Komati PS Pilot Solar PV Plant Technical Specification

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Specification Technology

Title: Komati PS Pilot Solar PV Plant Unique Identifier: 285-169245

Technical Specification

Alternative Reference Number: N/A

Area of Applicability: Engineering

Documentation Type: Specification

Revision: 2

Total Pages: 119

Next Review Date: N/A

Disclosure Classification: CONTROLLED


Compiled by Functional Responsibility Authorised by

………………………………….. ………………………………….. …………………………………..

K Mareya B Mashimbye M Nemadodzi

Komati Repowering - EDWL Komati Repowering - PEM Client & Komati PS GM
Date: …………………………… 02/11/2021
Date: …………………………… 2021/11/02
Date: ……………………………

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1. PROJECT DEFINITION ............................................................................................................................9

1.1 OBJECTIVES .....................................................................................................................................9

1.2 LOCATION .........................................................................................................................................9
1.3 SITE CONDITIONS, SCREENING AND SELECTION ......................................................................9
1.3.1 General .......................................................................................................................................9
1.3.2 Site Access .................................................................................................................................9
1.3.3 Weather Data .............................................................................................................................9
1.3.4 Meteorological Situation .......................................................................................................... 10
1.3.5 Soil Condition .......................................................................................................................... 10
1.3.6 Available Land ......................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURES AND SERVICES ....................................................................... 10
1.4.1 Buildings and Associated Infrastructure .................................................................................. 11
1.4.2 Potable and Process Water Supply ........................................................................................ 11
1.4.3 Sewage Management ............................................................................................................. 11
1.4.4 Waste Management ................................................................................................................ 11
1.4.5 Storm Water Management ...................................................................................................... 11
1.4.6 Auxiliary Power Supply ............................................................................................................ 11
1.4.7 Electrical Interconnection (Point of Interconnection) ............................................................... 11
1.4.8 High Security Fence ................................................................................................................ 11

2. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 12

2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 12

2.1.1 PV Plant Capacity ................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 HYBRID SOLAR PV SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................... 12
2.2.1 Agrivoltaics Systems ............................................................................................................... 13 General Considerations .................................................................................................. 13 Design Configurations ..................................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Civil and Structural Requirements ........................................................................................... 14 Ground Mounting Structures and Foundations ............................................................... 14
2.2.3 Electrical Requirements .......................................................................................................... 15 PV Modules ..................................................................................................................... 15 Inverters .......................................................................................................................... 15 Auxiliary Supply Distribution Board ................................................................................. 16 PV Distribution Board ...................................................................................................... 16 Point of Connection (PoC) – Mini-substation LV Switchgear .......................................... 17

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Page: 3 of 119 DC Reticulation System .................................................................................................. 18 AC Reticulation System .................................................................................................. 18 Earthing System .............................................................................................................. 19 Surge and Lightning Protection ....................................................................................... 19 Metering and Measurements ........................................................................................ 19 Abnormal Operations .................................................................................................... 20
2.2.4 Control and Monitoring System (CMS) Requirements ............................................................ 20 Meteorological System .................................................................................................... 20 Fire detection System ..................................................................................................... 21
2.3 SECURITY FENCE ......................................................................................................................... 21
2.3.1 Non-Lethal Energised Perimeter Detection System................................................................ 21 General Environmental Conditions ................................................................................. 22 Electrical operating environment ..................................................................................... 22 Energizers ....................................................................................................................... 22 General ................................................................................................................... 22 Electrical requirements ........................................................................................... 22 Mechanical requirements ........................................................................................ 23 Functional requirements ......................................................................................... 23 Electric Fence Zones/Sectors ......................................................................................... 24 NLEPDS Equipment Kiosks ............................................................................................ 24 Graphical User Interface / Display Unit ........................................................................... 25 Master Control Unit ......................................................................................................... 25 Alarm Relay Cards .......................................................................................................... 25 Security Lights Relay Card .............................................................................................. 26 Miniature Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................... 26 Surge Arrestors Used in Kiosks .................................................................................... 26 Isolation Switch ............................................................................................................. 26 Trunking ........................................................................................................................ 27 Notices and labels ......................................................................................................... 27 Warning Signs ............................................................................................................... 27 Electric Fence Conductors ............................................................................................ 27 HT Cables ..................................................................................................................... 28 Insulators ....................................................................................................................... 28 Lightning and Over Current Protection ......................................................................... 28 Earthing Requirements ................................................................................................. 28 Communication Infrastructure ....................................................................................... 29
2.3.2 Civil & Structural Requirements for Non-Lethal Energised Perimeter Detection System ....... 29 Electrical Structures ........................................................................................................ 29

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Page: 4 of 119 Intermediate Posts .................................................................................................. 29 Strain and corner posts ........................................................................................... 30
2.3.3 Warranties and Guarantees .................................................................................................... 31
2.3.4 High Security Mesh Fence ...................................................................................................... 31 Outer Barrier High Security Mesh Fence ........................................................................ 31 Inner Barrier High Security Mesh Fence ......................................................................... 31 Mesh ....................................................................................................................... 31 Posts ....................................................................................................................... 33 Gates ....................................................................................................................... 33 Overhang and Razor Wire ...................................................................................... 34 Attachments ............................................................................................................ 35 Mesh Attachment to anti-tunnelling system ............................................................ 35 Fasteners ................................................................................................................ 35 Civil Work ........................................................................................................................ 36 Site Conditions ........................................................................................................ 36 Concrete .................................................................................................................. 36 Stepping .................................................................................................................. 36 Anti-tunnelling systems ........................................................................................... 36 Product Life Cycle Requirements ........................................................................... 37
2.4 CCTV CAMERA SYSTEM............................................................................................................... 39
2.4.1 General Requirements ............................................................................................................ 39
2.4.2 System Overview .................................................................................................................... 40 Intruder Detection ............................................................................................................ 42 Site Perimeter.................................................................................................................. 42 Surveillance System ........................................................................................................ 43 Video Recording .............................................................................................................. 44 Video Management System ............................................................................................ 45 Main Security Control Room ........................................................................................... 46 Equipment Room ............................................................................................................ 47 Cables and racking ................................................................................................. 47 Cabinets .................................................................................................................. 47 Time synchronisation .............................................................................................. 48
2.4.3 Electrical works........................................................................................................................ 48
2.4.4 Civils work ............................................................................................................................... 49 Trenching ........................................................................................................................ 49
2.5 SECURITY LIGHTING .................................................................................................................... 49
2.5.1 Lighting Requirements ............................................................................................................ 49 Illumination Level ............................................................................................................ 49

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Page: 5 of 119 General Construction of Luminaires ............................................................................... 49 Power Supplies, Cabling and Junction Boxes ................................................................ 51 Earthing ........................................................................................................................... 52 Lightning Protection ........................................................................................................ 52 LED Luminaire Technical Requirements ........................................................................ 52 Photometric Requirements ..................................................................................... 52 Electrical Requirements .......................................................................................... 53 Electromagnetic Requirements ............................................................................... 53 Mechanical Requirements ...................................................................................... 53

3. INSPECTION TESTING AND COMMISSIONING ................................................................................. 55

3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 55

3.2 TESTS BEFORE INSTALLATION .................................................................................................. 57
3.3 TESTS AFTER INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................... 58
3.3.1 Test Pre-Requisite – Minimum System Documentation Requirement .................................... 59
3.3.2 Mechanical Completion Test ................................................................................................... 61 General............................................................................................................................ 61 PV Modules ..................................................................................................................... 61 PV String Combiners ....................................................................................................... 62 PV Mounting Structures .................................................................................................. 62 Foundation and Civil works ............................................................................................. 62 PV Inverters..................................................................................................................... 62 Control and Monitoring System ....................................................................................... 63 Labelling and Identification: ............................................................................................. 63
3.3.3 Electrical Completion Test ....................................................................................................... 63 Tests on AC circuits ........................................................................................................ 63 Tests on DC Circuits ....................................................................................................... 64 Functional Tests .............................................................................................................. 65 PV Array Insulation Resistance Test .............................................................................. 65 Certificate of Compliance ................................................................................................ 65 Functional Test of Meteorological System and C&I system ........................................... 66 Infrared Thermography ................................................................................................... 66 Grid Code connection test ............................................................................................... 67 Test Reporting ................................................................................................................. 67
3.4 TESTS AFTER COMPLETION ....................................................................................................... 67
3.4.1 The Final Acceptance Test (FAT) ........................................................................................... 68 The FAT Procedure ......................................................................................................... 69 FAT Stopping and Restarting Procedure ........................................................................ 70

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Page: 6 of 119 Performance Ratio (PR) Evaluation Procedure .............................................................. 70 Plant Availability Evaluation Procedure .......................................................................... 71 Criteria for FAT Acceptance ............................................................................................ 72 Criteria for Issuance of Operational Acceptance Certificate ........................................... 73

4. CONTRACTOR’S GUARANTEE ON PERFORMANCE AND AVAILABILITY .................................... 73

4.1 EQUIPMENT WARRANTY.............................................................................................................. 74

4.1.1 PV Plant................................................................................................................................... 74
4.1.2 Non-lethal Energised Perimeter Detection System ................................................................. 74
4.1.3 Security Lighting ...................................................................................................................... 74
4.2 O&M TRAINING .............................................................................................................................. 75
4.3 SPARE PARTS AND TOOLS ......................................................................................................... 76

5. AUTHORISATION .................................................................................................................................. 77

6. REVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 77

7. DEVELOPMENT TEAM ......................................................................................................................... 77

8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 77

APPENDIX A : LOCATION DATA & SITE CONDITIONS ........................................................................ 78

APPENDIX B WEATHER (TMY) DATA .................................................................................................... 82

APPENDIX C : CODES AND STANDARDS ............................................................................................. 85

APPENDIX D : CIVIL & STRUCTURES REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................... 95

APPENDIX E : ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 97

APPENDIX F : C&I REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 116


APPENDIX H : SITE LAYOUT AND SINGLE LINE DRAWINGS LIST .................................................. 119


Figure 1 Existing mini substation to be used as a point of connection ....................................................... 12

Figure 2 Existing mini-substation 400V compartment ................................................................................ 17
Figure 3 Proposed outline of new electric and inner barrier fences ........................................................... 21
Figure 4 Proposed CCTV coverage zones ................................................................................................. 40
Figure 5 CCTV basic system overview with integrated systems ................................................................ 41
Figure 6 Location of the Proposed Installation Site. ................................................................................... 78
Figure 7 Hydrology of the Proposed Site as per Existing Spatial Layers ................................................... 79

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Figure 8 Komati PS Environmental Sensitive Areas – Source: GIS Desktop Study – May 2021 .............. 79
Figure 9 Komati PS Servitude Infrastructure – Source: GIS Desktop Study – May 2021 .......................... 80
Figure 10 Komati PS Geology – Source: GIS Desktop Study – May 2021 ................................................ 80
Figure 11 Komati PS Topography – Source: GIS Desktop Study – May 2021 .......................................... 81
Figure 12 Komati PS Topography Screening – Source: GIS Desktop Study – May 2021 ......................... 81
Figure 13 Annual Rainfall 2016 - 2018 ....................................................................................................... 83
Figure 14 Annual GHI Map – South Africa (Source CRSES) [Site indicated by an arrow] ........................ 83


Table 1: Area Estimates for the Proposed Site – Area 1-4 within Station Services Building Premises ..... 78
Table 2: Ambient Temperatures – January 2014 to December 2018 ........................................................ 82
Table 3: Wind Speed – January 2014 to December 2018 ......................................................................... 82
Table 4: Wind direction. North North Easterly (NNE) wind most predominant in 2015, 2017 and 2018. .. 82
Table 5: Long-term annual GHI different data sources at Project Location – (Max deviation: 6%) ........... 84
Table 6 Codes & Standards – Civil Engineering Design Work................................................................... 85
Table 7 Codes & Standards – Equipment & Services ................................................................................ 86
Table 8 Codes & Standards – Regulatory Approvals, Requirements & Normative References ................ 93
Table 9 Mounting Structure Requirement ................................................................................................... 95
Table 10 PV Minimum Specific Technical Requirement - Capacity General Requirement ....................... 97
Table 11 PV Minimum Specific Technical Requirement - PV Module General Requirement .................... 97
Table 12 Solar Inverter Specific Requirements .......................................................................................... 99
Table 13 Auxiliary Supply Distribution Board Requirements .................................................................... 101
Table 14 PV-Distribution Board Specific Requirements ........................................................................... 102
Table 15 Point of Connection LV Circuit Breaker Specification ............................................................... 103
Table 16 DC Cables Specific Requirement .............................................................................................. 105
Table 17 DC Cable Installation Requirements ......................................................................................... 106
Table 18 Connector Specific Requirement ............................................................................................... 107
Table 19 DC Combiner Box Specific Requirement (if applicable) ............................................................ 107
Table 20 AC Cables (Inverter to PV-DB and PV-DB to Point of Connection) Specific Requirements ..... 108
Table 21 Overvoltage/Surge Protection Devices Specific Requirements ................................................ 109
Table 22 Energiser Specific Requirements .............................................................................................. 110
Table 23 Graphical User Interface / Display Unit Specific Requirements ................................................ 111
Table 24 Master Control Unit Specific Requirements .............................................................................. 111
Table 25 Energiser Indications and Alarms Specific Requirements ........................................................ 111
Table 26 Alarm Relay Specific Requirements .......................................................................................... 112
Table 27 Security Lights Relay Card Specific Requirements ................................................................... 112
Table 28 Surge Arrestors Used in Kiosks Specific Requirements ........................................................... 112

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Table 29 Electric Fence Conductors Specific Requirements ................................................................... 112

Table 30 Warranties and Guarantees Specific Requirements ................................................................. 113
Table 31 Security Lighting Specific Requirements ................................................................................... 114
Table 32 Plant Performance Guarantee – From the Contractor .............................................................. 117
Table 33 Monthly Breakdown of First Year Guaranteed Performance Ratio ........................................... 117
Table 34 Equipment warranty ................................................................................................................... 117
Table 35 Water Qualities .......................................................................................................................... 118
Table 36 Lists Drawings Issued by the Employer .................................................................................... 119

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This document provides technical requirements for Engineering, Procurement and Construction
(EPC), including Commissioning of the Proposed Solar PV Agrivoltaics System at Komati Power
Station, situated in Mpumalanga. It also sets out requirements relating to expected plant performance,
quality, codes and standards.

This document must be read in conjunction with the Engineering & Construction Contract (NEC3) Part
3: Scope of Work – Employer and Contractor’s Works Information.


The main objective of the Project is to demonstrate feasibility of co-existence between the surrounding
farming community and Solar PV Power Generation through adoption of Agrivoltaic solutions,
showing Eskom’s intention regarding renewable technology at Komati Power Station as part of the
Repowering Initiative. The project also seeks to reduce the amount of electricity drawn from the Grid
for self-consumption at Komati Power Station and carbon footprint, as well as establishing the impact
of environmental conditions on performance of PV plant at Komati site for influencing expansion.


The Proposed Site at Komati Power Station (Site) is located with the following address/coordinates:

Address: Steve Tshwete District Council, Komati, Mpumalanga, South Africa

GPS Coordinates: 26.098178°S; 29.450542°E, Elevation: 1,623m above sea level


1.3.1 General
The proposed Site at Komati Power Station is situated within the Station Services Building premises
and the Parking & Drop-off Zone behind the Station Services Building (SSB).

1.3.2 Site Access

Access to the proposed Sites is within a 1-kilometre radius from the Station’s entrance.

1.3.3 Weather Data

The Komati Weather Station is located approximately 2.7 km West South West of Komati Power
Station (Location details: Latitude: 26.098178°S, Longitude: 29.450542°E, Elevation: 1,623m above
sea level). A high level summary of the weather data recorded at the Weather Station from January

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2014 to December 2018 are given in Appendix: B – Table 3 (conclusions taken based on this data
should be considered preliminary estimations. A larger dataset will minimise risk).

1.3.4 Meteorological Situation

The TMY generated for the Project Site is presented in Appendix B (for guidance purpose only) which
the bidder can use to evaluate the plant performance and provide the estimated plant performance
accordingly as defined Appendix E - Table 10 & Table 11. However, the bidder is free to choose his
own TMY dataset to guarantee the performance ratio as defined in Appendix G.

1.3.5 Soil Condition

Komati Power Station is underlain by sandstone, shale and coal beds of the Vryheid Formation, Karoo
Super-group according to regional geology. Previous Geotechnical Investigations found marshy areas
to be mainly clayey and potentially expansive soils may underlie it. The selected Site’s ground
conditions may greatly differ, hence detailed geotechnical investigation shall be done before any
geotechnical or earthworks recommendations are made.

1.3.6 Available Land

The objective is to consider all areas under the Proposed Site for the installation Komati Pilot Solar
PV Plant without triggering Environmental Impact Assessment and Authorisations. The identified
Areas should be maximised in terms of availability and suitability for the installation of Agrivoltaics
Solar PV System.

Visual inspection of the Proposed Sites identified areas suitable for Solar PV installation, (refer to
Drawing #: 0.33/19495/ 0 Rev 0 - PV Pre-Feasibly Study Site Layout Diagram). This preliminary site
inspection and selection did not include any specialised environmental assessments and geotechnical
investigations. The Bidder shall verify and confirm compliance with regulations, and soil condition
prior to earthworks and excavations.


The Power Station has existing infrastructure and available services to support the construction,
operating and maintenance of the PV plant. The Bidder shall maximize utilization of the existing
infrastructure as part of his proposed design.

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1.4.1 Buildings and Associated Infrastructure

The Power Station has available common buildings and infrastructure that could potentially be utilised
for the operation, maintenance and services of PV systems. The Bidder shall in his design layout
identify any such building and infrastructure identified for usage.

1.4.2 Potable and Process Water Supply

The existing Water Treatment Plants at the Power Station can supply water at the required quality as
Potable or Process for the washing of PV panels (refer to Table 35 Water Quality)

1.4.3 Sewage Management

The existing Sewage facilities servicing the Power Station are adequate to meet any requirements
placed by the Komati Pilot Solar PV Plant requirements.

1.4.4 Waste Management

Available Waste Management Systems and processes are adequate to meet any requirements
placed by the Komati Pilot Solar PV Plant requirements.

1.4.5 Storm Water Management

All Storm Water Management within the Power Station Footprint is based on the already established
SWMP. All storm water runoff from the PV modules and infrastructure with roofs is considered clean
storm water runoff and can be released back into the environment.

1.4.6 Auxiliary Power Supply

A 6.6/0.4kV 630kVA mini-substation located near to the proposed PV plant site shall provide auxiliary
power required for construction activities. Auxiliary power supply required for auxiliaries such as
inverter control circuitry, meteorological system, servers, computers and night-time auxiliaries like
perimeter lighting shall be supplied from PV Distribution Board (PV-DB).

1.4.7 Electrical Interconnection (Point of Interconnection)

A 630kVA, 6.6/0.4kV mini-substation supplying power to the Station Services building is located near
the proposed PV plant Site. Refer to Figure 1 which shows the existing mini-substation. It is proposed
that the PV plant interconnect to the station reticulation system through the existing mini-substation
400V system.

1.4.8 High Security Fence

A high security mesh fence boarders the greater part of Area 1 and fully encloses Area 2. Access to
Area 1 is not controlled whereas Area 2 is controlled.

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Existing 6.6/0.4kV,
630kVA mini-substation

Figure 1 Existing mini substation to be used as a point of connection



2.1.1 PV Plant Capacity

As described in Sections 2.2 and summarised in Appendix A - Table 1, a number of land portions
have been identified as possible usable land for PV systems. The total suitable gross land area is
approximately 12 000 m2. The Bidder shall determine the Size & Capacity of PV System installations
based on Net Usable or Effective Area which should be equal or less than 1 hectare to avoid
environmental authorisations. PV minimum specific technical requirements are listed in Appendix E –
Table 10.


A hybrid solar plant made up of Ground mounted and Agrivoltaics PV systems is required at Komati
Power Station. The plant shall be located within Komati Power Station site boundary as indicated in
the site layout in Drawing #: 0.33/19495/ 0 Rev 0 - PV Pre-Feasibly Study Site Layout Diagram. The
capacity of the plant shall be determined from energy yield studies, which are yet to be carried out
based on the identified available land. Power generated from the plant shall be utilised for supplying

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auxiliary power to the plant with the rest fed into the station reticulation system through an identified
point of connection for on-site consumption. The plant shall consists of but not limited to the following
major components:- a combination of PV modules, PV ground mounting structures and foundations,
inverters, AC distribution boards, AC and DC cabling, UPS, control and monitoring systems,
interconnection cables and utilities such as roads, storm water infrastructure, non-lethal energised
perimeter detection system / non-lethal electrified security fence, high security mesh fence, buildings
and meteorological measuring stations. Sizing of equipment and components used shall be based on
the realised plant capacity, selected voltage, load flow and short circuit studies. Considering the hybrid
nature of the proposed plant, a string network configuration is preferred. A single line of the proposed
hybrid plant is shown in Drawing #: 0.33/19494/01/Rev 0 – Proposed Hybrid PV Single Line Diagram.

