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PE and Health 2


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Term 3, AY 2021-2022 PE and Health 2 Page | 1

WHAT WILL YOU Organization and Management of
LEARN? Sports Events

This module has been

designed to….

• explain important

guidelines in

organizing sporting

• appreciate the

process of creating a

sporting event by

immersing oneself in
When was the last time you participated in a Sports Event?
activities done by What was your role during the event?
real-life organizing
Tell us about it…
• participate in an
organized event and

• display initiative,
responsibility and

leadership in sports

activities .

Term 3, AY 2021-2022 PE and Health 2 Page | 2


Ponder on this…

Stamina Building (Breathing) 4

Stamina Building (Exercise) 5
Focus Questions 6
What is Sports Management? 7
Tournament Officials 8
Tournament Format 10
Marketing Sport Events 14
Reflection Paper 15
Summary 15
Posttest 16
References 17

• When was the last time you ventured against

the impossible?

• When was the last time you thoroughly

planned an event?

• How did you accomplish the event despite of

the limitations?

There have been many times that something seems

impossible to achieve. Events are very idealistic, but
with proper planning and preparation, you will be able
to execute the event flawlessly.

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Warm-up and Cool Down Exercises

When organizing events, having a clear mind and

relaxed composure is very important to optimize your A warm-up and a cool-
decision-making skills. down both involve
doing exercises at a lower
Let’s start with BREATHING EXERCISES. This time the intensity and slower pace,
exercises are specialized to reduce/minimize stressors. which improves your athletic performance,
prevents injuries, and helps with recovery
Here are video links you can watch and follow:
from exercise.

Relieve Stress & Anxiety with Simple Warm up exercises:

Breathing Techniques ✓ light jogging ✓ jog in place
✓ cycling slowly on a bike
✓ body weight squats
Box breathing relaxation technique:
how to calm feelings of stress or Cool down exercises:
anxiety ✓ gradually reduce the pace of your exercise during the last 10 minutes of
your session (ex. Jogging – reduce
pace to a brisk walk )
4-7-8 Breathing Exercise to alleviate
Anxiety and Stress for Teens and Know more about warm up and cool down
Adults through this video:

Term 3, AY 2021-2022 PE and Health 2 Page | 4

Now let’s proceed to this Stamina Building Jump
Exercises. Jump training has been scientifically proven
to improve overall stamina.
Jumping Mechanics
Remember to pace yourself according to the results of
your PAR-Q+ Survey. You may modify the positions
and number of sets, seek help from your teacher.


Good luck and have fun pumping!

How did you feel about these activities?

Write your reflections in your Journal,
attach collage of photos or time-lapsed
video while doing the cardio jump

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QUESTIONS Organization and Management of Sports
• How can management
help you improve your
knowledge and skill in

• How can we effectively

address concerns about
organization and

• Why do we need to plan

and prepare before
participating in an event?

List down events you have attended, participated, or

organized so far:

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What Is Sport
What Is Sport Management?

Sport management is the field of business that

focuses directly on sports and recreation. Many
different subjects are incorporated into sport Inside Sports
management such as administration, finance, law
and ethics. 3g6a8NwNrxs

A degree in sport management can lead to career

opportunities in the world of sports and recreation.
Depending on what kind of sport management career
interests you, possibilities include working directly
with athletes, coaches and organizations or working
behind the scenes as a promoter, marketing manager
or sports economist.

There are many different aspects of sport

management. Sports finance is a billion-dollar
industry. Individuals who are interested in the
financial and economic aspects of the world of sports
might consider focusing their studies on finance and
related subjects. Similarly, sport managers who want
to work for international sports organizations should
take courses like international marketing.

Some love sports. Some love taking chances and

challenges. These traits, together, make a winning
combination for a career in sports management,
which includes any and every business aspect of
sports and recreation.

