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AUTHORS NOTE...................................................................................................... 4
FOREWORD ............................................................................................................. 7
A HITLERIAN PERENNIALISM ........................................................................... 11
UNDERSTANDING THROUGH WUNJO.............................................................. 26
THE FESTIVAL OF THE AVATAR ........................................................................ 30
THE PURE LAND OF NATIONAL SOCIALISM ................................................... 37
ON HYPERBOREAN YOGA ................................................................................... 42
THE MASS MOVEMENT FALLACY ..................................................................... 47
END ......................................................................................................................... 51


I do not know you. We have not met. But I know who you are, and we have
known each other for countless millennia, beyond physicality, beyond word and
deed, a place and time where “place” and “time” are sand through our fingers and
we can see our deeds as substances, plasma, electricity, in a cup, like water in our
mouths, to be tasted and digested.
You are the same as you were then, but with a different face.
And though now we see through a glass darkly, the light of the swastika
has shone upon the earth, and as the black sun dawns in the west, rising contrary
to the clockwise turning of the solar wheel, we see, and we know, and we
remember, and for a brief moment we regard each other across the yawning abyss,
and something as simple or transient as you are here and I am there, or I am me
and you are you, is irrelevant, because you are also here and I am also there, and I
am you, and you are me.
We selected this cosmic dance, we chose to incarnate here, we were given
this mantle, of Bodhisattva crowns, to awaken here at this time, when the Maya is
so thick and the matter so dense that the mere act of anamnesis becomes the
revolutionary act that will put an iron bar in the spokes of the wheel and shatter
the Demiurge in his black heart.
But perhaps we know better, perhaps you too have divined the truth, that
the Demiurge is the Wounded King, and the Grail Knight, Christ, Buddha,
Krishna, Hercules, or Parsifal as he was known once, and Adolf Hitler most
recently, presses the Holy Lance into the wounded heart of that mad god and
pierces an already pus soaked dripping wound, pressing his fists into that black
hole which is creation and pulling out the shining electron spark of Aryan fire
which he pulled from the heavens. To kill the Demiurge is to heal him. Nietzsche
sought to create the Superman, and he heralded the death of God, we have seen
these days, and we chose to come here, to the Kali Yuga, to witness the time when
true and absolute immorality, absolute liberalism, absolute Bolshevism would
reign, and we knew we were born for this.
The deity Jehovah wants us trapped so he can feed, yes, this is true, but
only because it is all that is keeping him alive, just as the undead maiden in the
castle which the Graal Knights visit with the sister of Parsifal, ritually sacrificing
her by drinking her blood, so that the cannibal queen can be reborn. Do you
understand? This is why Parsifal is Luciferian, he allows his wife-sister-consort-
lover to be fed upon by the demonic followers of the blood drinking queen, a new
Eve, and he pushes on with the Quest, knowing that to liberate the whole kingdom
will bring his love outside of time and space, to where we are from, where the
sword and the sheath his sister-wife bid him find and wield by the side of Galahad
is from, the Aryan fire, the Holy Lance, the sword Excalibur, the thunderbolt, the
Mjolnir, we are so very close now, the swastika itself.
Lucifer is Christ, is Parsifal, is Adolf Hitler, the Morning Star.
Satan is Jehovah, the Wounded King, Saturn, the child eater, is the
trapped blood drunk soul of some external and eternally enmeshed god that cannot

wake up. Remember, when Shiva wakes to destroy space and time, all he does is
open his eyes.
We open our eyes. We wake up. We look around this fallen, distorted, error
of the space-time continuum and sit in the lotus position, we become the flower
blossom the Buddha held between his thumb and forefinger and laughed, and we
ascend out of, into and sideways of ourselves, of our self, we commit ritual suicide,
as the Fuhrer did, stepping outside, seppuku, inserting the blade of the Holy Lance
into our own heart, beside our lover, as Antony and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet,
Tristram and Isolde, we become the flower blossom, in German, Selbstmord, self-
death, the sower of the seed, the next step, the seed of the Superman, he will feed
on us as a bee does the pollen of a springtime lily. Odin, myself to myself I sacrifice.
Meditation, yoga, asceticism, fasting, these hone the etheric body,
rejection of immoral intoxicants, behaviour, ego feeding, any method by which we
mirror the hungry feeding of the Demiurge; the hungry ghosts in the Buddhist
hells, their elongated necks knotted so they cannot swallow, eternally devouring
and vomiting back up what they gnaw upon. This etheric body which we sculpt
here in the physical becomes our Vimana which we can mount upon death, as a
white horse, or the UFO, our flying ships of the Tuatha de Danan which ascend
into the non-material sky and become one with the armada of golden ships/horses
waiting to return for the final battle, the Wild Hunt beside Wotan. This honing of
the etheric form becomes the most important task of our life, to deny the flesh, in
the opposite of the Puritanical or Roman Catholic manner, to deny it as a
distraction and a foolishness, to become the Fool, the World Emperor, to see the
Flowering of the Kingdom again, to follow Alchemy and the Tarot to their end. This
is why the Totenkopf of the SS was simultaneously a black suited glistening
symbol of death but also the acceptance and love for the pleasure of life, not the
lower three chakras (below the heart) pleasure of the ego, of the groin, but the
upper three chakras (above the heart) pleasure of the soul; true Tantra, union of
the Goddess Shakti principle with the God thunderbolt, true penis, erection of the
creative light being, etheric and electrical, this is what Lanz von Liebenfels meant
by breeding via the electron, the protozoa which is non-physical.
We open our eyes, we wake up.


The East meets the West; a conflagration of unstoppable nuclear flame;

the prophecy: that the hordes from the east would be broken at the Wewelsburg,
may still come to pass, when the final conflict of the Mahabharata, the Ragnarok,
is fought on the borders, in the liminal spiritual spaces on the very edges of the
human-robot psyche. Maybe that is where we will find the hidden thousands of
Ehrenrings buried in the holy soil of the Grail Castle.
The West has gone under, into and inside of itself; the East has become
materialist and devoted to pollution as much as robotics. Europeans are unable to
act, spiritually broken, enduring the deepest intellectual and emotional crisis post
WW2; each man looks eastward in the post 1960’s miasma and abandons orthodox
Christianity, that strange glue of medieval (and thus Western) civilisation. The
times they are a-changing, the forces shifted, history came to an end; we now form
an embryonic catalyst which will become the North, the Polar Alliance, as
Nostradamus predicted:
Quatrain 6.21 -
“When those of the arctic pole are united together,
In the East great fear and dread:
A newly elected one, sustained by a great trembling,
Rhodes, Istanbul with Barbarian blood is stained.”
It has been prophesied that the religion of the promised coming redeemer
who would oppose the Antichrist force in the form of a Russo-Islamic alliance (an
alliance of slaves, a Communist-Anarchism mingling with the Jihadism of the
Salafists) would spread all around the world from out of the German mountains,
then when it appeared to have been destroyed, it would emerge to greatness first in
the East (of Europe) on the borders of the Orient. It is undeniable that the most
virile forms of National Socialism and particularly Serranoist Esoteric Hitlerism
currently reside in the territories into which the Third Reich Lebensraum
expanded, namely Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Greece and
the Balkans. These countries are at the forefront of the Islamic immigrant
invasion, the very physical warfare of the conquest of Europe, the mirror of this
physical violence is the spiritual (probably worse) violence and compliance of the
Communists and Capitalists in charge of the nations of the west, particularly the
United States and Europe. Communism and Capitalism represent a distorted
monstrous abomination, a Hydra, that shares the goals of Islam, absolute servitude
to the Demiurge manifest either as wage slavery of Capitalism, state slavery of
Communism or spiritual slavery of Islam (the very name, Islam, means
submission). Only Hitlerism truly sets us free, because only Hitlerism announces
the same spirit of absolute meritocratic hierarchical aristocracy which our most
heroic forebears, the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Germans and Nordics, naturally
espoused (we face ourselves as Hyperboreans).
This is how one can say: National Socialism is the truth of nature.
There is no need to imagine a truly Traditionalist-Futurist vision for the
future, because it was put into lively practice by the Third Reich: an absolute
fusion of hyper-occult post-industrial supra technology with an ultra-traditional,
agrarian ruralism devoted entirely to healthy feudalist living on the earth, with
the far flung goal of conquering the stars, in the Cosmic Reich, not at the expense
of the flora and fauna of this planet.
For us to have any other goal is churlish.
In the West, which is quickly evolving into the North, we must rally
around the core symbols of Esoteric Hitlerism, as the early Christians did around
the image, symbol and ritual of Christ in the Mass. The true gnostic flame which
burned so secretly in the early church in the symbol of the Piscean fish and the
hanged man on the Cross, burst into living fire again under the sign of the red
cross on the white tabard worn by the Knights Templar and the Crusaders when
they created a vision of Heaven on Earth, which, had it survived, would have been
able to perfect that Spartan ideal so healthily expressed in the Black Order of the
SS, of perpetual warfare on a far flung border of the Empire.
St Serrano’s Golden Thread, or Cord, runs from the ancient nameless
heroes of Hyperborea, Dragon Slayer, all the way down the narrow passage of the
Aeons to the Atlantean Kristos, the Grecian Hercules, the Nordic Siegfried, the
British Arthur, through to our modern Aeonic shift (both the passage of the
German Reich into the Cosmic and the Piscean age into the Aquarian) with the
advent of the coming of the Avatar of Vishnu, Kalki himself, to turn the tide
against time and alter human history, past, present and future.
Perhaps this point needs elucidation in extremis: the advent of the Fuhrer
Adolf Hitler to the throne of the Hyperborean “twelve years outside of time”, which
the Reich embodied, presents the ultimate and final nail in the coffin of the
Demiurge trap. When the Black Sun rises to liberate Aryan man from the chains of
the enslavement to reincarnation, all of human history will be liberated at the
same moment. This is how the Messianic heavenly kingdom in all Indo-European
religions can exist in perpetual bliss. This includes all of historical past, for the
true essence of the Hitlerist Bodhisattva mission is to free man from serfdom once
and for all, outside of the territory of past, present or future tense. The past and
future are a landscape, one which can be conquered by the Vimana of our Cosmic
Reich, outside of the mundane mathematical confines of the Demiurge “ space-time
This means the Antarctic Fortress is under the Antarctic ice, but not in
our millennia. This is what was meant by escape via the Green Ray to a different
Antarctica, where Thule is, where Hyperborea is, in the etheric, beyond the reaches
of the enemy. This is why the American government “tested” two nuclear bombs
with the undeclared goal of destroying the Antarctic base; the Vela incident of the
UFO flashes; what were the Israelis bombing?

* * *

It cannot go unnoticed that when the Christ came and walked among the
Jews to cast the seeds of destruction on Jerusalem, after the torture, humiliation
and martyrdom of the disciples and apostles, the infant religion of Christianity
existed only in the catacombs and tunnels of Greece and Rome, outlawed, obscure
and hated by all who bore witness to it.
It was a century later that Christianity began to slowly blossom among
the serfs of the Roman Empire, eventually flourishing by sword and fire (an
absolute necessity for the passage and endurance of the true flame of gnostic truth)
until it became the state religion of Rome.
We stand in this same moment in the passage of the faith of the Avatar
towards its rightful place as state religion of the Cosmic Reich (faith in the political
stance of the Reich is the same as religious devotion to its salvation), Last Roman
Empire. Our faith is outlawed, illegal, opposed and hated by all, and any who
espouse its tenets are regarded as heretics and devil worshipers by the atheist
slave religions of the state Communism and Capitalism or the crippled beta
religion of the slave in the east, Islam.
By the pure logic of the flow of time and the aeons, and as the God of the
Losers looks down on us from the time outside time, the Hyperborean jungles in
the oases in the Antarctic ice, we know we already won and that when the Last
Holy Roman Emperor comes in fire as the reborn and resurrected Kalki, he will be
that manifestation of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, equally Sun, equally Lightning,
come to burn the world with the thunderbolt Swastika in the name of the fallen
and now resurrected Reich.


