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The secret of inner strength

The secret

of internal power Internal power is the highest form of practice in martial arts, and it is also the most
difficult to practice. It was founded by Zhang Sanfeng, the ancestor of Wudang, and has been lost for many
years. The lost internal skills have been passed down to future generations because of the secret recipes
left by the ancestors. Internal power is higher than all kinds of martial arts. It can not only strengthen the
body but also prolong life. It is the best self-defense power. Its main power is to hurt people with qi, break
stones with qi, and perform work in the invisible, making people hard to guard against. It is the biggest
nemesis of various martial arts, and it is also the best ability to practice medicine and cure diseases. All
kinds of difficult diseases, treated by internal power, the curative effect is higher than that of various drug
treatments, so that the sick can quickly recover to health, so the internal power is called divine power in
history. This book is written according to the secrets left behind and according to the method of practicing
internal skills. If you practice hard according to the book, you will surely achieve success.

Explanation of the internal power palm method

 (1) Shadowless palm method:

 The shadowless palm method is the use of masculine energy to perform work in the invisible, sometimes
fierce, sometimes soft, and it is the best palm for long-distance combat. method, hit the target, no scars on
the outside, but all broken inside. When the internal strength reaches 120%, the stone can be hit like powder
from a distance of ten feet.

 (2) Leiyin Palm Method: The

  Leiyin Palm Method is a combination of yin and yang. It is used to hit hard. The harder the target is hit,
the louder the sound of thunder will be, and it will carry fire. broken. After the internal strength reaches 120%,
the stone can be broken with anger at a distance of ten feet.

 (3) Heisha palm:

  Heisha palm is applied to pure yin qi, which is not released when transported, making the palm black
like carbon ink with bright light. It is a sinister palm. After hitting the target, it leaves a black palm print. And
the rot spreads to the internal organs and dies.

 (4) Red sand palm:

  Red sand palm is used for pure yang energy, and it is not released when it is transported, so that the
palm is bright red like blood. and die.

 (5) Iron sand palm:

  The iron sand palm is used for the combination of yin and yang, and it does not move, making the palm
as hard as iron.

 (6) Shadowless plum blossom needle (hidden weapon):

 This needle is made using Yin Qi, and the speed is so fast that it is difficult for the eyes to see. After the
needle hits the target, a plum blossom is formed, so it is called shadowless plum blossom needle. After the
internal strength reaches 120%, the external needle can be inserted into the bone with a distance of 100

 1. The method of practicing Qi

 1. Facing the sun at 12:00 noon and the moon at 12:00 pm. Relax the whole body, sit cross-legged, keep
the dantian, left leg inside, right leg outside, hands and five fingers together, left palm upright in front of
chest, right palm facing up flat in front of lower abdomen, (two arms should be flat, close to body) , Reverse
abdominal breathing, use your mouth to inhale and exhale when you breathe. In addition, breathing and
breathing are closed for 1-2 minutes (Note: the abdomen should be contracted when inhaling, and the belly
should be rounded when breathing out. Each time you sit for two hours), this is called breath holding.

 2. When you practice holding your breath for a long time, you can close your breath for 3-5 minutes with
one breath in or one breath out, and you will have the basic dantian qi, and you will feel that there is a
dantian (lower abdomen) inside The ball is moving. The longer the breath is held, the bigger the ball will be,
and the feeling of movement will be enhanced. This kind of ball is called a balloon, also known as Dantian

 3. When practicing breath-holding, keep the brain still, don't rush for success, and slowly develop from a
short time to a long time. The longer the breath-holding time is, the deeper the internal strength will be.

 Form: left palm facing right arm, thumb slightly curved. Lay your right hand flat with your navel, palm
facing up.

 2. The method of activating qi

 1. When each breath can be closed for 3-5 minutes, you should sit cross-legged in the breath-holding style,
take a deep breath of external air and press down, and the true qi of Dantian will rise to the meridians of
various parts of the body and flow to each other. . If the first breath of external air can only make the dantian
true qi rise, but cannot flow along the meridians, then inhale the second external air to press down the
dantian true qi (Note: When exhaling the first breath, the belly should be round, exhale through the nose, In
this way, the first breath inhaled will not run out of the door, and the second breath of foreign air inhaled can
put more pressure on the dantian infuriating qi, causing the dantian infuriating qi to rise rapidly and flow to
the meridians all over the body).

