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Aim: Create a document containing text that should be properly aligned with proper format.

Use the
‘replace all’ option in Find & Replace to replace each instance of some word. Save and protect your
Steps to create word document

1) Create document

2) Go to home tab

3) Select “ find & replace” option

4) Write the word in “find what” and “replace with”

5) Click the “replace all” option

6) Then click ‘office button’ and then click ‘save as’.

7) Then click on ‘tools’ and select ‘general options’

8) Enter ‘password to open’ and ‘password to modify’.

9) Then click ‘OK’.

Aim: Create a table in MS-Word with the following entries: S.No, Name, M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5
and apply the following operations on it

● Calculate the minimum marks in M1 & M3.

● Calculate the maximum marks in M2 & M5.

● Find the sum of total marks obtained in each subject.

● Sort the table with respect to the column M6.

● Convert the table into text.


1) Go to ‘insert’ tab. Click on table option to create a table.

2) Put the data on the table.

3) Then go on ‘layout’ tab.

4) Click on formulae and then find out minimum in P1 and P3.

5) Then find out maximum in P2 & P5.

6) Now find the sum of total cost obtained.

7) Now in layout tab click on convert to text option.

8) Select tab and press okay.

Aim: Write 10 mathematical equations.

Steps to create equations:-

⇨ Create a word document.

⇨ Go to Insert tab.

⇨ Click on ‘equation’ option to create equations.

Aim: Make a table of contents for the 5 page document created in assignment 8.


1. Insert a table.

2. Choose number of rows and columns

3. Add the content

Aim: Count the number of characters (with & without space), word, pages, paragraph,
and lines using word count facility of M.S. Word.


1) Create a document on MS word.

2) Then click on reviews tab.

3) Go to “word count”

4) Check the number of characters, words, pages, paragraphs and lines.

Aim: Create a macro using keyboard and write the steps for the same.
● Go to view tab.
● On ‘macros’ option.
● Click ‘record macro’.
● Enter ‘macro name’ then click on ‘keyboard’ option.
● Click ok.
● Assign the shortcut key.
● Write the content.
● Then go to macros and click on stop recording.
● Use the shortcut key to apply the macro.
Aim: Create a spreadsheet for the purchases made by a customer in a super mart
having the following fields:
● Product ID
● Product Name
● Product type (food, clothes, toys etc.)
● Quantity
● Price per unit

Note: All the field names should be bold and underlined. Also Insert Borders to the
spreadsheet. For the spreadsheet created above, find the total bill, using the auto sum
facility of MS Excel.

● Make a table consisting of, Product ID, Product Name, Product type,
Quantity, Price per unit.
● Make all the field names bold.
● Insert borders on the table.
● Put the formulae to find the total bill.
Aim: Create a spreadsheet having fields: as Roll No., Student name, subject 1, subject 2,
subject 3, subject 4, subject 5. Now design a student performance report using
conditional formatting in M.S. excels the following specifications:
● Greater than
● Less than
● Equal to
● Between
● Data bar
● Color scales

Also perform wrap text on Name, orientation on all the headings and merge cells
1) Make a table with Sno. , Name, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5.
2) Go to ‘home’ tab.
3) Click on ‘conditional formatting’ option. Then click on ‘highlight cell rules’.
4) Again go to conditional formatting then click on data bars option.
5) After that click on color scales.
6) Then go on wrap text and wrap the names.
7) Click on counterclockwise to change the text in first row.
8) Then ‘merge & center’ the text.
Aim: Create a record of ten students consisting of, name, course and marks in two subjects (M1,
M2), total and percentage and perform the following operations:

● Sort the records in ascending order of marks M1

● Sort the record according to descending order of names

● Round off percentage to one decimal place.

● Convert the percentage in text

Apply filter on course field.

● Create a table of 10 students.
● Then click on ‘sort’ option in home tab.
● Sort the marks in ascending order of M1.
● Sort the record in descending order of names.
● Then find the percentage in decimals and then round off to one decimal place.
● Go to format cells then convert decimal in text.
● Then go to filter and apply.
AIM: Create the Pivot Chart for the sales of Computer Hardware of KCL Pvt. Ltd for
3 Years.
● Enter the required data.
● Click on insert tab.
● Select pivot chart.
● Make changes in layout tab and format tab as required.

AIM: create a record of bank consisting of the following columns:

● Customer id
● Customer name
● Principal deposited
● Rate of interest
● Time

Now for the above table

1. Find the interest earned by each customer. Each customer must earn minimum
interest of Rs 5000, by changing the value of time period for which money must
be deposited.
2. Change the minimum interest to rs10000 by changing the value of principal.
3. Apply freeze panes.
● Enter required data.
● Calculate simple interest by PxTxR/100.
● Change value of time to make interest minimum 5000.
● Change value of principle value to make minimum simple interest of 10000.
● Click on view tab to apply freeze panes.
AIM: Create the student grade (Roll No, Name, Percentage), Assign Grades (>90),
B(>75), C(>50), &D) using IF and IF Else condition in M.S. Excel.
● Now using the conditional formatting fill the A grade as –pink, B grade as
blue, C grade as yellow and D grade as Red.
● Also Split the roll No in 4 parts (Roll No, Batch, course, year) and Name in 2
parts (First and Last Name) and remove duplicate course.
1. Create a table in MS EXCEL.
2. Calculate grades using formula.
3. Click on Conditional Formatting option in home tab to color different grades.
4. Click on Data tab and select Text to columns option to split the columns.
AIM: Create a bar graph for 5 states for 3 years depicting the literacy rate. For the
graph created above perform the following:
Switch row/ column
Change it into column chart

1. Create a table in MS EXCEL.

2. Select the data and click on Insert tab. Further click on Bar option to select the desired bar
chart from the given illustrations.

3. Click on Design tab and select Switch Row/Column option.

4. Click on Design tab and select Change chart type option. Further click on Column option to
convert bar chart into column chart.

Aim: Create a presentation on Types of Memory and apply the following

a) Insert a blank slide and draw memory classification using Organization Chart

b) Compare RAM & ROM using Comparison Layout

Insert hyperlinks on the types of Memory that opens new slides for it.

● Open PowerPoint presentation.

● Go to ‘insert’ tab.

● Click on smart art option then select pyramid shape.

● Go to ‘design’ tab click on text pane option and then add text.

● Write types of memory.

AIM: Create a presentation on types of Operating Systems and apply the following:

a) Apply any one theme

b) Apply the animation effects

c) Change transition speed to slow.

Apply automatic time duration to all Slides


● Go to ‘design’ tab. Select a theme.

● Then go to ‘animations’ tab and apply any one animation.

● The click on the ‘transition speed’ option and apply slow speed.

● Then set the automatic time duration and then click on ‘apply all’ option.
Aim: Create a presentation on Components of Computer System and perform the following:

a) Apply Rehearse Timing

b) Apply the different slide show options

Protect the presentation to restrict unauthorized access.


● Click on ‘slideshow’ tab. Then click on rehearse timings.

● Then click on the current slide option.

● Then the custom slide option.

● Then click on save as option.

● Then click on ‘tools’ option. Then general options.

● Then decide password then press ‘ok’.

Aim: Create a presentation showing use of Photo Album

● Go to ‘insert’ tab.

● Then click on ‘photo album’ option then on new photo album.

● The add photos and click create.

Aim: Create a presentation to show the use of Motion Path by moving any object.

● Go to Animation Tab.

● Select motion path

● Select the path on which you want your image to move.

● Press F5 to play the presentation.

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