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Ranjeet Kumar, MPT (Musculoskeletal Disorder)*, Dr. Prosenjit Patra, MPT


STUDY OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of Core stabilization training on trunk extensor endurance
and functional capacity in subjects with mechanical low back pain. DESIGN: Experimental study.
SETTING: All the Subjects were taken from Dolphin (PG) Institute Of Biomedical and Natural Science,
Dehradun and the community in and community in and around Dehradun. SUBJECTS: A total of 30 subjects
(M: 14, F: 16) were recruited for the study on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria after signing the
informed consent form. METHODS: A total of 30 subjects (M: 14, F: 16) were recruited for the study on the
basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria after signing the informed consent form. The subjects were then
divided into two groups, (Group A= Core Stabilization and Endurance Training & Group B= Endurance
Training). All the subjects were asked to perform 5 min warm-up exercise before the intervention. The total
duration of the protocol was 6 weeks and frequency of exercise performed is 3 times per weeks. OUTCOME
MEASURE: Trunk Extensor Endurance Test was measured using Prone Double Straight-Leg Raise Test, &
Functional Capacity was assessed using Modified Oswestry Disability Index. RESULTS: The result of the
study demonstrates that both the Groups showed significant improvement when comparison is made within
the groups with p=0.001 for both trunk extensor endurance test and functional capacity. However, Group A
shows significant improvement between the groups post intervention p=0.023 & p=.000 respectively.

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:

CONCLUSION: From the present study it can be concluded that core stabilization training is effective in
increasing trunk extensor endurance and functional capacity in subjects with mechanical low back pain.

KEY WORDS: Core stabilization training, Endurance training, Trunk extensor endurance, Mechanical low
back pain, Trunk Extensor Endurance

INTRODUCTION extremities, which will increase the predisposition

to chronic injuries.5
Low back pain is one of the most common
The core has been described as a box with
and costly musculo-skeletal pain syndromes,
the abdominals in the front, paraspinal and gluteals
affecting up to 80% of people at some point during
in the back, the diaphragm as the roof and the
their lifetime. The re-occurrence rate of low back
pelvic floor and hip girdle musculature as the
pain is high and these disorders often develop into
bottom. Therefore, the core serves as a muscular
a chronic fluctuating problem with intermittent
corset that works as a unit to stabilize the body and
Caring for chronic low back pain, is one of
Panjabi (1992) describe the spinal
the most difficult and unrewarding problems in
stabilization system is conceptualized as consisting
clinical medicine, as no approach to diagnose or
of three subsystems; passive muscular skeletal
any form of treatment, has been shown to be
subsystem, which includes vertebra facet
clearly definitive or effective. One possible
orientation, intervertebral disc, spinal ligament and
explanation for the inability to identify effective
joint capsules, as well as the passive mechanical
treatment protocols is the lack of success in
properties of the muscles. The active muscular
defining groups of patients who are most likely to
skeletal subsystem consists of muscles and tendons
respond to a specific treatment approach.6 For most
that surround the spinal column. The neural and
patients with acute low back pain, the etiology is
feedback subsystem consists of various force and
thought to be a mechanical cause involving the
motion transducers located in ligaments, tendons,
spine and surrounding structures.12 A wide range
muscles and neural control centers. These passive,
of terms is used for non-specific mechanical
active and neural control subsystems - although
causes, including low back strain/sprain, facet joint
conceptually separate - are functionally
syndrome, sacroiliac syndrome, segmental
independent. The passive subsystem does not
dysfunction, somatic dysfunction, ligamentous
provide any significant stability to the spine in the
strain and myofascial strain.3
vicinity of the neutral position. It is towards the
Biomechanics may be altered due to low
ends of the ranges of motion that the ligaments
back pain or injury to the spine, producing
develop reactive forces that resist spinal motion.
weakness and loss of muscle control, which leads
The active subsystem is the means through which
to further injury because the joints are not
the spinal stabilization system generates forces and
appropriately supported again, this may result in
provides the required stability to the spine. The
over-compensation by the pelvis or lower

