inlaid with this weapon. In addition, while carrying the
with owlbear and raven beaks. When swung, the flail sword, you have resistance to necrotic damage.
lets out an otherworldly screech. Curse. Made from the twisted wood of a corrupted
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls treant, this living shortsword must be pruned
made with this magic weapon. When you hit a regularly, as small branches grow from it whenever
creature with this flail, the target takes an extra 1d6 it draws blood. Made from one continuous piece
psychic damage. of dark-colored wood, this single-edged blade
When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this occasionally haunts you with disturbing images of
weapon, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom rotting forests.
saving throw or be incapacitated until the end of its Each time you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with
next turn. this weapon, you can regain 2d8+2 hit points. Each
time you regain hit points this way, you must succeed
a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be incapacitated by
terrible visions until the end of your next turn. If you
reach your maximum hit points using this effect, you its turn in a space within 10 feet of you must succeed
automatically fail the saving throw. on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be restrained
As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling by the whirlpool. The whirlpool moves with you, and
to part with the sword, keeping it within reach at all creatures restrained by it move with it. A creature
times. If you have not damaged a creature with this within 5 feet of the whirlpool can pull a creature out
sword within the past 24 hours, you have disadvantage of it by taking an action to make a DC 15 Strength
on attack rolls with weapons other than this one as its check and succeeding. A restrained creature can
hunger for blood drives you to slake its thirst. try to escape by taking an action to make a DC 15
Strength check. On a success, the creature escapes
Tipstaff and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of the
Weapon (club), rare (requires attunement) whirlpool. Once used, this property can’t be used
To the uninitiated, this short ebony baton resembles again until the next dawn.
a heavy-duty truncheon with a cord-wrapped handle
and silver-capped tip. The weapon has 5 charges, and
Trident of the Yearning Tide
it regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. Weapon (trident), very rare
When you hit a creature with a melee attack with (requires attunement)
this magic weapon, you can expend 1 charge to force The barbs of this trident are forged from
the target to make a DC 15 Constitution saving mother‑of‑pearl and its shaft is fashioned
throw. If the creature took 20 damage or more from from driftwood. You gain a +2 bonus on
this attack, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. attack and damage rolls made with this magic
On a failure, the target is paralyzed for 1 minute. It weapon. While holding the trident, you can
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its breathe underwater.
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The trident has 3 charges for the following
Warrant. You can use an action to slip an officially other properties. It regains 1d3 expended
issued warrant under the cords of the grip of this charges daily at dawn.
weapon. While it has a warrant in it, the weapon deals Call Sealife. While holding the trident, you can
an extra 1d6 bludgeoning damage when you hit the use an action to expend 3 of its charges to cast
creature listed in the warrant with this weapon. The the conjure animals spell from it. The creatures you
tipstaff can have only one warrant in it at a time, summon must be beasts that can breathe water.
and the warrant can name no more than Yearn for the Tide. When you hit a creature
three creatures. with a melee attack using the trident, you can use
a bonus action to expend 1 charge to force the
Tracking Dart target to make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a
Weapon (dart), common failure, the target must spend its next turn leaping
When you hit a Large or smaller creature into the nearest body of water and swimming
with an attack using this colorful magic toward the bottom. A creature that can breathe
dart, the target is splattered with magical underwater automatically succeeds on the saving

Armor & Weapons

paint, which outlines the target in a dim throw. If no water is in the target’s line of sight, the
glow (your choice of color) for 1 minute. target automatically succeeds on the saving throw.
Any attack roll against a creature outlined in
the glow has advantage if the attacker can see
Troll Skin Armor
the creature, and the creature can’t benefit Armor (leather or hide), rare (requires attunement)
from being invisible. The creature outlined in While wearing troll skin armor, you gain a +1 bonus
the glow can end the effect early by using an to AC, and you stabilize whenever you are dying
action to wipe off the splatter of paint. at the start of your turn. In addition, you can
use an action to regenerate for 1 minute. While
Trident of the Vortex regenerating, you regain 2 hit points at the start of
Weapon (trident), very rare (requires attunement) each of your turns. The armor can’t be used this way
This bronze trident has a shaft of inlaid blue again until the next dawn.
pearl. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and
damage rolls with this magic weapon.
Tyrant’s Whip
Whirlpool. While wielding the trident Weapon (whip), uncommon
underwater, you can use an action to speak its This wicked whip has 3 charges and regains all
command word and cause the water around expended charges daily at dawn. When you hit with
you to whip into a whirlpool for 1 minute. For an attack using this magic whip, you can use a bonus
the duration, each creature that enters or starts action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the command
spell (save DC 13) from it on the creature you hit. If Unquiet Dagger
the attack is a critical hit, the target has disadvantage Weapon (dagger), very rare
on the saving throw. (requires attunement by a spellcaster
of evil alignment)
Umbral Chopper
Weapon (any axe), rare (requires attunement) Forged by creatures with firsthand
knowledge of what lies between
This simple axe looks no different from a standard the stars, this dark gray blade
forester’s tool. A single-edged head is set into a slot sometimes appears to twitch or
in the haft and bound with strong cord. The axe was ripple like water when not directly
found by a timber-hauling crew who disappeared into observed. You gain a +1 bonus to
the shadows of a cave deep in an old forest. Retrieved attack and damage rolls with this
in the dark of the cave, the axe was found to possess magic weapon. In addition,
disturbing magical properties. when you hit with an attack using
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls this dagger, the target takes an
made with this weapon, which deals necrotic damage extra 2d6 psychic damage.
instead of slashing damage. When you hit a plant You can use an action to cause the blade to
creature with an attack using this weapon, the target ripple for 1 minute. While the blade is rippling,
must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a each creature that takes psychic damage from
failure, the creature takes 4d6 necrotic damage and the dagger must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma
its speed is halved until the end of its next turn. On saving throw or become frightened of you for
a success, the creature takes half the damage and its 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the
speed isn’t reduced. saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Darkness. While carrying this axe, you can use an ending the effect on itself on a success. The
action to cast the darkness spell from it. Once used, dagger can’t be used this way again until the
this property can’t be used again until the next sunset. next dawn.
Undine Plate Valkyrie’s Bite
Armor (plate), rare Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement)
(requires attunement)
This black-bladed scimitar has a guard that
This bright green plate armor is embossed with resembles outstretched raven wings, and
images of various marine creatures, such as a polished amethyst sits in its
octopuses and rays. While wearing this armor, you pommel. You have a +2 bonus to
have a swimming speed of 40 feet, and you don’t have attack and damage rolls made with
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while this magic weapon. While attuned to
underwater. the scimitar, you have advantage on
Seawater Shield. While wearing this armor, you can initiative rolls. While you hold the
use a bonus action to surround yourself in a sheath
Armor & Weapons

scimitar, it sheds dim purple

of seawater until the start of your next turn. While light in a 10-foot radius.
sheathed in seawater, you have resistance to fire
damage, and you are heavily obscured from melee Verses of Vengeance
and ranged attacks Armor (shield), rare
against you. The (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)
seawater doesn’t
This massive, holy tome is bound in brass with a
obscure your
handle on the back cover. A steel chain dangles from
vision. Once
the sturdy metal cover, allowing you to hang the tome
used, this
from your belt or hook it to your armor. A locked
clasp holds the tome closed, securing its contents.
can’t be
You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wield this
used again until
tome as a shield. This bonus is in addition to the
the next dawn.
shield’s normal bonus to AC. Alternatively, you can
make melee weapon attacks with the tome as if it was
a club. If you make an attack using use the tome as a
weapon, you lose the shield’s bonus to your AC until
the start of your next turn.

Vile Razor
Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)
This perpetually blood-stained straight razor deals
slashing damage instead of piercing damage. You
gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon.
Inhuman Alacrity. While holding the dagger, you
can take two bonus actions on your turn, instead of
one. Each bonus action must be different; you can’t
use the same bonus action twice in a single turn.
Once used, this property can’t be used again until the
next dusk.
Unclean Cut. When you hit a creature with a melee
attack using the dagger, you can use a bonus action
to deal an extra 2d4 necrotic damage. If you do so,
the target and each of its allies that can see this attack
Verse of Vengeance. As a reaction when a creature
must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or
hits you with a melee attack or when you hit a
be frightened for 1 minute. Once used, this property
creature with the tome, you can shout a verse of
can’t be used again until the next dusk.
vengeance, and the target takes 1d4 radiant damage.
Such verses include, “Surrender and know divine Void-Touched Buckler
mercy!”, “Repent! The hour of judgment is upon you!”,
Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)
“Confess and be purged from your unrighteousness!”, or
similar verse appropriate to your deity. This simple wood and metal
buckler belonged to
Vestments of the Bleak Shinobi an adventurer slain
Armor (padded), uncommon (requires attunement) by a void dragon
wyrmling (see
This padded black armor is fashioned in the furtive
Tome of Beasts).
style of shinobi shōzoku garb. You have advantage on
It sat for
Dexterity (Stealth) checks while you wear this armor.
decades next
Darkness. While wearing this armor, you can use an
to a small tear
action to cast the darkness
in the fabric of
spell from it with a range
reality, which
of 30 feet. Once used,
led to the outer
this property can’t be
planes. It has
used again until the
since become
next dawn.

Armor & Weapons

tainted by the Void.
While wielding this
shield, you have a +1 bonus
to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal
bonus to AC.
Invoke the Void. While wielding this shield, you can
use an action to invoke the shield’s latent Void energy
for 1 minute, causing a dark, swirling aura to envelop
the shield. For the duration, when a creature misses
you with a weapon attack, it must succeed on a DC 17
Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until
the end of its next turn. In addition, when a creature
hits you with a weapon attack, it has advantage on
weapon attack rolls against you until the end of its
next turn. You can’t use this property of the shield
again until the next dawn.

Warlock’s Aegis Whip of the Blue Wyrm
Armor (leather), rare (requires attunement by a warlock) Weapon (whip), uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare
When you attune to this mundane-looking suit of (+3) (requires attunement)
leather armor, symbols related to your patron burn Used by the half-dragon taskmasters of a long-
themselves into the leather, and the armor’s colors forgotten empire, these whips drew fear and
change to those most closely associated with your hopelessness from those who felt their terrible stings.
patron. While wearing this armor, you can use an This dark blue dragonscale leather whip is forged
action and expend a spell slot to increase your AC by from the supple scales of a blue dragon's tail and
an amount equal to your Charisma modifier for the enchanted by archmage forgemasters. Its handle of
next 8 hours. The armor can’t be used this way again glyphed darkwood holds a
until the next dawn. single dragon claw on its
base. You gain a bonus
Wave Chain Mail to attack and damage
Armor (chain mail), rare (requires attunement) rolls made with this magic weapon,
The rows of chain links of this armor seem to ebb determined by the weapon’s rarity.
and flow like waves while worn. Attacks against you You can use a bonus action to speak this whip's
have disadvantage while at least half of your body is command word, which sends arcing bolts of
submerged in water. lightning down the length of the
In addition, when you are attacked, you can turn all whip. While lightning
or part of your body into water as a reaction, gaining arcs down the whip,
immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing it deals an extra 1d6
damage from nonmagical weapons, until the end of lightning damage
the attacker’s turn. Once used, this property of the to any target it
armor can’t be used again until the next dawn. hits. The lightning
lasts until you use
Web Arrows a bonus action to
Weapon (arrow), uncommon speak the command
Carvings of spiderwebs decorate the arrowhead and word again or until you
shaft of these arrows, which always come in pairs. drop or stow the whip.
When you fire the arrows from a bow, they become the
two anchor points for a 20-foot cube of thick, sticky
webbing. Once you fire the first arrow, you must fire
the second arrow within 1 minute. The arrows must
land within 20 feet of each other, or the magic fails.
The webs created by the arrows are difficult terrain
and lightly obscure the area. Each creature that
starts its turn in the webs or enters them during its
Armor & Weapons

turn must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On

a failed save, the creature is restrained as long as it Whirlwind Bolas
remains in the webs or until it breaks free. A creature, Weapon (bolas), rare
including the restrained creature, can take its action
to break the creature free from the webbing by The metal weights of this magic weapon are inscribed
succeeding on a DC 13 Strength check. with spiraling sigils of the wind. When you throw this
The webs are flammable. Any 5-foot cube of webs bolas at a creature, the DC for the weapon’s Strength
exposed to fire burns away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire saving throw is 15 instead of 10. If a creature deals
damage to any creature that starts its turn in the fire. slashing damage to the bolas to free itself, the bolas
can’t be used to reduce a creature’s speed again until
Whip of Fangs the next dawn, when it knits itself back together.
Weapon (whip), uncommon (requires attunement) Whirling Trip. If a creature’s speed is reduced to 0
The skin of a large asp is woven into the leather of this by this weapon, you can speak a command word as a
whip. The asp's head sits nestled among the leather bonus action. If you do, the weights of the bolas begin
tassels at its tip. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and to spin, creating a vortex of wind around the target.
damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When The vortex lifts the target up to 30 feet into the air,
you hit with an attack using this magic weapon, the then releases it. The whirlwind bolas then flies up to 50
target takes an extra 1d4 poison damage and must feet and tries to return to your hand. If you have no
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be hand free, it falls to the ground at your feet. The bolas
44 poisoned until the end of its next turn. can’t be used this way again until the next dawn.
Bolas Statistics. A bolas is a martial ranged weapon Witch Hunter’s Armor
with a range of 5/15 feet. It weighs 2 pounds and costs Armor (light, medium, or heavy), rare
5 gp, and it has the thrown property in addition to (requires attunement)
the special property below. The whirlwind bolas is a
A suit of this armor is typically etched or embroidered
magical version of this weapon.
with protective glyphs and runes. While wearing
Special. A Medium or smaller creature hit by a bolas this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and you have
must make a DC 10 Strength saving throw or have advantage on saving throws against spells. If you fail a
its speed reduced to 0 and fall prone until it is saving throw against a spell while wearing this armor,
freed. A bolas has no effect on formless creatures you can choose to succeed instead. If you do, the
or creatures that are Large or larger. A creature armor’s magic ceases to function until the next dawn.
can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check,
freeing itself or another creature within its reach on Witch’s Circle
a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the bolas Weapon (chakram), very rare
(AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
ending the effect. This damask steel weapon is a simple ring with the
White Ape Hide interior edge dulled to rest comfortably in hand. You
gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
Armor (leather or hide), very rare (requires attunement)
this magic weapon. 
This armor was made from the remains of a white Call the Four. When you hit with a ranged attack
ape (see Tome of Beasts) that fell in battle. While using this weapon, the target takes an extra 1d8
wearing this armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. In damage of one of the following types (your choice):
addition, the armor has the following properties cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. Immediately after
while you wear it. the attack, the weapon flies up to 60 feet and tries to
White Ape’s Speed. As a bonus action, you can gain return to your hand. If you have no hand free, it falls
a climbing speed of 30 feet for 1 hour. Once used, this to the ground at your feet.
property of the armor can’t be used again until the Witch’s Light. While holding this weapon, you can
next dawn. use an action to cast the moonbeam spell from it, using
White Ape’s Strength. As a bonus action, you can your spell save DC. You cast the 6th-level version of
call on the power of the white ape. For 1 minute, you the spell. Once used, this property can’t be used again
have advantage on Strength and Constitution ability until the next dawn. 
checks and saving throws, and you have a +1 bonus to Chakram Statistics. A chakram is
attack and damage rolls with melee weapons. Once a martial melee weapon with
used, this property of the armor can’t be used again the thrown property (range
until the next dawn. 20/60 feet). It weighs
White Ape’s Wasting. When you hit a creature with 1 pound and costs 15
a melee weapon attack, you can choose to imbue the gp, and it deals 1d6

Armor & Weapons

weapon with disease. The target must succeed on a slashing damage.
DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become infected The witch’s circle is a
with the arcane wasting disease. It takes 1d6 days for magical version of
arcane wasting’s symptoms to manifest in an infected this weapon.
creature, which include forgetfulness and minor
delirium. At the end of each long rest, the infected Wolf Brush
creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution Weapon (halberd or
saving throw or its Intelligence and Wisdom scores spear), very rare
are each reduced by 1d3. The creature dies if this (requires attunement)
reduces either score to 0. Otherwise, the reduction From a distance, this weapon bears a passing
lasts until the creature finishes a long rest after the resemblance to a fallen tree branch. This unique
disease is cured. The creature recovers from the polearm was first crafted by a famed martial educator
disease by making two consecutive successful saving and military general from the collected weapons of
throws. The lesser restoration spell cures the disease his fallen compatriots. Each point on this branching
if the spellcaster succeeds on a DC 15 spellcasting spear has a history of its own and is infused with the
check. Once used, this property of the armor can’t be pain of loss and the glory of military service. When
used again until 7 days have passed. wielded in battle, each of the small, branching spear
points attached to the polearm’s shaft pulses with
a warm glow and burns with the desire to protect
the righteous. When not using it, you can fold the
Zephyr Shield
Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)
This round metal shield is painted bright blue with
swirling white lines across it. You gain a +2 bonus to
AC while you wield this shield. This is an addition to
the shield's normal AC bonus.
branches inward and sheathe the polearm in a Air Bubble. Whenever you are immersed in a body
leather wrap. of water while holding this shield, you can use a
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls reaction to envelop yourself in a 10-foot radius bubble
made with this magic weapon. While you hold this of fresh air. This bubble floats in place, but you can
weapon, it sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius. You can move it up to 30 feet during your turn. You are moved
fold and wrap the weapon as an action, extinguishing with the bubble when it moves. The air within the
the light. While holding or carrying the weapon, you
Armor & Weapons

bubble magically replenishes itself every round and

have resistance to piercing damage. prevents foreign particles, such as poison gases and
The weapon has 10 charges for the following other water-borne parasites, from entering the area. Other
properties. The weapon regains 1d8 + 2 charges creatures can leave or enter the bubble freely, but it
daily at dawn. In addition, it regains 1 charge when collapses as soon as you exit it. The exterior of the
exposed to powerful magical sunlight, such as the bubble is immune to damage and creatures making
light created by the sunbeam and sunburst spells, and ranged attacks against anyone inside the bubble have
it regains 1 charge each round it remains exposed to disadvantage on their attack rolls. The bubble lasts for
such sunlight. 1 minute or until you exit it. Once used, this property
Spike Barrage. While wielding this weapon, you can’t be used again until the next dawn.
can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges Sanctuary. You can use a bonus action to cast the
and sweep the weapon in a small arc to release a sanctuary spell (save DC 13) from the shield. This
barrage of spikes in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in spell protects you from only water elementals and
the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, other creatures composed of water. Once used, this
taking 1d10 piercing damage for each charge you property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
expend on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Spiked Wall. While wielding this weapon, you can
use an action to expend 6 charges to cast the wall of
thorns spell (save DC 17) from it.
Potions & Scrolls

From scrolls that command otherworldly beings, to and the creature can act normally. If the aberration
elixirs that allow you to mimic any voice you’ve heard, refuses the offer, it is free to take any actions it wishes.
to explosive alchemical substances, the magic items Should you and the aberration reach an agreement
found in this chapter pack a lot of power into small, that is satisfactory to both parties, you must sign
one-time-use packages. It also contains a section of the agreement and have the aberration do likewise
specialty consumable items, such as magical foods (or make its mark, if it has no form of writing). The
and beverages, that come with their own unique writing on the scroll changes to reflect the terms of
effects. Find the tools here to help heroes solve any the agreement struck. The magic of the charter holds
odd problems or situations that might arise! both you and the aberration to the agreement until
its service is rendered and the reward paid, at which
Aberrant Agreement point the scroll blackens and crumbles to dust. An
Scroll, rare aberration's thinking is alien to most humanoids, and
This long scroll bears strange runes and seals of vaguely worded contracts may result in unintended
eldritch powers. When you use an action to present consequences, as the creature may have different
this scroll to an aberration whose Challenge Rating thoughts as to how to best meet the goal. If either
is equal to or less than your level, the binding powers party breaks the bargain, that creature immediately
of the scroll compel it to listen to you. You can then takes 10d6 psychic damage, and the charter is
attempt to strike a bargain with the aberration, destroyed, ending the contract.
negotiating a service from it in exchange for a
Ash of the Ebon Birch
reward. The aberration is under no compulsion to
strike the bargain; it is compelled only to parley long Potion, uncommon
enough for you to present a bargain and allow for This salve is created by burning bark from a rare ebon
negotiations. If you or your allies attack or otherwise birch tree then mixing that ash with oil and animal
attempt to harm the aberration, the truce is broken, blood to create a cerise pigment used to paint yourself 47
or another creature with profane protections. A creature, including the restrained target, can
Painting the pigment on a creature takes 1 minute, use an action to make a DC 17 Strength check to
and you can choose to paint a specific sigil or smear tear apart the scroll. On a success, the scroll is
the pigment on a specific part of the creature’s body. destroyed. Such an attempt causes the writing to
Sigils. You can paint one of the following sigils on a blaze with light, dealing 2d6 radiant damage to both
creature for a specific effect. the creature making the attempt and the restrained
• Antlers. The creature gains the effect of the see target, whether or not the attempt is successful.
invisibility spell for 1 hour. Alternatively, the restrained creature can use an
• Beak. The creature is immune to being charmed action to make a DC 17 Dexterity check to slip free of
and can’t be scried upon for 1 hour. the scroll. This action also triggers the damage effect,
but it doesn’t destroy the scroll.
• Claw. The creature can’t be surprised for 1 hour. Once used, the scroll can’t be used again until the
• Hoof. The creature’s remains are prevented from next dawn.
rising or being animated as an undead for 24
hours. Black Dragon Oil
Smear. You can smear the pigment across specific Potion, rare
parts of a creature’s body, and the creature gains an The viscous green-black oil within this magical
effect based on the body part. ceramic pot bubbles slightly. The pot’s stone stopper
• Arms or Shoulders. The creature’s Strength score is sealed with greasy, dark wax. The pot contains 5
increases by 2 for 1 hour. ounces of pure black dragon essence, obtained by
• Chest or Back. The creature has advantage on one slowly boiling the dragon in its own acidic secretions.
type of saving throw (your choice) for 10 minutes. You can use an action to apply 1 ounce of the oil to
• Eyes. The creature gains truesight out to 30 feet for a weapon or single piece of ammunition. The next
10 minutes. attack made with that weapon or ammunition deals
an extra 2d8 acid damage to the target. A creature
• Legs or Limbs. The creature’s speed increases by 10
that takes the acid damage must succeed on a DC 15
feet for 1 hour.
Constitution saving throw at the start of its next turn
• Stomach. The creature’s maximum hit points or be burned for an extra 2d8 acid damage.
increase by 10 for 1 hour.
Blasphemous Writ
Binding Oath Scroll, uncommon
Scroll, very rare
The Infernal runes inscribed upon this vellum scroll
(requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)
radiate a faint, crimson glow. When you use this spell
This lengthy scroll is the testimony of a pious scroll of command, the save DC is 15 instead of 13, and
individual’s adherence to their faith. The author has you can also affect targets that are undead or that
emphatically rewritten these claims many times, and don’t understand your language.
its two slim, metal rollers are wrapped in yards of
Potions & Scrolls

parchment. When you attune to the item, you

rewrite certain passages to align with your
own religious views.
You can use an action to throw the
scroll at a Huge or smaller creature you
can see within 30 feet of you. Make a
ranged attack roll. On a hit, the scroll
unfurls and wraps around the creature.
The target is restrained until you take
a bonus action to command the scroll
to release the creature. If you command
it to release the creature or if you miss
with the attack, the scroll curls back into
a rolled-up scroll. If the restrained target’s
alignment is the opposite of yours along
the law/chaos or good/evil axis, you can
use a bonus action to cause the writing
to blaze with light, dealing 2d6 radiant
damage to the target.
These scrolls are the creations of elder beings, first place. Some are simply self-serving; others are
archangels, demon lords, archdukes of Hell, fey lords evil or so alien in thought they might as well be. It is
and ladies, or even gods. They are powerful, with the prudent to keep in mind that these contracts weren’t
ability to bind dangerous creatures into a mortal’s made with the benefit of mortals in mind. Even the
service. While being able to turn a monster to your celestial charter is something of which to be wary, as
side is a handy thing for an adventurer, the wise must catching the notice of the gods often doesn’t end well
remember the beings that pen these contracts in the for the heroes in legends and stories.

Bloodlink Potion origin becomes the new target. If the spell’s area is
Potion, common directional (such as a cone or a cube) you determine
the spell’s new direction.
When you and another willing creature each drink at
This redirected spell is easier to evade. Targets have
least half this potion, your life energies are linked for
advantage on saving throws against the spell, and the
1 hour.
caster has disadvantage on the spell attack roll.
When you or the creature who drank the potion
with you take damage while your life energies are Celestial Charter
linked, the total damage is divided equally between Scroll, rare
you. If the damage is an odd number, roll randomly
to assign the extra point of damage. The effect is This long, beautifully illuminated scroll bears the
halted while you and the other creature are separated mark of a powerful entity of good, whether an
by more than 60 feet. The effect ends if either of you archangel, saint, or a good deity. When you use an
drop to 0 hit points. This potion’s red liquid is viscous action to present this scroll to a celestial whose
and has a metallic taste.

Brain Juice
Potion, very rare
This foul-smelling, murky, purple-gray
liquid is created from the liquefied brains
of spellcasting creatures, such as aboleths.
Anyone consuming this repulsive mixture
must make a DC 15 Intelligence saving
throw. On a successful save, the drinker is

Potions & Scrolls

infused with magical power and regains
1d6 + 4 expended spell slots. On a failed
save, the drinker is afflicted with short-term
madness for 1 day. If a creature consumes
multiple doses of brain juice and fails three
consecutive Intelligence saving throws, it is
afflicted with long-term madness permanently
and automatically fails all further saving throws
brought about by drinking brain juice.

Catalyst Oil
Potion, rare
This special elemental compound draws on nearby
energy sources. Catalyst oils are tailored to one
specific damage type (not including bludgeoning,
piercing, or slashing damage) and have one dose.
Whenever a spell or effect of this type goes off within
60 feet of a dose of catalyst oil, the oil catalyzes
and becomes the spell’s new point of origin. If the
spell affects a single target, its original point of
Challenge Rating is equal This potion’s magic can also apply to non-verbal
to or less than your level, the languages, such as a hand signal-based or dance-
binding powers of the scroll based language, so long as you spend 1 minute
compel it to listen to you. You watching it being used and have the appropriate
can then attempt to strike a anatomy and limbs to communicate in the language.
bargain with the celestial,
negotiating a service Courtesan’s Allure
from it in exchange for a Potion, uncommon
reward. The celestial is This perfume has a sweet, floral
under no compulsion scent and captivates those
to strike the bargain; with high social standing.
it is compelled only The perfume can cover
to parley long enough one Medium or smaller
for you to present a creature, and applying it
bargain and allow for takes 1 minute. For 1 hour,
negotiations. If you the affected creature gains a
or your allies attack +5 bonus to Charisma checks
or otherwise attempt made to socially interact with
to harm the celestial, the truce is broken, and the or influence nobles, politicians,
creature can act normally. If the celestial refuses the or other individuals with high
offer, it is free to take any actions it wishes. social standing.
Should you and the celestial reach an agreement
that is satisfactory to both parties, you must sign the Draught of Ambrosia
charter and have the celestial do likewise (or make its Potion, legendary
mark, if it has no form of writing). The writing on the
The liquid in this tiny vial is golden and has a heady,
scroll changes to reflect the terms of the agreement
floral scent. When you drink the draught, it fortifies
struck. The magic of the charter holds both you
your body and mind, removing any infirmity caused
and the celestial to the agreement until its service
by old age. You stop aging and are immune to any
is rendered and the reward paid, at which point the
magical and nonmagical aging effects. The magic
scroll vanishes in a bright flash of light. A celestial
of the ambrosia lasts ten years, after which time its
typically attempts to fulfill its end of the bargain as
power fades, and you are once again subject to the
best it can, and it is angry if you exploit any loopholes
ravages of time and continue aging.
or literal interpretations to your advantage. If either
party breaks the bargain, that creature immediately Draught of the Black Owl
takes 10d6 radiant damage, and the charter is
Potion, common
destroyed, ending the contract.
When you drink this
Potions & Scrolls

Cleaning Concoction potion, you transform into

Potion, common a black-feathered owl for
1 hour. This effect works
This fresh-smelling, clear green liquid can cover a
like the polymorph spell,
Medium or smaller creature or object (or matched
except you can take
set of objects, such as a suit of clothes or pair
only the form of an owl.
of boots). Applying the liquid takes 1 minute.
While you are in the form
It removes soiling, stains, and residue, and it
of an owl, you retain your
neutralizes and removes odors, unless those odors
Intelligence, Wisdom, and
are particularly pungent, such as in skunks or
Charisma scores.
creatures with the Stench trait. Once the potion has
If you are a druid with the
cleaned the target, it evaporates, leaving the creature
Wild Shape feature, you can transform into a giant
or object both clean and dry.
owl instead. Drinking this potion doesn’t expend a
Cordial of Understanding use of Wild Shape.
Potion, common
Efficacious Eyewash
When you drink this tangy, violet liquid, your Potion, uncommon
mind opens to new forms of communication. For
1 hour, if you spend 1 minute listening to creatures This clear liquid glitters with miniscule particles of
speaking a particular language, you gain the ability light. A bottle of this potion contains 6 doses, and
50 to communicate in that language for the duration. its lid comes with a built-in dropper. You can use an
action to apply 1 dose to the eyes of a blinded creature. Elixir of Oracular Delirium
The blinded condition is suppressed for 2d4 rounds. Potion, common
If the blinded condition has a duration, subtract those
This pearlescent fluid perpetually
rounds from the total duration; if doing so reduces
swirls inside its container with
the overall duration to 0 rounds or less, then the
a slow kaleidoscopic churn. When
condition is removed rather than suppressed. This
you drink this potion, you can cast the
eyewash doesn’t work on creatures that are naturally
guidance spell for 1 hour at will. You can
blind, such as grimlocks, or creatures blinded by
end this effect early as an action
severe damage or removal of their eyes.
and gain the effects of the augury
Elixir of Corruption spell. If you do, you are afflicted
Potion, rare with short-term madness after
learning the spell’s results.
This elixir looks, smells, and tastes like a
potion of heroism; however, it is actually Elixir of Spike Skin
a poisonous elixir masked by illusion Potion, rare
magic. An identify spell reveals its
Slivers of bone float in the viscous, gray liquid inside
true nature.
this vial. When you drink this potion, bone-like
If you drink it, you
spikes protrude from your skin for 1 hour. Each
must succeed on a DC
time a creature hits you with a melee weapon attack
15 Constitution saving
while within 5 feet of you, it must succeed on a DC 15
throw or be corrupted
Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage
by the diabolical power
from the spikes. In addition, while you are grappling
within the elixir for 1
a creature or while a creature is grappling you, it takes
week. While corrupted,
1d4 piercing damage at the start of your turn.
you lose immunity to
diseases, poison damage, Elixir of the Clear Mind
and the poisoned condition. If you aren’t normally Potion, rare
immune to poison damage, you instead have
vulnerability to poison damage while corrupted. The This cerulean blue liquid sits calmly in its flask
corruption can be removed with greater restoration or even when jostled or shaken. When you drink this
similar magic. potion, you have advantage on Wisdom checks
and saving throws for 1 hour. For the duration, if
Elixir of Deep Slumber you fail a saving throw against an enchantment or
Potion, uncommon illusion spell or similar magic effect, you can choose
to succeed instead. If you do, you draw upon all
The milky-white liquid in this vial smells of jasmine
the potion’s remaining power, and its effects end
and sandalwood. When you drink this potion, you fall
immediately thereafter.
into a deep sleep, from which you can’t be physically

Potions & Scrolls

awakened, for 1 hour. A successful dispel magic (DC Elixir of the Deep
13) cast on you awakens you but cancels any beneficial Potion, rare
effects of the elixir. When you awaken at the end of
the hour, you benefit from the sleep as if you had This thick, green, swirling liquid
finished a long rest. tastes like salted mead. For 1 hour
after drinking this elixir, you can
Elixir of Focus breathe underwater, and you can
Potion, common see clearly underwater out to a range
of 60 feet. The elixir doesn’t allow you
This deep amber concoction seems to glow with an
to see through magical darkness, but
inner light. When you drink this potion, you have
you can see through nonmagical clouds
advantage on the next ability check you make within
of silt and other sedimentary particles as
10 minutes, then the elixir’s effect ends.
if they didn’t exist. For the duration, you
Elixir of Mimicry also have advantage on saving throws
Potion, common against the spells and other magical
effects of fey creatures native to water
When you drink this sweet, oily, black liquid, you can environments, such as a lorelei (see Tome of
imitate the voice of a single creature that you have Beasts) or water horse (see Creature Codex).
heard speak within the past 24 hours. The effects last
for 3 minutes.
Elixir of Wakefulness and the reward paid, at which point the scroll fades
Potion, uncommon into nothingness. Fey are notoriously clever folk, and
while they must adhere to the letter of any bargains
This effervescent, crimson liquid is commonly held in
they make, they always look for any advantage in their
a thin, glass vial capped in green wax. When you drink
favor. If either party breaks the bargain, that creature
this elixir, its effects last for 8 hours. While the elixir
immediately takes 10d6 poison damage, and the
is in effect, you can’t fall asleep by normal means. You
charter is destroyed, ending the contract.
have advantage on saving throws against effects that
would put you to sleep. If you are affected by the sleep Fiendish Charter
spell, your current hit points are considered 10 higher
Scroll, rare
when determining the effects of the spell.
This long scroll bears the mark of a powerful creature
Extract of Dual-Mindedness of the Lower Planes, whether an archduke of Hell,
Potion, legendary a demon lord of the Abyss, or some other powerful
fiend or evil deity. When you use an action to present
This potion can be distilled only from a hormone
this scroll to a fiend whose Challenge Rating is
found in the hypothalamus of a two-headed giant
equal to or less than your level, the binding powers
of genius intellect. For 1 minute after drinking this
of the scroll compel it to listen to you. You can then
potion, you can concentrate on two spells at the
attempt to strike a bargain with the fiend, negotiating
same time, and you have advantage on Constitution
a service from it in exchange for a reward. The fiend
saving throws made to maintain your
is under no compulsion to strike the bargain; it is
concentration on a spell when
compelled only to parley long enough for you to
you take damage.
present a bargain and allow for negotiations. If you
or your allies attack or otherwise attempt to harm
the fiend, the truce is broken, and the creature can
act normally. If the fiend refuses the offer, it is free to
take any actions it wishes.
Should you and the fiend reach an agreement that is
Feysworn Contract satisfactory to both parties, you must sign the charter
in blood and have the fiend do likewise (or make its
Scroll, rare
mark, if it has no form of writing). The writing on the
This long scroll is written scroll changes to reflect the terms of the agreement
in flowing Elvish, the struck. The magic of the charter holds both you and
words flickering with the fiend to the agreement until its service is rendered
a pale witchlight, and and the reward paid, at which point the scroll ignites
marked with the seal of a and burns into ash. The contract's wording should
powerful fey or a fey lord or be carefully considered, as fiends are notorious for
lady. When you use an action finding loopholes or adhering to the letter of the
Potions & Scrolls

to present this scroll to a fey agreement to their advantage. If either party breaks
whose Challenge Rating is equal the bargain, that creature immediately takes 10d6
to or less than your level, the binding powers necrotic damage, and the charter is destroyed, ending
of the scroll compel it to listen to you. You can then the contract.
attempt to strike a bargain with the fey, negotiating
a service from it in exchange for a reward. The fey Ghoulbane Oil
is under no compulsion to strike the bargain; it is Potion, very rare
compelled only to parley long enough for you to
This rusty-red gelatinous liquid glistens with tiny
present a bargain and allow for negotiations. If you
sparkling crystal flecks. The oil can coat one weapon
or your allies attack or otherwise attempt to harm
or 5 pieces of ammunition. Applying the oil takes 1
the fey, the truce is broken, and the creature can act
minute. For 1 hour, if a ghoul, ghast, or darakhul (see
normally. If the fey refuses the offer, it is free to take
Tome of Beasts) takes damage from the coated item, it
any actions it wishes.
takes an extra 2d6 damage of the weapon’s type.
Should you and the fey reach an agreement that
is satisfactory to both parties, you must sign the Grave Reagent
agreement and have the fey do likewise (or make its
Potion, uncommon
mark, if it has no form of writing). The writing on the
scroll changes to reflect the terms of the agreement This luminous green concoction creates an undead
struck. The magic of the charter holds both you and servant. If you spend 1 minute anointing the corpse
the fey to the agreement until its service is rendered of a Small or Medium humanoid, this arcane
solution imbues the target with a foul mimicry of Ironskin Oil
life, raising it as an undead creature. The target Potion, uncommon
becomes a zombie under your control (the GM has
This grayish fluid is cool to the touch and slightly
the zombie’s statistics).
gritty. The oil can cover a Medium or smaller
On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action
creature, along with the equipment it's wearing and
to verbally command the zombie if it is within 60
carrying (one additional vial is required for each
feet of you. You decide what action the zombie will
size category above Medium). Applying the oil takes
take and where it will move during its next turn, or
10 minutes. The affected creature has resistance to
you can issue a general command, such as to guard
piercing and slashing damage for 1 hour.
a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no
commands, the zombie only defends itself against Liquid Courage
hostile creatures. Once given an order, the zombie Potion, common
continues to follow it until its task is complete. The
zombie is under your control for 24 hours, after This magical cordial is deep red and smells strongly of
which it stops obeying any command you've given it. fennel. You have advantage on the next saving throw
against being frightened. The effect ends after you
Hardening Polish make such a saving throw or when 1 hour has passed.
Potion, uncommon
Liquid Shadow
This gray polish is viscous and difficult to spread. Potion, uncommon
The polish can coat one metal weapon or up to 10
pieces of ammunition. Applying the polish takes The contents of this bottle are inky
1 minute. For 1 hour, the coated item hardens and black and seem to absorb the light.
becomes stronger, and it counts as an adamantine The dark liquid can cover a single
weapon for the purpose of overcoming resistance Small or Medium creature. Applying
and immunity to attacks and damage not made with the liquid takes 1 minute. For 1 hour,
adamantine weapons. the coated creature has advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Alternately, you can use an action
to hurl the bottle up to 20 feet,
shattering it on impact.
Magical darkness spreads from
the point of impact to fill a
15-foot‑radius sphere for 1
minute. This darkness works
like the darkness spell.
Hewer’s Draught Locksmith’s Oil
Potion, uncommon

Potions & Scrolls

Potion, common
When you drink this potion, you have advantage on This shimmering oil can be applied to a lock.
attack rolls made with weapons that deal piercing Applying the oil takes 1 minute. For 1 hour, any
or slashing damage for 1 minute. This potion’s creature that makes a Dexterity check to pick the lock
translucent amber liquid glimmers when agitated. using thieves’ tools rolls a d4 and adds the number
rolled to the check.
Interplanar Paint
Potion, legendary Luring Perfume
This black, tarry substance can be used to paint a Potion, rare
single black doorway on a flat surface. A pot contains This pungent perfume has a woodsy and slightly
enough paint to create one doorway. While painting, musky scent. As an action, you can splash or spray the
you must concentrate on a plane of existence other contents of this vial on yourself or another creature
than the one you currently occupy. If you are not within 5 feet of you. For 1 minute, the perfumed
interrupted, the doorway can be painted in 5 minutes. creature attracts nearby humanoids and beasts.
Once completed, the painting opens a two-way portal Each humanoid and beast within 60 feet of the
to the plane you imagined. The doorway is mirrored perfumed creature and that can smell the perfume
on the other plane, often appearing on a rocky face or must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be
the wall of a building. The doorway lasts for 1 week or charmed by the perfumed creature until the perfume
until 5 gallons of water with flecks of silver worth at fades or is washed off with at least 1 gallon of water.
least 2,000 gp is applied to one side of the door. While charmed, a creature is incapacitated, and, if the 53
creature is more than 5 feet away from the perfumed a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and deals an
creature, it must move on its turn toward the extra 1d4 force damage on a hit.
perfumed creature by the most direct route, trying to
get within 5 feet. It doesn’t avoid opportunity attacks, Oil of Numbing
but before moving into damaging terrain, such as lava Potion, common
or a pit, and whenever it takes damage, the target can This astringent-smelling oil stings slightly when
repeat the saving throw. A charmed target can also applied to flesh, but the feeling quickly fades. The
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. oil can cover a Medium or smaller creature (one
If the saving throw is successful, the effect ends on it. additional vial is required for each size category
above Medium). Applying the oil takes 10 minutes.
Odorless Oil For 1 hour, the affected creature has advantage
Potion, uncommon on Constitution saving throws to maintain its
This odorless, colorless oil can cover a Medium or concentration on a spell when it takes damage,
smaller object or creature, along with the equipment and it has advantage on ability checks and saving
the creature is wearing or carrying (one additional throws made to endure pain. However, the affected
vial is required for each size category above Medium). creature’s flesh is slightly numbed and senseless, and
Applying the oil takes 10 minutes. For 1 hour, the it has disadvantage on ability checks that require fine
affected target gives off no scent, can’t be tracked motor skills or a sense of touch.
by scent, and can’t be detected with Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. Oil of Sharpening
Potion, common
Oil of Concussion You can apply this fine, silvery oil to one piercing
Potion, common or slashing weapon or up to 5 pieces of piercing
You can apply this thick, gray oil to one bludgeoning or slashing ammunition. Applying the oil takes 1
weapon or up to 5 pieces of bludgeoning minute. For 1 hour, any attack with the coated item
ammunition. Applying the oil takes 1 minute. For 1 scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
hour, any attack with the coated item scores a critical
hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Orb of Obfuscation
Potion, rarity varies
Oil of Defoliation Originally fashioned in the laboratory of the
Potion, uncommon archmage Lugax for his good natured but often
Sometimes known as weedkiller oil, this greasy amber roguish friend, Kennich, these spherical ceramic
fluid contains the crushed husks of dozens of locusts. containers are the size of a large human fist. Arcane
One vial of the oily substance can coat one weapon or sigils decorate each orb, detailing its properties to
up to 5 pieces of ammunition. Applying the oil takes those capable of reading the sigils. The magic-infused
1 minute. For 1 hour, the coated item deals an extra chemicals in each orb must be briefly exposed to air
Potions & Scrolls

1d6 necrotic damage to plants before being thrown to activate them. A metal rod sits
or plant creatures on a in the cork of each orb, allowing you to quickly twist
successful hit. open the container before throwing it.
The oil can also be Typically, 1d4 + 1 orbs of obfuscation are found
applied directly to a together. You can use an action to activate and throw
willing, restrained, the orb up to 60 feet. The orb explodes on impact
or immobile plant or and is destroyed. The orb’s effects are
plant creature. In this determined by its type.
case, the substance deals Orb of Obfuscation (Uncommon).
4d6 necrotic damage, This orb is a dark olive color
which is enough to kill with a stripe of bright blue paint
most ordinary plant life encircling it. When activated,
smaller than a large tree. the orb releases an
opaque grey gas
Oil of Extreme Bludgeoning and creates a
Potion, rare 30-foot‑radius
This viscous indigo-hued oil smells of iron. The oil sphere of this gas
can coat one bludgeoning weapon or up to 5 pieces centered on the
of bludgeoning ammunition. Applying the oil takes point where the
1 minute. For 1 hour, the coated item is magical, has orb landed. The
sphere spreads around corners, and its area is heavily can choose to tap into your good fortune
obscured. The magical gas also dampens sound. Each and reroll the d20. This effect ends after
creature in the gas can hear only sounds originating you tap into your good fortune or when 1
within 5 feet of it, and creatures outside of the gas hour has passed.
can’t hear sounds originating inside the gas. The gas
lasts for 5 minutes or until a wind of moderate or Potent Cure-All
greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. Potion, legendary
Explosive Orb of Obfuscation (Rare). This oblong The milky liquid in this bottle
orb has a putty grey color with a stripe of yellow shimmers when agitated, as small,
paint encircling it. When activated, this orb releases glittering particles swirl within
the same opaque grey gas as the orb of obfuscation. In it. When you drink this potion, it
addition to the effects of that gas, this orb also releases reduces your exhaustion level by one, removes any
a burst of caustic chemicals on impact. Each creature reduction to one of your ability scores, removes the
within a 15-foot radius of where the orb landed must blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d4 acid conditions, and cures you of any diseases
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on currently afflicting you.
a successful one. If a creature fails this saving throw,
the chemicals cling to it for 1 minute. At the end of Potion of Air Breathing
each of its turns, the creature must succeed on a DC Potion, uncommon
15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d4 acid damage This potion's pale blue fluid smells
from the clinging chemicals. Any creature can take like salty air, and a seagull's feather
an action to remove the clinging chemicals with a floats in it. You can breathe air for
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check. 1 hour after drinking this potion.
Pact Paper If you could already breathe air,
this potion has no effect.
Scroll, rare
This smooth paper is like vellum but is prepared from Potion of Bad Taste
dozens of scales cast off by a pact drake (see Creature Potion, common
Codex). A contract can be inked on this paper, and the This brown, sludgy potion tastes extremely foul.
paper limns all falsehoods on it with a fiery glow. A When you drink this potion, the taste of your flesh
command word clears the paper, allowing for several is altered to be unpalatable for 1 hour. During this
drafts. Another command word locks the contract time, if a creature hits you with a bite attack, it must
in place and leaves space for signatures. Creatures succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
signing the contract are afterward bound by the or spend its next action gagging and retching. A
contract with all other signatories alerted when one creature with an Intelligence of 4 or lower avoids
of the signatories breaks the contract. The creature biting you again unless compelled or commanded by
breaking the contract must succeed on a DC 15

Potions & Scrolls

an outside force or if you attack it.
Charisma saving throw or become blinded, deafened,
and stunned for 1d6 minutes. A creature can repeat Potion of Bouncing
the saving throw at the end of each of minute, Potion, uncommon
ending the conditions on itself on a success. After
A small, red sphere bobs up and down in the clear,
the conditions end, the creature has disadvantage on
effervescent liquid inside this bottle but disappears
saving throws until it finishes a long rest.
when the bottle is opened. When you drink this
Once a contract has been locked in place and
potion, your body becomes rubbery, and you are
signed, the paper can’t be cleared. If the contract
immune to falling damage for 1 hour. If you fall
has a duration or stipulation for its end, the pact
at least 10 feet, your body bounces back the same
paper is destroyed when the contract ends, releasing
distance. As a reaction while
all signatories from any further obligations and
falling, you can angle your
immediately ending any effects on them.
fall and position your legs to
Philter of Luck redirect this distance. For
Potion, uncommon example, if you fall 60 feet,
you can redirect your bounce to
When you drink this vibrant green, effervescent propel you 30 feet up and 30
potion, you gain a finite amount of good fortune. Roll feet forward from the position
a d3 to determine where your fortune falls: ability where you landed.
checks (1), saving throws (2), or attack rolls (3). When
you make a roll associated with your fortune, you 55
Potion of Buoyancy Potion of Empowering Truth
Potion, common Potion, rare
When you drink this clear, effervescent liquid, your A withered snake’s tongue floats
body becomes unnaturally buoyant for 1 hour. When in the shimmering gold liquid
you are immersed in water or other liquids, you rise within this crystalline vial.
to the surface (at a rate of up to 30 feet per round) to When you drink this potion,
float and bob there. You have advantage on Strength you regain one expended
(Athletics) checks made to swim or stay afloat in spell slot or one expended
rough water, and you automatically succeed on such use of a class feature,
checks in calm waters. such as Divine Sense,
Rage, Wild Shape, or
Potion of Dire Cleansing other feature with limited
Potion, uncommon uses. Until you finish a long rest,
For 1 hour after drinking this potion, you have you can’t speak a deliberate lie. You are aware of this
resistance to poison damage, and you have advantage effect after drinking the potion. Your words can be
on saving throws against being blinded, deafened, evasive, as long as they remain within the boundaries
paralyzed, and poisoned. In addition, if you are of the truth.
poisoned, this potion neutralizes the poison. Known
for its powerful, somewhat burning smell, this potion
Potion of Freezing Fog
is difficult to drink, requiring a successful DC 13 Potion, uncommon
Constitution saving throw to drink it. On a failure, After drinking this potion, you can use
you are poisoned for 10 minutes and don’t gain the an action to exhale a cloud of icy fog in
benefits of the potion. a 20-foot cube originating from you.
The cloud spreads around corners,
Potion of Ebbing Strength and its area is heavily obscured. It
Potion, uncommon lasts for 1 minute or until a wind
When you drink this potion, your Strength score of moderate or greater speed (at
changes to 25 for 1 hour. The potion has no effect on least 10 miles per hour) disperses
you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that it. When a creature enters the
score. The recipe for this potion is flawed and infused cloud for the first time on a turn
with dangerous Void energies. When you drink this or starts its turn there, that creature
potion, you are also poisoned. While poisoned, you must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw
take 2d4 poison damage at the end of each minute. If or take 2d4 cold damage. The effects of this potion
you are reduced to 0 hit points while poisoned, you end after you have exhaled one fog cloud or 1 hour
have disadvantage on death saving throws. has passed. This potion has a gray, cloudy appearance
This bubbling, pale blue potion is commonly used and swirls vigorously when shaken.
Potions & Scrolls

by the derro and is almost always paired with a potion

of dire cleansing or holy verdant bat droppings (see page
Potion of Malleability
147). Warriors who use this potion without a method Potion, uncommon
of removing the poison don’t intend to return home The glass bottle holding this thick, red liquid is
from battle. strangely pliable, and compresses in your hand
under the slightest pressure while it still holds the
Potion of Effulgence magical liquid. When you drink this potion, your
Potion, common body becomes extremely flexible and adaptable
When you drink this potion, your skin glows with to pressure. For 1 hour, you have resistance to
radiance, and you are filled with joy and bliss for 1 bludgeoning damage, can squeeze through a space
minute. You shed bright light in a 30-foot radius large enough for a creature two sizes smaller than
and dim light for an additional 30 feet. This light is you, and have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics)
sunlight. While glowing, you are blinded and have checks made to escape a grapple.
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide. If
a creature with the Sunlight Sensitivity trait starts its
Potion of Sand Form
turn in the bright light you shed, it takes 2d4 radiant Potion, very rare
damage. This potion’s golden liquid sparkles with This potion’s container holds a gritty liquid that
motes of sunlight. moves and pours like water filled with fine particles of
sand. When you drink this potion, you gain the effect
56 of the gaseous form spell for 1 hour (no concentration
required) or until you end the effect as a bonus Royal Jelly
action. While in this gaseous form, your appearance Potion, uncommon
is that of a vortex of spiraling sand instead of a misty
This oil is distilled from the pheromones of queen
cloud. In addition, you have advantage on Dexterity
bees and smells faintly of bananas. The oil can
(Stealth) checks while in a sandy environment, and,
cover a Medium or smaller creature, along with
while motionless in a sandy environment, you are
the equipment it’s wearing and carrying. For larger
indistinguishable from an ordinary swirl of sand.
creatures, one additional vial is required for each size
Potion of Skating category above Medium. Applying the oil takes 10
Potion, common minutes. The affected creature then has advantage on
Charisma (Persuasion) checks for 1 hour.
For 1 hour after you drink this potion, you can
move across icy surfaces without needing to make Scroll of Conjuring
an ability check, and difficult terrain composed of Scroll, uncommon (least), rare (lesser), very rare (greater)
ice or snow doesn’t cost you extra movement. This
By using an action to recite the incantation inscribed
sparkling blue liquid contains tiny snowflakes that
on this scroll, you can conjure a creature to assist you,
disappear when shaken.
chosen by the GM or determined by rolling a d8 and
Potion of Transparency consulting the appropriate table. Once the creature
Potion, common appears, the scroll crumbles to dust and is destroyed.
The creature vanishes after 8 hours or when it is
The liquid in this vial is clear like water, and it gives reduced to 0 hit points.
off a slight iridescent sheen when shaken or swirled. The creature is friendly to you and your
When you drink this potion, you and everything you companions, and it acts on your turn. You can use a
are wearing and carrying turn transparent, but not bonus action to command how the creature moves
completely invisible, for 10 minutes. During this time, and what action it takes on its next turn, or to give
you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and it general orders, such as to attack your enemies. In
ranged attacks against you have disadvantage. absence of such orders, the creature acts in a fashion
appropriate to its nature.
Potion of Worg Form
Alternately, you can command the
Potion, rare
creature to perform a single task,
Small flecks of brown hair are suspended in this which it will do to the
clear, syrupy liquid. When you drink this potion, you best of its ability. A
transform into a worg for 1 hour. This works like task can be simple
the polymorph spell, but you retain your Intelligence, (“Remove the
Wisdom, and Charisma scores. While in worg form, debris blocking
you can speak normally, and you can cast spells that this passage.”) or
have only verbal components. This transformation complex (“Search

Potions & Scrolls

doesn’t give you knowledge of the Goblin or Worg the castle, taking
languages, and you are able to speak and understand care to remain unnoticed. Take
those languages only if you knew them before the a count of the guards and their
transformation. locations, then return here and
draw me a map.”) but must be
Rainbow Extract completable within 8 hours.
Potion, common
This thin, oily liquid shimmers LEAST SCROLL OF CONJURING
with the colors of the spectrum. d8 Creature
For 1 hour after drinking this 1 Dust/Ice/Magma mephit or lantern
potion, you can use an action dragonette*
to change the color of your hair,
2 Hippogriff or clockwork soldier+
skin, eyes, or all three to any
color or mixture of colors 3 Imp/Quasit or aviere~
in any hue, pattern, or 4 Death dog or shockwing giant moth+
saturation you choose. You 5 Centaur or roggenwolf+
can change the colors as often
as you want for the duration, 6 Ettercap or clockwork hound*
but the color changes disappear 7 Ogre or spider thief*
at the end of the duration. 8 Griffon or light dragon wyrmling+
LESSER SCROLL OF CONJURING general direction, but not its specific
d8 Creature location or amount. The GM chooses
the type of treasure or determines
1 Copper dragon wyrmling or wind dragon
it by rolling a d100 and consulting
the following table.
2 Pegasus or wind demon+
3 Gargoyle or hoarfrost drake~ d100 Treasure Type
4 Grick or kitsune+ 01-10 Copper
5 Hell hound or swolbold+ 11-20 Silver
6 Winter wolf or clockwork huntsman* 21-30 Electrum
7 Minotaur or peluda drake+ 31-40 Gold
8 Doppelganger or pombero* 41-50 Platinum
51-75 Gemstones
76-80 Art objects
d8 Creature
81-00 Magic items
1 Bearded devil or korrigan+
2 Nightmare or flame dragon wyrmling*
Scrolls of Correspondence
3 Phase spider or bloodsapper~
Scroll, common
4 Chuul or venom elemental+
These vellum scrolls always come in pairs. Anything
5 Ettin or domovoi* written on one scroll also appears on the matching
6 Succubus/Incubus or ratatosk* scroll, as long as they are both on the same plane of
7 Salamander or moon drake+ existence. Each scroll can hold up to 75 words at a
time. While writing on one scroll, you are aware that
8 Xorn or karakura+
the words are appearing on a paired scroll, and you
*indicates a creature found in Tome of Beasts know if no creature bears the paired scroll. The scrolls
+indicates a creature found in Creature Codex don’t translate words written on them, and the reader
~indicates a creature found in Tome of Beasts 2 and writer must be able to read and write the same
language to understanding the writing on the scrolls.
Scroll of Fabrication While holding one of the scrolls, you can use an
Scroll, uncommon action to tap it three times with a quill and speak a
You can draw a picture of any object that is Large command word, causing both scrolls to go blank. If
or smaller on the face of this blank scroll. When the one of the scrolls in the pair is destroyed, the other
drawing is complete, it becomes a real, nonmagical, scroll becomes nonmagical.
three-dimensional object. Thus, a drawing of a
Potions & Scrolls

backpack becomes an actual backpack you can use to Tincture of Moonlit Blossom
store and carry items. Any object created by the scroll Potion, very rare
can be destroyed by the dispel magic spell, by taking This potion is steeped using a
it into the area of an antimagic field, or by similar blossom that grows only in the
circumstances. Nothing created by the scroll can have moonlight. When you drink this
a value greater than 25 gp. If you draw an object of potion, your shadow corruption
greater value, such as a diamond, the object appears (see Midgard Worldbook) is
authentic, but close inspection reveals it to be made reduced by three levels. If you
from glass, paste, bone or some other common or aren’t using the Midgard setting,
worthless material. The object remains for 24 hours you gain the effect of the greater
or until you dismiss it as a bonus action. The scroll restoration spell instead.
can’t be used this way again until the next dawn.
Tonic for the Troubled Mind
Scroll of Treasure Finding Potion, common
Scroll, uncommon
This potion smells and tastes of lavender and
Each scroll of treasure finding works for a specific type of chamomile. When you drink it, it removes any short-
treasure. You can use an action to read the scroll and term madness afflicting you, and it suppresses any
sense whether that type of treasure is present within 1 long-term madness afflicting you for 8 hours.
mile of you for 1 hour. This scroll reveals the treasure’s
Tonic of Blandness throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
Potion, common on itself on a success.
Murderous Bombard (Uncommon). A gruesome
This deeply bitter, black, oily liquid deadens your
crimson slurry sloshes inside this canister with
sense of taste. When you drink this tonic, you can eat
strange bits of ivory floating in it. Each creature in
all manner of food without reaction, even if the food
the line of this substance must succeed on a DC 13
isn’t to your liking, for 1 hour. During this time, you
Wisdom saving throw or be overcome with rage for
automatically fail Wisdom (Perception) checks that
1 minute. While overcome with rage, the creature
rely on taste. This tonic doesn’t protect you from the
can’t distinguish friend from foe and must attack
effects of consuming poisoned or spoiled food, but it
the nearest creature. If no other creature is near
can prevent you from detecting such impurities when
enough to move to and attack, the creature stalks off
you taste the food.
in a random direction, seeking a target for its rage.
Trollsblood Elixir A creature overcome with rage can repeat the saving
Potion, very rare throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
on itself on a success.
This thick, pink liquid sloshes and moves even when Sloughide Bombard (Very Rare). A clear, gelatinous
the bottle is still. When you drink this potion, you substance fills this canister. Each creature in the line
regenerate lost hit points for 1 hour. At the start of of this substance must make a DC 17 Constitution
your turn, you regain 5 hit points. If you take acid or saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 6d6 acid
fire damage, the potion doesn’t function at the start damage and is paralyzed for 1 minute. On a success,
of your next turn. If you lose a limb, you can reattach a creature takes half the damage and isn’t paralyzed.
it by holding it in place for 1 minute. For the duration, While paralyzed, the creature takes 2d6 acid damage
you can die from damage only by being reduced to 0 at the start of each of its turns. A paralyzed creature
hit points and not regenerating on your turn. can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Unstable Bombard
Potion, rarity varies Verdant Elixir
These brass and crystal cylinders are 6 inches long Potion, uncommon
with 1-inch diameters. Each cylinder has a funnel Multi-colored streaks of light occasionally flash
on one end and a wooden plunger on the other end. through the clear liquid in this container, like bottled
You can use an action to quickly press the plunger, lightning. As an action, you can pour the contents
expelling the cylinder’s contents out through the of the vial onto the ground. All normal plants in a
funnel in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Once its 100-foot radius centered on the point where you
contents are expelled, a cylinder is destroyed, and poured the vial become thick and overgrown. A
there is a 25 percent chance you are also subjected to creature moving through the area must spend 4 feet
the bombard’s effects as if you were caught in the line. of movement for every 1 foot it moves.
Mindshatter Bombard (Rare). A vermilion solution Alternatively, you can apply the contents of the vial

Potions & Scrolls

sloshes and boils inside this canister. Each creature to a plant creature within 5 feet of you. For 1 hour, the
in the line of this substance must make a DC 15 target gains 2d10 temporary hit points, and it gains
Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes the “enlarge” effect of the enlarge/reduce spell (no
3d6 psychic damage and is incapacitated for 1 minute. concentration required).
On a success, a creature
takes half the damage and
isn’t incapacitated. An
incapacitated creature
can repeat the saving

Wisp of the Void BEZOARS
Potion, uncommon
A bezoar is a solid mass of indigestible material that
The interior of this bottle is pitch black, and it feels accumulates in a creature’s digestive tract. A bezoar
empty. When opened, it releases a black vapor. When looks and feels like a small stone. Any creature can
you inhale this vapor, your eyes go completely black. expel a bezoar, but bezoars from creatures with
For 1 minute, you have darkvision out to a range of 60 magical origins or with a natural inclination for magic
feet, and you have resistance to necrotic damage. In have unique, magical properties when consumed by
addition, you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls made another creature.
with a weapon. To gain the benefits of a bezoar, you must swallow
it whole. When you swallow a bezoar, your hit point
Witch’s Brew maximum is reduced by 2d4, and the bezoar remains
Potion, uncommon in your stomach for a number of days equal to that
For 1 minute after drinking this potion, your spell amount. At the end of the duration, you automatically
attacks deal an extra 1d4 necrotic damage on a hit. regurgitate the used-up bezoar, take 2d4 acid damage
This revolting green potion’s opaque liquid bubbles from the process of expelling the bezoar, and your hit
and steams as if boiling. point maximum returns to normal. A used-up bezoar
is nonmagical and crumbles to dust within minutes. A
Wrathful Vapors successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check can force
Potion, uncommon you to regurgitate the bezoar early. A bezoar that
Roiling vapors of red, orange, and black swirl in has been regurgitated before the end of its duration
a frenzy of color inside a sealed glass bottle. As an recharges and becomes fully functional again after 24
action, you can open the bottle and empty its contents hours have passed, provided it remains outside of a
within 5 feet of you or throw the bottle up to 20 feet, creature’s body this entire time.
shattering it on impact. If you throw it, make a ranged You can gain the benefits of only one bezoar at
attack against a creature or object, treating the bottle a time, and while a bezoar sits in your stomach,
as an improvised weapon. you can’t gain any benefit from other edible magic
When you open or break the bottle, the smoke items, such as potions. Although the bezoar is
releases in a 20-foot-radius sphere that dissipates uncomfortable, it doesn’t impact your ability to eat
at the end of your next turn. A creature that isn’t an or drink, but it does prevent you from gaining any
undead or a construct that enters or starts its turn special benefits from consuming magical foodstuffs,
in the area must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving such as those produced by the goodberry and heroes’
throw or be overcome with rage for 1 minute. On its feasts spells or fantastical foods and beverages
turn, a creature overcome with rage must attack the (described later in this section).
creature nearest to it with whatever melee weapon Owlbear Curses. Owlbears are not picky eaters and
it has on hand, moving up to its speed toward the wind up devouring all sorts of nastiness: carrion,
target, if necessary. The raging creature can repeat the furry creatures, magical plants, fey river stones,
Potions & Scrolls

saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending feathery things, nut shells, and magic-infused
the effect on itself on a success. bone. As such, bezoars from owlbears have a 50
percent chance of being cursed. You can’t remove
a cursed bezoar before its full duration (when you
Specialty Consumables regurgitate it as normal) unless you are first targeted
by a remove curse spell. However, if the bezoar is not
removed before your next short or long rest after
Here we present alternate types of consumable items
the spell’s casting, the curse returns. The curse ends
that are similar in nature to potions and spell scrolls.
automatically once the bezoar is regurgitated.
You might find these types of consumable items in the
restaurant of a magical city, sitting in the window of Examples of Bezoars
a witch’s hut, or stacked on shelves in an alchemist’s
Here are several bezoars ready for use in your game.
laboratory. Each type of specialty consumable item
Many types of bezoars exist, and they typically give
has its own special rules in addition to the standard
benefits similar to potions. You can use these bezoars
rules for items of its type. For example, an owlbear
as-written or use them as inspiration for adding new
bezoar is a wondrous item that is a long-lasting
types of long-term consumable items to your game.
consumable that must be regurgitated at the end of its
duration, and fantastical foods and beverages provide
some healing when consumed during a short rest, in
addition to each food or beverage’s individual effect.
Bezoar of the Behir this bezoar). Whenever you make an opportunity
Wondrous item, rare attack, you can make two attacks.
Curse. Your bloodlust gets the most of you. Once
While this bezoar sits in your stomach, you have
you enter melee, you aren’t willing to stop fighting
resistance to lightning damage. In addition, you can
the creature until one of you is dead or you’re both
use an action to exhale lightning in a line that is 30
somehow physically separated for at least 3 rounds.
feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking Bezoar of the Great Horned Owlbear
4d10 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as Wondrous item, rare
much damage on a successful one. You must finish a
long rest before you can exhale lightning again. While this bezoar sits in your stomach, you are
immune to the charmed and frightened conditions.
Bezoar of the Bespectacled Owlbear In addition, creatures must be at least two sizes larger
Wondrous item, uncommon than you to grapple you.
Curse. Your scent, demeanor, personality, or
While this bezoar sits in your stomach, you have
attitude irritates creatures around you. When
advantage on saving throws against poison, and you
interacting socially with creatures with an
have immunity to the poisoned condition. In addition,
Intelligence of 5 or higher, you have disadvantage
you can’t be surprised while you are conscious.
on Charisma checks. Creatures with an Intelligence
Curse. Voices constantly tell you terrible things,
of 4 or lower are immediately hostile toward you,
maybe true and maybe not but certainly off-putting.
and the first such creature to attack you each day has
The first time a creature damages you, you must
advantage on the attack roll.
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or
be frightened of that creature until it or you fall Bezoar of the Hippogriff
unconscious or until the creature is no longer within Wondrous item, rare
your line of sight for 1 minute. Once frightened by
a creature, you can’t be frightened by that creature While this bezoar sits in your stomach, you have
again until 24 hours have passed. advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
on sight. In addition, you can use a bonus action to
Bezoar of the Chimera sprout eagle wings from your back, gaining a flying
Wondrous item, uncommon speed equal to your walking speed for 1 minute. If you
are flying when the duration expires, you descend at a
While this bezoar sits in your stomach, red scales
rate of 30 feet per round until you land. When you’ve
cover your body, two small horns curl from your
used the wings for a total of 1 hour, you can’t use them
temples, and your nose widens and flattens. When
again until you finish a long rest.
you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your
Dexterity modifier, and with a 10-foot running start, Bezoar of the Hoary Owlbear
you can long jump up to 25 feet. In addition, you have Wondrous item, rare
advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws
While this bezoar sits in your stomach, you have

Potions & Scrolls

made against effects that would knock you prone, and
you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks resistance to cold damage, and you can tolerate
that rely on smell. temperatures as low as –50 degrees Fahrenheit. In
addition, your speed increases by 5 feet.
Bezoar of the Cockatrice Curse. The bezoar is not sitting well with you and
Wondrous item, common triggers intense heartburn and nausea. When you
would regain hit points for any reason (magical
While this bezoar sits in your stomach, you are
healing, resting, or similar), you instead regain only
immune to the petrified condition, and you have
half the amount.
darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already
have darkvision, your vision is Bezoar of the Manticore
unaffected by this bezoar. Wondrous item, rare
Bezoar of the While this bezoar sits in your stomach, small spikes
Dire Owlbear sprout from your skin. While you are grappling a
Wondrous item, very rare creature or while a creature is grappling you, the
creature takes 1d4 piercing damage at the start of
While this bezoar
your turn. In addition, you have proficiency with the
sits in your stomach,
spikes, and you can make a ranged weapon attack
you are immune to
with a spike, hurling it as if it had the thrown property
exhaustion and curses
with a normal range of 30 feet and a long range of
(except a curse tied to 61
120 feet. If the attack hits, the target takes piercing Blue Rose Tea
damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier. You Potion, uncommon
can throw up to 12 spikes. Used spikes regrow when
The petals of the blue rose can be brewed into a
you finish a long rest.
tea. When you consume a dose of this tea, you get
Bezoar of the Screech Owlbear a glimpse into the future. This effect works like the
Wondrous item, rare divination spell, except the answer comes to you in
visions rather than from a deity or its servants, and
While this bezoar sits in your stomach, you are you can ask a single question concerning a specific
immune to the blinded and deafened conditions. goal, event, or activity to occur within 14 days.
In addition, you can communicate with beasts. This You can render a dose of blue rose (see page 113)
works like the speak with animals spell, except it lasts into three doses of blue rose tea with a successful DC
until you expel the bezoar. 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If you succeed by 5 or
Curse. The animals—and even the forest spirits more on the check, you make four doses of tea instead.
that you can now see floating and cavorting all On a failed check, you make only one dose of tea.
around—are chattier and more distracting than Blue Rose Addiction. Consuming blue rose
would be ideal. You have disadvantage on Wisdom tea doesn’t cause addiction like its more potent
(Perception) checks. counterpart. However, if you are addicted to blue rose,
consuming one dose of this tea removes one level of
exhaustion and halts the effects of the addiction for
FANTASTICAL FOODS AND BEVERAGES 24 hours. This effect can’t reduce your exhaustion
Fantastical foods and beverages are unique types level below 1 and can’t end the addiction.
of consumable magic items. They look, feel, smell,
and taste like nonmagical food or beverages, but
Broth of Bolstering
fantastical food and beverages never spoil. Potion, common
To gain the benefits from a fantastical food This rich broth boosts
or beverage, you must spend at least 1 minute your body's defenses.
consuming it. If you eat a fantastical food or beverage When you consume
as part of a short rest and you expend one or more this food, you have
Hit Dice to regain hit points, you double the number advantage on the
of hit points each Hit Die restores. Each type of next saving throw you
fantastical food or beverage also grants benefits, make against disease or
which you gain after consuming the food or beverage poison within 24 hours.
or at the end of the short rest where the food or
beverage was consumed (your choice). You can gain Broth of
the benefits from only one type of fantastical food or Needful Fortitude
beverage at a time. Potion, very rare
Potions & Scrolls

Cooking Fantastical Foods and Beverages. Favored by intelligent undead, this rich stock is
Fantastical foods and beverages provide temporary brewed from the flesh and bones of humanoids and
benefits and work much like potions or spell scrolls—in typically kept sealed in an earthenware jar. When you
fact, the fantastical foods and beverages listed here consume this broth, you can reduce your exhaustion
are categorized as potions because of this. To cook up level by up to 2, and you have advantage on saving
a fantastical food or beverage during downtime, the throws against disease, poison, and environmental
character needs the recipe. Otherwise, treat cooking effects for 8 hours. If you are undead, you also regain
a fantastical food or beverage no differently than 3d6 hit points.
brewing a potion or scribing a spell scroll.
Candied Spider
Examples of Fantastical Foods Potion, uncommon
Here are several fantastical foods and beverages As you eat it, the candied spider seems to wriggle on
ready for use in your game. Many types of fantastical your tongue for the briefest moment before you
foods and beverages exist, and they typically give swallow it. When you consume this food, you gain a
benefits similar to potions. You can use these climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you
fantastical foods and beverages as-written or can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and
use them as inspiration for adding new types of upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands
consumable items to your game. free for 1 hour. In addition, you have advantage on
saving throws against poison for the duration.
Cloud and Mist Immortality Tea Dragonbone Broth
Potion, legendary Potion, rare
The first time you drink this tea, you are reduced Drinking this rich,
to 0 hit points, regardless of any magical effects or translucent, umber liquid
protections, and you are dying. Make death saving fills your body with
throws as normal. If you survive, you awaken with all strength and vigor.
of your hit points and 60 years younger. For example, When you consume this
an 80-year-old would awaken in the body of a broth, you can reduce
20-year-old. If you were not at least 60 years old, you your exhaustion level
awaken in the body of a newborn. You retain all your by up to 2, and if
knowledge in any case. you are not (or no
With each subsequent use of cloud and mist longer) exhausted,
immortality tea, the tea is only half as effective as you have advantage
the last time you drank it. On your second use, for on Strength checks
example, you awaken only 30 years younger. On the and Constitution
third use, you awaken 15 years younger, and so on. saving throws for 1 hour.
However, you are reduced to 0 hit points on only your
first use of this tea. Each subsequent time you drink Dragonfire Pepper
this tea, you fall unconscious for 30 seconds, then Potion, uncommon
awaken younger and with all of your hit points. The intense spice of this stuffed pepper makes your
mouth feel as if it is on fire. When you consume this
food, you have resistance to fire damage for 1 hour. In
addition, once before the duration ends, you can use
a bonus action to exhale fire in a 15-foot cone. Each
creature in the cone must make a DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 4d4 fire damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one.

Electric Eel Sushi

Potion, rare
Your mouth tingles as you chew the fluffy meat.
When you consume this food, you have resistance to
lightning damage for 1 hour. In addition, once before
the duration ends, you can use an action to touch
one melee weapon made of metal to imbue it with
lightning for 1 minute. When a creature hits with an
Companion’s Broth

Potions & Scrolls

attack using a weapon imbued with lightning, the
Potion, common target takes an extra 2d4 lightning damage.
Developed by wizards with an interest in the
culinary arts, this simple broth mends the wounds Gnomesalt Taffy
of companion animals and familiars. When a beast Potion, uncommon
or familiar consumes this broth, it regains 2d4 + 2 This sweet and sticky candy comes in a variety of
hit points. Alternatively, you can mix a flower petal flavors. When you consume this food, your reach
into the broth, and the beast or familiar gains 2d4 increases by 5 feet for 1 hour. During this time, you
temporary hit points for 8 hours instead. also gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with melee
weapons that have the Reach property.
Dire Bacon
Potion, uncommon Golden Dawn
Cut from a giant boar, this bacon still bears the Potion, uncommon
beast’s ferocity. When you consume this food, you This amber mead is flecked with edible gold and
have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks for 8 has a sour taste. When you drink this mead, you
hours. In addition, if you take 10 damage or less that immediately reduce your exhaustion level by one. If
would reduce you to 0 hit points, you are reduced to you don’t have any levels of exhaustion, this mead
1 hit point instead. This effect can happen only once has no effect. Once consumed, you can’t benefit from
during the food’s duration. golden dawn again until 24 hours have passed.
Honeyed Halfheart Pickled Aboleth Brain
Potion, uncommon Potion, very rare
This small cake in the shape of a heart permeates The aboleth’s powerful magic permeates the
the air with the scent of honey, roasted nuts, and food, giving it an almost spicy aftertaste. When
sun-warmed berries. It doesn't rot in your backpack, you consume this food, you can communicate
remaining fresh and delicious until you consume it. telepathically with any creature you can see within
The cake has two portions. You can use an action to 60 feet of you, you can breathe underwater, and you
split and eat one portion of the cake. When you split have immunity to the charmed condition for 1 hour.
the cake, the cake’s honeyed smell clings to you, and In addition, once before the duration ends, you can
you gain a +2 bonus to Charisma checks to interact use an action to charm a creature you can see within
socially with humanoids for 24 hours. Eating one 60 feet of you for the remaining duration. The target
portion of the cake provides enough nourishment to must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or it is
sustain a creature for one day. charmed by you. The target has disadvantage on this
When you eat one portion of the cake, you can saving throw if it communicated telepathically with
share the other portion with another creature that you. A charmed creature can repeat the saving throw
knows at least one language. If that creature eats each time it takes damage or if it starts its turn more
the other portion within 1 hour of you eating your than 1 mile away from you.
portion, the cake creates a magical bond between
the two of you that allows you both to communicate Purified Phoenix Tear
via a secret language for the next 24 hours. You can Potion, legendary
choose whether this secret language is verbal or This crystal-clear beverage tastes like a warm hug. For
non-verbal, and the two of you must be able to see 8 hours after you consume this beverage, when you
or smell (if non-verbal) or hear (if verbal) each other are reduced to 0 hit points, you regain 20 hit points.
to communicate. Then the beverage’s effect ends.

Queen Bee
Potion, rare
This spicy mead is brewed from royal hives and
shimmers with a rose-gold hue. When you drink
this mead, your Charisma score increases to 20
for 8 hours. The mead has no effect on you if your
Charisma score is already equal to or greater than 20.

Roast Bean Juice

Potion, uncommon
This dark beverage has a bitter taste. When you
Potions & Scrolls

consume this food, you have advantage on initiative

rolls and on saving throws against being knocked
Maiden’s Tears unconscious for 8 hours.
Potion, rare
Saffron-Dusted Carrot
This fruity mead is the color of liquid gold and is
Potion, common
rumored to be brewed with a tear from the goddess
of bearfolk herself. When you drink this mead, you This spiced carrot has an earthy, floral flavor and a
regenerate lost hit points for 1 minute. At the start of satisfying crunch. When you consume this food, you
your turn, you regain 10 hit points if you have at least have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
1 hit point. rely on sight for 1 hour.

Mincemeat Pie Scarlet Mead

Potion, rare Potion, rare
This savory pie has a hint of sweetness. For 8 hours This honey wine is marked by threads of some
after you consume this food, you gain 5 temporary flowery, bright red strands that give it its name. When
hit points each time you reduce a creature to 0 hit you drink this mead, you become a conduit for the
points. Once you have gained a total of 20 temporary phlogiston around yourself. For 1 hour, a halo of fire
hit points, you can’t gain more temporary hit points radiates from you but doesn’t harm you, shedding dim
from this consumption of mincemeat pie. light in a 10-foot radius. Attack rolls against you have
Sweet Subjects
Potion, rare
This aromatic, floral mead is pale yellow and sweet
to taste. For 1 hour after drinking this mead, any
beast that sees or smells you must succeed on a DC 13
Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for the
duration. If you or one of your companions harms a
beast charmed in this way, the creature is no longer
charmed and is immune to the effects of this mead for
24 hours.

Wafer of Warmth
Potion, uncommon
This small biscuit can be eaten in just one or two bites.
It always feels warm, as if it just came out of the oven.
For 1 hour after eating the wafer, you have resistance
to cold damage, and you can tolerate temperatures as
advantage if the low as –50 degrees Fahrenheit without any additional
attacker can see protection. If you wear heavy clothes, you can tolerate
you, and you can’t temperatures as low as –100 degrees Fahrenheit.
become invisible.
In addition, Winter Coat
you leave fiery Potion, uncommon
footprints on This syrupy mead is deep brown in color and smells
any solid surface, of honeyed ham. When you drink this mead, you
and Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track you sprout a thick, shaggy coat of fur. The fur lasts for 8
succeed automatically. Any flammable object you hours, after which time it falls off harmlessly. This fur
touch ignites if you hold it long enough: instantly for mimics the effects of cold weather clothing, allowing
sawdust or oil, after 1 round for sticks or dry cloth, or you to tolerate temperatures as low as –50 degrees
after 1 minute for more difficult fuel, such as damp Fahrenheit without any additional protection.
logs or wet peat. Your footprints don’t burn the
surface where you walk, and your fiery touch doesn’t
harm creatures.

Seven-Flavored Tea of Forgetfulness

Potion, very rare

Potions & Scrolls

This potent brew is made to erase
the memories of the souls of
the deceased in the Lower
Planes. When you drink this
tea, you must succeed on
a DC 15 Wisdom saving
throw or immediately and
permanently forget all the
events of your life. You
remember your name and
recognize people you knew
as familiar faces, but you
have no context in which to
place them. The memory
loss lasts until removed by
the greater restoration spell
or similar magic.

