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Produced and distributed by All Peoples Church & World Outreach, Bangalore, INDIA.
First Edition Printed: March 2002
Revised Second Edition Printed: May 2006
Revised Digital Version: March 2021

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New King James
Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Biblical definitions, Hebrew and Greek words and their meanings are drawn from the following
Thayer's Greek Definitions. Published in 1886, 1889; public domain.
Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance by James Strong,
S.T.D., LL.D. Published in 1890; public domain.
Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, © 1984, 1996, Thomas
Nelson, Inc., Nashville, TN.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 2
1. THE CITYWIDE CHURCH AND LOCAL CHURCHES ................................................................................... 4
A VIEW OF THE CITYWIDE CHURCH FROM THE THRONE ROOM .............................................................................. 4
UNDERSTANDING DIVINE ORDER ....................................................................................................................... 5
PROPER CONDUCT IN THE HOUSE OF GOD ........................................................................................................... 8
SPIRITUAL CONNECTION BETWEEN SHEPHERD AND SHEEP...................................................................................... 8
COMPLEMENTING NOT COMPETING ................................................................................................................... 9
2. MINISTERIAL ETHICS .............................................................................................................................. 11
MINISTERS MUST SET THE STANDARD ................................................................................................................ 11
EDIFYING AND CORRECTING, NOT ABUSING ...................................................................................................... 12
GUARDING NOT CONTROLLING ....................................................................................................................... 12
COUNSELING GOD’S PEOPLE ........................................................................................................................... 14
FALSE CLAIMS, EXAGGERATIONS, AND BEYOND .................................................................................................. 15
PROPHESYING OR ‘PROPHE-LYING?’ ................................................................................................................. 16
PUT YOURSELF IN THE OTHER PERSON’S SHOES ................................................................................................. 17
WATCH WHAT YOU SAY A BOUT YOUR B ROTHER ........................................................................................... 19
H ANDLING C RI T I C I S M ............................................................................................................................. 19
WATCH OUT FOR FLATTERY .............................................................................................................................. 20
S PIRITUAL C OVERING OR S PIRITUAL F AÇADE ? ........................................................................................... 21
SO WHERE DOES THE MONEY REALLY GO?.......................................................................................................... 22
C HURCHES M UST H OLD B ELIEVERS A CCOUNTABLE ................................................................................... 23
E NTERING INTO OTHER PEOPLE’S L ABORS ........................................................................................................ 23
MINISTERING AS A GUEST SPEAKER.................................................................................................................... 26
PROPER CONDUCT WHEN MINISTERING TO THE CITYWIDE CHURCH ........................................................................... 27
WATCH WHAT YOU TEACH ............................................................................................................................ 28
HE WHOM THE LORD COMMENDS .................................................................................................................. 29
THE PROOF OF OUR MINISTRY ........................................................................................................................ 30
G IVING N O O FFENSE .................................................................................................................................. 30
PRAISE AMONG ALL THE CHURCHES................................................................................................................. 31
3. PROPER CONDUCT AS BELIEVERS .......................................................................................................... 33
SHEPHERDS AND GUARDIANS ......................................................................................................................... 33
THE SHEPHERD’S ROD AND STAFF ................................................................................................................... 34
SHEEP THAT LEAD THE SHEPHERD.................................................................................................................... 35
“I DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU, PASTOR”............................................................................................................ 35
“GOD TOLD ME …” ...................................................................................................................................... 36
GIVING YOUR TITHE WHERE IT REALLY BELONGS ................................................................................................ 37
LEARNING HOW TO ENTER AND LEAVE ................................................................................................................ 37
DO NOT BE GULLIBLE .................................................................................................................................... 38
DO NOT SOW DISCORD ................................................................................................................................. 39
RECEIVING THROUGH CITYWIDE AND OTHER MINISTRIES ..................................................................................... 40
RESPECT SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY ......................................................................................................................... 40
4. WHEN THERE IS ORDER THERE WILL BE INCREASE ......................................................................................... 43
DIVINE ORDER BRINGS INCREASE ..................................................................................................................... 43
THE VALUE OF UNITY ..................................................................................................................................... 43
BONDS OF PEACE ......................................................................................................................................... 44
WITHIN BOUNDARIES, YET TOTALLY FREE ............................................................................................................ 45
BUILDING BRIDGES ACROSS CHURCHES ............................................................................................................. 45
R ESOLVING C ONFLICTS A ND S TRENGTHENING THE W EAK ............................................................................. 46
NURTURING THE CITYWIDE CHURCH ................................................................................................................ 46
DEVELOPING KINGDOM MENTALITY ................................................................................................................. 47
Divine Order in the Citywide Church


I would like to thank the students at All Peoples Church, School of Ministry, for useful
discussions on the topic of divine order in the citywide Church. I also wish to thank the
ministry leaders at All Peoples Church, Bangalore, who took the time to review the
manuscript and provide useful feedback. I have been blessed and encouraged by their
willing participation and useful insight. Their feedback, comments, and ideas helped
improve the initial work for this book and made it more complete.

The following people reviewed the initial manuscript and provided encouraging
feedback: Zampe Salomi, Rakesh Srivastava, Stephen Bennie, Reji Varghese, Tina
Varghese, Kurien Koshy, C.S.N Rao, G. Rathnakumar, and Andrew Taylor (APT Foundation).

Divine Order in the Citywide Church


Having started preaching at the age of 12 and being full of zeal but not having much
wisdom, I did several things in my early days of ministry that were not essentially in
divine order. We can learn a lot from our mistakes, and this was one of the ways by
which I learnt how to conduct myself as a Christian and as a minister of God. I am
personally guilty of violating several things that I share in this book, at some point in the
early days of ministry. Each mistake I made taught me valuable lessons. I can still
remember some of the valuable correction I received from my own dear wife Amy, in
the initial years. After each mistake, I had to repent, pick myself up, wise up, and move

Having continued in ministry now for more than 25 years, one is sure to run into a lot of
things. Ministering in various parts of India, the USA, and a few other countries like
Albania, Ecuador, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Fiji, I have had the opportunity to observe,
experience, and hear firsthand how churches, ministers, and believers conduct
themselves in different places. In almost all these places, we have observed several
things among ministers, churches, ministries, and believers that have revealed a lack of
understanding of divine order. We, as ministers of God and believers, often say and do
things that are not in divine order, is inappropriate, and is in bad taste. Perhaps, if we
come to an understanding of divine order in the Church, we would not be so callous
about the way we conduct ourselves as ministers and believers.

We believe that if God’s people learn to walk in divine order, we will have less strife,
division, and competition among churches, ministers, ministries, and believers. Hence,
this book is produced with much concern and a sincere desire to see divine order
established among ministers, churches, and believers in our cities, communities, and
local geographical regions. In this book, we discuss issues from the perspective of the
citywide Church. But the same things hold good for a community, town, or any region,
where churches, ministers, ministries, and believers coexist and are co-laboring. The
guidelines presented in this book come from one single basis—to have all things done
decently and in order.

We realize that there are several wonderful men and women of God who have many
more years of ministerial experience than we do. They are definitely more qualified
people, to address the issues we have presented here. It is with due respect and honor
to such ministers of God, that we release this work. Our desire is to see the citywide

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

Church and the church in any community, be the kind of Church that Jesus wants it to
be, so that Jesus will be glorified in all things!

The army of the LORD is characterized by those who keep rank and march in order.

Joel 2:7-8
7 They run like mighty men, they climb the wall like men of war; Every one marches in formation, and
they do not break ranks.
8 They do not push one another; every one marches in his own column. Though they lunge between
the weapons, they are not cut down.

Joel 2:11
The Lord gives voice before His army, for His camp is very great; for strong is the One who executes
His Word. For the day of the Lord is great and very terrible; who can endure it?

Divine order increases our effectiveness.

Proverbs 30:27
The locusts have no king, yet they all advance in ranks.

Whenever we share our experiences, we choose not to disclose names of individuals or

churches since our purpose is not to disparage anyone’s reputation. Our purpose is to
instruct, using these as examples, so that scriptural truth can be made relevant to daily

If God’s people learn to walk in divine order, we will have less strife, division, and
competition among churches, ministers, ministries, and believers.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church


A View Of The Citywide Church From The Throne Room

Revelation 1:10–20
10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet,
11 saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” and “what you see, write in a book
and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia: to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamos, to Thyatira, to
Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.”
12 Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven golden
13 and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down
to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band.
14 His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire;
15 His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters;
16 He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His
countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.
17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do
not afraid; I am the First and the Last.
18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys
of Hades and of Death.
19 Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take
place after this.
20 The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands:
The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands which you saw are
the seven churches.

Revelation 2:1
To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, ‘These things says He who holds the seven stars in His
right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands.’

The Lord Jesus is in the midst of the local churches and walks among the churches. The
seven stars signifying the “angels” of the seven churches refers to the pastors of these
churches. The Greek word for “angels” is ‘angelos’ which means “a messenger;
especially an angel; by implication, a pastor.” In several other places in the New
Testament, the same word is translated as “messenger,” referring to human messengers
(Luke 7:24; Luke 9:52; James 2:25). Hence, we can state confidently that the “seven
stars” that are the “angels” of the seven churches are indeed the pastors of the local
churches to whom messages were to be communicated.

The Lord Jesus holds the pastors of the local churches in His right hand. The pastors of
local churches are divinely protected and are agents of Christ on earth.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

When we think about a city (which is essentially a large geographical region or area), we
know that there are several local churches. Every local church that the Lord Jesus has
raised up in the city is like one of those golden lampstands before Him. Every pastor
whom the Lord Jesus has appointed in these local churches is like one of those stars in
His right hand. The Lord Jesus is the supreme Overseer of the local churches, as He
walks in the midst of the lampstands. He holds the pastor of each church accountable
for the life, work, and ministry of that particular church (Revelation Chapters 2 and 3).

Christ has only one Body in the city. The Church in the city is essentially one Church, in
that all believers belong to the same Church—the Body of Christ. We refer to this one
Body and one Church in the city as the “citywide Church.” Although there is only one
citywide Church, Christ has Himself raised up many golden lampstands (local churches)
and appointed many stars (local church pastors) within the city to shepherd these local
churches. Apostle Paul refers to local churches as “the churches of Christ” (Romans
16:16). All Christ-appointed churches belong to Christ.

Among these, Christ has also raised up many ministry gifts (apostles, prophets, pastors,
teachers, and evangelists) and ministries that serve within local churches or minister to
the Body of Christ at large or reach out to the unsaved world.

Rightly discerning the Body of Christ in the city is important. There should be a balance
in viewing the Church in the city as One Church and One Body and at the same time
viewing it as several Christ-appointed local churches with Christ-appointed pastors,
various ministry gifts, and ministries working together. An improper understanding and
application of any one aspect could lead to improper conduct leading to harmful effects.

Understanding Divine Order

Christ desires divine order among ministers, believers, and local churches so that they
can function cohesively as one Body in the city.