2.2.1 Agrivoltaics Systems

Komati Power Station wants to gain initial experience with Agrivoltaic Systems and compare their
performance with that of Conventional Ground-mounted north-facing PV systems over the course of
the day and year, and plans to use the data for a larger project under Repowering and Repurposing
Project. The pilot project shall be scientifically monitored in order to find out how the combination
affects the usability of agricultural machines, the agricultural productivity of the area and the
microclimatic influence of the agro-photovoltaic system on the area. General Considerations

Solar PV panels may affect crop yield due to shadowing effects. Crops can be classified as either
being shadow-intolerant or shade-tolerant. Simulating and piloting of agrivoltaics with shade-tolerant
crops shows that crop yield generally do not decrease. Experimental investigations of dynamic-
agrivoltaics, which controls the tilt angle of panels using algorithms for optimum PV generation and
crop production, have been undertaken. Dynamic tracking involves the integration of two algorithms,
the energy yield of the PV panels and the solar radiation requirement of the crops. The panels are
moved or tilted in various configurations to optimise energy yield and crop yield. This pilot study shall
consider only fixed PV panels. Fixed systems do not incorporate any tracking systems. The panels
are normally north-facing and the tilt angle is equal to the latitude of the site. Design Configurations

Different configurations exists for Agrivoltaic Systems including: raised PV modules on stilts high
enough to allow agricultural machines underneath. Vertically installed bifacial solar module systems
whose mounting structure allows the vertically installed panels to exploit the incident solar radiation

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on their front and rear side and offer maximum performance during hours of high consumption, at
dawn and at dusk. The Bidder shall take into consideration the following:

• Mounting Structures elevation based on the height of crops and the farming machinery to be
used during the life cycle of the crop.

• Wind loading, ground conditions and undermining should be considered in the design.

• Row spacing and spacing between panels considering the width of farming equipment to move
between the panels as well as adequate solar radiation for the crops

• Density of panels to optimise the growth of crops

• Impact ground reflectivity has on the panels. Based on Proposed design the PV panel
selection could consider panels capable of absorbing light at the back of the panel to increase
the energy yield

2.2.2 Civil and Structural Requirements Ground Mounting Structures and Foundations

The Bidder shall carry out a geotechnical assessment to determine the geotechnical parameters and
to inform the foundation design of the mounting structures

Suitable mounting structures shall be designed, procured and constructed according to geotechnical
assessment, and according to environmental permit and water use licence. The mounting structures
shall be ground mounted, fixed type and facing perfect north. The structure shall withstand all possible
static, dynamic and seasonal loads at site conditions. The mounting structures shall be designed for
optimum PV module orientations. The tilt angle shall be between 20o – 30o and azimuth at perfect
north. For ground mounted systems, the row-to-row distance shall be selected to minimize shading
losses. For Agrivoltaics PV system, row-to-row distance shall be optimised to ensure that crops
planted on the ground under the PV panel structure receives the minimum required sun hours for
healthy development and permits access to agricultural equipment, Mounting structures shall be
selected to meet the minimum specific technical requirements set in technical schedules in Appendix
D - Table 9

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2.2.3 Electrical Requirements PV Modules

Generally, two different concepts for generating energy by means of PV technology are commercially
available on the market; crystalline silicon based and thin film based PV technology. From the thin
film technologies, amorphous Silicon (a-Si), Copper Indium Selenide (CIS) and CIGS are not
preferred due to their large foot print, i.e. land usage that would be required. Furthermore, these
modules are not easily available on the market and have a very limited track record.

Modules shall be designed to generate electricity for a minimum of 25 years under the environmental
conditions of the site. The electricity generation capabilities of the modules shall meet or exceed the
capabilities defined by the module electrical data sheet of the product. Module rated peak power
(defined at standard test condition) shall be used to determine the peak power of the plant. The peak
power of the plant shall be the sum of the manufacturer’s nameplate data sheets for each individual
module. Maximum annual degradation shall be specified. Modules shall be certified to IEC 61730 and
shall carry appropriate IEC or European Norm (EN) certificates relevant to technology certified by the
approved testing agency.

Modules shall be new and in order to maintain the homogeneity of the plant, all cells and modules
connected to the same single inverter shall be supplied by the same manufacturer and shall be rated
at the same nominal power. PV modules shall comply with the minimum specific technical requirement
set in technical schedules in Appendix E - Table 11. Inverters

Considering the hybrid nature of the proposed plant, a string inverter-module configuration is the
preferred option. Grid-tied inverters shall be designed to provide all of the power conversion,
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and energy delivery functions including control, protection and
monitoring necessary for a fully integrated hybrid solar PV plant. The inverter shall provide a three-
phase sinusoidal waveform at 50Hz with a nominal power factor of 0.9 or higher and the DC-to-AC
conversion efficiency shall be rated at least 98 percent. The inverter shall include the necessary DC
circuit breakers/disconnect switches, AC circuit breakers/disconnect switches, local controls, remote
monitoring and control interfaces and accessories necessary for the inverter to function properly as
part of a power generating plant. The inverters shall be located to minimise losses.

The nominal power of the inverters shall be rated according to the nominal power of the associated
PV module array with a design guide of maximizing the capacity of the inverter while observing the

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maximum ratings indicated by the manufacturer and safety guidelines of the applicable codes. The
inverters shall be capable of complete automatic unattended operation, including start-up,
synchronisation and disconnect and operating in parallel with other inverters and the utility. Auxiliary
power requirements to power unit from other than station reticulation or PV (e.g. for night-time power
if disconnected from the station reticulation) shall be defined. The inverters complete with the
necessary DC and AC wiring and hardware accessories, including protection equipment, monitoring
system, communication and control and other auxiliary equipment shall be suitable for outdoor
installation with an IP rating of IP65. The inverter and accessories shall be installed under a suitable
shade. Inverters shall comply with the minimum specific technical requirement set in technical
schedules in Appendix E - Table 12. Auxiliary Supply Distribution Board

The auxiliary supply distribution board supplies PV plant auxiliary loads and is fed from the inverter
output. Sizing of the board to be based on the short-circuit study and PV plant auxiliaries load
requirement. Auxiliary loads shall include lighting, socket outlets, control and monitoring system,
security systems (perimeter lighting, cameras, , etc.), fire detection, meteorological stations, etc. The
DB shall be suitable for outdoor installation under a shade. The installation location must be easily
accessible. The auxiliary board shall comply with the minimum specific technical requirement set in
technical schedules in Appendix E - Table 13 PV Distribution Board

In between inverters and point of connection, the PV-distribution board serves mainly as combiner of
several inverter output cables to connect the PV system via a single PV main cable to the point of
connection. The PV-DB shall contain the following minimum equipment:

• String inverter incomer breakers (4P, lockable)

• Outgoing LV breaker

• Auxiliary distribution board supply breaker

• Power and Energy Metering equipment to measure net power generated by the plant and the
auxiliary power consumed by the plant and

• overvoltage protection

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The PV-DB shall be rated for outdoor installation with an IP rating of IP65. It shall be positioned such
that connections to the inverters are optional. . The enclosure shall be equipped with sun shields
where exposed to direct sunlight. The installation location must be easily accessible.

The minimum technical requirements for the PV-Distribution Board are presented in technical
schedules in Appendix E - Table 14. Point of Connection (PoC) – Mini-substation LV Switchgear

The proposed point of connection shall be made through the 400V system of the existing Station
Services Building mini-substation. Refer to Drawing #: 0.33-18022-2 Komati PS MV & LV Single Line
Diagram for the proposed point of connection and Drawing 14-1379-A4 Rev 1 for schematic wiring of
the mini-substation. The maximum power that can be evacuated at the point of connection is 600kVA.

It is proposed that a 400V, 1000A breaker be installed in an LV junction box mounted next to the LV
compartment of the mini-substation. Installation of the LV junction box will require extending the 400V
bus bars of existing mini-substation or installing cable jumpers. The Bidder shall propose the most
feasible solution to connect to the existing mini-substation 400V bus bar. The additional 400V, 1000A
breaker shall serve as the PV system termination and connection point. .Refer to Figure 2 showing
the existing mini-substation 400V compartment,

Figure 2 Existing mini-substation 400V compartment

The bidder shall supply, install and connect (to the existing mini-sun 400V bus bars) the additional
junction box complete with the breaker, accessories, connection and mounting arrangements. In
addition, the bidder shall supply and install the PV-DB to junction box interconnection cable and
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termination kit. Minimum technical requirements for this LV breaker are specified in technical schedule
in Appendix E - Table 15. DC Reticulation System

DC reticulation comprises DC cabling, DC combiner boxes, DC connectors and other DC accessories

which provide the electrical connection between individual PV modules of a solar generation facility
to the string combiner boxes and as well as from PV sub-array and PV array combiner boxes to

DC cable insulation levels shall be rated according to the maximum system voltage. DC string cables
shall be sized accordance with the solar photovoltaic code requirements. Cable insulation type shall
be sunlight resistant, rated for wet locations and have a temperature rating of 90oC or better. DC
cables shall be sized accordingly taking into account any ambient temperature or conduit de-rating
factors and voltage drop considerations. DC string, array and main cabling shall be selected and
installed in such a way to prevent risk of leakage currents. Minimum specific technical requirement
for DC cabling is presented in technical schedules in Appendix E - Table 16 and Table 17.

PV module connectors and DC cable connectors shall be compatible and from the same manufacturer
throughout the whole PV plant. The minimum technical requirements for module and cable connectors
are presented in technical schedules in Appendix E - Table 18.

DC combiner boxes shall include an array of on-load disconnect switches which shall be accessible
without opening the combiner box. This switch shall allow for isolating the array connected to the box
for maintenance and emergency purposes and shall be lockable. The combiner box shall include a
string fuse for each string. The fuse rating shall be rated according to the requirement from the module
and inverter manufacturer. Primary combiner boxes shall include string-monitoring system with
communicates to the DCS server. Combiner boxes shall comply with the minimum specific technical
requirement set in technical schedule in Appendix E - Table 19. AC Reticulation System

Three phase LV supply cables shall be used to connect inverters output to the PV-DB, auxiliary DB,
auxiliary loads and to the point of connection. All AC cables shall comply with norm and standards,
SANS 1507 and SANS 10142-1 and 2. The minimum specific technical requirement for AC cabling is
presented in technical schedule in Appendix E - Table 20.

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This encompasses all equipment installed and connected together that eliminates the risk to
personnel or animals of electric shock under normal operating conditions as well as fault conditions.
It shall include inter-alia earth mats, earth-connectors, earthing conductors. The earthing system shall
be designed in accordance to Solar PV industry best practice and in compliance with SANS
10200:1985 and SANS 10292:2001. Earth calculations shall be performed in accordance with
applicable standards to ensure that step and touch potentials are within acceptable limits. The plant-
earthing grid shall be of adequate capacity to dissipate heat from earth current under the most severe
conditions in areas of high earth fault current concentrations and in such a way that it is possible to
maintain grid spacing to achieve safe voltage gradients. Major items of equipment such as switchgear,
inverters, relay panels and control panels shall have integral earthing buses connected to the station-
earthing grid. Surge and Lightning Protection

The lightning protection system shall protect the whole PV plant including modules, structures,
inverters, control and monitoring systems and other electrical and mechanical equipment against
damage caused by lightning strikes. The lightning protection system shall be designed in accordance
with the latest edition of SANS 62305. Overvoltage protection shall be installed at the DC side as well
as the AC side of the inverter, DBs and within the PV arrays. Protection against direct strikes (direct
strike lightning protection) shall be installed and coupling as a result of strikes elsewhere in the
network (indirect strike lightning protection) shall be taken into consideration and designed out of the
system. The minimum specific technical requirements for surge and lightning protection are presented
in technical schedules in Appendix E - Table 21. Metering and Measurements

The bidder shall design, supply and install energy metering inside the PV-DB. A complete metering
solution shall include but not limited to energy meters, CTs, VTs and CT and VT test Blocks. The
energy meter shall provide tariff metering, bi-directional energy measurements and power quality
monitoring. The power quality monitoring and assessment shall be as described in Section 9 of
Renewables Grid Code Ver. 2.6, NRS048-2 and SANS61000. For approved energy meters without
power quality monitoring capability, a separate power quality monitoring meter shall be provided that
meets the minimum power quality requirement in Section 9 of Renewables Grid Code Ver. 2.6,
NRS048-2 and SANS61000 and shall be installed in the same panel with the energy meter. The

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Energy meter and Power Quality meter shall communicate with the respective control and
instrumentation devices. The minimum communication protocol is RS485. Abnormal Operations

In the event of a grid failure or supply parameters (voltage and frequency) drifting outside of the pre-
set operating windows, a protection relay shall shut down the inverters and prevent the system from
exporting electricity into the mini-substation 400V system. When the grid parameters return to normal
levels the relay shall allow the inverters to turn on, synchronise and connect to the grid again. In the
event of an emergency, the photovoltaic system has to be shut down quickly and completely. The
Contractor shall install an emergency button for turning the installation off. Pressing the emergency
button breaks the circuit and removes power from the relay. Once the installation has been turned off,
the only way to activate the photovoltaic system again is by using a security key. The emergency
button shall have a label “Emergency Stop”.

2.2.4 Control and Monitoring System (CMS) Requirements

The Control and Monitoring System comprises of data acquisition servers and onsite user interfaces,
power supplies to control and monitoring equipment, UPS, communication network cablings,
instrumentation, fire detection system, weather and performance monitoring system. Control and
monitoring equipment shall be housed in the Station Services Building. The CMS shall monitor the
inverter parameters, Meteorological parameters, string currents and system status as minimum both
local at site and remotely. The Bidder shall design, procure, install, test and commission the entire
CMS scope as specified in the Works Information. Meteorological System

Meteorological Station comprises of Pyranometer (horizontally mounted & unshaded) to measure the
global horizontal irradiation. High-accuracy Reference Cells with the same technology and type as in-
stalled PV modules. Shielded ventilated thermal sensor to measure the ambient temperature and
thermal sensor to measure module temperature.

Data from Reference Cell and Thermal Sensors is used to evaluate the plant performance.
Pyranometer and ambient temperature measurements are kept as meteo records of Project Location
and this data is used to cross check the reading from reference cell (especially from Pyranometer).

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Fire Detection System comprises of fire panels with on-board display for local monitoring and have
interface to the on-site CMS Network; and a dedicated LCD monitor at the control room for monitoring
fire detection system. Fire Protection System includes fire alarm call point linked to existing fire alarm
system, evacuation maps, and procedure in case of a fire, fire extinguishers and an emergency button.

The Contractor shall be responsible for fire protection on the entire site in the Contractor’s scope
during the construction period.


A 3-tier security fence comprising of an outer barrier high security mesh fence, non-lethal electrified
fence and an inner barrier high security fence complete with the necessary control, monitoring and
alarming system is required to secure the pilot PV plant assets.

Proposed outline of new

electric and inner barrier

Figure 3 Proposed outline of new electric and inner barrier fences

2.3.1 Non-Lethal Energised Perimeter Detection System

A non-lethal electrified security fence complete with power, control, protection, earthing, lightning
protection is required. The system shall comprise as a minimum energizers, control unit, user
interface/display, synchronising equipment, electric fence conductors and associated insulators,
relays cards, power supply, surge arrestors, cabinets, kiosks, interfaces to the Security Control Room,

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communication infrastructure, cabling and cable accessories (HT, power, fibre and alarm cables). The
system shall support Multi-sector monitoring (resistive sectorizing). General Environmental Conditions

All elements of the system shall be able to function in all climatic conditions prevailing in South Africa
(hot, cold, dusty & humid)..Minimum conditions the NLEPDS and its associated equipment should be
able to withstand without the performance being out of limits or the life cycle being shortened:

1. Ambient air temperature: -10oC to +60 oC (control / equipment room installed): or -10oC to
+70oC (when installed in enclosures)

2. Altitude: < 2500 m

3. Relative humidity (24 h average): 98% Electrical operating environment

All components of the NLEPDS shall function under electrical environments that are near or under
power lines without failure/malfunctioning. The functioning of the NLEPDS components shall be
immune to electromagnetic interference. All components of the NLEPDS shall be able to adapt and
function without being affected by high voltage switching. All components of the NLEPDS shall not
generate any interference, which could hinder their own performance or the performance of the other
equipment in the vicinity. Energizers General

The energizer shall be a Type A energizer as defined in SANS 60335-2-76. The energizer shall meet
the applicable requirements of a class II appliance as outlined in SANS 60335-1 with respect to
protection against electric shock. The energizers shall be certified as compliant to SANS 60335-2-76.
Certificates stating compliance and type test reports shall be provided with tender documentation. Electrical requirements

Energizers and ancillary equipment shall have the capability to be supplied with power from the AC &
DC distribution boards. The power supply to the energizer shall be provided through the site’s 220V
(± 10%), 50Hz (± 2%) AC and/or DC. AC and DC supply shall be protected by Class 1 and 11 surge
protection. There shall be no system malfunctioning on the failure, restoration, under or over voltage

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of the power supply to the unit. The existing standby power systems at site shall be used as the
primary standby power source, provided that the standby time (autonomy) requirements of the site
are not adversely affected. Standby power systems shall comply with requirements of section of 240-
78980848. Energizer high voltage output requirements shall comply to SANS 60335-2-76. The
Contractor shall submit a certificate of compliance to SANS 60335-2-76 including test reports. Mechanical requirements

Energizer(s) shall have a minimum IP rating of IP51. The general markings on the energizer shall
comply with SANS 60335-1 and at minimum shall include the following markings:

1. rated voltage or rated voltage range in volts;

2. symbol for nature of supply, unless the rated frequency is marked;

3. rated power input in watts or rated current in amperes;

4. name, trade mark or identification mark of the manufacturer or responsible vendor;

5. IP number according to degree of protection against ingress of water, other than IPX0;

6. The energizer shall be marked with the warning: “Before obtaining access to terminals, all
supply circuits must be disconnected”. This warning shall be placed in the vicinity of the
terminal cover. Functional requirements

A minimum of two energizer shall be used per installation to improve the reliability and availability of
the system. The minimum expected life of the energizer and associated equipment (PC hardware &
software, relay card(s), synchronisation mechanism etc.) shall be 10 years. The energizer shall be
self-monitoring and alarm any out-of-bounds condition or system failure to the master control unit.
The NLEPDS shall be triggered by either electric fence conductors been short circuited or electric
fence conductors been cut (open circuit). When a NLEPDS is triggered/alarmed the following
sequence of events and interoperation of different security technologies deployed at site shall be

1. Each violation shall be reported to the security control centre remotely and/or locally.

2. The security perimeter lights shall be illuminated at the affected fence zone(s) or sector(s).

3. The security controller shall be able to confirm the arrival of the responders on site following
an alarm/intrusion event

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4. All security alarms and events shall be date-and-time stamped accurately for traceability and
investigation purposes.

