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H5.13-DR.lNGls I
NoterAttempt all the 05 questions. Each question carries 10 marks'

qle'-isqff 05 qYrl 4; \r(i{ Af}i I q.i{' ql{ }g ro sio fl'rsrfftd $ t

Question No. 'l: (10 Marks)

Translate the lollowing passage in Hindi.

+a Rd .rc dsivr or ft'ff t rlor< dlftrt'-
"This Smriti solely deals with lorensic law, both substantive and procedural'
without any reference to penance and other religious matters Thus it
and can be regarded as purely
.rfLi a o6puttrte from the earlier worksjudicial
relating to taw. lt deals with courts and procedure and also lays
down ihe law regulating the eighleen titles with greal clarity Narada was
independent in liis views and did not allow himself to be bound by the
earlier texts. This Smriti is remarkable for its progressive views on various
matters. The procedural law laid down by this Smriti contains provisions
relating to pieading, evidence (oral and documentary). as. also the
proced"ure required tio be adopted by the courts of law, the details of which
are dealt with in the relevant chapters.
Narada Smriti contains three introductory chapters on the principles
ot judicial procedure and on iudicial assembly. Then it deals with titles of
tari as in Manu and Yajnavalkya. ln an Appendix it deals with the -otfence of
thefl. lt contains 1028 verses including 61 in the Appendix. This Smriti was
translated by Dr. Jolly in
About 700 veises lrom Narada are profusely quoted in various
Nibandhas (commentaries and digests) written by famous writers like
Vishwarupa, Medhatithi and Jeemutavahana. Bana. in his Kadambari,
relers to a distinct work of Narada on politics. The same has so Iar not
been traced. ln the lndia Office Library there is a manuscript of Narada
Smriti in 3 chapters, 322 verses, dealing exclusively with achara and
prayaschitta. Jolly is ol the opinion that the date ol Narada Smriti is later
than 3OO A.D. As the oldest manuscript was recovered from Nepal and the
oldest commentary was also written in Nepal, Dr. Jolly opines that Narada
hailed from Nepal. Very important changes in law are discernible from
Narada Smriti and therefore it forms an important landmark in the evolution
of ancienl lndian legal system and also throws a great light on the political
and social institutions during the period when it was written.
This Smriti indicates that ancient lndian jurists never hesitated to take
a progressive view and did not feel themselves bound by the opinion

lls 13 Dn,tNcl6l
expressed by earlier jurists. Later jurists gave expression to their thoughls
freely and they proceeded on the basis that law cannot be stalic, but it must
change according to the changing social and political conditions."

Question No.2: (10 Marks)

Translate the Iollowing passage inEnglish.

fin ftn .rd dqiv or siid i rgar< dfri,-
"tr{r s+T{ srrngd.i $ di "+rs oo qdt rrrr .i< {a{I
o{ or gd "i ftl r< t ql 'rqq srit t .}f}-r qt+qrc .fl 3mi{fl 'rS .fr if,r
rofi r "rd fl i fu<rfi ff ,roo qr odE{ .r$r{ enii t { erfida +ari, crqi.
dA c-mri, qfttrr dl trsi, q< o) r<r< {aqrr .F{i d f'ac f,qqfi q oowrff
q t{ rrqn or+ qrrff (fu d siror< ( Afur { t rtq kr+l qfi rrofrt qtl
oer<r o-it fu rq srrat d 3rrct GTqi eilq d ldc er+'frc q{ri qqi {d 3i{ 6qi
Nt qc affids {FD-{rFF furr gen 'rw 3lrg I aqr 6}rrr irq ? t fufil trtqrg.n
3{h A qr1'.ff ? { r,{ qrt iffi rtfr {. fo Eqr o-lt oH gtr qr.r o) q,rg
fu t +qr or+ arrff qt .r.n o'ff oE tQ ert qawotul +1 sr<M ord elYs
F{r qrd o1 qga6 I 5r$ fa, { qfi q ur r€i, Rrd 116 td.n fu fl f'o fi;cirt
q fu* Rrd....Rrd qu rd di, da-q< ti d sffid ar6 t t gi q€l qm eiti {
o"fi frrfr e es eR ii or .{t ,r€l qrc;fl r g+rol suE 116 t la tff ro( qz
q.$,fl r ti c) q'r r"fl c)
"ndr i'. .il$=r t tr qda d 'r€t dir qrRc t .10
w0 oimt *c qr{rrc{i d aro"6 t fia rlii dlffii tiJ q6 {m ,n d fuc
irslfr q o\ 5d ora rro) r sqfaq S ftrsi slls oei d nru d qo .fi orrfl q,
{ rtcn T6 ttff qr qn rcq,lr ;ffi q "i +< { f, erci q.i qrri trrq *+
or{fl r go tr{t qr q) ,fui +1 6S rr qro o} ilSd ,{fl t c ilS d afu<
glr ers+ nA d,nfrtd' t adl d. lt +qt qer+ sr6 {8 e, qs or qr* N ftg
ensr gRoE t. dfuq 'qi er< srci Gnq *lE qE qrIH or im d t qn orrff dt,
ti sqr dt'6r arqqrqr t ? { 'qi' t< dl ,rft{r d rr6q*I iDI sq {qftIc 6tcn
qd d 'qi' qr Es$ ffi-gdd r<t t 5+rtfr iFfi (t o1ft vr+t crq f{fls
.i tfl q r .nrcrl S s{t ilffi S err<r or qrcfil{ d *t +rro ,brfi {rff
q, vrd erv, i qrg .r€l qrff-, .rff d t+.d cnr"Fff ii .re-ff t

