Quarter: Grade Level: Week: Learning Area: E N G L I S H Home-Based Activities Recall

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Quarter: 4th Quarter Grade Level: Grade 6

Week: Week 9 learning Area: E N G L I S H
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures (verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs) EN6G-Ig-4.4.1
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities

4 A. Recall (Elicit) Activity Sheet

• Compose clear and coherent sentences What is conjunction? Encircle the word that tells about
using appropriate grammatical structures Composing Clear and What are the kinds of conjunction? adverbs of manner, time and place
Coherent Sentences in each sentence.
Using Adverbs of B. Motivation (Engage) 1. I went to my friend’s house
Manner, Time and Place yesterday.
Read the following sentences. 2. It was located at the corner of
1. The King ruled harshly over the land. the street.
2. One night after he was crowned as king, he 3. He invited me to join the
thought of himself as the greatest king. celebration of his 21st birthday on
3. He went in the deep woods. July 20.
4. He also excitedly invited all his
Learning about all kinds of adverbs introduces classmates and friends to come.
how different adverbs describe a verb, an 5. His mother also invited some
adjective or another adverb. guests to perform on that special
C. Discussion of concepts (Explore) 6. Lisa Macuja is one of the invited
Introduce the lesson about adverbs. ballerinas who dance gracefully on
D. Developing Mastery (Explain) 7. Aljon, his best friend, surprised
The word “harshly” in the first sentence is an him with a song that he sang
adverb of manner because it tells in what sweetly for him.
manner the action was done and it answers the 8. The visitors really enjoy Mandy’s
question how. party that they forgot it’s almost
9. They went home happily.
10. Mandy gladly thank them with a
sweet smile.
E. Application and
Generalization (Elaborate)
An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an
adjective or another adverb. It describes how,
when and where an action happened.
Adverb of manner describes how or in what
manner an action happened.
Adverb of time describes when or what time
the action happened.
F. Evaluation
5 A. Recall (Elicit)
For sub and support learning competencies: Composing Clear and What adverb?
● define and describe adverbs of manner, Coherent Sentences What is adverb of manner?time?
time and place; Using Adverbs of
• ● identify adverbs of manner, time Manner, Time and Place B. Motivation (Engage)
• Read the sentence
and place in a sentence.
He went in the deep woods.

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

Introduce the use of adverb of place
D.Developing Mastery (Explain)
The phrase “in the deep woods” is an adverb of
place because it tells us where the action

G.Application and
Generalization (Elaborate)
Adverb of place describes where or in what
place the action happened.
F. Evaluation

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