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Pain Management Strategies After Anterior Cruciate

Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic Review With
Network Meta-analysis
Martin S. Davey, M.B., B.Ch., M.Ch., M.R.C.S., Eoghan T. Hurley, M.B., B.Ch., M.Ch.,
Utkarsh Anil, M.D., Akini Moses, M.D., Kamali Thompson, B.S., Michael Alaia, M.D.,
Eric J. Strauss, M.D., and Kirk A. Campbell, M.D.

Purpose: To systematically review randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating various pain control interventions after
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) to determine the best-available evidence in managing postoperative pain
and to optimize patient outcomes. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed based on the PRISMA
(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) guidelines. A study was included if it was an RCT
evaluating an intervention to reduce postoperative pain acutely after ACLR in one of the following areas: (1) nerve blocks,
(2) nerve block adjuncts, (3) intra-articular injections, (4) oral medications, (5) intravenous medications, (6) tranexamic
acid, and (7) compressive stockings and cryotherapy. Quantitative and qualitative statistics were carried out, and network
meta-analysis was performed where applicable. Results: Overall, 74 RCTs were included. Across 34 studies, nerve blocks
were found to significantly reduce postoperative pain and opioid use, but there was no significant difference among the
various nerve blocks in the network meta-analysis. Intra-articular injections consisting of bupivacaine and an adjunct
were found to reduce reported postoperative pain scores up to 12 hours after ACLR, with significantly lower postoperative
opioid use. Conclusions: Nerve blocks and regional anesthesia are the mainstay treatment of postoperative pain after
ACLR, with the commonly used nerve blocks being equally efficacious. Intra-articular injections consisting of bupivacaine
and an adjunct were found to reduce reported postoperative pain scores up to 12 hours after ACLR, with significantly
lower postoperative opioid use. There was promising evidence for the use of some oral and intravenous medications,
tranexamic acid, and nerve block adjuncts, as well as cryotherapy, to control pain and reduce postoperative opioid use.
Level of Evidence: Level II, systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs.

A nterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ruptures are

common sporting injuries among athletes, for
which surgical reconstruction is the gold-standard
postoperative pain levels and enable earlier rehabilita-
tion.5 Opioid medications have been a primary method
of pain management, but because of the increase in
treatment option.1,2 Although it is widely accepted reported addictions, alternative analgesics are becoming
that surgical management of these injuries with ACL more popular to treat pain postoperatively.6
reconstruction (ACLR) results in satisfactory clinical The management of postoperative pain after ACLR is
and functional outcomes, as well as high levels of re- often achieved using a variety of analgesic regimens,
turn to play approaching 100%, postoperative pain is a which are often based on both surgeon- and
common complaint among patients after surgery.3,4 anesthesiologist-specific preferences.7 Therefore, decisions
Effective analgesia is required after ACLR to control regarding optimal analgesia require a multidisciplinary

From the Sports Medicine Division, Orthopaedic Surgery Department, NYU Samumed, outside the submitted work. Full ICMJE author disclosure forms
Langone Health, New York, New York, U.S.A. (M.S.D., E.T.H., U.A., A.M., are available for this article online, as supplementary material.
K.T., M.A, E.J.S., K.A.C.); and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Received September 9, 2020; accepted January 5, 2021.
Ireland (M.S.D., E.T.H.). Address correspondence to Eoghan T. Hurley, M.B., B.Ch., M.Ch., Royal
The authors report the following potential conflicts of interest or sources of College of Surgeons in Ireland, 123 St. Stephens Green, Dublin, Ireland.
funding: M.A. receives grant support from Arthrex and Concours, outside the E-mail: [email protected]
submitted work. E.J.S. receives grant support from Arthrex, Cartiheal, Fidia, Ó 2021 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America
and Organogenesis and receives personal fees from Arthrex, Flexion Thera- 0749-8063/201523/$36.00
peutics, JRF, Organogenesis, Smith & Nephew, Subchondral Solutions, and
Vericel, outside the submitted work. K.A.C. receives personal fees from