Spirit honey is the natural honey made by
nonmagical bees that harvest and use the nectar of
poisonous or magical plants. The essences of these
plants are concentrated by the bees into a powerful
yet mind‑bending treat. Many alchemists and hedge
witches feel the rewards of spirit honey outweigh
the risks, and their regular consumption of the
magical honey often contributes to stories of “mad”
alchemists or “quirky” witches.
To gain the benefits from spirit honey, you must
consume it. When you eat spirit honey, you gain
its benefits and a long-term madness for 1d10 x 10
hours. If you suffer the madness of the spirit honey
for the full duration, you gain insight into some
aspect of the universe. If your madness is cured creating undead. When you consume this honey, you
before the end of the duration, you lose all benefits have resistance to necrotic damage for the duration.
of the spirit honey, and you don’t gain the insight. In addition, when you roll a 20 on an attack roll made
The calm emotions spell can temporarily suppress the with a melee weapon against a creature that isn’t a
madness caused by the spirit honey for the duration construct or undead, you regain hit points equal to
of the spell, but you also lose the benefits of the spirit half the damage dealt.
honey for that same duration. The use of this spell Insight. At the end of the spirit honey’s duration,
doesn’t negatively impact you receiving insight at the choose a corpse within 10 feet of you. You give the
end of the spirit honey’s duration. corpse a semblance of life and intelligence, allowing
it to answer your questions. This works like the
Examples of Spirit Honey speak with dead spell, except the corpse must answer
Here are several examples of spirit honey ready for truthfully, even if it recognizes you as an enemy.
use in your game. There are potentially as many
varieties of spirit honey as there are exotic plants, Honey of Gloomy Flowers
and each type of spirit honey gives benefits similar Potion, rare
to potions. You can use these types of spirit honey This spirit honey is made from flowers growing in the
as-written or use them as inspiration for adding new Shadow Realm, in areas where the veil between the
types of spirit honey to your game. Material Plane and the Shadow Realm is thin, or in
areas infused with shadow magic. When you consume
Honey of Ancient Meadows this honey, you can see normally in darkness, both
Potion, rare magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 60 feet.
Potions & Scrolls

This spirit honey is made from flowers found in In addition, you can use an action to force shadows
ancient magical forests and meadows that have seen to cover the eyes of a creature you can see within
little to no humanoid traffic or influence. When you 60 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 15
consume this honey, you are immune to the charmed Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end
condition, and you have advantage on Charisma of its next turn. You can’t blind another creature in
checks to interact socially with fey for the duration. In this way again until you finish a short or long rest.
addition, you have blindsight out to a range of 30 feet Insight. At the end of the spirit honey’s duration,
while you are in contact with bare ground or plant life. the terrain in a 150-foot cube around you changes to
Insight. At the end of the spirit honey’s duration, your liking. This works like the hallucinatory terrain
you can name or describe a person, place, or object spell, except its duration is equal to the number of
and gain a brief summary of the significant lore about hours you spent under the effects of this spirit honey.
the thing you named. This works like the legend lore
spell, except the thing you name doesn’t have to be of Honey of Planar Flora
legendary importance. Potion, very rare
This spirit honey is created using nectar produced
Honey of Dead Fields by planar flora (see Creature Codex) and is infused
Potion, uncommon with hints of the Upper and Lower Planes. When
This spirit honey is made from flowers that bloom in you consume this honey, you have resistance to fire,
undead-filled graveyards, on battlefields, and in other poison, and radiant damage, and you are immune
66 areas filled with undead or that are ripe grounds for to the poisoned condition. In addition, you can use
an action to call on the planar power within you and Insight. At the end of the spirit honey’s duration,
exude the scent of sulfur, cause your eyes to glow, or you briefly become one with nature and gain
similar extraplanar effect, scaring a creature you can knowledge of the surrounding territory. This works
see within 60 feet of you. The target must succeed on like the commune with nature spell, except you can
a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you learn up to five facts about the area instead of three.
for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the Honey of Warped Wildflowers
effect on itself on a success. You can’t frighten another Potion, very rare
creature in this way again until you finish a long rest. This spirit honey is made from wildflowers growing in
Insight. At the end of the spirit honey’s duration, an area warped by magic, such as the flowers growing
you can contact a planar entity and ask it questions. at the base of a wizard’s tower or growing in a magical
This works like the contact other plane spell, except wasteland. When you consume this honey, you have
you automatically succeed on the Intelligence saving resistance to psychic damage, and you have advantage
throw caused by the mental strain of contact with the on Intelligence saving throws. In addition, you can
extraplanar intelligence. use an action to warp reality around one creature you
can see within 60 feet of you. The target must succeed
Honey of the Hungry Flower on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or be bewildered
Potion, uncommon for 1 minute. At the start of a bewildered creature’s
This spirit honey is made from the nectar of turn, it must roll a die. On an even result, the creature
carnivorous plants and plant creatures. When you can act normally. On an odd result, the creature
consume this honey, you have advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks as long as you remain motionless. In
addition, when you would regain hit points from the
rolling of one or more dice, you regain the highest
number possible for each die.
Insight. At the end of the spirit honey’s duration,
you can name or describe a specific kind of beast
or plant to learn the distance and direction
to the closest creature or plant of that kind
within 5 miles. This works like the locate
animals or plants spell, except you can locate
up to three different kinds of beasts or
plants instead of one.

Honey of the Master Vine

Potion, rare
This spirit honey is made from poisonous

Potions & Scrolls

vines and other poisonous, strangling
plants. When you consume this honey,
you have resistance to poison damage,
and moving through nonmagical difficult
terrain costs you no extra movement. You
can pass through nonmagical plants without
being slowed by them and without taking
damage from them if they have thorns, spines,
or a similar hazard. In addition, you can use an
action to cause grasping weeds and vines to
sprout from the ground beneath a creature
you can see within 60 feet of you. The target
must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving
throw or be restrained by the entangling
plants for 1 minute. A creature can use its
action to make a DC 15 Strength check, freeing
itself or another creature within its reach on a
success. You can’t entangle another creature in
this way again until you finish a long rest.
is incapacitated until the start of its next turn as it To gain the benefits of troll blood, you must drink
becomes disoriented by its surroundings and unable the viscous substance like a potion. When you drink
to fully determine what is real and what isn’t. You the troll blood, you regain hit points at the start of
can’t warp the reality around another creature in this each of your turns up to an amount determined by
way again until you finish a long rest. the type of potion. If you
Insight. At the end of the spirit honey’s duration, take acid or fire damage,
the terrain in an area up to 1 mile square around you this regeneration doesn’t
changes to your liking. This works like the mirage function at the start of
arcane spell, except its duration is a number of days your next turn. While
equal to the number of hours you spent under the under the effects of troll
effects of this spirit honey. blood, you die only
if you start your turn
TROLL BLOOD with 0 hit points and
don’t regenerate. In
While some potions and elixirs use diluted troll blood
addition, you can
to enhance the natural healing of the drinker, some
reattach a severed
alchemists don’t dilute the blood, preferring to bottle
body part by holding
and consume it in its pure form. Drinking troll blood
it in place for 1d4
that hasn’t been diluted provides great healing, but it
rounds. However,
can also cause odd mutations.
the potion’s magic
can’t regrow missing
body parts.

d100 Mutation
1–20 Your skin grows thick and gnarly, and you gain a +1 bonus to AC. However, you become vulnerable to acid
damage and fire damage, and when a creature scores a critical hit against you, it rolls damage dice three
times, instead of twice.
21–30 Changes in your olfactory system give you a keen sense of smell. You have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. However, you take 2d6 psychic damage whenever you fail a Wisdom
saving throw.
31–40 Your eyes develop to accommodate the dark, and you gain darkvision out to 60 feet. However, you take a
−4 penalty on Dexterity saving throws.
41–50 Claws burst from the ends of your fingers. Your claws are natural melee weapons, which you can use to
make unarmed strikes. When you hit with your claw, it deals slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength
Potions & Scrolls

modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. However, your clawed hands
make your normal actions more challenging, and you take a −4 penalty on attack rolls with weapons other
than your claws.
51–60 Your jaw extends, and your teeth grow constantly and haphazardly, only to fall out as new ones take their
place. You are proficient with this bite, which deals 1d8 + your Strength modifier piercing damage on a
hit. When you make a melee attack, you can use a bonus action to attack that same target with your bite.
However, you can no longer verbally communicate, and you can’t cast spells with verbal components.
61–70 Your arms, shoulders, legs, and back bulge slightly as muscle and sinew double in mass. You count as one
size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. However,
your speed is reduced by 10 feet.
71–80 Your mind clouds over, enraged and feverish. You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving
throws, and you deal an extra 2 damage of the weapon’s type when you hit with a melee weapon attack
using Strength. However, when you make a melee attack, you have a 50 percent chance of hitting another
creature within 5 feet of your target, which can include your allies.
81–90 Your blood becomes overly thick, and any damage you take is reduced by 1. However, the thickened blood
also hinders your body’s natural defenses, and you take a −4 penalty on Constitution saving throws.
91–00 You develop an eye-watering reek. When a humanoid or beast starts its turn in a space within 5 feet of you,
it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving saving throw or use its reaction to move 5 feet away from you.
68 In addition, you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Harvesting Troll Blood. You can collect the blood of even kill creatures that don’t naturally regenerate.
a freshly slain troll by succeeding on a DC 15 Wisdom Although you can’t receive healing that exceeds your
(Medicine) check. This collected blood is equivalent hit point maximum, the potion’s regeneration can
to a potion of troll blood, but it lasts only 2d4 days. cause other effects if it would regenerate hit points
Though potions of troll blood are made from undiluted beyond your maximum.
troll blood, the blood requires some processing Instant Death. If the potion’s remaining
to give the potion longevity and to create its more regeneration would equal or exceed twice your hit
potent forms. Higher potency potions are typically point maximum, you die. For example, a cleric
made from blood that is much more concentrated with a maximum of 12 hit points currently has 6 hit
than fresh troll blood. At the GM’s discretion, points. If the cleric regenerates 30 hit points over
particularly powerful trolls might yield blood that is the duration of the potion without taking further
equivalent to a more potent potion of troll blood. damage, the cleric is restored to their maximum
hit points, but 24 healing remains. Because the
Instant Death and Mutations remaining healing equals twice the cleric’s hit point
A potion of troll blood continues regenerating your body maximum, the cleric dies.
up to an amount determined by the potion’s potency, Mutations. If the potion restores hit points beyond
even if you are restored to your hit point maximum your hit point maximum, you must immediately
before reaching that amount. Excessive regeneration, succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC equals
especially in a short amount of time, can mutate or 10 + the number of hit points over your hit point

d100 Mutation
1–20 Your form roils and changes constantly and subtly. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. However, this constant changing makes you more susceptible
to magic, and you have disadvantage on saving throws against spells.
21–30 An extra arm sprouts from somewhere on your body. The arm can’t wield weapons or hold items heavier
than 5 pounds, but it can provide you some aid, granting you advantage on Strength checks and saving
throws. However, the new limb throws off your coordination and sense of balance, imposing disadvantage
on Dexterity checks and saving throws you make.
31–40 You start hemorrhaging excessively when hit, spraying magic-infused blood around you. When a creature

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you, it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
take 1d6 necrotic damage. However, any damage you take is increased by 1 as your blood flows more freely.
41–50 Subtle changes in your scent and presence attracts humanoids and irritates beasts around you. When
interacting socially with humanoids, you have advantage on Charisma checks. However, beasts with an
Intelligence of 4 or lower are immediately hostile toward you.
51–60 You grow a second, vestigial head. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving
throws against being blinded, harmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious, and you
can’t be surprised while conscious. However, the mental input from the secondary head distracts you as
it attempts to aid your attack rolls. Whenever you miss an attack roll, you take half the damage you would
have dealt to the target.
61–70 Your nerves become hyperactive, leading you to jerk, fidget, and move randomly and involuntarily. You
gain a +2 bonus to AC as your enemies have a hard time determining your exact location. However, the
involuntary movement makes it difficult for you to move and act deliberately. On your turn, you can use
either an action or bonus action, not both.
71–80 Your body twists, elongates, and forms extra skin or callouses as it adapts itself to a different mode
of travel. You gain a burrowing or swimming speed (GM’s choice) equal to your base walking speed.
However, you speed is halved while walking on land.
81–90 Your blood becomes toxic, and you become poisoned. However, while poisoned in this way, you are
immune to disease, poison damage, and necrotic damage.
91–00 Your metabolism slows imperceptibly, causing you to continue regenerating, albeit slowly. You regain 3 hit
points every 10 minutes for the duration of this mutation. This regeneration can trigger instant death, as
detailed in the Instant Death and Mutations section, if you aren’t mindful of your regeneration.
maximum) or develop a mutation. Each potency lists Potion of Troll Blood, Superior
the type of mutation it causes—minor or major—and Potion, very rare
the maximum number of mutations it can cause with
When you drink this potion, you regain 5 hit points at
each dose. When you suffer a mutation,
the start of each of your turns. After it has restored 50
the GM rolls a d100 and consults the
hit points, the potion’s effects end.
appropriate mutation table. A mutation
Mutations. This potion can cause up to 1 minor
lasts for 1d4 + 1 hours.
mutation and 1 major mutation.
Potion of Troll Blood
Potion of Troll Blood, Supreme
Potion, uncommon
Potion, legendary
When you drink this potion, you
When you drink this potion, you regain 8 hit points at
regain 2 hit points at the start
the start of each of your turns. After it has restored 80
of each of your turns. After it
hit points, the potion’s effects end.
has restored 20 hit points, the
Mutations. This potion can cause up to 1d4 minor
potion’s effects end.
mutations and 2 major mutations.
Mutations. This potion can
cause up to 1 minor mutation.

Potion of Troll Blood, Greater

Potion, rare
When drink this potion, you regain 3 hit
points at the start of each of your turns.
After it has restored 30 hit points, the
potion’s effects end.
Mutations. This potion can cause
up to 2 minor mutations.
Potions & Scrolls

Rings, Rods, Staves, & Wands

From the wands apprentices use to prank each other, Big Dipper
to staves capable of manipulating the world, to the Rod, rare (requires attunement)
captivating scepters wielded by monarchs and jesters,
This wooden rod is topped with a ridged ball. The rod
this chapter contains a variety of powerful and often
has 7 charges for the following properties. It regains
bejeweled magic items. Find all the devices heroes
1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend
need to rend reality, mingle with giants, or simply
the rod’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the rod melts
write messages in the air.
into a pool of nonmagical honey and is destroyed.
Ashwood Wand Anytime you expend 1 or more charges for this rod’s
properties, the ridged ball flows with delicious,
Wand, common (requires attunement by a druid)
nonmagical honey for 1 minute.
You can use this wand as a spellcasting focus. The Spells. While holding the rod, you can use an action
wand has 3 charges and regains all expended charges to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the
daily at dawn. When you cast a spell that deals fire following spells from it (save DC 17): hold monster (5
damage while using this wand as your spellcasting charges) or hold person (2 charges).
focus, the spell deals 1 extra fire damage. If you Sticky Stick. While holding the rod, you can use
expend 1 of the wand’s charges during the casting, the your reaction to expend 1 charge and magically stick
spell deals 1d4 + 1 extra fire damage instead. it to any surface. Until you use an action to end the
effect, the rod remains stuck. The rod can hold up to
8,000 pounds of weight. More weight causes the rod
to deactivate and fall.

Blacktooth an action to speak the command word again while
Wand, legendary touching it. If it reverts to its staff form early by being
reduced to 0 hit points, the staff becomes inert and
This black ivory, rune-carved wand has 7 charges.
unusable until the third dawn after the creature was
It regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
killed. Otherwise, the wireframe creature or swarm
While holding it, you can use an action to expend
has all of its hit points when you transform the staff
1 or more of its charges to cast the guiding bolt spell
into the creature again.
from it, using an attack bonus of +7. For 1 charge,
When a wireframe creature or swarm becomes the
you cast the 1st-level version of the spell. You can
staff again, this property of the staff can’t be used
increase the spell slot level by one for each additional
again until the next dawn.
charge you expend.
Beguiler of Darkness (Requires Attunement). You Brazen Band
must be a fiend or undead spellcaster or a spellcaster
Ring, uncommon
with fiendish or undead heritage to attune to this
wand. While you are attuned to this wand, it can hold While you wear this polished brass ring, you have
up to 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one on saving throws against being frightened. If you
of the following spells from it, using your spell save fail a saving throw against being frightened, you can
DC: calm emotions (2 charges), command (1 charge), choose to succeed instead. If you do, the ring’s magic
dominate monster (8 charges), hold monster (5 charges), ceases to function until the next dawn.
or suggestion (2 charges). These spells can target and
Clockwork Rogue Ring
affect only fiends and undead creatures, but they
otherwise work like the indicated spells. A target that Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
is immune to the charmed condition can be affected Made by kobold
by a spell cast from this wand, however that target has clockwork mages, this
advantage on its saving throw against the spell. brass clockwork ring
is formed to look
Brass Clockwork Staff like a coiled dragon.
Staff, rare (requires attunement) When you speak or whisper
This curved staff is made of coiled brass and glass wire. the Draconic command word
You can use an action to speak one of three command etched on the inside of the
words and throw the staff on the ground within 10 ring, the brass dragon
feet of you. The staff transforms into one of three uncoils and attempts to
wireframe creatures, depending on the command pick any lock within 10 feet
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

word: a unicorn, a hound, or a swarm of tiny beetles. of you. The dragon picks
The wireframe creature or swarm is under your the lock using your proficiency
control and acts on its own initiative count. bonus but with advantage. It is treated as having
On your turn, you can mentally command the thieves’ tools when attempting to pick locks. It uses
wireframe creature or swarm if it is within 60 feet of your Dexterity (Stealth) bonus for purposes of not
you and you aren’t incapacitated. You decide what being spotted but with advantage due to its extremely
action the creature takes and where it moves during small size. Whether successful or not, once you have
its next turn, or you can issue it a general command, used the ring to attempt to pick a lock, it can’t be used
such as to attack your enemies or guard a location. again until the next sunset.
The wireframe unicorn lasts for up to 1 hour,
uses the statistics of a warhorse, and can be used Crook of the Flock
as a mount. The wireframe hound lasts for up to 5 Rod, very rare (requires attunement)
minutes, uses the statistics of a dire wolf, and has This plain crook is made of smooth, worn lotus wood
advantage to track any creature you damaged within and is warm to the touch.
the past hour. The wireframe beetle swarm lasts for up Resolute. While holding the rod, you have
to 1 minute, uses the statistics of a swarm of beetles, advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
and can destroy nonmagical objects that aren’t being Spells. While holding the rod, you can use an action
worn or carried and that aren’t made of stone or metal to cast one of the following spells from it: animal
(destruction happens at a rate of 1 pound of material messenger, beast sense, or speak with animals.
per round, up to a maximum of 10 pounds). Leader. You can use an action to present the rod
At the end of the duration, the wireframe creature and command obedience from one creature that you
or swarm reverts to its staff form. It reverts to its can see within 60 feet of you. The target must succeed
staff form early if it drops to 0 hit points or if you use on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or be charmed
by you for 8 hours. While charmed in this way, the wand crumbles into cinders and is destroyed.
creature regards you as its trusted leader. If harmed Hurl Flame. While holding the wand, you can
by your companions, or commanded to do something expend 2 charges as an action to hurl a ball of
contrary to its nature, the target ceases to be charmed devilish flame at a target you can see within 150
in this way. If harmed by you, the target ceases to be feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 15
charmed, and you must roll a d20. On a 1, the staff Dexterity check or take 3d6 fire damage. If the
disappears in a burst of golden light and reappears in target is a flammable object that isn't being worn or
a random location on the Material Plane. Once used, carried, it also catches fire.
this property of the rod can’t be used again until Devil's Sight. While holding the wand, you can
the next dawn. expend 1 charge as an action to cast the darkvision
spell on yourself. Magical darkness doesn't impede
Crystal Staff this darkvision.
Staff, very rare (requires attunement
by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) Eldritch Rod
Carved from a single piece of solid crystal, Rod, uncommon
this staff has numerous reflective facets that (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
produce a strangely hypnotic effect. The staff This bone rod is carved into the
has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use shape of twisting tendrils or
an action to expend 1 or more of its charges tentacles. You can use this rod as an
to cast one of the following spells from it, arcane focus. The rod has 3 charges
using your spell save DC and spellcasting and regains all expended charges
ability: color spray (1 charge), confound senses* daily at dawn.
(3 charges), confusion (4 charges), hypnotic When you cast a spell that
pattern (3 charges), jeweled fissure* (3 charges), requires an attack roll and that
prismatic ray* (5 charges), or prismatic spray (7 deals damage while holding this
charges). Spells marked with an asterisk (*) rod, you can expend 1 of its charges
can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At as part of the casting to enhance
the GM’s discretion, spells from Deep Magic that spell. If the attack hits, the spell
for 5th Edition can be replaced with other also releases tendrils that bind the
spells of similar levels and similarly related to target, grappling it for 1 minute. At
light or confusion. the start of each of your turns, the
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges grappled target takes 1d6 damage
daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, of the same type dealt by the spell.

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

roll a d20. On a 1, the crystal shatters, At the end of each of its turns,
destroying the staff and dealing 2d6 piercing the grappled target can make a
damage to each creature within 10 feet of it. Dexterity saving throw against
your spell save DC, freeing itself
Death’s Mirror from the tendrils on a success.
Ring, uncommon The rod’s magic can grapple
Made from woven lead and silver, this ring fits only only one target at a time. If
on the hand’s smallest finger. As the moon is a dull you use the rod to grapple
reflection of the sun’s glory, so too is the power within another target, the effect on
this ring merely an imitation of the healing energies the previous target ends.
that can bestow true life. The ring has 3 charges and
regains all expended charges daily at dawn. While Elk Horn Rod
wearing the ring, you can expend 1 charge as a bonus Rod, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
action to gain 5 temporary hit points for 1 hour. This rod is fashioned from elk or reindeer horn. As
an action, you can grant a +1 bonus on saving throws
Devil’s Barb against spells and magical effects to a target touched
Wand, rare (requires attunement) by the wand, including yourself. The bonus lasts 1
This thin wand is fashioned from the fiendish quill of round. If you are holding the rod while performing
a barbed devil. While attuned to it, you have resistance the somatic component of a dispel magic spell or
to cold damage. comparable magic, you have a +1 bonus on your
The wand has 6 charges for the following properties. spellcasting ability check.
It regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dusk. If you
expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
Freerunner Rod without you and your allies eating at least half of its
Rod, very rare (requires attunement) flesh, the rod’s magic ceases to work for you, and you
can never attune to this rod again.
Tightly intertwined lengths of grass, bound by
additional stiff, knotted blades of grass, form this Frungilator
rod, which is favored by plains-dwelling druids and Wand, uncommon
rangers. While holding it and in grasslands, you leave
behind no tracks or other traces of your passing, and This strangely-shaped item resembles a melted wand
you can pass through nonmagical plants without or a strange growth chipped from the arcane trees of
being slowed by them and without taking damage elder planes. The wand has 5 charges and regains 1d4
from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar + 1 charges daily at dusk. While holding it, you can
hazard. In addition, beasts with an Intelligence of 3 or use an action to expend 1 of its charges and point it
lower that are native to grasslands must succeed on a at a target within 60 feet of you. The target must be a
DC 15 Charisma saving throw to attack you. creature. When activated, the wand frunges creatures
The rod has 10 charges, and it regains 1d6 + 4 into a chaos matrix, which does…something. Roll
expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the a d10 and consult the following table to determine
last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the rod collapses into a these unpredictable effects (none of them especially
pile of grass seeds and is destroyed. Among the grass good). Most effects can be removed by dispel magic,
seeds are 1d10 berries, consumable as if created by greater restoration, or more powerful magic.
the goodberry spell.
Plainsrunner. You can use a bonus action to expend
1 charge to increase your walking speed by 10 feet
for 1 minute. If you are in grasslands, your speed
increases by 20 feet instead.
Freedom. You can use a reaction to expend 2
charges when you become paralyzed or restrained,
ending that effect.
Forbidden Actions. If you burn or inflict fire
damage to grasslands or if you kill a grasslands beast

d10 Frungilator Effect

1 Glittering sparkles fly all around. You are surrounded in sparkling light until the end of your next turn as if
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

you were targeted by the faerie fire spell.

2 The target is encased in void crystal and immediately begins suffocating. A creature, including the target,
can take its action to shatter the void crystal by succeeding on a DC 10 Strength check. Alternatively, the void
crystal can be attacked and destroyed (AC 12; hp 4; immunity to poison and psychic damage).
3 Crimson void fire engulfs the target. It must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 4d6 fire
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
4 The target’s blood turns to ice. It must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 6d6 cold damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
5 The target rises vertically to a height of your choice, up to a maximum height of 60 feet. The target remains
suspended there until the start of its next turn. When this effect ends, the target floats gently to the ground.
6 The target begins speaking in backwards fey speech for 10 minutes. While speaking this way, the target can’t
verbally communicate with creatures that aren’t fey, and the target can’t cast spells with verbal components.
7 Golden flowers bloom across the target’s body. It is blinded until the end of its next turn.
8 The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or it and all its equipment assumes a gaseous
form until the end of its next turn. This effect otherwise works like the gaseous form spell.
9 The target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become enthralled with its own feet or limbs
until the end of its next turn. While enthralled, the target is incapacitated.
10 A giant ray of force springs out of the frungilator and toward the target. Each creature in a line that is 5 feet
wide between you and the target must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d12 force damage on a
74 failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Ghoulbane Rod Glass Wand of Leng
Rod, rare Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
Arcane glyphs decorate the spherical The tip of this twisted clear glass wand is razorsharp.
head of this tarnished rod, while It can be wielded as a magic dagger that grants a +1
engravings of cracked and broken skulls bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The
and bones circle its haft. When an undead wand weighs 4 pounds and is roughly 18 inches long.
creature is within 120 feet of the rod, the When you tap the wand, it emits a single, loud note
rod’s arcane glyphs emit a soft glow. which can be heard up to 20 feet away and does not
As an action, you can plant the haft end stop sounding until you choose to silence it.
of the rod in the ground, whereupon the This wand has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 charges
rod’s glyphs flare to life and the rod’s daily at dawn. While holding it, you can use an action
magic activates. When an undead creature to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the
enters or starts its turn within 30 feet following spells (save DC 17): arcane lock (2 charges),
of the planted rod, it must succeed on disguise self (1 charge), or tongues (3 charges).
a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or have
disadvantage on attack rolls against Gremlin’s Paw
creatures that aren’t undead until the start Wand, rare (requires attunement)
of its next turn. If a ghoul fails this saving This wand is fashioned from the fossilized
throw, it also takes a –2 penalty to AC forearm and claw of a gremlin. The wand
and Dexterity saving throws, its speed is has 5 charges. While holding the wand, you
halved, and it can’t use reactions. can use an action to expend 1 or more of its
The rod’s magic remains active while charges to cast one of the following spells
planted in the ground, and after it has (save DC 15): bane (1 charge), bestow curse (3
been active for a total of 10 minutes, its charges), or hideous laughter (1 charge).
magic ceases to function until the next The wand regains 1d4 + 1 expended
dawn. A creature can use an action to charges daily at dusk. If you expend the
pull the rod from the ground, ending the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 20,
effect early for use at a later time. Deduct you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
the time it was active in increments of 1 saving throw or become afflicted with
minute from the rod’s total active time. short-term madness. On a 1, the rod
crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
Glamour Rings
Ring, uncommon Hazelwood Wand

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

These rings are made from twisted loops of gold and Wand, common (requires attunement by a druid)
onyx and are always found in pairs. The rings’ magic You can use this wand as a spellcasting focus. The
works only while you and another humanoid of the wand has 3 charges and regains all expended charges
same size each wear one ring and are on the same daily at dawn. When you cast the goodberry spell while
plane of existence. While wearing a ring, you or the using this wand as your spellcasting focus, you can
other humanoid can use an action to expend 1 of the wand’s charges to transform the
swap your appearances, if both berries into hazelnuts, which restore 2 hit points
of you are willing. This effect instead of 1. The spell is otherwise unchanged. In
works like the Change addition, when you cast a spell that deals lightning
Appearance effect of damage while using this wand as your spellcasting
the alter self spell, except focus, the spell deals 1 extra lightning damage.
you can change your
appearance to only look Howling Rod
identical to each other. Your Rod, rare (requires attunement)
clothing and equipment
This sturdy, iron rod is topped with the head of a
don’t change, and the effect
howling wolf with red carnelians for eyes. The rod has
lasts until one of you uses
5 charges for the following properties, and it regains
this property again or until
1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
one of you removes the ring.
Spectral Howl. While holding the rod, you can
expend 1 of its charges to cause a spectral wolf head
to appear above you and unleash a terrifying howl.
Each creature within 20 feet of you must succeed on
a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened 75
of you for 1 minute. If you wish, all creatures in the Ground. You can use an action to drive the rod’s
area that aren’t hostile toward you automatically spiked tip into the ground, harmlessly emptying it of
succeed on the saving throw. While frightened of you, all its current charges.
a creature must take the Dash action and move away Lightning Bolt. While holding the rod, you can
from you by the safest available route on each of its use an action to expend 3 charges to cause a bolt of
turns, unless there is nowhere to move. A frightened lightning to crackle out from the rod’s tip in a 60-foot
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d8
success. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much
is immune to the howl of this rod for 24 hours. damage on a successful one.
Wolf Bite. While holding the rod, you can use a Lightning Shield. When you are attacked while
bonus action to expend 2 of its charges to attack one holding the rod, you can use a reaction to expend
frightened creature you can see within 20 feet of you. 2 charges to cover yourself in a shield of arcing
A spectral wolf head leaps out of the rod and makes electrical sparks. Until the start of your next turn,
its attack roll with a +7 bonus. On a hit, the target when a creature hits you with a melee attack while
takes 2d6 force damage. within 5 feet of you, it takes 2d8 lightning damage.
Shocking Strike. When you hit with a melee attack
using the rod, you can expend 1 charge to deal an
extra 3d8 lightning damage to the target. You have
advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing
armor made of metal.

Oakwood Wand
Wand, common (requires attunement by a druid)
You can use this wand as a spellcasting focus. The
wand has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges
daily at dawn. While holding it, you can expend 1
charge as an action to cast the detect poison and disease
Kraken Clutch Ring spell from it. When you cast a spell that deals cold
Ring, very rare (requires attunement) damage while using this wand as your spellcasting
This green copper ring is etched with the image of a focus, the spell deals 1 extra cold damage.
kraken with splayed tentacles. The ring has 5 charges,
and it regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn,
Recondite Shield
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

as long as it was immersed in water for at least 1 hour Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
since the previous dawn. If the ring has at least 1 While wearing this ring, you can
charge, you have advantage on grapple checks. use a bonus action to create a
While wearing this ring, you can expend 1 or more weightless, magic shield that
of its charges to cast one of the following spells from shimmers with arcane
it, using spell save DC 15: black tentacles (2 charges), energy. You must be
call lightning (1 charge), or control weather (4 charges). proficient with shields to
wield this semitranslucent
Lightning Rod shield, and you wield it in
Rod, very rare (requires attunement) the same hand that wears the
This rod is made from the blackened wood of a ring. The shield lasts for 1 hour or until you dismiss
lightning-struck tree and topped with a spike of it (no action required). Once used, you can’t use the
twisted iron. It functions as a magic javelin that ring in this way again until the next dawn.
grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with it. While holding it, you are immune to lightning
Ring of Arcane Adjustment
damage, and each creature within 5 feet of you has Ring, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
resistance to lightning damage. This stylized silver ring is favored by spellcasters
The rod can hold up to 6 charges, but it has 0 accustomed to fighting creatures capable of
charges when you first attune to it. Whenever you are shrugging off most spells. The ring has 3 charges and
subjected to lightning damage, the rod gains 1 charge. regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
While the rod has 6 charges, you have resistance to When you cast a spell of 5th level or lower that
lightning damage instead of immunity. The rod loses has only one target and the target succeeds on the
1d6 charges daily at dawn. saving throw, you can use a reaction and expend 1
charge from the ring to change the spell’s target to a Ring of Featherweight Weapons
new target within the spell's range. The new target Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
is then affected by the spell, but the new target has
advantage on the saving throw. You can’t move the If you normally have disadvantage on attack rolls
spell more than once this way, even if the new target made with weapons with the Heavy property due
succeeds on the saving throw. You can’t move a spell to your size, you don’t have disadvantage on those
that affects an area, that has multiple targets, that attack rolls while you wear this ring. This ring has no
requires an attack roll, or that allows the target to effect on you if you are Medium or larger or if you
make a saving throw to reduce, but not prevent, the don’t normally have disadvantage on attack rolls with
effects of the spell, such as blight or feeblemind. heavy weapons.

Ring of Bravado Ring of Giant Mingling

Ring, uncommon Ring, rare (requires attunement by a giant or humanoid)
(requires attunement) While wearing this ring, your size changes to match
This polished brass ring the size of those around you. If you are a Large
has 3 charges. While creature and start your turn within 100 feet of four
wearing the ring, you are or more Medium creatures, this ring makes you
inspired to daring acts Medium. Similarly, if you are a Medium creature and
that risk life and limb, start your turn within 100 feet of four or more Large
especially if such acts would creatures, this ring makes you Large. These effects
impress or intimidate others who witness them. work like the effects of the enlarge/reduce spell, except
When you choose a course of action that could result they persist as long as you wear the ring and satisfy
in serious harm or possible death (your GM has final the conditions.
say in if an action qualifies), you can expend 1 of the Ring of Hoarded Life
ring’s charges to roll a d10 and add the number rolled
Ring, uncommon
to any d20 roll you make to achieve success or avoid
(requires attunement)
damage, such as a Strength (Athletics) check to scale
a sheer cliff and avoid falling or a Dexterity saving This ring stores hit
throw made to run through a hallway filled with points sacrificed to
swinging blades. it, holding them until
The ring regains all expended charges daily at the attuned wearer uses
dawn. In addition, if you fail on a roll boosted by them. The ring can store
the ring, and you failed the roll by only 1, the ring up to 30 hit points at a time.
When found, it contains 2d10

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

regains 1 expended charge, as its magic recognizes a
valiant effort. stored hit points.
While wearing this ring, you can use an action to
Ring of Deceiver’s Warning spend one or more Hit Dice, up to your maximum
Ring, common Hit Dice. For each Hit Die spent in this way, you roll
This copper ring is set with a round stone of the die and add your Constitution modifier to it. Your
blue quartz. While you wear the ring, the stone’s hit point maximum is reduced by the total, and the
color changes to red if a shapechanger comes ring stores the total, up to 30 hit points. This hit point
within 30 feet of you. For the purpose of this ring, maximum reduction can’t be removed with the greater
“shapechanger” refers to any creature with the restoration spell or similar magic and lasts as long as
Shapechanger trait. hit points remain stored in the ring. You can’t store
hit points in the ring if you don’t have blood. When
Ring of Dragon’s Discernment hit points are stored in the ring, you can cause one of
Ring, uncommon the following effects:
A large, orange cat's eye gem is held in the fittings of • You can use a bonus action to remove stored hit
this ornate silver ring, looking as if it is grasped by points from the ring and regain that number of
scaled talons. While wearing this ring, your senses hit points.
are sharpened. You have advantage on Intelligence • You can use an action to remove stored hit
(Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks, points from the ring while touching the ring
and you can take the Search action as a bonus action. to a creature. If you do so, the creature regains
In addition, you are able to discern the value of any hit points equal to the amount of hit points you
object made of precious metals or minerals or rare removed from the ring.
materials by handling it for 1 round.
• When you are reduced to 0 hit points and are not Ring of Powerful Summons
killed outright, you can use a reaction to empty Ring, rare (requires attunement by a cleric, druid,
the ring of stored hit points and regain hit points warlock, or wizard)
equal to that amount.
When you summon a creature with a conjuration
Hit Dice spent on this ring’s features can’t be used spell while wearing this ring, the creature gains a
to regain hit points during a short rest. You regain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and 1d4 + 4
spent Hit Dice as normal. temporary hit points.
Ring of Imperious Command Ring of Remembrance
Ring, rare (requires attunement) Ring, common
Embossed in gold on this heavy iron ring is the image This ring is a sturdy piece of string, tied at the ends to
of a crown. The ring has 3 charges and regains 1d3 form a circle. While wearing it, you can use an action
expended charges daily at dawn. to invoke its power by twisting it on your finger. If you
While wearing this ring, you have advantage on do so, you have advantage on the next Intelligence
Charisma (Intimidation) checks, and you can project check you make to recall information. The ring can’t
your voice up to 300 feet with perfect clarity. In be used this way again until the next dawn.
addition, you can use an action and expend 1 of the
ring’s charges to command a creature you can see Ring of Sealing
within 30 feet of you to kneel before you. The target Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a This ring appears to be made of golden chain links.
failure, the target spends its next turn moving toward It has 3 charges and regains 1d3
you by the shortest and most direct route then falls expended charges daily at dawn.
prone and ends its turn. When you hit a creature
Ring of Light’s Comfort with a melee attack while
wearing this ring, you can use
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
a bonus action and expend 1
A disc of white chalcedony sits within an of the ring’s charges to cause
encompassing band of black onyx, set into fittings on mystical golden chains to
this pewter ring. While wearing this ring in dim light spring from the ground and
or darkness, you can use a bonus action to speak the wrap around the creature. The
ring’s command word, causing it to shed bright light target must make a DC 17 Wisdom
in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 saving throw. On a failure, the magical chains hold
feet. The ring automatically the target firmly in place, and it is restrained. The
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

sheds this light if you start target can’t move or be moved by any means. The
your turn within 60 feet of target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
an undead or lycanthrope. of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
The light lasts until you use However, if the target fails three consecutive saving
a bonus action to repeat the throws, the chains bind the target permanently. A
command word. In addition, successful dispel magic (DC 17) cast on the chains
you can’t be charmed, destroys them.
frightened, or possessed by
undead or lycanthropes. Ring of Shadows
Ring, common
Ring of Night’s Solace
While wearing this ebony ring in dim light or
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
darkness, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
A disc of black onyx sits within an encompassing checks. When you roll a 20 on a Dexterity (Stealth)
band of white chalcedony, set into fittings on this check, the ring’s magic ceases to function until the
pewter ring. While wearing this ring in bright light, next dawn.
you are draped in a comforting cloak of shadow,
protecting you from the harshest glare. If you have the Ring of Small Mercies
Sunlight Sensitivity trait or a similar trait that causes Ring, common
you to have disadvantage on attack rolls or Wisdom While wearing this plain, beaten pewter ring, you
(Perception) checks while in bright light or sunlight, can use an action to cast the spare the dying spell from
you don’t suffer those effects while wearing this ring. it at will.
In addition, you have advantage on saving throws
78 against being blinded.
Ring of Spell Negation Ring of Stored Vitality
Ring, rarity varies (requires attunement) Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
This ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended While you are attuned to and
charges daily at dawn. While wearing the ring, you wearing this ring of polished,
can use your reaction to expend 1 of its charges to white chalcedony, you can
cast counterspell, and you lose hit points related to feed some of your vitality
the spell’s level. You can’t use this feature of the ring into the ring to charge it. You
if you don’t have blood. The types of spells you can can use an action to suffer 1
counter and the amount of hit points you lose depend level of exhaustion. For each
on the type of ring you are wearing. level of exhaustion you suffer, the
Blue (Uncommon). If you use your reaction to ring regains 1 charge. The ring can
expend 1 charge from the ring, you can use counterspell store up to 3 charges. As the ring increases in charges,
on a spell of 3rd level or lower that is from a specific its color reddens, becoming a deep red when it has 3
school of magic. If you do so, you lose hit points equal charges. Your level of exhaustion can be reduced by
to 3 times the spell’s level. The GM chooses the ring’s normal means. If you already suffer from 3 or more
school or determines it randomly from the options levels of exhaustion, you can’t suffer another level of
below. exhaustion to restore a charge to the ring.
d8 School While wearing the ring and suffering exhaustion, you
can use an action to expend 1 or more charges from the
1 Abjuration
ring to reduce your exhaustion level. Your exhaustion
2 Conjuration level is reduced by 1 for each charge you expend.
3 Divination
Ring of the Dolphin
4 Enchantment
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
5 Evocation
This gold ring bears a jade carving in the shape of a
6 Illusion leaping dolphin. While wearing this ring, you have a
7 Necromancy swimming speed of 40 feet. In addition, you can hold
8 Transmutation your breath for twice as long while underwater.

Ring of the Frog

Red (Rare). If you use your reaction to expend 1
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
charge from the ring, you can use counterspell on any
spell of 3rd level or lower. If you do so, you lose hit A pale chrysoprase cut into the shape of a frog is
the centerpiece of this tarnished copper ring. While

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

points equal to 4 times the spell’s level.
Black (Very Rare). If you use your reaction to wearing this ring, you have a swimming speed of
expend 1 charge from the ring, you can use counterspell 20 feet, and you can jump three times the normal
on any spell of any level. If the spell is 4th level or distance, though you can’t jump farther than your
higher, you make the ability check with a +7 bonus. remaining movement would allow.
If you do so, you lose hit points equal to 5 times the Frog Tongue. You can use an action transform your
spell’s level. You lose these hit points whether or not tongue into one resembling that of a frog or toad for
your counterspell is effective. 1 minute or until you dismiss it (no action required).
You can elongate your tongue out to a distance of 20
feet, and your tongue can pick up or hold an object
weighing no more than 10 pounds. To grab an item
that is being worn or carried, you must still succeed on
a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, ranged attack, or
similar check, as determined by your GM. The tongue
retracts into your mouth when not in use and has no
impact on your ability to speak
or cast spells with verbal
components. Once used,
this property can’t be
used again until the
next dawn.

Ring of the Frost Knight war cry, bolstering your allies. Each friendly creature
Ring, rare (requires attunement) within 30 feet of you and that can hear you gains a
+2 bonus on its initiative roll, and it has advantage
This white gold ring is covered in a thin sheet of ice
on attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to your
and always feels cold to the touch. The ring has 3
Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 round). Once
charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at
used, this property of the ring can’t be used again
until the next dawn.
While wearing the ring, you can use an action to
Wergild. While wearing this ring, you can use an
expend 1 charge to surround yourself in a suit of
action to create a nonmagical duplicate of the ring
enchanted ice that resembles plate armor. For 1 hour,
that is worth 100 gp. You can bestow this ring upon
your AC can’t be less than 16, regardless of what kind
another as a gift. The ring can’t be used for common
of armor you are wearing, and you have resistance to
barter or trade, but it can be used for debts and
cold damage. The icy armor melts, ending the effect
payment of a warlike nature. You can give this ring to
early, if you take 20 fire damage or more.
a subordinate warrior in your service or to someone
Ring of the Grove’s Guardian to whom you owe a blood-debt, as a weregild in lieu
Ring, rare (requires attunement by a druid or ranger) of further fighting. You can create up to 3 of these
rings each week. Rings that are not gifted within 24
This pale gold ring looks as though made of hours of their creation vanish again.
delicately braided vines wrapped around a small,
rough obsidian stone. While wearing this ring, you Ring of the Water Dancer
have advantage on Wisdom Ring, rare (requires attunement)
(Perception) checks.
This thin braided purple ring is fashioned from a
You can use an action to
single piece of coral. While wearing this ring, you can
speak the ring’s command
stand on and move across any liquid surface as if it
word to activate it and draw
were solid ground. In addition, while walking atop
upon the vitality of the grove
any liquid, your movement
to which the ring is bound. You
speed increases by
regain 2d10 hit points. Once
10 feet and you
used, this property can’t be
gain a +1 bonus
used again until the next dawn.
to your AC.
Ring of the Jarl
Ring of Ursa
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
This thick band of hammered yellow gold is warm
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

This wooden ring is set with a strip of fossilized

to the touch even in the coldest of climes. While you
honey. While wearing this ring, you gain the
wear it, you have resistance to cold damage. If you are
following benefits:
also wearing boots of the winterlands, you are immune
to cold damage instead. • Your Strength score increases by 2, to a maximum
Bolstering Shout. When you roll for initiative while of 20.
wearing this ring, you can use a reaction to shout a • You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion)
checks made to interact with bearfolk.
In addition, while attuned to the ring, your hair
grows thick and abundant. Your facial features grow
RINGS OF THE JARL IN MIDGARD more snout-like, and your teeth elongate. If you
These rings are highly valued magic items among aren’t a bearfolk, you gain the following benefits
the warriors of the Northlands. Chieftains and reaver while wearing the ring:
leaders eagerly hunt for these rings, as they are a
• You can now make a bite attack as an unarmed
mark of prestige. Rings created by the ring of the
strike. When you hit with it, your bite deals
jarl are also prized, and owners of these magic rings
piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength
gift the duplicates to their most worthy thegns or
modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage
those who do them special service. It is rumored that
normal for an unarmed strike.
some of these rings are cursed. The ill-fated wearers
of such rings find themselves overcome with greed
• Your gain a powerful build and count as one size
and able to produce rings without giving them away,
larger when determining your carrying capacity
creating a hoard the wearers cannot bear to part
and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
with or leave unguarded.
Rod of Blade Bending rod has been a horse for a total of 1 hour, the magic
Rod, rare (requires attunement) ceases to function until the next dawn.
This simple iron rod functions as a magic mace that Rod of Deflection
grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
Rod, rare
with it.
Blade Bend. While holding the rod, you can use an This thin, flexible rod is made of
action to activate it, creating a magical field around braided silver and brass wire and
you for 10 minutes. When a creature attacks you topped with a spoon-like cup. While
with a melee weapon that deals piercing or slashing holding the rod, you can use a reaction
damage while the field is active, it must make a DC to deflect a ranged weapon attack against
15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature’s you. You can simply cause the attack to
attack misses. On a success, the creature’s attack miss, or you can attempt to redirect the
hits you, but you have resistance to any piercing or attack against another target, even
slashing damage dealt by the attack as the weapon your attacker. The attack must have
bends partially away from your body. Once used, this enough remaining range to reach the
property can’t be used again until the next dawn. new target. If the additional distance
between yourself and the new target
Rod of Bubbles is within the attack’s long range, it is
Rod, rare made at disadvantage as normal, using
the original attack roll as the first roll.
This rod appears to be made of foamy bubbles, but
The rod has 3 charges. You can
it is completely solid to the touch. This rod has 3
expend a charge as a reaction to
charges. While holding it, you can use an action to
redirect a ranged spell attack as if
expend 1 of its charges to conjure a bubble around
it were a ranged weapon attack,
a creature or object within 30 feet. If the target is
up to the spell’s maximum range.
a creature, it must make a DC 15 Strength saving
The rod regains 1d3 expended
throw. On a failed save, the target becomes trapped in
charges daily at dawn.
a 10-foot sphere of water. A Huge or larger creature
automatically succeeds on this saving throw. A Rod of Ghastly Might
creature trapped within the bubble is restrained
Rod, legendary (requires attunement)
unless it has a swimming speed and can’t breathe
unless it can breathe water. If the target is an object, The knobbed head of this tarnished
it becomes soaked in water, any fire effects are silver rod resembles the top half
extinguished, and any acid effects are negated. of a jawless, syphilitic skull, and it

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

The bubble floats in the exact spot where it was functions as a magic mace that grants a
conjured for up to 1 minute, unless blown by a strong +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
wind or moved by water. The bubble has 50 hit points, with it. The rod has properties associated
AC 8, immunity to acid damage and vulnerability to with five different buttons that are set
piercing damage. The inside of the bubble also has erratically along the haft. It has three other
resistance to all damage except piercing damage. The properties as well, detailed below.
bubble disappears after 1 minute or when it is reduced Five Buttons. You can press one of the rod’s
to 0 hit points. five buttons as a bonus action. A button’s
When not in use, this rod can be commanded to effect lasts until you push a different button or
take liquid form and be stored in a small vial. The rod until you push the same button again, which
regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. causes the rod to revert to its normal form.
If you press button 1, the rod’s head erupts
Rod of Conveyance in a fiery nimbus of abyssal energy that sheds
Rod, uncommon dim light in a 5-foot radius. While the rod is
ablaze, it deals an extra 1d6 fire damage and
The top of this rod is capped with a bronze horse
1d6 necrotic damage to any target it hits.
head, and its foot is decorated with a horsehair
If you press button 2, the rod’s head becomes
plume. By placing the rod between your legs, you can
enveloped in a black aura of enervating energy. When
use an action to temporarily transform the rod into
you hit a target with the rod while it is enveloped
a horse-like construct. This works like the phantom
in this energy, the target must succeed on a DC 17
steed spell, except you can use a bonus action to end
Constitution saving throw or deal only half damage
the effect early to use the rod again at a later time.
with weapon attacks that use Strength until the end
Deduct the time the horse was active in increments of
of its next turn.
1 minute from the spell’s 1-hour duration. When the
If you press button 3, a 2-foot blade springs from are unaffected. If this damage reduces a creature to 0
the tip of the rod’s handle as the handle lengthens hit points, it is desiccated.
into a 5-foot haft, transforming the rod into a magic A desiccated creature is reduced to a withered
glaive that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage corpse, but everything it is wearing and carrying is
rolls made with it. unaffected. The creature can be restored to life only by
If you press button 4, a 3-pronged, bladed means of a true resurrection or a wish spell. Once used,
grappling hook affixed to a long chain springs from this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
the tip of the rod’s handle. The bladed grappling
hook counts as a magic sickle with reach that grants Rod of Icicles
a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Rod, rare (requires attunement)
it. When you hit a target with the bladed grappling This white crystalline rod is shaped like an icicle.
hook, the target must succeed on an opposed The rod has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended
Strength check or fall prone. charges daily at dawn.
If you press button 5, the rod assumes or remains While holding the rod, you can use an action to
in its normal form and you can extinguish all expend 1 of its charges to attack one creature you
nonmagical flames within 30 feet of you. can see within 60 feet of you. The rod launches an
Turning Defiance. While holding the rod, you and icicle at the target and makes its attack roll with a +7
any undead allies within 30 feet of you have advantage bonus. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 piercing damage
on saving throws against effects that turn undead. and 2d6 cold damage. On a critical hit, the target
Contagion. When you hit a creature with a melee is also paralyzed until the end of its next turn as it
attack using the rod, you can force the target to make momentarily freezes.
a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the If you take fire damage while holding this rod, you
target is afflicted with a disease. This works like the become immune to fire damage for 1 minute, and
contagion spell. Once used, this property can’t be used the rod loses 2 charges. If the rod has only 1 charge
again until the next dusk. remaining when you take fire damage, you become
Create Specter. As an action, you can target a immune to fire damage, as normal, but the rod melts
humanoid within 10 feet of you that was killed by into a puddle of water and is destroyed.
the rod or one of its effects and has been dead for
no longer than 1 minute. The target’s spirit rises as a Rod of Reformation
specter under your control in the space of its corpse Rod, rare (requires attunement)
or in the nearest unoccupied space. You can have This rod of polished white oak is wrapped in a knotted
no more than one specter under your control at one cord with three iron rings binding each end. If you
time. Once used, this property can’t be used again are holding the rod and fail a saving throw against a
until the next dusk.
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

transmutation spell or other effect that would change

your body or remove or alter parts of you, you can
Rod of Hellish Grounding
choose to succeed instead. The rod can’t be used this
Rod, rare (requires attunement)
way again until the next dawn.
This curious jade rod is tipped with a The rod has 5 charges for the following properties.
knob of crimson crystal that glows and It regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
shimmers with eldritch phosphorescence. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
While holding or carrying the rod, you rings fall off, the cord unknots, and the entire rod
have darkvision out to a range of 30 feet, slowly falls to pieces and is destroyed.
and you have advantage on Dexterity Cure Transformation. While holding the rod, you
(Acrobatics) checks. can use an action to expend 1 charge while touching
Hellish Desiccation. While holding a creature that has been affected by a transmutation
this rod, you can use an action to fire spell or other effect that changed its physical form,
a crimson ray at an object or creature such as the polymorph spell or a medusa's Petrifying
made of metal that you can see within Gaze. The rod restores the creature to its original
60 feet of you. The ray forms a 5-foot form.
wide line between you and the If the creature is willingly transformed, such as
target. Each creature in that line a druid using Wild Shape, you must make a melee
that isn’t a construct or an undead weapon attack roll, using the rod. You are proficient
must make a DC 15 Dexterity with the rod if you are proficient with clubs. On a
saving throw, taking 8d6 force hit, you can expend 1 of the rod’s charges to force the
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a target to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw.
successful one. Creatures and objects made of metal On a failure, the target reverts to its original form.
Mend Form. While holding the rod, you can use Rod of Sanguine Mastery
an action to expend 2 charges to reattach a creature's Rod, very rare
severed limb or body part. The limb must be held in (requires attunement)
place while you use the rod, and the process takes 1
minute to complete. You can’t reattach limbs or other This rod is topped with a
body parts to dead creatures. If the limb is lost, you red ram’s skull with two
can spend 4 charges instead to regenerate the missing backswept horns.
piece, which takes 2 minutes to complete. As an action,
Reconstruct Form. While holding the rod, you can you can spend
use an action to expend 5 charges to reconstruct one or more Hit
the form of a creature or object that has been Dice, up to half of your
disintegrated, burned to ash, or similarly destroyed. maximum Hit Dice. For each Hit Die
An item is completely restored to its original state. A spent in this way, you roll the die and
creature’s body is fully restored to the state it was in add your Constitution modifier to it.
before it was destroyed. The creature isn’t restored You lose hit points equal to the total,
to life, but this reconstruction of its form allows the and a target within 60 feet of you must
creature to be restored to life by spells that require make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw,
the body to be present, such as raise dead. taking necrotic damage equal to the
total on a failed save, or half as much
Rod of Repossession damage on a successful one. You can’t
Rod, common use this feature if you don’t have blood.
Hit Dice spent on this feature can’t
This short, metal rod is engraved with arcane runes be used to regain hit points during a
and images of open hands. The rod has 3 charges and short rest. You regain spent Hit Dice
regains all expended charges daily at dawn. as normal.
While holding the rod, you can use an action to
expend 1 of its charges and target an object within Rod of Swarming Skulls
30 feet of you that isn’t being worn or carried. If the Rod, rare (requires attunement)
object weighs no more than 25 pounds, it floats to
your open hand. If you have no hands free, the object An open-mouthed skull caps this thick, onyx rod.
sticks to the tip of the rod until the end of your next The rod has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended
turn or until you remove it as a bonus action. charges daily at dusk.
While holding the rod, you can use an action and
Rod of Sacrificial Blessing expend 1 of the rod’s charges to unleash a swarm of
miniature spectral blue skulls at a target within 30

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

Rod, rare (requires attunement)
feet. The target must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving
This silvery rod is set with rubies on each throw. On a failure, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and
end. One end holds rubies shaped to becomes paralyzed with fear until the end of its next
resemble an open, fanged maw, and the turn. On a success, it takes half the damage and isn't
other end’s rubies are shaped to resemble paralyzed. Creatures that can’t be frightened are
a heart. immune to this effect.
While holding this rod, you can use an
action to spend one or more Hit Dice, up Rod of the Disciplinarian
to half your maximum Hit Dice, while Rod, uncommon (requires attunement)
pointing the heart-shaped ruby end of
the rod at a target within 60 feet of you. This black lacquered wooden rod is banded in steel,
For each Hit Die spent in this way, you has a flanged head, and functions as a magic mace. As
roll the die and add your Constitution a bonus action, you can brandish the rod at a creature
modifier to it. You lose hit points equal and demand it refrain from a particular activity—
to the total, and the target regains hit attacking, casting, moving, or similar. The activity
points equal to the total hit points you can be as specific (don’t attack the person next to
lost. You can’t use this feature if you you) or as open (don’t cast a spell) as you want, but
don’t have blood. Hit Dice spent on the activity must be a conscious act on the creature’s
this feature can’t be used to regain part, must be something you can determine is upheld
hit points during a short rest. You or broken, and can’t immediately jeopardize the
regain spent Hit Dice as normal. creature’s life. For example, you can forbid a creature
from lying only if you are capable of determining if
the creature is lying, and you can’t forbid a creature
that needs to breathe from breathing.
Justicars are arbiters of law and order, operating presence, many are grateful for their aid, especially
independently of any official city guard or watch in situations that could require magic. Justicar’s are
divisions. They are recognizable by their black, hooded a small, elite group, typically acting as solo agents,
robes, silver masks, and the rods they carry as weapons. though extremely dangerous situations bring them
These stern sentinels are overseen by The Magister, a together in pairs or larger groups as needed.
powerful wizard of whom little is known other than their The Justicars are outfitted with three symbols of
title. The Magister has made it their duty to oversee authority that are also imbued with power: their
order in the city and executes their plans through the masks, rods, and rings. Each by itself is a useful item,
Justicars, giving them the Magister’s mark, a signet ring, but they are made stronger when worn together. The
as a symbol of their authority. While some officers and combined powers of this trinity of items make a Justicar
members of the watch may be resentful of the Justicars’ a formidable force in the pursuit of law and order.

The creature can act normally, but if it performs Rod of the Jester
the activity you forbid, you can use a reaction to Rod, rare (requires attunement)
make a melee attack against it with the rod. You
This wooden rod is
can forbid only one creature at a time. If you forbid
decorated with colorful
another creature from performing an activity, the
scarves and topped with
previous creature is no longer forbidden from
a carving of a madly
performing activities.
grinning head.
Instruments of Law. If you are also attuned to and
Caper. While holding
wearing a Justicar’s mask (see page 149), you can cast
the rod, you can dance
the command spell (save DC 13) from the rod once
and perform general
per day. If you are attuned to and wearing a signet of
antics that attract attention.
the Magister (see page 88), you have advantage on the
Make a DC 10 Charisma
melee attack made as a reaction against a creature
(Performance) check. On
performing an activity you forbid.
a success, one creature that can
Rod of the Infernal Realms see and hear you must succeed on a
Rod, very rare (requires attunement DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or have
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)

checks made to perceive any creature
The withered, clawed hand of other than you for 1 minute. The effect
a demon or devil tops this ends if the target can no longer see or
iron rod. While holding this hear you or if you are incapacitated. You
rod, you gain a +2 bonus can affect one additional creature for each
to spell attack rolls, and 5 points by which you beat the DC (two
the save DC for your spells creatures with a result of 15, three creatures
increases by 2. with a result of 20, and so on). Once used,
Frightful Eyes. While holding this property can’t be used again until the
this rod, you can use a bonus next dawn.
action to cause your eyes to glow Hideous Laughter. While holding the
with infernal fire for 1 minute. rod, you can use an action to cast the hideous
While your eyes are glowing, a laughter spell (save DC 15) from it. Once used, this
creature that starts its turn or property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
enters a space within 10 feet of Slapstick. You can use an action to swing the rod
you must succeed on a Wisdom in the direction of a creature within 5 feet of you.
saving throw against your spell The target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving
save DC or become frightened of throw or be pushed up to 5 feet away from you and
you until your eyes stop glowing. A knocked prone. If the target fails the saving throw
frightened creature can repeat the by 5 or more, it is also stunned until the end of its
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending next turn.
the effect on itself on a success. Once used, you can’t
84 use this property again until the next dawn.
Rod of the Mariner holding the rod, you can use an action to expend 1 of
Rod, rare (requires attunement) its charges to cast the spike growth spell (save DC 15)
from it.
This thin bone rod is topped with the carved figurine
Embed Thorn. When you hit a creature with this
of an albatross in flight. The rod has 5 charges. You
rod, you can expend 1 of its charges to embed a thorn
can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges
in the creature. At the start of each of the creature’s
and point the rod at one or more creatures you can
turns, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
see within 30 feet of you, expending 1 charge for
saving throw or take 2d6 piercing damage from the
each creature. Each target must succeed on a DC
embedded thorn. If the creature succeeds on two
15 Wisdom saving throw or be cursed for 1 minute.
saving throws, the thorn falls out and crumbles to
A cursed creature has disadvantage on attack rolls
dust. The successes don’t need to be consecutive.
and saving throws while within 100 feet of a body of
If the creature dies while the thorn is embedded,
water that is at least 20 feet deep.
its body transforms into a patch of nonmagical
The rod regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at
brambles, which fill its space with difficult terrain.
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a
1, the rod crumbles to dust and is destroyed, and you Rod of Underworld Navigation
must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be
Rod, rare
cursed for 1 minute as if you had been the target of
the rod’s power. This finely carved rod is decorated with gold
and small dragon scales. While underground
Rod of the Wastes and holding this rod, you know how deep
Rod, legendary (requires attunement by a paladin) below the surface you are. You also know the
direction to the nearest exit leading upward.
Created by a holy order of knights to protect their
As an action while underground and holding
most important members on missions into badlands
this rod, you can use the find the path spell to
and magical wastelands, these red gold rods are
find the shortest, most direct physical route to
invaluable tools against the forces of evil. This rod has
a location you are familiar with on the surface.
a rounded head, and it functions as a magic mace that
Once used, the find the path property can’t be
grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
used again until 3 days have passed.
with it.
While holding or carrying the rod, you have Rod of Vapor
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Wisdom
Rod, common
(Survival) checks made in badlands and wasteland
terrain, and you have advantage on saving throws This wooden rod is topped with a dragon’s
against being charmed or otherwise compelled head, carved with its mouth yawning wide.

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

by aberrations and fiends. If you are charmed or While holding the rod, you can use an action
magically compelled by an aberration or fiend, the to cause a thick mist to issue from the dragon’s
rod flashes with crimson light, alerting others to mouth, filling your space. As long as you
your predicament. maintain concentration, you leave a trail of
Aberrant Smite. If you use Divine Smite when mist behind you when you move. The mist
you hit an aberration or fiend with this rod, you use forms a line that is 5 feet wide and as long as
the highest number possible for each die of radiant the distance you travel. This mist you leave
damage rather than rolling one or more dice for the behind you lasts for 2 rounds; its area is heavily
extra radiant damage. You must still roll damage obscured on the first round and lightly obscured
dice for the rod’s damage, as normal. Once used, this on the second, then it dissipates. When the rod has
property can’t be used again until the next dawn. produced enough mist to fill ten 5-foot-square areas,
Spells. You can use an action to cast one of the its magic ceases to function until the next dawn.
following spells from the rod: daylight, lesser restoration,
Rod of Verbatim
or shield of faith. Once you cast a spell with this rod, you
can’t cast that spell again until the next dawn. Rod, common
Tiny runic script covers much of this thin brass rod.
Rod of Thorns While holding the rod, you can use a bonus action
Rod, rare (requires attunement) to activate it. For 10 minutes, it translates any
Several long sharp thorns sprout along the edge of language spoken within 30 feet of it into Common.
this stout wooden rod, and it functions as a magic The translation can be auditory, or it can appear as
mace that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage glowing, golden script, a choice you make when you
rolls made with it. The rod has 5 charges and regains activate it. If the translation appears on a surface, the
1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. While surface must be within 30 feet of the rod and each
word remains for 1 round after it was spoken. The Alternatively, if you spend 10 minutes anointing
rod’s translation is literal, and it doesn’t replicate or the rod with a flask of holy water, you can cast the
translate emotion or other nuances in speech, body divination spell from it. If you cast divination in this
language, or culture. way, this property can’t be used again until 7 days
Once used, the rod can’t be used again until 1 hour have passed.
has passed.
Rowan Staff
Rod of Warning Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric, druid,
Rod, common sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
This plain, wooden rod is topped with an orb of clear, Favored by those with
polished crystal. You can use an action activate it ties to nature and
with a command word while designating a particular death, this staff can
kind of creature (orcs, wolves, etc.). When such a be wielded as a magic
creature comes within 120 feet of the rod, the crystal quarterstaff that
glows, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and grants a +1 bonus
dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can use an to attack and damage
action to deactivate the rod’s light or change the kind rolls made with it. While
of creature it detects. The rod doesn’t need to be in holding it, you have an
your possession to function, but you must have it in advantage on saving throws
hand to activate it, deactivate it, or change the kind of against spells.
creature it detects. The staff has 10 charges
for the following properties.
Root of the World Tree It regains 1d4 + 1 expended
Rod, uncommon charges daily at midnight, though
Crafted from the root burl of a sacred tree, this rod is it regains all its charges if it is
2 feet long with a spiked, knobby end. Runes inlaid bathed in moonlight at midnight.
with gold decorate the full length of the rod. This rod If you expend the last charge,
functions as a magic mace. roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses
Blood Anointment. You can perform a 1-minute its properties and becomes a
ritual to anoint the rod in your blood. If you do, your nonmagical quarterstaff.
hit point maximum is reduced by 2d4 until you finish Spell. While holding this staff,
a long rest. While your hit point maximum is reduced you can use an action to expend
in this way, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage 1 or more of its charges to cast
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

rolls made with this magic weapon, and, when you hit animate dead, using your spell
a fey or giant with this weapon, that creature takes an save DC and spellcasting
extra 2d6 necrotic damage. ability. The target bones or
Holy Anointment. If you spend 1 minute anointing corpse can be a Medium or
the rod with a flask of holy water, you can cast the smaller humanoid or beast.
augury spell from it. The runes carved into the rod Each charge animates a
glow and move, forming an answer to your query. separate target. These undead
creatures are under your
control for 24 hours. You can use an action to expend
1 charge each day to reassert your control of up to
ROOTS OF THE WORLD TREE IN MIDGARD four undead creatures created by this staff for another
In Midgard, these rods are crafted from carefully
24 hours.
harvested root cuttings of living World Trees. Those
Deanimate. You can use an action to strike an
who protect the trees carry these rods or gift them
undead creature with the staff in combat. If the attack
to heroes who provide the trees and its guardians
hits, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution
aid in times of need. A cursed root of the world
saving throw or revert to an inanimate pile of
tree occurs when a creature attempts to craft the
bones or corpse in its space. If the undead has the
rod from a corrupted World Tree or remnants of a
Incorporeal Movement trait, it is destroyed instead.
destroyed tree. The divination magics of a cursed
Deanimating an undead creature expends a number
rod might be prone to false prophecy, or the blood
of charges equal to twice the challenge rating of the
anointing might cause the wielder to enter an
creature (minimum of 1). If the staff doesn’t have
uncontrolled berserker rage.
enough charges to deanimate the target, the staff
doesn’t deanimate the target.
Rowdy’s Ring The staff has 10 charges for the following
Ring, uncommon properties. The staff regains 1d6 + 4 charges daily at
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a
The face of this massive ring is a thick slab of gold-
1, the staff dissolves into a shower of fragrant flower
plated lead, which is attached to twin rings that are
petals, which blow away in a sudden wind.
worn over the middle and ring fingers. The slab covers
Rebuke Fey. When you hit a fey creature with a
your fingers from the first and second knuckles, and
melee attack using the staff, you can expend 1 charge
it often has a threatening word or image engraved
to deal an extra 2d6 radiant damage to the target.
on it. While wearing the ring, your unarmed strike
If the fey has an evil alignment, the extra damage
uses a d4 for damage and attacks made with the ring
increases to 4d6, and the target must succeed on a
hand count as magical for the purpose of overcoming
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you
resistance and immunity to nonmagical
until the start of your next turn.
attacks and damage.
Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an
Scepter of Majesty action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of
Rod, rare (requires attunement) the following spells from it, using your spell save DC
and spellcasting ability: charm person (1 charge), conjure
While holding this bejeweled, golden woodland beings (4 charges), disguise self (1 charge),
rod, you can use an action to cast pass without trace (2 charges), or tree stride (5 charges).
the enthrall spell (save DC 15) from it, You can also use an action to cast the vicious mockery
exhorting those in range to follow you
cantrip from the staff without using any charges.
and obey your commands. When you
finish speaking, 1d6 creatures that failed Serpent Staff
their saving throw are affected as if by Staff, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock,
the dominate person spell. Each such or wizard)
creature treats you as its ruler, obeying
your commands and automatically Fashioned from twisted ash wood, this staff ’s head is
fighting in your defense should anyone carved in the likeness of a serpent preparing to strike.
attempt to harm you. If you are also You have resistance to poison damage while you hold
attuned to and wearing a headdress of this staff.
majesty (see page 146), your charmed The staff has 10 charges for the following
subjects have advantage on attack properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily
rolls against any creature that at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20.
attacked you or that cast an obvious On a 1, the carved snake head twists and magically
spell on you within the last round. consumes the rest of the staff, destroying it.

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

The scepter can’t be used this way Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an
again until the next dawn. action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one
of the following spells from it, using your spell save
Second Wind DC: cloudkill (5 charges), detect poison and disease (1
Ring, common charge), poisoned volley* (2 charges), or protection from
poison (2 charges). You can also use an action to cast
This plain, copper band holds a clear, spherical
crystal. When you run out of breath or are choking,
you can use a reaction to activate the ring. The crystal
shatters and air fills your lungs, allowing you to
continue to hold your breath for a number of minutes SEELIE AND UNSEELIE STAVES IN MIDGARD
equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier (minimum 30 In Midgard, a seelie staff is a symbol of the Summer
seconds). A shattered crystal magically reforms at the Court of Silendora and its bearer is seen as a
next dawn. representative or defender of the Summer Lands.
Likewise, the bearer of the unseelie staff (see page 99)
Seelie Staff represents the moonlit courts of the shadow fey. Elves
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, and fey creatures view those that wield these staves
warlock, or wizard) with respect and fear. Of course, they also assume
This white ash staff is decorated with gold and tipped the bearer received the staff from their respective
with an uncut crystal of blue quartz. This staff can be courts. Should they find out that is not the case, they
wielded as a magic quarterstaff. While holding the may attempt to reclaim the stolen property for their
staff, you have advantage on Charisma checks made masters, or at least inform them of the thief so justice
to influence or interact socially with fey creatures. may be meted out later.

the poison spray spell from the staff action to touch the ring to a creature—requiring
without using any charges. Spells a melee attack roll unless the creature is willing
marked with an asterisk (*) can be or incapacitated—and magically brand it with the
found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. ring’s crest.
Serpent Form. While holding the When a branded creature harms you, it takes
staff, you can use an action cast polymorph 2d6 psychic damage and must succeed on a DC 15
on yourself, transforming into a serpent Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of
or snake that has a challenge rating of 2 or its next turn. On a success, a creature is immune to
lower. While you are in the form of a serpent, this property of the ring for the next 24 hours, but
you retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and the brand remains until removed. You can remove
Charisma scores. You can remain in serpent the brand as an action. The remove curse spell also
form for up to 1 minute, and you can revert to removes the brand. Once you brand a creature, you
your normal form as an action. Once used, this can’t brand another creature until the next dawn.
property can’t be used again until the next dawn. Instruments of Law. If you are also attuned to and
wearing a Justicar’s mask (see page 149), you can cast
Shimmer Ring the locate creature to detect a branded creature at will
Ring, rare (requires attunement) from the ring. If you are also attuned to and carrying
This ring is crafted of silver with an inlay of a rod of the disciplinarian (see page 83), the psychic
mother-of-pearl. While wearing the ring, you can damage from the brand increases to 3d6 and the save
use an action to speak a command word and cause DC increases to 16.
the ring to shed white and sparkling bright light in
a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20
Slatelight Ring
feet. The light lasts until you use a bonus action to Ring, rare (requires attunement)
repeat the command word. This decorated thick gold band is
The ring has 6 charges for the following adorned with a single polished piece
properties. It regains 1d6 charges daily at dawn. of slate. While wearing this ring,
Bestow Shimmer. While wearing the ring, you you have darkvision out to a range
can use a bonus action to expend 1 of its charges to of 60 feet. If you already have
charge a weapon you wield with silvery energy until darkvision, wearing this ring
the start of your next turn. When you hit with an increases its range by 60 feet.
attack using the charged weapon, the target takes an In addition, you can use an
extra 1d6 radiant damage. action to cast the faerie fire spell (DC
Shimmering Aura. While wearing the ring, you can 15) from it. The ring can’t be used this way
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

use an action to expend 1 of its charges to surround again until the next dawn.
yourself with a silvery, shimmering aura of light for 1
Soldra’s Staff
minute. This bright light extends from you in a 5-foot
Staff, uncommon (requires attunement by a wizard)
radius and is sunlight. While you are surrounded in
this light, you have resistance to radiant damage. Crafted by a skilled wizard and meant to be a
Shimmering Bolt. While wearing spellcaster’s last defense, this staff is 5 feet long, made
the ring, you can use an action to of yew wood that curves at its top, is iron shod at its
expend 1 to 3 of its charges to mid-section, and capped with a silver dragon’s claw
attack one creature you can see that holds a lustrous, though rough and uneven,
within 60 feet of you. The ring black pearl. When you make an attack with this staff,
produces a bolt of silvery light it howls and whistles hauntingly like the wind. When
and makes its attack roll with you cast a spell from this staff, it chirps like insects on
a +7 bonus. On a hit, the target a hot summer night.
takes 2d6 radiant damage for each This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that
charge you expend. grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with it.
Signet of the Magister It has 3 charges. While holding the staff, you can use
Ring, rare (requires attunement) an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast
This heavy, gold ring is set with a round piece of one of the following spells from it, using your spell
carnelian, which is engraved with the symbol of save DC: faerie fire (1 charge) or gust of wind (2 charges).
an eagle perched upon a crown. While wearing the The staff regains 1d3 expended charges daily at
ring, you have advantage on saving throws against dawn. Once daily, it can regain 1 expended charge by
enchantment spells and effects. You can use an exposing the staff ’s pearl to moonlight for 1 minute.
Spider Staff of the following spells from it, using your spell save
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid, DC: arcane lock (2 charges), hold monster (5 charges),
sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) hold person (2 charges), lock armor* (2 charges), or
planar binding (5 charges). Spells marked with an
Delicate web-like designs are carved into the
asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition.
wood of this twisted staff, which is often topped
Unbound. While holding the staff, you can use
with the carved likeness of a spider. The staff
your reaction to expend 1 charge and gain advantage
has 10 charges for the following properties. It
on a saving throw you make to avoid being paralyzed
regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn.
or restrained.
If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1,
a swarm of spiders appears and consumes the Staff of Camazotz
staff then vanishes.
Staff, very rare (requires
Spells. While holding the staff, you can use
attunement by a cleric, druid,
an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
cast one of the following spells from it, using
your spell save DC: giant insect (4 charges), This staff of petrified wood is
spider climb (2 charges), or web (2 charges). topped with a stylized carving
Spider Swarm. While holding the staff, of a bat with spread wings, a
you can use an action and expend 1 charge mouth baring great fangs, and a
to cause a swarm of spiders to appear in pair of ruby eyes. It has 10 charges
a space that you can see within 60 feet of and regains 1d6 + 4 charges daily
you. The swarm is friendly to you and your at dawn. As long as the staff
companions but otherwise acts on its holds at least 1 charge, you can
own. The swarm of spiders remains for 1 communicate with bats as if you
minute, until you dismiss it as an action, shared a language. Bat and bat-like
or until you move more than 100 feet beasts and monstrosities never attack
away from it. you unless magically forced to do so or
unless you attack them first.
Splinter Staff While holding the staff, you can use an
Staff, uncommon action to expend 1 or more of its charges
to cast one of the following spells from
This roughly made staff has cracked and splintered
it, using your spell save DC: darkness (2
ends and can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff.
charges), dominate monster (8 charges), or
When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with
flame strike (5 charges).
this weapon, you embed a splinter in the target’s

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

body, and the pain and discomfort of the splinter is Staff of Channeling
distracting. While the splinter remains embedded,
Staff, uncommon (requires attunement
the target has disadvantage on Dexterity,
by a sorcerer or wizard)
Intelligence, and Wisdom checks, and, if it is
concentrating on a spell, it must succeed on a DC This plain, wooden staff has 5 charges and
10 Constitution saving throw at the start of each regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
of its turns to maintain concentration on the spell. When you cast a spell while holding this staff, you
A creature, including the target, can take its action can expend 1 or more of its charges as part of the
to remove the splinter by succeeding on a DC 13 casting to increase the level of the spell. Expending
Wisdom (Medicine) check. 1 charge increases the spell’s level by 1, expending
3 charges increases the spell’s level by 2, and
Staff of Binding expending 5 charges increases the spell’s level by 3.
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, When you increase a spell’s level using the staff,
or wizard) the spell casts as if you used a spell slot of a higher
level, but you don’t expend that higher-level spell
Made from stout oak with steel bands and bits of
slot. You can’t use the magic of this staff to increase
chain running its entire length, the staff feels oddly
a spell to a slot level higher than the highest spell
heavy. This staff has 10 charges for the following
level you can cast. For example, if you are a 7th-level
properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily
wizard, and you cast magic missile, expending a 2nd-
at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On
level spell slot, you can expend 3 of the staff ’s charges
a 1, the staff constricts in upon itself and is destroyed.
to cast the spell as a 4th-level spell, but you can’t
Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an
expend 5 of the staff ’s charges to cast the spell as a
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one
5th-level spell since you can’t cast 5th-level spells.
Staff of Desolation saving throw. This effect ends after the target has used
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, the good fortune three times or when 24 hours have
warlock, or wizard) passed.
Misfortune. While holding the staff, you can use an
This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that
action to touch a creature with the silver end of the
grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
staff. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
with it. When you hit an object or structure with a
saving throw or have disadvantage on one of the
melee attack using the staff, you deal double damage
following (your choice): ability checks, attack rolls,
(triple damage on a critical hit).
or saving throws. If the target fails the saving throw,
The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you
the staff regains 1 expended charge. This effect lasts
can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges
until removed by the remove curse spell or until you
to cast one of the following spells from it, using
use an action to expend 1 of its charges and touch the
your spell save DC: thunderwave (1 charge), shatter
creature with the gold end of the staff.
(2 charges), circle of death (6 charges), disintegrate (6
Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action
charges), or earthquake (8 charges).
to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at
following spells from it, using your spell save DC:
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a
augury (2 charges), bane (1 charge), bless (1 charge),
1, the staff crumbles to dust and is destroyed.
remove curse (3 charges), or divination (4 charges). You
Staff of Dissolution can also use an action to cast the guidance spell from
Staff, very rare (requires attunement the staff without using any charges.
by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
Staff of Feathers
A gray crystal floats in the crook Staff, rare (requires attunement
of this twisted staff. The crystal by a spellcaster)
breaks into fragments as it slowly
Several eagle feathers line the top of this
revolves, and those fragments
long, thin staff. The staff has 10 charges for
break into smaller pieces then into
the following properties. It regains 1d6 +
clouds of dust. In spite of this, the
4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you
crystal never seems to reduce in size.
expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a
You have resistance to necrotic damage
1, the staff explodes into a mass of eagle
while you hold this staff.
feathers and is destroyed.
The staff has 10 charges. While holding
Feather Travel. When you are targeted
it, you can use an action to expend 1 or
by a ranged attack while holding the
more of its charges to cast one of the
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

staff, you can use a reaction to teleport

following spells from it, using your spell
up to 10 feet to an unoccupied space
save DC: blight (4 charges), disintegrate (6
that you can see. When you do, you
charges), or shatter (2 charges).
briefly transform into a mass of
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended
feathers, and the attack misses. Once
charges daily at dawn. If you expend
used, this property can’t be used
the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
again until the next dawn.
staff crumbles to dust.
Spells. While holding the staff,
Staff of Fate you can use an action to expend 1
Staff, very rare (requires attunement or more of its charges to cast one of
by a bard or cleric) the following spells from it, using
your spell save DC: conjure animals
One half of this staff is crafted of white (2 giant eagles only, 3 charges),
ash and capped in gold, while the other is fly (3 charges), or gust of wind (2
ebony and capped in silver. The staff has 10 charges).
charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 +
4 charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, Staff of Giantkin
roll a d20. On a 1, the staff splits into two halves with Staff, rare (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, druid,
a resounding crack and becomes nonmagical. sorcerer, or wizard)
Fortune. While holding the staff, you can use an
This stout, oaken staff is 7 feet long, bound in iron,
action to expend 1 of its charges and touch a creature
and topped with a carving of a broad, thick-fingered
with the gold end of the staff, giving it good fortune.
hand. While holding this magic quarterstaff, your
The target can choose to use its good fortune and
Strength score is 20. This has no effect on you if
have advantage on one ability check, attack roll, or
your Strength is already 20 or higher. The staff has Some of the staff ’s properties require the target to
10 charges for the following properties. It regains make a saving throw to resist or lessen the property’s
1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you effects. The saving throw DC is equal to 8 + your
expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the hand proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
slowly clenches into a fist, and the staff becomes a Bamboo in the Rainy Season. While holding the
nonmagical quarterstaff. staff, you can use a bonus action to expend 1 charge
Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an to grant the staff the reach property until the start of
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast your next turn.
one of the following spells from it, using your spell Gate to the Hell of Being Roasted Alive. While
save DC: enhance ability (bear’s endurance or bull’s holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1
strength only, 2 charges), enlarge/reduce (enlarge only, charge to cast the scorching ray spell from it. When
2 charges), or longstrider (1 charge). you make the spell’s attacks, you use your Wisdom
Throw Boulder. You can use an action to expend up modifier as your spellcasting ability.
to 3 of the staff ’s charges to force the staff 's hand to Iron Whirlwind. While holding the staff, you use an
grasp an object within 5 feet of you that is no larger action to expend 2 charges, causing weighted chains
than a Small boulder and hurl it at a point you can see to extend from the end of the staff and reducing your
within 100 feet of you. Each creature within 5 feet of speed to 0 until the end of your next turn. As part of
that point must make a Dexterity saving throw, using the same action, you can make one attack with the
your spell save DC. For each charge you expend, a staff against each creature within your reach. If you
creature takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage on a failed roll a 1 on any attack, you must immediately make an
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. attack roll against yourself as well before resolving
any other attacks against opponents.
Staff of Ice and Fire Monkey Steals the Peach. While holding the staff,
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, you can use a bonus action to expend 1 charge to
warlock, or wizard) extend sharp, grabbing prongs from the end of the
Made from the branch of a white ash tree, this staff staff. Until the start of your next turn, each time you
holds a sapphire at one end and a ruby at the other. hit a creature with the staff, the target takes piercing
The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can damage instead of the bludgeoning damage normal
use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to for the staff, and the target must make a DC 15
cast one of the following spells from it, using your Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target
spell save DC and spellcasting ability: flaming sphere is incapacitated until the end of its next turn as it
(2 charges), freezing sphere (6 charges), sleet storm (3 suffers crippling pain. On a success, the target has
charges), or wall of fire (4 charges). disadvantage on its next attack roll.

