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Friday, 09 August, 2019 08:05:38 AM
Clerk, U.S. District Court, ILCD




Plaintiffs, )
vs. ) Case No. 3:19-cv-03191
AARON MORGAN, individually, in his )
official capacity, and as agent of MONTGOMERY )
individually, in his official capacity, and as agent )
GROUP, LTD., individually and as agent of )
CNB BANK, THOMAS DEVORE, individually )
and as agent of CNB BANK, )
N.A. A National Banking Corporation, )
Defendants. )


I. Jurisdiction and Venue

1. This Court has jurisdiction over this Complaint based upon 28 U.S.C. § 1331 (federal

question) as this is an action under 42 U.S.C. § 1983.

2. In addition to the original jurisdiction this Court possesses, this Court possesses

supplemental jurisdiction over Illinois State Law Claims and Defendants.

3. Venue is proper in the Central District of Illinois under 28 U.S.C. § 1391 as the complained

of acts were committed in Montgomery County, Illinois which is within the jurisdiction of

this Court.

II. An Introduction and The Parties

4. The foregoing Complaint alleges a civil conspiracy between Defendants to use the color of

law in depriving Plaintiffs of their constitutional rights and property for the benefit of

Defendant CNB BANK. While Plaintiffs have done their best to illustrate the nature of the
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violations and damages, the extent of the damages cannot be uncovered absent discovery.

Further, this Complaint should not be taken as an exhaustive list of all the wrongs, but

merely, an introduction to the violations. It is verily believed, discovery shall uncover

communications and inferences warranting further claims against these named Defendants

and other individuals not yet named as defendants.

5. That at all times herein relevant, Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, resided

in Montgomery County, Illinois.

6. Plaintiff JAMES WALCH is a Federal Firearms License holder. Firearms were stored in a

building (hereinafter “Hatchery Building”) located at 3209 Walch Trail which is adjacent

to Plaintiffs’ home located at 3195 Walch Trail, Raymond, Illinois. Plaintiff JAMES

WALCH, has operated out of the Hatchery Building since 1984.

7. The Hatchery Building is deeded and titled in the name of a trust to which Plaintiff JAMES

WALCH has an interest.

8. Defendant Deputy AARON MORGAN of Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNTY is and

was during all relevant times a law enforcement officer in Defendant MONTGOMERY

COUNTY Sheriff’s Department and acting under the direction and control of Defendant

Sheriff ROBBINS. During all relevant times Defendant Deputy AARON MORGAN acted under

color of state law.

9. Defendant Sheriff ROBBINS is and was during all relevant times a law enforcement officer

in Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNTY Sheriff’s Department and a final policy maker

with said agency. During all relevant times Defendant Sheriff ROBBINS acted under color of

state law.

10. Defendant, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, is a county in Illinois organized under the law of

the State of Illinois with a law enforcement agency called MONTGOMERY COUNTY

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SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT. During all relevant times Defendant MONTGOMERY

COUNTY acted under color of state law.

11. Defendant SILVER LAKE GROUP, LTD (hereinafter “SILVER LAKE GROUP”) is and

was during all relevant times a law firm with offices in Illinois. Defendant SILVER LAKE

GROUP engages in debt collection and replevin activities for its clients.

12. Defendant THOMAS DEVORE, is and was during all relevant times an owner of

Defendant SILVER LAKE GROUP. Defendant DEVORE is sued in his individual

capacity for actions herein described and is also sued in his capacity as an agent for


13. Defendant CNB BANK & TRUST, N.A. A National Banking Corporation (herein “CNB

BANK”) is a financial institution duly licensed under the laws of the State of Illinois.

III. Factual Allegations


14. On March 27, 2017, Plaintiffs’ son, Vincent Walch filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and

said bankruptcy was converted to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

15. Prior to Vincent Walch filing for bankruptcy, Defendant CNB BANK filed a Complaint

and requested a replevin against certain items of personal property owned by Vincent


16. The filing of bankruptcy by Vincent Walch stayed the replevin attempt by Defendant CNB


17. Thus, Defendant CNB BANK became one of the creditors to Vincent Walch’s bankruptcy.

18. On or about February 26, 2019, the Bankruptcy Court lifted the stay related to certain items

of personal property of Vincent Walch allowing Defendant CNB BANK the right to secure

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said items from Vincent Walch. A true and correct copy of said Order is attached and

incorporated by reference as Exhibit “A”.

