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Chapter 27: Audience With His Majesty

"However, Wendelin is amazing. I met the king for the first

time at the age of 40 after defeating the fire drake." (Artur)

"Err... what should I pay attention to?" (Wendelin)

Using the interval of summer vacation at the adventurer

prep school, I set off on private business to the royal capital
traveling on a magic airship. All in order to attend the
wedding of my closest brother Erich-nii-san.

For the sake of accompanying me, Erwin joined the field

trip to the royal capital.

Furthermore we were accompanied by Burkhart-san who

declared himself to be our guardian.

Along the route we encountered an ancient dragon, who

had turned undead after expiring its life span. It was
composed of only bones and magic core.

Although it was only bones, it was a totally unexpected

appearance of an ancient dragon and furthermore one that
had turned undead after expiring its life span. Still, this was
reality. Aboard the ship a gloomy mood began to spread.

That huge dragon consisting of only bones, had it really

been an ancient dragon?

To begin with, what was the reason for an ancient dragon

to turn undead? Moreover, it left its own domain to invade
into the human territory.
| Azura Ren |
In any case, the opponent was an ancient dragon who lived
for tens of thousand years. In recent years, there weren't too
many eye-witnesses being treated to the view of an half-
imaginary monster. It seems that even the scholars
researching ancient dragons couldn't unconditionally confirm
their existence.

Seldomly being seen, ancient dragons were high ranking

members within the dragon race according to Burkhart-san,
who had already defeated a drake before. Therefore they
were a species close to half-spirits.

Because they lived withdrawn deep in the back regions, it

is said that humans wouldn't come across them.

'Despite being a half-spirit, it turned quite ferocious after

changing into an undead. The finer details about that
opponent-san, I don't know them'

The various questions were endless and yet, being able to

escape from it forever was not possible.

In cooperation with Burkhart-san I was able to successfully

perform a memorial service for that ancient dragon.

Although I called it memorial service, it didn't change the

fact that it was a subjugation and extermination. Because I
purified it with Holy magic and thus stopped its activity. Had
a member of the church joined in, he would likely have called
it memorial service.

I had to use vast amounts of mana to cast the Holy magic in

accordance to suspend the activity of the undead ancient
dragon. In the end, only the bones and the huge magic core
| Azura Ren |
Although it was the same case like a tiger leaving its
splendid fur behind, the little difference in what remained
was the outrageous price of the items when talking about this
matter, I think?

Because of the raw materials you could obtain from a

dragon's body, even the smaller version called wyvren in itself
achieved a decent price in trades.

To say nothing about a large grown drake like the one

Burkhart-san had defeated before, where there was no
unusable body part to the degree that all of it could be called

Blood, meat, scales, bones and a magic core to the extent

that it couldn't be compared to any other monster.

Raw materials with the dragon attribute itself appeared on

the market once in 50 years and even that could be called
fast. I heard that the trade prices for the materials were

Artur-san explained this to me while we were riding the

carriage which had come to pick us up.

I, who had expected someone to pick me up so that I could

see Erich-nii-san soon, had received greetings from a Knight-
sama at the harbor for exclusive use of the magic airship.

Escorted by Artur-san, we both boarded the carriage the

Knight's group had prepared beforehand.

Burkhart-san had left the harbor earlier to attend to his

own business.

| Azura Ren |
And in order to explain the situation to Erich-nii-san Erwin
had unhappily agreed to leave the harbor behind together
with a group of soldiers the Knight-sama's attendant had

At any rate, the lodging place for Erwin and me was Erich-
nii-san's house. I have to reunite with him later at any price.

"Much more, this time it was about an ancient dragon who

had no records remaining from the past." (Artur)

According to the story of Artur-san who was accompanying

me, the fact that ancient dragons existed was something
serious. As it usually lived within a domain of monsters
humans didn't venture into, there virtually was no one who
had seen its appearance.

I was told that they possess a life span of tens of thousand

years. Actually dying of old age and after death turning into
an undead, no one had been aware of this fact.

"Then, how were you able to confirm that the bone dragon
was actually an ancient dragon?" (Wendelin)

"By the size of the skeletal frame and magic core." (Artur)

Lightly estimating the over-all-length of the bone dragon, it

exceeded 50 meters.

The over-all-length of a small variety of wyvren amounted

to the degree of 5 meters and the largest variety of the same
attribute went up to approximately 30 meters.

Therefore, explaining this bone dragon would have been

difficult and odd, if you hadn't considered it to be an ancient
| Azura Ren |

"Because of that, His Majesty wants to acquire the bones

and magic core from such rare ancient dragon just like me by
granting you an audience, no?" (Artur)

"'Like me', a little servility wouldn't hurt, would it?"


"As the eighth son of an insignificant noble, what did you

expect?" (Artur)

"Such things like expectations, there were none to begin

with." (Wendelin)

This was the degree of my thoughts regarding my king.

It was the same transient feeling I harbored towards the

imperial family in my previous life. Neither anti-
governmental ideology, nor the will to revolt and overthrow
were existent. Passionate admiration and fervent support
were absent too.

Originating from the southern sticks, there really was no

contact with royalty. Thus, I didn't really perceive the coming
audience to feel like reality.

Calling it "a person passing by above the clouds." might be

the most adequate answer. The idea of meeting was mentally
straining if you considered that you might as well not
encounter them in your entire life, too.

"If I remember correctly, our father had an audience when

he inherited his peerage." (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
The ceremony of establishing a noble as new family head in
a conferring of decorations has been arranged as the personal
duty of His Majesty in the royal capital for all noble families,
no matter how low-ranking they are.

Though father had to meet His Majesty once, the reality

was, that it was only this one time.

Certainly His Majesty shouldn't be able to memorize every

single of the trifling knights neither.

An insignificant noble as our father who lived in a remote

region didn't have that many opportunities to visit the royal
capital either. Of course the king of a whole country himself
was occupied with various issues. It wouldn't be such a simple
matter to get an audience just because he came over.

"However, would someone as busy as His Majesty be okay

with such an inferior subject like me?" (Wendelin)

In my mind I expected a reply like, "Because he is busy,

there is no need to meet after all.

"If I were to request for an audience with His Majesty, it

would take time. Even if it's me, I would need to wait at the
least a week." (Artur)

Even a businessman with political ties such as Artur-san

has to wait for a week to have an audience with His Majesty
granted. Is it okay for me to have an audience right away?

Inside my mind anxiety began to gradually surge at this


"Don't worry. It will be fine because this time His Majesty

| Azura Ren |
himself has wished for the audience." (Artur)

The knight, who wore an extravagant armor and served as

a guide for Artur-san and me up to the royal castle, began to
explain the reasons concerning the audience this time.

"Wendelin-dono, you have defeated an ancient dragon of

legendary class. Next, you also chose to protect the precious
national property, the magic airship, as well as those having
boarded it as passengers, which were many high-ranking
nobles and merchants, from this situation. And lastly you
obtained the bones and the huge magic core from that ancient
dragon. His Majesty would like to borrow your strength on
such occasion." (Knight)

Since there happens to be business from His Majesty's side,

it seems to be possible to immediately have an audience.

The knight in his extremely nice attire was giving an

explanation in a way that showed his considerably close
position to His Majesty.

"Because of that, Warren-dono, who is employed as the

Company Commander of the Chivalric Order of the Royal
Guards, came to pick you up personally." (Artur)

'The shapely posture is good, those movements leaving no

gaps are excellent. I see, he was a person in a high position.'

"Boy, Warren-dono has a similar birthplace like you.

Therefore, being in his current position is only due to his
confirmed true strength, such is the difference." (Artur)

Slightly exceeding a height of 180 centimeters, blond hair,

| Azura Ren |
blue eyes, ikemen... the very picture of a knight-sama. He
seems to have been born as third son of a lower class
vestment aristocratic household.

Merely hearing "third son" caused me to have a feeling of

boiling affinity for some reason.

In this world, with the exception of eldest son and first-

born son, there was a strict demarcation established.

"You are quite knowledgeable, Artur-san." (Wendelin)

"Well yea, Warren also is a disciple of Burkhart, more or

less." (Artur)

"Is that so?" (Wendelin)

Besides being my teacher, he even has a disciple in the

Royal Guards Knight Unit. Burkhart-san has a larger, more
diverse circle of acquaintances than I imagined.

"I can't use magic, therefore I am someone relying on

muscle strength." (Warren)

Thanks to Burkhart-san's guidance, I became aware of the

circumstance of having a larger quantity of mana than most
common people such as Warren-san.

However, this amount of mana only equaled to shooting

several fireballs a day at the most before resulting in
exhausting it completely.

