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A. 3. Understanding the minds of thepeople is very
4. Ienjoy going on long brother to perform well in class.
5. The friendly atrmosphere helped my
6. Ilove reading history books.
me pleasure.
7. Singing classical music is what gives
8. Mary wanted to cook dinner.
9. Taking care of the poor and needy is good.
10. Surviving a plane crash is a miracle.
B. 3. I have received the information at this very moment.
4. It started raining without any warning.
5. Ram and Laxman left at the same time.
6. In those days, there was no electricity in these areas.
7. You have to learn the process step by step.
8. In the end, the dog was rescued.
9. is the best student in our class without any doubt.
10. Please handle the show piece with care.
C. 2. Inall probability, he will come today. 3. Sachin is without doubt a great player.
4. We looked for the puppy at all places. 5. Thethunder frightened us ina terrible manner.
6. In former times, Kolkata was known as Calcutta.
1. The child behaved in a good manner with his friends.
8. I called her again and again but she did not answer.
9. Iwas a good cricketer in those days. 10.Ithanked them for their help with all my heart.
11. Youare a new driver, so drive with caution. 12. My father wants to meetyouat once.
p. 3. Ibought a gown made of silIk.
4. Mona is a good student, she will have a career of great promise.
5. The walls made ofstone have eroded. 6. 26January is a day to be remembered.
7. Inwinter, we wear clothes made ofwool. 8. Iaman engineer by profession.
9. Birbal was a man ofgreat wit.
10. Indian actors are liked by many people even outside India.
E. 2. This is a topic of great importance in history.
3. We need to paint the gates made of iron.
4. My grandfather is a person with great knowledge.
5. The watch made in Switzerland was given to me by my uncle.
6. The playground was full of mud.
7. Kubla Khan was a rujer of cruel nature.
8. Some items of great value are missing from the office.
9. Mita is a singer liked by many people.
10. Journey from your house to the beach was an experience of sa pleasant nature.
11. Veena gave us a suggestion which was fit to be laughed at.
12. Jayant's answer sheet was without a flaw.
F. 1. She is a teacher with experience who has worked with children.
2. The table with a broken leg was taken away by the carpenter.
3. My grandfather lost his umbrella with a curved handle.
4. Jenny bought the apartment with an open terrace.
5. The man of great wealth, gave alms to the beggar.
G. 1. in a hearty manner (adverb phrase) 2. Walking in the morning (noun phrase)
(adverb phrasc) 4. made of gold
3. without any flaw (adjective phrase)
5. busy at work (noun phrase) 6. of great responsibility (adjective phrase)
7. in every possible place (adverb phrasc) 8. His sudden illness (noun phrase)
9. to watch the sunrise (noun phrase) 10. Once upon a tinme (adverb phrase)
11. in the end (adverb phrase) 12. in a diligent manner
(adverb phrase)
13. with all his heart (adverb phrasc) 14. made in China
(adjective phrasc)
15. Playing with other kids (noun phrase)