19. With that Order in hand, Defendant CNB BANK acting through its agents, Defendants,

SILVER LAKE GROUP, and DEVORE, went about securing Vincent Walch’s personal

property and the property belonging to Plaintiffs.

20. On May 3, 2019, Defendant Deputy AARON MORGAN accompanied Defendant

DEVORE to a building owned by the bankruptcy estate of Vincent Walch, which sits on

real property adjacent to Hatchery Building. On said date, the two Defendants began

searching for items listed on the Order dated February 26, 2019 (Exhibit “A”) in the

building owned by the bankruptcy estate.

21. The Order did not provide Defendants the right to search or seize any property belonging

to Plaintiffs or even traverse Plaintiffs’ property.

22. While Defendants DEVORE and Deputy MORGAN were searching Vincent Walch’s

property, Vincent Walch volunteered that a couple of the items Defendants sought were on

Plaintiffs’ property, and at that time Vincent Walch agreed to secure those items for

Defendants DEVORE and Deputy MORGAN.

23. Defendant DEVORE and Deputy MORGAN refused to allow Vincent Walch to retrieve

the property by himself and coerced Vincent Walch to allow them entry onto Plaintiffs’

property through threats of legal action.


24. Vincent Walch under duress consented and went to Plaintiff JANIS WALCH to secure a

key to unlock the property.

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25. After securing the keys, unlocking Plaintiffs’ Hatchery Building, and showing Defendant

DEVORE and Defendant Deputy MORGAN around the Hatchery Building, Vincent

Walch locked up the Hatchery Building.

26. Defendant DEVORE and Defendant Deputy MORGAN informed Vincent Walch they

were satisfied and were leaving the property.

27. Soon after Vincent Walch left the property, Defendants DEVORE and Deputy MORGAN

returned to Plaintiffs’ property and the Hatchery Building.


28. Soon after Vincent Walch left the property of Plaintiffs, Defendant DEVORE and

Defendant Deputy MORGAN returned to Plaintiffs’ property.

29. Then and there Defendant DEVORE and Defendant Deputy MORGAN broke out a

window in the back of the Hatchery Building to obtain access to said building. Said

Defendants broke a lock securing access to the office of Plaintiff JAMES WALCH. Said

door is clearly marked with an address “3195 Office.”

30. Once inside the office, Defendants proceeded to cut a padlock on a large cabinet and then

cut a padlock from a footlocker with the name “JAMES V. WALCH” printed on said

locker. At that time, they proceeded in taking the property of Plaintiffs.

31. Then and there Defendant DEVORE and Defendant Deputy MORGAN began taking

personal property located at Plaintiffs’ property.

32. At some point during Defendant DEVORE and Defendant Deputy MORGAN’s looting,

Plaintiff JANIS WALCH observed Defendants taking personal property from her property.

33. Plaintiff JANIS WALCH confronted Defendants about the items belonging to her and her


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34. To which Defendant Deputy MORGAN informed Plaintiff JANIS WALCH that Defendant

DEVORE could take whatever he wanted.

35. The looting became so overwhelming for Defendants Deputy MORGAN and DEVORE

that Defendant DEVORE secured the assistance of approximately a dozen other men, the

identities are unknown at this time.

36. All of this looting occurred under the watchful eye of Defendant Deputy MORGAN

ensuring that no one interfered with Defendants raid on Plaintiffs’ property.

37. None of the property seized on this second visit had any indication of ownership by Vincent

Walch. The personal property seized on this visit sat on real property not in the bankruptcy

estate of Vincent Walch.

Personal Property Stolen from Plaintiffs

38. Due to the manner in which Defendants forced themselves on to Plaintiffs, it is unknown

the extent of the personal property seized during the raid.

