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Patient Prescription Database

Project 2 Report

CST 363: Intro to Database Systems

May 2022

Cyber Database
Janet Pham, Benjamin Textor
The purpose of this database design is to deliver medical care providers easy access to the
prescription information of patients. The database encapsulates all of the most vital figures
regarding patient prescriptions from the doctor who ordered them, to the contracts between
pharmaceutical companies and the vendor through which the patient had the prescription filled.
The paramount focus of the design was to create logical and powerful tools to aggregate this data
while remaining simple to use. To enable this design, precise specifications were followed in its

1. Every patient added to the database is directly linked to several key points of information:
the social security number of the patient, the patient’s legal name, age and address, as
well as the patient’s primary physician. The database also supports any physician
providing a prescription for any patient.

2. Each doctor’s data table specifies their social security number, name, focus of expertise,
and years practicing medical care.

3. Pharmaceutical companies are associated with their company name, as well as their
telephone number.

4. Each drug is associated with a specific drug ID to differentiate identical prescriptions

from different pharmaceutical companies. Each drug in the database also holds it’s
generic formula name, trade name, and pharmaceutical company that it comes from.

5. The directory of pharmacies include their names, addresses, and phone numbers. Each
pharmacy also has a unique id number to accommodate multiple locations of the same
franchise of pharmacy.

6. To accommodate unique pricing for particular trade name and generic drugs between
different pharmacies, a “Sold” database has been created. This table provides the price
and names of the prescriptions, along with the pharmacy associated with the product and

7. To further provide ease of access, a prescription table provides prescription numbers, the
doctor who authored the prescription, the drug associated with the prescription, and the
patient who was given the prescription. It also provides the date the prescription was
written, as well as the quantity of units the prescription calls for. Prescriptions can be
provided under a specific trade name, or as a generic formula. This system also supports
patients having multiple prescriptions from any doctor.
8. To track when a patient successfully has their prescription filled at a pharmacy, a “Filled”
table has been designed. This table tracks the date the prescription was filled, the
prescription number, as well as the pharmacy ID of the specific branch the order was
filled in.

9. The Contract table provides information concerning the contract between pharmaceutical
companies and the pharmacies who sell their drugs. It lists the names of the pharmacies,
the pharmaceutical companies they have contracts with, the start/end date of the contract,
and the pharmacy supervisor who approved the contract. Supervisors have the ability to
approve any number of contracts.

EER Model
Entities: patient, doctor, pharmaceuticalcompany, drug, pharmacy, sold, filled, contract
Association Entity: prescription
1: Many Relationship: doctor-patient, patient-prescription, doctor-prescription, drug-prescription,
pharmaceuticalcompany-contract, drug-sold, pharmacy-sold, pharmacy-contract,
pharmacy-filled, pharmaceuticalcompany-drug, prescription-filled

Under the patient entity, the attributes include the patient’s social security number (ssn), name
(first_name, last_name), address (street), bithdate(birthdate), and their primary physician
(primaryId). The SSN is in char(11). The patient name has a varchar of 50 for both first and last
name. The patient address data type is varchar(5) to take note of the patients ‘zip code’.
PrimaryId is an int and references the primary physician. The attributes in this entity are all NOT
NULL. The patient’s patientId is the primary key and the foreign key, primaryId refers to the ID
of the doctor in the doctor entity table.

The doctor entity contains the doctor’s SSN in varchar(11), the doctor’s name(first_name,
last_name) are varchar(50), specialty and years of experience(practice_since) in data type char.
All of the attributes are NOT NULL. The primary key in this entity is the doctor’s ID number.

Pharmaceutical company(pharmaceuticalcompany) is the next entity that contains the name

and phone number of the company. The attribute pharmacompanyname covers the company’s
name and is varchar(25), while pharmacompanynumber represents the number assigned to that
company with data type varchar(12). Both of these are NOT NULL. The primary key to this
entity is pharmacompanyname.

Drug entity contains the drug identification(drugid) , trade name that the drug goes
under(tradename), amd the generic formula name. Drugid is the primary key.

The pharmacy entity contains the pharmacy identification(pharmacyid) with char(3), the name
of the pharmacy(pharmacyname) with varchar(25), the address(pharmacyaddress) with
varchar(100) and pharmacy phone number(pharmacynumber) with varchar(12). The primary key
is the pharmacyid.