We alone believe in the true nature of the unknowable God; Hitlerism

represents the most recent incarnation of a truth which has existed before time
and will exist after the entire universe has extinguished and returned to Monad.
Hitlerism represents the kernel of truth present in the light of Gnosticism, handed
down through the dark night of the Kali Yuga.
We do not require a doctrine of pinched cheeks by old women, or gentle
pats on the back from crippled priests, we do not need the warm bed and full belly
doctrine of the Demiurge liars and his religions of the valley and the fertile field;
we require the open steppe, the frozen wasteland, the field of broken bodies and
mouldy bones poking out of half submerged open graves in ancient bogs. We
require wet feet in old boots, the smell of diesel fumes stinging the nostrils, the
acrid tang of spent ammunition and the hot kiss of shell casings pinging out of the
breach against the tinkle of our leering laughter. We don’t need a God who comes
to put right the Dharma with an olive branch in one hand and a begging bowl in
the other, in an age of poisoned wells and gates thrown asunder by traitors right in
our midst, we require the God of Legions riding out from the heavens on a white
horse, we require a God who would bid us to stand on our own two feet, and when
he doesn’t come in the days of our oppression, we turn to each other, and say with
confident voices, what would Our Fuhrer have us do in this situation?
We look to the prophecies of the world religions and where they see a
peasant or a guerrilla fighting some petty war to establish his interpretation of a
religion of money and slaves and whores made into saints, we instead see the
promise of the victory, not of our religion above the others, but of Truth above
Falsehood, and Order above Chaos. That is all that matters.
In this book we intend to lay waste to the Golden Calf that has wooed our
people over the centuries; no one is coming to rescue us, the Man to Come arrives
only when the pieces of the chess game have slotted into place by our hands. Our
Fuhrer said he was not convinced that the Man was coming any time soon, so, he
stood in the breach in his place, just as Roman Catholic eschatology said the Last
Roman Emperor would do. We now look at the message of the Fuhrer, the Avatar,
and we do not see the promise that a white robed saviour will fall from the clouds
to liberate us from tyranny, but instead that we are bidden to stand and fight, at
the altars of the false gods and on the streets where it matters. If we are to be
those golden legions for whom the Man to Come waits, for whom the Sleeping King
in the Mountain waits, then we do so.
The Lord Jesus Christ is said to return in Revelation 2:26 –
“And he that shall overcome and keep my works unto the end, I will give
him power over the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and as the
vessel of a potter they shall be broken.”
He that shall overcome! Not he who went to church politely every Sunday
and quietly raised his rat infants in the obscurity of a village life away from the
thrum of poisonous modernity, no escapees, no surrender, no, Christ says he will
reward he that has overcome, he will reward the Ubermensch. This character, this
one who has overcome himself and kept the works until the end, who has remained
loyal to the Dharma, the Order, the Law, will be given power over the nations, and
not the power to lead them as a shepherd does a herd of idiot sheep, but as a
dictator, to smash them with a rod of iron, the same divine staff given to the first
Pharaohs, the sceptre by which an Emperor rules.
“And I saw heaven opened: and behold a white horse. And he that sat
upon him was called faithful and true: and with justice doth he judge and fight.
And his eyes were as a flame of fire: and on his head were many diadems. And he
had a name written, which no man knoweth but himself. And he was clothed with
a garment sprinkled with blood. And his name is called: THE WORD OF GOD.
And the armies that are in heaven followed him on white horses, clothed in fine
linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth proceedeth a sharp two-edged sword,
that with it he may strike the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron:
and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God the Almighty.
And he hath on his garment and on his thigh written: KING OF KINGS AND
LORD OF LORDS.” – Revelation 19:11-16
An idiot would read these verses and look to the heavens for a physical
embodiment of their fulfilment, for a literal God sitting on a white horse riding on
a cloud like something out of a fairy tale; we are not so crass. This opening of
Heaven and the incarnation of the Christ in flesh surrounded by his warriors was
only ever to be a reincarnation in the fleshy bodies of man, this is the only way the
Tulku have ever incarnated, the Bodhisattvas return to earth as babies and grow
like normal men, only to awaken in a mere seven days to their calling and achieve
enlightenment in an instant so they may fulfill their destiny.
Our initiatory circle is aware of the Kalki Avatar, the tenth incarnation of
the Sustainer Lord Vishnu, he who restores order, upon the earth. St. Savitri made
it clear in her works that the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was this final incarnation and he
will come again to the world as the final aspect of the completion of all religious
eschatology in fire and blood to restore the Dharma. Those who deny this have
merely had their eyes and ears blocked by the Demiurge, they are robots, sub-
incarnatory insectoid lifeforms, masquerading as humans, mere dross that will be
brushed away at the Last Day.
Avatar means “descent” and is defined by the literal incarnation, bodily
and spiritually, of the war god in the flesh of man, a possession of a human form.
Kalki comes at the end of the Kali Yuga to end the darkest and most degenerate
aeon, the primary feature of which is the enslavement of the nobles (Aryans) by the
slaves (all low castes, classes and trades), a full and total inversion of nihilistic
morality; not just immorality, but anti-all-morality. Kalki comes in exactly the
same image as that of Christ in Revelation, on a white horse, wielding a flaming
sword, surrounded by saints/bodhisattvas to restore order to the chaotic world.
In the Buddhist Kalachakra Tantra the righteous kings (Kalkin) emerge
from Shambhala, the holy city, Agartha, Asgard, Avalon, the Sleeping Kings,
emerging to fight chaos and barbarism, and finally in their last incarnations, to
assemble the Last Battalion to defeat and eradicate the forces of Islam from the
Some scholars believe the person of Kalki was imported into the religious
beliefs of the Hindus by invaders from the northwest, borrowed in some measure
from Christian or Zoroastrian beliefs. Whatever the origin of the idea, it flourished
across Asia, in Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism, always embodying the divine
order which crushes the forces of chaos (usually foreigners or barbarians, or just
Muslims). Arguing origins of flourishing religious tenets is like sitting around a
roaring fire and asking who was responsible for the first spark which lit the tinder.
Kalki is given divine weapons by Lord Shiva, an extremely ancient symbolism
mirrored in the Western Tantra of the Quest for the Holy Grail, which always
features the hunt for and winning of celestial weaponry to defeat evil and restore
The comparative personality in eastern religion is that of Maitreya, the
name most commonly associated with the Messiah, or Man to Come, in Theosophy
and the New Age proto-eschatology. Maitreya is said to be that incarnation of the
Buddha who emerges when the teachings of Gautama Buddha are no longer
practiced correctly, or no longer have their desired effect. This is interesting as the
effective purpose of the Avatar of Vishnu is essentially to clear a blockage in the
cosmic dharma, a sort of chakra cleanse for the slaves of Demiurge. It was
Maitreya that the Germanic Buddhist initiates who visited Tibet were looking for
with the goal of creating the Tibetan empire to span all of Asia and most of Russia
(consider von Ungern-Sternberg). The prophecy that a union of Hindu, Buddhist
and European religions and peoples would be a return to the Dharma (Order) was
a primary feature of the goals of many scholars, nationalists and esoteric initiates
throughout the turn of the 20th century (especially the time between the dawn of
the New Aeon in 1888 and its initiation in 1933). What united the SS in their
search for Shambhala in Tibet and the Holy Grail in Montserrat now unites us.
Maitreya will reinstate the divine law and teach mankind about the
virtues of opposing murder, theft, sexual immorality, lying, arguing, gossip,
jealousy, evil thoughts and religious error, not through the moral imposition of
some kind of legalist code (the Ten Commandments etc.) but through an alteration
of the internal prism through which their Luciferian supra-soul shines. He will not
be a judge and jury, but an executioner.
This same individual emerges in Persian/Zoroastrian religion in the
character of the Saoshyant, the one who will restore order by initiating the
Frashokereti, the restoration of holy customs upon the earth. He is said to make
the world perfect and immortal and to destroy all evil. In the same way as Kalki,
he incarnates alongside several of his brother deities and together they lead a war
against the corruption and evil on the earth to guide mankind back to truth. The
arch-evil in the world Angra-Mainyu will melt all the metal in the hills and
mountains which will run like a flood over the earth, the righteous will be
unharmed, walking as if in milk, whilst the wicked will be burned up; time will
cease and man will be united with the Monad once and for all. Steiner said when
the Christ comes at the end, only the initiated will be able to see him because they
can sense the etheric, whilst the dullard slaves of Demiurge will be blind to his
Nostradamus also made predictions which can only be fulfilled by the
Hitler Avatar:

“A new sect of Philosophers, despising death, gold, honour and riches, will
expand out from the German mountains; to follow them they will have power and
Our sect, our philosophy, is the only faith upon the earth which genuinely
despises death, gold, honour (not our own honour between loyalists but the respect
of the world, the crown which Christ rejected in the desert) and riches; only
National Socialism has made a religious maxim out of hating everything the world
offers as a plea-bargain to our wrath. We cannot be bought, we cannot be lauded,
we cannot be switched off.
“At the foundation of the new sect, the bones of the Great Roman will be
Adolf Hitler believed himself primarily to be a Roman, and the great
temple of the Nuremberg rallies was named the field of Mars, the reference to
Mars, god of war, will become more clear in further Nostradamus predictions.
“Chief of the world will the great Chiren be, plus Ultra behind him, loved,
feared, dreaded; his fame and praise will go beyond the heavens, and with the sole
title of Victor will he be satisfied.”
The mantra of the Third Reich during the Mars rituals of the National
Socialist rallies was “Sieg Heil” or “Hail Victory”, a mixture of the Roman salute,
Heil or Ave, (coupled with the actual physical Roman salute, the raised right hand)
and the German word Sieg, Victory. All of this energy was directed straight at the
Avatar of Vishnu (Mars) in the person of Adolf Hitler, who was satisfied alone with
the title of Victory.
“Of Trojan blood he will be born with a German heart, and will rise to a
very great power; he will drive out the foreign Arabic nations and return the
Church to her former glory.”
The return of the Church to her former glory is not the so called glory of
the Jewish martyrs in Rome or its limp slovenly current state under a paedophile
priesthood, but to its glory, i.e. the Medieval Crusader era, that of the Knights
Templar and the conquests of the Middle East and Jerusalem. The Church only
had glory when she was Aryanised, Germanised, ruled by a Frankish emperor who
sought death in battle against the Infidel as the only route to heaven. The glory of
the Church was when her heaven was Valhalla, not the Judaized myth of a
Demiurgic hymn of boredom and greyness. The Trojan blood and German heart of
Adolf Hitler led the armies of the Reich almost into the belly of the Middle Eastern
beast and in his returning incarnation he will not only expel the troops of the
Islamic terror cells which will wreak havoc during the collapse but pursue them
into Asia to be smashed against the awoken Buddhist and Hindu forces of the east
(it is well known and documented that Buddhist and Hindu elites unaffected by the
poisonous doctrines of modernism were quick to laud Hitler and National Socialism
as the restoration of the Dharma; a large number of Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists
were present in racially distinct multicultural SS units).
“The king of Europe will come like a griffin, accompanied by those of the
North; he will lead a great troop of red and white, they will go against the King of

