Rep. Carra Letter To AG Dana Nessel

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June 15, 2022

Dear Attorney General Dana Nessel,

We write to you today urging you to investigate, and bring charges if credible evidence is found, the Secretary of
State of Michigan, members of her office, and any organizations or individuals for crimes related to fraud
committed in the 2020 election and crimes brought to light in the documentary 2000 Mules.

There are various instances of suspicious activity by the Secretary of State and her office that have yet to be
investigated by your office, including the following:

• Violation of MCL 168.759(3): The Secretary of State used 4.5 million dollars of CARES funds to
recklessly mail absentee ballot applications to all registered voters not on the permanent absentee voter
• Violation of Administrative Procedures Act: The Secretary of State’s directive issued to Michigan clerks
in October 2020 to presume the accuracy of absentee ballot signatures was in contrast to state law as ruled
by State Court of Claims Judge Christopher Murray.
• The reported lack of response to Freedom of Information Act requests made of the Secretary of State by
voters and groups like the Michigan Grassroots Alliance related to the voter rolls, Canton Township’s
voters, and City of Detroit ballots.

With the recent release of the documentary 2000 Mules, there is additional evidence of individuals (referred to as
mules) who repeatedly would visit ballot dropboxes and deposit multiple ballots, allegedly for payment, in states
with controversial elections in 2020, such as Georgia and Pennsylvania. One such instance included a “mule” in
Atlanta visiting ballot dropboxes 28 times. Michigan was named as a state that had such mules influence the 2020
Presidential Election.

Additionally, we request you look into the role that non-profit organizations, run by individuals such as Mark
Zuckerberg, played in the 2020 election. The receipt of nonprofit grant money by local clerks, and not the
Secretary of State’s Office, is uncharted territory, especially when the money is used for dropboxes. 7.6 million
dollars was distributed among 19 municipalities from Zuckerberg’s Center for Technology and Civic Life in the
form of 474 grants, the most given to a state in the nation.

As the top legal officer in the State of Michigan, you are tasked with the enforcement of our state’s laws. You
have a statutory obligation to investigate reported violations of the law and we urge you to look into the new
evidence brought forth in 2000 Mules and to review the security of our elections.

We eagerly await your response and forthcoming investigation on this pressing issue and anticipate warranted
prosecution given this pattern of controversial behavior.

Steve Carra Bob Bezotte Brad Paquette

State Representative State Representative State Representative
59th District 47th District 78th District

Matt Hall Pat Outman Michele Hoitenga

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Terence H. Mekoski
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Steve Johnson John Reilly Matt Maddock

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72nd District 46th District 44th District

Andrew Beeler Bryan Posthumus Gary Eisen

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John Roth Greg Markkanen

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