1290 Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 37, No 4 (April), 2021: pp 1290-1300

approach with orthopaedic and anesthesiology input. (3) intra-articular injections, (4) oral medications,
Perioperative consideration must be given to patient (5) IV medications, (6) tranexamic acid (TXA), and (7)
comorbidities, associated side effects, and contraindica- compressive stockings and cryotherapy. The exclusion
tions when prescribing not only opioids but all analgesic criteria included studies that (1) compared drug dosing
medications.8,9 Additionally, many different pain control regimens, (2) compared more than 1 intervention, (3)
treatments are used in the management of patients after were not prospective RCTs, (4) included pain pumps,
ACLR, including various permutations of nerve blocks, (5) were not published in English, and (6) were not
nerve block adjuncts (NBAs), intra-articular injections, published in peer-reviewed journals.
intravenous (IV) and oral medications, and cryotherapy, as
well as compression stockings.10 Data Extraction and Analysis
Secrist et al.11 published a systematic review in 2016 Two independent reviewers (M.S.D. and E.T.H.)
evaluating the various methods of reducing postoperative collected data in relation to study characteristics including
pain levels after ACLR. Despite this, no gold-standard study design, level of evidence, methodologic quality of
postoperative analgesia guideline has emerged, and evidence, patient population, and outcome measures
many randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the topic using a predetermined data sheet, with a senior author
have been published in the interim. Therefore, the pur- arbitrating any discrepancies in opinion. Assessment of
pose of this study was to systematically review RCTs each study’s level of evidence was based on the criteria
evaluating various pain control interventions after ACLR described by Wright et al.,13 and the methodologic quality
to determine the best-available evidence in managing of evidence, as well as risk of bias, was evaluated using The
postoperative pain and to optimize patient outcomes. Our Cochrane Collaboration risk-of-bias tool. Primary
hypothesis was that there would be no superior nerve outcome measures evaluated were (1) postoperative pain
block for pain but all nerve blocks would be shown to be score and (2) postoperative opioid use. In the instance of
efficacious and that several medications and modalities inconsistencies among various study results, meta-
would be identified that are beneficial in reducing post- analysis and quantitative pooling were performed.
operative pain.
Network meta-analyses were performed using the R
Methods program (R Foundation for Statistical Computing,
Vienna, Austria). A frequentist approach to network
Search Strategy and Study Selection
meta-analysis with a random-effects model was per-
Two independent reviewers (M.S.D. and E.T.H.) per-
formed using the “netmeta” package (version 0.9-6) in
formed a literature search based on the Preferred
R.14 Heterogeneity was quantified using the I2 statis-
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
tic.15 To rank the treatments, we used the frequentist
analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.12 The MEDLINE,
analog to the surface under the cumulative ranking
Embase, and Cochrane Library databases were reviewed
curve (SUCRA) probabilities called the P-score.14,16
in March 2020, with the reviewers using the following
Studies were ranked according to their P-scores. P <
search terms: (anterior cruciate ligament OR acl) AND
.05 was considered statistically significant. Additionally,
(analgesia OR ia OR intraarticular OR po OR oral
qualitative analysis was performed for each study.
OR nsaids OR non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs OR
gabapentinoid OR gabapentin OR pregabalin OR im OR
intramuscular OR iv OR intravenous OR nb OR nerve Results
block OR adjuncts OR compression OR cryotherapy).
There was no time limit with respect to publication date. Literature Search
All search results were reviewed independently and Our search found 5,341 studies (including 406 RCTs)
compared, with a senior author (K.A.C.) arbitrating in on pain control after ACLR that met our inclusion
case of disagreement. After removal of duplicates, fol- criteria. The PRISMA study selection flow diagram is
lowed by review of the abstracts of all search results by illustrated in Fig 1. All of the included studies’ charac-
both reviewers independently, full texts of potentially teristics are summarized in Appendix Table 1 (available
eligible studies were evaluated. Both reviewers screened at
the reference lists of the included studies and literature
reviews to obtain additional articles for inclusion. Nerve Blocks
Overall, 34 RCTs were found to evaluate the use of
Eligibility Criteria nerve blocks for postoperative pain control after
Only RCTs evaluating an analgesic intervention used ACLR.17-49 An adductor canal block (ACB) was chosen as
to reduce postoperative pain levels after ACLR the control against which to compare.50 In the post-
were considered. The following interventions were anesthesia care unit (PACU), the modality with the
considered for inclusion: (1) nerve blocks, (2) NBAs, highest P-score for the visual analog scale (VAS) score was
1292 M. S. DAVEY ET AL.