Not too many ministers, pastors, believers, and local churches understand divine order.
Hence, each of them does whatever they please and think is right, and knowingly or
inadvertently, violate divine order. This has resulted in division, strife, and hurt in the
citywide Church. This ultimately leaves the citywide Church too weak and ineffective to
impact the city for Jesus.

There are several places in the New Testament, where we see reference being made to
divine order in a local church or among local churches.
1 Corinthians 7:17
But as God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. And so I ordain
in all churches.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

The word “ordain” comes from the Greek word ‘diatasso’ which according to the
Strong’s Dictionary means “to arrange thoroughly, that is, (specifically) institute,
prescribe, appoint, command, give, (set in) order, ordain.” This reveals the Lord’s desire,
as expressed through Apostle Paul, that things need to be arranged thoroughly and set
in order in all of Christ’s churches. Things cannot be left to each person’s whim and
fancy where everyone does what they think is right.

1 Corinthians 11:34
But if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home, lest you come together for judgment. And the rest I will
set in order when I come.

Once again, in 1 Corinthians 11:34, Paul uses the same Greek word ‘diatasso’ expressing his
intent to set things in order within the church at Corinth.

1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.

While the context of this verse is the proper use of the gifts of the Spirit, particularly
that of tongues and prophecy, this verse makes a general statement of truth about our
God. Confusion, disorder, chaos, and lawlessness do not originate from God. These are
not characteristics of God or the things He does. Hence, it is safe to state that confusion,
disorder, and lawlessness are neither acceptable in the local church nor in the citywide

The word “peace” comes from the Greek word ‘eirene’ which means “(to join); peace
(literally or figuratively); by implication prosperity—one, peace, quietness, rest, set at
one again.” Things must be properly joined together, should be one and at harmony in
all churches of the saints.

[Note: Keeping in line with the context of 1 Corinthians 14, we need to ensure that the
use of tongues and prophecy also follow the divine order set forth in that chapter. One
“disorder” that seems to be prevalent these days is forcing people to speak in tongues.
Keep in mind that diverse tongues are a gift of the Spirit—a supernatural impartation of
the Holy Spirit. It is not a language or ability to make strange sounds that one learns
from someone else. So, let people receive by faith the wonderful gift of the Spirit
without someone else forcing their words or sounds into them!]

1 Corinthians 14:40
Let all things be done decently and in order.

While continuing in the same context, Apostle Paul commands that all things that take
place in church-life be done decently (honestly, courteously, considerately) and in order.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

In this verse, a different Greek word is used for “order.” The word ‘taxis’ is used which
means “regular arrangement, that is (in time) fixed succession (of rank or character),
official dignity: order.” Therefore, in the local church and by extension in the citywide
Church, there has to be order in terms of:

• Arrangement—the way things are done.

• Time—the sequence in which things are done.
• Respecting post, rank, or position—honoring those in authority and leadership.
• Conducting things with dignity.

Colossians 2:5
For though I am absent in the flesh, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and
the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.

In writing to the “saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are in Colosse” (Colossians 1:2), Paul
rejoices with them for the order (Gr. ‘taxis’) that they have established and are maintaining
among themselves. Therefore, having order is a good thing!

Titus 1:5
For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint
elders in every city as I commanded you.

Titus was made responsible for the churches in several cities. Apostle Paul instructed
him to set those things that were lacking or things that were missing or absent in order. The
Greek word for “order” is ‘epidiorthoo’ which simply means “to straighten further, that
is, (figuratively) arrange additionally: set in order.” So, Paul saw the need for things to
be set in proper order or alignment, in the way Christ would have them set. It was not
sufficient to have churches and groups of believers established in cities. Things had to
be set in order and spiritual elders had to be appointed.

Hence, from the Scriptures we have considered above, we need to become very
conscious that Christ desires His local churches, ministers, and His people to walk in
divine order.

Divine order implies that:

• There are boundaries that we should not cross.
• There is spiritual authority that we must respect.
• There is a proper way to do things.
• There is accountability that we must maintain.

When divine order is not followed by ministers and believers, this eventually results in
strife, division, and a pulling away of local churches, instead of them coming together.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

This ultimately weakens the citywide Church, for “if a house is divided against itself, that
house cannot stand” (Mark 3:25). The citywide Church therefore remains powerless and
cannot have a lasting impact on the city.

Proper Conduct In The House Of God

1 Timothy 3:14-15
14 These things I write to you, though I hope to come to you shortly;
15 but if am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house
of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

We need to realize that there is a proper way to behave in the House of God, which is
the church. In many places, we ministers and believers have not been taught proper
behavior in the church.

1 Corinthians 3:10
According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the
foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it.

Paul, as a wise architect or chief constructor, laid the foundation of many churches
including the church at Corinth. He exhorted those who came after him, who were
responsible for building the House of the Lord, to make sure that it was built properly.
This implies that there are right and wrong ways to build the House of the Lord. If a
person is not careful and does not follow divine order, this person could be attempting
to build incorrectly. We will then have a House that is not in order, dysfunctional and
filled with division and strife.

Spiritual Connection Between Shepherd And Sheep

Acts 20:28
Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you
overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

Hebrews 13:17
Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must
give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.

Being a pastor and being a member of a local church is more than merely preaching
good messages and going to a place where one can be fed spiritually. The Holy Spirit is
the One who sets pastors or spiritual overseers over people. As believers who are part
of a local church, we have been entrusted to the care of the shepherd who has been set
up by the Holy Spirit among us. So, there is a spiritual connection set up between shepherd
and sheep.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

As pastors, we have been given a serious responsibility by the Spirit of God Himself, to
watch over those entrusted to us. Our responsibility includes feeding, nurturing,
equipping, caring for, guarding, and ministering to the sheep. As members of local
churches, believers also have a God-appointed accountability and responsibility toward
their shepherd whom the Holy Spirit has set in their midst. Believers need to learn
submission to spiritual leadership and commitment to the local body, where they have
been placed, for as long as God has appointed for them to be there.

It appears that many of us pastors and believers have not understood the importance of
the relationship between shepherd and sheep, in the context of a local church. We do not
realize that the Holy Spirit Himself is involved in the whole process of setting up this spiritual
relationship, and therefore we need to handle this relationship in a way that is honorable
and pleasing to Him.

Complementing Not Competing

Romans 16:16-17
16 Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you.
17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine
which you learned, and avoid them.

Apostle Paul refers to local churches as “the churches of Christ.” All Christ-appointed
churches belong to Christ. The churches of Christ are called to complement each other,
and not to compete.

Each local church has a specific calling, a specific vision, and its own special “flavor.”
Each local church is tailored to meet the needs of certain kinds of people and is geared
toward revealing Christ in certain ways. Some churches may be involved heavily in
mercy ministry while other churches may be more mission oriented. Still others may be
evangelistic, geared to reaching souls by the hundreds and thousands. Some others may
be geared toward equipping and releasing, being apostolic in nature.

Christ does not desire competition among His churches. His desire is that each church
complements the other, so that the overall citywide Church can fulfill its purpose of
reaching lost souls and glorifying Christ in the city.

Understanding divine order becomes necessary if all churches in the city are to
effectively complement and work with each other, thus fulfilling the overall purpose of
the citywide Church.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church


➢ The Lord Jesus holds the pastors of the local churches in His
right hand. The pastors of local churches are divinely
protected and are agents of Christ on earth.

➢ Confusion, disorder, and lawlessness are neither acceptable

in the local church nor in the citywide Church.

➢ Christ desires His local churches, ministers, and His people to

walk in divine order.

➢ The Holy Spirit is the One who sets pastors or spiritual

overseers over people.

➢ Each local church has a specific calling, a specific vision and

its own special “flavor.”

Divine Order in the Citywide Church


Having established the biblical basis for divine order in the local church, among local
churches, and the relationships between shepherd and sheep, we now begin to deal with
real-life issues. How can we observe and maintain divine order among churches in the

We begin by addressing the ministers of Christ—the apostles, prophets, evangelists,

pastors, teachers, and other ministry leaders—who are called to operate within the city.

Ministers Must Set The Standard

1 Timothy 4:12
Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit,
in faith, in purity.

2 Timothy 3:10-11a
10 But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love,
11a persecutions, afflictions…

Our lives must be an example to other believers, of how God’s people ought to conduct
themselves. We are to allow people to see and learn not only from our doctrine but also
our manner of life.

We ministers of Christ in the city need to be taught divine order which we must also
practice. We need to set the standard and observe divine order. When we do not follow
divine order, it is unlikely that the people we lead will do so themselves.

We need to remind ourselves and observe the following in our ministry:

• There are boundaries that we should not cross.

• There is spiritual authority that we must respect.
• There is a proper way to do things.
• There is accountability that we must maintain.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

Principle to Practice: As a minister of God, you must set the standard for observing
divine order.

Edifying And Correcting, Not Abusing

1 Timothy 5:19-20
19 Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses.
20 Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear.

It seems to be a common occurrence where pastors use the pulpit to express their
insecurity, ill feeling, jealousy, and resentment towards well-meaning believers and
other ministers. Imagine, during a Sunday sermon, the pastor vents out his ill feeling
toward a member of his congregation who may have displeased him in some way. Of
course, the pastor may or may not mention the person by name, but the congregation
will know whom the pastor is referring to. Although the congregation may just laugh it
off, an individual is left hurt and wounded with no opportunity to explain, even when he
did not sin. He or she may have a personality difference with the pastor or perhaps did
not agree with the pastor’s views on certain matters. In some cases, the pastor may just
be insecure about that person’s capabilities and so on.

As pastors, we need to be bigger than this. We should never use our pulpit for such
things! The pulpit is meant to be a platform from where we carry out the ministry of
Christ the Shepherd—to edify, guide, warn, and lovingly correct. We as ministers of God
must not use the pulpit to abuse people.

For those who sin, we are to rebuke, only with the intent of correcting them and
admonishing others, lest others also fall into the same sin.

Principle to Practice: Never use your pulpit for anything other than its intended

Guarding Not Controlling

1 Peter 5:1–4
1 The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of
Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed:
2 Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, ser ving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly,
not for dishonest gain but eagerly;
3 nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock;
4 and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.

2 Corinthians 1:24
Not that we have dominion over your faith, but are fellow workers for your joy; for by faith you

Divine Order in the Citywide Church


As shepherds, we have been given the responsibility of being the spiritual guardians of
those entrusted to us. We are to be watchful over those in our responsibility and yet,
we are not to lord over them. The Greek for “lording over” is the word ‘katakurieuo’
meaning “to lord against, that is, control, subjugate: exercise dominion over (lordship),
be lord over, overcome.” As pastors we cannot control, manipulate, or dictate things in
the lives of people. We are to be spiritual guardians and not controlling manipulators.

If a pastor is dictating to people in his congregation as to who should marry whom, what
job someone should take up, where they should and should not go and so on, to the
point where people are not allowed to do anything without the pastor’s direction, then
something has gone wrong. A pastor is not to run people’s lives and live other people’s
lives for them!