In a fight you could call it a trump card for one thing, but in
order for calling it a finishing blow or similar I didn't attain
the degree of magic power necessary yet.
| Azura Ren |
"That's why Warren-dono can't use magic." (Artur)

To be precise, it seems to be the inability to emit the

phenomenon of mana materialization externally.

Instead he used his mana to enhance his body and weapons

in battle, so to speak he had the ability to be a so-called magic
knight. This was the story of the serving Company
Commander of the Chivalric Order of the Royal Guards told
by Artur-san.

These types of swordsmen and martial artists who fought

by using magic to strengthen themselves in battle had a fixed
amount of mana. Compared to people who owned almost no
mana, they had an overwhelming strength.

People who possessed hardly any mana, no matter how

much they trained their bodies, they wouldn't be able to use a
common sword to split a huge rock in half and smash it into

Well, even such ordinary people like everyone else held

onto a small quantity of mana unconsciously using it to
reinforce their body functions. Although in regards to actively
enhancing one's body that would still be like comparing an
adult with a child of the general public of my previous life.

"Burkhart-sama taught me how to control my mana and

how use the amount economically. I am greatly indebted to
him." (Warren)

I see, learning about having a definite amount of mana

contained, caused the children of important nobles to often
take a haughty attitude.

| Azura Ren |
However, he interacted with a child like me in a polite
manner despite being the Company Commander of the
Chivalric Order of the Royal Guards. Certainly he is quite
popular among the women.

No, before that, it is most likely because of the deep trust

His Majesty had in him.

"And also, when I was about the same age or slightly above
as Wendelin-dono, I happened to incidentally meet Alfred-
sama once." (Warren)

At that time Burkhart-san while laughing took the trouble

to introduce him with the words, "For the time being he can
be called my disciple, although he will soon be done by
surpassing me.".

"Back then I couldn't sense anything from his gentle

outward appearance. That is, what an outstanding magician
he was." (Warren)

Apparently master's appearance was seen as nothing but an

all together gentle, tall ikemen-onii-san character. Even so, as
magician he was one of the best.

It was a typical example for "Don't judge a book by its


"However, Wendelin-dono also exudes a similar sensation

as the one from my memories. In appearance nothing but a
boy in the middle of his growth, who is still deeply interested
in matters of the world, can be seen." (Warren)

"That is only natural, as Wendelin has already exceeded

the magic ability and the maximal output of mana of Alfred
| Azura Ren |
after all." (Artur)

Undoubtedly he heard this from Burkhart-san. Artur-san

appeared to be roughly aware of my ability.

"I see, that is the reason why His Majesty firmly requested
on meeting him personally." (Warren)

Leaving the harbor, the carriage passed the streets of the

lower city part, the resident district, the business district and
the streets housing various nobles in series.

As one would expect of a metropolis called capital city

representing the entire nation, the scale and the amount of
people were far above Breitburg.

"Soon we will arrive at the royal palace." (Warren)

After approximately one hour of jolting around, the

carriage which gave us a ride to the royal palace was about to


"Huge... comparing it to my family's house is futile, but

even the mansion of Breithilde margrave-sama is far smaller
..." (Wendelin)

As I was looking up at the castle, we arrived at the front


Because Warren-san accompanied us, the gatekeeper let us

pass without even checking our IDs.

When we entered the castle's interior, there were soldiers,

| Azura Ren |
knights, nobles, maids and the like walking around all over
the place doing such things like their designated work. The
inside of the castle looked to be full of liveliness.

However, for some reason I felt uneasy about them paying

attention to us.

"The story about the ancient dragon subjugation has

already spread within the royal capital. Furthermore that it
was accomplished by two people of which one, which would
be Wendelin-dono, merely is 12 years old." (Warren)

As Warren-san says, I felt uneasy because of the current

situation of practically staring looks. In some way I felt like a
panda in the Ueno Zoo.

We were led inside the castle for a little while by Warren-

san and before long we arrived in front of a gorgeous door
leading to our final destination. Beyond this point seems to be
the audience hall.

"Since His Majesty is a friendly gentlemen, keeping the

etiquette to a minimum is not a problem." (Warren)

"Because Burkhart entrusted me to follow-up, Wendelin

has no need to worry." (Artur)

Artur declared such by the way and before my eyes the

gorgeous door was opened.

In front of my view a red carpet spread across the floor,

leading all the way to an elevated throne where one could
confirm the shape of a man sitting upon it.

And, on both of the sides there were ten-odd guardian

| Azura Ren |
knights. Furthermore one could also confirm the existence of
several people dressed as aristocrats in a higher position.

"Entering, the benefactor of the ancient dragon

subjugation, Wendelin von Benno Baumeister-dono
and Artur Maschin-dono as a proxy for Burkhart
Ringstadt-dono." (Announcer-san)

Just like I have seen in old movies, while we were entering

such could be heard being read out loudly in a governmental
official person-like sonorous voice.

We were lead by Warren-san up to the throne getting as

close as in a position 3 meters away from it.

Thereupon, Warren-san turned back and took position at

the side of the guardian knights, leaving Artur-san and me
behind by ourselves.

Due to the nervousness I forgot what I had to do. Artur-san

immediately kneeled and bowed his head. I somehow
managed to copy his behavior avoiding further problems.

"It must have been very sudden to be summoned like this.

It's fine, raise your heads." (King)

Because of His Majesty allowing it, I raised my head.

I could see an approximately 40-year old splendid middle-

aged man with a noble strong face floating a smile.

As expected, it was a clichéd royal family consisting of

many beautiful women and handsome men, it seems.

His Majesty as well, most likely he was quite popular

| Azura Ren |
among the women in his early days.

Because I somehow was not popular at all, I had a feeling

that I wouldn't be spellbound as much to say the least.

To put it simply, all ikemen are the real enemy. However,

Erich-nii-san was an exception.

"Formally introducing, We are the king of this Helmut

Kingdom, Helmut the 37th." (King Helmut)

"I am the one called Wendelin von Benno Baumeister."


"Fumu, on a closer look you are really young. How old are
you?" (King Helmut)

"Yes, I am 12 years old." (Wendelin)

Like this my audience with His Majesty began.

| Azura Ren |
Chapter 28: Associate Baron Baumeister

'After arriving in the royal capital, to suddenly have an

audience with His Majesty, huh...'

During summer vacation, we decided to travel to the royal

capital to participate in Erich-nii-san's wedding and to
likewise do some sightseeing.

On the way we were attacked by an ancient dragon, who we

defeated in the end. Although it sounds quite simple, the
matter didn't continue quite as simple afterwards.

When the magic airship arrived in the harbor of the royal

capital, there was a knight-sama dispatched by the royal
palace waiting for us. I had to sorrowfully postpone my
reunion with Erich-nii-san as I was dragged off to the royal

Me, with the outward appearance of a child and the

interior of a petty bourgeois. A quite cruel story indeed.

To be frank, I was troubled how to properly deal with it.

Tentatively speaking I am the child of a noble, however I

didn't receive any education for such occasions. Our
household was similar to commoners in comparison to the
royalty and important nobles of the royal capital.

"You are indeed very young. Although the talent in magic

has nothing to do with the age..." (King Helmut)

For a while polite greetings were exchanged. And now His

| Azura Ren |
Majesty was listening to me telling the story of how I defeated
the ancient dragon.

The duty to protect the magic airship from the ancient

dragon's breath attack had been entrusted to Burkhart-san.
Flying towards the ancient dragon while also defending
myself with a magical barrier against the breath attack, I used
Holy magic to let the ancient dragon pass on in peace.

I tried to tell the story as detailed as possible.

"Flight, Magical Barrier, Holy Light. Were those three

magic spells deployed simultaneously? I see, you appear to be
the possessor of an magnificent talent." (King Helmut)

"That's right, Your Majesty." (???)

Thereupon a person who approved of His Majesty's word

appeared. That close to 70-years-old man was wearing
gorgeously decorated priest's clothes.

Undoubtedly he was a church official. Moreover he was in

a position of being able to freely enter the royal palace. He
was sure to be quite the big-shot at the Head Church.

"Does Cardinal Hohenheim think the same?" (King


"Yes. Furthermore, a magician to cast such amount of Holy

light is quite rare." (Hohenheim)

Holy magic, the number of people being able to use it was

quite few.

Even without talent in magic, the clergyman of the church

| Azura Ren |
decided to proceed with disciplining. Oneself possessing a
microscopic amount of magic power with the Holy attribute
didn't seem to be as unusual and unheard of.

Naturally, evil spirits didn't approach someone who is

following the scriptures in this world. To eliminate such
beings it also was possible to use magic tools imbued with
Holy power.

Even so, most of the clergy were not as capable as

magicians to cast Holy magic of the strategical ・ tactical class.

There was the issue of talent in the long run, too.

