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Scientific Research Journal of India ● Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Year: 2014


* Shahanawaz SD

Purpose: The aim of the study is to know the efficacy of exercise protocol in treating the patients with
dizziness. Design: Pilot study. Setting: RK Physiotherapy Department ,Rajkot, Gujarat, India; Madhuram
Hospital, Rajkot Methodology: Patients had evaluated by physician, Hall pike dix test, caloric test, postural
nyastagmography, Dizziness handicap inventory. Before the treatment patient had an outcome measured
with Dizziness handicap inventory, and Hall pike dix test. After that patient received design treatment
protocol for seven days. And after that all subject has to outcome measure with dizziness handicap
inventory, and Hall pike dix test. Results: Fifteen patients had at least one complication. 56 had myofascial
pain syndrome, 39 patients had post-operative joint stiffness, 23 had osteoporosis, 12 sustained path

KEYWORDS: Dizziness, DHI, Physiotherapy, Protocol

INTRODUCTION problem.1 According to studies, thirty

percent of older population suffer with
The brain coordinates information from the
dizziness and this percentage will increases
eye, the inner ear, and the body’s senses to
at the age of 85 years.2 For physicians
maintain balance. If any of these information
dizziness for older age group became
sources is disrupted, the brain may not be
challenge as it is associated with multicausal.
able to compensate. Which results in
The vestibular system is integral to balance
dizziness. Dizziness is one of the geriatric

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:

control. The paired vestibular organs, housed There is significant difference in treating the
within the temporal bone, include 3 patients with designed exercise protocol and
orthogonal semicircular canals (superior, were assessed on Dizziness Handicap
posterior, and horizontal) and 2 otolish Inventory (DHI) ,
organs (utricle and saccule). Together, the Null Hypothesis:
semicircular canals and otolish organs There is no significant difference in treating
provides continues input to the brain about the patient’s with designed exercise protocol
rotational and translationl head motion and and were assessed on Dizziness Handicap
the head’s orientation relative to the gravity Inventory (DHI)
This information from the vestibular organs
and their central pathways allows for the Material:
maintenance of gaze and postural stability Couch, stop watch, Goniometre.
via the vestibular ocular reflex and vestibulo
spinal reflex, respectively. Dysfunction of Study design:
the peripheral vestibular structures cannot be Pilot study.
directly observed but can be inferred from
assessment of these reflexes. Study area:
RK Physiotherapy Department ,Rajkot,
Background of study: Gujarat, India. Madhuram Hospital ,Rajkot
Dizziness is one of the geriatric problems.
According to studies, thirty percent of older Population:
population suffers with dizziness and this Subjects having dizziness.
percentage will increases at the age of 65
years. For physicians dizziness became Inclusion criteria:-
challenge as it is associated with multiple Age group is 18-65
causes. According to National Institutes of Both Males and Females
Health 54% of people experience feeling Able to experiencing symptoms for longer
dizzy at least once during life time. period of 3 months
Able to transfer from sitting to standing and
Aim of study: move independently
The purpose of this study was to Know the Able to tolerate the exercise.
efficacy of exercise protocol in treating the 1) Physician diagnosed dizziness
patients with dizziness. 2) Hall pike dix test (+ve)
3) Dizziness handicap inventory
Hypothesis: 4) caloric test (+ve)

Scientific Research Journal of India ● Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Year: 2014

5) Nyastagmography.

All subjects were explained about the study.
Informed consent forms had sign. Subjects
were examined thoroughly with assessment
format. Assessment format is given in the
annexure. Patients had evaluated by Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
physician, Hall pike dix test.3 caloric test,
postural nyastagmography, Dizziness CONCLUSION
handicap inventory4. Patient who had fulfill Patient with dizziness shows significant
any three inclusion criteria included in the improvement post exercise protocol .Hence
study. Before the treatment patient had an the null hypothesis is rejected and Alternate
outcome measured with Dizziness handicap hypothesis is accepted.
inventory, and Hall pike dix test. After that
patient received design treatment protocol DISCUSSION
for seven days. And after that all subject has In this study it has observed that the pre
to outcome measure with dizziness handicap treatment and post treatment values for the
inventory, and Hall pike dix test. subject 1 is 60 and 36 which were assessed
by using DHI ,when compare to the other
RESULTS subjects .It shows the Subject 1 has practiced
The mean value of pre treatment is 48.00 and more times /day.
post treatment is 38.14 .and statistically
assessed by using the Wilcoxon signed ranks Funding:
test the table value T=2.7831 and p value is Self Funding
0.018 .hence it shows a significant
difference. Conflict of Interest:
My interest is to set a exercise protocol on
Findings: Patient with dizziness shown the dizziness which is cost effective and helpful to
significant changes in pre and post DHI the Indian society.