 2. When the breath can be held for 5 minutes, sit cross-legged in the style of breaking the yin and
separating the yang during breath-holding, take a deep breath of external air and press down on the true qi
of Dantian, and at the same time use the left arm vigorously (Note: Except for the left arm, all other parts are
Relax), Dantian Zhenqi will naturally rise along the Ren meridian between the two chests to the Tanzhong
point on the chest, then along the Zhongfu point on the upper three ribs of the breast, and pass through the
Yunmen, Tianfu, Jiabai and Chize on the inner side of the upper limbs. , Kongsui, Lieque, Jingqu, Taiyuan,
Yuji acupoints go to Shaoshang acupoints, and then the whole body is exerted, and Dantian Zhenqi will
naturally go along the twelve meridians. At least Shang point in Zhongfu point is the hand-taiyin lung
meridian. (Note: If the first mouth of external qi cannot make the true qi of Dantian flow along the twelve
meridians, immediately inhale the second and third mouths...until the twelve meridians are connected.
When breathing, it must be in the quiet room, without any The interference of foreign objects and sounds)

 3. The method of luck

  Use any type of external air to press down, and the Dantian infuriating qi flows to the desired part. If you
are lucky in which part, you can work hard in which part. If you want to use various palm techniques, you can
press down on the Dantian qi according to the instructions of the various palm techniques and inhale
external air by hand, and the dantian qi will naturally move from the required meridians to the required parts.
This is luck.

 Fourth, the method of

 emitting qi  Before emitting qi, one must first transport the true qi of Dantian to the Lao Palace, and then
aim the fist at the target and spread it violently. Aim at the target), the air column will shoot out from the Lao
Palace. This is anger.

 5. Explanation

of Distinguishing Success Force 1. After the breath is closed, the ball in the Dantian is the Dantian True Qi. If
you take a breath of external air and press down the Dantian True Qi, so that the Dantian True Qi can open
up a meridian as a successful force. Opening two meridians is the second success power. If two external qi
presses down the dantian true qi and only one meridian can be opened, it is also the first success power.

2. When it comes to luck, if you take a breath of external qi and press down the dantian qi to rise to a local
level, it is the first success power. If you take another breath of external qi and press down the dantian qi to
rise, it will be the second success power. In this way, the division of the success power is the result of the
practice. Will not know.

3. When emitting qi, how far can it be sent, how powerful is the qi column, and then count how many breaths
of external qi you have used to press down on your Dantian qi, you will know how many successful qi you
have used.

  For example, if you use two puffs of external air to press down your dantian qi to rise twice, if you take a
third puff of external qi to push down your dantian qi to rise, but the third puff of external qi does not raise
your dantian qi, then you In general, only two successes have been practiced.

 6. Explanation on the application of the shadowless palm method

  Use the free style to take a deep breath of external air and press down on the dantian infuriating qi. At
the same time, make a fist with force, pinch the palace with the middle finger and the ring finger, pinch the
middle finger firmly, and pinch the ring finger empty, so that the dantian qi will be Naturally rising from the
dantian to the Tanzhong acupoint on the chest and following the Yang meridian to Laogong, and then
slamming the fist at the target, the Qi column will shoot out from the Laogong. If the distance is far away,
before emitting qi, you should first estimate the appropriate amount of strength to use, and then transfer the
qi to the arm and the Lao Gong, and then release the qi (Note: the left hand clenched the fist with the left
hand and the fingers pinched the Lao Gong. The right hand blew Make a fist with your right hand and use
your fingers to pinch Lao Gong. If both hands are exhaling at the same time, you can make a fist and force
your fingers to pinch Lao Gong.)

 Feeling: There is a heat wave in the lower abdomen and the middle of the two chests to the arms to the
Lao Palace.