Entity sold represents the price (represented as numerid(7,2) of the drug. And to put a price to
each name, the drugid and the pharmacyid is used to specify them. The drugid uses int(11) and is
a foreign key to refer back to the drugid in the drug entity. The other foreign key is the
pharmacyid which refers to the pharmacyid in the pharmacy entity. To keep the price positive,
the price attribute is labeled as unsigned.

To provide easy access to the overall record, the association entity, prescription contains the
rxid number, patientId number, doctorId number, the drugId number, the quantity, and the
datePrescribed. The rxid number, patientId, doctorId, drugId, and quantity are all ints.The
prescription date uses the data type date in the format of year-month-day. The primary key to this
entity is the rxid number and the three foreign keys: the patiendId which refers to the ID in the
patient entity, doctorId refers to the ID in the doctor entity and the drugid which references the
drugid in the drug entity.

The filled entity tracks the date the prescription was filled (datefilled), the rx number (rxid), and
the pharmacy the id was filled at (pharmacyid). Datefilled is using the data type date and the rxid
number and pharmacyId are using int. The two foreign keys used in this table are the rxid which
refers to the rxid in the prescription entity and the pharmacyid which refers to the pharmacyid in
the pharmacy entity.

Contracts are usually made between the pharmaceutical company and the pharmacy to withhold
both sides on the distribution of drugs. The contract entity holds the pharmaceutical company
name, pharmacyId, startdate and enddate of the contract, the text within the contract, and the
supervisor that manages the contract. Data types that were used in this table include int for
pharmacyId, varchar for the pharmacompanyname, and the supervisor; and date in both the start
and end dates. The data type text in the contract text. Foreign keys that are used in this are
pharmaceuticalcompany which references pharmacompanyname in the pharmaceutical company
entity, and pharmacyid which refers to the pharmacyid in the pharmacy entity table.

Relational Schema
-- create the database
-- select the database

USE cst363;

-- create tables and data

last_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
first_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
practice_since char(4) DEFAULT NULL,
specialty varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
ssn char(11) NOT NULL,
last_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
first_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
birthdate DATE NOT NULL,
ssn char(11) NOT NULL,
street varchar(100) NOT NULL,
city varchar(50) NOT NULL,
state varchar(50) NOT NULL,
zipcode char(5) NOT NULL,
primaryId int NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (patientId),
FOREIGN KEY (primaryId) REFERENCES doctor(id));

CREATE TABLE pharmeceuticalcompany

(pharmacompanyname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
pharmacompanynumber VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (pharmacompanyname));


drug_id int(11) NOT NULL,
trade_name varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
formula varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`drug_id`)


pharmacyname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
pharmacyaddress VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL,
pharmacynumber VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (pharmacyid));


(drugid int(11) NOT NULL,
pharmacyid int NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (drugid) REFERENCES drug(drug_id),
FOREIGN KEY (pharmacyid) REFERENCES pharmacy(pharmacyid));

CREATE TABLE prescription

doctorId int NOT NULL,
patientId int NOT NULL,
drugId int(11) NOT NULL,
quantity int NOT NULL,
dateprescribed date NOT NULL,
filled char(3) default 'no',
FOREIGN KEY (doctorId) REFERENCES doctor(id),
FOREIGN KEY (patientId) REFERENCES patient(patientId),
FOREIGN KEY (drugId) REFERENCES drug(drug_id));


(datefilled DATE NOT NULL,
pharmacyid INT NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (rxid) REFERENCES Prescription(rxid),
FOREIGN KEY (pharmacyid) REFERENCES Pharmacy(pharmacyid));


(pharmaceuticalcompany VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
pharmacyid int NOT NULL,
startdate DATE NOT NULL,
enddate DATE NOT NULL,
contracttext TEXT NOT NULL,
supervisor VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (pharmaceuticalcompany) REFERENCES
FOREIGN KEY (pharmacyid) REFERENCES pharmacy(pharmacyid));
(In the interest of brevity, insert statements for example drugs and pharmacies is not included,
but can be found in the schema file)


To normalize the data of all tables, there was extensive use of unique, automatically-generated
ID numbers, as well as foreign keys. The decision to follow this design philosophy allows
incredibly thorough data while avoiding repeated information between tables. Over the course of
the design the pharmacy, patient, and patient tables went through several revisions to normalize
the data as much as possible.