39. What follows is a non-exhaustive list of items that Defendants removed from Plaintiffs’

property on May 3, 2019:

a. 9 mm Glock 27, Serial # AS194US

b. 9 mm Ruger P-85, Serial # 302-44781

c. 9 mm Taurus GSC, Serial #TLX81662

d. .380 Diamondback DB380, Serial #ZG5952

e. 4,000 Silver Coins with an approximate value of $10,000.

f. Ammunition, which was purchased in bulk and stored at the Hatcher Building

g. AR15 Upper Palmetto State Armory

h. AR15 Palmetto AR 15 Upper 16”

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i. AR15 Palmetto AR 15 Upper 16” (Second)

j. 9mm Glock17, Serial DEK245

k. 44 Cal. Taurus Raging Bull, Serial BM571613

l. 12 GG Remington 870 Classic Trap, Serial D884575M

m. 22 LR Ruger Mark 2, Serial 18-17497

n. 22 LR Rugger 1022, Serial 12485908

o. LAR15 Rock River Arms, Serial 12619

p. Mauser firearm, Serial Z6078

q. Misc. Lower Receiver, approximately 30 units

40. The full extent of the property will likely never be known as Defendants DEVORE and

Deputy MORGRAN took no inventory during the conversion of Plaintiffs’ property.

Since the Theft, Plaintiffs Have Unsuccessfully Tried to Secure Personal Property

41. Without any indication the personal property belonged to Vincent Walch, Defendants were

able to clean out a building on Plaintiffs’ property.

42. After the items were removed, Defendants have refused to provide an accounting of the

items that were stolen from Plaintiffs on May 3, 2019.

43. Defendant DEVORE, acting on behalf of Defendant CNB, refused to provide any

information as items removed, and in addition, invited Plaintiffs to “create a conflict” with

Defendant CNB and Defendant Montgomery County. See Exhibit “B”, email from

Defendant DEVORE dated June 19, 2019.

44. After the raid, Defendants commingled the property owned by Plaintiffs with the property

of the bankruptcy estate of Vincent Walch and represented to a Court in Montgomery

County, Illinois that those items belonging to Plaintiffs were actually Vincent Walch.

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45. A true and correct copy of the pleading filed by Defendants DEVORE and SILVER LAKE

GROUP on behalf of Defendant CNB BANK is attached herein, incorporated by reference,

and labeled Exhibit “C”.

46. It is verily believed that Defendants cannot provide an inventory of which items were taken

from whose property because an inventory was not performed while the items were being

seized, thereby allowing Defendants to commingle property owned by Plaintiffs with

property owned by the bankruptcy estate of Vincent Walch.

47. On May 5, 2019, Plaintiff JAMES WALCH contacted Defendant MONTGOMERY

COUNTY’s Sheriff.

48. On May 6, 2019, Plaintiff JAMES WALCH personally spoke to Defendant Sheriff

ROBBINS, and during that conversation, Defendant Sheriff ROBBINS, requested a list of

the firearms that were illegally seized.

49. On May 6, 2019, Plaintiff WALCH provided Defendant Sheriff ROBBINS, a partial list

of firearms that were illegally seized.

50. On May 7, 2019, Defendant Sheriff ROBBINS responded to Plaintiff in an email admitting

that he witnessed ammunition being taken from Plaintiffs.

51. Defendant Sheriff ROBBINS informed Plaintiffs that he would speak to the Montgomery

County State’s Attorney about criminal charges, but based upon information and belief,

that did not occur or in the alternative was never presented in the manner in which other

crimes would have been presented.

Plaintiff’s Damages

52. As a direct and proximate result of the misconduct herein described, Plaintiffs have

suffered tremendous loss of personal property, suffered the embarrassment, humiliation of

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having a State-sponsored raid of their property, Plaintiff JANIS WALCH suffers anxiety

from the incident, and Plaintiffs live in continual fear.