A. 1. Tapan lives in the house across the road.

2. Jeet is a girl who has great courage.
3. I tried to learn French but in vain.
4. The cat hid (under the table.
5. Jvoti was studving when we called her.
B. 3. The students said that the test was easy.
4. The man recounted how he fought with the robbers.
5. No noun clause
6. I know why John is behaving like this.
7. You should remember that you have to buy a gift today.
8. Now we know why we need to plant more trees.
9. He wondered why everybody was ignoring him.
10. The waiter asked whether we would order some dessert.
C. 1. Ibelieve|in your honesty.
2. I am sure that he will havea successful career.
3. They are aware of(my capability.
4. He has not informed when he willcome.
5. I know that you like comics.
D. 1. This is the boy who helped me yesterday
describes the noun boy
2. The school bus which drops me toschool, came late.
describes the noun school bus
3. I have not received the letter yousent melast week.
describes the noun letter
4. The book that I was reading yesterday, is on the table.
describes the noun book
5. Where is the girl who was waiting for the Principal?
describes the noun girl
6. The cakes which I bought, have all been eaten.
describes the noun cakes
7. The park where we play, is not well maintained.
describes the noun park
8. This is the book that my uncle
gave me.
describes the noun book
9. bought all the items you necd for the party.
describes the noun items
10. The Cartoon Network
which is a television channe), shows several entertaining programmes.
describes the noun Cartoon Network
E. 2. The bus which was golng to Sahibabad took the wrong route and reached Noida.
The audicnce who was sitting in the last row was unablo to cnjoy the performancc u nli
those in the first row.
4. The cycle which has a red basket is minc.
5. The boy who was in a red shirt could not get into the train.
E. 1. You should not talk when I am teaching in class.
2. I joined the book club when I was in the sixth grade.
3. I plant trees wherever I find some suitable place.
4. He is not coming with us since he has not finished his homework.
5. Hit the ball hard as Mahi does.
6. Don't handle those glasses as if they were made of iron.
7. I am standing where I can see him coming.
8. The cricket match had started when we reached the ground.
9. WhileI have my lunch, you can do the packing.
10. Because he performed steadily, the tortoise emerged winner in the race.