Taking this further, the pastor is not to control the personal spiritual life or ministry of
the believer. As pastors and ministers, we are to equip, guide, and encourage God’s
people in their spiritual walk and development in ministry. We are not to control them
in these areas. Consider this common situation where many of us pastors and ministers
stumble and become a stumbling block. Let us say that a believer named Ramesh, even
before he really settled into a local church, had so much zeal and passion for God that
he started a weekly prayer meeting at his house. He was faithful in this and continued
ministering to people whom God sent his way, through the weekly meetings in his
house. After some time, he heard of a good local church that he visited and eventually
decided to become a part of. At this point, here is what most pastors and churches do.
They will move in and take over Ramesh’s house prayer meetings or require that the
house prayer meeting stop unless it is brought under the full control of the pastor of
that local church. This is improper conduct, from pastors and churches because, in most
cases, this eventually ends up stifling the zeal and passion, which the believer once had.

Ramesh started his house prayer meeting even before he came to the local church. He
should be given the freedom and encouragement to continue the good work he started.
In fact, as pastors we need to continue to equip Ramesh so that he can become even
more fruitful in his ministry through his weekly house meetings. Whether Ramesh brings
his weekly house prayer meetings under the covering of the local church and under the
pastor’s leadership should be left entirely to Ramesh to decide. If he wishes to do so,
then the pastor can provide whatever is needed to enrich the work. It is entirely
acceptable if Ramesh decided to continue his weekly house meetings without the
involvement of the local church or pastor. The church and pastor should continue to
invest in and enrich Ramesh without interfering in his house meetings so that he can be
more effective in his ministry.

Principle to Practice: Guard God’s sheep without controlling them. Give them the

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freedom to grow and be fruitful for the Kingdom of God.

Counseling God’s People

Acts 20:28
Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you
overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

Sometimes believers who are members of a particular local church decide to go to

someone, other than their own pastor, for counseling. If believers, having discussed
matters with their pastor, are directed by their pastor to receive counsel from someone
else, then things are being conducted in proper order.

If members from another local church were to come to us for counseling, we would first
need to ensure that they have discussed things with the one who has spiritual oversight
over their lives, which is usually their pastor. It is their pastor who has been feeding and
shepherding them all this while. If they have come to us after having discussed things
with their spiritual overseer (their pastor or elder), then surely, we can add to what has
been given to them. However, if they have not done so already, then it would be our
responsibility to direct them, first to go to the pastor whom the Holy Spirit has set over
their lives.

However, we ministers are often guilty of not following divine order in this area. We
give our counsel without considering whether people have discussed things with their
pastor. When believers from other churches who have been under the oversight of a
pastor come to us for counseling, our first question should be, “Have you talked these
things with your pastor?”

A young man, from a certain church in our city, contacted me about some problems he
was facing in his church where his pastor was apparently making remarks about him
from the pulpit. I could have used this opportunity to convince him that his pastor was
wrong, was abusing him, and that he should leave his church and join our church. But
my counsel to him was simply to go back and talk to his pastor about the matter. He
eventually did. Things have been resolved and he is happy in the same church.

Another young man came to meet me. He expressed his concerns and a lack of
fulfillment in the church which he was presently in. My initial question to him was,
“Have you discussed this with your pastor?” His answer was, “Yes.” He went on to share
his thoughts on his inability to relate to the pastor and the fact that in this particular
church, pastors were transferred so often. So even if he did manage to work with this
pastor, he did not know how long things would last and then he would have to start all
over again, when another pastor takes over. As a pastor I could have taken advantage of

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this situation and coerced him to come and join our church. I could have promised him
opportunity, position, and a lot of other things to convince him to leave his church and
come over. But my counsel to him was that he must understand where he was in his
ministerial calling, go back to his church, discuss things with his pastor and pastorate
committee, and then make appropriate decisions. If he still felt that he should look for
another local church to be part of, I encouraged him to visit several churches in our city
and then decide.

I am not saying that it is wrong to counsel a member of another local church. What I am
saying is that we as ministers need to walk in divine order when it comes to counseling
people who have been placed by the Holy Spirit under someone else’s oversight. These
believers should first speak with their pastor or spiritual overseer. Having done that, it
would be best to go to other ministers with the direction of their pastor. We ministers
need to ensure that this divine order is maintained in counseling believers who are
members of other churches.

On the other hand, many pastors control people so much that they prevent them from
seeking suitably qualified and experienced ministers for counsel. This is also unhealthy.
While pastors have to guard their sheep, they should love them enough to allow them
to go to some other ministers who can help them at their point of need. Very often, due
to our own insecurities we ministers keep God’s people from receiving help by not
pointing them to the right people who can give into their lives.

Principle to Practice: Follow spiritual protocol when counseling God’s people. Do not
overstep your boundaries. Be big enough to point God’s people to counselors other than

False Claims, Exaggerations, And Beyond

Ephesians 4:25
Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are
members of one another.

Titus 2:7-8
7 In all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence,
8 sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having
nothing evil to say of you.

Sometimes we ministers, who are supposed to be teachers of the truth are guilty of
lying and exaggerations, especially when it comes to the fruits of our ministry.

I personally have been guilty of this in my initial years. Living in America, I began to
adapt to the way missionaries there projected the work they were doing. Even if the

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work was small, by the time the glossy, full-color brochure was brought out and the
presentation was complete, anyone was made to believe that this missionary was doing
a great, big, and wonderful work somewhere in a distant land. The way things were
presented and projected was usually exaggerated many times over. I am not saying all
missionaries were doing this, but this is what most of the brochures and presentations
ended up being! I remember my wife Amy correcting me in this area, as I prepared
reports of our ministry work. Amy helped me see the difference and the absolute
importance of stating the simple facts without all the added spicing and sprucing up!

A minister once met me and shared about his recent ministry in another town. He talked
about “a revival having started in the meeting” in which he ministered and that “the
revival was continuing till this day,” which was about 2–3 months later. I had the
opportunity of interacting with this minister just a few times and had sensed that he
was not a man who spoke the truth. So, when I heard him talk about revival breaking
out in this other town, I sensed that he may not have been entirely truthful. The next
day I called the pastor in the other town just to verify if what this minister had said was
true. The pastor in the other town verified that indeed this minister had gone there and
ministered 2–3 months back. There had been genuine results in that service with some
salvations and deliverances taking place. But to claim that a revival had broken out,
which was supposed to be continuing till the present day, was an exaggeration. Would it
not have been so much better if this minister had simply stated that in the service
where he ministered, three people got saved and one was delivered from demon

Ministers of God, we need to be men and women who will speak the truth, and nothing
but the truth. Let us state facts the way they are, without exaggerations and all the
spicing up. If ten people got saved, then say ten people got saved instead of saying
things like, “So many people gave their lives to Christ and there was such a great
response!” If you visited the Middle East and preached in Kuwait and came back, just
say that you went and ministered in Kuwait and came back, instead of saying, “I traveled
to the nations and ministered to the nations of the world!”

Ministers of God let us get rid of lying and exaggerations! Let us speak the truth and be
people of sound speech.

Principle to Practice: Avoid exaggeration and untruth. Maintain sound speech.

Prophesying Or ‘Prophe-Lying?’

Jeremiah 14:14
And the LORD said to me, “The prophets prophesy lies in My name. I have not sent them, commanded
them, nor spoken to them; they prophesy to you a false vision, divination, a worthless thing, and the
deceit of their heart.”

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

Jeremiah 23:21
I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.

When a minister of God does not hesitate to lie and exaggerate about spiritual
experiences, do you think that such a minister would hesitate to prophesy anything he
imagines over people? It is not uncommon to see people proclaiming to be prophets
and spouting all kinds of prophecies on believers.

It seems to be such a trendy thing to speak over believers, things like, “God will take you
to the nations … and give you a mighty anointing … you will have visions of Jesus and of
angels … you will have dreams and revelations … you will have a mighty ministry … you
will be used as a prophet …” and so on. Tell me, which believer would not fall for such
things! And tell me, who is going to wait and see if these prophecies will ever come to
pass. The poor believer will be waiting year after year, encouraging himself with the
prophecy that someday the visions, the revelations, the prophetic ministry, and so on
will come to pass! No one will be there to verify or hold that “prophet” accountable.
This is such an easy gimmick that any self-serving minister will not hesitate to pull on
gullible believers!

Please understand that I believe in and desire the prophetic. I would pray to God that all
God’s people learnt how to prophesy. The genuine prophetic flow is so wonderful and is
such a blessing. But the abuses in this area should be addressed, and we ministers need
to get things in order.

Ministers of God, we have been called to prophesy not ‘prophe-lie!’ If the Holy Spirit
does not speak, we must learn to keep quiet. We must understand that the written
Scriptures are the number one prophetic Word, and we are to establish God’s people in
the written Word. The written Word is the sure foundation for every believer.

We need to ask recipients of our prophecies to judge and test what we have delivered.
We need to encourage them to have their pastors or spiritual overseers evaluate the
prophecy especially if it is outside the realm of edification, exhortation, and comfort.
We must make sure that as far as possible, we do not deliver prophecies in private
places where other spiritually mature people are not there to judge what is being

Principle to Practice: Prophesy, do not “prophe-lie.”

Put Yourself In The Other Person’s Shoes

Philippians 2:1–5
1 Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

any affection and mercy,

2 fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem
others better than himself.
4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.

During a conversation between two ministers of Christ, one minister shared with the
other minister that some people from the other minister’s church had gone to him for
ministry. This minister shared that, during that time, he had prophesied over these
visitors who had told him that if they had known about him earlier, they would have
gone to him and been part of his ministry instead of coming to the other pastor’s
church. Now just imagine, here is one minister in a very subtle way undercutting
another minister in the face! This was indeed in bad taste!

But yet, I wondered how insensitive this other minister was, to make such a remark. It
does not matter how gifted or anointed we are as ministers. We are all co-laborers in
Christ. God will use us in ways that He has gifted and anointed, to meet people’s needs.
And yet, we cannot glory in this and tear down another minister who may not have
been used to meet that person’s need at that moment.

Ministers of God, may we never belittle each other. May we never say such things to
another minister—"You are not as anointed as you were last year” or “God has not been
using you mightily” or “Your church members came to me and I ministered to them and
got everything sorted out. What have you been doing for them?” Such things are in bad
taste and does not build up or edify others. It only promotes self. God in His mercy may
have used you to meet a person’s need at a certain point in time. But that does not
mean you can tear down the confidence or inner strength of another minister who has
not been used in that situation. Just put yourself in the other person’s shoes and
imagine how you would feel!