A synchronising mechanism shall be used to synchronize multiple energizers in order to be regarded

as one energizer with multiple outputs, all firing at the same time, as one single pulse. The Energizer
shall be constructed so that in normal use, they function safely so as to cause no danger to persons
or surroundings, even in the event of carelessness that may occur in normal use. The energiser shall
be equipped with a safety mechanism (such as a watchdog) to ensure that the energizer(s) output
voltage and energy levels are within the legal non-lethal levels. When the maximum level is exceeded,
then the output shall be shut down and an alarm generated. The energizers shall shut down if there
is a synchronisation failure

Specific requirements for the energiser are presented in Appendix E: Table 22. Electric Fence Zones/Sectors

The non-lethal energised fence shall comprise of various zones or sectors (depending on the NLEPD
system). The controller shall be used to configure the electric fence into zones or sectors. It shall be
configurable to accommodate at least the number zones or sectors along an electric fence’s perimeter
specified in the technical schedules. It shall be possible to allocate and generate alarms for intrusions
to each individual zone or sector. The alarms shall be routed to individual relays for triggering other
security systems. NLEPDS Equipment Kiosks

Electrical equipment including the energizers, power supply circuitry, isolation switches, relays and
relay cards (where required), surge protectors and lighting switches shall be housed in Eskom
approved kiosk. The electric fence installations shall consist of three types of kiosks. Energiser kiosks
which can support either two or four energisers, electric fence control kiosk and user interface / display
(GUI) kiosk. For a multi-sector application, the kiosks shall be installed in the same room as the master
control unit kiosk. For a multi-zone application only, the nearest energizer may be installed in the room
and the rest of the kiosks will be installed outside along the electric fence. Graphical User Interface /
Display Unit Kiosks shall be installed in the guard house away from the Control and Energiser kiosks.
Control room kiosk shall be installed in a room adjacent to the guard house with controlled access.
For a multi-sector application, the energizer kiosks may typically also be installed here and for a multi-
zone application only the nearest energizer may be installed here. The control unit kiosk will house
the master control unit, a keypad or touch screen to apply and change configuration settings, a

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synchronisation unit (where required), a light relay card / relays, an alarm relay card / relays,
contactors for the security lights and an IDF frame for routing the alarms to SCADA. The earthing of
the equipment in the kiosk shall comply with requirements of Eskom standard for earthing of plant
equipment. Graphical User Interface / Display Unit

The display unit shall be able to display the configured zones or sectors of the fence including all
fence alarms. Alarmed zone(s) or sector(s) of the fence shall be clearly depicted (shape and size) on
the display unit. The User interface shall be used to view, acknowledge and reset zone or sector
alarms. A panic button / switch shall be provided to send an alarm via the electric fence control unit
and SCADA to remote control facilities. The panic button shall also trigger a siren outside the guard
house / control room. A security light override switch shall also be installed to switch on all security
lights when required. Specific requirements for the graphical user interface / display unit are presented
in Appendix E: Table 23. Master Control Unit

Strict configuration rights management shall be applied such that only authorised users can make
configuration changes to the system. Alarm conditions shall be resettable and acknowledgeable from
the graphical user interface. Alarms received from the energisers and GUI (where applicable) shall
be routed to the alarm relay card and security light relay card. The system shall have an option of
sending security alerts and confirmations through email and SMS. All security alarms and events shall
be date-and-time stamped accurately for traceability and investigation purposes. Specific
requirements for master control unit are presented in Appendix E: Table 24. Alarm Relay Cards

The alarm relay card will receive alarms from the master control unit and GUI and route them through
to the SCADA interface. The relay card shall cater for at least eight alarms listed in Table 25 of
Appendix E. If analogue alarms are used, then all status and alarm indication relays shall use change-
over contacts, so that either NO or NC contacts can be wired to the IDF as and when required. The
alarm relay card outputs shall be capable of triggering the following security systems at minimum:

1. Switching on of substation security lighting

2. Triggering of PA system recorded voice warnings

3. Sirens

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4. Strobe lights

5. CCTV cameras

The indications shall be supplied as potential free change over contacts. Remote resetting of alarms
shall be possible. Compliance to Eskom’s cyber security standard (240-55410927) shall be ensured.
If analogue alarming is used, then an IDF frame shall be provided which will accommodate minimum
of 10 alarm input / outputs. Specific requirements for the alarm relay card are presented in Appendix
E: Table 26. Security Lights Relay Card

The security lights relay card will receive alarms from the master control unit and GUI and switch the
lights on at affected zones or sectors. The relay card shall cater for at least ten relays. The relay
outputs will be routed to contactors which will switch the security lights in the affected zones or sectors.
The relay outputs will be routed to contactors which will switch the security lights in the affected zones
or sectors. A security lights override relay/switch will ensure that all the security lights can be switched
on through the security lights bypass button on the GUI kiosk. Specific requirements for the security
lights relay card are presented in Appendix E: Table 27. Miniature Circuit Breaker

The rating of the MCBs shall be adequate for the protection of installed equipment. The Contractor
shall be responsible for selection of the appropriately sized MCB. Surge Arrestors Used in Kiosks

Surge arrestors shall be installed to protect the kiosks electrical equipment from surges. The surge
arrester shall be the metal oxide, DIN rail mount type with indication suitable for Zone 1 protection.
The arrester shall comply with SANS 61643-1 and bear the SANS mark. Specific requirements for the
surge arrestors used in kiosks are presented in Appendix E: Table 28. Isolation Switch

The energizer unit shall have a visible isolating switch for switching off the HV of the electrified fence.
In the off state, the isolating switch shall be connected to earth. The energizer isolation switch shall
have visible ON/OFF positions and the contacts designed to handle high voltages. All wiring shall be
done in stranded copper PVC insulated conductor, which shall comply with SANS 1507..

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Cable trunking, location and sizing, shall be provided in accordance with the respective drawings to
accommodate the necessary cables. The trunking shall be fastened to the kiosk using rivets or
screws. Rivets and/or screws shall not protrude through to the front of the plate. HV cabling shall be
situated in dedicated trunking. Notices and labels

Notices shall be provided as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. All notices shall be
fastened to the kiosks by self-tapping stainless steel screws or by rivets. A standard “Danger” notice
in accordance with SANS 1186 shall be provided and placed on the front of the kiosk. A label showing
the name of the manufacturer, the date of manufacture and the various quality checks shall be placed
on the inside of the kiosk door. The label shall be durable preferably of metal. The following additional
labels shall be placed in the kiosk to indicate the following:

1. Energizer identification including associated sectors/zones energized by each energizer

2. Cables identification though out the system cable routes
3. Isolation switches and their ON and OFF positions
4. Relay identification
5. Lighting identification
6. IDF identification Warning Signs

Materials used for the manufacture of warning signs shall be of such a composition as to withstand
anticipated weather conditions and the effects of ultra-violet radiation throughout their design life. All
electric fences shall be identified by prominently displaying warning signs. The minimum warning sign
dimensions shall be 200×100 mm. The background colour of both sides of the warning sign shall be
yellow. The inscription on the sign shall be black with the words “CAUTION: Electric fence”. Electric Fence Conductors

Conductors shall comply with requirements of SANS 10222-3 Electrical Security installations – Part
3: Electric fences (non-lethal). Conductors shall be manufactured from 2.24mm diameter solid fully
galvanised steel wire for inland installations. For coastal regions Eskom may opt to use a 1.6mm
aluminium conductor, there shall be provision made for both these requirements. Ferrules used for

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crimping conductors shall be of similar material as conductor (e.g. steel on steel). Specific
requirements for electric fence conductors are presented in Appendix E: Table 29. HT Cables

High Tension (HT) armoured cable shall be used to connect the energizer electrical output connectors
to the conductor / trace wires of the NLEPDS structure. The HT cables shall be UV stabilised and
double insulated. Insulators

Insulators shall conform to the following requirements:

i. They shall comply with requirements of Annex A of SANS 10222-3 standard.

ii. They shall be designed in such a way that under no condition can/shall arcing occur including
during high moisture or wet conditions.

iii. They shall have a guaranteed UV protection for a minimum period of 10 years. Lightning and Over Current Protection

The system shall be installed where it will be subject to voltage surges due to lightning, a variety of
line faults, power interruptions and high voltage switching conditions. The system shall be able to
operate without failure under all of the above-mentioned conditions. Therefore, it is imperative that
the system be adequately earthed. Protection against high voltage transients shall be provided on
both the signal and power circuitry, without impairing the system’s electrical parameters, sensitivity,
or performance. Lightning arrestors shall comply with the requirements of SANS 10222-3. Earthing Requirements

Three (3) earth pegs, 1,8 m apart in a triangular layout, shall be installed at both sides of the security
equipment room. The pegs shall be connected to the main earth mat (where installed) and the first
post on each side of the NLEPDS structure. The earth pegs shall be 1,5 m in length and be copper
coated. On both sides of the security equipment building, all earth pegs, lightning diverter and
energizer ground connections shall be connected together with 16 mm² copper earthing cables. 16
mm² copper earth cables from the energizer to the earth pegs shall be laid on both sides of the security
equipment building.

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All cables including power and communication cables shall ensure that there are no data
losses/disruptions due to harsh operating conditions and voltage/current surges, as such cabling shall
not be limited to copper cable only. Communication between all components of the NLEPDS shall be
through a communication medium (e.g. fibre optic cables) that will be immune to interruptions due to
other devices in the equipment room as well as immune to EMI. Communication protocols supported
shall be made available to Eskom upon request to ensure integration of equipment from different
suppliers. Communication to remote security monitoring centres shall be via Eskom Telecom’s
infrastructure. Where no Eskom Telecom’s infrastructure is installed, a third-party communication
infrastructure may be used while ensuring compliance to Cyber security standard for operational
technology standard (240-55410927).

2.3.2 Civil & Structural Requirements for Non-Lethal Energised Perimeter Detection System
1) Civil designs shall be developed to meet site conditions at Komati which include site layout, soil
condition, drainage, piping and other underground services, and also be in line with SANS 1200

2) The Contractor shall be required to:

i. Survey underground services in the area identified for installation of the electrical fence
and inner barrier security fence
ii. Design and install mounting structures (posts) and associated components for the new
inner security and electric fence, foundation, anti-tunnelling systems and vegetation
control slab
3) Design an access gate for maintenance and service purposes Electrical Structures

The Contractor shall install an electric fence structure around the perimeter mounted to the outer
perimeter barrier fence in accordance with SANS 10222-3. Intermediate Posts

1) Intermediate posts shall be used to mount the new electrical fence between strain and corner

2) Electrical conductors shall run not closer than 400mm to the outside of the security fence.

3) Brackets for mounting of security lights shall be bolted to main posts as needed. The electric
fence must make provision for the brackets not to cause short circuits and false alarms.
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4) The posts shall be fitted with 24 stringer super isolators. All posts shall be fully galvanised
with mounting holes for isolators pre-drilled before galvanizing.

5) All holes should be treated with “galvanised spray’ and over coated with approved high
galvanizing content paint.

6) The concrete compression strength shall be a minimum of 20 MPa.

7) The electric fence structure shall be effectively 3000mm above the ground level. Note size of
foundations might vary according to soil type and structure.

8) Earthing must be installed and tied to both fence structures using 35 sq.mm copper. Strain and corner posts

1) Electrical conductors require to be tensioned in order to prevent intruders from wedging the
wire apart without causing a short circuit alarm and to eliminate false alarms caused by
sagging wires.

2) Galvanized Donaldson tensioners will be used to tension the fence wires.

3) The Contractor shall install 60x60x6mm 3000mm long strain posts Hot Dipped galvanized,
with a maximum spacing of 80m with a foundation of 500mm x 500mm x 850mm deep.

4) Strain/corner posts shall allow for required tension to be applied to every fence wire.

5) Strain posts shall be manufactured from 60mm x 60mm x 6mm galvanized grade 300WA high
tensile steel angle iron 3300mm long with 2 (two) strut brackets welded in position to accept
the strut fixings.

6) The post shall have a 300mm x 300mm x 850mm deep concrete foundation. The minimum
planting depth of the post shall be 600mm and could vary depending on the post design and
soil conditions.

7) A concrete cover of at least 75mm shall be maintained at all times.

8) The posts shall be planted in such a manner that the distance protruding above the ground
shall be not less than 2,6 m for a 2.4m fence or 3.2m for a 3m fence.

9) Strain posts must have 2 (two) struts manufactured from 60mm x 60mm x 6mm RSA 2200mm
and 3700mm long. Each strut must have a hole at one end to allow for fixing to the strain post.

10) Corner strain posts will be constructed with 2 strain posts back to back and 48 insulators.

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11) The insulators shall be of the bobbin type strain insulators with an arcing resistance between
the live wire and the mounting post of at least 20kV (with a 3% salt solution).

12) The insulator shall have high levels of ultra-violet (UV) and water resistance and a minimum
of 15-year lifetime is required.

13) Where the distance between corner posts are greater than 30m strut posts of 60x60x6 shall
be installed

2.3.3 Warranties and Guarantees

Warranties and guarantees shall be as specified in technical schedules in Appendix E – Table 30.

2.3.4 High Security Mesh Fence Outer Barrier High Security Mesh Fence

The existing high security mesh fencing shall be used as the outer barrier of the 3-tier security fence

1) The Contractor shall be required to:

i. Carry out a structural assessment of the current outer barrier high security fence to
confirm suitability for re-use.
ii. Refurbish existing outer fence to make it fit for purpose and compliance to the Eskom
standards Inner Barrier High Security Mesh Fence Mesh

1) Wire

a.The minimum requirements for the steel grade wire:

b.Ultimate tensile strength : 500 MPa (prior to welding).

c. Wire diameter : 4 mm (± 0.06 mm).

Note: The chemical composition of the wire is not specified because it might influence the
welding process as preferred by the manufacturer. The end product shall however meet
performance requirements as stipulated in this document.

2) Panel

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a.The mesh shall be produced by electrical resistance welding at every line wire/cross wire


i. Panel height : Mesh height above ground level: 2.4m (± 1%).

ii. Panel width : 3.0 to 3.5m (Standard panels).

iii. Shorter lengths will be allowed for stepping purposes.

c. Aperture

i. Category 1 : 76.2mm (± 2mm) x 12.7mm (± 1mm).

ii. Category 2 : Any combination or alternative designs that will make bridging of the
system more difficult than Category 1 products.

d.Welding shear strength

i. Test to be conducted in accordance with SANS 23-4. The shear strength for any
welded section shall not be less than 75% of the ultimate tensile strength of the
wire diameter under testing.


i. Non-ferrous metallic coatings:

1. Zinc or Zinc alloy coating,

2. Coating to be used for corrosively categories C1 to C3 e.g Zn (Hot dip

galvanizing) or Zn95Al5 (Galfan).

3. Minimum mass of Zink alloy coating = 275 g/m2 (SANS 10244 Part 2).

4. Minimum mass of Zink coating = 505 g/m2 (SANS 121).

ii. Organic coating

1. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and fusion-bond epoxy powder coating.

2. Organic coating to be applied over non-ferrous coating.

3. To be used in corrosively categories C4 to C5.

4. Minimum coating thickness = 400 – 600 μm.

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1) Post to be manufactured from either S275JR or S355JR grade steel according to BS EN 10025-
2 depending on the design requirements. The use of alternative steel grades must be accepted
by Eskom.

2) All metal parts to be hot dip galvanized in accordance with SANS 121. Minimum coating thickness
required for C1 to C3 environments is 75 μm and 115 μm for C4-C5 environments.

3) All manufacturing processes to be completed prior to hot dip galvanizing.

4) All openings that will result in water entrapment to be closed.

5) Posts to include footplates or alternative.

6) Earthing connection points to be available on all posts.

a.Flat bar of 65 x 65 x 6mm with 18mm diameter hole placed in the center for earth connection,
to form part of the post 75mm below ground level.

b.All earthing connections to be inspected and sign off by Eskom representative before closing
with concrete. Gates

1) Gates to be manufactured from either S275JR or S355JR grade steel according to BS EN 10025-
2 depending on the design requirements. The use of alternative steel grades must be accepted
by Eskom.

2) All metal parts to be hot dip galvanized in accordance with SANS 121. Minimum coating thickness
required for C1 to C3 environments is 75 μm and 115 μm for C4-C5 environments.

3) All manufacturing processes to be completed prior to hot dip galvanizing.

4) All openings that will result in water entrapment to be closed.

5) The layout plan will indicate the position of the gates.

6) Gate options:

a.Option 1: 5m motorized gate (sliding)

b.Option 2: 2 x 2.5m swing gates

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c. Option 3: 7m sliding gate comprising of two sections with a removable pillar between the
gates. Section one to be 4m and motorized and section two to be 3m and not motorized.
One of the two sections will include a personnel gate.

d.Option 4: 1.5m pedestrian gate.

7) In the case where motorization of sliding gates is not required as part of the project, all sliding
gate installations must still be motorization ready.

8) The runner and wheels should allow for easy operation (Minimum wheel size of 100mm is

9) Sweepers to be included on sliding gates.

10) All Earthing connection points to form part of the pillar. Motorized gates are to be earthed in the
open and closed position. Overhang and Razor Wire

1) Material:

a.All fencing wire to comply with SANS 675.

b.Binding wire: 2mm Class ‘A’ heavy galvanised wire or Hogg Rings.

c. Strain wire: 4mm class 'A' heavy galvanised wire.

d.Eye bolts to be either stainless steel or hot dip galvanized in accordance with SANS 121
with a minimum coating thickness required for C1 to C3 environments of 75 μm and 115
μm for C4-C5 environments.

e.Installation requirements

f. Fence shall have double overhang and razor coil installed as standard.

g.The gate and fence overlap should have a single overhang and Flatwrap.

h.Bolted overhangs can be used as long as it is locked in its overhang position and not
dependant on the bolts to lock the overhang position.

i. Height of fence above natural ground level: 2.4m.

j. Height of fence and double overhang: 3m.

k. Height of fence, double overhang and razor coil: 3.5m.

l. Binding of strain wire to have a 5 wrap finish.

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m. Strain wires to be strained with eye bolts from the gate, corner and strain/tee posts. Attachments

1) Mesh Attachment to post


i. Stainless steel or hot dip galvanized in accordance with SANS 121 with a minimum
coating thickness required for C1 to C3 environments of 75 μm and 115 μm for C4
to C5 environments.

b.Installation requirements

i. No fasteners shall protrude beyond the surface on the exterior of the fencing system.

ii. Nylon washers to be used between products where bi-metallic corrosion is a


iii. The installation of fasteners shall not cause damage to protective coatings (during
the installation process).

iv. The mesh should be adequately supported on the sides as well as the top and
bottom (see wind loading requirements in paragraph 5.2). Mesh Attachment to anti-tunnelling system

v. The mesh must be anchored into/onto the center of the anti-tunneling and the
bottom rail of the panels must be flush with the anti-tunneling and maximum 70mm
from ground level if anti-tunneling is not required. Fasteners

i. Corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners shall be used.

ii. Stainless steel fasteners shall be of a grade, condition and design which will not
enhance stress corrosion cracking.

iii. Fasteners shall meet SANS 1700-5-8 2003, Part 5, Section 8.

iv. No hexogen head type bolts shall be used.

v. No self-tapping screws shall be used.

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vi. Where alley head type bolts are used the holes to be filled with non-removable filler
e.g. Pratley Civil Work Site Conditions

1) Designs must be applicable to meet specific site conditions. These include:

a.Site layout;

b.Soil condition;

c. Drainage and

d.Piping etc.

2) The requirements shall be stipulated during the clarification meeting for the specific site. Some
requirements might be excluded from the suppliers’ scope of work for a specific site and will
become the responsibility of Eskom. Concrete

1) Designs to align with soil conditions.

2) Concrete work to be in accordance with SANS 1200.

3) Concrete strength to be 25MPa except for anti-tunneling.

4) Compaction of the bottom of the fence post shall be 93% of Mod. AASHTO.

5) No concrete to be poured where the air temperature will drop below 4˚C in 8 hours after pouring
of concrete unless a suitable approved additive is added to the concrete mix. Stepping

1) Maximum of 150mm per panel.

2) Tops of panels to be horizontal. (Sloping panels will be allowed in unique circumstances and must
be agreed to with the client). Anti-tunnelling systems

1) 100mm (wide) x 600mm (deep) concrete (15MPa) between posts.

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2) The mesh must be anchored into/onto the center of the anti-tunneling (see attachments section). Product Life Cycle Requirements

2) Design

a.Although standardized design components will be used, design requirements are unique to
a specific site. A site survey with all relevant stakeholders must take place to ensure that
the supplier familiarizes himself with specific site conditions and customer requirements.

b.The following supplier specific standardized design components and drawings must be
accepted by Eskom:

i. Mesh design parameters and drawings (Critical and overall dimensions to be


ii. Posts design parameters and drawings.

iii. Overhang and razor coil design parameters and drawings.

iv. Gate design parameters and drawings.

v. Gate locking mechanism detail (high security and vandal proof. Protect lock from
being cut with bolt cutter etc.).

vi. Mesh to post attachment method and products.

vii. Design parameters, drawings and work procedures for civil construction.

c. Calculations must be provided to proof the specified parameters.

3) Other Design parameters

a. Colour of the fence and posts to be in accordance with the client specification for the specific
site. (Colours should be as specified in SANS 1091:2012 e.g. G35 – grey etc.).

b. The classification of the pollution level for the specific site shall be agreed on by both the
customer and supplier and should be verified by the Eskom specialist.

c. Earthing interfaces should form part of the designs.

d. Wind loading:

i. The wind loading for the fencing system must be designed in accordance with SANS

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ii. The fencing system must be able to withstand a wind of 50m/s. Proof of
conformance must be provided and accepted by Eskom.

4) Manufacture

a.Suppliers must have a certified Quality Management System for manufacturing (ISO
9001:2015). The Quality Management System is accepted by Eskom for a specific
manufacturing facility. If the manufacturing facility changes, the Quality Management
System for the new manufacturing facility must be evaluated before manufacturing can
take place. The system must clearly stipulate.

b. The quality checking and hold points during the manufacturing process. Procedures must
clearly indicate sample size, and “pass/fail” criteria.

i. Sample testing of the tensile strength of receiving raw material at the manufacturing

ii. If raw material is pre-coated, coating mass sample testing must also be performed.

iii. The chemical composition of raw material must be closely monitored as part of the
receiving process. It is also advisable that an independent chemical composition
analysis be conducted on a random basis.

iv. Suppliers that supply critical material that might have a major impact on the quality
of the final product should have documented quality control processes in place.
Typical examples are:

1. Supplier of wire products and

2. Galvanizing etc.

v. Inspection prior to release shall be specified in the Quality manual. (Dimension, weld
strength, etc.)

vi. The manufacturing premises can be visited by Eskom.

5) Transport and Storage

a. The procedures should form part of the Quality Management System.

b. It should include stacking, loading, transport and inspection (final inspection after off-

6) Installation and inspection

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a. Installation

i. Procedures should be covered in the Quality Management System.

ii. Detailed installation and training documentation should be available.

iii. Installers must be declared competent and be accredited by the supplier. Relevant
detail of installers must be available. This includes, training received, level of
expertise and project involvement.

iv. Hold and inspection points must be clearly specified.

b. Inspection

i. Final inspection must be done by both the Customer and Supplier. Standardized
check sheets shall be documented in the suppliers Quality Management system.

ii. A final certificate of compliance (indicating the warrantee) shall be issued to the
customer by the supplier.


