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May/June 2007

Published for the worlds most innovative soccer coaches

F.C. Porto Academy Journal

Published for the worlds most innovative soccer coaches

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ThesesessionswereobservedduringMarcDosSantosvisittoF.C.PortoinMarch,2007.ThemainobjectiveofhisvisittoF.C.Porto wastoobservethewaythecluboperateswithinthedifferentagegroupsusing.DosSantosalsostudiedtheirmethodofTactical Periodization.ThatisthemodelofplaycharacterizingtheClub;modelofpracticeandmodelofcoachtooperatethiswayofplaying waswrittenbyMr.VitrFrade. Mr.VitrFradeisateacherattheSportsUniversityofPortoandcalledbymanyasthefatherofJosMourinhoandthefatherof "TacticalPeriodization" FromU13toU18,allgroupagesfollowthesameprinciplesinthe4differentmomentsofthegame:
o o o o

OffensiveOrganization Defensiveorganization TransitionfromDefensetoOffence TransitionfromOffencetoDefense

Thesefourmomentsarealwayspresentineverysingleexercise. Thephysical,technical,tacticalandpsychologicalelementsareneverworkedonaseparateway.Everythingisincludedwhilethe mainconcernofeveryexerciseistoorganizetheteamforoneofthefourmomentsofthegame.Thiswayofworkingtrainsthe teamtoreactautomaticallytoeverymomentofthegame. MarcDosSantoshastravelledextensivelyinPortugalobservingmanyfirstdivisionclubsincludingBoavistaFCandSCBeiraMar.He isaUEFABLicensedcoachthatiscurrentlytheHeadCoachofAttakFCoftheCanadianProfessionalSoccerLeague. FirstpublishedNovember,2007byWORLDCLASSCOACHING15004BuenaVistaDrive,Leawood,KS66224(913)4020030 Allrightreserved.Nopartsofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyformorbyany means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutpriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher.

Team: U18 FC Porto Coach: Prof. Ilidio Vale Technical Coordinator: Luis Castro Responsible for the playing style and model of practice: Prof. Vitor Frade and Prof. Jos Guilherme Oliveira Date: Monday, March 5th 2007 Time: 16H00 Place: Olival, Porto-Gaia (Formation center of the club)

F.C. Porto Academy Journal


Monday, March 5th 2007



Warm-up: (25 min) - Players warmed-up indoor (gym) Afterwards, field. - Afterwards the players came into the field - 10 minutes of static and dynamic stretching.

Exercise N-1: (25 min) F - Player A p y passes the ball to p y B player - Player B passes the ball (1 touch) back to player A E - Player A passes the ball to player C - Player C passes the ball to B D - B passes the ball back to C and C plays a long ball to player E, who starts doing the same play with D and F - After playing the long ball , player C turns and receives a ball from the Coach to finish (one touch) with is left foot - Right after shooting, player C sprints to D shooting - Player B takes the place of A and A takes the place of C AC - After 12 minutes, the same exercise was done with the players finishing with their right foot Coaching points: - Quality of the first touch - Quality of short and long passing (inside of the foot and laces) - B d position while shooting using one touch Body iti hil h ti i t h - Reaction right after shooting (concentration)

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 3 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Monday, March 5th 2007

GC Group A

Exercise N-2: (10 min + 2 rc + 10 min + 2 rc) Groups were divided into 2 (Group A and group B) Group A p - 4 defenders and 1 defensive midfielder VS 4 midfielders and 2 attackers - The play starts by a pass from the assistant coach to one of the midfielders. After the first 10 minutes the assistant coach starts the play by playing a long ball (in the air) for one of the t t th l b l i l b ll (i th i ) f f th strikers - The coach paid attention to the roles and responsibilities of the 4 defenders and the defensive midfielder - White team tried to score while blue team tried to defend. If defend blues won the ball their were allowed to attack in the two small goals on the side - When the coach stopped the exercise he made sure that every defender and defensive midfielder understood what to do - Note: While the coach was correcting, he also called the offsides when they occurred Group B - 3 midfielders and 3 strikers VS 1 Goalkeeper - The play starts by a pass from the assistant coach to one of the midfielders - Players were encouraged to play fast and with quality - The coach asked for speed in every action and a lot of mobility from every player. He also asked the players to give good passing lines