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The field is vast. Sport managers can be found
working for professional teams, their parent
programs (such as the National Football League,
National Basketball Association, Major League
Baseball or National Hockey League), colleges and
universities, recreational departments and sports
marketing firms. They can be event managers, facility
managers, sports economists, financial, promotion or
information experts. Source:

They can run the front office, work behind the scenes
or act as the interface between players, coaches and
the media. In all these sports’ management roles,
energy, motivation, good sportsmanship and
teamwork are considered strong assets.

Roles and Responsibilities of

Tournament Officials

Tournament officials oversee officiating the event.

They have in-depth knowledge about the sport. The
responsibilities of tournament officials include:
• enforcing the rules and regulation of the game;
• ensures that the game is played safely and in
• Inspecting the safety of the field or facility;
• managing time; and
• communicating properly to the coaches.

• requires external officials usually hired or
volunteers assigned by the organizers to

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implement the rules and code of conduct of the
game or tournament.
• They are not related to any team so they can
provide impartial decisions.

• happens when there are no “outside” officials.
• Players officiate the games or run the
tournament. This is usually done during pickup
games with friends and may not be effective
compared to outside officiating.


1. Ability – talent and competency for job.
2. Preparation – method of getting set ahead of
3. Experience – acquired knowledge and
capabilities from previous involvements in
actual events.

1. Confidence
2. Consistency
3. Decisiveness
4. Enjoyment
5. Integrity
6. Judgment
7. Poise
8. Rapport

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Tournament Format

A challenge is a request made to the holder of a
competitive title for a match between champion and
challenger, the winner of which will acquire or retain the
title. In some cases, the champion has the right to refuse
a challenge; in others, this results in forfeiting the title.

The challenge system derives from dueling and its code

of honor. While many competitive sports use some form
of tournament to determine champions, a challenge
match is the normal way of deciding professional
boxing titles and the World Chess Championship. Some
racket sports clubs have a reigning champion who may
be challenged by any other club member; a ladder
tournament extends the challenge concept to all
players, not just the reigning champion.

At elite-level competition, there is usually some

governing body which authorizes and regulates
challenges, such as FIDE in chess. In some cases, there is
a challengers' tournament, the winner of which gains
the right to play the challenge round against the
reigning champion; in tennis this was the case at
Wimbledon until 1922 and in the Davis Cup until 1972.

A round-robin tournament (or all-play-all tournament) is
a competition in which each contestant meets all other
contestants in turn. A round-robin contrasts with an Single Round Robin
elimination tournament, in which participants are
Type of Elimination
eliminated after a certain number of losses. EBbukjrZBbA

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In a single round-robin schedule, each participant plays
every other participant once. If each participant plays all
others twice, this is frequently called a double round-
robin. The term is rarely used when all participants play
one another more than twice and is never used when
one participant plays others an unequal number of

The champion in a round-robin tournament is the

contestant that wins the most games, except when
draws are possible.

In theory, a round-robin tournament is the fairest way to

determine the champion from among a known and
fixed number of contestants. Each contestant, whether
player or team, has equal chances against all other
opponents because there is no prior seeding of
contestants that will preclude a match between any
given pair. The element of luck is seen to be reduced as
compared to a knockout system since one or two bad
performances need not ruin a competitor's chance of
ultimate victory. Final records of participants are more
accurate, in the sense that they represent the results
over a longer period against the same opposition.

The system is also better for ranking all participants, not

just determining the winner. This is helpful to determine
the final rank of all competitors, from strongest to
weakest, for purposes of qualification for another stage
or competition as well as for prize money.

