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Class : IX
Subject : English

1. Solve the exercises of word of expression Volume-1, unit 1, 2 and 3 and present it in
a file .

2. Write 10 pages about your unique experience/lesson of the day in school diary.

3. Learn all the Questions/Answer of taught chapter for upcoming tests.

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2- viuh fgUnh d{kk dk;Z iqfLrdk ds iz'uksRrj daBLFk djsa ,oa viuh ikB~;&iqLrd ls dksbZ
10 iafDr;ksa dh dfork@nksgs@lcn daBLFk djsaA

1- dksbZ 10 ,sls 'kCn fyf[k, ftuesa milxZ rFkk izR;; nksuksa dk iz;ksx gqvk gksA
2- *ok[k* ikB dk HkkokFkZ rFkk lkjka'k fyf[k,A
3- lekl ds lHkh Hksnksa dh ifjHkk"kk rFkk 5&5 mnkgj.k fyf[k, ,oa mUgsa daBLFk dhft,A
4- dksjksuk egkekjh dks ysdj nks fe=ksa ds chp gq, laokn dks yxHkx 100&150 'kCnksa esa fyf[k,A
5- *Ygklk dh vksj* ikB ds vk/kkj ij vius n~okjk dh xbZ fdlh ;k=k dk o.kZu 200&250 'kCnksa
esa fyf[k,A
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7- *i`Foh fnol* vFkok *;ksx fnol* ij fp= lfgr ,d lans'k rS;kj dhft,A
Summer Vacation Work
Class - 9

1. Prepare chapters Number Systems and Polynomials for coming examinations.

2. Solve the following questions in CW copy.

I. Very short answer type questions:

1. How many integers are there between two successive integers?

2. Find a rational number between 1/3 and ⅔ ?

3. What is the nature of the decimal expansion of the number √2 ?

4. Simplify 1 / (3 + √5)

5. Write the coefficient of x in the expansion of(x+5)3 .

6. Find the coefficient of x2 in (4 + 4x2) (3x2 – 5).

7. Find the value of p(1/2) for p(x) = x4 – x2 + x.

8. Find the zeros of x2 – 7.

II. Short answer type questions:

9. Find two rational numbers between 5 and 6.

10. Find two irrational numbers between 3/7 and 6/11.

11. Find the value of ma–b . m b–c . mc–a .

12. If z = 0.064, then find the value of (1/z)⅓.

13. Find the value of the polynomial p(z) = 3z2 – 4z + √17, when z = 3.

14. Find the remainder when x3 – 3x2 + 3x – 1 is divided by (x - 1)

15. Find the value of p if (x – 2) is a factor of the polynomial x3 - px2 + 12.

III. Rationalize the denominators of each of the following:

16. 1 /√ 7 17. √5 / (2√3) 18. 1 / (2 + √3) 19. 1 / (√5 – 2)

20. 1 / (5 + 3√2)
IV. Factorise the following:

21. 8 – 4a – 2a3 + a4. 22. px – 5q + pq – 5x.

23. (3a – 1)2 – 6a + 2 24. x2 + 9x + 18.

25. x2 + 5x – 24. 26. x2 + 5√3 x + 12.

27. x2 + 3√3 x – 30. 28. 4√3 x2 + 5x – 2√3.

29. 2x2 – 7x – 39. 30. 5√5x2 + 30x + 8√5.

31. 8a3 + b3 + 12a2b + 6ab2. 32. 1 – 64a3 – 12a + 48a2.

33. 1 + 64x3 34. a3 – 2√2 b3

35. a3 + b3 + a + b 36. 2√2 a3 + 8 b3 – 27c3 + 18√2 abc

37. 8x3 + y3 + 27z3 – 18xyz 38. a3 – b3 + 1 + 3ab.

39. 9x2 + 4y2 + 16z2 + 12xy – 16yz – 24xz

40. 25x2 + 16y2 + 4z2 – 40xy + 16yz – 20 xz.

Activity :

1. Prepare a speech of 200 words on any Indian Mathematician, write it on your



Subject : Computer Science
Class : IX

1. Learn chapter 1 and chapter 6

2. Prepare a chart of all the shortcut keys of M.S word.

3. Prepare a transparent file with interleaf pages and write about -Office 365,
Artificial intelligence, Google docs and Android also paste related pictures in
right side of the file.
Subject : Social Science
Class - 9

Home Work should be done in CW / HW copy

Very Short Answer Type Questions: (answer each question within 40 words)
1. What is a Persian Wheel?
2. Mention the largest district area wise and largest district population wise of Uttar Pradesh.
3. Give the latitudinal and longitudinal extents of Uttar Pradesh.

Short Answer Type Questions (answer each question within 80 words)

1. How is the Standard Meridian of India calculated?
2. Discuss the important features of Democracy.
3. Elaborate the contributions of the French philosophers during the Revolution.

Long Answer Type questions (answer each question within 120 words)
1. The latitudinal and longitudinal extents of India are same, but there is a difference in length in
kilometre. Explain.
2. Discuss the three fold division of the French society on the eve of the French Revolution.


Activity Work should be done in Scrapbook

1. Mention the latitudinal and longitudinal extents of Gorakhpur District, UP. Highlights its total
area; population; area under forest; major river(s); dominating forest(s) and places of historical-
religious importance.
2. Locate and label the following on the political map of India:
a. Rann of Kachchh; b. Gulf of Khambat; c. Largest district area wise of India; d. Largest district
population wise of India; e. Largest Union Territory area wise; f. Smallest Union Territory area wise
facing the Arabian Sea; g. Southernmost place of mainland India
3. Do you agree that Gorakhpur is almost 70%-80% village dominated economy ? If yes, answer
the following questions in this context :
a. What are the methods of farming being used here?
b. What are the sources of irrigation ?
c. How can the use of chemical fertilizer be harmful ?
Subject : Biology
Class - 9

(i) Do all question answers in class work copy.
(ii) Learn question answer of chapter 5 (The Fundamental Units of Life) for test proposed in
first week of July.
Q1. Draw the figures of various type of cells present in human body.
Q2. Draw a mind map to show cell component, cell organelles its discoveries and their
Q3. Draw the nucleus of the cell and write a short note for the following
A) Visible entangled mass of thread like structure.
B) A darkly stained round structure inside the nucleus.
Q4. Differentiate the following terms:
A) Cytoplasm and nucleoplasm
B) Plant cell and animal cell
C) Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell
Q5. Read the activity 5.4 of the chapter – “The fundamental units of life” and write in the form
of the experiment with Aim , Material required , Procedure , Observation , Result and
Q6. Prepare a chart on the allotted topics
A) Plant cell (Roll no. 1-10)
B) Animal cell (Roll no. 11-20)
C) Chloroplast (Roll no. 21-30)
D) Mitochondria (Roll no. 31-40)
E) Golgi apparatus (Roll no. 41-50)

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