Particularly powerful Holy magic was not needed for

diligent "honorable poverty" for those clergyman aiming to
support society.

In reverse, clergyman full of greed for money and lusting

for power looked at the society with cold-hearted eyes.

However, it was all just trouble of such a degree.

"Putting it like that, Wendelin-dono should receive the real

baptism at the sacred assembly hall of the Head Church in the
future." (Hohenheim)

"Real baptism?" (Wendelin)

"Wendelin-dono is still a youngster born in the southern

lands. It is only natural that you wouldn't know about it."

To put it simply, you could call me a country bumpkin.

| Azura Ren |
According to the explanation by Cardinal Hohenheim, the
real baptism was one rank above the baptism that was
occasionally performed at the local church of one's birthplace,
to put it simply.

Furthermore this baptism could be received even if one

had already been baptised in a local church.

As for its tangible effect, the society only regarded such

people as exceedingly devout believers. It's not like undead
will crumble to dust by only touching them, just because you
received that particular real baptism.

Incidentally royalty, important nobles and major

merchants could receive that real baptism as well by donating
a high amount of alms. It was a compromise between rich
people wanting to be given dignity as believers and the
church's side wanting to obtain money. Of course, one
shouldn't say it like that.

Simply put, calling it "Baptism for the wealthy." would be

correct, wouldn't it?

(The aim was enclosure and endowment, huh...)


(The endowment isn't the major aim. In short, it is the

enclosure within the denomination itself.) (Artur)

Artur-san informed me by whispering.

Apparently the point was to scramble for believers for the

denomination. The likes of famous and successful people
within society, such person like myself, belonging to that
denomination would be a very good advertisement.
| Azura Ren |
In addition, apparently Cardinal Hohenheim aimed for his
denomination to become the state religion of this nation, just
like a catholic cardinal of the orthodox church.

Besides, to increase the believers nowadays they returned

to the starting point of using the antiquated dogma of
"honorable poverty," just like the protestants of the

Moreover, this was the beginning of radical

fundamentalism recalling the old days. This primitive religion
of rural areas could be deemed to be connected to dozens of
native schools each having its own faction.

The statement that God was a single entity was disputed by

people of various affiliations. Just to which world was this
similar? Truthfully, religion was a bothersome matter.

(If you receive the real baptism once, other denominations

won't try to approach you with ridiculous persuasion
attempts any more either. Receive it once you have some free
time.) (Artur)

Although the relations between denominations were bad, it

was an unspoken rule that the act of poaching believers was

Artur-san confirmed this with a [Yes.] whispered into the


(Understood.) (Wendelin)

"I shall humbly accept your invitation during my stay in the

royal capital." (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
"Wendelin-dono is a pious Son of God as well? Good,
good." (Hohenheim)

Since I accepted his invitation for the real baptism

obediently, Cardinal Hohenheim beamed a smile on his face.

However, to say one thing:

The point of me being a pious Son of God is wrong, isn't it?

The other side shouldn't have too much expectations from me
either I'd like to think.

"With this settled. Very well, We happen to have a request

for you." (King Helmut)

"Yes, what does His Majesty desire from me?" (Wendelin)

"We wish for you to sell the bones and magic core of the
ancient dragon you have obtained this time." (King Helmut)

I see, now I understand the reason why Artur-san said

there would be no auction for the items. It wasn't merely
because of its high price and value.

He saw through the fact that the royal family would

definitely try to secure the materials which could be treated
as strategical resources.

"To tell you the truth, those bones and magic core are a
necessity to move the gigantic magic airship." (King Helmut)

"Gigantic magic airship?" (Wendelin)

According to His Majesty's explanation, with the exception

of the current magic airships in operation, there also was a

| Azura Ren |
ship hull excavated from the ancient ruins. However
apparently that hull couldn't be moved with a moderately-
sized magical crystal.

Just how many ships are there?

"Within the suburbs of the royal capital there is an ancient

ruin of shipyard remains from the era of the ancient magical
civilization." (King Helmut)

Four times as big as the magic airship we used to get here,

the over-all-length was exceeding 400 meters. It seems such a
super-gigantic ship was sleeping in the remains of a dock.

"There also was the idea to merge as many small magical

crystals as possible together to move it..." (King Helmut)

To decrease the extreme fuel consumption, linking up

parts in an abnormal application of heat, it was not an awfully
dangerous adoption.

It seemed to be commonly popular in the era of the ancient

magical civilization.

The method to produce a big magical crystal using a great

number of small magical crystals was nowadays a lost
technology though.

Even if the current research was advancing, it could be said

that as of yet there were no results to be reaped.

By replenishing the mana within exhausted magical

crystals, small magical crystals had quite sufficient
application, too. Or more precisely, the result was the same
whether one person with a great amount of mana or several
| Azura Ren |
people with average amount of mana did the replenishing.

However, manufacturing a big magical crystal using

magical crystals as materials as well, such an experiment had
never been successful up until this day.

If you wanted to obtain a big magical crystal refusing to

excavate it from the things laying dormant within the ancient
ruins, you would have no other choice but to obtain a huge
magic core from a powerful monster with the dragon
attribute class and process it into a magical crystal.

"Also in addition, because the ship was in the dock various

components and armor parts have been removed from it."
(King Helmut)

It was a complicated structure but not because an earth-

shattering techniques was necessary for the production.

In any case, power was necessary and additionally the most

suited material, the bones of an ancient dragon, was
apparently necessary, too.

"The processed bones of the ancient dragon will be used to

replace the missing components and armor parts in an effort
to ensure the safe operation of the gigantic magic airship.
Well? Will you sell them?" (King Helmut)

"Yes, certainly so. It will be my pleasure to offer them to

His Majesty." (Wendelin)

First of all, no matter how you think about it, a refusal isn't
possible in such situation.

Furthermore, even if I refused here, there would be no on

| Azura Ren |
willing to buy it either.

If the kingdom marked me because of that, it would cause

trouble for my parent's home, too. Even though that home
didn't treat me with kindness, it still wasn't a reason to expose
them to persecution.

I should properly become independent without causing

trouble at the same time.

"I see. That is good. In that situation We will buy the bones
and magic core for 1500 platinum coins." (King Helmut)

"Your Majesty! No matter what, this is too much!" (???)

An elderly noble standing next to His Majesty who you

could be considered a chief vassal, yelled in protest against
the amount of money for the purchase. Apparently this
person was in charge of the financial affairs of the kingdom.

"Well then, what's the market price? Nou, Artur? Since you
are a merchant who regularly sells items the kingdom
requires, We are certain you know the correct price, isn't that
so?" (King Helmut)

His Majesty inquired the market price from Artur-san, who

was next to me.

"Yes. A magic core of such size will not sell for less than
1200 platinum coins. The bones are about the same." (Artur)

The likes of dragon bones are rarely taken out of the

ancient ruins as artifacts because they can't be reused after
tearing them off. To obtain a complete set of bones of such
size several thousand years later, I don't think anyone could
| Azura Ren |
have imagined that to happen.

"The bones too, I think 300 platinum coins are a proper

assessment." (Artur)

"However, the situation of the budget..." (Finance Noble A-


"The restart of that gigantic ship was included in the

calculations of the budget. We heard it was 2500 platinum
coins. The 1500 platinum coins are part of the material cost.
Although We don't know how much the other sundry
expenses cover, you don't really want to say the amount
exceeds 1000 platinum coins as well. It should be well in
range of the budget." (King Helmut)

Still tenaciously facing towards the person in charge of

finances, His Majesty declared there was sufficient funds
within the budget.

I didn't interrupt their deliberation.

"I must opt for economizing here. The subject of other

budgets having insufficient funds is the reason for the delay
in carrying out operations." (Finance Noble A-kun)

"Nou, Finance Minister Ruckner. Certainly, the budget isn't

infinite. If it was possible to even save 1 copper coin while
doing the same thing, there would be no need to concern
Ourselves with exceeding it either." (King Helmut)

"Well, Your Majesty." (Ruckner)

"However, acting here similar to being stingy with the

reward towards someone, who has distinguished himself with
| Azura Ren |
meritorious deeds, will dampen the morale of the next person
who might try to contribute to the glory of our kingdom
afterwards. If such a person tries to put magic cores and
bones up in an auction... Artur, what do you think will
happen?" (King Helmut)

His Majesty asked a question of Artur-san once more.

"Ha! The standard estimated value of such magic core and

bones is 1500 platinum coins. However, considering the many
expectations when it is put up in such an auction, there will
be people who will want to obtain these items at any price. It
is not within my reach, however there are wealthy people
here and there who easily have a surplus of 2500 platinum
coins or more to bid with." (Artur)

And then, while complaining about the hardships in

obtaining these items, they will charge a huge commission fee
of the kingdom.