Once again we are referred to as the “troops of red and white”, the
swastika being the symbol of Mars, the thunderbolt, the Vajra, the weapon of war
against the background of the white sun and the red blutfahne. The King of
Babylon is none other than the Antichrist figure of the Islamic Caliph who will lead
the Demiurge forces of the Middle East (Babylon being the ancient capital of Iraq).
“The great tomb of the people of Aquitaine, will approach near to Tuscany,
when Mars will be in the corner of Germany and in the land of the Mantuan
people. In the city where the wolf will enter, very near there will the enemies be:
foreign army will spoil a great country. The friends will pass at the wall and Alps.
From the very depths of the West of Europe, a young child will be born of poor
people, he who by his tongue will seduce a great troop: his fame will increase
towards the realm of the East.”
The great tomb of the people of Aquitaine, is the inheritor to the throne of
the Merovingian people, the ancient kings of France before the Carolingians, those
whom St. Serrano calls “Meru-Weg” or the ones on the way to Mt. Meru (the sacred
mountain at the centre of the universe in Buddhist cosmology). Their tomb is the
heritage of their ancestry, and therefore the one who embodies their resurrection,
in Adolf Hitler. Mars in the corner of Germany needs no explanation, nor does the
entry of the wolf, for the wolf is Adolf (noble-wolf), and a foreign army did destroy a
great country, either Russia or America in Germany. But he will be reborn, in the
very depths of the West of Europe, a young child of a poor people, rising up to
seduce a great troop, his great army of incarnated wolves, and he will spread out
toward the east (as we have mentioned the National Socialism of the eastern,
former Soviet bloc, nations is distinctly religious and far more actively aggressive
than the current western incarnations – for now).
“The great Pontiff of the party of Mars will subjugate the confines of the
Danube: the cross to pursue, through sword hook or crook; captives, gold, jewels
more than one hundred thousand rubies. Within the pit will be found the bones,
incest will be committed by the stepmother: the state changed, they will demand
fame and praise, and they will have Mars attending as their star.”
These passages have oft been associated with National Socialism in a
negative light (they really don't know who they're dealing with), particularly his
position as Pontiff of the party of Mars, and his pursuit of the cross, i.e. the moving
cross, sword hooked or crooked, the crooked, hooked cross which is spinning, i.e.
the swastika, hakenkreuz, Mars as our attending star.
The writing of the Frenchman Yves Dupont in “Catholic Prophecy” is
indispensable to the keen scholar of Hitlerist eschatology. The prophets speak of a
Last Roman Emperor, one who will rise up from a conquered Europe, one where
Germany and France and Italy are in ruins, smothered between an ascendant
Communist (or false-Imperial) Russia from the east and invading African, Turkish
and Islamic hordes from the south. This last Emperor will rise up to fight the
Islamic invaders beside a tiny band of outlaws and exiles scattered across northern
The prophetess Marie-Julie Jahenny, a Breton mystic, said the French
monarchy would return (or a monarch to the French throne) when Europe was
spiritually and politically broken, and the king would be thick with the dust of
exile stirred up by the murderers of his country, that his land would be foreign to
him as he descends from the north into a hostile and conquered Europe.
The prophecies are scattered and conflicting but a basic theme emerges
across a multitude of saints: Islamic and Communist terrorists cripple Europe and
conquer Rome, all militaries collapse and offer little or no resistance to the all-out
assault from sleeper cells rooted across every European nation (this is the only
time in history such a prophecy could come true). Russia, pretending to seek to
restore order, invades and conquers its former Soviet territories, brutally putting
down any and all nationalist opposition from conquered nations (although equally
hidden and well trained partisan sleeper cells in the vein of the true Germanic
Operation Werwolf fight back). Europe is divided up between the terrorists and
there is a repeat of the last days of the Third Reich with mass murder and rape.
The USA and NATO collapse and the Americas descend into brutal civil
and racial conflict; the Roman Catholic church is split and an anti-pope fights
physically against the guerrillas beside a "Pope" in Rome (there is a chance this
godly gnostic Pope is actually a National Socialist, think of the work of Bishop
Richard Williamson etc.); a comet unexpectedly arrives and promises absolute
doom to all mankind, spreading a toxic wind over the planet and darkening the sky
for three days and nights, when every evil man takes the opportunity of darkness,
and the total collapse of society, to rape and torture and murder. In this moment of
absolute apostasy from all humanity, the Avatar is stirred from his slumber and
wakes in the heart of some man in the bowels of Europe. Arthurian mythology has
always determined that the Sleeping King only wakes when the enormous bell in
his tomb is rung by the clamour of every nation going to war at once.
Unexpectedly a servant of the new religion, Esoteric Hitlerism, emerges
from the ashes of Europe and rises up with a small band of warriors who do not
care if they live or die, but only that they serve with honour before everything is
destroyed (following St Serrano's call to fight a losing battle with our inherent
nobility even when we are guaranteed to fail). The Roman Catholic prophecies are
clear about this one thing, this tiny band of warriors are protected by God and win
victory after victory until they conquer everything, push back the terrorists, defeat
the Muslims and convert Russia to the swastika (an event which is actually
already in process, but could involve a National Socialist uprising/revolution from
within Moscow). Indeed one could say that the prophecy of the Virgin Mary in
Fatima to “convert Russia to her immaculate heart” could be fulfilled by the
conversion of Russia to the swastika, for the Virgin Mary is a starkly un-Christian
concept, the virgin mother of the light bringer – morning star Kristos being a
wholly esoteric gnostic concept.
It is imperative in these days to understand the nature of the Islamic
Imam Mahdi (our anti-Hitler), for it is he who will oppose the rise of the Hitlerist
militia who seek to return Europe to its ancient laws. It does not matter if at this
stage in the story the radical Muslims represent one of the last threats to the neo-
con American-Israeli new world order, they have already begun to return to their
ancestral role as the enemy of the European Imperium as it ascends. What we face
is a quadruple threat from all directions, the spiritual enmity of the Hebraic
Semites in the person of the Jewish subversion of spiritual and political power, the
intellectual enmity of the American liberal-capitalism in the persons of United
States, European Union and United Nations government who seek to put the
vision of the Freemasons into effect, and the physical enmity of the Islamic proto-
Caliphates who seek to dominate Europe and enslave and sell Aryans as they have
always done. We are not in a situation where we can say “my enemy’s enemy is my
ally” because all of these worldwide Satanic power structures seek to destroy
Europe and destroy National Socialism; every single person who is not a National
Socialist is a slave of the Demiurge, it is that simple. They are all willing to work
together when the time comes to share the goal of destroying the nation-states of
Europe, as can be seen with America happily aiding the radical Islamists in Saudi
Arabia or Syria against their geopolitical opponents in Russia or Iran and vice-
versa, Russia are happy to put aside their suicidal hatred for Muslims in the
Caucasus to work with Islamic extremists in Afghanistan and the Levant etc. to
fight in Ukraine and further afield. We must not behave like the Golem at any
time, they are the ones who can put their differences aside to further their Satanic
Masonic worldview, we must be, as St Savitri said, Pure, Hard, Certain in our
worldview and the goal of our destiny.
The Mahdi in Sunni and Shia literature is that eschatological Islamic
leader who guides the nation (Ummah) of Islam back to 100% doctrinal observance
and leads the “correct” Muslims in a cataclysmic war in the Middle East against a
number of enemies (mainly other Muslims at first). Crucial points to note for the
apocalyptic worldview of all doctrinally observant Islamists: Syria and Iraq being
destroyed by civil war are prerequisites for the return of the Mahdi and his armies,
as well as brutal suicidal civil war among Sunni and Shia; the presence of the Jews
as rulers of Palestine is also a sign of the End Times, for one of the arch-enemies of
the Mahdi in both traditions is said to be Jewish.
Mohammed said “The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib
(Yathrib is northern Iraq) is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be when the
great war comes, the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest of
Constantinople and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal ( Antichrist)
comes forth.”
This coincides with several elements of Jewish and Catholic eschatology
that the Jews will have returned to Jerusalem and begun flourishing as a people
(Israel undeniably now rules all of the major spokes of world government), Iraq,
Syria and Egypt will be destroyed by civil war and during a great and seemingly
constant war (the 20th-21st century) Constantinople will be conquered (consider
the Plan for a Greater Israel); we saw this theme repeated in Nostradamus.
Sunni and Shia eschatology from the Medieval period onwards has
identified the Roman Catholic church and the spread of Catholicism with the
servants of Dajal or the Antichrist, and the actions and beliefs of the European
peoples have directly influenced their interpretation of European events in line
with their eschatology.
Islamic prophecy states that the appearance of Black Flags in Khorasan
heralds the end times: “There will emerge from Khorasan black banners which
nothing will repel until they are set up in Jerusalem…When the black flags come
from Khorasan go to them, even if you have to crawl on snow, for among them is
the Khalifa of Allah, the Mahdi…Surely black flags will appear from the Khorasan
until the people (under the leadership of this flag) will tie their horses with the
olive trees between Bait-e-Lahya and Harasta (names of places in Jerusalem)…A
Nation will come from the east with black flags and they will ask for some
goodness (authority) but the people will not give them, then, they will fight and
win over those people. Now the people will give them what they asked for but they
will not accept it until they will hand it over to a person from my progeny who will
fill this earth with justice just as it was previously filled with oppression and
tyranny. So if anyone of you finds this nation (i.e. from the east with black flags)
then you must join them even if you have to crawl over ice…Three will fight one
another for your treasure, each one of them the son of a caliph, but none of them
will gain it. Then the black banners will come from the east, and they will kill you
in an unprecedented manner. When you see them, then pledge your allegiance to
them even if you have to crawl over the snow, for that is the caliph of Allah,
Khorasan represents what was once a large area now comprising
Afghanistan and parts of Iran and the mountainous lands to the east of Iraq. The
use of black flags containing a simplified declaration of faith in the Demiurge
Allah, by Al Qaeda, the Taliban and the Islamic State, are signs of this emergence.
All three of these Islamic sects emerged in part in Khorasan, Al Qaeda finding a
hiding place and training grounds in the Afghan mountains, the Taliban emerging
primarily in Afghanistan and the Islamic State terrorist group emerging out of the
doctrine and works of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who spent his entire life fighting in
Afghanistan and Iraq.
It is unclear in the modern era if the majority of Muslims would be in
favour of a rising National Socialism or not, undeniably there were some Muslims
in the SS and the Reich courted the antisemitism of the Islamic nations,
particularly looking toward Iran/Persia and Egypt for support against the Allies in
the Middle Eastern theatre. However in the modern era, the overwhelming
majority of the Islamic population see the Fuhrer as a literal embodiment of Dajal,
the Antichrist, simply because he started a new religion and sought to unite the
various tribes of the Eurasian continent under the banner of the Swastika (some
Islamic scholars even point to the understanding at the time of Hitler as Kalki in
the minds of Buddhists and Hindus as reason to oppose him and his modern
followers).In the worldview of the Muslim there are only two types of people, or two
nations, the Ummah, the people of Islam, and the enemy, any and all people who
are not Muslim. The situation is also true for us, and we should act in the same
manner; there is the Cosmic Reich, or the people of Esoteric Hitlerism who
understand the nature of Hitler as Kalki, and there are all other sects, lies, tricks
and illusions of the Demiurge, all enemies of the Hitler Dharma. Thus we should
not look to Mohammed or Jesus or Buddha for guidance on any subject unique to
our current era, for we now have the messiah of this dispensation, the Avatar and
Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, for in him and through him and by him we have been
victorious over the spirit of evil and the wickedness of the Demiurge, whilst the
religions of the world, one and all, are in service to the enslaver.

The Fuhrer was concerned not with following any world religion, or even
in creating a new one, but in finishing the work of Nietzsche, in starting afresh, as
the Avatar of Vishnu would want: “ Creation is not finished. Man is clearly
approaching a phase of metamorphosis. The earlier human species has already
reached the stage of dying out....All of the force of creation will be concentrated in a
new species... [which] will surpass infinitely modern man....Do you understand now
the profound meaning of our National Socialist movement?”
“Anyone who interprets National Socialism merely as a political
movement knows almost nothing about it. It is more than religion; it is the
determination to create a new man.”
Dietrich Eckhart knew that the Fuhrer was the Maitreya who he had been
looking for, the one to come, the one to initiate the world into a new era, as he said
on his death bed: “Follow Hitler! He will dance but it is I who has called the tune! I
have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, opened his centres in vision and given
him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me I shall have
influenced history more than any other German.” Eckhart was our John the
Alice Bailey the Theosophist said “ The decision to release the Shamballa
force during this century into direct contact with the human kingdom is one of the
final and most compelling acts of preparation for the New Age. The Shamballa
force is destructive and ejective ... inspiring new understanding of The Plan....It is
this force ... which will bring about that tremendous crisis, the initiation of the race
into the mysteries of the ages.”
“Christ came to bring an end to the Jewish dispensation which should
have climaxed and passed away as a religion... In the rejection of Christ as the
Messiah, the Jewish race has remained symbolically and practically in the
[astrological] sign of Aries, the Scapegoat [actually Aries is a ram, as noted
elsewhere in this book, but the purpose for this “mistake” is self-evident]. [If they
don't accept him in the person of Maitreya] they will repeat their ancient sin of
non-response to the evolutionary process. They rejected that which was new and
spiritual in the desert [making the golden calf at Sinai]; they did it again in
Palestine 2000 years ago; will they do it again, as opportunity is offered to them?”
The Fuhrer famously offered the Jews and the Zionists in charge of
Judaism in 20th century Europe the opportunity twice, once to escape to various
locations outside of the Reich (Madagascar for one) and a second time to allow
evacuations of Jews from the Reich to Allied lines; both times the Zionist leaders
refused, knowing full well that the Demiurge would not allow the Reich to succeed
and that the spiritual and political vacuum created by the fall of Germany, France
and Britain during the war would allow Israel to be recreated and the Jews to
ascend to their position as world rulers of a paedophile, organ harvesting, Satanic
cult led Freemason racket in the United Nations.
The Fuhrer was clear dozens of time in his speeches and his writings what
he wanted of us:
“With religious conviction…the bearers of the new doctrine must declare
themselves ready and willing to fight.”