The CCTV System shall consist of necessary Plant and Equipment to meet the requirements stated
as well as full compliance to all standards specified in this technical specification. This includes but
not limited to cameras, power supplies, networking, cabling & racking, servers, electronic security
perimeters, routers, switches, HMI workstations etc.

2.4.1 General Requirements

The CCTV security provides a visual intelligence solution for decision making for security personnel
thus reducing risk of danger to human lives and assets. CCTV system forms part of the total security
solution, which includes other security designs comprising NLEPDS and security lighting included in
the scope of the overall project.

The CCTV system shall provide a means to store and transmit visual footage of incidents at site,
which can be reviewed and analysed at a later time, primarily for verification purposes. The functional
requirements of the system shall account for the security needs of Komati Power Station PV plant site
and the risks and challenges faced.

The CCTV system shall be installed at key points of surveillance at the site including:

i. Vehicles gates (Main entrance and maintenance/service entrances).

ii. Pedestrian gates (Main entrance and maintenance/service entrances).

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iii. Perimeter Fences

The CCTV system shall provide CCTV coverage for zones shown in the below as a minimum


PTZ camera (1)

Fixed dome camera


Figure 4 Proposed CCTV coverage zones

2.4.2 System Overview

The CCTV system consists of various subsystems as shown in the figure below. These subsystems
are situated both on and off site.

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Figure 5 CCTV basic system overview with integrated systems

1) Only systems pertaining to CCTV are applicable however, functional integration/interfacing of

CCTV to other security systems comprising NLEPDS and security lighting is required.
2) All Systems shall communicate with an existing local site security server with server software
allowing for the required local functionality.
3) The existing Main Security Control Room at the main entrance to Komati Power Station is
responsible for alarming and incident management at site.
4) The CCTV System equipment shall be designed and installed according to the environmental
conditions standard and considers ambient temperatures, humidity and corrosion resistance.
5) The equipment shall be installed in suitable cabinets.
6) The equipment shall be designed for an expected life of 5 years and protected against over
and under voltage.
7) Cables shall be sized to ensure voltage drops are within acceptable equipment specifications.
8) The system is supplied with redundant 220V AC power at each site with UPS backup supply
with 18 hours standby time.

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Page: 42 of 119 Intruder Detection

1) Intruder detection shall be included within the System design in the form of video analytics.
2) Intruder detection shall be installed in all locations identified in the security risk assessment.
3) The NLEPDS shall be integrated into the CCTV system to ensure the relevant camera is
brought to the forefront of security operating screen. This shall be achieved with zonal
4) The alarm system notifies local security personnel when the video analytics detects intruders. Site Perimeter

(1) The CCTV and Intruder Detection System monitor the perimeter of the site from within the
boundaries of site.
(2) The System design includes analysis of site layouts to determine CCTV coverage.
(3) Analysis includes mapping of each camera field of view and range and accounts for
(4) No camera shall be positioned such that direction light may damage the equipment or cause
picture quality degradation.
(5) The perimeter detection detects when an intruder crosses the boundary perimeter of site.
(6) The system allows for tracking of intruders within the boundaries of site from the Guard
House and considers buildings and resultant blind spot coverage.
(7) PTZ camera or fixed cameras may be used for the purpose but provide sufficient coverage
for tracking.
(8) A fixed camera shall be positioned to provide full and clear coverage of the
maintenance/service entrance gate and identified positions on the perimeter fence.
(9) The perimeter coverage requirement has visuals of all enclosing fences through parallel or
angled cameras with respect to the perimeter.
(10) No enclosed fence blinds spots are acceptable. Camera dead spots shall be covered by an
adjacent camera’s field of view.
(11) Perimeter detection shall be performed through advanced video analytics unless otherwise
recommended by the Contractor. This may be achieved as a built-in feature or add-on to the
System and encapsulates the entire perimeter of the site.
(12) Detection shall be zoned and aligned with the perimeter cameras to enable fast
determination of which zone has been disturbed and visual coverage of the area.
(13) Zone names shall be aligned with the video management system, control room, security
monitoring centre and all related system documentation.
(14) Perimeter cameras shall be installed on existing suitable infrastructure such as light poles,
buildings etc. Alternatively steel re-enforced concrete poles of 4.5m or 5.7m lengths are
used in accordance to SANS470 0.
(15) The poles shall minimise vibration or movement from wind and shall be installed according
to the manufacturers’ requirements.

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Page: 43 of 119 Surveillance System

(1) IP or analogue cameras are acceptable for the purpose of identification, recognition,
observation and detection.
(2) Each camera shall be used for a single purpose only and shall be tested accordingly.
(3) Cameras shall have the following minimum specifications:
i. Automatic Gain Control for automatic control in varying ambient light conditions
ii. Backlight compensation to enable detailed images under high background light
iii. Coverage distance is 10% further than required at site between cameras.
iv. Minimum of 8 frames per second.
v. Lens suited for the purpose or application of each camera.
vi. IP cameras are ONVIF compliant.
vii. Optical format of 1/3” or larger.
viii. Remotely configurable.
ix. A minimum resolution of 800 x 600.
x. Signal to noise ratio >52dB.
xi. Cameras implement white balance control to adjust for bright areas.
xii. Cameras have wide dynamic range.
(4) Fibre or electrical signals shall be used for camera communication and appropriate cable
routing shall be applied between AC power and communication cables.
(5) Cables shall be labelled with the camera names at both ends as a minimum, to enable cable
identification of source or destination.
(6) Cables shall be labelled with standard UV resistant PVC K Type flexible cable markers on
nine digit carrier strips.
(7) Outdoor camera requirements are as follows:
i. Face north to south as far as practically possible to avoid sunlight and include a steel
sun visor.
ii. Power supplied through steel-wired armoured power cable.
iii. Weatherproof, environmental, corrosion and vandalism resistant.
iv. IP65 enclosures.
v. Sun damage resistant.
(8) Fixed thermal perimeter cameras are preferred for confirmation of intruders when an alarm
is generated, as they are not affected by weather or environmental conditions.
(9) Fixed thermal perimeter cameras requirements are as follows:
i. Uncooled micro bolometer.
ii. Minimum resolution of 320 x 240.

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iii. Thermal sensitivity >100mK.

(10) Fixed perimeter cameras may be installed however, mitigation must be addressed in the
design for weather affects. The requirements are as follows:
i. Infrared use for low light conditions (850 or 940nm wavelengths) fit for purpose.
ii. Light sensitivity >0.0002 lux for colour images and >0.00002 lux for monochromatic
(11) PTZ cameras shall be used to aid response units to track and locate intruders at site however
it is preferred to install additional fixed cameras for improved site coverage should PTZ
camera remote or automatic tracking not be possible at site.
(12) PTZ cameras are minimised at sites. Additional requirements to those of general and
outdoors cameras are as follows:
i. Zooming capability fit for purpose.
ii. Pan, tilt, zoom, focus, iris, on/off and pre-set position remote controllable via hardwire.
iii. Minimum 10 descriptively labelled pre-set positions with zoom level for gates, doors
and any critical points of security risk.
iv. Built in patrol analytics during normal operation or default position if analytics
v. Automatic zoom to zone when alarm is triggered.
vi. Automatic intruder tracking.
vii. 360º pan range at minimum 6º per second.
viii. 90º tilt range (-10º to 80º).
ix. Optical zoom fit for purpose at site with minimum 3.2mm.
x. 16x Digital zoom.
xi. Light sensitivity >0.0007 lux for colour images and >0.00007 lux for monochromatic
images. Video Recording

(1) An NVR or DVR shall be used at site to record video footage and allow for live local and
remote streaming.
(2) The video recorder shall be integrated with other relevant security systems to allow for
system functionality in the event of an alarm as follows:
i. Record footage from all cameras (simultaneous recording) with coverage of the
alarmed zone.
ii. Recording shall be 5 seconds before and 15 seconds after the event and in full
iii. Alarm notification at the Main Security Control Room
iv. The Main Security Control Room shall receive footage of the event at a suitable
resolution to allow security personnel to assess the event accurately.
v. Remote access to live video streaming or recorded footage.
vi. Remote control of PTZ cameras (where applicable).
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vii. Record movement when not armed 5 seconds before and 15 seconds after movement
has stopped. Site activities such as daily maintenance and security patrols must be
viii. Stream lower resolution and frame rate remotely.
ix. All footage shall be time stamped and event searchable from date, time, event and
x. GPS time synced.
xi. Recorded media shall be removable, hot swappable and lockable.
xii. Appropriately sized hard drive for a minimum of 30 days footage is installed.
xiii. Flagged footage shall not be overwritten when the hard drive is full.
xiv. Adjustable frame rate of ≥25fps streamed at 2-6fps and recorded at ≥6fps.
xv. Compression such as H.264, MPEG-4, MJPEG or equivalent is used for steamed
xvi. Downloadable recordings.
xvii. Support video monitors.
xviii. Password protected for minimum 10 users with minimum 2 levels of access for
operating and administration with full system activity logging.
xix. I/O support for integration with other security systems.
xx. On/Off switch with LED status.
(3) The video recorder shall be ONVIF compliant and compatible with major camera
manufacturers and allow for simultaneous use with cameras of varied resolutions.
(4) The video recorder shall be fully configurable, both remotely and locally, for the above
functionality. Video Management System

(1) The video management system (VMS) allows for many of the functional requirements of the
security system and enables viewing and management of the CCTV system.
(2) The VMS server shall be located in the Main Security Control Room for management and
monitoring of security system.
(3) The architecture shall support redundancy in the event of server failure and seamless in
swap over.
(4) The server shall support a minimum of 5 simultaneous client connections.
(5) The VMS shall connect to a wide range of NVR’s or DVR’s at different resolutions.
(6) The VMS shall be ONVIF compliant and shall support the functionality of the Main Security
Control Room.
(7) The VMS shall be synchronised to a time server and can serve time to downstream network
(8) The network architecture shall support password-protected access to the server for a
minimum of two levels for operator and administration access.
(9) Event logs shall capture user details, time and date and system changes.
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(10) The VMS shall support simultaneous recording and streaming of footage from multiple sites
at a wide range of resolutions.
(11) It shall allow for continuous streaming at the security centre and shall support multiple client
stations to stream footage.
(12) It shall support H.264, MPEG and MJPEG video compression at rates of 8-25fps.
(13) All footage shall be watermarked with time and date.
(14) Footage may be played back in both slow motion and high speed at varying degrees of
speed and via multichannel playback.
(15) Mass export of archived footage or ‘cut’ footage shall be supported.
(16) The VMS shall support at least 7 days of continuous recording from five of the highest
resolution cameras.
(17) The VMS shall support black screen monitoring and event queuing for multiple alarms.
(18) New events may be viewed without having to acknowledge previous events and allow
comments to be attached to the event.
(19) The VMS shall be capable of remote control of any PTZ cameras, lighting systems and voice
or PA systems.
(20) The VMS shall allow the operator to view the location or zone of alarms and cameras.
(21) The VMS shall be capable of tracking movement and highlight that area on screen.
(22) The VMS shall have high usability in terms of learnability, efficiency of control, memorability,
errors and satisfaction.
(23) The operating experience with the CCTV system shall be intuitive.
(24) The VMS server shall be in accordance to Eskom IT requirements as follows:
i. HP Server.
ii. 19” rack mounted.
iii. Windows Server 2008 R2.
iv. Symantec antivirus.
v. Eskom IT server connection for server updates.
vi. VMS hardware requirements.
vii. Secured in a cabinet with access control. Main Security Control Room

(1) The existing Main Security Control Room shall house any additional equipment that will be
required for the operation and monitoring of the new CCTV system, which includes a
workstation to support fulltime security operations of onsite security teams. The additional
workstation shall include as a minimum:
i. Ergonomically designed security operator workstation desk and chair.
ii. Video monitoring with multiple screens suitable for monitoring all security systems.
iii. Screens specification with clear imaging and suitable for security control room

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iv. Minimise OT computer equipment in the control room.

v. Security HMI best practices.
vi. Individual selection of site camera to view footage.
vii. Full PTZ camera control.
viii. Program to sequentially cycle camera footage.
ix. Space for existing equipment (Telephone, radio etc.)
(2) When an alarm is activated the CCTV detects the zone of the alarm to trigger the relevant
camera to responds according to the requirements stated above.
(3) The Workstation shall allow for critical decision making in real-time during security events
and shall be designed accordingly.
(4) Alarms shall be sent to the local security server and VMS.
(5) The System shall be capable of controlling relay contacts for control of excluded plant such
as gates, perimeter lights etc.
(6) All activities and events on the system shall be date and time stamped for record keeping
purpose. Equipment Room

The existing equipment room located in the Main Security building shall house additional
equipment for the CCTV system. Cables and racking

(1) All cables shall be supported by galvanised racks, trays, trunking or conduit.
(2) Power and communication cables shall be supported by separates racks and spaced at least
300 mm apart.
(3) Where cables cross it shall be angled 90º to avoid EMI.
(4) Fibre optic cables shall be protected by Sprague conduit when entering or exiting trays.
(5) All cable entries shall be protected by cable glands.
(6) Cables shall be secured with appropriate cleats, clamps or ties with enough slack to prevent
strain to any section of the cable or termination points.
(7) Cables shall not be stacked higher than the edge of the tray.
(8) All cabling on racks, trays and trunking or in cabinets shall be installed and routed neatly,
efficiently and are clearly labelled for identification at source and destinations points
according to the accepted design documentation. Cabinets

(1) The security cabinets shall contain all the security systems control equipment such as CCTV
NVR, Client Server, Video Storage, etc.
(2) Cabinets shall be 19 inch freestanding server cabinets.

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(3) Cabinets shall be IP 51 rated to limit dust ingress and shall be physically lockable by key to
restrict access.
(4) The cabinets shall support alarming when unauthorised access is made.
(5) The airflow and heat dissipation shall be designed for and included in the detail design
submission by the Contractor.
(6) Each cabinet shall be supplied with suitable power distribution and MCB’s.
(7) Cabinets shall be earthed to the substation earth.
(8) Equipment installed in cabinets shall be 19 inch rack or DIN rail mountable.
(9) Equipment shall be neatly installed to allow for required access and maintenance.
(10) Equipment shall be earthed to the cabinet.
(11) Cabinet and equipment layouts drawings shall be supplied in the detail design. Time synchronisation

(1) The CCTV security system shall be time synchronised and time stamped to an accuracy of
1s at site where applicable.
(2) GPS time synchronisation at the site is the preferred method.
(3) The NVR may serve time stamping for other security systems.

2.4.3 Electrical works

The electrical design requirements include provision of correctly sized feeder MCB to be installed on
the existing distribution board (DB) in the security building; and cabling to the security cabinet, as well
as distribution cabling from the security cabinet to the various CCTV loads. Associated tests and
commissioning of the system is required as well as design documentation. The following shall be
conducted by the Contractor:

(1) The available power supply is 220 V AC from a distribution board located in the security
building. This point of supply has a diesel generator back up supply.
(2) The Contractor shall assesses the available capacity on the existing DB (in terms of
incoming cable rating, main MCB ratings etc.) if it can accommodate the additional loads,
following the detail design of the CCTV system.
(3) The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, supply, delivery, quality assurance,
installation, testing, commissioning and handover of PVC SWA power cabling and
associated accessories (for termination) from the existing DB in the main security building,
to the new security cabinet (which has distribution MCBs for CCTV system loads) and from
the security cabinet to the loads.
(4) On installation of cabling, insulation resistance and continuity tests on the cables shall be
conducted as part of the commissioning tests. Cables having 110 V grade insulation or
higher are tested with a 1000 V megger. For the acceptance of a cable, the insulation
readings shall be more than 50 MΩ. Cable test certificates and safety clearance shall be
provided by the Contractor and submitted to the Project Manager before sectional

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(5) The Contractor shall correctly size, provide, install, test and commission the MCB to the
security cabinet..
(6) The new distribution MCB’s within the security cabinet shall provide power to the loads using
different MCBs e.g. Perimeter cameras are on a different MCB to the DVR, Indoor Cameras
and PTZ.
(7) The equipment shall be bonded onto the existing substation earth mat.
(8) Continuity and resistivity tests are conducted to confirm the adequate bonding of the system.

2.4.4 Civils work Trenching

(1) All new site perimeter cables shall be buried in new trenching. Existing routes shall not be
(2) The Contractor shall excavate trenches, lay cables and restore ground works to standard.
(3) Trenches shall be at least 800 mm deep and concrete slabs shall be placed on top of the
soft soil covering the cables before completion of backfilling. Danger tape shall be provided
110 mm above the slabs.
(4) Trenching and cable laying shall be to specifications
(5) External cables shall be buried or supported on cable hangers.


The contractor designs the security lighting in accordance with SANS 10389-2 – Exterior Lighting Part
2: Exterior Security Lighting.

2.5.1 Lighting Requirements Illumination Level

An even horizontal illumination level with a minimum of 4 lux and a maximum uniformity (Emin / Eave) of not
more than 5 to 1 shall be provided. Submission, proofing the above compliance, shall be accompanied by a
lighting calculation, which shall be based on the following criteria: Illuminance level must be calculated at ground
level. Maintenance factor of 0.75 must be applied for luminaires with an IP 66 rating certified by SABS test

Luminaire data must be supported by a report / certificate issued following tests conducted by a national or
international accredited laboratory General Construction of Luminaires

Security lighting luminaires shall comply with the requirements of SANS 60598-1 and SANS 475.
Documentary evidence of compliance must be submitted at time of tender submission. Luminaires

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must be constructed from durable lightweight materials and must be accompanied by comprehensive
test reports certifying that the luminaires have successfully passed accelerated ageing tests. The
acceptance criteria for the accelerated ageing tests are as follows:

• No signs of material degradation

• No cracks on any part of the luminaire

• No compromise of any of the IP ratings of the luminaire

Robustly constructed; weather, hail, insect and corrosion proof, solar (including ultra-violet) and
vandal resistant, deterioration must not occur due to electrolytic action or by differential thermal
expansion. All external parts and components of the luminaire must be designed to shed water and
ensure that accumulation of condensation or precipitation does not occur. An exterior lip on the
housing to ensure that there is no direct rainwater contact with the gasket, between the housing and
the diffuser must be available, thus ensuring that no moisture is sucked into the diffuser when the
luminaire is switched off and cools down.

Luminaires must be of a colour that is an acceptable match to colour number F48 (cloud grey) of
SANS 1091.

Luminaires must not be painted and as such, shall not be accepted. Ferrous components must be
hot-dip galvanized in accordance with SABS ISO 1461:2000 for heavy-duty applications. All external
small components such as; clips, screws, bolts, nuts, washers, etc. must be manufactured from
stainless steel (grade 304 or better).

Luminaires must be bottom entry to ensure ease of maintenance. They should incorporate a positive
and substantial means of fixing to the pole or bracket, design to allow adjustment and to ensure that
once set to the required position, luminaires remain in that position.

Diffusers must not have external prisms that could accumulate dirt and dust, and thus reduce the light
output of the luminaire. Diffusers must be constructed in such a manner that the wall thickness of the
material is maintained at a constant thickness, hence preventing the projection of lines of patterns
onto the road surface.

Reflector surfaces must be of high-grade (> 99%) super pure deep anodized aluminium. Reflectors
or any other light-controlling / reflecting component must be such that they can only be fitted /
positioned and replaced in the correct relationship to their light source. Reflectors in luminaire bowls
must not deform due to heat from the lamp. They must be well secured into position to prevent
deformation, thus causing false photometric performance of the luminaire.

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Control gear must be fully housed within the body of the luminaire and be suitable for operation with
specified rating of lamp. Under no circumstances must control gear be mounted above the lamp or in
a position where it may adversely affected by the heat generated by the lamp. The control gear
compartment (containing the ballast, capacitor, ignition devices if applicable, and terminal connectors)
must have ingress protection class IP 66, and so designed that there is sufficient space to permit
repairs, replacement of components and reassembly without difficulty, and without the removal of the
luminaire from its mounting. To this end, and primarily for ease of maintenance reasons, preferences
will be given to luminaires where all control gear is mounted onto a removable tray sealed by a hinged
lightweight, non-corrosive cover and must be accessible from underneath. No components must be
mounted onto this cover. Access to the gear compartment, via the gear tray cover, must not be
possible without the use of a screwdriver, key or special tool, thus protecting unqualified staff, doing
lamp replacement, against electric shock. All control gear must be suitable for operation with the
specified rating of the lamp on a 230 VAC ± 10% 50Hz single-phase electrical power supply system.

The maximum mounting height of the luminaire shall not exceed 6m. Poles must be positioned at
1,5m outside of the inner barrier perimeter fence. GRP poles must bear the SABS mark SANS 1749
under an ISO 9001:2000 regime. Poles must be embedded in a solid concrete foundation measuring
(500mm x 500mm x 600mm deep) of 20 MPa. Pole spacing must be calculated such that they achieve
the minimum required lighting level with the aforementioned height and spacing.

