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Regression 1 (Homework)

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6/6/22, 17:55 Regression 1 - estadistica, Spring 2022 | WebAssign


The following estimated regression equation based on 30 observations was presented.

ŷ = 17.6 + 3.8x1 − 2.3x2 + 7.6x3 + 2.7x4

The values of SST and SSR are 1,801 and 1,755, respectively.

(a) Compute R2. (Round your answer to three decimal places.)

R2 = 0.975

(b) Compute Ra2. (Round your answer to three decimal places.)

Ra2 = 0.971

(c) Comment on the goodness of fit. (For purposes of this exercise, consider a proportion large if it is at least 0.55.)

The estimated regression equation provided a good fit as a small proportion of the variability in y has been explained by the estimated regression equation

The estimated regression equation provided a good fit as a large proportion of the variability in y has been explained by the estimated regression equation

The estimated regression equation did not provide a good fit as a small proportion of the variability in y has been explained by the estimated regression

The estimated regression equation did not provide a good fit as a large proportion of the variability in y has been explained by the estimated regression
equation. 2/15
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This question has several parts that must be completed sequentially. If you skip a part of the question, you will not receive any points for the skipped part, and y

Tutorial Exercise
The following estimated regression equation based on 30 observations was presented.

ŷ = 17.6 + 3.8x1 − 2.3x2 + 7.6x3 + 2.7x4

The values of SST and SSR are 1,804 and 1,771, respectively.

(a) Compute R2.

(b) Compute Ra2.

(c) Comment on the goodness of fit.

Step 1

(a) Compute R2.

Recall that R2 is the multiple coefficient of determination and is an indication of the goodness of fit for an estimated multiple regression equation. That is, it is the pr
only take on values between 0 and 1. It is calculated as follows where SSR is the sum of squares due to regression and SST is the total sum of squares.

R2 = 

We are given that SST = 1,804 and SSR = 1,771. Use these values to find the value of R2, rounding the result to three decimal places.

R2  = 

 =  .9817

Step 2

(b) Compute Ra2.

The adjusted multiple coefficient of determination is denoted by Ra2. This adjusted value takes into consideration the number of independent variables used in the m
independent variables. Note that it is possible for Ra2 to take on negative values.

Ra2 = 1 − (1 − R2)

The estimated regression equation given below was constructed from 30 observations, so n = 30


ŷ = 17.6 + 3.8x1 − 2.3x2 + 7.6x3 + 2.7x4

The independent variables are denoted by xi. This equation has 4

independent variables, so p = 4


Step 3
We have R2 = 0.982, n = 30, and p = 4. Use these values to find the adjusted multiple coefficient of determination, rounding the result to three decimal places.

2 n−1
Ra2  =  1 − (1 − R )

− 1
 =  1 − (1 − 0.982)
30 − 4 − 1
 =  .979

Step 4

(c) Comment on the goodness of fit.

The closer the coefficient of determination is to 1, the better the goodness of fit. For this exercise, a proportion is large if it is at least 0.55, indicating a good fit.

We found R2 = 0.982 and Ra2 = 0.979. Since these are greater than

0.55, a large

proportion of the variability in y has been explained by the least sq

You have now completed the tutorial. 3/15
6/6/22, 17:55 Regression 1 - estadistica, Spring 2022 | WebAssign


The following estimated regression equation relating sales to inventory investment and advertising expenditures was given.

ŷ = 26 + 14x1 + 9x2

The data used to develop the model came from a survey of 10 stores; for those data, SST = 19,000 and SSR = 14,250.

(a) For the estimated regression equation given, compute R2.

R2 = 0.74

(b) Compute Ra2. (Round your answer to two decimal places.)

Ra2 = 0.67

(c) Does the model appear to explain a large amount of variability in the data? Explain. (For purposes of this exercise, consider an amount large if it is at least 55%

The adjusted coefficient of determination shows that 67

% of the variability has been explained by the two independent variables; thus, we conclude that


The owner of a movie theater company used multiple regression analysis to predict gross revenue (y) as a function of television advertising (x1) and newspaper adv

ŷ = 82.8 + 2.23x1 + 1.20x2.

