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Chapter 8

Cost Theory and

The Nature of Costs
• Explicit Costs
– Accounting Costs
• Economic Costs
– Implicit Costs
– Alternative or Opportunity Costs
• Relevant Costs – those that will be affected by the
decision; those that will not be affected are
– Sunk Costs are Irrelevant
– Incremental Costs are relevant – e.g. make or buy
decision – compare the savings in cost with increase
in exp; example - a cattle feed factory to be setup by
the dairy. V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019
The Nature of Costs
A woman managing a photocopying establishment in the U.S. for $25,000 per
year decides to open her own duplicating place. Her revenue during the first
year of operation is $120,000, and her expenses are as follows:
Salaries to hired help : $45,000
Supplies 15,000
Rent 10,000
Utilities 1,000
Interest on bank loan 10,000
Total 81,000
Calculate (a) the explicit costs, (b) the implicit costs, (c) business profit, (d)
economic profit, and (e) normal return on investment in this business.
a) Explicit costs: $81,000
b) Implicit cost: $25,000 (i.e., the entrepreneur’s foregone salary).
c) Business profit ( TR minus explicit costs ) $120,000 - $81,000 = $39,000
d) Economic profit : 120,000 - (81000+ 25000) = $14,000
e) The normal return on investment equals the implicit costs of the entrepreneur (i.e.,
her salary foregone) of $25,000.
Short-Run Cost Functions

Total Cost(TC) = f(Q)

Total Fixed Cost = TFC
Total Variable Cost = TVC

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

Short-Run Cost Functions

Average Total Cost = ATC = TC/Q

Average Fixed Cost = AFC = TFC/Q
Average Variable Cost = AVC = TVC/Q
Marginal Cost = TC/Q = TVC/Q
V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019
Short-Run Cost Functions


0 $60 $0 $60 - - - -
1 60 20 80 $60 $20 $80 $20
2 60 30 90 30 15 45 10
3 60 45 105 20 15 35 15
4 60 80 140 15 20 35 35
5 60 135 195 12 27 39 55

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

Short-Run Cost Functions

Average Variable Cost

AVC = TVC/Q = w*L/Q=w/(Q/L)= w/APL
Marginal Cost
TC TVC wL w(L) w
     w/MPL
Q Q Q Q Q / L

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

Long-Run Cost Curves

Long-Run Total Cost = LTC = f(Q)

Long-Run Average Cost = LAC = LTC/Q
Long-Run Marginal Cost = LMC = LTC/Q

Sec G 18-8-2020

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

Derivation of Long-Run Cost Curves

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

Relationship Between Long-Run and
Short-Run Average Cost Curves

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

Possible Shapes of
the LAC Curve

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

U-Shape of the LAC Curve

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

Minimizing Costs Internationally

• Foreign Sourcing of Inputs

• New International Economies of
• Immigration of Skilled Labor
• Brain Drain

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

Architecture of Ideal Firm

• Core Competencies
• Outsourcing of Non-Core Tasks
• Learning Organization
• Efficiency and Flexibility
• Location Near Markets
• Agility in Responding to Market Forces

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

Empirical Estimation of Cost Functions:
Data Collection Issues

• Opportunity Costs Must be Extracted

from Accounting Cost Data
• Costs Must be Apportioned Among
• Costs Must be Matched to Output Over
• Costs Must be Corrected for Inflation
V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019
Empirical Estimation[1]

Functional Form for Short-Run Cost Functions

Theoretical Form Linear Approximation

TVC  aQ  bQ 2  cQ3 TVC  a  bQ

AVC   a  bQ  cQ 2
AVC   b

MC  a  2bQ  3cQ 2
MC  b

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

Empirical Estimation[2]
Theoretical Form Linear Approximation
Empirical Estimation
Long-Run Cost Curves

• Cross-Sectional Regression Analysis

• Engineering Method- use info from eng. design
• Survival Technique- E.g. If small & large firms
survived for fairly long time, it implies constant returns.

• We may compare the % share of output from small,

medium and large firms over the period of study; if they are
fairly constant it confirms constant returns to scale.
V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019
Empirical Estimation

Actual LAC versus empirically estimated LAC’

V J Sebastian, IMT Ghaziabad, 2019

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