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at Rebuke the Disobedient Child. When you are hit by
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, a creature you can see within your reach while holding
the staff and its gems crumble into ash and snow and this staff, you can use a reaction to expend 1 charge to
are destroyed. make an attack with the staff against the attacker.
Seven Vengeful Demons Death Strike. While holding
Staff of Master Lu Po the staff, you can use an action to expend 7 charges
Staff, legendary and make one attack against a target within 5 feet of
(requires attunement by a fighter or monk) you with the staff. If the attack hits, the target takes
This plain-looking, wooden staff can be wielded as bludgeoning damage as normal, and it must make
a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack a Constitution saving throw, taking 7d8 necrotic
and damage rolls made with it. damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
The staff has 12 charges and regains 1d6 expended a successful one. If the target dies from this damage,
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, the staff ceases to function as anything other than a
roll a d20. On a 1, the staff retains its +1 bonus to magic quarterstaff until the next dawn, but it regains
attack and damage rolls, loses all other properties, all expended charges when its powers return. A
and the next time you roll a 20 on an attack roll using humanoid killed by this damage rises at the start of
the staff, it explodes, dealing an extra 6d6 force your next turn as a zombie that is permanently under
damage to the target then is destroyed. On a 20, the your command, following your verbal orders to the
staff regains 1d10 + 2 charges. best of its ability.

Swamp Hag's Deadly Breath. While holding the Staff of Parzelon
staff, you can use an action to expend 2 charges to Staff, legendary (requires attunement by
expel a 15-foot cone of poisonous gas out of the end a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
of the staff. Each creature in the area must make a
This tarnished silver staff is tipped with
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature
the unholy visage of a fiendish lion skull
takes 4d6 poison damage and is poisoned for 1 hour.
carved from labradorite—a likeness of
On a success, a creature takes half the damage and
the Arch-Devil Parzelon (see Creature
isn’t poisoned.
Codex). The staff can be wielded as a magic
Vaulting Leap of the Clouds. If you are holding the
quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to
staff and it has at least 1 charge, you can cast the jump
attack and damage rolls made with it.
spell from it as a bonus action at will without using
While you hold it, you gain a +2 bonus to
any charges, but you can target only yourself when
spell attack rolls.
you do so.
The staff has 20 charges for the
Staff of Midnight following properties. It regains 2d8 + 4
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, expended charges daily at dusk. If you
warlock, or wizard) expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a
20, the staff regains 1d8 + 2 charges.
Fashioned from a single branch of polished ebony, Spells. While holding the staff, you can
this sturdy staff is topped by a lustrous jet. While use an action to expend 1 or more of its
holding it and in dim light or darkness, you gain a +1 charges to cast one of the following spells
bonus to AC and saving throws. from it, using your spell save DC and
This staff has 10 charges. While holding the staff, spellcasting ability: charm person (1 charge),
you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its dominate person (5 charges), lightning bolt (3
charges to cast one of the following spells from it, charges), locate creature (4 charges), locate
using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: circle object (2 charges), magic missile (1 charge),
of death (6 charges), darkness (2 charges), or vampiric scrying (5 charges), or suggestion (2 charges). You can
touch (3 charges). You can also use an action to cast also use an action to cast one of the following spells
the chill touch cantrip from the staff without using any from the staff without using any charges: comprehend
charges. languages, detect evil and good, detect magic, identify, or
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at message.
dusk. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, Extract Ageless Knowledge. As an action, you can
the staff crumbles to dark powder and is destroyed. touch the head of the staff to a corpse. You must form
Staff of Minor Curses a question in your mind as part of this action. If the
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

corpse has an answer to your question, it reveals the

Staff, common
information to you. The answer is always brief—no
This twisted, wooden staff has 10 charges. While more than one sentence—and very specific to the
holding it, you can use an action to inflict a minor framed question. The corpse doesn’t need a mouth
curse on a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. to answer; you receive the information telepathically.
The target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution The corpse knows only what it knew in life, and it is
saving throw or be affected by the chosen curse. under no compulsion to offer a truthful answer if you
A minor curse causes a non-debilitating effect or are hostile to it or it recognizes you as an enemy. This
change in the creature, such as an outbreak of boils property doesn’t return the creature’s soul to its body,
on one section of the target’s skin, intermittent only its animating spirit. Thus, the corpse can’t learn
hiccupping, transforming the target’s ears into small, new information, doesn’t comprehend anything
donkey-like ears, or similar effects. The curse never that has happened since it died, and can’t speculate
interrupts spellcasting and never causes disadvantage about future events. Once the staff has been used to
on ability checks, attack rolls, or saving throws. The ask a corpse 5 questions, it can’t be used to extract
curse lasts for 24 hours or until removed by the remove knowledge from that same corpse again until 3 days
curse spell or similar magic. have passed.
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, Staff of Portals
the staff dissolves into a cloud of noxious gas, and you Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a wizard)
are targeted with a minor curse of the GM’s choice. This iron-shod wooden staff is heavily worn, and
it can be wielded as a quarterstaff that grants a +1
bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The
staff has 10 charges and regains 1d6 + 4 expended
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, Spore Cloud. While holding the staff, you can use an
roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses all of its magic and action to expend 3 charges to release a cloud of spores
becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff. in a 20-foot radius from you. The spores remain
While holding the staff, you can use an action to for 1 minute, making the area lightly obscured for
expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the creatures other than you. The cloud moves with you,
following spells from it, using your spell save DC: remaining centered on you. When a creature, other
arcane lock (2 charges), dimension door (4 charges), than you, enters the cloud of spores for the first time
knock (2 charges), or passwall (5 charges). on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take
Staff of Scrying 1d6 poison damage and become poisoned until the
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, start of its next turn. A wind of at least 10 miles per
warlock, or wizard) hour disperses the spores and ends the effect.
This is a graceful, highly polished wooden staff
crafted from willow. A crystal ball tops the
Staff of the Armada
staff, and smooth gold bands twist around its Staff, rare (requires attunement by a wizard)
shaft. This staff has 10 charges. While holding This gold-shod staff is constructed out of a
it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more piece of masting from a galleon. The staff can
of its charges to cast one of the following be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants
spells from it, using your spell save DC: detect you a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
thoughts (2 charges), locate creature (4 charges), made with it. While you are on board a ship,
locate object (2 charges), scrying (5 charges), or this bonus increases to +2.
true seeing (6 charges). The staff has 10 charges and regains 1d8
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. If you
daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1,
roll a d20. On a 1, a bright flash of light erupts the staff loses all of its magic and becomes a
from the crystal ball, and the staff vanishes. nonmagical quarterstaff.
Spells. While holding the staff, you can use
Staff of Spores an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid) cast one of the following spells from it, using
Mold and mushrooms coat this gnarled your spell save DC and spellcasting ability:
wooden staff. The staff has 10 charges for control water (4 charges), fog cloud (1 charge),
the following properties. It regains 1d6 + gust of wind (2 charges), or water walk (3
4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you charges). You can also use an action to cast the

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the ray of frost cantrip from the staff without using
staff rots into tiny clumps of slimy, organic any charges.
matter and is destroyed.
Mushroom Disguise. While holding the
Staff of the Artisan
staff, you can use an action to expend 2 Staff, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
charges to cover yourself and anything This simple, wooden staff can be wielded as a magic
you are wearing or carrying with a magical quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and
illusion that makes you look like a damage rolls made with it.
mushroom for up to 1 hour. You can appear The staff has 10 charges for the following
to be a mushroom of any color or shape as long as properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily
it is no more than one size larger or smaller than at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On
you. This illusion ends early if you move or speak. a 1, the staff vanishes in a flash of light, lost forever.
The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to Create Object. You can use an action to expend 2
physical inspection. For example, if you appear to charges to conjure an inanimate object in your hand
have a spongy cap in place of your head, someone or on the ground in an unoccupied space you can
touching the cap would feel your face or hair instead. see within 10 feet of you. The object can be no larger
Otherwise, a creature must take an action to than 3 feet on a side and weigh no more than 10
visually inspect the illusion and succeed on a DC 20 pounds, and its form must be that of a nonmagical
Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that you object you have seen. You can’t create items that
are disguised. ordinarily require a high degree of craftsmanship,
Speak with Plants. While holding the staff, you can such as jewelry, weapons, glass, or armor, unless you
use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the have proficiency with the type of artisan’s tools used
speak with plants spell from it. to craft such objects. The object sheds dim light in a
5-foot radius. The object disappears after 1
hour, when you use this property again, or if
the object takes or deals any damage.
Spells. While holding the staff, you can
use an action to expend 1 or more of its
charges to cast one of the following spells
from it, using your spell save DC: animate
objects (5 charges), fabricate (4 charges) or
floating disk (1 charge). You can also use an
action to cast the mending spell from the staff
without using any charges.

Staff of the Cephalopod

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a bard, cleric,
druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
This ugly staff is fashioned from a piece of gnarled
driftwood and is crowned with an octopus carved
from brecciated jasper. Its gray and red stone
tentacles wrap around the top half of the staff. While
holding this staff, you have a
swimming speed of 30 feet.
This staff has 10 charges
for the following properties.
It regains 1d6 + 4 expended
charges daily at dawn. If you
expend the last charge, roll
a d20. On a 1, the jasper
octopus crumbles to dust,
and the staff becomes
a nonmagical piece of
Spells. While holding this staff,
you can use an action to expend 1 Staff of the Four Winds
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

or more of its charges to cast one of

Staff, very rare
the following spells from it, using
(requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
your spell save DC and spellcasting
ability: black tentacles (4 charges), Made of gently twisting ash and engraved with
conjure animals (only beasts that can spiraling runes, the staff feels strangely lighter than
breathe water, 3 charges), darkness its size would otherwise suggest. This staff has 10
(2 charges), or water breathing (3 charges. While holding the staff, you can use an
charges). action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one
Ink Cloud. While holding this of the following spells from it, using your spell save
staff, you can use an action and expend DC and spellcasting ability: circle of wind* (1 charge),
1 charge to cause an inky, black cloud to feather fall (1 charge), gust of wind (2 charges), storm
spread out in a 30-foot radius from you. The god’s doom* (3 charges), wind tunnel* (1 charge), wind
cloud can form in or out of water. The cloud walk (6 charges), wind wall (3 charges), or wresting
remains for 10 minutes, making the area wind* (2 charges). You can also use an action to cast
heavily obscured for creatures other than you. the wind lash* spell from the staff without using
The cloud moves with you, remaining centered on any charges. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can
you. A wind of at least 10 miles per hour or a steady be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At the GM’s
current (if underwater) disperses the cloud and ends discretion, spells from Deep Magic for 5th Edition can
the effect. be replaced with other spells of similar levels and
similarly related to breezes, wind, or movement.
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a
1, the staff crumbles into ashes and is taken away with
94 the breeze.
Staff of the Lantern Bearer Staff of the Scion
Staff, uncommon Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric, druid,
An iron hook is affixed to the top of this plain, warlock, or wizard)
wooden staff. While holding this staff, you can use This unwholesome staff is crafted of a material that
an action to cast the light spell from it at will, but appears to be somewhere between weathered wood
the light can emanate only from the staff ’s hook. If and dried meat. It weeps beads of red liquid that are
a lantern hangs from the staff ’s hook, you gain the thick and sticky like tree sap but smell of blood. A
following benefits while holding the staff: crystalized yellow eye with a rectangular pupil, like
• You can control the light of the lantern, lighting the eye of a goat, sits at its top. You can wield the
or extinguishing it as a bonus action. The lantern staff as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to
must still have oil, if it requires oil to produce a attack and damage rolls made with it.
flame. The staff has 10 charges for the following
properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily
• The lantern’s flame can’t be extinguished by wind
at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On
or water.
a 1, the eye liquifies as the staff shrivels and twists into
• If you are a spellcaster, you can use the staff as a a blackened, smoking ruin and is destroyed.
spellcasting focus. When you cast a spell that deals Ember Cloud. While holding the staff, you can use
fire or radiant damage while using this staff as an action and expend 2 charges to release a cloud of
your spellcasting focus, you gain a +1 bonus to the burning embers from the staff. Each creature within
spell’s attack roll, or the spell’s save DC increases 10 feet of you must make a DC 15 Constitution
by 1 (your choice). saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Staff of the Peaks The ember cloud remains until the start of your next
Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a druid) turn, making the area lightly obscured for creatures
This staff is made of rock crystal yet weighs the same other than you. A wind of at least 10 miles per hour
as a wooden staff. The staff can be wielded as a magic disperses the cloud and ends the effect.
quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and Fiery Strike. When you hit with a melee attack using
damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you gain the staff, you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra 2d6
a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls. In addition, you are fire damage to the target. If you take fire damage while
immune to the effects of high altitude and severe cold wielding the staff, you have advantage on attack rolls
weather, such as hypothermia and frostbite. with it until the end of your next turn. While holding
The staff has 10 charges for the following the staff, you have resistance to fire damage.
properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the
a 1, the staff shatters into fine stone fragments and is following spells from it, using your spell save DC:
destroyed. augury (2 charges), barkskin (2 charges), confusion (4
Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an charges), entangle (1 charge), or wall of fire (4 charges).
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast
one of the following spells from it, using your spell
Staff of the Treant
save DC and spellcasting ability: control weather Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a druid)
(8 charges), fault line* (6 charges), gust of wind (2 This unassuming staff appears to be little more than
charges), ice storm (4 charges), jump (1 charge), snow the branch of a tree. While holding this staff, your
boulder* (4 charges), or wall of stone (5 charges). Spells skin becomes bark-like, and the hair on your head
marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in Deep transforms into a chaplet of green leaves. This staff
Magic for 5th Edition. can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1
Stone Strike. When you hit a creature or object bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.
made of stone or earth with this staff, you can Nature’s Guardian. While holding this staff, you
expend 5 of its charges to shatter the target. The have resistance to cold and necrotic damage, but
target must make a DC 17 Constitution saving you have vulnerability to fire and radiant damage. In
throw, taking an extra 10d6 force damage on a failed addition, you have advantage on attack rolls against
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If aberrations and undead, but you have disadvantage
the target is an object that is being worn or carried, on saving throws against spells and other magical
the creature wearing or carrying it must make the effects from fey and plant creatures.
saving throw, but only the object takes the damage. One with the Woods. While holding this staff, your
If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it AC can’t be less than 16, regardless of what kind of
shatters and is destroyed. armor you are wearing, and you can’t be tracked when
you travel through terrain with excessive vegetation, charges), raise dead (5 charges), revivify (3
such as a forest or grassland. charges), shared sacrifice* (2 charges), or
Tree Friend. While holding this staff, you can use speak with dead (3 charges). You can also
an action to animate a tree you can see within 60 feet use an action to cast the bless the dead* or
of you. The tree uses the statistics of an animated spare the dying spell from the staff without
tree and is friendly to you and your companions. Roll using any charges. Spells marked with an
initiative for the tree, which has its own turns. It obeys asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for
any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action 5th Edition.
required by you), as long as they don’t directly harm The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended
other trees or the natural world. If you don’t issue any charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
commands to the three, it defends itself from hostile last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the bone
creatures but otherwise takes no actions. Once used, staff crumbles to dust.
this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
Venerated Tree. If you spend 1 hour in silent Staff of Thorns
reverence at the base of a Huge or larger tree, you can Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a druid,
use an action to plant this staff in the soil above the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
tree’s roots and awaken the tree as a treant. The treant This gnarled and twisted oak staff has
isn’t under your control, but it regards you as a friend numerous thorns growing from its surface.
as long as you don’t harm it or the natural world Green vines tightly wind their way up along
around it. Roll a d20. On a 1, the staff roots into the the shaft. The staff can be wielded as a magic
ground, growing into a sapling, and losing its magic. quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack
Otherwise, after you awaken a treant with this staff, and damage rolls made with it.
you can’t do so again until 30 days have passed. The staff has 10 charges for the following
properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended
Staff of the Unhatched charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
Staff, uncommon (requires attunement by a sorcerer, last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the thorns
warlock, or wizard) immediately fall from the staff and it becomes
This staff carved from a burnt ash tree is topped with a nonmagical quarterstaff.
an unhatched dragon’s (see Creature Codex) skull. This Spells. While holding the staff, you can use
staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff. an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
The staff has 5 charges for the following properties. cast one of the following spells from it, using your
It regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dusk. If spell save DC: barkskin (2 charges), entangle (1 charge),
you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff speak with plants (3 charges), spike growth (2 charges),
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

crumbles to dust and is destroyed. or wall of thorns (6 charges).

Necrotic Strike. When you hit with a melee attack Thorned Strike. When you hit with a melee attack
using the staff, you can expend 1 charge to deal an using the staff, you can expend up to 3 of its charges.
extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target. For each charge you expend, the target takes an extra
Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an 1d6 piercing damage.
action to expend 1 charge to cast bane or protection
from evil and good from it using your spell save DC. Staff of Voices
You can also use an action to cast one of the following Staff, rare (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, druid,
spells from the staff without using any charges, using warlock, or wizard)
your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: chill touch The length of this wooden staff is carved with images
or minor illusion. of mouths whispering, speaking, and screaming. This
staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff. While
Staff of the White Necromancer holding this staff, you can’t be deafened, and you can
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric, sorcerer, or act normally in areas where sound is prevented, such
wizard of a non-evil alignment) as in the area of a silence spell. Any creature that is not
Crafted from polished bone, this strange staff is deafened can hear your voice clearly from up to 1,000
carved with numerous arcane symbols and mystical feet away if you wish them to hear it.
runes. The staff has 10 charges. While holding the The staff has 10 charges for the following
staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of properties. The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended
its charges to cast one of the following spells from charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
it, using your spell save DC: false life (1 charge), gentle roll a d20. On a 1, the mouths carved into the staff
repose (2 charges), heartstop* (2 charges), death ward (4 give a collective sigh and close, and the staff becomes
a nonmagical quarterstaff.
Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an you fail to avoid the effect, you take cold damage equal
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one to 16 × the number of charges in the staff. Every other
of the following spells from it, using your spell save creature in the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity
DC: divine word (7 charges), magic mouth (2 charges), saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes an
speak with animals (1 charge), speak with dead (3 amount of cold damage based on how far away it is
charges), speak with plants (3 charges), or word of recall from the point of origin as shown in the following
(6 charges). You can also use an action to cast the table. On a successful save, a creature takes half as
vicious mockery cantrip from the staff without using much damage.
any charges.
Thunderous Shout. While holding the staff, you can Distance from Origin Damage
use an action to expend 1 charge and release a chorus
10 ft. away or closer 8 × the number of charges
of mighty shouts in a 15-foot cone from it. Each
in the staff
creature in the area must make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failure, a creature takes 2d8 thunder 11 to 20 ft. away 6 × the number of charges
damage and is deafened for 1 minute. On a success, a in the staff
creature takes half the damage and is deafened until 21 to 30 ft. away 4 × the number of charges
the end of its next turn. A deafened creature can in the staff
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on itself on a success. Stone Staff
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer,
Staff of Winter and Ice
warlock, or wizard)
Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a sorcerer,
warlock, or wizard) Sturdy and smooth, this impressive staff is crafted
from solid stone. Most stone staves are crafted by
This pure white, pine staff is topped with an ornately dwarf mages and few ever find their way into non-
faceted shard of ice. The entire staff is cold to the dwarven hands. The staff can be wielded as a magic
touch. You have resistance to cold damage while you quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and
hold this staff. damage rolls made with it.
The staff has 20 charges for the following The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can
properties. It regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges daily use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On cast one of the following spells from it, using your
a 1, the staff retains its resistance to cold damage but spell save DC and spellcasting ability: earthskimmer*
loses all other properties. On a 20, the staff regains (4 charges), entomb* (6 charges), flesh to stone (6
1d8 + 2 charges. charges), meld into stone (3 charges), stone shape

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an (4 charges), stoneskin (4 charges), or wall of stone
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast (5 charges). You can also use an action to cast
one of the following spells from it, using your spell the pummelstone* or true strike spell from the staff
save DC and spellcasting ability: Boreas’s breath* without using any charges. Spells marked with an
(2 charges), cone of cold (5 charges), curse of Boreas* asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition.
(6 charges), ice storm (4 charges), flurry* (1 charge), The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily
freezing fog* (3 charges), freezing sphere (6 charges), at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20.
frostbite* (5 charges), frozen razors* (3 charges), gliding On a 1, hundreds of cracks appear across the staff ’s
step* (1 charge), sleet storm (3 charges), snow boulder* surface and it crumbles into tiny bits of stone.
(4 charges), triumph of ice* (7 charges), or wall of ice (6
charges). You can also use an action to cast the chill Stonedrift Staff
touch or ray of frost spell from the staff without using Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a druid,
any charges. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At the GM’s
discretion, spells from Deep Magic for 5th Edition can This staff is fashioned from petrified wood and
be replaced with other spells of similar levels and crowned with a raw chunk of lapis lazuli veined
similarly related to ice, snow, or wintry weather. with gold. The staff can be wielded as a magic
Retributive Strike. You can use an action to break quarterstaff.
the staff over your knee or against a solid surface, The staff has 10 charges for the following
performing a retributive strike. The staff is destroyed properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges
and releases its remaining magic in an explosion that daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
expands to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on it. roll a d20. On a 1, the staff crumbles to dust
You have a 50 percent chance to instantly travel to a and is destroyed.
random plane of existence, avoiding the explosion. If 97
Spells. While holding it, you can use an action Spells. While holding the
to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of staff, you can use an action to
the following spells from it, using your spell save expend 1 or more of its charges
DC: animate objects (only stone objects, 5 charges), to cast one of the following
earthquake (8 charges), passwall (only stone surfaces, 5 spells from it, using your spell
charges), or stone shape (4 charges). save DC and spellcasting ability:
Elemental Speech. You can speak and understand become nightwing* (6 charges),
Primordial while holding this staff. black hand* (4 charges), black
Favor of the Earthborn. While holding the staff, ribbons* (1 charge), black well*
you have advantage on Charisma checks made to (6 charges), cloak of shadow*
influence earth elementals or other denizens of the (1 charge), darkvision (2 charges),
Plane of Earth. darkness (2 charges), dark dementing*
Stone Glide. If the staff has at least 1 charge, you (5 charges), dark path* (2 charges),
have a burrowing speed equal to your walking speed, darkbolt* (2 charges), encroaching
and you can burrow through earth and stone while shadows* (6 charges), night terrors*
holding this staff. While doing so, you don’t disturb (4 charges), shadow armor* (1
the material you move through. charge), shadow hands* (1 charge),
shadow puppets* (2 charges), or slither*
Stygian Crook (2 charges). You can also use an action
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, to cast the claws of darkness*, douse light*,
warlock, or wizard) or shadow blindness* spell from the
This staff of gnarled, rotted wood ends in a hooked staff without using any charges. Spells
curvature like a twisted shepherd’s crook. The staff marked with an asterisk (*) can be
has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At
to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the the GM’s discretion, spells from Deep
following spells from it, using your spell save DC: Magic for 5th Edition can be replaced
bestow curse (3 charges), blight (4 charges), contagion (5 with other spells of similar levels
charges), false life (1 charge), or hallow (5 charges). and similarly related to darkness,
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at shadows, or terror.
dusk. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, Retributive Strike. You can
the staff turns to live maggots and is destroyed. use an action to break the staff
over your knee or against a solid
Umbral Band surface, performing a retributive
strike. The staff is destroyed and
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

This blackened steel ring is cold to the touch. While releases its remaining magic in
wearing this ring, you have darkvision out to a range of an explosion of darkness (as the
30 feet, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) darkness spell) that expands to fill a
checks while in an area of dim light or darkness. 30-foot‑radius sphere centered on it.
You have a 50 percent chance to instantly travel
Umbral Staff to the Plane of Shadow, avoiding the explosion. If
Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a sorcerer, you fail to avoid the effect, you take necrotic damage
warlock, or wizard) equal to 16 × the number of charges in the staff.
Every other creature in the area must make a DC 17
Made of twisted darkwood and covered in complex
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
runes and sigils, this powerful staff seems to emanate
takes an amount of damage based on how far away it
darkness. You have resistance to radiant damage
is from the point of origin as shown in the following
while you hold this staff.
table. On a successful save, a creature takes half as
The staff has 20 charges for the following
much damage.
properties. It regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges daily
at midnight. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20.
Distance from Origin Damage
On a 1, the staff retains its ability to cast the claws of
darkness*, douse light*, and shadow blindness* spells but 10 ft. away or closer 8 × the number of charges
loses all other properties. On a 20, the staff regains in the staff
1d8 + 2 charges. 11 to 20 ft. away 6 × the number of charges
in the staff
21 to 30 ft. away 4 × the number of charges
in the staff
Unseelie Staff new pathways to the Void, often as a means to solve
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, any problem or dilemma the wearer faces.
warlock, or wizard) Personality. Voidwalker is an obsequious thing that
takes great pains to cater to the desires of its wearer.
This ebony staff is decorated in silver and topped with
It comports itself as an advisor, majordomo, or other
a jagged piece of obsidian. This staff can be wielded as
high-ranking servant. In truth, its purpose is to
a magic quarterstaff. While holding the staff, you have
return to the Void and to take a mortal “master” with
advantage on Charisma checks made to influence or
it. Conflict arises if its wearer tries to seal a breach or
interact socially with fey creatures.
gateway into the Void or to discard the ring.
The staff has 10 charges for the following
The ring is clever and knows that most mortals want
properties. The staff regains 1d6 + 4 charges daily at
nothing to do with the Void directly. It also knows that
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a
most of the creatures with strength enough to claim
1, the staff dissolves into a shower of powdery snow,
it will end up in dire straits sooner or later. It doesn’t
which blows away in a sudden, chill wind.
overplay its hand trying to push a master to take a
Rebuke Fey. When you hit a fey creature with a
plunge into the depths of the Void, but instead makes
melee attack using the staff, you can expend 1 charge
itself as indispensable as possible. It provides counsel
to deal an extra 2d6 necrotic damage to the target.
and protection, all the while subtly pushing its master
If the fey has a good alignment, the extra damage
to take greater and greater risks.
increases to 4d6, and the target must succeed on a
Once it’s maneuvered its wearer into a position
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you
of desperation, generally on the brink of death,
until the start of your next turn.
Voidwalker offers a way out. If the master accepts, it
Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an
opens a gate into the Void, most likely sealing the
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one
creature’s doom.
of the following spells from it, using your spell save
DC and spellcasting ability: charm person (1 charge), Wand of Accompaniment
conjure woodland beings (4 charges), confusion (4 Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
charges), invisibility (2 charges), or teleport (7 charges).
You can also use an action to cast the vicious mockery Tiny musical notes have been etched into the sides
cantrip from the staff without using any charges. of this otherwise plain, wooden wand. It has 7
charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6
Voidwalker + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend
Ring, legendary (requires attunement) the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand
disintegrates with a small bang.
This band of tarnished silver bears no ornament or
Dance. While holding the wand, you can use an
inscription, but it is icy cold to the touch. The patches

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

action to expend 3 charges to cast the irresistible dance
of dark corrosion on the ring constantly, but subtly,
spell (save DC 17) from it. If the target is in the area of
move and change; though, this never occurs while
the Song property of this wand, it has disadvantage
anyone observes the ring.
on the saving throw.
While wearing Voidwalker, you gain the benefits of a
Song. While holding the wand, you can use an
ring of free action and a ring of resistance (cold). It has the
action to expend 1 charge to cause the area within a
following additional properties.
30-foot radius of you to fill with music for 1 minute.
Forbidden Lore. Voidwalker knows a great deal about
The type of music played is
esoteric and dark topics, and grants you the following
up to you, but it is performed
skill modifiers: Arcana +8, History +8, Religion +8.
flawlessly. Each creature in the
Necrotic Absorption. When you would take necrotic
area that can hear the music has
damage, you can use your reaction to absorb the
advantage on saving throws
damage instead. You regain hit points equal to the
against being deafened and against spells
necrotic damage you would have otherwise taken.
and effects that deal thunder damage.
Void Step. You can use the ring to cast misty step at
will. Instead of a puff of mist, you fade and reappear Wand of Air Glyphs
in a black smear in the air. Wand, common
Sentience. Voidwalker is a sentient neutral evil
ring with an Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 12, While holding this thin, metal wand, you can
and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and darkvision use action to cause the tip to glow. When you
out to a range of 120 feet. The ring communicates wave the glowing wand in the air, it leaves a trail
telepathically with its wearer and can also speak of light behind it, allowing you to write or draw
Abyssal, Common, Infernal, and Void Speech. It on the air. Whatever letters or images you make
constantly whispers suggestions for its wearer to find hang in the air for 1 minute before fading away.
Wand of Bristles activated the wand then forgotten the way due to the
Wand, rare (requires attunement) effects of the modify memory spell on you.
The wand regains all expended charges daily at
This wand is made from the bristles of a giant boar
dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20.
bound together with magical, silver thread. It weighs
On a roll of 1, the wand straightens and the arrow
1 pound and is 8 inches long. The wand has a strong
falls off, rendering it nonmagical.
boar musk scent to it, which is difficult to mask and
is noticed by any creature within 10 feet of you that Wand of Drowning
possesses the Keen Smell trait. The wand is comprised
Wand, very rare
of 10 individual bristles, and as long as the wand has
1 bristle, it regrows 2 bristles daily at dawn. While This wand appears to be carved from the bones of a
holding the wand, you can use your action to remove large fish, which have been cemented together. The
bristles to cause one of the following effects. wand has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges
Ghostly Charge (3 bristles). You toss the bristles daily at dawn.
toward one creature you can see. A phantom giant While holding this wand, you can use an action to
boar charges 30 feet toward the creature. If the expend 1 charge to cause a thin stream of seawater to
phantom’s path connects with the creature, the target spray toward a creature you can see within 60 feet of
must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or you. If the target can breathe only air, it must succeed
take 2d8 force damage and be knocked prone. on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or its lungs
Truffle (2 bristles). You plant the bristles in the fill with rancid seawater and it begins drowning. A
ground to conjure up a magical truffle. Consuming drowning creature chokes for a number of rounds
the mushroom restores 2d8 hit points. equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of
1 round). At the start of its turn after its choking
Wand of Depth Detection ends, the creature drops to 0 hit points and is dying,
Wand, common and it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized until
it can breathe again. A successful DC 15 Wisdom
This simple wooden wand has 7 charges and regains
(Medicine) check removes the seawater from the
1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. While
drowning creature’s lungs, ending the effect.
holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge
and point it at a body of water or other liquid. You Wand of Extinguishing
learn the liquid’s deepest point or its average depth
Wand, common
(your choice). In addition, you can use an action to
expend 1 charge while you are submerged in a liquid to This charred and blackened wooden wand has 3
determine how far you are beneath the liquid's surface. charges. While holding it, you can use an action to
expend 1 of its charges to extinguish a nonmagical
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

Wand of Direction flame within 10 feet of you that is no larger than

Wand, common a small campfire. The wand regains all expended
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last
This crooked, twisting wand is crafted of polished
charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a
ebony with a small, silver arrow affixed to its tip. The
wand of ignition (see page 101).
wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can expend
1 charge as an action to make the wand remember Wand of Fermentation
your path for up to 1,760 feet of movement. You can
Wand, uncommon
increase the length of the path the wand remembers
by 1,760 feet for each additional charge you expend. Fashioned out of oak, this wand appears heavily
When you expend a charge to make the wand stained by an unknown liquid. The wand has 7
remember your current path, the wand forgets the charges and regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at
oldest path of up to 1,760 feet that it remembers. dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20.
If you wish to retrace your steps, you can use a On a 1, the wand explodes in a puff of black smoke
bonus action to activate the wand’s arrow. The arrow and is destroyed.
guides you, pointing and mentally tugging you in the While holding the wand, you can use an action
direction you should go. The wand’s magic allows and expend 1 or more of its charges to transform
you to backtrack with complete accuracy despite nonmagical liquid, such as blood, apple juice, or
being lost, unable to see, or similar hindrances water, into an alcoholic beverage. For each charge you
against finding your way. The wand can’t counter or expend, you transform up to 1 gallon of nonmagical
dispel magic effects that cause you to become lost liquid into an equal amount of beer, wine, or other
or misguided, but it can guide you back in spite of spirit. The alcohol transforms back into its original
some magic hindrances, such as guiding you through form if it hasn’t been consumed within 24 hours of
the area of a darkness spell or guiding you if you had being transformed.
Wand of Flame Control
Wand, common
This wand is fashioned from a branch of pine,
stripped of bark and beaded with hardened resin.
The wand has 3 charges. If you use the wand as
an arcane focus while casting a spell that deals fire
damage, you can expend 1 charge as part of casting
the spell to increase the spell’s damage by 1d4.
In addition, while holding the wand, you can use
an action to expend 1 of its charges to cause one of
the following effects:
• Change the color of any flames within 30 feet.
• Cause a single flame to burn lower, halving the
range of light it sheds but burning twice as long.
• Cause a single flame to burn brighter, doubling the
range of the light it sheds but halving its duration.
The wand regains all expended charges daily at
dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a
d20. On a 1, the wand bursts into flames and burns
to ash in seconds.

Wand of Giggles Affliction. While holding the wand, you can use
Wand, common an action to expend 1 charge to cause a creature you
This wand is tipped with a feather. The wand has can see within 60 feet of you to become afflicted with
3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action unsightly, weeping sores. The target must succeed
to expend 1 of its charges and point the wand at a on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or have
humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you. The disadvantage on all Dexterity and Charisma checks
target must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving for 1 minute. An afflicted creature can repeat the
throw or be forced to giggle for 1 minute. Giggling saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
doesn’t prevent a target from taking actions or the effect on itself on a success.
moving. Pain. While holding the wand, you can use an
The wand regains all expended charges daily at action to expend 3 charges to cause a creature you

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a can see within 60 feet of you to become wracked
d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of tears with terrible pain. The target must succeed on a DC
(see page 102). 15 Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 necrotic
damage, and its movement speed is halved for 1
Wand of Guidance minute. A pained creature can repeat the saving
Wand, common throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
This slim, metal wand is topped with a cage shaped effect on itself a success. If the target is also suffering
like a three-sided pyramid. An eye of glass sits within from the Affliction property of this wand, it has
the pyramid. The wand has 3 charges. While holding disadvantage on the saving throw.
it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to Wand of Ignition
cast the guidance spell from it. The wand regains all
Wand, common
expended charges at dawn. If you expend the wand's
last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms The cracks in this charred and blackened wooden
into a wand of resistance (see page 102). wand glow like live coals, but the wand is merely
warm to the touch. The wand has 3 charges. While
Wand of Harrowing holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of
Wand, rare (requires attunement) its charges to set fire to one flammable object or
The tips of this twisted wooden wand are collection of material (a stack of paper, a pile of
exceptionally withered. The wand has 7 charges for kindling, or similar) within 10 feet of you that is Small
the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended or smaller. The wand regains all expended charges
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge,
charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand disintegrates into roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of
useless white powder. extinguishing (see page 100).
Wand of Plant Destruction Wand of Tears
Wand, rare (requires attunement) Wand, common
This wand of petrified wood has 7 charges. While The top half of this wooden wand is covered in thorns.
holding it, you can use an action to expend up to 3 of The wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can
its charges to harm a plant or plant creature you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and point the
see within 30 feet of you. The target must make a DC wand at a humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you.
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 necrotic The target must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving
damage for each charge you expended on a failed throw or be forced to cry for 1 minute. Crying doesn’t
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. prevent a target from taking actions or moving.
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at The wand regains all expended charges daily at
dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20.
On a 1, the wand shatters and is destroyed. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of giggles (see
page 101).
Wand of Relieved Burdens
Wand, uncommon Wand of the Timekeeper
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can Wand, rare (requires attunement)
use an action to expend 1 of its charges and touch a This smoothly polished wooden wand is perfectly
creature with the wand. If the creature is blinded, balanced in the hand. Its grip is wrapped with
charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, supple leather strips, and its length is decorated
or stunned, the condition is removed from the with intricate arcane symbols. When you use it while
creature and transferred to you. You suffer the playing a drum, you have advantage on Charisma
condition for the remainder of its duration or until it (Performance) checks. The wand has 5 charges for the
is removed. following properties. It regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at at dawn.
dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. Erratic. While holding the wand, you can use an
On a 1, the wand crumbles to dust and is destroyed. action to expend 2 charges to force one creature
you can see to re-roll its initiative at the end of each
Wand of Resistance of its turns for 1 minute. An unwilling creature
Wand, common that succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw is
This slim, wooden wand is topped with a small, unaffected.
spherical cage, which holds a pyramid-shaped piece Synchronize. While holding the wand, you can use
of hematite. The wand has 3 charges. While holding an action to expend 1 charge to choose one creature
it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to you can see who has not taken its turn this round.
Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

cast the resistance spell. The wand regains all expended That creature takes its next turn immediately after
charges at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, yours regardless of its turn in the Initiative order. An
roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of unwilling creature that succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom
guidance (see page 101). saving throw is unaffected.

Wand of Revealing Wand of Treasure Finding

Wand, uncommon Wand, rare (requires attunement)
Crystal beads decorate this wand, and a silver hand, This wand is adorned with gold and silver inlay and
index finger extended, caps it. The wand has 3 charges topped with a faceted crystal. The wand has 7 charges.
and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. While While holding it, you can use an action and expend
holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of the 1 charge to speak its command word. For 1 minute,
wand’s charges to reveal one creature or object within you know the direction and approximate distance
120 feet of you that is either invisible or ethereal. This of the nearest mass or collection of precious metals
works like the see invisibility spell, except it allows you or minerals within 60 feet. You can concentrate on
to see only that one creature or object. That creature a specific metal or mineral, such as silver, gold, or
or object remains visible as long as it remains within diamonds. If the specific metal or mineral is within
120 feet of you. If more than one invisible or ethereal 60 feet, you are able to discern all locations in which
creature or object is in range when you use the wand, it is found and the approximate amount in each
it reveals the nearest creature or object, revealing location. The wand’s magic can penetrate most
invisible creatures or objects before ethereal ones. barriers, but it is blocked by 3 feet of wood or dirt, 1
foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or a thin sheet
of lead. The effect ends if you stop holding the wand.
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an
at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast
a d20. On a 1, the wand turns to lead and becomes one of the following spells from it, using your spell
nonmagical. save DC: black tentacles (the tentacles appear as large
strands of gray webbing, 4 charges), spider climb (2
Wand of Vapors charges), or web (2 charges).
Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) Web Shot. While holding the staff, you can use an
Green gas swirls inside this slender, glass wand. The action to expend 1 of its charges to shoot a wad of
wand has 7 charges for the following properties. It webbing at a target you can see within 60 feet of you.
regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you Make a ranged spell attack, using your spellcasting
expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the ability. On a hit, the target is restrained by webbing.
wand shatters into hundreds of crystalline fragments, As an action, the restrained target can make a
and the gas within it dissipates. Strength check against your spell save DC, bursting
Fog Cloud. While holding the wand, you can use the webbing on a success. The webbing can also be
an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to
the fog cloud spell from it. For 1 charge, you cast the fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and
1st-level version of the spell. You can increase the psychic damage).
spell slot level by one for each additional charge you
expend. Wolfbite Ring
Gaseous Escape. When you are attacked while Ring, rare (requires attunement)
holding this wand, you can use your reaction to This heavy iron ring is adorned
expend 3 of its charges to transform yourself and with the stylized head of a
everything you are wearing and carrying into a cloud snarling wolf. The ring has
of green mist until the start of your next turn. While 3 charges and regains 1d3
you are a cloud of green mist, you have resistance to expended charges daily at dawn.
nonmagical damage, and you can’t be grappled or When you make a melee
restrained. While in this form, you also can’t talk or weapon attack while wearing this
manipulate objects, any objects you were wearing ring, you can use a bonus action to expend 1 of the
or holding can’t be dropped, used, or otherwise ring’s charges to deal an extra 2d6 piercing damage to
interacted with, and you can’t attack or cast spells. the target. Then, the target must succeed on a DC 15
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Wand of Windows
Wand, common Zipline Ring

Rings, Rods, Staves, &Wands

This clear, crystal wand has 3 charges. You can use Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
an action to expend 1 charge and touch the wand to This plain gold ring features a magnificent ruby.
any nonmagical object. The wand causes a portion of While wearing the ring, you can use an action to cause
the object, up to 1-foot square and 6 inches deep, to a crimson zipline of magical force to extend from the
become transparent for 1 minute. The effect ends if gem in the ring and attach to up to two solid surfaces
you stop holding the wand. you can see. Each surface must be within 150 feet
The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at of you. Once the zipline is connected, you can use a
dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. bonus action to magically travel up to 50 feet along
On a 1, the wand slowly becomes cloudy until it is the line between the two surfaces. You can bring
completely opaque and becomes nonmagical. along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed
what you can carry.
Webbed Staff While the zipline is active, you remain suspended
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, druid, within 5 feet of the line, floating off the ground at
sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) least 3 inches, and you can’t move more than 5 feet
This staff is carved of ebony and wrapped in a net of away from the zipline. When you magically travel
silver wire. While holding it, you can’t be caught in along the line, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks.
webs of any sort and can move through webs as if they The hand wearing the ring must be pointed at the line
were difficult terrain. This staff has 10 charges for the when you magically travel along it, but you otherwise
following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended can act normally while the zipline is active. You can
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, use a bonus action to end the zipline.
roll a d20. On a 1, spidersilk surrounds the staff in When the zipline has been active for a total of 1
a cocoon then quickly unravels itself and the staff, minute, the ring’s magic ceases to function until the
destroying the staff. next dawn.
Wondrous Items

This chapter contains the wonders and mystery isn’t frightened. If a target dies from this damage
inherent in imbuing the mundane items of the world or while frightened, the otherworldly spirits
with magic. From boots whose heavy steps cause within the idol are temporarily sated, and you
earthquakes, to a spicebox filled with magical spices, don’t suffer the effects of the idol’s Otherworldly
to an anvil that melts only precious metals, heroes Whispers property at the next dusk. Once used,
will find everything they need to outfit themselves this property of the idol can’t be used again until
with all the odds, ends, and gadgets for their journeys. the next dusk.
• You can use an action to cast the augury spell from
Accursed Idol the idol. The idol can’t be used this way again until
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) the next dusk.
Carved from a curious black stone of unknown Otherworldly Whispers.
origin, this small totem is fashioned in the macabre You have a 10 percent
likeness of a Great Old One. While attuned to the idol chance each day at
and holding it, you gain the following benefits: dusk of taking 2d4
• You can speak, read, and write Deep Speech. psychic damage
• You can use an action to speak the idol’s command and becoming
word and send otherworldly spirits to whisper incapacitated by
in the minds of up to three creatures you can see fear for 1 minute
within 30 feet of you. Each target must make as terrifying,
a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. On a failed otherworldly
save, a creature takes 2d6 psychic damage and is whispers fill
frightened of you for 1 minute. On a successful your mind.
save, a creature takes half as much damage and
Air Seed Artifacts, legendary magic items, and any magic item
Wondrous item, uncommon that won’t physically fit into the alembic (anything
larger than a shortsword or a cloak) can’t be dissolved
This plum-sized, nearly
in this way. Full dissolution and distillation of an
spherical sandstone is
item’s magical energy takes 1 hour, but 10 minutes is
imbued with a touch of air
enough time to render most items nonmagical.
magic. Typically, 1d4 + 4
If an item spends a full hour dissolving in the
air seeds are found together.
alembic, its magical energy coalesces in the smaller
You can use an action to throw the seed up to 60
container as a lump of material resembling gray-
feet. The seed explodes on impact and is destroyed.
purple, stiff dough known as arcanoplasm. This
When it explodes, the seed releases a burst of
material is safe to handle and easy to incorporate into
fresh, breathable air, and it disperses gas or vapor
new magic items. Using arcanoplasm while creating
and extinguishes candles, torches, and similar
a magic item reduces the cost of the new item by 10
unprotected flames within a 10-foot radius of where
percent per degree of rarity of the magic item that
the seed landed. Each suffocating or choking creature
was distilled into the arcanoplasm.
within a 10-foot radius of where the seed landed
An alembic of unmaking can distill or disenchant one
gains a lung full of air, allowing the creature to hold
item per 24 hours.
its breath for 5 minutes. If you break the seed while
underwater, each creature within a 10-foot radius Almanac of Common Wisdom
of where you broke the seed gains a lung full of air,
Wondrous item, common
allowing the creature to hold its breath for 5 minutes.
The dog-eared pages of this thick, weathered
Alabaster Salt Shaker tome contain useful advice, facts, and statistical
Wondrous item, rare information on a wide range of topics. The topics
change to match information relevant to the area
This shaker is carved from purest alabaster in the
where it is currently located. If you spend a short rest
shape of an owl. It is 7 inches tall and contains
consulting the almanac, you treat your proficiency
enough salt to flavor 25 meals. When the shaker is
bonus as 1 higher when making any Intelligence,
empty, it can’t be refilled, and it becomes nonmagical.
Wisdom, or Charisma skill checks to discover, recall,
When you or another creature eat a meal salted by
or cite information about local events, locations,
this shaker, you don’t need to eat again for 48 hours,
or creatures for the next 4 hours. For example, this
at which point the magic wears off. If you don’t eat
almanac’s magic can help you recall and find the
within 1 hour of the magic wearing off, you gain one
location of a city’s oldest tavern, but its magic won’t
level of exhaustion. You continue gaining one level of
help you notice a thug hiding in an
exhaustion for each additional hour you don’t eat.
alley near the tavern.
Alchemical Lantern
Wondrous item, uncommon

Wondrous Items
This hooded lantern has 3 charges and regains all
expended charges daily at dusk. While the lantern is
lit, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to cause
the lantern to spit gooey alchemical fire at a creature
you can see in the lantern’s bright light. The lantern
makes its attack roll with a +5 bonus. On a hit, the
target takes 2d6 fire damage, and it ignites. Until a
creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target
takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns.

Alembic of Unmaking
Wondrous item, very rare Amulet of Memory
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This large alembic is a glass retort supported by
a bronze tripod and connected to a smaller glass Made of gold or silver, this spherical locket is
container by a bronze spout. The bronze fittings are engraved with two cresting waves facing away from
etched with arcane symbols, and the glass parts of the each other while bound in a twisted loop. It preserves
alembic sometimes emit bright, amethyst sparks. a memory to be reexperienced later.
If a magic item is placed inside the alembic and a While wearing this amulet, you can use an action
fire lit beneath it, the magic item dissolves and its to speak the command word and open the locket.
magical energy drains into the smaller container. The open locket stores what you see and experience
for up to 10 minutes. You can shut the locket at any will. If you want to part with the amulet, you must
time (no action required), stopping the memory donate it willingly. If you exchange the amulet for
recording. Opening the locket with the command money or some other good or service, you have
word again overwrites the contained memory. disadvantage on Wisdom checks and Wisdom saving
While a memory is stored, you or another throws until the next dawn, at which time the amulet
creature can touch the locket to experience the reappears on your person. At the GM’s discretion,
memory from the beginning. Breaking contact ends the amulet can be exchanged in return for a service
the memory early. In addition, you have advantage such as saving a life, rebuilding a burned home, or
on any skill check related to details or knowledge of other selfless service.
the stored memory.
If you die while wearing the amulet, it preserves Amulet of Whirlwinds
you. Your body is affected by the gentle repose spell Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
until the amulet is removed or until you are restored This amulet is strung on a brass necklace and holds a
to life. In addition, at the moment of your death, you piece of djinn magic. The amulet has 9 charges. You
can store any memory into the amulet. A creature can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to create a
touching the amulet perceives the memory stored whirlwind on a point you can see within 60 feet of you.
there even after your death. The whirlwind is a 5-foot-radius, 30-foot‑tall cylinder
Attuning to an amulet of memory removes any prior of swirling air that lasts as long as you maintain
memories stored in it. concentration (as if concentrating on a spell).
Any creature other than you that enters the
Amulet of Sustaining Health
whirlwind must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving
Wondrous item, uncommon throw or be restrained by it. You can move the
(requires attunement) whirlwind up to 60 feet as an action, and creatures
While wearing this restrained by the whirlwind move with it. The
amulet, you need whirlwind ends if you lose sight of it.
to eat and drink A creature within 5 feet of the whirlwind can pull a
only once every 7 creature out of it by taking an action to make a DC 15
days. In addition, you Strength check and succeeding. A restrained creature
have advantage on saving can try to escape by taking an action to make a DC
throws against effects that 15 Strength check. On a success, the creature escapes
would cause you to suffer a level and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of the
of exhaustion. whirlwind.
When all of the amulet’s charges are expended, the
Amulet of the Oracle amulet becomes a nonmagical piece of jewelry worth
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) 50 gp.
When you finish a long rest while wearing
this amulet, you can choose one cantrip from the Angelic Earrings
Wondrous Items

cleric spell list. You can cast that cantrip from the Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
amulet at will, using Wisdom as your spellcasting These earrings feature platinum loops from which
ability for it. hang bronzed claws from a chamrosh (see Tome of
Change Fate. When you fail an attack Beasts 2), freely given by the angelic hound. While
roll, an ability check, or a saving wearing these earrings, you have advantage on
throw while Wisdom (Insight) checks to determine if a creature is
wearing lying or if it has an evil alignment.
the amulet, If you cast detect evil and good while wearing these
you can earrings, the range increases to 60 feet, and the spell
reroll the lasts 10 minutes without requiring concentration.
die and
must use the new Animated Abacus
roll. Once used, this Wondrous item, common
property can’t be used again If you speak a mathematical equation within 5 feet of
until the next dawn. this abacus, it calculates the equation and displays the
Eternal Gift. The solution. If you are touching the abacus, it calculates
amulet can’t be taken only the equations you speak, ignoring all other
from you against your spoken equations.

Ankh of Aten and features, which are replaced by the blank mind of
Wondrous item, rare a newly born version of the creature it transformed
into. Whether or not a creature retains its mental
This golden ankh is about 12
faculties, the newly assumed form is permanent. At
inches long and has 5 charges.
that point, the creature can regain its former form
While holding the ankh by the
(and memories and abilities) only through a wish spell.
loop, you can expend 1 charge as an
Constructs and undead are immune to the
action to fire a beam of brilliant sunlight
crucible’s power, as is any creature that has the
in a 5-foot-wide, 60-foot-line from
Shapechanger trait, such as a doppelganger.
the end. Each creature caught in the
To determine what a creature transforms into, roll
line must make a DC 15 Constitution
a d20 and consult the following table.
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
takes 5d8 radiant damage and is blinded until the end d20 Creature d20 Creature
of your next turn. On a successful save, it takes half
damage and isn’t blinded. Undead have disadvantage 01 Cat 11 Chimera
on this saving throw. The ankh regains 1d4 + 1 02 Ape 12 Griffon
expended charges daily at dawn. 03 Camel 13 Harpy
Anuraag’s Crucible 04 Dire wolf 14 Lamia
Wondrous item, artifact 05 Giant fly 15 Manticore
Thousands of years ago, a powerful alkemancer 06 Giant lizard 16 Spirit naga
named Anuraag constructed an enormous crucible 07 Giant toad 17 Aboleth
in his quest to create the perfect organism. He hoped
08 Mastiff 18 Gibbering mouther
it would bring forth an immortal being that could
surpass the limitations imposed by human flesh and 09 Tiger 19 Gargoyle
surpass even the gods. Anuraag used the crucible to 10 Basilisk 20 New life form (GM’s choice)
create so many monstrosities that eventually the local
deities had to take action against him. The alkemancer Destroying the Crucible. Anuraag's crucible can be
was destroyed for his impertinence, and his crucible destroyed if a celestial and a fiend, both of at least
was sealed away at the bottom of a mighty chasm. challenge rating 15, willingly allow themselves to be
Anuraag's crucible is an enormous object fashioned transformed at the same time. If this happens, the
from white clay and engraved with mystical symbols crucible can’t take the burden of transforming both
chased with burnished copper and electrum. The creatures and shatters in a spectacular explosion
crucible is large enough to hold a single Huge that deals 20d6 piercing damage to all creatures
creature, two Large creatures, four Medium in a 60‑foot radius, or half as much damage with
creatures, or eight Small ones. a successful DC 15 Dexterity
If one or more creatures are placed in the saving throw.
crucible and the crucible is heated over an intense,

Wondrous Items
magical flame, each creature must make a DC 20
Apron of the
Constitution saving throw against the crucible’s
Eager Artisan
powerful transmutation magic. If this saving Wondrous item, common
throw fails, the creature’s body liquefies and the Created by dwarven artisans,
creature is blinded, deafened, and paralyzed until this leather apron has narrow
the transformation is complete. The creature’s pockets, which hold one type
equipment doesn’t dissolve; as a result, most of artisan’s tools.
creatures are stripped naked before being placed If you are wearing the
in the crucible. Over the course of 10 minutes, the apron and you spend 10
liquefied creature transforms into another creature. minutes contemplating
If this transformation is interrupted, the your next crafting
transforming creature is slain. It can be brought back project, the tools in the
to life in its original form by a resurrection spell or apron magically change
similar magic. to match those best
If the process reaches completion, the creature suited to the task. Once
transforms into another creature as if affected by you have changed the
a shapechange spell. The transformed creature must tools available, you can’t
make a successful DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or change them again until
lose its memory and all its previous abilities, traits, the next dawn.
Arcanaphage Stone is already 19 or higher. In addition, when you use the
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Attack action to shove a creature, you have advantage
on the Strength (Athletics) check.
Similar to the rocks found in a bird’s gizzard, this
smooth stone helps an arcanaphage (see Creature Baba Yaga’s Cinderskull
Codex) digest magic. While you hold or wear the stone,
Wondrous item, rare
you have advantage on saving throws against spells.
(requires attunement)
Magic Absorption. When a spellcaster casts a
spell within 30 feet of you while you are holding or Warm to the touch,
wearing this stone, you can use a reaction to activate this white, dry skull
the stone and interrupt the spell. This works like the radiates dim, orange
counterspell spell, except the stone must always make a light from its eye
check, regardless of the spell’s level. The stone makes sockets in a 30-foot
the check with a +5 bonus. If the check is successful, radius. While attuned
the stone increases its Absorption score by 1. Its to the skull, you only
Absorption score can’t exceed 8, and if the stone has require half of the
Absorption 8, it can no longer be used to interrupt daily food and water a
spells. Once used, this property of the stone can’t be creature of your size and
used again until the next dawn. type normally requires. In
Magic Expulsion. You can use an action to throw addition, you can withstand extreme temperatures
the stone up to 60 feet. The stone explodes on impact indefinitely, and you automatically succeed on saving
and is destroyed. Each creature within 5 feet per throws against extreme temperatures.
Absorption score of where the stone landed must Scorching Skull. While holding the skull, you can
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 use an action to cast a 3rd-level scorching ray from it.
force damage per Absorption score on a failed save, When you make the spell’s attacks, you do so with an
or half as much damage on a successful one. attack bonus of +7. The skull can’t be used in this way
again until the next dawn.
Ashes of the Fallen
Wondrous item, rare Bag of Bramble Beasts
Wondrous item, uncommon
Found in a small packet, this
coarse, foul-smelling black This ordinary bag, made from green cloth, appears
dust is made from the empty. Reaching inside the bag, however, reveals the
powdered remains of a presence of a small, spiky object. The bag weighs 1/2
celestial. Each packet of pound.
the substance contains You can use an action to pull the spiky object from
enough ashes for one use. the bag and throw it up to 20 feet. When the object
You can use an action to lands, it transforms into a creature you determine
throw the dust in a 15-foot by rolling a d8 and consulting the below table. The
Wondrous Items

cone. Each spellcaster in creature is a bramble version (see sidebar) of the beast
the cone must succeed listed in the table. The creature vanishes at the next
on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become cursed dawn or when it is reduced to 0 hit points.
for 1 hour or until the curse is ended with a remove The creature is friendly to you and your
curse spell or similar magic. Creatures that don’t cast companions, and it acts on your turn. You can use a
spells are unaffected. bonus action to command how the creature moves
A cursed spellcaster must make a DC 15 Wisdom and what action it takes on its next turn, or give it
saving throw each time it casts a spell. On a success, general orders, such as to attack your enemies. In the
the spell is cast normally. On a failure, the spellcaster absence of such orders, the creature acts in a fashion
casts a different, randomly chosen spell of the same appropriate to its nature.
level or lower from among the spellcaster’s prepared Once three spiky objects have been pulled from the
or known spells. If the spellcaster has no suitable bag, the bag can’t be used again until the next dawn.
spells available, no spell is cast. Alternatively, one willing animal companion or
familiar can be placed in the bag for 1 week. A non-
Aurochs Bracers beast animal companion or familiar that is placed in
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) the bag is treated as if it had been placed into a bag of
holding and can be removed from the bag at any time.
These bracers have the graven image of a bull’s head
A beast animal companion or familiar disappears
on them. Your Strength score is 19 while you wear
once placed in the bag, and the bag’s magic is
these bracers. It has no effect on you if your Strength
Only a beast can become a bramble creature. It retains Condition Immunities. The creature can’t be poisoned.
all its statistics except as noted below. Senses. The creature has tremorsense with a radius of
Type. The creature’s type changes from beast to plant. 10 feet.
Vulnerabilities. The creature is vulnerable to fire damage. New Trait: Thorn Body. A creature that touches the
Resistances. The creature has resistance to piercing bramble creature or hits it with a melee attack while
damage from nonmagical attacks. within 5 feet of it takes 4 (1d8) piercing damage.
Immunities. The creature has immunity to poison.

dormant until the week is up. At the end of the week,

the animal companion or familiar exits the bag as a
bramble creature (see the template in the sidebar)
and can be returned to its original form only with
a wish. The creature retains its status as an animal
companion or familiar after its transformation and
can choose to activate or deactivate its Thorn Body
trait as a bonus action. A transformed familiar can be
re-summoned with the find familiar spell. Once the
bag has been used to change an animal companion
or familiar into a bramble creature, it becomes an
ordinary, nonmagical bag.

1d8 Creature
1 Weasel
2 Giant rat ally within 60 feet of you that can hear the tune gains
3 Badger a d12 Bardic Inspiration die for 10 minutes. Each
creature within 60 feet of you that can hear the tune
4 Boar
and that is hostile to you must succeed on a DC 15
5 Panther Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you for 1
6 Giant badger minute. A hostile creature has disadvantage on this
saving throw if it is within 5 feet of you or your ally.
A frightened creature must take the Dash action and
Bag of Traps move away from you by the safest available route on

Wondrous Items
Wondrous item, rare each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. A
Anyone reaching into this apparently empty bag feels frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the
a small coin, which resembles no known currency. end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
Removing the coin and placing or tossing it up to 20 a success.
feet creates a random mechanical trap that remains Once used, the bagpipes can’t be used in this way
for 10 minutes or until discharged or disarmed, again until the next dawn.
whereupon it disappears. The coin returns to the
bag only after the trap disappears. You may draw up Baleful Wardrums
to 10 traps from the bag each week. The GM has the Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
statistics for mechanical traps. You must be proficient with percussion instruments
to use these drums. The drums have 3 charges. You
Bagpipes of Battle can use an action to play them and expend 1 charge
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) to create a baleful rumble. Each creature of your
Inspire friends and strike fear in the hearts of your choice within 60 feet of you that hears you play must
enemies with the drone of valor and the shrill call of succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or have
martial might! disadvantage on its next weapon or spell attack roll. A
You must be proficient with wind instruments creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune
to use these bagpipes. You can use an action to play to the effect of these drums for 24 hours. The drum
them and create a fearsome and inspiring tune. Each regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
Band of Iron Thorns Banner of the Fortunate
Wondrous item, rare Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
(requires attunement) While holding this banner aloft with one hand, you
This black iron armband bristles with long, can use an action to inspire creatures nearby. Each
needle‑sharp iron thorns. When you attune to creature of your choice within 60 feet of you that
the armband, the thorns bite into your flesh. The can see the banner has advantage on its next attack
armband doesn’t function unless the thorns pierce roll. The banner can’t be used this way again until the
your skin and are able to reach your blood. next dawn.
While wearing the band, after you roll a saving
throw but before the GM reveals if the roll is a Battle Standard of Passage
success or failure, you can use your reaction to Wondrous item, uncommon
expend one Hit Die. Roll the die, and add the number This battle standard hangs
rolled to your saving throw. from a 4-foot-long pole
and bears the colors and
heraldry of a long-forgotten
nation. You can use an action
to plant the pole in the
ground, causing the standard
to whip and wave as if in a
breeze. Choose up to six
creatures within 30 feet of the
standard, which can include
yourself. Nonmagical difficult
terrain costs the creatures you
chose no extra movement.
In addition, each creature
you chose can pass through
nonmagical plants without being
slowed by them and without taking
Bandana of Brachiation damage from them if they have
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.
The standard stops waving and the effect ends after
While wearing this bright yellow bandana, you have
10 minutes, or when a creature uses an action to pull
a climbing speed of 30 feet, and you gain a +5 bonus
the pole from the ground. The standard can’t be used
to Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics)
this way again until the next dawn.
checks to jump over obstacles, to land on your feet,
and to land safely on a breakable or unstable surface, Bead of Exsanguination
Wondrous Items

such as a tree branch or rotting wooden rafters. Wondrous item, rare

Bandana of Bravado This small, black bead measures 3/4 of an inch in
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) diameter and weights an ounce. Typically, 1d4 + 1
beads of exsanguination are found together. When
While wearing this bright red bandana, you have
thrown, the bead absorbs hit points from creatures
advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and on
near its impact site, damaging them. A bead can store
saving throws against being frightened.
up to 50 hit points at a time. When found, a bead
Bands of Restraint contains 2d10 stored hit points.
You can use an action to throw the bead up to 60
Wondrous item, uncommon
feet. Each creature within a 20-foot radius of where
These simple leather straps are nearly unbreakable the bead landed must make a DC 15 Constitution
when used as restraints. If you spend 1 minute tying a saving throw, taking 3d6 necrotic damage on a failed
Small or Medium creature’s limbs with these straps, save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The
the creature is restrained (escape DC 17) until it bead stores hit points equal to the necrotic damage
escapes or until you speak a command word to release dealt. The bead turns from black to crimson the more
the straps. While restrained by these straps, the target hit points are stored in it.
has disadvantage on Strength checks. If the bead absorbs 50 hit points or more, it
explodes and is destroyed. Each creature within a
20‑foot radius of the bead when it explodes must
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 as long as you concentrate (as if concentrating on
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much a spell), up to 10 minutes. The changes wrought by
damage on a successful one. this illusion don’t hold up to physical inspection.
If you are holding the bead, you can use a bonus For example, if you use this illusion to appear
action to determine if the bead is below or above half like a lion, the hand of someone who reaches out
its maximum stored hit points. If you hold and study to touch the lion would pass through the larger
the bead over the course of 1 hour, which can be done creature’s body, feeling nothing. To discern you are
during a short rest, you know exactly how many hit disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your
points are stored in the bead. appearance and must succeed on a DC 13 Intelligence
(Investigation) check. Once used, this property can’t
Bear Paws be used again until the next dawn.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
These hand wraps are Berserker’s Kilt
made of flexible Wondrous item, rarity varies
beeswax that ooze (requires attunement by a barbarian)
sticky honey. While This kilt is made from bear, elk, or wolf fur. While
wearing these wearing this kilt, your Unarmored Defense increases
gloves, you have by 1, and you gain additional benefits while raging,
advantage on grapple depending on the type of kilt you are wearing.
checks. In addition, Bear Fur (Very Rare). This kilt empowers your rage
creatures grappled by you with the vigor of a bear. When you enter a rage, you
have disadvantage on any gain 20 temporary hit points. These temporary hit
checks made to escape points last until your rage ends.
your grapple. Elk Fur (Rare). This kilt empowers your rage with
the nimble ferocity of an elk. While raging, if you
Bed of Spikes move at least 30 feet straight toward a target and
Wondrous item, rare then hit it with a melee weapon attack on the same
This wide, wooden plank holds hundreds of two-inch turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the
long needle-like spikes. When you finish a long rest weapon’s type.
on the bed, you have resistance to piercing damage Wolf Fur (Uncommon). This kilt empowers your
and advantage on Constitution saving throws to rage with the speed of a wolf. While raging, your
maintain your concentration on spells you cast for walking speed increases by 10 feet.
8 hours or until you finish a short or long rest. Once
used, the bed can’t be used again until the next dusk. Bituminous Orb
Wondrous item, very rare
Belt of the Wilds (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, uncommon A tarlike substance

Wondrous Items
(requires attunement) leaks continually from
This thin cord is made this orb, which radiates
from animal sinew. While a cloying darkness and
wearing the cord, you have emanates an unnatural
advantage on Wisdom (Survival) chill. While attuned to the orb,
checks to follow tracks left by you have darkvision out to a
beasts, giants, and humanoids. range of 60 feet. In addition, you
While wearing the belt, you can use have immunity to necrotic damage,
a bonus action to speak the belt’s command word. If and you have advantage on saving throws against
you do, you leave tracks of the animal of your choice spells and effects that deal radiant damage.
instead of your regular tracks. These tracks can be This orb has 6 charges and regains 1d6 daily at
those of a Large or smaller beast with a CR of 1 or dawn. You can expend 1 charge as an action to lob
lower, such as a pony, rabbit, or lion. If you repeat the some of the orb’s viscous darkness at a creature you
command word, you end the effect. can see within 60 feet of you. The target must succeed
Beast Disguise. While wearing the belt and leaving on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be grappled
beast tracks, you can speak a command word to make (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the creature
your physical appearance match the tracks you leave. is blinded and takes 2d8 necrotic damage at the
This illusion covers you and moves with you, walking, start of each of its turns, and you can use a bonus
standing, or otherwise moving as you desire. It lasts action to move the grappled creature up to 20 feet
in any direction. You can’t move the creature more By opening the shutter on the opposite side, the
than 60 feet away from the orb. Alternatively, you device functions as a normal bullseye lantern, yet
can use an action to expend 2 charges and crush the illuminates magically, requiring no fuel and giving
grappled creature. The creature must make a DC 15 off no heat.
Constitution saving throw, taking 6d8 bludgeoning
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Blood Mark
successful one. Wondrous item, uncommon
You can end the grapple at any time (no action Used as a form of currency between undead lords and
required). The orb’s power can grapple only one the humanoids of their lands, this coin resembles
creature at a time. a gold ring with a single hole in the center. It holds
1 charge, visible as a red glow in the center of the
Black Phial coin. While holding the coin, you can use an action
Wondrous item, uncommon to expend 1 charge and regain 1d3 hit points. At the
This black stone phial has a tightly fitting stopper same time, the humanoid who pledged their blood to
and 3 charges. As an action, you can fill the phial with the coin takes necrotic damage and reduces their hit
blood taken from a living, or recently deceased (dead point maximum by an equal amount. This reduction
no longer than 1 minute), humanoid and expend 1 lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. It dies
charge. When you do so, the black phial transforms if this reduces its hit point maximum to 0. You can
the blood into a potion of greater healing. A creature expend the charges in up to 5 blood marks as part of the
who drinks this potion must succeed on a DC 12 same action.
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. To replenish an expended charge in a blood mark,
The phial regains 1d3 expended charges daily at a humanoid must pledge a pint of their blood in a
midnight. If you expend the phial’s last charge, roll 10-minute ritual that involves letting a drop of their
a d20. On a 1, the phial crumbles into dust and is blood fall through the center of the coin. The drop
destroyed. disappears in the process and the center fills with
a red glow. There is no limit to how much blood a
Blessed Pauper’s Purse humanoid may pledge, but each coin can hold only 1
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement) charge. To pledge more, the humanoid must perform
This worn cloth purse appears empty, even when the ritual on another blood mark.
opened, yet seems to always have enough copper Any person foolish enough to pledge more than a
pieces in it to make any purchase of urgent necessity single blood coin might find the coins all redeemed at
when you dig inside. The purse produces enough once, since such redemptions often happen at great
copper pieces to provide for a poor lifestyle. In blood feasts held by vampires and other undead.
addition, if anyone asks you for charity, you can
always open the purse to find 1 or 2 cp available to
Blood Pearl
give away. These coins appear only if you truly intend Wondrous item, uncommon
to gift them to one who asks. This crimson pearl feels slick to the touch
Wondrous Items

and contains a mote of blood imbued with

Blinding Lantern malign purpose. As an action, you can
Wondrous item, uncommon break the pearl, destroying it, and conjure
This ornate brass lantern a blood elemental (see Creature Codex) for
comes fitted with heavily 1 hour. The elemental is friendly to you
inscribed plates and your companions for the duration.
shielding the cut crystal Roll initiative for the elemental, which
lens. With a flick of a has its own turns. It obeys any verbal
lever, as an action, the commands that you issue to it (no
plates rise and unleash action required by you). If you don’t
a dazzling array of issue any commands to the elemental,
lights at a single target it defends itself from hostile creatures but
within 30 feet. otherwise takes no actions.
You must use two hands to direct the lights precisely
into the eyes of a foe. The target must succeed on a
Bloodpearl Bracelet
DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be blinded until the Wondrous item, uncommon (silver) or very rare (gold)
end of its next turn. A creature blinded by the lantern This silver or gold bracelet features three red pearls.
is immune to its effects for 1 minute afterward. This You can use an action to remove a pearl and throw it
property can’t be used in a brightly lit area. up to 20 feet. When the pearl lands, it transforms into
an ooze you determine by rolling a d6 and consulting Destruction. As an action, you can force the
the table that corresponds to the bracelet’s color. The cauldron to spew a miasma of vaporous blood in a
ooze vanishes at the next dawn or when it is reduced 30‑foot cone. Each creature in the area must make
to 0 hit points. a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a
When you throw a pearl, your hit point maximum creature takes 4d4 necrotic damage and is poisoned
is reduced by the amount listed in the Blood Price for 1 minute. On a success, a creature takes half the
column. This reduction can’t be removed with the damage and isn’t poisoned. A poisoned creature can
greater restoration spell or similar magic and lasts until repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
the ooze vanishes or is reduced to 0 hit points. ending the effect on itself on a success. The cauldron
The ooze is friendly to you and your companions contains enough liquid to use this property up to 3
and acts on your turn. You can use a bonus action to times before it needs to be refilled with blood.
command how the creature moves and what action it Restoration. As an action, you can drink from the
takes on its turn, or to give it general orders, such as cauldron. If you do, you regain 20 hit points, are
to attack your enemies. In the absence of such orders, cured of any diseases and levels of exhaustion, and
the ooze acts in a fashion appropriate to its nature. you regain all expended spell slots and class features
Once all three pearls have been used, the bracelet as if you had completed a long rest. Once used, this
can’t be used again until the next dawn when the property can’t be used again for 3 days.
pearls regrow. Visions. If you spend at least 1 minute gazing
into the bubbling liquid within the cauldron, you
SILVER BLOODPEARL BRACELET gain insight into your immediate future. You have
d6 Ooze CR Blood Price advantage on the next 3 ability checks or saving
throws you make within 1 hour of receiving these
1 Dipsa* 1/4 5 hp visions. Afterwards, the cauldron’s liquid disappears,
2 Treacle* 1/4 5 hp and the cauldron must be refilled before you can use
3 Gray Ooze 1/2 5 hp this property again.

4 Alchemical Apprentice+ 1 7 (2d6) Blue Rose

5 Suppurating Ooze+ 1 7 (2d6) Wondrous item, rare
6 Gelatinous Cube 2 10 (3d6) The petals of this cerulean flower can be prepared into
a compote and consumed. A single flower can make 3
GOLD BLOODPEARL BRACELET doses. When you consume a dose, your Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma scores are reduced by 1 each.
d6 Ooze CR Blood This reduction lasts until you finish a long rest. You
Price can consume up to three doses as part of casting a
1 Philosopher’s Ghost+ 4 17 (5d6) spell, and you can choose to affect your spell with one
of the following options for each dose you consumed:
2 Ink Guardian+ 4 17 (5d6)
• If the spell is of the abjuration school, increase the

Wondrous Items
3 Black Pudding 4 17 (5d6) save DC by 2.
4 Corrupting Ooze* 5 21 (6d6) • If the spell has more powerful effects when cast at
5 Blood Ooze+ 6 24 (7d6) a higher level, treat the spell’s effects as if you had
cast the spell at one slot level higher than the spell
6 Ruby Ooze+ 6 24 (7d6) slot you used.
* indicates a creature from the Tome of Beasts • The spell is affected by one of the following
+ indicates a creature from the Creature Codex metamagic options, even if you aren’t a sorcerer:
heightened, quickened, or subtle.
Bloodwhisper Cauldron A spell can’t be affected by the same option more than
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement once, though you can affect one spell with up to three
by a creature of evil alignment) different options. If you consume one or more doses
This ancient, oxidized cauldron sits on three stubby without casting a spell, you can choose to instead
legs and has images of sacrifice and ritual cast into its affect a spell you cast before you finish a long rest.
iron sides. When filled with concoctions that contain In addition, consuming blue rose gives you some
blood, the bubbling cauldron seems to whisper protection against spells. When a spellcaster you can
secrets of ancient power to those bold enough to see casts a spell, you can use your reaction to cause
listen. While filled with blood, the cauldron has the one of the following:
following properties. Once filled, the cauldron can’t • You have advantage on the saving throw against
be refilled again until the next dawn. the spell if it is a spell of the abjuration school. 113
• If the spell is counterspell or dispel magic, the DC spell, if you use an action to pull down the hood, or if
increases by 2 to interrupt your spellcasting or to the rain stops. The cloak can’t be used this way again
end a magic effect on you. until the next dawn.
You can use this reaction a number of times equal to
the number of doses you consumed. Book of Ebon Tides
Blue Rose Addiction. Blue rose is a highly Wondrous item, very rare
addictive substance. You must succeed on a DC 13 (requires attunement by a wizard)
Constitution saving throw each time you consume This strange, twilight‑hued
a dose of it or become addicted. It takes 1d4 days tome was written on
for blue rose addiction’s symptoms to manifest in a pages of pure shadow
creature. Symptoms include fatigue and nausea. You weave, bound
suffer one level of exhaustion, and you regain only in traditional
half the normal number of hit points from spending birch board
Hit Dice and no hit points from finishing a long rest. covers wrapped
At the end of each long rest, you must make a DC with shadow
13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, your goblin hide, and
Hit Dice maximum is reduced by 25 percent. This imbued with the
reduction affects only the number of Hit Dice you can memories of forests
use to regain hit points during a short rest; it doesn’t on the Plane of Shadow. Its covers often reflect light
reduce your hit point maximum. This reduction lasts as if it were resting in a forest grove, and some owners
until you recover from the addiction. If you have swear that a goblin face appears on them now and
no remaining Hit Dice to lose, you suffer one level again. The sturdy lock on one side opens only for
of exhaustion, and your Hit Dice are returned to wizards, elves, and shadow fey (see Tome of Beasts).
75 percent of your maximum Hit Dice. The process The book has 15 charges, and it regains 2d6 + 3
then repeats until you die from exhaustion or you expended charges daily in the twilight before dawn.
recover from the addiction. On a successful save, your If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1,
exhaustion level decreases by one level. the book retains its Ebon Tides and Shadow Lore
If a successful saving throw reduces your level of properties but loses its Spells property.
exhaustion below 1, you recover from the Ebon Tides. If you spend 100 hours over the
addiction. A greater restoration spell or period of 30 days or more studying the volume,
similar magic ends the addiction and you can perform a magical ritual to shift the
its effects. Consuming at least one dose structure of the Plane of Shadow in particular
of blue rose again halts the effects of ways. At any point after your study completes,
the addiction for 2 days, at which you can expend 5 of the book’s charges
point you can consume another while spending 1 minute concentrating and
dose of blue rose to halt it again performing invocations to transform the
or the effects of the addiction terrain near you. You don’t need to repeat the
Wondrous Items

continue as normal. study to use this property again.