AC Group B AC

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 4 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Monday, March 5th 2007


Exercise N-3: (10 min + 2 rc + 10 min + 2 rc) -BLUE: 1 goalkeeper, 4 defenders, 1 defensive midfielder, 2 central midfielders and 1 striker VS C -WHITE: 1 goalkeeper, 3 defenders, 4 midfielders and 2 strikers - Game was played with unlimited touches p p -The coach paid attention to the roles and responsibilities of the 4 defenders, the defensive midfielder and the 2 central midfielders of the blue team - The coaching staff was working the defensive organisation and transition from defence to offence - When the coach stopped the exercise he made sure that every player from the blue team understood what to do - Note: While the coach was correcting, he also called the offsides when they occurred Cool down: (10 min) - Abdominal work



- Lower back - Static stretching g Total practice time: 1H50

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 5 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Team: U18 FC Porto Coach: Prof. Ilidio Vale Technical Coordinator: Luis Castro Responsible for the playing style and model of practice: Prof. Vitor Frade and Prof. Jos Guilherme Oliveira Date: Tuesday, March 6th 2007 Time: 16H00 Place: Olival, Porto-Gaia (Formation center of the club)

F.C. Porto Academy Journal


Tuesday, March 6th 2007

Warm-up: (10 min) -The groups are divided into 3 teams of 6 players white - 9 players are inside square A (3 white, 3 yellow and 3 reds) GC - 9 players are inside square B (3 white, 3 yellow and 3 reds) - 1 ball per player. The players are asked to dribble with the ball inside the square using every part of their foot and doing different moves (juggling, change of speed with the ball, ect) - The exercise is alternated with dynamic and static stretching Exercise N-1: (12 minutes + 2 min of static stretching) - O a 20X20 grid Yellows and whites play against reds a On possession game (limit of 2 touches) - Game is played in square A and B AC C AC - Every time the coach says GO, reds from square A must sprint to square B, and reds from square B must sprint to square A B - Every minute, the coach changed the players in the middle - Objective of the exercise: Specific strength; work of the 3 defenders (pressure and cover) and quality of passing Note: B A - While players were doing the warm and exercise N:1, the goalkeepers were working with the goalkeeper coach

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 3 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Tuesday, March 6th 2007


Exercise N-2: Circuit training for specific strength (12 minutes) - Organization: The players stay in the same groups (6 yellows, 6 whites and 6 reds) - Yellow: The first player from the group passes the ball to the assistant coach. Afterwards he does skipping over the hurdles and makes 4 jumps (front, back, left and right). He receives a ball from the coach and finishes 1 touch. Right after, he sprints to cone number 1 and jogs to the red g p j g group - Red: The first player from the group passes the ball to the assistant coach. Afterwards he does skipping over the hurdles and goes sideways around the polls. He receives the ball, in the air, from the coach and jumps to head the ball into the small goals in the corners of the goal. Right after, he sprints to cone number 2 and jogs to the white group C 2 - White: The first player from the group passes the ball to the coach. Afterwards he sprints to the second cone, comes back to the first, sprints to the third, and goes sideways around the hurdles. hurdles He receives a ball in the air from the coach and ball, air, finish's with one touch (volley or head). Right after, he sprints to cone number 3 and jogs to the yellow group Note: - The exercise was done during 12 minutes (non-stop) with the (non stop) players applying themselves at 100% - After this exercise, the players add 4 minutes for a water break and dynamic stretching

AC 3


F.C. Porto Academy Journal 4 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Tuesday, March 6th 2007