Records identified through Additional records identified

database searching through other sources
(n = 7985) (n = 4)

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 5341)

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 5341) (n = 1595) Fig 1. PRISMA (Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-analyses)
study selection flow diagram.
Full-text articles Full-text articles

assessed for eligibility excluded, with reasons

(n = 409) (n = 335)

Studies included in
qualitative synthesis
(n = 74)

Studies included in
quantitative synthesis
(n = 74)

a femoral sciatic nerve block (FSNB) (P-score, 0.9847). At analgesic requirements in the test group; however, the
2 hours, the modality with the highest P-score for the VAS time to first mobilization was delayed by a mean of 3
score was a continuous femoral nerve block (FNB) hours. Additionally, Ibrahim et al.51 compared the use
(P-score, 0.7110). At 3 to 4 hours, it was a single-shot FNB of dexamethasone as an NBA to ACB versus an ACB
(P-score, 0.8114). At 6 to 8 hours, it was a single-shot alone (control). Their study showed significant re-
FNB (P-score, 0.7724). At 12 hours, it was a single-shot ductions in VAS scores at 6, 12, and 18 hours post-
FNB (P-score, 0.7896). At 24 hours, it was a single- operatively, with lower rescue analgesic requirements,
shot FNB (P-score, 0.7824). At 48 hours, it was a as well as significantly higher reported patient satis-
continuous FNB (P-score, 0.9506). In the PACU, the faction, in the test group. Finally, Couture et al.53
modality with the highest P-score for opioid use was an compared the use of clonidine as an NBA to an FSNB
ACB (P-score, 0.7942). At 24 hours, the modality with the after ACLR versus an FSNB alone (control). Their study
highest P-score for opioid use was an FSNB (P-score, showed no significant differences in VAS scores in the
0.7643). The P-scores are presented in Table 1, and the first 24 hours postoperatively, with no differences in the
forest plots of nerve blocks are shown in Appendix time to first complaint of pain, patient satisfaction, and
Figure 1 (available at time to discharge home.

Nerve Block Adjuncts Intra-articular Injections

We found 3 RCTs evaluating the use of NBAs in the Overall, 10 RCTs were found to evaluate the use of
management of postoperative pain after ACLR,51-53 all intra-articular injections for postoperative pain control
of which used different NBA agents. Ekmekci et al.52 after ACLR.46,54-62 Intra-articular morphine was chosen
compared the use of magnesium sulfate as an NBA to as the control against which to compare.63 In the PACU,
FNBs after ACLR versus an FNB alone (control). Their the modality with the highest P-score for the VAS score
study showed significant reductions in VAS scores at 4, was intra-articular bupivacaine and tramadol (P-score,
6, 12, and 24 hours postoperatively, with lower opioid 0.6798). At 2 hours, it was intra-articular morphine and

ACB, adductor canal block; FNB, femoral nerve block; FSNB, femoral sciatic nerve block; PACU, postanesthesia care unit; SSNB, subsartorial saphenous nerve block; VAS, visual analog scale.
Continuous FNB: 0.1362
bupivacaine (IAMB) (P-score, 0.9105). At 3 to 4 hours, it

Single-shot FNB: 0.7342

was IAMB (P-score, 0.8856). At 6 to 8 hours, it was

Opioid at 24 h
IAMB (P-score, 0.7895). At 12 hours, it was intra-

Control: 0.3137
articular ropivacaine, morphine, and ketorolac (P-score,

FSNB: 0.7643

SSNB: 0.4688
ACB: 0.5829
0.7486). At 24 hours, it was continuous ISB (P-score,
0.9713). At 24 hours, the modality with the highest
P-score for opioid use was IAMB (P-score, 0.8841). The
P-scores are presented in Table 2, and the forest plots of
intra-articular injections are shown in Appendix Figure 2
Continuous FNB: 0.4532
Single-shot FNB: 0.7824

(available at
VAS Score at 24 h

Control: 0.5266

Oral Medications
SSNB: 0.4474
ACB: 0.2904

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs

Seven RCTs were found to evaluate the use of oral
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the manage-
ment of postoperative pain after ACLR.64-70 Barber and
Gladu66 found that the use of ketorolac led to superior
Single-shot FNB: 0.7898
VAS Score at 12 h

pain control compared with hydrocodone and acet-

aminophen in the immediate postoperative period up
Control: 0.1961

to 4 hours after ACLR. Boonriong et al.67 showed that

FSNB: 0.4741
ACB: 0.5401

the use of etoricoxib or celecoxib yielded similar results

in the immediate postoperative period up to 4 hours
after ACLR compared with a placebo control. Dahl
et al.64 found that the use of ibuprofen led to superior
Single-shot FNB: 0.7724