The computer solution, based on a sample of eight weeks, provided SST = 25.7 and SSR = 23.315.

(a) Compute and interpret R2 and Ra2. (Round your answers to three decimal places.)

The proportion of the variability in the dependent variable that can be explained by the estimated multiple regression equation is 0.929

. Adjusting for the
multiple regression equation is 0.900


(b) When television advertising was the only independent variable, R2 = 0.653 and Ra2 = 0.595. Do you prefer the multiple regression results? Explain.

Multiple regression analysis is

preferred since both R2 and Ra2 show an increased

percentage of the variability of y explained when both independen 4/15
6/6/22, 17:55 Regression 1 - estadistica, Spring 2022 | WebAssign

5. [–/4 Points] DETAILS ASWSBE14 15.E.015.ALT.

DATAfile: Showtime

The owner of Showtime Movie Theaters, Inc. used multiple regression analysis to predict gross revenue (y) as a function of television advertising (x1) and newspape

ŷ = 83.2 + 2.29x1 + 1.30x2.

The computer solution provided SST = 25.5 and SSR = 23.435.

(a) Compute and interpret R2 and Ra2. (Round your answers to three decimal places.)

The proportion of the variability in the dependent variable that can be explained by the estimated multiple regression equation is (No Response)
. Adjusting fo
multiple regression equation is (No Response)

(b) When television advertising was the only independent variable, R2 = 0.653 and Ra2 = 0.595. Do you prefer the multiple regression results? Explain.

Multiple regression analysis (No Response)

preferred since both R2 and Ra2 show (No Response)
percentage of the variability of y explained when both indep 5/15
6/6/22, 17:55 Regression 1 - estadistica, Spring 2022 | WebAssign

6. [–/7 Points] DETAILS ASWSBE14 15.E.016.

DATAfile: NFLPassing

A statistical program is recommended.

Data were given on the average number of passing yards per attempt (Yds/Att), the number of interceptions thrown per attempt (Int/Att), and the percentage of ga

Team Conf Yds/Att Int/Att Win%

Arizona Cardinals NFC 6.5 0.042 50.0

Atlanta Falcons NFC 7.1 0.022 62.5

Carolina Panthers NFC 7.4 0.033 37.5

Cincinnati Bengals AFC 6.2 0.026 56.3

Detroit Lions NFC 7.2 0.024 62.5

Green Bay Packers NFC 8.9 0.014 93.8

Houstan Texans AFC 7.5 0.019 62.5

Indianapolis Colts AFC 5.6 0.026 12.5

Jacksonville Jaguars AFC 4.6 0.032 31.3

Minnesota Vikings NFC 5.8 0.033 18.8

New England Patriots AFC 8.3 0.020 81.3

New Orleans Saints NFC 8.1 0.021 81.3

Oakland Raiders AFC 7.6 0.044 50.0

San Francisco 49ers NFC 6.5 0.011 81.3

Tennessee Titans AFC 6.7 0.024 56.3

Washington Redskins NFC 6.4 0.041 31.3

(a) Did the estimated regression equation that uses only the average number of passing yards per attempt as the independent variable to predict the percentage o

Since R2 = (No Response) is (No Response)

, the estimated regression equation (No Response)
a good fit.

(b) Discuss the benefit of using both the average number of passing yards per attempt and the number of interceptions thrown per attempt to predict the percenta

Using both independent variables, the value of the coefficient of determination (No Response)
to R2 = (No Response)
, and the adjusted coefficient of determ 6/15
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A statistical program is recommended.