G. 2. When he was returning home, Jeet visited the grocery store.

3. He could not attend the meeting because he was ill.
the audience.
4. After they were selected, the participants were asked to perform before
5. While going to the school. John visited his grandma.
haunted. (adjective clause)
H. 1. The house that is visible from the window, is said to be
2. As soon as the boys came in, the noise began. (adverb clause)
3. I forgot what you asked me to do. (noun clause)
4. The bicycle which Rani is riding, (adjective clause)
is mine.
5. Our friends had arrived when we got home. (adverb clause)
6. They saw the mob that gathered at the ground. (adjective clause)
7. Use the paint brush as I showed you yesterday. (adverb clause)
the winner. (noun clause)
8. The compere announced that Eleena was
won the first prize. (adjcctive clause)
9. The picture that was drawn by Eleena,
Eleena. (adjective clause)
10. The chief guest, who gave away the prize, praised
A. 1. Isaw the children participating in the quiz. Simple
2. Rohitis an intelligentboy withagood grasping power. Simple
3. Reena didn't like the pudding but she
ate the preparation. Compound
because it started to rain. Complex
4 The children rushed inside could solve it. Compound
5. It wasa difficultpuzzle but Rohit
6. knew that her doll was the prettiest.
6. Gracy Complex
but she bought the masterpicce. Compound
7. Mrs Gupta didn't like the painting
8 The dog was hungry. Simple
9. The teacher knew that the children were talkative.
10. Hemust exercise regularly orhe will have health problems. Compound
11. The town was beautifiul and the pcople wcre gencrous. Compound
12. The govemment was in a tight spot as there was food shortage in the country. Complex
13. The relicftcam reachcd on time and it helped the carthquake victims. Compound
14. He can come first ifhe swims faster. Complex
15.She drovc the car carcfully but the car mct with an accidcnt. Compound
16. She was uncomfortable because ofdust allergy. Complex
17. They rowed the boat fast andreached the shore safely. Compound
A. 1. Can 2. could 3. can 4. can 5. could
6. be able 7. could 8. could 9. be able 10. can
B. 1. oughtto 2. should 3 must 4. must 5. ought to
6. should 7. Ought to 8. should 9. must 10. must
C.1. could 2. can 3 may 4. can 5. may
6 could 7. Can 8 may 9 Could 10. Can
D. 1. might 2. might 3 may 4. might 5. might
6. can 7. may 8. may 9. can 10. might
E.1. ought not to 2. must not 3. ought not to 4. mustnot 5. must not
F.1. Could you heip me solve the crossword, please?
Would you belp me solve the crossword?
2 Could you bring Loday's newspapers, please?
Would you bring today's newspapers?
3 Could you clean the sudy table, please?
Would you clean the study table'?
44. Could you fetch me a glass of apple juice, pleasc?
Would you fetch me a glass of apple juice?
Could you pass me the buiter, please?
Would you pass me the butter
Cuuld you twitch on the fan, please?
Would you swich on the fan?
G. 1. shall 2 Shall will will Shall
. 1 . can 2 could 3. ought to
4migh . should
7 Could
11. dare
.0ught to 9shall 0 May
12 mus
5. may 14. could . may
16. ought to
A. 2 Theold man is snoring loudly.
3. He does yoga Present Continuous Tense
regularly. Simple Present Tense
4 She is dreaming travelling in space.
Present Continuous Tense
5. The labourers are
toiling hard. Present Continuous Tense
6. The tortoise is
sleeping in its shell. Present Continuous Tense
7. The city wears a deserted look.
Simple Present Tense
8. Sita is learning paragliding these
days. Present Continuous Tense
9. The mechanic ha_
tried his best to repair the bike but to no avail. Present Perfect Tense
10. The bell rings after
every period. Simple Present Tense
B. 1. are 2. am 3. has 4. is
6. are
5 are
7. are 8. have 9. is 10. have
C. 1. has 2. tastes 3. wishes 4. forgets 5. dislikes
D. 1. are joining 2. love 3. rises, sets 4. begins 5. has finished
6. are lashing 7. have written
E. 3. Are they leaving for Kolkata soon?
4. Does she play the piano?
5. She's not going out this weekend.
6. Students are not rehearsing for the Sports Day.
7. Is Grandma knitting a cardigan?
F. 1. have 2. having 3. see 4. looking 5. listen
6. hear
G. 1. has been writing 2. has been suffering 3. has been trying 4. has been helping
H. 1. has been barking 2. is learning 3. is driving 4. have been
5. is preparing
I The patients have been waiting (wait) for an hour for the doctor to arrive. Some of them
(have) an appointment but there are (be) others who have come (come) for consultation without
prior appointment. The receptionist is writing (write) down all the names in order. She says (say)
that the doctor will reach the clinic any moment. Those waiting ure (be) busy on the mobile or are
reading (read) magazines. The clinic has been painlesd (paint) recently it seems as the walls look
fresh and clean. Some patients have beEn_ wailing (wait) since 8 a.m. and
are getting (get)
impatient. It appears that the doctor has just arrived.
J. This is of a brave girl who always helpS (help) others. Sho plans
(be) the story (plan) to start a
school and help girls of her age to learn martial arts. She has discussed (discuss) this in detail
with her friends. She keeps (keep) herself busy these days. The girls have
been responding
(respond) well in the past few days and ars showing (show) a keen interest to learn martial arts
She has approached (approach) an old marlial arts nsiruclor to lake the class and he
(agree) to do so.
CONTINUOUS) 4. established 5. had packed
2. was
3. had
A.1. felt preparing 5. were arranging
3. played 4. were
2. visited
B. 1. was, stood 4.
4. Did Sabrina dance on stage?
C. 3. Did Reema play in the garden?
Kolkata yesterday?
5. Did Mona leave for of India.
the children to draw the map
6. Vibha was not teaching long ago?
b) Had the old man left Goa
2. (a) The old man
long ago.
had not left Goa
for dinner.
The chef had not prepared vegetable biryani
3. (a)
Had the chef prepared vegetable biryani for
(b) of leave.
an application for grant
4. (a) Sunidhi did not write
for grant of leave?
(b) Did Sunidhi write an application
on folk songs.
5. (a) Th dancers were not performing
on folk songs?
(b) Were the dancers performing shifted 4. gifted 5. showed
E. 1. has worked 2. called, has not called 3. has
7. has thrown
has moved 10. checked
8. threw 9.
6. answered
2. had been soaring 3. had been mowing 4. had been reading
F. 1. had been boiling
in the cvening. 2. I usedto cycle to school
G. 1. Iused to play with my friends coins.
3 I used to exercise daily. 4. I used to collect stamps and old