Once a lady, from another church in the city, called me and shared that she had bought
a piece of land and was getting ready to break the ground and lay the foundation for the
house that she was going to construct. She then said, “Pastor, I heard you are a man
with clean hands. So, I would like to invite you to come and do the groundbreaking.”
This definitely was very flattering and inviting. But I politely declined the invitation for
several reasons. Firstly, this lady is not under my spiritual oversight. While there would
be no problem doing a groundbreaking, first, how would the pastor who has been giving
into her life feel if he were not given the honor to do so? Secondly, my time is limited,
and I would like to invest it in the people I am directly responsible for and for matters
that are really important. Thirdly, if this person faced a difficult situation tomorrow, she
would go to her pastor and not come to me. So, if her pastor is there to help her in her
problems, should he not also be there to enjoy her blessings? Now, if she came to me

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after having discussed things with her pastor and got his approval to have me do the
groundbreaking, there would be no problem. Otherwise, it is best to have things done
decently and in order.

Principle to Practice: Be considerate towards your fellow minister. Do for them what
you would have them do for you.

Watch What You Say About Your Brother

1 Samuel 26:9
But David said to Abishai, “Do not destroy him; for who can stretch out his hand against the LORD’s
anointed, and be guiltless?”

1 Samuel 26:11a
The LORD forbid that I should stretch out my hand against the LORD’s anointed.

James 3:8–10
8 But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
9 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of
10 Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.

Sometimes we ministers tear down, insult, and defame other ministers, openly or
subtly, in our conversations. It is amusing to see how when ministers are used of God,
they immediately think the world is at their feet and do not hesitate to talk bad about
other fellow ministers.

When we walk in divine order, we will learn to respect the uniqueness of each other’s
calling, gifting, and anointing. We do not need to cut down another person’s ministry to
promote ours. If all of Christ’s ministers watched what they said about their fellow
ministers in the city, the enemy will have less opportunity to cause division and strife.
The citywide Church would be so much stronger and healthier.

Ministers of God let us walk with holy reverence. Let us always remember that the same
Holy Spirit who anoints us also anoints our fellow ministers. Let us never speak ill of our
fellow minister.

Principle to Practice: Never speak ill of your fellow minister.

Handling Criticism
Romans 12:16b–19
16b Do not be wise in your own opinion.
17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.

19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is
Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.

2 Corinthians 6:3-4,8
3 We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed.
4 But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in much patience, in tribulations, in
needs, in distresses.
8 by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers and yet true.

It is almost a foregone conclusion that every minister of God will have to face criticism,
false accusations, defamation, and the like. What is also strange and most hurtful is that
sometimes this evil report or criticism may come from fellow ministers and God’s
people. Even when we do our utmost to live and walk honorably before all, there will
always be someone who does not appreciate our work and will have something to
accuse us about. Some of it may be done intentionally and some may simply be done
out of ignorance.

While we cannot prevent such things, we can control how we react and respond to
criticism, false accusations, defamation, and so on. We must be wise and remember
never to repay evil for evil. We ought to do our best to maintain peace with all men
without retaliating and trying to avenge ourselves. This is where the real test of
character lies. How we react in such situations will demonstrate how far we have
progressed in our growth towards Christlikeness.

Principle to Practice: Learn to respond to criticism and false accusations with


Watch Out For Flattery

James 2:1–9
1 My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality.
2 For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should
also come in a poor man in filthy clothes,
3 and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, “You sit here in a good
place,” and say to the poor man, “You stand there,” or “Sit here at my footstool,”
4 have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?
5 Listen, my beloved brethren: has not God chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of
the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?
6 But you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts?
7 Do they not blaspheme that noble name by which you are called?
8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,”
you do well;
9 but if you show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

1 Timothy 5:21-22
21 I charge you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels that you observe these things
without prejudice, doing nothing with partiality.
22 Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure.

The areas that we pastors and ministers have to guard ourselves against are flattery
from believers and being moved by the professional, social, or financial status of people
who come to us. Believers may intentionally or unintentionally speak things that sound
so spiritual before us that tend to make us think that they are deeply committed to the
Lord. In reality, their commitment could be no deeper than their words. They may
behave like angels in front of us but there is no telling how they conduct themselves
when the pastor or elder is not watching. Perhaps due to a lack of discernment, most of
us begin to “fall” for such things and place such believers in prominent places of ministry
in the local church. We hastily give them spiritual responsibility without testing them to
see what they are really made of. Sooner or later the truth comes out and, in some
cases, too much damage has already been done by such believers. Other believers are
left hurt and abused.

In a similar tone, we pastors need to understand that just because a person may be very
qualified professionally or may be extremely successful financially that does not mean
that they will be automatically useful for Christian ministry. Overseeing 50 people in a
business firm is quite different from overseeing 50 believers in a local church. While
some leadership skills and people skills are transferable, it takes spiritual capacity to be
a leader of God’s people. This is something that is not developed in the business world.
However, most pastors, without using much discernment assign spiritual responsibility
to people based on their accomplishments in the business world. This is not a wise thing
to do.

Principle to Practice: Do nothing out of partiality or without spiritual discernment.

Spiritual Covering or Spiritual Façade?

2 Corinthians 8:23
If anyone inquires about Titus, he is my partner and fellow worker concerning you. Or if our brethren
are inquired about, they are messengers of the churches, the glory of Christ .

2 Corinthians 12:18
I urged Titus, and sent our brother with him. Did Titus take advantage of you? Did we not walk in the
same spirit? Did we not walk in the same steps?

“Spiritual covering” is a phrase that has been thrown around so much that it seems to
have lost its true intent.

The problem among us ministers is that, many times, we claim association with some

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reputed pastor or church, but in reality, it is no deeper than the statement we make.
There is no genuine accountability to that pastor or church. It is more of a spiritual
facade with no real practical value. We may be doing whatever we wish, and just using
the name of the other pastor or ministry whenever it suits our convenience and works
to our advantage.

Ministers of God let us not make false claims of ministerial association or spiritual
covering, when there is no substance to it!

In the New Testament, Titus had such a heartfelt, wholehearted commendation from
Apostle Paul for being a partner and fellow minister. If we cannot have such a
recommendation from those whom we claim to be associated with or connected to,
then we have no right to use their name! If we do so, we are guilty of stealing another
man’s honor! More important than bearing a ministry’s name is the depth of
relationship we share with that ministry. If there is no relationship, then the ministerial
association is nothing more than a piece of paper. Titus’ relationship with Apostle Paul
was so genuine that Paul could say that Titus walked in the “same spirit” and in the
“same steps” as the apostle.

Would to God, that we as ministers understand true accountability. True accountability

begins by being accountable to God, to ourselves, to our own family, and to the people
we serve. If we fail in this, then being accountable to some other ministry that we only
associate by name is unlikely to happen.

Principle to Practice: Do not steal another man’s or another ministry’s honor.

So Where Does The Money Really Go?

Another “disorder” that we ministers are knowingly or unknowingly involved in is in

raising and using of money. Pastors and ministers tell people that they need money for
one thing. So, God’s people give money for that cause or work. However, very often that
money or part of the money is used for other things, with no mention of its actual usage
made to those who contributed. This is not the correct thing to do, no matter how we
try to justify our actions.

If we tell people that we are collecting money for an orphanage and instead use it or
part of it to buy musical equipment, then we have deceived the people. The full amount
that was given for the orphanage must be used for the orphanage and for nothing else.
If it becomes absolutely necessary to use part of the money for some other work, then
at the least, the people should be informed about this.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

Principle to Practice: Maintain integrity while handling money entrusted to you.

Churches Must Hold Believers Accountable

Every pastor’s desire is to see his church increase numerically. Some of us do not care if
we do it at the expense of other fellow pastors in the area. When visitors come from
other churches, we grab a hold of them and directly or indirectly convince them to
“transfer.” This is an unhealthy practice among pastors.

Some churches have a healthy practice where they make it clear to their visitors saying,
“If you are already attending another church where the uncompromised Word of God is
being taught, please remain faithful there. But if you are looking for a home church, we
invite you to visit again and pray about becoming a part of this church.” They make it
plain and clear that they expect their visitors to remain faithful to their home church. If
they see visitors starting to attend regularly, then they try to determine and see why
they have decided to attend this church and encourage them to inform their former
church about their decision to attend another church. This is a healthy practice that
ensures that even church transfers are done decently and in order.

Churches should make it a practice not to influence or coerce people to leave their
home church in the same city just to join another church. However, people may still
decide to leave their former church and settle in another church and may have genuine
reasons for doing so. In these cases, churches must encourage believers to inform their
former pastors and churches about their decision to move.

The point we wish to stress here is that as pastors we should not encourage believers to
“church hop.” We need to teach believers the value of being committed in a spiritual
relationship to a local church. If we pastors do not enforce this, we are going to raise up
a generation of “rolling-stone believers” who will never become living stones in a
spiritual house, through whom Kingdom purposes can be executed.
Principle to Practice: Do not be afraid to hold believers accountable. Teach them to
follow divine order.

Entering Into Other People’s Labors

John 4:35–38
35 Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest?’ Behold, I say to you, lift
up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!
36 “And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he

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who reaps may rejoice together.”

37 For in this the sayings true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’
38 “I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered
into their labors.

1 Corinthians 3:4–9
4 For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not carnal?
5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave
to each one?
6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.
7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God gave the increase.
8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according
to his own labor.
9 For we are God’s fellow-workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.

This is a Kingdom principle—God often uses someone to sow, someone else to water,
and someone else to reap the harvest. When God sends us, in most cases, we are
entering into other people’s labors.

Therefore, we need to learn proper conduct on how to enter into other people’s labors
and how to allow other people whom God has sent to enter into our labors. And we
need to teach God’s people to understand this principle. Otherwise, this could cause
division and strife, which was what happened at Corinth.

What happened at Corinth is interesting to examine. We read this account in Acts

Chapters 18 and 19. Paul, Aquilla, and his wife Priscilla spent about two years
establishing a church at Corinth. The team then went to Ephesus. Paul moved on from
there leaving Aquilla and Priscilla. There, Aquilla and Priscilla met a man named Apollos
who was instructed in the ways of the Lord. “And Aquilla and Priscilla heard him, they
took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately. And when he
desired to cross to Achaia (Corinth), the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to
receive him; and when he arrived, he greatly helped those who had believed through
grace” (Acts 18:26-27). Apollos was sent to the church at Corinth by the
recommendation of Aquilla and Priscilla. So, in effect, Apollos entered into the labors of
Paul, Aquilla, and Priscilla.

Later, believers at Corinth began to take sides with some saying they belonged to Paul
and others saying they belonged to Apollos. Paul reprimanded them for their carnal
behavior. He brought out the fact that they, the believers, were “God’s field” and “God’s
building.” Paul and others were merely co-workers whom God was using to work in
“God’s field” and “God’s building.”

Believers are “God’s field” and “God’s building.” As ministers of God, we need to learn
proper conduct as we enter into other people’s labors, to work in “God’s field” and

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“God’s building.”

When entering into other people’s labors, we need to keep several things in mind:

• Let us do it with the blessing and approval of those who have labored or are
laboring in the same field and building. For example, we cannot just walk into a
church where another minister is the pastor and take over. This is not proper
• We must try to learn what has been accomplished so far, so that we can build on
what has been done. Let us not end up doing something that uproots the good
seeds that have been sown or pulls down the stones that have been laid in a
proper order.
• We must stay within our boundaries. Let us not overstep our authority or the
work we have been called to do. For instance, let us not go into a local church
and tell the pastor what to preach, or how to minister. This is outside what we
are called to do.
• Let us give honor to whom honor is due. If God sent us to reap, remember to
give honor to those who have sown and watered. And above all, let us
remember that increase comes from God.