Spring is a peak time for selling houses. Suppose the data below contains the selling price, number of bathrooms, square footage, and number of bedrooms of 26 ho

Selling Price Baths Sq Ft Beds

160,000 1.5 1,766 3

170,000 2 1,768 3

178,000 1 1,219 3

182,500 1 1,578 2

195,100 1.5 1,125 3

212,500 2 1,196 2

245,900 2 2,128 3

250,000 3 1,280 3

255,000 2 1,596 3

258,000 2.5 2,374 4

267,000 2.5 2,439 3

268,000 2 1,470 4

275,000 2 1,688 4

Selling Price Baths Sq Ft Beds

295,000 2.5 1,860 3

325,000 3 2,056 4

325,000 3.5 2,776 4

328,400 2 1,408 4

331,000 1.5 1,972 3

344,500 2.5 1,736 3

365,000 2.5 1,990 4

385,000 2.5 3,640 4

395,000 2.5 1,908 4

399,000 2 2,108 3

430,000 2 2,462 4

430,000 2 2,615 4

454,000 3.5 3,700 4

Consider the estimated regression equation we developed that can be used to predict the selling price given the number of bathrooms, square footage, and number

ŷ = −11804.36 + 13619.67x1 + 54.44x2 + 50357.57x3 7/15
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(a) Does the estimated regression equation provide a good fit to the data? Explain. (Round your answer to two decimal places.)

Since the adjusted R2 = .46

, the estimated regression equation provides

a good fit.

(b) Consider the estimated regression equation that was developed which predicts selling price given the square footage and number of bedrooms. (x2 denotes sq

ŷ = −6075.89 + 59.70x2 + 54383.43x3

Compare the fit for this simpler model to that of the model that also includes number of bathrooms as an independent variable. (Round your answer to two de

The adjusted R2 for the simpler model is .48

, which is larger

than the adjusted R2 in part (a). The model from part b

is preferred.

8. [–/5 Points] DETAILS ASWSBE14 15.E.017.ALT.

A statistical program is recommended.

DATAfile: SpringHouses

Spring is a peak time for selling houses. The file SpringHouses contains the selling price, number of bathrooms, square footage, and number of bedrooms of 26 hom

Consider the estimated regression equation we developed that can be used to predict the selling price given the number of bathrooms, square footage, and number

ŷ = −5531.01 − 1386.21x1 + 60.28x2 + 54797.08x3

(a) Does the estimated regression equation provide a good fit to the data? Explain. (Round your answer to two decimal places.)

Since the adjusted R2 = (No Response)

, the estimated regression equation (No Response)
a good fit.

(b) Consider the estimated regression equation that was developed which predicts selling price given the square footage and number of bedrooms. (x2 denotes sq

ŷ = −5882.76 + 59.73x2 + 54309.21x3

Compare the fit for this simpler model to that of the model that also includes number of bathrooms as an independent variable. (Round your answer to two de

The adjusted R2 for the simpler model is (No Response)

, which is (No Response)
than the adjusted R2 in part (a). The model from part (No Response)
is pr 8/15
6/6/22, 17:55 Regression 1 - estadistica, Spring 2022 | WebAssign


DATAfile: MLBPitching

A statistical program is recommended.

Major League Baseball (MLB) pitching statistics were reported for a random sample of 20 pitchers from the American League for one full season.

Player Team W L ERA SO/IP HR/IP R/IP

Verlander, J DET 24 5 2.40 1.00 0.10 0.29

Beckett, J BOS 13 7 2.89 0.91 0.11 0.34

Wilson, C TEX 16 7 2.94 0.92 0.07 0.40

Sabathia, C NYY 19 8 3.00 0.97 0.07 0.37

Haren, D LAA 16 10 3.17 0.81 0.08 0.38

McCarthy, B OAK 9 9 3.32 0.72 0.06 0.43

Santana, E LAA 11 12 3.38 0.78 0.11 0.42

Lester, J BOS 15 9 3.47 0.95 0.10 0.40

Hernandez, F SEA 14 14 3.47 0.95 0.08 0.42

Buehrle, M CWS 13 9 3.59 0.53 0.10 0.45

Pineda, M SEA 9 10 3.74 1.01 0.11 0.44

Colon, B NYY 8 10 4.00 0.82 0.13 0.52

Tomlin, J CLE 12 7 4.25 0.54 0.15 0.48

Pavano, C MIN 9 13 4.30 0.46 0.10 0.55

Danks, J CWS 8 12 4.33 0.79 0.11 0.52

Guthrie, J BAL 9 17 4.33 0.63 0.13 0.54

Lewis, C TEX 14 10 4.40 0.84 0.17 0.51

Scherzer, M DET 15 9 4.43 0.89 0.15 0.52

Davis, W TB 11 10 4.45 0.57 0.13 0.52

Porcello, R DET 14 9 4.75 0.57 0.10 0.57

(a) An estimated regression equation was developed relating the average number of runs given up per inning pitched given the average number of strikeouts per i

R2 = (No Response)
Ra2 = (No Response)

(b) Does the estimated regression equation provide a good fit to the data? Explain.