When the magic ritual completes,
Blue Willow Cloak make an Intelligence (Arcana) check and
Wondrous item, uncommon consult the Terrain Changes table for the
This light cloak of fey appropriate DCs. You can change the
silk is waterproof. terrain in any one way listed at your result
While wearing this or lower. For example, if your result was
cloak in the rain, 17, you could turn a small forest up to
you can use your 30 feet across into a grassland, create
action to pull up the a grove of trees up to 240 feet across,
hood and become create a 6-foot‑wide flowing stream,
invisible for up to overgrow 1,500 feet of an existing
1 hour. The effect
ends early if you
attack or cast a

road, or other similar option. Only natural terrain
you can see can be affected; built structures, such as
homes or castles, remain untouched, though roads
Written by an elvish princess at the Court of Silver
and trails can be overgrown or hidden. On a failure,
Words, this volume encodes her understanding
the terrain is unchanged. On a 1, an overshadow (see
and mastery of shadow. Whimsical illusions suffuse
Tome of Beasts 2) also appears and attacks you. On a
every page, animating its illuminated capital letters
20, you can choose two options.
and ornamental figures. The book is a famous work
Deities, fey lords and ladies (see Tome of Beasts),
among the sable elves of that plane, and it opens to
archdevils, demon lords, and other powerful rulers
the touch of any elfmarked or sable elf character.
in the Plane of Shadow can prevent these terrain
modifications from happening in their presence or
anywhere within their respective domains.
Shadow Lore. If you spend 10 minutes referencing
this book while researching the Plane of Shadow or with other spells of similar levels and similarly related
its creatures, you double your proficiency bonus on to darkness, illusion, or shadows, such as invisibility
Arcana, History, and Religion checks to recall lore or major image.
about such subjects for the next 24 hours. If you Retributive Shadows. You can use an action to
don’t have proficiency in these skills, you instead gain speak a special command word and rip the book
proficiency in them for the next 24 hours, but you are in half. The book is destroyed and releases its
only proficient when recalling information about the remaining magic in a wave of shadow magic. Four
subjects of your research. This research can be done 10-foot cubes of shadow move outward from the
during a short rest. book in the cardinal directions, and each cube moves
Spells. While holding the book, you can use an up to 20 feet away from the point where the book
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast was destroyed each round. This effect works like the
one of the following spells from it, using your spell creeping darkness* spell, except it creates four cubes
save DC and spellcasting ability: cloak of shadow* (1 instead of three, and the necrotic damage dealt by
charge), darkness (2 charges), mirror image (2 charges), the spell increases by 1d6 for each charge remaining
phantasmal killer (4 charges), see invisibility (2 charges), in the book. At the GM’s discretion, this effect can
seeming (5 charges), shadow gateway* (5 charges), work like the incendiary cloud spell instead of the
shadow step* (4 charges), or slither* (2 charges). You creeping darkness* spell, except the cloud is a cloud of
can also use an action to cast the douse light* or minor shadow that deals necrotic damage instead of fire
illusion spell from the book without using any charges. damage, is centered on you, and the damage dealt by
Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in the spell increases by 1d4 for each charge remaining
Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At the GM’s discretion, in the book.
spells from Deep Magic for 5th Edition can be replaced

Wondrous Items
DC Effect
8 Obscuring a path and removing all signs of passage (30 feet per point over 7)
10 Creating a grove of trees (30 feet across per point over 9)
11 Creating or drying up a lake or pond (up to 10 feet across per point over 10)
12 Creating a flowing stream (1 foot wide per point over 11)
13 Overgrowing an existing road with brush or trees (300 feet per point over 12)
14 Shifting a river to a new course (300 feet per point over 13)
15 Moving a forest (300 feet per point over 14)
16 Creating a small hill, riverbank, or cliff (10 feet tall per point over 15)
17 Turning a small forest into grassland or clearing, or vice versa (30 feet across per point over 16)
18 Creating a new river (10 feet wide per point over 17)
19 Turning a large forest into grassland, or vice versa (300 feet across per point over 19)
20 Creating a new mountain (1,000 feet high per point over 19)
21 Drying up an existing river (reducing width by 10 feet per point over 20)
22 Shrinking an existing hill or mountain (reducing 1,000 feet per point over 21)
Book of Eibon the quill in the inkpot and writing in a book binds the
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) bookkeeper to the new book.
If the inkpot is found as treasure, there is a 50
This fragmentary black book is reputed to descend
percent chance it contains a bookkeeper. An identify
from the realms of Hyperborea. It contains puzzling
spell reveals if a bookkeeper is inside the inkpot
guidelines for frightful necromantic rituals and
before using the inkpot’s ink.
maddening interdimensional travel.
The book holds the following spells: semblance Bookmark of Eldritch Insight
of dread*, ectoplasm*, animate dead, speak with dead,
Wondrous item, common
emanation of Yoth*, green decay*, yellow sign*, eldritch
communion*, create undead, gate, harm, astral projection, This cloth bookmark is inscribed
and Void rift*. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) with blurred runes that are
can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At the hard to decipher. If you use this
GM’s discretion, the book can contain other spells bookmark while researching
similarly related to necromancy, madness, or ancient evils (such as arch-
interdimensional travel. devils or demon lords) or
If you are attuned to this book, you can use it as a otherworldly mysteries (such
spellbook and as an arcane focus. In addition, while as the Void or the Great Old
holding the book, you can use a bonus action to cast a Ones) during a long rest,
necromancy spell that is written in this tome without the bookmark crumbles
expending a spell slot or using any verbal or somatic to dust and grants you
components. Once used, this property of the book its knowledge. You double
can’t be used again until the next dawn. your proficiency bonus on Arcana, History, and
Religion checks to recall lore about the subject of
Book Shroud your research for the next 24 hours. If you don’t
Wondrous item, uncommon have proficiency in these skills, you instead gain
proficiency in them for the next 24 hours, but you are
When not bound to a
proficient only when recalling information about the
book, this red leather
subject of your research.
book cover is embossed
with images of eyes on Boots of Pouncing
every inch of its surface.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
When you wrap this cover
around a tome, it shifts the These soft leather boots
book’s appearance to a plain have a collar made of
red cover with a title of your albino death weasel fur
choosing and blank pages on (see Creature Codex). While
which you can write. you wear these boots, your
When viewing the wrapped book, other creatures walking speed becomes 40
Wondrous Items

see the plain red version with any contents you’ve feet, unless your walking speed
written. A creature succeeding on a DC 15 Wisdom is higher. Your speed is still
(Perception) check sees the real book and can remove reduced if you are encumbered
the shroud. or wearing heavy armor.
If you move at least 20 feet
Bookkeeper Inkpot straight toward a creature and
Wondrous item, uncommon hit it with a melee weapon
attack on the same turn,
This glass vessel looks like an ordinary inkpot. A
that target must succeed
quill fashioned from an ostrich feather accompanies
on a DC 13 Strength
the inkpot. You can use an action to speak the
saving throw or be knocked prone. If the
inkpot’s command word, targeting a bookkeeper
target is prone, you can make one melee weapon
(see Creature Codex) that you can see within 10 feet
attack against it as a bonus action.
of you. An unwilling bookkeeper must succeed on
a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or be transferred Boots of Quaking
to the inkpot, making you the bookkeeper’s new
Wondrous item, very rare
“creator.” While the bookkeeper is contained within
the inkpot, it suffers no harm due to being away from While wearing these steel-toed boots, the earth
its bound book, but it can’t use any of its actions or itself shakes when you walk, causing harmless,
traits that apply to it being in a bound book. Dipping but unsettling, tremors. If you move at least 15
feet in a single turn, all Boots of the Swift Striker
creatures within 10 feet of you Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
at any point during your
While you wear these boots, your walking speed
movement must make
increases by 10 feet. In addition, when you take the
a DC 16 Strength
Dash action while wearing these boots, you can make
saving throw or take
a single weapon attack at the end of your movement.
1d6 force damage and
You can’t continue moving after making this attack.
fall prone.
In addition, while wearing these Bottled Boat
boots, you can cast earthquake,
Wondrous item, uncommon
requiring no concentration, by speaking a command
word and jumping on a point on the ground. The spell This clear glass bottle contains a tiny replica of
is centered on that point. Once you cast earthquake in a wooden rowboat down to the smallest detail,
this way, you can’t do so again until the next dawn. including two stout oars, a miniature coil of hemp
rope, a fishing net, and a small cask. You can use an
Boots of Solid Footing action to break the bottle, destroying the bottle and
Wondrous item, uncommon releasing its contents. The rowboat and all of the
items emerge as full-sized, normal, and permanent
A thick, rubbery sole
items of their type, which includes 50 feet of hempen
covers the bottoms
rope, a cask containing 20 gallons of
and sides of these stout
fresh water, two oars, and a
leather boots. They are
12-foot‑long rowboat.
useful for maneuvering
in cluttered alleyways,
slick sewers, and the
occasional patch of ice
or gravel. While you
wear these boots, you
can use a bonus action
to speak the command
word. If you do, nonmagical
difficult terrain doesn’t cost
Bountiful Cauldron
you extra movement when you walk across it wearing
these boots. If you speak the command word again as Wondrous item, common
a bonus action, you end the effect. If this small, copper
When the boots’ property has been used for a total cauldron is filled
of 1 minute, the magic ceases to function until the with water and a
next dawn. half pound of meat,

Wondrous Items
vegetables, or other
Boots of the Grandmother foodstuffs then placed
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) over a fire, it produces a
While wearing these boots, you have proficiency simple, but hearty stew
in the Stealth skill if you don’t already have it, and that provides one creature with
you double your proficiency bonus on enough nourishment to sustain it for one day. As long
Dexterity (Stealth) checks. as the food is kept within the cauldron with the lid on,
As an action, you can the food remains fresh and edible for up to 24 hours,
drip three drops of fresh though it grows cold unless reheated.
blood onto the boots to ease
Box of Secrets
your passage through the
world. For 1d6 hours, you Wondrous item, rare
and your allies within 30 feet This well-made, cubical box appears to be a normal
of you ignore difficult terrain. container that can hold as much as a normal chest.
Once used, this property However, each side of the chest is a lid that can be
can’t be used again until opened on cunningly concealed hinges. A successful
the next dawn. DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check notices that the
sides can be opened. When you use an action to turn
the box so a new side is facing up, and speak the
command word before opening the lid, the current 117
contents of the chest slip into an interdimensional creature within your line of sight. Use the statistics
space, leaving it empty once more. You can use an for the constrictor snake, but use Armor Class 14 and
action to fill the box again, then turn it over to a new increase the challenge rating to 1/2 (100 XP). The
side and open it, again sending the contents to the snake can stay animate for up to 5 minutes or until
interdimensional space. This can be done up to six reduced to 0 hit points. Being reduced to 0 hit points
times, once for each side of the box. causes the snake to revert to orb form and become
To gain access to a particular batch of contents, inert for 1 week. If damaged but not reduced to 0 hit
the correct side must be facing up, and you must use points, the snake has full hit points when summoned
an action to speak the command word as you open again. Once you have used the orb to become a snake,
the lid on that side. A box of secrets is often crafted it can’t be used again until the next sunset.
with specific means of telling the sides apart, such
as unique carvings on each side, or having each side Brawler’s Leather
painted a different color. Wondrous item, common
If any side of the box is destroyed completely, the These rawhide straps have lines of crimson runes
contents that were stored through that side are lost. running along their length. They require 10 minutes
Likewise, if the entire box is destroyed, the contents of bathing them in salt water before carefully
are lost forever. wrapping them around your forearms.
Once fitted, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and
Bracelet of the Fire Tender damage rolls made with unarmed strikes. The straps
Wondrous item, uncommon become brittle with use. After you have dealt damage
This bracelet is made with unarmed strike attacks 10 times, the straps
of thirteen small, crumble away.
roasted pinecones
lashed together Breathing Reed
with lengths of dried Wondrous item, common
sinew. It smells of This tiny river reed segment is cool to the touch. If
pine and woodsmoke. It is you chew the reed while underwater, it provides you
uncomfortable to wear over bare skin. with enough air to breathe for up to 10 minutes. At
While wearing this bracelet, you don’t have the end of the duration, the reed loses its magic and
disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that can be harmlessly swallowed or spit out.
rely on sight when looking in areas lightly obscured
by nonmagical smoke or fog. Briarthorn Bracers
Wondrous item, uncommon
Braid Whip Clasp
These leather bracers are inscribed with Elvish runes.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing these bracers, you gain a +1 bonus to
This intricately carved ivory clasp can be wrapped AC if you are using no shield. In addition, while in a
around or woven into braided hair 3 feet or longer. forest, nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra
Wondrous Items

While the clasp is attached to your braided hair, you movement.

can speak its command word as a bonus action and
transform your braid into a dangerous whip. If you Broken Fang Talisman
speak the command word again, you end the effect. Wondrous item, common
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls This talisman is a piece
made with this magic whip. When the clasp’s property of burnished
has been used for a total of 10 minutes, you can’t use copper, shaped
it to transform your braid into a whip again until the into a curved
next dawn. fang with a
Brass Snake Ball large crack
through the
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
middle. While
Most commonly used by assassins to strangle sleeping wearing the talisman, you can
victims, this heavy, brass ball is 6 inches across and use an action to cast the encrypt/
weighs approximately 15 pounds. It has the image decrypt (see Deep Magic for 5th
of a coiled snake embossed around it. You can use Edition) spell. The talisman can’t be
an action to command the orb to uncoil into a brass used this way again until 1 hour has passed.
snake approximately 6 feet long and 3 inches thick.
You can direct it by telepathic command to attack any
Broom of Sweeping Buckle of Blasting
Wondrous item, common Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
You can use an action to speak the broom's command This soot-colored steel buckle has an exploding
word and give it short instructions consisting of a flame etched into its surface. It can be affixed to any
few words, such as “sweep the floor” or “dust the common belt. While wearing this buckle, you have
cabinets.” The broom can clean up to 5 cubic feet each resistance to force damage. In addition, the buckle
minute and continues cleaning until you use another has 5 charges, and it regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at
action to deactivate it. The broom can’t climb barriers dawn. It has the following properties.
higher than 5 feet and can’t open doors. Blast. As an action, you can expend 2 charges
to release a blast of magical energy in a 30-foot
Brotherhood of Fezzes cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 17
Wondrous item, uncommon Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
This trio of fezzes works only if all three hats are takes 4d6 force damage and is pushed up to 10 feet
worn within 60 feet of each other by creatures of the away from you. On a success, a creature takes half
same size. If one of the hats is removed or moves the damage and isn’t pushed. This blast deals triple
further than 60 feet from the others or if creatures of damage to objects and structures, and it ignores
different sizes are wearing the hats, the hats’ magic damage thresholds of 10 or lower.
temporarily ceases. Illuminate. As an action, you can expend 1 or
While three creatures of the same size wear these more of the buckle’s charges to cause the buckle to
fezzes within 60 feet of each other, each creature can shed light. It sheds warm, bright light in a 10-foot
use its action to cast the alter self spell from it at will. radius for each charge expended and dim light for
However, all three wearers of the fezzes are affected an additional 10 feet for each charge expended. The
as if the same spell was simultaneously cast on each light lasts for 1 hour or until you extinguish it (no
of them, making each wearer appear identical to the action required).
other. For example, if one Medium wearer uses an
action to change its appearance to that of a specific
Burglar’s Lock and Key
elf, each other wearer’s appearance changes to look Wondrous item, uncommon
like the exact same elf. This heavy iron lock bears a stout, pitted key
permanently fixed in the keyhole. As an action, you
can twist the key counterclockwise to instantly open
one door, chest, bag, bottle, or container of your
choice within 30 feet.
Any container or portal weighing more than 30
pounds or restrained in any way (latched, bolted, tied,
or the like) automatically resists this effect.

Burning Skull

Wondrous Items
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
This appallingly misshapen skull—though alien and
monstrous in aspect—is undeniably human, and
it is large and hollow enough to be worn as a helm
Bubbling Retort by any Medium humanoid. The skull helm radiates
Wondrous item, uncommon an unholy spectral aura, which sheds dim light in a
10-foot radius. According to legends, gazing upon a
This long, thin retort is fashioned from smoky
burning skull freezes the blood and withers the brain
yellow glass and is topped with an intricately carved
of one who understands not its mystery.
brass stopper. You can unstopper the retort and
Gaze. The helm has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3
fill it with liquid as an action. Once you do so, it
expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing it,
spews out multicolored bubbles in a 20-foot radius.
you can use an action and expend 1 charge to gaze at a
The bubbles last for 1d4 + 1 rounds. While they
creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target
last, creatures within the radius are blinded and
must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be
the area is heavily obscured to all creatures except
affected by one of the helm’s gazes. Choose one of the
those with tremorsense. The liquid in the retort is
following effects:
destroyed in the process with no harmful effect on its
surroundings. If any bubbles are popped, they burst Enervating Gaze. The target deals only half
with a wet smacking sound but no other effect. damage with weapon attacks that use Strength for
1 minute. It can make a DC 17 Constitution saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the additional 5 feet. Each creature in the candle’s light
effect on itself on a success. has advantage on Constitution saving throws to
Paralyzing Gaze. The target is paralyzed for 1 maintain concentration on conjuration spells. After
minute. It can repeat the saving throw at the end burning for 1 hour, or if the flame is magically or
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a nonmagically snuffed out, it is destroyed.
success. Alternatively, when you light the candle for the first
Phantasmal Gaze. The target takes 4d6 psychic time, you can cast the spirit guardians spell (save DC
damage at the start of each of its turns. It can 15) with it. Doing so destroys the candle.
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
Candle of Visions
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Wondrous item, common
Butter of Disbelief This black candle burns with an
Wondrous item, uncommon eerie, blue flame. The candle’s magic
This stick of magical butter is carved with arcane is activated when the candle is lit,
runes and never melts or spoils. It has 3 charges. which requires an action. When lit, the
While holding this butter, you can use an action to candle sheds bright light in a 5-foot
slice off a piece and expend 1 charge to cast the grease radius and dim light for an additional
spell (save DC 13) from it. The grease that covers the 5 feet. Each creature in the candle’s
ground looks like melted butter. light has advantage on Constitution
The butter regains all expended charges daily saving throws to maintain
at dawn. If you expend the last charge, the butter concentration on divination
disappears. spells. After burning for 1 hour,
or if the flame is magically or
nonmagically snuffed out, it is destroyed.
Alternatively, when you light the candle for the
first time, you can cast the augury spell with it, which
reveals its otherworldly omen in the candle’s smoke.
Doing so destroys the candle.

Cap of Thorns
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
Donning this thorny wooden circlet causes it to meld
with your scalp. It can be removed only upon your
death or by a remove curse spell. The cap ingests some
of your blood, dealing 2d4 piercing damage. After
Candle of Communion this first feeding, the thorns feed once per day for 1d4
Wondrous item, uncommon piercing damage.
Wondrous Items

This black candle burns with an eerie, violet flame. Once per day, you can sacrifice 1 hit point per level
The candle’s magic is activated when the candle is lit, you possess to cast a special entangle spell made of
which requires an action. When lit, the candle sheds thorny vines. Charisma is your spellcasting ability
bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an for this effect. Restrained creatures must make a
additional 5 feet. Each creature in the candle’s light successful Charisma saving throw or be affected by
has advantage on Constitution saving throws to a charm person spell as thorns pierce their body. The
maintain concentration on necromancy spells. After target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
burning for 1 hour, or if the candle’s flame is magically its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If the
or nonmagically snuffed out, it is destroyed. target fails three consecutive saves, the thorns become
Alternatively, when you light the candle for the first deeply rooted and the charmed effect is permanent
time, you can cast the speak with dead spell with it. until remove curse or similar magic is cast on the target.
Doing so destroys the candle.
Cape of Targeting
Candle of Summoning Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, uncommon You gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this long,
This black candle burns with an eerie, green flame. flowing cloak. Whenever you are within 10 feet of
The candle’s magic is activated when the candle is lit, more than two creatures, it subtly and slowly shifts its
which requires an action. When lit, the candle sheds color to whatever the creatures nearest you find the
bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an most irritating.
While within 5 feet of to the goggles, your name (or preferred moniker)
a hostile creature, appears on the side of the goggles. While wearing the
you can use a bonus goggles, you can’t suffer from exhaustion.
action to speak the
cloak’s command word to Case of Preservation
activate it, allowing your Wondrous item, common
allies’ ranged attacks to This item appears to be a standard map or scroll case
pass right through you. fashioned of well-oiled leather. You can store up to
For 1 minute, each ten rolled-up sheets of paper or five rolled-up sheets
friendly creature that of parchment in this container. While ensconced in
makes a ranged attack the case, the contents are protected from damage
against a hostile caused by fire, exposure to water, age, or vermin.
creature within 5 feet
of you has advantage
on the attack roll.
Each round the
cloak is active, it
and telepathically
says “shoot me!” in
different tones and
cadences into the
minds of each friendly
creature that can see you and the cloak. The cloak can’t
be used this way again until the next dawn.

Captain’s Flag
Cataloguing Book
Wondrous item, rare
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This red and white flag adorned with a white anchor
is made of velvet that never seems to fray in strong This nondescript book contains statistics and details
wings. When mounted and flown on a ship, the flag on various objects. Libraries often use these tomes
changes to the colors and symbol of the ship’s captain to assist visitors in finding the knowledge contained
and crew. within their stacks.
While this flag is mounted on a ship, the captain You can use an action to touch the book to an
and its allies have advantage on saving throws object you wish to catalogue. The book inscribes the
against being charmed or frightened. In addition, object’s name, provided by you, on one of its pages
when the captain is reduced to 0 hit points while on and sketches a rough illustration to accompany
the object’s name. If the object is a magic item or

Wondrous Items
the ship where this flag flies, each ally of the captain
has advantage on its attack rolls until the end of its otherwise magic-imbued, the book also inscribes
next turn. the object’s properties. The book becomes magically
connected to the object, and its pages denote the
Captain’s Goggles object’s current location, provided the object is not
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) protected by nondetection or other magic that thwarts
divination magic. When you attune to this book, its
These copper and glass goggles are prized by air
previously catalogued contents disappear.
and sea captains across the world. The goggles are
Encrypt Book. You can use an action to speak a
designed to repel water and never fog. After attuning
command word to encrypt the book’s contents,
which you and up to ten creatures of your choice can
understand. A second command word removes the
encryption, returning the text to a language of your
choice (typically Common).
Seek Object. If you and a catalogued object are on
the same plane of existence, you can teleport to the
object’s location. This property works like the teleport
spell, except you teleport only yourself and you treat
the object’s location as “very familiar.” Once used, you
can’t use this property again until 7 days have passed.
Celestial Sextant Chalice of
Wondrous item, uncommon Forbidden Ecstasies
(requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon
The ancient elves (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
constructed these The cup of this garnet chalice is carved
sextants to use as in the likeness of a human skull. When
navigational aids the chalice is filled with blood, the dark
on all their seagoing red gemstone pulses with a scintillating
vessels. The knowledge of their manufacture has been crimson light that sheds dim light in
lost, and few of them remain. a 5-foot radius. Each creature that
While attuned to the sextant, you can spend 1 drinks blood from this chalice has disadvantage on
minute using the sextant to determine your latitude enchantment spells you cast for the next 24 hours. In
and longitude, provided you can see the sun or stars. addition, you can use an action to cast the suggestion
You can use an action steer up to four vessels that are spell, using your spell save DC, on a creature that
within 1 mile of the sextant, provided their crews are has drunk blood from the chalice within the past
willing. To do so, you must have spent at least 1 hour 24 hours. You need to concentrate on this suggestion
aboard each of the controlled vessels, performing basic to maintain it during its duration. Once used, the
sailing tasks and familiarizing yourself with the vessel. suggestion power of the chalice can’t be used again
until the next dusk.
Censer of Dark Shadows
Wondrous item, uncommon Chalk of Exodus
This enchanted censer paints the air with magical, Wondrous item, uncommon
smoky shadow. While holding the censer, you can use This piece of chalk glitters in the light, as if infused
an action to speak its command word, causing the with particles of mica or gypsum. The chalk has 10
censer to emit shadow in a 30-foot radius for 1 hour. charges. You can use an action and expend 1 charge
Bright light and sunlight within this area is reduced to to draw a door on any solid surface upon which the
dim light, and dim light within this area is reduced to chalk can leave a mark. You can then push open the
magical darkness. The shadow spreads around corners, door while picturing a real door within 10 miles
and nonmagical light can’t illuminate this shadow. of your current location. The door you picture
The shadow emanates from the censer and moves must be one that you have passed through, in the
with it. Completely enveloping the censer within
another sealed object, such as a lidded pot or a leather
bag, blocks the shadow. If any of this effect’s area
overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd
level or lower, the spell creating the light is dispelled.
Once the censer is used to emit shadow, it can’t do
so again until the next dusk.
Wondrous Items

Centaur Wrist-Wraps
Wondrous item, uncommon
(requires attunement)
These leather and fur
wraps are imbued with
centaur shamanic magic.
The wraps are stained
a deep amber color,
and intricate motifs
painted in blue
seem to float above
the surface of the
leather. While wearing
these wraps, you can call on their magic
to reroll an attack made with a shortbow or longbow.
You must use the new roll. Once used, the wraps must
be held in wood smoke for 15 minutes before they can
be used in this way again.
normal fashion, once before. The chalk opens a to be hung from a pack, belt, or weapon pommel.
magical portal to that other door, and you can step As long as you carry this charm, whenever you are
through the portal to appear at that other location targeted by a spell or magical effect that restores your
as if you had stepped through that other door. At hit points, you regain an extra 1 hit point.
the destination, the target door opens, revealing
a glowing portal from which you emerge. Once Chronomancer’s Pocket Clock
through, you can shut the door, dispelling the portal, Wondrous item, very rare
or you can leave it open for up to 1 minute. While the This golden pocketwatch has 3 charges and regains
door is open, any creature that can fit through the 1d3 expended charges daily at midnight. While
chalk door can traverse the portal in either direction. holding it, you can use an action to wind it and
Each time you use the chalk, roll a d20. On a roll expend 1 charge to cast the haste spell from it.
of 1, the magic malfunctions and connects you to a If the pendant is destroyed (AC 14, 15 hit points)
random door similar to the one you pictured within while it has 3 charges, the creature that broke it gains
the same range, though it might be a door you have the effects of the time stop spell.
never seen before. The chalk becomes nonmagical
when you use the last charge.

Chamrosh Salve
Wondrous item, rare
This 3-inch-diameter ceramic jar contains 1d4 + 1
doses of a syrupy mixture that smells faintly of freshly
washed dog fur. The jar is a glorious gold-white,
resembling the shimmering fur of a chamrosh (see
Tome of Beasts 2), the holy hound from which this salve
gets its name.
As an action, one dose of the ointment can be
applied to the skin. The creature that receives it
regains 2d8 + 1 hit points and is cured of the charmed,
frightened, and poisoned conditions.

Charlatan’s Veneer Cinch of the Wolfmother

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This silken scarf is a more powerful version of This belt is made of the treated and tanned intestines
the commoner’s veneer (see page 128). When in an of a dire wolf, enchanted to imbue those who wear it
area containing 12 or more humanoids, Wisdom with the ferocity and determination of the wolf.
(Perception) checks to spot you have disadvantage. While wearing this belt, you can use an action to
You can use a bonus action to call on the power in cast the druidcraft or speak with animals spell from it

Wondrous Items
the scarf to invoke a sense of trust in those to whom at will. In addition, you have advantage on Wisdom
you speak. If you do so, you have advantage on the (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
next Charisma (Persuasion) check you make against Curse. This belt is cursed. Attuning to it curses
a humanoid while you are in an area containing 12 or you until you are targeted by the remove curse spell
more humanoids. or similar magic. Removing the belt fails to end the
In addition, while wearing the scarf, you can use curse on you.
modify memory on a humanoid you have successfully If you are reduced to 0 hit points while attuned
persuaded in the last 24 hours. The scarf can’t be used to the belt and fail two death saving throws, you die
this way again until the next dawn. immediately as your body violently erupts in a shower
of blood, and a dire wolf emerges from your entrails.
Charm of Restoration You assume control of the dire wolf, and it gains
Wondrous item, common additional hit points equal to half of your maximum
hit points prior to death. The belt then crumbles and
This fist-sized ball of
is destroyed.
tightly‑wound green fronds
If the wolf is targeted by a remove curse spell, then
contains the bark of a
you are reborn when the wolf dies, just as the wolf was
magical plant with curative
born when you died. However, if the curse remains
properties. A natural loop
after the wolf dies, you remain dead.
is formed from one of the
fronds, allowing the charm
Circlet of Holly (Perception) checks that rely on sight when peering
Wondrous item, uncommon through silt, murk, or other natural underwater
(requires attunement) phenomena that would ordinarily lightly obscure
your vision. While wearing these goggles above water,
While wearing this circlet, you gain the following
your vision is lightly obscured.
• Language of the Fey. You can speak and Cloak of Coagulation
understand Sylvan. Wondrous item, uncommon
• Friend of the Fey. You have advantage on ability (requires attunement)
checks to interact socially with fey creatures. While wearing this
• Poison Sense. You know if any food or drink you rust red cloak,
are holding contains poison. your blood quickly
clots. When you
Circlet of Persuasion are subjected to an
Wondrous item, uncommon effect that causes
While wearing this circlet, you have advantage on additional damage
Charisma (Persuasion) checks. on subsequent
rounds due to
Clacking Teeth bleeding, blood loss,
Wondrous item, rare or continual necrotic
Taken from a fleshspurned (see Tome of Beasts 2), a damage, such as a
toothy ghost, this bony jaw holds oversized teeth horned devil’s tail
that sweat ectoplasm. The jaw has 3 charges and attack or a sword of
regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dusk. While wounding, the effect
holding the jaw, you can use an action to expend 1 ceases after a single
of its charges and choose a target within 30 feet of round of damage. For
you. The jaw’s teeth clatter together, and the target example, if a stirge
must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or hits you with its
be confused for 1 minute. While confused, the target proboscis, you take
acts as if under the effects of the confusion spell. The the initial damage, plus the damage from blood loss
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each on the following round, after which the wound clots,
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. the stirge detaches, and you take no further damage.
The cloak doesn’t prevent a creature from using such
Clamor Bell an attack or effect again; a horned devil or a stirge can
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement) attack you again, though the cloak will continue to
You can affix this small, brass bell to an object with stop any recurring effects after a single round.
the leather cords tied to its top. If anyone other
Wondrous Items

Cloak of Petals
than you picks up, interacts with, or uses the object
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
without first speaking the bell’s command word, it
rings for 5 minutes or until you touch it and speak the This delicate cloak is covered in an array of pink,
command word again. The ringing is audible 100 feet purple, and yellow flowers. While wearing this cloak,
away. If a creature takes an action to cut the bindings you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks
holding the bell onto the object, the bell ceases made to hide in areas containing flowering plants.
ringing 1 round after being released from the object. The cloak has 3 charges. When a creature you
can see targets you with an attack, you can use your
Clarifying Goggles reaction to expend 1 of its charges to release a shower
Wondrous item, uncommon of petals from the cloak. If you do so, the attacker has
These goggles contain a lens of disadvantage on the attack roll. The cloak regains 1d3
slightly rippled blue glass that expended charges daily at dawn.
turns clear underwater. Cloak of Sails
While wearing
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
these goggles
underwater, The interior of this simple, black cloak looks like
you don’t have white sailcloth. While wearing this cloak, you gain
disadvantage a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws. You lose this
on Wisdom bonus while using the cloak’s Sailcloth property.
Sailcloth. While on the deck or roof of a vehicle on its back. The cloak is stiff and doesn’t fold as easily
powered by wind, you can use an action to spread this as normal cloth. Whenever you are struck by a ranged
cloak out behind you to catch the wind as if it were weapon attack, you can use a reaction to reduce the
an actual sail, increasing the movement speed of the damage from that attack by your Charisma modifier
vehicle by 30 feet. The cloak continues to function as (minimum of 1).
a sail as long as you maintain concentration. If you
leave the vehicle, this effect ends immediately. Cloak of the Inconspicuous Rake
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Cloak of Squirrels This cloak is spun from simple gray wool and closed
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) with a plain, triangular copper clasp. While wearing
This wool brocade cloak features a repeating pattern this cloak, you can use a bonus action to make
of squirrel heads and tree branches. It has 3 charges yourself forgettable for 5 minutes. A creature that
and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. sees you must make a DC 15 Intelligence saving
While wearing this cloak, you can use an action to throw as soon as you leave its sight. On a failure, the
expend 1 charge to cast the legion of rabid squirrels spell witness remembers seeing a person doing whatever
(see Deep Magic for 5th Edition) from it. You don’t need you did, but it doesn’t remember details about your
to be in a forest to cast the spell from this cloak, as the appearance or mannerisms and can’t accurately
squirrels come from within the cloak. When the spell describe you to another. Creatures with truesight
ends, the swarm vanishes back inside the cloak. aren’t affected by this cloak. The cloak can’t be used
this way again until the next dawn.
Cloak of the Bearfolk
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Cloak of the Ram
While wearing this cloak, your Constitution score is Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
15, and you have proficiency in the Athletics skill. The While wearing this cloak, you can use an action to
cloak has no effect if you already have proficiency in transform into a mountain ram (use the statistics of a
this skill or if your Constitution score is already 15 or giant goat). This effect works like the polymorph spell,
higher. except you retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Charisma scores. You can use an action to transform
Cloak of the Eel back into your original form.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Each time you transform into a ram in a single
While wearing this rough, blue-gray leather cloak, day, you retain the hit points you had the last time
you have a swimming speed of 40 feet. you transformed. If you were reduced to 0 hit points
When you are hit with a melee the last time you were a ram, you can’t become a ram
weapon attack while wearing this again until the next dawn.
cloak, you can use your reaction
to generate a powerful electric Cloak of the Rat
charge. The attacker must Wondrous item, rare

Wondrous Items
succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity (requires attunement)
saving throw or take 2d6 While wearing this gray garment,
lightning damage. The you have a +5 bonus to your passive
attacker has disadvantage Wisdom (Perception) score.
on the saving throw if it hits Rat Form. While wearing this
you with a metal weapon. The cloak, you can use an action
cloak can’t be used this way to cast polymorph on yourself,
again until the next dawn. transforming into a rat. While
you are in the form of the rat,
Cloak of the Empire you retain your Intelligence,
Wondrous item, uncommon Wisdom, and Charisma
(requires attunement by scores. In addition, you
a creature of non-good don’t need to maintain
alignment) concentration on
This voluminous grey the spell, and the
cloak has bright red transformation
trim and the sigil from lasts for 1 hour,
an unknown empire

until you use a bonus action to revert to your normal emits a field of magic in a 30-
form, or until you drop to 0 hit points or die. Once foot radius from it for 1 hour.
used, this property of the cloak can’t be used again The field moves with the hare,
until the next dawn. remaining centered on it.
Shrink. While wearing this cloak, you can use a While within the field,
bonus action to shrink in size as if you gained the you and up to 5 willing
“reduce” effect of the enlarge/reduce spell until the creatures of your
end of your next turn. Once used, this property of the choice exist outside the
cloak can’t be used again until the next dawn. normal flow of time,
and all other creatures
Cloak of Wicked Wings and objects are frozen in
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) time. If an affected creature
From a distance, this long, black cloak appears to moves outside the field, the
be in tatters, but a closer inspection reveals that it is creature immediately becomes frozen in time until it
sewn from numerous scraps of cloth and shaped like is in the field again.
bat wings. While wearing this cloak, you can use your The field ends early if an affected creature attacks,
action to cast polymorph on yourself, transforming touches, alters, or has any other physical or magical
into a swarm of bats. While in the form of a swarm impact on a creature, or an object being worn or
of bats, you retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, carried by a creature, that is frozen in time. When the
and Charisma scores. In addition, you don’t need field ends, the figurine turns into a nonmagical, living
to maintain concentration on the spell, and the white hare that goes bounding off into the distance,
transformation lasts for 1 hour, until you use a bonus never to be seen again.
action to revert to your normal form, or until you
drop to 0 hit points or die. If you are a druid with the Clockwork Mynah Bird
Wild Shape feature, this transformation instead lasts Wondrous item, rare
as long as your Wild Shape lasts. The cloak can’t be This mechanical brass bird is nine inches long from
used this way again until the next dawn. the tip of its beak to the end of its tail, and it can
become active for up to 12 hours. Once it has been
Clockwork Gauntlet used, it can’t be used again until 2 days have passed.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) If you use your action to speak the first command
This metal gauntlet has a steam-powered ram built word (“listen” in Ignan), it cocks its head and listens
into the greaves. It has 3 charges and regains 1d3 intently to all nearby sounds with a passive Wisdom
expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the (Perception) of 17 for up to 10 minutes. When you
gauntlet, you can expend 1 charge as a bonus action give the second command word (“speak”), it repeats
to force the ram in the gauntlets to slam a creature back what it heard in a metallic-sounding—though
within 5 feet of you. The ram thrusts out from the reasonably accurate—portrayal of the sounds.
gauntlet and makes its attack with a +5 bonus. On a You can use the clockwork mynah bird to relay
Wondrous Items

hit, the target takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage, and it sounds and conversations it has heard to others.
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw As an action, you can command the mynah to fly to
or be stunned until the end of its next turn. a location it has previously visited within 1 mile. It
waits at the location for up to 1 hour for someone to
Clockwork Hand command it to speak. At the end of the hour or after it
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) speaks its recording, it returns to you.
A beautiful work of articulate brass, this prosthetic The clockwork mynah bird has an Armor Class of
clockwork hand (or hands) can’t be worn if you have 14, 5 hit points, and a flying speed of 50 feet.
both of your hands. While wearing this hand, you
gain a +2 bonus to damage with melee weapon attacks
Clockwork Pendant
made with this hand or weapons wielded in this hand. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This pendant resembles an ornate, miniature clock
Clockwork Hare and has 3 charges. While holding this pendant, you
Wondrous item, legendary can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the blur,
Gifted by a deity of time and clockwork, these haste, or slow spell (save DC 15) from it. The spell’s
simple‑seeming trinkets portend some momentous duration changes to 3 rounds, and it doesn’t require
event. The figurine resembles a hare with a clock in its concentration. You can have only one spell active at
belly. You can use an action to press the ears down and a time. If you cast another, the previous spell effect
activate the clock, which spins chaotically. The hare ends. It regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
If the pendant is destroyed (AC 14, 15 hit points) no effect if the beast’s base AC is already 13 or higher.
while it has 3 charges, it creates a temporal distortion This collar affects only beasts, which can include a
for 1d4 rounds. For the duration, each creature creature affected by the polymorph spell or a druid
and object that enters or starts its turn within 10 assuming a beast form using Wild Shape.
feet of the pendant has immunity to all damage, all
spells, and all other physical or magical effects but is Comfy Slippers
otherwise able to move and act normally. If a creature Wondrous item, common
moves further than 10 feet from the pendant, these While wearing the
effects end for it. At the end of the duration, the slippers, your feet
pendant crumbles to dust. feel warm and
comfortable, no
Clockwork Spider Cloak matter what the
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) ambient temperature.
This hooded cloak is made from black spider silk
and has thin brass ribbing stitched on the inside. It Commander’s Helm
has 3 charges. While wearing the cloak, you gain a +2 Wondrous item, common
bonus on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. As an action, This helmet sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and
you can expend 1 charge to animate the brass ribs into dim light for an additional 10 feet. The type of light
articulated spider legs 1 inch thick and 6 feet long for given off by the helm depends on the aesthetic desired
1 minute. You can use the charges in succession. The by its creator. Some are surrounded
spider legs allow you to climb at your normal walking in a wreath of hellish (though
speed, and you double your proficiency bonus and illusory) flames, while others
gain advantage on any Strength (Athletics) checks give off a soft, warm halo of
made for slippery or difficult surfaces. The cloak white or golden light. You
regains 1d3 charges each day at sunset. can use an action to start
or stop the light. While
Coffer of Memory wearing the helm, you
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) can use an action to make
This small golden box resembles a jewelry box and your voice loud enough to
is easily mistaken for a common trinket. When be heard clearly by anyone
attuned to the box, its owner can fill the box with within 300 feet of you until
mental images of important events lasting no more the end of your next turn.
than 1 minute each. Any number of memories can
be stored this way. These images are similar to a slide Commander’s Visage
show from the bearer's point of view. On a command Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
from its owner, the box projects a mental image of a This golden mask resembles a stern face, glowering
requested memory so that whoever is holding the box at the world. While wearing this mask, you

Wondrous Items
at that moment can see it. have advantage on saving throws against being
If a coffer of memory is found with memories already frightened. The mask has 7 charges for the following
stored inside it, a newly-attuned owner can view a properties, and it regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges
randomly-selected stored memory with a successful daily at midnight.
DC 15 Charisma check. Commander’s Call. You can use a bonus action to
expend 1 of its charges to bark a command at one ally
Collar of Beast Armor you can see within 30 feet of you. The target can use
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) its reaction to move up to half its speed and make
This worked leather collar has stitching in the shapes one attack.
of various animals. While a beast wears this collar, its Conscription. You can use an action to expend 2 of
base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier. It has its charges to conscript one humanoid within 60 feet
of you that can see the mask. This conscription works
like the dominate person spell, except it lasts 1 minute,
requiring no concentration. You can have only one
humanoid conscripted at a time. If you conscript
another, the effect on the previous target ends.
Unsettling Glower. When a creature that can see the
mask makes a melee attack against you, you can use
your reaction to spend 1 charge to force the target to
make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the paralyzed. The paralyzed creature can repeat the saving
creature must choose a new target or lose the attack. throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
on itself on a success.
Commoner’s Veneer Pink. On a failed save, the target takes 10d6 acid
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement) damage and is wracked with pain for 1 minute. On a
When you wear this simple, homespun scarf around successful save, the target takes half the damage and
your neck or head, it casts a minor glamer over you isn’t wracked with pain. While wracked with pain, the
that makes you blend in with the people around creature has disadvantage on ability checks, attack
you, avoiding notice. When in an area containing rolls, and saving throws. The target can repeat the
25 or more humanoids, such as a city street, market saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
place, or other public locale, Wisdom (Perception) effect on itself on a success.
checks to spot you amid the crowd have disadvantage.
This item’s power only works for creatures of the
Corpsehunter’s Medallion
humanoid type or those using magic to take on a Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
humanoid form. This amulet is made from the skulls of grave rats or
from scrimshawed bones of the ignoble dead. While
Communal Flute wearing it, you have resistance to necrotic damage.
Wondrous item, rare
(requires attunement by a bard) Countermelody Crystals
This flute is carved with skulls and can be used as a Wondrous item, uncommon
spellcasting focus. If you spend 10 minutes playing This golden bracelet is
the flute over a dead creature, you can cast the speak set with ten glistening
with dead spell from the flute. The flute can’t be crystal bangles that tinkle
used this way again until the when they strike
next dawn. one another. When
you must make a saving
throw against being charmed
or frightened, the crystals vibrate, creating an eerie
melody, and you have advantage on the saving throw.
Coral of Enchanted Colors If you fail the saving throw, you can choose to succeed
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) instead by forcing one of the crystals to shatter. Once
all ten crystals have shattered, the bracelet loses its
This piece of dead, white brain coral glistens with
magic and crumbles to powder.
a myriad of colors when placed underwater. While
holding this coral underwater, you can use an action Crab Gloves
to cause a beam of colored light to streak from the Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
coral toward a creature you can see within 60 feet
These gloves are shaped like crab claws but fit easily
Wondrous Items

of you. The target must make a DC 17 Constitution

saving throw. The beam’s color determines its effects, over your hands. While wearing these gloves, you can
as described below. Each color can be used only once. take the Attack action to make two melee weapon
The coral regains the use of all of its colors at the next attacks with the claws. You are proficient with the claws.
dawn if it is immersed in water for at least 1 hour. Each claw has a reach of 5 feet and deals bludgeoning
Green. On a failed save, the target is transformed damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit.
into a Tiny fish, such as a herring or salmon, for If you hit a creature of your size or smaller using a claw,
1 hour. This effect works like the polymorph spell, you automatically grapple the creature with the claw.
except you don’t need to maintain concentration on You can have no more than two creatures grappled
the effect. The target can repeat the saving throw at in this way at a time. While grappling a target with a
the end of each minute, ending the effect on itself on claw, you can’t attack other creatures with that claw.
a success. While wearing
Yellow. On a failed save, the target takes 10d6 the gloves, you
radiant damage and suffers two levels of exhaustion have disadvantage
as its body is rapidly drained of moisture. On a on Charisma and
successful save, the target takes half the damage and Dexterity checks, but
doesn’t suffer exhaustion. you have advantage on
Blue. On a failed save, the target takes 10d6 cold checks while operating
damage and is paralyzed for 1 minute. On a successful an apparatus of the crab
save, the target takes half the damage and isn’t and on attack rolls with
the apparatus’ claws. In addition, you can’t wield
weapons or a shield, and you can’t cast a spell that has
a somatic component.
This bugbear necromancer was once the henchman
A creature with an Intelligence of 8 or higher that
of an accomplished practitioner of the dark arts
has two claws can wear these gloves. If it does so, it
named Varrus. She started as a bodyguard and
has two appropriately sized humanoid hands instead
tough, but her keen intellect caught her master’s
of claws. The creature can wield weapons with the
attention. He eventually took her on as an apprentice.
hands and has advantage on Dexterity checks that
Moxug is fascinated with fear, and some say she
require fine manipulation.
doesn’t eat but instead sustains herself on the
Pulling the gloves on or off requires an action.
terror of her victims. She eventually betrayed Varrus,
Craven’s Heart sabotaging his attempt to become a lich, and
Wondrous item, uncommon luxuriated in his fear as he realized he would die
rather than achieve immortality. According to rumor,
This leathery mass of dried meat was once a
the first craven’s heart she crafted came from the
humanoid heart, taken from an individual that died
body of her former master.
while experiencing great terror. You can use an action
to whisper a command word and hurl the heart to the
ground, where it revitalizes and begins to beat rapidly
and loudly for 1 minute. Each creature withing 30 along the ground, allowing you to ignore the extra
feet of the heart has disadvantage on saving throws movement cost for crawling. You can still only move
against being frightened. At the end of the duration, up to your normal movement rate and can’t stand
the heart bursts from the strain and is destroyed. up from prone unless you still have at least half your
The heart can be attacked and destroyed (AC 11; hp movement remaining after moving.
3; resistance to bludgeoning damage). If the heart is Sturdy Crawling Cloak (Uncommon). This more
destroyed before the end if its duration, each creature powerful version of the crawling cloak also allows
within 30 feet of the heart must succeed on a DC 15 you to use the prehensile strips of the cloak to climb,
Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. giving you a climbing speed of 20 feet. If you already
have a climbing speed, the cloak increases that speed
Crawling Cloak by 10 feet. When using the cloak, you can keep your
Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement) hands free while climbing.
This unusual cloak is made of many overlapping,
broad strips of thick cloth. Crimson Carpet
Crawling Cloak (Common). When you are prone, Wondrous item, uncommon
you can animate the cloak and have it pull you This rolled bundle of red felt is 3-feet long and 1-foot
wide, and it weighs 10 pounds. You can use an action
to speak the carpet’s command word to cause it to
unroll, creating a horizontal walking surface or

Wondrous Items
bridge up to 10 feet wide, up to 60 feet long, and 1/4
inch thick. The carpet doesn’t need to be anchored
and can hover. The carpet has immunity to all
damage and isn’t affected by the dispel magic spell. The
disintegrate spell destroys the carpet.
The carpet remains unrolled until you use an action
to repeat the command word,
causing it to roll up again.
When you do so, the carpet
can’t be unrolled again until
the next dawn.

Crown of the Pharaoh charmed for 1 minute. While charmed, the target is
Wondrous item, legendary incapacitated and has a speed of 0 as it watches the
(requires attunement) petals. The effect ends for a target if the target takes
damage or another creature uses an action to shake it
The swirling gold bands
out of its stupor.
of this crown recall
Serrated Twirl. You can use an action and expend 1
the shape of desert
charge to command the floret to fling an arcing swirl
dunes, and dozens of
of serrated leaves. Each creature within 10 feet of you
tiny emeralds, rubies,
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking
and sapphires nest among the
4d6 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much
skillfully forged curlicues. While wearing the crown,
damage on a successful one.
you gain the following benefits:
• Your Intelligence score is 25. This crown has no Dancing Ink
effect on you if your Intelligence is already 25 Wondrous item, common
or higher.
This ink is favored by merchants for eye-catching
• You have a flying speed equal to your walking banners and by toy makers for scrolls and books for
speed. children. Typically found in 1d4 pots, this ink allows
• While you are wearing no armor and not wielding you to draw an illustration that moves about the page
a shield, your Armor Class equals 16 + your where it was drawn, whether that is an illustration of
Dexterity modifier. waves crashing against a shore along the bottom of
the page or a rabbit leaping over the page’s text. The
Dancing Caltrops ink wears away over time due to the movement and
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement) fades from the page after 2d4 weeks. The ink moves
After you pour these magic caltrops out of the bag only when exposed to light, and some long-forgotten
into an area, you can use a bonus action to animate tomes have been opened to reveal small, moving
them and command them to move up to 10 feet to illustrations drawn by ancient scholars.
occupy a different square area that is 5 feet on a side. One pot can be used to fill 25 pages of a book or a
Tripping Hazard. You can use a reaction when a similar total area for larger banners.
creature enters the area containing the caltrops to
make the caltrops skitter into the creature’s path. Dastardly Quill and Parchment
If the creature isn’t moving at half speed, it has Wondrous item, rare
disadvantage on the saving throw. If the creature is Favored by spies, this quill and parchment are
moving at half speed, it must make the saving throw, magically linked as long as both remain on the
but it doesn’t have disadvantage. Once used, this same plane of existence. When a creature writes or
feature of the caltrops can’t be used again until the draws on any surface with the quill, that writing or
next dawn. drawing appears on its linked parchment, exactly as
it would appear if the writer was writing or drawing
Wondrous Items

Dancing Floret on the parchment with black ink. This effect doesn’t
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) prevent the quill from being used as a standard
This 2-inch-long plant has a humanoid shape, and quill on a nonmagical piece of parchment, but this
a large purple flower sits at the top of the plant on written communication is one-way, from quill to
a short, neck-like stalk. Small, serrated thorns on parchment. The quill’s linked parchment is immune
its arms and legs allow it to cling to your clothing, to all nonmagical inks and stains, and any magical
and it most often dances along your arm or across messages written on the parchment disappear after 1
your shoulders. While attuned to the floret, you have minute and aren’t conveyed to the creature holding
proficiency in the Performance skill, and you double the quill.
your proficiency bonus on Charisma (Performance) The parchment is approximately 9 inches wide
checks made while dancing. by 13 inches long. If the quill’s writing exceeds the
The floret has 3 charges for the following other area of the parchment, the older writing fades from
properties. The floret regains 1d3 expended charges the top of the sheet, replaced by the newer writing.
daily at dawn. Otherwise, the quill’s writing remains on the
Scintillating Petals. You can use an action and parchment for 24 hours, after which time all writing
expend 1 charge to cause the floret to release fades from it.
scintillating petals. Choose up to three creatures If either item is destroyed, the other item becomes
within 20 feet of you. If a target can see the petals, it nonmagical.
must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be
Decoy Card Devil Shark Mask
Wondrous item, uncommon Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This small, thick, parchment card displays an accurate When you wear this burgundy face covering, it
portrait of the person carrying it. You can use an transforms your face into a shark-like visage, and
action to toss the card on the ground at a point within the mask sprouts wicked horns. While wearing this
10 feet of you. An illusion of you forms over the card mask, your bite is a natural melee weapon, which
and remains until dispelled. The illusion appears real, you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit
but it can do no harm. with it, your bite deals piercing damage equal to 1d8
While you are within 120 feet of the illusion and + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning
can see it, you can use an action to make it move and damage normal for an unarmed strike. You gain a
behave as you wish, as long as it moves no further +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic
than 10 feet from the card. Any physical interaction bite. In addition, you have advantage on Charisma
with your illusory double reveals it to be an illusion, (Intimidation) checks while wearing this mask.
because objects pass through it. Someone who uses Curse. The mask is cursed, and becoming attuned
an action to visually inspect your illusory double to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain
identifies it as illusory with a successful DC 15 cursed, you are unwilling to part with the mask,
Intelligence (Investigation) check. wearing it at all times. If you haven’t used the mask’s
The illusion lasts until the card is moved or the bite to damage a creature in the past 24 hours, the
illusion is dispelled. When the illusion ends, the mask compels you to bite out a chunk of your flesh.
card’s face becomes blank, and the card becomes You take 2d6 necrotic damage, and your hit point
nonmagical. maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the
damage taken. This reduction lasts until the curse is
Deepchill Orb removed. If your hit point maximum is reduced to 0
Wondrous item, common as a result of this curse, you die, transform into a devil
This fist-sized sphere of blue quartz emits cold. shark (see Creature Codex), and teleport to the nearest
If placed in a container with a capacity of up to 5 open body of water.
cubic feet, it keeps the internal temperature of the
container at a consistent 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Devilish Doubloon
This can keep liquids chilled, preserve cooked foods Wondrous item, very rare
for up to 1 week, raw meats for up to 3 days, and This gold coin bears
fruits and vegetables for weeks. If you hold the orb the face of a leering
without gloves or other insulating method, you take devil on the obverse.
1 cold damage each minute you hold it. At the GM’s If it is placed among
discretion, the orb’s cold can be applied to other uses, other coins, it changes
such as keeping it in contact with a hot item to cool its appearance to mimic
down the item enough to be handled, wrapping it its neighbors, doing so over the
and using it as a cooling pad to bring down fever or course of 1 hour. This is a purely cosmetic change, and

Wondrous Items
swelling, or similar. it returns to its original appearance when grasped by
a creature with an Intelligence of 5 or higher.
Deserter’s Boots You can use a bonus action to toss the coin up to 20
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) feet. When the coin lands, it transforms into a barbed
While you wear these boots, your walking speed devil. The devil vanishes after 1 hour or when it is
increases by 10 feet, and you gain a +1 bonus to reduced to 0 hit points. When the devil vanishes, the
Dexterity saving throws. coin reappears in a collection of at least 20 gold coins
Curse. These boots are cursed. Attuning to them elsewhere on the same plane where it vanished.
extends the curse to you until you are targeted by The devil is friendly to you and your companions.
the remove curse spell or similar magic. Removing the Roll initiative for the devil, which has its own turns.
boots fails to end the curse on you. If an ally you can It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it
see is within 5 feet of a creature hostile to your ally, (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any
your speed is halved when you move away from that commands to the devil, it defends itself from hostile
ally. If more than one ally is within 5 feet of a creature creatures but otherwise takes no actions. If you are
hostile to it, you suffer this penalty only when you reduced to 0 hit points and the devil is still alive, it
move away from all of those allies. moves to your body and uses its action to grab your
soul. You must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving
throw or the devil steals your soul and you die. If the
devil fails to grab your soul, it vanishes as if slain. If
the devil grabs your soul, it uses its next action to If you add a piece of a specific creature (such as
transport itself back to the Hells, disappearing in a a single hair, nail paring, or drop of blood), the
flash of brimstone. If the devil returns to the Hells ointment becomes more powerful allowing you to
with your soul, its coin doesn’t reappear, and you can flawlessly imitate that creature, as long as its body
be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection shape is humanoid and within one size category of
or wish spell. your own. While imitating that creature, you have
advantage on Charisma checks made to convince
Distracting Doubloon others you are that specific creature, provided they
Wondrous item, common didn’t see you change form.
This gold coin is plain and matches the dominant
coin of the region. Typically, 2d6 distracting doubloons
Dread Scarab
are found together. Wondrous item, very rare
You can use an action to toss the coin up to 20 feet. (requires attunement)
The coin bursts into a flash of golden light on impact. The abdomen of this
Each creature within a 15-foot radius of where the beetleshaped brooch is
coin landed must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving decorated with the grim
throw or have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) semblance of a human
checks made to perceive any creature or object other skull. If you hold it in
than the coin for 1 minute. If an affected creature your hand for 1 round,
takes damage, it can repeat the saving throw, ending an Abyssal inscription
the effect on itself on a success. At the end of the appears on its surface,
duration, the coin crumbles to dust and is destroyed. revealing its magical nature.
While wearing this brooch, you
Djinn Vessel gain the following benefits:
Wondrous item, rare • You have advantage on saving throws against spells.
A rough predecessor to the ring of djinni summoning • The scarab has 9 charges. If you fail a saving throw
and the ring elemental command, this clay vessel is against a conjuration spell or a harmful effect
approximately a foot long and half as wide. An iron originating from a celestial creature, you can
stopper engraved with a rune of binding seals its use your reaction to expend 1 charge and turn
entrance. the failed save into a successful one. The scarab
If the vessel is empty, you can use an action to crumbles into dust and is destroyed when its last
remove the stopper and cast the banishment spell charge is expended.
(save DC 15) on a celestial, elemental, or fiend within
60 feet of you. At the end of the spell’s duration, if Curse. This scarab is cursed, and becoming attuned
the target is an elemental, it is trapped in this vessel. to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain
While trapped, the elemental can take no actions, but cursed, you are unwilling to part with the scarab,
it is aware of occurrences outside of the vessel and of keeping it within reach at all times. While cursed by
Wondrous Items

other djinn vessels. this brooch, you are sensitive to sunlight and celestial
You can use an action to remove the vessel’s creatures within 1 mile of you are aware of the scarab
stopper and release the elemental the vessel contains. and seek to destroy it. While in sunlight, you have
Once released, the elemental acts in accordance with disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
its normal disposition and alignment. (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Doppelganger Ointment Dust of Desiccation

Wondrous item, rare Wondrous item, rare

This ceramic jar contains 1d4 + 1 doses of a thick, This small packet contains soot-like dust. There is
creamy substance that smells faintly of pork fat. The enough of it for one use. When you use an action to
jar and its contents weigh 1/2 a pound. Applying a blow the choking dust from your palm, each creature
single dose to your body takes 1 minute. For 24 hours in a 30-foot cone must make a DC 15 Dexterity
or until it is washed off with an alcohol solution, saving throw, taking 3d10 necrotic damage on a failed
you can change your appearance, as per the Change save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A
Appearance option of the alter self spell. For the creature that fails this saving throw can’t speak until
duration, you can use a bonus action to return to your the end of its next turn as it chokes on the dust.
normal form, and you can use an action to return to Alternatively, you can use an action to throw the
the form of the mimicked creature. dust into the air, affecting yourself and each creature
within 30 feet of you with the dust.
Dust of Muffling Earrings of the Eclipse
Wondrous item, common Wondrous item, uncommon
You can scatter this fine, silvery-gray dust on the These two cubes of smoked quartz are mounted on
ground as an action, covering a 10-foot-square area. simple, silver posts. While you are wearing these
There is enough dust in one container for up to 5 earrings, you can take the Hide action while you are
uses. When a creature moves over an area covered motionless in an area of dim light or darkness even
in the dust, it has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) when a creature can see you or when you have nothing
checks to remain unheard. The effect remains until to obscure you from the sight of a creature that can
the dust is swept up, blown away, or tracked away by see you. If you are in darkness when you use the Hide
the traffic of eight or more creatures passing through action, you have advantage on the Dexterity (Stealth)
the area. check. If you move, attack, cast a spell, or do anything
other than remain motionless, you are no longer
Dust of the Dead hidden and can be detected normally.
Wondrous item, uncommon
This stoppered vial is filled with dust and ash. There is Earrings of the Agent
enough of it for one use. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
When you use an action to sprinkle the dust on a Aside from a minor difference in size, these simple
willing humanoid, the target falls into a death-like golden hoops are identical to one another. Each hoop
slumber for 8 hours. While asleep, the target appears has 1 charge and provides a different magical effect.
dead to all mundane and magical means, but spells Each hoop regains its expended charge daily at dawn.
that target the dead, such as the speak with dead spell, You must be wearing both hoops to use the magic of
fail when used on the target. The cause of either hoop.
death is not evident, though any wounds Small Hoop. You can use an action to expend this
the target has taken remain visible. If hoop’s charge and choose a 10-foot by 10-foot area
the target takes damage while asleep, you can see. For 10 minutes, you can hear all sounds
it has resistance to the damage. If the as though you were standing within that area. You can
target is reduced to below half its hit end this effect at any time.
points while asleep, it must succeed Large Hoop. While you are hidden, you can use an
on a DC 15 Constitution saving action to expend this hoop’s charge to conceal your
throw to wake up. If the target is presence from nearby creatures. Choose a point you
reduced to 5 hit points or fewer can see within 120 feet of you. Each creature within 10
while asleep, it wakes up. feet of that point has disadvantage on Wisdom
If the target is unwilling, it must (Perception) checks to see, hear, and smell
succeed on a DC 11 Constitution you for 1 minute. This effect ends early if
saving throw to avoid the effect you are no longer hidden.
of the dust. A sleeping creature is
considered an unwilling target. Earrings of the

Wondrous Items
Storm Oyster
Eagle Cape Wondrous item, very rare
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) (requires attunement)
The exterior of this silk cape is lined with giant eagle The deep blue pearls
feathers. When you fall while wearing this cape, you forming the core of these
descend 60 feet per round, take no damage from earrings come from oysters that survive
falling, and always land on your feet. being struck by lightning. While wearing
In addition, you can use an action to speak the these earrings, you gain the following benefits:
cloak’s command word. This turns the cape into a • You have resistance to lightning and thunder
pair of eagle wings which give you a flying speed of damage.
60 feet for 1 hour or until you repeat the command
• You can understand Primordial. When it is spoken,
word as an action. When the wings revert back to a
the pearls echo the words in a language you can
cape, you can’t use the cape in this way again until
understand, at a whisper only you can hear.
the next dawn.
• You can’t be deafened.
• You can breathe air and water.
• As an action, you can cast the sleet storm spell (save
DC 15) from the earrings. The earrings can’t be
used this way again until the next dawn.
Ebon Shards Everflowing Bowl
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a Wondrous item, uncommon
spellcaster of evil alignment) This smooth, stone bowl feels especially cool to the
These obsidian shards are engraved with words in touch. It holds up to 1 pint of water. When placed on
Deep Speech, and their presence disquiets non-evil, the ground, the bowl magically draws water from the
intelligent creatures. The writing on the shards is nearby earth and air, filling itself after 1 hour. In arid
obscure, esoteric, and possibly incomplete. or desert environments, the bowl fills itself after 8
The shards have 10 charges and give you access to hours. The bowl never overflows itself.
a powerful array of Void magic spells. While holding
the shards, you use an action to expend 1 or more of its Eye of Horus
charges to cast one of the following spells from them, Wondrous item, uncommon
using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: living This gold and lapis
shadows* (5 charges), maddening whispers* (2 charges), lazuli amulet helps
or void strike* (3 charges). You can also use an action to you determine reality
cast the crushing curse* spell from the shards without from phantasms and
using any charges. Spells marked with an asterisk trickery. While wearing
(*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At it, you have advantage
the GM’s discretion, spells from Deep Magic for 5th on saving throws against
Edition can be replaced with other spells of similar illusion spells and against
levels and similarly related to darkness or madness. being frightened.
The shards regain 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily
at dusk. Each time you use the ebon shards to cast a Eye of the Golden God
spell, you must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma saving Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
throw or take 2d6 psychic damage. A shining multifaceted violet
Elemental Wraps gem sits at the center of
this fist‑sized amulet. A
Wondrous item, very rare
beautifully forged band
(requires attunement)
of platinum encircles
These cloth the gem and affixes it
arm wraps are to a well‑made series of
decorated with interlocking platinum
elemental symbols chain links. The violet gem
depicting flames, is warm to the touch.
lightning bolts, snowflakes, While wearing this amulet,
and similar. You have you can’t be frightened and you
resistance to acid, cold, don’t suffer from exhaustion.
fire, lightning, or thunder
Wondrous Items

In addition, you always know

damage while you wear which item within 20 feet of you
these arm wraps. You is the most valuable, though you
choose the type of don’t know its actual value or if it is
damage when you first attune magical. Each time you finish a long
to the wraps, and you can choose a different type of rest while attuned to this amulet,
damage at the end of a short or long rest. roll a d10. On a 1-3, you awaken from your rest
The wraps have 10 charges. When you hit with an with that many valuable objects in your hand. The
unarmed strike while wearing these wraps, you can objects are minor, such as copper coins, at first and
expend up to 3 of its charges. For each charge you progressively get more valuable, such as gold coins,
expend, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the ivory statuettes, or gemstones, each time they appear.
type to which you have resistance. Each object is always small enough to fit in a single
The wraps regain 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily hand and is never worth more than 1,000 gp. The
at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. GM determines the type and value of each object.
On a 1, the wraps unravel and fall to the ground, Curse. This amulet is cursed and becoming attuned
becoming nonmagical. to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain
cursed, you are unwilling to part with the amulet,
wearing it at all times. You are cursed until targeted
by the remove curse spell or similar magic. While
cursed, you attract the attention of cultists and devils
Once the left eye of an ornate and magical statue finding himself assaulted by devils and cultists. He
of a pit fiend revered by a small cult of Mammon, quickly offloaded his loot with a collection of merchants
this exquisite purple gem was pried from the idol by in town, including a jeweler who was looking for an
an adventurer named Slick Finnigan. Slick and his exquisite stone to use in a piece commissioned by a
companions had taken it upon themselves to eradicate local noble. Slick then set off with his pockets full of
the cult, eager for the accolades they would receive for coin, happily leaving the devilish drama behind.
defeating an evil in the community. The loot they stood This magical amulet attracts the attention of
to gain didn’t hurt either. worshippers of Mammon, who can almost sense
After the assault, while his companions were busy its presence and are eager to claim its power for
chasing the fleeing members of the cult, Slick pocketed themselves, though a few extremely devout members
the gem, disfiguring the statue and weakening its power of the weakened cult wish to return the gem to its
in the process. He was then attacked by a cultist who original place in the idol. Due to this, and a bit of bad
had managed to evade notice by the adventurers. Slick luck, this amulet has changed hands many times over
escaped with his life, and the gem, but was unable the decades.
to acquire the second eye. Within days, the thief was

tied to the golden god. Each time you finish a long Eyes of the Portal Masters
rest, roll a d20. On an 18-20, followers of the golden Wondrous item, rare
god find you before your next long rest and try to kill
While you wear these crystal lenses over your eyes,
you to take the amulet from you. The followers are
you can sense the presence of any dimensional portal
minor cultists and devils at first and progressively get
within 60 feet of you and whether
more powerful each time they appear. The golden god
the portal is one‑way or two-way.
never appears as a result of this amulet’s curse. The
Once you have worn the eyes for 10
GM determines what kind of followers attack you
minutes, their
and in what quantities.
magic ceases
Eyes of the Outer Dark to function
until the next
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
dawn. Putting
These lenses are crafted of polished, opaque black the lenses on or off
stone. When placed over the eyes, however, they allow requires an action.
the wearer not only improved vision but glimpses
into the vast emptiness between the stars. Fanged Mask

Wondrous Items
While wearing these lenses, you have darkvision Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have
This tribal mask is made of wood and adorned with
darkvision, its range is extended by 60 feet.
animal fangs. Once donned, it melds to your face
As an action, you can use the lenses to pierce
and causes fangs to sprout from your mouth. While
the veils of time and space and see into the outer
wearing this mask, your bite is a natural melee
darkness. You gain the benefits of the foresight and
weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes.
true seeing spells for 10 minutes. If you activate this
When you hit with it, your bite deals piercing damage
property and you aren’t suffering from a madness,
equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the
you take 3d8 psychic damage. Once used, this
bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
property of the lenses can’t be used again until the
If you already have a bite attack when you don and
next dawn.
attune to this mask, your bite attack’s damage dice
double (for example, 1d4 becomes 2d4).

Farhealing Bandages
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a
cleric, druid, or paladin)
This linen bandage is yellowed and worn with age.
You can use an action wrap it around the appendage
of a willing creature and activate its magic for 1 hour. 135
While the target is within 60 feet of you and the disadvantage on its next ability check, attack roll, or
bandage’s magic is active, you can use an action to saving throw then the mark disappears. A remove curse
trigger the bandage, and the target regains 2d4 hit spell ends the mark early.
points. The bandage becomes inactive after it has
restored 15 hit points to a creature or when 1 hour Ferryman’s Coins
has passed. Once the bandage becomes inactive, it Wondrous item, common
can’t be used again until the next dawn. You can be It is customary in many faiths to weight a corpse’s
attuned to only one farhealing bandage at a time. eyes with pennies so they have a fee to pay the
ferryman when he comes to row them across death’s
Fear-Eater’s Mask
river to the afterlife. Ferryman’s coins, though, ensure
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) the body stays in the ground regardless of the spirit’s
This painted, wooden mask bears the visage of a destination. These coins, which feature a death’s head
snarling, fiendish face. While wearing the mask, on one side and a lock and chain on the other, prevent
you can use a bonus action to feed on the fear of a a corpse from being raised as any kind of undead.
frightened creature within 30 feet of you. The target When you place two coins on a corpse’s closed lids
must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw and activate them with a simple prayer, they can’t be
or take 2d6 psychic damage. You regain hit points removed unless the person is resurrected (in which
equal to the damage dealt. If you are not injured, you case they simply fall away), or someone makes a DC
gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt 15 Strength check to remove them. Yanking the coins
instead. Once a creature has failed this saving throw, away does no damage to the corpse.
it is immune to the effects of this mask for 24 hours.
Figurehead of Prowess
Feather Token Wondrous item, rarity varies
Wondrous item, rarity varies A figurehead of prowess must be mounted on the bow of
The following are additional feather token options. a ship for its magic to take effect. While mounted on a
Cloud (Uncommon). This white feather is shaped ship, the figurehead’s magic affects the ship and every
like a cloud. You can use an action to step on the creature on the ship. A figurehead can be mounted on
token, which expands into a 10-foot-diameter cloud any ship larger than a rowboat, regardless if that ship
that immediately begins to rise slowly to a height of sails the sea, the sky, rivers and lakes, or the sands
up to 20 feet. Any creatures standing on the cloud of the desert. A ship can have only one figurehead
rise with it. The cloud disappears after 10 minutes, mounted on it at a time.
and anything that was on the cloud falls slowly to Most figureheads are always active, but some
the ground. have properties that must be activated. To activate a
Dark of the Moon (Rare). This black feather is figurehead’s special property, a creature must be at
shaped like a crescent moon. As an action, you can the helm of the ship, referred to below as the “pilot,”
brush the feather over a willing creature’s eyes to and must use an action to speak the figurehead’s
grant it the ability to see in the dark. For 1 hour, command word.
Wondrous Items

that creature has darkvision out to a range of 60 Albatross (Uncommon). While this figurehead
feet, including in magical darkness. Afterwards, the is mounted on a ship, the ship’s pilot can double
feather disappears. its proficiency bonus with navigator’s tools when
Held Heart (Very Rare). This navigating the ship. In addition, the ship’s pilot
red feather is shaped like a heart. doesn’t have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
While carrying this token, you have checks that rely on sight when peering through fog,
advantage on initiative rolls. As an rain, dust storms, or other natural phenomena that
action, you can press the feather would ordinarily lightly obscure the pilot’s vision.
against a willing, injured creature. Basilisk (Uncommon). While this figurehead is
The target regains all its missing hit mounted on a ship, the ship’s AC increases by 2.
points and the feather disappears. Dragon Turtle (Very Rare). While this figurehead
Jackdaw’s Dart (Common). This is mounted on a ship, each creature on the ship has
black feather is shaped like a dart. resistance to fire damage, and the ship’s damage
While holding it, you can use an action threshold increases by 5. If the ship doesn’t normally
to throw it at a creature you can see within have a damage threshold, it gains a damage
30 feet of you. As it flies, the feather transforms into threshold of 5.
a blot of black ink. The target must succeed on a Kraken (Rare). While this figurehead is mounted
DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or the feather leaves on a ship, the pilot can animate all of the ship’s
a black mark of misfortune on it. The target has ropes. If a creature on the ship uses an animated
ship. The pilot can end this effect as a bonus action,
causing the ship to descend at a rate of 60 feet per
round until it reaches land or water. When the ship
has spent a total of 8 hours in the sky, the figurehead’s
magic ceases to function until the next dawn.
Xorn (Very Rare). This figurehead can be mounted
only on a ship designed for land travel. While this
figurehead is mounted on a ship, the pilot can force
the ship to burrow into the earth. The ship moves at
its normal speed while burrowing, regardless of its
normal method of locomotion. The ship can burrow
through nonmagical, unworked sand, mud, earth,
and stone, and it doesn’t disturb the material it
moves through. Each creature on the ship remains
on the ship and can breathe normally as long as the
creature starts and ends its turn in contact with the
ship. The pilot can end this effect as a bonus action,
causing the ship to resurface at a rate of 60 feet per
rope while taking the grapple action, the creature has round. When the ship has spent a total of 1 hour
advantage on the check. Alternatively, the pilot can burrowing, the figurehead’s magic ceases to function
command the ropes to move as if being moved by a until the next dawn.
crew, allowing a ship to dock or a sailing ship to sail
without a crew. The pilot can end this effect as a bonus Figurine of Wondrous Power
action. When the ship’s ropes have been animated for Wondrous item, rarity varies
a total of 10 minutes, the figurehead’s magic ceases to
The following are additional figurine of wondrous
function until the next dawn.
power options.
Manta Ray (Rare). While this figurehead is
Amber Bee (Uncommon). This amber statuette is
mounted on a ship, the ship’s speed increases by half.
of a honeybee. It can become a giant honey bee (see
For example, a ship with a speed of 4 miles per hour
Tome of Beasts 2) for up to 6 hours. Once it has been
would have a speed of 6 miles per hour while this
used, it can’t be used again until 2 days have passed.
figurehead was mounted on it.
Basalt Cockatrice (Uncommon). This basalt
Narwhal (Very Rare). While this figurehead is
statuette is carved in the likeness of a cockatrice. It
mounted on a ship, each creature on the ship has
can become a cockatrice for up to 1 hour. Once it has
resistance to cold damage, and the ship can break
been used, it can’t be used again until 2 days have
through ice sheets without taking damage or needing
passed. While it is in cockatrice form, you and your
to make a check.
allies within 30 feet of it have advantage on saving
Octopus (Rare). This figurehead can be mounted
throws against being petrified.
only on ships designed for water travel. While this

Wondrous Items
Coral Shark (Rare). This coral statuette of a shark
figurehead is mounted on a ship, the pilot can force
can become a hunter shark for up to 6 hours. It can
the ship to dive beneath the water. The ship moves at
be ridden as a mount, and the rider can breathe
its normal speed while underwater, regardless of its
underwater while riding it. Once it has been used, it
normal method of locomotion. Each creature on the
can’t be used again until 5 days have passed.
ship remains on the ship and can breathe normally as
Hematite Aurochs (Rare). This hematite statuette
long as the creature starts and ends its turn in contact
can become a bull (see Tome of Beasts 2). It has 24
with the ship. The pilot can end this effect as a bonus
charges, and each hour or portion thereof it spends
action, causing the ship to resurface at a rate of 60
in beast form costs 1 charge. While it has charges,
feet per round. When the ship has spent a total of 1
you can use it as often as you wish. When it runs out
hour underwater, the figurehead’s magic ceases to
of charges, it reverts to a figurine and can’t be used
function until the next dawn.
again until 7 days have passed, when it regains all
Sphinx (Legendary). This figurehead can be
its charges. While in bull form, it is considered to be
mounted only on a ship that isn’t designed for air
a Huge creature for the purpose of determining its
travel. While this figurehead is mounted on a ship,
carrying capacity, and nonmagical difficult terrain
the pilot can command the ship to rise into the air.
doesn’t cost it extra movement.
The ship moves at its normal speed while in the air,
Lapis Camel (Rare). This lapis camel can become
regardless of its normal method of locomotion. Each
a camel. It has 24 charges, and each hour or portion
creature on the ship remains on the ship as long as the
thereof it spends in camel form costs 1 charge. While
creature starts and ends its turn in contact with the
it has charges, you can
use it as often as you
wish. When it runs out
of charges, it reverts to
a figurine and can’t be
used again until 7 days have
passed, when it regains all its
charges. While in camel form,
the lapis camel has a blue tint
to its fur, and it can spit
globs of acid at a creature
that attacks it or its rider.
This spit works like the acid
splash spell (save DC 9).
Marble Mistwolf (Rare).
This white marble statuette
is of a wolf. It can become a
dire wolf for up to 6 hours. At
your command, it can cast the fog
cloud spell. Each time it does, its duration is reduced Flag of the Cursed Fleet
by 1 hour. Once its duration ends, it can’t be used Wondrous item, legendary
again until 5 days have passed.
Tin Dog (Common). This simple, tin statuette can This dreaded item is a black flag painted with an
become a dog for up to 8 hours, loyally following your unsettlingly realistic skull. A spell or other effect that
commands to the best of its abilities. The dog uses the can sense the presence of magic, such as detect magic,
statistics of a jackal, except the dog has a Strength of reveals an aura of necromancy around the flag. Beasts
10. Once it has been used, the figurine can’t be used with an Intelligence of 3 or lower don’t willingly
again until 2 days have passed. board a vessel where this flag flies. A successful DC
Violet Octopoid (Rare). A disturbing statuette 17 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check convinces an
carved in purple sugilite, the tentacled, violet octopoid unwilling beast to board the vessel, though it remains
can become an ambulatory, amphibious giant uneasy and skittish while aboard.
octopus for up to 6 hours. Use the statistics of a giant Cursed Crew. When this baleful flag flies atop the
octopus, except it has 100 hit points and can make mast of a waterborne vehicle, it curses the vessel and
two tentacle attacks each turn. Once it has been all those that board it. When a creature that isn’t a
used, it can’t be used again until 3 days have passed. humanoid dies aboard the vessel, it rises 1 minute
If you speak the command word in Void Speech, the later as a zombie under the ship captain’s control.
octopus has an Intelligence score of 9 and can make When a humanoid dies aboard the vessel, it rises
1 minute later as a ghoul under the ship captain’s
Wondrous Items

three tentacle attacks each turn.

control. A ghoul retains any knowledge of sailing or
Firebird Feather maintaining a waterborne vehicle that it had in life.
Wondrous item, uncommon Cursed Captain. If the ship flying this flag doesn’t
have a captain, the undead crew seeks out a powerful
This feather sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius humanoid or intelligent undead to bring aboard
and dim light for an additional 20 feet, but it creates and coerce into becoming the captain. When an
no heat and doesn’t use oxygen. While holding the undead with an Intelligence of 10 or higher boards
feather, you can tolerate temperatures as low as –50 the captainless vehicle, it must succeed on a DC 17
degrees Fahrenheit. Wisdom saving throw or become magically bound
Druids and clerics and paladins who to the ship and the flag. If the creature exits the
worship nature deities can use the feather as vessel and boards it again, the creature must repeat
a spellcasting focus. If you use the feather in the saving throw. The flag fills the captain with the
place of a holy symbol when using your Turn desire to attack other vessels to grow its crew and
Undead feature, undead in the area commandeer larger vessels when possible, bringing
have a –1 penalty on the the flag with it. If the flag is destroyed or removed
saving throw. from a waterborne vehicle for at least 7 days, the
zombie and ghoul crew crumbles to dust, and the
captain is freed of the flag’s magic, if the captain was
bound to it.
Unholy Vessel. While aboard a vessel flying this flag, Curse. This mask is cursed. Becoming attuned to
an undead creature has advantage on saving throws it and wearing it extends the curse to you. While
against effects that turn undead, and if it fails the cursed, you can’t remove the mask unless you are
saving throw, it isn’t destroyed, no matter its CR. In targeted by the remove curse spell. In addition, you
addition, the captain and crew can’t be frightened have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons
while aboard a vessel flying this flag. other than the mask’s teeth. If you finish a long rest
When a creature that isn’t a construct or undead and haven’t used the mask’s teeth to deal damage
and isn’t part of the crew boards the vessel, it must to a creature since your previous long rest, you gain
succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be the Incorporeal Movement trait until you damage
poisoned while it remains on board. If the creature a creature with the mask’s teeth. The Incorporeal
exits the vessel and boards it again, the creature must Movement trait allows you to move through
repeat the saving throw. creatures and solid objects as if they were difficult
terrain, but you take 1d10 force damage if you end
Flask of Epiphanies your turn inside an object. Each hour you have the
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) Incorporeal Movement trait, you have a 10 percent
This flask is made of silver and cherry wood, and it chance of encountering a hungry fleshspurned
holds finely cut garnets on its faces. This ornate flask attracted to your plight.
contains 5 ounces of powerful alcoholic spirits. As
an action, you can drink up to 5 ounces of the flask’s
Flood Charm
contents. You can drink 1 ounce without risk of Wondrous item, common
intoxication. When you drink more than 1 ounce of This smooth, blue-gray stone is carved with stylized
the spirits as part of the same action, you must make a waves or rows of wavy lines. When you are in
DC 12 Constitution saving throw (this DC increases water too deep to stand, the charm activates. You
by 1 for each ounce you imbibe after the second, automatically become buoyant enough to float to the
to a maximum of DC 15). On a failed save, you are surface unless you are grappled or restrained. If you
incapacitated for 1d4 hours and gain no benefits are unable to surface—such as if you are grappled
from consuming the alcohol. On a success, your or restrained, or if the water completely fills the
Intelligence or Wisdom (your choice) increases by 1 area—the charm surrounds you with a bubble of
for each ounce you consumed. Whether you fail or breathable air that lasts for 5 minutes. At the end of
succeed, your Dexterity is reduced by 1 for each ounce the air bubble’s duration, or when you leave the water,
you consumed. The effect lasts for 1 hour. During the charm’s effects end and it becomes a nonmagical
this time, you have advantage on all Intelligence stone.
(Arcana) and Inteligence (Religion) checks. The flask
replenishes 1d3 ounces of spirits daily at dawn. Flute of Saurian Summoning
Wondrous item,
Fleshspurned Mask uncommon 
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This scaly, clawed

Wondrous Items
This mask features inhumanly sized teeth similar flute has a musky
in appearance to the toothy ghost known as a smell, and it
fleshspurned (see Tome of Beasts 2). It has a strap releases a predatory,
fashioned from entwined strands of sinew, and it fits screeching roar with
easily over your face with no need to manually adjust reptilian overtones
the strap. when blown. You must
While wearing this mask, you can use its teeth to be proficient with wind
make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the teeth instruments to use this
deal necrotic damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength flute. You can use an action
modifier, instead of bludgeoning damage normal to play the flute and conjure
for an unarmed strike. In addition, if the target has dinosaurs. This works like
the Incorporeal Movement trait, you deal necrotic the conjure animals spell,
damage equal to 2d6 + your Strength modifier except the animals you conjure
instead. Such targets don’t have resistance or must be dinosaurs or Medium
immunity to the necrotic damage you deal with this or larger lizards. The dinosaurs
attack. If you kill a creature with your teeth, you gain remain for 1 hour, until they die,
temporary hit points equal to double the creature’s or until you dismiss them as a bonus
challenge rating (minimum of 1). action. The flute can’t be used to conjure
dinosaurs again until the next dawn.
Fly Whisk of Authority Fulminar Bracers
Wondrous item, uncommon Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
If you use an action to flick this fly whisk, you have Stylized etchings of cat-like lightning
advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) and Charisma elementals known as fulminars (see
(Persuasion) checks for 10 minutes. You can’t use the Creature Codex) cover the
fly whisk this way again until the next dawn. outer surfaces of these
solid silver bracers.
Frost Pellet While wearing these
Wondrous item, rare bracers, lightning crackles
Fashioned from the stomach lining of a devil shark harmless down your hands,
(see Creature Codex), this rubbery pellet is cold to and you have resistance
the touch. When you consume the pellet, you feel to lightning damage and
bloated, and you are immune to cold damage for 1 thunder damage.
hour. Once before the duration ends, you can expel The bracers have 3 charges.
a 30-foot cone of cold water. Each creature in the You can use an action to expend 1
cone must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. charge to create lightning shackles
On a failure, the creature takes 6d8 cold damage and that bind up to two creatures
is pushed 10 feet away from you. On a success, the you can see within 60 feet of you. Each target must
creature takes half the damage and isn’t pushed away. make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a
target takes 4d6 lightning damage and is restrained
Frostfire Lantern for 1 minute. On a success, the target takes half the
Wondrous item, very rare damage and isn’t restrained. A restrained creature can
(requires attunement) repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
While lit, the flame in this ornate ending the effect on itself on a success. The bracers
mithril lantern turns blue and sheds regain all expended charges daily at dawn. The bracers
a cold, blue dim light in a 30-foot also regain 1 charge each time you take 10 lightning
radius. After the lantern’s flame damage while wearing them.
has burned for 1 hour, it can’t Garments of Winter’s Knight
be lit again until the next dawn.
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
You can extinguish the lantern’s
flame early for use at a later time. This white-and-blue outfit is
Deduct the time it burned in designed in the style of fey
increments of 1 minute from the nobility and maximized for both
lantern’s total burn time. movement and protection.
When a creature enters the lantern’s light for the The multiple layers and
first time on a turn or starts its turn there, the creature snow-themed details of
this garb leave no doubt
Wondrous Items

must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw

or be vulnerable to cold damage until the start of its that whoever wears these
next turn. When you light the lantern, choose up clothes is associated
to four creatures you can see within 30 feet of you, with the winter queen
which can include yourself. The chosen creatures are of faerie. You gain the
immune to this effect of the lantern’s light. following benefits while
Freezing Light. While holding this lit lantern, wearing the outfit:
you can use an action to force the lantern’s flame to • If you aren’t
emit a freezing chill. Each creature in the lantern’s wearing armor,
light must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, your base Armor
taking 5d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as Class is 15 + your
much damage on a successful one. For 1 minute, Dexterity modifier.
the lantern’s flame continues emitting wisps of cold • Whenever a creature
air, making the area in the light difficult terrain as within 5 feet of you
surfaces become slick with frost. Each creature you hits you with a melee
chose when you lit the lantern is also immune to this attack, the cloth
freezing light, and the difficult terrain caused by this steals heat from the
freezing light doesn’t cost it extra movement. Once surrounding air, and
used, this property of the lantern can’t be used again the attacker takes 2d8
until the next dawn. cold damage.
• You can’t be charmed, and you are immune to a bonus action while within 10
cold damage. feet of the opening. Once
• You can use a bonus action to extend your senses closed, the opening is
outward to detect the presence of fey. Until the immune to the knock
start of your next turn, you know the location of spell and similar
any fey within 60 feet of you.  magic, such as that of
a chime of opening.
Curse. This item is cursed, and becoming attuned to it
The gazebo is 20
extends the curse to you until you are targeted by the
feet in diameter and
remove curse spell or similar magic; removing the outfit
is 10 feet tall. It is
fails to end the curse. As long as you remain cursed,
made of sandstone,
you are unwilling to part with the outfit. While cursed,
despite its wooden
all fey creatures not in service to the faerie queen of
appearance, and its
winter are hostile toward you.
magic prevents it
Gauntlet of the Iron Sphere from being tipped over.
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) It has 100 hit points, immunity to nonmagical attacks
excluding siege weapons, and resistance to all other
This heavy gauntlet is adorned with an onyx. While damage. The gazebo contains crude furnishings:
wearing this gauntlet, your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 eight simple bunks and a long, low table surrounded
bludgeoning damage, instead of the damage normal by eight mats. Three of the wall posts bear fruit:
for an unarmed strike, and you gain a +1 bonus to one coconut, one date, and one fig. A small pool of
attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes. In clean, cool water rests at the base of a fourth wall
addition, your unarmed strikes deal double damage to post. The trees and the pool of water provide enough
objects and structures. food and water for up to 10 people. Furnishings
If you hold a pound of raw iron ore in your hand and other objects within the gazebo dissipate into
while wearing the gauntlet, you can use an action smoke if removed from the gazebo. When the gazebo
to speak the gauntlet’s command word and conjure returns to its statuette form, any creatures inside it
an iron sphere (see Creature Codex). The iron sphere are expelled into unoccupied spaces nearest to the
remains for 1 hour or until it dies. It is friendly to gazebo’s entrance.
you and your companions. Roll initiative for the iron Once used, the gazebo can’t be used again until the
sphere, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal next dusk. If reduced to 0 hit points, the gazebo can’t
commands that you issue to it (no action required be used again until 7 days have passed.
by you). If you don’t issue any commands to the iron
sphere, it defends itself from hostile creatures but Ghost Dragon Horn
otherwise takes no actions. The gauntlet can’t be used Wondrous item, very rare
this way again until the next dawn.
Scales from dead dragons cover this wooden, curved
Gazebo of Shade and Shelter horn. You can use an action to speak the horn’s

Wondrous Items
Wondrous item, rare command word and then blow the horn, which
emits a blast in a 30-foot cone, containing shrieking
You can use an action to place this 3-inch sandstone spectral dragon heads. Each creature in the cone
gazebo statuette on the ground and speak its must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a
command word. Over the next 5 minutes, the failure, a creature tales 5d10 psychic damage and
sandstone gazebo grows into a full-sized gazebo that is frightened of you for 1 minute. On a success, a
remains for 8 hours or until you speak the command creature takes half the damage and isn’t frightened.
word that returns it to a sandstone statuette. Dragons have disadvantage on the saving throw
The gazebo’s posts are made of palm tree trunks, and take 10d10 psychic damage instead of 5d10.
and its roof is made of palm tree fronds. The floor A frightened target can repeat the Wisdom saving
is level, clean, dry and made of palm fronds. The throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
atmosphere inside the gazebo is comfortable and dry, on itself on a success.
regardless of the weather outside. You can command If a dragon takes damage from the horn’s shriek,
the interior to become dimly lit or dark. The gazebo’s the horn has a 20 percent chance of exploding. The
walls are opaque from the outside, appearing explosion deals 10d10 psychic damage to the blower
wooden, but they are transparent from the inside, and destroys the horn.
appearing much like sheer fabric. When activated, Once you use the horn, it can’t be used again until
the gazebo has an opening on the side facing you. the next dawn. If you kill a dragon while holding or
The opening is 5 feet wide and 10 feet tall and opens carrying the horn, you regain use of the horn.
and closes at your command, which you can speak as
Ghost Thread Girdle of Traveling Alchemy
Wondrous item, rare Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
Most of this miles-long strand of enchanted silk, This wide leather girdle has many sewn-in pouches
created by phase spiders, resides on the Ethereal and holsters that hold an assortment of empty
Plane. Only a few inches at either end exist beakers and vials. Once you have attuned to the
permanently on the Material Plane, and those may girdle, these containers magically fill with the
be used as any normal string would be. Creatures following liquids:
using it to navigate can follow one end to the other • 2 flasks of alchemist’s fire
by running their hand along the thread, which • 2 flasks of alchemist’s ice*
phases into the Material Plane beneath their grasp.
• 2 vials of acid
If dropped or severed (AC 8, 1 hit point), the thread
disappears back into the Ethereal Plane in 2d6 • 2 jars of swarm repellent*
rounds. • 1 vial of assassin’s blood poison
• 1 potion of climbing
Ghoul Light
• 1 potion of healing
Wondrous item, very rare
*indicates an item found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition
This bullseye lantern
sheds light as normal Each container magically replenishes each day at
when a lit candle is dawn, if you are wearing the girdle. All the potions
placed inside of it. If and alchemical substances produced by the girdle
the light shines on lose their properties if they’re transferred to another
meat, no matter how container before being used.
toxic or rotten, for
Gliding Cloak
at least 10 minutes,
Wondrous item, uncommon
the meat is rendered
safe to eat. The lantern’s By grasping the ends of the cloak while falling, you
magic doesn’t improve the can glide up to 5 feet horizontally in any direction
meat’s flavor, but the light does for every 1 foot you fall. You descend 60 feet per
restore the meat’s nutritional value and purify it, round but take no damage from falling while gliding
rendering it free of poison and disease. In addition, in this way.
when an undead creature ends its turn in the light, it A tailwind allows you to glide 10 feet per 1 foot
takes 1 radiant damage. descended, but a headwind forces you to only glide 5
Curse. When a creature eats meat that has been feet per 2 feet descended.
rendered edible by this lantern’s light, the creature
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw Gloomflower Corsage
or become cursed until it is targeted by the remove Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
curse spell or similar magic. While cursed, the creature This black, six-petaled flower fits
Wondrous Items

has a craving for the flesh of humanoid corpses. If neatly on a garment’s lapel or
the cursed creature goes longer than 7 days without peeking out of a pocket.
consuming at least 1 ounce of flesh from a dead While wearing it, you
humanoid, it can’t regain hit points by any means have advantage on
until it consumes such flesh. saving throws against
being blinded, deafened,
Giggling Orb or frightened.
Wondrous item, rare While wearing the
This glass sphere measures 3 inches in diameter flower, you can use an
and contains a swirling, yellow mist. You can use an action to speak one of three
action to throw the orb up to 60 feet. The orb shatters command words to invoke the
on impact and is destroyed. Each creature within a corsage’s power and cause one
20-foot-radius of where the orb landed must succeed of the following effects:
on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or fall prone in fits • When you speak the first command word, you gain
of laughter, becoming incapacitated and unable to blindsight out to a range of 120 feet for 1 hour.
stand for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving • When you speak the second command word,
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect choose a target within 120 feet of you and make a
on itself on a success. ranged attack with a +7 bonus. On a hit, the target
142 takes 3d6 psychic damage.
• When you speak the third command word, your obscured areas without your vision being obscured, if
form shifts and shimmers. For 1 minute, any those areas are obscured by fire, smoke, or fog. Other
creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against effects that would obscure your vision, such as rain or
you. An attacker is immune to this effect if it darkness, affect you normally.
doesn’t rely on sight, as with blindsight, or can see When you fail a saving throw against being blinded,
through illusions, as with truesight. you can use a reaction to call on the power within the
Each time you use the flower, one of its petals curls in goggles. If you do so, you succeed on the saving throw
on itself. You can’t use the flower if all of its petals are instead. The goggles can’t be used this way again until
curled. The flower uncurls 1d6 petals daily at dusk. the next dawn.