Similarly, as ministers we need to be big enough, to allow other people to enter into our

• We are to guard the work that has been established till now. So, we must be
cautious as to whom we allow to enter into our labors. We do not want the work
to be destroyed.
• We need to make sure that those we allow to enter into our labors can genuinely
build on what has been built. Sometimes pastors invite another person to co-
labor in “God’s field” and “God’s building”—simply because of the other
person’s reputation and so on—without discerning if the other person has what
is really needed to build further.
• Timing is important. Let us not bring in a harvester if it is sowing season! Let us
not bring in a sower if it is harvesting season! Know the season that “God’s field”
is in.
• Once we know that the right person(s) has come to co-labor or enter into our
labor, we must welcome them with a whole heart. Let us not be a hindrance. Let
us stay out of the way as much as possible, so that they can do what God has
sent them to do.

Principle to Practice: Understand that God often uses one person to sow, another to
water, and still another to reap. Be a good steward of “God’s Field” and “God’s Building”
without hindering or destroying what God is doing.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

Ministering As A Guest Speaker

Another important aspect of learning how “to conduct yourself in the house of God” (1
Timothy 3:15) is in understanding boundaries, when invited to be a guest minister in
another church. It is not uncommon to see that when a person is invited to speak in a
local church, he begins to take charge of the whole service and begins to displace the
local pastor and starts providing direction and vision for the local church. This is totally out
of place and not in divine order.

When the Lord Jesus desires to speak direction, vision, and organization to the local
church, He does so according to the divine order that He has set. In most cases, He
speaks to the pastor or through people who have spiritual authority in that local body by
virtue of either being part of the apostolic/founding team or those in spiritual oversight
over that local body. The people in spiritual oversight of the local church are usually those
whom the pastor has invited to provide oversight or those to whom the pastor goes for the

A guest minister should understand divine order and not overstep boundaries, when
ministering in a local church. The guest minister should operate in submission to the local
pastor who is the head of the local church, under Christ Himself. The guest minister who
does not have spiritual oversight over the church should avoid providing direction,
vision, or organization to the local church. If anything has been revealed to the guest
minister in vision, direction, or organization—he or she should first discuss it privately
with the local pastor. The pastor could keep that word of knowledge or word of wisdom
and decide to work on it later, or the pastor could encourage the guest minister to
deliver that word to the congregation. The guest minister can then do so, having
received the pastor’s approval.

We realize that we cannot quote chapter and verse for the guidelines we have set
above. However, we are convinced that the above guidelines are in harmony with the
whole essence of divine order. This leads to good behavior in the House of God.

As guest ministers, we need to be sensitive to where the local church is, in its spiritual
journey. We need to be sensitive to the current dealings of Christ, within that church.
We need to deliver a timely Word, which the Spirit is saying to the church.

We must also be careful not to undo what the pastor is trying to build into the life of the
church. For example, a pastor may have been teaching his congregation about tithing
and giving financially into God’s Kingdom. He may have spent several weeks teaching his
congregation about this and encouraging them to practice this. Now just imagine if a
guest minister comes right after this and preaches a fervent, stirring message on, “God

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

wants you— not your money.” Well, what the guest minister preached is true in one
sense. However, God has also instructed us to honor Him with our money because our
money also represents us. So, by being insensitive to what the pastor has been working
on, a guest minister can undo in one service, what the pastor has been trying to build
for months!

I remember, many years ago, I was invited to attend a retreat being held at a certain
place in Bangalore. The theme of the retreat was something along the lines of soul
winning. It was the end of, I think, a two-day retreat. I was a young, zealous fifteen-year-
old boy who was burning with a passion for lost souls. At that time, I had just completed
reading the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations and was filled with a passion to labor
and travail for perishing souls. Jeremiah 9:1 was my favorite at that time. I was
permitted by the coordinator of the retreat to speak for a few minutes toward the end,
so I just poured out the urgency and necessity to labor and travail in prayer for lost
souls. What a faux pas (blunder) this was!! First, what I had to say was totally not in line
with the theme of the retreat. While they were trying to motivate people to go out and
reach lost souls, my message was for them to stay and pray! Although what I preached
was scriptural, what I did was not in divine order and unnecessary. I received a good,
well-deserved rebuke from the leader of the meeting and learned my lesson the hard

Principle to Practice: Follow proper spiritual protocol when invited to minister

anywhere. Do not violate God-appointed boundaries or usurp authority that has been
set in place.

Proper Conduct When Ministering To The Citywide Church

Very often pastors and ministers have the opportunity to minister to the citywide
Church through special events, conferences, meetings, and so on. Sometimes, this leads
to publicity and an indirect “sales and marketing” effort for a sponsoring or participating
church or ministry. Very subtly, ministers try to coerce participants to join their church
or ministry. This is an unhealthy thing to do and is improper conduct when ministering
to the citywide Church.

If an event is held and invitation has been given to the citywide Church, then this event
needs to be conducted in a way that believers will be edified and encouraged, to take
what they have received back to their own churches and become a greater asset to their
home churches.

Citywide ministers and ministries should encourage believers to remain faithful to their
local church. They should also encourage believers to give their tithes and offerings to
their local church where they are being nourished and cared for. If believers wish to

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

partner financially with citywide or global ministers, they can do so with offerings, after
having given their tithes to their local church.

If an event is being conducted as an outreach by a local church to reach unsaved souls

and bring them under their care, then this must be announced publicly.

If we can conduct events, conferences, and so on with the pure motive of building up
the citywide Church, then we will begin to see greater participation and cooperation
among the churches.

Principle to Practice: Conduct your ministry in such a way that it edifies and
strengthens the citywide Church and furthers God’s Kingdom in the city.

Watch What You Teach

1 Timothy 4:16
Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both
yourself and those who hear you.

2 Timothy 4:1–4
1 I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead
at His appearing and His kingdom:
2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long-
suffering and teaching.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires,
because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;
4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

James 3:1
My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.

As ministers of God, we are to watch what we teach and preach, since we are
influencing and impacting the lives of many people. There is obviously tremendous
pressure that we face as we minister the Word of God to people:

• The pressure to bring forth new revelations, insight, and thoughts that the
audience has not heard before.
• The pressure to sound scholarly and deeply thoughtful, so as to gain the respect
of the audience.
• The pressure to entertain, to be liked by the audience.
• The pressure to sound prophetic, so as to bring forth a “direct word” from God
for the audience.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

While we need to do our best to teach, train, equip, and impart into the lives of our
hearers, we cannot allow the pressures and expectations of people to cause us to do
things that are not in divine order.

As ministers of God, we can minister God’s Word with confidence knowing that His
Word will produce. His Word will have an impact on the lives of people. We do not need
to “entertain” or always bring forth deep revelations or prophecies. Just teaching and
preaching the uncompromised Word in simple practical ways will truly build the people
of God up.

Another area where we need to be watchful is in teaching and preaching experiences

and subjective revelations as though they were the Word of God. All of us have different
experiences in life, and not all experiences are God’s best or God’s intent for all His
people in general. Sharing experiences is good only to the extent that they help people
understand the application of scriptural truth. We cannot form any theology out of our
personal experiences. In a similar manner, ministers of God tend to claim special
revelations of truth not backed by Scripture or even without the general essence of
what the Word teaches. They prefix such teaching with statements such as, “The Holy
Spirit revealed to me” or “I had a special visitation from the Lord, and He told me.” We
cannot preach such things to God’s people if they are not in line with the written Word
of God.

Principle to Practice: Rightly divide the Word of truth. Preach and teach sound doctrine.

He Whom The Lord Commends

Proverbs 27:2
Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.

John 5:41
I do not receive honor from men.

John 5:44
How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from
the only God?

2 Corinthians 10:17-18
17 But “he who glories, let him glory in the LORD.”
18 For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends.

Very often when we ministers share our testimonies or the things God has done, we very
subtly end up promoting ourselves, instead of giving all glory to the Lord. The testimony is all
about “I,” “me” and “myself” instead of about the Lord who did things through us. We need to
guard ourselves about such things and make sure that we truly glorify God. Let the Lord

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

commend us, instead of us commending ourselves.

Principle to Practice: Seek the honor that comes from God above. Do not seek to
promote yourself.

The Proof Of Our Ministry

Philippians 4:1
Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved.

1 Thessalonians 2:19-20
19 For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing?
20 Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For you are our glory and

As ministers, we tend to rely on a lot of unimportant things as proof for our calling and
ministry. We use ministerial connections, other accomplishments such as books written,
tapes produced, platforms we have preached from, or size of audiences we have
ministered to—to qualify or validate our calling.

However, a genuine proof of our ministry is in changed lives—lives that have really been
touched and set to bear fruit for God’s Kingdom. If lives are not changed, enriched, and
established in the Kingdom of God, then other things hardly matter.

Principle to Practice: In ministry, focus on building people up. What is done in people’s
lives is what really matters.

Giving No Offense

1 Corinthians 10:32-33
32 Give no offense, either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God,
33 just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many,
that they may be saved.

2 Corinthians 6:3-4
3 We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed.
4 But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in much patience, in tribulations, in
needs, in distresses.

As ministers, we need to come to a place where we hold our calling and responsibility
with “fear and trembling.” It appears that many are not doing this. We are probably
taking things too lightly. We are not being as careful as we should be, to ensure that we
conduct ourselves in such a way that the ministry remains blameless.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

People within the church and those outside the church are looking at us as ministers of
Christ. We are to truly represent Christ. Our manner of life should be such that we can
dare say, like Apostle Paul, “Be imitators of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians

• If we as ministers of God are unable to walk in love with our fellow ministers,
how can we teach God’s people to walk in love?
• If we as ministers of God cannot walk in humility before God, how then can we
teach God’s people to do so?
• If we as ministers of God do not hold ourselves with purity, integrity, and
honesty, how can we teach God’s people to walk in these?
• If we as ministers of God do not handle money properly or wisely, how can we
instruct God’s people to do so?
• If we as ministers of God are unable to love our spouses and our own children,
and establish a godly home, how are we going to teach God’s people to do this?

Principle to Practice: Hold your calling as a minister with utmost reverence. Conduct
yourself in a way that will not bring any reproach to the name of Christ.

Praise Among All The Churches

Proverbs 22:1
A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold.

2 Corinthians 8:18
And we have sent with him the brother whose praise is in the gospel throughout all the churches.

2 Corinthians 8:23
If anyone inquires about Titus, he is my partner and fellow worker concerning you. Or if our brethren
are inquired about, they are messengers of the churches, the glory of Christ.

Philippians 2:29
Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness, and hold such men in esteem.

We pastors, ministers, and other ministry leaders should conduct ourselves in such a
way that we will have a good name among all churches wherever we have had the
opportunity to minister. We should be held with honor among all such.