adr. t rrar orol d -rqr t it ttfi i g6 6E 6 o) 5d 'ft<rn tfi

Question No.3: (10 Marks)

Write lhe pr6cis of the lollowing passage in English:-

fiA f{n ,rn dsin or siffi t rrn iAfuq,-

"The term "sources of law" has been used in difFerent senses by
differenl writers and different views have been expressed from time to time.
Sometimes, the term is used in the sense of the sovereign or the State
lrom which law derives its force or validity. Sometimes it is used to denole
the causes of law or the matter of which law is composed. lt is also used to
point out the origin or the beginning which gave rise to the stream of law.
C.K. Allen uses it in the sense of agencies through which the rules of
conduct acquire the character of law by becoming definite, unilorm and
compulsory. Vinogradoff uses it as the process by which the rule of law
may be evolved. Oppenheim uses it as lhe name for a historical fact out of
which the rules of conduct come into existence and acquire legal force.
According to Prof. Fuller, the problem of "sources" in the literature of
jurisprudence relates to the question: "Where does the judge obtain the
rules by which to decide cases? ln this sense, among the sources of law
will commonly be listed statutes, judicial precedents, custom, the opinion of
experts, morality and equity.
According to Holland, the expression "sources of law' is sometimes
employed to denote the quarter whence we obtain our knowledge of the
law, i.9., whether from the statute book, the reports or esteemed treatises.
Sometimes it is used to denote the ultimate authority which gives them the
force of law, i.e., the State. Sometimes it is used to indicate the causes
which, as it were, automatically brought into existence rules which have
subsequently acquired lhat force viz., custom, religion and scientific
discussion. Sometimes it is used to indicate the organs through which the
State either grants legal recognition to rules previously unauthoritative or
itself creates new law, viz., adJUdication, equity and legislation.
Rupert cross writes thal the phrase "source ol law" is used in several
different senses. First, there is the literary source, the original documentary
source of our information concerning the existence of a rule of law ln this
sense, the law reports are a source of law, whereas a textbook on tort or
contract, or a digest of cases falls inlo the caiegory of legal lilerature. Next,
there are the historical sources of law. the sources original, mediate or
immediate - from which rules of law derive their content as a matter of legal
history. ln this sense, the writings of Bracton and Coke and the works of
olher great exponents of English law are sources of law, lor they enunciate
rules which are now embodied in judicial decisions and Acts of parliament.,,

Hs 13 r)R tN613l
Ouestion No,4: (10 Marks)

Write the precis ot the lollowing passage in Hindi i

+n fuA.rn dqicr Fr ffi fr wn fifug,-
"ra6 (d d F,q q F{.trd dt ds rn tzsr ii 1'o +frEn rsrq.rg ot+}s i dt r

u<fi ar urq \.t; !4li.a quir-ft-dcr (drq-mrv) t crkr of I {q q d \,o

3{q-fi 65r{l i t ata-gl t 'd4d-ft d r+q+l ol sit s{ ilct irr 6r \'6 sftq
ftleTi tdr qr t ora r{ +r di of rrrc i qwqr i rS nrs rqBin qrsi ,} t

s{ti Eq sfio t orq qrn 6{i +1 offi o}m at. *$ o1ffi i

qrfl-qFr d:rrt smccl d xl t rs.i urqr iFFrT .rrEr qr, q-{d s.rd erv qu rS
sd .{rg ;l 'rfl sn rsr er fb B-r6t 3$sardr 6r iFr{q fqr * r enfuron
frffi d Rqrr t qa qro vrff 6 q *tq yrtrqd rtrgt w ra rfl ge 3Trflr ii6
d t r ca s{J trfffr treR d et<q qc ,rE t 3ir "H oi .r{r wr r{l ors {€f
?{r qrrft r

r\ rrom i fu nta g.r d tsrldt i ant +aor E{ cftos{r or A-srft+,

emm qa fuqr qo "i d, {€-d otq d,il i ara qP+s t trtl qrq rsi ol
d t
oYNi d< o-c f,l r qe *+oq fu "rfle ri ff i+,S oi W ar.rq c r). ss
gi{q or .rq irrs qers' rsi or Sqar ftbcr rruy
tsr omor oH erqfiffi rS e) t 's€ti ttem d qcr {1 q{Er6
i f?,
rft aff oit{ anb\ftd.d t go tnq qrqf, o'r fl dt r qcg rre nrq rfi en t 216