Exercise N-3: (20 minutes) - In a 15 X 20 grid - 2 VS 2 with targets on the side GC - Players inside have unlimited touches and targets play 1 touch - 1min and 30 seconds X 6 (1 min rc between each) - Always change targets after each series - Objective: Defensively: Work of the first and second defender (pressure and cover) Offensively: Quality of passing, mobility, improvisation, penetration, support and speed of execution t ti t d d f ti Physical: Specific strength AC C AC Exercise N-4: (12 minutes) - Progression of exercise number 3 g - 3 VS 3 - The players have unlimited touches - 2 min and 30 seconds X 3 (1 min rc between each) Note: - While players were doing the exercise, the goalkeepers were working with the goalkeeper coach

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 5 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Tuesday, March 6th 2007


Exercise N-5: (20 minutes) - Offensive organisation and transition from offence to defence - 10 VS 9 - Blues are playing with 1 goalkeeper, 4 defenders, 2 midfielders and 3 forwards - Whites are playing with 1 goalkeeper, 2 defenders, 3 midfielders and 3 forwards - Only the wingers are full backs attacking are allowed in zone A and B.

- The team defending is not allowed in - The coach asked for speed of execution, mobility, midfielders to l th ball id t play the b ll wide and a llot of di d t f diagonals l - Progression: Coach holds a ball in is hands. The players play normally, with the same principles of exercise N: 5. Every time the coach played a ball to another team, everybody add to react according to the new ball that was played by the coach Cool down: (10 min)



- Abdominal work - Lower back - Static stretching Total practice time: 1H40

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 6 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Team: U18 FC Porto Coach: Prof. Ilidio Vale Technical Coordinator: Luis Castro Responsible for the playing style and model of practice: Prof. Vitor Frade and Prof. Jos Guilherme Oliveira Date: Wednesday, March 7th 2007 Time: 16H00 Place: Olival, Porto-Gaia (Formation center of the club)

F.C. Porto Academy Journal



Wednesday, March 7 2007

Warm-up: (6 min) - Groups of 6 players on each diamond - Assistant coach started by doing some static and afterwards dynamic stretching with the players Exercise N-1: (3 min and 30 sec x 2 minutes + 2 min of static stretching between each series) AC 1 - Pla ers worked the q alit of their passing Players orked quality passing. - Coach encouraged the players to play 1 touch - Player A passes the ball to player B - Player B plays the ball back to player A - Player A passes to player C and C plays the ball to B B C A AC C D - Player B gives the ball back to player C - Player C passes to D, and D runs with the ball to group A 2 - Organization (after passing the ball): - A takes the place of C - C goes to B - B goes to D and D runs with the ball to A Note: - While players were doing the warm and exercise N:1, the goalkeepers were working with the goalkeeper coach


F.C. Porto Academy Journal 3 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Wednesday, March 7 2007


Exercise N-2: (15 minutes) - The team was divided into 2 groups - Group A: - Offensive organisation + Transition from offence to defence - For the first 7 minutes, whites were only allowed to do passive defending. Afterwards they add to defend normally C - If whites won the ball they add to pass-it to the coach or the assistant coach (2 targets) - The coach was working the offensive organisation - He ask the players for mobility, speed of execution, good lines of passing, support from the players without the ball and passing patience - Group B: - With a group of 6 players, one of the assistant coach worked on some crosses coming from spots A, B, C and D AC - The midfielder crossing add to take a touch forward before taking the cross - Attackers must finish with 1 touch and if defenders won the ball, they add to play-it to the assistant coach or only clear-it


F.C. Porto Academy Journal 4 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Wednesday, March 7 2007