Too often we take pride in the fact that we preached in a certain church, a certain
conference, or from a particular platform. The real test of our ministry is not so much in
which church we preached in or which conference we were invited to speak at but in
the manner, we ministered and conducted ourselves, so as to bring praise and honor to
the name of our Lord.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

Will the hosts be happy to have us back or did we conduct ourselves improperly that our
hosts were glad when we left? If we have gone to a certain church and conducted
ourselves improperly, then definitely we have brought dishonor not only to our own
ministry but also to the Kingdom of God.

If Apostle Paul were to witness our individual ministries today, would he be able to write
about us as he did about Titus and his fellow workers, calling them, “the glory of
Christ?” The Message Bible uses the phrase, “a real credit to Christ.”

Principle to Practice: Conduct yourself among the churches in your city (or region) in a
manner that is praiseworthy, where you will be a real credit to Christ!

➢ Set the Standard.
➢ Edify and correct, not abuse.
➢ Guard not control.
➢ Counsel God’s people.
➢ Make no false claims and exaggerations.
➢ Prophesy not “prophe-lie.”
➢ Watch what you say about your brother.
➢ Watch what you teach.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church


As believers, we are also expected to understand and walk in divine order. We must
learn how to conduct ourselves within our local church and among the local churches in
our area, the citywide Church.

If believers conduct themselves properly, this will reduce much strife and division, and
foster cohesiveness among local churches in the city. This will strengthen the citywide
Church and enable it to have a strong impact on the city.

Shepherds And Guardians

Acts 20:28
Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you
overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

Hebrews 13:17
Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must
give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.

As stated in the section, “Spiritual Connection Between Shepherd and Sheep,” it is the
Holy Spirit who places the shepherd in the midst of the flock to watch over them. The
pastor of the local church represents Christ the Shepherd to that local church. Believers
must therefore learn to be accountable to their shepherd.

John 10:1–3
1 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some
other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
2 But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
3 To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and
leads them out.

In John 10:1–3, Jesus illustrates His relationship to His people. One simple lesson we can
learn in the relationship between shepherd and sheep is that the shepherd leads and
goes before the sheep, and the sheep follow the shepherd.

As believers, we must learn to stay committed to our local shepherd. The local shepherd
is responsible for leading the local church in its spiritual journey and taking it forward in
fulfilling its God-given destiny. As part of the local church, you are now a part of that

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

spiritual journey. You need to be committed to the vision and calling of your local
church. You need to give yourself to help fulfill that call and vision.

Being a part of the local church is being a part of the corporate body of believers where
you have an important role and function. Every believer has a responsibility that
exceeds just church attendance. You are expected to give into the life of the local church
and receive from the life of that church. As a believer, you are a member of the body
and you are to participate in the life of that local church. Do not just be a consumer
merely looking for ways to receive from your local church. Instead, serve, give, and
strengthen your local church.

Principle to Practice: Being part of a local church is to be committed to your pastor,

other members, and to the corporate vision of that local body. Do not just attend
church. Be a committed part of the local church.

The Shepherd’s Rod And Staff

Most believers like the green pastures and still waters that the local shepherd (pastor)
leads them to. However, not too many realize that their pastor carries with him a rod
and a staff. The rod and staff serve to guide and defend the sheep.

The shepherd uses his rod and staff to align sheep that tend to go astray, back to the
sheepfold. He may have to tap the sheep firmly to get them aligned. This may hurt a bit but
is done with good intentions and for the sheep’s benefit.

As believers, we must learn to receive correction, rebuke, and guidance from our pastor.
Do not get upset and go looking for another local church, just because you had to
receive correction. Receive correction, get aligned, and keep moving forward.

With his rod and staff, the shepherd protects the sheep from raving wolves, bears, and
prowling lions that want to devour the sheep. Very few believers really appreciate the
many battles their pastors must fight to protect and keep the—the sheep. Pastors fight
to guard the sheep from spirits of division and strife. They fight to protect their sheep
from spirits of error and deception. They fight to guard their sheep from demons that
try to steal, kill, and destroy the blessings of God. Pastors provide this spiritual oversight
over their sheep.

Learn to appreciate your pastor for what he is doing for you. You may not always see
the battle-scarred hands, or the many lonely hours spent fighting off demonic forces to
protect you. Yet, that is what your pastor does for you. Appreciate him. Be committed to
your pastor.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

Principle to Practice: Be receptive to the correction that God may bring into your life
through your pastor or spiritual overseers.

Sheep That Lead The Shepherd

God’s divine order is that the shepherd leads his sheep. Every time the sheep try to lead
their shepherd, things are not in divine order.

Growth and progress will be hindered. Confusion and strife will abound.

There are believers who are manipulative. Believers who know that their offerings make
a sizeable portion of the church’s funds tend to dictate terms to the pastor. Some other
believers use their social standing, connections, influence, and so on, to direct the
pastor and tell the pastor what to do and what not to do. And then there are believers
who tend to use flattery to control their pastor.

Believers must realize that the moment there is a role-reversal of shepherd and sheep in
the local church, there will be severe consequences.

Regardless of the advantage you have—money, age, influence, position, experience, and
so on—as a believer, you must operate according to God-appointed order in the local
church. Yes, you are free to express your ideas, thoughts, suggestions, and so on, to
your pastor. In fact, it is important that you do. But you should not try to control or lead
your pastor.

Principle to Practice: Never violate divine order and try to guide your pastor. Share your
ideas and thoughts but never try to manipulate and coerce your pastor to do what you
want done.

“I Do Not Agree with You, Pastor”

As believers, we have the opportunity to learn and grow in our spiritual understanding
through several sources. Christian books, teaching/preaching tapes, Christian television,
and so on help in the sharing of spiritual knowledge. These are channels that are
accessible to most believers in the city.

As believers grow and develop spiritually, there may be times that they do not entirely
agree with their pastor in the understanding of certain spiritual truths. As long as this
difference of understanding does not have to do with the core beliefs of the Christian
faith, the believer can still cooperate with the pastor and function in that local church.

Minor differences in spiritual understanding are no reason for a believer to leave a local

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

church. As believers, we need to be mature enough to respect each other’s differences.

We should stop wasting time majoring on minor things and instead focus on the main
task of glorifying Christ and making disciples of all nations.

In a local church, the pastor has the full authority to teach and preach according to the
spiritual understanding he has of the subject. If a believer, who has a slightly differing
understanding on a particular topic, goes around circulating his ideas and belittling the
pastor, this believer is conducting himself improperly. He is sowing discord and is not
acting in divine order.

Principle to Practice: Even if you disagree with your pastor on certain things, love and
submit to him as your spiritual authority. Do not go about sowing discord.

“God Told Me …”

It is becoming the trend among believers to prefix almost every other thing they say
with, “God told me.” It almost seems like these believers do not ever have any thoughts
or ideas of their own and they almost continuously hear God speak to them. Obviously,
this is not true.

God has given us a mind to use and there is nothing wrong in making use of the mind,
especially when it is a mind that is renewed by the Word of God. Also, we need to learn
to differentiate between the witness of the Holy Spirit, the voice of our own human
spirit and our own natural desires or inclinations. If we have not learned to do this, how
are we going to know for sure if what we think is God’s Spirit speaking and not our own
mind or emotions at work!

Often, believers prefix their statements with, “God told me” as an indirect way of telling
their listener, “Do not question what I say.” They are afraid that others might question
them or ask them for clarifications about what they are saying. So, they think that if they
prefix their statement with, “God told me,” then no one would ever question them.
However, people must be given the liberty to judge and evaluate what they hear.

Some, supposedly more spiritual believers tend to use the phrase, “God told me” to
control, guide, and direct the pastor. They may claim special visions, dreams, or
personal revelations and pass that on to the pastor so as to get the pastor to do what
they feel is of God. Now, God may genuinely speak to a member in the congregation
and give a Word to the church. However, that Word is to be submitted to the local
shepherd for him to decide what to do with it. If the pastor and spiritual elders discern
that a word or dream was just wishful thinking, they can decide to leave that word

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

As believers, we must be very careful before we use the phrase, “God told me.” Use it
only when you know beyond a doubt that the Holy Spirit has spoken to you. Otherwise,
just say, “I sense in my spirit …” or “I feel strongly in my spirit …” or “I think …” or “I have an
idea …” There is nothing wrong in saying, “I thought” or “I had an idea.” After all, God wants us
to use our renewed mind!

Principle to Practice: Treat the phrase, “God told me” with the reverence it deserves. Do
not try to be super-spiritual claiming direct revelation from God for every little thing you
say and do!

Giving Your Tithe Where it Really Belongs

1 Corinthians 9:11
If we have sown spiritual things for you, is it a great thing if we reap your material things?

Galatians 6:6
Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches.

It is a Kingdom principle that those who are ministered to in spiritual things ought to
give back in material things to the people who serve spiritually. This of course applies to
the local church, that is, the spiritual House of God. The tithe belongs to the House of
the Lord (Malachi 3:10) and should go to the local church where you are currently part
of. Some believers who are part of a local church where they serve and receive spiritual
nourishment from, send their tithes to some other place—another local church,
ministry, or social outreach. This is not the correct thing to do. Your tithes must go to
the local church that you are currently part of, where you are being ministered to and
being cared for spiritually. Of course, you are free to send offerings to other ministers
and mission organizations that you wish to partner with. But remember that your local
church is the House of the Lord which you are a part of and which is there to meet your
spiritual needs at all times.

Principle to Practice: Give your tithe where it really belongs.

Learning How to Enter and Leave

As believers, we need to learn, if the situation arises, how to leave a local church and
become part of another local church in a manner that is decent and in proper order.
There can be several reasons why you as a believer would choose to leave a local
church. Perhaps you are relocating from one place to another. Perhaps you are not
being as spiritually nourished as you need to be. Perhaps your individual calling and
gifting does not fit into the calling and gifting of your present church, and so on.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

It is important, when you leave a local church for another local church, to inform the
church that you are leaving. It is not proper to just “get up and go” and disappear. After
all, the pastor, the spiritual elders, and members of that local church have been involved
in your life in one way or another. You have been part of the corporate life of the
church, giving and receiving from that church. When you leave, do so with gratitude and
appreciation for all that was imparted to you during your time there. When you leave,
do so knowing that you and the church you are leaving are still part of the same Body,
the Body of Christ. Leave with a good testimony and with good relationships with all
members of that local body.

When you decide to become part of another local church, do so with humility and
whole-hearted commitment. Regardless of what your spiritual experiences have been in
the past, there is a lot to learn about your new church family. Align yourself to the
vision, direction, and calling of your new local church. Serve in the local church in
whatever capacity that is given to you. Do not look for position and prominence. Your new
pastor also needs to prove you, test you, and see what you are really made of, before he can
release you into an area of service.

