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Zepf UK Method Statement


Safe Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Zepf

UK Components

Created Ian Waddell

Submitted by Christie Collins

Date 03/08/2021

Approved Les Aitken


1.0 Purpose & scope

2.0 Project Details

3.0 PPE Requirements

4.0 Reference Documents

5.0 Sequence of Operation

6.0 Equipment & Materials

7.0 Trouble Shooting

8.0 Completion of Works

9.0 Acceptance Sign off

MS-100 Safe Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Zepf UK


This Method Statement is to ensure the Safe Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Zepf UK
2.0 Project Details
2.1 Client: Broxburn Bottlers
2.2 Client Name and Address: Broxburn Bottlers, East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn, West
Lothian, EH52 5NN
2.3 Project: Z0416 Line 5
2.4 Project Address: Broxburn Bottlers, East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn, West Lothian,
EH52 5NN
2.5 Project Location: Broxburn Bottlers
2.6 Project Details: To install Zepf designed and manufactured container handling core
components and Zepf designed and manufactured container handling change parts. Test
and commission newly installed Zepf components on completion of Installation.
2.7 Project Timings:
Start/Finish date: 12 - 13 August 2021
Start/Finish Time 08:00hrs – 17:00 hrs
2.8 Operatives on Site:
Service Engineer: Garth Burnett
2.9 Client Site Contact: Alan Preston

3.0 PPE Requirements

3.1 Below are the requirements for the project works

Safety Safety Protective Hi-Visibility Bump Cap/

Footwear eyewear Workwear Vest hard hat

Additional PPE requirements

As advised/Instructed by site requirements or dynamic risk assessment
In Glass Environments cut proof gloves are mandatory

Cut proof gloves Hearing Protection Site Defined Masks

CONTROLLED DOCUMENT Current version maintained on Zepf UK OH&S Manual

C:\Box\Box\ZEPF Shared Files - Service\Risk Assessments & Method Statements\2021 RAMS\Broxburn Bottlers\Z0416 Safe
Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Zepf UK Components GB 120821.docx

Page 2 of 4
MS-100 Safe Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Zepf UK


Document Title Where Can I Find it?

C:\Box\Box\ZEPF Shared Files - General\Risk &
Governance\H&S Management\01 Risk
SD-RA-001 Risk Assessment Installation Documents\02 Risk assessments
Documents Library in office
C:\Box\Box\ZEPF Shared Files - General\Risk &
Governance\H&S Management\01 Risk
WS-WI 55 Lock out Procedure Documents\03 Work Instructions
Documents Library in office

Installation Job Folder Carried by Zepf UK operative

5.0 Sequence of Work

(Including Arrangements for the protection of personnel).
5.1 Attend contractor safety induction.
5.2 Ensure all personal protective equipment is available.
5.3 Ensure all Safe systems of work are adhered to (e.g. Permit to work, isolation etc.).
5.4 Ensure all control measures detailed in safe work system are adhered to.
5.5 Ensure all services Electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic etc., are safe Adhere to Zepf
LOTO (WS-WI 55 Lock out Procedure) ensuring isolation of all energy sources. (To be indicated
when issuing Permit to work).
5.6 Ensure machine and surrounding area are clear and safe to work on.
5.7 Remove existing/redundant container handling change parts from machine.
5.8 Remove existing/redundant container handling core components from machine.
5.9 Install Zepf designed and manufactured container handling core components.
5.10 Install Zepf designed and manufactured container handling change parts.
5.11 Clear area of any debris and/or spillages in accordance with site environmental policy.
5.12 Test and commission newly installed Zepf components on completion of Installation.
5.13 Test and Commission change parts in production.


6.0 Equipment & Materials

Hand tools, Portable Power hand tools, drills, jigsaws, etc. (110v or battery powered. PAT tested

Contactless thermometer.

Minimal Quantities of Loctite etc. (safe use detailed in Zepf UK COSHH file).

CONTROLLED DOCUMENT Current version maintained on Zepf UK OH&S Manual

C:\Box\Box\ZEPF Shared Files - Service\Risk Assessments & Method Statements\2021 RAMS\Broxburn Bottlers\Z0416 Safe
Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Zepf UK Components GB 120821.docx

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MS-100 Safe Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Zepf UK

6.1 Disposal of Waste:

6.2 Use of Site facilities.

7.0 Trouble Shooting

In the event of failure, deviation from normal operation or equipment breakdown –

‘STOP & THINK’ about how to overcome the situation safely.

‘LOCK-OFF’ & ‘ISOLATE’ where applicable.
‘SEEK ASSISTANCE’ if a safe option is not clear.

8.0 Completion of Works

When work is finished, ensure area is clean and free of debris. Confirm area is satisfactory
with client for normal operation to resume.

9.0 Acceptance Sign off

All Zepf UK personnel carrying out any works associated with this method statement, the
Risk Assessment and the associated Safe System of work, must read and understand the
information contained therein, and complete the below with name signature and date to
signify their acceptance of the procedures/restrictions detailed.

Operative Role Name Signature Date

Service engineer
Service engineer
Service engineer

CONTROLLED DOCUMENT Current version maintained on Zepf UK OH&S Manual

C:\Box\Box\ZEPF Shared Files - Service\Risk Assessments & Method Statements\2021 RAMS\Broxburn Bottlers\Z0416 Safe
Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Zepf UK Components GB 120821.docx

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