Exercise N-3: (10 minutes x 2 + 2 min of static stretching between each series) - Offensive organization GC - 8 blues VS 9 whites + 2 jokers - Blues play against whites. Unlimited touches - Blues try to get to zone B and whites to zone A - The only way to get into zone A or B is to play a ball to the runs of one of the jokers C - The two jokers represent the central midfielder making runs to create a scoring opportunity - Progression: g - Jokers are not allowed to make the runs - The only way to get into zone A or B is by playing a ball to one of the forwards or wingers - The coach always asked the players to play fast and present quality in the last pass - The coach called the off-side, when occurred B AC AC Note: - While players were doing the exercise, the goalkeepers were working with the goalkeeper coach

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 5 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Wednesday, March 7 2007


Exercise N-4: (10 minutes x 2 +2 rc between each series) - Offensive organisation - 11 VS 9 - Blues are playing with 1 goalkeeper, 4 defenders, 3 midfielders and 3 forwards - Whites are playing with 1 goalkeeper, 3 defenders, 3 midfielders and 3 forwards - Players are only allowed to play in their zones (A, B and C) - Only one player from each zone is allowed to support in the attack, but not a defender. Example: If blue N:1 as the ball in zone A, another blue player from zone B is allowed in - Th coach asked for speed of execution, mobility, midfielders The h k df d f ti bilit idfi ld to play the ball wide, a lot of diagonals and always play forward, if possible Cool down: (10 min) - Abd i l work Abdominal k - Lower back

B 1 A

2 C



- Static stretching Total practice time: 1H30

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 6 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Team: U18 FC Porto Coach: Prof. Ilidio Vale Technical Coordinator: Luis Castro Responsible for the playing style and model of practice: Prof. Vitor Frade and Prof. Jos Guilherme Oliveira Date: Thursday, March 8th 2007 Time: 16H00 Place: Olival, Porto-Gaia (Formation center of the club)

F.C. Porto Academy Journal





Warm-up: (10 min) - Players have one ball each

Thursday, March 8 2007

- They start moving inside the small box (15x15) - Coach encouraged them to use all parts of their feet to dribble. Always light jogging, but in movement 1 - The exercise was alternated with dynamic stretching and changes of speed - Th coach always asked the players to look for an open The h l k d th l t l kf area to run with the ball 7 7 C - For the last 2 minutes of the warm-up the players did some dynamic stretching warm up - Goalkeepers warm-up with the Goalkeeper coach Exercise N-1: (10 min) 1 - In the same square used for the warm-up, the players were asked to get in pairs (but still 1 ball per player) - 16 players = 8 groups - Group N:1 starts at the edge of each box - The players run with the ball, and move inside the 15x15 area AC - The coach calls a number (EX: 7) - The 2 number 7 must react fast towards one of the 2 goals, pass the ball to N:1, change speed, receive and finish with 1 touch - Number 7 takes the place of number 1 and coach calls another number - The players were working on specific speed, awareness and finishing

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 3 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Thursday, March 8 2007


Exercise N-2: (10 min + 2 rc + 10 min + 2 rc) - Blues: 1 goalkeeper, 3 defenders, 3 midfielders and 3 forwards - Whites: 1 goalkeeper, 4 defenders, 3 midfielders and 3 forwards - The ball starts with the goalkeeper from the blue team - The coach is working with the white team g - Objective: Defensive organization and transition from defence to offence Line 1 - The white team must be behind line 1 - The goalkeeper plays the ball to one of his full backs, whites start putting pressure - If whites win the ball, they attack with speed and try to finish - Note: The coach made sure that each player understood their roles and responsibilities, when team was applying pressure and when they recovered the ball



F.C. Porto Academy Journal 4 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Thursday, March 8 2007



Exercise N-3: (12 min) - Defensive organization and transition from offence to defence - The play always starts from a corner kick C - For the first 6 minutes the corners came from the right and afterwards, the corners came from the left - The Coach is working and organizing the defensive team - When defending team wins the ball, they must counter attack fast and try to score in the other goal - Defending team plays with 10 players + 1 goalkeeper and attacking team plays with 8 players + 1 goalkeeper - Coaching points: - Step-up fast after clearing the ball - When team wins the ball, they must counter-attack with speed - Speed of execution AC - Concentration when defending the corner

