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Standard Consent Form


Please read carefully the Information Notice below. It provides important information to you regarding the collection, use,
transfer and storage of your Personal Data for purposes of verifying your background in connection with your role within
the organisation identified in your candidate invite (the “Requestor”).


You have been selected by Requestor via the candidate invite to undergo certain background checks in support of
undertaking a role with Requestor and hereby authorise Requestor and its subsidiaries and/or its third party provider
HireRight Limited (“HireRight”) and their representatives to: perform reference checks on your employment; verify any
information provided through the on boarding process; conduct comprehensive background enquiries including criminal
checks and credit checking (if required and permitted by applicable law); and take up personal, academic and employer
references (“Screening”). HireRight representatives include (a) subcontractors appointed to support processing of data
base checks, academic qualifications and references in particular where only local language sources are available; (b)
vendors appointed to support in country credit and criminal checks, where relevant; (c) translation services.

In some circumstances the Screening may continue to be made during the course of your employment and the processing
and release of any Personal Data obtained as a result of the Screening may be required to be sent to referees, credit
agencies, government bodies and other such third parties as may be reasonably necessary in the course of such
Screening and during your employment.

Information That Will Be Collected and data processor / data controller:

During the Screening you will complete an application form where you may be asked to complete the following categories
of personal data. The type of data you will complete will be dependent on the Screening being undertaken:

• name;
• age and date of birth;
• place of birth;
• gender;
• your contact details (phone, address, e-mail);
• contact details of referees provided by you (name, phone, address, e-mail, relationship to you);
• education history;
• address history;
• employment history; and
• supporting documents which may include a copy of your passport, ID documentation, certificates showing qualifications (all
where lawful to do so);

(all “Personal Data”).

Requestor will then instruct HireRight to collect, research and verify on behalf of Requestor certain information which will
depend on the seniority of the position for which you have applied and on national laws. This means [Requestor] will be
the data controller in regards to these background checks and HireRight the data processor.

Subject to local and regulatory restrictions, this may include:

• Managed Managed Adjudication – the Requestor has provided HireRight with criteria, guidelines and instructions to be used
Adjudication to determine whether the information in your Screening Report satisfies Requestor’s eligibility criteria
3.0 ("Adjudication Guidelines"). These Adjudication Guidelines are applied to the Screening Report information
reported by HireRight and Requestor receives a status that reflects the outcome of such application. Final status is
determined solely by Requestor after review.
• Global This check confirms academic credentials by verifying relevant education as determined by the Requestor, for
Education example a degree, certificate or diploma claim directly with the awarding institution or its authorized agent
• Global A check to confirm your work history. You will be asked to provide company name, location dates worked and
Employment position or title held. This information will then be verified by contacting HR or official sources at each company to
be verified. The Requestor has also requested that your reason for leaving prior roles is collected. This list is a
predetermined list and you will complete this within the screening form. The same list will then be sent to your
prior employers to complete. Any discrepancies will be sent to the Requestor. Self-employment (if applicable) will
be verified via documentation provided by you.
• Criminal Your address history will be used to identify jurisdictions in which you may have resided and gained a criminal
Check conviction history which may have bearing on your suitability to carry out your role. These checks are subject to
the availability of information. Requestor has performed a review of the nature of your role and determined that
either a Global Criminal Check is relevant and proportionate in context of the functions of your role OR they are
permitted to review this information under relevant local laws. Further information as to sources and information
returned can be made available on request.
• Global A search of over 4000 registries held by international government and regulatory enforcement organizations will
Sanctions & be completed to identify restricted, sanctioned, and prohibited individuals. GSEC can also identify if you are a
Enforcement politically exposed person (PEP) and whether you appear on any negative media searches. Where information is
found reporting and matching guidelines will be applied and at least two unique identifiers must be present for a
result to be reportable e.g. name, D.O.B, ID number, address or employment history. You may request further
information in respect to the sources used.
• Conduct In some jurisdictions either the nature of your role does not permit a criminal check to be conducted via a
Search Government Source OR relevant laws prohibit such a check. In these instances Requestor wishes to understand if
any information has been lawfully reported in public media sources where your public conduct could impact your
suitability for your role. In such cases, HireRight is requested to perform a Conduct Search using established and
reputable local and English language media sources. Such checks are restricted to [7] year history and results are
filtered using appropriate matching and reporting guidelines. Social media sites/platforms are not searched
directly. Further information as to sources searched can be made available on request.
• Credit Check Your address history will be used to identify jurisdictions in which you may have resided and gained a credit
history which may have bearing on your suitability to carry out your role. These checks are only available in certain
jurisdictions and information may be obtained from a variety of sources. Information returned may include
regional court judgments, bankruptcies, voluntary arrangements, adverse financial judgment for debts and
negative credit ratings. Requestor has performed a review of the nature of your role and determined that either a
Global Credit Check is relevant and proportionate in context of the functions of your role. Further information as
to sources and information returned can be made available on request.

Further information in respect to verifications

You may request a full list of the different checks which will be performed specifically for you from your Requestor. You
may also contact your Requestor at any time if you have any questions about the specific information that will be collected
about you.

HireRight will use appropriate and reliable source to conduct this research and verification.