pain control compared with acetaminophen in the

VAS Score at 6-8 h

immediate postoperative period up to 24 hours after

ACLR. MacDonald et al.69 found that the use of
Control: 0.2258

ibuprofen or opioids resulted in significantly superior

FSNB: 0.2976
ACB: 0.7042

pain relief compared with acetaminophen in the im-

mediate postoperative period up to 24 hours after
ACLR. Mardani-Kivi et al.70 showed that the use of
celecoxib resulted in superior pain control compared
Single-shot FNB: 0.8114

with a placebo control in the immediate postoperative

VAS Score at 3-4 h

period up to 24 hours after ACLR. Onda et al.68 showed

that the use of celecoxib and loxoprofen resulted in
Control: 0.4789
SSNB: 0.1357

superior pain control compared with acetaminophen in

ACB: 0.5739

the immediate postoperative period up to 24 hours after

ACLR. Dahl et al.65 found that the use of a combination
of etoricoxib and dexamethasone resulted in superior
pain control compared with either agent used inde-
Continuous FNB: 0.7110
Single-shot FNB: 0.6562

pendently in the immediate postoperative period up to

VAS Score at 2 h

24 hours after ACLR.

Control: 0.1787

Gabapentinoids. Three RCTs evaluated the efficacy of

ACB: 0.4540

preoperative administration of gabapentinoids in pa-

tients undergoing ACLR.71-73 Ménigaux et al.71
Table 1. Nerve Block P-Scores

evaluated the use of oral gabapentin preoperatively,

showing a significant reduction in preoperative VAS
anxiety scores, as well as postoperative morphine
Continuous FNB: 0.7308

Single-shot FNB: 0.4886

consumption in the first 48 hours, when compared

VAS Score in PACU

with a placebo. Two studies evaluated the preoperative

Control: 0.1298

use of pregabalin versus a placebo control in patients

FSNB: 0.9847

SSNB: 0.1481
ACB: 0.5180

undergoing ACLR; however, there were no statistically

significant differences in reported subjective pain scores
or morphine consumption between the groups in the
first 24 hours postoperatively.72,73
1294 M. S. DAVEY ET AL.

Table 2. Intra-articular Injection P-Scores

VAS Score in PACU VAS Score at 2 h VAS Score at 3-4 h VAS Score at 6-8 h VAS Score at 12 h VAS Score at 24 h Opioid at 24 h
IABT: 0.6798 IAMB: 0.8135 IAMB: 0.8856 IAMB: 0.7895 IAME: 0.8422 IARMK: 0.7486 IAMB: 0.8842
IAMB: 0.6365 IABC: 0.5755 IABT: 0.6278 IABC: 0.6259 IABC: 0.6811 IAMB: 0.7312 IABC: 0.7753
Control: 0.6308 IAB: 0.5048 IABC: 0.5528 IABT: 0.5719 IAMB: 0.6558 IABT: 0.5923 IABT: 0.6548
IARM: 0.6016 IABT: 0.43803 IAB: 0.5229 Control: 0.4878 IAB: 0.5969 IABC: 0.5449 IAME: 0.5083
IARMK: 0.6016 Control: 0.4135 IARM: 0.3956 IAB: 0.3828 IABT: 0.5146 IAB: 0.4611 IAB: 0.4251
IAM: 0.2782 IAM: 0.2547 IARMK: 0.3956 IAM: 0.1423 IAM: 0.3787 Control: 0.3375 IAM: 0.2386
IAB: 0.0714 Control: 0.3582 IARMK: 0.2926 IARM: 0.3246 Control: 0.0138
IAM: 0.2615 IARM: 0.2926 IAM: 0.2598
Control: 0.2455
IAB, intra-articular bupivacaine; IABC, intra-articular bupivacaine and clonidine; IABT, intra-articular bupivacaine and tramadol; IAM, intra-
articular morphine; IAMB, intra-articular morphine and bupivacaine; IAME, intra-articular methadone; IARM, intra-articular ropivacaine and
morphine; IARMK, intra-articular ropivacaine, morphine, and ketorolac; PACU, postanesthesia care unit; VAS, visual analog scale.

