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Physical Side Effect of Covid Vaccines

among the Grade 12 Students

Kurt Justin Al D. Sunga
Jamill R. Vasquez
Joyce S. Santiago
Mark Angelo O. Yamat




JUNE 2022

In the fight that every life is in danger against the enemy human kind can’t see in their naked
eye, A disease that is killing millions of people around the world called Corona Virus 2019 (COVID19),
The W.H.O. or World Health Organization issued a list of vaccines that can help the people to have a
weapon than can minimize the effect of the virus. The people in this community are hesitant to take
vaccines due to lack of knowledge, misinformation from social media or false religious beliefs. This study
aims to give the right and fact knowledge about the COVID Vaccines despite it’s Physical Side Effect.
The world is now grieving because of the difficulty that all of us are facing. This is
not something that can be changed overnight. It is not a war that can be solved over a
cease-fire. rich or poor, anyone can be infected with the deadly virus. It seems the
conflict between different countries suddenly stopped. The enemy now is not a human,
and with that, we are fighting in a battle with a blindfold on. Every problem must have a
solution, so the Health Organization proposed a vaccination to fight the virus.

Being fully vaccinated can help you fight with the virus especially in adolescence,
in times where we don’t have a cure against a virus. It is really helpful to have a vaccine
against our research, we found that being vaccinated will familiarize our body with
the virus which means that we can fight against the virus and that will cost us less
This research has the purpose of giving knowledge about the vaccines against
the Covid-19 and its effects. There are people especially the adolescence that
misunderstood the vaccine and are not aware of it. Our study will somehow have a
contribution to our community by spreading facts about the vaccine effect. This study
shares the knowledge for those who don't want to get vaccinated that will surely help
everyone whom will read this and will prevent the spreading of the virus further more.
We intend to help by at least sharing the facts to others to take the vaccine so that we
have a sword and shield to fight against the virus.

Based on World Health Organization (2021) Vaccine can prevent harmful

diseases from harming you by receiving vaccinations - it's simple, safe, and effective.
Your immune system becomes stronger and resists specific infections with the help of
your body's natural defenses. Just as when you are exposed to a disease, vaccination
trains your immune system to produce antibodies. In spite of this, because vaccines
have only killed or weakened forms of germs like viruses or bacteria, they do not cause
any illness or put you at risk for complications.

As stated by Dr. Benjamin Co (2021, August 6), A infectious Diseases and

Chemical Pharmacology Specialist, that there is no such thing as vaccine that will 100%
prevent infections. You are only avoiding the severe outcomes and that’s what vaccines

According to CDC (2020) The COVID-19 vaccines help people develop an

immunity against the virus that causes it.

As stated by Dr. Soumya Swaninathan, W.H.O. Chief Secretary, the W.H.O.

listed that the Covid vaccines do protect against developing sever disease due to virus,
those who are vaccinated are much less likely to end up having severe ill. A full cource
of vaccination is in need to fully immunity to protect you against the virus. She also said
that the Vaccine are important because: 1. It was to prevent the severe ill and 2. To be
not on the chain of transmission as we need to stop the transmission of the virus to
further affect more.

Review of Related Literature

History of Covid-19
As specified by W.H.O. (2021) An infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2
virus. Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory
illness and recover without requiring special treatment. However, some will become
seriously ill and require medical attention. Older people and those with underlying
medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or
cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Anyone can get sick with COVID-19
and become seriously ill or die at any age. The virus can spread from an infected
person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing
or breathe. These particles range from larger respiratory droplets to smaller aerosols. It
is important to practice respiratory etiquette, for example by coughing into a flexed

As mention by Dr. Edsal Salvana, an Infectious Disease Expert, the variant that
we are facing now is called delta variant that is more dangerous than the original Covid

Covid Vaccines
According to National Human Genome Research Institute (2020) Messenger
RNA is a kind of RNA which is single stranded and is involved in protein synthesis. It is
made of from DNA template during transcription and has a role of carrying protein
information from the DNA into the nucleus and to the cytoplasm of the cell. Then, the
protein making machinery read the sequence of the mRNA for translation in a growing
protein chain. Messenger RNA is a type of nucleic acid helping the human genome and
coded in DNA which is read by cellular machinery. Aside from nuclei, we have
ribosomes and other cellular organelles responsible for DNA translation. However, in
these processes, the mRNA is perceived as the translated form of DNA recognized by
machinery and responsible for assembling amino acids into proteins. Therefore, despite
the DNA always having emphasized in discussions, the mRNA is indeed a vital piece in
which living organisms are created. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are both from this
type of vaccine.
As explained by CDC (2020, March 14) the comprehensive overview of the viral
vector vaccines which utilized a different version of the virus to the targeted virus to
transmit significant instructions to cells. The CDC also emphasized the comparability of
the viral vector vaccines to other vaccines that causes no crucial side effects or threat of
being sick to the person receiving it. Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine
(viral vector) In some circumstances, the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine may be
subjected to consideration.

According to Bass P. (2021, August 9) Inactivated vaccines that utilized a killed

virus or bacteria to facilitate the immune system protecting the body from infection. The
inactivated vaccine is also compared to the live vaccine in terms of purpose but differs
in procedures and the level of protection it can produce. The discussion of the inactive
vaccine included its history developed at the end of the 19th century. Types of
inactivated are also discussed along with their advantages and disadvantages. The
vaccine durability pertains to the length of time that the vaccine is perceived as effective
while inactivated vaccines have a dead pathogen, this became advantageous in the
storage and shipping as it makes the transport easier.

As believed by DOH (2021, May 20), There are 3 reasons why the people don’t
want to get vaccinated:1. The physical effect 2. The misinformation from the social
media and lastly people don’t have trust with the government.