Count I
Federal Claim Pursuant to Section 1983- CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION
(vs. Deputy MORGAN, Individually, and in his official capacity as an officer of
Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Sheriff RICK ROBBINS Individually, and
as an agent of Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNTY, and MONTGOMERY

53. Plaintiffs restate and incorporate paragraphs 1-52 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

54. That this matter is brought pursuant to 42 USC § 1983, which provides an avenue for

plaintiffs to file for violations of the United States Constitution.

55. Pursuant to the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment, Plaintiff has a right against unlawful

seizure of the person or property.

56. Defendant Deputy MORGAN, acting under color of state law came upon Plaintiffs property

without legal justification, a warrant, or court order.

57. While on Plaintiffs’ property Defendant Deputy MORGAN committed the following:

a. Committed and assisted in the unlawful search of Plaintiffs’ property and seizure of

Plaintiffs’ personal property;

b. Destroyed personal property, such as locks, while on Plaintiffs’ property; and

c. Based upon information and belief, seized document evidencing ownership to prevent

Plaintiffs from proving their ownership in the property.

58. The actions of Defendant Deputy MORGAN were known to Defendants ROBBINS and

MONTGOMERY COUNTY and done pursuant to its policy and practice.

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59. Based upon information and belief, Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY

consented and approved the actions even though it possessed actual knowledge Defendant

Deputy MORGAN committed a civil rights violation.

60. Thereafter, Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY were made aware the

property was illegally seized and refused to take any action, thereby ratifying and condoning

the misconduct.

61. The misconduct described in this Count was objectively unreasonable and was undertaken

intentionally with malice, willfulness, and reckless indifference to Plaintiffs’ constitutional


62. As a result of Defendants actions, Plaintiffs suffered loss of property, constitutional violations,

and emotional harm.

63. Defendants Deputy MORGAN, ROBBINS, and MONTGOMERY COUNTY were the

proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ injuries.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, respectfully requests that

this Court enter an order declaring their rights were violated, a judgment in his favor and against

Defendants, Deputy MORGAN, Sheriff ROBBINS, and MONTGOMERY COUNTY, awarding

compensatory damages, attorneys’ fees and costs against each Defendant, punitive damages against

Defendant Deputy MORGAN and ROBBINS, and any other relief this Court deems just and


Count II
(vs. Deputy MORGAN, Individually, and in his official capacity as an officer of Defendant
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Sheriff RICK ROBBINS Individually, and in his official
capacity as an officer of Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNTY, and MONTGOMERY

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64. Plaintiffs restate and incorporate paragraphs 1-52 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

65. This matter is brought pursuant to 42 USC § 1983, which provides an avenue for Plaintiffs to

file for violations of the United States Constitution.

66. Pursuant to the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment, Plaintiff has a right against unlawful

search and seizure.

67. Defendant Deputy MORGAN’s actions in breaking into the property of Plaintiffs were

excessive given the task Defendant Deputy MORGAN was attempting to achieve.

68. The nature and the quality of the intrusion by Defendant Deputy MORGAN was excessive

given the totality of the circumstances.

69. The actions of Defendant Deputy MORGAN herein described were known to Defendants


70. Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY consented and approved of the

actions of Defendant Deputy MORGAN during all relevant times.

71. Defendant Sheriff RICK ROBBINS allowed the constitutional violations to occur, thereby

condoning those violations.

72. As Defendant Sheriff RICK ROBBINS is a final policy maker with Defendant


actions of its final policy maker.

73. Here, Defendant Deputy MORGAN’s actions allowed Plaintiff’s rights to be violated.

74. The misconduct described in this Count was undertaken by Defendant Deputy MORGAN

within the scope of his employment and under color of law such that his employer, Defendant


75. Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY have failed to act to remedy the

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abuse by its officers described in the preceding paragraph, despite knowledge of the same,

thereby causing the ongoing injuries alleged here.

