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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences

Vol-7, Issue-3; May-Jun, 2022

Journal Home Page Available:

Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijels

Psychological Impact on Family of Transgender and Non-

Conforming (TGNC) Children in Alex Gino’s “George”
Navleen Kour

Chandigarh University, India

[email protected]

Received: 06 May 2022; Received in revised form: 30 May 2022; Accepted: 05 Jun 2022; Available online: 10 Jun 2022
©2022 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— The paper is an attempt to contemplate the youth’s emotional, mental, romantic, and sexual
orientation and its psychological influence on the members of the family. In novel, there is a discussion
about sexual orientation, preferences for the minority individuals are somewhat or merely focused on the
same sex. Writers like Christopher Isherwood, Evelyn Waugh, James Baldwin, Mary Renault have
provided us with illuminating experience in their prose style on issues related to LGPTQ. The paper has
accentuated the repertoire of qualitative literary review analysis, including qualitative data on the
experience of parents of TGNC children. The paper delves with the dilemma of identification of one’s own
sex and sense of self worth. The study focuses on the implications for transgender, gay, bisexual and
lesbian youth and their family members’ psychological health and well being. Parental rejection and
acceptance is the main concern. The importance of parents in the lives of youth is unassailable beginning
with the birth of the child and affecting all relationships. Family Communication is an indispensable
component when we talk about accepting and disclosing our hidden existence and feelings in front of our
family member, whether parents or siblings. The main objective of the paper is to conceptualise the
reactions of parents to the disclosure of their child’s identity, when one has been in disguise, ranging from
acceptance to rejection: What are the consequences? How are they going to react? How are they going to
manage stress level? How are they going to balance and maintain equality between the child and other
children? Will they be able to appreciate their child’s heroism and endurance for revealing his/her true
Keywords— Sexual orientation, acceptance, family communication, disguise, identity, self worth.

INTRODUCTION pronoun assigned to her by someone at the conception,

The paper deals with parents’ pattern of thought process readers use Melissa and her to refer to the protagonist in
and practices with their own transgender or nonconforming general. The paper deals with parenting and relationship
(TGNC) child. Movies like Love,simon by Isaac Aptaker they build up with their child. It deals with how difficult it
and Elizabeth Berger, A kid like jake by Daniel Pearle becomes for their parents to come and discuss about their
deals with the same. In Novel “George” Alex calls the child’s sexuality and be open minded about it and ask their
book as Mellisa’s story, since GEORGE is a name the children to be true to their self where acceptance from both
main character no longer wishes to use, he founds it parents and their children’s side is predominant. Parents
frustrating and discouraging. Even if the bulk of the other need to observe and know their child’s unfulfilled youthful
characters in the novel don't know or use the name and wishes and even support them to come across it cheerfully
irrespective of any other negative thoughts and fea .Instead

IJELS-2022, 7(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) 141
Navleen Kour Psychological Impact on Family of Transgender and Non-Conforming (TGNC) Children in Alex
Gino’s “George” (Novel)

of telling your child to be in disguise and compromise and CHARLOTTE’S WEB

suffer for the whole life, he/she can live their life the way George” stands for single contemporary twist: fabrication
they wish to and fulfill all their desires. of “Charlotte’s Web” in which George imagines Charlotte
of playing, the lassie spider, instead of Wilbur, the geezer
WHAT IS PARENTING ? pig.George relates simply to Charlotte.

Mothers and dads play a pivotal and peculiar role in the Moreover the theater is similar to be a backdrop, on the
development of offspring, as shown in a substantial corpus other hand, is both traditional and latest. If outcasts escape
of social academic papers spanning decades. These studies into the theater so as to achieve “be” something else, the
it has been shown that adolescents who are deprived of reverse is also true: Theaters just a location some juvenile
living in a community with both biological parents who are can be himself or herself. The “understudy must go on” As
married to each other result from lack psychological, George assumes the arachnid part she was destined to fill,
educational, and negative repercussions. the theme is used to lovely effect.

