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Internship Diary 1




Faculty of Law


Submitted by



Roll No. 174140049

Academic Session: 2021-22

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Shail Shakya

Asst. Prof. in Law
Faculty of Law
Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 2



ROLL NO. 174140049






Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 3


This is to certify that this “INTERNSHIP DAIRY” for the award of Bachelor of Commerce&
Law Integrated (B.Com.LL.B.(Hons.) has been done by Mr. Shubham pathak. Roll No.
174140049, who is a Bonafide student of Dr.ShakuntalaMisra National Rehabilitation
University, Lucknow for the academic session of 2017-2022. It is also certified that “Internship
Diary” has been pursued under the guidance of Mr. SHAIL SHAKYA, Assistant Professor in
Law, Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow; and the Internship
Diary has been duly authorized by Faculty of Law, Dr. Shakuntala Misra National
Rehabilitation University, Lucknow.

Mr. Shail Shakya,

Assistant Professor in Law,

Faculty of Law

Dr.ShakuntalaMisra National Rehabilitation University


Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 4


It is hereby declared that this “Internship Diary” for the award of Bachelor of Commerce &
Law Integrated (B.Com.LL.B) from Faculty of Law, Dr. Shakuntala Misra National
Rehabilitation University, Lucknow has been done in the guidance of Mr. ShailShakya,
Assistant Professor in Law, DR. SHAKUNTALA MISRA NATIONAL

It is also declared that all the contents have been written with proper care and caution and that
no part of this internship diary attracts any copyright violations in any form or the other.

It is also declared that this internship diary has not been presented anywhere else for any other
purpose except in Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow for the
award of B.Com.LL.B(Hons) degree. This internship diary is an original unpublished by Mr.
Shashwat Mishra ,B.Com.LL.B(Hons.) candidate of Dr. Shakuntala Misra National
Rehabilitation University, Lucknow.


Student Assistant Professor
B.Com.LL.B(Hons.) (Law)

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 5



Number of Places Visits I visited various courts during the entire internship such as District
Court, High Court, Consumer Court, Adarsh Jail, JTRI, Bar Council
Of India, etc.

Case Law Search I searched various case laws from various online database such as
ssc-online, e-courts, highcourt website etc.

Preparation of Legal I assisted my head’s in the preparation of various legal documents

Documents during the entire course of internship.

Subject Area There were many subject areas during the entire internship such as
civil and criminal law, contract, consumer, taxation, etc.

Client Counseling I took part sometime in the client counselling and try to understand
the basics of advocacy skills and client counselling.

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 6

I observed various major thing during the entire internship such

Observation filing of affidavit, proceeding of court, concept of cause lists etc.


Following are the major areas of subject during the entire internship –

• Contract act

• Constitutional Law

• Indian Penal Code

• Code of Criminal Procedure

• Code of Civil Procedure

• Arbitration And Conciliation act

• Labour laws

• Information Technology Act

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 7


Name of the organisation/ MR. GHANSHYAM TRIPATHI


Time Period 20 June to 20 July 2018

Subject Area Criminal Law

Contact Information 9415393257

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 8

Week 1-2

Details of activities performed

• Duration June 2018 (20 June – 04June)

The area of subject during the course of

Subject Area internship was mainly Consumer Protection
Visited High court lucknow
Court Visits

Case Law Search

Client Counselling

Preparation of Case Documents

I understood how complaints are filed via

Observation Consumer addressal grievances and what
format we have to follow

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 9

Week 2-3

Details of activities performed

• Duration May 2016 (05 June – 20 June)


Subject Area

Visited, High court lucknow

Court Visits

Case Law Search

Client Counselling

Preparation of Case Documents

I learnt about basic elements of ipc like

menstia, culpable homicide and it's difference
from murder

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 10


Name of the organisation/ MR. RAM KRISHAN DUBEY

Authority/Lawyer ADVOCATE

Time Period 01 January to 31 January 2019

Subject Area Criminal Law

Contact Information 95590 85555

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 11

Week 3

Details of activities performed

• Duration january 2019 (01 January – 14 january)

The subject area of internship for the respective

Subject Area week was criminal law and its provision.