 Seven. Explanation on the application of Leiyin Palm Method

  Use the free style to take a deep breath of external air to press down the dantian qi, so that the dantian qi
is divided into two parts, one goes yin, the other goes yang, when the qi reaches the Lao Palace, it will be
Natural yin and yang combination. Makes the sound of thunder sound after the air column hits the target.
(Note: While inhaling the external air and pressing down on the Dantian Qi, the left arm should be raised with
a flat chest, the index finger and middle finger should be spread out, and the two fingers should be
separated, so that the Dantian Qi will naturally separate the yin and yang meridians). When you are lucky, you
should clench your right fist tightly, hold your ring finger and middle finger tightly on the Lao Gong, and then
expand it violently when you breathe out (Note: Before you breathe out, you should transfer the estimated
amount of success to your arm and Lao Gong, and then breathe out again) .

 Feeling: There is a surge of cold inside the arm to the Lao Palace, and there is a surge of heat inside and
outside the arm to the Lao Palace.

 8. Explanation of the luck of Heisha palm

  Use the power of three successes to transport the true qi of Dantian to the palm through the yin
meridian, so that the qi spreads all over the yin meridian and the sun network of the palm, making the palm
black (Note: the thumb and the The index finger should be bent and exerted at the same time, and the
dantian qi will naturally travel from the yin meridian to the yin meridian and the sun meridian of the palm,
and then spread the two fingers after the palm is completely dark).

 Nine, red sand palm luck explanation

  Use the power of three successes to transport the true qi of Dantian along the Yang meridian to the
palm, so that the qi spreads all over the Yang meridian and Sun meridian of the palm. Make the palm bright
red like blood (Note: When you are lucky, the index finger should be bent and exerted force, and the dantian
qi will naturally travel from the Yang meridian to the Yang meridian and the Sun meridian of the palm. When
the palm is all red, spread the index finger).

10. Explanation of the luck of the iron sand palm

  Use the Ercheng force to separate the dantian qi from the yin and yang meridians and transport it to the
palm, so that the qi spreads all over the meridian and sun collaterals of the palm, making the palm hard as
iron (Note: the thumb is required for luck. Bend hard, and Dantian Zhenqi will naturally divide the meridians
of yin and yang to all the meridians and sun collaterals of the palm. When using, the thumb should always
be bent).

 The three palms of black, red, and iron should be used at the same time. When inhaling external air and
pressing down on the true qi of Dantian, both palms can use the same hand posture at the same time. If you
exert force, the qi will naturally divide into two parts and go to the left and right arms. to the palm.

 11. Explanation on the use of shadowless plum blossom needles

  Use freestyle to hold 41 steel needles in a half-clawed fist in the center of the right palm, with the needle
tip facing the little finger, and the fingers should not be pinched. Then take a deep breath of the external air
and press down on the Dantian Zhenqi, and at the same time use the right arm, so that the Dantian Zhenqi
naturally moves along the yin meridian to the front Laogong, Houlaogong, Zuolaogong, Youlaogong and
Zhonglaogong in the palm. Immediately after the fist is aimed at the target, the qi column will shoot out
from the five labor palaces in the palm, causing the qi to force the steel needle away from the palm and
push the steel needle forward, so that the steel needle hits the back of the target. Like a plum blossom.
(Note: Before exhaling, you should transport the estimated amount of power to the arm to the Lao Palace,
and then exhale. For example, one-handed hairpins can be used with one arm, and two-handed hairpins can
be used with both arms).

 Feeling: There is a cold feeling in the arm to the palm.

  Instructions: Make a half fist, hold the needle in the palm of the hand, the needle tip is facing the little
finger, and the fingers must not pinch the palace.

 12. Explanation of the Twelve Meridians of Qi Communication

  There are twelve pairs of large and identical meridians in the human body, which are directly connected
with the viscera, also known as the twelve meridians. Sitting cross-legged in the style of breaking the yin and
separating the yang, inhaling the external air and pressing down on the Dantian Zhen Qi to ascend the Tan
point, followed by the left arm, so that the Zhen Qi goes from the Huagai point to the Zhongfu point or at
least the Shang point, and smooth the twelve meridians. (Note : When the qi passes through the twelve
meridians, it should be in a quiet room, and there should be no interference from foreign objects and
sounds). 

 Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian:

 It starts from the Zhongfu point on the upper three ribs of the breast and passes through the inner side of
the upper limb to the Shaoshang point on the inner side of the thumb, where it joins with the large intestine
meridian of hand Yangming.

Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian:

Starts at Shangyang Point on the inside of the index finger, runs along the front of the upper extremity,
through the shoulder and neck, and ends at Yingxiang Point on both sides of the nostrils of the face, where it
matches the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming.

Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian:

Starting from Chengqi point right now, Xiahuankou, then to Touwei point near the forehead, through the
neck, chest, abdomen to the front of the thigh to Lidui point on the outside of the second toe of the foot,
Combined with the Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin.

Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian:

Starting at Yinbai Point at the medial end of the inner toe of the foot, passing through the inner side of the
lower extremity to Dabao Point on the chest, connecting with the Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin.

Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian:

Starting at Jiquan Point in the middle of the armpit, following the inner back of the upper limb to
Shaochong Point at the inner end of the little finger, it joins with the Small Intestine Meridian of Hand

Hand Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian:

Starting from Shaoze Point on the outside of the little finger, along the back of the upper limb through the
neck to Tinggong Point in front of the ear, it connects with the Foot Taiyang Bladder Meridian.

 Bladder Meridian of Foot Taiyang:

 originates from the Jingming point at the inner corner of the eye, goes up the head to both sides of the
neck and back to the back of the lower extremity, passes through the inner side of the little toe and ends at
the Yin point, where it connects with the Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin.

 Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian:

 originates from Yongquan Point in front of Zuxin, passes through the inner side of the lower extremity to
Shufu Point on the abdomen to the chest, and connects with the Pericardial Meridian of Hand Jueyin.

Pericardial Meridian of Hand Jueyin:

It starts from Tianchi Point, one inch outside the breast, passes through the center of the inner side of the
upper limb to the Zhongchong Point on the tip of the middle finger, and joins with the Sanjiao Meridian of
Hand Shaoyang.

Hand Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian:

It starts at Guanchong point at the outer end of the ring finger, along the outer center of the upper limb, and
ends at the Sizhu point at the neck, behind the ear, and at the tip of the eyebrow, where it connects with the
gallbladder meridian of Foot Shaoyang.

 Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian:

Starting from the outer eyelid Tongziliao point, going through both sides of the head, going behind the ears,
down the neck to the shoulders, going to the side of the sternum and ribs, abdomen, buttocks, and going on
the outside of the lower limbs to the outside of the fourth toe. The Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin is

 Foot Jueyin Liver Meridian:

 starts at Dadun point at the end of the big toe, ascends along the inner side of the lower extremity, passes
through the abdomen to the breast, and ends at the door point of the lower chest stage, where it connects
with the hand-taiyin lung meridian.

 13. Explanation

 of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians and Eight Meridians  The so-called Extraordinary Meridians and
Eight Meridians are the eight meridians that are not directly connected with the viscera and are called the
Extraordinary Meridians. Eight meridians refer to the eight meridians in addition to the twelve meridians,
which are Chong, Yinwei, Yinqiao, Dai, Yangwei, Yangqiao, Ren, and Du. These eight meridians, collaterals
and sun collaterals are not directly connected with the internal organs. The transverse branches of
collaterals and meridians, and the small branches of sun collaterals and collaterals are distributed
throughout the body.

 Sitting cross-legged in the style of breaking the yin and separating the yang, inhaling the external air and
pressing down the dantian qi to ascend and walk along the twelve meridians. At this time, keep inhaling the
external air and pressing the dantian qi to rise, so that the dantian qi will spread more and more along the
twelve meridians. Quickly, until the whole body is on fire, and the top of the head is accompanied by a
collection of Qi, that is, except for the Rendu two meridians, the other six meridians, collaterals and Sun
collaterals have been opened. interference from foreign objects and sounds).