Tenderer/s must guarantee the following, from date of energizing:

1. Each lighting luminaire housing for a minimum period of five (5) years from date of

2. The electrical components for 18 month

Luminaires bearing a date of manufacture exceeding four (4) months prior to the date of delivery shall
not be accepted. Any luminaire found unsuitable for use, or its IP rating is compromised within a
period of five years from date of delivery to site, it must be replaced free of charge by the manufacturer

All luminaires must have its own day night photocell sensor installed inside the luminaire. The
luminaires shall not be switched by a centralized day night photocell sensor system. Power Supplies, Cabling and Junction Boxes

Installation of additional supply breakers in distribution boards situated close to the perimeter fence,
used for the power supply feed to the perimeter security lighting system, must cater for the required
lighting circuits. Supply cables must feed into pole mounted junction boxes on the first pole of each

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zone if possible, but in line with the Climb Detection System (CDS) communication enclosures,
adjacent to each CDS sensor pole. From there the cables loop to each other zone junction box in that
circuit. Cabling to the perimeter security lights must be fed from the junction box to the nearest light
of the zone and looped from this light to the other lights in that zone. The lighting shall work in
conjunction with the non-lethal fence zone system. When a zone is triggered the lighting zone within
the fence zone shall be switched. Cables must be installed in cables trenches 500mm deep in ground.
Following the laying of cables, trenches must be refilled and compressed suitably to prevent sagging
of the ground. Power cables must be of the single wire armoured type.

Minimum allowed security lighting pole spacing shall be 15 meters apart. Earthing

1 x 10mm dia. copper earth rods must be laid 1m deep in ground around the complete perimeter, and
must be linked back to the main earth mat. All lighting columns to be connected to this ring main with
1 x 10mm dia. copper earth rod. Lightning Protection

The equipment will be installed where it will be subject to voltage surges due to lightning, line faults,
power interruptions, high voltage switching conditions, and must be able to operate without failure
under these conditions. Therefore, it is imperative that the system be adequately earthed.

Protection against high voltage transients shall be provided on both signal and power circuitry, without
impairing the system’s electrical parameters, sensitivity or performance. LED Luminaire Technical Requirements

Luminaire data and documentary evidence of compliance in the form of reports and certificates by a
national or international accredited laboratory stating the tests conducted and associated results shall
be submitted at the time of tender submission. Photometric Requirements

Minimum photometric requirements of the luminaire shall be:

1. The light colour shall be “Neutral White” (4000K).

2. The colour rendering index shall be equal to or greater than 80.

3. The luminaire efficacy shall be equal to or greater than 120 lm/W.

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4. The luminaire downward light output ratio shall be equal to 100%.

5. The luminaire shall reach its full brightness instantaneous.

6. The illumination pattern of acceptable luminaires shall be in the “bat wing” shape as indicated
in 1 to ensure sufficient forward and lateral light distribution.

7. IES and/or LTD files for use with DIALux or Relux must be supplied in electronic format. Electrical Requirements

Minimum electrical requirements of the luminaire shall be:

1. Luminaire input voltage shall be 230V AC ±15%.

2. Luminaire operating frequency shall be 50Hz ±5%.

3. Total luminaire power consumption shall not exceed 70W

4. Luminaire efficiency shall be equal to or greater than 90%.

5. Luminaire power factor shall be equal to or better than 0.95.

6. Luminaire total harmonic distortion shall be equal to or less than 20%.

7. The surge protection unit shall at least withstand an overvoltage of 10kV/10kA. Preferably it
shall comply with the requirements of IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11

8. The luminaire shall be a CLASS 1 type in accordance with the description given in SANS
60598-1: 2014 Ed 6 (IEC 60598-1: 2014 Ed 8) Section 1 Clause 1.2.22

9. The photocell (PECU) shall comply with the illuminance levels for switching requirements
given in SANS 1777: 2017 Ed. 1.4. – Photoelectric Control units for lighting (PECU’s). See
Section 5 Clause 5.5 for test method. Electromagnetic Requirements

Security lighting luminaires offered shall comply to the requirements of EN 55015. Proof of
compliance shall be provided through standard test reports (actual measurement data for the
frequency spectrum tested). Mechanical Requirements

All external parts and components of the luminaire shall be designed to shed debris and water
and ensure that accumulation of condensation or precipitation does not occur. An exterior lip

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shall be provided on the housing to ensure that there is no direct rainwater contact with the
gasket, between the housing and the diffuser, thus ensuring that no moisture is sucked into
the diffuser when the luminaire is switched off and cools down.

Luminaires shall be constructed from durable lightweight materials and shall be accompanied
by comprehensive test reports certifying that the luminaires have successfully passed SANS

Luminaires shall be supplied complete with control gear, lamp and mounting brackets with
protractor scales to set the tilting angle.

Luminaires shall not be spray painted but shall be left bare or powder coated and baked to
achieve the required corrosion protection level. Ferrous components must be hot-dip
galvanized in accordance with SANS 121. All external small components such as; clips,
screws, bolts, nuts, washers, etc., must be manufactured from stainless steel (grade 304 or

Diffusers / lenses shall not have external prisms that could accumulate dirt and dust, and thus
reduce the light output of the luminaires. Diffusers shall be constructed in such a manner that
the wall thickness of the material is maintained at a constant thickness, hence preventing the
projection of lines of patterns onto the ground level.

In case where luminaires are fitted with reflectors, the reflector shall be made of high-grade
super pure deep anodized aluminium.

LED drivers shall be fully housed within the body of the luminaire.

The control gear or driver shall be in its own compartment complying with the required IP

All LED drivers shall be suitable for operation with the specified rating of the luminaire on a
230 VAC ± 10% 50Hz single-phase electrical power supply system.

The complete luminaire shall have an IK rating of 08 or better.

The complete luminaire shall have an IP rating of 65 or better.

The luminaire shall be tilt adjustable relative to the horizontal plane through a range of 90
degrees with a protractor included to set it to required angles.

The luminaire shall be supplied with the necessary means to be securely fitted onto the pole.
Luminaires with a Spigot as part of its construction are also accepted.

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The luminaire dimensions and weight shall be specified.

The number of modules and LEDs per module shall be specified.

The operating temperature range shall be -10 to +60 degrees Celsius.

The operating relative humidity range shall be 10% to 70%.

Specific technical requirements for security lighting are presented in Appendix E: Table 31


Contractor shall demonstrate performance through inspections, and tests during execution and
operation of the project. These tests includes:

• Perform tests before installation (factory acceptance tests, site acceptance tests)

• Perform tests after installation (mechanical completion test and issue mechanical completion
certificate, then electrical completion test and issue substation completion certificate)

• Perform tests after completion (final acceptance test which is a 15 day performance ratio and
availability test – issue operational acceptance certificate)


The Contractor shall provide facilities necessary to enable the inspection, testing, commissioning and
performance testing of the PV Facility to be satisfactorily completed including labour, equipment,
materials, instruments, consumable materials, electrical power, fuel, lubricants, water, and such like.

The Contractor shall provide the opportunity to the Employer and Employer’s representatives to
witness all commissioning tests. The Employer shall provide reasonable and adequate notice to the
Contractor that other parties have been invited to witness the tests and the Contractor shall provide
all facilities and support that are reasonably required by the Employer for such parties to witness the

The Contractor shall provide any instruments or other equipment for the Employer and Employer’s
representatives to review the accuracy, quality and performance of the PV Facility. Provide any
assistance required by Employer and Employer’s representatives in the use of instruments and
measuring equipment.

The Contractor shall ensure that instruments used for survey work, checking, inspection, testing,
commissioning and performance monitoring are correctly calibrated and up to date, according to their

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relevant standards. The contractor shall submit the valid calibration certificates with method
statements and test records.

The Contractor shall provide temporary communication equipment as necessary to enable the
commissioning team to carry out their tasks safely and effectively. Ensure temporary communication
equipment does not cause interference with equipment owned or operated by any other parties.

The Employer, Employer’s representative and the Contractor shall agree on test protocol before the
commencement of any tests. The Test protocol shall include but not limited to,

• Definition of each test type and test methods

• List of equipment to be used along with their specification, measurement uncertainties and
relevant certificates

• Duration of each test

• Test evaluation method and Acceptance/Rejection criteria

The Contractor shall provide the report to the Employer and the Employer’s representative upon the
successful commencement of any tests during commissioning. The report shall include following but
not limited to,

• Agreed final test protocol

• Test raw data (un-processed)

• Evaluation of raw data (processed data)

• Final result indicating the acceptance/rejection of each test types

The Contractor shall submit for review and approval to Employer and Employer’s Representatives the
test program for Factory Acceptance Test comprising but not limited to:

• Detailed description of inspections/tests types.

• Component certificates, technical data sheets

• Manufactures’ quality certificates

• Standards to be followed during testing/inspection

• Test results of former inspections/tests, if available

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Upon the successful completion of the Factory Acceptance Test, the Contractor shall submit the test
report along with the relevant documents. All test reports shall be prepared by the Contractor and
shall contain the following minimum information:

• Definition of each test type and test methods

• Technical data along with the component certificate of tested component

• Test evaluation and technical data of testing components including relevant certificates

• Compliance with the requirement for the project and/or Industry practice

• Summary and conclusion in regard to acceptance or rejection of equipment

The test reports shall be reviewed and approved by the Employer and the Employer’s Representatives
prior shipment of the tested components to the project site. The test reports and its supporting
documents must be signed by the Contractor and the Employer’s Representative prior shipment of
tested components.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all arrangements for the Factory Acceptance Tests and will
be responsible for management and any additional expenses that is caused due to requirement on
repetition of Factory Acceptance Tests.

The Contractor shall verify that all components delivered to the site are free from any defects and all
documents (technical data sheet, certificates, warranty documents, Factory Test reports, and
component manuals) are available. The Site Acceptance Test shall be witnessed and approved by
the Employer and the Employer’s representative.


The Contractor shall submit for review and approval to Employer and Employer’s Representatives the
test program for Factory Acceptance Test comprising but not limited to:

• Detailed description of inspections/tests types.

• Component certificates, technical data sheets

• Manufactures’ quality certificates

• Standards to be followed during testing/inspection

• Test results of former inspections/tests, if available

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Upon the successful completion of the Factory Acceptance Test, the Contractor shall submit the test
report along with the relevant documents. All test reports shall be prepared by the Contractor and
shall contain the following minimum information:

• Definition of each test type and test methods

• Technical data along with the component certificate of tested component

• Test evaluation and technical data of testing components including relevant certificates

• Compliance with the requirement for the project and/or Industry practice

• Summary and conclusion in regard to acceptance or rejection of equipment

The test reports shall be reviewed and approved by the Employer and the Employer’s Representatives
prior shipment of the tested components to the project site. The test reports and its supporting
documents must be signed by the Contractor and the Employer’s Representative prior shipment of
tested components.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all arrangements for the Factory Acceptance Tests and will
be responsible for management and any additional expenses that is caused due to requirement on
repetition of Factory Acceptance Tests.

The Contractor shall verify that all components delivered to the site are free from any defects and all
documents (technical data sheet, certificates, warranty documents, Factory Test reports, and
component manuals) are available. The Site Acceptance Test shall be witnessed and approved by
the Employer and the Employer’s representative.


Tests after Installation refer to “Mechanical Completion Test" and "Electrical Completion Test”. These
tests are the inspections and tests that are performed on site after mechanical and electrical
installation work has been completed. These tests are related to document verification, visual
inspections on site, electrical measurements, and safety checks. They must demonstrate:

• Completeness of the mechanical and electrical construction works

• Correctness of the assembly and installation

• Safety and reliability of the works under all operating conditions

• Inspection and functional tests

• Proper functioning of the components and system under all operating conditions
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Tests after Installation are considered successful if the Plant complies with the requirements defined
for each type of inspections described in this specification.

The supplier shall install the system on site (energizers, relays, control unit, synchronisation
equipment, fence conductors & communication infrastructure) inclusive of all interconnections
between the system modules. The supplier shall avail themselves for Site Acceptance Testing at site
after installation. All test procedures required to ensure the correct functioning shall be specified with
a list of required test equipment and tools.

Copies of all tests and data are provided to the Project Manager for review and acceptance.

3.3.1 Test Pre-Requisite – Minimum System Documentation Requirement

Upon giving notice on readiness for Tests after Installation and prior to the commencement of
Mechanical and Electrical Completion Inspection, the Contractor provides As Built Drawings as well
as the Operation and Maintenance Manuals of the Plant to the Employer and Employer’s

The completeness of the documentation is reviewed and accepted by the Project Manager before
commencement of the tests.

The following non-exclusive list of Plant sections are documented and checked during the Tests after

• Basic system information:

o Project location and installation date

o Rated system capacity (DC and AC)

o PV modules and inverter – manufacturer, model and quantity

o Installation date

o Commissioning date (to be updated later if time schedule of tests not met).

• System designer’s information (name, affiliate, contact details)

• System installer/Contractor information (name, affiliate, contact details)

• Detailed single line diagram of the DC, LV /MV AC part and transmission line including detailed
connection and wiring diagrams for array DC junction boxes and inverter cabinets.

• General specifications of array:

o Module type

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o Module number

o Number of modules per string

o Number of strings

• PV string information:

o String cable type, size and length

o Specification (current and voltage rating) of overvoltage protection device.

• Electrical characteristics of array:

o Array junction box location

o Array main cable specification

o Location, type and rating of over voltage protective devices

• Earthing and over voltage protections including a single line diagram showing the details of all
earthing, lightning protection systems, and details of surge protection devices

• A single line diagram including DC and AC isolators location, type and rating along with similar
information for AC over-current protection device

• Plant safety regulation following all MCB’s, MCCB’s, Isolators employed in the AC electrical
boards with a padlocking facility

• Technical data sheet of all components

• Full documentation of the SCADA

• Description and documentation of all mechanical structures including details such as material
type, structure mounting solution, foundation design, and geotechnical study

• Warranty documentation for all strategic parts such as PV modules, inverters, structure,
switchgear with the information of starting date of warranty and period of warranty

• Documentation of all required legal and administrative permits, if any

• Confirmation on project design and installation compliance with all permits (Environmental,
Water Use license and grid code)

• Documentation of module flash test data

• The complete C&I design, network diagram, test certificates and test results.

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3.3.2 Mechanical Completion Test

Upon completion of the actual installation works, an inspection is conducted. The purpose is to verify
that the Contractor has executed all installation works in accordance with the Contract and as built
design and is compliant with applicable norms and standards. At this inspection it is tested that the
works prove to be of good workmanship established in the PV industry, and are free from any
material/construction defects. During the inspection, the correctness of the documentation of the
works in the As-Built Drawings is checked and verified.

Prior to the Inspection, the Contractor conducts an internal inspection that verifies the compliance of
the works with the design and the Employer’s Requirements. The minor deviations on execution of
work are recorded under the Punch-List. The Punch-List does not contain any outstanding issue which
has an effect on safe operation, monitoring, plant performance, and administrative/legal requirements.
The Punch-List must be reviewed and accepted by the Employer before the Mechanical Completion

The Contractor undertake the following, but not limited to, to verify the physical installation is
completed according the design: General

• Verify all parts of the PV Plant are in line with the Final Design;

• Verify the PV Plant construction is according to the provisions of the Contract;

• Verify all equipment and parts have been installed according to their manufacturer's
installation manuals. PV Modules

• Inspect Modules as installed and verify absence of any breakages, scratches, damage on
back sheet, junction box, frame distortions, and bending or any other signs of incorrect or
incomplete installation;

• Verify that Modules have been sorted according to their Flash Test Data;

• Verify that serial number of each modules is documented according to installation location on
site; and

• Verify that the installation was done according to manufacturer’s recommendation and/or

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• Verify that PV String cables have been permanently marked and numbered;

• Check cable Pulling Test records;

• Inspect DC cabling between modules and verify that cable types, sizes and lengths as well as
cable connector types are in accordance with the design;

• Verify the integrity of Surge Protection Devices and all Earthing connections;

• Verify the installation according to design and manufacturer’s recommendation;

• Verify that the string monitoring system have been installed according to design and
requirement for communication to CMS system PV Mounting Structures

• Verify correct Orientation and Inclination angles for the PV Modules;

• Verify that the installation is free from any corrosion;

• Verify fastening with recommended torque, overall set-out distances, surfacing, alignment and
completeness of the assembly. Foundation and Civil works

• Verify all civil works are completed according to design and according to permits for the

• Verify that security system (fences, video surveillance) are installed according to Employer’s
requirement; PV Inverters

• Verify that all cables and switches have been marked and numbered permanently;

• Inspect all DC & AC cabling and verify that cable types, sizes and lengths are in accordance
with the design; and

• Verify all inverter parameters are set up within Manufacturer’s recommendations, grid
requirements and local regulations;

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• Verify all system components and respective electrical and data connections are according to

• Verify all Calibration Certificates are available;

• Verify broadband equipment and connections Labelling and Identification:

• Verify all circuits, protective devices, switches and terminals are suitably labelled;

• Verify all DC junction boxes (PV generator and PV array boxes) carry a warning label
indicating that active parts inside the boxes are fed from a PV array and may still be alive after
isolation from the PV inverter and public supply;

• Verify the main AC isolating switch is clearly labelled;

• Verify Dual supply warning labels are fitted at point of interconnection;

• Verify a single line wiring diagram is displayed on site;

• Verify the Inverter protection settings and installer details are displayed on site;

• Verify the Emergency shutdown procedures are displayed on site;

• Verify all signs and labels are suitably affixed and durable

Upon the successful completion of Mechanical Completion Test, the Mechanical Completion
Certificate will be issued by the Employer.

3.3.3 Electrical Completion Test

The Electrical Completion Test is performed to verify the proper functionality, configuration and
installation of the PV Plant. The electrical configuration tests are considered as minimum requirement
and are performed according to IEC 62446, IEC 60364-6, Grid Connection Code for Renewable
Power Plants (RPPs) Connected to the Electricity Transmission System (TS) or the Distribution
System (DS) in South Africa and current best practice. The tests are witnessed by the Employer and
Employer’s representative. The Contractor undertake the following, but not limited to: Tests on AC circuits

Tests on AC circuits in accordance with IEC 60364-6:

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• Continuity of conductors;

• An electrical continuity test be made on protective conductors, including main and

supplementary equipotential bonding conductors, and live conductors in the case of ring final

• Insulation resistance of the electrical installation;

• The insulation resistance is measured between live conductors and the protective conductor
connected to the Earthing arrangement;

• Protection by SELV, PELV or by electrical separation;

• Insulation resistance/impedance of floors and walls;

• Protection by automatic disconnection of the supply;

• Polarity test;

• Check of phase sequence;

• Functional tests and

• Verification of voltage drop Tests on DC Circuits

Tests on DC circuits in accordance with IEC 62446-1:

• Continuity of protective Earthing and/or equipotential bonding conductors, where fitted. Where
protective or bonding conductors are fitted on the DC side, such as bonding of the array frame,
an electrical continuity test is made on all such conductors. The connection to the main
Earthing terminal should also be verified;

• The polarity of all DC cables is verified using suitable test apparatus. Once polarity is
confirmed, cables be checked to ensure they are correctly identified and correctly connected
into system devices such as switching devices or inverters;

• I-V curve measurement on all strings – The nominal power of strings is measured and their
respective power to be verified against the sum of name plate power of modules connected to
string. Open circuit voltage and PV current also to be verified according to IEC 62446-1;

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The following functional tests be performed:

• Switchgear and other control apparatus to be tested to ensure correct operation and that they
are properly mounted and connected.

• A loss of mains test to be performed: With the system operating, the main AC isolator is
opened – it should be observed (e.g. on a display meter) that the PV Plant immediately ceases
to generate. Following this, the AC isolator should be re-closed and it should be observed that
the system reverts to normal operation PV Array Insulation Resistance Test

All inverters forming part of the PV Plant be tested to ensure correct operation. The test procedure
should be the procedure defined by the inverter manufacturer/supplier. During electrical completion
test, the Contractor provide proof of inverter commissioning test report/certificate which verify that all
the inverters installed on site fulfils the requirements defined by manufacturer for the safe and efficient
long term operation.

The Contractor pays special attention to the operating temperature of the inverter and inverter cabin.
For this purpose, the Contractor measures the operating temperature of inverter/inverter cabin for at
least seven consecutive days and verifies that the operation of inverter (without derating) is within the
manufacturer’s recommended range. Certificate of Compliance

Work on an electrical installation shall be carried out under the control of a registered person who
shall issue a CoC after inspection and tests are conducted on the installation. Registered person may
not issue CoC where faults exist.

When issuing CoC, it is important to make sure that it extends as far as where the installation ends
(point of consumption or supply terminals) and that it does not extend into the machinery connected
to the installation.

The Contractor submits test reports of all electrical installations as per the sample test report
(Certificate of Compliance) in SANS 10142-1.