Yes I visit high court lucknow

Court Visits

Yes I searched the following cases during this

Case law Search week of internship –
• C.B.I. Versus AnupamVerma Criminal
• C.B.I. Versus SardarDaljeet Singh @
Daljeet Singh Criminal

Yes, I learnt and dealt with the process of client

Client Counselling
counselling by interacting with the clients and
understanding the nature of their problem.

Yes I helped my sir in the preparation of legal

Preparation of Case Documents
documents such drafting of petition, statement
by the clients

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 12

I observed the following things by hearing and

understanding the aforesaid cases –
• The last statement submitted by the CBI
in the submission case is to be approved
and accordingly the final report
submitted by the CBI is accepted in the
case submitted.
• The applicant accused is not restricted to
custody in relation to Sardar Daljeet
Singh and other six blocks, so according
to the law, the bail granted to him under
Section 162 (2) of the IPC is not
permissible, accordingly the bail granted
by the accused Prayer letter is abrogated.

Week 4-5

Details of activities performed

• Duration January 2019 (15 January - 31 January )

During this week of internship the area of subject

Subject Area
for the internship was same i.e. criminal law and
its provision.

Yes, during the course of internship I visited

Court Visited
district & session court

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 13

Yes during this second week of internship I

Case Law Search
searched the following relevant cases –
• State of UP Versus GOVIND @ GUDDU
Session Trial/155/2016
• Smt. Suman @ Priyanka And Another
Versus State Of U.P. Bail
Yes I took part in the process of client
Client Counselling
counselling with the help of my sir. I tried to
analyse the nature of the problem of different
Yes, I prepared the legal documents with the
Preparation of Case Documents
help of my sir. I helped him in the drafting of
criminal petitions.
I observed the following law points by
listening and analysing the above mentioned
cases in the court –
• If an appeal is filed against this
decision under the accused Govind
alias Guddu under Section 437 IPC,
for the submission of a personal bond
of Rs. 25000 and two equal shares of
the same amount for the sub-settlement
before the appellate court,
• The bail application is accepted. On
filing an individual bond of 30
thousand rupees by the accuser, and
the same amount of money, two - two
sureties related to the satisfaction of
the magistrate, should be released on

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 14

Week 6

Details of activities

• Duration July 2018 (16 July – 30 July)

During this week, the subject area was mainly

Subject Area
law of Contract And Code of Civil Procedure.

During the internship I visited mainly Civil

Court Visits
Court of Deoria to observe the cases relating to
contract and civil nature.

Yes, I searched few cases during this internship.

Case Law Search
Following were the cases –
• Smt.Rupa Singh Versus Smt.Raj Rani
Pal 138 N.i. Act/1864/2015
• MohdFaizan Versus
Mohd Mir Ali

Yes I counselled many clients during this

Client Counselling
internship. I mainly dealt with understanding the
nature of problem of the client.

Yes, I helped in the preparation of documents

Preparation of Case Documents
such as statements given by the client and other
documentation work

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 15

I observed the following this during my

internship –
• How the cause list prepared
• How it is followed
• How it is checked online through the
official website
• What is the meaning of different
terminology used in the cause list.
• Different kinds of cause list and its
purpose and usage etc.

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 16


Name of the organisation/ MR. SHAILENDRA KUMAR

Authority/Lawyer DUBEY, ADVOCATE

Time Period 15 June 2019 to 14 July 2019

Subject Area Human Rights

Contact Information 9415137479

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 17

Week 7

Details of activities

• Duration June 2019 (15 June – 22 June)

During this internship, the subject area was

Subject Area
Human rights and Laws related to children.

No. There was no court visits instead the group

Court Visits
visited slums and taught them.

Case Law Search

No. Instead we did counselling of children of

Client Counselling

NO. I prepared study material for students.

Preparation of Case Documents

Week 8

Details of activities performed

• Duration June 2019 (23 June 2019 – 30 June 2019)

During this internship, the subject area was

Subject Area Human rights and Laws related to children.

NO. We visited slums and worked on education

Court visit system of orphan children.