Scientific Research Journal of India ● Volume: 2, Issue: 3, Year: 2013

magnitude of the force generated in each muscle is pain intensity, alleviate functional disability and
measured by the force transducers (signal improve core stability and back extension strength,
producing devices) located in the tendons of the mobility and endurance.17
muscles.15 According to Chok et al. (1999), poor
Therefore, this aspect of the tendons may endurance of the trunk muscles may induce strain
be part of the neural control subsystem. Within the on the passive structures of the lumbar spine,
neutral zone of motion, (that part of the range of eventually leading to low back pain. Evidence
physiological intervertebral motion, measured suggests that muscle endurance is lower for people
from the normal position, within which the spinal with low back pain than for individuals without
motion is produced with a minimal internal low back pain. Due to endurance being less in
resistance - it is the region of high flexibility trunk muscles, fatigue can affect the ability of
around the mid-zone of motion) the restraints and people with low back pain to respond to the
control for bending, rotating and shear force are demands of an unexpected load. Fatigue, after
largely provided by the muscles that surround and repetitive loading, also leads to loss of control and
act on the spinal segment. The neural subsystem precision, which may predispose an individual to
receives information from the various transducers, developing low back pain. Therefore, trunk muscle
determines specific requirements for spinal endurance training has been recommended to
stability and causes the active subsystem to elevate fatigue threshold and improve
achieve the stability goal.16 performance, thus, reducing disability of the
Well-developed core stability allows for lumbar spine.4
improved force output, increased neuromuscular Endurance training of back extensor
efficiency and a decrease in the incidence of muscles, including the multifidus, has long been
overuse injuries.9 The normal function of the recognized as a crucial preventative of recurrent
stabilization system is to provide sufficient low back pain. The function and coordination of
stability to the spine to match instantaneous the muscles that stabilize the lumbar spine,
varying stability demands made by changes in especially the lumbar extensor muscles, are often
spinal posture, static and dynamic load.15 Hicks et impaired in patients with low back pain.13
al, suggest that core stability system has a role in The role of trunk stabilizers is to retain the
ensuring spinal stability and according to van musculature; to control, coordinate and optimize
Dillin et al. (2001), a decrease in spinal stability function. Trunk fatigue, which occurs during
places stress and excessive load on the spinal intense training or matches, produces a loss in
joints and tissues, which eventually results in low synchrony between upper and lower extremities,
back pain. which may cause a reduction in muscle strength.
Control of back pain and prevention of its This may in turn prevent a proper transfer of force
occurrence can be assisted by enhancing muscle resulting in inappropriate compensation by the
control of the spinal segment through core stability body while performing a particular function.5
exercises. Therefore, exercise programs, which are Dynamic trunk stability training includes
based on active rehabilitation, can reduce low back building muscle strength, endurance and using

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:

neuromuscular control to maintain dynamic trunk ○ Rest-1minute


An experimental study was conducted on 30
subjects (14 male and 16 female) who were
recruited from Dolphin (PG) Institute of
Biomedical and Natural Science and the 3. Abdominal crunch
community in and around Dehradun based on the o Sets-2
inclusion and exclusion criteria and they were o Repetition-8
divided into two groups after informed consent o Rest-1minute
was obtained. Group A (Core Stabilization and
Endurance Training) & Group B (Endurance
Training). Pre intervention measurement of Trunk
Extensor Endurance Test was measured using
Prone Double Straight2-Leg Raise Test, &
Functional Capacity was assessed using Modified
Oswestry Disability Index8. For both the groups 5 4. Supine Russian twist
min of warm exercise was given before the o Sets-2
intervention. The total duration of protocol was 6 o Repetition-8
weeks and frequency of exercise was 3 times per o Rest-1minute
Protocol for Group A: All subjects in this
group received Core stabilization training and
Endurance training on a Swiss ball.

1. Lunge
○ Sets-2 Protocol for Group B: All subjects in this group

○ Repetition-8 received Endurance training on a Swiss ball.

○ Rest-1minute 1. Bilateral shoulder lifts

○ Sets-6
○ Repeatation-5
○ Rest-1 minute
○ Holding-20sec

2. Supine lateral roll.

○ Sets-2
○ Repetition-8

Scientific Research Journal of India ● Volume: 2, Issue: 3, Year: 2013

2. Contra-lateral arm and leg lifts t-test was used for data analysis within the group
o Sets-2 A and group B for Extensor muscle endurance test
o Repeatation-8 and Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability
o Rest-1 minute Index. Independent t-test was used for data
o Holding-20sec analysis between the group A and group B for
Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability
Index. The p value was set at (<0.05).
Data was analysed for 30 participants: 15
in each Group A & Group B.
3. Bilateral shoulder lifts with hands
behind the head Table1.1: Comparison of mean value for age
o Sets-2 between group A and B
o Repeatation-8
o Rest-1 minute
o Holding-20sec