14. Explanation of abnormal qi movement

 When qi flows through the twelve meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians, if there is headache,
dizziness, swelling and acupuncture-like pain in the whole body or in a certain part, stop the exercise
immediately and stop Exhale, and then slowly exhale after a while. If you have these sensations when the qi
moves to a certain part, it is because the brain is not still, there is interference from foreign objects and
sounds, and the sitting posture and hand posture are not correct. If you have these abnormal sensations
and you are still continuously exercising qi, the result is either a certain part or the whole body is disabled, or
you go crazy, and the consequences are unimaginable (Note: If you encounter the above situation, don't
panic, wait for the power to stop and you will be different will disappear naturally).

15. The method of acupointing the inner qi.

 Take a deep breath of the outer qi and press down on the dantian qi. At the same time, the right hand or
left hand is half-clenched, the thumb is pressed on the nails of the index finger and the middle finger, and the
arm is vigorous, and the dantian qi will naturally go to the food. Two fingers, and then aim at the acupoint
and flick (stretch the middle two fingers), the qi will shoot out from the tip of the two fingers and hit the
acupoint, causing the acupuncture point to be hit and the meridian blocked, causing the human body to lose
local or overall mobility. .

16. The method of inner qi dissolving

 acupoints  After acupoints are pointed, the technique of acupoints and acupoints can be used, that is,
find another acupoint on the same meridian of the acupuncture point, and use the same technique to slowly
shoot the infuriating qi to the acupoints , so that the true qi passes through this acupoint and goes to the
acupuncture point to open up the meridians, so that the acupoint being pointed will be solved. If the power
used in acupuncture is relatively light, it can also resolve itself within 24 hours. When acupuncture is used
for more than one successful force, it cannot be solved by itself.

17. Explanation of the effect of point and solution points.

 For example: point the Baihui point in the middle of the top of the head, the Yintang point between the
eyebrows, and the temple points on both sides of the head. The other side is only dead but not alive. . For
example, clicking the Xiaoyao point (two inches below the breast) on the middle waist will make people
laugh out loud, and if they are puzzled for three days, it will lead to death. For example, Dianyamen (the fifth
point from the middle of the back of the head to the hairline) and Tiantu (the depression inside the upper
edge of the sternum notch, the middle of the throat), people will become dumb. (Note: Tiantu acupoint
should only be used for five points of skill)

  acupoints are mainly to close the various meridians. Jie acupoints is mainly to open the closed
meridians and then use qi to open them, and the person will be restored to the original state.

 18. Explanation of the method of Fu ( Gong ) Qi

  The two sides sit cross-legged opposite, with the left leg inside and the right leg outside, with the palms
and five fingers together and the chest pressed forward. Then lightly inhale the external air and press down
on the Dantian Zhenqi to rise to the Laogong point of the palms, and slowly release the Qi to the other's
Laogong (breathing), at this time, the rest of the body except for the strength of the arms of both parties is
relaxed, so that the Qi will be released from the Lao Gong walked towards the other party's Lao Gong to
Dantian. (Note: If Party A gives gas to Party B, after the palms of both parties are aligned, Party A's middle
fingers of both hands should press the middle fingers of both hands of Party B. When giving gas, do not
speak, in a quiet room, without any foreign objects or sounds interference).

 Feeling: The Ren channel between the inside of the two arms and the middle of the two chests of Party B
has hot air flowing to the dantian, and there is a feeling of heat and burning in the dantian.

 19. Explanation of the abnormality of paying qi

  If A gives B qi, and B has pain, swelling, and numbness in both arms, stop the qi immediately, and then
check whether the sitting and hand postures of both parties are correct, and whether there is any
interference from foreign objects and sounds. (Note: You should explain the feeling to B before giving out
the qi. If there is pain, swelling, or numbness, B should immediately turn his palms into fists and press
against Party A's Lao Gong. At this time, A will feel that the qi is touching. Obstacles, when feeling this way,
A should immediately stop the work. When releasing the qi, A should lightly inhale the external qi and press
down on the true qi of the Dantian. The luck and qi should be slow but not fast, and the qi should be soft but
not violent).