Gloves of the Magister Goggles of Shade

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon
The backs of each of these black leather gloves are set While wearing these dark lenses, you have advantage
with gold fittings as if to hold a jewel. While you wear on Charisma (Deception) checks. If you have the
the gloves, you can cast mage hand at will. You can affix Sunlight Sensitivity trait and wear these goggles, you
an ioun stone into the fitting on a glove. While the stone no longer suffer the penalties of Sunlight Sensitivity
is affixed, you gain the benefits of the stone as if you while in sunlight.
had it in orbit around your head. If you take an action
Granny Wax
to touch a creature, you can transfer the benefits of
Wondrous item, uncommon
the ioun stone to that creature for 1 hour. While the
creature is gifted the benefits, the stone turns gray and Normally found in a small glass jar containing 1d3
provides you with no benefits for the duration. You doses, this foul-smelling, greasy yellow substance is
can use an action to end this effect and return power made by hags in accordance with an age-old secret
to the stone. The stone’s benefits can also be dispelled recipe. You can use an action to rub one dose of the
from a creature as if they were a 7th‑level spell. wax onto an ordinary broom or wooden stick and
When the effect ends, the stone regains its color and transform it into a broom of flying for 1 hour.
provides you with its benefits once more.
Grasping Cap
Gloves of the Walking Shade Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) This cap is a simple, blue silk hat with a goose feather
Each glove is actually comprised of three, black ivory trim. While wearing this cap, you have advantage on
rings (typically fitting the thumb, middle finger, and Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb, and the
pinkie) which are connected to each other. The rings cap deflects the first ranged attack made against you
are then connected to an intricately-engraved onyx each round.
wrist cuff by a web of fine platinum chains and tiny In addition, when a creature attacks you while
diamonds. While wearing these gloves, you gain the within 30 feet of you, it is illuminated and sheds
following benefits: red-hued dim light in a 50-foot radius until the end of

Wondrous Items
• You have resistance to necrotic damage. its next turn. Any attack roll against an illuminated
creature has advantage if the attacker can see it.
• You can spend one Hit Die during a short rest
to remove one level of exhaustion instead of Grasping Cloak
regaining hit points. Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
• You can use an action to become a living shadow
Made of strips of black leather, this cloak always
for 1 minute. For the duration, you can move
shines as if freshly oiled. The strips writhe and grasp
through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
at nearby creatures. While wearing this cloak, you can
squeezing, and you can take the Hide action
use a bonus action to command the strips to grapple a
as a bonus action while you are in dim light or
creature no more than one size larger than you within
darkness. Once used, this property of the gloves
5 feet of you. The strips make the grapple attack roll
can’t be used again until the next nightfall.
with a +7 bonus. On a hit, the target is grappled by the
Goggles of Firesight cloak, leaving your hands free to perform other tasks
or actions that require both hands. However, you are
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
still considered to be grappling a creature, limiting
The lenses of these combination fleshy and plantlike your movement as normal. The cloak can grapple only
goggles extend a few inches away from the goggles one creature at a time.
on a pair of tentacles. While wearing these lenses, Alternatively, you can use a bonus action to
you can see through lightly obscured and heavily command the strips to aid you in grappling. If you do
so, you have advantage on your next attack roll made Gritless Grease
to grapple a creature. While grappling a creature in Wondrous item, uncommon
this way, you have advantage on the contested check if
This small, metal jar, 3 inches in diameter, holds 1d4
a creature attempts to escape your grapple.
+ 1 doses of a pungent waxy oil. As an action, one
Green Mantle dose can be applied to or swallowed by a clockwork
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) creature or device. The clockwork creature or
device ignores difficult terrain, and magical effects
This garment is made of living plants—mosses, vines, can’t reduce its speed for 8 hours. As an action, the
and grasses—interwoven into a light, comfortable clockwork creature, or a creature holding a clockwork
piece of clothing. When you attune to this mantle, device, can gain the effect of the haste spell until the
it forms a symbiotic relationship with you, sinking end of its next turn (no concentration required). The
roots beneath your skin. While wearing the mantle, effects of the haste spell melt the grease, ending all its
your hit point maximum is reduced by 5, and you gain effects at the end of the spell’s duration.
the following benefits:
• If you aren’t wearing armor, your base Armor Hair Pick of Protection
Class is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. Wondrous item, very rare 
• You have resistance to radiant damage. This hair pick has glittering teeth that slide
• You have immunity to the poisoned condition and easily into your hair, making your hair look
poison damage that originates from a plant, moss, perfectly coiffed and battle‑ready. Though
fungus, or plant creature. typically worn in hair, you can also wear
• As an action, you cause the mantle to produce 6 the pick as a brooch or cloak clasp.
berries. It can have no more than 12 berries on it While wearing this pick, you gain
at one time. The berries have the same effect as a +2 bonus to AC, and you
berries produced by the goodberry spell. Unlike the have advantage on saving
goodberry spell, the berries retain their potency as throws against spells. In
long as they are not picked from the mantle. Once addition, the pick magically
used, this property can’t be used again until the boosts your self-esteem
next dawn. and your confidence in
your ability to overcome
Curse. Once you don and attune to this cursed mantle,
any challenge, making you
you are cursed and can’t remove it unless you are
immune to the frightened
targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic. The
mantle requires at least 1 pint of water each day. If
you fail to provide water to it, it draws the moisture it Hallowed Effigy
needs from your body, dealing 3d6 necrotic damage Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
to you. If it is unable to gain moisture, due to its
host’s immunities or magical protections or being in This foot-long totem, crafted from the bones and
Wondrous Items

a dry environment on a dead host, the mantle begins skull of a Tiny woodland beast bound in thin leather
to wither. After the first 24 hours it is unable to gain strips, serves as a boon for you and your allies and
moisture, the Armor Class it provides is reduced by as a stinging trap to those who threaten you. The
1, and you lose resistance to radiant damage. After totem has 10 charges, and it regains 1d6 + 4 expended
48 hours without moisture, it no longer provides charges daily at dawn. If the last charge is expended,
an Armor Class, and you lose immunity to the it can’t regain charges again until a druid performs a
poisoned condition and plant-based poison damage. 24-hour ritual, which involves the sacrifice of a Tiny
After 72 hours without moisture, it dies, becoming woodland beast.
nonmagical, and you are able to remove it. You can use an action to secure the effigy on any
natural organic substrate (such as dirt, mud, grass,
Grifter’s Deck and so on). While secured in this way, it pulses with
Wondrous item, common primal energy on initiative count 20 each round,
expending 1 charge. When it pulses, you and each
When you deal a card from this slightly greasy, well-
creature friendly to you within 15 feet of the totem
used deck, you can choose any specific card to be
regains 1d6 hit points, and each creature hostile
on top of the deck, assuming it hasn’t already been
to you within 15 feet of the totem must make a DC
dealt. Alternatively, you can choose a general card of a
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 1d6 necrotic
specific value or suit that hasn’t already been dealt.
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. It continues to pulse each round until
you pick it up, it runs out of charges, or it is destroyed.
The totem has AC 20 and 20 hit points. It regains 1 ruptures and is destroyed. If the quiver is destroyed,
hit point every 5 minutes as long as it has at least 1 hit its contents are lost forever, although an artifact
point. If it drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed. always turns up again somewhere. If a breathing
creature is placed within the quiver, the creature can
Hallucinatory Dust survive for up to 5 minutes, after which time it begins
Wondrous item, rare to suffocate.
This small packet contains black pollen from a Placing the quiver inside an extradimensional
gloomflower (see Creature Codex). Hazy images swirl space created by a bag of holding, handy haversack, or
around the pollen when observed outside the packet. similar item instantly destroys both items and opens
There is enough of it for one use. When you use an a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where
action to blow the dust from your palm, each creature the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature
in a 30-foot cone must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it and
throw. On a failure, a creature sees terrible visions, deposited in a random location on the Astral Plane.
manifesting its fears and anxieties for 1 minute. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and
While affected, it takes 2d6 psychic damage at the can’t be reopened.
start of each of its turns and must spend its action
to make one melee attack against a creature within
Hangman’s Noose
5 feet of it, other than you or itself. If the creature Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
can’t make a melee attack, it takes the Dodge action. Certain hemp ropes used in the execution of final
The creature can repeat the saving throw at the justice can affect those beyond the reach of normal
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself magics. This noose has 3 charges. While holding
on a success. On a success, a creature becomes it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges
incapacitated until the end of its next turn as the to cast the hold monster spell from it. Unlike the
visions fill its mind then quickly fade. standard version of this spell, though, the magic of
A creature reduced to 0 hit points by the dust’s the hangman’s noose affects only undead. It regains 1d3
psychic damage falls unconscious and is stable. When charges daily at dawn.
the creature regains consciousness, it is permanently
plagued by hallucinations and has disadvantage on Harmonizing Instrument
ability checks until cured by a remove curse spell or Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a bard)
similar magic. Any stringed instrument can be a harmonizing
instrument, and you must be proficient with stringed
Hammer of Decrees instruments to use a harmonizing instrument.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a creature of This instrument has 3 charges for the following
lawful alignment) properties. The instrument regains 1d3 expended
This adamantine hammer was part of a set of charges daily at dawn.
smith’s tools used to create weapons of law for an Consonance. When a spellcaster you can see within
ancient dwarven civilization. It is pitted and appears 30 feet of you casts a spell with a verbal component,

Wondrous Items
damaged, and its oak handle is split and bound with you can use a reaction to expend 1 charge to create a
cracking hide. While attuned to this hammer, you consonant harmony. The spellcaster has advantage on
have advantage on ability checks using smith’s tools, the spell attack roll, or the spell’s save DC is increased
and the time it takes you to craft an item with your by 1, whichever is most appropriate.
smith’s tools is halved. Dissonance. When a spellcaster you can
see within 30 feet of you casts a spell
Handy Scroll Quiver with a verbal component, you can use a
Wondrous item, common reaction to expend 1 charge to create a
This belt quiver is wide enough to pass a rolled dissonant harmony. The spellcaster
scroll through the opening. Containing an extra must succeed on a DC 15
dimensional space, the quiver can hold up to 25 Constitution saving throw
scrolls and weighs 1 pound, regardless of its contents.  or have disadvantage on
Placing a scroll in the quiver follows the normal the spell attack roll, or
rules for interacting with objects. Retrieving a scroll the spell’s save DC
from the quiver requires you to use an action. When is reduced by 1,
you reach into the quiver for a specific scroll, that whichever is most
scroll is always magically on top. appropriate.
The quiver has a few limitations. If it is overloaded,
or if a sharp object pierces it or tears it, the quiver
Headrest of the Cattle Queens
Wondrous item, uncommon
This polished and
curved wooden
Hat of Mental Acuity headrest is
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) designed to keep
This well-crafted cap appears to be standard wear for the user’s head
academics. Embroidered on the edge of the inside comfortably elevated
lining in green thread are sigils. If you cast comprehend while sleeping. If
languages on them, they read, “They that are guided you sleep at least 6 hours
go not astray.” as part of a long rest
While wearing the hat, you have advantage on all while using the headrest,
Intelligence and Wisdom checks. If you are proficient you regain 1 additional
in an Intelligence or Wisdom-based skill, you double spent Hit Die, and your
your proficiency bonus for the skill. exhaustion level is
reduced by 2 (rather than
Headdress of Majesty 1) when you finish the long rest.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This elaborate headpiece is adorned with small Headscarf of the Oasis
gemstones and thin strips of gold that frame Wondrous item, uncommon
your head like a radiant halo. While you wear This dun-colored, well-worn silk wrap is long enough
this headdress, you have advantage on Charisma to cover the face and head of a Medium or smaller
(Intimidation) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks. humanoid, barely revealing the eyes.
The headdress has 5 charges for the following While wearing this headscarf over your mouth and
properties. It regains all expended charges daily at nose, you have advantage on ability checks and saving
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On throws against being blinded and against extended
a 1, the headdress becomes a nonmagical, tawdry exposure to hot weather and hot environments.
ornament of cheap metals and paste gems. Pulling the headscarf on or off your mouth and nose
Command. While wearing the headdress, you can requires an action.
use an action to expend 1 or more charges to cast the
command spell (save DC 15) from it. For 1 charge, you Healthful Honeypot
cast the 1st-level version of the spell. You can increase Wondrous item, very rare
the spell slot level by one for each additional charge This clay honeypot weighs 10 pounds. A sweet aroma
you expend. wafts constantly from it, and it produces enough
Enchanting Sovereign. When you cast an honey to feed up to 12 humanoids. Eating the honey
enchantment spell while wearing the headdress, you restores 1d8 hit points, and the honey provides
can use a bonus action to expend 1 of its charges to
Wondrous Items

enough nourishment to sustain a humanoid for one

strengthen the spell. While the spell is strengthened, day. Once 12 doses of the honey have been consumed,
each target has disadvantage the honeypot can’t produce more honey until the
on the saving throw. If next dawn.
you are also attuned to Bear’s Banquet. While holding the honeypot, you
and holding a scepter can use an action to create a resplendent honey-based
of majesty (see page banquet, which includes an exquisite mead. The
87), the save DC of banquet takes 1 hour to consume and disappears at
the strengthened the end of that time, and the beneficial effects don’t
spell increases set in until this hour is over. Up to 12 creatures can
by 1. feast on this banquet. A creature that feasts on the
banquet gains several benefits. The creature is cured
of all diseases and poison, becomes immune to
poison and being frightened, and makes all Wisdom
saving throws with advantage. These benefits last for
24 hours. If the honeypot is used in this way, it can’t
produce any honey again, for this banquet or for its
other property, until 7 days have passed.

Heat Stone green bat guano to cure various afflictions, and the
Wondrous item, common resulting glowing green paste can be spread on the
skin to heal various conditions. As an action, one
Prized by reptilian humanoids, this magic stone is
dose of the droppings can be swallowed or applied to
warm to the touch. While carrying this stone, you are
the skin. The creature that receives it gains one of the
comfortable in and can tolerate temperatures as low
following benefits:
as –20 degrees Fahrenheit without any additional
protection. If you wear heavy clothes, you can tolerate • Cured of paralysis or petrification
temperatures as low as –50 degrees Fahrenheit. • Reduces exhaustion level by one
• Regains 50 hit points
Heliotrope Heart
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Honey Buckle
This polished orb of dark-green stone is latticed with Wondrous item, varies
pulsing crimson inclusions that resemble slowly (requires attunement)
dilating spatters of blood. While attuned to this orb, While wearing this
your hit point maximum can’t be reduced by the bear head-shaped
bite of a vampire, vampire spawn, or other vampiric belt buckle, you
creature. can use an action
In addition, while holding this orb, you can use to cast polymorph
an action to speak its command word and cast the on yourself,
2nd-level version of the false life spell. Once used, this transforming into a
property can’t be used again until the next dusk. type of bear determined by the type of belt buckle
Curse. This orb is cursed, a fact that is revealed only you are wearing. While you are in the form of a bear,
when an identify spell is cast on the orb or you attune you retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
to it. Attuning to the orb curses you until you are scores. In addition, you don’t need to maintain
targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic. As concentration on the spell, and the transformation
long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part lasts for 1 hour, until you use a bonus action to revert
with the orb, keeping it on your person at all times. to your normal form, or until you drop to 0 hit points
While cursed, your shadow seems abnormally gaunt or die. The belt buckle can’t be used this way again
and sometimes moves of its own volition as though until the next dawn.
alive. As a result, you have disadvantage on Charisma Black Honey Buckle (Uncommon). When you use
(Performance) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks. this belt buckle to cast polymorph on yourself, you
transform into a black bear.
Helm of the Slashing Fin Brown Honey Buckle (Rare). When you use
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) this belt buckle to cast polymorph on yourself, you
While wearing this helm, you can use an action to transform into a brown bear.
speak its command word to gain the ability to breathe White Honey Buckle (Very Rare). When you use

Wondrous Items
underwater, but you lose the ability to breathe air. this belt buckle to cast polymorph on yourself, you
You can speak its command word again or remove the transform into a polar bear.
helm as an action to end this effect.
Fin Slash. The helm has 3 charges, and it regains Honey Lamp
1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. You can use an Wondrous item, uncommon
action to expend 1 of its charges to swing your head Honey lamps, made from
in the direction of a target you can see within 10 feet glowing honey encased in
of you. The helm’s fin extends and makes an attack beeswax, shed light as a
roll with a +5 bonus. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 lamp. Though the lamps are
slashing damage. If you move at least 20 feet straight often found in the shape
toward the target and the fin hits on the same turn, of a globe, the honey
the hit is a critical hit. can also be sealed inside
stone or wood recesses.
Holy Verdant Bat Droppings If the wax that shields
Wondrous item, rare the honey is broken
This ceramic jar, 3 inches in diameter, contains 1d4 or smashed, the honey
+ 1 doses of a thick mixture with a pungent, muddy crystallizes in 7 days and
reek. The jar and its contents weigh 1/2 pound. ceases to glow. Eating the
Derro matriarchs and children gather a particular honey while it is still glowing grants darkvision out to
a range of 30 feet for 1 week and 1 day.
Honey Trap Hunter’s Charm
Wondrous item, rare Wondrous item, common (+1),
This jar is made of beaten metal and engraved with uncommon (+2), or rare (+3)
honeybees. It has 7 charges, and it regains 1d6 + 1 (requires attunement by a ranger)
expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the This small fetish is made
jar’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the jar shatters and out of bones, feathers,
loses all its magical properties. and semi‑precious gems.
While holding the jar, you can use an action to Typically worn around the
expend 1 charge to hurl a glob of honey at a target neck, this charm can also be
within 30 feet of you. Make a ranged attack roll with wrapped around your brow
an attack bonus equal to your Dexterity modifier plus or wrist or affixed to a weapon.
your proficiency bonus. On a hit, the glob expands, While wearing or carrying this charm,
and the creature is restrained. you have a bonus to attack and damage rolls
A creature restrained by the honey can use an made against your favored enemies. The bonus is
action to make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or determined by the charm’s rarity.
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (target’s choice). On a
success, the creature is no longer restrained by the Incense of Recovery
honey. Wondrous item, rare
This block of perfumed incense appears to be normal,
Honeypot of Awakening
nonmagical incense until lit. The incense burns for
Wondrous item, uncommon 1 hour and gives off a lavender scent, accompanied
If you place 1 pound of honey inside this pot, the by pale mauve smoke that lightly obscures the area
honey transforms into an ochre jelly after 24 hours. within 30 feet of it. Each spellcaster that takes a short
The jelly remains in a dormant state within the pot rest in the smoke regains one expended spell slot at
until you dump it out. You can use an action to dump the end of the short rest.
the jelly from the pot in an unoccupied space within 5
feet of you. Once dumped, the ochre jelly is hostile to Ioun Stone
all creatures, including you. Only one ochre jelly can Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement)
occupy the pot at a time. The following are additional ioun stone options.
Devil’s Sight (Rare). While this dull black spindle
orbits your head, you can see normally in both magical
and nonmagical darkness to a distance of 60 feet.
Emerald Shard (Very Rare). This irregularly shaped
fragment of translucent emerald turns dull grey when
its magic is expended. While the emerald orbits your
head, it absorbs up to 5 damage from each attack
Wondrous Items

or damaging effect that hits you. Once the stone

has absorbed 120 damage, it loses all its magical
properties and ceases to function.
Granite (Very Rare). While this granite rhomboid
orbits your head, you have resistance to nonmagical
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Illumination (Common). While this simple, pale
yellow prism orbits your head, it sheds bright light
in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional
20 feet. As an action, you can change the color of the
light. Completely covering the prism with something
opaque blocks the light. Unlike other ioun stones, this
prism doesn’t require attunement.
Limestone (Uncommon). While this limestone
ellipsoid orbits your head, you have immunity to the
frightened condition, and you have advantage on
saving throws against being charmed.
Sandstone (Uncommon). While this sandstone
pyramid orbits your head, any critical hit against you
148 becomes a normal hit.
or decrease the temperature, allowing you to
soften or melt any kind of nonferrous metal. While
activated, the anvil remains warm to the touch,
but its heat affects only nonferrous metal. You can
use a bonus action to repeat the command word to
deactivate the anvil.
If you use the anvil while making any check with
jeweler’s tools or tinker’s tools, you can double your
proficiency bonus. If your proficiency bonus is already
doubled, you have advantage on the check instead.

Jungle Mess Kit

Wondrous item, uncommon
Slate (Rare). While this slate spindle orbits your This crucial piece of survival gear guarantees safe
head, you have advantage on saving throws against use of the most basic of consumables. The hinged
spells. metal container acts as a cook pot and opens to reveal
a cup, plate, and eating utensils. This kit renders
Ivy Crown of Prophecy any spoiled, rotten, or even naturally poisonous
Wondrous item, rare food or drink safe to consume. It can purify only
While wearing this ivy, filigreed crown, you can use an mundane, natural effects. It has no effect on food
action to cast the divination spell from it. The crown that is magically spoiled, rotted, or poisoned, and it
can’t be used this way again until the next dawn. can’t neutralize brewed poisons, venoms, or similarly
manufactured toxins.
Once it has purified 3 cubic feet of food and drink,
it can’t be used to do so again until the next dawn.

Justicar’s Mask
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This stern-faced mask is crafted of silver. While
wearing the mask, your gaze can root enemies to the
spot. When a creature that can see the mask starts
its turn within 30 feet of you, you can use a reaction
to force it to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, if
you can see the creature and aren’t incapacitated. On
Jeweler’s Anvil a failure, the creature is restrained. The creature can
Wondrous item, uncommon repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
This small, foot-long anvil is engraved with images ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise,

Wondrous Items
of jewelry in various stages of the crafting process. the condition lasts until removed with the dispel magic
It weighs 10 pounds and can be mounted on a table spell or until you end it (no action required).
or desk. You can use a bonus action to speak its Instruments of Law. If you are also attuned to and
command word and activate it, causing it to warm wielding a rod of the disciplinarian (see page 83), the
any nonferrous metals (including their alloys, such mask’s save DC increases to 16. If you are attuned to
as brass or bronze). While you remain within 5 feet and wearing a signet of the Magister (see page 88), the
of the anvil, you can verbally command it to increase mask’s range increases to 40 feet.

Keffiyeh of Serendipitous Escape

Wondrous item, very rare
This checkered cotton headdress is indistinguishable
from the mundane scarves worn by the desert
nomads. As an action, you can remove the headdress,
spread it open on the ground, and speak the
command word. The keffiyeh transforms into a 3-foot
by 5-foot carpet of flying which moves according to your
spoken directions provided that you are within 30
feet of it. Speaking the command word a second time
transforms the carpet back into a headdress again.
Kobold Firework use teleportation or similar interplanar travel to do
Wondrous item, rarity varies so, it must first succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving
throw. If an undead creature is in the bright light
These small pouches and cylinders are filled with
when it appears, the creature must succeed on a DC
magical powders and reagents, and they each have
15 Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to leave
a small fuse protruding from their closures. You
the bright light. It won’t move into any obviously
can use an action to light a firework then throw it
deadly hazard, such as a fire or pit, but it will provoke
up to 30 feet. The firework activates immediately
opportunity attacks to move out of the bright light.
or on initiative count 20 of the following round,
In addition, each non-undead creature in the bright
as detailed below. Once a firework’s effects end,
light can’t be charmed, frightened, or possessed by an
it is destroyed. A firework can’t be lit underwater,
undead creature.
and submersion in water destroys a firework. A lit
Red Dragon’s Breath (Very Rare). This firework is
firework can be destroyed early by dousing it with at
wrapped in gold leaf and inscribed with scarlet runes,
least 1 gallon of water.
and it erupts into a vertical column of fire on impact.
Blinding Goblin-Cracker (Uncommon). This bright
Each creature in a 10-foot-radius, 60-foot-high
yellow firework releases a blinding flash of light on
cylinder centered on the point of impact must make
impact. Each creature within 15 feet of where the
a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d6 fire
firework landed and that can see it must succeed on
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for
successful one.
1 minute. A blinded creature can repeat the saving
Snake Fountain (Rare). This short, wide cylinder
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
is red, yellow, and black with a scale motif, and it
on itself on a success.
produces snakes made of ash for 1 minute. It starts
Deafening Kobold-Barker (Uncommon). This
producing snakes on the round after you throw it.
firework consists of several tiny green cylinders
The firework creates 1 poisonous snake each round.
strung together and bursts with a loud sound on
The snakes are friendly to you and your companions.
impact. Each creature within 15 feet of where the
Roll initiative for the snakes as a group, which has its
firework landed and that can hear it must succeed on
own turns. They obey any verbal commands that you
a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be deafened for
issue to them (no action required by you). If you don’t
1 minute. A deafened creature can repeat the saving
issue any commands to them, they defend themselves
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions.
on itself on a success.
The snakes remain for 10 minutes, until you dismiss
Enchanting Elf-Fountain (Uncommon). This
them as a bonus action, or until they are doused with
purple pyramidal firework produces a fascinating and
at least 1 gallon of water.
colorful shower of sparks for 1 minute. The shower of
sparks starts on the round after you throw it. While Language Pyramid
the firework showers sparks, each creature that
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
enters or starts its turn within 30 feet of the firework
must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a Script from dozens of languages flows across this
Wondrous Items

failed save, the creature has disadvantage on Wisdom sandstone pyramid’s surface. While holding or
(Perception) checks made to perceive any creature carrying the pyramid, you understand the literal
or object other than the firework until the start of its meaning of any spoken language that you hear. In
next turn. addition, you understand any written language that
Fairy Sparkler (Common). This narrow firework you see, but you must be touching the surface on
is decorated with stars and emits a bright, sparkling which the words are written. It takes 1 minute to read
light for 1 minute. It starts emitting light on the round one page of text.
after you throw it. The firework sheds bright light in a The pyramid has 3 charges, and
30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. it regains 1d3 expended charges
Invisible creatures and objects are visible as long as daily at dawn. You can use
they are in the firework’s bright light. an action to expend 1 of its
Priest Light (Rare). This silver cylinder firework charges to imbue yourself
produces a tall, argent flame and numerous with magical speech for 1
golden sparks for 10 minutes. The flame appears hour. For the duration,
on the round after you throw it. The firework any creature that knows
sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim at least one language
light for an additional 30 feet. An undead creature and that can hear
can’t willingly enter the firework’s bright light by you understands
nonmagical means. If the undead creature tries to any words you
speak. In addition, you can use an action to expend 1 minute after which the lantern goes dark and can’t be
of the pyramid’s charges to imbue up to six creatures used again until the next dawn. During this time, the
within 30 feet of you with magical understanding for lantern can function as a standard hooded lantern if
1 hour. For the duration, each target can understand provided with oil.
any spoken language that it hears.
Lantern of Selective Illumination
Lantern of Auspex Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, rare This brass lantern is fitted with round panels of
This elaborate lantern is covered in simple glyphs, crown glass and burns for 6 hours
and its glass panels are intricately etched. Two of the on one 1 pint of oil, shedding
panels depict a robed woman holding out a single bright light in a 30-foot radius
hand, while the other two panels depict the same and dim light for an additional 30
woman with her face partially obscured by a hand feet. During a short rest, you can
of cards. The lantern’s magic is activated when it is choose up to three creatures
lit, which requires an action. Once lit, the lantern to be magically linked by
sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light the lantern. When the
for an additional 30 feet for 1 hour. You can use an lantern is lit, its light
action to open or close one of the glass panels on the can be perceived only
lantern. If you open a panel, a vision of a random by you and those
event that happened or that might happen plays linked creatures.
out in the light’s area. Closing a panel stops the To anyone else, the
vision. The visions are shown as nondescript smoky lantern appears
apparitions that play out silently in the lantern’s light. dark and provides
At the GM’s discretion, the vision might change to a no illumination.
different event each 1 minute that the panel remains
open and the lantern lit. Once used, the lantern can’t Last Chance Quiver
be used in this way again until 7 days have passed. Wondrous item, common
Hand Out Panel. If you open one panel depicting This quiver holds 20 arrows.
the woman with her hand out, the vision is of an However, when you draw and fire the last arrow
event that happened within the past 1 year. If you from the quiver, it magically produces a 21st arrow.
open both, the vision is of an event that happened Once this arrow has been drawn and fired, the quiver
within the past 10 years. doesn’t produce another arrow until the quiver has
Cards Panel. If you open one panel depicting the been refilled and another 20 arrows have been drawn
woman with cards, the vision is of an event that and fired.
might happen within the next 1 year. If you open
both, the vision is of an event that might happen Leonino Wings
within the next 10 years. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

Wondrous Items
Lantern of Judgment This cloak is decorated with the spotted white and
brown pattern of a barn owl’s wing feathers. While
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
wearing this cloak, you can use an action to speak its
This mithral and gold lantern is emblazoned with command word. This turns the cloak into a pair of a
a sunburst symbol. While holding the lantern, leonino’s (see Creature Codex) owl-like feathered wings
you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and until you repeat the command word as an action. The
Intelligence (Investigation) checks. As a bonus wings give you a flying speed equal to your walking
action, you can speak a command word to cause one speed, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
of the following effects: checks made while flying in forests and urban
• The lantern casts bright light in a 60-foot cone settings. In addition, when you fly out of an enemy’s
and dim light for an additional 60 feet. reach, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks.
• The lantern casts bright light in a 30-foot radius You can use the cloak to fly for up to 4 hours, all
and dim light for an additional 30 feet. at once or in several shorter flights, each one using
• The lantern sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius. a minimum of 1 minute from the duration. If you
are flying when the duration expires, you descend at
• Douse the lantern’s light.
a rate of 30 feet per round until you land. The cloak
When you cause the lantern to shed bright light, you regains 2 hours of flying capability for every 12 hours
can speak an additional command word to cause it isn’t in use.
the light to become sunlight. The sunlight lasts for 1
Lifeblood Gear Locket of Dragon Vitality
Wondrous item, common Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
As an action, you can attach this tiny bronze gear to Legends tell of a dragon whose hide was impenetrable
a pile of junk or other small collection of mundane and so tenacious that only a blow to the heart would
objects and create a Tiny or Small mechanical kill it. An unnamed hero finally defeated it and tore
servant. This servant uses the statistics of a beast its heart into two. The dragon’s name was lost, but
with a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower, except it its legacy remains. This magic amulet is one of two
has immunity to poison damage and the poisoned items that were crafted to hold its heart. An intricate
condition, and it can’t be charmed or become engraving of a warrior’s sword piercing a dragon’s
exhausted. chest is detailed along the front of this untarnished
If it participates in combat, the servant lasts for silver locket. Within the locket is a clear crystal vial
up to 5 rounds or until destroyed. If commanded with a pulsing piece of a dragon’s heart. The pulses
to perform mundane tasks, such as fetching items, become more frequent when you are close to death.
cleaning, or other similar task, it lasts for up to 5 Attuning to the locket requires you to mix your
hours or until destroyed. blood with the blood within the vial. The vial holds
Once affixed to the servant, the gear pulsates like a 3 charges of dragon blood that are automatically
beating heart. If the gear is removed, you lose control expended when you reach certain health thresholds.
of the servant, which then attacks indiscriminately for The locket regains 1 expended charge for each vial of
up to 5 rounds or until destroyed. Once the duration dragon blood you place in the vial inside the locket up
expires or the servant is destroyed, the gear becomes to a maximum of 3 charges. For the purpose of this
a nonmagical gear. locket, “dragon” refers to any creature with the dragon
type, including drakes and wyverns. While wearing or
Linguist’s Cap carrying the locket, you gain the following effects:
Wondrous item, common • When you reach 0 hit points, but do not die
While wearing this outright, the vial breaks and the dragon heart
simple hat, you have stops pulsing, rendering the item broken and
the ability to speak irreparable. You immediately gain temporary hit
and read a single points equal to your level + your Constitution
language. Each cap has a modifier. If the locket has at least 1 charge of
specific language associated dragon blood, it does not break, but this effect
with it, and the caps often come can’t be activated again until 3 days have passed.
in styles or boast features unique to the • When you are reduced to half of your maximum
cultures where their associated languages are hit points, the locket expends 1 charge of dragon
most prominent. The GM chooses the language blood, and you become immune to any type of
or determines it randomly from the lists of blood loss effect, such as the blood loss from
standard and exotic languages. a stirge’s Blood Drain, for 1d4 + 1 hours. Any
Wondrous Items

existing blood loss effects end immediately when

Living Stake this activates.
Wondrous item, rare
Dragon Heart Ritual. If you are also attuned to the
Fashioned from mandrake root, this stake longs to sword of volsung (see page 39), you can drain 3 charges
taste the heart’s blood of vampires. Make a melee of the locket into the sword of volsung, rendering this
attack against a vampire in range, treating the stake as item broken and irreparable, but you passively gain its
an improvised weapon. On a hit, the stake attaches to effects while attuned to the sword. Doing this requires
a vampire’s chest. At the end of the vampire’s next a long rest where you also re-attune with the newly
turn, roots force their way into the vampire’s charged sword of volsung.
heart, negating fast healing and preventing
gaseous form. If the vampire is reduced to 0 Locket of Remembrance
hit points while the stake is attached to it, Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
it is immobilized as if it had been staked.
You can place a small keepsake of a creature, such as
A creature can take its action to remove
a miniature portrait, a lock of hair, or similar item,
the stake by succeeding on a DC 17
within the locket. The keepsake must be willingly
Strength (Athletics) check. If it is
given to you or must be from a creature personally
removed from the vampire’s chest,
connected to you, such as a relative or lover.
the stake is destroyed. The stake
Communication. While holding or wearing the
has no effect on targets other
locket, you can use an action to cast the sending
than vampires.
spell from it. The target must be the creature whose Lucky Coin
keepsake is in the locket. Once used, this property can’t Wondrous item, common
be used again until you have completed a long rest.
This worn, clipped copper
Location. While holding or wearing the locket,
piece has 6 charges. You can
you can use an action to cast the locate creature spell
use a reaction to expend 1
from it at will. The target must be the creature whose
charge and gain a +1 bonus
keepsake is in the locket.
on your next ability check. The
Reminiscence. If the locket contains a keepsake
coin regains 1d6 charges daily at dawn. If you expend
from a dead creature, you can use it to manifest their
the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the coin runs out of
spirit and speak with them while holding or wearing
luck and becomes nonmagical.
the locket. This works like the speak with dead spell, but
the spirit’s answers are typically less cryptic and more Lucky Eyepatch
helpful. Once used, this property can’t be used again
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
until 7 days have passed.
You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws while you wear
Lodestone Caltrops this simple, black eyepatch.
Wondrous item, uncommon In addition, if you are missing the eye that the
eyepatch covers and you roll a 1 on the d20 for a
This small gray pouch appears empty, though it
saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the
weighs 3 pounds. Reaching inside the bag reveals
new roll. The eyepatch can’t be used this way again
dozens of small, metal balls. As an action, you can
until the next dawn.
upend the bag and spread the metal balls to cover
a square area that is 5 feet on a side. Any creature Lupine Crown
that enters the area while wearing metal armor or
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
carrying at least one metal item must succeed on a
DC 13 Strength saving throw or stop moving this This grisly helm is made from the leather‑reinforced
turn. A creature that starts its turn in the area must skull and antlers of a deer with a fox skull and hide
succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw to leave the stretched over it. It is secured by a strap made from a
area. Alternatively, a creature in the area can drop or magically preserved length of deer entrails.
remove whatever metal items are on it and leave the While wearing this helm, you gain a +1 bonus to
area without needing to make a saving throw. AC, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
The metal balls remain for 1 minute. Once the bag’s and Wisdom (Survival) checks.
contents have been emptied three times, the bag can’t
Magma Mantle
be used again until the next dawn.
Wondrous item, rare
Loom of Fate (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, rare This cracked black leather cloak
If you spend 1 hour weaving on this portable loom, roll is warm to the touch and faint

Wondrous Items
a d20 and record the number rolled. You can replace ruddy light glows through the
any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by cracks. While wearing this
you or a creature that you can see with this roll. You cloak, you have resistance to
must choose to do so before the roll. The loom can’t be cold damage.
used this way again until the next dawn. As an action, you can
Once you have used the loom 3 times, the fabric touch the brass clasp and
is complete, and the loom is no longer magical. The speak the command word,
fabric becomes a shifting tapestry that represents the which transforms the cloak
events where you used the loom’s power to alter fate. into a flowing mantle of lava
for 1 minute. During this
Lucky Charm of the Monkey King time, you are unharmed by
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement) the intense heat, but any
hostile creature within 5 feet
This tiny stone statue of a grinning monkey holds a
of you that touches you or
leather loop in its paws, allowing the charm to hang
hits you with a melee attack
from a belt or pouch. While attuned to this charm, you
takes 3d6 fire damage. In
can use a bonus action to gain a +1 bonus on your next
addition, for the duration,
ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. Once used,
you suffer no damage from
the charm can’t be used again until the next dawn. You
contact with lava, and you
can be attuned to only one lucky charm at a time.
can burrow through lava at 153
half your walking speed. The cloak can’t be used this Mantle of the Void
way again until the next dawn. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Mantle of Blood Vengeance While wearing this midnight-blue mantle covered in
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) writhing runes, you gain a +1 bonus to saving throws,
and if you succeed on a saving throw against a spell
This red silk cloak has 3 charges and regains 1d3 that allows you to make a saving throw to take only
expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing it, half the damage or suffer partial effects, you instead
you can visit retribution on any creature that dares take no damage and suffer none of the spell’s effects.
spill your blood. When you take piercing, slashing, Void-Powered Strike. You can use a bonus action
or necrotic damage from a creature, you can use a to infuse your next spell or attack with power from
reaction to expend 1 charge to turn your blood into a the Void. Choose one creature that failed its saving
punishing spray. The creature that damaged you must throw against your spell or that was hit by your attack.
make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10 That creature is stunned until the end of its next turn.
acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage Once used, you can’t use this property again until the
on a successful one. next dawn.
Mantle of the Forest Lord
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Created by village elders for druidic scouts to better
traverse and survey the perimeters of their lands, this
cloak resembles thick oak bark but bends and flows
like silk.
While wearing this cloak, you can use an action to
cast the tree stride spell on yourself at will, except trees
need not be living in order to pass through them.
Manual of Exercise
Mantle of the Lion Wondrous item, rare
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This book contains exercises and techniques to
This splendid lion pelt is designed to be worn across better perform a specific physical task, and its words
the shoulders with the paws clasped at the base of are charged with magic. If you spend 24 hours over
the neck. While wearing this mantle, your speed a period of 3 days or fewer studying the tome and
increases by 10 feet, and the mantle’s lion jaws practicing its instructions, you gain proficiency in the
are a natural melee weapon, which you can use to Strength or Dexterity-based skill (such as Athletics or
make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the Stealth) associated with the book. The manual then
mantle’s bite deals piercing damage equal to 1d6 + loses its magic, but regains it in ten years.
your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning
damage normal for an unarmed strike. Manual of the Lesser Golem
Wondrous Items

In addition, if you move at least 20 feet straight Wondrous item, rare

toward a creature and then
A manual of the lesser golem can be found in a book, on a
hit it with a melee attack
scroll, etched into a piece of stone or metal, or scribed
on the same turn,
on any other medium that holds words, runes, and
that creature must
arcane inscriptions. Each manual of the lesser golem
succeed on a DC
describes the materials needed and the process to
15 Strength
be followed to create one type of lesser golem. The
saving throw or
GM chooses the type of lesser golem detailed in the
be knocked
manual or determines the golem type randomly.
prone. If
To decipher and use the manual, you must be a
a creature
spellcaster with at least one 2nd-level spell slot. You
is knocked
must also succeed on a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana)
prone in this
check at the start of the first day of golem creation. If
way, you can make
you fail the check, you must wait at least 24 hours to
an attack with the
restart the creation process, and you take 3d6 psychic
mantle’s bite against
damage that can be regained only after a long rest.
the prone creature as a
A lesser golem created via a manual of the lesser golem
bonus action.
is not immortal. The magic that keeps the lesser
154 golem intact gradually weakens until the golem
finally falls apart. A lesser golem lasts exactly twice to wind the mallard's key, and it springs to life, ready
the number of days it takes to create it (see below) to follow your commands. While active, it has AC 13,
before losing its power. Once the golem is created, 18 hit points, speed 25 ft., fly 40 ft., and swim 30 ft.
the manual is expended, the writing worthless and If reduced to 0 hit points, it becomes nonfunctional
incapable of creating another. and can’t be activated again until 24 hours have
The statistics for each lesser golem can be found in passed, during which time it magically repairs
the Creature Codex. itself. If damaged but not disabled, it regains any
lost hit points at the next dawn. It has the following
d20 Golem Time Cost additional properties, and you choose which property
1–7 Hair 2 days 100 gp to activate when you wind the mallard’s key.
8–13 Mud 5 days 500 gp Carry. The mallard grows to Large size, and it can
carry one Medium or two Small passengers. The
14–17 Glass 10 days 2,000 gp mallard can maintain this form for up to 8 hours.
18–20 Wood 15 days 20,000 gp Once used, this property can’t be used again until 16
hours have passed.
Manual of Vine Golems Deliver Message. The mallard records your spoken
Wondrous item, very rare message of up to 25 words, then flies to a destination
of your choice and plays the recorded message for
This tome contains information and incantations
a designated recipient. This works like the animal
necessary to make a vine golem (see Tome of Beasts 2).
messenger spell, except the tireless clockwork
To decipher and use the manual, you must be a druid
mechanism can fly up to 100 miles in a day for up to
with at least two 3rd-level spell slots. A creature that
5 days before it winds down and ceases to function.
can’t use a manual of vine golems and attempts to read it
When the mallard delivers the message, the recipient
takes 4d6 psychic damage.
can record a response, and the mallard returns to you
To create a vine golem, you must spend 20 days
and plays that message, if the round trip isn’t more
working without interruption with the manual at
than 500 miles of travel.
hand and resting no more than 8 hours per day. You
Distract. The mallard flies to and pesters a target
must also use powders made from rare plants and
you can see for up to 1 minute. The mallard does no
crushed gems worth 30,000 gp to create the vine
damage to the target, but its angry quacking, pecking,
golem, all of which are consumed in the process.
and flapping wings are distracting. For the duration,
Once you finish creating the vine golem, the book
the target has disadvantage on attack rolls against any
decays into ash.
target except the mallard, and it must make a DC 13
The golem becomes animate when the ashes of the
Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its
manual are sprinkled on it. It is under your control,
turns to maintain concentration on any active spell.
and it understands and obeys your spoken commands.
At the end of the duration or if the target dies, the
Mapping Ink mallard returns to you then deactivates. Once used,
Wondrous item, uncommon this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Wondrous Items
Quack. The mallard quacks loudly and constantly
This viscous ink is typically found in 1d4 pots, and for up to 10 minutes or until you command it to stop
each pot contains 3 doses. You can use an action to as a bonus action. This quack is audible up to 600 feet
pour one dose of the ink onto parchment, vellum, away. This property can be used no more than once
or cloth then fold the material. As long as the per hour.
ink‑stained material is folded and on your person,
the ink captures your footsteps and surroundings Mask of the Leaping Gazelle
on the material, mapping out your travels with Wondrous item, uncommon
great precision. You can unfold the material to
This painted wooden animal
pause the mapping and refold it to begin mapping
mask is adorned with a pair
again. Deduct the time the ink maps your travels in
of gazelle horns. While
increments of 1 hour from the total mapping time.
wearing this mask,
Each dose of ink can map your travels for 8 hours.
your walking speed
Marvelous Clockwork Mallard increases by 10 feet,
Wondrous item, rare and your long jump
is up to 25 feet with a
This intricate clockwork recreation of a Tiny duck is 10-foot running start.
fashioned of brass and tin. Its head is painted with
green lacquer, the bill is plated in gold, and its eyes
are small chips of black onyx. You can use an action
Mask of the War Chief Master Angler’s Tackle
Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement) Wondrous item, common
These fierce yet regal war masks are made by This is a set of well-worn but finely crafted fishing
shamans in the cold northern mountains for their gear. You have advantage on any Wisdom (Survival)
chieftains. Carved from the wood of alpine trees, checks made to catch fish or other seafood when
each mask bears the image of a different creature using it.
native to those regions. If you ever roll a 1 on your check while using the
Cave Bear (Uncommon). This mask is carved in the tackle, roll again. If the second roll is a 20, you still
likeness of a roaring cave bear. While wearing it, you fail to catch anything edible, but you pull up
have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. something interesting or valuable—a
In addition, you can use an action to summon a bottle with a note in it, a fragment
cave bear (use the statistics of a brown bear) to serve of an ancient tablet carved in
you in battle. The bear is friendly to you and your ancient script, a mermaid in
companions, and it acts on your turn. You can use a need of help, or similar.
bonus action to command how the creature moves The GM decides what
and what action it takes on its next turn, or to give you pull up and its
it general orders, such as attack your enemies. In value, if it has one.
the absence of such orders, the bear acts in a fashion
appropriate to its nature. It vanishes at the next dawn
or when it is reduced to 0 hit points. The mask can’t
be used this way again until the next dawn.
Behir (Very Rare). Carvings of stylized lightning
decorate the closed, pointed snout of this blue,
crocodilian mask. While wearing it, you have
resistance to lightning damage. In addition, you can
use an action to exhale lightning in a 30-foot line that
is 5 feet wide Each creature in the line must make a
DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d10 lightning Matryoshka Dolls
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
successful one. This mask can’t be used this way again This antique set of four nesting dolls is colorfully
until the next dawn. painted though a bit worn from the years. When
Mammoth (Uncommon). This mask is carved in attuning to this item, you must give each doll a
the likeness of a mammoth’s head with a short trunk name, which acts as a command word to activate
curling up between the eyes. While wearing it, you its properties. You must be within 30 feet of a doll
count as one size larger when determining your to activate it. The dolls have a combined total of 5
carrying capacity and the weight you can lift, drag, or charges, and the dolls regain all expended charges
push. In addition, you can use an action to trumpet
Wondrous Items

daily at dawn. The largest doll is lined with a thin

like a mammoth. Choose up to six creatures within sheet of lead. A spell or other effect that can sense
30 feet of you and that can hear the trumpet. For 1 the presence of magic, such as detect magic, reveals
minute, each target is under the effect of the bane (if only the transmutation magic of the largest doll, and
a hostile creature; save DC 13) or bless (if a friendly not any of the dolls or other small items that may be
creature) spell (no concentration required). This contained within it.
mask can’t be used this way again until the next dawn. The Mischievous Doll. The first and largest doll has
Winter Wolf (Rare). Carved in the likeness of a a mischievous, winking face. As an action, you can
winter wolf, this white mask is cool to the touch. speak the doll’s name and expend 1 charge. The three
While wearing it, you have resistance to cold damage. smaller dolls fly back and nestle into the largest, as
In addition, you can use an action to exhale freezing long as they are untethered and within 30 feet of it. A
air in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must creature attempting to grab one of the smaller dolls as
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 cold it is called must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a of Hand) check. 
successful one. This mask can’t be used this way again The Jolly Doll. The second doll has a jolly upside-
until the next dawn. down face. As an action, you can speak the doll’s
name and expend 1 charge to befuddle nearby
humanoids. Each humanoid within 15 feet of the doll
and that can see it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw or the world seems off-kilter to it for 1
minute or until it can no longer see the doll. When made to perceive any creature or object other than the
a befuddled creature makes an attack, it has a 50 doll for 1 minute. The spell ends early if a target can
percent chance of targeting a nearby space instead of no longer see the doll. If a target takes damage, it can
its target. After the attack roll is made, roll percentile repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on
dice to determine where the hit occurred. On a result a success.
of 50-100, the creature hits the intended target. On a
result of 25-50, the creature hits the space 5 feet to the Mayhem Mask
right of the intended target. On a result of 1-25, the Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
target hits the space 5 feet to the left of the intended This goat mask with long, curving horns is carved
target. At the GM’s discretion, a befuddled creature’s from dark wood and framed in goat’s hair. While
hits in nearby spaces might strike creatures or objects wearing this mask, you can use its horns to make
in those spaces. unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, your horns
The Growling Doll. The third doll has a growling deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength
face with tiny, engraved teeth. As an action, you modifier, instead of bludgeoning damage normal
can speak the doll’s name and expend 1 charge to for an unarmed strike. If you moved at least 15 feet
command it to bite a creature that is holding or straight toward the target before you attacked with
carrying it. The doll makes its attack roll with a +8 the horns, the attack deals piercing damage equal to
bonus. On a hit, the target takes 2d4 piercing damage, 2d6 + your Strength modifier instead.
and the doll attaches to the target for 1 minute, until In addition, you can gaze through the eyes of the
detached, or until you command it to detach. While mask at one target you can see within 30 feet of you.
the doll is attached, you can use a bonus action on The target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving
each of your turns to command the doll to chomp throw or be affected as though it failed a saving throw
down on the target, dealing 1d4 piercing damage to against the confusion spell. The confusion effect lasts for
the target. Commanding the attached doll in this way 1 minute. Once used, this property of the mask can’t
doesn’t expend extra charges. A creature, including be used again until the next dawn.
the target, can use its action to detach the doll. 
The Cutest Doll. The smallest doll has the cutest, Medal of Valor
little, smiling face. As an action, you can speak the Wondrous item, uncommon
doll’s name and expend 1 charge to captivate nearby You are immune to the frightened condition while
humanoids. Each humanoid within 15 feet of the you wear this medal. If you are already frightened, the
doll and that can see it must effect ends immediately when you put on the medal.
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw or have Memory Philter
disadvantage on Wisdom Wondrous item, rare
(Perception) checks
This swirling liquid is the collected memory of a
mortal who willingly traded that memory away to the
fey. When you touch the philter, you feel a flash of the

Wondrous Items
emotion contained within. You can unstopper and
pour out the philter as an action, unless otherwise
specified. The philter’s effects take place immediately,
either on you or on a creature you can see within 30
feet (your choice). If the target is unwilling, it can
make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw to resist the
effect of the philter. A creature affected by a philter
experiences the memory contained in the vial.
A memory philter can be used only once, but the vial
can be reused to store a new memory. Storing a new
memory requires a few herbs, a 10-minute ritual, and
the sacrifice of a memory. The required sacrifice is
detailed in each entry below.
Bonds of Friendship. When a creature you can see
within 30 feet targets you with an attack or a spell,
you can use a reaction to pour out this philter. The
creature must choose a new target or the attack or
spell is wasted. A creature that can’t be charmed
is immune to this effect. To create this philter, a
humanoid must sacrifice a happy memory of a time Minor Minstrel
with a friend. Wondrous item, common
Coward’s Shame. The target becomes frightened.
This four-inch high, painted,
While frightened in this way it flees from you by the
ceramic figurine animates and
most direct route it can, and it can only take actions
sings one song, typically about
that facilitate its escape. If the creature ends its turn
3 minutes in length, when
more than 30 feet away from you and can’t see you,
you set it down and speak
it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on
the command word. The
a success. To create this philter, a humanoid must
song is chosen by the
sacrifice a memory of a failure or embarrassment.
figurine’s original creator,
Raging Lust. The target is charmed by you until
and the figurine’s form is typically reflective of the
you or one of your allies does something to harm
song’s style. A red-nosed dwarf holding a mug sings
the target. If you are the sort of creature the target
a drinking song; a human figure in mourner’s garb
normally finds attractive, it treats you as the object of
sings a dirge; a well-dressed elf with a harp sings an
its desire while charmed. You can make one suggestion
elven love song; or similar, though some creators find
(as the spell) of the target. The target can repeat the
it amusing to create a figurine with a song counter to
saving throw when it finishes a long rest. On a failed
its form. If you pick up the figurine before the song
save, it remains charmed and you can make another
finishes, it falls silent.
suggestion. On a success, the effect ends. To create this
philter, a humanoid must sacrifice all memory of a Mirror of Eavesdropping
romantic partner. Wondrous item, rare
Righteous Wrath. When you activate this philter,
each creature other than you within 30 feet must This 8-inch diameter mirror is set in a delicate, silver
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frame. While holding this mirror within 30 feet of
overcome by burning ferocity until the start of your another mirror, you can spend 10 minutes magically
next turn. On its turn, an affected creature must connecting the mirror of eavesdropping to that other
attack a foe if it is able, and every attack made by an mirror. The mirror of eavesdropping can be connected to
affected creature that hits is automatically a critical only one mirror at a time.
hit. To create this philter, a humanoid must sacrifice While holding the mirror of eavesdropping within 1
all memory of a great victory in battle. mile of its connected mirror, you can use an action to
Widow’s Tears. A creature you can see within 30 feet speak its command word and activate it. While active,
is overcome by devastating grief. The target is stunned the mirror of eavesdropping displays visual information
for 1 minute. It can repeat the saving throw at the from the connected mirror, which has normal
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on vision and darkvision out to 30 feet. The connected
a success. To creature this philter, a humanoid must mirror’s view is limited to the direction the mirror is
sacrifice all memory of a deceased loved one. facing, and it can be blocked by a solid barrier, such
Youthful Joy. The target regains 3d8 + 6 hit points as furniture, a heavy cloth, or similar. You can use a
bonus action to deactivate the mirror early.
Wondrous Items

and reduces its exhaustion level by one. To create

this philter, a humanoid must sacrifice a favored When the mirror has been active for a total of 10
childhood memory. minutes, you can’t activate it again until the next dawn.

Mender’s Mark Mnemonic Fob

Wondrous item, uncommon Wondrous item, uncommon
(requires attunement by a bard, (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
cleric, druid, or paladin) This small bauble consists of a flat crescent, which
This slender brooch is fashioned of binds a small disc that freely spins in its housing. Each
silver and shaped in the image of an side of the disc is intricately etched with an incomplete
angel. You can use an action to attach pillar and pyre.
this brooch to a creature, pinning it Pillar of Fire. While holding this bauble, you can use
to clothing or otherwise affixing it to an action to remove the disc, place it on the ground,
their person. When you cast a spell and speak its command word to transform it into a
that restores hit points on the creature 5-foot-tall flaming pillar of intricately carved stone.
wearing the brooch, the spell has a range The pillar sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and
of 30 feet if its range is normally touch. Only you can dim light for an additional 20 feet. It is warm to the
transfer the brooch from one creature to another. The touch, but it doesn’t burn. A second command word
creature wearing the brooch can’t pass it to another returns the pillar to its disc form. When the pillar has
creature, but it can remove the brooch as an action. shed light for a total of 10 minutes, it returns to its
disc form and can’t be transformed into a pillar again indicated amount of time, the indicated cost in mystic
until the next dawn. reagents, a live specimen of each type of creature
Recall Magic. While holding this bauble, you to be combined, and enough floor space to draw
can use an action to spin the disc and regain one a combining rune which encircles the component
expended 1st-level spell slot. Once used, this property creatures. Once combined, the hybrid creature is
can’t be used again until the next dawn. a typical example of its new kind, though some
aesthetic differences may be detectable. You can’t
Mock Box control the creatures you create with this handbook,
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) though the magic of the combining ritual prevents
While you hold this small, square contraption, you can your creations from attacking you for the first 24
use an action to target a creature within 60 feet of you hours of their new lives.
that can hear you. The target must succeed on a DC 13
Charisma saving throw or attack rolls against it have Monkey’s Paw of Fortune
advantage until the start of its next turn. Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
This preserved monkey’s paw hangs on a simple
Mongrelmaker’s Handbook leather thong. This paw helps you alter your fate.
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) If you are wearing this paw when you fail an attack
This thin volume holds a scant few dozen vellum roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can use your
pages between its mottled, scaled cover. The pages are reaction to reroll the roll with a +10 bonus. You must
scrawled with tight, efficient text which is broken up take the second roll. When you use this property of
by outlandish pencil drawings of animals and birds the paw, one of its fingers curls tight to the palm.
combined together. When all five fingers are curled tightly into a fist, the
With the rituals contained in this book, you monkey’s paw loses its magic.
can combine two or more animals into an adult
hybrid of all creatures used. Each ritual requires the Moon Through the Trees
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This charm is comprised of six polished river stones
bound into the shape of a star with glue made from the
connective tissues of animals. The reflective surfaces
of the stones shimmer with a magical iridescence.
While you are within 20 feet of a living tree, you can
use a bonus action to become invisible for 1 minute.
While invisible, you can use a bonus action to become
visible. If you do, each creature of your choice within
30 feet of you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A blinded

Wondrous Items
Creature Time Cost Component Creatures
Flying Snake 10 minutes 10 gp A poisonous snake and a Small or smaller bird of prey
Leonino* 10 minutes 15 gp A cat and a Small or smaller bird of prey
Wolpertinger* 10 minutes 20 gp A rabbit, a Small or smaller bird of prey, and a deer
Carbuncle* 1 hour 500 gp A cat and a bird of paradise
Cockatrice 1 hour 150 gp A lizard and a domestic bird such as a chicken or turkey
Death Dog 1 hour 100 gp A dog and a rooster
Dogmole+ 1 hour 175 gp A dog and a mole
Hippogriff 1 hour 200 gp A horse and a giant eagle
Bearmit Crab* 6 hours 600 gp A brown bear and a giant crab
Griffon 6 hours 600 gp A lion and a giant eagle
Pegasus 6 hours 1,000 gp A white horse and a giant owl
Manticore 24 hours 2,000 gp A lion, a porcupine, and a giant bat
Owlbear 24 hours 2,000 gp A brown bear and a giant eagle
*indicates a creature in the Creature Codex +indicates a creature in the Tome of Beasts 159
creature can repeat this saving emanation of Yoth, green decay, hunger of Leng, mind
throw at the end of each of its exchange, seed of destruction, semblance of dread, sign of
turns, ending the effect on Koth, sleep of the deep, summon eldritch servitor, summon
itself on a success. If a creature’s avatar, unseen strangler, voorish sign, warp mind and
saving throw is successful or the effect matter, and yellow sign. At the GM’s discretion, the
ends for it, the creature is immune to tome can contain other spells similarly related to the
this charm’s blinding feature for the next 24 hours. Great Old Ones.
Moonfield Lens While attuned to the book, you can reference it
whenever you make an Intelligence check to recall
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
information about any aspect of evil or the occult,
This lens is rainbow-hued and protected by a sturdy such as lore about Great Old Ones, mythos creatures,
leather case. It has 4 charges, and it regains 1d3 + 1 or the cults that worship them. When doing so, your
expended charges daily at dawn. As an action, you proficiency bonus for that check is doubled.
can hold the lens to your eye, speak its command
word, and expend 2 charges to cause one of the Necromantic Ink
following effects: Wondrous item, rare
• Find Loved One. You know the precise location The scent of death and decay hangs around this grey
of one creature you love (platonic, familial, or ink. It is typically found in 1d4 pots, and each pot
romantic). This knowledge extends into other contains 2 doses. If you spend 1 minute using one
planes. dose of the ink to draw symbols of death on a dead
• True Path. For 1 hour, you automatically succeed creature that has been dead no longer than 10 days,
on all Wisdom (Survival) checks to navigate in the you can imbue the creature with the ink’s magic. The
wild. If you are underground, you automatically creature rises 24 hours later as a skeleton or zombie
know the most direct route to reach the surface. (your choice), unless the creature is restored to life
or its body is destroyed. You have no control over the
Mug of Merry Drinking undead creature.
Wondrous item, common
While you hold this
Neutralizing Bead
broad, tall mug, Wondrous item, uncommon
any liquid placed This hard, gritty, flavorless bead can be dissolved
inside it warms in liquid or powdered between your fingers and
or cools to exactly sprinkled over food. Doing so neutralizes any poisons
the temperature that may be present. If the food or liquid is poisoned,
you want it, it takes on a brief reddish hue where it makes contact
though the mug with the bead as the bead dissolves. Alternatively, you
can’t freeze or can chew and swallow the bead and gain the effects of
boil the liquid. an antitoxin.
Wondrous Items

If you drop
the mug or it Nithing Pole
is knocked from your Wondrous item, rare
hand, it always lands upright This pole is crafted to exact retribution for an act of
without spilling its contents. cowardice or dishonor. It’s a sturdy wooden stave,
6 to 10 feet long, carved with runes that name the
Nameless Cults dishonored target of the pole’s curse. The carved
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) shaft is draped in horsehide, topped with a horse’s
This dubious old book, bound in heavy leather skull, and placed where its target is expected to pass
with iron hasps, details the forbidden secrets and by. Typically, the pole is driven into the ground or
monstrous blasphemy of a multitude of nightmare wedged into a rocky cleft in a remote spot where the
cults that worship nameless and ghastly entities. It intended victim won’t see it until it’s too late.
reads like the monologue of a maniac, illustrated with The pole is created to punish a specific person for
unsettling glyphs and filled with fluctuating moments a specific crime. The exact target must be named on
of vagueness and clarity. the pole; a generic identity such as “the person who
The tome is a spellbook that contains the following blinded Lars Gustafson” isn’t precise enough. The
spells, all of which can be found in the Mythos Magic moment the named target approaches within 333
Chapter of Deep Magic for 5th Edition: black goat’s feet, the pole casts bestow curse (with a range of 333 feet
160 blessing, curse of Yig, ectoplasm, eldritch communion, instead of touch) on the target.
The DC for the target’s Wisdom saving throw is 15. Octopus Bracers
If the saving throw is successful, the pole recasts the Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
spell at the end of each round until the saving throw
These bronze bracers are etched with depictions of
fails, the target retreats out of range, or the pole
frolicking octopuses. While wearing these bracers,
is destroyed. Anyone other than the pole’s creator
you can use an action to speak their command word
who tries to destroy or knock down the pole is also
and transform your arms into tentacles. You can use a
targeted by a bestow curse spell, but only once.
bonus action to repeat the command word and return
The effect of the curse is set when the pole is
your arms to normal.
created, and the curse lasts 8 hours without requiring
The tentacles are natural melee weapons, which you
concentration. The pole becomes nonmagical
can use to make unarmed strikes. Your reach extends
once it has laid its curse on its intended target.
by 5 feet while your arms are tentacles. When you hit
An untriggered and forgotten nithing pole remains
with a tentacle, it deals bludgeoning damage equal
dangerous for centuries.
to 1d8 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your
Nullifier’s Lexicon choice). If you hit a creature of your size or smaller
Wondrous item, very rare than you, it is grappled. Each tentacle can grapple only
(requires attunement by a cleric or wizard) one target. While grappling a target with a tentacle,
you can’t attack other creatures with that tentacle.
This book has a black leather cover with silver While your arms are tentacles, you can’t wield
bindings and a silver front plate. Void Speech glyphs weapons that require two hands, and you can’t wield
adorn the front plate, which is pitted and tarnished. shields. In addition, you can’t cast a spell that has a
The pages are thin sheets of corrupted brass and are somatic component.
inscribed with more blasphemous glyphs. While you When the bracers’ property has been used for a
are attuned to the lexicon, you can speak, read, and total of 10 minutes, the magic ceases to function until
write Void Speech, and you know the crushing curse* the next dawn.
cantrip. At the GM’s discretion, you know the chill
touch cantrip instead. Oculi of the Ancestor
Spells. By intoning certain passages from this book Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
while holding it, you can use an action to cast one
An intricately depicted replica of an eyeball, right
of the following spells, using your spell slots, spell
down to the blood vessels and other fine details, this
save DC, and spellcasting ability: conjure voidborn*,
item is carved from sacred hardwoods by soothsayers
dominate monster, life drain*, shatter, or thunderwave.
using a specialized ceremonial blade handcrafted
Spells marked with an asterisk (*) are found in Deep
specifically for this purpose.
Magic for 5th Edition. You can cast one of these spells
When you use an action to place the orb within the
once without difficulty. For each successive casting of
eye socket of a skull, it telepathically shows you the
one of these spells, you take a cumulative 1d6 necrotic
last thing that was experienced by the creature before
damage. This effect resets when you finish a long rest.
it died. This lasts for up to 1 minute and is limited
Void Rearrangement. You can spend 1 minute
to only what the creature saw or heard in the final

Wondrous Items
reading a complicated passage in Void Speech from
moments of its life. The orb can’t show you what the
this book to rearrange reality to your will. State your
creature might have detected using another sense,
general intention when you make the pronouncement
such as tremorsense.
(“strike down my enemies,” “repair the damage the
dragon did to me,” etc.). The GM decides the form
this alteration of reality takes, but the effect
of any wizard, cleric, or Void magic
spell is appropriate. When the
effect occurs, you suffer 5d10
necrotic damage, and you
can’t use this ability
again for 7 days.

Ogre’s Pot Orb of Enthralling Patterns
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This cauldron boils anything placed inside it, whether This plain, glass orb shimmers with iridescence.
venison or timber, to a vaguely edible paste. A While holding this orb, you can use an action to speak
spoonful of the paste provides enough nourishment its command word, which causes it to levitate and
to sustain a creature for one day. emit multicolored light. Each creature other than
As a bonus action, you can speak the pot’s you within 10 feet of the orb must succeed on a DC
command word and force it to roll directly to you at 13 Wisdom saving throw or look at only the orb for
a speed of 40 feet per round as long as you and the 1 minute. For the duration, a creature looking at the
pot are on the same plane of existence. It follows orb has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
the shortest possible path, stopping when it moves to perceive anything that is not the orb. Creatures
to within 5 feet of you, and it bowls over or knocks that failed the saving throw have no memory of what
down any objects or creatures in its path. A creature happened while they were looking at the orb. Once
in its path must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving used, the orb can’t be used again until the next dawn.
throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage and be
knocked prone. When this magic pot comes into Ouroboros Amulet
contact with an object or structure, it deals 4d6 Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
bludgeoning damage. If the damage doesn’t destroy Carved in the likeness of a serpent swallowing its own
or create a path through the object or structure, tail, this circular jade amulet is frequently worn by
the pot continues to deal damage at the end of each serpentfolk mystics and the worshippers of dark and
round, carving a path through the obstacle. forgotten gods. While wearing this amulet, you have
advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
Oni Mask In addition, you can use an action to cast the suggestion
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) spell (save DC 13). The amulet can’t be used this way
This horned mask is fashioned into the fearsome again until the next dawn.
likeness of a pale oni. The mask has 6 charges for the
following properties. The mask regains 1d6 expended Parasol of Temperate Weather
charges daily at dawn. Wondrous item, uncommon
Spells. While wearing the mask, you can use an This fine, cloth-wrapped 2-foot-long pole unfolds
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one into a parasol with a diameter of 3 feet, which is large
of the following spells (save DC 15): charm person (1 enough to cover one Medium or smaller creature.
charge), invisibility (2 charges), or sleep (1 charge). While traveling under the parasol, you ignore the
Change Shape. You can expend 3 charges as an drawbacks of traveling in hot weather or a hot
action to magically polymorph into a Small or environment. Though it protects you from the sun’s
Medium humanoid, into a Large giant, or back into heat in the desert or geothermal heat in deep caverns,
your true form. Other than your size, your statistics the parasol doesn’t protect you from damage caused
are the same in each form. The only equipment that
Wondrous Items

by super-heated environments or creatures, such

is transformed is your weapon, which enlarges or as lava or an azer’s Heated Body trait, or magic that
shrinks so that it can be wielded in any form. If you deals fire damage, such as the fire bolt spell.
die, you revert to your true form, and your weapon
reverts to its normal size. Pavilion of Dreams
Wondrous item, very rare
Oracle Charm
This foot-long box is 6 inches wide and 6 inches
Wondrous item, common
deep. With 1 minute of work, the box’s poles and
This small charm resembles a human finger bone multicolored silks can be unfolded into a pavilion
engraved with runes and complicated knotwork expansive enough to sleep eight Medium or
patterns. As you contemplate a specific course of smaller creatures comfortably. The pavilion can
action that you plan to take within the next 30 stand in winds of up to 60 miles per hour without
minutes, you can use an action to snap the charm in suffering damage or collapsing, and its interior
half to gain the benefit of an augury spell. Once used, remains comfortable and dry no matter the weather
the charm is destroyed. conditions or temperature outside.
Creatures who sleep within the pavilion are
immune to spells and other magical effects that would
disrupt their sleep or negatively affect their dreams,
such as the monstrous messenger version of the dream
162 spell or a night hag’s Nightmare Haunting.
Creatures who take a long rest in the pavilion,
and who sleep for at least half that time, have
shared dreams of future events. Though unclear
upon waking, these premonitions sit in the backs
of the creatures’ minds for the next 24 hours.
Before the duration ends, a creature can call on the
premonitions, expending them and immediately
gaining one of the following benefits.
• If you are surprised during combat, you can
choose instead to not be surprised.
• If you are not surprised at the beginning of the spell scroll, you
combat, you have advantage on the initiative roll. don’t immediately
• You have advantage on a single attack roll, ability regain spell slots
check, or saving throw. expended on the scroll’s spell. You regain
• If you are adjacent to a creature that is attacked, expended spell slots as normal for your class.
you can use a reaction to interpose yourself Periapt of Proof Against Lies
between the creature and the attack. You become
Wondrous item, rare
the new target of the attack.
A pendant fashioned from the claw or horn of a pact
• When in combat, you can use a reaction to distract
drake (see Creature Codex) is affixed to a thin gold
an enemy within 30 feet of you that attacks an
chain. While you wear it, you know if you hear a lie,
ally you can see. If you do so, the enemy has
but this doesn’t apply to evasive statements that
disadvantage on the attack roll.
remain within the boundaries of the truth. If you lie
• When an enemy uses the Disengage action, you while wearing this pendant, you become poisoned for
can use a reaction to move up to your speed 10 minutes.
toward that enemy.
Once used, the pavilion can’t be used again until the Phase Mirror
next dusk. Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement)
Unlike other magic items, multiple creatures can
Pearl of Diving
attune to the phase mirror by touching it as part of the
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) same short rest. A creature remains attuned to the
This white pearl shines iridescently in almost any mirror as long as it is on the same plane of existence
light. While underwater and grasping the pearl, you as the mirror or until it chooses to end its attunement
have resistance to cold damage and to bludgeoning to the mirror during a short rest. Phase mirrors look
damage from nonmagical attacks. almost identical to standard mirrors, but their
surfaces are slightly clouded. These mirrors are found
Periapt of Eldritch Knowledge in a variety of sizes, from handheld to massive disks.