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Single Elimination Type
of Tournament


A single-elimination, knockout, or sudden death
tournament is a type of elimination tournament where
the loser of each match-up is immediately eliminated
from the tournament. Each winner will play another in
the next round, until the final match-up, whose winner
becomes the tournament champion. Each match-up
may be a single match or several, for example two-
legged ties in European football or best-of series in
American pro sports. Defeated competitors may play no
further part after losing or may participate in
"consolation" or "classification" matches against other
losers to determine the lower final rankings; for
example, a third-place playoff between losing semi-
finalists. In a shootout poker tournament, there are
more than two players competing at each table, and
sometimes more than one progressing to the next
round. Some competitions are held with a pure single-
elimination tournament system. Others have many
phases, with the last being a single-elimination final
stage, often called playoffs.
Term 3, AY 2021-2022 PE and Health 2 Page | 12
Double Elimination Type
of Tournament


A double-elimination tournament is a type of
elimination tournament competition in which a
participant ceases to be eligible to win the tournament's
championship upon having lost two games or matches.
It stands in contrast to a single-elimination tournament,
in which only one defeat results in elimination.

One method of arranging a double-elimination

tournament is to break the competitors into two sets of
brackets, the winners' bracket and losers' bracket (W
and L brackets for short; also sometimes upper bracket
and lower bracket, respectively) after the first round. The
first-round winners proceed into the W bracket and the
losers proceed into the L bracket. The W bracket is
conducted in the same manner as a single-elimination
tournament, except that the losers of each round "drop
down" into the L bracket. Another method of double-
elimination tournament management is the Draw and

As with single-elimination tournaments, most often the

number of competitors is equal to a power of two (8, 16,
32, etc.) so that in each round there is an even number
of competitors and never any byes. The maximum

Term 3, AY 2021-2022 PE and Health 2 Page | 13

number of games in a double-elimination tournament is Adidas vs Puma - The
one less than twice the number of teams participating Family Argument That
(e.g., 8 teams – 15 games). The minimum number is two Gave Rise to Sports
less than twice the number of teams (e.g., 8 teams – 14 Marketing
games). uPCMrllEfSQ

Marketing Sports Events Sports Marketing Video
Sports marketing is a subdivision of marketing which Ve-ZcABM7LE
focuses both on the promotion of sports events and
teams as well as the promotion of other products and
services through sporting events and sports teams. It is
a service in which the element promoted can be a
physical product or a brand name. The goal is to
provide the client with strategies to promote sports or
to promote some other product, service, business or
cause through sports. Sports marketing is also designed
to meet the needs and wants of the consumers through
exchange processes. These strategies follow the
traditional four "P"'s of general marketing: Product,
Price, Promotion and Place. Another four "P"’s are
added to sports marketing, relating to the fact sports
are considered to be a service. The additional 4 P’s are:
Planning, Packaging, Positioning and Perception. The
addition of the four extra elements is called the "sports
marketing mix."

Sports marketing is an element of sports promotion

which involves a wide variety of sectors of the sports
industry, including broadcasting, advertising, social
media, digital platforms, ticket sales, and community

Term 3, AY 2021-2022 PE and Health 2 Page | 14

Sports marketing uses sports, in any form, to help sell
good services. This particular style of marketing is less
about using a single strategy and more about using the
content of sports to assist marketing efforts. This is not
limited to professional sports, and may include college
athletics, minor leagues, or alternative sports.

Reflection Paper
Directions: Answer the questions in a
brief and clearly stated manner. Use a
separate paper to write your answers.
1. How can Sport Management help the Sports
2. Why is management and organization essential
in Sports?


Most of us are just audience to the world of Sports

Events. We are not fully aware of the preparations and
hardships that the athletes, staff, and officials go
through to show to us quality sport entertainment and
awareness. The knowledge and skills learned from this
lesson will make us more mindful of our actions and
improve our attitude in Sports.

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Directions: Create a Project Plan Draft for a Sport Event of your choice.

SPORT EVENT: _________________________________



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What Is Sport Management?

Roles and responsibilities of tournament officials

Challenge (competition)

Round-robin tournament

Single-elimination tournament

Double-elimination tournament

Sports Marketing

Delmark A. Aseron
Paolo Andre C. Bartilad
Dominic Ryan R. Bustamante
Fellane Nicolette S. Labian

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