Worked on UDHRA Article 26.

Case Law Search

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 18

Yes, We counselled slums children. And tried

Client Counselling
to help them from ground level.

No. We prepared study material for children.

Preparation of Case Documents

Week 9

Details of activities

• Duration July 2019 (1 july – 7 july )

During this internship, the subject area was

Subject Area
Human rights and Laws related to children.

No. There was no court visits instead the group

Court Visits
visited slums and taught them.

Case Law Search

No. Instead we did counselling of children of

Client Counselling

NO. I prepared study material for students.

Preparation of Case Documents

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 19

Week 10

Details of activities

• Duration July 2019 (8 july - 15 july )

During this internship, the subject area was

Subject Area
Human rights and Laws related to children.

No. There was no court visits instead the group

Court Visits
visited slums and taught them.

Case Law Search

No. Instead we did counselling of children of

Client Counselling

I observed the following things during my

internship –
• How to work on ground level
• Application Of Article 26 of UDHRA
• Our Education system is not so good for
slum children.
• Worked With Delhi Police.

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 20


Name of the organisation/ Mr. SURESH CHANDRA YADAV,

Authority/Lawyer ADVOCATE

Time Period 15 Aug to 13 oct 2019

Subject Area Civil Law

Contact Information 7518373519

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 21

Week 11

Details of activities performed

• Duration Jan (15 oct - 22 oct )

The subject area for the internship of aforesaid

Subject Area
period was civil law such as code of civil

Yes, I visited High Court, Lucknow Bench at the

Court Visits
chamber of Mr Justice.

Yes, during this week of internship I heard

Case law Search
aforeside Mr Justice –
• Ram BujharatVerma Versus Smt.
JagatKumari And Others Regular
• Ajay Kumar GuptaVersusSmt.
JagatKumari Dubey And Others Regular
No. Only Research Work.
Client Counselling

Yes, I Researched for various cases and worked

Preparation of case Documents
in judges laibrary.

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 22

I made the following observation while listening

and understanding the above mentioned cases –
• The plaintiff is directed to ensure that he
is liable for reproduction on counter
vision in respect to the publication of
such national news paper which is
circulated in the city of all the
• It is clear from the observation of the
letter that the plaintiff is not present from
the previous dates, so it is clear that he is
not willing to run his suit so that the
dispute is dismissed in the absence of the

Week 12

Details of activities performed

• Duration October (23 oct - 30 oct )

Then subject area for the second week of this

Subject Area internship civil procedure code and its relevant

Yes, I visited High Court, Lucknow Bench.

Court Visits

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 23

Yes, during this second week of internship I

Case Law Search searched the following case laws relating to
civil law. –
• Dharmendra Singh Versus Mata Prasad
Singh And Others Regular
• Jagannath Versus Ms K R S Infra
Developers Private LimitedRegular

Client Counselling

I helped my sir in research work.

Preparation of Case Documents

I observed the following things while listening

Observation and understanding the aforesaid cases –
• Letters were presented. Advocates
appeared on behalf of the party on the
call. The reconciliation agreement was
tried but the parties refused to
compromise the settlement and
demanded to be asked.
• The plaintiff has adequately evaluated
his suit, which has been properly
appropriated for desired gratification.
Therefore, the tribunal provided by the
plaintiff is sufficient

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 24

Week 13

Details of activities performed

• Duration November 2019 (01 nov - 07 nov )

The third week of this internship was mainly

Subject Area
related to civil procedure code and its
applicable procedure

Yes, I mainly visited High Court, Lucknow

Court Visits

Yes, during the course of internship I mainly

Case Law Search
searched the following major case laws –
• Rally Mark Legal , Advocates And
Legal Consultants Versus People Strong
Hr Services Private Ltd. And Others
Regular Suit/1827/2020
• Santosh Kumar Versus Krishna Kumar
Regular Suit/1757/2020

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 25

Client Counselling

Yes, I helped my sir in preparation of orders.