There are times when believers decide to leave a local church for not-so-pleasant
reasons, for example, due to disagreements with another believer or disagreements
with the pastor or spiritual elders. Even in such unpleasant situations, it is important
that you settle matters with your local church before leaving. Otherwise, you will be
carrying “baggage”—of unforgiveness, of interpersonal problems and so on—with you
wherever you go. In all likelihood, the same things will happen again, and the cycle will
keep repeating wherever you go.

Principle to Practice: If you must leave a local church for another local church, leave and
enter in a manner that pleases the Lord.

Do Not Be Gullible
Acts 20:30
Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after

Ephesians 4:13-14
Till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to
the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and
fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of
deceitful plotting.

2 Peter 2:1–3
But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you,
who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on
themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time
their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.

Believers must learn to be cautious of new winds of doctrine or forms of teaching that
tend to draw them away from the faith. If there is any new teaching, new doctrine and
so on, check with your pastor or spiritual elders on its validity. Do not judge the validity
of a teaching based on how many supporters that teacher has or how widely
acclaimed that teacher might be. Always judge the teaching in the light of the written
Word of God.

• If any teaching denies the Biblical understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ—who
He is and what He has done, then avoid it.
• If any teaching displaces the Lordship of Christ in your life, then avoid it.
• If any teaching contradicts the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ and is not in
harmony with the general instructions of Scripture, then avoid it.

On the other hand, there are those who may attempt to sow doubt and unbelief
concerning the truth you are being taught in your local church. Even in such situations,
discuss things with your pastor and spiritual elders. Apostle Paul admonished Timothy, “O
Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings
and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge—by professing it some have
strayed concerning the faith. Grace be with you. Amen” (1 Timothy 6:20-21).

There are those who with the pretense of being spiritual or scholarly, question and deny
what the Scriptures plainly teach. Some of these even seem to be vehement “defenders
of the faith” when they are walking in doubt and unbelief, and hence discard the very
essence of the Word and the nature of God.

Study the Word. Search the Scriptures. Let the written Word be the basis of what you

As believers, we need to know that prophetic words spoken over our lives cannot
replace the written Scriptures. Every prophetic word must be tested in the light of the
written Scriptures. God’s written Word is the final authority in our lives.

Principle to Practice: Study the Word yourself and examine every teaching you are given
with the written Word.

Do Not Sow Discord

Proverbs says that God hates those who cause fighting among brothers.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

Proverbs 6:16–19
16 These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.

As believers, we must be cautious with the way we conduct ourselves and with the
things we say, so that we give no occasion for discord to be created among God’s

If by any chance, we say or do things that result in strife, then we need to act as
peacemakers and bring restoration and healing.

Principle to Practice: Determine to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker, in the Body of

Receiving Through Citywide And Other Ministries
Ephesians 4:11-12
11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and
12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.

We need to realize that ministers and ministries that God has raised up have a citywide
reach or even beyond. And then there are those ministers and ministries whose ministry
extends globally. As believers, we need to receive from such ministers and ministries
whom God has raised up and who are serving God with a pure heart. Take the good
things you learn and use it to enrich the life of your local church. Let your local church
be even more strengthened and enriched by what you receive through citywide and
global ministries. You can also give offerings and partner with such ministries.

However, if you find that other citywide ministers and/or global ministers are
controlling and manipulating you to leave your local church and go after them or give
inappropriate amounts of money, you will need to exercise caution.

Principle to Practice: Learn to receive through citywide and global ministries and use
what you learn to strengthen your local church.

Respect Spiritual Authority

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
12 And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord
and admonish you,
13 and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. Be at peace among yourselves.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

1 Timothy 5:17-18
17 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the
word and doctrine.
18 For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer is
worthy of his wages.”

Hebrews 13:7
Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow,
considering the outcome of their conduct.

Part of walking in divine order is learning to respect and honor spiritual authority that
has been set among us.

Violating spiritual authority opens the door to confusion and strife that give an entrance
to the enemy.

In the context of a local church, in addition to the pastor/ shepherd, there are spiritual
elders and others to whom the pastor has delegated authority, responsibility, and
leadership. It is not uncommon to see members of local congregations rebel against
such spiritual elders and leaders and yet, seem so obedient to the pastor. This is not an
appropriate conduct in the House of God. To be submitted to the pastor also involves
being submitted to the elders and leaders he has appointed in the House of God to help
carry out the work of God.

On the other hand, those with authority and leadership delegated to them from the
pastor should conduct themselves worthy of the trust placed in them. These spiritual
elders and leaders should maintain the same spirit and walk in the same manner as their
pastor. They should not abuse the authority entrusted to them to control and
manipulate people in the local church.

Respect for spiritual authority should go beyond an outward form or show. It is not
uncommon to see people show a form of respect for spiritual authority. They may use
the correct words and so on. However, in a short while, if something goes wrong, all
respect seems to disappear and the true condition of the heart manifests. This is a clear
indication that respect for spiritual authority was not genuine in this case, but just an
outward show. As believers we need to go beyond this!

Principle to Practice: Have genuine reverence for the spiritual authority that God has set
in your life.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church


➢ Do not just attend church. Be a
committed part of the local Church.
➢ Be receptive to the correction that
God may bring into your life through
your pastor or spiritual overseers.
➢ Never violate divine order. Do not
try to control or lead your pastor.
➢ Love and submit to your pastor as
your spiritual authority.
➢ Give your tithe where it really
➢ Do not sow discord.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church


Divine Order Brings Increase

Acts 6:7
Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a
great many of the priests were obedient to the faith.

Acts 15:4
And when they had come to Jerusalem, they were received by the church and the apostles and the
elders; and they reported all things that God had done with them.

Acts 16:5
So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily.

At least in two instances in the life of the early Church (Acts Chapters 6 and 15), we see
that when problems were addressed and things set in order, it resulted in growth and
increase in the Church.

In Acts 6, the problem was in the daily distributions of food that was being made. The
Greek-speaking Jews and Hebrew-speaking Jews got into strife with each other. When
seven men were appointed to set things in order, Acts 6:7 says, “Then the word of God
spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great
many of the priests were obedient to the faith,” giving us the immediate consequence.
Of course, there were several other factors involved that resulted in the growth of the
church in Jerusalem. But undeniably, setting things in order was one of these factors.

In Acts 15, we read about the strife and dispute caused by the issue of circumcising new
believers. The Council at Jerusalem decided to set things in order and settle further
controversies on this matter. This once again resulted in the strengthening and in the
numerical growth of the church.

The Value Of Unity

Psalm 133:1–3
1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
2 It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running
down on the edge of his garments.
3 It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the LORD commanded

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

the blessing— life forevermore.

Mark 3:24-25
24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
25 And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

The objective of divine order is unity, harmony, and peace. It enables local churches,
ministers, ministries, and believers to work together harmoniously with proper

Unity results in anointing, strength, and blessing.

When the citywide Church is strong, anointed, and blessed of the Lord, nothing can
keep us from accomplishing our common objective of glorifying Christ and reaching the
city for God’s Kingdom.

Pastors and ministers of God have the wonderful opportunity to promote unity in the
citywide Church. Most believers do not see beyond their own local church. However, as
pastors we can encourage members in our local churches to look beyond our local
church and seek the peace, unity, and strength of the citywide Church. We can
encourage believers to open their hearts to one another, share, and serve one another
in love.

Bonds Of Peace
Ephesians 4:1–3
1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were
2 with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love,
3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace .

We are called to walk with lowliness, meekness, patience, and bearing each other with
love. We must make every effort to keep the unity that the Spirit brings with bonds of

Part of this effort, I believe, involves walking in divine order, doing things decently, and
in order.

Doctrinal differences do not have to cause strife and contention, so long as we agree on
the core essentials of the Christian faith. Many of us use this phrase often—“In the
essentials, unity. In the non-essentials, liberty”—and yet, we fight so hard over the non-

While we desire for all ministers and believers to come to enjoy the full blessings of the

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

Gospel of Christ and experience the fullness of the Spirit’s power, we do not have to get
into strife just because of individual positions on the manifestations of the Spirit, divine
healing, and forms of worship. It is okay if other fellow ministers do not clap their hands,
dance, speak in tongues, prophesy, and cast out devils, so long as they truly love the
Lord Jesus and seek to glorify Christ in the city. We can still love each other and
fellowship with each other.

Within Boundaries, Yet Totally Free

2 Corinthians 3:17
Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty .

Doing things decently and in order requires the understanding that:

✓ There are boundaries that we should not cross.

✓ There is spiritual authority that we must respect.
✓ There is a proper way to do things.
✓ There is accountability that we must maintain.

Yet, amidst all this there is liberty and freedom, which the Spirit of God brings. Every
believer is free to grow and flourish in the call and purpose of God, doing things for
building up the local church and the citywide Church, while doing things decently and in

Building Bridges Across Churches

Churches and ministries in the city need to build bridges that can strengthen ties among
them and bring the citywide Church together, making it a powerful force in the city.

Bridges can be built in simple ways. Pastors and ministers sharing and having fellowship
together are a tremendous bridge that strengthens ties across churches. There is a
definite need for city pastors to build strong relationships/fellowship with each other.
Usually, if two pastors have known each other from their early days, they tend to be
good friends. However, such circles of friendships must be opened up to include pastors
across social, denominational, language, and cultural lines.

Encouraging believers from churches to meet, share, and fellowship with each other is
another strong bridge that can be built. Believers ought to fellowship with each other to
encourage one another and not with the intent of drawing believers from other local
churches into their own church.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

Resolving Conflicts And Strengthening The Weak

Matthew 5:23-24
23 Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something
against you,
24 leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then
come and offer your gift.

Galatians 6:1
Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of
gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.

In all probability, conflicts between pastors, ministers, and believers from different local
churches in the city are likely to arise. In such situations city pastors/ministers who are
spiritually mature and can counsel the two parties should intervene to bring resolution,
restoration, and peace.

Even pastors and ministers need people they can go to for counsel, encouragement, and
strengthening. The more mature and older ministers can provide this for the younger
generation of pastors and ministers in the city.

If a fellow pastor or fellow minister in the city is overcome by a fault, then the advice
given in Galatians 6:1 must be employed. Rather than completely destroying a
weakened brother, those who are mature should step in and bring healing and

Nurturing The Citywide Church

Pastors, ministers, churches, ministries, and believers need to work together to nurture
the citywide Church.

✓ We nurture the citywide Church by walking in divine order.

✓ We become sensitive to each other’s needs and are watchful that we do nothing
to cause division or strife in the citywide Body of Christ.
✓ We pray for the unity of the citywide Church—the Body of believers in the city.
✓ We give into the life of the citywide Church, by encouraging and cheering each
other on.
✓ We refrain from saying or doing things that generate strife, hurt, and division.
✓ We are there to support one another—helping resolve strife, encouraging a
weakened brother and so on.