Example Queries

1. Fetching a list of patients who filled their prescriptions through a specific pharmacy is easily
achievable with this database:

select patient.last_name, pharmacy.pharmacyname

from patient
join prescription on prescription.patientId = patient.patientId
join filled on prescription.rxid = filled.rxid
join pharmacy on filled.pharmacyid = pharmacy.pharmacyid
where filled.pharmacyid = 1;

2. The database also allows one to easily fetch a list of prescriptions that have been filled, and
called for a specific number of units:

select patient.last_name, prescription.quantity

from patient
join prescription on prescription.patientId = patient.patientId
join filled on prescription.rxid = filled.rxid
join pharmacy on filled.pharmacyid = pharmacy.pharmacyid
having prescription.quantity > 20;

3. Another example shows the power of the database by enabling users to search for very
specific datasets. Such as specific patient information, primary physician name, and the
tradename of the drug used to fill a prescription:

select distinct patient.last_name, patient.ssn, patient.street, doctor.last_name, drug.trade_name

from patient
join prescription on patient.patientId = prescription.patientId
join filled on prescription.rxid = filled.rxid
join pharmacy on filled.pharmacyid = pharmacy.pharmacyid
join doctor on patient.primaryId = join drug on prescription.drugid = drug.drug_id
group by patient.ssn
order by patient.last_name;

4. The database also allows users to retrieve pertinent patient, physician, and pharmaceutical
information for prescriptions filled after a particular date:
select patient.last_name, patient.birthdate, prescription.rxid, doctor.last_name, drug.trade_name,
pharmacy.pharmacyname, filled.datefilled
from patient
join prescription on prescription.patientId = patient.patientId
join filled on prescription.rxid = filled.rxid
join pharmacy on filled.pharmacyid = pharmacy.pharmacyid
join doctor on patient.primaryId = join drug on prescription.drugid = drug.drug_id
where filled.datefilled > '2022-05-05' group by patient.ssn
order by filled.datefilled;

5. To assist patients to find their prescription at the price that is right for them, the database also
allows users to fetch the average price of drugs at all pharmacies:

select pharmacy.pharmacyname, avg(sold.price)

from pharmacy
join sold on pharmacy.pharmacyid = sold.pharmacyid
group by pharmacy.pharmacyid
order by avg(sold.price);

6. Building upon the last example, the database also makes it easy to find pharmaceutical
companies which offer drugs at higher than the average price:

select drug.trade_name, drug.formula, pharmacy.pharmacyname, sold.price

from drug
join sold on drug.drug_id = sold.drugid
join pharmacy on sold.pharmacyId = pharmacy.pharmacyId
where sold.price > (select avg(sold.price) from sold) and drug.formula = 'alendronate'
order by drug.drug_id;

7. Finally, the layout of the database makes it simple to created combined datasets that shows a
list of prescriptions that meet one or more criteria, such as a list of prescriptions that call for a
quantity of greater than 45 units, and were prescribed after a specific date:

select * from prescription where quantity > 45

select * from prescription where dateprescribed > '2022-05-05'
group by rxid order by rxid;


The database described above consists of a powerful, but simple to use, set of tables to hold all
manner of pharmaceutical data. It strictly follows the provided requirements and efficiently
allows for users to write robust queries using easy to follow logic. This project has been
challenging in many ways – as creating a complex database should be – and allowed us to
exercise our understanding of SQL. Through revisions we were able to successfully normalize
our data to remove repetitive data points, and create a tool that works quite nicely. For the
second phase of the project, the generation of example patients, doctors, prescriptions, and prices
has been achieved, as well as functional webforms that interface with the database for
prescription creation, and prescription filling. It was fun to figure out how to add some additional
functionality to get the queries from the Project 1 submission to work, such as creating a
generator for prices in the Sold table, adding to the “filled” table, setting the “filled” variable in
the prescription table whenever a prescription is filled in the data generator and the prescription
filling application, and associating pharmacies to filled prescriptions.

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