Non-benzodiazepine Medications. One RCT compared control in the postoperative period after ACLR. Of these
the use of non-benzodiazepine medications in the studies, 3 found significant reductions in VAS scores
management of postoperative pain after ACLR: within the first 24 hours postoperatively whereas 1 re-
Tompkins et al.74 evaluated the use of zolpidem to ported significantly improved VAS scores at 48 hours
augment postoperative analgesia versus a placebo postoperatively when compared with room-temperature
control. Their study showed that although the use of cryotherapy. Furthermore, Schröder and Pässler81 found
zolpidem did not result in significant differences in that cryotherapy and compression resulted in signifi-
pain after ACLR, it did reduce the amount of rescue cantly improved VAS scores at 6 days after ACLR when
narcotic required in the test group. compared with cryotherapy alone, whereas Waterman
et al.79 showed that compression and cryotherapy
Tranexamic Acid resulted in significant improvements in VAS scores at 6
Three RCTs evaluated the use of TXA to reduce weeks postoperatively when compared with an ice
postoperative hemarthrosis and pain after ACLR.75-77 control. Two studies reported that cryotherapy resulted
Felli et al.75 evaluated the use of TXA versus no TXA in significant reductions in rescue opioid use within the
after ACLR and found no significant difference in VAS first 24 hours after ACLR when compared with controls.
scores after 1 day. However, the other 2 RCTs showed Additionally, Ohkoshi et al.80 reported significant re-
significant differences in VAS scores 3 days post- ductions in rescue opioid consumption in patients who
operatively when TXA was administered versus no TXA received cryotherapy and compression within the first
administration intraoperatively.76,77 This difference was 48 hours postoperatively compared with those who
sustained at up to 4 weeks in the included studies. received cryotherapy alone.
One RCT sought to assess the use of IV ketamine Discussion
perioperatively during ACLR versus a saline solution The most important finding in this study was that the
control: Menigaux et al.78 showed that the use of use of peripheral nerve blocks and regional anesthesia
perioperative IV ketamine led to superior pain control remains the primary treatment of postoperative pain
compared with a placebo control in the immediate after ACLR; however, the data did not identify a specific
postoperative period up to 24 hours, as well as reduced nerve block as superior to the others. Intra-articular
postoperative morphine consumption, after ACLR. One injections of bupivacaine used in combination with
RCT evaluated the use of IV ketorolac in the manage- other agents were found to reduce reported post-
ment of postoperative pain after ACLR: Peng et al.37 operative pain scores up to 12 hours after ACLR, with
compared an FNB, IV ketorolac, and a saline solution limited evidence showing their benefit in reducing
control as analgesic regimens after ACLR and found postoperative opioid use. Additionally, there was
significant reductions in VAS scores up to 1 hour promising evidence of the use of some oral and IV
postoperatively in both the FNB and IV ketorolac medications, TXA, and NBAs, as well as cryotherapy, to
groups compared with the control group. control pain and reduce opioid use, with limited evi-
dence for NBAs based on the included RCTs in this
Compression and Cryotherapy study.
Eleven RCTs were found to evaluate the use of Interest in the study of postoperative pain control has
compression and cryotherapy in the management of risen in recent years owing to the opioid crisis in the
postoperative pain after ACLR.79-89 A total of 10 RCTs United States, with increasing legislation over the
compared cryotherapy versus no cryotherapy as a regulation of opioid prescriptions in relation to the rise