Preparation of Case Documents

I made the following observation while

listening and understanding the following
cases –
• From the observation of the letter it
shows that none of the parties has been
present from many dates and no
resignation petition is being submitted
on behalf of anybody. It appears that no
one is left interested in running this
claim. Therefore, the dispute is
deserving of dismissal.
• From the observation of the letter it is
known that the parties are not present
from the previous dates, it seems that
the parties have no interest in running
this dispute, in such a situation there is
no justification for keeping the letter
unnecessarily pending. So the dispute is
dismissed in the absence of the parties

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 26

Week 14

Details of activities performed

• Duration November 2019 (08 nov - 15 nov )

The subject area for the fourth week of

Subject Area
internship was mainly civil procedure code.

Yes I visited the High Court Regularly.

Court Visits

Yes, during this week of internship I searched

Case law Search
the following case laws based on civil law –
• Smt.Shaheer Sultana Versus Anwar Ali
Regular Suit/1608/2020
• Ms Pawan Ganga And Co. Versus
Pawan Kumar Agarawal And Others
Regular Suit/1607/2020

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 27

Yes I took part in the process of client

Client Counselling
counselling by interacting with the different

Yes, I helped in the drafting of legal documents

Preparation of Case Documents
such as civil suit and petitions etc.

I observed the following law points by hearing

the aforesaid cases –
• If the plaintiff is unable to show his
ownership on the disputed property, then
he cannot claim any roof, therefore the
petition submitted by the plaintiff is
eligible to be dismissed.
• From the observation of the letter it is
known that the parties are not present
from the previous dates, it seems that the
parties have no interest in running this
dispute, in such a situation there is no
justification for keeping the letter
unnecessarily pending. So the dispute is
dismissed in the absence of the parties

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 28


Name of the organisation/ MR. SURESH CHANDRA YADAV,

Authority/Lawyer ADVOCATE

Time Period 02 Jan to 02 Feb 2020

Subject Area Procedural Law and Service Laws

Contact Information 7518373519

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 29

Week 15

Details of activities performed

• Duration jan (02 jan - 9 jan )

The subject area for this week of internship was

Subject Area
mainly Service Laws.

NO visit as it was online internship.

Court Visits

Yes, during the course of internship I searched

Case Law Search
the following major case laws in the different
courts –
• Raja BhanuPratap Singh Versus State
Of U.P. Thru. Add. Chief Secy.
Education Service Bench No. - 14613
Of 2020
• Smt. Premkala Singh HjsAnd 4 Ors.
Versus High Court Of Judicature At
Allahabad Thru R.G. And Others
Service Bench No. - 16569 Of 2020

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 30

No, as it was online internship only research

Client Counselling
work was given.
Yes, as I prepared legal documents
Preparation of Case Documents

Yes, I observed the following major law

points from the above mentioned case laws

• petitioner is not ready to leave field
posting upto his date of retirement.
Therefore, he is not interested to join
at the post of Vice Principal DIET,
Raebareli or three posts offered by
State Government according to
instructions provided by learned
Standing Counsel. Therefore, this
petition devoid merit and liable to be
• the determination of seniority by the
impugned reports, seniority list(s)
and decisions is hereby quashed,
however, any elevation to the High
Court already finalized on the basis
of the seniority impugned shall
remain unaffected.

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 31

Week 16

Details of activities performed

• Duration jan 2020 (09 jan – 16 jan)

The subject area for the second week of this

Subject Area
internship was only service laws and other
applicable laws.
NO, It was Online Internship.
Court Visits

Yes, I searched the following major case

Case Law Search
laws based on service matters during the
course of this internship –
• Sabbir Hasan Versus State Of
U.P.Thru. Prin. Secy. Irrigation &
Water Resources Service Bench No.
- 18476 Of 2020
• DeenDayalYadav Versus State Of
U.P. And 3 Ors Writ - A No. - 14575
Of 2020

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 32

Yes, I tried to take part in the process of

Client Counselling
client counselling along with my sir to
understand the basic aspect of service laws.
Preparation of Case Documents

Yes, I observed the following major things

from the above mentioned case laws during
this internship –
• this writ petition is allowed in the
same terms as in Premchand (supra),
quoted above, and the order
impugned dated 09th February,
2020, insofar as it relates to the
petitioner, is set aside and the matter
is remitted to authority concerned
with the same directions. No order as
to costs.
• petitioner's case, in any manner, is
not protected under the proposition
of law laid down by the Hon'ble
Supreme Court in RafiqMasih
(supra) case. In the result, the writ
petition stands dismissed.