These elements would be included in a very quick review Gino’s wish of “Charlotte’s Web” reverberate for some
of the research on mothers' unique and fundamental role in anonymous reason: Masses who suggests that children
childhood development. Furthermore it is included in would just not acknowledge that a boy indeed a girl is
points: misled want just only sway up “Charlotte” to be nudge that
a barnful of chat that nobody has ever been perplexed by
1. mothers have a calming effect.
2. when they are malnourished, afraid, unwell, or in
any other distress, infants and toddlers prefer their
moms than their dads. George has a few valuable moments before her parental
mother and real older brother Scott return to the birth place
3. they are also good at spotting their children's
to explore life the way she's always wanted to. She calls
emotions through their exclamations, postures and
herself Melissa in the glass from which she could see
gestures than fathers.
herself, combs her hair over her brow to resemble the
4. mothers are more attuned to newborns' unique cries: bangs, and studies shiny books fully filled of promotions
they can discern between their baby's scream of for makeup, mascara, and tampons used by the girls. The
hunger and cry of pain higher than males, for magazines, on the other hand, must be returned to their
example. underground hiding spot until her mother and brother
5. children who were deprived of maternal care for return home. Though George is certain she is a child, her
long periods of time as children “lacked emotion, had family continues to treat her as a baby. George hopes that
shallow connections, and had hostile or antisocial by landing the part of Charlotte in her class's forthcoming
tendencies” as adults. production of Charlotte's Web, her matriarch can actually
see her as a woman and accept the reality that she is from
in movie, A kid like jake by Daniel Pearle, Couple
the category of gender bending ones. George tries to get
specially struggle with their 4 year old child when jake is a
the rest of the world to consider her for who she is with the
small kid trying to identify herself. Parents tried to know
aid of her best ally, Kelly. Although children may have a
about Jakes’s likes and dislikes, for example jake prefer to
sense of their gender identity as early as the age of three,
wear dresses and likes fairy tale unlike other boys.
children's literature, especially middle grade literature, is
Decision of sending her to which school is the prime
surprisingly devoid of trans* protagonists. However,
decision they need to take. In line of Jake’s mother
George has more than just the novelty of an LGBTQ
“You should just be yourself, that’s all it matters, coming-out narrative. The use of pronouns here is
Okay?” particularly noteworthy: when the rest of the world treats
It is a sensitive and nuanced portrait of modern parenting. George as if she were a child, the writer only addresses her
While the parents grapple to understand what may be best with feminine pronouns, emphasizing her girlhood. In
for their son, they apply to go to a private kindergarten in addition, George mentions how gays and lesbians have
New York City. This film helps parents understand the gained some recognition and support in recent years,
signs of queerness among their kids and deal with it in the whilst the trangender culture is widely marginalized and
right way. confused. Although George's mother can deal with raising
a gay girl, she clearly cannot acknowledge her as
"That kind of gay"

IJELS-2022, 7(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) 142
Navleen Kour Psychological Impact on Family of Transgender and Non-Conforming (TGNC) Children in Alex
Gino’s “George” (Novel)