“Spiritual must threaten and dominate men by compulsion.
Compulsion is only broken by compulsion and terror by terror.”
“This corrosive fight...for the new program and new view of life [religion]
demands determined fighters...and a forceful fighting organisation. The recipe for a
favourable result requires the formulation of a declaration of war against all
existing order [religions and doctrines], and against all existing conceptions of life
in general”
“Our peace is not supported by the palm branches of a tearful pacifist and
professional female mourner, but is founded by the victorious sword of a people of
overlords which put the world into the service of a higher culture.”
“The fight must be carried out with unshakable persistency. We must be
compelled to fight for the Coming One (Avatar). For the fighters lives belong to the
In such a context are we free to understand anything other than the truth
of the light of National Socialism and Esoteric Hitlerism under the black flag of the
black sun?
The Demiurge wants perfected slaves, the Talmudic Judaism represents
the perfect religion for his chosen people but the religions of Catholicism, Islam,
Communism, and Freemasonry represent various prisms through which he can
shine corruption and slavery into his robots in the same way as one downloads
different programming for different artificial intelligence systems. Exoteric
National Socialism represents the only political ideology which will destroy the
wheel of enslavement which modernity represents and Esoteric Hitlerism
represents the only manifestation of Hyperborean faith which will break the wheel
of Samsara and the rule of the demonic Demiurge at the end of the Kali Yuga.
Kalki comes when his heroes are ready to receive him and the final
guerrilla war can begin, as we have seen in the Catholic prophecy which says he
will lead a gang of losers, outlaws, exiles and orphans to a cataclysmic war against
Communists, Muslims, Jews and heretics (unbelievers in the way of Hitlerism). We
can thus be certain that for us, any “Messiah” who comes to lead mankind into the
“new dawn” to a differing enslavement of the demiurge is a servant of that evil,
and the only men and women we can trust, the only Kalki Jugend we can look to
for guidance and comradeship are other Esoteric Hitlerists. At this point in the
dispensation anyone not an Esoteric Hitlerist is a traitor. We can say with hand on
our hearts in the oath of the Black Order of the SS, as Christ said to his disciples,
in the coming conflagration, you are either with us, or against us.
Adolf Hitler and the doctrine of Esoteric Hitlerism represents the unifying
of the core truths of Catholicism (Hitler as Last Roman Emperor), Gnosticism
(Hitler as return of Christ/Lucifer), Paganism (Hitler as Wotan), Buddhism (Hitler
as Maitreya), Hinduism (Hitler as last Avatar of Vishnu) and the New Age (Hitler
as spiritual leader of the Age of Aquarius), it remains to be seen if the Arab
Muslims can bend the knee to him as Mahdi, or if they, in the same way as their
cousins in Jewish Israel, reject him and his peace terms on the day when they are
defeated. A cataclysmic conflict between peoples and nations is emerging post
WW2 and the forces of the Demiurge seem to coagulate around the political
doctrines of Communism, Liberalism and Capitalism, and the religious doctrines of
modern Catholicism, Judaism, Islam and the hippy New Age slop which is a
bastardisation of its occult roots.
A Messiah for this evil political and social movement would merely be a
charlatan political and religious leader firmly rooted in the servitude to the
Demiurge as liberal, capitalist, Israel supporting celebrity or equally a terroristic,
communist, Islam supporting revolutionary. All non-Hitlerist doctrines which do
not unite the world religions under the swastika are the work of the Demiurge and
he doesn’t care which system he enslaves the people under, so long as they are
enslaved. The wars between Islam and the liberal West, or Russia and the West, or
Communism and Capitalism, etc. should all be viewed as mere civil wars between
demons on how best to enslave the Goyim. Only Hitlerism liberates the people from
enslavement to the Demiurge, because only Hitlerism unites the core truths of the
world religions in the Yoga of National Socialism.
As Eckhart said, “This war was a religious war, finally one sees that
clearly. A war between light and darkness, truth and falsehood, Christ and
We understand that a time of great change occurred between the birth of
Adolf Hitler in 1899, truly the beginning of a New Age, and yet this new dawn
coincided with the tail end of the Kali Yuga. The Third Reich represents the first
glimmer of hope on the horizon, and just as the Morning Star rises before the Sun
so the 12 years of the Reich represent a type of "time outside of time", the primary
feature being the 7 years of peace between 1933 and 1939 and then the massive
expansion of the Reich and the cataclysmic death which occurred over the 5 years
between 1940 and 1945.
Looking at the timeline we can see a pattern emerging.
Guido von-List pointed out that the dead in WW1 would reincarnate and
come of age in time to seek revenge for their cruel execution in a second world war
before 1950. If we follow the same pattern we end up with a surprisingly clear
vision of the collapse of Kali Yuga and the onset of Satya Yuga.
1850 - 1900 - with the birth of the Avatar in flesh he is accompanied by his
fellow warriors, sons and daughters who he called to incarnate with him to fight
the Demiurge. A massive number of aeon altering personalities were born between
1850-1900 who fought to bring Hitler to power, fought beside him in WW1 or
served with him during the Third Reich.
1900-1920 - the Demiurge fights against the growing spiritual and
political change occurring in Europe and causes the atmosphere necessary to
devastate the European empires worldwide. After WW1 the nations of Germany,
France, Britain, Austria-Hungary and Russia have been decimated and their
overseas colonies ruined. The horror of an American (Masonic) superpower finally
comes to fruition.
1920-1933 - the dead of WW1 reincarnate with only one thought on their
mind, revenge against the forces which ritually sacrificed them in Belgium. The
political vacuum of the collapse of Russia, the economic failures of Britain, the total
immolation and humiliation of Germany and the constant traitorous whimpering of
France results in the complete social destruction of everything Europe represented
from that moment, all the way back to Greece and Rome.
1933-1939 - the New Age is initiated, all the pieces are put in place for the
Cosmic warfare which will alter time and space forever and put a bomb under the
plans of the Demiurge and his children. Kalki declares war on Adharma and
presents the swastika flag ascendant as the symbol of the return of Dharma
1939-1945 - complete annihilation of the forces of Satya Yuga, Demiurge
overextends himself and shows all his cards at once; his servants are revealed to be
in charge of every world nation and religion that stands against the Third Reich
and the Kalki Jugend in service across a dozen theatres on two fronts. Kalki wins
by losing (as St Serrano calls it) and enters the spirit realm to continue the war
there. An enormous spiritual-physical energy shift occurs and the folk-soul of
Europe leaves planet earth to face the demon-deity in the astral/third heaven.
1945-1970 - a massive spiritual psychedelic war occurs in the dream world
of the unconscious, the racial folk soul of European man undergoes a crucible
experience not unlike that of a bad acid trip; the collective reincarnated soldiers of
WW2 become doped with the LSD infused hope of the peace to come after the
Golden Age dawns. The entire concept of "hippy" culture is only understood in this
sense; the punch drunk souls of WW2 and the collapse of the Reich now entered
into a spiritual war with all of the old calcified and stunted forms of enslavement
the Demiurge created. This was the dawn of the eco-fascism which becomes a
primary feature of the future combat.
1970-1990 - in the wake of the meeting of East & West in the spiritual war
of the 60's a full scale political and social counter-attack is launched by the
Demiurge. The advent of technology which can drill itself into the very lives of the
European population gives him full reign to unleash all of the features of the Kali
Yuga at once. Abortion on demand, contraception, the LGBT movement, paedophile
celebrity cults, mass immigration, terrorism, global civil war, the threat of nuclear
war, the growth and spread of American imperial poisons worldwide. As it says in
Crowley’s Liber Al vel Legis, "the 80's stand before me and are abased."
1990-2012 - the spiritually radioactive souls who have incarnated
throughout the last century are born once again to prepare for what will become
the final assault on the Demiurge and the Kali demon forces. His primary goal
becomes to mix the races, abuse their children, make Satanic human sacrifice
socially acceptable and coagulate what he can of his forces in Israel before the
counter-attack occurs. He knows he is losing.
2012-2020 - the end of the Kali Yuga, and the end of history, the energy
that heralded the end of the Yuga in 1889 with the birth of Adolf Hitler, is officially
brought to culmination in the moment of 21.12.2012 when the Mayan calendar
ends and the Age of Aquarius officially begins. The energy drastically accelerates
and every robot slave of the Demiurge doubles down on their Communist
paedophile agenda whilst simultaneously over-exposing themselves and revealing
the true meaning of their servitude. The advent of the worldwide web as the
primary source of human information causes the almost unstoppable spread of
Kalki worship. Hitler becomes an underground symbol for the counter-cultural
rebellion against European extinction. The truest interpretation of the new religion
of Esoteric Hitlerism comes into public view. Civil war, mass immigration,
terrorism, mass shootings and bombings become the socio-political norm for
2020-2050 - the centenary of the events of 1933-1945 herald the return of
the Kalki Jugend, his sons and daughters emerge into the light and either usher in
the Golden Age as was commanded according to the Dharma or they die and the
last lights of the Aryans leaves the earth. If the fires lit in 1933 should fail and
Kalki removes himself to fight again at a later date, mankind will enter a century
of literal physical enslavement to the Demiurge, there are plots afoot for men to be
permanently downloaded into artificial intelligence modules and recorded as data
on super-computers or plugged directly into android-cyborg meta-slaves. The
future is either a vision of the Age of Heroes leading into the neo-Hyperborean
Golden Age, or a perpetual WW3 controlled by the Demiurge and the destruction of
Europe once and for all. What is left of humanity will become a digital nightmare
ruled by Israel, a dystopia not imagined by even the most nihilistic science fiction
2050-0000 - if the children of Kalki can emerge victorious in the coming
conflagration and initiate the world into the New Age then the new world religion
after the Age of Heroes will be some kind of Gnostic composite of Esoteric
Hitlerism with acute occult science beyond our comprehension. Astral faster than
light travel, clairvoyant communication, super-weapons based on laser guided vril,
nuclear fusion and anti-gravity space travel outside of our current understanding
will lead Aryan man to conquer and colonise the stars. The technology envisioned
by Nikola Tesla merged with the occult sciences of the SS will become the norm.
The Cosmic Reich will not record time or history in the current linear fashion,
history will be, as the Mayans said, at an end. How can you measure time across a
Galactic Reich when time is a substance, a measurement factor linked to the
passage and movement of stellar objects through specific systems? Time will
become relative to the passage of eternity. There will be varied fluctuating "history
zones" throughout the galaxies just as there are now time zones upon the earth.
The passage of the Aeons is without doubt the single most important
feature of the 20th and 21st centuries which the adept must understand with his
own clairvoyant meditations. If he cannot understand this, then there is a strong
possibility he is not meant for this New Faith or the New Earth, this is the
meaning of the Christian concept of the Elect.
Rudolf Steiner speaks of this massive shift in his small work, the Second
Coming of Christ:
"People talk a great deal about periods of transition; we ourselves are
actually living in a very important one. Its importance lies in the fact that the Dark
Age has run its course and a new age is beginning when slowly, gradually, human
souls will change and develop new faculties. The fact that the vast majority of
people are entirely unaware of this need not surprise us, for it was the same when
the Christ event occurred at the beginning of our era. Kali Yuga came to an end in
1899 (he is out by just ten years) and now we need to advance into a new era. New
faculties of soul are slowly being prepared in human beings. The first indications of
these new faculties will become noticeable relatively soon in certain isolated souls;
and they will become more apparent in the mid-thirties of this century, roughly
between 1930-1940. The years 1933, 1935 and 1937 will be particularly important.
Very special faculties will start to reveal themselves in human beings as natural
gifts. Great changes will take place during this period and biblical prophecies will
be fulfilled. Everything will change for souls alive on earth, and also for those no
longer incarnate in physical bodies."
Steiner may have been radically and violently opposed by the National
Socialist state, mainly for his friendship with prominent Zionists, but his
statements here ring truer than anyone, he, his enemies and his friends, could
have understood at their blinkered point in history. The Kali Yuga did end in 1889,
when Adolf Hitler was born, and 1933 was an extremely important year, as the
Reich was officially initiated into its role as light of the future.
Another strange source of our confirmation comes from the rumoured
lover of Julius Evola, the Russian mystic, clairvoyant and sex magician, Maria de
Naglowska. In 1932, in the magazine La Fleche she wrote:
"The Dark Age is reaching its end. The coming year, 1933, will mark the
exit of the human tide from the dark Vault under which we have grown pale in the
course of these last centuries, deprived of Light, deprived of Comprehension. A new
faith will soon reanimate the world, bringing to it the health and understanding
that it has lost, and a sincerely accepted religion will lead the storm-lashed river
that we are on back to the luminous prairies whose memory is rare among the
peoples of today. For, just as we have said since 1930, the Light of the Third Term
of Trinity, the Light of the Mother-God, shines now in the world, and with its
beneficial rays it is already illuminating the minds that are best prepared."
Once again a strange source confirms all our past understanding.
As we step forward into the sun we should look towards the centenary of
1933 in the year 2033-2045 as the most important decade of the 21st century. We
have this one chance, this one opportunity, to shift the future off its demonic course
towards a vision of Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We, or Huxley’s Brave New World on