in dependency.6 This problem is believed to be preva- also have the potential to improve the quality and
lent in orthopaedic surgery, given that orthopaedic longevity of nerve blocks, allowing for longer-lasting
surgeons are thought to be the third largest prescribers pain relief, while the patient is in the acute post-
of opioids in the United States and are responsible for operative phase. In addition, intra-articular injections
approximately one-tenth of opioid prescriptions.90-92 had a minor effect on pain in the PACU, with morphine
After ACL injury, up to one-third of patients have or bupivacaine alone having a lower P-score than the
been shown to take opioids preoperatively, which is a control treatment, but at up to 24 hours postoperatively,
major risk factor for prolonged postoperative opioid use they showed decreased opioid use and VAS scores.
and subsequent dependency.93-95 Additionally, one- Furthermore, combination injections comprising bupi-
third of patients require repeated opioid prescriptions vacaine and an adjunct proved to be the most beneficial,
up to 3 months after surgery. Thus, achieving adequate with morphine alone showing a lack of efficacy.
perioperative and immediate postoperative pain control Several oral medications have shown the potential to
is imperative because there can be severe pain after reduce postoperative pain and opioid use. Non-opioid
ACLR owing to bone tunnel creation and donor-site oral medications are the first rung on the World
harvest if autografts are used.96 Health Organization pain ladder and are often under-
We performed a network meta-analysis in this study, appreciated for their efficacy.11,97,98 The majority of this
which is an ideal method of comparison given the literature is focused on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
multiple different nerve blocks and intra-articular in- drugs, and although these may be problematic because
jections being assessed. A network meta-analysis allows of an increased risk of cardiovascular and gastrointes-
for direct and indirect comparisons of treatments using tinal issues in older patients, the majority of ACLR pa-
common comparators, with the P-score being used to tients are young and may not be as prone to these
rank them. The P-score represents the probability that potential complications.99 However, it is worth noting
the treatment option is the ideal method for an optimal that they still carry risks to patients with renal impair-
result in each outcome measure. The P-score does not ment, and this should be screened for before their use.
represent the magnitude of difference between the Additionally, several studies evaluated gabapentinoids,
treatment choices, and it does not signify clinically which work on modulating nerve pain by dulling the
significant differences. Thus, ensuring that statistical neural response.71-73 In contrast to other oral medica-
significance must not be mistaken for clinical signifi- tions, these are often given preoperatively to pre-empt
cance, it is important to look at the odds ratio, mean the postoperative pain because they do require time
difference, and confidence interval between each study. before the effects are shown.100 There was scant liter-
Overall, there was no clear superior nerve block for ature on the efficacy of gabapentinoids for patients
postoperative pain control. The FSNB resulted in the undergoing ACLR; however, throughout the ortho-
highest P-score for postoperative pain in the PACU, as paedic surgery literature, there is evidence regarding its
well as opioids required over the first 24 hours, but it was efficacy in managing postoperative pain.
not significantly better than the FNB or ACB. Similarly, at TXA has gained popularity throughout the ortho-
all time points, although there may have been a slightly paedic surgery field in recent years for its ability to
higher-ranked nerve block by the P-score, no nerve block control bleeding, with recent evidence suggesting it can
was shown to be significantly better than the others. The reduce hematoma formation with a subsequent effect
FNB and ACB are the 2 most common nerve blocks used, on pain. Thus, several RCTs have evaluated its use for
with several recent meta-analyses directly comparing ACLR.75-77 Although they did not establish a pain effect
them, showing no difference. However, the FNB and immediately postoperatively, this was shown to occur
FSNB may be detrimental to postoperative rehabilitation over the first few postoperative days, with sustained
because they can damage the motor branch of the femoral benefits at up to a month. The optimal administration
nerve, with quadriceps strength deficits being shown at strategy is unclear, with both IV and intra-articular
up to 6 months postoperatively. This is important to methods being used, although there is a concern with
consider because patients with strength deficits on return- intra-articular administration that it may be harmful to
to-play testing have been shown to have a higher risk of chondrocytes. Additionally, all of the included studies
graft rerupture. Thus, if there is no difference in post- used a postoperative drain, which has been shown to
operative pain or opioid use, then the ACB may be a increase postoperative blood loss owing to a suction
superior approach because it only targets a sensory nerve, effect, and our RCT published in the interim101 suggests
the saphenous nerve. that without a drain, TXA may not be ineffective in
Although at up to 24 hours, there was a decrease in reducing hemarthrosis and subsequent pain.75-77
opioid use, the efficacy of nerve blocks started to decline The use of ice and cryotherapy remains popular in the
at this point, with the control treatment having a higher immediate postoperative period after ACLR.102 These
P-score than all but the single-shot FNB, indicating a methods offer surgeons a low-cost analgesic modality,
rebound effect may be occurring. Therefore, NBAs may which reduces postoperative edema and subsequent
1296 M. S. DAVEY ET AL.