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 5 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Thursday, March 8 2007



Exercise N-4: (12 min) - Defensive organization and transition from offence to defence - Th play always starts f The l l t t from a f kick ( free ki k (zone A B or C) A, - The Coach is working and organizing the defensive team C - When defending team wins the ball, they must counter attack fast and try to score in the other goal - Defending team plays with 10 players + 1 goalkeeper and attacking team plays with 8 players + 1 goalkeeper

- Coaching points: - Step-up fast after clearing the ball - When team wins the ball, they must counter-attack with speed - Speed of execution - Concentration when defending the free-kick AC Exercise N 5: (10 min) N-5: - The team came back to exercise N:2 Cool down: (10 min) - Abdominal work - Lower back - Static stretching Total practice time: 1H35

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 6 WORLD CLASS COACHING

Team: U18 FC Porto Coach: Prof. Ilidio Vale Technical Coordinator: Luis Castro Responsible for the playing style and model of practice: Prof. Vitor Frade and Prof. Jos Guilherme Oliveira Date: Friday, March 9th 2007 Time: 16H00 Place: Olival, Porto-Gaia (Formation center of the club)

F.C. Porto Academy Journal



Friday, March 9 2007

Warm-up: (8 min) - 2 groups of 8 players in a 10 x 10 grid, GC - Players started with some static stretching - After 4 minutes of static they continued with some dynamic stretching AC C AC - Goalkeepers warm-up with the Goalkeeper coach Exercise N-1: (4 min + 2 of static stretching + 4 min)) - In the same grids players play a 6 VS 2 game, with a maximum of 2 touches per player - If team was able to do 15 passes between them, the two p y players in the middle have to do 10 set-ups while everybody p y y counts - The players in the middle hold a pennie to make sure their identified - Coach always asked the players to apply themselves and present quality in their pass t lit i th i

F.C. Porto Academy Journal 3 WORLD CLASS COACHING



Exercise N-2: (25 min) - The team was divided into 2 groups - Group A: - Offensive organisation

Friday, March 9 2007

- Group A worked on offensive free-kicks and corner kicks (zone A, B, C, D and E). This time their was no transition moment, due to the game they would play the day after C B C D - Blue were attacking and whites were defending - The coach indicated to the players were he wanted the ball to be played and what runs he wanted - Group B: 2 min of stretching between series of 5 Group A - One of the strikers and one of the midfielders were working g with the assistant coach - The play starts from the goalkeeper who plays a long ball (with his hands or feet) to the midfielder Group B - The midfielder controls the ball and plays to the striker 2 touches) h ) - Striker changes 2 or 3 passes with the midfielder and one of them finishes with 1 touch - The player that finished receives a ball from the assistant coach to finish again with 1 touch while the other player goes touch, outside the box to receive a ball from the coach and also finish with 1 touch Cool down: (10 min) - Abdominal work AC - Lower back - Static stretching Total practice time: 55 minutes
F.C. Porto Academy Journal 4



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Every coach wants their team to keep the ball. Every weekend you can hear coaches begging their team to, Keep Possession! and Dont Give the Ball Away! This book will help you teach your team to retain more possession and turn that possession into scoring opportunities. Improving your Teams Possession Play will show you how to create practices that will train your players to support the player on the ball and create passing opportunities with the appropriate movement. The book is divided into five sections: Concepts, Explanations, Exercises that Teach the Concepts, How Runs in the Match Reshape Left/Right/ Split Support and Why Training is done with 5 v 5 or Larger SmallSided Games.

May/June 2007




One of the best ways to breakdown a defense is to have a numerical advantage. This most commonly happens as a 2 v 1 situation. Once in this position, your players need to be able to take advantage of it quickly and effectively.




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