 20. Explanation of gas detection and gas treatment

  When visiting the disease, hold the little finger and the ring finger, separate the thumb, index finger and
middle finger, and stretch the arm at the same time. Take a deep breath of external air and press down on
the Dantian True Qi, and the True Qi will naturally go to the three fingers. At this time, ask the patient to put
their palms flat, with the patient's palms facing up. Put the second index finger on the patient's wrist 1-2
inches above the patient's wrist, and the little finger 1-2 inches below the back of the wrist. The three fingers
should be pressed against the patient's arm, and at the same time, slowly recover the energy (the arm is
slowly tightened) just relax). In this way, whichever meridian of the patient has sick qi, which meridian of the
patient will feel the same as that of the patient. When treating the disease, use the labor palace or fingers to
press the diseased part tightly, and then release the qi to the diseased part. Such as serious illness and
difficult disease, available to pay gas method. Qi to the patient's twelve meridians, collaterals and sun
collaterals (Note: when applying qi, as long as the palms of the Laogong align and press the Tianzong
acupoint behind the patient's shoulders, the gas can be released to the Tianzong acupoint). If the cause of
the disease is due to cold, the qi must be yang. If it is obtained from heat, the qi must be yin. Intractable
diseases are generally paid for with yang qi.

 21. Explanation of the highest limit of

 internal strength  The highest peak of internal strength is to open up the two veins of Ren and Du. When
opening the two veins of Ren and Du, one must have 120% of the skill, otherwise the two veins of Ren and
Du cannot be opened. Twelve percent of the skill is already the highest skill, but if you send out a success,
you will lose a success. After getting through the two veins of Ren and Du, no matter how successful the
power is, his Dantian True Qi will not be damaged in the slightest. Because after Rendu’s two meridians are
connected, without feeling it, Dantian’s true qi keeps running in the twelve meridians, collateral meridians,
sun collaterals and eight extra meridians at all times during normal breathing. Dantian infuriating will not be
damaged in the slightest. If you don't damage your Dantian qi, you won't reduce your power.

 22. Interpretation of the two channels of Qi and Ren Du

 Sitting cross-legged, with the left leg inside and the right leg outside, the palms and five fingers are close
together and overlapping, the palms are facing down and placed in front of the lower abdomen, the right
palm is up, the left palm is down, the palms should be pressed close to the lower abdomen, and then take a
deep breath. Press down the Dantian Zhenqi, and the Dantian Zhenqi will naturally descend, through the
perineal point between the genitals and the anus, the Changqiang point under the coccyx, from the Governor
Vessel in the middle of the spine straight up through the neck to the Baihui point in the middle of the top of
the head, down to the nose Column, to the lip inner tooth intersection, and then follow the Ren meridian
between the two chests to return to Dantian. When the qi travels into the mouth, there will be a thumping
feeling like a pulse. At this time, you should continue to take a deep breath of external air and press down on
the dantian true qi until the pounding feeling disappears, so that the running qi will return from the Ren
meridian to the dantian, and you will feel The whole body is as frivolous as sitting in the water and in the air.
With this feeling, the two veins of Ren and Governor have been connected. (Note: When qi is in the second
channel of the governor, it should be in a quiet room, and there should be no interference from foreign
objects and sounds).

 23. Explanation on Receiving Gong

 When emitting qi or after, you should suddenly relax your arms, and at the same time take a long breath
through your mouth, so that the true qi of the dantian will be interrupted and no longer rise, and there will be
no qi to be released again. .

 Twenty-four, after the words

  Internal skills are easy to learn but difficult to practice, and the mystery is endless. The practitioner must
be a boy or a girl before he can practice, and he must have talent, beauty, wisdom and perseverance.

 Shadowless Palm Technique (two moves and eight poses)

 It is difficult to distinguish between the dark and the dark, holding a sharp knife to cut through the mess.

 Leiyin Palm Method (two strokes and eight styles)

 Lightning strikes the wolves, and opens the road with one hand.

Shadowless plum blossom needle (six strokes and six styles)

41 plum blossom wrapping heart needle, one horizontal, left and right two heart needles.

 A vertical needle from the throat to the yin, one point is the most deadly needle.

 Two points to win the blind needle, the skillful fairy scattered flower needle.


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