Wondrous Items
Wondrous item, uncommon The larger the mirror, the more power it can take in,
(requires attunement by a spellcaster) and consequently, the more creatures it can affect.
This pendant consists of a hollow metal cylinder When it is created, a mirror is connected to a
on a fine, silver chain and is capable of holding one specific plane. The mirror draws in starlight and uses
scroll. When you put a spell scroll in the pendant, it is that energy to move between its current plane and its
added to your list of known or prepared spells, but connected plane.
you must still expend a spell slot to cast it. If the spell While holding or touching a fully charged mirror,
has more powerful effects when cast at a higher level, an attuned creature can use an action to speak the
you can expend a spell slot of a higher level to cast command word and activate the mirror. When
it. If you have metamagic options, you can apply any activated, the mirror transports all creatures attuned
metamagic option you know to the spell, expending to it to the mirror’s connected plane or back to the
sorcery points as normal. When you cast the spell, the Material Plane at a destination of the activating
spell scroll isn’t consumed. creature’s choice. This effect works like the plane shift
If the spell on the spell scroll isn’t on your class’s spell spell, except it transports only attuned creatures,
list, you can’t cast it unless it is half the level of the regardless of their distance from each other, and the
highest spell level you can cast (minimum level 1). destination must be on the Material Plane or the
The pendant can hold only one scroll at a time, mirror’s connected plane. If the mirror is broken, its
and you can remove or replace the spell scroll in the magic ends, and each attuned creature is trapped in
pendant as an action. When you remove or replace whatever plane it occupies when the mirror breaks.
Once activated, the mirror stays active for 24 taking 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as
hours and any attuned creature can use an action to much damage on a successful one. Once used, this
transport all attuned creatures back and forth between property can’t be used again until the next dawn, and
the two planes. After these 24 hours have passed, the a small, burning crack appears in the egg’s surface.
power drains from the mirror, and it can’t be activated Spells. The stone has 3 charges. While holding
again until it is recharged. Each phase mirror has a it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its
different recharge time and limit to the number of charges to cast one of the following spells from it:
creatures that can be attuned to it, depending on the revivify (1 charge), raise dead (2 charges), or resurrection
mirror’s size. (3 charges, the spell functions as long as some bit of
Phase mirrors connected to planes without the target’s body remains, even just ashes or dust).
moonlight or starlight can be recharged in whatever If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
light is native to its connected plane, but it must stone shatters into searing fragments, and a firebird
still be recharged by moonlight or starlight on the (see Tome of Beasts) arises from the ashes. On any
Material Plane. other roll, the stone regains 1d3 charges.
Handheld (Rare). This mirror fits easily in one hand.
Only one creature can attune to it, and it must spend Pipes of Madness
at least 24 total hours (approximately 3 days) exposed Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
to moonlight or starlight before it can be activated. You must be proficient with wind instruments to use
Vanity (Very Rare). This mirror is about 2 feet these strange, pale ivory pipes. They have 5 charges.
wide. Up to four creatures can attune to it, and it You can use an action to play them and expend 1
must spend at least 40 total hours (approximately 5 charge to emit a weird strain of alien music that is
days) exposed to moonlight or starlight before it can audible up to 600 feet away. Choose up to three
be activated. creatures within 60 feet of you that can hear you play.
Floor (Legendary). This mirror is about 5 feet Each target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
wide. Up to seven creatures can attune to it, and it throw or be affected as if you had cast the confusion
must spend at least 56 total hours (approximately 7 spell on it. The pipes regain 1d4 + 1 expended charges
days) exposed to moonlight or starlight before it can daily at dawn.
be activated.
Plumb of the Elements
Phoenix Ember Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) This four-faceted lead weight is hung on a long
This egg-shaped red and black stone is hot to the touch. leather strip, which can be wound around the haft
An ancient, fossilized phoenix egg, the stone holds or handle of any melee weapon. You can remove the
the burning essence of life and rebirth. While you are plumb and transfer it to another weapon whenever
carrying the stone, you have resistance to fire damage. you wish. Weapons with the plumb attached to it deal
Fiery Rebirth. If you drop to 0 hit points while additional force damage equal to your proficiency
carrying the stone, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. bonus (up to a maximum of 3). As an action, you can
Wondrous Items

If you do, a wave of flame bursts out from you, filling activate the plumb to change this additional damage
the area within 20 feet of you. Each of your enemies in type to fire, cold, lightning, or back to force.
the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw,

The phoenix ember originated in the livestream campaign, Stross family of Zobeck. Forbidden magic, wondrous
The World Tree Burns. The story followed the exploits discovery, and deadly intrigue surrounded a vision of
of adventurers in the Midgard Campaign Setting who calamity that propelled the heroes through the Free
hailed from the Blood Kingdom, the Sable Court of the City’s streets and catacombs and into the Crossroads
shadow fey, the magical metropolis Bemmea, the gnomish region beyond.
kingdom of Niemheim, the Free City of Zobeck, and the In an ancient dwarven hold lost to the primordial
lands of the reavers in the Northlands. Margreve Forest, the heroes discovered the phoenix
Through happenstance or fate, the heroes found ember resting in the ashes where a portal to the Plane
themselves caught in the scheme of a mysterious figure of Fire once blazed. They claimed it as their own, but
unearthing secrets from the dark past of the infamous now it finds itself in the hands of other heroes.
Plunderer’s Sea Chest light a torch, lantern, or anything else with abundant,
Wondrous item, rare exposed fuel takes a bonus action. Lighting any other
fire takes an action. The ember is consumed when
This oak chest, measuring 3 feet by 5 feet by 3 feet,
used. If the ember is consumed, the box creates a new
is secured with iron bands, which depict naval
ember at dawn.
combat and scenes of piracy. The chest opens into
an extradimensional space that can hold up to 3,500 Prayer Mat
cubic feet or 15,000 pounds of material. The chest
Wondrous item, uncommon
always weighs 200 pounds, regardless of its contents.
(requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)
Placing an item in the sea chest follows the normal
rules for interacting with objects. Retrieving an item This small rug is woven with intricate patterns that
from the chest requires you to use an action. When depict religious iconography. When you attune to it,
you open the chest to access a specific item, that item the iconography and the
is always magically on top. mat’s colors change to the
If the chest is destroyed, its contents are lost forever, iconography and colors
though an artifact that was inside always turns up most appropriate for
again, somewhere. If a bag of holding, portable hole, or your deity.
similar object is placed within the chest, that item and If you spend 10
the contents of the chest are immediately destroyed, minutes praying to
and the magic of the chest is disrupted for one day, your deity while
after which the chest resumes functioning as normal. kneeling on this
mat, you regain one
Pocket Oasis expended use of
Wondrous item, very rare Channel Divinity.
The mat can’t be
When you unfold and throw this 5-foot by 5-foot
used this way
square of black cloth into the air as an action,
again until the
it creates a portal to an oasis hidden within an
next dawn.
extra‑dimensional space. A pool of shallow, fresh
water fills the center of the oasis, and bountiful fruit
and nut trees grow around the pool. The fruits and
nuts from the trees provide enough nourishment
for up to 10 Medium creatures. The air in the oasis is
pure, cool, and even a little crisp, and the environment Primal Doom
is free from harmful effects. Wondrous item, rarity varies
When creatures enter the extra-dimensional space,
they are protected from effects and creatures outside A murky liquid or smoke churns inside this small,
the oasis as if they were in the space created by a rope glass globe. Typically, 1d3 primal dooms are found
trick spell, and a vine dangles from the opening in together.

Wondrous Items
place of a rope, allowing access to the oasis. The effect You can use an action to throw the globe up to 30
lasts for 24 hours or until all the creatures leave the feet. It shatters on impact and is destroyed. Each
extra-dimensional oasis, whichever occurs first. Any creature within 5 feet of where the globe landed must
creatures still inside the oasis at the end of 24 hours succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take
are harmlessly ejected. Once used, the pocket oasis psychic damage. If at least one creature failed the
can’t be used again for 24 hours. saving throw, the primal essence of the Lower Planes
within the globe coalesces into a fiend, depending on
Pocket Spark the type of globe. The fiend lasts for 1 minute and acts
Wondrous item, common on its own, but it views you and your allies as its allies.
Primal Doom of Anguish (Uncommon). This globe
What looks like a simple
deals 2d6 psychic damage and summons a dretch or a
snuff box contains a magical,
lemure (your choice) on a failed saving throw.
glowing ember. Though
Primal Doom of Pain (Rare). This globe deals 4d6
warm to the touch,
psychic damage and summons a barbed devil or vrock
the ember can be
(your choice) on a failed saving throw.
handled without
Primal Doom of Rage (Very Rare). This globe deals
damage. It can
6d6 psychic damage and summons a bone devil or
be used to ignite
glabrezu (your choice) on a failed saving throw.
flammable materials
quickly. Using it to
The mirror can hold up to 12 outfits. An outfit must
be a set of clothing or armor. An outfit can include
Prospecting other wearable items, such as a belt with pouches, a
Compass backpack, headwear, or footwear, but it can’t include
Wondrous item, common weapons or other carried items unless the weapon or
This battered, old compass carried item is sheathed, stored in a backpack, pocket,
has engravings of lumps of ore or pouch, or similarly attached to the outfit. The
and natural crystalline minerals. While holding this extent of how many attachments an outfit can have
compass, you can use an action to name a type of before it is considered more than one outfit or it is no
metal or stone. The compass points to the nearest longer considered an outfit is at the GM’s discretion.
naturally occurring source of that metal or stone for To store an outfit you are wearing in the mirror,
1 hour or until you name a different type of metal you must spend at least 1 minute rotating slowly in
or stone. The compass can point to cut gemstones, front of the mirror and speak the mirror’s second
but it can’t point to processed metals, such as iron command word. You can use a bonus action to speak
swords or gold coins. The compass can’t be used this a third command word to cause the mirror to display
way again until the next dawn. the outfits it contains. When found, the mirror
contains 1d10 + 2 outfits. If the mirror is destroyed,
Quick-Change Mirror all outfits it contains fall in a heap at its base.
Wondrous item, uncommon
Quill of Scribing
This utilitarian, rectangular standing mirror
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
measures 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide. Despite its plain
appearance, the mirror allows creatures to quickly This quill is fashioned from the feather of some
change outfits. While in front of the mirror, you can exotic beast, often a giant eagle, griffon, or
use an action to speak the mirror’s command word to hippogriff. When you take an action to speak the
be clothed in an outfit stored in the mirror. The outfit command word, the quill animates, transcribing
you are currently wearing is stored in the mirror or each word spoken by you, and up to three other
falls to the floor at your feet (your choice). creatures you designate, onto whatever material is
placed before it until the command word is spoken
again, or it has scribed 250 words. Once used, the
quill can’t be used again for 8 hours.

Quilted Bridge
Wondrous item, common
A practiced hand sewed together a collection of cloth
remnants from magical garb to make this colorful
and warm blanket. You can use an action to unfold
it and pour out three drops of wine in tribute to its
Wondrous Items

maker. If you do so, the blanket becomes a 5-foot

wide, 10-foot-long bridge as sturdy as steel. You can
fold the bridge back up as an action.

Radiance Bomb
Wondrous item, uncommon
This small apple-sized
globule is made from a highly
reflective silver material and
has a single, golden rune
etched on it. Typically, 1d4 + 4
radiance bombs are found together.
You can use an action to throw the globule up
to 60 feet. The globule explodes on impact and is
destroyed. Each creature within a 10-foot radius
of where the globule landed must make a DC 13
Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes
3d6 radiant damage and is blinded for 1 minute.
On a success, a creature takes half the damage and
isn’t blinded. A blinded creature can make a DC 13 In addition, while you are attuned to the book, the
Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its spells written in it count as prepared spells and don’t
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. count against the number of spells you can prepare
each day. You don’t gain additional spell slots from
Radiant Bracers this feature. The following spells are written in the
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) book: beacon of hope, bless, calm emotions, commune, cure
These bronze bracers are engraved wounds, daylight, detect evil and good, divine favor, flame
with the image of an ankh with strike, gentle repose, guidance, guiding bolt, heroism, lesser
outstretched wings. restoration, light, produce flame, protection from evil and
While wearing these bracers, good, sacred flame, sanctuary, and spare the dying.
you have resistance to necrotic Turn Undead. You can use an action to present this
damage, and you can use an book and speak its command word. Each undead that
action to speak the command can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must succeed
word while crossing the on a Wisdom saving throw, using your spell save DC.
bracers over your chest. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1
If you do so, each undead minute or until it takes any damage. The creature is
that can see you within instantly destroyed if its challenge rating is 3 or lower.
30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. A turned creature must spend its turns trying
The DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t
Wisdom modifier. On a failure, an undead creature willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also
is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only
This feature works like the cleric’s Turn Undead class the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that
feature, except it can’t be used to destroy undead. prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move,
The bracers can’t be used to turn undead again until the creature can use the Dodge action. Once used,
the next dawn. this property of the book can’t be used again until the
next dawn.
Radiant Libram
Wondrous item, legendary
(requires attunement by a cleric, druid, paladin, or wizard)
The gilded pages of this holy tome are bound between
thin plates of moonstone crystal that emit a gentle
incandescence. Aureate celestial runes adorn nearly
every inch of its blessed surface.
Brave. While holding this book, you have advantage
on saving throws against being frightened.
Brilliant. The book sheds dim light in a 5-foot
radius. As an action, you can make the book shed

Wondrous Items
bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an
additional 20 feet for 1 minute. This light is sunlight.
Once used, this property of the book can’t be used Recording Book
again until the next dawn. Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Radiant Spellbook. In addition to the sacred rites
This book, which hosts a dormant bookkeeper (see
of holy communion it contains, the radiant libram
Creature Codex), appears to be a journal filled with
is a repository of powerful anti-undead magics and
empty pages. You can use an action to place the open
potent divinations. If you attune to this item, you can
book on a surface and speak its command word to
use it as a spellbook and
activate it. It remains active until you use an action to
as an arcane or divine
speak the command word again.
spellcasting focus.
The book records all things said within 60 feet
of it. It can distinguish voices and notes those as it
records. The book can hold up to 12 hours’ worth of
conversation. You can use an action to speak a second
command word to remove up to 1 hour of recordings
in the book, while a third command word removes all
the book’s recordings. Any creature, other than you
or targets you designate, that peruses the book finds
the pages blank.
Relocation Cable becomes difficult terrain, and gravity begins drawing
Wondrous item, uncommon everything in the affected area toward the rift. Each
creature in the area at the start of its turn, or when
This 60-foot length of fine wire cable weighs 2
it enters the area for the first time on a turn, must
pounds. If you hold one end of the cable and use an
succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be
action to speak its command word, the other end
pulled 10 feet toward the rift. A creature that touches
plunges into the ground, burrowing through dirt,
the rift takes 4d10 necrotic damage. Unattended
sand, snow, mud, ice, and similar material to emerge
objects in the area are pulled 10 feet toward the rift
from the ground at a destination you can see up to
at the start of your turn. Nonmagical objects pulled
its maximum length away. The cable can’t burrow
into the rift are destroyed.
through solid rock.
The rift orb functions for 1 minute, after which
On the turn it is activated, you can use a bonus
time it becomes inert. It can’t be used again until the
action to magically travel from one end of the cable to
following midnight.
the other, appearing in an unoccupied space within
5 feet of the other end. On subsequent turns, any River Token
creature in contact with one end of the cable can use
Wondrous items, rare
an action to appear in an unoccupied space within 5
feet of the other end of it. This small pebble measures 3/4 of an inch in
A creature magically traveling from one end of diameter and weighs an ounce. The pebbles are
the cable to the other doesn’t provoke opportunity often shaped like salmon, river clams, or iridescent
attacks. You can retract the cable by using a bonus river rocks. Typically, 1d4 + 4 river tokens are found
action to speak the command word a second time. together. The token gives off a distinct shine in
sunlight and radiates a scent of fresh, roiling water.
Resolute Bracer It is sturdy but crumbles easily if crushed.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) As an action, you can destroy the token by
This ornamental bracer features a reservoir crushing it and sprinkling the remains into a
sewn into its lining. As an action, you can river, calming the waters to a gentle current and
fill the reservoir with a single potion or soothing nearby water‑dwelling creatures for 1
vial of liquid, such as a potion of healing hour. Water‑dwelling beasts in the river with an
or antitoxin. While attuned to this Intelligence of 3 or lower are soothed and indifferent
bracer, you can use a bonus action to toward passing humanoids for the duration. The
speak the command word and absorb token’s magic soothes but doesn’t fully suppress the
the liquid as if you had consumed hostilities of all other water-dwelling creatures. For
it. Liquid stored in the bracer for the duration, each other water-dwelling creature
longer than 8 hours evaporates. must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw
to attack or take hostile actions toward passing
Revenant’s Shawl humanoids. The token’s soothing magic ends on a
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) creature if that creature is attacked.
Wondrous Items

This shawl is made of old raven feathers woven Rogue’s Aces

together with elk sinew and small bones. When Wondrous item, rare
you are reduced to 0 hit points while wearing the
These four, colorful parchment cards have long
shawl, it explodes in a burst of freezing wind. Each
bailed the daring out of hazardous situations. You
creature within 10 feet of you must make a DC 13
can use an action to flip a card face-up, activating it.
Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 cold damage on
A card is destroyed after it activates.
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
Ace of Pentacles. The pentacles suit represents
one. You then regain 4d6 hit points, and the shawl
wealth and treasure. When you activate this card,
disintegrates into fine black powder.
you cast the knock spell from it on an object you
Rift Orb can see within 60 feet of you. In addition, you have
advantage on Dexterity checks to pick locks using
Wondrous item, rare
thieves’ tools for the next 24 hours.
This orb is a sphere of obsidian 3 inches in diameter. Ace of Cups. The cups suit represents water and its
When you speak the command word in Void Speech, calming, soothing, and cleansing properties. When
you can throw the sphere as an action to a point you activate this card, you cast the calm emotions
within 60 feet. When the sphere reaches the point spell (save DC 15) from it. In addition, you have
you choose or if it strikes a solid object on the way, advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks for the
it immediately stops and generates a tiny rift into next 24 hours.
168 the Void. The area within 20 feet of the rift orb
Ace of Staves. The staves suit represents prophecy Sanctuary Shell
and divination. When you activate this card, you Wondrous item, uncommon
cast the detect thoughts spell (save DC 15) from it. In
This seashell is intricately carved with protective
addition, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight)
runes. If you are carrying the shell and are reduced
checks for the next 24 hours.
to 0 hit points or incapacitated, the shell activates,
Ace of Swords. The swords suit represents war
creating a bubble of force that expands to surround
and power. When you activate this card, you cast the
you and forces any other creatures out of your space.
enlarge/reduce spell (save DC 15) from it. In addition,
This sphere works like the wall of force spell, except
you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation)
that any creature intent on aiding you can pass
checks for the next 24 hours.
through it. The protective sphere lasts for 10 minutes,
Rope Seed or until you regain at least 1 hit point or are no longer
Wondrous item, common incapacitated. When the protective sphere ends, the
shell crumbles to dust.
If you soak this 5-foot piece of twine in at least one
pint of water, it grows into a 50-foot length of hemp Sandals of Sand Skating
rope after 1 minute. Wondrous item, uncommon
(requires attunement)
Rug of Safe Haven
Wondrous item, uncommon These leather
sandals repel sand,
This small, 3-foot-by-5-foot rug is woven with a tree leaving your feet
motif and a tasseled fringe. While the rug is laid out free of particles and
on the ground, you can speak its command word grit. While you wear
as an action to create an extradimensional space these sandals in a desert, on
beneath the rug for 1 hour. a beach, or in an otherwise sandy
The extradimensional space can be reached by environment, your walking speed becomes 30 feet,
lifting a corner of the rug and stepping down as if unless your walking speed is higher, and your speed
through a trap door in a floor. The space can hold isn’t reduced while in nonmagical difficult terrain
as many as eight Medium or smaller creatures. made of sand. In addition, when you take the Dash
The entrance can be hidden by pulling the rug flat. action across sand, the extra movement you gain is
Attacks and spells can’t cross through the entrance double your speed instead of equal to your speed.
into or out of the extradimensional space, but those With a speed of 30 feet, for example, you can move up
inside can see out of it as if through a 3-foot-by-5-foot to 90 feet on your turn if you dash across sand.
window in the shape and style of the rug. Anything
inside the extradimensional space is gently pushed
out to the nearest unoccupied space when the
duration ends.
The rug can’t be used this way again until the

Wondrous Items
next dawn.

Saddle of the Cavalry Casters

Wondrous item, uncommon
This magic saddle adjusts its
size and shape to fit the animal
to which it is strapped. While
a mount wears this saddle,
creatures have disadvantage
on opportunity attacks against
the mount or its rider. While
you sit astride this saddle, you have
advantage on any checks to remain
mounted and on Constitution saving
throws to maintain concentration on a spell
when you take damage.

Sandals of the Desert Wanderer • If you die, you return to life with half your
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) maximum hit points at the start of your next
turn. The scarab can’t return you to life if you
While you wear these soft leather sandals, you have
were beheaded, disintegrated, crushed, or similar
resistance to fire damage. In addition, you ignore
full-body destruction. Afterwards, the scarab exits
difficult terrain created by loose or deep sand, and
your body and goes dormant. It can’t be used again
you can tolerate temperatures of up to 150 degrees
until 14 days have passed.
Scarf of Deception
Satchel of Seawalking
Wondrous item, rare
Wondrous item, uncommon
While wearing this scarf, you appear different to
This eel-hide leather pouch is always filled with an
everyone who looks upon you for less than 1 minute.
unspeakably foul-tasting, coarse salt. You can use an
In addition, you smell, sound, feel, and taste different
action to toss a handful of the salt onto the surface
to every creature that perceives you. Creatures with
of an unoccupied space of water. The water in a
truesight or blindsight can see your true form, but
5-foot cube becomes solid for 1 minute, resembling
their other senses are still confounded.
greenish-blue glass. This cube is buoyant and can
If a creature studies you for 1 minute, it can make
support up to 750 pounds. When the duration
a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, it
expires, the hardened water cracks ominously and
perceives your real form.
returns to a liquid state.
If you toss the salt into an occupied space, the water Scent Sponge
congeals briefly then disperses harmlessly. If the Wondrous item, uncommon
satchel is opened underwater, the pouch is destroyed
as its contents permanently harden. This sea sponge collects the scents of creatures and
Once five handfuls of the salt have been pulled from objects. You can use an action to touch the sponge
the satchel, the satchel can’t be used again until the to a creature or object, and the scent of the target
next dawn. is absorbed into the sponge. An unwilling target
can make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, and if it
Scalehide Cream succeeds, it is unaffected by the sponge. For 1 hour
Wondrous item, rare after its scent has been absorbed, the target gives off
no smell and can’t be detected or tracked by creatures,
As an action, you can rub this dull green cream over
spells, or other effects that rely on smell to detect or
your skin. When you do, you sprout thick, olive-green
track the target.
scales like those of a giant lizard or green dragon that
You can use an action to wipe the sponge on a
last for 1 hour. These scales give you a natural AC of 15
creature or object, masking its natural scent with
+ your Constitution modifier. This natural AC doesn’t
the scent stored in the sponge. An unwilling target
combine with any worn armor or with a Dexterity
can make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, and if it
bonus to AC.
succeeds, it is unaffected by the sponge. For 1 hour
Wondrous Items

A jar of scalehide cream contains 1d6 + 1 doses.

after its scent has been masked, the target gives off
Scarab of Rebirth the smell of the creature or object that was stored in
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) the sponge. The effect ends early if the target’s scent
is replaced by another scent from the sponge or if
This coin-sized figurine of a scarab is crafted from the scent is cleaned away, which requires vigorous
an unidentifiable blue-gray metal, but it appears washing for 10 minutes with soap and water or
mundane in all other respects. When you speak its similar materials.
command word, it whirs to life and burrows into The sponge can hold a scent indefinitely, but it can
your flesh. You can speak the command word again to hold only one scent at a time.
remove the scarab. While the scarab is embedded in
your flesh, you gain the following: Scorn Pouch
• You no longer need to eat or drink. Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
• You can magically sense the presence of undead The heart of a lover scorned turns black and potent.
and pinpoint the location of any undead within 30 Similarly, this small leather pouch darkens from
feet of you. brown to black when a creature hostile to you moves
• Your hit point maximum is reduced by 10. within 10 feet of you.

Scorpion Feet Unlike the standard
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) version of this spell,
you are invisible only
These thick-soled leather sandals offer comfortable
to undead creatures.
and safe passage across shifting sands. While you wear
However, you can
them, you gain the following benefits:
attack creatures who
• Your speed isn’t reduced while in magical or are not undead (and thus
nonmagical difficult terrain made of sand. unaffected by the spell)
• You have advantage on all ability checks and saving without ending the effect.
throws against natural hazards where sand is a Casting a spell breaks the effect as normal. The comb
threatening element. regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
• You have immunity to poison damage and
advantage on saving throws against being Scrimshaw Parrot
poisoned. Wondrous item, rare
• You leave no tracks or other traces of your passage This parrot is carved from bits of whalebone and
through sandy terrain. decorated with bright feathers and tiny jewels. You
can use an action to affix the parrot to your shoulder
Scoundrel’s Gambit or arm. While the parrot is affixed, you gain the
Wondrous item, uncommon following benefits:
This fluted silver tube, barely two inches long, bears • You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
tiny runes etched between the grooves. While holding checks that rely on sight.
this tube, you can use an action to cast the magic missile • You can use an action to cast the comprehend
spell from it. Once used, the tube can’t be used to cast languages spell from it at will.
magic missile again until 12 hours have passed. • You can use an action to speak the command word
Scout’s Coat and activate the parrot. It records up to 2 minutes
of sounds within 30 feet of it. You can touch the
Wondrous item, common
parrot at any time (no action required), stopping
This lightweight, woolen coat is typically left naturally the recording. Commanding the parrot to record
colored or dyed in earth tones or darker shades new sounds overwrites the previous recording.
of green. While wearing the coat, you can tolerate You can use a bonus action to speak a different
temperatures as low as –100 degrees Fahrenheit. command word, and the parrot repeats the sounds
it heard. Effects that limit or block sound, such as
Screaming Skull a closed door or the silence spell, similarly limit or
Wondrous item, common block the sounds the parrot records.
This skull looks like a normal animal or humanoid
skull. You can use an action to place the skull on the Selket’s Bracer
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

Wondrous Items
ground, a table, or other surface and activate it with
a command word. The skull’s magic triggers when a This bronze bracer is crafted in the shape of a
creature comes within 5 feet of it without speaking scorpion, its legs curled around your wrist, tail raised
that command word. The skull emits a green glow and ready to strike. While wearing this bracer, you are
from its eye sockets, shedding dim light in a 15-foot immune to the poisoned condition.
radius, levitates up to 3 feet in the air, and emits a The bracer has 4 charges and regains 1d4
piercing scream for 1 minute that is audible up to 600 charges daily at dawn. You can expend 1 charge
feet away. The skull can’t be used this way again until as a bonus action to gain tremorsense out to a
the next dawn. range of 30 feet for 1 minute. In addition, you
The skull has AC 13 and 5 hit points. If destroyed can expend 2 charges as a bonus action to coat
while active, it releases a burst of necromantic energy. a weapon you touch with venom. The poison
Each creature within 5 feet of the skull must succeed remains for 1 minute or until an attack
on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened using the weapon hits a creature.
until the end of its next turn. That creature must succeed on
a DC 15 Constitution
Scrimshaw Comb saving throw or be
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) poisoned until the
Aside from being carved from bone, this comb is a end of its next turn.
beautiful example of functional art. It has 3 charges. As
an action, you can expend a charge to cast invisibility.
Seneschal’s Gloves own initiative counts. By using a bonus action to
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) speak the command word again, you return a bracer
to its normal form in a space formerly occupied by
These white gloves have elegant tailoring and size
the snake.
themselves perfectly to fit your hands. The gloves
On your turn, you can mentally command each
must be attuned to a specific, habitable place with
snake if it is within 60 feet of you and you aren’t
walls, a roof, and doors before you can attune to
incapacitated. You decide what action the snakes take
them. To attune the gloves to a location, you must
and where they move during their next turns, or you
leave the gloves in the location for 24 hours. Once
can issue them a general command, such as attack
the gloves are attuned to a location, you can attune
your enemies or guard a location.
to them.
If a snake is reduced to 0 hit points, it dies, reverts
While you wear the gloves, you can unlock any
to its bracer form, and can’t be commanded to
nonmagical lock within the attuned location by
become a snake again until 2 days have passed. If a
touching the lock, and any mundane portal you
snake reverts to bracer form before losing all its hit
open in the location while wearing these gloves
points, it regains all of them and can’t be commanded
opens silently.
to become a snake again until the next dawn.
As an action, you can snap your fingers and every
nonmagical portal within 30 feet of you immediately Servile Shabti
closes and locks (if possible) as long as it is Wondrous item, rarity varies
unobstructed. (Obstructed portals remain open.)
Once used, this property of the gloves can’t be used Crafted to serve in place of the dead in the afterlife,
again until the next dawn. shabti are often used by the living for their own ends.
These 1-foot-tall statuettes are crafted of ceramic,
Sentinel Portrait stone, or terracotta and are garbed in gear indicative
Wondrous item, uncommon of their function.
If you use an action to speak the command word
This painting appears to be a well-rendered piece
and throw the shabti to a point on the ground within
of scenery, devoid of subjects. You can spend 5
30 feet of you, it grows into a Medium construct
feet of movement to step into the painting. The
that performs the tasks for which it was created. If
painting then appears to be a portrait of you, against
the space where the shabti would grow is occupied
whatever background was already present. While
by other creatures or objects, or if there isn’t enough
in the painting, you are immobile unless you use a
space for the shabti, the shabti doesn’t grow. Unless
bonus action to exit the painting. Your senses still
stated otherwise in an individual shabti’s description,
function, and you can use them as if you were in the
a servile shabti uses the statistics of animated armor,
portrait’s space.
except the servile shabti’s Armor Class is 13, and it
You remain unharmed if the painting is damaged,
doesn’t have the Multiattack or Slam actions. When
but if it is destroyed, you are immediately shunted
the shabti is motionless, it is indistinguishable from a
into the nearest unoccupied space.
ceramic, stone, or terracotta statue, rather than a suit
Wondrous Items

Serpentine Bracers of armor.

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) The shabti is friendly to you and your companions,
and it acts immediately after you. It understands your
These bracers are a pair of golden snakes
languages and obeys your spoken commands (no
with ruby eyes, which coil around your
action required by you unless specified in the shabti’s
wrist and forearm. While wearing both
description). If you issue no commands, the shabti
bracers, you gain a +1 bonus to AC if
takes the Dodge action and no other actions.
you are wearing no armor
The shabti exists for a duration specific to each
and using no shield.
shabti. At the end of the duration, it reverts to its
You can use an
statuette form. It reverts to a statuette early if it drops
action to speak the
to 0 hit points or if you use an action to speak the
bracers’ command
command word again while touching it. When the
word and drop
shabti becomes a statuette again, its property can't be
them on the ground
used again until a certain amount of time has passed,
in two unoccupied
as specified in the shabti’s description.
spaces within 10 feet
of you. The bracers Crafter Shabti (Uncommon). This shabti wears
become two constrictor a leather apron and carries the tools of its trade.
snakes under your Each crafting shabti is skilled in a single craft—
control and act on their weaponsmithing, pottery, carpentry, or another
trade—and has proficiency with the appropriate Healer Shabti (Very Rare). This shabti is dressed in
artisan’s tools. You can use an action to command the scholarly robes and carries a bag of medical supplies.
shabti to craft a single, nonmagical item within its It is proficient with a healer’s kit, has Medicine +7,
skill set, so long as you provide it the raw materials and tends to the wounds of you and your companions.
to do so. The shabti works at incredible speeds, If directed to administer care when you take a short
needing only 10 minutes per 100 gp value of the item rest, the shabti can tend the wounds of up to six
to finish its task. A crafting shabti can never create creatures over the course of the hour. Each creature
magic items. Once it completes its task, the shabti that spends Hit Dice to regain hit points during that
reverts to statuette form, and it can’t be used again short rest increases the amount gained per Hit Die by
until a number of hours have passed equal to twice 2, up to the maximum number that can be rolled. The
the market value in gold pieces of the item crafted shabti follows you and tends to the wounds of you and
(minimum of 10 hours). your companions, as directed, for up to 8 hours before
Defender Shabti (Uncommon). This shabti carries reverting to statuette form.
a shield, increasing its AC by 2. You can use a bonus While the shabti is active, you can use a bonus action
action to command the shabti to either defend you or to command it to cast cure wounds (4th-level version),
harass an enemy you can see within 30 feet of you. If lesser restoration, or protection from poison on one
the shabti defends you, each creature within 5 feet of creature you can see within 30 feet of you on its next
the shabti has disadvantage on melee weapon attack turn. The shabti can cast each spell only once. When it
rolls against you. If the shabti harasses a creature, has cast all three spells, the shabti reverts to statuette
each creature within 5 feet of the shabti has advantage form, even if its normal duration hasn’t ended.
on melee weapon attack rolls against that creature. Once the shabti has been used, it can’t be used again
The shabti remains active for up to 8 hours, after until 5 days have passed.
which it reverts to statuette form and can’t be used Warrior Shabti (Rare). This shabti wields a spear
again until 3 days have passed. and carries a shield, increasing its AC by 2. This
Digger Shabti (Uncommon). The shabti carries shabti has the animated armor’s Multiattack and
a shovel and pick. You can command the shabti to Slam actions, except the shabti’s Slam attack deals
excavate earthworks to your specifications. The shabti piercing damage instead of the bludgeoning damage
can manipulate a 10-foot cube of earth or mud in any normal for the animated armor’s Slam attack. This
fashion (digging a hole or trench, raising a rampart, shabti can understand and carry out fairly complex
or similar), which takes 1 minute to complete. The commands, such as standing watch while you and
shabti can manipulate a 10-foot cube of stone in a your companions rest or guarding a room and letting
similar fashion, but it takes 10 minutes to complete. only specific creatures in or out. The shabti follows
The shabti can work for up to 1 hour before reverting you and acts as directed for up to 8 hours or until it is
to statuette form. Once used, the shabti can’t be used reduced to 0 hit points, at which point it returns to
again until 2 days have passed. statuette form. Once the shabti has been used, it can’t
Farmer Shabti (Rare). This shabti carries farming be used again until 5 days have passed.
implements. If you activate it in an area with sufficient

Wondrous Items
Shadow Tome
soil and a climate suitable for growing crops, the shabti
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
begins tilling the earth and planting seeds it carries,
which are magically replenished during its time in This unassuming book possesses powerful illusory
statuette form. The shabti tends its field, magically magics. When you write on its pages while attuned
bringing the crops to full growth and harvesting them to it, you can choose for the contents to appear to
in a period of 8 hours. The yield from the harvest is be something else entirely. A shadow tome used as a
enough to feed up to twelve creatures for 7 days, and spellbook could be made to look like a cookbook,
the crops remain edible for 30 days before perishing. for example. To read the true text, you must speak a
Alternately, the shabti can spend 10 minutes command word. A second speaking of the word hides
planting magical crops. The magical crops take 30 the true text once more. A true seeing spell can see past
minutes to grow and harvest and 30 minutes to the shadow tome’s magic and reveals the true text to
consume. Up to twelve creatures can consume the the reader.
magical crops, gaining benefits as if partaking in a Most shadow tomes already contain text, and it is
heroes' feast. The benefits don’t set in until 30 minutes rare to find one filled with blank pages. When you first
after the crops were harvested, and any uneaten crops attune to the book, you can choose to keep or remove
disappear at that time. the book’s previous contents.
Once the shabti is used to perform either function,
the shabti returns to statuette form, and it can’t be
used again until 30 days have passed.
Shadowhound’s Muzzle Sheeshah of Revelations
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare
This black leather muzzle seems to absorb light. This finely crafted water pipe is made from silver and
As an action, you can place this muzzle around the glass. Its vase is etched with arcane symbols. When
snout of a grappled, unconscious, or willing canine you spend 1 minute using the sheeshah to smoke
with an Intelligence of 3 or lower, such as a mastiff or normal or flavored tobacco, you enter a dreamlike
wolf. The canine transforms into a shadowy version state and are granted a cryptic or surreal vision giving
of itself for 1 hour. It uses the statistics of a shadow, you insight into your current quest or a significant
except it retains its size. It has its own turns and acts event in your near future. This effect works like
on its own initiative. It obeys any verbal commands the divination spell. Once used, you can’t use the
that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you sheeshah in this way again until 7 days have passed or
don’t issue any commands to it, it defends itself from until the events hinted at in your vision have come to
hostile creatures, but otherwise takes no actions. pass, whichever happens first.
If the shadow canine is reduced to 0 hit points, the
canine reverts to its original form, and the muzzle Shifting Shirt
is destroyed. At the end of the duration or if you Wondrous item, uncommon
remove the muzzle (by stroking the canine’s snout), This nondescript, smock-like garment changes
the canine reverts to its original form, and the muzzle its appearance on command. While wearing this
remains intact. If you become unattuned to this item shirt, you can use a bonus action to speak the
while the muzzle is on a canine, its transformation shirt’s command word and cause it to assume
becomes permanent, and the creature becomes the appearance of a different set of clothing. You
independent with a will of its own. decide what it looks like, including color, style, and
Once used, the muzzle can’t be used to transform a accessories—from filthy beggar’s clothes to glittering
canine again until the next dawn. court attire. The illusory appearance lasts until you
use this property again or remove the shirt.
Shark Tooth Crown
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Shoes of the Shingled Canopy
Shark’s teeth of varying sizes adorn this simple Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
leather headband. The teeth pile one atop the other These well-made, black leather shoes have brass
in a jumble of sharp points and flat sides. Three buckles shaped like chimneys. While wearing the
particularly large teeth are stained with crimson dye. shoes, you have proficiency in the
The teeth move slightly of their own accord when Acrobatics skill.
you are within 1 mile of a large body of saltwater. The In addition, while falling, you
effect is one of snapping and clacking, producing a can use a reaction to cast the
sound not unlike a crab’s claw. While wearing this feather fall spell by
headband, you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) holding your nose.
checks to find your way when in a large body of
Wondrous Items

The shoes can’t

saltwater or pilot a vessel on a large body of saltwater. be used this way
In addition, you can use a bonus action to cast the again until the
command spell (save DC 15) from the crown. If the next dusk.
target is a beast with an Intelligence of 3 or lower that
can breathe water, it automatically fails the saving
throw. The headband can’t be used this way again
until the next dawn.

Shrutinandan Sitar
Wondrous item, very rare
(requires attunement by a bard)
An exquisite masterpiece of craftsmanship, this
instrument is named for a prestigious musical
academy. You must be proficient with stringed
instruments to use this instrument. A creature that
plays the instrument without being proficient with
stringed instruments must succeed on a DC 17
174 Wisdom saving throw or take 2d6 psychic damage.
The exquisite sounds of this sitar are Magical Melody. When you use the instrument
known to weaken the power of demons. Each as an arcane focus to cast a spell, each target has
creature that can hear you playing this sitar disadvantage on its saving throw against the spell.
has advantage on saving throws against the Once used, this property can’t be used again until the
spells and special abilities of demons. next dawn.
Spells. You can use an action to play
the sitar and cast one of the following Silvered Oar
spells from it, using your spell save DC Wondrous item, rare
and spellcasting ability: create food and This is a 6-foot-long birch wood oar with leaves and
water, fly, insect plague, invisibility, branches carved into its length. The grooves of the
levitate, protection from evil and good, carvings are filled with silver, which glows softly when
or reincarnate. Once the sitar has it is outdoors at night. You can activate the oar as an
been used to cast a spell, you action to have it row a boat unassisted, obeying your
can’t use it to cast that spell mental commands. You can instruct it to row to a
again until the next dawn. destination familiar to you, allowing you to rest while
Summon. If you spend 1 it performs its task. While rowing, it avoids contact
minute playing the sitar, with objects on the boat, but it can be grabbed and
you can summon animals stopped by anyone at any time. The oar can move a
to fight by your side. total weight of 2,000 pounds at a speed of 3 miles per
This works like the hour. It floats back to your hand if the weight of the
conjure animals spell, craft, crew, and carried goods exceeds that weight.
except you can summon
only 1 elephant, 1d2 Skald’s Harp
tigers, or 2d4 wolves. Wondrous item, rare
(requires attunement by a bard)
Signaling Compass
This ornate harp is fashioned from maple and
Wondrous item, uncommon
engraved with heroic scenes of warriors battling trolls
The exterior of this clamshell metal case features and dragons inlaid in bone. The harp is strung with
a polished, mirror-like surface on one side and an fine silver wire and produces a sharp yet sweet sound.
ornate filigree on the other. Inside is a magnetic You must be proficient with stringed instruments
compass. While the case is closed, you can use an to use this harp. When you play the harp, its music
action to speak the command word and project a enhances some of your bard class features.
harmless beam of light up to 1 mile. Song of Rest. When you play this harp as part of your
As an action while holding the compass, you can Song of Rest performance, each creature that spends
flash a concentrated beam of light at a creature you one or more Hit Dice during the short rest gains 10
can see within 60 feet of you. The target temporary hit points at the end of the short rest. The
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution temporary hit points last for 1 hour.

Wondrous Items
saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. Countercharm. When you play this harp as part
The target can repeat the saving of your Countercharm performance, you and any
throw at the end of each friendly creatures within 30 feet of you also have
of its turns, ending resistance to thunder damage and have advantage
the effect on itself on saving throws against being paralyzed. When this
on a success. The property has been used for a total of 10 minutes, this
compass can’t be property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
used this way again
until the next dawn. Skeleton Key
Wondrous item, rarity varies
Silver Strings
This arcane master key is the prized possession of
Wondrous item, uncommon
many an intrepid thief. Several types of skeleton key
(requires attunement by a bard)
exist, each type made from a distinct material.
These silver wires magically adjust to fit any stringed Bone (Rare). While this key is on your person, you
instrument, making its sound richer and more have advantage on ability checks made to disarm traps
melodious. You have advantage on Charisma or open locks. The key has 3 charges. While holding it,
(Performance) checks made when playing the you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges
instrument. to cast one of the following spells from it: arcane lock
(2 charges), detect poison and disease (1 charge), or knock
(1 charge). When you cast these spells, they are silent. using your spell save DC or save DC 15, whichever is
The key regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. If higher: destructive resonance (2 charges), nether weapon
you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the key (4 charges), protection from the void (1 charge), or void
crumbles into dust and is destroyed. strike (3 charges). These spells are Void magic spells,
Copper (Common). While this key is on your person, which can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At
you have advantage on ability checks made to disarm the GM’s discretion, these spells can be replaced with
traps or open locks. other spells of similar levels and similarly related to
Crystal (Very Rare). While this key is on your darkness, destruction, or the Void.
person, you have advantage on ability checks made Dangers of the Void. The first time you cast a spell
to disarm traps or open locks. The key has 5 charges. from the cap each day, your eyes shine with a sickly
While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or green light until you finish a long rest. If you spend
more of its charges to cast one of the following spells at least 3 charges from the cap, a trickle of blood also
from it: arcane lock (2 charges), detect magic (1 charge), seeps from beneath the cap until you finish a long
dimension door (3 charges), or knock (1 charge). When rest. In addition, each time you cast a spell from the
you cast these spells, they are silent. The key regains cap, you must succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence saving
1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the throw or your Intelligence is reduced by 2 until you
last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the key shatters and is finish a long rest. This DC increases by 1 for each
destroyed. charge you spent to cast the spell.
Silver (Uncommon). While this key is on your Void Calls to Void. When you cast a spell from the
person, you have advantage on ability checks made to cap while within 1 mile of a creature that understands
disarm traps or open locks. In addition, while holding Void Speech, the creature immediately knows your
the key, you can use an action to cast the knock spell. name, location, and general appearance.
When you cast the spell, it is silent. The key can’t be
used this way again until the next dawn. Sleep Pellet
Wondrous item, uncommon
This small brass pellet measures 1/2 of an inch in
Wondrous item, rare diameter. Typically, 1d6 + 4 sleep pellets are found
This small bark-colored stone measures 3/4 of an inch together. You can use the pellet as a sling bullet and
in diameter and weighs 1 ounce. Typically, 1d4 + 1 shoot it at a creature using a sling. On a hit, the pellet
skipstones are found together. is destroyed, and the target must succeed on a DC 13
You can use an action to throw the stone up to Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 1
60 feet. The stone crumbles to dust on impact and minute.
is destroyed. Each creature within a 5-foot radius Alternatively, you can use an action to swallow the
of where the stone landed must succeed on a DC 15 pellet harmlessly. Once before 1 minute has passed,
Constitution saving throw or be thrown forward in you can use an action to exhale a cloud of sleeping
time until the start of your next turn. Each creature gas in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must
disappears, during which time it can’t act and is succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or fall
Wondrous Items

protected from all effects. At the start of your next unconscious for 1 minute.
turn, each creature reappears in the space it previously An unconscious creature awakens if it takes damage
occupied or the nearest unoccupied space, and it is or if another creature uses an action to wake it.
unaware that any time has passed.
Slippers of the Cat
Skullcap of Deep Wisdom Wondrous item, uncommon
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) While you wear these fine, black cloth slippers, you
This scholar’s cap is covered in bright stitched runes, have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to
and the interior is rough, like keep your balance. When you fall while wearing these
bark or sharkskin. This cap slippers, you land on your feet, and if you succeed on
has 9 charges. It regains a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, you take only half the
1d8 + 1 expended falling damage.
charges daily at
midnight. While Smuggler’s Bag
wearing it, you can Wondrous item, common
use an action and This leather-bottomed, draw-string canvas bag
expend 1 or more of appears to be a sturdy version of a common sack. If
its charges to cast one you use an action to speak the command word while
of the following spells, holding the bag, all the contents within shift into
an extradimensional space, leaving the bag empty. The swarm is friendly to you and your companions,
The bag can then be filled with other items. If you and it acts on your turn. You can use a bonus action to
speak the command word again, the bag’s current command how the swarm moves and what action it
contents transfer into the extradimensional space, takes on its next turn, or give it general orders, such as
and the items in the extradimensional space transfer to attack your enemies. In the absence of such orders,
to the bag. The extradimensional space and the bag the swarm acts in a fashion appropriate to its nature.
itself can each hold up to 1 cubic foot of items or 30 Once the basket has been used to summon a swarm
pounds of gear. of poisonous snakes, it can’t be used in this way again
until the next dawn.
Smuggler’s Coat
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Song-Saddle of the Khan
When you attune yourself to this coat, it conforms Wondrous item, rare
to you in a color and style of your choice. It has no Made from enchanted leather and decorated with
visible pockets, but they appear if you place your songs lyrics written in calligraphy, this well-crafted
hands against the side of the coat and expect pockets. saddle is enchanted with the impossible speed of a
Once your hand is withdrawn, the pockets vanish and great horseman. While this saddle is attached to a
take anything placed in them to an extradimensional horse, that horse’s speed is increased by 10 feet. In
space. The coat can hold up to 40 pounds of material addition, the horse can Disengage as a bonus action.
in up to 10 different extradimensional pockets.
Nothing can be placed inside the coat that won’t fit in
a pocket. Retrieving an item from a pocket requires
you to use an action. When you reach into the coat for
a specific item, the correct pocket always appears with
the desired item magically on top.
As a bonus action, you can force the pockets to
become visible on the coat. While you maintain
concentration, the coat displays its four outer
pockets, two on each side, four inner pockets, and
two pockets on each sleeve. While the pockets are
visible, any creature you allow can store or retrieve an
item as an action.
If the coat is destroyed, its contents are lost forever,
although an artifact always turns up again somewhere.
Placing the coat inside an extradimensional space,
such as a bag of holding, instantly destroys both
items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate
originates where the one item was placed inside the

Wondrous Items
other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked
through it and deposited in a random location on the
Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way
only and can’t be reopened.

Snake Basket
Wondrous item, rare Soul Bond Chalice
The bowl of this simple, woven basket has hig‑sloped Wondrous item, very rare
sides, making it almost spherical. A matching woven The broad, shallow bowl of this silver chalice rests in
lid sits on top of it, and leather straps secure the lid the outstretched wings of the raven figure that serves
through loops on the base. The basket can hold up to as the chalice's stem. The raven’s talons, perched
10 pounds. on a branch, serve as the chalice’s base. A pair of
As an action, you can speak the command word interlocking gold rings adorn the sides of the bowl.
and remove the lid to summon a swarm of poisonous As a 1-minute ritual, you and another creature
snakes. You can’t summon the snakes if items are that isn’t a construct or undead and that has an
in the basket. The snakes return to the basket, Intelligence of 6 or higher can fill the chalice with
vanishing, after 1 minute or when the swarm is wine and mix in three drops of blood from each of
reduced to 0 hit points. If the basket is unavailable or you. You and the other participant can then drink
otherwise destroyed, the snakes instead dissipate into from the chalice, mingling your spirits and creating a
a fine sand. 177
magical connection between you. This connection is body. Possessing a
unaffected by distance, though it ceases to function if target is an action,
you aren’t on the same plane of existence. The bond and your target
lasts until one or both of you end it of your own free can foil the attempt
will (no action required), one or both of you use the by succeeding on
chalice to bond with another creature, or one of you a DC 17 Charisma
dies. You and your bonded partner each gain the saving throw. Only
following benefits: one soul can be in the
• You are proficient in each saving throw that your jug at a time. If a soul is
bonded partner is proficient in. in the jug when the
• If you are within 5 feet of your bonded partner duration ends, the
and you fail a saving throw, your bonded partner jug shatters.
can make the saving throw as well. If your bonded Spell Disruptor Horn
partner succeeds, you can choose to succeed on
Wondrous item, rare
the saving throw that you failed.
• You can use a bonus action to concentrate on the This horn is carved with images of a spellhound (see
magical bond between you to determine your Tome of Beasts 2) and invokes the antimagic properties
bonded partner’s status. You become aware of the of the hound’s howl. You use an action to blow this
direction and distance to your bonded partner, horn, which emits a high-pitched, multiphonic
whether they are unharmed or wounded, any sound that disrupts all magical effects within 30 feet
conditions that may be currently affecting them, of you. Any spell of 3rd level or lower in the area ends.
and whether or not they are afflicted with an For each spell of 4th-level or higher in the area, the
addiction, curse, or disease. If you can see your horn makes a check with a +3 bonus. The DC equals
bonded partner, you automatically know this 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the spell ends.
information just by looking at them. In addition, each spellcaster within 30 feet of you
and that can hear the horn must succeed on a DC 15
• If your bonded partner is wounded, you can use a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the
bonus action to take 4d8 slashing damage, healing end of its next turn.
your bonded partner for the same amount. If your Once used, the horn can’t be used again until the
bonded partner is reduced to 0 hit points, you can next dawn.
do this as a reaction.
• If you are under the effects of a spell that has a Spice Box of Zest
duration but doesn’t require concentration, you Wondrous item, very rare
can use an action to touch your bonded partner to This small, square wooden box is carved with scenes
share the effects of the spell with them, splitting of life in a busy city. Inside, the box is divided into
the remaining duration (rounded down) between six compartments, each holding a different magical
you. For example, if you are affected by the mage spice. A small wooden spoon is also stored inside the
Wondrous Items

armor spell and it has 4 hours remaining, you can box for measuring. A spice box of zest contains six
use an action to touch your bonded partner to give spoonfuls of each spice when full.
them the benefits of the mage armor spell, reducing You can add one spoonful of a single spice per
the duration to 2 hours on each of you. person to a meal that you or someone else is cooking.
• If your bonded partner dies, you must make a DC The magic of the spices is nullified if you add two or
15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you more spices together.
drop to 0 hit points. On a success, you are stunned If a creature consumes a meal cooked with a spice,
until the end of your next turn by the shock of the it gains a benefit based on the spice used in the meal.
bond suddenly being broken. The effects last for 1 hour unless otherwise noted.
Once the chalice has been used to bond two creatures, Baharat. The feaster’s Strength score increases
it can’t be used again until 7 days have passed. to 21.
Cassia. The feaster is cured of all levels of
Soul Jug exhaustion.
Wondrous item, very rare Cloves. The feaster has immunity to the frightened
If you unstopper the jug, your soul enters it. This condition.
works like the magic jar spell, except it has a duration Fiery Chilies. The feaster can use a bonus action
of 9 hours and the jug acts as the gem. The jug must to exhale fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the
remain unstoppered for you to move your soul to area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw,
a nearby body, back to the jug, or back to your own taking 6d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. The effect ends one Large or smaller creature or object you can see
after the feaster exhales fire or after 1 hour, whichever through the spyglass to an unoccupied space within
comes first. 10 feet of you. An unwilling creature that succeeds
Saffron. The feaster becomes charmed by the next on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw is unaffected. If the
creature it sees within 10 minutes of consuming the object is being worn or carried, the creature wearing
meal. If the creature it sees is of a species and gender or carrying it must succeed on the saving throw to
the feaster normally finds attractive, the feaster prevent the object from being teleported. Once used,
regards the creature it sees as its true love while this property of the spyglass can’t be used again until
charmed in this way. the next dawn.
Turmeric. The feaster has advantage on saving
throws against spells.
Stolen Thunder
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a bard)
Spice Box Spoon This bodhrán drum is crafted of wood from an ash
Wondrous item, common tree struck by lightning, and its head is made from
This lacquered wooden spoon carries an entire stretched mammoth skin, painted with a stylized
cupboard within its smooth contours. When you swirl thunderhead. While attuned to this drum, you can
this spoon in any edible mixture, such as a drink, stew, use it as an arcane focus. While holding the drum,
porridge, or other dish, it exudes a flavorful aroma you are immune to thunder damage. While this drum
and infuses the mixture. This culinary wonder mimics is on your person but not held, you have resistance to
any imagined variation of simple seasonings, from salt thunder damage.
and pepper to aromatic herbs and spice blends. These The drum has 10 charges for the following
flavors persist for 1 hour. properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily
at dawn. In addition, the drum regains 1 expended
Spider Grenade charge for every 10 thunder damage you ignore due
Wondrous item, uncommon to the resistance or immunity the drum gives you. If
you expend the drum’s last charge, roll a d20. On a
Silver runes decorate the hairy legs and plump
1, it becomes a nonmagical drum. However, if you
abdomen of this fist-sized preserved spider.
make a Charisma (Performance) check while playing
You can use an action to throw the spider up to 30
the nonmagical drum, and you roll a 20, the passion
feet. It explodes on impact and is destroyed. Each
of your performance rekindles the item’s power,
creature within a 20-foot radius of where the spider
restoring its properties and giving it 1 charge.
landed must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving
Deafness. You can expend 2 or more of its charges
throw or be restrained by sticky webbing.
as an action to cast the blindness/deafness spell, using
A creature restrained by the webs can use its action
your spell save DC. You can only deafen a creature
to make a DC 13 Strength check. If it succeeds, it
with this spell. For each additional charge you spend,
is no longer restrained. In addition, the webs are
you can affect one additional creature.
flammable. Any 5-foot cube of webs exposed to fire
Thundering Shield. If the drum has at least 1
burns away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire damage to any

Wondrous Items
charge, you can grip it by the crosspiece and use it as a
creature that starts its turn in the fire. The webs also
shield. You are considered proficient with this drum-
naturally unravel after 1 hour.
shield even if you lack proficiency with shields. If the
Spyglass of Summoning drum has 2 or more charges, you can use a bonus
Wondrous item, rare action to enlarge the beater used to play the drum.
If you do so, you can wield the beater as a magic club
Arcane runes encircle this polished that deals an extra 2d6 thunder damage when you hit
brass spyglass. You can view with it.
creatures and objects as far as 600 If you are hit by a melee attack while using the
feet away through the spyglass, drum as a shield, you can use a reaction to expend 1
and they are magnified to twice charge to cause a thunderous rebuke. The attacker
their size. You can magnify must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On
your view of a creature or a failure, the attacker takes 2d8 thunder damage and
object to up to four times its is pushed up to 10 feet away from you. On a success,
size by twisting the end of the attacker takes half the damage and isn’t pushed.
the spyglass. The drum emits a thunderous boom audible out to
Summoning. While 300 feet.
looking through the Thunderwave. You can expend 1 or more of its
spyglass, you can use charges as an action to cast the thunderwave spell
an action to teleport from it, using your spell save DC. For 1 charge, 179
you cast the 1st-level version of the spell. You Choking Smoke. You can use an action to speak
can increase the spell slot level by one for each the pipe’s command word then blow on the pipe,
additional charge you expend. which emits choking smoke in a 30-foot cone.
The smoke spreads around corners, and its area is
Stonechewer Gauntlets heavily obscured. A wind of at least 20 miles per
Wondrous item, rare hour disperses the smoke, otherwise it lasts for 1
(requires attunement) minute. Each creature that enters the smoke or that
These impractically starts its turn in the area must succeed on a DC 15
spiked gauntlets Constitution saving throw or be unable to breathe
are made from or speak as it coughs uncontrollably for 1 minute.
adamantine, are A creature affected in this way can’t cast spells with
charged with raw verbal components. A creature can repeat the saving
elemental earth throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
magic, and limit on itself on a success. If a creature spends 3 rounds
the range of motion coughing from the smoke, it suffers one level of
in your fingers. exhaustion. A creature can’t suffer more than one
While wearing these level of exhaustion from exposure to this smoke.
gauntlets, you can’t Once used, this property can’t be used again until the
carry a weapon or next dawn.
object, and you can’t climb
or otherwise perform precise actions Sturdy Scroll Tube
requiring the use of your hands. When you Wondrous item, common
hit a creature with an unarmed strike while wearing This ornate scroll case is etched with arcane
these gauntlets, the unarmed strike deals an extra symbology. Scrolls inside this case are immune to
1d4 piercing damage. damage and are protected from the elements, as
Stone Burrow. You can use an action to speak the long as the scroll case remains closed and intact. The
command word to gain a burrowing speed of 10 feet scroll case itself has immunity to all forms of damage,
for 10 minutes. You can burrow through earth and except force damage and thunder damage.
stone, leaving a tunnel in your wake large enough
for a Medium creature to pass through (Large Swashing Plumage
creatures have their speed halved from stooping). Wondrous item, uncommon
The tunnel collapses when you lose the burrowing This plumage, a colorful bouquet of tropical hat
speed. Once used, this property can’t be used again feathers, has a small pin at its base and can be affixed
until the next dawn. to any hat or headband. Due to its distracting,
ostentatious appearance, creatures hostile to you have
Storyteller’s Pipe
disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Swash. As a bonus action, you can flick the plumage
Wondrous Items

This long-shanked wooden smoking pipe is etched with your hand or a toss of your head and choose
with leaves along the bowl. Although it is serviceable a creature within 30 feet of you that can see the
as a typical pipe, you can use an action to blow out plumage. The target must make a DC 13 Charisma
smoke and shape the smoke into wispy saving throw. If the target fails, you have advantage on
images for 10 minutes. This effect works your next attack roll against the target. Once used, this
like the silent image spell, except its range is property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
limited to a 10-foot cone in front of you,
and the images can be no larger than a
5-foot cube. The smoky
images last for 3 rounds
before fading, but you
can continue blowing
smoke to create more
images for the duration
or until the pipe
burns through the
smoking material
in it, whichever
happens first.
Swolbold Wraps with a measure of her power and is magically tied to
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) the queen. It can be affixed to any piece of clothing or
worn as an amulet. While wearing the talisman, you
When wearing these cloth wraps, your forearms
gain the following benefits:
and hands swell to half again their normal size
without negatively impacting your fine motor • You have resistance to cold damage.
skills. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage • You have advantage on Charisma checks when
rolls made with unarmed strikes while wearing interacting socially with creatures that live in cold
these wraps. In addition, your unarmed strike environments, such as frost giants, winter wolves,
uses a d4 for damage and counts as magical for the and fraughashar (see Tome of Beasts).
purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to • You can use an action to cast the ray of frost
nonmagical attacks and damage. cantrip from it at will, using your level and using
When you hit a target with an unarmed strike and Intelligence as your spellcasting ability.
the target is no more than one size larger than you,
Blinding Snow. While wearing the talisman,
you can use a bonus action to automatically grapple
you can use an action to create a swirl of snow that
the target. Once this special bonus action has been
spreads out from you and into the eyes of nearby
used three times, it can’t be used again until the
creatures. Each creature within 15 feet of you must
next dawn.
succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be
Tactile Unguent blinded until the end of its next turn. Once used, this
property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
Wondrous item, common
Eyes of the Queen. While you are wearing the
Cat burglars, gearworkers, locksmiths, and even
talisman, the Snow Queen can use a bonus action to
street performers use this gooey substance to
see through your eyes if both of you are on the same
increase the sensitivity of their hands. When found,
plane of existence. This effect lasts until she ends it
a container contains 1d4 + 1 doses. As an action,
as a bonus action or until you die. You can’t make
one dose can be applied to a creature’s hands. For
a saving throw to prevent the Snow Queen from
1 hour, that creature has advantage on Dexterity
seeing through your eyes. However, being more than
(Sleight of Hand) checks and on tactile Wisdom
5 feet away from the talisman ends the effect, and
(Perception) checks.
becoming blinded prevents her from seeing anything
Tailor’s Clasp further than 10 feet away from you. When the Snow
Wondrous item, common Queen is looking through your eyes, the talisman
sheds an almost imperceptible pale blue glow, which
This ornate brooch is shaped you or any creature within 10 feet of you notice with
like a jeweled weaving a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check.
spider or scarab beetle. An identify spell fails to reveal this property of the
While it is attached talisman, and this property can’t be removed from the
to a piece of fabric, it talisman except by the Snow Queen herself.

Wondrous Items
can be activated as an
action. When activated, Talking Tablets
it skitters across the Wondrous item, uncommon
fabric, mending any
These two enchanted brass tablets each have gold
tears, adjusting frayed
styli chained to them by small, silver chains. As long
hems, and reinforcing seams.
as both tablets are on the same plane of existence,
This item works only on nonmagical objects
any message written on one tablet with its gold stylus
made out of fibrous material, such as clothing,
appears on the other tablet. If the writer writes words
rope, and rugs. It continues repairing the
in a language the reader doesn’t understand, the
fabric for up to 10 minutes or until the repairs are
tablets translate the words into a language the reader
complete. Once used, it can’t be used again until 1
can read. While holding a tablet, you know if no
hour has passed.
creature bears the paired tablet.
Talisman of the Snow Queen When the tablets have transferred a total of 150
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) words between them, their magic ceases to function
until the next dawn. If one of the tablets is destroyed,
The coldly beautiful and deadly Snow Queen the other one becomes a nonmagical block of brass
(see Tome of Beasts) grants these delicate-looking worth 25 gp.
snowflake-shaped mithril talismans to her most
trusted spies and servants. Each talisman is imbued
Talking Torches Tenebrous Mantle
Wondrous item, rare Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
These heavy iron and wood This black cloak appears to be made of pure shadow
torches are typically found and shrouds you in darkness. While wearing it, you
in pairs or sets of four. gain the following benefits:
While holding this torch, • You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
you can use an action to • You have resistance to necrotic damage.
speak a command word
and cause it to produce a • You can cast the darkness and misty step spells
magical, heatless flame from it at will. Casting either spell from the
that sheds bright light in cloak requires an action. Instead of a silvery mist
a 20-foot radius and dim when you cast misty step, you are engulfed in the
light for an additional 20 feet. You can use a bonus darkness of the cloak and emerge from the cloak’s
action to repeat the command word to extinguish darkness at your destination.
the light. If more than one talking torch remain lit and • You can use an action to cast the black tentacles or
touching for 1 minute, they become magically bound living shadows (see Deep Magic for 5th Edition) spell
to each other. A torch remains bound until the torch from it. The cloak can’t be used this way again
is destroyed or until it is bound to another talking until the following dusk.
torch or set of talking torches.
While holding or carrying the torch, you can
Thornish Nocturnal
communicate telepathically with any creature Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
holding or carrying one of the torches bound to your The ancient elves constructed these nautical
torch, as long as both torches are lit and within 5 instruments to use as navigational aids on all their
miles of each other. seagoing vessels. The knowledge of their manufacture
has been lost, and few of them remain.
Teapot of Soothing While attuned to the nocturnal, you can spend 1
Wondrous item, rare minute using the nocturnal to determine the precise
This cast iron teapot is adorned with the simple local time, provided you can see the sun or stars. You
image of fluffy clouds that seem to slowly shift and can use an action to protect up to four vessels that are
move across the pot as if on a gentle breeze. Any within 1 mile of the nocturnal from unwanted effects
water placed inside the teapot immediately becomes of the local weather for 1 hour. For example, vessels
hot tea at the perfect temperature, and when poured, protected by the nocturnal can’t be damaged by
it becomes the exact flavor the person pouring it storms or blown onto jagged rocks by adverse wind.
prefers. The teapot can serve up to 6 creatures, and To do so, you must have spent at least 1 hour aboard
any creature that spends 10 minutes drinking a cup each of the controlled vessels, performing basic
of the tea gains 2d6 temporary hit points for 24 sailing tasks and familiarizing yourself with the vessel.
hours. The creature pouring the tea has advantage on
Wondrous Items

Charisma (Persuasion) checks for 10 minutes after

Three-Section Boots
pouring the first cup. Once used, the teapot can’t be Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
used again until the next dawn. These boots are often decorated with eyes, flames,
or other bold patterns such as lightning bolts or
wheels. When you step
onto water, air, or stone,
you can use a reaction
to speak the boots’
command word. For 1
hour, you gain the effects
of the meld into stone,
water walk, or wind walk
spell, depending on the
type of surface where you
stepped. The boots can’t
be used this way again
until the next dawn.

Throttler’s Gauntlets normal pocketwatch, or its magic ceases to function.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) If left unwound for 24 hours, the watch loses its
magic, but the power returns 24 hours after the next
These durable leather gloves allow you to choke a
time it is wound.
creature you are grappling, preventing them from
speaking. While you are grappling a creature, you Timeworn Timepiece
can use a bonus action to throttle it. The creature Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
takes damage equal to your proficiency bonus and
can’t speak coherently or cast spells with verbal This tarnished silver pocket watch seems to be
components until the end of its next turn. You can temporally displaced and allows for limited
choose to not damage the creature when you throttle manipulation of time. 
it. A creature can still breathe, albeit uncomfortably, The timepiece has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3
while throttled. expended charges daily at midnight. While holding
the timepiece, you can use your reaction to expend 1
Thunderous Kazoo charge after you or a creature you can see within 30
Wondrous item, uncommon feet of you makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a
saving throw to force the creature to reroll. You make
You can use an action to speak the kazoo’s command
this decision after you see whether the roll succeeds or
word and then hum into it, which emits a thunderous
fails. The target must use the result of the second roll. 
blast, audible out to 1 mile, at one Large or smaller
Alternatively, you can expend 2 charges as a
creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target
reaction at the start of another creature's turn to
must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On
swap places in the Initiative order with that creature.
a failure, a creature is pushed away from you and is
An unwilling creature that
deafened and frightened of you until the start of your
succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma
next turn. A Small creature is pushed up to 30 feet,
saving throw is unaffected.
a Medium creature is pushed up to 20 feet, and a
Large creature is pushed up to 10 feet. On a success, a
creature is pushed half the distance and isn’t deafened
or frightened. The kazoo can’t be used this way again
until the next dawn.

Tick Stop Watch

Wondrous Items
Tome of Knowledge
Wondrous item, rare Wondrous item, rare
While holding this silver pocketwatch, you can use This book contains mnemonics and other tips to
an action to magically stop a single clockwork device better perform a specific mental task, and its words
or construct within 10 feet of you. If the target is an are charged with magic. If you spend 24 hours over
object, it freezes in place, even a period of 3 days or fewer studying the tome and
mid-air, for up to 1 minute or practicing its instructions, you gain proficiency in the
until moved. If the target is a Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma-based skill (such
construct, it must succeed on as History, Insight, or Intimidation) associated with
a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw the book. The tome then loses its magic, but regains it
or be paralyzed until the in ten years.
end of its next turn. The
pocketwatch can’t be Toothsome Purse
used this way again Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
until the next dawn.
This common-looking leather pouch holds a nasty
The pocketwatch
surprise for pickpockets. If a creature other than you
must be wound at
reaches into the purse, small, sharp teeth emerge
least once every
from the mouth of the bag. The bag makes a melee
24 hours, just like a
attack roll against that creature with a +3 bonus. On
a hit, the target takes 2d4 piercing damage. If the bag Trick Shot Mirror
rolls a 20 on the attack roll, the would-be pickpocket Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement)
has disadvantage on any Dexterity checks made with
A trick shot mirror is a round, steel-framed hand
that hand until the damage is healed.
mirror with no handle, but its 5-inch diameter makes
If the purse is lifted entirely from you, the purse
it easy to hold. A trick shot mirror comes in different
continues to bite at the thief each round until it is
styles, but each allows you to adjust the trajectory of
dropped or until it is placed where it can’t reach its
an attack or spell. Each mirror has 3 charges, and it
target. It bites at any creature, other than you, who
regains all expended charges daily at dawn.
attempts to pick it up, unless that creature genuinely
Ricocheting Trick Shot Mirror (Uncommon). While
desires to return the purse and its contents to you.
holding the mirror, you can use an action to expend
The purse attacks only if it is attuned to a creature.
1 of the mirror’s charges and cause the mirror to fly
A purse that isn’t attuned to a creature lies dormant
from your hand and float in an unoccupied space
and doesn’t attack.
within 60 feet of you for 1 minute. When you make
a ranged attack, you determine your line of sight as
if you were in your space or the mirror’s space. You
must be able to see the mirror to do so. The mirror
doesn’t extend the range of your attack, and you still
have disadvantage on the attack roll if you attack a
target outside of your weapon’s or spell’s normal
range. You can use a bonus action to command the
mirror to fly back to your open hand.
Spellbending Trick Shot Mirror (Rare). While
holding the mirror and casting a spell that forms a
line, you can expend 1 or more of the mirror’s charges
to focus part of the spell into the mirror and change
Torc of the Comet the angle of the line. Choose one space along the line.
Wondrous item, rare The line bends at a 90-degree angle in the space in the
(requires attunement) direction of your choice. This bend doesn’t extend the
This silver torc is set with a large opal on one end, length of the line, but it could redirect the line in such
and it thins to a point on the other. While wearing the a way as to hit a creature previously not within the
torc, you have resistance to cold damage, and you can line’s area of effect. For each charge you expend, you
use an action to speak the command word, causing can bend the line in an additional space.
the torc to shed bluish-white bright light in a 20-foot
radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The Umber Beans
light lasts until you use a bonus action to speak the Wondrous item, uncommon
command word again. These magical beans have a modest ochre or umber
The torc has 4 charges. You can use an action to hue, and they are about the size and weight of walnuts.
Wondrous Items

expend 1 charge and fire a tiny comet from the torc Typically, 1d4 + 4 umber beans are found together.
at a target you can see within 120 feet of you. The You can use an action to throw one or more
torc makes a ranged attack roll with a +7 bonus. On beans up to 10 feet. When the bean lands, it grows
a hit, the target takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage and into a creature you determine by rolling a d10 and
2d6 cold damage. At night, the cold damage dealt consulting the following table. The creature vanishes
by the comets increases to 6d6. The torc regain 1d4 at the next dawn or when it takes bludgeoning,
expended charges daily at dawn. piercing, or slashing damage. The bean is destroyed
when the creature vanishes.
Treebleed Bucket The creature is illusory, and you are aware of this.
Wondrous item, uncommon You can use a bonus action to command how the
This combination sap bucket and tap is used to illusory creature moves and what action it takes on
extract sap from certain trees. After 1 hour, the its next turn, or to give it general orders, such as to
bucketful of sap magically changes into a potion. attack your enemies. In the absence of such orders,
The potion remains viable for 24 hours, and its the creature acts in a fashion appropriate to its nature.
type depends on the tree as follows: oak (potion of The creature’s attacks deal psychic damage, though the
resistance), rowan (potion of healing), willow (potion of target perceives the damage as the type appropriate to
animal friendship), and holly (potion of climbing). The the illusion, such as slashing for a vrock’s talons.
treebleed bucket can magically change sap 20 times, A creature with truesight or that uses its action
then the bucket and tap become nonmagical. to examine the illusion can determine that it is
an illusion with a successful DC 13 Intelligence reaction to gain resistance to that damage until the
(Investigation) check. If a creature discerns the start of your next turn. You have advantage on your
illusion for what it is, the creature sees the illusion as attack rolls, as detailed above, then the coat’s magic
faint and the illusion can’t attack that creature. ceases to function until you finish a long rest.

d10 Creature Venomous Fangs

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
1 Dretch
These prosthetic fangs can be positioned over your
2-3 2 Shadows
existing teeth or in place of missing teeth. While
4-6 Chuul wearing these fangs, your bite is a natural melee
7-8 Vrock weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes.
9 Hezrou or Psoglav Demon (see Tome of Beasts) When you hit with it, your bite deals piercing damage
equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the
10 Remorhaz or Voidling (see Tome of Beasts)
bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
Umbral Lantern with this magic bite.
Wondrous item, rare While you wear the fangs, a successful DC 9
This item looks like a typical hooded brass lantern, Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks conceals them from
but shadowy forms crawl across its surface and it view. At the GM’s discretion, you have disadvantage
radiates darkness instead of light. The lantern can on Charisma (Deception) or Charisma (Persuasion)
burn for up to 3 hours each day. While the lantern checks against creatures that notice the fangs.
burns, it emits darkness as if the darkness spell were Poisoned Bite. You can use an action to cause the
cast on it but with a 30-foot radius. fangs to fill with a green poison. The poison remains
active for 1 minute or until an attack using these fangs
Unerring Dowsing Rod hits a creature. That creature must succeed on a DC
Wondrous item, rare 13 Constitution saving throw or take 2d4 poison
This dark, gnarled willow root is worn and smooth. damage and become poisoned until the end of its next
When you hold this rod in both hands by its short, turn. The fangs can’t be used this way again until the
forked branches, you feel it gently tugging you toward next dawn.
the closest source of fresh water. If the closest source
of fresh water is located underground, the dowsing Verminous Snipsnaps
rod directs you to a spot above the source then dips Wondrous item, uncommon
its tip down toward the ground. When you use this This stoppered jar holds small animated knives and
dowsing rod on the Material Plane, it directs you scissors. The jar weighs 1 pound, and its command
to bodies of water, such as creeks and ponds. When word is often written on the jar’s label.
you use it in areas where fresh water is much more You can use an action to remove the stopper, which
difficult to find, such as a desert or the Plane of Fire, it releases the spinning blades into a space you can see

Wondrous Items
directs you to bodies of water, but it might also direct within 30 feet of you. The knives and scissors fill a
you toward homes with fresh water barrels or to cube 10 feet on each side and whirl in place, flaying
creatures with containers of fresh water on them. creatures and objects that enter the cube. When a
creature enters the cube for the first time on a turn or
Vengeful Coat starts its turn there, it takes 2d12 piercing damage.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) You can use a bonus action to speak the command
This stiff, vaguely uncomfortable coat covers your word, returning the blades to the jar. Otherwise, the
torso. It smells like ash and oozes a sap-like substance. knives and scissors remain in that space indefinitely.
While wearing this coat, you have resistance to
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. Vessel of Deadly Venoms
At the end of each long rest, choose one of the Wondrous item, rare
following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, This small jug weighs 5 pounds and has a ceramic
or thunder. When you take damage of that type, you snake coiled around it. You can use an action to speak
have advantage on attack rolls until the end of your a command word to cause the vessel to produce
next turn. When you take more than 10 damage of poison, which pours from the snake’s mouth. A poison
that type, you have advantage on your attack rolls for created by the vessel must be used within 1 hour or it
2 rounds. becomes inert.
When you are targeted by an effect that deals The word “blade” causes the snake to produce 1 dose
damage of the type you chose, you can use your of serpent venom, enough to coat a single weapon.
The word “consume” causes the snake to produce 1 pooled in shadow, and you
dose of assassin’s blood, an ingested poison. can use a bonus action
The word “spit” causes the snake to spray a stream to fix your dark gaze
of poison at a creature you can see within 30 feet. The upon a creature you can
target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. see within 60 feet. If the
On a failure, the target takes 2d8 poison damage and creature can see you, it
is poisoned until the end of its next turn. On a success, must succeed on a DC
the target takes half the damage and isn’t poisoned. 15 Wisdom saving throw
Once used, the vessel can’t be used to create poison or be frightened for 1
again until the next dawn. minute. The creature
can repeat the saving
Vial of Sunlight throw at the end of each
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) of its turns, ending
This crystal vial is filled with water from a spring high the effect on itself
in the mountains and has been blessed by priests of on a success. Once a
a deity of healing and light. You can use an action creature succeeds on
to cause the vial to emit bright light in a 30-foot its saving throw, it
radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet for 1 can’t be affected by
minute. This light is pure sunlight, causing harm or the cloak again for
discomfort to vampires and other undead creatures 24 hours. Pulling
that are sensitive to it. The vial can’t be used this way the hood up or
again until the next dawn. down requires
an action.
Vielle of Weirding and Warding
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
The strings of this bowed instrument never break. You
must be proficient in stringed instruments to use this
vielle. A creature that attempts to play the instrument
without being attuned to it must succeed on a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw or take 2d8 psychic damage. Ward Against Wild Appetites
If you play the vielle as the somatic component for Wondrous item, uncommon
a spell that causes a target to become charmed on a (requires attunement by a druid or ranger)
failed saving throw, the target has disadvantage on Seventeen animal teeth of various
the saving throw. sizes hang together on a simple
Spells. The vielle has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 leather thong, and each tooth
expended charges daily at dusk. While playing it, you is dyed a different color using
can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to pigments from plants native
Wondrous Items

cast one of the following spells (save DC 15) from it: to old-growth forests.
banishment (4 charges), contact other plane (5 charges), When a beast or
magic circle (3 charges), or protection from evil and good monstrosity with an
(1 charge). Intelligence of 4 or lower
targets you with an attack,
Vigilant Mug it has disadvantage on the
Wondrous item, common attack roll if the attack is a
An impish face sits carved into the side of this bronze bite. You must be wearing the
mug, its eyes a pair of clear, blue crystals. The imp’s necklace to gain this benefit.
eyes turn red when poison or poisonous material is
placed or poured inside the mug. Warding Icon
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
Voidskin Cloak This carved piece of semiprecious stone typically
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) takes the form of an angelic figure or a shield carved
This pitch-black cloak absorbs light and whispers as with a protective rune, and it is commonly worn
it moves. It feels like thin leather with a knobby, scaly attached to clothing or around the neck on a chain
texture, though none of that detail is visible to the or cord. While wearing the stone, you have brief
eye. While you wear this cloak, you have resistance to premonitions of danger and gain a +2 bonus to
necrotic damage. While the hood is up, your face is initiative if you aren’t incapacitated.
Wayfarer’s Candle powder’s magic. Otherwise, the effect lasts as long as
Wondrous item, common the powder coats the area.
This beeswax candle is stamped with a holy symbol, White Dandelion
typically one of a deity associated with light or Wondrous item, common
protection. When lit, it sheds light and heat as
a normal candle for up to 1 hour, but it can’t be When you are attacked or are the target of a spell
extinguished by wind of any force. It can be blown while holding this magically enhanced flower, you can
out or extinguished only by the creature holding it. use a reaction to blow on the flower. It explodes in a
flurry of seeds that distracts your attacker, and you
Whispering Cloak add 1 to your AC against the attack or to your saving
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) throw against the spell. Afterwards, the flower wilts
and becomes nonmagical.
This cloak is made of
black, brown, and Windwalker Boots
white bat pelts sewn Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
together. While
wearing it, you have These lightweight boots are made of soft leather.
blindsight out to a range While you wear these boots, you can walk on air as
of 60 feet. While wearing if it were solid ground. Your speed is halved when
this cloak with its hood ascending or descending on the air. Otherwise, you
up, you transform into a can walk on air at your walking speed. You can use the
creature of pure shadow. Dash action as normal to increase your movement
While in shadow form, during your turn. If you don’t end your movement on
your Armor Class solid ground, you fall at the end of your turn unless
increases by 2, you have otherwise supported, such as by gripping a ledge or
advantage on Dexterity hanging from a rope.
(Stealth) checks, and
Witch Ward Bottle
you can move through
Wondrous item, uncommon
a space as narrow as
1 inch wide without This small pottery jug contains an odd assortment
squeezing. You can of pins, needles, and rosemary, all sitting in a small
cast spells normally amount of wine. A bloody fingerprint marks the top
while in shadow form, of the cork that seals the jug. When placed within a
but you can’t make building (as small as a shack or as large as a castle) or
ranged or melee attacks with buried in the earth on a section of land occupied by
nonmagical weapons. In addition, you can’t pick up humanoids (as small as a campsite or as large as an
objects, and you can’t give objects you are wearing or estate), the bottle's magic protects those within the
carrying to others. building or on the land against the magic of fey and

Wondrous Items
This effect lasts up to 1 hour. Deduct time spent fiends. The humanoid that owns the building or land
in shadow form in increments of 1 minute from the and any ally or invited guests within the building or
total time. After it has been used for 1 hour, the cloak on the land has advantage on saving throws against
can’t be used in this way again until the next dusk, the spells and special abilities of fey and fiends.
when its time limit resets. Pulling the hood up or If a protected creature fails its saving throw against
down requires an action. a spell with a duration other than instantaneous, that
creature can choose to succeed instead. Doing so
Whispering Powder immediately drains the jug’s magic, and it shatters.
Wondrous item, common
Worg Salve
A paper envelope contains enough of this fine dust
Wondrous item, uncommon
for one use. You can use an action to sprinkle the dust
on the ground in up to four contiguous spaces. When Brewed by hags and lycanthropes, this oil grants
a Small or larger creature steps into one of these you lupine features. Each pot contains enough for
spaces, it must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. three applications. One application grants one of the
On a failure, loud squeals, squeaks, and pops erupt following benefits (your choice): darkvision out to a
with each footfall, audible out to 150 feet. range of 60 feet, advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
The powder’s creator dictates the manner of checks that rely on smell, a walking speed of 50 feet,
sounds produced. The first creature to enter the or a new attack option (use the statistics of a wolf ’s
affected spaces sets off the alarm, consuming the bite attack) for 5 minutes.
If you use all three applications at one time, you The stone has a number of charges, depending
can cast polymorph on yourself, transforming into a on the size of the creature stored within it. The
wolf. While you are in the form of a wolf, you retain stone has 6 charges if the creature is Large or
your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. In smaller, 10 charges if the creature is Huge, and 12
addition, you don’t need to maintain concentration charges if the creature is Gargantuan. After all of
on the spell, and the transformation lasts for 1 hour, the stone’s charges have been used, the beast’s spirit
until you use a bonus action to revert to your normal is completely drained, and the stone becomes a
form, or until you drop to 0 hit points or die. nonmagical bauble.
As a bonus action, you can expend 1 charge to cause
Worry Stone one of the following effects:
Wondrous item, common • Bestial Vigor. The next time you hit a creature
This smooth, rounded piece of semiprecious crystal with a melee weapon attack, the target takes an
has a thumb-sized groove worn into one side. extra 1d6 damage of the weapon’s type.
Physical contact with the stone helps clear the mind • Natural Selection. Until the end of your next
and calm the nerves, promoting success. If you spend turn, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
1 minute rubbing the stone, you have advantage on checks, and your speed increases by 5 feet.
the next ability check you make within 1 hour of • Wisdom of the Wilds. You have advantage
rubbing the stone. Once used, the stone can’t be used on Wisdom (Animal Handling) and Wisdom
again until the next dawn. (Survival) checks for 1 minute.
Wraithstone Ziphian Eye Amulet
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This stone is carved from petrified roots to reflect the This gold amulet holds a preserved eye from a ziphius
shape and visage of a beast. The stone holds the spirit (see Creature Codex). It has 3 charges, and it regains
of a sacrificed beast of the type the stone depicts. all expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing
A wraithstone is often created to grant immortal this amulet, you can use a bonus action to speak its
life to a beloved animal companion or to banish a command word and expend 1 of its charges to create a
troublesome predator. The creature’s essence stays brief magical bond with a creature you can see within
within until the stone is broken, upon which point the 60 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 15
soul is released and the creature can’t be resurrected Wisdom saving throw or be magically bonded with
or reincarnated by any means short of a wish spell. you until the end of your next turn. While bonded in
While attuned to and carrying this item, a spectral this way, you can choose to have advantage on attack
representation of the beast walks beside you, rolls against the target or cause the target to have
resembling the sacrificed creature’s likeness in its disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
prime. The specter follows you at all times and can be
seen by all. You can use a bonus action to dismiss or
summon the specter. So long as you carry this stone,
Wondrous Items

you can interact with the creature as if it were still

alive, even speaking to it if it is able to speak, though
it can’t physically interact with the material world. It
can gesture to indicate directions and communicate
very basic single-word ideas to you telepathically.