CoC and test report is issued only by electrical tester, installation electrician or master electrician for
single phase installation.

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CoC and test report is issued only by installation electrician or master installation electrician for three
phase and DC installations.

The CoC is also accompanied by as-built design package documentation. Functional Test of Meteorological System and C&I system

Functional test procedure and check sheets are provided to ensure that the CMS meets the
requirements as specified in the Scope of work.

All meteorological stations signal be working properly and the data are being recorded into the
monitoring system.

Commissioning of C&I system is according to IEC 62337 - Commissioning of Electrical,

Instrumentation and Control systems.

Test communications with string combiner boxes and inverters.

Verify format and handling of acquired data set.

Check threshold alarm controls.

Inspect all system displays, event recording and timing synchronization regime and data storage and
upload from local to remote.

Inspect the site communication systems - broadband cable distribution and GSM (backup, if

Inspect operation of display and data-processing software and check visualization from local to

Control of remote system access and data downloading.

Handover of access rights and passwords. Infrared Thermography

Infrared scanning on all PV modules as well as electrical connections is performed in order to verify
that modules are free from any hot spots and electrical connections are properly made. Infrared
scanning is done when irradiation on module plane is greater than 500 W/m2.

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The Contractor performs the Grid Connection test according to Grid Connection Code for Renewable
Power Plants (RPPs) Connected to the Electricity Transmission System (TS) or the Distribution
System (DS) in South Africa and provides a test report. In any case the Grid Connection Test is
witnessed by the Employer and the Employer’s representative. The test is approved by a third party
provided by the Employer.

The Contractor provides an ECSA registered professional engineer or technologist to declare the
installation complies with all standards and requirements.

Upon the successful completion of Grid code test, the Contractor provide a Certificate of Compliance
(COC) of the PV Plant certified by the ECSA registered professional engineer or technologist and the
responsible person. Test Reporting

Once the Electrical Completion tests are successfully performed, the Contractor provide the report to
the Project Manager, for review and acceptance, including the following:

• A report, signed by the Contractor, summarizing each test performed and their acceptance or
rejection according to the test protocol, relevant standards and requirements;

• Test raw data and processed data;

• Final Test protocol along with list of measurement equipment considered during testing and
their specification

• Certificate of Compliance (COC) for all electrical installations

• Plant safety clearance certificate accompanied by the relevant as-built design package
documentation, equipment type test certificate, calibration certificates for test equipment,
routine test results.

Upon the successful completion of Electrical Completion Test, the Employer issue Substantial
Completion Certificate to the Contractor.


Tests after Completion refer to the “Final Acceptance Test (FAT)” which verifies both performance
ratio and availability of the plant against the Contractor’s guarantee.

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The following is to be completed before the start of FAT:

• Mechanical Completion Certificate, Certificate of Compliance (COC) for electrical installations,

safety clearance certificates for plant installations, Substantial Completion Certificate have
been issued;

• Training on Construction and Commissioning to the Employer’s representative and Employer’s

staff have been completed;

• The Contractor has provided O&M Manual to the Employer and the Employer’ representative,
which include, but not limited to:

o Procedures for verifying correct system operation (Start-up / Shut down of PV Plant ,
HMI operation, Single line diagram, Regular Maintenance on Modules, Inverter first
line maintenance, transformer, switchgear, UPS, etc.);

o Safety Guidelines including emergency shutdown/isolation procedures;

o Preventive and corrective maintenance procedures including site inspection checklist

for each component including power evacuation line and security systems;

o Scheduling of routine maintenance;

o A checklist of what to do in case of system failure;

o Documentation on stock of spare parts and spare parts management including contact
information and procedures for replacement of defective components;

o Inverter O&M Manual (troubleshooting for error codes, repair, software for inverter, Fault
finding on the DC Plant);

o Data Acquisition System and CMS O&M Manual (troubleshooting, equipment

descriptions, repair, metering equipment downloading, weather station);

o Method of PV module cleaning;

o Operation and maintenance manual for inverter, transformer and module from
respective manufacturers;

o Performance monitoring and reporting procedures

3.4.1 The Final Acceptance Test (FAT)

The Contractor executes the FAT, and is witnessed by the Employer and the Employer’s

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The Contractor prepares a detailed test program and test protocol based on requirements described
in this document and submits to the Employer for approval.

The Test program and the test protocol must be accepted by the Employer/Employer’s representative
before the commencement of the test.

The SCADA system must be available at all times during the test period and the verification of
Performance Ratio and Availability must be made through the data recorded in SCADA system.

The Contractor is allowed to run Performance Ratio and Availability test simultaneously or separately.
In each case, the test period must be 15 consecutive valid days.

A valid day during the test period is defined as a day during which a daily average solar irradiation on
module plane is greater than 2.0 kWh/m2, measured by reference cells installed on the site. During
the measurement period (15 consecutive days) if any day does not represent a valid day(s), the period
of measurement will be extended consecutively with the same number of those days.

Such extension can be done up to a limit up to the Contractor’s guaranteed substantial completion
date. If despite this extension, the required number of valid days are not achieved, then evaluation is
be made only for available valid days. The FAT Procedure

Parameters and Instrumentation:

• The following technical parameters are required to be measured on site by the Contractor in
order to perform and verify the performance tests for both, Performance Ratio Test and
Availability Test:

o AC Energy output at the Point of Connection (PoC): [kWh]

o Global solar irradiation on plane of array: [kWh/m2]

o Global solar irradiation on horizontal surface: [kWh/m2]

o Module temperature: [°C]

o AC Energy output from each inverter: [kWh]

o Ambient air temperature: [°C]

• The first two technical parameters (major parameters) mentioned above are used directly to
verify the performance of the Plant. The later four parameters are used as back up to verify
consistency of measurement of major parameters. These parameters are to be stored in 15

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minute intervals. The logged data is to be checked for consistency and validity, and has to be
found free from obvious anomalies or irregularities. FAT Stopping and Restarting Procedure

The FAT is stopped and restarted:

• If the Plant, wholly or in part, ceases to operate at any time during FAT due to causes beyond
the control of the Contractor, then the FAT is suspended during that time and resumes
following restoration of operation, until the total FAT duration has reached the required length
of valid days.

• In the event of any disruptions due to Force Majeure, grid failure and caused by the Employer
for a period longer than the Contractor’s guaranteed substantial dates.

• The Contractor maintains a log of any such event, including the cause, the duration and the
times at which FAT was suspended and resumed. The Contractor provides written notice to
the Employer within eight (8) hours following each such FAT suspension and resumption. All
pre-requisites specified must remain satisfied on any such FAT resumption.

• If at any point during FAT the Contractor deems that it is unlikely to pass the FAT, then the
Contractor notifies the Project Manager and may discontinue the FAT. The Contractor may
subsequently commence a new FAT, subject to compliance with all provisions and procedures
within this Section. Performance Ratio (PR) Evaluation Procedure

The plant Performance Ratio (PR) is evaluated according to equations below:

[𝐸𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 ]𝑃𝐴𝑇
[𝑃𝑅𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 ]𝑃𝐴𝑇 =

[𝑃𝑅𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 ]𝑃𝐴𝑇 = Average measured PR during the Final Acceptance Test period,
expressed in %
[𝐸𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 ]𝑃𝐴𝑇 = Sum of energy measured in energy meters installed at point of
connection during the Final Acceptance Test period, expressed
in kWh
[𝐸𝑃𝑉 ]𝑃𝐴𝑇 = Theoretical energy that could have been produced by PV
modules during the Final Acceptance Test period, expressed in

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= 𝑃𝑁𝑜𝑚
[𝐼𝑟𝑟𝑃𝑂𝐴−𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 ]𝑃𝐴𝑇
[𝐼𝑟𝑟𝑆𝑇𝐶 ]

𝑃𝑁𝑜𝑚 = Nominal Peak Power of the PV Modules, sum of name plate power of
modules installed in the plant, expressed in kWp
[𝐼𝑟𝑟𝑃𝑂𝐴−𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 ]𝑃𝐴𝑇 Average solar irradiation measured on Plane of Array during the complete
= Final Acceptance Test period when the plant was available, expressed in
[𝐼𝑟𝑟𝑆𝑇𝐶 ] = Solar irradiation at Standard Test Conditions (STC) condition, 1 kW/m2
(constant) Plant Availability Evaluation Procedure

The plant Availability is measured for a consecutive 15 day period, for the FAT.

The plant Availability is evaluated based on technical availability of the inverter. The Plant must deliver
energy to the meter at the point of connection during the period when the Plant is considered as
available. Otherwise, the Plant is considered as unavailable.

The evaluation of plant Availability is done only for the periods during which the global solar irradiation
on module plane is higher than threshold level of solar irradiation. The threshold value of solar
irradiation on module plane for plant availability is 100 W/m2. This level of irradiation is considered as
the minimum level of irradiation required to overcome the inverter’s threshold power.

The stoppage of the plant due to events caused by following is not considered while evaluating the
plant availability:

• events caused by faults, except than Contractor (e.g. manual shut-down, inspections not
attributable to the Contractor)

• required by third parties (e.g. insurance companies, authorities)

• attributable to the grid operator/the Employer

• the result of Force Majeure events

The Plant Availability

AV  is defined as average of individual inverter availability, as shown in the
equations below:

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i =n

 AV  i
AV  = i =1
Where, “i” is the number of each individual inverter and “n” is the total number of inverters in the Plant.
The individual technical availability of the inverter “i” is calculated by using the equation shown below:

AV i =  100 %
Ttot − Tgrid − Tp − T fm

Top Total time during the measurement period where the inverter was producing energy and
energy was supplied to the grid, expressed in 15 minutes interval

Ttot Total time during the measurement period where the irradiation on module plane was higher
than 100 W/m2, expressed in 15 minutes interval

Tgrid Time period during which the grid was not available (although the inverter is available),
expressed in 15 minutes interval. The Contractor shall provide a written proof from the grid
operator including hours during which there was a failure from grid and the Plant could not
feed energy to the grid.

Tp Time period that the inverter was not in operation (the inverter is not available) because of
stoppages ordered by the Employer/third parties (insurance or authority) requirement,
expressed in 15 minutes interval

T fm Time period that the Plant did not operate because of Force Majeure events, expressed in 15
minutes interval

All technical parameters mentioned in equations above are calculated for the period during which the
solar irradiation on module plane is higher than the threshold level (i.e. 100 W/m2). Criteria for FAT Acceptance

The Final Acceptance Test is considered successful if:

• Measured Performance Ratio (PR) is greater than or equal to Guaranteed Performance Ratio
during FAT, and

• Measured Plant Availability is greater than or equal to Guaranteed Plant Availability during

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Page: 73 of 119 Criteria for Issuance of Operational Acceptance Certificate

The Operational Acceptance Certificate is issued by the Project Manager, if:

• FAT requirements are successfully completed

• The complete O&M manual is provided by the Contractor and accepted by the Project

• Punch List is reviewed and accepted by the Project Manager

• All Guarantees and Warranties are successfully transferred to the Project Manager and the
plant is substantially handed-over to the Employer

• The Contractor has stored on-site the minimum required spare parts for the Project

• The site is free from any wastes, residues from site establishment and construction

• If applicable, any delay liquidated damage payable to the Employer by the Contractor is


The Contractor provides the following guaranteed values for Final Acceptance Test:

• Performance Ratio (PR)

• Plant Availability

These Performance Guaranteed Values for the PV Facility are verified during the Final Acceptance

The guaranteed Performance Ratio shall be evaluated at 100% plant availability. The actual Plant
Availability is guaranteed and evaluated separately.

The Contractor is required to provide Performance Guaranteed Values as indicated in Appendix G –

Table 30

With regards to the “Guaranteed annual average Performance Ratio for first year of operation - for
Final Acceptance Test” provided in Appendix G – Table 32, the Contractor is required to provide a
monthly breakdown of this Performance Ratio guarantee, along with estimation of solar irradiation on
module plane, in a tabular format as shown in Appendix G – Table 33.

The PR guaranteed for the Final Acceptance Test will be the corresponding monthly average PR
(shown in Appendix G – Table 33), during which the FAT is performed. If the FAT duration covers

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period of two consecutive months, then the guaranteed PR during FAT is calculated based on
weighted average PR of the two respective months.


4.1.1 PV Plant
The Contractor provides equipment warranty according to minimum requirement set in Appendix G –
Table 30.

In addition (and without prejudice) to the defects liability, the Contractor releases warranty on
equipment, including, but not limited to, strategic part warranty. No equipment warranty shall limit
another warranty or otherwise.

The Contractor transfers the ownership of all manufacturer equipment warranties to the Employer
during the Operational Acceptance of the Project.

4.1.2 Non-lethal Energised Perimeter Detection System

The minimum system life-cycle of the proposed product must be ten (10) years. The life-cycle of the
product must be further supported in terms of spares availability for a minimum period of seven (7)
years after discontinuation of the product. The system shall carry a minimum local (South African)
warranty of 36 months with on-site as well as telephonic support from date of the system being
commissioned. Eskom shall thereafter have the option to access on-going support in terms of a
subsequent agreement. The supplier must have a technician on call on a 24-hour basis for purposes
of telephonic support. Supplier spares holding should include minimum replacement spares to restore
service of the system in its entirety. All support shall also include all firmware upgrades of the initial
system version installed over the operational life of the system. The support shall include first line
level maintenance training. Product support must include national as well as international support
through the local branch.

4.1.3 Security Lighting

The tenderer/s shall guarantee, from date of delivery:

1. Luminaire housing for a minimum period of ten (10) years.

2. The electrical components for 30 000 operating hours (five years).

3. The LED module for 30 000 operating hours (five years).

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Any luminaire found unsuitable for use, its IP rating compromised within a period of ten years from
date of delivery, or it not performing acceptably compared to the unit tested during technical evaluation
shall be replaced free of charge by the manufacturer.


O&M Training is provided to the Employer and Employers’ representatives’ within six (6) months after
the issuance of Substantial Completion Certificate. The Training is based on Classroom and Onsite

• The Contractor provides formal classroom training of the operations, maintenance to ensure
Employer’s representatives’ has a sound understanding of the plant layout, characteristics and

• Training material for classroom training is based on O&M manual content (O&M Manual
requirement is presented in in this document) and contains evaluation criteria on each section
of the plant covered in order to establish the level of Employer’s representatives’

The Contractor provides formal on-site training of the operations, maintenance of the plant is essential
to ensure Employer’s representatives’ have a sound understanding of the plant functionality and O&M

Training material for on-site training is based on O&M manual (requirement of O&M Manual is
presented in this document) in addition to detailed operating and maintenance plans and procedures.

Training focuses on following area,

• Operation and Maintenance of the Facility

• Inverter Technician Training: specification, functioning and safe operation following

Manufacturers O&M Manual (troubleshooting for error codes, repair, software for inverter,
Fault finding on the DC Plant ) and

• Data Acquisition System and PLC Training

The Contractor provides all training materials in hard copy and electronic copy to the trainees prior to
the actual commencement of O&M training

The Contractor ensures that experienced personnel (minimum 5 years of experience in operation and
maintenance of utility scale PV projects) conduct all trainings in professional manner.

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The tenderer/s shall provide Eskom with a proposed maintenance/cleaning strategy for the luminaires
offered. This strategy must ensure that a maintenance factor of at least 0.80 will be maintained for
the LED luminaires through its expected service life.


The Contractor must provide a list of spare parts and tools recommended by equipment
manufacturers for operation and maintenance for 25 year lifetime period. The Contractor considers
such list as minimum required spare parts and tools for the Project.

The Contractor recommends any additional spare parts and tools if the minimum requirement on
spare parts and tools provided by the equipment manufacturers is considered as not sufficient for
operation and maintenance for 25 year lifetime period.

The Employer, at its option, may decide to purchase such additional spare parts and tools subject to
schedule of delivery to be agreed upon

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This document has been seen and accepted by:

Name & Surname Designation

Adhir Debising Lead Discipline Engineer (Mechanical)

Imraan Dindar Lead Discipline Engineer (Mechanical)

Viren Heera Subject Matter Expect – Solar PV & BESS Repowering

Marubini Manyage Chief Electrical Engineer

Oelof De Meyer SME – Renewable Energy

Kumaresan Cunden SME – RT&D

Paul Du Plessis SME – C&I

Funeka Grootboom SME – Civil & Structures


Date Rev. Compiler Remarks

July 2021 0 K. Mareya Draft Issue (Review & Signatures)

July 2021 1 K. Mareya First Issue


The following people were involved in the development of this document:

• Bongani Mashimbye - Project Engineering Manager

• Kuda Mareya – Engineering Design Work Lead
• Freeman Chiranga - Lead Discipline Engineer (Electrical)


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Table 1: Area Estimates for the Proposed Site – Area 1-4 within Station Services Building Premises

Site Size Estimates Notes

Gross Area (m2) Perimeter (m)

Area 1 8 100 387 a) No wetlands or overhead lines

Area 2 3 000 267 b) No wetlands or overhead lines

Area 3 3 745 270 c) No wetlands or overhead lines

Area 4 2 390 270 d) No wetlands or overhead lines

Area 5 4 850 - e) Covered Parking Roof Area (Induction
Center Parking Lot).

Net/Effective Area (m2) to be determined by the Bidder

Figure 6 Location of the Proposed Installation Site.

Source: Wet Land Opinion Report – May 2013, Komati Coal Stockyard Extension

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Figure 7 Hydrology of the Proposed Site as per Existing Spatial Layers

Source: Wet Land Opinion Report – May 2013, Komati Coal Stockyard Extension

Figure 8 Komati PS Environmental Sensitive Areas – Source: GIS Desktop Study – May 2021

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No presence of threatened Terrestrial Ecosystem and Protected Area

Figure 9 Komati PS Servitude Infrastructure – Source: GIS Desktop Study – May 2021

Figure 10 Komati PS Geology – Source: GIS Desktop Study – May 2021

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Consist of fine-to-coarse-grained sandstone, shale and coal seams

Figure 11 Komati PS Topography – Source: GIS Desktop Study – May 2021

Figure 12 Komati PS Topography Screening – Source: GIS Desktop Study – May 2021

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Ambient Temperature

Table 2: Ambient Temperatures – January 2014 to December 2018

Year Mean Std. Dev. Max Min

2014 15.8 6.9 31.5 -4.3

2015 17.1 7.3 34.1 -4.8

2016 16.4 7.1 36.2 -2.6

2017 15.8 6.5 32.0 -0.8

2018 16.2 6.9 33.7 -4.2

The lowest measured temperature: -6.8 ⁰C; and Maximum: 35.3 ⁰C.

Wind Speed

Table 3: Wind Speed – January 2014 to December 2018

Year Mean Std. Dev. Max

2014 2.7 1.8 12.4

2015 3.2 2.0 16.8

2016 3.0 2.0 15.1

2017 2.8 1.9 12.5

2018 2.8 1.9 12.7

The maximum measured wind speed: 16.8 m/s.

Wind Direction

Table 4: Wind direction. North North Easterly (NNE) wind most predominant in 2015, 2017 and 2018.

Year Wind Direction

2014 ENE

2015 NNE

2016 NNW

2017 NNE

2018 NNE

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Figure 13 Annual Rainfall 2016 - 2018

The highest measured amount of rainfall: 1349 mm in 2017 and Lowest: 1080 mm.in 2018

Solar Resource

Figure 14 Annual GHI Map – South Africa (Source CRSES) [Site indicated by an arrow]

Expected Annual Average GHI at the Project Location is between 1972 kWh/m2 and 2045 kWh/m2

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Table 5: Long-term annual GHI different data sources at Project Location – (Max deviation: 6%)

Data Base Data Source Data Spatial Resolution Period GHI [kWh/m²]

HelioClim Satellite 3 km × 3 km 2004-2006 1912

PVGIS Satellite 1 km × 1 km 2007-2016 2035

SolarGIS Satellite Up to 90 m × 90 m 1994 - recent 2032

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Table 6 Codes & Standards – Civil Engineering Design Work

All Civil Engineering Design Work Shall Comply With The Following:
Standard/Code Description

SANS 10400 Code of Practice – The Application of the National Building Regulations

SANS 10100 The structural use of concrete

SANS 10160 Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and industrial standards

SANS 10162-1 The structural use of steel Part 1: Limit states design of hot-rolled steelwork

SANS 10162-2 The structural use of steel Part 2: Limit states design of cold-formed steelwork

SANS 10162-4 The structural use of steel Part 4: The design of cold-formed stainless steel
structural members

SANS 10021 Ed4.0 The water-proofing of buildings (including damp-proofing and vapour barrier

SANS121:2011 Ed2 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles - Specifications and
test methods

SANS 2001 – Construction works Part CS1 – Structural steel works

CS1:2012 Ed.1.01

SANS 1921-3:2004 Construction and Management requirements for works contracts – Part 3 Structural
Ed.1 steel works

SANS 1200H: 1990 Standard specification for Civil Engineering construction - Structural steel work
Ed3 installation

SANS 1200HC: 1988 Standardized specification for civil engineering construction Section HC: Corrosion
protection of structural steelwork

SANS 2001 Construction

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Table 7 Codes & Standards – Equipment & Services

All Equipment And Services Supplied Shall Comply With The Standards Listed Below:

Standard/Code Description


Grid Connection Code for Renewable Power Plants (RPPs) Connected to the
Electricity Transmission system (TS) or the Distribution System (DS) in South
Africa Version 2.8, July 2014

SANS 10142 The wiring of Premises – Part 1: Low voltage installation

PV Modules

IEC 61215 Ed.2 Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) module - Design qualification and
type approval

IEC 61730-1 Ed.1.2 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 1: Requirements for

IEC 61730 -2 Ed.1.0 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 2: Requirements for testing

IEC 61701 Ed. 2 Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules

IEC 62716 Ed. 1 Photovoltaic (PV) modules - Ammonia corrosion testing.