Transfer of Personal Data: outside of the EEA

HireRight will, in its capacity as data processor, receive your Personal Data from Requestor and you. HireRight and its
representatives will then research, verify and process your Personal Data on behalf of, and in accordance with instructions
from, Requestor. To the extent necessary to perform its research and verification, HireRight may provide some of your
personal information to third parties. This may include transfers to countries outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”),
including to countries that may not be deemed to offer a level of protection for Personal Data as high as countries within
the EEA. These third parties are organisations, institutions, agencies or individuals from which information is collected for
the purposes of fulfilling the services only and may include local vendors, employers, educational establishments,
referees, government agencies, courts, data providers or repositories (“Source” or ““Sources”) or HireRight’s
representatives (“Representatives”) who are performing specific research in connection with your Screening (together
“Third Parties”). As contracted with [Requestor], provisions are in place within HireRight in order to ensure an adequate
level of data protection for all transfers of Personal Data outside the EEA.

In respect to a transfer of your Personal Data to a Source or Sources outside of the EEA, this will be dependent on your
footprint during the screening period set by your Requestor. Where your footprint is outside the EEA, your Personal Data
will need to be transferred to the relevant Source(s). By way of example, if you have had a period of employment in Hong
Kong your previous employer will need to be contacted to verify your job title and dates of employment: to complete the
task a data transfer will have to take place. Only information required to obtain the verification will be transferred to the
Source(s) and these transfers are to a country in which that Personal Data already exists.

HireRight also utilises Representatives located in the Philippines and India. The Representatives are tasked with
processing verifications, references and databases searches based on where the candidate has lived previously and to
provide support in local geographies and languages by contacting employers, schools and governmental agencies located
in APAC during the course of completing the request for a Report. Representatives work from the HireRight Portal with
access from a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure which sits on the HireRight UK server network. Representatives are
prohibited from copying personal information by any means. This means that all Personal Data will remain within the UK
technical environment.

HireRight may transfer your Personal Data outside of the United Kingdom to such third parties, if required to complete the
verification and that such third parties will provide responses, including Personal Data, requested of them.

Support during the Screening process

During the course of your Screening you may have questions for the HireRight team or be contacted by the HireRight
team to provide further information. For all business hours your HireRight team is located in the EEA at locations in the UK
and Poland. If you do contact the HireRight team after business hours your query may be routed to our Representative in
the Philippines. You will receive notification of this and you will be provided with the choice of contacting the within
business hours team between the hours of 7am to 7pm GMT.

Candidate Survey – use of personal email address provided for Screening contact

HireRight is committed to improving its service and therefore if you contact our Customer Service team you may be
randomly selected to participate in a survey to obtain feedback on how HireRight performed. This survey is short, will only
take a couple of minutes to complete, and is voluntary. Any contact will be via the personal email address that you
provided to HireRight for contact purposes and that email will be stored in SalesForce in the United States. No other
personal information will be collected or stored as part of the survey process. HireRight will delete your personal email
address from its systems and SalesForce in accordance with the period set out in this Information Notice.

Preparation of the report:

HireRight will prepare a report that compiles the results of the research and verification and that report will be provided
to Requestor (the “Report”). Requestor may share the Report within its group companies and you should contact
Requestor if you have any questions in this regard. The Report will be stored for a period of 36 months on the HireRight
servers located in the United Kingdom and will be transferred to Requestor via a secure http portal (the “HireRight Portal”)
using security and technical measures that comply with relevant legislation (including the GDPR and relevant local
legislation). The HireRight Portal is ISO27001 certified.

Security measures and deletion of Personal Data:

HireRight will maintain your Personal Data on a server in the United Kingdom. HireRight is committed to protecting the
Personal Data that HireRight receives about individuals and both HireRight and Requestor take measures to secure your
Personal Data from accidental loss and from unauthorised access, use, alteration or disclosure. Data is transferred from
HireRight securely using encryption and stored on secure servers. Additionally further information security measures are
in place, including access controls, physical security and robust information collection, storage and processing practices.
HireRight also ensure that where electronic transfer of Personal Data to/from its representatives takes place that such
transfers are also appropriately protected and are in compliance with relevant data protection legislation, including the
GDPR and in accordance with any instructions provided by a data source.

Requestor and HireRight may be required to retain any of your Personal Data for a reasonable period of time in order to
comply with legal and regulatory obligations and/or for any other legitimate business purpose.

Requestor and HireRight will process your Personal Data in accordance with relevant data privacy legislation.

Your Personal Data will be stored for a maximum period of 36 months by HireRight after completion of your Screening
after which time my Personal Data will be securely deleted.

Candidate Rights

You have certain rights arising from privacy legislation in respect to the Personal Data that will be processed in relation to
the Screening. Further information is available in respect to such rights at
check-faq but in summary:

• rights of access
• rights of rectification
• right of erasure
• right to object
• right to data portability

In each case your rights are exercisable against Requestor and you should direct your requests to [email protected].

If you have any questions relating to the Screening process you are encouraged to contact Requestor at the address
above prior to completing the screening form.

It is confirmed that the Screening process does not include any automated decision making or profiling.

ATS Integration

Requestor utilises Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) as part of its on-boarding process and the ATS is integrated with the
HireRight system to populate certain parts of the screening form you will be asked to complete. Should you have any
questions relating to the handling of your Personal Data via the ATS integration then please direct your questions to the
relevant ATS provider and Requestor.

Legal basis for the processing

Requestor and HireRight on behalf of Requestor will process your personal data regarding the above described
background screening based on your consent.

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