Usually merchants commission goods while keeping the

prices low. The arrangement is for 5-10% of the amount of
money to be gained as profit.

Therefore adding in the commission fee, the calculation

will already have exceeded the budget.

Artur-san explained to His Majesty that paying only 1500

platinum coins would be a bargain for the kingdom.

"Finance Minister Ruckner, all materials will be obtained

for a price of 1500 platinum coins. How much more is
necessary to start the operation (of the ship)?" (King Helmut)

"Yes. Processing the materials, the work of equipping the

| Azura Ren |
engine with the magical crystal, the work of equipping other
components and armor parts, test runs and the final fitting of
the ship. Approximately 300 platinum coins." (Ruckner)

As one would expect of a super-gigantic airship spanning a

total length of 400 meters. Merely hearing about the budget
covering the cost for resuming operations, one could get dizzy
from it.

"Saving a share of 700 platinum coins, the budget

reduction was successful, Finance Minister Ruckner. We
would like to allot sufficient priority to the preponderate
items." (King Helmut)

"U-understood!" (Ruckner)

With these few words, Finance Minister Ruckner would not

once speak words of rebuttal again.

The Minister of Finance successfully cut the budget for the

restart of the gigantic magic airship. This budget reduction
allowed him to distribute the funds to the previous priorities.

The force of personality displayed by His Majesty was

admired by the other courtiers as well, just like by Artur-san
and me, too. It became impossible to say anything else any

"That's right, the matter of dealing with the raw materials

is no more than pure business. In another matter, We haven't
yet bestowed you a proper honorable reward as We ought to."
(King Helmut)

"An honorobale reward?" (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
"Yes. You have protected the magic airship, which cost 800
platinum coins to restart operations, from the ancient
dragon's breath attack. Hearing about it in the report, the
contribution of Burkhart of the Breithilde margrave area was
large. But if you haven't been there, the ship would have
sooner or later be sunk by a direct hit." (King Helmut)

Certainly, as His Majesty stated, Burkhart-san's magical

barrier defended against the breath attack of the ancient
dragon. While serving as defense against the ancient dragon's
magical attacks, dealing a lethal blow to it was impossible

Since the magical barrier would gradually have been worn

down due to the exhaustion of mana, the ship would have
been destroyed by a direct hit of the breath attack at some

"Afterwards this royal capital would have incurred heavy

losses by the following attack. Also thinking about it normally,
you definitely are a dragon slayer. Besides, we couldn't bear it
to not bestow a suitable reward." (King Helmut)

While His Majesty stated such, a civil official appeared

from the back holding a tray with something placed on it.

"For defeating the ancient dragon who turned undead and

the meritorious deed of protecting the magic airship, We
present Wendelin von Benno Baumeister this Twin Dragon
medal." (King Helmut)

The audience hall suddenly turned into a conferring of

decorations hall.

I accepted the medal, which was an arrangement of two

| Azura Ren |
dragons made out of gold and emerald, from His Majesty and
attached it to the left side of the chest.

Thereupon a great applause resounded from the

surroundings at the same time.

Apparently it was a quite honorable medal.

Given that I was not fated to receive a public awarding in

my previous life, truthfully I didn't inquire about what to do
in such case. Rather than spending time thinking of
investigating about receiving a medal, I spent my time with
special magic training.

Because that's who I am.

"Continuing, Our Helmut kingdom's king Helmut the 37th,

grants thou, Wendelin von Benno Baumeister, the title of 6th
rank associate baron grade to devote oneself to. Come,
Baumeister-kyou." (King Helmut)

"???" (Wendelin)

(Wendelin, the words of oath on occasion of a conferring of

decorations. Since they are short, can you remember them?)

Suddenly petrified by the current situation, Artur-san

whispered from beside me and thus throwing a saving

"I shall wield My sword, for His Majesty, for the kingdom
and on behalf of the people." (Wendelin)

Come to think of it, now I remember having heard these

| Azura Ren |
words from my mother. Thus I hurried to speak them.

By no means I expected that there would ever come a time

in my life to state these words. Simultaneously to not leaving
any significant accomplishments by swinging my sword and
such either. Even pondering about it, it was a quite ridiculous

"Now then, with this Sir Baumeister became a retainer of

the kingdom. Be that as it may, We do not intend to
particularly tie you down with civil service. It is fine to attend
your brother's wedding, enjoy the royal capital and walk the
path of an adventurer freely." (King Helmut)

Despite such unforeseen events happening in a row, I feel

like I was just washed away by the flow.

Anyway, I have obtained a large amount of money again. A

medal and peerage as well.

And for some reason Artur-san was smiling bitterly next to

me. This left a big impression on me.

| Azura Ren |
Chapter 29: Reunion With Erich-nii-san

"To put it simply, you received a medal and were ennobled

into peerage?" (Wendelin)

"Well yea, you could say that." (Artur)

After finishing the audience with His Majesty, I was sitting

in the carriage once again headed towards the noble
residential area.

Although of lower rank, another knight peerage household

had adopted Erich-nii-san. And currently their residence was
located in that district.

While advancing leisurely within the carriage along the

stone-paved road, I inquired from Artur-san about various
questions I was wondering about.

"First off, about the Twin Dragon medal." (Artur)

There existed several other kinds of medals within the


Since there was no war for a long time, they were mostly
given in turns to important nobles as a formality.

Even within the military forces and the government office,

members of the upper echelons who contributed to the
organizational management received a deed of arms in turns.
However those were given out rarely.

I haven't heard stories about particular contributions in my

| Azura Ren |
previous life, however it seems to be identical to important
politicians and high-ranking bureaucrats receiving a medal.

Oh, and there also was a medal given to merchants who

possessed a comparatively big amount of money.

As for this case, as soon as they knew that they would

receive a conferring of decorations, they donated money
towards orphanages, charitable organizations and
additionally to the church in order to adequately honor the
nation rewarding them for their services.

The party to celebrate the conferring of decorations also

required quite a lot money as there usually were many
invitees. Probably the aim was for them to spit out the money
they had been stashing away.

Furthermore there also were lower ranking medals for

superior craftsmen and wealthy farmers who contributed by
reclaiming vast agricultural land or by digging out extensive
irrigation channels.

And apparently even famous adventurers were targets for

receiving a conferring of decorations.

Actually, Artur-san had received medals in his time as

adventurer and more recently for being a fairly well
merchants, too.

In his adventurer time he received a conferring of

decorations together with Burkhart-san for exterminating the
fire drake.

"Honor is prestige, but... this, it takes a lot of money."

| Azura Ren |
"Thus, the money is distributed upon society." (Wendelin)

"I guess you could put it like that. Well, looking at it in long
term, they can make quite the profit. So there really isn't
much of a choice except coughing up the money." (Artur)

And on another subject regarding the Twin Dragon medal,

I hear that medal is a deed of arms that hasn't been granted to
anyone in more than 200 years.

"237 years ago, the time when the kingdom was still at war
with the Holy Empire Urquhart..." (Artur)

While both armies were glaring at each other in a deadlock,

the military of the Holy Empire Urquhart had dispatched a
unit of 10'000 soldiers making them take a detour so they
could strike the Helmut kingdom army at the rear with a
surprise attack.

"Noticing this movement, the great commander General

Bierhoff immediately moved with a force of 5'000 soldiers to
intercept them. After crushing them, he followed the route
the enemy unit took and successfully stroke the Holy Empire
Urquhart's army in the rear by surprise in reverse. That's how
it was recorded in history books." (Artur)

"I happened to read those records, too." (Wendelin)

Being thrown into confusion by General Bierhoff's reverse-

surprise attack, the Helmut Kingdom's army used this
opportunity to attack the Holy Empire Urquhart's army. As a
result, of the Holy Empire Urquhart's army, amounting to
200'000 soldiers, 100'000 troops were killed in action and
further 30'000 were taken as prisoners.

| Azura Ren |
Furthermore, the Urquhart Holy Empire had to abandon
the territory they ruled in retreat.

They retreated beyond the [Giganto Trench], which is a

fissure exceeding a depth of 100 meters, dividing the central
part of the Lingaia.

(Note: Lingaia continent into northern and souther parts.)

Afterwards it developed into a deadlock of both armies

glaring at each other on their respective side of the fissure
once again.

And the irony of it all was that thanks to that Giganto

Trench both countries were able to peacefully conclude a
ceasefire agreement.

Because of the fissure having a vast width and depth, the

nobles situated at the adjoining border didn't fight over the
soil or water supply.

Rather, it felt like the nobles were too busy grandly

competing with the nobles whose territory touched their own
borders while belonging to the same nation. Thus there even
weren't any skirmishes between the two countries.