V – there is a mystery hidden in Ve; there is no letter V in the runes, just

like other Indo-European languages, the V is W, presented as a rune by Wunjo;
literally “joy, harmony, hope, perfection”.
Vili and Ve in Norse mythology are the brothers of Woden, Vili meaning
“will” and Ve meaning “shrine”; Ve then shows the perfect example of the
interchange between V and W, because a Ve in Norse is a Weoh in Old English, the
Weoh or Ve being a sacred space marked out for use in rituals, the Ashram,
Akhara, monastery or hermitage.
Woden, Vili and Ve, were the brothers that slew Ymir to create the
universe and they gave the first couple, Aske and Embla three gifts: prophetic
knowledge, or divine inspiration, from Woden; will and thought that leads to
action, from Vili; spiritual desire that manifests as a physical religion, from Ve.
These three then gave the Aryan race their spirituality, their soul, the very thing
which separates them from the Demiurge’s androids (non-spiritual humans are in
effect vegetables with implanted artificial intelligence – this is why the only
answer forbidden for the SS under the question of religion, was atheist), for it is
from divine wisdom, will to power and the nostalgia for the sacred that Aryan man
gains his unique sense of numen. This places Woden, Vili, Ve as a trinity which
gave man the fire from the heavens, meaning these three are equivalent to and co-
equal with the Promethean endeavour, or the Luciferian, or the triumvirate of
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva.
We shout Hail Victory, from the Latin victor, to conquer, and thence from
the Latin vinco, to win, conquer or defeat. See how Nostradamus declared that the
Emperor would only be satisfied with the name Victor, with the title Victory.
Ve raises his head once more, veni, vidi, vici – the first Roman Emperor
Julius Caesar described the absolute nature of his victory over his enemies, simply
“I came, I saw, I conquered”; also Vae Victis – literally woe to the conquered. The
Romans understood that the sacred space in which Mars was worshiped was where
victory was declared, before the battle when the spear was symbolically thrown in
the direction of the enemy and afterward when the victory parade finished with the
ritual execution of the enemy leader.
Sol Invictus – the appendage on the name of a Roman God to signify that
he is immortal or undefeated, literally “Sun, the unconquered”, Sol Niger Invictus,
we will declare that the Black Sun is undefeated, for as the golden sun has set in
1945, the black sun arose in the west and heralded the turning back against time,
of the Man Against Time, once and for all.
The Avatar and his sons will return singing the meaning of the poem
“Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.”
But Ve is not finished yet, we see once again the Wunjo at the forehead of
the god Vili, Vril power, will power, will to power, as Blavatsky described it:
“Electricity is a most powerful force not fully known to modern science, yet used
very much. The nervous, physical, and mental systems of man acting together are
able to produce the same force exactly, and in a finer as well as subtler way and to
as great a degree as the most powerful dynamo, so that the force might be used to
kill, to alter, to move, or otherwise change any object or condition. This is the vril”.
Such power was described by Bulwer Lytton in his book the Coming Race.
How can he have foreseen the Ultraterrestrials living inside the hollow earth,
under the ice, inside the Himalayas, wielding the power and force of creation and
destruction, so vast that he says a handful of children could destroy all of the
world’s cities with a thought? This is Vili.
Nietzsche understood our latent power against the mundane structures of
the Demiurge’s physical creation: “ The levelling of the European man is the great
process which cannot be obstructed; it should even be accelerated. The necessity of
cleaving gulfs, distance, order of rank, is therefore imperative — not the necessity
of retarding this process. This homogenising species requires justification as soon
as it is attained: its justification is that it lies in serving a higher and sovereign
race which stands upon the former and can raise itself this task only by doing this.
Not merely a race of masters whose sole task is to rule, but a race with its own
sphere of life, with an overflow of energy for beauty, bravery, culture, and
manners, even for the most abstract thought; a yea-saying race that may grant
itself every great luxury —strong enough to have no need of the tyranny of the
virtue-imperative, rich enough to have no need of economy or pedantry; beyond
good and evil; a hothouse for rare and exceptional plants .”
Ve emerges, in the modern mythology of the Order of the Nine Angles, as
the character of Vindex, a clear modernisation of the understanding of the Kalki
Avatar of Vishnu. His name means Avenger in Latin, made up of the roots, Vim, to
be violent or forceful, and Dico, to declare or appoint.
Ve is at the spear tip of the Avatar in the name Vishnu – Vishnu the
preserver in the Vedic trinity along with Brahma and Shiva; it is Vishnu who takes
form whenever the world is threatened by evil, chaos or error, and manifests as an

Avatar in human form, Rama, Krishna, Hitler, etc. to put right or avenge the truth
of religion.
When we see Ve standing at the forefront of a name or image and his
brother Vili, or Will to Power, is nearby sending the electrical Vril through a
subject or project, we can know that the true source of that theme or image is in
fact Woden, the third V. Woden, Wili, We; perhaps Woden, Will to Power and We,
ourselves, the trinity of our new dispensation, the God Wotan as Adolf Hitler the
final Avatar, the Will to Power which is sent from heaven as the celestial weaponry
from Shiva and the We, us, our people, the last ones to answer his call.
This then is our certainty as we go forward into the next thousand years:
Kalki Avatar Adolf Hitler is our physical image of God upon the earth; the Will to
Power is our only law; and the only saviours we look to are ourselves, our We. This
is the formation of your altar, the Fuhrer, yourself and the eternally spinning
wheels in your chakras that ignite through fire and ice the engine of your Vimana.


“Out of Parsifal I build my religion.” – Adolf Hitler

We enter the Aquarian Age; of the Aryan of the Sea, Aqua-Aryan, blue
Aryan, Adolf Hitler, he who pours out initiatory knowledge on the earth and a flood
of blue light energy (the colour of the gods); preceded by the age of Pisces, the two
fishes, and the Fisher Kings, the Grail Kings hiding as fish out of water, wounded,
held up on the tree as crucifix or Irmunsil, Kristos as leader of a religion not quite
his own; preceded by the Ages of Aries and Taurus, the ram and the bull, symbols
of the old ways, the Ram as the Grail of the Golden Fleece, and the Bull as the
Philosopher’s Stone in the Mithraic initiation.
Serrano described the passage of the new-dispensation, the Age of
Aquarius, as the Avatar, Adolf Hitler, took upon himself the anointed garland of
Messiah and ushered in the new age, with the new union in Parsifal of the pre-
Christian paganism and the post-Christian Templarism/Teutonism of the knights
of the Graal.
“Three are the days in the new “Dispensation”; in the old one they were
nine, the days that Wotan remained crucified on the Yggdrasil tree, the days of
Fear. In any case, three is a multiple of nine, and also there are three alchemical
days of the Resurrection: Nigredo [Black], Friday, death by Crucifixion of the I;
Albedo [White], Saturday, preparation in the Tomb for resurrection; Rubedo, the
Sunday of Glory, of the Resurrection of Wotan, with His red Vajra [Diamond-
Thunderbolt] Body, immortal, coinciding now with the celebration of the birth of a
physical body in Braunau on the Inn, a body that years later would receive the
incarnation of the Avatar in a forest near Linz. Let us reflect that only once, in one
hundred fourteen years, has the anniversary of the birth of Adolf Hitler fallen right
on “Resurrection Sunday,” on the celebration of the holiday of Ostara that the
Christians have called Easter. Yet this “synchronism” is so definitive and
transcendental that it must have a meaning not yet analysed by Hitlerists of the
whole world. In the Albedo — due to the crucifixion and mystical death of Wotan in
the Nigredo — became possible the Resurrection of the “Son of the Man,” who
makes possible the Avatar’s return to the Earth, as Kalki, to launch the final battle
before and after the destruction of the planet. And for that, He will need a
terrestrial body predestined to receive Him, to fulfill His dramatic mission. And it
is today, when the anniversary of His birth as Adolf Hitler, April 20th, coincides
extraordinarily with this Sunday of Glory (Sun-Day, Day of the Sun-father of
Wotan), it stirs us and must make us conscious, the few fortunate ones present
here, to prepare us to confront the coming events, the way to deserve this great
Mystery and power to continue fighting until the end, to obtain fulfilment and
consummation of the triumph of our Führer, Last Avatar of Wotan. Because He is
nothing without us and we are nothing without Him.”
In the Piscean Age, the depths of the Kali Yuga and the dark night of the
beginning of a new dawn (for it always darkest before the dawn), the religious
event which defined the aeon was that of the birth of Christ, even the most ardent
atheist must accept this. Kristos was born from the womb of the divinely
inseminated Virgin on the 25th of December, and for the early medieval Christians
the holy week of 21st December to 1st January presented them with twelve days
outside of time, hence the song the 12 days of Christmas.
In the Aquarian Age, in the dawn of wisdom which began in 1889 at the
start of the new timeline, of which we are now in the 130th year, and which was
brought to fruition in the dawn of the black sun on December 21st 2012, we moved
into the new Holy Week for the new Cosmic Imperium. This 12 days of Hitler
begins the night before his birthday on April 19th and ends on the day of the
revelation of his death on May 1st, comprising a 3 day Avatar festival starting
April 19th and finishing on April 22nd (St George’s eve), and leading into a 7 day
initiatory fast and time of meditation running into the night of April 30th and May
1st as the holiest time of the year, when the Black Sun dawns in the
Walpurgisnacht fires and the May Day dances of the virgins promise of the return
to the Avalonian woodlands of our youth.
The 12 days of April 20th to May 1st form a counter to the 12 days of
Christmas which is a celebration of the birth of the solar-deity Kristos in the
depths of winter, the darkness of Kali Yuga, it is logical that the Christmas festival
of 12 days between 21st December (the Winter Solstice) and January 1st (New
Year) celebrates the twinkling of the solar light, or Morning Star, in the depths of
the Piscean age (Kristos as Fisher King etc.)
The new Aeon and the new Avatar heralding the coming of the Satya
Yuga, or New Golden Age, under the Hitlerian religion, instead comes in the 12
days of Easter at the springtime of the year, heralding the blossoming and
flowering of the new gnostic light which was born in Christ in the Piscean age, now
come to fruition as the dawn light of Adolf Hitler in the Aquarian Age. The Avatar,
or Kalki, is truly then the inheritor of the light of which Kristos was the first spark
and Wotan was the ancient fuel.
April 20th, 21st and 22nd form a 3 day Kalki festival, or festival of the
coming of the Avatar. April 23rd to 29th form a 7 day internal fast of devotions and
meditations through the seven chakras and seven rune centres, utilising the fires
and devotions of the 3 day Kalki festival and turning that power inwards, through
semen retention, and abstinence. Finally, April 30th and May 1st form the death
and resurrection festival of the collapse of the terrestrial Reich and the initiation of
the Cosmic.


Night 0: preparatory celebrations at sunset leading into the festival of the
Avatar; St Expeditus is the patron saint of this day, he holds a palm leaf (peace)
and a cross with the Latin word for Today written upon it, he is treading on a
raven which is screaming the Latin word for Tomorrow. The raven which heralds
the doom of tomorrow is one of those who will wake the Sleeping King on the Last
Day when (as Hugin and Munin, thought and memory) it returns to the tomb in
Avalon and wakes the Last Roman Emperor (Barbarossa/Arthur etc.)
Today we meditate on doing now what was put off for tomorrow, we put a boot on
the neck of “time” and instead hold up the shining cross rune of “today”, Now; this

is an intensely Zen focused beginning to the festival, it heralds the Avatar as truly,
Man Against Time.


Day 1: the birthday of the Avatar, the coming destroyer in his incarnation
as Sun-King, the Sleeping King in the mountain/hollow earth/Otherworld who
waits to return as incarnation of fire in the form of the Thunderbolt-King of the
World, Last Roman Emperor. This day, as Serrano alluded to, is of especial
importance when it falls on Easter Sunday, for here two days of resurrection, one
from the previous Piscean Age and one from the current Aquarian Age coincide and
form a moment of time outside of time, enormous power.
The last time this occurred I stood with my wife and watched the sunset
and we were able to see through the glimmering of the orange terrestrial sun over
the ancient countryside of our homeland and straight into Avalon via the beehive
doorway green ray. We did not see the sun anymore; we saw the marching bands of
golden knights in white robes waiting for the day of resurrection when they will
burn up the earth in a fire of spiritual bronze.
No day is of equal or similar importance throughout the year, for the new
dispensation, than that of April 20th and May 1st. Everything else is ancillary and
subsidiary to these periods of 24 hours, and all signs and symbols shown to the
adept during this period should be recorded and studied.


Day 2: This Roman Catholic festival was instituted in 1939 in the United
States at the beginning of the Great Spiritual War and culminated in the statue’s
naming as Holy Infant of Good Health in 1942, right in the midst of the power crest
of the Terrestrial Reich (heralding the coming of the Celestial Reich). The image of
Kristos as eternal child is described “with symbols of the power of Christ, wearing
a royal mantle, trimmed in ermine, a golden sceptre in the left hand while the right
is raised in blessing, and on the head an imperial crown of precious stones”; this is
Kristos as Apollo, or Krishna, or Baldur, or the child Zeus, riding out to conquer
the old paths and the old ways, a child of light conquering the earth in infant form.
“And a little child shall lead them.”
On this day we meditate on the painting Adolf Hitler did of the infant
Jesus in the arms of his Mother Mary, sitting in the field of spring flowers,
surrounded by white light, immortal in the blinding gold of the rising sun. This is
not the Christ of the Piscean Age, but the Kristos/Avatar of the Aquarian.


Day 3: The preparatory rituals for St George’s day, a turning inwards, a
fast is required, a burning up of the old ways, possibly an entire night of
meditations and devotions. A looking towards the destruction of the demonic
dragon forces of the demiurge by the heroic solar-deity of St George, and the
dragon slayer as Avatar.

