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22/09/2021 22:24 Alpine.

js + jQuery/JavaScript Plugin Integration: a Select2 example · Code with Hugo

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Alpine.js +
jQuery/JavaScript Plugin
Integration: a Select2

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22/09/2021 22:24 Alpine.js + jQuery/JavaScript Plugin Integration: a Select2 example · Code with Hugo

Code with Hugo of drop-in plugins available. Share this

Alpine.js is a great way to phase out jQuery spaghetti code from

current and future projects with its declarative nature and small
bundle size.

What Alpine doesn’t have (yet), is a thriving plugin ecosystem.

However, it’s all “just JavaScript” and it’s completely possible to
leverage jQuery plugins in Alpine.js components.

There have been a slew of questions in the Alpine.js Issues about

integrating 3rd party libraries and jQuery plugins. This post will go
through the example of integrating Select2 - The jQuery replacement
for select boxes although the principles and tools explained should
work for other plugins and tools.

This post is “choose your own adventure”, if you’re interested in a

CodePen or copy-pasting the code, head straight to Show me the
code. If on the other hand you’re interested in the step by step
breakdown of the integration, that follows the first code/demo

Table of Contents

Show me the code

Here’s a Select2 input whose selection state is synced to Alpine.js
and which reflects Alpine.js state.

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CSS JS Result

<div x-data="{ selectedCity: '' }" Select a City


<select x-ref="select" data- Selected value (bound in Alpine.js):

placeholder="Select a City">

Reset selectedCity

Trigger selection of London

<option value="New York">New

Trigger selection of New York
<p>Selected value (bound in
Alpine.js): <code x-

<p><button @click="selectedCity =
Resources 1× 0.5× 0.25× Rerun

Here’s the full working code in the “No Script Tag Here” style, ready
to copy paste. If you’re interested in the step by step of how we came
to this, read the next sections.


x-data="{ selectedCity: '' }"

x-init="() => {

select2 = $($;

select2.on('select2:select', (event) => {

selectedCity =;


$watch('selectedCity', (value) => {



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<select x-ref="select" data-placeholder="Select a City"> 3/14
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<option value="London">London</option>

<option value="New York">New York</option>


<p>Selected value (bound in Alpine.js): <code x-text="selectedCity"></c


<button @click="selectedCity = ''">

Reset selectedCity




<button @click="selectedCity = 'London'">

Trigger selection of London




<button @click="selectedCity = 'New York'">

Trigger selection of New York




Step by step integration of jQuery

plugin Select2 with Alpine.js
Our select2 integration works as follows, this is a step by step
tutorial, the full working code is in the previous section and in the
Alpine.js + jQuery select2 CodePen.

0. Setting the scene

We’ll start with an Alpine.js/jQuery/Select2 app which allows us to
pick a city by clicking buttons.
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Note that we would usually be able to 2-way bind the select
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element using x-model , but this is not the purpose of this exercise. 4/14
22/09/2021 22:24 Alpine.js + jQuery/JavaScript Plugin Integration: a Select2 example · Code with Hugo

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The goal is for Alpine.js state ( selectedCity ) and a Select2 box
initialised on the “Select a City” select to always reflect each other’s
state (2-way binding). That is:

if we select a value using the Select2 box, the value should

update in the Alpine.js application state

if we update the value of Alpine.js state ( selectedCity ), this

update should be reflected in the Select2 selection.

Here’s the initial code, which doesn’t work.

<div x-data="{ selectedCity: '' }">

<select data-placeholder="Select a City">


<option value="London">London</option>

<option value="New York">New York</option>


<p>Selected value (bound in Alpine.js): <code x-text="selectedCity"></c


<button @click="selectedCity = ''">

Reset selectedCity




<button @click="selectedCity = 'London'">

Trigger selection of London




<button @click="selectedCity = 'New York'">

Trigger selection of New York




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1. Add an x-ref on the element to initialise
with jQuery Select2
Our first step is to add a ref on the select that we’ll turn into a
select2 box using x-ref="select" , we can now access this element
using $ or this.$ .

<div x-data="{ selectedCity: '' }">

<select x-ref="select" data-placeholder="Select a City">

<!-- options etc, no change -->


<!-- rest of template, no change -->


2. Add an x-init handler + initialise the

Select2 box
Next, we add an x-init handler to our Alpine.js component.