\16 Tqr diq qt lirsor .nq s€]i ffi"r rqq liqr t

q{E fa-drr
" l}d-a o) qi ao d qr.qm i<r rO qrrm qr t *ca
177s { qrff oHs ol 1q d ro s{ qK 6sr A (gf furFo &fqr i 3rqi
3r5€rrr-6rd d cR n* 6) rorRrd ord ffiq rq t erRo 6{ iiqr fo
ftfid 6{ o-d or fisror rdl ({4d frrfl tr6 qr.d pi) <lio ga, irm,r lrrq i
fi,c ift gs {o-ci sq E6{r etd d+ "rfr {ff I .nf-I r$rq{i fter i ofiE
fiq <sro d qrq {sinr ero o,{ R-qr I raoa ',) ftcR i vS g6-6a.P6 q *
fq-da crw fuqr r Afu{ {s+1 qrfu d ftri s+ol 32 qR Bd-d iaRorto or
lMoqq o{.rl rrsr I f$d 6r qsf{ ori qrd 3rqi is o) 'r-6ti t{rr rft{{
ftqr: "3rffi{.d Frffd, . s+1 vrk ** sed T"lr d qli i" t qrq, en fo ra-ff d cml fnordf .rff qE d{d . r{tq) d d.q ?i r li;$-a q} 3rHli-o
ssrrq 61 .rrr \rq qim faffi i rffi .il .dt efl I

grd sr< 3ilr so d aqrqr *rrd {q{ Td ;16I q6rq fr.ffis elrfi rTF{twroff
.n wd t ffiqri n raos t rofird orrfi grco "tqrq< ri sltrn" i r<ti
f sr: "srrrr ftdd d qId .isrti or qm drrrql qrtrtr ril ry urg ot i+t-go
"rrlrn- aJd rnq t 3rerr i"ftt d oq d
qrcrrR'o sqrtr r fo-qr " t

HS.13,DR rNC[9 ]
186st q dfuFqr i Frda srrrrf,t d licr.i iie}q FrA I {{ qerrsii tl
qs qqs qf,d str.fq d {qrr fuTrT d 3IEqe{'lq w \'fi Ti arfu ol
dqm a ,rS t +.rt 'no qa rti I zrd
e,fr qr qgd s rS de{r snon
T ql?'r d
r hq qr sF-o at clfh dl t s€li {g ,SI i qe{ + inre gt cr51
"fl"ril swaor fira r Aq tff TE q' tida
n, "t =t fi .r'r.r) grr ord 'r{
[s] elr I {q s,*r uidl€ d $qFl r) q d.ffiFor i FrJ fHo erqq+ ot
olrq ' .Ir$l-{fffte' qqr {qr I

goa -d"* {Is qra elE ocEI { qfuft,-fi t-ui qn arq"i ffi qqq
ors-ffia 3rqroi d Ia"nd risrq tfrFcqt d tT dil t

d ildd d 3lHFrm ssr<'r o) orqi stm ilal I 6aqq

sqirm qeqreii
{61 .d n {rr ,q d ssr) ,rr..rpf 5q 4n .fi tdro tt 'rff r qcl qa 'rql fu'
fqde dd d ,ift g.oq osi q;1 eT,rd r rsor t t qE qr* s'r fu vsn iErm t
qrd rszo q {cft{d 3rr q qridd ffird
'}rri Fd,+Cad r&a d q'rdq q{ i
mn wrt.r fi'Ab. rre qc a*,r qrofi$rliqi E{n oX sfn cO i
qt M t

' na rrdrd "d 3ro *i {,"fi d + +lrmq t'n

A 3r)qds i ffi
qr .fd-qr fuT'r +t *'rdrd aqrii or
orrori q;t go rrroXd om {)vr'+go "si 'ror<<
oEcr er I vs q* ii&
ot-rr rnm +s{r q Frdc{ {Sd +1 T& rrcri ot
gdrra gs s) gor w +is ftlcM r;sr eta of +5 wivr of zft t"i
Question No.5 (10 Marks)

fiq fr t faffi 9o liru w dqrr{r 4oo Prd n ffi n fudrq


(i) ql{iftq rifurTr { ftq r1q T rla irfifiTs r

(iD qrrfi q iaqf{{ 3nd{r t

(iii) fofuo .tr"m 4] fift-q qGR lti 'r+S

oru t

(iv) n4fuo -ora -.i Rr<rd I

(v) rmlftq qfttrrJr d en.ftq Forq gq .iqrrr,t qrq rrcarr{i t

:r: ** ** * *+ ** ** *+* ** 1i **

HS 13 DR rN6[10]

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