As stated by Maragakis. L & Kelen G. (2021, November 9) There are common

side effects of vaccines, but they are temporary like flu, body aches, head-aches and
fever. These symptoms do not mean you are sick. They signal that your immune system
is responding to the shot and building up protection against the coronavirus.

As Confirm by Department of Health (DOH) (2021), Covid 19 vaccination is

needed against the covid virus. It is not a cure but a prevention, for our immune system
to be familiar with the virus. Taking shots may encounter side effects. Examples are; -
Fever -Headache -Fatigue -Muscle pain.

In addition, the World Health Organization (2021a, March 31) the side effects
associated with COVID-19 vaccines, most of these will subside with time on their own.
There is a possibility of more severe or long-term side effects, as shown in clinical trials.
The safety of vaccines is constantly monitored. COVID-19 side effects are mostly mild
to moderate and last no longer than a few days. Injection site pain, fever, fatigue,
headache, and muscle pain are common side effects. After vaccination, each vaccine
carries a different risk of side effects. As long as you're healthy and well, you'll be
protected against SPARS-CoV-2 with the COVID-19 vaccine.

There are 3 famous conspiracy theory about the Virus

1. The COVID-19 are from bats that is transmitted to a human and transmitted to
another human.
2. The SARS-COV-2 is a laboratory constructed or a purpose manipulated virus.
3. China or Bill Gates created this dangerous virus


As the community is suffering with this disease, the officials and health experts
introduce the vaccine but a problem rose, the hesitancy and misinformation that spread
around the social media causing people especially adolescents to not take vaccines.

This study aims to:

1. To give the right knowledge about the vaccines.
2. To share information about the effect of the vaccine.
3. To pursue nonvaccinated adolescents to take vaccine.

General Questions.
1. What type/s of Covid vaccine did you took?
2. What physical side effect/s did your experienced after the immunization?
3. Did you take any medication to cure the physical side effects of vaccine?
- If yes, what type of medication did you use?
- If no, How did you deal with the Physical side effect/s?
4. How long did the physical side effect of the vaccine last?

The study expects that the physical side effect of the COVID-19 is normal and that the
knowledge about the vaccines and the physical side effects are facts.


This study will be conducted within the G12 of Senior High School of Masantol High
School using google form. The respondent has to answer what vaccine they took, if they
experience physical side effect, if they took a medicine after they experience physical
side effect and how many days, they experience the physical side effect.

This study utilizes the combination of qualitative and quantative design that will specify
the experiences of individuals affiliated with the given study topic while qualitative
research discusses the understanding within the experiences of individuals in certain
situations. According to Creswell (2013,) the qualitative with phenomenological
approach talks about the lived experience of individuals with different experiences but
insignificant status. The research is a qualitative study concerning the physical side
effects of covid vaccine.
The researchers utilized a phenomenological research design and methodology to
attain the target goals of this study. It will focus on the experience of the respondents in
taking the vaccine. The approach of this study is exploratory, qualitative, non-
experimental, and interpretative phenomenological.

In this study we will use Voluntary Response Sampling Technique. It is under the non-
Probability sampling. Our participants have to participate voluntarily in answering our
survey questions related to the topic. It is not mandatory, only those who wants to
response will do. We will do the survey online and send the link to target population and
it is self-chosen participants. it depends on them if they volunteer to be a respondent of
our study. It depends purely on the individual’s willingness and awareness of the topic
to participate in the study. This study aims to show how the vaccines affects the
respondents; it is based on what they have experienced after taking the vaccine. It may
be a biased response due to the respondents tend to answer the questions based on
his/her strong opinion about the subject.


Survey, Using the 2 methods of survey which are the: (1) asked people to fill the
questionnaire by themselves; (2) asked them directly and record their answer. Although
in our current situation google form is where we will let the respondents answer by
themselves and through messenger or online call is where we will ask health workers.

1. What type/s of Covid vaccine did you took?

 Sinovac
 Pfizer
 Moderna
 Johnson & Johnson
 Astrazenica
2. What physical side effect/s did your experienced after the immunization?
 A sore from the injection
 Feeling tired
 A head ache
 Being sick
3. Did you take any medication to cure the physical side effects of vaccine?
- If yes, what type of medication did you use?
 Paracetamol (Biogesic)
- If no, how did you deal with the Physical side effect/s?
 Really nothing
4. How long did the physical side effect of the vaccine last?
 1-2 days
 3-4 days
 Others


There are 106 respondents from Grade 12 students of Masantol High School that took
vaccine and 1 that have not taken any vaccine yet. 57 took Moderna vaccines, 22
Pfizer, 20 Sinovac, 4 J&J and 3 Astrazenica.

Out of 106 That took the vaccine 19 of them didn’t experience Physical Side Effect, A
sore from the injection is what the 51-respondent experience and since the survey is
using checkbox other respondents also answered being sick-28, a head ache 25 and
feeling tired-22.

Out of those who experience Physical side effect 65% or 57 students took medicine and
35% or 30 students didn’t take medicine, out of 30 students 29 students did not do
anything and 1 took a sleep.

Everyone that took medicine took Paracetamol(biogesic) as their way of overcoming the
Physical side effect.


Based on our study, we conclude that the vaccine will not totally protects you against
the virus but will help you decease the chances of you getting the severe and serious ill
form the virus. And for the Physical side effect of the vaccine, they are normal side
effect in which means that are body is reacting to the vaccine, still, maintaining a good
health, exercise everyday and eat healthy foods will have a great help in maintaining the
virus outside our lives.

We, the researcher of this study encourages everyone to take the covid vaccines as it is
100% safe and guaranteed by experts inside and outside our country, with this we will
certainly stop the spread of the disease further more.

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