In x-init we initialise the Select2 box by creating a jQuery instance

(using $(element) ) from $ (which we defined in the
previous step) and calling .select2() on it. In full:
$($ .

We set the output of .select2() as the select2 instance variable in

order to access it later.

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x-data="{ Weekly.
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'' }"


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select2 = $($;

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<!-- rest of template -->


The issue we’re now facing is that the Select2 box can update
without the Alpine.js state being updated. We’ll fix this in the next

3. Listen to select2:select events and

update selectedCity Alpine.js state
In order to update Alpine.js state when a Select2 selection happens
( select2:select event), we’ll use our select2 instance and use the
jQuery .on() method to add a listener for selection events.

When select2:select event occurs, we’ll run a callback that updates

selectedCity to the .


x-data="{ selectedCity: '' }"


// select2 instantiation

select2.on('select2:select', (event) => {

selectedCity =;




<!-- no template changes -->


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the following
Code with Hugo screen capture. Share this

We’ve now
Interested seen how to sync selection data from Select2 to Alpine.js
in Alpine.js?
using to
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.on('select2:select', . email
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Code with Hugo that when we click the “Reset” and “Trigger” buttons, Select2
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doesn’t update, that’s because Alpine.js state updates don’t get
synced back to Select2.

In the next section we’ll see how to synchronise Alpine.js state

changes to Select2 using $watch and jQuery’s .val().trigger()

4. $watch and set value with .val().trigger()

The previous sections we created a select2 instance using x-init

and registered a listener on select2:select which sets Alpine.js
selectedCity state to the selection data.

The final step in this guide is to make sure that changes to Alpine.js
state are reflected/synchronised to Select2’s state.

In order to do this, we’ll add a $watch('selectedCity', callback)

expression in x-init (after instantiating the select2 ).

In the $watch callback, we’ll set the value of the select2 instance
with the .val() method and trigger an update using
.trigger('change') . Put together the callback is (value) =>
select2.val(value).trigger('change') , ie. when selectedCity
changes, take the new value, set it as select2’s value and trigger an


x-data="{ selectedCity: '' }"


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$watch('selectedCity', (value) => {

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select2.val(value).trigger('change'); 9/14
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<!-- no template changes -->


Changes to Alpine.js selectedCity state are now reflected in the

Select2 box as per the following screen capture.

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We’ve now looped the loop:

Select2 gets initialised when the Alpine.js component


Select2 updates are synchronised to Alpine.js state

Alpine.js state updates are reflected in the Select2 box

Next we’ll recap the steps that we’ve just gone through.

Wrapping up - Summary of an
Alpine.js + JavaScript/jQuery
plugin integration
The steps to integrating a jQuery/JavaScript plugin like Select2 are
as follows:

1. Add x-ref to the element on which you’re going to initialise

the plugin, this makes it easier to access through
$refs / this.$refs .

2. Initialise the plugin in x-init making sure to keep the

instance around, with jQuery plugins that usually means
instance = $($refs.pluginElement).pluginName(/* plugin
options */) , note the $() around the ref, which wraps the
DOM Node/element in a jQuery instance.

3. If you need to synchronise plugin updates -> Alpine.js state,

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Code with Hugoplugins where events are namespaced with the name:
pluginShare this

instance.on('plugin:event', (event) => { alpineState = }) .

4. If you need to synchronise Alpine.js state -> plugin, add the

relevant $watch('alpineState', callback) expression in this
watcher callback, trigger updates on the plugin instance. In
most jQuery plugins that means
instance.val(value).trigger('change') .

5. If you’re keen to clean up whatever your Alpine.js component

initialised, you can use instance.trigger('destroy') per
jQuery’s norm of instance.trigger('destroy') .

That’s it for this post, you can check out the Alpine.js tag on Code
with Hugo for more in-depth Alpine.js guides.

If you’re interested in Alpine.js, Subscribe to Alpine.js Weekly. A

free, once–weekly email roundup of Alpine.js news and articles.

Clay Banks

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Code with HugoHugo Di Francesco Share this

Co-author of "Professional JavaScript" with Packt. He runs the Code with Hugo website
helping over 100,000 developers every month and holds an MEng in Mathematical
Computation from University College London (UCL). He has used JavaScript extensively to
create scalable and performant platforms at companies such as Canon and Elsevier.

— Code with Hugo —


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