Divine Order in the Citywide Church

Developing Kingdom Mentality

As pastors, churches, ministers, and ministries, we need to pull down the walls of
independence, isolation, and individualism and come together with the focus of building
the Kingdom of God in our city. We must move away from individual church growth to
the growth of the Kingdom of God in our city. Unity is not each church doing its own
thing without troubling the other. Unity is when each pastor, each church, each ministry
is filled with the same passion for seeing God’s Kingdom established in our city and are
actively co-laboring to see this happen. Each one’s heart and focus are set on doing
whatever it takes to see the city transformed by the Gospel—not in seeing if there is
individual church growth or growth in personal ministry. When every servant of God has
died to building his own church and ministry and is awakened to building the Kingdom
of God, we will have unity. The growth of every local church and ministry will be an
obvious outcome of the growth of the Kingdom of God.

We need apostolic/prophetic leaders in our cities, to provide solid foundational strength

for the present-day citywide Church. These leaders will be able to lead the citywide
Church into unity and Kingdom advancement in the city. These apostolic/prophetic
leaders will have the heart, wisdom, and ability to work across denominational, social,
and cultural lines. All of us regardless of denominational affiliation will be able to
recognize, respect, and flow under such apostolic/prophetic leadership. We will need
several of these apostolic/prophetic leaders in the city, who will all be able to flow and
work with each other for Kingdom advancement without competition and strife.

Let us reach the nations together!


➢ Divine order brings increase.

➢ Unity results in anointing, strength, and blessing.
➢ Maintaining bonds of peace.
➢ Within boundaries, yet totally free.
➢ Developing Kingdom mentality.

Partner with All Peoples Church
All Peoples Church ministers beyond its own borders as a local church by reaching out all
across India, especially North India, with a special focus on (A) Strengthening Leaders,
(B) Equipping young people for ministry and (C) Building up the Body of Christ. Several
training seminars for young people, and Christian Leaders conferences are held
throughout the year. In addition, several thousands of copies of books are distributed
free of cost in English and other Indian languages with the purpose of equipping
believers in the Word and in the Spirit.

We invite you to partner with us financially by sending either a one-time gift or a

monthly financial gift. Any amount that you can send to help us in this work across our
nation will be greatly appreciated.

You can send your gift by cheque / bank draft payable to “All Peoples Church,
Bangalore” to our office address. Else you can remit your contribution directly by bank
transfer using our bank account details.

Account Name: All Peoples Church

Account Number: 0057213809
IFSC Code: CITI0000004
Bank: Citibank N.A., No. 5, M.G. Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001

Kindly note: All Peoples Church can only accept bank contributions from an India based
bank account. When making your contribution, if desired, you can indicate the specific
APC ministry area where you would like your contribution to be used. For additional
details please visit

Also, please remember to pray for us and our ministry whenever you can.
Thank You and God Bless!
A Church in Revival* Ministering Healing and Deliverance
A Real Place Called Heaven Offenses-Don’t Take Them
A Time for Every Purpose Open Heavens*
Ancient Landmarks* Our Redemption
Baptism in the Holy Spirit Receiving God’s Guidance
Being Spiritually Minded and Earthly Wise Revivals, Visitations and Moves of God
Biblical Attitude Towards Work Shhh! No Gossip!
Breaking Personal and Generational Bondages The Conquest of the Mind
Change* The Father’s Love
Code of Honor The House of God
Divine Favor* The Kingdom of God
Divine Order in the Citywide Church The Mighty Name of Jesus
Don’t Compromise Your Calling* The Night Seasons of Life
Don’t Lose Hope The Power of Commitment*
Equipping the Saints The Presence of God
Foundations (Track 1) The Redemptive Heart of God
Fulfilling God’s Purpose for Your Life The Refiner’s Fire
Gifts of the Holy Spirit The Spirit of Wisdom, Revelation and Power*
Giving Birth to the Purposes of God* The Wonderful Benefits of speaking in
God Is a Good God Tongues
God’s Word-The Miracle Seed Timeless Principles for the Workplace
How to Help Your Pastor Understanding the Prophetic
Integrity Water Baptism
Kingdom Builders We Are Different*
Laying the Axe to the Root Who We Are in Christ
Living Life Without Strife* Women in the Workplace
Marriage and Family Work Its Original Design

PDF versions of all the above books are available for free download from our church
website at Many of these books are also available in other languages.
To request your free copy of these books, please send an email to
[email protected]
*Available only as PDF

Also visit our church website for free Audio and Video sermons, Sermon notes
(, and many other resources you can use.
Weekend Schools, held in Bangalore, are geared to train and equip believers in specific
areas of life and ministry. These are conveniently held on a Saturday 9am-6pm.
Weekend schools are open to all believers from all churches and across denominations,
who are interested in being trained and equipped. Below is a list of weekend schools
that are currently being hosted.

Weekend School of Prophetic Ministry

Weekend School of Healing and Deliverance
Weekend School on Gifts of the Spirit
Weekend School of Prayer and Intercession
Weekend School on Inner Wholeness
Weekend School on Lifestyle Evangelism
Weekend School on God@Work
Weekend School of Urban Missions and Church Planting
Weekend School on Christian Apologetics

Please visit: for current schedule and to register online

All Peoples Church provides Spirit anointed equipping and impartation for pastors, local
church leadership, leaders of Christian organizations and others engaging in Christian
ministry. In addition to anointed teaching, Spirit-led ministry and impartation, our teams
engage in personal interaction and discussions with participants. Each Christian Leaders
Conference runs typically for 2 to 3 days focused on a specific theme. Participants will
leave renewed, empowered, and equipped for greater impact and effectiveness in their
ministry. Christian Leaders Conferences are typically hosted by a local church, a
Christian ministry, a missions organization or denominational head-office for churches
and pastors in its area or within its network or denomination. The hosting organization
will cover the expenses of the conference as well as inviting participants. All Peoples
Church will send its ministry team to serve the participants at the Christian Leaders

Some of the themes that our teams commonly minister on:

• Revivals, Visitations and Moves of God
• Presence and Glory
• Kingdom Builders (The Kingdom of God and Kingdom Building)
• Level Ground
• The House of God
• Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry
• Ministering Healing and Deliverance
• Gifts of the Spirit
• Marriage and Family
• Equipping the Saints and Marketplace Transformation

For additional details and a current listing of themes for Christian Leaders Conference,
please visit:

To schedule and plan a Christian Leaders Conference please email us at:

[email protected]
About All Peoples Church

At All Peoples Church (APC), our vision is to be salt and light in the city of Bangalore and
a voice to the nation of India and to the nations of the world.

At APC, we are committed to presenting the complete, uncompromised Word of God in

the anointing and demonstration of His Holy Spirit. We believe that good music, creative
presentations, brilliant apologetics, contemporary ministry techniques, latest
technology and so on, can never substitute the God-ordained approach of proclaiming
the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit with signs, wonders, miracles, and gifts of the
Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:4-5; Hebrews 2:3-4). Our theme is Jesus, our content is the
Word, our method is Holy Spirit power, our passion is people, and our goal is Christlike

With our main base in Bangalore, All Peoples Church has several other church locations
in India. To get a current listing and contact information of All Peoples Church locations,
please visit our website at or send an email to
[email protected].

About 2000 years ago, God came into this world as a man. His name is Jesus. He lived a
perfectly sinless life. Since Jesus was God in flesh, everything He said and did revealed
God to us. The words He spoke were the very words of God. The things He did were the
actions of God. Jesus did many miracles on the Earth. He healed the sick and suffering.
He opened blind eyes, unstopped deaf ears, made the lame to walk and healed every
kind of sickness and disease. He fed the hungry by miraculously multiplying a few loaves
of bread, calmed the storm and did many other wonderful things.
All of these actions reveal to us that God is a good God who wants people to be
well, whole, healthy and happy. God wants to meet the needs of people.
So why then would God decide to become a man and step into our world? Why did
Jesus come?
All of us have sinned and done things that are unacceptable before the God who
created us. Sin has its consequences. Sin is like a great unsurpassable wall between God
and us. Sin separates us from God. It prevents us from knowing and having a meaningful
relationship with the One who created us. Therefore, many of us try to fill this void with
other things.
Another consequence of our sins is eternal separation from God. In God’s court, the
penalty for sin is death. Death is eternal separation from God in hell.
But, the good news is that we can be free from sin and be restored to God. The
Bible says, “For the wages [payment] of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life
in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Jesus paid for the sins of the whole world
when He died on the cross. Then, three days later He rose again, showed Himself alive
to many and then went back into heaven.”
God is a God of love and mercy. He does not wish that any person be lost in hell.
And so He came, to provide a way for the entire human race to be free from sin and its
lasting consequences. He came to save sinners—to rescue people like you and me from
sin and eternal death.
To receive this free forgiveness of sins, the Bible tells us that we have to do just one
thing—accept what the Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross and to believe in Him whole-
“… through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive forgiveness of sins” (Acts
“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that
God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).
You too can receive forgiveness and cleansing for your sins if you will believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ.
The following is a simple prayer to help you make a decision to believe in the Lord
Jesus Christ and what He has done for you on the cross. This prayer will help you express
your acceptance of what Jesus has done for you and receive forgiveness and cleansing
for your sins. This prayer is only a guideline. You can also pray in your own words.
Dear Lord Jesus, today, I have understood what You did for me on the cross. You
died for me, You shed Your precious blood and paid the penalty for my sins, so that I
could be forgiven. The Bible tells me that whoever believes in You will receive forgiveness
for their sins.
Today, I make a decision to believe in You and to accept what You did for me, by
dying for me on the cross and rising again from the dead. I know I cannot save myself by
my own good works, neither can any other human save me. I cannot earn forgiveness for
my sins.
Today, I believe in my heart and say with my mouth that You died for me, You paid
the penalty for my sins, You rose again from the dead, and by faith in You, I receive
forgiveness and cleansing for my sins.
Thank You Jesus. Help me to love You, to know You more and to be faithful to You.
will be a world-class state-of-the-
art equipping center and missions
base serving the Body of Christ
across nations.

Leveraging cutting-edge technology and tools we will provide Spirit-anointed, Bible-
based training to equip, send and support a new generation of Christian ministers,
locally and globally. The facility will include a Bible college serving residential and non-
residential students, with support for distance learning via live and off-line lectures and
a media center to reach people in a connected world. The facility will also include a
sanctuary, children and youth centre, and a 24X7 prayer center.

As the Lord leads and enables, we invite you to make a contribution of any amount and
partner with us in this vision and help us Build To Impact. To contribute towards APC
WORLD OUTREACH & EQUIPPING CENTER in Bangalore, and the on-going Build To
Impact project, please use the following details.

Wire Transfer Cheques

Account: All Peoples Church Building Fund AC In favor of: All Peoples Church Building Fund AC
Account No: 520101021447450 Cheques can be mailed to:
IFSC Code: CORP0000656 All Peoples Church,
Bank Name: Corporation Bank #319, 2nd Floor, 7th Main, 2nd Block HRBR Layout,
Branch Name: R.T Nagar Branch, Bangalore Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore 560043, Karnataka, India

We welcome your contribution from an India based bank account into our bank details
provided. We do not have facility to accept overseas contributions. For any questions
email us at [email protected]

Please visit: for project progress and additional details.

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