Coming out is a process for George, as it is for many who she really is. Ms. Udell definitely doesn’t
LGBTQ youth, and she must repeat it before she is fully understand: When George auditions for the play, the
remembered. George is in agony, but there is hope for a teacher views George’s delivery of Charlotte’s lines as a
stronger future, even though it does not come as quickly as joke. As a result, a devastated George refuses all of the
it can. play’s masculine parts and ends up in the crew.
George frequently explores gender stereotypes and how When George embraces the function of stagehand for
they shape human interaction. Many of Melissa's Charlotte, who will be played by her friend Kelly, she
experiences with her classmates and colleagues, according discovers some harmony. She had begun to think that if
to Hermann-Wilmarth and Ryan, exemplify transgender audiences could see her onstage as Charlotte, they would
children's fight to question the gender binary. Mrs. Udell, be able to see her offstage as a child as well.
for example, does not take Melissa seriously when she tells However, when the class bully, Jeff, taunts her, George
her she wants to play Charlotte in the school play, and also takes revenge by branding the back of Jeff’s t-shirt with
"scowls" at the notion, demonstrating her deep frustration the phrase “Some Jerk”. Jeff then proceeds to beat
with such a bold challenge of gender norms. Melissa's best George until she vomits, and George winds up in the
friend and brother, Kelly and Scott respectively, are having school principal’s office. The principal lets George off
trouble coming to understand Melissa's gender orientation, with a warning and summons her mother. Just before she
while other students at school bully her for being girly. She leaves the office, George glimpses a sign promoting safe
contests these characters' cisnormative assumptions, spaces for LGBT children and wishfully dreams of a
culminating in either pain and abuse, as with her bullies, or place where “there would be other girls like her”.
subsequent recognition and development, as with her
Back at home, George’s mother and brother have noticed
family and close friends. George pushes cisgender readers
her magazine collection. They conclude that she is gay.
to understand what it means to be separated from binary
George is able to come out as a girl to her brother but
gender norms and how to break free from rigid gender
not yet to her mother, who is suddenly reserved with her
stereotypes by presenting these various examples of how
gender expectations control different experiences and
relationships between characters. Later, Kelly, in whom George has also confided, has an
idea for how George can reveal her true identity. She
suggests that George step in and play Charlotte in the
Gender queer writer Alex Gino wrote George in second performance of the play. George has been
response to an unfulfilled, youthful wish for a positive rehearsing Charlotte’s role along with Kelly, so she
representation of a transgender person. The novel tells gives an excellent performance. However, in
the story of ten-year-old George, who is anatomically a the audience, George’s mother appears confused and
boy, but knows she is a girl. melancholic.
“Trying to be a boy is really hard.” REVELATION AND DECLARATION OF THE
The Stonewall Book Award, the Lambda Literary TRUTH
Award, and the E.B. White Honor have all been At home, in a final confrontation, George tells her
bestowed upon George. mother the truth: that she is really a girl. When her
The novel opens with George sneaking into the mother made reference that it would be difficult for
bathroom to look at her secret stash of girls’ magazines, George to be so different from what is considered
concealing them again before her mother and brother rational, George stated that it is difficult for her to go
return home. Hiding who she really is hurts George through life pretending to be a guy. The two come to an
deeply, and having the world think she is a boy is understanding, with her mother acknowledging the
frustrating. For example, her teacher, Ms. Udell, tries to evidence and proposing that they each see a psychiatrist
reassure her that her tears at the end of Charlotte’s to help them adapt to the transition.
Web will make her into “a fine young man” in the future In movie, Love,Simon explores how gay youth find it
and gives her a pass to the boys’ bathroom. difficult to express themselves to their peers. Simon had a
George's primary incentive is to play Charlotte in the big secret that he keeps hidden from his relatives,
school play adaptation of Charlotte's Web. While her colleagues and classmates.When the mystery is
best friend Kelly is supportive, she doesn’t actually jeopardised, he must confront others to come to terms with
realize that George wants the involvement to once again who he is.
pretend to be a girl on stage but rather to show the world

IJELS-2022, 7(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) 143
Navleen Kour Psychological Impact on Family of Transgender and Non-Conforming (TGNC) Children in Alex
Gino’s “George” (Novel)