Considering the nature of the data, being able to explain slightly more

than 50% of the variability in the number of runs given up per inning pitched using

(c) Suppose the earned run average (ERA) is used as the dependent variable in the estimated regression equation from (a) instead of the average number of runs

Since more

than 50% of the variability in the ERA can be explained by the linear effect of home runs per inning pitched (HR/IP) and strike-outs per inning 9/15
6/6/22, 17:55 Regression 1 - estadistica, Spring 2022 | WebAssign

10. [9.24/11 Points] DETAILS PREVIOUS ANSWERS ASWSBE14 15.CP.001.ALT.

Case Study: Consumer Research, Inc.

A statistical program is recommended.

Consumer Research, Inc., is an independent agency that conducts research on consumer attitudes and behaviors for a variety of firms. In one study, a client asked f
income, household size, and annual credit card charges for a sample of 50 consumers.

Managerial Report

Prepare a managerial report that summarizes findings of an investigation of consumer characteristics that can be used to predict the amount charged by credit card

Given Data

Descriptive Statistics

Linear Regression Equations

Multiple Regression Equation Analysis

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11. [8.96/11 Points] DETAILS PREVIOUS ANSWERS ASWSBE14 15.CP.002.

Case Study: Predicting Winnings for NASCAR Drivers

A statistical program is recommended.

Matt Kenseth won the 2012 Daytona 500, the most important race of the NASCAR season. His win was no surprise because for the 2011 season he finished fourth in
earned $6,183,580 by winning three Poles (fastest driver in qualifying), winning three races, finishing in the top five 12 times, and finishing in the top ten 20 times.
point for the driver who finished in the 43rd position. In addition, any driver who led a lap received 1 bonus point, the driver who led the most laps received an addit

Managerial Report

Prepare a report that uses regression to predict winnings based on number of poles won, number of wins, number of top five finishes, and the number of top ten fin

Given Data



Top 2–5 and Top 6–10

Recommended Regression

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6/6/22, 17:55 Regression 1 - estadistica, Spring 2022 | WebAssign

12. [3/5 Points] DETAILS PREVIOUS ANSWERS ASWSBE14 14.E.002.

Given are five observations for two variables, x and y.

xi 3 12 6 20 14

yi 55 45 50 15 20

(a) Develop a scatter diagram for these data. 11/15
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(b) What does the scatter diagram developed in part (a) indicate about the relationship between the two variables?

There appears to be no noticeable relationship between x and y.

There appears to be a negative linear relationship between x and y.    

There appears to be a positive linear relationship between x and y.

(c) Try to approximate the relationship between x and y by drawing a straight line through the data. 12/15
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Σ(xi − x)(yi − y)
(d) Develop the estimated regression equation by computing the values of b0 and b1 using b1 =  and b0 = y − b1x.
Σ(xi − x)2

(e) Use the estimated regression equation to predict the value of y when x = 9.
43.5 13/15
6/6/22, 17:55 Regression 1 - estadistica, Spring 2022 | WebAssign

13. [2/3 Points] DETAILS PREVIOUS ANSWERS ASWSBE14 14.E.007.

DATAfile: Sales

A sales manager collected the following data on annual sales for new customer accounts and the number of years of experience for a sample of 10 salespersons.

Years of
Annual Sales

Experience ($1,000s)

1 1 80

2 3 97

3 4 92

4 4 102

5 6 103

6 8 111

7 10 119

8 10 123

9 11 117

10 13 136

(a) Develop a scatter diagram for these data with years of experience as the independent variable. 14/15
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(b) Develop an estimated regression equation that can be used to predict annual sales (in $1,000s) given the years of experience.

(c) Use the estimated regression equation to predict annual sales (in $1,000s) for a salesperson with 9 years of experience.
$ 128


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