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Appendix Table 1. Pain Management Strategies After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Study Characteristics

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Authors LOE Risk of Bias Strategy n Strategy n Strategy n Strategy n
Nerve blocks
Abdallah et al.,17 2016 I Low ACB 52 FNB (single shot) 48 d d d d
Bailey et al.,18 2019 I Low FNB (single shot) 38 ACB 40 d d d d
Chisholm et al.,19 2014 I Moderate FNB (single shot) 41 SSNB 39 d d d d
El Ahl,20 2015 I Low FNB (single shot) 64 ACB 64 d d d d
Espelund et al.,21 2013 I Low Control 24 ACB 25 d d d d
Faiaz and Kamath,48 2019 I Moderate FNB (single shot) 41 ACB 35 d d d d
Faunø et al.,45 2015 I Moderate Control 23 SNB 22 d d d d
Frost et al.,20 2000 I Moderate Control 31 FNB (single shot) 29 d d d d


Ghodki et al.,23 2018 I Moderate FNB (single shot) 30 ACB 30 d d d d
Guirro et al.,24 2013 I High Control 27 FNB (single shot) 26 d d d d
Harbell et al.,25 2016 I Moderate FNB (single shot) 32 FSNB 32 d d d d
Harris et al., 1997 I Moderate Control 10 FNB (single shot) 12 d d d d
Iskandar et al.,26 2003 I Moderate Control 40 FNB (single shot) 40 d d d d
Jansen et al.,27 2009 I Low FNB (single shot) 27 FSNB 28 d d d d
Kejriwal et al.,28 2018 I Moderate Control 30 SSNB 30 d d d d
Kristensen et al.,29 2014 I Low Control 27 FNB (single shot) 28 d d d d
Kurosaka et al.,30 2018 I Low Control 69 FNB (single shot) 60 d d d d
Lundblad et al.,31 2011 I Low Control 32 IPNB 30 d d d d
Lynch et al.,32 2019 I Moderate FNB (single shot) 30 ACB 30 d d d d
Matava et al.,33 2009 I Low Control 26 FNB (single shot) 31 d d d d
Mayr et al.,34 2007 I High Control 71 FNB (single shot) 36 d d d d
Mehdi et al.,46 2004 I Moderate Control 25 FNB (single shot) 25 d d d d
Mulroy et al.,35 2001 I Moderate Control 12 FNB (single shot) 41 d d d d
O’Leary et al.,36 2000 I Moderate Control 17 LPB 16 d d d d
Peng et al.,37 1999* I Low Control 28 FNB (continuous) 57 d d d d
Sahni et al.,38 2015 I Low Control 20 FNB (single shot) 60 d d d d
Schwarz et al.,47 1999 I Low Control 22 FNB (single shot) 22 d d d d
Seangleulur et al.,49 2019 I High ACB 28 FNB (single shot) 28 d d d d
Stebler et al.,39 2019 I Moderate Control 49 ACB 49 d d d d
Tierney et al., 1987 I High Control 10 FNB (single shot) 10 d d d d
Tran et al.,41 2005 I Low Control 18 FSNB 16 d d d d
Williams et al.,42 2006 I Moderate Control 78 FNB (single shot) 155 d d d d
Woods et al.,43 2006 II High Control 45 FNB (continuous) 45 d d d d
Wulf et al.,44 2010 I Moderate Control 34 FNB (single shot) 225 d d d d
Intra-articular injections
Hosseini et al.,54 2012 I Moderate Control 20 IAMB 20 IABT 20 d d
Joshi et al.,55 1993 I High Control 9 IAM 11 d d d d

Karlsson et al.,56 1995 I Moderate Control 10 IAB 10 IAM 10 IAMB 10
McCarthy et al., 2001 I Moderate Control 32 IAM 30 d d d d
Appendix Table 1. Continued

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Authors LOE Risk of Bias Strategy n Strategy n Strategy n Strategy n
Senthilkumaran et al.,57 2010 I Moderate IAB 30 IAMB 30 d d d d
Sivapurapu et al.,58 2017 I Low IAB 33 IAMB 31 IABC 29 d d
Stewart et al.,59 2005 I Low Control 19 IAM 25 IAMe 21 d d
Tetzlaff et al.,60 1999 I High IAB 10 IAM 10 IAMB 10 d d
Vintar et al.,61 2005 I Moderate Control 12 IARM 13 IARMK 13 d d
Yari et al.,62 2013 I Moderate IAB 10 IAMB 30
Nerve block adjuncts
Couture et al.,53 2004 I Moderate Control 27 Clonidine 28 d d d d
Ekmekci et al.,52 2013 I Moderate Control 51 Magnesium sulfate 56 d d d d
Ibrahim et al.,51 2019 I Low Control 30 Dexamethasone 30 d d d d
Oral medications
Barber and Gladu,66 1998 I Low Ketorolac 66 Acetaminophen and hydrocortisone 59 d d d d
Boonriong et al.,67 2010 I Moderate Control 32 Etoricoxib 35 Celecoxib 35 d d
Cho et al.,72 2019 I Low Control 47 Pregabalin 46 d d d d
Dahl et al.,64 2004 I Low Ibuprofen 17 Acetaminophen 20 d d d d
Dahl et al.,65 2012 I High Parecoxib 30 Dexamethasone 30 Dexamethasone and parecoxib 29
MacDonald et al.,69 2014 I High Opioid 44 Ibuprofen 44 Acetaminophen 41 d d
Mardani-Kivi et al.,70 2013