Because the efforts to cross the Giganto Trench in order to

invade the other nation was not worth the result, the
followers of each camp abstained from attempting it.

As the war lost its meaning, both countries changed their

stance towards a ceasefire agreement. This iss also the reason
why there was no war in over 200 years.

"Since the time of General Bierhoff, there was no other

| Azura Ren |
conferring of decorations to award the Twin Dragon medal."

"However, Artur-san and Burkhart-san killed a fire drake

as well, right?" (Wendelin)

"We killed it, yea, but it didn't particularly harm the

kingdom in any way. While searching for new monster
domains, we ran into it by chance and defeated it in battle.
Therefore we got another medal." (Artur)

"If that fire drake had attacked an human habitat

governed by the kingdom, they would have received it." is
what pertained from Artur-san's explanation.

"Even so, a new peerage, huh." (Wendelin)

Still, as I am yet a minor, it is an exceptionally rare case for

a noble's child with no right to inherit the household to
become an independent head of another family.

The only other case would be small girls with no relatives

left alive who became the fiancées of other noble children and
thus succeeded their peerage.

Such cases seemed to appear occasionally.

"In Wendelin's case though, you were appointed a noble

for your achievements as the only reason." (Artur)

According to Artur-san's talk, I have to apparently leave the

Baumeister family on this occasion in order to succeed as
family head of a new and different Baumesiter household.

"Although you weren't given territory, you will receive an

| Azura Ren |
annually pension due to your appointed title. As associate
baron you will receive 30 gold coins per year. Since you
weren't appointed to a governmental office, you won't receive
the wages of one. You are not obliged to stay in the royal
capital and thus you can return to the adventurer prep school
in Breitburg without worries. As it is only necessary to keep
up appearance, the necessary expenses are little, too. An easy
victory with ease and comfort, wouldn't you say?" (Artur)

Continuing the story with the ranks, there were ranks from
first down to tenth rank.

First rank was His Majesty only, second rank were the
queen, the two princes and the two princesses, third rank
were other royals and nothing else but dukes, fourth rank
were marquises and margraves, fifth rank were counts,
viscounts and barons, however there also were barons
possessing the sixth rank.

And then at the sixth rank there were associate barons and
at the seventh rank was the knight peerage.

By the way, from the tenth rank up to the eighth rank the
authority of inheritance wasn't granted.

A former commoner, who advanced in rank due to

meritorious deeds, wouldn't go beyond baron in rank for
lifetime and the rank wouldn't be passed on to their children
neither thus ending it in the same generation.

Naturally the children would fall back to the rank of

commoners as they weren't the cause of the advancement in
rank due to the achievements.

Incidentally, just until a while ago I didn't even hold such a

| Azura Ren |
rank. That's a gap in the system or more precisely it might
have been left unknown on purpose.

The wives and children of nobles below associate baron,

while being registered as nobles for the time being, they
weren't granted a suitable noble rank.

Of course they wouldn't receive any pension neither. Even

at the time the noble head died they couldn't inherit the
peerage and thus it would be lost.

Because the children who were born were not registered as

nobles neither, there also were various lower-ranking nobles
with huge branch families in many strange ways.

"Then... will my children succeed the noble rank then?"


"Wendelin's achievements are great. Having said that, we

cannot give the offshoot an excessive salary just because of
their lineage either. In case the children are ordinary, we
would keep useless people on payroll because they are an
associate baron, wouldn't you agree? Keeping an useless
person on payroll will be viewed with quite the envy." (Artur)

To put it simply, if one didn't continue to contribute

achievements in the future, apparently it wouldn't be that
easy to go beyond the rank of baron.

"But, if you were to become a remarkable person, it would

be a different mater altogether."(Artur)

"Eeh..." (Wendelin)

My father possesses a knight peerage of the seventh rank.

| Azura Ren |
Erich-nii-san, who was adopted, will inherit the seventh
rank knight peerage from his stepfather in several years, too.

In brief, I have become a remarkable person already.

"It depends on the standpoint, too. Even if Wendelin's

father and brother are equivalent as appointed nobles from
His Majesty's viewpoint, on official occasions it could result in
bossy and difficult behavior if your brother and your father
face each other." (Artur)

The punishment for such behavior wasn't as simple either.

There seemed to be ostracism by the network of fellow nobles
in such situations like, "In spite of being a noble, he is an
idiot who doesn't understand the rules of nobles.".

"Although it wouldn't matter in father's case, but for Erich-

nii-san..." (Wendelin)

Although Erich is my closest brother being on the same

wavelength as I, he can't afford to deal with me in the wrong
way due to my rank being above his.

I feel a bit lonely.

"Therefore you have to bear this in mind on official

occasions. Usually it is no problem though." (Artur)

While we had such talk, the carriage arrived safely at the

mansion where Erich-nii-san lives.


"Somehow it seems to be difficult in various ways." (Erich)

| Azura Ren |
"Yes, staggeringly difficult." (Wendelin)

Although it shouldn't be a problem meeting again after an

interval of approximately seven years and exchanging
greetings, Erich-nii-san suddenly using polite speech showing
his respectful obeying would cause me to be bothered quite a
bit, too. However I am optimistic that it will work out just

As one would expect from the most rational and intelligent

nii-san of the Baumeister family. I am sure he will understand
the situation I was thrown into today.

"Which reminds me, Vel's friends are relaxing in the

reception room." (Erich)

"As expected of Erich-nii-san." (Wendelin)

"Well then, I will excuse myself on this occasion." (Artur)

"I am sorry to have bothered you when you are busy,

Artur-san." (Wendelin)

"What are you talking about? Personal connections are

important for a merchant. Becoming an acquaintance of
Wendelin on this voyage, there aren't many days you make
such a great profit, at least looking at it from my point of
view." (Artur)

Just like Burkhart-san, his way with words was a bit evil,
but Artur-san paid attention to me not making any careless
mistakes in front of His Majesty in various ways.

Likewise, during the talk with His Majesty, he sometimes

very skilfully changed the direction the talks were going on a
| Azura Ren |
moment's notice as well.

I think I can understand the reason why he is so successful

as newcomer merchant in the royal capital.

"I am very grateful to you for looking after my little

brother." (Erich)

"As one would expect of Wendelin-dono's elder brother. It

looks to me that you certainly have a good marriage partner."

"They are a poor, insignificant noble, though." (Erich)

"It might be like that now, but you never know what will
happen in 10 years." (Artur)

Because I was able to safely meet Erich-nii-san, do you

think that your own duty has ended at this point?

In order to return to his own company, Artur-san boarded

the carriage again.

The carriage started to move once more heading towards

the direction of the business district.

"Well then, I will guide you." (Erich)

It was a noble street. In close proximity to the royal palace

were the residences of many high-ranking nobles, while the
residences of lower ranking nobles were close to the streets of
the commoners. This segregation was completely intentional.

Erich-nii-san's residence, or perhaps I should rather say

the residence of the [Brandt family] which adopted him. Of

| Azura Ren |
course the mansion belongs to the latter after all.

Nonetheless, as one would expect of the residence of a

noble in office.

Already the gate of our own family was no match in size to

this one. It was to the degree that one might doubt it was a
household holding the same rank of knight peerage.

As I entered the residence guided by Erich-nii-san, I was

confronted by an apparently approximately sixty years old,
silver-gray haired man with a refined characteristic and an
approximately forty years old, brown haired, middle-aged
woman with a calm demeanor.

And furthermore there was beautiful girl with the same

brown-colored hair as the middle-aged woman growing
straight down to shoulder length.

She seemed to be approximately twenty years old but that

was at best an educated guess. Her pupils also had the same
color and she wore a slightly less composed demeanor.

"May I introduce the family members of the Brandt

household who adopted me into their family." (Erich)

The elder man, who acted as current family head, was

called Rüdiger Wilhelm von Brandt and would celebrate his
62nd anniversary this year.

The middle-aged woman was his wife and was called

Marion Wilhelm von Brandt with an age of 40 years.

And finally the beautiful girl was called Miriam Wilhelm

von Brandt and would become 19 years old this year.
| Azura Ren |
The former wife of the current family head Rüdiger-san
died from illness without leaving any children behind. The
current wife only had one daughter who was now to be
married to Erich-nii-san. Such was the story of the Brandt
family household.

Given that you couldn't escape aging, he made the heavy

decision to marry off his daughter in order to have a
successor of the household.