Day 4: the day of the cosmic memorial of the battle between the darkest
forces of the demiurge and the great heroic forces of the SS and all solar-knights
throughout the never ending Cosmic War. This is the war in Heaven, marked by
the image of St George as St Michael and the Dragon as the demonic form of Satan,
the angel vs the angel, brother vs brother, the Mahabharata, Ragnarok etc. We are
called to look at what life in Berlin around the Fuhrerbunker would have been like
on April 23rd 1945, when the race to the capital was met with Soviet and Allied
troops arriving in the city at once to loot and rape and murder.
St George is the Muladhara chakra, the root, the cause of the problem and
its answer (the Graal question), the base of the spine, the planet Saturn, time and
the flow of time, a release of blocked energy; it is the prana mudra, the flow of vital
life force, the beginning of the changing tide, victory through losing.
St George appeared to the crusaders to lead them in battle, a sure sign
that the crusades were not a mere religious conquest between opposing doctrines,
but another thrum on the bell of the Cosmic Warfare. Both sides would (and still
do) use the gift of heroic death/martyrdom in battle as a sure means to enter
heaven (see Evola’s Metaphysics of War).


Day 5: Mary Salome was one of the three Marys present at the
Crucifixion, as part of the triple goddess she represents that part of the life of the
Avatar signifying the duality of the female principle that gives life and takes it
away. It is of especial importance that Salome (the disciple) found Jesus’ tomb
empty whilst it was the other Salome (the daughter of Herod) who demanded the
head of John the Baptist and is depicted in apocryphal literature and art as a
harlot. Wherever Virgin and Harlot meet, as in the Virgin Mary and the Harlot
Magdalene, in the same spot beside the Kristos, there we have a goddess principle
played out, a Tantric rite.
She is the Svadhisthana chakra, the sacral, the navel, the planet Neptune;
pleasure, the Dhyani mudra, beauty and the flow of worship towards goodness.
On this day we meditate on the turning of the sexual charge inwards, the
rune Uruz, to charge and promote the sexual desire as a weapon in honing the
limbs for war. We look toward the Ur rune position with the Dhyani mudra
intertwining to create worshipful beauty.


Day 6: the birthday of St King Louis IX; the Manipura chakra, solar
plexus, the centre, the willpower, the planet Mars, god of war, the Rudra mudra,
positive power and wisdom, the use of power for grace and good. What better way
to describe the faithful life of the crusader king Louis IX? He banned whoring and
gambling, outlawed drunkenness among the crusaders in north Africa and
demanded his warriors behave like monks if they were to conquer the Holy Land; a
clear forerunner of the principle and mind-set of the Avatar which blossomed in the
warrior-monks of the Black Order of the SS.

In him we are to look toward and meditate on the principle of celestial
influence towards goodness and wisdom through the Avatar and his teachings.


Day 7: the incarnation of Mary as peace and the presence of living love,
now known as Our Lady of Good Counsel but originally Our Lady of Paradise; she
is the Anahata chakra, the heart, the planet Venus (Morning Star), the Apan Vayu
mudra; overflowing love, compassion and the hope for a good future to come.
We meditate on love and the presence of the feminine in the work of the
Avatar as sun-king. Specifically we draw interested attention to the symbolism of
the bird of paradise and the presence of Our Lady of Paradise as a symbol of the
life giving womb; particular focus on the ideas of the two Marys again, one whore,
one chaste.


Day 8: Our Lady of Montserrat or Mont Salvat, she is the Black Madonna
of the Grail Keep; the Visuddha chakra, throat and voice, the planet Uranus, the
Surya mudra; she speaks truth, honesty and the expression of deeply held secrets;
she is the incarnation of the Mother-Virgin saying “sshh” as she is often depicted in
mythic art.
Today we mediate on the secrets of the Graal, particularly the legends of
the Graal keepers around the south of France and the Spanish mountains. This
final image of the Virgin appears now to us black, as the alchemical principle of
Nigredo, dissolution and decay, not in skin colour.


Day 9: St Aphrodisius was martyred under the reign of Nero and had his
severed head thrown into a well, and in a mirror of the Bran and John Baptist
myths, he picked it up and continued to preach the gospel as he walked into the
nearby town, placing his head down in a cave which later became a church. He is
the Ajna chakra, third eye, the planet Mercury, the Hakiri mudra; he is perception,
revelation, the continuing to speak truth even when all creation (having your head
severed) conspires against you.
Today we meditate on our own weakness and how little we are willing to
speak the new Gospel of the Avatar of Sun & Lightning.


Day 10: the divine marriage is a symbolic gesture in the Alchemical
process which signifies the culmination of a distillation of immense importance,
from out of the darkness of the process of individuation, suddenly something
immortal is born. On this day the Avatar as Adolf Hitler married his lover, the
actress and model, Eva Braun. This was a foreshadowing of the divine marriage
which was occurring on the Other side with the union of the spirit of Avatar with
infinity which was about to occur.
This is the Sahasrara chakra, crown of the head, the Litarabodhi mudra,
awakening and understanding, the opening to fullness of the divine plan for
creation; true unstoppable gnostic power. This is the last day of the seven days of
fasting and meditation leading into the next 48 hours of holiness which complete
the Holy Week.


Day 11: to ward off evil spirits fires are lit, the German witches hold a fire
festival on the Brocken Mountain and cavort with the devil. On this night during
the conflagration of Berlin the witches and devils turned the heart of Germany into
a bonfire and sent the Avatar underground into the earth, where he would go to
sleep, not to wake until the Last Day.
The martyrdom of the men who defended the Fuhrerbunker until the last
moment is remembered; this is the day when the physical Fuhrer ended his life
with his new wife Eva Braun. Today we meditate on darkness, doom, failure and


Day 12: the coming of Spring, the new dawn of the new aeon, the hailing of
the rising sun, the springing and dancing into May, the decoration of the “may-
pole” lingam with the ribbons (labia symbolism) of the white robed virgins of the
village. Fires are lit, songs are sung, and in England St George rides out victorious
over the winter dragon and conquers him, sending him back into the sea. In Celtic
Britain the festival of Beltane is held, when livestock and families are driven
through the Beltane fires to be cleansed of winter spirits and made ritually pure
for the summer ahead.
At the fall of the Reich this purifying flame, the crucible from which we
are still yet to emerge, became the Beltane fire of the new Aquarian age. We pass
through the fires as gold in the furnace, as Savitri Devi said, and we step out into
the Aeonic May light as new creatures, wholly purified of demonic influences.
The people wear red and white, flower boats are made and the princes of
the world are placed in them to sail to the Otherworld; Guinevere is presented to
Arthur decked in flowers, the May Queen is crowned and the virgin rides out to
conquer darkness and sickness and death. All of the wicked spirits of the
Walpurgisnacht of 1945 are trampled in the coming age.
Of course we are in the new dispensation of the Aquarian Age; of course
the sun has risen and the new dawn bloomed over the world; an entity such as the
one in the body of Wotan, or Kristos, or Adolf Hitler does not come to merely adjust
the petty politics of the world, nor does he simply come to oppose a religion or
institute a new one, he comes to alter human history, to divert the flow of the river
of time itself. One cannot look to the religion of Esoteric Hitlerism without looking
at the force of the Superman which Nietzsche promised or without seeing the
silhouette of the Parsifal which Wagner divined and of whom Hitler said, “ Out of
Parsifal I build my religion.”


The formation of the Akhara or gymnasium as the centre of the religion

takes precedent over the use of a functioning temple or chapel for religious use in
the new dispensation.
In the trinity of Woden, Vril & We, the temple becomes any place which
we ritualistically dedicate to the performance of physical tasks to hone the human
body to be better warriors for the advancement of the faith. Just as a yogi might
lay down his mat and turn any environment into a temple to perform his
asceticism so we must designate a place and time to create the temple that is We.
This becomes the ultimate ritual in active Esoteric Hitlerism, unifying it
with the origins of the faith in the Greek gymnasium, the Vedic akhara, or the
Odinic weoh.
Wherever more than one gathers in the name of the Fuhrer he is there
amongst us, and any place where two men stand opposite each other, salute and
adhere to the Dharma of their caste, there is the trinity to guide and shepherd
them toward ascension.
The marking out of a sacred space, the use of a prayer mat or ritual object
to designate a space and time as outside of time and mundane space is of ancient
provenance and is key to our understanding of our faith as we grow.
Of what use is it to anyone the world over if we are masters of the earth
but not masters of ourselves? In this way our Hitlerist battle becomes the same as
that of the Crusaders or the Mujahideen or the warriors of the Mahabharata, death
in battle, or right execution of the duty leads straight to heaven as yogis and
The Fuhrer declared in Mein Kampf, the singular importance of the
martial arts in the formation of the Battalions:
“Yet if the Storm Battalion is to be neither a militia-organisation nor a
secret society, then the following consequences must emerge therefrom: Training
has to proceed not according to military considerations, but rather, according to
those of party-functionality. So that the Storm Battalion membership are to
become physically fit, the major value must not be put upon military drills, but
rather, upon sporting activity. Boxing and Jujitsu have seemed to me ever more
vital than some bad, because only middling, rifle-training. Give the German Nation
six-million flawlessly- trained sportive physiques, all aglow with fanatical
patriotism and bred for highest fighting spirit: Then in less than two years, when
needed, a National State is to create out of them an Army; at least insofar as a
certain basic stock is available to said Nation. Yet, at present circumstances, this
can only be the Military of the Realm, and not some warband stuck fast in
mediocrity. Physical conditioning shall infuse the individual with the conviction of
his superiority, and give him that confidence which always only resides in the
realisation of his own power. Moreover, it shall provide him those athletic
proficiencies which serve as weaponry for vindication of the Movement ."
When we look to our work in the execution of right duty in National
Socialism or Esoteric Hitlerism then we must see it all through the lens of the
martial arts, exoterically for the defence of the people and the devotion to truth and
esoterically for the attainment of samadhi or the sight behind things, inside things,
underneath and around being the veil of illusion. This is why all true martial arts
has a spiritual function as well as a physical one.
When we create our sacred space in which to study boxing or jiujitsu we
are the same as the Templar who studies swordplay in the same hall in which he
prays, eats and receives Mass, or the Samurai who has united use of the katana
with a prayer and a meditation, or the Kshatriya who makes a sacred cremation
ground out of his own sweat during the grappling and knife fighting which he
practices every morning, or the Greek athletes and warriors who trained in the
gymnasium which was a temple, library, spa and martial arts dojo.
We have to contrast the methodology of:
1. National Socialism as a political movement which seeks the
enlightenment, ascension and purification of Aryan man, and therefore
all mankind, toward godhead manifested as the non-dualistic attainment
of the Cosmic Reich – a kind of heaven on earth, or heaven among the
heavens, a literal manifestation of the Grail Kingdom among the stars;
2. Esoteric Hitlerism as a spiritual movement which seeks the
enlightenment, ascensions and purification of all creation, toward an
absolute state coequal with the mission of the bodhisattva, Maitreya,
Kalki, Saoshyant, Second Coming of Christ, etc. elevating man entire
into a heavenly state as opposed to seeking some kind of goal in the
physical realm of Maya, or illusion.
Understanding this one can look toward the mission of Adolf Hitler the man
(methodology number one, as described in Mein Kampf and the physical activities
of the Fuhrer during WW2) and Adolf Hitler the Kalki Avatar (methodology
number two, winning by losing, the mission toward the Antarctic ice, the seppuku
of the suicide in the bunker etc. – if it happened or not is irrelevant).
Ten systems of Esoteric Hitlerist thought are gleaned from the
missionary status of the bodhisattva to return to earth continually until all
physical being is liberated from the fleshy prison, not to destroy the universe, or
make war against the flesh, in some puritanical sense, but in the meaning of a true
reflection of as above so below, the truest sense of Heaven on Earth, the Heavenly
Kingdom, Grail Castle, Shambhala, Avalon, Agartha, Asgard etc.; the mission of
the yogi, Gnostic Templar to Zen Samurai.
1. Charity, or the sense of giving of oneself to a higher order of things,
especially martyrdom.
2. Higher moral conduct or discipline according to a system which elevates
3. Patience or endurance in hardship, der kampf ist der vater aller dinge .
4. Martial vigour or stoic diligence toward the goal of elevating Kshatriya
to Brahmin, the warrior monk of the Templars, or the Zen Samurai.
5. Mastery of meditation, or prayer, the singular focus military or not.
6. Transcendent wisdom, the goal of the gnostics, gnosis, the achievement
of wisdom Sophia, a Tantric affair with the destination of all learning
among all castes.