5. Iused to spend more time with my grandparents.

3. since 4. since 5. for
H. 1. since 2. for
Bhima almost
and silently. When it came (come) near him,
I. The Phantom moved (move) slowly
because it seemed (seem) to spread gloom and misery.
collapsed (collapse) Bhima
It was shrouded (shroud) in a deep black garment and its face was concealed (conceal).
it and felt (feel) his throat choke. He had not seen
stretched (stretch) out his hands to push away
for breath and was (be) about to run for life
(not see) such a sight earlier. He was gasping (gasp) that he had been
trying push
while to it away. But, he woke (wake) up with a start and realised
dreaming (dream) for a long time.
A. 1. isgoingto knit 2. are going to visit 3. is going to repair 4. are going to participate
5. is going to offer
B. Mobiles will be used by millions of people in remote areas within a few years. The goverument 8
launch schemes which will benefit the underprevileged section and make calls much
going to
cheaper for them. They shall be able to communicate with their distant relatives and mends
easily. This revolution will change the way people kep in touch with each other. An oll woman
from a d i s t a n t v i l l a g e s a i d , "1 shall be able to talk to my grandchildren everyday " Mobiles have

definitely ushered in a ncw era of communication.

C. 1. will be lecaving 2. will be repairing 3. will be waiting 4 will be getting
D. 1. will have cleared 2. will have
F. 1. will have been prepaning
performed 3..will have stitched 4. will have cut
2. will have been
E. 2. I will have given you my text book watching 3. will have been going
by next week.
3. This Tuesday is going to be a
4. The special assembly will have been conducted
by afternoon. (future perfect)
5. She will be making her bed after
brushing her teeth.
6. They will have plucked flowers before the
G. She will jog jog) every morning and do yoga exercises to keep herself fit. (simple future)
She will read (read) booksspace, astronauts and their experiences. (simple future)
Her parents will be accompanying (accompany) her to the Space Centre in the city where
scientists will be selecting (select) candidates to be trained for their mission to Mars. (future
If selected, shewillhave achicved (achieve) her goal by next year when the space mission will be
accomplished. (future perfect)
H. 1. He will not send a bouquet on your
Will he send a bouquet on your birthday?
2. The children will not sit quietly while watching the movie.
Will the children sit quietly while watching the movie?
3. She will not attend Science tuition classes next week.
Will she attend Science tuition classes next week?
4. Vijay will not join college next month.
will Vijay join college next month?
I Have you ever wondered (wonder) why people usually crave (crave) for sugáry or fatty snacks
rather than nutritious food like fruits and vegetables? It is (be) not because of a 'sweet tooth
according to experts. It is not due to hunger but occurs (occur) due to various psychologica!
factors like stress, anxiety, unhappiness. There are (be) many chemicals in the brain that are
and concentration. When
associated (associate) with this. Dopamine involves (involve) learning
Other brain chemicals like opioids give
we experience something, dopamine is released (release).
that a combination of these factors help the brain
(give) feelings of enjoyment. This shows (show)
and teaches (teach) us to do it again and again. Experts
to associate certain activities with pleasure

say that food cravings are linked

(link) to prehistoric times when the brain's opioids and
a survivál mechanism. We are
to create urge for high-calorie food as
dopamine reacted (react)
fatty and sugary food since ages. Today, we have
programmed (programme) to enjoy eating
to this food. Scientists will research (research) more on the
(have) the same chemical reactions
come out with remedies to control this urge. Today's children will
subject in the near future, to
to come before something worthwhile is invented.
enjoy (enjoy) junk food for years
colourful umbrclla. There is kept a bucket beside a spade. The
beach chair under a
vicw. He can sece a dolphin
A. Jim is relaxing on a bucket. Jim is cnjoying the lovcly
ball and thc
spade is bctwccn the and a sca. Hlc can scc coconuts hanging frg
yacht sailing across the calm
jumping out ofthe
trec which
the umbrella.
is behind
the branches ofa coconut 5. beside
2. on the left 3. in 4. at, necar
B. 1. betwecn
7. anong 8. above
6. 5. above, below
C. 1. at, in 2. on, over 3. between, among 4. Over, in
3. sincc 4. by, at 5. in, for
D. 1. for, since 2. from 3. betwecen 4. at 5. by
E 1. before 2. after
7. on 8. sincc 9. for 10.from
6. during
11. until 12. for
2. off 3 up 4. down 5. onto
F.1. over
6. at 7. against 8. along 9. by 10.through
11. from 12. to
G. 1. against 2. from 3. off 4. outof 5. into
6 to 7. for 8. at
H. 1. to 2. of 3. to 4. up 5. into
6 by 7. from 8. in, near 9. of 10.up
L 1. of 2. for 3 with 4. among 5. from
6. by 7. for 8. around 9. behind
J. 1. on time 2. in time 3 with 4. by, with S. beside, besides
6. after 7. in
K One can reach the British Council Library from Mayur Vihar cither by Mero or by bus. If one is
coning by Mero then hop in the train from Akshardham and get down at Rajeev Chowk when the
train stops there. One can climb the stairs or take an elevator. Once out of the station, walk
Lowards the Kasturba (Gadhi Marg and turn iowards the Surya Kiran building. Right next t it is the
lbrary as it is beside this mulu-storeyed building.