Erich-nii-san, who had just passed the junior governmental

official examination, was assigned as subordinate to him. As
he was pleased with the young man, he chose him as

| Azura Ren |
"Nice to meet you, Sir Baumeister." (Rüdiger)

"Excuse me. We would like to ask for your forgiveness for

receiving you at such a place instead of a more appropriate
official location, Sir Baumeister." (Marion)

"As for this, please excuse us. At any rate, Baumeister-dono

currently is famous in the royal capital due to the story of
defeating an ancient dragon. However, for such a renown
magician-dono to be the little brother of Erich, the world sure
is small." (Miriam)

There is not a speck of arrogance to be seen in Rüdiger-san

unlike the usual nobles. Instead he addresses me open-

"In all honesty, I was only desperate to avoid letting the

magic airship and all those on board be burned by the breath
attack." (Wendelin)

No matter how much I continue to train my magic, nor

does it matter how many ferocious wild animals I take on
while hunting, it remains a fact that my debut at monster
killing was extremely harsh upon closer examination.

Honestly, I don't remember the time and situation when I

fought that bone dragon too well. Since I was exceedingly
frantic at the time, my remaining memory of the event is

The contents of the story I told His Majesty afterwards

were provided to me by what Erwin's group and Burkhart-san
had told me before.

| Azura Ren |
"Darling, thinking about it very objectively I will become
Wendelin-san's sister-in-law." (Miriam)

"That appears to be the case, right?" (Erich)

"My best regards to you, sister-in-law-san." (Wendelin)

"As I am an only daughter, having a younger brother-in-

law is quite novel." (Miriam)

Erich-nii-san's bride gives off a feeling of what you would

call a soothing beautiful girl in my previous life. Having such
person as sister-in-law, I have a hunch they will lead a
fortunate life.

Though they don't comprehend yet that I can frequently

meet them. My teleportation magic is already set and will
allow me to move to the royal capital freely as I please. That
possibility is certainly existent now.

"Oh, you have already returned?" (???)

"Is it true that you were appointed as a noble?" (???)

"Considering the overwhelming tension, did you make a

mistake when you were in front of His Majesty?" (???)

While I was talking with each of the Brandt family

members, the shape of Erwin's group showed up from within
the residence.

It appears they also know about me receiving a peerage at

the royal palace.

"The Twin Dragon medal as well as the 6th rank position of

| Azura Ren |
associate baron." (Wendelin)

"Really? I want you to make me your retainer." (Erwin)

"In case of Eru, you got enough skill that you could enter
governmental service with room left though." (Wendelin)

"Even so, it is not such a simple story, you know?" (Erwin)

"It is as Erwin-kun says. No matter how skilled one is with

the sword, to be employed by a noble as retainer it is
important to have connections." (Rüdiger)

Nobles needed a powerful group of retainers in

preparation for war time.

This seemed to be the official stance. Nowadays the impact

of war had ceased for more than 200 years. No matter how
excellent one's physical strength was, it wasn't as easy any
more for a novice to enter governmental service, Rüdiger-san
explained the circumstances.

For example, in the case of some noble's household

suffering shortage of people.

First off, such noble's household's children would be made

to found independent branch families. If that was no good
either, priority would be given to the children of the current

If even that didn't solve the problem, it would be sufficient

to employ talented commoners from within the own territory.
Thus the act of getting novices for such situation was non-

| Azura Ren |
"In times even that is no good, they will agree to more
flexibility in relationships of close relatives and grown
children. Therefore a letter of introductions is indispensable.
Regarding that letter of introductions, if the person using it to
become a retainer falls into disgrace, the evaluation of the one
writing it will fall as well. Therefore they won't write a letter
of introductions for a person they don't know well enough in
the first place." (Rüdiger)

In other words, either one took up some kind of

employment within the territory of their family, or one
reclaimed uninhabited and undeveloped land with
perseverance in order to open it up as new territory for
oneself or one followed the path of an adventurer.

"Aren't you going to prep school currently in order to

become an adventurer, Vel?" (Erwin)

"Ah!" (Wendelin)

"Then I want you to employ me." (Erwin)

"Oh well, that's fine with me." (Wendelin)

"I don't think he would be a gain. With him, even if Vel

takes command as leader, there is no reason in getting that
kind of trouble on board." (Luise)

"Me too, please hire me." (Ina)

"Me too." (Luise)

"Luise and Ina, each of you is fine with me as well, however

are you sure you want to join such a noble?" (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
"Your attitude is good, you know. But..." (Rüdiger)

There were many lower-ranking appointed nobles in the

royal capital, but it seemed more than half of them wasn't in
office of a formal, official position.

Compared with the amount of nobles, the amount of

official positions was quite insufficient.

Even so, a minimal pension was paid in order for nobles to

have some money for socializing.

There were nobles who spent money to escape from their

current official position in order to conduct themselves to
physical training, too.

For that reason, there was a great number of lower-ranking

nobles who had a subsidiary businesses or side jobs.

"Actually, it is not allowed, but hey ... yelling 'Well, then

give me an official position!' would be troublesome as
well, and because of that it is tolerated." (Rüdiger)

"It's difficult, huh." (Wendelin)

Our family's home is considerably poor, but the lower-

ranking nobles in the royal capital have to face various
difficulties, too.

"Because that's how it is occasionally. There are nobles who

work as adventurers as side job and die while carrying it out."

While the cause of death was being killed by a monster,

officially it couldn't be made public for aforementioned
| Azura Ren |
reasons either.

After consultation with the governmental office it would be

declared as death due to sickness. Furthermore the
governmental office staff themselves would urge the matter of
handing over the peerage to a successor as soon as possible,
too, Rüdiger-san told us from experience.

"Huh? But in that case, what's the rule for me?" (Wendelin)

"In Wendelin-dono's case His Majesty has bestowed an

authorization to freely do as you please. Although the reason
might be that yourself are a magician as well." (Rüdiger)

The nobles and the kingdom, no matter how much talent

one might possess, an inexperienced young magician
wouldn't be hired by either, it seemed.

In reverse it would become a struggle between both sides

once one became widely known as an adventurer. Such a
magician could freely choose their governmental service post
once they retired and started their second life.

However magic alone wouldn't be enough. It was a fact that

the cultivated experience and personal connections during
one's time as adventurer would be very useful as well.

This perfectly applies to our master, Burkhart-san.

"By His Majesty's decision, Wendelin-dono has already

been reserved in advance." (Rüdiger)

"Reservation...? Ah!" (Wendelin)

Which reminds me, as I received a conferring of

| Azura Ren |
decorations by His Majesty, I already am a noble of the

Later on, as I retire as adventurer it will end in "Well, you

can assume your official position now!".

On the contrary, there also is the possibility to be employed

by the household of the Breithilde margrave. What a
despairing situation.

Even if there is a difference between peerage and rank as

well, both, me and the Breithilde margrave, are appointed as
nobles by the kingdom. Thus the situation would become the
same in the end.

Therefore the Breithilde margrave won't be able to employ

me any more as we have become colleagues already.

Thinking back, I can now understand the reason for the

obviously awkward wry smile of Artur-san not long ago.

While it isn't Burkhart-san's fault, it is a fact that the

personnel that caught his master's eye has immediately been
monopolized by the kingdom in the end.

No matter how gentle the Breithilde margrave might be, it

was no risky wager to state that Burkhart-san would be

Artur-san, who had noticed this, considered his friend

Burkhart-san in pity. That would explain the expression he
wore earlier.

"Wendelin-dono, even if those three are your friends, it

might be better to employ them in appearance only."
| Azura Ren |

Rüdiger-san suggested to me to only employ my three

friends formally.

"Wendelin-dono although you became a associate baron

you hold no duty." (Rüdiger)

Thus the annual pension will be 3 gold plates. Changing it

into Japanese yen, that would be about 30 million yen.

However, as I currently have no residence in the royal

capital to maintain, there naturally is no particular need to
employ any people either.

"After over 200 years the first person to receive the Twin
Dragon medal is Wendelin-dono. Furthermore the matter of
conferring the rank of associate baron. This news has already
spread in the royal capital..." (Rüdiger)

Naturally, the unemployed young nobles being NEETs

while wishing to become a retainer will begin to promote
themselves towards a currently highly praised person.
Furthermore even commoners wishing to become guards or
servants will intrude on me in the future. Such a scenarios is
easily imaginable.

"There exists an economical reason for the kingdom, too.

Currently it isn't easy to increase the number of noble
households." (Rüdiger)

Half of the appointed noble households resided within the

royal capital. Thus the reality was that there were nobles
whom you could call NEETs, who do nothing else but
receiving their annual pension.
| Azura Ren |
Although the amount of annual pension was known to the
general public, living idly and eating for free while not
speaking of anyone specific, the taxpaying commoners would
remember it.

Therefore it wasn't that easy to increase the amount of


Conversely in the case of decrease, more and more would

become extinct without even having a chance to adopt
successors into their households.

But as for this, it was apparently a quite rare case.

In the first place, there almost always existed a relative

somewhere who had the potential to become the successor.
Rather, there were many cases where it turned into an ugly
competition between the succession candidates.