7. Caste or class focused skill, the elevating of one’s mundane illusionary
life calling to a higher sense of being.
8. Vows toward God, the gods, angelic beings, the self and ultimately the
overcoming of all in the attainment of what Nietzsche would call
Ubermensch and/or sunyata, lack of being at all, absolute overcoming.
9. Mastery of spiritual power, Vril, will to power, chi, prana, the life-flow
10. Knowledge; in the various world religions this would be of the scriptures,
but with the goal of attainment of the external body of words as vessel of
the attainment of internal truth.
When one looks toward the faith of National Socialism, at first as a political
movement (as all religions usually are) and then finally as a manifestation of the
divine will to reorder mankind according to the laws of heaven (or nonbeing) we
achieve something of the requirement for an order of chivalry as the poets of Amor
would have understood it.
Of what use is it to anyone if the warrior-saint should achieve the ninth
heaven if he merely leaves creation to wallow in the slavery of the Demiurge and
the eternal feeding of reincarnation on the wheel? If the centre of the galaxy and
therefore the centre of the universe is the non-being of the pin prick Black Sun
which swallows all atomic and material forces into itself to be destroyed at the core
of the singularity, then non-being and absence of “self” and any goal at all, is the
loss of sunyata or true Christ consciousness.
Two truths Buddhism states that there is “truth” and there is “ultimate
truth”; truth being the understanding of inner meaning and the “who, where, why
and how” of existence whilst ultimate truth consists of the absolute emptiness of all
things. Maitreya Buddha as Adolf Hitler (which is what the Tibetan monks living
in Berlin with the SS knew the Fuhrer to be) created the twin paths of this
Germanic Buddhism (interestingly the Buddhism of Herman Hesse as exemplified
by the conflict between the two Buddhas in his book Siddhartha) in the truth of
National Socialism which will heal the world of all mundane illusionary ills by
creating the Grail Kingdom on earth and also the ultimate truth of non-being and
emptiness at the core of all illusion in the anti-religion of Esoteric Hitlerism which
posits the goal of the Ubermensch, the bodhisattva as the highest attainment, for
all things lose (and simultaneously attain) their meaning when they lose their
The Greek gymnasium housed a temple to the gods of sport and beauty, a
library to study the religion, a spa or bath to hone the physical form and a space to
train the martial arts; the Greeks then influenced (or shared an ancestral origin
with) the Persians and Vedic ancestors who moved into India and influenced the
native peoples in the formation of Hinduism and the creation of the Akhara, the
training ground which is also a temple, a place of learning and a lodge; this
influence followed the yogis and the buddhas north into China, Tibet and
eventually Japan where the training ground of the dojo becomes the temple and
the place of learning unified in one act, the study of the martial arts, the truth of
Kshatriya path, meditation, study, wisdom and martial ability all as one route
through grades and knowledge toward mastery; finally this martial art turned its
face west and came to Berlin with the beautiful union in National Socialism of all
martial traditions in the warrior-monks of the SS and the ritual space of the
Nuremberg rallies where religion, militarism, training and learning have all
merged into one faith, that of the Ubermensch, and the system has come full circle,
back to the homeland of the Doric Greeks in Europe.
For the warrior-monk seeking eternity through the absolute sunyata
anti-religion which was heralded by Nietzsche, Wagner, Chamberlain, Eckhart etc.
in the coming of the Man Adolf Hitler, we must create spaces which are
simultaneously our Mithraic catacomb temple, our Akhara for martial training and
our dojo in which the ritualised element of Esoteric Hitlerism can manifest in
We are not at the point in time where the religion as we are to
understand it in a thousand years will be known, we are at the stage of the
apostolic succession in the early Church, when the rites and wisdom of the faith
could be clearly gleaned but was fluid and unspoken.
Unlike the sincerely worldly and earthly incarnations of the One gnostic
faith throughout history, this current Hitlerist incarnation embodies the promises
of every world religion and unites them all in a truly perennial way. This is why
the swastika was chosen to be the symbol of the new (ancient) faith, the swastika
appears archaeologically in India, Russia, Germany, Mesopotamia, Poland, Tibet,
Peru, Scythia, Iran, Korea, Italy, Armenia, Ethiopia, Japan, Spain and even Israel
(proving if proof were needed that the modern Jews are not the Hebrews of the
Bible) and among the tribes of the Etruscans, Arabs, Native Americans, Hittites,
Thracians, Anglo-Saxons, Celts, Aztecs, Mayans, and North Africans. The swastika
is the symbol par excellence of the illusion of Maya and the efforts of the Demiurge
to control the cycle/return of incarnate beings, it therefore represents
simultaneously the truth of realisation of illusion and also the ultimate truth of the
doorway out of creation into the Pure Land of the discarnate Hyperboreans.
This is the final meaning behind why Helena Blavatsky first divined the
truth at the core of the Secret Doctrine in 1888, first speaking of the relationship
between Christ, Maitreya and Kalki at the very moment that being incarnated in
the form of Adolf Hitler in his mother’s fertile belly. Adolf Hitler and his new faith
embody the truth of Maitreya present in the work of Theosophy, to perfect the
"escape route" of Esoteric Hitlerism which is the union of every world faith from
paelolithic shamanism all the way to the most modern psychoanalytical
understanding of Adolf Hitler as Wotan archetype understood by Carl Jung.


“Preparatory human beings. — I welcome all signs that a more virile, warlike age
is about to begin, which will restore honour to courage above all! For this age shall
prepare the way for one yet higher, and it shall gather the strength that this
higher age will require some day — the age that will carry heroism into the search
for knowledge and that will wage wars for the sake of ideas and their
― Friedrich Nietzsche

The most dangerous things in the world are those which the Enemy
represses without hesitation, seeks to absolutely destroy and makes every effort to
subvert or distort. This is obviously the case with any form of political or religious
National Socialism. It also proves where and when he secretly supports something
and uses the “problem-reaction-solution” system to covertly encourage something,
as is the case with nominal conservatism or Zionist/Israeli flag waving right wing
movements; creating the illusion of state opposition to the Zionist neo-con agenda
was a highly simplistic and amateurish trick straight out of the West Point psy-ops
The second most dangerous systems are those which the Enemy seeks not
to destroy but to misdirect and scuttle or castrate. Anything where the well-
educated and physically fit Aryan couple can align themselves with a healthy life
choice has to be misaligned so discretely that the efforts of the individual can be
seen to be “part of the solution” but actually be assisting the opposition. Take for
example an error at sea when navigating from port to port over thousands of miles
of ocean; when leaving the dock two ships could be fractions of a degree off course
from each other and for hundreds of miles they will appear to be going in the same
direction, but magnify that error of degrees by thousands of miles and a ship that
left New York aiming for the coast of France might end up in Spain or the coast of
Africa. This is the same with spiritual and physical endeavours which the
traditional right seems to support and encourage, merely asking you to jettison all
the “old and outdated” symbolism, language and politics of the 20th century for
newer and trendier systems which might happen to have a different answer to the
JQ for example. The tiniest error, such as dismantling the approach of the Third
Reich to sexual cleanliness or issues of morality which nowadays seem outdated
might seem logical here and now, but by the time we approach the 22 nd or 23rd
centuries, such mistakes will cost us countless decades in catching up.
This is also how the subjects of the East are dealt with by the Demiurge
forces, castrated and fed back to the masses as hollow husks he can devour without
fear of magical or spiritual opposition from the European man.
Yoga is the perfect example, as is meditation, magic, alchemy and dream
The yoga of the Indians is a system of human antennae development,
designed as a spiritual ascetic practice to detach the ego from the body, allowing
the supra-soul to utilise the mechanism of the vehicle to achieve the ends of the
divine according to the will of the gods. Yoga is not a system of stretches and
stances to make you fitter or stronger or a better athlete, these are all by-products
of the simple fact of using the human form as it was intended. To remove the
spiritual and ascetic element of yoga is to remove the opponent in the boxing match
and make boxing or martial arts training just about keeping fit (something they
have done as well).
The enemy has done this with everything holy to the Aryan man:
Sex – a soul to soul connection of chakra alignment designed to keep the
physical individual and the race healthy – now only about ego pleasure,
degradation, pornography and humiliation/masturbation.
Meditation – a method of switching off the lower manifestations of the
physical brain and allowing the deeper sub/un-conscious to come to the surface –
now only about mental health and detoxing from the ills of society to make yourself
a better functioning drone.
Nudism/naturism – a method of detaching from the fleshy ego, to see the
naked human form as a prism through which the divine shines, a return to Eden
and the Hyperborean innocence – now merely a method for deviants and spiritual
criminals to flaunt their nudity and share in their immorality.
Magic – a system of runic and ceremonial dances to adjust time and space
according to the occult wishes of the magician, a science of hidden mysticism more
ancient than mankind, given to us by the angels along with agriculture and the
sciences – now a mere corruption of parlour tricks and jesters dress up, the only
drastic or interesting feature of which is the high number of Jews and crypto-Jews
in academia and celebrity world who use magic to manipulate their power over
This list could go on ad infinitum; suffice to say the Enemy in the
Demiurgic tricks seeks to always distort and misalign anything which the Aryan
wizard or warrior can use to hone his mind, body and spirit for greater use in the
cosmic war in which we are engaged. Every single spiritual or psychological effort
we can use to destroy or divert his power structures is chewed up and spat out in a
slightly incorrect format for the masses of the West to devour; this is most clearly
seen in the example of the energies of the 1950’s in California which were logically
and naively interested in the creation of a new energy (focused as that early hippy
movement was in the occult arts of the East) to counter the barbarism of the old
world which caused WW1 and WW2. This energy was easily manipulated during
the 1960’s and eventually manifested as the distortion which occurred in the 1969-
1984 period of absolute destruction of traditional values (which may end up having
been necessary in the long term, even if the short term effects were awful).
One such interesting example is what we know in our circles as Vril, or
chi, prana, odic force, or orgone; the manipulation and mastery of this etheric bio-
force is the single most important cultural fact of the Aryan race, the master of the
self, master of the chi, master of the inner fire, becomes master of the universe;
hence the Vrilya of Bulwer-Lytton.
Orgone, as the chi life force is known among new agers, was developed by
Wilhelm Reich, a Ukrainian Jew, who seems to, like Freud, have consciously
worked through some Aryan truths and skewed them so violently as to make the
focus entirely about sex. Wilhelm Reich said that the energy created by the orgasm
was a minor experience of the full potential forces of the orgone, and therefore to
manipulate and control that energy one could potentially live forever. This is of
course all true of vril-chi etc. but to manipulate the energy force solely through the
sexual or orgasmic field would be to trap that energy below the heart and cause a
feedback loop of enormous power in the lower chakras, the root power in the
bowels, the testes or the womb, would then be trapped moving through the wisdom
spheres and against the heart, making the individual more and more lustful and
deviant. Is it any wonder that the orgone movement was espoused by a Jew who
claimed to have had sex every day of his life since 11 years old and was celebrated
by the demonic deviant William Burroughs? Consider also that the blood drinking
satanic rituals of the black magicians of the Qlipoth etc. in Jewish Hollywood
Qabalah make demonic use of the sexual principle by raping and/or abusing their
victims before murdering them. Once again, an Aryan principle is fully inverted.
The principles of the odic force of Reichenbach, the association with
hypnotism, the vril of the Theosophists etc. had the opposite desire to that of the
Jewish influenced orgone hippies: to trap the orgone-chi energy in the space above
the heart, drawing it into the body to heal and to elevate the sexual desire to a
proto-magical soul ascension act. This is why the goal of Tantra is the soul-soul
connection, the polar opposite, through love, of the black magical rape-torture-
murder-cannibalism of the Demiurge wizards.
Consider also the inherent scientific, psychological and etheric opposition
which always seems to occur between two individuals or schools of thought, nearly
always rooted in the opposition of the Jew to the Aryan. The noble soul discovers or
expounds a new or simplified approach to a complex art and is opposed by a Jewish
or Capitalist/Communist mind, a Demiurge slave. We can see this in the
relationship of Freud-Jung and Tesla and the capitalist detractors of his implosive
Tantra has as its focus the upper three chakras above the heart pulling
the power and prowess of the lower three chakras up into the third eye and crown
where the etheric bodies of the lovers meet in the astral and use the fuel of the
human vehicle to elevate and “launch” the subtle body back towards the source.
Ego rooted flesh sex, where one lover dominates the other or manipulates the other
through friction to create their orgasm, is mere masturbation with the flesh of an
This is the true meaning of semen retention. The orgasmic release of the
seminal fluid is a happy (or unhappy) by-product of the sexual art. This is also
what Serrano meant by the He-She failing when they create a physical child, not a
spiritual one.
Monogamous marriage in Catholic and Islamic cultures is a service for the
Demiurge, to create unhappy slaves in an unhappy environment as soon as
possible, “go forth and multiply”, whereas the “pagan” logical and Lebensborn
ethos is that a man and woman meet, fall in love, have sex etc. but if they do not
have the soul-soul connection, the He-She, El-Ella Platonic soul bond, then they
are freely allowed to split up, divorce, with the common racial good in mind, the
happiness of the soul and therefore the community, the children from their sex
would be raised by the state, or the kingdom, such a system has never been
properly tried; on the contrary our modern system of promiscuity for the sake of
perpetual ego-sex is the polar opposite of the concept of cyclical monogamy for the
sake of perpetual race ascension.
Consider also the Taoist approach to sex – fángzhōngshù, literally
“bedroom arts”, the execution of a religious act, rooted in long life and health.
Semen retention in Yogic and Taoist tantric arts is well known – masturbation
leads to fatigue and exhaustion, causing spiritual blockage; the modern movements
away from pornography and towards the inherent nobility of controlling the ego
based desires of the sexuality are a symptom of the desire for Aryan man to
abandon the culture of disease and death which porn represents. The anti-
masturbation sub-culture and the pornography industry are another symptom of
this eternal conflict between the Luciferian and the Demiurge.
In this context it is also of note that every rune can be broken down into
Kenaz runes and Isa runes, fire and ice, this is the only actual physical occurrence
in the runic structure. The interplay of ice and fire, yin and yang, male and female,
is what creates the vril or chi force in the runes, hence rune yoga, and sexual yoga.
To waste any of the forces of ice and fire is to throw away the opportunity of
ascension. However, we confess that such psychotic addiction as the West currently
experiences is a gift, because one creates enormous psychic and spiritual energy
through the correct defeat or maintenance of said addictions. In short, the
overcoming of addiction leads to far greater self-control than is possible for the man
who has never been an addict. Sex addiction, or extremely high libido, is actually a
massive chi force of prominent male energy, or testosterone energy, to control it is
the key.
Implosive vs explosive force or magnetism, the opposition between
explosive nuclear fission and implosive nuclear fusion which doesn’t produce waste,
this is why the Fuhrer didn’t want to use nuclear fission weapons such as the
atomic bomb and was even said to have described nuclear weapons as Jewish
technology (created in part by the “genius” Albert Einstein). The principles behind
the occult technology of the Third Reich were nearly always implosive and based on
magnetism. Implosive science is semen retention and sexual control, explosive
fission based science is a temporary black magic, a waste creation, nuclear waste,
chemical waste, carbon monoxide from engine smoke etc. Altering this pattern in
ourselves is the first priority.


