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Lesson 8 FM Broadcasting Standards


This lesson focuses on FM broadcasting, technical requirements, operating requirement,

allocation rules and regulations.

Learning Objectives:

After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Define different terminologies in FM broadcasting system.

2. Explain the different parameters of FM transmitter.
3. Enumerate and explain the technical and operating requirements of FM broadcasting.

Course Materials:

The increasing importance of the role of FM broadcasting in the Philippines has encouraged
broadcast engineers and the National Telecommunications Commission to pool their resources
together and come up with technical standards and rules and regulations relating to FM
These technical standards and regulations were derived from CCIR recommendations,
relevant engineering data and rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission,
and other data supplied by manufacturers of radio equipment and by licensees of FM Broadcast
Stations. These standards and regulations shall be revised from time to time to be effective and
compatible with technical progress.

Definition of Terms

1. FM Broadcast band
That portion of the radio frequency spectrum from 88 Mhz to 108 MHz. The band is divided
into 100 channels.
2. FM Broadcast channel
A band of frequencies 200 kilohertz wide and is designated by its center frequency. Channels
for FM broadcast station begin at 88.1 megahertz and continue in successive steps of 200
kilohertz to and including 107.9 megahertz.
3. FM broadcast station
A station employing frequency modulation in the FM broadcast band and intended to be
received by the general public.
4. Frequency modulation
A system of modulation where the instantaneous frequency varies in proportion to the
instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal, and the instantaneous radio frequency is
independent of the frequency of the modulating signal.
5. Center Frequency
The carrier frequency allocated by the Authority.

6. Frequency Swing
The instantaneous departure of the frequency of the emitted wave from the center frequency
resulting from modulation.
7. Antenna height above average terrain (HAAT) means,
a. The height of the radiation center of the antenna above the terrain 3 to 16 kilometers
from the antenna. (Generally, a different antenna height will be determined for each radial
direction from the antenna. The average of this various heights is considered as the
antenna height above average terrain)
b. Where circular or elliptical polarization is employed the antenna height above average
terrain shall be base upon the height of the radiation center of the antenna which
transmits the horizontal components of radiation.
8. Antenna field gain
The ratio of the effective free space field intensity produced at 1.6 kilometers in the horizontal
plane expressed in millivolts per meter for one (1) kilowatt antenna input power, to 137.6
millivolts per meter.
9. Antenna power gain
The square of the ratio of the root-mean-square free space field strength produced at 1.6
kilometers in the horizontal plane, in millivolts per meter for one (1) kilowatt antenna power,
to 137.6 millivolts per meter. This ratio should be expressed in decibels (dB). (If specified
for a particular direction, antenna power gain is based on the field strength in that direction
10. Effective radiated power
The product of the transmitter power (transmitter output power less transmission line loss)
multiplied by (a) the antenna power gain (b) the antenna field gain squared. Where circular
or elliptical polarization is employed, the term “effective radiated power” is applied separately
to the horizontal and vertical components of radiation.
11. Field intensity “Field intensity” as used in these standards shall mean the electric field
intensity in the horizontal direction.
12. Free space field intensity
The field intensity that would exist at the point, in the absence of waves reflected from earth
or other reflecting objects.
13. Service area
As applied to FM broadcasting, means the service resulting from an assigned effective
radiated power and antenna height above average terrain.
14. Radio-frequency (R.F.) Protection Ratio
The value of the radio-frequency wanted-to-interfering signal ratio that enables, under
specified conditions, the radio-frequency protection ratio to be obtained at the output of the
15. Percent modulation
The ratio of the actual frequency swing to the frequency swing defined as 100 percent
modulation, expressed in percentage. For FM broadcasting stations, a frequency swing of
±75 kilohertz is defined as 100 percent modulation.
16. Multiplexing
In its simplest sense, multiplexing implies that two or more independent sources of
information are combined for carriage over a single medium, namely, the radio frequency
“carrier” and then are separated at the receiving end. In stereo phonic broadcasting, for
example, program information consisting of left and right audio signals are multiplexed to
receivers which subsequently recovered the original audio signals.

17. FM Stereophonic Broadcast

The transmission of a stereophonic program by a single FM broadcast station utilizing the
main channel and a stereophonic sub-channel.
18. Channel A transmission path. The distinction between the concept of a “channel” and a
“signal” are not always clear. The usage herein distinguishes between transmission
channels: e.g., main channel, stereophonic subchannel, etc., and left and right audio
19. Composite Baseband Signal A signal which is the sum of all signals which frequency-
modulates the main carrier. The signal can be represented by a formula which includes all
signal components: the main channel signal, the modulated stereophonic subcarrier, the pilot
subcarrier and the SCA subcarrier(s).
20. FM Baseband The frequency band from 0 Hertz (Hz) to a specified upper frequency which
contains the composite baseband signal.
(for complete definition of terminologies visit Technical-Standards-and-Operating-



1. Class -A Station A class-A station shall have an authorized transmitter power not exceeding
25 kilowatts and an Effective Radiated Power (ERP) not exceeding 125 kilowatts and limited
in antenna height of 2,000 feet above average terrain. The minimum transmitter power shall
be 10 KW. Class A station shall only be allowed in Metro-Manila and Metro-Cebu
2. Class-B station A Class-B station shall have an authorized transmitter power not exceeding
10 kilowatts and an Effective Radiated Power not exceeding 30 kilowatts and limited in
antenna height of 500 feet above average terrain. The minimum transmitter power shall be
1 KW.
3. Class-C station a class-C station is a non-commercial, community station having an
authorized radiated power not exceeding 1,000 watts (ERP)
4. Class-D station A class-D station shall have an authorized transmitter power not exceeding
10 watts. Educational station shall be allowed to operate with class-D transmitter power.