"Because of that it may become a bloodshed. There are also

case where the talk about succession completely vanished."

"..." (Wendelin)

Next would be the case of taking up the peerage to the

extent of committing a crime.

However, there were cases like this as well. Important

nobles accepting bribes and such and there also were many
issues with swindlers. In the case of accepting bribes there
were many instances which were settled by paying a penalty
and thus closing the case.

Occasionally there were cases of profligate sons of nobles

| Azura Ren |
killing a commoner. In such a situation it was often solved by
paying a huge load of money to settle it out of court and thus
putting an end to any legal claims.

"Once in a while there is an unlucky noble who gets in the

crossfire of opposing factions and ends up receiving a severe
punishment to be made an example of." (Rüdiger)

However, that seemed to be rare as well.

If one went too far, the noble community would become


"The reason why noble household increase is similar. First

off, the case where someone contributes matchless
achievements like Wendelin-dono." (Rüdiger)

But due to war having disappeared nowadays, that could

be considered almost hopeless.

Even if one performed peerlessly in the occasional

outbreaks of strife at the border of the territory, the kingdom
wouldn't spend any praises for such a reason.

It was unthinkable that the evaluation would rise from that

to the extent that you could put a value of minus zero to the

"Since those soldiers are vassals employed by the noble,

generally any reward that was sent will go to the noble
himself. What a nice story, isn't it?" (Rüdiger)

Next would be, the situation of oneself reclaiming

undeveloped land and having the territorial right recognized
by the kingdom.
| Azura Ren |
In addition, this is the case for my own home, the
Baumeister household.

"Although it is a positive method in a certain way, it is also

quite the difficult feat to accomplish." (Rüdiger)

Gathering people to clear the empty plot of land and then

making sure to increase tax yields. Talking about it was easy,
but actually accomplishing it was quite difficult.

Moreover even if you succeeded with it, if it caught the

interest of an important noble in the vicinity, it might happen
that the feudal lord in the adjourning territory would
compete for the rights of the land.

Apparently this was connected to quite a few hardships.

"Although the kingdom presents the knight peerage as a

matter of convenience, it isn't unusual for the village under a
noble to not exceed a population of 100 inhabitants."

In that way it quickly became a matter of internal

administration for the king. Such a nice story where
reclaiming grounds equaled to rapid development would be a
strange dream at best.

Otherwise our own home, the Baumeister household,

would have already become a separate margraviate long time

"For that reason, tomorrow there might potentially be a

flood of people rushing the location of Wendelin-dono."

| Azura Ren |
The young nobles in hope of a retainer's position and the
commoners in hope of employment.

And then, nobles offering their daughters or little sisters as

brides, and merchants and commoners earnestly requesting
and desiring to be taken as concubines.

I am getting a headache from just thinking about it.

"Therefore, those three will be made into retainers even if

only formally in the end." (Rüdiger)

Having the same ambition to become adventurers, they

already were party members. Currently there was no work in
the new Baumeister household and thus there was no need to
pay any wages neither.

"That's true. We don't need something like wages." (Erwin)

"At the least it is an insurance for the second life." (Ina)

"That's how it is. It is much better to become a retainer of

the unmarried Vel than being the second wife of some strange
guy after retirement." (Luise)

If it comes to light that I already secured retainers, the

unreasonable pleads of various people would decrease as

Moreover, Ina and Luise are of the same age as I am.

"With all due respect, Ina-san and Luise-san being the

daughters of vassals, it is all the more convenient in such
case." (Rüdiger)

| Azura Ren |
"The surroundings would perceive the situation as Ina and
me being mistresses, huh?" (Luise)

Since I have become the family head as a noble, assuming

that I agree to accept a legal wife, it will become necessary to
match the family status.

Therefore, it seems the two daughters of retainers are

excluded and can't be accepted as wives.

"It helps that Luise-san understands the situation quickly."


"Well to be honest, I am fine with actually being his

mistress too though." (Luise)

"Maa, this would also be the worst way to become an adult,

you know? Also you might have a desire for someone else
than me." (Wendelin)

"If Vel says so. Just that the difference would be that I will
have become an attractive woman at that time. I would do my
best to seduce you as much as possible." (Luise)


Afterwards, we ate dinner together with Erich-nii-san and

everyone from the Brandt family.

We spent the evening talking about various other matters.

Half of the chat was about me suddenly becoming the family
head of a new noble household.

The experienced and well-versed Rüdiger-san gave me

various advices without minding my inexperience. As one
| Azura Ren |
would expect of a noble serving in a governmental office in
the royal capital for many years.

Even though both have the same rank, except how to plow
a field, in almost everything else father and brother couldn't
outdo the great difference.

While the air of the royal city might rub a lower-ranking

noble the wrong way, you had to be sensible to politics and
the common knowledge of nobles.

"...Hey, Erich-nii-san." (Wendelin)

"...What's up, Vel?" (Erich)

"Rüdiger-san is several tens times more reliable than our

father and out other brothers..." (Wendelin)

"Maa, it might be best to not mention this though..." (Erich)

Before retiring for the night, Erich-nii-san and I had such a


| Azura Ren |
Chapter 30: Erich-nii-san's Marriage

"Yo, long time no see. Boy." (Burkhart)

It's the second day since I have arrived in the royal capital.
Yesterday I was ennobled by His Majesty for slaying an
ancient dragon. For today, the marriage of Erich-nii-san had
been arranged to be held at the Brandt household.

No, formally Erich-nii-san already is part of the Brandt


As for marriage in this world, only the two concerned

persons go to the church. There they receive a permit if the
marriage has been accepted by the priest. Excepted from this
procedure are royalty and important nobles.

After that, they have to only submit the permit to the

governmental office.

Therefore, today's event should be called a marriage

announcement party where the newly married couple
introduces themselves to society.

As a matter of fact, Erich-nii-san and Miriam-gishi-san

have met here three years ago.

Rüdiger-san had observed the way Erich-nii-san, who

passed the exam for junior government officials at the age of
17, fulfilled his duty for approximately 2 years. He then
judged that he could leave his only daughter in brother's
hands without having to worry. I hear that it took this long to
lay a firm groundwork.
| Azura Ren |
The reason Rüdiger-san worried was the power struggles
between members of nobility and the envy of the other
relatives of the family.

Since there was no other heir to the Brandt family, besides

their only daughter, there was no other choice except that the
man who would marry her was to be adopted into the family
and succeed it.

As that news spread, a mob aiming for the peerage and

governmental office, namely the relatives and the self-
proclaimed relatives of relatives, such as Viscount
Mongérard, approached the parents.

Thus there also were many in the society who blamed

Rüdiger-san with words like "Even though you already have
such a Groom candidate...".

For example, even if that candidate was completely useless,

that didn't have to apply to the person recommending them.

Therefore, if one were suddenly to speak of that person as

no good, then it would worsen the relationship with their
mentor. There was no other way but to listen to their
arguments for the time being since those approaching the
parents were apparently quite important.

Being in dire distress by the appeals, it might have been

close to how it felt for politicians in my previous life.

In such situation Rüdiger-san chose Erich-nii-san.

Naturally, there were quite a lot people who didn't find this
amusing. Dealing with these troublesome interferences took
time which caused the official marriage to be delayed.
| Azura Ren |
"Although now those complaining about it have
diminished for the most part." (Rüdiger-san)

Going by Rüdiger-san's words, I play a big role in this too

for having received the Twin Dragon medal for slaying a
dragon and procuring a rank of associate baron.

Beforehand Erich-nii-san was thoroughly criticized with

words such as "Lowly person such as the fifth son of a poor
peasant knight", but now it was "He is the elder brother of the
hero who slayed the dragon, then he has to be a wonderful

It seems many people changed their opinion into this

direction now.

Although it is a detestable story, I decided to consider it a

good thing that I was able to provide back-up for Erich-nii-

"Even if it was by chance, it would have been fine to not

forcibly butt in on the case of Miriam-jou's groom... Though I
think it was still fortunate." (Mongérard)

"Our's is a fine knight peerage household." (Mongérard)

"In the case of such things as an associate barons's

household, it is likely they are involved with Finance Minister
Rückner." (Mongérard)

"Even if you forcibly send in others besides Erich, that cool

gentlemanly dragon-slaying hero will get mad if the
marriage is cancelled. (Mongérard)

"Considering the circumstances, he mustn't get angry,

| Azura Ren |
otherwise it would become unbearable here." (Mongérard)

Those were the honest thoughts of Viscount Mongérard

who had approached the parents.

He visited the Brandt household the day before the

ceremony. For some reason I ended up having to listen to
Rüdiger-san's complaints.