IEC 60891:1987 Procedures for temperature and irradiance corrections to measured I-V
characteristics of crystalline silicon photovoltaic devices, Amendment 1 (1992) .

IEC 60904-1:1987 Photovoltaic devices – Part 1: Measurements of photovoltaic current voltage


IEC 60904-2:1989 Photovoltaic devices – Part 2: Requirements for reference solar cells.

IEC 60904-6:1994 Photovoltaic devices – Part 6: Requirements for reference solar modules.

IEC 60904-7:1998 Photovoltaic devices – Part 7: Computation of spectral mismatch error introduced
in the testing of a photovoltaic device.

IEC 60904-9:1995 Photovoltaic devices – Part 9: Solar simulator performance requirements.

IEC 60904-10:1998 Photovoltaic devices – Part 10: Methods of linearity measurements.

IEC 61853 Performance testing and energy rating of terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules

IEC 60068-2-78:2001 Environmental testing – Part 2-78: Tests – Test Cab: Damp heat steady state.

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IEC 60068-2-21:1999 Environmental testing – Part 2-21: Tests – Test U: Robustness of terminations
and integral mounting devices


IEC 62093 Ed. 1.0 Balance-of-system components for photovoltaic systems - Design qualification
natural environments

IEC 62109-1 Ed 1.0 Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems - Part 1:
General requirements

IEC 62109-2 Ed 2.0 Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems - Part 2:
Particular requirements for inverters

IEC 62116 Ed 2.0 Utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters - Test procedure of islanding

prevention measures.

IEC 60730-1 Ed.5 Automatic electrical controls - Part 1: General requirements.

NRS 097-2-1 Ed.1 Grid Interconnection of Embedded Generation Part 2: Small-scale embedded

IEC 61683 Photovoltaic systems - Power conditioners - Procedure for measuring efficiency

IEC 61000 - 6 / 3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

IEC 61000-6-3/4 EMC Emission

IEC 61000-6-1/2 EMC Immunity

IEC 61727 Ed.2 Photovoltaic (PV) systems - Characteristics of the utility interface

IEC 62103 Electronic equipment for use in power installations

Electrical Cabling

Requirements for cables for use in photovoltaic systems 2Pfg1169” by TÜV

SANS 1507 Part 1 General - Electric cables with extruded solid dielectric insulation for fixed
installations (300/500 V to 1900/3300 V)

SANS 1507 Part 2 Wiring Cables - Electric cables with extruded solid dielectric insulation for fixed
installations (300/500 V to 1900/3300 V)

SANS 1507 Part 3 PVC Distribution cables - Electric cables with extruded solid dielectric insulation
for fixed installations (300/500 V to 1900/3300 V)

SANS 1507 Part 4 XLPE Distribution cables – Electric cables with extruded solid dielectric insulation
for fixed installations (300/500 V to 1 900/3300 V)

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SANS 1507 Part 5 Halogen-free Distribution Cables - Electric cables with extruded solid dielectric
insulation for fixed installations (300/500 V to 1900/3300 V)

SANS 1507 Part 6 Service cables - Electric cables with extruded solid dielectric insulation for fixed
installations (300/500 V to 1900/3300 V)

SANS 10198:2004 Parts The selection, handling and installation of electric power cables of rating not
1-14 exceeding 33 kV Part 1 to 14

SANS 1213 Mechanical Cable Glands

NRS 074-1/2 Low Voltage cables systems

Earthing, Lightning & Surge Protection

IEC 60364-4-41 Low-voltage plants installation. Part 4-41 - Protection for safety – protection
against shock

SANS 10313 Protection against lightning

SANS 62305 Earthing and Lightning Protection

SANS 10292:2001 Earthing of low-voltage (LV) distribution systems

SANS 1063:1998 Earth rods and coupling

SANS 10199 The design and installation of earth electrodes

IEEE 80 Earthing

IEEE 665:1995 Guide for Generating Station Grounding

SANS 61312- Protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse Part 3: Requirements of

3:2006/IEC TS 61312- surge protective devices (SPDs)

SANS 62305-1 to 4 /IEC Protection against lightning - Parts 1 to 4

62305-1 to 4

SANS 10313:2008 Protection against lightning - Physical damage to structures and life hazard

SANS 10200:1985

NRS 039 Surge arresters for use in distribution systems

IEC 61009 Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for
household and similar uses (RCBO's)

SANS 61024 Protection of structures against lightning

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Metering and Measurements

IEC 62053 Electricity metering equipment (A.C.) – particular requirements

IEC 60051-1 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their
accessories - definitions and general requirements common to all parts

IEC 61036 Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy

NRS 057/ SANS 474 Code of practice for electricity metering

NRS 049 Advanced metering infrastructure () for residential and commercial customers


IEC 60898 Electrical accessories - circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for household
and similar installations

IEC 61009 Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for
household and similar uses (RCBO's)

IEC 60269 Low-Voltage fuses

SANS 62271- 100 /IEC High-voltage switchgear and control gear – Alternating Current Breakers
62271 - 100

SANS 60694:2003/ IEC Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and control gear standards

SANS 1973-1 to 4 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear Assemblies Parts 1 to 4

SANS 1765:2003 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies (distribution boards) with a
rated short-circuit withstand strength up to and including 10 kA

SANS 60439-1 to 5 /IEC Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies pars 1 to 5
60439-1 to 5

SANS 60947 / IEC60947 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear

IEC 60529 Specification for degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)

Control and Monitoring System (CMS) Field Equipment, Cabling and Installation

IEC 61850-7 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-420:
Basic communication structure – Distributed energy resources logical nodes

IEC 60870 Tele control equipment and systems. Remote control of photovoltaic power

EIA/TIA 568 Standard for structured cabling

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EIA/TIA 569 Standard for communication pathways and spaces

EIA/TIA 607 Standard for grounding and bonding of communication cabling

TIA/EIA 485 Electrical Characteristics of Generators and Receivers for Use in Balanced Digital
Multipoint Systems

SANS 10142-1-2012 The Wiring of Premises Part 1: Low-voltage installations

SANS 10340-1 Installation of telecommunication cables part 1: Fibre optic cables in buildings

SANS 10340-2 Installation of telecommunication cables part 2: Outdoor fibre optic cables

SANS 60794-1-1 Optical fibre cables - Part 1-1: Generic specification – General

SANS 60794-1-2 Optical fibre cables - Part 1-2: Generic specification - Basic optical cable test

SANS 61312 Protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse

SABS 1411: Parts 2-6 Materials of Insulated Electric Cables and Flexible Cords

SANS 60947-7-1 and The terminal blocks for the junction box terminations

SANS 60429 Degree of protections provided by enclosures (IP)

Inspection, Testing and Commissioning

IEC 62446 Grid connected photovoltaic systems – Minimum requirements for System
documentation, commissioning tests & Inspections

IEC 60364 – 6 Ed. 1 Low Voltage Electrical installations,

IEC 62337 Commissioning of Electrical, Instrumentation and Control systems

IEC 62381 Factory acceptance test (FAT), site acceptance test (SAT), and site integration
test (SIT)

IEC 62382 Electrical and Instrumentation loop check activities

IEC 62337 Commissioning of electrical, instrumentation & control systems

IEC 61724 Photovoltaic system performance monitoring - Guidelines for measurement, data
exchange and analysis

Plant Coding and Labelling

ISO 10007:2003 Guidelines for configuration management

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VGB-R 171e VGB Guideline - Provision of Technical Documentation (Technical Plant Data,
Documents) for Power Plants, 2nd Edition 2010
Fire Safety Standards

SANS 10400-T:2011 South African National Standard Part T: Fire Protection

SANS 10139 Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings - System design, installation and

International Fire Code 2012

Non-Lethal Energised Perimeter Detection System

SANS 10222-3 Electrical Security installations – Part 3: Electric fences (non-lethal)

SANS 60335-2-76 Household and similar electrical Energizers – Safety, Part 2-76: Particular
requirements for electric fence energizers

SANS 60335-1 Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety, Part 1: General

SANS 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

SANS 61000-1-2 Electromagnetic compatibility – Part 1-2: General – Methodology for the
achievement of functional safety of electrical and electronic systems including
equipment with regard to electromagnetic phenomena

Security Lighting

SANS 121 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles – Specifications
and test methods

SANS 475 Luminaires for interior lighting, street lighting and floodlighting – Performance

SANS 1088 Luminaire entries and spigots

SANS 1091 National colour standard

SANS 10108 The classification of hazardous locations and the selection of equipment for use
in such locations

SANS 10389-1 Exterior lighting: Part 1: Artificial lighting of exterior areas for work and safety

SANS 10389-2 Exterior security lighting

SANS 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

SANS 60598-1 Luminaires Part 1: General requirements and tests

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SANS 62262, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment against
external mechanical impacts (IK code)

SANS 61347-1, Lamp control gear Part 1: General and safety requirements.

SANS 61347-2-13, Lamp control gear Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied
electronic control gear for LED modules.

SANS 62031 LED modules for general lighting - Safety specifications.

SANS 62384, DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules - Performance

SANS 62560 Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V - Safety

EN 55015, Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance of electrical lighting or


EN 61000-3-2, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Limits for harmonic current emissions

EN 61000-3-3, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Limits - Limitation of voltage changes,

voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems

EN 61547 Equipment for general lighting purposes: EMC immunity requirements

IEC-EN 62471 Photo biological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems for LED’s

IES LM-79-08 Approved Method: Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State

Lighting Products

IES LM80, Approved Method: Measuring lumen maintenance of LED light sources

ARP 035 Guidelines for the installation and maintenance of street lighting

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive (2014/30/EU)

Low Voltage (LV) Directive (2014/35/EU) Directives.

CCTV System

SANS470 Concrete poles for telephone, power and lighting purposes

SANS 10142-1 The wiring of premises Part 1: Low-voltage installations

SANS 10222-5-2 Electrical security installations Part 5-2: CCTV installations – Application

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SANS 10222-5-1-1, Part CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications — Operational
5-1-1: requirements

IEEE 1613-2009 IEEE Standard Environmental and Testing Requirements for Communications
Networking Devices Installed in Electric Power Substations

IEC 60255-1 Measuring relays and protection equipment – Part 1: Common requirements

IEC 60721-3-3 Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities –

Stationary use at weather protected locations

Table 8 Codes & Standards – Regulatory Approvals, Requirements & Normative References

List of Regulatory Approvals, Requirements and Normative References - Grid Code Compliance:

Standard/Code Description

Act 4 of 2006 Electricity Regulation Act,

Act, of 2006 Electricity Regulation Amendment Act, 2006

Act, No. 73 of 1989 Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism in terms of Environment
Conservation Act

Act, No. 107 of 1998 National Environmental Management Act, (as amended)

No. 26 of 1956 Explosives Act, as amended

Act, No. 85 of 1993 Occupational Health & Safety Act, as amended

Act 5 of 2008 Compulsory Specifications Act

South African Distribution Code (all parts)

South African Grid Code (all parts)

IEC 60068-2-1 Environmental Testing – Part 1 Cold

IEC 60068-2-2 Environmental Testing – Part 2 Dry Heat

IEC 60068-2-30 Environmental Testing – Part 30 Damp heat, cyclic (12h + 12h cycle)

IEC 60255-3 Electrical relays Part 3 : Single input energizing quantity measuring relays with
dependent and independent time

IEC 60255-6 Electrical relays Part 6 : Measuring relays and protection equipment

IEC 60255-21 Electrical relays Part 21 : Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on measuring
relays and protection equipment (all sections)

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IEC 60255-22 Electrical relays Part 22 : Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and
protection equipment (all sections)

IEC 61727 Photovoltaic (PV) systems - Characteristics of the utility interface

IEC 62271-100 High voltage alternating current circuit breakers

IEC 62116 Test procedure of islanding prevention measures for utility- interconnected
photovoltaic inverters

IEEE 1547 IEEE Standard for interconnecting distributed resources with electrical power

IEEE 1547.1 IEEE Standard conformance test procedures for equipment interconnecting
distributed resources with electric power systems

NRS 029 Current transformers for rated a.c. voltages from 3,6kV up to and including 420kV

NRS 030 Electricity distribution – Inductive voltage transformers for rated a.c. voltages from
3.6kV up to and including 145kV for indoor and outdoor applications

NRS 031 Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches (above 1000V)

NRS 037-1 Telecontrol Protocol for stand-alone remote terminal units NRS 048-2 : Electricity
Supply – Quality of Supply Part 2 : Voltage characteristics, compatibility levels,
limits and assessment methods NRS 048-4 : Electricity Supply – Quality of Supply
Part 4 : Application guidelines for utilities

NRS 048-7 Electricity Supply – Quality of Supply Part 7 : Application practices for end-users

NRS 054 Rationalized User Specification – Power Transformers

NRS 057 (SANS 474) Code of Practice for Electricity Metering

NRS 097-1 Code of Practice for the interconnection of embedded generation to electricity
distribution networks : Part 1 MV and HV

NRS 097-2 Grid interconnection of embedded generation : Part 2 Small scale embedded

SANS 1019 Standard voltages, currents and insulation levels for electricity supply

SANS IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

SANS IEC 61000-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) : Test and measurement techniques (all

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Table 9 Mounting Structure Requirement

Description Unit Required Tendered
1 Product information
1.1 Manufacturer
1.2 Model
2 Track Record
Proven technology (included tested,
commissioned and operated)
2.1 Yes/No Yes
commercially PV plants above 5 MW
and with similar ambient conditions
3 Mounting Characteristics
2.1 Mounting Type Fixed
20 - 30° tilt and
3.2 Mounting Orientation Perfect North (0°
Row to row shading loss on annual To be provided by
3.3 %
energy generation the bidder

Type of foundations – Grass Land To be provided by

Section the bidder and
3.4 N/A
according to
approved permits
3.5 Corrosion protection Yes/No Yes
To be provided by
Tenderer. Must
Landsca respect row-to-row
3.6 Module positions pe/ shadowing and cell
Portrait (and bypass diode)
connections of the
PV module
Minimum required standards
(to be proven by respective Certificate or Conformity Declaration)
4.1 EN ISO 146 Yes/No Yes
5 Product Warranty/ Guarantee
5.1 Duration of warranty (materials) Year ≥ 10
5.2 Lifetime design warranty Year ≥ 25
6 Documentation
6.1 Detailed technical specification N/A Required
6.2 Product information catalogue N/A Required

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Description Unit Required Tendered
Required after
6.3 Installation Manual N/A
contract award
Required after
6.4 Operation and Maintenance Manual N/A
contract award

6.5 Project References Required


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Table 10 PV Minimum Specific Technical Requirement - Capacity General Requirement

Description Unit Required Tendered
1 PV Facility Capacity
To be determined from
1.1 Nominal AC capacity kW
Energy Yield Study
1.2 Ratio of DC to AC Capacity - 1.05 to 1.2
To be defined by the
1.3 DC capacity MWp
2 PV Modules and Inverters Number
Total number of PV modules offered To be defined by the
2.1 N/A
for the project bidder
Total number of inverters offered for To be defined by the
2.2 N/A
the project bidder

Table 11 PV Minimum Specific Technical Requirement - PV Module General Requirement

Description Unit Required Tendered
1 Product information
1.1 Manufacturer
1.2 Product Type
2 Track Record
2.1 Production track record year Last 5
2.2 Minimum annual production capacity MW 50
Module provider in five different
financed non-recourse (by five
2.3 Yes/No Yes
different banks) in past 2 years or Tier
1 panels
Module type or series commercially
financed PV plants of operation in
2.4 months ≥ 12
ambient temperature up to 45°C or
3 Technical Characteristics
3.1 PV Module/Cell technology N/A crystalline
3.1 Module rated power at STC Wp At least 450W
2.3 Module Efficiency at STC % ≥ 18 for c-Si
Temperature coefficient on power at
2.4 - %/°C Not more than 0.4
STC (negative on sign)

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Description Unit Required Tendered
Nominal Power Tolerances from 0% ≤Pnom ≤ +5%
2.5 Manufacturer (used for acceptance to ±% (positive tolerance
the module) only)
2.6 Module Maximum System Voltage V 1,000
Module operating temperature -10°C to +55°C or
2.7 °C
(ambient) range better
3 Product Warranty and Performance Guarantee
Power output guaranteed during the
3.1 % Minimum : 97%
first year of operation
Maximum degradation
Linear degradation coefficient from of
3.2 %/year
year 2 to year 25
Guaranteed output of the nominal
3.3 % Minimum 90%
power after 10 years
Guaranteed output of the nominal
3.4 % Minimum 80%
power after 25 years
Product Warranty against
3.5 Years Minimum 10
Manufacturing defects
4 Minimum Certificates and Standards
IEC 61215 – Crystalline silicon
Yes for crystalline
4.1 terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Yes/No
Design qualification and type approval

IEC 61730 Photovoltaic (PV) module

4.3 Yes/No Yes
safety class II qualification
IEC 62716 – PV modules Ammonia
4.4 Yes/No Yes
corrosion testing
PID free certified performed by
4.5 Yes/No Yes
reputable third party laboratories
IEC 60904-1 – Flash test data of all
4.6 Yes/No Yes
Certified Junction box (DIN EN 50548
4.7 Yes/No Yes
(VDE 0126-5)
Other Standards considered relevant To be detailed by the
4.8 Yes/No
by the Bidder Bidder
5 Documentation for acceptance of PV modules
5.1 Detailed Technical Specifications Yes/No Yes
Limited Product and Peak Power
5.2 Yes/No Yes
Yes after contract
5.3 Flash test data Yes/No

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Description Unit Required Tendered
Yes after contract
5.3 Installation manual Yes/No
Brief description of the cleaning
5.4 Yes/No Yes
strategy Instruction
5.5 Recycling strategy Yes/No Yes
Other documents considered relevant To be detailed by the
5.6 Yes/No
by the Bidder Bidder

Table 12 Solar Inverter Specific Requirements

Description Unit Required Tendered
1 Product information
1.1 Manufacturer
Product Type
(indicate quantity and types)
2 Track Record
2.1 Production track record year Last 5

Inverter type or series project

experience with more than 50 MW
2.3 Yes/No Yes
(minimum 3 projects) utility scale solar
Inverter type or series commercially at
2.4 nonrecourse financed PV plants of months ≥ 12
operation in similar ambient conditions
2 Inverter Characteristics
2.1 Inverter type/concept - String Inverter
2.2 Minimum AC capacity per unit kW ≥ 25
2.2 Minimumconversion efficiency % ≥ 98

Operating ambient temperature range

2.4 °C -10 … +45
(without derating within this range)
The inverter cooling
2.5 Cooling concept Yes/No concept shall be
designed for
outdoor installation
and operation in

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Description Unit Required Tendered
site condition (hot
2.6 Maximum DC voltage V 1,500
2.7 Connection phases Three-Phase
2.8 Frequency Hz 50
2.9 Total harmonic distortion % ≤3

2.10 Power Factor N/A 1 / 0.9 leading to

0.9 lagging
2.11 Anti-islanding protection Yes/No Yes
2.12 Protection type IP (EN 60529)

Controllability of inverter output per Yes/No Yes

2.13 remote control / energy management
system, if possible. Dynamic adjustable

Yes/No Yes
Earthing according
2.14 Earthing concept to installation
requirements of PV
module and inverter

2.16 Input Failure detection Yes/No Yes

2.17 Frequency protection Yes/No Yes
2.17 DC overvoltage protection Yes/No Yes
2.18 Surge protection Yes/No Yes
Minimum required standards
(to be proven by respective Certificate or Conformity Declaration)
IEC 62109 Part 1 and Part 2: Safety of
3.1 Yes/No Yes
Static Inverters
IEC 61727 Characteristics of the Utility
3.2 Yes/No Yes
IEC 62116 Testing procedure of
3.3 Islanding Prevention Methods for Yes/No Yes
Utility-Interactive Photovoltaic Inverters
IEC 62103 Electronic equipment for
3.4 Yes/No Yes
use in power installations
IEC 61683: Photovoltaic systems -
3.5 Power conditioners - Procedure for Yes/No Yes
measuring efficiency
3.6 IEC 61000-3-2/12 - EMC Compatibility Yes/No Yes