76. The misconduct described in this Count was objectively unreasonable and was undertaken

intentionally with malice, willfulness, and reckless indifference to Plaintiffs’ constitutional


77. As a result of Defendants actions, Plaintiffs suffered loss of property, constitutional violations,

and emotional harm.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, respectfully requests that

this Court enter an order declaring their rights were violated, a judgment in his favor and against

Defendants, Deputy MORGAN, Sheriff ROBBINS, and MONTGOMERY COUNTY, awarding

compensatory damages, attorneys’ fees and costs against each Defendant, punitive damages against

Defendant Deputy MORGAN and ROBBINS, and any other relief this Court deems just and


Count III

78. Plaintiff restates and incorporates paragraphs 1-52 of this Complaint as if fully set forth


79. This matter is brought pursuant to 42 USC § 1983, which provides an avenue for Plaintiffs to

file for violations of the United States Constitution.

80. Based upon information and belief, Defendants Deputy MORGAN, ROBBINS,


in concert with one or more co-conspirators, and reached an agreement or understanding to

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deprive Plaintiffs of their constitutional rights.

81. Based upon information and belief, these Defendants conspired to accomplish an unlawful

purpose of taking Plaintiffs’ property, or otherwise to accomplish a lawful purpose by an

unlawful means, namely breaking into Plaintiffs’ property without probable cause, a warrant,

or court order and seizing property owned by Plaintiffs.

82. Further and based upon information and belief, these entities conspired to prevent the

disclosure of the personal property taken by refusing to inventory the property taken from

Plaintiffs’ property which would have allowed a Circuit Court to discover the wrongful taking

of personal property.

83. Moreover, Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY led Plaintiffs to believe

legal recourse was going to befall Defendants DEVORE and CNB, while in truth, Defendants

ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY had no intention of investigating the matter.

84. In furtherance of their conspiracy, one or more of the co-conspirators committed an overt act,

namely the breaking into the property of Plaintiffs and removing personal property. It is verily

believed further acts will be uncovered during discovery to show each was a willful participant

in joint activity.

85. The misconduct described in this Count was objectively unreasonable and was undertaken

intentionally with malice, willfulness, and reckless indifference to Plaintiffs’ constitutional


86. As a result of Defendants actions, Plaintiffs suffered loss of property, constitutional violations,

and emotional harm.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, respectfully requests that

this Court enter an order declaring their rights were violated, judgment in his favor and against

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LAKE GROUP, and CNB BANK, awarding compensatory damages, attorneys’ fees and costs

against each Defendant, punitive damages against Defendant Deputy MORGAN, ROBBINS,

DEVORE, SILVER LAKE GROUP, and CNB BANK, and any other relief this Court deems just

and appropriate.

Count IV
42 U.S.C. § 1983- Failure to Intervene

87. Plaintiff restates and incorporates paragraphs 1-52 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

88. During the constitutional violations described in the preceding Counts and paragraphs,

Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY failed to intervene to prevent the

violations of Plaintiff’s rights, even though they had a duty and opportunity to do so.

89. Further, Defendants MORGAN, ROBBINS, and MONTGOMERY COUNTY had the right

and responsibility to remedy the wrongfully taking of personal property and chose not to.

90. Based upon information and belief, Defendants ROBBINS chose to ignore the constitutional

violation to please Defendants DEVORE and SILVER LAKE GROUP.

91. The misconduct described in this Count was objectively unreasonable and was undertaken

intentionally with malice, willfulness, and reckless indifference to Plaintiff’s constitutional


92. The misconduct described in this Count included the actions of final policy makers for

Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNTY, namely Defendant ROBBINS. In this way,

Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNTY violated Plaintiffs’ rights through the actions of its

final policy makers and are liable to Plaintiffs.

93. As a result of Defendants misconduct described in this Count, Plaintiffs suffered loss of

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property, constitutional violations, and emotional harm.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, respectfully requests that

this Court enter an order declaring their rights were violated, judgment in his favor and against

Defendants, ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY, awarding compensatory damages,

attorneys’ fees and costs against each Defendant, punitive damages against Defendant ROBBINS,

and any other relief this Court deems just and appropriate.

