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Time Duration:: 90 minutes
Max.marks:: 40 marks
Read the given passage and answer any 5 questions:
The pencil maker held the pencil in his hand and before putting the pencil in the
box decided to impart five important lessons to the pencil. He told the pencil that
if he learns these five lessons, he will be the best pencil in the world. First, he told
the pencil that you will be able to do great many things in life, but only if you
allow yourself to be held in someone else hands. He also told him that you will
experience a painful sharpening from time to time. But you will need it to become
a better pencil.
Then he told him that he will be able to correct any mistakes he made. and that
the best part of it would be found inside its exterior. Lastly, the pencil maker also
told the pencil that on every surface he is used, he must leave a mark. The pencil
understood these lessons and went into the box with the purpose in its heart.
This story of the pencil has a lot to teach if we replace the pencil with ourselves.
Every person can do many great things only if he allows himself to be in the hands
of the God.
Every person experiences sharpening from time to time which are the problems
he encounters. These problems are there to make him a stronger person. Every
person is blessed with the ability to correct his mistakes.
The best part of a person is to be found inside him, his heart or his soul. And most
significantly, every person just like every pencil should leave an impression
wherever he goes. Following these simple rules, every person can become the
best person in the world and the world will be full of better people.
1.Why does the pencil maker decide to impart certain lessons to the pencil?
(a).To make it a better pencil
(b). To make it a beautiful pencil
(c).To become the best pencil maker
(d). To make the pencil understand the need of eraser and sharpener.
2.What values does the pencil teach us?
(a).The ability two handle the problems in our life and emerge stronger
(b). the ability to become more beautiful
(c). the ability to be able to learn many lessons
(d). the ability to write well with a pencil
3.How is every person blessed with an ability to correct his mistakes?
(a).By accepting that he/ she has done something wrong
(b). by using an eraser
(c). by sharpening himself
(d). by leaving a mark
4.What does the author mean by, ‘every person must leave an impression’
(a).to be best in whatever he does
(b). to thank God
(c).to correct his mistakes
(d).To be able to choose the best pencil
5.The word ‘aptitude’ is synonymous with?
(c). ability
(d). Replace
6.Choose the antonym of the word ‘weak'
(b). strong
(c). delicate
(d). Healthy
7.The superlative degree of the word ‘ good is
(a).the best
(c).a best
SECTION-B (Grammar and Writing)
Q.2. Attempt any five questions from the following seven questions. 5x1= 5
1.I am so sorry that I ....... (have) to leave the party so early yesterday.
2.Most Shops ..........(close )at 6:00 PM on Saturday.
3. ....... his soul rest in peace!
4. ........ you speak German ?
5.The pair of shoes on the floor ......... mine.
6.Change the given sentences into indirectl speech.
He said,”I will not go with you.”
7.change the given sentence into direct speech.
My elder brother requested me to post this letter for him.
3. You are karishma/ mihir of 143, Palm Avenue, Kolkata. You are interested to
join a swimming club of repute in your town. Write a letter to the secretary,
college Square Swimming Club, kolkata, enquiring about the details about
membership and other terms and conditions of the club. (5 marks)
As the head of the music department of your school, write a letter to Mysore
Music Association, placing an order for some instruments such as flute,
Casio,star,harmonium etc.You are Nandini/Namit of Army school, Rohini west,
New Delhi.
4.Gautam was alarmed to see the graph that tracked the rising levels of carbon
dioxide in the air of his city, Nagpur. He decided to write a paragraph on the data
to show his alarm and painted the present picture in order to caution people
against environmental pollution. Write an analytical paragraph for Gautam
(5 Marks)

Read the following report and write an analytical paragraph on the basis of the
data provided.
Single -use plastic water bottles cause dangerous substances to ‘leach' into the
soil and water. The bottles typically don’t begin to break down for one hundred
years or can take even longer. Their decomposition may be speeded up by
extreme weather conditions, eg. very hot or very cold temperatures.
As they break down, they release dangerous chemicals like Bisphenol-A(BPA) into
the soil. Bisphenol-A is an endocrine disruptor, can affect the level of
hormones within the human body, creating scope for
diseases. In addition, BPA is known to be carcinogenic (cancer-causing) to
All these chemicals accumulate in the soil and eventually sink into the water
table, thus contaminating the water. Making these threats to health even more
frightening is the fact that there is currently no known technology for removing
BPA or any other leachates from the soil and water once they are there.
5.Read the following extract and answer the following questions.
We have an Indian legend too. Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist ascetic, cut off
his eyelids because he felt sleepy during meditations. Ten tea plants grew out of
the eyelids. The leaves of these plants when put in hot water and drunk banished
sleep. “Tea was first drunk in China,”Rajvir added, “as far back as 2700 BC!In fact
words such as tea,’chai’and ‘chini’ are from Chinese. Tea came to Europe only in
the 16 century and was drunk more as medicine than as beverage. 3×1=3marks
1.Why is the story called a legend?
2.What does the given lines show us about rajveer?
3.Find the world in the extract which means ‘get rid of’?
But for Valli, Standing at the front door was every bit as enjoyable as any of the
elaborate games other children played. Watching the street give her many new
unusual experiences.
1.Why did Valli kept on standing at the doorway?
2.How was Valli different from children of her age?
3.Find a word from the extract
which means ‘not very common’.
6.Read the following extract and answer the following questions:
I think I could turn and live with animals ,they are so placid and self contained
I stand and look add them long and long. 3x1=3 marks
1.What does the poet want to turn into?
2.Which qualities of animals attract the poet?
3.Which word is similar to the word ‘calm’?
So the next step for Ebright was to raise a flock of butterflies.He would catch a
female monarch, take her eggs and raise them in his basement through their life
cycle, from egg to Caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly. Then he would tag the
butterflies wings And let them go. For several years his basement was home to
thousands of monarch’s in different stages of development.
1.Why did Ebright raise butterflies?
2.Find the word which has the same meaning as the word ‘ rear’
from the extract given above.
3.Why was he tagging butterflies?
7.Answer the following questions. (Attempt any two)3×2=6marks
1.Why is Coorg called the land of rolling hills?
2.How did Valli save money to travel by bus?
3.Justify the title of the poem ‘Amanda’.
8.Answer the following questions. (4marks )
(A). “ Human beings are called the most civilised species in the entire world. But
sometimes they lack the virtues which are better exhibited by the animals.”
Elucidate with reference to the poem ‘Animals’.
Discuss the importance of proper Upbringing with reference to the poem
‘Amanda’ by Robin Klein.
(B).Why were the children fascinated by the Baker? How did they show their
eagerness to see him? (4 marks)
Discuss the role of Ebright's mother in making him a scientist.
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