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Description Unit Required Tendered
3.7 IEC 61000-6-1/2/3 - EMC Immunity Yes/No Yes
IEC 61643-11/12 : Surge Protection
3.8 Device connected to Low Voltage Yes/No Yes
power distribution
South African Grid code compliance:
Grid connection code for Renewable
Power Plants (RPPs) connected to the
3.9 Yes/No Yes
electricity Transmission system (TS) or
the Distribution system (DS) in South
Other Standards (CE conformity and To be detailed by
3.10 N/A
others) the Contractor
4 Monitoring system requirements
Continuous data logging to the CMS
system for the defined technical plant
4.1 Yes/No Yes
performance parameters including
events and status
4.2 Connection interface to CMS Yes/No Yes
5 Product Warranty
5.1 Product warranty Year ≥ 10
The Bidder shall indicate if the inverter
manufacturer proposes a extension of
Information to be
5.2 Contract Service. If yes, maximum N/A
duration of the Contract shall be
6 Documentation
6.1 Detailed technical specification N/A Required
6.2 Product information catalogue N/A Required
6.3 Installation Manual N/A Required
6.4 Operation and Maintenance Manual N/A Required
6.5 Project References N/A Required
Calculations for ensuring electrical
6.6 compatibility between the inverters and N/A Required
the modules

Table 13 Auxiliary Supply Distribution Board Requirements

Item No. Description Unit Required Tendered

1 General requirements
Rated for outdoor condition and suitable
1.1 Yes/No Yes
for working environment

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Item No. Description Unit Required Tendered

1.2 Expected period of use years 25
2 Technical requirements
IP Protection (IEC 60529) indoor
2.1 ≥ IP 65
2.2 Safety Class II Yes/No Yes
2.3 Maximum AC Voltage V 1000

2.4 Maximum ambient temperature °C ≥ +50

2.5 Equipped with AC MCBs (all phases) Yes/No Yes

Equipped with Lightning/Overvoltage
2.6 Yes/No Yes
2.7 Incomer supply cable isolation Switch Yes/No Yes
3 Certification of compliance
3.1 CE label or equivalent Yes/No Yes
4 Documents
4.1 General Physical information Yes/No Yes
4.2 Technical data sheet Yes/No Yes

Table 14 PV-Distribution Board Specific Requirements

Item No. Description Unit Required Tendered

1 General requirements

Rated for outdoor and

1.1 suitable for working Required

1.2 Expected period of use years 25

2 Technical requirements

IP Protection (IEC 60529)

2.1 IP 65 or better
outdoor installation

2.2 Safety Class II Required

2.3 Maximum AC Voltage V AC 1000

Maximum ambient
2.4 °C ≥ +50°C

Main switch circuit breaker

2.5 Yes/No Yes
(4P, lockable)

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Item No. Description Unit Required Tendered

Equipped with
2.6 Lightning/Overvoltage Yes/No Yes

Circuit breaker for each

2.7 Yes/No Yes
inverter (4P, lockable)

2.8 Metering equipment Yes/No Yes

3 Certification of compliance

3.1 CE/SABS label or equivalent Required with Tender documents

4 Documents

4.1 General Physical information Required with Tender documents

4.2 Technical data sheet Required with Tender documents

Table 15 Point of Connection LV Circuit Breaker Specification

Description Unit Required Tendered
1 Product information
1.1 Manufacturer
Circuit Breaker Type
(indicate insulation medium)
2 Circuit Breaker Characteristics
2.1 Model
2.2 Rated Operational Voltage V 690
2.3 Rated Insulation Voltage V 800
2.4 Impulse Voltage kV 8
2.5 Rated Frequency Hz 50
2.6 Rated current A 1000
Rated symmetrical short-circuit
2.7 breaking current at 380/415 V AC kA 50
according to IEC 60947-2. (ICS)

2.8 Short-time withstand current (1 sec.) kA 21

(long time)
2.9 Protection Type N/A
short circuit

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Description Unit Required Tendered
9 steps
2.10 Long-time pick-up adjustment N/A
with 0.4….1 x
9 steps
Long-time protection delay adjustment Adjustable
2.11 N/A
range with 0.5...24s
at 6 x Ir
2.12 Instantaneous pick-up adjustment N/A with 1.5….10 x

2.13 Auxiliary Contact N/A 1 NO/NC

LEDs for
2.14 Local Signalling N/A protection
operated trip

2.15 Mounting Support N/A Backplate

2.16 Upside Connection N/A Front

2.17 Downside Connection N/A Front

Minimum required standards

(to be proven by respective Certificate or Conformity Declaration)

IEC 60947-2
4.1 N/A Required

To be detailed
4.2 Other Standards N/A by the
5 Monitoring system requirements
Continuous data logging to the CSM
system for the defined technical plant
5.1 N/A Required
performance parameters including
events and status
Connection interface to CMS system
5.2 N/A RS 485
using protocols,
Voltage Presence Indicating System
5.3 N/A Required
6 Product Warranty
6.1 Standard Product warranty Year ≥5

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Description Unit Required Tendered
The Bidder shall indicate if the circuit
breaker manufacturer proposes a
Information to
6.2 Contract Service. If yes, maximum N/A
be provided
duration of the Contract shall be
7 Documentation
7.1 Detailed technical specification N/A Required
7.2 Product information catalogue N/A Required
7.3 Installation Manual N/A Required
7.4 Operation and Maintenance Manual N/A Required

Table 16 DC Cables Specific Requirement

Description Unit Required Tendered

1 General requirements
Rated for exterior condition and
1.1 Yes/No Yes
suitable for working environment
1.2 Weather-proof and UV resistant Yes/No Yes
Plus and Minus (+ and -) side shall be
1.3 Yes/No Yes
1.4 Expected period of use years ≥25
2 Technical requirements
To be determined
2.1 Cross section mm²
by Contractor
2.2 Conductor material N/A Copper/Aluminium
2.3 Operating temperature range °C Max.+90 or better
2.4 Temperature index °C 120 or better
2.5 Maximum DC Voltage kV 1.8
2.6 Type Code N/A PV 1-F
Halogen free,
2.7 Insulation N/A
double insulated
Trademark and Code designation on
2.8 Yes/No Yes
2.9 Fire Resistant Yes/No Yes

Outdoor exposed
2.10 Installation method DC cabling to be
installed within

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Description Unit Required Tendered
conduits, and shall
be UV protected.
3 Certification of compliance
VDE-AR-E 2283-4 Requirements for
3.1 Yes/No Yes
DC cables for PV plants
3.2 CE label or equivalent Yes/No Yes
3.3 “2Pfg1169” by TÜV Yes/No Yes
4 Documents
Required with
4.1 General Physical information
detailed design
Required with
4.2 Electrical Properties data sheet
Tender documents
Required with
4.3 Installation method
detailed design
Required with
4.4 Ground condition
detailed design

Table 17 DC Cable Installation Requirements

Item No. Description Unit Required Tendered

1 DC Cables
Cables from PV array Shall be laid into
cable trays/corrugated tubes according To be determined
1.1 N/A
to manufacturer recommendations and by the Bidder
local conditions
Cable shall be continuous without
making any junction. If a junction is
necessary, the Contractor shall use
To be confirmed
1.2 adequate sleeves according to voltage N/A
by the Bidder
level of the cable system to muffle the
junction according to generally
recognized codes of practice
If relevant, the plus and minus DC cables
To be confirmed
1.3 with sections above 50 mm2 (if any) shall N/A
by the Bidder
be located in different conduits

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Table 18 Connector Specific Requirement

Description Unit Required Tendered

1 General requirements
Rated for exterior condition and suitable
1.1 Yes/No Yes
for working environment
1.2 Weatherproof and UV resistant Yes/No Yes
Compatible with module connectors
1.3 Yes/No Yes
(type and manufacturer)
1.4 Touch proof safety design Yes/No Yes

1.5 Snap-lock mating Yes/No Yes

Internal locking mechanism to prevent
1.6 Yes/No Yes
accidental/unauthorized decoupling
MC4 or

1.7 Connector type

recommended by
2 Certifications of compliance

2.1 CE label or equivalent Yes/No Yes

3 Documents
Required with
3.1 General Physical information
detailed design
3.2 Electrical Properties data sheet Yes/No Yes

Table 19 DC Combiner Box Specific Requirement (if applicable)

Description Unit Required Tendered
1 General Requirements
Rated for exterior condition and
1.1 Yes/No Yes
suitable for working environment
1.2 Weather-proof and UV resistant Yes/No Yes
Plus and Minus (+ and -) side shall be
1.3 Yes/No Yes
separated within the box
1.4 DC fuses for each string Yes/No Yes
1.5 Over voltage protection Yes/No Yes
1.6 Array Isolation Switch Yes/No Yes

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Description Unit Required Tendered
Individual String Monitoring (only for
1.7 Yes/No Yes
primary combiner box)
Protection from direct contact of live
1.8 Yes/No Yes
1.8 Expected period of use years ≥ 25
2 Technical Requirements
2.1 IP Protection (IEC 60529) ≥ 65 or higher
2.2 Safety Class II Required
2.3 Maximum DC Voltage V 1000
2.4 Maximum operation temperature °C +45 or better
3 Certificate of compliance
3.1 CE label or equivalent Yes/No Yes
4 Documentation
4.1 Detailed technical specification Yes/No Yes
4.2 Installation Manual Yes/No Yes
4.3 Operation and Maintenance Manual Yes/No Yes

Table 20 AC Cables (Inverter to PV-DB and PV-DB to Point of Connection) Specific


Description Unit Required Tendered

1 General requirements
Rated for interior and outdoor condition,
1.1 Required
and suitable for working environment
1.2 Expected period of use years ≥ 25

2 Technical requirements
To be determined by
2.1 Cross section mm2
the Bidder
2.2 Conductor material N/A Copper

2.3 Maximum conductor temperature °C 90

2.4 Rated AC Voltage V 1000

2.5 Insulation Halogen free

Trademark and Code designation on
2.6 Yes/No Yes
2.7 Fire resistant Yes/No Yes

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Description Unit Required Tendered
All exposed outdoor
cables shall be
installed within
conduits or enclosed
cable trays.
2.8 Installation method

All installations
according SANS
2.9 Ground – Cable Laying Yes/No To be determined by
the Bidder
2.10 Number of conductors per cable Yes/No To be determined by
the Bidder
3 Certifications of compliance

3.1 CE label or equivalent Yes/No Yes/No

4 Documents

4.1 General Physical information Yes/No Yes/No

4.2 Electrical Properties data sheet Yes/No Yes/No

Table 21 Overvoltage/Surge Protection Devices Specific Requirements

Description Unit Required Tendered
1 Combiner Box, AC Box
Minimum Over Voltage Arrestors (SPD Type II) better
lightning Current arrestors (SPD Type I or combination of
1.1 Yes/No Yes
Type I and Type II): peak current: 150 kA (10/350 s),
limited peak voltage 94 kV at 10 kA (8/20 s)
3 O&M building, Control and Monitoring System (CMS)
Overvoltage arrestors (SPD Type II) limited surge voltage:
3.1 Yes/No Yes
2.5 resp. 1.5 kV
4 DC Boards, PV Array
Overvoltage arrestors (SPD Type II) better Lightning
Current arrestors (SPD Type I or combination of Type I and
4.1 Yes/No Yes
Type II), peak current: 50 kA (10/350 s), limited surge
voltage: 4 kV at 25 kA (8/20 s).

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Table 22 Energiser Specific Requirements

Item Description Required Tendered Remarks


1 Energiser
Multi-zone and multi-sector Yes
monitoring capability.
1.2 Type A
1.3 Class II
220V (± 10%),
1.4 Power Supply 50Hz (± 2%) AC
and/or DC
Power supply surge Class 1 and 11
1.6 IP Rating (minimum) IP51
Number of energisers per 2
1.8 Minimum life expectancy 10 years
Self-monitoring and alarm Yes
1.9 any out of bounds condition
Alarm on conductor short Yes
circuit or open circuit
Synchronising mechanism Yes
1.11 to allow for operation with
multiple energizers
Safety mechanism to Yes
ensure voltage and energy
levels are within legal non-
lethal levels
Certificate of compliance to Yes
1.13 SANS 60335-2-76 and test
Energy delivered to 500Ω > 5J
load < 8J
Maximum voltage delivered 10kV.
to the load
Impulse repetition rate - 1 Hz.
1.17 Impulse duration - 10 ms.
1.18 Markings on energiser as Yes
per SANS 60335-1

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Table 23 Graphical User Interface / Display Unit Specific Requirements

Item Description Required Tendered Remarks


1 Graphical User Interface / Display Unit

Configured zones or Yes
sectors display
1.2 Panic button/switch Yes
1.3 Security override switch Yes

Table 24 Master Control Unit Specific Requirements

Item Description Required Tendered Remarks

1 Master Control Unit
1.1 Configuration rights Yes
Alarm conditions Yes
1.2 acknowledgement and
resetting from GUI
Security alerts Yes
1.3 communication through
Security alerts Yes
communication through
Alarm and events date and Yes
time stamp

Table 25 Energiser Indications and Alarms Specific Requirements

Type Duration Description Condition

Status Continuous System-on (for each energizer) System on
Status Continuous Energizer armed (for each energizer ) System is armed
Alarm Continuous Fence intrusion alarm (for each Alarm condition detected
Alarm Continuous Battery low (for each energizer) Battery voltage less than
minimum operating voltage
Control Minimum 1s System reset System and alarm reset input
Alarm Continuous Mains supply fail AC power fail
Alarm Continuous Synchronisation problems Energizers not pulsing
Alarm Continuous Equipment failure Energizer energy lower than
5 Joules
Alarm Continuous Watchdog Energizer Joules and voltage
beyond legal requirements

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i.e. higher than 8 joules and


Table 26 Alarm Relay Specific Requirements

Item Description Required Tendered Remarks

1 Alarm Relay Cards
1.1 Minimum number of alarms 8
per relay card
Remote re-setting of Yes

Table 27 Security Lights Relay Card Specific Requirements

Item Description Required Tendered Remarks

1 Security Lights Relay Cards
1.1 Minimum number of relays 10
per security lights relay
Security lights override Yes

Table 28 Surge Arrestors Used in Kiosks Specific Requirements

Item Description Required Tendered Remarks

1 Surge Arrestors
1.1 Type Metal Oxide
1.2 Mounting DIN Rails
1.3 Protection Zone 1

Table 29 Electric Fence Conductors Specific Requirements

Item Description Required Tendered Remarks

1 Electric Fence Conductors
1.1 Conductor diameter 2.24mm
Solid fully
1.2 Type galvanised steel

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Table 30 Warranties and Guarantees Specific Requirements

Item Description Required Tendered Remarks

1 Warranties and Guarantees
1.1 Minimum system life-cycle 10 years
of the proposed product.
Minimum product support 7years
in terms of spares
1.2 availability after
discontinuation of the
Minimum local (South 36 months
African) warranty on-site as
1.3 well as telephonic support
from date of the system
being commissioned.
24 hour telephonic support Yes
by technician
Supplier experience of 5 years
supplying products of this minimum
nature in South Africa for at
least a
Supplier shall be willing to Yes
1.6 enter into an SLA with
Supplier to provide a list of Yes
reference sites where the
1.7 product on offer has been
installed and the year of

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Table 31 Security Lighting Specific Requirements

ITEM DESCRIPTION Required Tendered Remarks

1 Photometric Specifications
1.1 Colour temperature 3500 – 4500 K
(Neutral White)
1.2 LED luminous flux Contractor to specify
1.3 Colour rendering index ≥ 80
1.4 Luminaire efficacy ≥ 120 lm/W
1.5 Light output ratio (LOR) Contractor to specify
1.6 Downward light output ≥ 85 %
ratio (DLOR)
1.7 Upward light output Contractor to specify
ratio (ULOR) %
1.8 Time to full brightness < 1 minute
1.9 Illumination pattern Bat wing
1.10 IES and/or LTD files Yes
2 Electrical Specifications
2.1 Input voltage 230 ±15% VAC
2.2 Frequency 50 ± 5% Hz
2.3 Input current 300-500 mA
2.4 Total LED power Max 70W
2.5 Total luminaire power Max 70W
2.6 Efficiency (total LED to ≥ 90 %
total luminaire power
2.7 Power factor (PF) ≥ 0.95
2.8 Total Harmonic ≤ 20 %
2.9 Protection Type
2.10 Safety class
3 Electromagnetic As per EN 55015.
4 Mechanical Specifications
4.1 Luminaire design
4.2 Luminaire material and As specified
SANS Compliance
4.2 Luminaire and As specified
4.3 Luminaire protective As specified
4.3 External small Stainless steel (304
components such as; or better)
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clips, screws, bolts,

nuts, washers,
4.5 Luminaire colour Grey G29
4.6 Diffuser As specified
4.7 Reflector material High-grade super
pure deep anodized
4.8 LED Drivers ≥ IP65
compartment IP Rating
4.9 LED Drivers capability As specified
4.10 Complete luminaire IK ≥ IK08
4.11 Complete luminaire IP ≥ IP65
4.12 Tilt adjustment relative 90 deg
to horizontal plane
4.13 Protractor fitted Yes
4.14 Mounting device for As specified
4.15 Luminaire dimensions As specified
Height (mm)
Width (mm)
Length (mm)
4.16 Luminaire Weight (kg)
5 General Specifications
5.1 Number of LEDs Contractor to specify
5.2 Arrangement (number Contractor to specify
of LEDs per module)
5.3 Operating temperature -10 to +60 °C
5.4 Operating humidity 10% - 70% RH
6 Guarantee
6.1 Luminaire housing 10 years
6.2 Electrical components 30 000 hours
6.3 LED modules 30 000 hours
6.4 Luminaire replacement As specified
in case of sub-standard

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Table 32 Plant Performance Guarantee – From the Contractor

Minimum required for

Guaranteed by
Parameter Bidders Proposal with
crystalline modules
First year guaranteed annual
average Performance Ratio
Guaranteed pant availability
99.5 %
during FAT

Table 33 Monthly Breakdown of First Year Guaranteed Performance Ratio

Month Breakdown of first year annual Estimated Solar Irradiation on Module

guaranteed PR (%) Plane (kWh/m2)
Annual Average

Table 34 Equipment warranty

Equipment Minimum Warranty Period in Years

PV Module - Product Warranty against Manufacturing defects 10

PV Modules – Performance 25

Mounting structures - Duration of warranty (materials) 10

Mounting structures - Lifetime design warranty 25

Inverter 10

Fire Protection Equipment 2

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Equipment Minimum Warranty Period in Years

Table 35 Water Qualities

Parameter Unit Raw Water Potable Water IX Plant RO Plant

*95th *95th *95th

Average Average Average *95th percentile Average
percentile percentile percentile
Ca Hardness - - - -
mg/kg 34.06 37.4 34.9 43.7
(as CaCO3)
Cl mg/kg 9.68 10 17.07 19.4 0.47 µg/kg 0.36 µg/kg - -
Free Cl2 mg/kg - - 1.6 1.32 - - - -
Al mg/kg 0.20 0.2 - - - - - -
K mg/kg 10.48 3.6 3.70 3.46 - - - -
F mg/kg 0.16 0.2 0.16 0.12 - - - -
Fe mg/kg 0.27 0.2 0.11 0.2 - - - -
NO3 as N mg/kg 0.94 0.72 0.82 0.121 - - - -
NH3 as N mg/kg - - 0.11 0.02 - - - -
PO4 mg/kg 0.07 0.2 - - - - - -
Conductivity µS/cm 173.06 206 204.76 240 0.22 0.36 0.47 0.086
M Alkalinity mg/kg 50.56 56.9 55.91 42.4 - - - -
Mg Hardness - - - -
mg/kg 35.48 39.7 35.49 39.7
(as CaCO3)
Na mg/kg 8.24 9.83 14.23 13.4 1 µg/kg 0.63 µg/kg 1.10 µg/kg 1.1 µg/kg
P-Alkalinity mg/kg 0.25 0 1.4 - - - -
- - - -
pH @25oC 7.61 8.18 8.18 8.31
4.65 3 µg/kg 2.52 µg/kg 1.5 µg/kg
SiO2 mg/kg 4.20 2 2.62 3
SO4 mg/kg 27.05 30.4 27.55 35.4 0.83 µg/kg 0.2 µg/kg - -
Total - - - -
Hardness (as mg/kg 69.23 77 72.09 71.5
77.66 49 µg/kg - -
TOC as C ppm 5.01 5 3.01 2.6
Turbidity NTU 4.24 2.72 0.51 0.524 - - - -

*Based on 95th percentile of Conductivity

*The above water qualities were extracted from LIMS over a 4 year period (2016-2020)

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Table 36 Lists Drawings Issued by the Employer

The table below lists drawings issued by the Employer

Drawing number Revision Title

033/19495/01/Rev 0 0 PV Pre-feasibility Study Site Lay-out Diagram

033/18022/02/Rev 1 1 Komati Power Station MV & LV Single Line Diagram

033/19494/01/Rev 0 0 Proposed Hybrid PV Singe Line Diagram

033/10/002/001/Rev 3B 3B Komati Power Station Station-Services-Building Site Plan

N/A - Schematic Wiring for 630kVA, 6.6/0.4kV Mini-sub

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