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:


No. TASK Repetition Time

1 straight head 3 times 30second

2 Turn your ahead 60 degrees towards right 3 times 30 second

3 Turn your ahead 60 degrees towards left 3 time 30second

4 Close your eyes and imagine blank back ground 1time 30second

5 Close Your Eyes Busy back ground (Checker 1 time 30 second


6 Single Leg Stance -Right Side 1 time 30 second

7 Single Leg Stance - Left Side 1 time 30second

8 Heel and Toe raises 1 time 30second

9 Perturbation training 1 time 30secomd

10 Hip marching 1 time 30 second

11 Lift up your right knee as high as comfortable. 10,lifts(each 30 second

(Lower your leg, leg)

Alternate lifting your knees)

12 Sit and straight your right knee 6 times 30second

Scientific Research Journal of India ● Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Year: 2014


1). Does looking up increase your problem? o Yes (હા)

(ઉપરજોવામાતમને ુ કલીપડછે?)
o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

2). Because of your problem, do you feel frustrated? o Yes (હા)

( તમાર ુકલીનાકારણેતમેકંટાળવછો?)
o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

3). Because of your problem, do you restrict your travel for business or recreation? o Yes (હા)

(તમાર ુકલીનાકારણેતમનેધધામાં,બહારગામવામાં,કામમાંતકલીફપડ?)
o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

4) Does walking down the aisle of a supermarket increase your problems? o Yes (હા)

( બરમાંચાલવાથીતમર ુશકલીવધીયછે .
o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

5). Because of your problem, do you have difficulty getting into or out of bed? o Yes (હા)

(તમાર ુકલીનેકારણેતમનેપલંગમાંથીઉઠતાંઅનેબેસતાતકલીફપડછે?)
o Sometimes

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

6). Does your problem significantly restrict your participation in social activities o Yes (હા)
such asgoing out to dinner, the movies, dancing or to parties?
o Sometimes
ં ં -યકરવામાંતમનેતકલીફપડ
(કયાર ક)
છે ?)
o No (ના)

7). Because of your problem, do you have difficulty reading? o Yes (હા)

o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

8). Does performing more ambitious activities such as sports or dancing or o Yes (હા)
household choressuch as sweeping or putting dishes away increase your problem?
o Sometimes
(તમનેરમતમાં,*ુ-યકરવામાં,સફાઈકામમાં,વધાર તકલીફપડછે?)
(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

9). Because of your problem, are your afraid to leave your home without having o Yes (હા)
someoneaccompany you?
o Sometimes
(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

10). Because of your problem have you been embarrassed in front of others? o Yes (હા)

Scientific Research Journal of India ● Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Year: 2014

( તમારતકલીફનાકારણેતમનેબીનીસામેસરમઆવેછે?) o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

11). Do quick movements of your head increase your problem? o Yes (હા)

ં હં લાંવાથીતમારતકલીફમાંવધારોથાયછે ?)
o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

12). Because of your problem, do you avoid heights? o Yes (હા)

o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

13)Does turning over in bed increase your problem? o Yes (હા)

o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

14). Because of your problem, is it difficult for you to do strenuous homework or o Yes (હા)
o Sometimes
(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:

15). Because of your problem, are you afraid people may think you are o Yes (હા)
o Sometimes
(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

16). Because of your problem, is it difficult for you to go for a walk by yourself? o Yes (હા)

( એકલાંચાલવાજવામાંતમનેતકલીફથાયછે ?)
o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

17). Does walking down a sidewalk increase your problem? o Yes (હા)

(તમનેનીચેજોઈનેબા8ુમાંચાલવાથીતમનેતક0લફથાયછે ?)
o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

18). Because of your problem, is it difficult for you to concentrate? o Yes (હા)

(તમારતક0લફનાકારણેતમને9યાનકરવામાં ુ કલીથાયછે ?)
o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

19) Because of your problem, is it difficult for you to walk around the house in the o Yes (હા)
o Sometimes
(કયાર ક)

Scientific Research Journal of India ● Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Year: 2014

o No (ના)

20). Because of your problem, are you afraid to stay at home alone? o Yes (હા)

o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

21). Because of your problem, do you feel handicapped? o Yes (હા)

( તમનેઅપંગછો,એ6ુલ
ં ાગેછે?)

Sometimesકયાર ક

o No (ના)

22). Has your problem placed stress on your relationship with members of your o Yes (હા)
family orfriends?
o Sometimes
ુ કલીપડછે?)
(તમારતકલીફનાકારણેતમારાંપ<રવારકિમ=નાસં>બધોમાં શ
(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

23). Because of your problem, are you depressed? o Yes (હા)

o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:

o Yes (હા)

24). Does your problem interfere with your job or household responsibilities?
o Sometimes
ુ કલીપડછે?)
( તમારતકલીફનાકારણેતમનેતમારનોકર,કધરનીવાબદારમાં શ (કયાર ક)

o No (ના)

25). Does bending over increase your problem? o Yes (હા)

( નીચેવળવાથીતમારતકલીફમાંવધારોથાયછે ?)
o Sometimes

(કયાર ક)

o No (ના)


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* M.P.T. (Neurology), Ph.D, Assistant Professor, RK University, Rajkot


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