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 33

Week 17

Details of activities performed

• Duration 2020 (17 jan - 24 jan )

The subject area of the second week of this

Subject Area
internship was procedural law.
NO, as it was online internship.
Court Visits

Yes, I searched leading case of Delhi

Case law Search
judicial service v. State of WB and worked
on special remedy for judicial service

No, I did not take part in the process of

Client Counselling client counselling.

No, but I saw the drafting of legal

Preparation of Case Documents documents.

I observed the following major things in this

Observation week of internship –
• Learned proper woking of Sec 154-
• Learned some great thoughts from
different people who conducted

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 34

Week 18

Details of activities performed

• Duration jan 2020 (25 jan - 02 feb )

The subject area of the second week of this

Subject Area
internship was same criminal law and
applicable laws.
No, as it was online internship.
Court Visits

I researched on the leading case of DK

Case law Search
No, I did not take part in the process of
Client Counselling client counselling.

No, but I saw the drafting of legal

Preparation of Case Documents documents.

I observed the following major things in this

Observation week of internship –
• How the arguments is done in the
• How the trial is proceeded in the

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 35


Name of the organisation/ MR. SANJEEV PANDEY,
Authority/Lawyer ADVOCATE

Time Period 15 Oct to 11 nov 2021

Subject Area Criminal Law, Working Of Bar

Council Of India.

Contact Information 9838204030

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 36

Week 19-20

Details of activities performed

• Duration oct (15 oct - 22 oct )

The subject area for this week of internship

Subject Area
was criminal law and other applicable laws.
Yes, I visited District & Session Court of
Court Visits
No, I did not search any case law
Case Law Search

No, I did not take part in client counselling

Client Counselling
No I did not help in the draft of any legal
Preparation of case documents
I observed the following major things
during the course of internship –
• Learn the proceeding
• Learn the filing of criminal case.
• And, how the case is proceeded in
the court.

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Internship Diary 37

Week 21-22

Details of activities performed

• Duration oct 2021 (23 oct - 29 oct )

The subject area of the second week of this

Subject Area
internship was same criminal law and
applicable laws.
Yes, I visited Prayagraj High Court .
Court Visits

No. I did not search any case law during this

Case law Search
week of internship

No, I did not take part in the process of

Client Counselling client counselling.

No, but I saw the drafting of legal

Preparation of Case Documents documents.

I observed the following major things in this

Observation week of internship –
• How the arguments is done in the
• How the trial is proceeded in the

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 38

Week 23

Details of activities performed

• Duration oct - nov 2021 (30 oct . – 07 nov.)

The subject area of this week of internship

Subject Area
was same i.e. criminal law and other
applicable laws.
Yes. I visited State Bar Council of Varansi.
Court Visits

No, I didn’t searched any case law but I tried

Case law Search
to understand the working of Bar Council.

No, I did not take part of any process of

Client Counselling
client counselling.
No, but I tried to understand the legal
Preparation of case documents
documentation of working of State Bar
I made the following observation while this
week of internship –
• Learn the procedure of Working of
State Bar Council
• Learn the drafting of some legal

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

Internship Diary 39

Week 24

Details of activities performed

• Duration Nov. 2021 (08 nov - 15 nov)

The subject area of this week of internship

Subject Area
was same i.e. criminal law and other
applicable laws.
Yes, I visited Bar Council Of India.
Court Visits

No, I didn’t searched any case law.

Case Law Search

No. I didn’t take part in the process of client

Client Counselling
processing. Instead I visited Bar Council Of
India and interacted with other members.
No, Case documents was prepared.
Preparation of case documents

I made the following observation while this

week of internship –
• I learned the working process of Bar
Council Of India.
• Interacted with many officials of Bar
Council Of India.

Academic Session 2021-22Dr.Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University

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