A. 1. for wth for wIth
. to 1 with . at 10 to
1. in 12. al
15. of
B. 1. in 1or with OVor
6. over
8. for
with 10. tor
11. in 12. in 13.
16. anong 17. between
91. to 20. of
A. 1Riawalks to the bus stop every morning because she
2. Sunny remembered my goes to school by the school bus.
3. Mysister writes very well as
so he bought me gift. a
she very creative.
4. The computer stopped
workingas it was old.
5. Ifyou want to win the competition, you must write
6. Winters have set in, so the tourists
keep coming in large numbers.
7. Although Mr Jain is very rich, he is very down to earth.
8. There is a huge line at the
filling stations today since petrol prices will increase from tomorrow.
9 Although Ria's pencils were expensive, she gave them to Meera.
10. It was raining, sO we did not for our
go swimming classes.
B. 1. Both, and 2 so, that 3. neither, nor
4 Either, or 5. Neither, nor
6. Both, and 7. Either, or 8. Both, and 9.
9. Either, or 10.Not only, but also
C. 1. Though she is already seven
years old, she cannot eat on her own.
2. Unless you clean your study table,
you cannot go out to play.
3. Riawas on an official trip when her house was
4. Though Mr Sharma was very old he
martial arts daily.
5. When the cat is away, the mice will play.
6. Wewere very disappointed because we lost the match.
7. Divya called us when she was ready.
8. Hema chopped the onions while I peeled the potatoes.
D. 1. as
2 becausee 3. and 4. that 5. or
6. and 7. so 8. otherwise 9. but 10. as
E. 1.
Icarried a bag and abottle. coordinating
2. Theywatched a movie as well as had dinner.
3. She would have heard the details patiently but she has to rush for the
emergency meeting.
4. The floods were devastating, therefore, there was heavy loss oflifc and property. coordinating
5. The school organised a charity show so that they cOuld collect funds for the flood victims.

6. The child followed his parents wherever hey went.
S h e musteat nutritious food otherwisc she will become fccble.
2. He gave his mothergifts and a bouquet.
3. Neither Ankit nor Mansi came for the function.
4. We rushed her to the hospital but we could not save her.
,She wanted to pay you a visit but she was very tired.
G. 1. and 2. when 3. while 4. whereas 5. but 6. and
stadium manytimes."
A. 1. Namita said, "Ihave been to the
to the teacher?"
2. Rashi said, "Have you spoken
3. Garima said to Nishi,*"Let's go andplay
to celebrate Nèw Year's Eve?"
4. She said to me, "How are you planning
5. Sana said to Hari, "I liked the movie I
saw yesterday"
medicines regularly.
B. 1. The nurse advised the patientsto take the
was cleaning the room.
2. The old lady told her granddaughter that the maid
3. Mothertold Sumit that she had baked a cake
in the morning.
4. Nasreen told Tabassum that the children had been eating pizzas after a game ofchess.
clearly visible when there are no clouds and there is no
5. Namita told her friend that stars are

pollution in the air.