I Low Control 31 Celecoxib 29 d d d d
Ménigaux et al.,71 2005 I Low Control 20 Gabapentin 20 d d d d
Nimmaanrat et al.,73 2012 I Moderate Control 29 Pregabalin 27 d d d d
Onda et al.,68 2016 I Moderate Celecoxib 53 Loxoprofen 53 Acetaminophen 54 d d
Tompkins et al.,74 2011 I Moderate Control 16 Zolpidem 13 d d d d
Other modalities
Menigaux et al.,78 2000 I Moderate Control 15 IV ketamine 30 d d d d
Peng et al.,37 1999* I Low Control 28 FNB 29 IV ketorolac 28 d d
Tranexamic acid
Chiang et al.,76 2019 I Low Control 149 TXA 151
Felli et al.,75 2019 I Low Control 40 TXA 40
Karaaslan et al.,77 2015 I Low Control 52 TXA 53
Compression and cryotherapy
Barber et al.,89 1998 I Low Control 49 Cryotherapy 51 d d d d
Cohn et al.,88 1989 I High Control 28 Cryotherapy 26 d d d d
Daniel et al.,87 1994 I Low Control 42 Cryotherapy 89 d d d d
Dervin et al.,86 1998 I Moderate Cryotherapy 38 Room-temperature cryotherapy 40 d d d d
Edwards et al.,85 1996 I High Control 24 Cryotherapy 26 Room-temperature cryotherapy 21 d d
Kijkunasathian et al.,84 2017 I Moderate Bandage 19 Compression 19 d d d d
Konrath et al.,83 1996 I High Control 27 Cryotherapy 50 Heat therapy 23 d d
Koyonos et al.,82 2014 I Low Control 26 Cryotherapy 27 d d d d
Ohkoshi et al.,80 1999 I Low Cryotherapy 7 Room-temperature cryotherapy 14 d d d d
Schröder and Pässler,81 1994 I Low Cryotherapy 21 Cryotherapy and compression 23 d d d d
Waterman et al.,79 2012 I Moderate Control 18 Cryotherapy 18 d d d d
ACB, adductor canal block; FNB, femoral nerve block; FSNB, femoral sciatic nerve block; IAB, intra-articular bupivacaine; IABC, intra-articular bupivacaine and clonidine; IABT, intra-
articular bupivacaine and tramadol; IAM, intra-articular morphine; IAMB, intra-articular morphine and bupivacaine; IAMe, intra-articular methadone; IARM, intra-articular ropivacaine
and morphine; IARMK, intra-articular ropivacaine, morphine, and ketorolac; IPNB, infrapatellar nerve block; IV, intravenous; LOE, level of evidence; LPB, lumbar plexus block; SNB, sciatic
nerve block; SSNB, subsartorial saphenous nerve block; TXA, tranexamic acid.
*Study performed duplicate analysis.

Appendix Fig 1. Network meta-analysis of nerve blocks.

(ACB, adductor canal block; CI, confidence interval; FNBc,
continuous femoral nerve block; FNBs, single-shot femoral
nerve block; FSNB, femoral sciatic nerve block; MD, mean
difference; SSNB, subsartorial saphenous nerve block; VAS,
visual analog scale.)
1300.e4 M. S. DAVEY ET AL.

Appendix Fig 1. (continued).


Appendix Fig 2. Network meta-analysis of intra-articular

injections. (CI, confidence interval; IAB, intra-articular bupi-
vacaine; IABC, intra-articular bupivacaine and clonidine;
IABT, intra-articular bupivacaine and tramadol; IAM, intra-
articular morphine; IAMB, intra-articular morphine and
bupivacaine; IAME, intra-articular methadone; IARM, intra-
articular ropivacaine and morphine; IARMK, intra-articular
ropivacaine, morphine, and ketorolac; MD, mean difference;
VAS, visual analog scale.)
1300.e6 M. S. DAVEY ET AL.

Appendix Fig 2. (continued).

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