Count V
42 U.S.C. § 1983- Inadequate Training

94. Plaintiff restates and incorporates paragraphs 1-52 of this Complaint as if fully set forth


95. That this matter is brought pursuant to 42 USC § 1983, which provides an avenue for

plaintiffs to file for violations of the United States Constitution.

96. That Defendant ROBBINS’s job duties include training as to the law of the State of Illinois,

probable cause, and the correct use of force.

97. That Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY did not train Defendant

Deputy MORGAN on the laws of the State of Illinois, including probable cause, and the

correct use of force.

98. That failure to adequately train officers in these areas would carry a high risk that an

individual’s rights would be violated.

99. The failure to train officers in the areas of probable cause and use of force is deliberate


100. Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY’s action in failing to properly train

its officers and officers it requests to engage in law enforcement duties was the proximate

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cause of Plaintiff’s damages.

101. As a result of Defendants misconduct described in this Count, Plaintiffs suffered loss of

property, constitutional violations, and emotional harm.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, respectfully requests that

this Court enter an order declaring their rights were violated, judgment in his favor and against

Defendants, ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY, awarding compensatory damages,

attorneys’ fees and costs against each Defendant, punitive damages against Defendant ROBBINS,

and any other relief this Court deems just and appropriate.

Count VI
42 U.S.C. § 1983-Inadequate Supervision and Discipline

102. Plaintiff restates and incorporates paragraphs 1-52 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

103. That this matter is brought pursuant to 42 USC § 1983, which provides an avenue for plaintiffs

to file for violations of the United States Constitution.

104. Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY had a duty to supervise and monitor

police officers acting on behalf of Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNTY.

105. Subsequent to Defendant Deputy MORGAN’s use of excessive force and wrongful seizure

against Plaintiffs, Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNTY failed to correct the actions of its

officer toward Plaintiffs. Moreover, Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY

failed to supervise the actions after the wrongful taking.

106. Defendant ROBBINS failed to request or create an investigation into Defendant Deputy

MORGAN’s actions against Plaintiff.

107. In the alternative, Defendant ROBBINS condoned and encouraged Defendant Deputy

MORGAN’s actions against Plaintiffs on May 3, 2019.

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108. Defendant Deputy MORGAN has not been disciplined for his excessive use of force and

unlawful seizure.

109. Defendant ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY’s failure to adequately supervise and

discipline Defendant Deputy MORGAN, created a high risk that an individual’s rights would

be violated.

110. That failure to adequately supervise and discipline Defendant Deputy MORGAN is deliberate


111. As a final policy maker for Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Defendant ROBBIN’s

action are imputed upon Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNTY.

112. Defendant MONTGOMERY COUNT and ROBBIN’s actions in failing to properly supervise

and discipline its officers were the proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ damages.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, respectfully requests that

this Court enter an order declaring their rights were violated, judgment in his favor and against

Defendants, ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY, awarding compensatory damages,

attorneys’ fees and costs against each Defendant, punitive damages against Defendant ROBBINS,

and any other relief this Court deems just and appropriate.

Count VII
Illinois State Law Claim-TRESPASS
(vs. Defendants Deputy MORGAN and DEVORE)

113. Plaintiff restates and incorporates paragraphs 1-52 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

114. Defendants Deputy MORGAN and DEVORE came upon Plaintiffs’ real property without

legal justification or right.

115. Once upon Plaintiffs’ property, Defendants Deputy MORGAN and DEVORE committed the

further tort of conversion.

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116. The misconduct described in this Count was objectively unreasonable and was undertaken

intentionally with malice, willfulness, and reckless indifference to Plaintiffs’ property rights.

117. As a result of Defendants actions, Plaintiffs suffered loss of property, constitutional violations,

and emotional harm.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, respectfully requests that

this Court enter a judgment in his favor and against Defendants, Deputy MORGAN and DEVORE,

awarding compensatory damages, attorneys’ fees and costs against each Defendant, punitive

damages, and any other relief this Court deems just and appropriate.

