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 ARW3 Quizzes Reading Quiz #1

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Read the text and choose the correct answers accordingly.
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Submi ed Mar 10 at 8:53pm
Teacher's A endance
Par al Ques on 1 2 / 5 pts
Virtual Tutoring

Interna onal Exams

Read the following text and answer the ques ons below:

What will Schools of the Future Look Like?

Schools have, generally, looked the same for the last 60 years or more. There might be more technology in the classrooms now, but the premise is the same –
rows of desks, teacher standing at the front. But what should the school of the future look like to improve the learning environment for our children? Teacher
Dave Townsend developed a virtual classroom, where students could log in and view his classroom, meaning that illness and other problems would not
prevent them from learning. He explains how it sparked the idea of how he could ensure students s ll got an educa on despite the illness. (1) “Using a piece
of so ware; I would log on and get him to log in at home.” This was the first step in developing the virtual classroom.

He set up a camera in his classroom so that anyone logging into the virtual room would be able to see the other students in the class and the whiteboard
where he was teaching and could hear the lesson. Students were then able to par cipate from home, either with a webcam themselves or just by typing in
responses. And it worked, he says. (2) “There was one day that one of my students was due to give a presenta on to the class, but she wasn't in school. I put
the virtual classroom on, just in case, and there she was. She delivered the presenta on from home. It was a sign of what school could be in the future.”
With how technology has changed, what will schools look like in the future? Townsend predicts a school where students are not always on site. Based on the
success of The School of the Air in Alice Springs, Australia, he thinks that students could achieve be er results by only a ending a school building part me.

Build it to a high standard – think something like a Google Campus. Have students come into the school three days a week and then the other two they can
work from home. They will be registered online and seen to be doing the work set. Would it work with 13-year-olds? Probably not. But why not try it with the
gi ed and talented learners? Students work well in their own environments, on their own or in groups. (3) “The schools that many children a end today,
even ones that have been rebuilt, look the same as they did sixty years ago,” Townsend notes, and adds “We should be taking the opportunity to do
something different.”

1. What is the ar cle mainly about? [ Select ]

2. What was the first step in developing the virtual classroom? To get everyone to log on.

3. What does the author say about students' a endance in the physical classroom? [ Select ]

4. How concerned was the teacher about the student who was due to give a presenta on? Not very concerned

5. Who is the speaker in number 3 in the last paragraph? [ Select ]

Answer 1:

How schools of the future will look the same as schools today.

Answer 2:

To get everyone to log on.

Answer 3:

It won't be necessary for students to go the classroom every day.

Answer 4:

Not very concerned

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Answer 5:

Dave Townsend

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