1. Safety Requirements
1.1. Conformity with Electrical wiring Rules All equipment using electrical power shall
conform with the provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code and the Philippines
Electronics Code so as to ensure the safety of property, equipment, personnel and the
public in general,
1.2. All component parts shall be in accordance with generally accepted standards or those
of the International Standards.
2. Transmitting Facilities
2.1 Location and Layout
a) Any site particularly suitable for FM broadcasting in an area, in the absence of other
comparable sites, may be shared by and be made available to as many applicants as
b) The transmitting site should be selected consistent with the purpose of the station, i.e.,
whether it is inherited to serve a small city, a metropolitan area, or a large region. The
location should be chosen that line-of-sight can be obtained from the antenna over the
principal city or cities to be served.
2.2 Antenna System
a) It shall be standard to employ horizontal polarization. However, circular or elliptical
polarization. However, circular or elliptical polarization of the clockwise or
counterclockwise rotation may be employed, if so desired.
b) The antenna must be constructed such that it is clear of surrounding buildings or
objects that would cause shadow problems.
c. In the event a common tower is used by two or more licensees for antenna and/or
antenna supporting purposes, the license who owns the tower shall assume full
responsibility for the maintenance of the tower structure, its painting and lighting
requirements. In case of shared ownership, only ne licensee shall assume such

2.3. Transmitter and Associated Equipment

a. Electrical Performance Standards (for detailed explanation - Technical-Standards-and-
b. Construction (for detailed explanation go to the site below)
c. Wiring and Shielding (for detailed explanation go to the site below)
d. Metering equipment
e. Indicating equipment
f. Installation
g. Other technical data
(full detailed from b to g at this site

2.4 Monitoring Equipment.

a) Frequency monitor
b) Modulation monitor

2.5 Stereophonic Transmission Standard

a) The modulating signal of the main channel shall consist the sum of the left and right
b) A pilot subcarrier at 19,000 Hertz plus or minus 2 Hz, shall be transmitted that shall
frequency-modulate the main carrier between the limits of 8 and 10 percent.
c) The stereophonic subcarrier shall be the second harmonic of the pilot subcarrier and shall
cross the time axis with a positive slope simultaneously with each crossing of time axis by
the pilot subcarrier.
d) Amplitude modulation of the stereophonic subcarrier shall be used.
e) The stereophonic subcarrier shall be suppressed to a level less than one percent
modulation of the main carrier.
f) The stereophonic subcarrier shall be capable of accepting audio frequencies from 50 to
15,000 Hz.
g) The modulating signal for the stereophonic subcarrier shall be equal to the difference of
the left and right signals.
h) The pre-emphasis characteristics of the stereophonic subchannel shall be identical with
those of the main channel with respect to phase and amplitude at all frequencies.
i) The sum of the side bands resulting from amplitude modulation of the stereophonic
subcarrier shall not cause a peak deviation of the main carrier in excess of 45 percent of
total modulation( excluding SCA subcarriers) when only a left (or right) signal exists;
simultaneously in the main channel, the deviation when only a left (or right) signa; exists
shall not exceed 45 percent of total modulation (excluding SCA subcarriers).
( to view j to q visit :
%E2%80%93-Page-1-to-8.pdf )




1. Construction
The transmitter shall be constructed either on racks and panels or in totally enclosed
frames protected as required by the Philippine Electronics Code and the Philippine Electrical
2. Enclosure
The transmitter shall be enclosed in a metal frame or grille separated from the operating
space by a barrier or other equivalent means.
3. Grounding of Controls
All external metallic handles and controls accessible to the operating personnel shall be
effectively grounded.
No circuit in excess of 150V shall have any part exposed to direct contact.
4. Interlocks
All access doors shall be provided with interlocks which will disconnect all voltages in
excess of 350V when any access door is opened.
5. Bleeder Resistors
Proper bleeder resistors or other automatic means shall be installed across all capacitor
banks to lower any voltage which may remain accessible with access door open, to less than
350V within 2 seconds after the access door is opened.
6. Wiring and Shielding
Wiring between units of the transmitter, with the exception of circuits carrying radio
frequency energy, shall be installed in conduits of fiber or metal raceways for protection from
mechanical injury.
All instruments having more than 1000V potential to ground shall be protected by a cage
or cover.

• Two audio channels (L & R) are mixed to provide two new signals.
• The first is the sum of the two input channels (L+R), and the second is the difference of
the two (L-R).
• The sum channel is modulated directly in the Baseband assignment between 50 and
• The difference signal is DSBSC modulated in the 23 to 53kHz slot about a stereophonic
Subcarrier of 38kHz.

1. Studio-to-Transmitter Link (STL)

Stations in this service are to be used for relay of aural programming materials from studio
to transmitter and between fixed facilities in other locations.

2. Remote Pickup Broadcast Stations

Stations in this service are to be used for the transmission of aural programming materials
and associated cues and data.

3. Communications, coordination, and control links.

Source: Technical-Standards-and-Operating-Procedures-for-FM-Broadcasting-Stations-–-Page-1-to-8.pdf


1. What is 100 percent modulation in FM?

2. For the following parameters, indicate the FM Broadcasting standard in the Philippines.
a. Frequency band
b. Bandwidth per channel
c. Channel Spacing
d. Center Frequency Stability
e. Baseband Frequency
f. Type of Emission
g. Guardband
h. Intermediate frequency
i. Frequency Deviation
j. Type of Receiver
3. Define the following:
a. Center frequency
b. Carrier swing
c. Antenna Height Above terrain
d. Antenna Field gain
e. Antenna power gain

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