Fabled Magic Items

Magic items are typically categorized by their rarity:

common, uncommon, rare, very rare, or legendary. Properties
Fabled is a new magic item identifier, though it is not,
strictly speaking, a measure of rarity. Fabled items
scale in power as the character does, and a fabled item
and Attunement
can be thought to encompass all levels of rarity.
Fabled magic items are perfect for GMs who want A fabled magic item begins as a common magic item.
to introduce magic items which are truly unique with It has a small, but useful, property the item grants to
rich stories closely tied to the campaign world. Since any character that possesses it. This minor property
the item grows as the character grows, it becomes a does not require attunement to use.
treasured, long-term possession. In addition to being To utilize any of the higher-level properties, a
special magic items characters can discover during character must attune to the fabled item per the
an adventure, fabled magic items also make excellent standard magic item attunement rules (see Variant
heirlooms that are passed down through a family, Attunement sidebar for an exception). Once
bestowed to an apprentice, or similar. attuned to the fabled magic item, the character can
use the fabled item’s more powerful properties as
the character increases in level. When an attuned
character reaches a property’s specified level, the
property listed at that level becomes immediately
available to the character. If a character of a level
higher than 1st attunes to a fabled item, the item’s
level-dependent properties, up to the character’s
current level, become available to the character.
At the GM’s discretion, an item’s more powerful
properties might become available to a character Using Fabled Items
only after the character completes a particular
quest or event related to the item’s story rather
than immediately upon reaching each property’s
in Your Game
required level.
If a character chooses not to become attuned to Here are examples of how fabled items might be used
the fabled item, the item remains a common magic and introduced early and late in a campaign.
item, granting the character only its minor property, Discovering the Item Early. A 1st-level fighter
regardless of the character’s level. finds a razor-sharp longsword of outstanding
Unless otherwise noted, all properties granted by craftsmanship in a treasure hoard. The blade is faintly
a fabled item are in effect as long as the character is etched with numerous arcane runes and symbols, and
wearing, carrying, or touching the item. it sheds light when the fighter speaks a special word.
Once the fighter has claimed the sword as her own,
she begins to hear the word Cailebryn in her mind. She
Spells becomes curious enough to research the word, which
leads her to eventually discover that she possesses the
Some fabled items allow characters to cast spells legendary Cailebryn, sword of Gax! Once the fighter
from them. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) appear reaches 5th level, she chooses to attune to Cailebryn,
in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. All other spells can be which gives her access to its 5th-level property.
found in the System Reference Document 5.1. From that point on, as long as the fighter remains
attuned to Cailebryn, she is able to use Cailebryn’s other
properties when she reaches 9th level, 13th level, and
Stories 17th level.
Discovering the Item Later. A 9th-level rogue
Fabled items are unique and come with a story which uncovers an ancient, leather-bound book in a
is inexorably linked to the item’s properties. Some forgotten library. Its pages are edged in gold leaf, and
hint of this story presents itself when the character an elaborate, gold sigil of the letter “T” is stamped on
touches the item—a name, place, or other clue pops the cover. Upon reading the first few pages, he gains
into the character’s mind or otherwise manifests knowledge of many topics which were previously
itself. This hint might prompt the character to foreign to him. He soon begins having dreams of a
research the item and its story. A GM might even charismatic half elf ’s many adventures. After much
require such research before the character can investigation, he learns the book is none other
become attuned to the item! Unless a GM decides than the wanderer’s book, a famous journal that once
otherwise, a character that attunes to a fabled belonged to the legendary bard, Talvin the Wanderer.
item learns the item’s story, if the character didn’t The rogue decides he wants to become attuned to the
discover that information before attuning to it. book. When he does, he immediately gains access to
Fabled Magic Items

the wanderer’s book’s 5th-level and 9th-level properties,

though he can’t use its other properties until he
reaches the appropriate levels.

A character can normally be attuned to no more than a character of 13th level or higher, the fabled item
three magic items at a time. However, fabled magic should be considered two items for the purposes of
items can become more powerful than other magic attunement.
items as a character increases in level. A GM concerned At the GM’s discretion, a fabled item wielded by a
about this might require a character to use more than character of 17th level or higher might be considered
one of their attunement ‘slots’ to become attuned to three items for the purposes of attunement, though
the fabled item, limiting the character’s number of total this restriction greatly depends upon the presence and
attuned items. power of magic in the campaign world. If legendary
For GMs interested in this variant attunement, we and artifact magic items are almost nonexistent in the
recommend that a fabled item wielded by a character world, then it might be appropriate to add this extra
of 12th level or lower be considered a single item limit to better represent the power of the items and the
for the purposes of attunement. When wielded by strength of will required to command them.
Example Fabled
Magic Items
Here are several fabled items ready for use in your
game. The stories presented here are example
stories capable of fitting in any fantasy world. The
hero and villain names—even the item names—can
be changed to better fit into a particular campaign
world or a character’s personal history. Alternatively,
you can use these examples as guidance for creating
your own fabled items tied to the history of your
characters or world.

This fine chain shirt is fashioned from thousands of tiny,
interlocking rings of a mysterious black metal. The chain
makes virtually no noise when worn.
Gildreth was a killer. He killed for money; he killed
for pleasure. In the end, he killed only for revenge.
Gildreth had earned many enemies in his long
career; chief among them were the Black Cabal. On a
moonless night, while Gildreth was away, members
of the Cabal infiltrated his home and murdered his
family. When Gildreth returned and discovered his
slain family, he vowed he would not rest until every
last member of the Cabal was dead by his own hand.
One by one, Gildreth tracked down and
assassinated the Cabal. He was relentless and
single‑minded, allowing nothing to stand in his way. Assassin’s Chain
Not even his death. Armor (chain shirt), fabled (5th-level and higher properties
As Gildreth was infiltrating the fortress of the require attunement)
Cabal’s leader, he felt a sharp and sudden pain—a
While wearing this armor, your steps make no sound,

Fabled Magic Items

thin sword blade was protruding from his chest!
regardless of the surface you are moving across. You
Blood poured from the wicked wound and down his
also have proficiency in the Stealth skill.
chain shirt. Gildreth gasped, his eyes grew dim, and
Power of the Assassin (Requires Attunement). As
he fell lifelessly to the floor.
your level increases, you gain the following benefits
Then Gildreth’s eyes snapped opened. He felt
while wearing this armor.
his life surging back into his body! The tiny chain
5th level. You have advantage on Dexterity
rings of his armor had turned a deep black and
(Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently. During
showed no sign of the deadly wound. He understood
your first turn, you have advantage on attack rolls
immediately—not even Death itself would stop him!
against any creature that hasn’t taken a turn. Any hit
In time, the last of the Black Cabal lay dying at
you score against a surprised creature is a critical hit.
Gildreth’s feet. At that moment, Gildreth suddenly
9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC. In addition,
felt his own life slipping away, and he understood at
you can cast the silence spell from the armor. Once
last. Death had allowed him to live only long enough
used, the armor can’t be used in this way again until
to complete his vendetta.
the next dawn.
The fate of Gildreth’s strange chain shirt is
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC, instead
unknown. Perhaps it found its way to another soul
of +1. In addition, you can cast the invisibility spell
seeking vengeance…
from the armor. Once used, the armor can’t be used
in this way again until the next dawn.
17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC, instead
of +2. In addition, when you successfully hit a creature
that is surprised, it must make a Constitution saving
throw (DC 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your
proficiency bonus). On a failed save, double the
damage of your attack against the creature.

This fine mithral breastplate is light and exquisitely made.
It is decorated with delicate arcane glyphs and symbols
which glow with a soft, blue light.
Long ago, the legendary warrior-mage known as
Gax walked the land. Gax, later known to history as
Gax the Great, was a mysterious figure renowned
for his uncanny ability to weave together martial and
magical combat in unique and powerful ways.
An unparalleled master at crafting magic arms
and armor, Gax is known for a number of fantastic,
magical items. He is said to have created his first great
item of magic when he was still a young apprentice.
At that time, his master was an old wizard who
mercilessly drilled the fundamentals of magic into Gax decided that he would make his way in the
the young apprentice’s mind. The studious old wizard world on his own terms. He would learn everything
also derisively dismissed Gax's ideas for combining he could about magic and combat, he would excel in
magic and battle and openly berated Gax for his love both, and he would do whatever it took to fuse the
of swordplay, weaponry, and armor. two into what would eventually become known as
Determined to prove that his theories were the style of the battlecaster.
possible (and, truth be told, equally determined to From that day on, until the day he drew his
spite his master), Gax apprenticed himself at the final breath, Gax was never without his beloved
same time to a renowned weapon smith and armorer battlecaster's armor.
in a nearby town. The youth quickly proved as skilled
at metalcraft as he was at magic. Young Gax spent his Battlecaster’s Armor
days in magical study and his nights working in the Armor (breastplate), fabled (5th-level and higher
smith's forge, crafting an exquisite breastplate of the properties require attunement by a spellcaster)
finest mithral. He imbued the breastplate’s delicate While wearing this mithral breastplate, you have
glyphs and symbols with powerful protective magic advantage on Constitution saving throws that you
far beyond the ability of magic-wielders many years make to maintain your concentration on a spell
Fabled Magic Items

his senior. when you take damage.

When the breastplate was finally completed, Gax Potent Battlecaster (Requires Attunement). As
proudly showed it to his mentor. The smith was your level increases, you gain the following benefits
so impressed that he coveted it for himself, and he while wearing this armor.
demanded that Gax give the breastplate to him. When 5th level. You can expend an unused spell slot of
Gax refused, the smith attempted to take it by force. 1st level or higher to gain a bonus to AC and saving
At the end of a quick but violent scuffle, the smith lay throws equal to the level of the spell slot expended
dead near the very anvil on which Gax had finished for 1 minute. In addition, you can perform the
his wondrous breastplate. Shocked and terrified, the somatic components of spells even when you have
boy fled, running to the small stone building where weapons or a shield in one or both hands.
the old wizard lived. Hoping the wizard would be 9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC. Your spell
understanding about what happened and suitably save DC and spell attack bonus each increase by 1.
impressed with Gax's magical breastplate, the boy 13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC,
breathlessly recounted recent events. instead of +1. You have advantage on saving throws
The old wizard was neither understanding nor against spells.
impressed. He coldly chided Gax for wasting his time 17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC,
on a “trinket” and rebuked Gax for taking a life over instead of +2. You have resistance to force damage.
“nothing more than a worthless piece of pretty metal.” In addition, you can use an action to make yourself
Furious and defeated, Gax shouted profanities at his immune to force damage for 10 minutes. Once used,
master before running off into the woods. this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
BLOOD MOON ORB holding the orb. The orb also has 6 charges for some
of the following properties. It regains 1d6 expended
This strange orb is the size of a human’s head, and appears charges daily at dawn.
to be crafted from a single piece of glass. No seam or opening 5th level. You can use an action to expend 1 or
is visible, yet the orb is filled with a thick red liquid, which more of the orb’s charges to cast one of the following
swirls slowly within. spells, using your spell save DC: by the light of the
Most female serpentine moon* (2 charges) or moonbeam (2 charges).
lamia (see Creature Codex) 9th level. As an action, you can deal 1d4 slashing
take part in the Revelry, damage to yourself. This damage can't be healed until
part sacred ceremony you complete a long rest. The orb absorbs and can
and part frenzied hold up to 4 hit points of your blood until expended
celebration, which or until you complete a long rest. While the orb holds
occurs on nights of your blood, you can expend the blood in the orb
the full moon. Those when casting a spell and increase the save DC or spell
who partake in these attack bonus of the spell by an amount equal to the hit
secretive mysteries points stored in the orb. Once used, the orb can’t be
believe they are possessed used in this way again until the next dawn.
and empowered by the mystical 13th level. The list of spells you can cast from
power of the very moon itself. the orb expands to include: by the light of the watchful
Outsiders do not generally learn details of what moon* (4 charges), exsanguinate* (5 charges), and
transpires during these moonlit ceremonies. moon trap* (4 charges). In addition, you can use an
Although no two Revelries are identical, there are action to expend 6 of the orb’s charges to cause a red
elements in every ceremony which never change. sphere of necrotic energy to pulse out from the orb.
Celebrants participate in chaotic dancing, hypnotic Each creature, other than you, within 60 feet of the
swaying, and frenzied distortions of their serpentine orb must make a Constitution saving throw, using
bodies as if seized with madness. your spell save DC. On a failure, a creature takes 8d6
Snakes are also typically involved in the Revelry, necrotic damage as droplets of blood burst thought
with participants often wearing them around their the its skin. On a success, a creature takes half the
bodies or otherwise handling them in various damage.
symbolic and proscribed manners. 17th level. You can use an action to detect magical
The rite culminates in an ecstatic, mystical fervor pathways and portals, such as the presence of the
and extreme loss of inhibition known as Shiv’ash teleportation circle or gate spells or the presence of
(literally, “the madness and ecstasy of the moon”). In natural fonts of magic like ley lines, within 120 feet
this state, the lamia lose all self-control. They shout of you. Detected portals are visible to you, and you
excitedly, shrieking out prophecies, and engage in all can point out their locations to others. By spending
manner of debauchery. 1 minute concentrating on a portal detected by the

Fabled Magic Items

The Night of the Blood Moon occurs once per orb, you can sense the physical conditions around its
year. It is the most sacred of all Revelries—a time destination. Once used, the orb can’t be used in this
when alliances are sealed, blood sacrifices are made, way again until the next dawn.
wars are ended, and new matriarchs are chosen. It
is during a Night of the Blood Moon long ago that a BLOOD SPIKE ARMOR
powerful lamia cult created the blood moon orb.
Little is known about the blood moon orb, save that it This ancient plate armor is crafted from a strange black
contains blood drops from the one hundred sacrifices metal. Vicious spikes protrude from the shoulders and
made that night. It is said the lamia females wished breastplate. Hideous, demonic faces are etched into the
to capture the mystical spirit of the moon itself in the black metal.
blood moon orb, and some believe they did exactly that. Gregor the Red was a legendary warrior with a thirst
for blood. On one occasion, Gregor was hired to
Blood Moon Orb retrieve a golden cup from an ancient tomb. After
Wondrous item, fabled (5th-level and higher properties many dangerous encounters, Gregor at last found
require attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) the golden cup in the lowest bowels of the tomb. As
While holding the orb, you have darkvision out to a he reached for the cup, he noticed a suit of ancient
range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, its armor piled in a corner. Gregor was mesmerized by
range increases by 30 feet. the frightening armor. He would take the golden
Blood Moon’s Rise (Requires Attunement). As your cup back to his employer, but he would claim the
level increases, you gain the following benefits while magnificent armor for himself!
Once back at his base, Gregor set about the long Blood Spike Armor
and difficult task of restoring and repairing the armor. Armor (plate), fabled (5th-level and higher properties
He hired the best armorers and weaponsmiths to require attunement)
ensure the armor was brought back to all its former
While wearing this armor, you can use a bonus action
glory. Of course, he also could not resist having his
to make one melee weapon attack with the armor’s
smiths add new detailing to the armor to be sure
spikes against a target within 5 feet of you. If the
everyone knew it was his and his alone.
attack hits, the spikes deal 1d4 piercing damage. You
Gregor wore his terrifying spiked armor on every
are proficient with this attack and use your Strength
mission and campaign from that day on. He even
modifier for the attack and damage rolls.
mastered close-combat techniques that helped him
Frightening Armor (Requires Attunement). As your
utilize the armor spikes. Gregor derived a perverse
level increases, you gain the following benefits while
pleasure from driving the spikes into his enemies and
wearing this armor.
watching the blood drip onto his armor. Because of
5th level. Once per turn, when you hit a creature
this, Gregor named his beloved plate blood spike armor.
with your armor spikes, you cause unnatural bleeding
Gregor is said to have lost his life to a powerful
from the resulting wounds. After you hit a creature
undead being in some far-away crypt. As far as anyone
with the armor’s spikes, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage
knows, his remains and armor could still be there…
at the start of each of its turns from a bleeding wound.
Each time you hit that creature with the armor’s
spikes, the damage dealt by the wound increases by
1d4. At the end of the creature’s turn, it can make a
DC 15 Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on
itself on a success. Alternatively, any creature can take
an action to stanch the wound with a successful DC 15
Wisdom (Medicine) check. The wound also closes if
the target receives magical healing.
9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC and to attack
and damage rolls with the armor’s spikes.
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC and
to attack and damage rolls with the armor’s spikes,
instead of +1. In addition, you can use an action
to frighten a creature you can see within 30 feet of
you. If the creature can see you, it must succeed
on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be
frightened until the end of your next turn. On the
following turn, you can use an action to extend the
Fabled Magic Items

duration of this effect until the end of your next turn.

You can continue extending the duration in this way
until the creature is no longer frightened, it ends its
turn out of line of sight, or it is more than 60 feet
away from you. If a creature succeeds on its saving
throw, you can’t use this property on that creature
again for 24 hours.
17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC and
to attack and damage rolls with the armor’s spikes,
instead of +2.

These metal bracers lined with soft leather are etched with
beautifully intricate elven patterns and designs.
There are countless tales about the various
companions who travelled with the legendary
Gax the Great. One of the more popular is the
half elf Ganis’briel. One of Gax’s closest and most
trusted friends, Ganis’briel was often by his side.
Ganis’briel’s skills as an archer were almost as
famous as Gax’s skills with a blade. When fighting
alongside Gax against a terrible giant, however,
even Ganis’briel’s incredible skills as an archer
were not enough to defeat the giant. He and Gax
barely escaped with their lives.
To even the odds, Gax crafted a magical set
of bracers that enhanced Ganis’briel’s already
formidable skill with the bow. As he strapped them to
his forearms, Ganis’briel could feel the magic of all
elfkind flow into him.
The second battle with the giant went quite
differently than the first. Ganis’briel’s arrows found
their mark time and time again, until at last, the giant
was dead!
Ganis’briel eventually passed his magical bracers
on to his daughter, who wore them proudly for many
decades. The bracers became treasured heirlooms
and were passed from generation to generation of
Ganis’briel’s descendants until they were eventually
lost to history.

Bracers of Ganis’briel
Wondrous item, fabled
(5th-level and higher properties require attunement)
While wearing these bracers, you have
proficiency with the longbow and shortbow.
Master Archer (Requires Attunement). As your
level increases, you gain the following benefits while
wearing these bracers.
5th level. When you make your first attack on your
You can’t create a new arrow of giant slaying until the
turn, you have advantage on the attack roll if you
next dawn, and you can have only one such arrow of
make the attack with a longbow or shortbow. If you
giant slaying at a time.
roll a 20 for the attack roll, this property ceases to
17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to attack and
function until you roll a 1 for an attack roll or until
damage rolls on ranged attacks made with longbows
you finish a short rest.
and shortbows, instead of +2. In addition, when

Fabled Magic Items

9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage
you roll a 20 on a ranged attack roll with a longbow
rolls on ranged attacks made with longbows and
or shortbow, you roll the damage dice three times,
shortbows. In addition, your ranged attacks ignore
instead of twice.
half cover and three-quarters cover,
and you don’t have disadvantage when
attacking at long range. CAILEBRYN
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus This razor-sharp longsword is clearly of outstanding
to attack and damage rolls on ranged craftsmanship. The blade is faintly etched with numerous
attacks made with longbows and arcane runes and symbols.
shortbows, instead of +1.
In addition, you can use Cailebryn is considered one of the legendary warrior
an action to touch a mage Gax’s greatest achievements. Sadly, it was
nonmagical arrow, borne from his greatest sorrow.
turning it into an The love of Gax’s life was his elven wife, Alyria.
arrow of giant slaying. When Alyria was slain in a terrible demon raid,
The arrow of giant Gax was heartbroken and fell into a deep despair.
slaying immediately His despair, however, soon gave way to rage and
becomes a a righteous sense of purpose. Gax channeled his
nonmagical arrow profound sorrow and rage into forging a magnificent
if used by anyone blade, which he honed to a preternatural sharpness.
other than you. The famed smith gently laid seven golden strands of 195
his beloved wife’s hair upon the newly forged blade
and wove powerful magic into it. Gax named his
new sword Cailebryn, which means “the sharpest cut”
in Elvish.
Gax the Great wielded Cailebryn for the rest of his
days, and with every demon he destroyed, he cried
out “for Alyria!”

Weapon (longsword), fabled
(5th-level and higher properties require attunement)
While wielding this sword, you can use an action to
speak a command word, causing light to pour from
the runes on the sword. The sword sheds bright light
in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10
feet. The light lasts until you use a bonus action to
speak the command word again or until you sheathe
the sword.
Honed Blade (Requires Attunement). As your
level increases, you gain the following benefits while
wielding or holding this sword.
5th level. Your attack rolls with this magic weapon
score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and
damage rolls with this sword. In addition, you have
advantage on the first attack roll you make
each turn with this sword. If you roll a 19 or
20 for the attack roll, this property ceases
to function until you roll a 1 or until you
finish a short rest.
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus
to attack and damage rolls with this
sword, instead of +1. In addition, if
you score a critical hit with
this sword, you roll the This exquisitely crafted, golden plate armor has a stylized
damage dice three times, horse’s head emblazoned on the breastplate.
Fabled Magic Items

instead of twice.
17th level. You now gain a +3 Every year, a much-beloved Queen held a great
bonus to attack and damage jousting tournament. Knights from across the land
rolls with this sword, instead of came to participate, for the prize was wondrous
+2. In addition, if your target indeed—the Queen would grant the winner any boon
has resistance to slashing if it was in her power to do so.
damage, it doesn’t have On the tenth anniversary of the Queen’s Tourney, a
resistance to the slashing great celebration was held. The jousts were even more
damage from this sword. If impressive than in years past. More knights than ever
your target has immunity before participated, and the events were nothing short
to slashing damage, of spectacular. One mysterious knight was victorious
its immunity instead in every event. He was the most accomplished
becomes resistance to horseman the people had ever seen; his skill with
the slashing damage lance and sword was unmatched; his chivalrous and
from this sword. honorable continence were unparalleled.
The crowd cheered as the knight strode forward and
knelt before the Queen’s royal box, his head bowed.
When the Queen asked what boon he wished as a
reward, the humble knight asked simply to become
her champion to keep her safe so that the kingdom
could continue to prosper under her just rule.
And so, the young knight became the Queen’s Finally, a young warrior named Rathume pledged
Champion, swearing an oath to protect her with his to rid the land of the cruel dragon. The townsfolk
very life. laughed—she was young and inexperienced. How
After decades of exemplary service as the Queen’s could she hope to defeat such a monster? Rathume
Champion, the brave knight lost the battle with the was undeterred. What she lacked in experience, she
only opponent capable of defeating him—time. The made up for in courage. What she lacked in battle
old knight was buried with his armor in the royal prowess, she made up for in faith.
crypt. It is said that just before the Champion’s body The very next dawn, when Abraxys emerged from
was sealed within the stone sarcophagus, the old the volcano and swooped toward the town, the gates
Queen, who had never married, wept openly, for she opened and Rathume emerged, holding a spear and
had grown to love the knight deeply. Her tears fell clutching a large, wooden shield. The ancient dragon
upon the knight’s armor, and in that moment, so the landed and grinned maliciously at the sight of the
story goes, the spirit of the old knight knew at last small human, standing alone in the grass. Abraxys
that his Queen truly loved him as he had loved her. roared with laughter as the girl strode confidently
toward the mighty beast, quickly closing the distance
Champion’s Plate between them.
Armor (plate), fabled (5th-level and higher properties The great dragon drew back and prepared to
require attunement by a creature of good alignment) incinerate the brash young woman. Suddenly,
While wearing this armor and mounted, your melee Rathume raised her shield and rushed forward.
weapon attack rolls score a critical hit on a roll of 19 The startled dragon breathed forth gouts of flame,
or 20. engulfing Rathume, yet she continued to rush
Unyielding Champion (Requires Attunement). As forward, unaffected by the fire!
your level increases, you gain the following benefits Rathume plunged her spear into the dragon’s belly
while wearing this armor. and there was a sudden, fiery blast which consumed
5th level. You have resistance to one type of them both. Only Rathume’s shield remained. It was
nonmagical damage: bludgeoning, piercing, or blackened by the flames, yet otherwise unscathed.
slashing. You can change the type of damage during Miraculously, the powerful magic of the dragon
a long rest. In addition, you can use an action to cast and the heroic fire in Rathume’s heart had become
the bless spell from the armor on yourself. Once used, somehow fused with the shield.
the armor can’t be used in this way again until the Many generations of brave warriors have carried
next dawn. the fire shield of Rathume from then on, striving always
9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC. In addition, to live up to the legend of the brave Rathume.
any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC, instead
Fire Shield of Rathume
of +1. In addition, you have resistance to nonmagical Armor (shield), fabled (5th-level and higher properties
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. require attunement)

Fabled Magic Items

17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC, instead While wielding this shield, you can add the shield’s
of +2. In addition, you can use an action to make AC bonus to any Dexterity saving throw you make
yourself immune to nonmagical bludgeoning, against a spell or other harmful effect that targets
piercing, and slashing damage for 10 minutes or until only you.
you are no longer wearing this armor. Once used, this Fire Dragon’s Bane (Requires Attunement). As your
property can’t be used again until the next dawn. level increases, you gain the following benefits while
wielding or holding this shield.
5th level. You have
FIRE SHIELD OF RATHUME resistance to fire
This round, wooden shield is rimmed in iron. The wood is damage. In
blackened as if burned by a terrible flame, yet the wood is as addition, you
strong as steel. can use an
action to cast
The ancient red dragon Abraxys the Red dwelt within
the flame blade
a volcano in a ring of hills. The vile wyrm delighted in
spell from the
erupting from the volcano to breathe destruction and
death on the people of the near-by towns.
For generations, the oppressed people did what
they could to combat the dragon, yet Abraxys’s reign
of terror continued.
shield. Once used, the shield can’t be used in this way (a door made by Foulton) to eventually enter folklore
again until the next dawn. as a “Folding Door.”
9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus This was my first brush with my eventual life’s work
is in addition to the shield’s normal bonus to AC. and passion: my endless quest to separate the history
In addition, you have advantage on saving throws of artifice from stories of the artificial. As such, I
against being frightened, and you have advantage on feel an odd gratitude toward their old governess,
saving throws against the breath weapons of dragons. and occasionally feel a bit of remorse about ending
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC, instead her employment over the incident. Still, there are
of +1. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal genuine wonders aplenty in the world without
bonus to AC. In addition, you are immune to fire cluttering the minds of the young with nonsense.
damage. Mine is an endless struggle to separate fact from
17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC, instead fancy, as shown by events of three months ago. Out
of +2. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal conducting research, (while cunningly disguised to
bonus to AC. In addition, you have resistance to mix among the common folk) a seemingly reputable
nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing vendor of magical curiosities offered to sell me “a
damage, and you can use an action to make yourself fragment of a Foulton Door.” (Note Fig 1. a splinter
immune to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and of wood, slightly longer than a handspan across.)
slashing damage for 10 minutes or until you are no Destroyed long ago, so powerful were the original
longer wielding this shield. Once used, the shield doors that if even a small piece such as this were
can't be used in this way again until the next dawn. incorporated into an existing door, it would become
imbued with the power of a magic portal. A quick
check revealed the shard of wood did, in fact, possess
a powerful, unfamiliar dweomer.
Decades ago, long before I possessed the scholarly
renown I currently enjoy, my children came to dinner
chattering and brim-full of faerie stories from their
governess. From soup to cheese, they told tales of
a hero possessed of a “Folding Door” that fit in his
pocket. When “unfolded” to full size it could be set
anywhere (a stone wall, a tree, a waterfall) and opened
to anywhere in the wide world, whisking the hero and
her companions away from trouble in a trice.
Too young to separate fact from fiction, yet
old enough to recognize the prowess of
their father, they asked me to craft
them such a door. I explained that
Fabled Magic Items

an object able to produce instant,

multiple-location, inter-planar
conjuration was impossible.
To ease the sting of their
disappointment, I explained that
their story, while pure nonsense,
was still interesting from an
etymological standpoint. Centuries
ago, a wizard named Foulton Konig
was famed for creating magical
doors. Sadly, specific details are
lacking as his labs, libraries,
and notes were lost when his
mansion was destroyed in a
catastrophically thorough, but
historically non‑specific way.
My children were fascinated
to hear my theory that metaplasmic
drift in the language (doubtless working in
concert with poor education and rustic accents)
198 eventually led a genuine product of magical artifice
With dubious curiosity, I bought it, returned to Using the Door. After you incorporate the fragment
my lab, and followed their instructions. My tools into a door, you must insert a key from any door
and talents are not designed for anything so base as into the lock and turn it while clearly imagining the
carpentry, but in the pursuit of truth I dutifully paid desired location. The door emits a quiet hum then
several hours of my precious time, a set of skinned opens to that location, if it is within range. The door
knuckles, and one badly hammered thumb to patch might have an additional effect, depending on its
the small piece of wood into one of the secondary characteristics, the fragments incorporated into it,
pantry’s doors. or the type of quirks it gained while incorporating
I then inserted the key to my winter lodgings, fragments. See the Characteristics, Fragment Powers,
concentrated, and opened the door as the merchant and Quirks sections for more details.
had instructed me. Nothing happened, of course, When a door has only one fragment, you can use an
and when I checked, the wood no longer showed any action to open the door to a door, doorway, or other
traces of magic. similar entryway or egress of your choice within 100
When I returned to the merchant to demand both miles of the door, and the travel is one‑way, meaning
an ethical and economic accounting, he had the a creature that steps through the door can’t step
audacity to imply it was my own fault, and refused to back through it. The door remains open for up to 1
admit his obvious charlatanry or refund the twenty minute. The door can’t be used this way again until
gold I had spent. While I regularly spend much greater the next dawn.
sums in the course of my research, I nevertheless When a door has two or more fragments, it has 3
engaged the constabulary to bring the fellow into charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at
custody, as behavior such as this does nothing but dawn. Opening the door expends 1 charge.
defraud the simple-minded and tarnish the reputation Door Statistics. A door containing a fragment has
of those engaging in legitimate arcane pursuits…. an Armor Class of 15, 20 hit points, and a damage
Excerpt from Lord Garrison Braithwhite’s monograph‑ threshold of 5. It has immunity to poison and psychic
Gold Among the Dross: On the Arcane Origins of damage. If the door is destroyed, it releases its magic
Peasant Superstition. in an explosion that fills a 30-foot-radius sphere
centered on it. Each creature within 5 feet of the
Foulton Door door has a 50 percent chance to instantly travel to a
Wondrous item, fabled random plane of existence, avoiding the explosion.
Rumored to be pieces of destroyed magical doors, Each creature in the explosion’s area must make a DC
fragments of a Foulton door are varied in their shapes 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking force damage equal
and sizes. Flinders of wood, bands of iron, screws, or to 8 x the number of fragments in the door on a failed
even shards of broken glass are the most common, save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The
while intact and usable hinges, knobs, or entire door’s fragments retain their magic, but they have
planks of wood are rare. Although useless on their new powers, as determined by the Fragment Powers
own, if you incorporate a fragment into an existing table, when incorporated into a new door. Any new

Fabled Magic Items

door, its magic allows that door to open to another door built with these fragments doesn’t have the same
location, even one on another plane of existence. characteristics or quirks as the door that exploded.
Incorporating Fragments. To incorporate a
fragment into a door, a creature must spend 1 hour
working on the door and make a DC 15 ability check A door with three or more fragments develops unique
(Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence, depending characteristics. Choose a characteristic when you
on the type of fragment and how it is being incorporate the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th fragments. At
incorporated), using the appropriate set of tools the GM’s discretion, you can choose an additional
(carpenter’s for wood fragments, glassblower’s for characteristic for every three fragments beyond the
glass shards, smith’s for hinges and door knobs, and 12th. You can choose each characteristic only once,
similar). If the check fails by 5 or more, the fragment unless the characteristic’s description says otherwise.
incorporates into the door, but the door gains a The characteristics are presented in alphabetical
negative quirk. If the check succeeds by 5 or more, order. If a characteristic requires a number
the fragment incorporates into the door, and the of fragments, the door must have at least that
door gains a positive quirk. See the Quirks section for number of fragments to gain that characteristic.
more details. If a characteristic requires you to incorporate
The DC increases by 1 for each fragment added to a a nonmagical object, such as a pane of glass or
door beyond the first, but the DC can never be higher doorknob, into the door, you must incorporate
than 25. You can remove a fragment from a door by that item before you can use that characteristic.
repeating the check, but removing a fragment doesn’t Incorporating a nonmagical object into the door
result in a quirk. doesn’t result in a quirk, but failure means you didn’t
Home (12 Fragments Required). You can use an
HOW MANY FRAGMENTS action to speak a command word to magically bind
FOR A FULL DOOR? an object that can be turned, such as a doorknob,
gear, or wheel, to a specific location. The door must
Since the fragment sizes are so variable, the number
have been stationary in the chosen location for at
of fragments required to “complete” a Foulton door
least 24 hours before you can create this magical
is at the GM’s discretion. Most adventurers go their
bond. When you turn that object as part of the same
entire lifetimes without ever constructing more
action as opening the door, the door opens onto
than half a Foulton door, and there is no reason
the bound location, regardless of distance or planar
the players or GM should feel obligated to create a
separation between the door and the bound location.
full door out of the fragments. Some groups might
If you open the door without turning the object, it
never have more than three fragments while others
opens onto the desired destination, as normal. You
might have twenty.
must incorporate an object that can be turned, such
As the GM, choose whatever number or style
as a doorknob, gear, or wheel, into the door when
best fits your group and the story you all want to
you select this characteristic.
tell. The variability of the characteristics, fragment
You can choose this characteristic more than once,
powers, and quirks leave you and your group plenty
increasing the number of locations to which the
of room to make the door as complex, unique, and
door can be bound. Each time you select it, you must
fragmented as you need it to be.
incorporate a new object that can be turned into the
door and that object must be one of the targets of
the magical bond. If you previously incorporated an
object with multiple sides, like a hanging lantern or
incorporate the object and must repeat the check to
a wheel with spokes, you can make a different side of
incorporate it.
that object the target of the magical bond instead of
Folding Door (9 Fragments Required). You can
incorporating a new object.
spend 1 minute folding the door into a flat plank of
Letterbox. You can use an action to place a single
wood 3 inches long and 1 inch wide. You can use an
sheet of paper or parchment inside a letterbox on the
action to throw the plank to a point on the ground
door while thinking of a specific creature you know.
you can see within 30 feet of you, and it immediately
This works like the sending spell, except the message
unfolds into its normal size. If you step through the
must be written on the sheet of paper or parchment
open door then fold it, you can carry the door with
and the target can’t respond. If the target is on a plane
you in the new location.
of existence where the door can’t ordinarily travel,
Foulton’s Key (9 Fragments Required). When you
the message remains in the letterbox, unsent. If the
incorporate this fragment, you must also spend 1
target is on a plane of existence where the door can
hour performing a magical ritual while touching a
travel, the message disappears from the letterbox and
nonmagical key to the door. At the end of the ritual,
appears within the target’s reach, even if the target is
the key transforms into a Foulton key. You can use
Fabled Magic Items

on a different plane than you or outside of the door’s

an action to turn the Foulton key in the keyhole
normal range. Once you send a message with the
of any nonmagical door and open that door onto
letterbox, you can’t send another message until the
the location of your Foulton door, as if you stepped
next dawn, unless you expend 1 charge. You can send
through the Foulton door from the other side. You
one additional letter for each charge you expend. You
can tie a new key to the door by performing the same
must incorporate a letterbox into the door when you
1-hour ritual. You can have only one Foulton key tied
select this characteristic.
to your Foulton door at a time. If you tie another key to
Through the Looking Glass. After expending a
it, the effect on the previous key ends.
charge and choosing a destination, you can look
Heart’s Desire (6 Fragments Required). You can
through a glass pane on the door to see what lies on
use an action to touch a heart-shaped section of the
the other side of it, allowing you to decide whether
door and open it onto a location within 100 feet of
to open the door or what preparations might be
something you desire. The target must still be within
necessary before opening it. You must incorporate
the door’s normal distance and planar restrictions.
some sort of glass pane into the door when you select
The GM decides to which of your desires the door
this characteristic.
leads. You must incorporate a heart-shaped object,
Two-Way Door. The door becomes two-way,
knocker, or panel of some kind, or you must paint the
allowing any creature that steps through it to step
shape of a heart somewhere on the door when you
back through it as long as the door remains open. You
select this characteristic.
must incorporate a metal hinge into the door when
you select this characteristic.
Visitor (6 Fragments Required). When you open Quirks
the door, you can concentrate on a specific creature When you incorporate a fragment into a door, you
whose name you know instead of a location. The door must make an appropriate tool check, as detailed in
opens onto a location within 1 mile of the creature, the Foulton door entry. When you succeed or fail by
if such a door, doorway, or entryway is within your 5 or more, the door gains a quirk. Here we present
door’s normal distance and planar restrictions. tables of the types of quirks the door can acquire.
Lesser quirks happen if the check succeeds (positive)
Fragment Powers
or fails (negative) by 5–9. Greater quirks happen if the
Each fragment you incorporate into a door increases check succeeds (positive) or fails (negative) by 10 or
the door’s power. When you incorporate a fragment more. When the door develops a quirk, consult the
into the door, roll a d100 and consult the Fragment appropriate Quirks table, rolling the indicated die.
Powers table. Alternatively, your GM might choose a Alternatively, your GM might choose a quirk that best
specific power for the fragment you incorporate, such fits the group or the situation of the success or failure.
as an iron band fragment that increases the door’s
At the GM’s discretion, if the door has a quirk
damage threshold or an old, battered doorknob that
you want to remove, spells such as fabricate, greater
leads to a particular plane of the Hells.
restoration, or remove curse might remove one or all of
a door’s quirks. Alternatively, the GM might require
you to complete a specific task related to the quirk
before removing it.

d100 Power
1-20 The distance the destination can be from the door’s current location increases by 100 miles.
21-40 The door’s hit points increase by 10.
41-55 The door can remain open for 1 additional minute.
56-70 The door’s damage threshold increases by 2.
71-80 The door’s maximum number of charges increases by 1. The door regains a number of expended charges
daily at dawn equal to the nearest die type, rounded down (1d4 for 5 charges, 1d6 for 6 charges, etc.).
81-90 The door’s Armor Class increases by 1.
91-95 The door has immunity to one additional type of damage (GM’s choice).
96-00 The door can travel to one additional plane (GM’s choice).

Fabled Magic Items

d8 Quirk
1 Each creature that steps through the door exits the other side soaking wet as if it just stepped out of a lake.
2 The first time a creature steps through the door each day, it decreases in size by 10 percent. This effect lasts
until the creature is targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic.
3 If a dangerous creature with an Intelligence of 4 or lower is within 100 feet of the destination, the door
magically attracts the creature to come to the door.
4 Travel through the door is no longer instantaneous. Each creature that steps through the door arrives at the
destination 10 minutes after it stepped through the door at the origin.
5 Stepping through the door causes vertigo and mild nausea. Each creature that steps through the door is
poisoned for 1 minute.
6 The door makes noise, such as creaky hinges, a dinging bell, a trumpet blast, or similar loud sound, when it is
opened, which is audible within 100 feet of the door at the origin and destination locations.
7 The door dampens sound for travelers. Each creature that steps through the door is deafened for 10 minutes.
8 The door brings misfortune on travelers. Each creature that steps through the door is affected by the bane spell
for 1 hour.


d8 Quirk
1 When you open the door, there is a 25 percent chance the door doesn’t expend a charge.
2 Each time a creature steps through the door, it exits the other side clean, with freshly mended and laundered
clothes, neatly trimmed hair, or similar signs of cleanliness.
3 If a dangerous creature with an Intelligence of 4 or lower is within 100 feet of the destination, the door
magically repulses the creature, discouraging it from coming within 100 feet of the door.
4 Each creature that steps through the door can’t be frightened for 1 hour.
5 Stepping through the door invigorates travelers. Each creature that steps through the door has advantage on
attack rolls and ability checks for 1 minute.
6 Each creature that steps through the door becomes aesthetically pleasing to other creatures and has advantage
on Charisma checks to interact socially with other creatures for 10 minutes.
7 The door becomes more accepting of new fragments. Any creature incorporating a fragment has advantage on
the check.
8 The door brings fortune on travelers. Each creature that steps through the door is affected by the bless spell
for 1 hour.


d6 Quirk
1 The door always arrives at a dangerous location within 1 mile of the desired destination, unless the desired
destination is already dangerous.
2 Once opened, the door must remain open for its full duration.
3 Travel through the door is no longer instantaneous. Each creature that steps through the door arrives at the
destination 1 hour after it stepped through the door at the origin. This quirk replaces the lesser negative quirk
that also makes the door’s travel no longer instantaneous, if the door has that quirk.
4 Each creature that steps through the door must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equals 10 + the number of
fragments in the door). On a failure, a creature arrives at the destination but is incapacitated for 1 minute.
5 When the door closes, it can’t be reopened for 1 hour.
6 When you open the door, it expends 2 charges instead of 1.
Fabled Magic Items


d6 Quirk
1 When you open the door, there is a 50 percent chance the door doesn’t expend a charge. This quirk replaces the
lesser positive quirk that also gives the door a chance to not expend a charge, if the door has that quirk.
2 If the destination location is dangerous, the door grows warm to the touch and is “stuck” for a moment when
you try to open it, requiring you to pull or push a second time to open the door fully.
3 You no longer need a key to open the door. You must still use an action and expend a charge (or charges if
the door has that quirk) to open the door. In addition, if the door has the Foulton’s Key characteristic, the
maximum number of Foulton Keys you can tie to the door increases to 4.
4 The door becomes more accepting of new fragments. The DC to incorporate a fragment reduces by 5.
5 The Fragment Power of the fragment you incorporated into the door when you received this quirk becomes
more potent. The fragment’s numerical power is doubled. For example, if the fragment’s power increases the
distance the door can travel by 100 miles, it increases that distance by 200 miles instead.
6 Each creature that steps through the door regains 2d6 hit points. When a creature regains hit points in this way,
it can’t regain hit points by stepping through the door again until it finishes a short or long rest.

These golden gauntlets are covered with arcane, spiral
symbols of pure silver.
Riggslet (‘Riggs’, for short) was a halfling wizard who
traveled with the legendary Gax the Great for a time.
The thing Riggs most hated about himself was his
stature. Despite his considerable skill with magic, the
little halfling’s most profound wish was that he had
been born big, strong, and physically powerful. Gax
always told his friend that true strength comes from
within, but Riggs continued to lament his physical
weakness and size. Finally, when he could bear his
friend’s complaints no longer, Gax gave Riggs a
wonderful gift—a pair of magnificent, enchanted
gauntlets. When wearing the gauntlets, Riggs gained
great strength and found his magic enhanced in
wondrous ways.
In time, Gax and Riggs came to a small village near
a high mountain pass. The people there welcomed
the strangers, who happily remained in the village for
many weeks.
Then, the giants attacked.
Gax and Riggs battled the giants and did everything
they could to defend the village. Riggs used the power
attack roll, this property ceases to function until you
of his gauntlets to great effect, but in the end, he
roll a 1 or until you finish a short rest.
found it was his bravery and willingness to give his
9th level. When you score a critical hit with
life to protect the villagers that truly won the day. Gax
an unarmed strike, the target must succeed on a
had been right—Riggs’s true strength had indeed
Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your
been inside him all along.
proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or be
From then on, Riggs was known as Riggslet
knocked prone. In addition, you can use a bonus
Giantsbane. Many years later, the brave halfling
action to hit the gauntlets together to charge them
returned to the mountain village and retired, content
with arcane energy for 1 minute. When you hit with
to live out his days among the people he had protected
an unarmed strike while the gauntlets are charged
years earlier. Riggs never had children, but he did
with arcane energy, the unarmed strike deals an extra
take on an apprentice, a small girl with a gift for
1d4 force damage. Once used, the gauntlets can’t be

Fabled Magic Items

magic. It is believed that Riggs bestowed his magical
charged with arcane energy again until the next dawn.
gauntlets to his student on his deathbed, though the
Alternatively, you can use a bonus action to expend a
girl remained silent on the subject. She left the village
spell slot of 1st level or higher to charge the gauntlets
a few days after her mentor’s death to make her mark
with arcane energy again.
on the world. If she had Riggs’s gauntlets of the arcane
13th level. Your unarmed strikes count as magical
fist with her when she left, none can say.
for the purpose of overcoming resistance and
Gauntlets of the Arcane Fist immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. In
Wondrous item, fabled (5th-level and higher properties addition, you can use an action to create a Large,
require attunement) translucent, gauntleted hand. This works like the
arcane hand spell, except the duration is 10 minutes.
While wearing these gauntlets, your Strength score You must still concentrate to maintain the spell. Your
is 19. The gauntlets have no effect on you if your spellcasting ability for this spell is Strength. Once
Strength is already 19 or higher. used, the gauntlets can’t be used in this way again
Empowered Fists (Requires Attunement). As your until the next dawn.
level increases, you gain the following benefits while 17th level. While charged with arcane energy,
wearing these gauntlets. your unarmed strikes now deal an extra 2d4 force
5th level. You are proficient with unarmed strikes, damage on a hit. In addition, when using the arcane
and your unarmed strike uses a d4 for damage. In hand property of the gauntlets, the damage from the
addition, you have advantage on the first unarmed clenched fist option increases to 8d8 and the damage
attack roll you make each turn. If you roll a 20 for the from the grasping hand option increases to 6d6.
GOLDEN GRIFFON SHIELD feather onto the shield. The plumage vanished as the
craftsman’s hammer struck, as if the golden feather
This kite shield has the image of a bronze griffon etched had somehow fused with the metal. At that moment,
and embossed on its surface. The griffon glows with a soft, the sleek image of a griffon appeared on the shield’s
amber light. surface, glowing with a soft, amber light.
Bronwyn was a ranger renowned for his pure heart, Bronwyn named the shield Golden Griffon. It was
generous nature, and courageous defense of the this shield he bore when he hunted and killed the
natural world. His closest companion was his mount, wyverns that had slain his companion. Unfortunately,
a highly intelligent and fiercely loyal griffon with the fate of the shield is not known today.
golden feathers.
Golden Griffon Shield
One fateful autumn day, wyverns attacked
Bronwyn and his griffon while the pair flew high Armor (shield), fabled (5th-level and higher properties
above a barren plain. During the battle, Bronwyn’s require attunement)
griffon suffered several poisonous stings. Weakened, While wielding this shield, you can use an action to
the animal was unable to remain aloft. Bronwyn and speak a command word, causing light to shine from
the griffon plummeted to the rocky ground far below. the griffon on the shield. The shield sheds bright light
In a final, heroic act, the griffon twisted in midair in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15
so its body took the brunt of the impact. Although feet. The light lasts until you use a bonus action to
badly injured, Bronwyn survived the fall. His brave speak the command word again.
griffon did not. Wracked with grief and guilt, the Griffon Rider (Requires Attunement). As your
ranger plucked a single golden feather from the dead level increases, you gain the following benefits while
griffon then buried his loyal mount there among the wielding or holding this shield.
rocks where it died. 5th level. When you fall, you descend 60 feet per
Bronwyn carried that golden feather with him for round and take no damage from falling.
many months. Eventually, he had a magical shield 9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus
crafted to honor his fallen friend. Bronwyn watched is in addition to the shield’s normal bonus to AC. In
as the expert craftsman’s hammer fell repeatedly addition, you are immune to the poisoned condition
on the new shield, giving it shape and form. Just as and have immunity to poison damage.
the last hammer blow fell, Brownwyn tossed the 13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC,
instead of +1. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s
normal bonus to AC. In addition, you can use an
action to transform the shield into a gold-feathered
griffon for up to 3 hours. The griffon is friendly to
you and your companions. It understands your
languages and obeys your spoken commands. If you
issue no commands, the griffon defends itself but
Fabled Magic Items

takes no other actions. At the end of the duration,

it transforms back into the golden griffon shield. It
transforms back into the shield early if it drops
to 0 hit points or if you use an action to speak the
command word while touching it. Once used, this
property can't be used again until the next dawn.
17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC, instead
of +2. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal
bonus to AC. In addition, you can use an action to call
forth ghostly griffons to protect you. They fly around
you to a distance of 15 feet for up to 10 minutes. You
can designate any number of creatures you can see to
be unaffected by these ghostly griffons. An affected
creature’s speed is halved in the area, and when the
creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or
starts its turn there, it must make a Wisdom saving
throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Wisdom modifier). On a failed save, the creature takes
6d8 radiant damage. On a successful save, the creature
takes half as much damage. You can’t summon these
204 ghostly griffons again until the next dawn.
This strange white skull is carved from a single piece of
alabaster and is as large as a human head. Strange sigils and
magical symbols are etched into the skull’s forehead.
One of the first white necromancers, Althaghast,
espoused true necromancy—the enlightened
understanding of the mysterious connection
between life, death, and unlife. His deep and
profound understanding of life’s eternal cycle—the
necromantic triad—made him a potent healer as well
as a powerful spellcaster.
Althaghast dwelled in a hilltop tower within a
mist-shrouded realm suddenly infested with undead.
The people lived in fear, for the undead ranks were
inexplicably growing unchecked.
At last, Althaghast knew he had to restore the
balance. He carved a gleaming skull from solid
alabaster, and for many weeks worked his most 5th level. The skull has 5 charges. You can expend 1
powerful magic upon it. of its charges as an action to cast the protection from evil
The white necromancer used his strange skull to and good (undead only) spell, using your spell save DC
great effect, rooting out nests of vampires, eventually and spellcasting ability modifier. The skull regains
dragging the screaming vampire lord into the 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. In addition,
purifying light of the sun. He defeated a powerful you can use an action to cast the detect evil and good
spectre haunting a lonely road, and he even put a spell from the skull without using any charges, but
terrible lich to rest. the spell detects only undead.
When the balance between life, death, and unlife 9th level. Whenever you deal damage to an undead,
had at last been restored, Althaghast returned to the it takes an extra 2d6 radiant damage. If the undead
solitude of his tower. One evening, just after sunset, a has 25 hit points or fewer after taking this damage, it
beautiful woman came to speak with him. She asked must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (using your
about his magical alabaster skull, which he admitted spell save DC) or be destroyed.
was secured elsewhere in the tower. 13th level. The list of spells you can cast from the
It was then that he noticed, for the first time, her skull expands to include: dispel evil and good (undead
deathly pale complexion. And her fangs. only, 5 charges). In addition, if you fail a saving
Althaghast no longer protects the land. Rumors throw against a necromancy spell or a harmful effect
persist that his grinning skull lies in some forgotten originating from an undead creature, you can use

Fabled Magic Items

crypt, a trophy for the vampire queen who ended the your reaction to expend 1 of the skull’s charges and
foolish white necromancer’s life. turn the failed save into a successful one.
17th level. You can use an action to expend 1 of the
Grinning Skull skull’s charges to emit a flash of golden light from
Wondrous item, fabled (5th-level and higher properties the skull. Each undead within 30 feet of the skull that
require attunement by a cleric, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) are neither good nor evil must make a Constitution
While holding this skull, you can use an action to saving throw (using your spell save DC), taking 6d6
speak a command word, causing light to shine from radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much
the sigils and symbols etched into the skull. The skull damage on a successful one. Evil undead take 8d6
sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light radiant damage instead of 6d6.
for an additional 20 feet. The light lasts until you use
a bonus action to speak the command word again. HEALER’S HAND AMULET
In addition, you can use an action to shrink the skull
to the size of a marble for easy transport. None of This simple amulet has the raised image of an open hand
the skull’s properties function when it is this size, within a circle upon it. The hand glows ever so slightly with
however. You can use a bonus action to return the a soft, golden light.
skull to its normal size. Jhana the healer was a study in contrast. She had
Necromancer’s Boon (Requires Attunement). As the gift of powerful divine healing and unmatched
your level increases, you gain the following benefits abilities in natural healing. Jhana was also a warrior,
while holding the skull. skilled with weapons and trained in the art of war.
5th level. You can use Channel Divinity one
additional time between rests. In addition, when you
cast a spell that restores hit points and roll a 1 on the
die, you can reroll the die. You must use the new roll,
even if the new roll is a 1.
9th Level. By praying with up to two creatures for 1
minute, you can magically bind the creatures to you.
Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher that
restores hit points to a bound creature, the spell’s
range is doubled. If the spell’s range is normally
Touch, it is 30 feet if the target is a bound creature.
You don’t have to see or hear a bound creature to
restore hit points to it.
13th Level. You can now bind yourself to up to
three creatures, instead of two. In addition, when
you cast a spell that restores hit points to a target
that is below half its hit point maximum, you roll 1
additional die. For example, if you cast healing word
using a 1st-level slot on a creature that is below half
its hit point maximum, you restore 2d4 hit points
While there are many tales of Jhana efficiently instead of 1d4.
dispatching enemies, even more tell of her tireless 17th Level. You can now bind yourself to up to
efforts to heal those that were in need, all in the name four creatures, instead of three, and you can bind to
of the deity of life and healing. creatures as an action, instead of as a 1-minute prayer.
On the eve of what was to be a terrible battle, Jhana In addition, when you use a spell of 1st level or higher
was visited in dream by the voice of her deity. In the to restore hit points to a bound creature, the creature
dream, she was told to heal as many of the wounded regains additional hit points equal to your level
as possible in the coming battle, regardless of their (minimum of 1).
allegiance. Jhana awoke instantly, her body bathed in
sweat. Around her neck was a strange, yet wonderous
amulet. Jhana recognized it at once as the divine hand HELM OF VELAMISH
of her deity!
This impressive great helm is trimmed with ornate gold
The ensuing battle was one of the most brutal in
filigree. Bold images of wings are etched into each side.
history. When it was over, Jhana stood amid the sea of
bodies and listened to the cries of the wounded. The Perhaps no paladin was more famous or more
magnitude of death was overwhelming. Bloodied and beloved by the people than Sir Velamish. A warrior
exhausted, Jhana moved among the bodies, healing of humble beginnings, Velamish grew to become one
Fabled Magic Items

every soul she could. As she went about her divinely of the land’s most valiant
appointed task, the hand upon her amulet glowed crusaders against evil.
brightly. Jhana could feel her deity within her as the Many brave and
healing magic flowed through her hands. glorious deeds
From that day forward, Jhana dedicated herself are attributed
entirely to her deity. Although she continued to carry to the great
weapons, she used them only as a last resort. She paladin. He even
spent the remainder of her days helping others and single‑handedly
spreading messages of life and healing. saved an aged
Jhana’s amulet is thought to be buried with her, cleric from the
though none know the location of her marble tomb. very jaws of the
ancient red dragon
Healer’s Hand Amulet Balmortigyrn.
Wondrous item, fabled (5th-level and higher properties In time, however,
require attunement by a cleric of non-evil alignment) death must come
While wearing this amulet, you can cast the spare the to all mortals, even
dying cantrip from it at will. those as brave and
Healer’s Helper (Requires Attunement). As your valiant as Sir Velamish,
level increases, you gain the following benefits while whose death came at the hands
wearing the amulet. of a vile pit fiend. Velamish and the
pit fiend had been locked in combat for hours on a and damage rolls made with the magic sword, and,
barren field just outside a city which the paladin was when you hit a fiend with it, the fiend takes an extra
sworn to protect. Though terribly wounded himself, 2d10 radiant damage. The sword immediately loses
the paladin prepared to deliver the killing blow to the divine power if wielded by anyone but you. Once
the mortally wounded pit fiend. Before Velamish’s used, you can’t imbue a sword with divine power
blade could bite into the evil creature’s flesh, again until the next dawn.
however, it unleashed a violent ball of flame which
engulfed them both. KELGROR’S HAMMER
When the flames finally died out, both Velamish
and the pit fiend were gone. All that remained on the This warhammer has a shimmering, almost translucent
barren ground was Sir Velamish’s dented helm. quality. The image of an anvil is etched into each side.
The people wept in sadness and gratitude at Sir Kelgror was a legendary dwarven smith. He was
Velamish’s sacrifice. Lifting their eyes to the heavens, renowned for the beautiful arms and armor he
they gave thanks to the gods of good. created. Great kings and mighty warriors came from
Then, a miracle occurred. A blinding flash all over the land in the hopes that Kelgror would craft
emanated from the helm. When their sight returned, for them.
the people marveled. Sir Velamish’s helm was no Near the end of the famous smith’s life, Kelgror
longer damaged! It had been returned to pristine began his greatest masterpiece—a mighty hammer.
condition! Kelgror worked day and night, lovingly pouring every
The city’s elderly high priest lifted the helm ounce of skill and energy he had into the weapon’s
above his head and vowed to all those present that creation. For many months, the aging dwarf worked,
it would be forever a symbol of sacrifice and valor never quite satisfied with the hammer. Feeling his
in the unending crusade against evil. The helm was health beginning to fail, old Kelgror knelt at his anvil
given a place of honor in the city’s cathedral, where and prayed to the gods.
it remained for decades, until the city was sacked by “Do not take me until I have finished my work!” he
foreign invaders. cried. The gods heard his prayer, for Kelgror lived on.
The current whereabouts of the helm of Velamish are At last, after many more months of toil, Kelgror
unknown. finally wiped his wrinkled brow and admired the
Helm of Velamish hammer. The old dwarf smiled. It was truly his
greatest achievement.
Wondrous item, fabled (5th-level and higher properties
The old dwarf ’s pride was tinged with regret, for
require attunement by a paladin of good alignment)
he would never wield the hammer in glorious battle.
While wearing this helm, you have advantage on With these final feelings of pride and regret in his
initiative rolls. heart, Kelgror, the great dwarven smith, died.
Fiend Bane (Requires Attunement). As your level As Kelgror had wished, his hammer was passed
increases, you gain the following benefits while from one great dwarven warrior to another. Many

Fabled Magic Items

wearing this helm. who have wielded it report feeling the spirit of
5th level. You can cast the protection from evil and Kelgror was with them, sharing in every great deed.
good spell on yourself as a bonus action at will, but the Some even say Kelgror’s voice whispers to them when
spell affects only fiends. they hold the hammer…
9th level. You have resistance to fire damage.
13th level. As an action, you can cause the helm to Kelgror’s Hammer
emit a flash of bright light. Each evil creature within Weapon (warhammer), fabled (5th-level and higher
60 feet of you must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving properties require attunement)
throw, taking 7d6 radiant damage on a failed save, While this warhammer is on your person, you have
or half as much damage on a successful one. Fiends proficiency with smith’s tools.
have disadvantage on this saving throw. Once used, Dwarf Friend (Requires Attunement). As your
the helm can’t be used in this way again until the level increases, you gain the following benefits while
next dawn. wielding this hammer.
17th level. You can use an action to imbue a sword 5th level. You can use an action to cast the speak
you are holding with divine power for 10 minutes. with dead spell from the hammer. If the target is a
While imbued with divine power, the sword emits dwarf, it must give you a truthful answer, even if it
an aura in a 10-foot radius around you. You and all recognizes you as an enemy. Once used, the hammer
creatures friendly to you in the aura have advantage can't be used in this way again until the next dawn.
on saving throws against spells and other magical In addition, Kelgror’s spirit awakens within
effects. In addition, you gain a +3 bonus to attack the hammer, and the hammer becomes a sentient
neutral good practitioner of magic in the land who wielded magic
warhammer with without the blessing of a deity.
an Intelligence of Thus began the Purge Arcana.
11, a Wisdom of 15, To carry out the Purge Arcana, Ventu needed
and a Charisma of loyal warriors who could seek out and destroy
13. It has hearing and practitioners of the arcane arts. To this end, he
darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. assembled a squad of like-minded zealots, and
It communicates telepathically with he outfitted them with breastplates enchanted by
its wielder, and it can speak, read, priests of his deity to neutralize magic and aid in
and understand Dwarven. Above all killing those that wielded it.
else, Kelgror’s spirit wishes to see the For years, Ventu’s Mage Hunters scoured his
dwarven race thrive and prosper. It kingdom, killing anyone who dared to practice
pushes its wielder to protect dwarven magic. It was a dark and dangerous time, filled
lives, cultures, and ways of life, and it with fear and paranoia. Over time, Ventu grew
urges its wielder to seek and destroy evil increasingly paranoid, and his actions became
giants. more and more bizarre. Eventually, he decided that
9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to attack even his own Mage Hunters had become tainted
and damage rolls with this magic weapon. by prolonged contact with the very magic that they
In addition, you can cast the spiritual weapon were tasked to destroy. He summoned his most
spell from it to create a spectral hammer loyal soldiers and ordered them to round up and
resembling this hammer, using Wisdom as murder the Mage Hunters. For the Mage Hunters,
your spellcasting ability. Once used, the hammer it was the final straw. Many fled the kingdom in
can't be used in this way again until the next dawn. fear, but a few banded together and stormed Ventu’s
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to attack and fortress. They killed the mad zealot then looked
damage rolls with this hammer, instead of +1. In on his lifeless body in shocked disbelief. The Mage
addition, the hammer gains the thrown property Hunters were appalled at what they had done, but
with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of they were even more appalled at what had transpired
60 feet. When you hit a creature with a ranged attack in the kingdom. It was as if Ventu had woven a spell
using this weapon, it deals an extra 1d8 bludgeoning on everyone and, now that he was dead, the spell
damage. If the target is a giant, the weapon deals an was broken. The Mage Hunters disbanded. Most
extra 2d8 bludgeoning damage instead. Immediately renounced what they had done and destroyed their
after the attack, the hammer flies back to your hand. magical breastplates. Most, but not all…
17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to attack and
damage rolls with this hammer, instead of +2. In
addition, you can use an action to cast the etherealness
spell from the hammer. The spell lasts for 10 minutes
Fabled Magic Items

or until you use an action to end the spell. Once used,

the hammer can't be used in this way again until the
next dawn.


This elaborate gold breastplate is backed with supple
leather. Elaborate magical runes and symbols are worked
prominently into the metal.
Ventu the Tall was responsible for one of the most
infamous events in history. Ventu was a follower of a
fringe religious order which believed all the world’s
ills stemmed from magic not granted by a deity. The
order claimed that wizards, sorcerers, and their ilk
were to blame for all the evil in the land as that magic
was tainted by human hands rather than gifted by
divine ones.
Lord Ventu held tremendous sway in the kingdom,
and he brought that considerable power to bear on
his self-appointed mission of wiping out every last
Mage Hunter’s Armor Markum was desperate to help. He was a powerful
Armor (breastplate), fabled (5th-level and higher properties warrior, but he could not simply hold his breath and
require attunement) wade into the sea with his plate mail and great sword.
He called for his oldest and most trusted advisor,
When a creature within 5 feet of you casts a spell
the wizard Pelgroth. Together, Markum, a skilled
while you are wearing this armor, you can use a
weapon smith, and Pelgroth, an accomplished magic
reaction to make one melee weapon attack against
crafter, set out to even the odds.
that creature.
The result was a mighty glaive enchanted with
Mage Hunter (Requires Attunement). As your
powerful water magic. Markum lifted the great
level increases, you gain the following benefits while
weapon and felt the power of the sea rise inside him.
wearing this armor.
They swam at once into the deep until they came to
5th level. When you fail a saving throw against a
the merfolk’s glittering, coral city. When the next raid
spell that targets only you, you can use your reaction
occurred, Markum battled the sahuagin relentlessly
to succeed on that saving throw instead. Once used,
and rallied the merfolk warriors, pressing on until
the armor can’t be used in this way again until the
every sahuagin was slain.
next dawn.
Now a hero to the merfolk, Markum and the
9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC, and you can
mermaid were soon married. From that day onward,
now use this armor’s 5th-level property up to two
Lord Markum fought alongside the merfolk, until
times before the next dawn. In addition, you have
the terrible day he was slain by a powerful four‑armed
advantage on saving throws against spells that target
sahuagin, who took Markum’s glaive as a battle trophy.
only you.
It’s said that sahuagin still has it to this day.
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC, instead
of +1, and you can now use this armor’s 5th-level
property up to three times before the next dawn.
In addition, you have advantage on saving throws
against all spells.
17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC,
instead of +2. In addition, if you roll a 20 on a
saving throw against a spell that targets only
you and the spell is 7th level or lower, the spell
has no effect on you and instead targets the
caster, using the slot level, spell save DC,
attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of
the caster.


Fabled Magic Items

The shaft of this glaive is made from a single, long
piece of driftwood. The head is forged from mithril
with a stylized sea horse etched into each side.
Lord Markum loved standing on the
battlements of his keep by the sea. One
morning, Lord Makum noticed the bruised
body of a mermaid lying on the rocks below.
He hurried down and discovered she was
unconscious but alive. Markum gently
carried her into the keep and did what he
could for her until the healers arrived.
When the beautiful mermaid’s eyes finally
fluttered open, Lord Markum fell deeply
and hopelessly in love.
The mermaid explained that her people
were suffering relentless attacks from a tribe
of sahuagin. The mermaid had been wounded
during the last raid and had washed upon the
rocks near Lord Markum’s keep.
Markum’s Glaive point, caring about nothing but the duel, each
Weapon (glaive), fabled commissioned a particular sword to overcome their
(5th-level and higher properties fading senses; Sir Clive’s hearing loss, and Lord Ivor’s
require attunement) dimming eyesight. Sir Clive was convinced he could
duel if he could but hear the blows land and blocks
While wielding this glaive, you can
asserted. Lord Ivor knew he could duel if he could but
use an action to cast the dominate
see the clash of blades.
beast spell (save DC 15) from it on a
Legend has it that they didn’t really want to kill
beast that has an innate swimming
each other, but in the end, old age came for them
speed. Once used, the glaive can’t be
both, leaving their weapons to fate.
used in this way again until the next dawn.
Seafarer (Requires Attunement). As Matched Blades of the Eternal Feudalists
your level increases, you gain the following Weapon (scimitar), fabled (5th-level and higher properties
benefits while wielding the glaive. require attunement)
5th level. You can breathe underwater,
and you have a swimming speed of 60 feet. In These paired scimitars are each named and engraved
addition, you have resistance to cold damage, with unique symbols. The blade engraved with
and you and anything you are wearing or songbirds is a magic sword known as Clive’s cacophony,
carrying can tolerate temperatures as low as and the blade engraved with a rising sun is a magic
–50 degrees Fahrenheit. sword known as Ivor’s illumination. When you hit
9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to attack a target with Clive’s cacophony, the target takes an
and damage rolls with this magic weapon. extra 1d4 thunder damage as the blade produces a
In addition, you can use an action to cast clang, scrape, or other sound of metal-on-metal, like
the water breathing spell from the glaive. those made when blades clash. When you hit a target
Once used, the glaive can’t be used in this way with Ivor’s illumination, the target takes an extra 1d4
again until the next dawn. radiant damage as the blade produces small sparks
13th level. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and flashes, like those made when blades clash.
and damage rolls with this glaive, instead of
+1. In addition, when you hit an evil humanoid
that has an innate swimming speed, such as a
sahuagin, with this glaive, the humanoid takes
an extra 2d6 slashing damage.
17th level. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and
damage rolls with this glaive, instead of +2. In
addition, you can now cast the dominate beast spell
(save DC 17) from the glaive at will on a beast that has
an innate swimming speed. You can have only one
Fabled Magic Items

beast dominated at a time. If you dominate another,

the spell on the previous target ends.