4. Bilateral shoulder lifts with arms in Table 1.2: Comparison of Pre and Post EET score
full elevation for group A and group B
o Sets-2
o Repeatation-8
o Rest-1 minute
o Holding-20sec

Table1.3: Comparison of Pre and Post MODI

score for group A and group B

Data was analysed using statistical package of
social sciences SPSS software (version 14.0). Pair

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:

Table 1.4: Comparison of Pre and Post EET score given Core stabilization training and Endurance
between group A and group B training on a Swiss ball and Group B was given
Endurance training on a Swiss ball. Both groups
received training three times a week for six weeks.
The changes observed in this study were
noteworthy. Within group comparison showed
significant changes with improvement in isometric

Table 1.5: Comparison of Pre and Post MODI hold time and functional capacity in both groups A

score between group A and group B and B. In between groups, statistically significance
difference was found in isometric hold time and
functional capacity.
According to Moffroid, Progression of
loading through postural changes produces
increases in endurance time of the back extensors,
as measured by the Sorensen Test. These postural
progressions increase the load moment on the
Results of the study showed that there is spine and thereby stress the erector spinae
improvement in trunk extensor endurance and muscles, multifidus and others.14
functional capacity after the intervention in both In addition adoptive changes occur in
the groups. This improvement in pressure skeletal muscle during endurance training ie,
threshold was found to be statistically significant. slower rate of glycogenolysis, slower rate of
Group A (Trunk Extensor Endurance & Core lactate production during submaximal exercise
Stabilization) showed more improvement when occurs due to raise in the lactate threshold both in
compared to Group A and this was found to be absolute and relatives terms ie, o2 uptake(VO2)at
statistically significant with p=0.023 & p=.000 LT and vo2 max at LT, increased mitochondrial
respectively. enzyme activity and increase capillary density.7
Therefore, it is reasonable to expect
DISCUSSION increased endurance of trunk extensor muscle in
The present study investigated the effect group B subjects who only underwent endurance
of core stabilization training on endurance of trunk training.
extensor and functional capacity in subjects with Core stabilization training has a theoretical
mechanical low back pain. Endurance of Trunk basis in treatment and prevention of various
extensor and functional capacity was measured 2 musculoskeletal conditions.
times: pre-intervention and post-intervention Core stabilization training is hypothesized
through prone double straight leg raise test and to increase muscle activation by increasing motor
Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability unit recruitment, rate and synchronization of
Index respectively. Subjects were divided into two firing11
groups as Group A and Group B. Group A was

Scientific Research Journal of India ● Volume: 2, Issue: 3, Year: 2013

Richardson found that individual with low stabilize their form better during performance of
back pain exhibits delayed activation of the prone double leg raise test, thereby resulting in
transversus abdominis muscle when compared longer hold times than subjects who only
with normal individual. Low back pain patient underwent endurance training.18
have an impaired ability to consciously contract So over all core stabilization training
transversus abdominis and this is an important increases muscle activation (transversus
component of abdominal stability training.17 abdominus, lumbar multifidus), alters
Performance of exercises on unstable neuromuscular control and also increases spinal
surfaces like Swiss ball has been shown to increase stability, leading to decreased pain which may
the activity of the rectus abdominis. It also causes have led to the increased isometric hold time and
changes in muscle activity and force output and functional capacity in group A subjects as
may be another way of potentially altering compared to subjects in group B.
neuromuscular recruitment pattern Limitation of the study are sample size
Spinal instability occurs generally as a was limited and no blinding was done during the
result of delayed recruitment of core muscle/local study. So the further recommendation for future
muscle like transversus abdominus, multifidus and studies need to be done with broader dimensions,
core stabilization training address these core EMG could be used to quantify the activation of
muscle, thereby increase spinal stability. core muscle and it can also be used to track global
Study by Kimitake Satoand Monique muscle activation during core stability testing.
Mokha has shown that core stabilization training Bio-mechanical marker can be measured.
let to an increase in 5000meter run time
performance. The proposed mechanism was that CONCLUSION
subjects who underwent core stabilization were
From the present study it can be concluded that
conscious of using their core muscle to stabilize
core stabilization training is effective in increasing
their running form. A similar mechanism may
trunk extensor endurance and functional capacity
exist in our study where by subjects who
in subjects with mechanical low back pain.
underwent core stabilization training were able to


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** Asst. Prof. Dolphin (PG) Institute, Dehradun (UK)

* Student Researcher, Dolphin (PG) Institute, Dehradun (UK)

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