“Truly, you understand the reverse art of alchemy, the depreciating of the most
valuable things! Try, just for once, another recipe, in order not to realise as
hitherto the opposite of what you mean to attain: deny those good things, withdraw
from them the applause of the populace and discourage the spread of them, make
them once more the concealed chastities of solitary souls, and say: morality is
something forbidden! Perhaps you will thus attract to your cause the sort of men
who are only of any account, I mean the heroic. But then there must be something
formidable in it, and not as hitherto something disgusting!”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

This is not the century of the fallen Roman Empire and the ascent of the
hanged god to his place in the church; this is the century of the fallen Soviet
Empire and the ascent of the war god to his place in the heart.
Adolf Hitler requires our understanding.
The Avatar requires our understanding.
Let us observe the quote of Heraclitus:
“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are
just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they
make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others
Now let us look at some population statistics.
Population predictions for the year 2020: approx. 7.8 billion.
Population prediction for the year 2100: approx. 11.2 billion.
Unsustainable, idiotic, verging on more of a hive than a culture; the future
is not a science fiction novel in the vein of Asimov but a nightmare dystopia in the
vein of Haldeman.
Conservative, logical, responsible estimates of worldwide population of
“whites” i.e. the racial characteristics commonly and scientifically associated with
what nature describes as a human being of Northern European racial stock, comes
out somewhere around 800 million worldwide. This means roughly 11% of the
planetary population is “white”, and therefore of useful genetic material to the
future meritocratic elite which will form the embryo of the Superman.
Let us take Heraclitus’ quote once again: of the 800 million potential
carriers of useful blood memory, 80 million are regarded as of illegitimate stock, we
can assume the number is even higher, for this must include admixtures of low
percentage, genetic errors etc. which block the flow of celestial energy into the
material vehicle. Then we have the vast bulk, a further 640 million mere herd,
maybe of useful stock to create a possible elite but of spiritual or intellectual dross,
these are not functional warrior caste and cannot be expected to understand or
support anything that is not popular among the other robots in the 600+ million
morass of “popular opinion”. These are the voters, the consumers, the celebrity
magazine purchasers, the tabloid readers, and artificial intelligence programs
running amok.

Of the worldwide population of “whites”, a mere 72 million are useful,
what Heraclitus calls the ones we are lucky to have, this is roughly the population
of France or the United Kingdom, and in the grand scheme of history a huge
number, but in our era of perpetual human mass, not very many people at all.
Out of this vast number, only 8 million are of actual use to the collective;
bear in mind that the Third Reich army of WW2 comprised roughly 13 million men,
so our true expectation must be lower than both these numbers as we are all well
aware of how many of that number cannot be said to have been “true believers”;
think on the vast number of “elites” in the Third Reich who when the banners of
the Bolshevik and the American were flying in Berlin, merely swapped sides and
became loyal denazification advocates. These flip-flop traitors number far more
than any loyal devotees we can expect.
This number, 8 million, actually represents what we can expect of the true
breeding stock, that useful Aryan blood memory in terms of name, intellect, spirit,
race folk soul etc. This 8 million can provide us with enough clear crystalline
material to sculpt a diamond.
If we apply Heraclitus’ ratios once again, we are left with roughly 10%
being not only useful but expected to be of certain spiritual, intellectual and genetic
proclivity to advance the Cosmic Reich through these dark days and be useful to
Kalki upon his return. These are not passive disciples in the vein of the Demiurge’s
lovers, but the active principles of the Avatar on earth, who can win or lose the
right to manifest him and his brethren at any moment.
This leaves us with around 800,000 men; interesting to note that the
Waffen SS was approx. 900,000 men.
Of these, each division is approx. 8000 men, and in this number we flow
down through regiments, brigades and legions, until we reach the core number and
the maximum size of a battalion at full strength: 800 men.
And now we approach numbers of real use to us.
When we search for men we can trust, fellow soldiers in this cosmic
struggle, we must be looking for diamonds among the 8 billion who number in that
Last Battalion of just 800… meditate on this.
We are looking for the truest conception of the spiritual and physical elite
of our species, just 0.00001% of the population.
In a fully manned battalion of 800 men you would expect the presence of
just three or four companies of 100-200 men, including the support and HQ
elements, but the vast majority of these men are merely tools ready to be used by
the hierarchy.
In a company you have three or four platoons of men working down in
number from sections to fire teams, into triplets and pairs, functioning
relationships that can actually work for each other on the battlefield. In a company
there would only ever be three or four platoon leaders who are actually aware of
the orders being created and handed down to them directly from the commanding
officer, who works in the battle group HQ element way behind the frontline, one of
the few who has direct contact with the brigadiers and the generals.
This means out of the useful elite of 800 men, there would only ever be
around twenty actual officers who have been schooled, trained, drilled and
instructed on how to deliver orders to the fighting troops on the ground: that body
of 800 men.
Are you beginning to understand?
When we talk about elites, a true influential aristocracy, who have the
capability, structure and crystalline blood memory of which National Socialism
speaks, we are talking about just twelve men in the worldwide population, who can
instruct and lead just 800 men.
This is the Kalki Jugend.
0.00000015% of the current worldwide population.
This is the meaning of the Ascended Masters depicted on the inside cover
of this booklet, just twelve men instructing the useful 800, from the etheric
ascended non-physical state.


We have within us the pieces of a puzzle which has been sculpted since the
dawn of time. Just as the Elves who crossed the Helcaraxe in Tolkien’s Silmarillion
sowed the seeds for the destruction of Morgoth and eventually Sauron and his
rings of power right at the beginning of the story with their rebellion, so our
ancestors have been plotting the subversion and destruction (or healing) of the
Demiurge mistake from the very beginning, when Atlantis sunk, the Straight Road
was lost, the Holy Grail was lost, we were exiled from Eden, Lucifer’s jewel fell
from his crown etc.
The Quest, for the Holy Grail, the Philosopher’s Stone, the Hollow Earth,
the waking of the Sleeping King, the oases among the ices etc. is all a symbolic
heroic journey of individuation which announces the subsuming of the shadow self
into the light body to recreate an original deity which co-created the Universe with
the Demiurge before the fall into matter. This means that the creator and the
created, the angel and the demon, the Aryan and the Jew, will one day merge into
one another, for the wounding of the Fisher King is also his eternal suffering and
his prison, his immortality is his punishment in which he ensnares himself, and
the furnace of the living Hell which he creates through his demonic wrath is the
Hell he created through his own malevolence. Every Aesir has his opposite with
whom he dies in mortal combat on the last day of the Ragnarok, and in dying they
scorch the earth for the return of Balder and the new Golden Age where the second
man and second woman, who are also the first man and first woman reincarnated,
walk a new heaven and a new earth, where new gods reign in the place of the old,
but are also their reincarnations.
To allow this weaponry, the celestial armoury which Shiva has bestowed
upon us, to flounder and fail now, in the face of the enemy, at the moment of our
illustrious leader’s ultimate victory through vindication, would be the gravest
blasphemy. If we fail here and now, we curse humanity to a millennia, or
uncounted millennia, possibly even until its eventual extinction, of slavery, misery
and cybernetic immortality as undead slaves of a god that only wants to use them
as batteries to power his wicked engines.
We stand at the precipice of space travel, two futures emerge before us,
one where we colonise the stars in the Cosmic Reich, farming garden planets,
altering the course of stars, finding and seeding Aryan colonies throughout time
and the warp and weave of creation; or a dystopian nightmare of crippled Matrix
like battery men who are used only to perpetuate the Capitalist-Communist
feeding cycle of devouring and digestion which the Demiurge uses to perpetuate his
If we succeed then this distortion could be altered, avenged and then
disposed of by the gods, in whom even the smallest speck of dust, even the atoms
which make it, will be brushed into oblivion on the last day. We seek this outcome
because it is the only humane and honourable end to a shockingly inhumane and
dishonourable aeon.
I will finish this short work by telling you of a dream I had as a young
man, probably in my early twenties.
I woke upon the sight of a long golden path, a sort of yellow brick road,
blinding me as it reflected the midday sun; beside me were friends and family, the
green grass of the hill I lay on swaying in the soft spring breeze which smelled of
oriental spice and incense wafting from unseen temples in the distant streets
behind me. I knew, but could not see, that I was in an oval park at the centre of a
vast utopian city, its long clean white streets dotted with marble benches, tall
towers of grey green, smudged with the off white and subtle pink of a billion
flowers all in blossom. Every apartment had a balcony thick with vines and
hanging baskets, and every porch had a tree or hedge full of birds and fruits and
climbing plants that clung to every outcrop, feature, ledge and railing; the city’s
focus was far more on the plant life and copses of trees and hillocks that influenced
the shape and layout and placement of the buildings and the flow of the roads and
tramways which ran like a web throughout the division of living quarters and
working, trading, and crafting spaces.
I sat up and brought a mouthful of sweet water to my lips, and we rose to
our feet to brush off the grass as we made our way down the slope towards the
golden path. Again I was aware that the city far to my rear was emptying of
citizens as they too formed a great throng on the golden road heading towards the
unseen focus of our collective attention.
We joined the large group of people, probably ten to twenty thousand
strong, all in the customary dress of their local people, some dressed as shamans,
others as wizards and fairies, others as gods and goddesses, buddhas and angels of
countless traditions and faiths, but all with a singular unspoken thread that
influenced the shape and colour of their clothing and headdress to bring it all into a
strangely alien yet familiar conformity.
Drums began to play and flutists led the columns of dancing citizens as
they marched towards the shadow of a colossal object in the distance that slowly
came into focus on the horizon.
In the centre of an enormous, fantastically decorated garden, stood the
totem statue of a massive deity with one arm raised straight up toward the
heavens, reaching as if he were trying to grab hold of the stars, clouds wreathed
around his forearm in the nauseating distance above; around his feet temples stood
pouring smoke from their rooftops, so a smog of incense gathered at his knees, high
in the air.
Hundreds of floating spacecraft, like blimps or zeppelins, glided softly in
the ether, approaching the massive statue and hovering next to his face or hands,
where they waited for the unseen sign. Together with the other thousands of
citizens marching and singing on their way to the statue I began to hum a tune we
all knew, but I have never since recalled.
I gazed up at the face of the hero reaching for the stars and I knew what
he was, who he was, where he was from, what his human name had been and what
great achievement he had wrought to bring humanity collectively to this point, to
worship him simultaneously as a god and a man, and something wholly new and
other, a true Ubermensch.

In the dream I knew only that his name was Avatar, and this was long,
long before I knew of the concepts of St Serrano or St Savitri or any of the other
myriad authors who have written of and spoken of the coming of Maitreya.
All I know now is that this entity, this mighty being which was depicted in
this enormous totemic statue embodied a former way of life but also heralded a
new one, and as he stood ensnared in the enormous blue space, wreathed by clouds,
halfway between heaven and earth, I knew exactly who he was, who I was, who
everyone around me was, who I am, who you are, who we are and where we are
I turned to one of the other guests at the dream ceremony and asked a
question, one I cannot remember. The answer though I do.
“The man tried by fire, made of gold.”


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