In movie, Dear Dad by Tanuj Bhramar while many parents detrimental to children in circumstances of employee
find it difficult to accept their children's sexuality, there are participation in health and education.
moments where the positions are inverted, and children are Toddlers of LGBTQ mom and dad must be entitled to the
just as surprised to hear about their parents' secret same social security benefits as other children, and they're
homosexuality. This drama is a bittersweet coming-of-age being protected against prejudice and violence as a result
tale about a father and son who go on an impromptu road of their parents' sexual orientation.
trip and learn a lot about each other.
The most effective approach to prevent LGBTQ children
AWARENESS AMONG PARENTS and families from being stigmatized against is via
George, a book about a transgender youngster, appeared education. When a baby is not exposed about LGBTQ
on the 2018 list. The Cascade school district withdrew four concerns and rights, and when an LGBTQ youngster will
primary schools from the competition. The Hermiston be unable to express his or her identity, freedom of
School District forbade its primary pupils from entering thought, opinion, and expression is challenged. Acceptance
the statewide reading competition, instead opting for a and prejudice are reduced when children, regardless of
district-level tournament that excluded George. A petition their sexual orientation, are educated in an open and
to protest any ban on George and other novels that knowledgeable manner about the many gender identities
promote visibility and support for LGBTQIA+ people has and orientations.
gathered over 2,000 signatures. The book was kept on the Nations must not prohibit schools and instructors from
2018-2019 reading list by the OBOB executive committee discussing and teaching about sexuality and breaches of
and the Oregon Association of School Librarians. their right to equality must be avoided. Nations have a
Sexual rights of children and teens are closely tied to responsibility to enact legislation that supports LBGT
human rights and are significantly linked to one's identity. rights and punishes those who harm or discriminate against
However, conversations on this issue are typically deemed LGBTQ children, youth and adults. George also explores
taboo and unsuitable by many. Failure to address this gender norms and how they alter human interaction. Many
issue, on the other hand, leads to increased prejudice of Melissa's interactions with her contemporaries and
towards children. Most of this is due to a lack of education superiors, thus according Hermann-Wilmarth and Ryan,
and opportunities. reflect transgender toddler's desire to defy the gender
Bullying, harassment, isolation, and violence are all more binary. Mrs. Udell, for example, does not take Melissa
common among LGBTQ children and teens. They are honestly when ellen tells her she loves to learn Charlotte in
considered outcasts in many cultures and are unable to the nativity play, and even "scowls" at the possibility,
participate in most elements of society. LGBTQ children indicating her ’s largest with such a blatant challenge of
and teens are more likely than their straight classmates to societal expectations. Melissa's favorite character and
commit suicide. When pupils lack access to appropriate brother, respectively, strain to comprehend Melissa's
education and health services, health risks begin to mature. gender expression, while other preschool children ridicule
Homosexuality is criminal in many nations throughout the her for her girlishness. She subverts these folks'
planet, while others criminalize the "promotion of cisnormative hypotheses, resulting in either misery or
sexuality," barring children from learning about the many violence, much like with her bullies, or subsequent
gender identities and sexual orientations with which they acceptance and maturation, and the same with her family
could identify. Some jurisdictions may suppress and close friends. George urges cisgender readers to
homosexuality to the stage that heterosexual activities are contemplate what it means to be excluded from binary
punishable by death. Other governments, or even been thus masculinity and femininity and how to live away from
and families, may choose to use medical or psychological stringent gender expectations by proffering these diverse
therapies, or even "corrective rape," to "address" LGBTQ and interesting instances of how gender expectations drive
children's homosexuality, blatantly infringing on their different interactions and relationships between characters.
rights Children raised in LGBTQ households are A PhD candidate in Youngsters’ Literature, described how
frequently denied the same rights as children raised in Jeremy gives transgender children with a pointless story in
single-parent households or households with straight a 2015 blog in The Conversation. George’s identity
parents. These young players are frequently granted entry turmoil, which is frequently overlooked in children's
to the same social security benefits as children growing up literature, is exemplified by the disparity between who she
in “typical” households due to a lack of recognition by feels she is and who others believe she is. George might
respective agencies. Many societies provide exclusive help alleviate discrimination of LGBTQ children by
custody of a child to gay and lesbian couples, which can be informing adults and families on what it implies to be

IJELS-2022, 7(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) 144
Navleen Kour Psychological Impact on Family of Transgender and Non-Conforming (TGNC) Children in Alex
Gino’s “George” (Novel)

transsexual, that according Cierazek, by enlightening

parents and children about what it means to be intersex.
George is aimed towards children aged eight to twelve
Alex Gino's Georgie is appraised by Mel Mackey in the
Lambia Literary Review. Thus according Morrow, Alex
Gino in George confronts the struggles that transgender
adolescents endure both secretly and internationally.
Gino portrays these hardships throughout Melissa's time
window via Melissa's interactions with certain other
personalities. Gino portrays a wide range of reactions to
Melissa's metamorphosis via these conversations,
gradually attempting to persuade the characters to accept
Melissa's shift.
One day George came to a halt. It was such a simple
question, but she couldn't get the words out of her mind.
Mom, what if I'm a girl?”
In the novel’s conclusion, George gets the chance to
show the world that she really is once more. She and
Kelly take a trip to the zoo with Kelly’s Uncle Bill, both
dressed in typical girls’ clothing. George, who
introduces herself by her formerly “private” name,
Melissa, is delighted and feels that her real life is just
beginning. We use Melissa and as if the rest of the other
characters in the text don't identify or use the name and
pronoun assigned to her by others at birth, she is used to
refer to the heroine in general.
According to Morrow, "Sexuality is removed from the
identity-formation equation" in this group Melissa dispels
the stereotype that gender expression is linked to sexuality.
After the protagonist reveals his or her true identity and
removes the disguise, a new chapter begins in which we
live our lives as we desire and explore ourselves and our

[1] Movies : Love,simo by Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth
Berger, A kid like jake by Daniel Pearle , Dear Dad by
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[2] Novel : “George” by alex gino,
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Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014
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