This matched set of dueling swords exude wealth and expert
craftsmanship. Songbirds decorate the blade of one sword,
while a rising sun gleams on the blade of the other.
Over two centuries ago, two young, wealthy
aristocrats agreed to a duel over a matter so trivial,
it has long since been forgotten. The two men, Sir
Clive Dumfry and Lord Ivor Arron, had vast wealth
and properties, but both fancied themselves the
finest duelist in the world. When they fought, it was
as celebrities.
However, so perfectly matched were they that
their duel ended in a draw. Then a rematch. And
re-rematch. And so it continued for decades, until
210 each man’s skill and senses began to fail. At that
Matched Blades (Requires Attunement). You must
have both Clive’s cacophony and Ivor’s illumination
to attune to the weapons. You attune to the two
swords as if they were one item. As your level
increases, you gain the following benefits while
wielding theses swords.
5th level. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll
made with either weapon, the target is deafened
(Clive’s cacophony) or blinded (Ivor’s illumination) for
1 minute. A blinded or deafened creature can
make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal
to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma
modifier) at the end of each of its turns,
ending the condition on itself on a success.
In addition, you have advantage on saving
throws against being blinded or deafened.
9th level. The extra thunder and
radiant damage you deal with each sword
increases to 2d6.
13th level. When you roll a 20 on an
attack roll made with either weapon, each
creature within 10 feet of the target is also deafened
(Clive’s cacophony) or blinded (Ivor’s illumination) for
1 minute. A blinded or deafened creature can make
a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) at the Ruatha rushed through the forest, shouting for
end of each of its turns, ending the condition on itself the animals to run toward the safety of the stream.
on a success. In addition, you have immunity to the Ruatha could hear the deep, rumbling voice of Oak
blinded and deafened conditions. Heart in the distance, rousing the trees of the forest.
17th level. When you hit a target with either Through the confusion and smoke, panicked forest
weapon, the target must succeed on a Constitution animals ran from the flames, and trees lumbered past
saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency Ruatha. After what seemed a lifetime, the singed and
bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be deafened soot-covered druid finally dropped to his knees on
(Clive’s cacophony) or blinded (Ivor’s illumination) for 1 the far side of the stream. Glancing around quickly,
minute. In addition, when you roll a 20 on an attack the exhausted druid was relieved to see that most of
roll made with either weapon against a target that the forest animals had made it to safety, as had many

Fabled Magic Items

is already deafened or blinded, the target becomes of the trees. They were already re-rooting themselves
blinded and deafened permanently. This blindness into the ground and becoming still again. Coughing
and deafness can be ended only by a heal or wish spell. uncontrollably, the exhausted young druid collapsed
on the ground.
OAK HEART FIGURINE Ruatha’s eyes flickered open. It was dawn and the
storm was over. On the far side of the stream, Ruatha
This dense, charred wooden figurine smells slightly of smoke.
could see the devastation left behind by the forest
It has been carved into the highly detailed likeness of a
fire. As far as the eye could see, the ground was black
and burned.
The druid Ruatha lived long ago in a deep forest near Ruatha noticed a large, still shape in the distance,
a wide stream at the base of a large hillock. He had near a group of smoldering tree trunks. His heart
been raised by an ancient treant known as Oak Heart. sank—it was Oak Heart. The druid transformed into
The treant was teacher, mentor, friend, and protector a hawk and soared to his friend. Oak Heart was dead,
to the young druid—together, the two tended the his bark blackened and charred. The ancient treant
forest and all that lived within it. had died trying to save every last tree he could.
Late one night, a sudden storm crashed across the Devastated, Ruatha slowly cut into the burned
sky. Ruatha watched as lightning lit up the night sky. remains of his friend and carefully removed the
Seconds later, he saw a flickering, yellow-orange haze heartwood. He fashioned the wood into the likeness
in the distance then a cloud of smoke. of his friend and mentor and carried it with him for
Forest fire! the remainder of his days.
Oak Heart Figurine Raurrick carried his sacred greataxe into countless
Wondrous item, fabled (5th-level and higher properties battles, both military and spiritual. When his son was
require attunement) born many years later, Raurrick vowed to pass his axe
on to the young dwarf when he came of age.
While holding the pocket-sized figurine, you can cast
Sadly, Raurrick did not live long enough to see that
the druidcraft spell from it at will.
vow through. He died fighting off a force of invading
Forest Keeper (Requires Attunement). As your
hobgoblins and ogres. Those who survived the battle
level increases, you gain the following benefits while
reported witnessing an ogre chieftain dragging
holding the figurine.
Raurrick’s body and his axe into one of the deep
5th level. You have resistance to fire damage. In
tunnels from which they had come.
addition, you can use an action to cast the barkskin
spell from it but can target only yourself when you do Raurrick’s Axe
so. Once used, the figurine can’t be used in this way
Weapon (greataxe), fabled
again until the next dawn.
(5th-level and higher properties require attunement by a
9th level. If you use an action to speak the
creature of good alignment)
command word and throw the figurine to a point on
the ground within 60 feet of you, the figurine becomes While wielding this axe, you have proficiency in the
an awakened tree with resistance to fire damage, Religion skill.
instead of vulnerability to it. If the space where the Holy Enforcer (Requires Attunement). As your
tree would appear is occupied by other creatures or level increases, you gain the following benefits while
objects, or if there isn’t enough space for the tree, the wielding this axe.
figurine doesn’t become a tree. The tree is friendly 5th level. When you hit with an attack using this
to you and your companions. It understands your magic axe, the target takes an extra 1d8 radiant
languages and obeys your spoken commands. If you damage.
issue no commands, the tree defends itself but takes 9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage
no other actions. It lasts for up to 6 hours. At the end rolls with this magic weapon. In addition, if you score
of the duration, it reverts to its figurine form. It reverts a critical with this axe, you roll the damage dice three
early if it drops to 0 hit points or if you use an action to times, instead of twice.
speak the command word again while touching it. 13th level. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and
Once it has been used to become an awakened tree, damage rolls with this axe, instead of +1. When
the figurine can’t be used in this way again until 3 days you use the Attack
have passed. action with this
13th Level. You can use an action to cast the tree axe and hit an
stride spell from the figurine. Once used, the figurine evil creature,
can’t be used in this way again until the next dawn. you can make
17th level. When you use the figurine’s 9th-level one additional
property, the figurine now becomes a treant instead attack with this axe
Fabled Magic Items

of an awakened tree. In addition, the treant has against that creature

resistance to fire damage, instead of vulnerability to it. as a bonus action.
17th level. You gain
a +3 bonus to attack and
RAURRICK’S AXE damage rolls with this axe, instead
This exquisitely crafted greataxe is perfectly balanced. An of +2. While holding this axe aloft,
anvil is etched into each side of the blade. you can use an action to force
each creature you can see within
According to dwarven legend, Raurrick Thane 30 feet of you to make a DC 17
was a warrior whose skill with the greataxe was so Wisdom saving throw. On a failure,
extraordinary no one was ever able to best him. a creature is frightened of you for 1
Late in his life, Raurrick heard the call of the gods minute. A frightened creature can
and became a warrior-priest. Instead of retiring his repeat the saving throw at the end of
greataxe for a holy symbol, Raurrick placed his axe each of its turns, ending the effect on
upon the altar and knelt in prayer for twelve days and itself on a success. Evil creatures have
nights. At dawn of the thirteenth day, the symbol disadvantage on this saving throw.
of an anvil magically appeared, etched into the Once used, this property can't be used
greataxe’s blade, and flared with the intense red glow again until the next dawn.
of a forge. Raurrick knew the gods had blessed his
beloved weapon, turning his beloved greataxe into a
212 holy symbol.
This strange hide armor is stained a deep red color.
A fin-like dorsal plate rises between the shoulders.
Korgg was a mighty half-orc barbarian, who craved
combat. The more difficult the odds, the better,
and he, especially, lived for one‑on‑one combat.
Often, Korgg would throw down his greataxe
when facing a single foe and rush head-long
into battle. Most such battles ended with the
mighty Korgg literally tearing his opponent
apart with his bare hands.
One of Korgg’s greatest battles was with
a fearsome bulette. Korgg was tasked
with vanquishing the strange creature,
who had been rampaging the area and
terrifying the populace.
The half-orc found the bulette in a
cave. Korgg marveled at the strange
creature’s thick, red hide. Then, with a
deafening cry of ferocious rage, Korgg
rushed into the cave and attacked the bulette.
The battle lasted for what seemed an eternity. Finally,
with an explosion of power, Korgg snapped the huge Red Bulette’s Hide
creature’s neck with his bare hands, killing it at last. Armor (hide), fabled
The creature’s blood washed over them both, staining (5th-level and higher properties require attunement)
the creature’s hide a deeper red.
Korgg dragged the bulette’s body back to town and While wearing this armor, you can cast the jump spell
into the square, where he loudly declared his victory from it at will, but you can target only yourself when
to all who would hear him. In lieu of his promised you do so.
payment, he instructed the most skilled armorer he Strength of the Bulette (Requires Attunement). As
could find to strip the hide from the bulette’s body your level increases, you gain the following benefits
and craft a suit of armor worthy of Korgg and his while wearing this armor.
great victory. 5th level. If you jump at least 15 feet as part of your
When Korgg donned his impressive new armor, the movement, you can then use an action to land in a
half-orc felt a rush of primal power, as if the soul of space that contains a creature of your size or smaller.
The creature must succeed on a Strength saving

Fabled Magic Items

the bulette had entered his body.
Korgg wore his armor on countless adventures and throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus +
battles. The mere sight of the mighty half-orc in his your Strength modifier) or be knocked prone. On a
red bulette’s hide was often enough to frighten most successful save, the creature isn’t knocked prone and
opponents into submission before a single axe blow is pushed 5 feet out of your space into an unoccupied
had fallen. space of its choice. If no unoccupied space is within
None can say with certainty what finally became range, the creature instead falls prone in your space.
of the mighty barbarian or his red armor. There You can then make one melee weapon attack against
are those who believe the famous armor sits in the the prone target as a bonus action.
bulette’s original cave, Korgg having gone there for 9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC, and you gain
his final rest. Many have searched for the cave in a burrowing speed of 10 feet. In addition, when you
hopes of finding Korgg’s armor, but so far, no one has use the 5th-level property of this armor, you can now
been able to find it. land in a space that contains a creature up to one size
larger than you.
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC, instead
of +1, and your burrowing speed increases to 20 feet,
instead of 10.
17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC, instead
of +2, and your burrowing speed increases to 40 feet,
instead of 20. In addition, you gain tremorsense out
to a range of 30 feet.
This armor consists of hundreds of small, interlocking pieces
of steel shaped to resemble an ancient symbol for the word
“mountain.” The mail is riveted to a leather backing and is
worn like a mail coat which covers the torso, shoulders,
and thighs.
Emperor Shin ruled a vast empire from his
magnificent capital city at the foot of a sacred
mountain. The Emperor was protected by the Order
of the Sacred Mountain, a force of eleven elite,
hand‑picked warrior-monks.
When each initiate first entered the Order, he or
she received a special suit of sacred mountain armor,
which the initiate then carried, alone, up the slopes of
the Sacred Mountain to the shrine at the mountain’s
summit. Once there, the monk placed the armor on
the altar and knelt in prayer throughout the night. At
dawn, the warrior donned the sacred mountain armor,
now blessed by the spirit of the mountain itself, and
descended the slopes as a full member of the Order.
Many years into the Emperor’s reign, the capital
was besieged by a powerful ogre mage called
Ukani‑sago, who led a force of ogres and orcs.
Ukani‑sago vowed to cut off the Emperor’s head and
parade it among his troops on a spear.
The ogre mage and his forces swarmed the capital
city, killing and burning everyone and everything in
their path. The Emperor’s soldiers fought valiantly,
but were soon overwhelmed, and the ogre horde 5th level. Difficult terrain composed of rubble,
surrounded the Emperor’s palace. rocks, or similar mountainous terrain doesn’t cost
Hopelessly outnumbered, the Order of the Sacred you extra movement. In addition, if an effect moves
Mountain prepared to make their last stand. They you against your will along rocky or mountainous
drew up defensive positions in the inner courtyard ground, you can use your reaction to reduce the
and formed a circle around Emperor Shin. distance you are moved by up to 10 feet.
The warrior-monks fought with honor and valor. 9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC. In addition,
Fabled Magic Items

One by one, however, they were slaughtered—the you can use an action to speak the command word
odds against them were simply too great. and cause your flesh to become stony and craggy. This
True to his word, Ukani-sago raised Emperor Shin’s effect works like the stoneskin spell, except you don’t
head high upon his spear and roared in triumph. have to maintain concentration, and it lasts 1 hour.
The bodies of the slain warrior-monks were The effect ends early if you remove the armor or if
stripped of their sacred mountain armor. Most of the you use an action to speak the command word again.
armor was destroyed, but a few suits were carried Once used, the armor can’t be used in this way again
off as war prizes. Some say Ukani-sago even claimed until the next dawn.
the most powerful set of sacred mountain armor for 13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC, instead
himself… of +1. In addition, you have resistance to nonmagical
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage when in
Sacred Mountain Armor
rocky or mountainous terrain.
Armor (scale mail), fabled (5th-level and higher properties 17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC, instead
require attunement) of +2. In addition, you can use an action to make
While wearing this armor, you have advantage yourself immune to nonmagical bludgeoning,
on Wisdom (Survival) checks when in rocky or piercing, and slashing damage for 10 minutes or
mountainous terrain. until you are no longer wearing this armor. For
Mountain’s Blessing (Requires Attunement). As the duration, you can’t be moved against your will
your level increases, you gain the following benefits in rocky or mountainous terrain. Once used, this
while wearing this armor. property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
SCORPION STING SCIMITAR for 1 minute or until an attack using this scimitar
hits a creature. That creature must succeed on a
This scimitar has a gleaming blade of remarkable Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your
workmanship. The pommel is set with a large ruby. proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier) or
Long ago, in a far-off desert kingdom, the Scorpion take 2d4 poison damage. The scimitar regains all
Padishah ruled from a gleaming city near a vast expended charges daily at dawn.
oasis. The Padishah commanded a small but loyal 9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage
army, dedicated to protecting the city from raiders rolls with this magic weapon, and the scimitar now
and nomads who roamed the surrounding desert. has 5 charges, instead of 3. In addition, poison created
Leading this army were elite warriors known as the by this scimitar ignores resistance to poison damage.
Seven Scorpions. Each of these warriors was said to 13th level. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and
be the equal of ten normal men, and each was sworn damage rolls with this scimitar, instead of +1. In
to protect the city and the Padishah with their lives. addition, when you deal poison damage to a creature,
Each of the Seven Scorpions carried a golden you can make one attack with this scimitar against
scimitar. These mystical swords were said to have that creature as a bonus action.
been forged by genies many centuries ago and could 17th level. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and
cleave through solid rock. damage rolls with this scimitar, instead of +2. In
Possessing a scorpion sting scimitar was the highest addition, you can expend 2 charges as an action to
accolade one could receive within the desert create one dose of any contact or injury poison. The
kingdoms. If a scorpion warrior fell in battle, one of poison can coat the blade for 1 minute or be collected
their fellows was honor‑bound to recover the fallen in a vial (your choice). If collected in a vial, the poison
warrior’s scimitar and return it to the Padishah. The lasts for 8 hours or until used to coat a blade.
Padishah would then bestow it on a worthy successor.
Eventually, the Padishah’s city was claimed by SOVEREIGN’S SCEPTER
the sands of time, and it is unknown what became
of the seven scorpion sting scimitars. One is thought This golden scepter is topped by an impressive lion’s head
to currently be in the possession of a wicked desert with ruby eyes.
sultan; another is rumored to be part of an Owain was a great king who viewed his role as
Efreeti’s personal hoard. At least two of the Protector of the Realm as a sacred pact between
scimitars are thought to have been destroyed himself and his people. King Owain, often called
long ago. As for the whereabouts of the The Lion, personified all the qualities desired in a
others, none can say with certainty. sovereign. He was intelligent and wise, good and
kind, strong and just.
Scorpion Sting Scimitar
Owain went to great lengths to ensure the safety,
Weapon (scimitar), fabled (5th-level and higher
prosperity, and well-being of his people. He believed
properties require attunement)
all people, regardless of their station in life, deserved

Fabled Magic Items

While wielding this scimitar, you to be treated fairly and equally. He codified the
can use an action to create one dose realm’s first set of laws, and he even specified that no
of basic poison from this scimitar. one, not even a king, was above the law. The reign of
The poison can coat the blade or be King Owain the Lion was truly a golden age.
collected in a vial (your choice). If On the anniversary of Owain’s 30th year on the
collected in a vial, the poison lasts for throne, his lords commissioned a magnificent golden
1 hour or until used to coat a blade. scepter to commemorate the king’s long and just
Once used, the scimitar can’t be used reign. Royal wizards and high clerics of the realm
in this way again until the next dawn. bestowed powerful protective magic upon the scepter,
Poisoned Blade (Requires which was then presented to the appreciative king.
Attunement). As your level increases, By the time King Owain had reached his seventieth
you gain the following benefits year, he was in failing health. The King transferred
while wielding this weapon. power to his young son, Prince Tarrgrin, during a
5th level. You have resistance to solemn ceremony in which he formally turned over
poison damage. In addition, the his sovereign’s scepter to the young prince. Less than a
scimitar has 3 charges. You can year later, the great king, the Protector of the Realm,
expend 1 charge as an action died peacefully in his sleep.
to coat the blade in an oily, The people had hoped that Owain’s son would be
green poison that remains as wise, strong, and just as his father had been. Alas,
it was not to be. Although Tarrgrin tried to live up to
his father’s example, reaction to counter the spell. If the spell is of 4th level
he was in truth but a or lower, the spell fails and has no effect as the lion’s
shadow of the ruler King mouth opens and consumes the spell’s magic. Then,
Owain had been. all inactive ruby eye buttons become active and can
Within a few years, most of be pressed again. You can counter a spell with this
the lords were in open rebellion. feature only if at least one ruby eye button has already
Bitter, furious, and increasingly been pressed and is inactive.
paranoid, Tarrgrin rejected his 17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC, instead
father’s laws and swiftly imprisoned of +2. When you use your reaction to counter a
anyone suspected of treason. The spell, you can now counter a spell of up to 7th level.
kingdom was soon ripped apart by a In addition, if both ruby eye buttons are active and
bloody civil war. can be pressed, you can use an action to press both
Eventually, the capital city was buttons and force the lion’s head to roar. Each
taken. King Tarrgrin was captured creature of your choice within 60 feet of you must
and beheaded, and in the chaos succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or
that followed, the sovereign’s scepter be deafened for 1 minute. A deafened creature can
disappeared. Perhaps it was taken by one repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
of the lords; perhaps it was accidentally ending the effect on itself on a success. All active ruby
destroyed. There are many that believe eye buttons then become inactive and can’t be pressed
someone loyal to King Owain’s memory again until the next dawn or until you recharge them
took the scepter and hid it away. Rumors with the scepter’s 13th level feature.
say that, when someone truly worthy of
Owain’s ideals comes forward, the sovereign’s TRICKSTER’S BOOTS
scepter will be found once again.
These soft, black leather boots appear to be well-worn but are
Sovereign’s Scepter otherwise nondescript.
Rod, fabled (5th-level and higher properties require
Bards, rogues, and tricksters of all kinds often pray
attunement by a creature of good alignment)
to unscrupulous gods, asking for ways to perpetrate
While holding this scepter, a critical hit against greater and more daring deeds without getting
you becomes a normal hit. Once triggered, this caught. Occasionally, such prayers are answered.
property can't be triggered again until the next dawn. On one such occasion, Teegum, a particularly
Sovereign’s Protection (Requires Attunement). As resourceful gnome rogue, prayed to the trickster gods
your level increases, you gain the following benefits for the means to pull off the perfect heist. The next
while holding or carrying the scepter. morning, he awoke to find a pair of mysterious, black
5th level. You have advantage on saving throws boots on the floor next to his bed. Teegum smiled,
against spells. In addition, you are immune to magic knowing at once his prayers had been answered!
Fabled Magic Items

that allows other creatures to read your thoughts That very night, the gnome successfully burglarized
or determine whether you are lying, and creatures the royal treasury vaults of Orpesh. Over the next
can telepathically communicate with you only if you few months, he committed many more crimes, each
allow it. seemingly more extravagant and daring than the
9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC, and you last—heists that would live on in legend and song.
stabilize whenever you are dying at the start of your Teegum stole the crown jewels of Ipn-tha; he replaced
turn. In addition, you can use an action to press the golden eggs of the Holy Eagle of Bol with exact
one of the ruby eye buttons on the scepter’s lion replicas then sold the originals for a fabulous sum; he
head. For 1 minute, you know the direction of the strolled undetected into a secret meeting of the great
nearest creature hostile to you within 60 feet, but banking consortium of Dalthoon and left with the
not its distance from you. You can sense the presence contents of each member’s coin purse. No trap could
of hostile creatures that are ethereal, invisible, stop him! Before long, he was fabulously wealthy and
disguised, or hidden as well as those in plain sight. had earned quite a reputation.
The scepter’s lion head has two ruby eye buttons. Unfortunately, there was one important lesson
Once pressed, a ruby eye button becomes inactive and Teegum, like many criminals, con men, and tricksters
can’t be pressed again until the next dawn or until you needed to learn the hard way. Luck is a two-way
recharge it with the scepter’s 13th level feature. street and the gods of deceit also play tricks on their
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC, instead worshippers. It was a lesson the gnome learned late
of +1. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of one rainy, ale-soaked night at the point of a poisoned
you casts a spell that targets only you, you can use a dagger. Grasping frantically at the burning wound
This beautiful and exquisitely jeweled headband is wrought
from delicately interwoven strands of gold and silver.
Uthariel ascended to the throne on her nineteenth
birthday, after the sudden death of her father, the king.
Because of her age, Uthariel feared there would be
those who wished to take her power from her. She
knew she would need to use all of her assets and skills
to ensure she remained in power. Uthariel’s greatest
assets were her great cunning and charm, and she
used these to orchestrate alliances, eliminate rivals,
and ensure outcomes that benefited her and her
crown. Yet, with each new alliance or conquest, the
young queen grew more uneasy. She was convinced
an assassin or plot to dethrone her lay around every
corner, and she prayed to the gods in hopes they
might keep her safe. In response, they enchanted her
royal diadem with great protective powers. Uthariel
rejoiced, feeling suddenly invincible.
One evening during a formal dinner, the Queen
learned a new lady-in-waiting had joined her court.
in his gut, the last thing Teegum saw before his eyes Uthariel was enchanted by the girl’s beauty and
closed forever was a dagger-wielding thief pulling off immediately set about charming her.
his magic boots and running into the dreary night. Later that night, as the two retired to a private
room, the young girl innocently remarked at the
Trickster’s Boots delicate beauty of Uthariel’s diadem.
Wondrous item, fabled (5th-level and higher properties The queen studied the young woman intently, but
require attunement) she could find no hint of deception or ill will. She then
While you wear these boots, your steps make no allowed the lady-in-waiting to try on the diadem.
sound, regardless of the surface you are moving As the two embraced, the lady-in-waiting
across. stealthily flicked at the ring she wore, revealing a tiny
Trickster’s Boon (Requires Attunement). As your needle, which she quickly pricked into the back of
level increases, you gain the following benefits while Uthariel’s neck.
you wear these boots. Uthariel gasped. Her legs grew weak, and she fell
5th level. You have advantage on Dexterity to the floor, twitching as the poison quickly coursed

Fabled Magic Items

(Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently, and you through her.
can't be targeted by any divination magic or perceived The last thing Uthariel saw before darkness took
through magical scrying sensors. In addition, you her was the young woman, still wearing the diadem,
can use an action to cast the disguise self spell from the hurry across the chamber and slip quietly out a side
boots. Once used, the boots can't be used in this way door.
again until the next dawn.
9th level. You have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight Uthariel’s Diadem
of Hand) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks and on Wondrous item, fabled (5th-level and higher properties
Dexterity checks made to pick locks or disable traps. require attunement)
In addition, you can use an action to cast the find traps While wearing this diadem, you have advantage on
spell from the boots at will. Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
13th level. You can cast the dimension door spell Deceiver’s Bane (Requires Attunement). As your
from the boots as an action. Once used, the boots level increases, you gain the following benefits while
can't be used in this way again until the next dawn. wearing the diadem.
17th level. You can turn invisible as an action. 5th level. You are immune to magic that allows
Anything you are wearing or carrying is invisible other creatures to read your thoughts, determine
with you. You remain invisible until the boots are whether you are lying, or know your alignment.
removed, until you attack or cast a spell, or until you Creatures can telepathically communicate with you
use a bonus action to become visible again. only if you allow it. In addition, you can use an action
to cast the zone of truth spell from the diadem. Once
This was Vrithmytrix’s mate, and it was much larger
and more powerful than Vrithmytrix had been.
Roaring in anger, the dragon swooped down,
snatched Osland in its great claws and carried him
away into the night sky. Osland was never seen again.
It is said the massive black dragon keeps Osland’s
armor in its lair deep in the swamp, where it weeps
acidic tears at the loss of its mate.

Vrithmytrix’s Bane
Armor (scale mail), fabled (5th-level and higher properties
used, the diadem can’t be used in this way again until require attunement)
the next dawn.
9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving While wearing this armor, you can use an action to
throws. In addition, you can use an action to cast the cast the acid splash spell (save DC 15) from it at will.
detect thoughts (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus Draconic Might (Requires Attunement). As your
+ your Intelligence modifier) from it at will. level increases, you gain the following benefits while
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC and wearing this armor.
saving throws, instead of +1. In addition, you have 5th level. You can breathe air and water, and you
truesight out to a range of 15 feet. have resistance to acid damage.
17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC and 9th level. You gain a +1 bonus to AC. When you
saving throws, instead of +2. In addition, you can use hit a dragon with any melee weapon, the dragon
an action to cast the foresight spell from the diadem. takes an extra 2d6 damage of the weapon’s type. For
Once used, the diadem can’t be used in this way again the purpose of this property, “dragon” refers to any
until the next dawn. creature with the dragon type, including drakes and
13th level. You now gain a +2 bonus to AC, instead
VRITHMYTRIX’S BANE of +1, and you have advantage on saving throws
This exquisite suit of armor is crafted from perfectly against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of
overlapping black dragon scales carefully fastened to thick, dragons. In addition, you can sprout a pair of black
black dragon hide.
Vrithmytrix the black dragon inhabited a vast,
stinking swamp. Many tried to slay the dragon, but
Vrithmytrix was simply too powerful and too clever.
The black dragon’s luck changed one fog-
shrouded morning when Osland the Dragonslayer
entered the swamp. Osland had already killed two
Fabled Magic Items

dragons in his lifetime and was determined to make

Vrithmytrix his third.
Shouting a challenge of honor, the knight
attacked! After the titanic battle, Vrithmytrix, the
mighty black dragon, was dead.
Osland hauled the black dragon’s body back to
his keep. There, he commissioned the creation
of a wonderous suit of armor made from
Vrithmytrix’s scales and hide. He christened
the armor Vrithmytrix’s Bane. Over time, Osland
discovered that many of the black dragon’s
unique qualities had somehow carried over to
the armor itself!
One dark night almost a year later, Osland felt
his entire keep shake. Rushing outside, he saw
a large portion of the outer wall had been reduced
to rubble, and a massive black dragon was circling
overhead. As the terrible beast soared closer, its
reptilian eyes widened at the sight of Osland’s armor,
218 then quickly narrowed in abject hatred.
dragon wings from the back of the armor, gaining Story Keeper (Requires Attunement). The book
a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can contains in-depth accounts of one person’s journey
create these wings as a bonus action on your turn. exploring the world. Only you can read these
They last until you remove the armor or dismiss them contents; to all others, its pages appear blank or
as a bonus action on your turn. Clothing not made to appear to display only the simple stories it contains
accommodate your wings might be destroyed when when a creature that isn’t attuned reads it (your
you manifest them. choice). As your level increases, you gain the following
17th level. You now gain a +3 bonus to AC, instead benefits while holding or carrying this book.
of +2. In addition, you can use an action to make 5th level. You double your proficiency bonus on
yourself immune to acid damage for 10 minutes. Arcana, History, Nature, and Religion checks. If
Once used, the armor can’t be used in this way again you don’t have proficiency in these skills, you gain
until the next dawn. proficiency in them instead. In addition, you can
use an action to cast the identify spell from the book.
WANDERER’S BOOK Once used, the book can’t be used in this way again
until the next dawn.
The thick, leather-bound book is very old, yet in excellent 9th level. By spending 10 minutes studying the
condition. Its many pages are edged in gold leaf. An wanderer’s book, you can recall obscure facts, tales,
elaborate, gold sigil of the letter “T” is stamped on the cover. or lore about a person, place, or object as if you had
Talvin the Wanderer, considered perhaps the greatest cast the legend lore spell. The subject of your research
historian and collector of stories, wandered from doesn’t have to be of legendary importance, but the
one corner of the land to the other during his long more historically significant the subject, the more
and fruitful life. It is said Talvin never forgot a story information the book can reveal. For example, the
or fact once he heard it. Toward the end of his life, book can give you stories about a local inn that’s been
Talvin collected a great many of these stories into in business for decades, but it would have very little, if
a large, leather-bound book, which he lovingly and any, information on the bakery that opened last week.
meticulously crafted himself. After his death, loyal The information appears on the book’s pages and
followers of the bard copied the book’s contents isn’t couched in figurative language, but it might be
and distributed copies throughout the land. These incomplete. Once used, the book can’t be used in this
collected works are still studied by sages today and are way again until the next dawn.
considered among the greatest historical and literary 13th level. Your Intelligence score increases by
works ever produced. 2, to a maximum of 20. When you fail an Arcana,
History, Nature, or Religion check, you can choose to
There are conflicting stories regarding Talvin the
succeed instead. Once used, the book can’t be used in
Wanderer’s final years. Some tales say he became
this way again until the next dawn.
embroiled in the political intrigue of a distant king
17th level. Your Wisdom score increases by 2, to a
and eventually felt the executioner’s axe. Others say
maximum of 20. If you die from a cause other than
the great bard retired in some far-off land and ended

Fabled Magic Items

old age while attuned to this book, your memories
his days in complete solitude.
appear on its pages, and your soul enters the book,
Perhaps the greatest mystery is what became of
unless the book already houses a soul. You can
Talvin’s original book, bound and written by Talvin’s
remain in the book or depart for the afterlife. While
own hand. Scholars and adventurers alike have tried
your soul inhabits the
in vain to discover what became of the bard’s book,
book, you are aware of
but so far none have succeeded. Whatever Talvin the
your surroundings as if
Wanderer’s fate, his book faded from history. Some
you were in the book’s
say that, upon his death, Talvin’s spirit became one
space, you can’t move
with his book, where he revels for all eternity within
or take any actions, and
its tales.
you can telepathically
Wanderer’s Book communicate with any
Wondrous item, fabled (5th-level and higher properties creature holding the
require attunement) book. As long as your
soul is in the book,
The book contains simple stories of the local region, you can be restored
its history, and its religions. While this book is on to life, such as with
your person, you have proficiency in your choice of the raise dead and
two of the following skills: Arcana, History, Nature, resurrection spells.
and Religion. During a long rest, you can change your Your body doesn’t
proficiency to be in a different one of these skills.
need to be present, but the spellcaster must touch triumph was short-lived, however. The few survivors
this book as part of the casting. When restored to of the battle, including the werewolf leader, fell to the
life in this way, your body reforms, fully intact, in an silvered arrows of hunters only a few days later.
unoccupied space within 10 feet of the book. To this day, stories and sightings persist of a
woodsman or other forest hermit in possession of a
WOLF’S HOWL RING strange ring with a wolf ’s head. Could these stories
refer to the actual wolf ’s howl ring, all these many
This exquisitely crafted ring has a lifelike wolf ’s head years later?
carved from moonstone.
Wolf’s Howl Ring
It is rare for two competing packs of wolves to merge.
Ring, fabled (5th-level and higher properties require
It is all but unheard of when the wolf packs are both
lead by powerful werewolves.
Legends tell of just such an occurrence, long ago. While wearing this ring, you have advantage on
Two packs, each aggressive and dangerous, fought Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing
violently for dominance within a large forest, but or smell.
neither could gain the upper hand. Both sides Lupine Power (Requires Attunement). As your
eventually suffered such losses that the two clans level increases, you gain the following benefits while
soon found themselves at the mercy of human wearing this ring.
hunters intent on killing them all. 5th level. You can use your action to cast the
To ensure their survival, the werewolf leaders polymorph spell on yourself, transforming into a dire
reluctantly agreed to bury their hatred for one wolf. While you are in the form of the dire wolf, you
another and the two diminished packs became one. retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
To seal the alliance, each werewolf bestowed a gift scores, and you can use the properties of this ring as if
upon the other. One pack leader gave the other a you weren’t polymorphed. Once used, the ring can’t
magical ring he named wolf ’s howl. In return, the first be used in this way again until the next dawn.
pack leader was given a magical horn. 9th level. You can use an action to cast beast sense
For a time, the joined pack existed peacefully, and or speak with animals from the ring. These spells affect
their combined might allowed them to rule the forest only dogs and wolves. In addition, while in dire wolf
once again. However, the werewolf who possessed form, you know the direction to the closest dog or
the magical horn grew disenchanted. He felt that wolf within 1 mile of you, if any are present.
his gift, the wolf ’s howl ring, was far greater than the 13th level. You can use an action to cause the ring
horn he had been given. He believed that the other to emit a bloodcurdling wolf howl. Each creature
werewolf pack leader had intentionally given him of your choice within 60 feet of you must succeed
an inferior gift in order to slight him. Tensions grew on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your
between the two werewolves. When the inevitable proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or
breaking point came, the ensuing battle involved not become frightened of you for 1 minute. While it is
Fabled Magic Items

only the leaders, but the entire pack. frightened in this way, a creature must spend its turns
When the bloodbath was over, few of the trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it
werewolves remained alive. The victorious werewolf can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you.
leader bathed his wolf ’s howl ring in the blood of his It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use
enemy, and the only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect
ring absorbed that prevents it from moving. If it has nowhere it
the creature’s can move, the creature can use the Dodge action. At
dying essence the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the
into itself. The saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Once used, the ring can’t be used in this way again
until the next dawn.
17th level. You can now use the 5th level property
of this ring to transform into an arctic dire wolf,
instead of a dire wolf. This effect works exactly like
that property, except you don’t have to maintain
concentration on the spell, and it lasts for a number
of hours equal to half your level. An arctic dire wolf
has the statistics of a winter wolf, except it is a beast,
not a monstrosity, and it doesn’t know the Giant or
Winter Wolf languages.
This appendix contains tables for randomly Magic items marked with an asterisk (*) can be
distributing magic items to your characters. They found in the System Reference Document 5.1 and are
assume you want to include magic items in a trove of included in the tables in this appendix to provide a
treasure guarded by a creature, in an NPC’s private more comprehensive set of magic items tables.
collection, or inside a deadly trap, and they are Each magic item not marked with an asterisk is
designed to help you determine how many magic marked with an indicator of where it can be found
items might be in that trove. The tables don’t include in this book: “A” for Armor and Weapons (see page
guidance on mundane treasure such as gemstones and 11), “P” for Potions and Scrolls (see page 47), “C” for
gold. Use the Treasure Trove by CR tables to decide Specialty Consumables (see page 60), “R” for Rings,
how many times to roll on a table for the challenge the Rods, Staves, and Wands (see page 71), and “W” for
characters faced in acquiring the treasure. Wondrous Items (see page 104). Fabled items aren’t
included in the tables in this appendix.
d100 CR 0–3 CR 4–6
1–20 Roll once on Magic Items Table 1 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 4
21–40 Roll twice on Magic Items Table 1 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 5
41–60 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 1 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 6
61–70 Roll once on Magic Items Table 2 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 7
71–80 Roll twice on Magic Items Table 2 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 8
81–85 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 2 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 9
86–90 Roll once on Magic Items Table 1 and once on Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 10
Magic Items Table 2
91–94 Roll twice on Magic Items Table 1 and twice on Roll once on Magic Items Table 9 and once on Magic
Magic Items Table 2 Items Table 10
95–97 Roll once on Magic Items Table 3 Roll once on Magic Items Table 11
98–00 Roll twice on Magic Items Table 3 Roll twice on Magic Items Table 11


d100 CR 7–11 CR 12–16
1–20 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 12 Roll once on Magic Items Table 20
21–40 Roll 1d6 times on Magic Items Table 12 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 20

Appendix: Item Tables

41–60 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 13 Roll once on Magic Items Table 21
61–70 Roll 1d6 times on Magic Items Table 13 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 21
71–80 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 14 Roll once on Magic Items Table 22
81–85 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 15 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 22
86–90 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 16 Roll once on Magic Items Table 23
91–94 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 17 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 23
95–97 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 18 Roll once on Magic Items Table 24
98–00 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 19 Roll twice on Magic Items Table 24


d100 CR 17+
1–40 Roll 1d6 times on Magic Items Table 23
41–60 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 24
61–80 Roll 1d6 times on Magic Items Table 24
81–90 Roll once on Magic Items Table 24 and once on Magic Items Table 25
91–95 Roll twice on Magic Items Table 24 and once on Magic Items Table 25
96–00 Roll 1d4 times on Magic Items Table 25 221
93–94 Wand of gigglesR
d100 Magic Item 95 Rod of warningR
01–10 Potion of healing* 96 Potion of transparencyP
11–12 Almanac of common wisdomW 97 Animated abacusW
13–14 Oracle charm W
98 Lucky coinW
15–16 Broth of bolstering C
99 Bow of accuracyA
17–18 Rod of verbatim R
00 Worry stoneW
19–20 Locksmith’s oil P

21–22 Kobold firework: fairy sparklerW MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 2

23–24 Dancing caltropsW d100 Magic Item
25–26 Master angler’s tackleW 01–10 Potion of climbing*
27–28 Bloodlink potionP 11–12 Mug of merry drinkingW
29–30 Elixir of mimicry P
13–14 Comfy slippersW
31–32 Candle of visions W
15–16 Rod of repossessionR
33–34 Vigilant mug W
17–18 Potion of buoyancyP
35–36 Rainbow extractP 19–20 Heat stoneW
37–38 Breathing reed W
21–22 Spell scroll, 1st level*
39–40 Grifter’s deckW 23–24 Minor minstrelW
41–42 Sturdy scroll tube W
25–26 Broken fang talismanW
43–44 Liquid courage P
27–28 Handy scroll quiverW
45–46 Apron of the eager artisanW 29–30 Potion of skatingP
47–48 Tactile unguent W
31–32 Siege arrowA
49–50 Feather token: jackdaw’s dart W
33–34 Bountiful cauldronW
51–52 Quill of scribing W
35–36 Figurine of wondrous power: tin dogW
53–54 Bookmark of eldritch insight W
37–38 Whispering powderW
55–56 Lantern of selective illumination W
39–40 Clamor bellW
57–58 Rope seedW 41–42 LockbreakerA
59–60 Commoner’s veneer W
43–44 Distracting doubloonW
Appendix: Item Tables

61–62 Flash bullet A

45–46 Wand of windowsR
63–64 Broom of sweeping W
47–48 Tonic of blandnessP
65–66 Oil of concussion P
49–50 Companion’s brothC
67–68 Ring of deceiver’s warningR 51–52 Skeleton key (copper)W
69–70 Tailor’s clasp W
53–54 Oil of numbingP
71–72 Flood charm W
55–56 Rod of vaporR
73–74 Scout’s coat W
57–58 Scrolls of correspondenceP
75–76 Potion of bad taste P
59–60 Commander’s helmW
77–78 Case of preservation W
61–62 Lucky charm of the monkey kingW
79–80 Spell scroll, cantrip* 63–64 Ioun stone: illuminationW
81–82 Oil of sharpening P
65–66 Wand of extinguishingR
83–84 Wand of air glyphs R
67–68 Brawler’s leatherW
85–86 Last chance quiver W
69–70 Smuggler’s bagW
87–88 Staff of minor curses R
71–72 Oakwood wandR
89–90 Ashwood wand R
73–74 Cordial of understandingP
91–92 Saffron-dusted carrotC 75–76 Spicebox spoonW
d100 Magic Item 59–60 Screaming skullW
77–78 Ring of small merciesR 61–62 Elixir of focusP
79–80 Blessed pauper’s purseW 63–64 Quilted bridgeW
81–82 Crawling cloakW 65–66 Wand of depth detectionR
83–84 Wayfarer’s candleW 67–68 Muffled armorA
85–86 Bezoar of the cockatriceC 69–70 Warding iconW
87–88 Tracking dartA 71–72 Draught of the black owlP
89–90 Crusader’s shieldA 73–74 Sacrificial knifeA
91–92 Knockabout billetA 75–76 Ammunition +1*
93–94 Wand of tearsR 77–78 Ring of jumping*
95 Agile armor A 79–80 Sleep pelletW
96 Linguist’s cap W 81–82 Efficacious eyewashP
97 Shield of the fallenA 83–84 Oil of defoliationP
98 Wand of resistance R 85–86 Potion of air breathingP
99 Hunter’s charm +1W 87–88 Wafer of warmthC
00 Ring of shadowsR 89–90 Arrow of unpleasant herbsA
91–92 Sling stone of screechingA
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 3 93–94 Ring of swimming*
d100 Magic Item 95 Ash of the ebon birchP
01–10 Cleaning concoctionP 96 Wand of magic missiles*
11–12 Ferryman’s coinsW 97 Spell scroll, 2nd level*
13–14 Wand of guidance R 98 Roast bean juiceC
15–16 Dancing inkW 99 Cloak of protection*
17–18 Lifeblood gear W 00 Shield +1*
19–20 Slick cuirass A

21–22 Glazed bladeA MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 4

23–24 Elixir of oracular deliriumP d100 Magic Item
25–26 Tonic for the troubled mind P 01–10 Potion of greater healing*

Appendix: Item Tables

27–28 Blackguard’s blade A 11–12 Weapon +1*
29–30 Potion of effulgence P
13–14 Air seedW
31–32 Charm of restorationW 15–16 Gem of brightness*
33–34 Wand of ignition R
17–18 Ring of dragon’s discernmentR
35–36 Hazelwood wandR 19–20 Boots of elvenkind*
37–38 Survival knife A
21–22 Potion of freezing fogP
39–40 Deepchill orbW 23–24 Kobold firework: deafening kobold-barkerW
41–42 Pocket sparkW 25–26 Potion of animal friendship*
43–44 Hellfire armor A
27–28 Fear-eater’s maskW
45–46 Second windR 29–30 Resolute bracerW
47–48 Wand of direction R
31–32 Angry hornetA
49–50 Prospecting compass W
33–34 Sickle of thornsA
51–52 Dust of mufflingW 35–36 Collar of beast armorW
53–54 Ring of remembranceR 37–38 Mask of the war chief: cave bearW
55–56 White dandelionW 39–40 Honeyed halfheartC
57–58 Wand of flame controlR 41–42 Odorless oilP
d100 Magic Item 25–26 SpearbiterA
43–44 Armor of cushioningA 27–28 Dust of the deadW
45–46 Honey of the dead fieldsC 29–30 Crab glovesW
47–48 Wand of secrets* 31–32 Hardening polishP
49–50 Efficient quiver* 33–34 Scrimshaw combW
51–52 Silver stringsW 35–36 Javelin of lightning*
53–54 Clocwork hand W 37–38 Gliding cloakW
55–56 Recording bookW 39–40 Candle of summoningW
57–58 Bagpipes of battleW 41–42 Ring of bravadoR
59–60 Spell scroll, 3rd level* 43–44 Eyes of charming*
61–62 Glamour rings R 45–46 Pick of ice breakingA
63–64 Potion of ebbing strengthP 47–48 Staff of the python*
65–66 Candle of communion W 49–50 Golden dawnC
67–68 Talking tabletsW 51–52 Mask of the leaping gazelleW
69–70 Headband of intellect* 53–54 Bag of tricks (rust)*
71–72 Ring of water walking* 55–56 Potion of dire cleansingP
73–74 Charlatan’s veneerW 57–58 Kobold firework: enchanting elf-fountainW
75–76 Oil of slipperiness* 59–60 Rod of conveyanceR
77–78 Granny waxW 61–62 Figurine of wondrous power: silver raven*
79–80 Staff of the lantern bearerR 63–64 Slipshod hammerA
81–82 Winter coatC 65–66 Bands of restraintW
83–84 Bag of tricks (grey)* 67–68 Impact clubA
85–86 Primal doom of anguishW 69–70 Servile shabti: crafterW
87–88 Helm of comprehend languages* 71–72 Dirk of daringA
89–90 Scorn pouchW 73–74 Cloak of petalsW
91–92 Flute of saurian summoningW 75–76 Scroll of treasure findingP
93–94 Worg salveW 77–78 Heliotrope heartW
95 Bag of holding* 79–80 Dust of dryness*
Appendix: Item Tables

96 Necklace of adaptation* 81–82 Prayer matW

97 Hammer of throwingA 83–84 Baleful wardrumsW
98 Amulet of sustaining healthW 85–86 Shifting shirtW
99 Crawling cloak, sturdyW 87–88 Bookkeeper inkpotW
00 Quick-change mirrorW 89–90 Robe of useful items*
91–92 Eye of HorusW
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 5 93–94 Shoes of the shingled canopyW
d100 Magic Item 95 Armor of warding +1A
01–10 Potion of resistance* 96 Trick shot mirror, ricochetingW
11–12 Deck of illusions* 97 Recondite shieldR
13–14 Octopus bracersW 98 Fanged maskW
15–16 Clockwork mace of divinityA 99 Commander’s plateA
17–18 Ward against wild appetitesW 00 Scroll of conjuring (least)P
19–20 Headscarf of the oasisW
21–22 Mapping inkW
23–24 Bracelet of the fire tenderW
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 6 93–94 Brooch of shielding*
d100 Magic Item 95 Farhealing bandagesW
01–10 Courtesan’s allure P
96 Sacrificial knife, ceremonialA
11–12 Ring of the dolphin R
97 Mask of the war chief: mammothW
13–14 Ioun stone: limestoneW 98 Aurochs bracersW
15–16 Dust of disappearance* 99 Primordial scaleA
17–18 Scent sponge W
00 Countermelody crystalsW
19–20 Headrest of the cattle queens W

21–22 Wand of web* MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 7

23–24 Book shroud W
d100 Magic Item
25–26 Immovable rod* 01–10 Potion of bouncingP
27–28 Figurine of wondrous power: basalt 11–12 Ensnaring ammunitionA
13–14 Braid whip claspW
29–30 Rod of the disciplinarianR
15–16 Helm of telepathy*
31–32 Censer of dark shadowsW
17–18 Bezoar of the bespectacled owlbearC
33–34 Goggles of shadeW
19–20 Swashing plumageW
35–36 Unstable bombard, murderous P
21–22 Mountaineer’s crossbowA
37–38 FrungilatorR
23–24 Rope of climbing*
39–40 Decoy cardW
25–26 Periapt of eldritch knowledgeW
41–42 Bracers of archery*
27–28 Bag of bramble beastsW
43–44 Hunter’s charm +2W
29–30 Goggles of night*
45–46 Revenant’s shawlW
31–32 Signaling compassW
47–48 Circlet of hollyW
33–34 Phidjetz spinnerA
49–50 Potion of growth*
35–36 Craven’s heartW
51–52 Elemental gem*
37–38 Satchel of seawalkingW
53–54 Cloak of wicked wingsW
39–40 Trident of fish command*
55–56 Staff of channelingR
41–42 Witch’s brewP
57–58 Battle standard of passage W
43–44 Figurine of wondrous power: amber beeW

Appendix: Item Tables

59–60 Circlet of persuasionW
45–46 Brazen bandR
61–62 Scoundrel’s gambitW
47–48 Jeweler’s anvilW
63–64 Burglar’s lock and keyW
49–50 Potion of malleabilityP
65–66 Cloak of sailsW
51–52 Adamantine armor*
67–68 Signaling ammunitionA
53–54 Radiance bombW
69–70 Parasol of temperate weather W
55–56 Bear pawsW
71–72 Kobold firework: blinding goblin-crackerW
57–58 Orb of enthralling patternsW
73–74 Bag of tricks (tan)*
59–60 Clockwork rogue ringR
75–76 Ring of warmth*
61–62 Eyes of minute seeing*
77–78 Cloak of elvenkind*
63–64 Root of the world treeR
79–80 Butter of disbelief W
65–66 Blood pearlW
81–82 Sanguine lanceA
67–68 Wind fan*
83–84 Boots of striding and springing*
69–70 Pipes of haunting*
85–86 Eyes of the eagle*
71–72 Scroll of fabricationP
87–88 Skullcap of deep wisdomW
73–74 Figurehead of prowess: basiliskW
89–90 Cinch of the wolfmotherW
75–76 Crimson carpetW
91–92 Servile shabti: digger W
d100 Magic Item 59–60 Bullseye arrowA
77–78 Boots of the winterlands* 61–62 Serpentine bracersW
79–80 Splinter staffR 63–64 Cloak of the ramW
81–82 Cloak of the eelW 65–66 Boots of solid footingW
83–84 Bottled boatW 67–68 Eversmoking bottle*
85–86 Ring of hoarded life R 69–70 Elixir of wakefulnessP
87–88 Chalk of exodusW 71–72 Royal jellyP
89–90 Sandals of the desert wandererW 73–74 Golden boltA
91–92 Hidden armamentA 75–76 Toothsome purseW
93–94 Rowdy’s clubA 77–78 Anointing maceA
95 Axe of the ancientsA 79–80 Sword of fallen saintsA
96 Shadowhound’s muzzleW 81–82 Bloodpearl bracelet (silver)W
97 Manticore’s tailA 83–84 Dragonfire pepperC
98 Winged boots* 85–86 Potion of poison*
99 Periapt of wound closure* 87–88 Helm of the slashing finW
00 Thirsting scalpelA 89–90 Sand arrowA
91–92 Cloak of the inconspicuous rakeW
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 8 93–94 WraithstoneW
d100 Magic Item 95 Rain of chaosA
01–10 Potion of giant strength (hill giant)* 96 Clockwork gauntletW
11–12 Crimson starfall arrowA 97 Mender’s markW
13–14 Relocation cableW 98 Hellfire armor, moltenA
15–16 Gale javelinA 99 Staff of the unhatchedR
17–18 Dust of sneezing and choking* 00 Thunderous kazooW
19–20 Black phialW
21–22 Slippers of the catW MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 9
23–24 Pearl of power* d100 Magic Item
25–26 Brotherhood of fezzes W 01–10 Potion of water breathing*
Appendix: Item Tables

27–28 Ring of featherweight weapons R 11–12 Bandana of brachiationW

29–30 Angelic earringsW 13–14 Ghost bardingA
31–32 Goggles of firesightW 15–16 Wrathful vaporsP
33–34 Umber beansW 17–18 Mnemonic fobW
35–36 Figurehead of prowess: albatrossW 19–20 Fly whisk of authorityW
37–38 Tyrant’s whipA 21–22 Sweet natureA
39–40 Blue willow cloakW 23–24 Wand of fermentationR
41–42 Rowdy’s ringR 25–26 Liquid shadowP
43–44 Locket of remembranceW 27–28 Gloves of swimming and climbing*
45–46 Banner of the fortunate W 29–30 Restorative ointment*
47–48 Pipes of the sewers* 31–32 Dire baconC
49–50 Honey lampW 33–34 Umbral bandR
51–52 Spider grenadeW 35–36 Swarmfoe suitA
53–54 Ouroboros amuletW 37–38 Dawn shardA
55–56 Cloak of the manta ray* 39–40 Ring of the frogR
57–58 Gritless greaseW 41–42 Accursed idolW
d100 Magic Item 25–26 Three-section bootsW
43–44 Philter of luckP 27–28 Pestilent spearA
45–46 Wand of magic detection* 29–30 Wisp of the voidP
47–48 Gnomesalt taffyC 31–32 Candied spiderC
49–50 Umbral bandR 33–34 Lucky eyepatchW
51–52 Blade of the temple guardianA 35–36 Fog stoneA
53–54 Ioun stone: sandstoneW 37–38 Bandana of bravadoW
55–56 Eldritch rodR 39–40 Gloves of missile snaring*
57–58 Cloak of the empireW 41–42 Verminous snipsnapsW
59–60 Sentinel portraitW 43–44 Steadfast splintA
61–62 Verdant elixirP 45–46 Blasphemous writP
63–64 Bubbling retortW 47–48 Jungle mess kitW
65–66 Gauntlets of ogre power* 49–50 Cloak of the bearfolkW
67–68 Armor of the leafA 51–52 Death’s mirrorR
69–70 Ring of stored vitalityR 53–54 Saddle of the cavalry castersW
71–72 Honey buckle: blackW 55–56 Orb of obfuscationP
73–74 Neutralizing beadW 57–58 Briarthorn bracersW
75–76 Witch ward bottleW 59–60 Venomous fangsW
77–78 Sanctuary shellW 61–62 Decanter of endless water*
79–80 Everflowing bowl W 63–64 Medal of valorW
81–82 Chalice of forbidden ecstasiesW 65–66 Ring of night’s solaceR
83–84 Broom of flying* 67–68 Amulet of proof against detection and
85–86 Masher basher A location*
87–88 Grave reagentP 69–70 Treebleed bucketW
89–90 Serpent’s toothA 71–72 Mock boxW
91–92 Blinding lanternW 73–74 Elixir of deep slumberP
93–94 Wand of revealingR 75–76 Grim escutcheonA
95 Mail of the sword masterA 77–78 Centaur wrist-wrapsW

Appendix: Item Tables

96 Vestments of the bleak shinobiA 79–80 Servile shabti: defenderW
97 Lantern of revealing* 81–82 Honeypot of awakeningW
98 Periapt of health* 83–84 Circlet of blasting*
99 Whip of fangsA 85–86 Blood markW
00 Ring of arcane adjustmentR 87–88 Wand of relieved burdensR
89–90 Soldra’s staffR
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 10 91–92 Humble cudgel of temperanceA

d100 Magic Item 93–94 Celestial sextantW

01–10 Hewer’s DraughtP 95 Whip of the blue wyrm +1A

11–12 Alchemical lanternW 96 Potion of troll bloodC

13–14 Bezoar of the chimeraC 97 Mantle of blood vengeanceW

15–16 Stone of good luck (luckstone)* 98 Skeleton key (silver)W

17–18 Lodestone caltropsW 99 Badger hideA

19–20 Philter of love* 00 Ring of spell negation (blue)R

21–22 Ring of light’s comfortR

23–24 Enraging ammunitionA
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 11 93–94 Handy haversack*
d100 Magic Item 95 Amulet of health*
01–10 Ironskin oil P
96 Fiendish charterP
11–12 Ring of mind shielding* 97 Scarf of deceptionW
13–14 Berserker’s kilt: wolf fur W
98 Hunter’s charm +3W
15–16 Slippers of spider climbing* 99 Belt of giant strength (hill giant)*
17–18 Zipline ringR 00 Shimmer ringR
19–20 Grasping shield A

21–22 Medallion of thoughts* MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 12

23–24 Clarifying gogglesW d100 Magic Item
25–26 Firebird featherW 01–10 Potion of superior healing*
27–28 Throttler’s gauntletsW 11–12 Bezoar of the behirC
29–30 Windwalker boots W
13–14 Necklace of prayer beads*
31–32 Rug of safe haven W
15–16 Kobold firework: priest lightW
33–34 Web arrowsA 17–18 Whirlwind bolasA
35–36 Feather token: cloudW 19–20 Ring of giant minglingR
37–38 Belt of the wilds W
21–22 Clacking teethW
39–40 Mirrored armor A
23–24 Mordant bladeA
41–42 Hat of disguise* 25–26 Amulet of the oracleW
43–44 Cloak of coagulation W
27–28 Figurehead of prowess: krakenW
45–46 Sandals of sand skatingW 29–30 Djinn vesselW
47–48 Honey of the hungry flower C
31–32 Radiant bracersW
49–50 Earrings of eclipse W
33–34 IceblinkA
51–52 Blue rose tea C
35–36 Mace of smiting*
53–54 Wand of the war mage +1* 37–38 Staff of feathersR
55–56 Ammunition +2* 39–40 Bag of beans*
57–58 Figurine of wondrous power: hematite 41–42 Pearl of divingW
43–44 Horn of blasting*
Appendix: Item Tables

59–60 Luring perfumeP

45–46 TipstaffA
61–62 Holy verdant bat droppingsW
47–48 Eyes of the portal mastersW
63–64 Oil of extreme bludgeoningP
49–50 Cloak of squirrelsW
65–66 Gazebo of shade and shelter W
51–52 Mantle of spell resistance*
67–68 Potion of clairvoyane*
53–54 Figurine of wondrous power: marble
69–70 Manual of exerciseW elephant*
71–72 Armor +1* 55–56 Blade of petalsA
73–74 Rod of bubbles R
57–58 SkipstoneW
75–76 Figurine of wondrous power: lapis camel W
59–60 Mask of the war chief: winter wolfW
77–78 Ring of animal influence* 61–62 Glass wand of LengR
79–80 Glamoured studded leather* 63–64 Umbral chopperA
81–82 Dragonbone broth C
65–66 Cape of mountebank*
83–84 Rogue’s acesW 67–68 Scepter of majestyR
85–86 Pact paper P
69–70 Honey buckle: brownW
87–88 Armor of vulnerability* 71–72 Deadfall arrowA
89–90 Ring of protection* 73–74 Stone of controlling earth elementals*
228 91–92 Potion of giant strength (fire giant)* 75–76 Wand of fear*
d100 Magic Item 59–60 Scimitar of the desert wingsA
77–78 Tamer’s whipA 61–62 Iron bands of binding*
79–80 Blue roseW 63–64 Thornish nocturnalW
81–82 Shield +2* 65–66 Wand of lightning bolts*
83–84 Incense of recovery W
67–68 Sharkskin vestA
85–86 Rod of hellish groundingR 69–70 Folding boat*
87–88 Bezoar of the hippogriff C
71–72 Vengeful coatW
89–90 Fleshspurned maskW 73–74 Wand of the war mage +2*
91–92 Cloak of displacement* 75–76 Storyteller’s pipeW
93–94 Hat of mental acuityW 77–78 Headdress of majestyW
95 Ring of the jarlR 79–80 Bezoar of the great horned owlbearC
96 Brass snake ballW 81–82 Tome of knowledgeW
97 Sword of life stealing* 83–84 Black and white daggersA
98 Voidskin cloakW 85–86 Elven chain*
99 Aberrant agreement P
87–88 Shark tooth crownW
00 Skald’s harpW 89–90 Akaasit bladeA
91–92 Wand of bristlesR
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 13 93–94 Spell scroll, 4th level*
d100 Magic Item 95 Justicar’s maskW
01–10 Potion of giant strength (frost/stone giant)* 96 Leonino wingsW
11–12 Moon through the trees W
97 Celestial charterP
13–14 Crocodile armorA 98 Stygian crookR
15–16 Figurehead of prowess: octopusW 99 Brazen bulwarkA
17–18 Troll skin armorA 00 Vile razorA
19–20 Honey of the master vineC
21–22 Mantle of the voidW MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 14
23–24 Rift orbW d100 Magic Item
25–26 Arrow-catching shield* 01–10 Potion of heroism*

Appendix: Item Tables

27–28 Skeleton key (bone) W 11–12 Cephalopod breastplateA
29–30 Impaling weaponA 13–14 Mirror of eavesdroppingW
31–32 Odd bodkinA 15–16 Feather token: anchor*
33–34 Cube of force* 17–18 Armor of spiteA
35–36 Weapon +2* 19–20 Loom of fateW
37–38 Rod of reformationR 21–22 Horseshoes of speed*
39–40 Feather token: fan* 23–24 Figurine of wondrous power: coral sharkW
41–42 Oil of etherealness* 25–26 Elixir of the deepP
43–44 Anchor of strikingA 27–28 Ring of the ram*
45–46 Feather token: bird* 29–30 Ioun stone: slateW
47–48 Staff of scryingR 31–32 Mantle of the forest lordW
49–50 Ring of spell storing* 33–34 Bezoar of the manticoreC
51–52 Moonsteel weaponA 35–36 Ring of free action*
53–54 Gremlin’s pawR 37–38 Ashes of the fallenW
55–56 Boots of levitation* 39–40 Unerring dowsing rodW
57–58 Vielle of weirding and wardingW 41–42 Bezoar of the hoary owlbearC
43–44 Oni maskW 229
d100 Magic Item 25–26 Coffer of memoryW
45–46 Staff of withering* 27–28 Living stakeW
47–48 Honey of gloomy flowersC 29–30 Figurine of wondrous power: onyx dog*
49–50 Unstable bombard, mindshatter P 31–32 Bead of force*
51–52 Frost pellet W 33–34 Primal doom of painW
53–54 Blade of the dervishA 35–36 StingerA
55–56 Song-saddle of the khanW 37–38 Memory philterW
57–58 Bead of exsanguinationW 39–40 Ioun stone: protection*
59–60 Figurine of wondrous power: serpentine 41–42 Rust monster shellA
owl* 43–44 Giant slayer*
61–62 Pipes of madnessW 45–46 Elk horn rodR
63–64 Ankh of Aten W
47–48 Arcanaphage stoneW
65–66 Honey trap W
49–50 Necklace of fireballs*
67–68 Scrimshaw parrot W
51–52 Wand of the timekeeperR
69–70 Devil shark maskW 53–54 Chainbreaker bladeA
71–72 Wand of fireballs* 55–56 Periapt of proof against liesW
73–74 Bowl of commanding water elementals* 57–58 Figurehead of prowess: manta rayW
75–76 Spider staffR
59–60 Belt of dwarvenkind*
77–78 Hallucinatory dust W
61–62 Robe of eyes*
79–80 Mace of disruption* 63–64 Electric eel sushiC
81–82 Corpsehunter’s medallionW 65–66 Umbral lanternW
83–84 Plunderer’s sea chest W
67–68 Brawn armorA
85–86 Howling rod R
69–70 Scroll of conjuring (lesser)P
87–88 Seneschal’s gloves W
71–72 Dagger of venom*
89–90 Wand of binding* 73–74 Wand of plant destructionR
91–92 Thirsting thornA 75–76 Spell disruptor hornW
93–94 Ring of ursa R
77–78 Blooddrinker spearA
95 Wings of flying* 79–80 Serpent staffR
Appendix: Item Tables

96 Exanguinating blade A
81–82 Entrenching mattockA
97 Captain’s flag W
83–84 Ring of the frost knightR
98 Staff of binding R
85–86 Hangman’s nooseW
99 Ring of spell negation (red)R 87–88 Scourge of devotionA
00 Teapot of soothing W
89–90 Bracers of defense*
91–92 Wand of vaporsR
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 15 93–94 Talking torchesW
d100 Magic Item 95 Feysworn contractR
01–10 Catalyst oilP 96 Meteoric plateA
11–12 Horn of Valhalla (brass)* 97 Ivy crown of prophecyW
13–14 Ring of imperious commandR 98 Sun blade*
15–16 Armor of the ngobou A
99 Boots of the swift strikerW
17–18 Potion of gaseous form* 00 Spyglass of summoningW
19–20 Kobold firework: snake fountain W

21–22 Torc of the cometW

23–24 Honey of ancient meadowsC
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 16 93–94 Wand of enemy detection*
d100 Magic Item 95 Vicious weapon*
01–10 Elixir of the clear mindP 96 Swolbold wrapsW
11–12 Censer of controlling air elementals* 97 Trick shot mirror, spellbendingW
13–14 Ogre’s pot W
98 Box of secretsW
15–16 Wave chain mail A
99 Scarab of rebirthW
17–18 Plumb of the elements W
00 Wand of paralysis*
19–20 Band of iron thornsW
21–22 Feather token: tree* MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 17
23–24 Ring of powerful summonsR
d100 Magic Item
25–26 Helm of teleportation*
01–10 Mincemeat pieC
27–28 Amulet of whirlwindsW
11–12 Clockwork pendantW
29–30 Kyshaarth’s fangA
13–14 Sweet subjectsC
31–32 Gem of seeing*
15–16 Dragon slayer*
33–34 Berserker’s kilt: elk furW
17–18 Rod of swarming skullsR
35–36 Labyrs of the raging bullA
19–20 Baba Yaga’s cinderskullW
37–38 Chamrosh salveW
21–22 Ring of evasion*
39–40 Queen beeC
23–24 Potion of worg formP
41–42 Figurine of wondrous power: bronze
25–26 Ioun stone: awareness*
27–28 River tokenW
43–44 Necromantic inkW
29–30 Flame tongue*
45–46 Armor of resistance*
31–32 Animated chain mailA
47–48 Devil’s barbR
33–34 Mace of terror*
49–50 Ring of the grove’s guardianR
35–36 Feather token: swan boat*
51–52 Ioun stone: sustenance*
37–38 Big dipperR
53–54 Potion of diminution*
39–40 Orb of obfuscation, explosiveP
55–56 Bezoar of the screech owlbearC
41–42 Timeworn timepieceW
57–58 Harmonizing instrumentW
43–44 Staff of sporesR

Appendix: Item Tables

59–60 Valkyrie’s biteA
45–46 Figurine of wondrous power: ebony fly*
61–62 Staff of the woodlands*
47–48 Manual of the lesser golemW
63–64 Earrings of the agentW
49–50 Chime of opening*
65–66 Communal fluteW
51–52 Staff of the armadaR
67–68 Shield of gnawingA
53–54 Rope of entanglement*
69–70 Bloodfuel weaponA
55–56 Hallowed effigyW
71–72 Rod of the marinerR
57–58 Wand of wonder*
73–74 Breaker lanceA
59–60 Maiden’s tearsC
75–76 Mantle of the lionW
61–62 Bloodthirsty weaponA
77–78 Figurine of wondrous power: ivory goats*
63–64 Giggling orbW
79–80 Ziphian eye amuletW
65–66 Rod of thornsR
81–82 Rod of blade bendingR
67–68 Potion of mind reading*
83–84 Cape of targetingW
69–70 Dust of desiccationW
85–86 Whispering cloakW
71–72 Searing whipA
87–88 Spell scroll, 5th level*
73–74 Wand of harrowingR
89–90 Bludgeon of nightmaresA
75–76 Constant daggerA
91–92 Ring of x-ray vision*
d100 Magic Item 59–60 Seelie staffR
77–78 Stonechewer gauntletsW 61–62 Wolfbite ringR
79–80 Witch hunter’s armorA 63–64 Brazier of commanding fire elementals*
81–82 Boots of speed* 65–66 SlimebladeA
83–84 Serpent’s scalesA 67–68 Horn of Valhalla (silver)*
85–86 Figurine of wondrous power: violet 69–70 Vial of sunlightW
octopoidW 71–72 Rod of iciclesR
87–88 Deserter’s boots W
73–74 Clockwork spider cloakW
89–90 Staff of giantkinR 75–76 Potion of empowering truthP
91–92 Cloak of the bat* 77–78 Dimensional netA
93–94 Larkmail A
79–80 Shield of missile attraction*
95 Undine plateA 81–82 Captain’s gogglesW
96 Potion of troll blood, greater C
83–84 Staff of charming*
97 Signet of the magister R
85–86 Whip of the blue wyrm +2A
98 Hexen bladeA 87–88 Boots of pouncingW
99 Spearbiter, adamantine A
89–90 Wand of treasure findingR
00 Phase mirror (handheld) W
91–92 Rod of the jesterR
93–94 Dagger of the barbed devilA
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 18 95 Gloves of the magisterW
d100 Magic Item 96 Servile shabti: farmerW
01–10 Black dragon oilP 97 Rod of sacrificial blessingR
11–12 Forgefire hammer A
98 Living juggernautA
13–14 Language pyramid W
99 Staff of healing*
15–16 Staff of swarming insects* 00 Sword of wounding*
17–18 Nithing pole W

19–20 Armor of warding +2A MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 19

21–22 Feather token: dark of the moonW d100 Magic Item
23–24 Rod of deflectionR 01–10 Elixir of spike skinP
Appendix: Item Tables

25–26 Marvelous clockwork mallard W

11–12 Vessel of deadly venomsW
27–28 Ghost thread W
13–14 Shield of missile reversalA
29–30 Staff of the artisan R
15–16 Bag of trapsW
31–32 Elixir of corruptionP 17–18 Figurine of wondrous power: golden lions*
33–34 Ioun stone: reserve* 19–20 Staff of voicesR
35–36 Berserker axe* 21–22 Ioun stone: devil’s sightW
37–38 Scalehide cream W
23–24 Ring of resistance*
39–40 Magma mantleW 25–26 Goblin shieldA
41–42 Ring of feather falling* 27–28 Cloak of the ratW
43–44 BloodbowA 29–30 Portable hole*
45–46 Periapt of proof against poison* 31–32 Gnawing spearA
47–48 Scarlet mead C
33–34 Shadow tomeW
49–50 Amulet of memory W
35–36 Dastardly quill and parchmentW
51–52 Leaf-bladed sword A
37–38 Buzzing bladeA
53–54 Feather token: whip* 39–40 Snake basketW
55–56 Tick stop watchW 41–42 Riverine bladeA
232 57–58 Dancing floret W
43–44 Bed of spikesW
d100 Magic Item 25–26 Stone staffR
45–46 Ghoulbane rodR 27–28 Mirror of life trapping*
47–48 Lupine crown W 29–30 Crystal ball*
49–50 Warlock’s aegisA 31–32 Wand of accompanimentR
51–52 Figurine of wondrous power: marble 33–34 Sword of sharpness*
mistwolfW 35–36 Unstable bombard, sloughideP
53–54 Clockwork mynah bird W
37–38 Belt of giant strength (fire giant)*
55–56 Rod of underworld navigationR 39–40 Ghoul lightW
57–58 Dimensional shackles* 41–42 Spell scroll, 6th level*
59–60 Tenebrous flail of screams A
43–44 Manual of quickness of action*
61–62 Brass clockwork staffR 45–46 Rod of absorption*
63–64 Verses of vengeanceA 47–48 Broth of needful fortitudeC
65–66 Rod of rulership* 49–50 Staff of thornsR
67–68 Silvered oarW
51–52 Ioun stone: absorption*
69–70 Instant fortress* 53–54 Girdle of traveling alchemyW
71–72 Boots of the grandmotherW 55–56 Mask of the war chief: behirW
73–74 Standard of divinity A
57–58 Talisman of the snow queenW
75–76 Doppelganger ointment W
59–60 Ring of shooting stars*
77–78 Ring of the water dancerR 61–62 Poison strandA
79–80 Alabaster salt shaker W
63–64 Spear of the western whaleA
81–82 Spectral blade A
65–66 Berserker’s kilt: bear furW
83–84 Oculi of the ancestorW 67–68 Lantern of judgmentW
85–86 Hammer of decrees W
69–70 Crystal staffR
87–88 Bonebreaker mace A
71–72 Staff of the cephalopodR
89–90 Sheeshah of revelations W
73–74 Nine lives stealer*
91–92 Mutineer’s blade A
75–76 Fulminar bracersW
93–94 Slatelight ringR 77–78 Sword of VolsungA
95 Lantern of auspexW 79–80 Arrow of slaying*

Appendix: Item Tables

96 Unseelie staffR 81–82 Tincture of moonlit blossomP
97 Cataloguing book W
83–84 Marvelous pigments*
98 Webbed staffR 85–86 Spear of the northA
99 Servile shabti: warrior W
87–88 Gauntlet of the iron sphereW
00 Matryoshka dollsW 89–90 Bezoar of the dire owlbearC
91–92 Ioun stone: emerald shardW
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 20 93–94 Rod of security*
d100 Magic Item 95 Carpet of flying*
01–10 Potion of supreme healing* 96 Frostfire lanternW
11–12 Boots of quaking W
97 Potion of troll blood, superiorC
13–14 Tarian graddfeydd ddraigA 98 Armor of warding +3A
15–16 Figurehead of prowess: dragon turtle W
99 Void-touched bucklerA
17–18 Staff of Camazotz R
00 Soul bound chaliceW
19–20 Robe of stars*
21–22 Ioun stone: insight*
23–24 Ghost dragon hornW
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 21 95 Dragonstooth bladeA
d100 Magic Item 96 Wand of polymorph*
01–10 Oil of sharpness* 97 Fellforged armorA
11–12 Feather token: held heartW 98 Skeleton key (crystal)W
13–14 Tome of leadership and influence* 99 Bone whipA
15–16 Arrow of grabbing A
00 Staff of power*
17–18 Ring of regeneration*
19–20 Elemental wrapsW MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 22
21–22 Manual of vine golems W
d100 Magic Item
23–24 Kraken clutch ringR 01–10 Potion of giant strength (cloud giant)*
25–26 Potion of sand formP 11–12 Frost brand*
27–28 Eyes of the outer darkW 13–14 Tome of clear thought*
29–30 Unquiet daggerA 15–16 Primal doom of rageW
31–32 Bituminous orb W
17–18 Weapon +3*
33–34 Spell scroll, 7th level* 19–20 Alembic of unmakingW
35–36 Ioun stone: agility* 21–22 Spell scroll, 8th level*
37–38 Trident of the vortexA 23–24 Ioun stone: strength*
39–40 Figurehead of prowess: xornW 25–26 Eagle capeW
41–42 Staff of frost* 27–28 Moonfield lensW
43–44 Nullifier’s lexicon W
29–30 Grasping cloakW
45–46 Grave ward armorA 31–32 Rowan staffR
47–48 Dread scarab W
33–34 Ioun stone: fortitude*
49–50 Mayhem maskW 35–36 Potion of speed*
51–52 Rod of alertness* 37–38 Figurehead of prowess: narwhalW
53–54 Blood-soaked hide A
39–40 Trident of the yearning tideA
55–56 Staff of dissolutionR 41–42 Bag of devouring*
57–58 Ravager’s axeA 43–44 Robe of scintillating colors*
59–60 Ioun stone: graniteW 45–46 Manual of gainful exercise*
Appendix: Item Tables

61–62 Staff of thunder and lightning* 47–48 Staff of midnightR

63–64 Keffiyeh of serendipitous escape W
49–50 Locket of dragon vitalityW
65–66 Armor +2* 51–52 Horseshoes of a zephyr*
67–68 Ring of sealingR 53–54 Pistol of the umbral courtA
69–70 Mountain hewer A
55–56 Dragon scale mail*
71–72 Devilish doubloonW 57–58 Honey of planar floraC
73–74 Pocket oasis W
59–60 Reef splitterA
75–76 Staff of the four winds R
61–62 Gloomflower corsageW
77–78 Cap of thorns W
63–64 Staff of fire*
79–80 Spicebox of zestW 65–66 Figurine of wondrous power: obsidian
81–82 Pickled aboleth brainC steed*
83–84 Retribution armorA 67–68 Animated shield*
85–86 Helm of brilliance* 69–70 Rod of sanguine masteryR
87–88 White ape hideA 71–72 Monkey’s paw of fortuneW
89–90 Ring of telekinesis* 73–74 Demon armor*
91–92 Belt of giant strength (stone/frost giant)* 75–76 Soul jugW
234 93–94 Selket’s bracerW 77–78 Candle of invocation*
d100 Magic Item 61–62 Ioun stone: intellect*
79–80 Staff of striking* 63–64 Shrutinandan sitarW
81–82 Honey of warped wildflowersC 65–66 Crook of the flockR
83–84 Seven-flavor tea of forgetfulnessC 67–68 Staff of the scionR
85–86 Dwarven plate* 69–70 Ghoulbane oilP
87–88 Green mantleW 71–72 Earrings of the storm oysterW
89–90 Sea witch’s bladeA 73–74 Spear of the stilled heartA
91–92 Dancing sword* 75–76 Dwarven thrower*
93–94 Wand of the war mage +3* 77–78 Staff of portalsR
95 Ring of spell negation (black)R 79–80 Potion of invisibility*
96 Consuming rod A 81–82 Gorgon scaleA
97 Pavilion of dreamsW 83–84 Smuggler’s coatW
98 Spellguard shield* 85–86 Healthful honeypotW
99 Bloodpearl bracelet (gold)W 87–88 Whip of the blue wyrm +3A
00 Wolf brushA 89–90 Burning skullW
91–92 Scroll of conjuring (greater)P
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 23 93–94 Efreeti bottle*
d100 Magic Item 95 Horn of Valhalla (bronze)*
01–10 Potion of flying* 96 Servile shabti: healerW
11–12 Chillblain armorA 97 Amulet of the planes*
13–14 Zephyr shieldA 98 Ebon shardsW
15–16 Manual of golems* 99 Bloodwhisper cauldronW
17–18 Kobold firework: red dragon’s breathW 00 Witch’s circleA
19–20 Shield +3*
21–22 Commander’s visageW MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 24
23–24 Staff of the treantR d100 Magic Item
25–26 Book of ebon tidesW 01–10 Trollsblood elixirP
27–28 Rod of the infernal realmsR 11–12 Chronomancer’s pocket clockW

Appendix: Item Tables

29–30 Chieftain’s axeA 13–14 Lightning rodR
31–32 Staff of the white necromancerR 15–16 Encouraging armorA
33–34 Wand of drowningR 17–18 Phase mirror (vanity)W
35–36 Cloak of arachnida* 19–20 Gloves of the walking shadeW
37–38 Scimitar of speed* 21–22 Mongrelmaker’s handbookW
39–40 Brain juiceP 23–24 Staff of fateR
41–42 Ioun stone: leadership* 25–26 Binding oathP
43–44 Staff of ice and fireR 27–28 Honey buckle: whiteW
45–46 Ammunition +3* 29–30 Freerunner rodR
47–48 Manual of bodily health* 31–32 Purified phoenix tearC
49–50 Candied axeA 33–34 Interplanar paintP
51–52 Sand suitA 35–36 Ring of air elemental command*
53–54 Hair pick of protection W 37–38 Coral of enchanted colorsW
55–56 Oathbow* 39–40 Ioun stone: regeneration*
57–58 Staff of desolation R 41–42 Tenebrous mantleW
59–60 Tome of understanding* 43–44 Holy avenger*
d100 Magic Item 27–28 Umbral staffR
45–46 Eye of the golden godW 29–30 Ioun stone: greater absorption*
47–48 Ring of water elemental command* 31–32 Clockwork hareW
49–50 Deck of many things* 33–34 Phase mirror (floor)W
51–52 Potion of giant strength (storm giant)* 35–36 Talisman of ultimate evil*
53–54 Armor +3* 37–38 Stolen thunderW
55–56 Horn of Valhalla (iron)* 39–40 Cubic gate*
57–58 Scorpion feetW 41–42 Shepherd’s flailA
59–60 FountmailA 43–44 Talisman of the sphere*
61–62 Belt of giant strength (cloud giant)* 45–46 Belt of giant strength (storm giant)*
63–64 Ring of earth elemental command* 47–48 Spell scroll, 9th level*
65–66 Buckle of blasting W 49–50 Garments of winter’s knightW
67–68 Ring of invisibility* 51–52 Smoking plate of HeithmirA
69–70 Defender* 53–54 Radiant libramW
71–72 Flag of the cursed fleetW 55–56 Stonedrift staffR
73–74 Crystal ball of mind reading* 57–58 Asp’s kissA
75–76 Rod of lordly might* 59–60 Talisman of pure good*
77–78 Grasping cap W 61–62 Ring of djinni summoning*
79–80 Universal solvent* 63–64 Staff of the peaksR
81–82 Scarab of protection* 65–66 Hammer of thunderbolts*
83–84 Iron flask* 67–68 Crown of the pharaohW
85–86 Bloodprice armorA 69–70 Sovereign glue*
87–88 Ring of fire elemental command* 71–72 Ring of three wishes*
89–90 Crystal ball of true seeing* 73–74 Staff of winter and iceR
91–92 Sphere of annihilation* 75–76 Book of eibonW
93–94 Apparatus of the crab* 77–78 Ruby crusherA
95 Potion of troll blood, supremeC 79–80 Well of many worlds*
96 Extract of dual-mindedness P 81–82 Staff of Master Lu PoR
Appendix: Item Tables

97 Armor of invulnerability* 83–84 Ioun stone: mastery*

98 Vorpal sword* 85–86 Crystal ball of telepathy*
99 Robe of the archmagi* 87–88 Staff of ParzelonR
00 Cloud and mist immortality teaC 89–90 Rod of ghastly mightR
91–92 Flask of epiphaniesW
MAGIC ITEMS TABLE 25 93–94 Staff of the magi*
d100 Magic Item 95–96 Phoenix emberW
01–10 Potent cure-allP 97–98 Draught of ambrosiaP
11–12 DirgebladeA 99 VoidwalkerR
13–14 Nameless cultsW 00 Anuraag’s crucibleW
15–16 Ring of spell turning*
17–18 Figurehead of prowess: sphinxW
19–20 BlacktoothR
21–22 Luck blade*
23–24 Rod of the wastesR
25–26 Plate armor of etherealness*
command 700
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©2021 Open Design LLC. Kobold Press logo is a trademark of Open Design LLC.
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Demon Cults & Secret Societies for 5th Edition © 2017 Open Design LLC; Authors: Jeff Lee, Mike
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of Welham, and Jon Sawatsky
the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Empire of the Ghouls © 2020 Open Design LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Richard Green, Jeff Lee,
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have Christopher Lockey, Kelly Pawlik, and Mike Welham
contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material Expanding Codex © 2020 Open Design LLC; Author: Mike Welham
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating Skeletons of the Illyrian Fleet © 2018 Open Design LLC; Author: James J. Haeck
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Tales of the Old Margreve © 2019 Open Design LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Matthew Corley,
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors Richard Green, James Introcaso, Ben McFarland, and Jon Sawatsky
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6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License The Scarlet Citadel © 2021 Open Design LLC; Authors: Steven Winter with Wolfgang Baur, Scott
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication The Wandering Whelp © 2019 Open Design LLC; Author: Benjamin L. Eastman
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The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and Warlock 2: Dread Magic © 2017 Open Design LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Dan Dillon, Richard
interest in and to that Product Identity. Green, and Jon Sawatsky
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions Warlock 6: City of Brass © 2018 Open Design LLC; Authors: Richard Green, Jeff Grubb, Richard
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this Warlock 9: World Tree © 2018 Open Design LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Richard Green, Sarah
License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Madsen, and Kelly Pawlik
Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. Warlock 11: Treasure Vaults © 2019 Open Design LLC; Authors: Lysa Chen, Richard Pett, Marc
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Radle, and Mike Welham
Game Content You Distribute. Warlock 12: Dwarves © 2019 Open Design LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Robert Fairbanks, Ben
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using McFarland, Hannah Rose, and Ashley Warren
the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. Warlock 13: War and Battle © 2019 Open Design LLC; Authors: Kelly Pawlik and Brian Suskind
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this Warlock 17: Halflings © 2020 Open Design LLC; Authors: Victoria Jaczko and Kelly Pawlik
License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or Warlock 18: Blood Kingdom © 2020 Open Design LLC; Author: Christopher Lockey
governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
Warlock 19: Masters of the Arcane © 2020 Open Design LLC; Authors: Jon Sawatsky and Mike
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms Welham
herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. Warlock 21: Legends © 2020 Open Design LLC; Authors: Lou Anders, Jon Sawatsky, and Mike
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall
be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Warlock 22: Druids © 2020 Open Design LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Jerry LeNeave, Ashley
Warren, and Mike Welham
Warlock 23: Bearfolk © 2020 Open Design LLC; Authors: Celeste Conowitch, Sarah Madsen, and
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC. Mike Welham
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Warlock 24: Weird Fantasy © 2021 Open Design LLC; Authors: Jeff Lee and Mike Shea
Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.
Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Warlock 25: Dungeons © 2021 Open Design LLC; Authors: Christopher Lockey, Kelly Pawlik, and
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Steve Winter
A Leeward Shore © 2018 Open Design LLC; Author: Mike Welham Warlock Guide to the Planes © 2021 Open Design LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur and Brian Suskind
Bastion of Rime and Salt © 2018 Open Design LLC; Author: Jon Sawatsky Warlock Guide to the Shadow Realms © 2019 Open Design LLC; Author: Kelly Pawlik
Birds of a Feather © 2019 Open Design LLC; Author: Kelly Pawlik Warlock Grimoire © 2019 Open Design LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Lysa Chen, Dan Dillon,
Richard Green, Jeff Grubb, James J. Haeck, Chris Harris, Jeremy Hochhalter, Brandon Hodge,
Book of Lairs for 5th Edition © 2016 Open Design LLC; Authors: Robert Adducci, Wolfgang Baur, Sarah Madsen, Ben McFarland, Shawn Merwin, Kelly Pawlik, Richard Pett, Hannah Rose, Jon
Enrique Bertran, Brian Engard, Jeff Grubb, James J. Haeck, Shawn Merwin, Marc Radle, Jon Sawatsky, Brian Suskind, Troy E. Taylor, Steve Winter, and Peter von Bleichert
Sawatsky, Mike Shea, Mike Welham, and Steve Winter
Warlock Grimoire 2 © 2020 Open Design LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Celeste Conowitch,
Casting the Longest Shadow © 2020 Open Design LLC; Author: Benjamin L. Eastman David “Zeb” Cook, Dan Dillon, Robert Fairbanks, Scott Gable, Richard Green, Victoria Jaczko,
Creature Codex © 2018 Open Design LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Dan Dillon, Richard Green, TK Johnson, Christopher Lockey, Sarah Madsen, Greg Marks, Ben McFarland, Kelly Pawlik, Lysa
James J. Haeck, Chris Harris, Jeremy Hochhalter, James Introcaso, Christopher Lockey, Shawn Penrose, Richard Pett, Marc Radle, Hannah Rose, Jon Sawatsky, Robert Schwalb, Brian Suskind,
Merwin, and Jon Sawatsky Ashley Warren, and Mike Welham
Death of a Mage © 2020 Open Design LLC; Author: RP Davis Wrath of the Bramble King © 2018 Open Design LLC; Author: Mike Welham
Deep Magic for 5th Edition © 2020 Open Design LLC; Authors: Dan Dillon, Chris Harris, and Jeff Wrath of the River King © 2017 Open Design LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur and Robert Fairbanks
Lee Zobeck Gazetteer for 5th Edition © 2018 Open Design LLC; Authors: James J. Haeck
Deep Magic: Elemental Magic © 2017 Open Design LLC; Author: Dan Dillon Vault of Magic © 2021 Open Design LLC; Authors: Phillip Larwood, Jeff Lee,
Deep Magic: Hieroglyphic Magic © 2018 Open Design LLC; Author: Michael Ohl and Christopher Lockey
ManiFest the
M aRve lous !
The wizard peered through the hole in the wall and into the darkness of the
ancient vault beyond. She murmured a few arcane words, searching for any
telltale magical auras. Then she gasped.
“What is it?” the warrior demanded. “What do you see?”
“Something . . . wondrous!”
Inside Vault of Magic, you’ll find a vast treasure trove of enchanted
items of every imaginable use—more than 950 in all! The heaps of
armors, weapons, potions, rings, and wands are just for starters.
From mirrors to masks, edibles to earrings, and lanterns to lockets,
it’s all here, ready for your 5th Edition game.
This 240-page volume includes:
• More than 25 unique items designed by special guests,
including Luke Gygax, Patrick Rothfuss, Gail Simone,
and Deborah Ann Woll
• Fabled items that grow in power as characters rise in levels
• New item themes, such as monster-inspired, clockwork,
and apprentice wizards
• Item sets that power up if worn together
• Hundreds of full-color illustrations
• Complete treasure-generation tables sorted by rarity
Amaze and delight your players and spice up your 5th Edition
campaign with fresh, new enchanted items from Vault of Magic.
It’ll turn that next treasure hoard into something . . . wondrous!

ISBN: 978-1-950789-24-5
PO Box 2811 KOB 9245
Kirkland WA 98083 Printed in China

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