C. 1. She told him that he had passed with flying colours.
The girl told the gym instructor that she wanted to use the tread mill for a longer time.
3. Nakul told Kiran that her crayon set was in the drawer
4. Arun told his friend that he was planning to buy some ice cream on his way home.
. Mother told her that she had eaten too many chocolates.
D. 1. She said that Ramesh would go to Kolkata that night.
He said that Ria might go to the market the next day.
3. Sheena said that he had reached there.
44. Puneet said that the Wimbledon tournament would be held the following year.
5. Heena said that the weather was pleasant that day.
6. Mohan told Hari that King Ashoka had uled Pataliputra many years before.
E. 1. The vendor told the customer that he had sold all the apples but some oranges and bananas were
left for him.
2. MrNarang told the mechanic that he had a problem because he had to leave immediately and his
car needed repair.
3. Shetold her friend that she would invite Nalini also for dinner the next
4. Sagar said that he would wait there for his parents.
5. Aditi told Ankit that his file was on the teacher's table.
F 1. He says, "I am fond of
2 The officer said to Mr Gupta, "You should
apply for a new passport immediately."
3. Garima said to me, "My father has gone out on tour and will
return next week."
4. Mini said,"I want to go to a hill station this
G. 1. The old lady said to Sheema, "Plcase
help me carry the basket of fruits."
2. The gardener said to the
children, "Do not throw empty cans in the lawn."
3. Theticket checker said to him, "Please show
your ticket before you enter
4. Fathcr said to thc car
cleaner,"Clean the rear view mirror properly." the movie hall."
H. 1. Aditya said that many trees were cut to build roads.
2 Sonakshi told him that the new packet of
cookies was his.
3. Pratibha says that she is in the
library. 4. Shetold Mohit to arrange his books.
5. The gardener told the children not to
pluck flowers.
6. Mother told me to follow my schedule and complete my revision on time.
7 The old man told the family members to be carcful with the
luggage while travelling.
8. The teacher ordered the children not to touch the fire
9 My friend requested us to bring our picnic basket along.
10. Gaurav requested Dinesh to switch on the airconditioner.
I. 1. Yogesh asked his brother when he would return his pencil box.
2. He asked her if she would go to Meerut that day.
3 My aunt asked the plumber ifshe should purchase a new tap.
4. The boy asked his mother when the school bus would arrive.
5. The man asked the porter when the next train would arrive.
6. The librarian asked the girl ifshe could meet her at the library the next day.
7. He asked her ifshe had watered the plants. 8. Sharmila asked me ifshe could come with me.
9. Jugal asked the teacher when he should give his name for the elocution contest.
10. MsLata asked the receptionist ifshe could meet the manager.
11. Praful asked the stranger what his name was.
12. Fatherasked who had switched offthe computer.
J. 1. Rohan said to Sneha, "Have you booked the movie tickets in advance?" Sneha answered, "Yes,
2. He said to his students, "Do you want to play in the ground during the free period2
want to meet?"
3. The security guard said to the stranger, "Whom do you
4. The chiefguest said, "Who is the organiser of the
had scored the highest marks in Mathematics.
K. 1. My friend exclaimed withjoythat he
he that she had lost her grandma recently.
2 Harish exclaimed with sorrow to Nita that regretted
exclaimed withjoy that their tean had won the match.
3. Samyak
she had lost her wallet
44. Sabrina exclaimed with sorrow that
that Rajasthan Royals had won the match.
L. 1. Shane Warne exclaimed withjoy
Exclamatory sentence

the audicnce not to move around in thc auditorium

2. Amjad Ali Khan requested
on. Request
when the performance was
where Shakespeare had been born. Question
3. Soha asked her mother
services to the guests. Statement
the hotel was providing personalised
4. The manager said that
5. commanded
The girl
dogto sit down.
her pet
5. Statement
Themother wished me
luck for my exams.
6. some moncy to buy food.
the wealthy man to give him Request
7. The old beggar requested
nol give up and try to score one more
referee that they would
8. The boys told the Statement
before the match

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