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From: Mavis Justino

To Whom it May Concern.

Since the incident on April 23, 2018, my life has changed in

many ways. The strong, independent, confident woman I was
before has been replaced with a woman who has constant pain,
depression, sleepless nights and is an emotional mess. I was a
very happy and social person who did everything with intensity,
and nothing could have kept me from my dreams and goals.
Before the incident my days consisted of cycling classes during
my lunch hour at work, kickboxing after work, and if there was
enough time, a workout at the end of the day. Today my days
consist of waking up after a sleepless night from pain, starting
with stretches to get my body started for the day and pray that I
have a good day.
I was property manager at the time of the incident, I worked
three jobs and went to school while being a single mother to my
3 daughters to reach the manager position. Now I still suffer
from memory loss, have difficulty making decisions, have
regular headaches, complete loss of concentration, back pain,
knee paid and am unable to sit or stand for long periods of time.
I was very outgoing and never suffered from my back, knee or
any other issues before the incident and now I am unable to
return to weight training, kickboxing or cycling and I am unable
to take my grandchildren to the park for long periods of time. I
miss out on outings and fun stuff with my family because of my
injuries. I am also unable to return to work mentally or
physically making me unable to support myself and my family.
The last four years of my life have been such a struggle
physically, emotionally and financially. The constant thoughts
and visions of that day have made it so difficult.
“I came from a life I loved to a life I live to live”


Mavis Justino

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