Count VIII
Illinois State Law Claim- CONVERSION
(vs. Defendants Deputy MORGAN and DEVORE)

118. Plaintiff restates and incorporates paragraphs 1-50 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

119. On May 3, 2019, Defendants Deputy MORGAN and DEVORE assumed control over the

personal property of Plaintiffs.

120. Defendants Deputy MORGAN and DEVORE removed the personal property from Plaintiffs’

real property, despite Plaintiffs having all right to said property.

121. At the time of the wrongful taking, Plaintiffs had absolute right to the property.

122. Thereafter, Plaintiffs attempted to secure the return of the property and all Defendants have

refused to return or even account for the property which was taken.

123. The misconduct described in this Count was objectively unreasonable and was undertaken

intentionally with malice, willfulness, and reckless indifference to Plaintiffs’ property rights.

124. As a result of Defendants actions, Plaintiffs suffered loss of property, constitutional violations,

and emotional harm.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, respectfully requests that

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this Court enter a judgment in his favor and against Defendants, Deputy MORGAN and DEVORE,

awarding compensatory damages, attorneys’ fees and costs against each Defendant, punitive

damages, and any other relief this Court deems just and appropriate.

Count IX
Illinois State Law Claim- Respondent Superior

125. Plaintiff restates and incorporates paragraphs 1-52 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

126. Illinois law holds the actions of an agent in furthering the principal, impute liability on the

principal- even for intentional torts.

127. Defendants Deputy MORGAN and DEVORE were upon the property of Plaintiffs without

legal justification and removed the personal property from Plaintiffs, despite Plaintiffs having

all right to said property.

128. At the time of the trespass and wrongful taking, Plaintiffs had absolute right to the property.

129. Thereafter, Plaintiffs attempted to secure the return of the property and all Defendants have

refused to return or even account for the property which was taken.

130. At the time of the trespass Defendant Deputy MORGAN was acting an agent and in the scope

of his agency for Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY.

131. The purpose of the activities of Defendant Deputy MORGAN was to further the interest of

his employers, Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY.

132. As such, Defendants ROBBINS and MONTGOMERY COUNTY are liable for the torts of

their agent, Defendant Deputy MORGAN.

133. At the time of the trespass Defendant DEVORE was acting an agent and in the scope of his

agency for Defendant SILVER LAKE GROUP and CNB BANK.

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134. The purpose of the activities of Defendant DEVORE was to further the interest of his

employers, Defendants SILVER LAKE GROUP and CNB BANK.

135. As such, Defendants SILVER LAKE GROUP and CNB BANK are liable for the torts of their

agent, Defendant DEVORE.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, respectfully requests that

this Court enter a judgment in his favor and against Defendants, ROBBINS, MONTGOMERY

COUNTY, SILVER LAKE GROUP, and CNB BANK, awarding compensatory damages, attorneys’

fees and costs against each Defendant, punitive damages, and any other relief this Court deems just

and appropriate.

Count X
Illinois State Law Claim- Indemnification

136. Plaintiff restates and incorporates paragraphs 1-52 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

137. Illinois law provides that public entities are directed to pay any tort judgment for

compensatory damages for which employees are individually liable within the scope of their

employment activities.

138. Defendants MORGAN and ROBBINS are or were employees of Defendant

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, and they acted within the scope of their employment in

committing the misconduct described herein.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, respectfully requests that

this Court enter a judgment in his favor and against Defendant, MONTGOMERY COUNTY,

awarding compensatory damages, attorneys’ fees and costs against each Defendant, punitive

damages, and any other relief this Court deems just and appropriate.

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Plaintiffs, JAMES WALCH and JANIS WALCH, hereby demands a trial by jury pursuant to

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 38(b) on all issues so triable.

Respectfully Submitted,


Respectfully Submitted,

By: /s/ Joshua R. Evans #6318288

The Unsell Law Firm, P.C.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
69 South Ninth Street
East Alton, IL 62024
Telephone: (618) 259-3728
Facsimile: (618) 259-3783
[email protected]
[email protected]

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Friday, 09 August, 2019 08:05:38 AM
Clerk, U.S. District Court, ILCD
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