With "Don't think it's somebody else's problem, it could

very well have been yours, Sir Baumesiter." he gave me a
moral sermon lowering my spirit at the same time.

The final word on the selection of the groom technically

lies with Rüdiger-san as the current head of the Brandt
household. But, depending on the circumstances, there have
been more and more cases occurring where a groom is
forcibly pushed upon the parents.

This time they could breathe a sigh of relief and joy as

fortunately it did not happen.

"Today is the ideal weather for a party." (Burkhart)

"In Burkhart-san's case, rather than the weather your

motivation lies with getting drunk on sake..." (Wendelin)

"To reach the point to say such things, Associate Baron-

dono..." (Burkhart)

The party would be held in the garden of the Brandt family

estate with approximately 300 invitees.

This number of people seems to be the standard for lower-

ranking nobles on such occasion.
| Azura Ren |
The invited included relatives, friends, superiors, and
colleagues from one's workplace.

Also, the Brandt family was closely related to Viscount

Mongérard' parents and thus they were invited as well. From
the same faction as those parents, several nobles of not less
than intermediate rank were invited as well.

In case the person themselves cannot attend, they are

sending their eldest son as their representative. Apparently
this was the case for half of the invitees.

One hour before the party would begin, the madam of the
Brandt family and the maids working at the mansion were
humming with activity inside in order to prepare everything. I
started a conversation with Burkhart-san at the established
venue in the garden.

This reminds me, the margrave of Breithilde was pleased

with the character of Erich-nii-san as a civil officer, just as I
was. Burkhart-san seems to be partaking in the party as his

"It's been a long time after just 2 days?" (Wendelin)

"Don't mind the minor details. But, for you to be ennobled

as an associate baron, huh?" (Burkhart)

"I was the one most surprised by this development, you

know." (Wendelin)

"That means the achievements you obtained were just this

valuable." (Burkhart)

Burkhart-san arbitrarily nodded his head by himself while

| Azura Ren |
agreeing with a "un un."

"Even though Burkhart-san had distinguished himself in

that situation, too ..." (Wendelin)

"Look, I was just an extra, don't you agree?" (Burkhart)

"And yet you accepted 10% percent of the reward for the
magic core and the bones of the ancient dragon." (Wendelin)

Burkhart-san protected the magic airship so it wouldn't

sink. Counting this as my achievement was extremely unfair
and as result I was struck heavily.

Besides, Artur-san advised His Majesty that it would be

appropriate for Burkhart-san to receive 10% of the reward.
His Majesty assumed this stance, too.

Thus, Burkhart-san was to receive 150 platinum coins.

"For that reason, it is 150 platinum coins. Don't you think

half would more appropriate?" (Wendelin)

"I already am 48 years old. As funds to pay for alcohol at

old age that is more than plenty, don't you think? And besides
that... I have my own fortune as well, you know?" (Burkhart)

With these words Burkhart-san told me the amount of

money he had amassed as his own fortune. I wasn't able to
hide my astonishment at the excessive amount.

"In my time as adventurer our party racked in quite the

impressive income." (Burkhart)

As result of Artur-san's stubbornness, Burkhart-san, who is

| Azura Ren |
an elite magician, went as far as slaying a fire drake.

Given that, I certainly believe he has earned enough

income in the end.

Furthermore, my master also joined their party under the

pretext of newcomer training for a period of time.

Because of that, that party must have undoubtedly

possessed an earth-shattering battle power.

"The other members of the party walked off in order to

serve suitable nobles as they started their second life.
Therefore, I have no complaints with my share." (Burkhart)

While talking about this, Burkhart-san received the bag

with the 150 platinum coins from me and casually tossed it
into the magical bag.

"I received good drinking money." (Burkhart)

"Do you intend to buy something like a sake brewery?"


"Then it would turn out to always be the same kind of sake,

no?" (Burkhart)

While having such a chat, the time for the party to start was
steadily drawing near.

A table was placed in the garden of the mansion with many

splendid dishes and alcoholic drinks lined up on top of it.

As one would expect from a noble's party to celebrate the

announcement of a marriage, but since they invited close

| Azura Ren |
relatives, who also are nobles of intermediate rank, it was

"Being a noble is a serious matter." (Wendelin)

"What noble would be stingy on important ceremonial

occasions in family relationships? Such person would be seen
as a fool." (Burkhart)

Usually they lead a modest life earnestly saving money to

use it when the time has come where it counts, but proper
conduct as noble has to be protected after all.

Generally nobles below intermediate rank had to keep up

appearance in such manner.

"Whoever you invite is important as well." (Burkhart)

Following Burkhart-san's gaze, there was a pile of

celebratory gifts in the room connected to the garden where
he had placed five celebratory gifts earlier himself.

As one would expect, there was a no bag with money in it.

Primarily there were various articles that could be well used
by the couple in their daily life, and there were more things
such as clothes and jewelery.

Certainly, if the children of relatives are invited, the

parents can't attend empty-handed either. Also, bringing
cheap congratulatory gifts would be a reason for
embarrassment as well. There might be quite a few hardships
in regards to facet of money.

It is decided by the reputation of their long-lasting

customs. Additionally it is accompanied by the attempts to
| Azura Ren |
match the expenses for the gifts as much as possible.

"However, he's not here..." (Burkhart)

"Who is not here?" (Wendelin)

"It will become a big problem if that guy is not here."


As I was tilting my head in puzzlement in regards to

Burkhart-san's remark, Erich-nii-san appeared after having
changed into his uniform.

"It has been a while, Burkhart-san." (Erich)

"Yes. My lord has grieved over the fact that he couldn't

attend himself." (Burkhart)

"It can't be helped. He is the margrave of Breithilde after

all." (Erich)

"Maa, it's also to keep the balance as to not get too close to
the Brandt household." (Burkhart)

That's correct.

This time the Brandt household's side holds the leading

part in this marriage ceremony. If the margrave, who has a
fairly close friendship with the son-in-law, were to attend as
quest, it would influence the balance badly.

Although I could understand it, I actually feel like there are

too many bothersome issues with all the requirements of

"By the way... weren't there any congratulatory gifts

| Azura Ren |
delivered by the Baumeister household's side?" (Burkhart)

"Well, yes, actually I urged them many times over in

letters, but..." (Erich)

"Oi oi, is that really true? If this matter became known to

my lord..." (Burkhart)

Burkhart-san who usually had an easygoing attitude,

currently wore a very anxious facial expression.

"Um, what's this about?" (Wendelin)

"Erich's and your father didn't send any dowry."


In the case of marriage between fellow nobles, the bride's

family pays betrothal money to the family that accepted her
as bride. The bride also brings furniture and clothes and such
things, which are necessary for the life of a married couple, as
dowry from her home.

The estimation of the betrothal money is generally decided

by both parties depending on the pedigree of the families.
Explaining the smaller details now would be troublesome, so
I will leave them out.

Also, in the case of the groom being adopted into the family
of the bride, like Erich-nii-san, the family accepting the
groom relieves the family of the groom of its duty to provide a
dowry. Of course, it was still a common custom for the
groom's family to send congratulatory gifts as a return favor.

However, it seems the congratulatory gifts from the

Baumeister household, that should have been sent, had not
| Azura Ren |
yet arrived for some reason.

"Very crude, isn't it?" (Wendelin)

"Obviously. Such rude behavior cannot be excused."


Erich-nii-san's reputation will also suffer a great blow. The

attitude Burkhart-san displayed was totally understandable.
After all it would even affect the closely related margrave of
Breithilde's reputation in a large manner in the end.

However, up until now, the Baumeister family wasn't able

to read the situation nor were they able to properly judge it.

Should I say "as one would expect" in regards to the

kingdom's southernmost isolated poor noble's household?

"It's probably because it is far away, such things as goods

probably won't reach?" (Wendelin)

"No, that's not possible." (Burkhart)

There are cases where bulky goods from distant places

won't be delivered, so usually someone from the relatives
brings along money, jewels and such, it seems.

The likelihood of father himself coming is rather low.

Normally one of the siblings (with the exception of Erich-nii-
san), who isn't independent yet, would come to deliver the

Normally that is. As of yet no one has arrived here.

"I am troubled by this..." (Erich)

| Azura Ren |
Certainly, such situation was totally unexpected. However,
Erich-nii-san didn't feel compelled to voice his guess.

Besides, while the Baumeister household is ordinary and

also poor peerage, they surely wouldn't be frugal with money
on such official occasion.

What the heck has happened?

As I was pondering over this situation, a pair of two young

men approached our location.

They were the Baumeister's third son Paul and the fourth
son Helmut who were both invited by Erich-nii-san.

Both of them had already resigned from their succession

rights for the Baumeister household. They now work as
guards in the royal capital.

Their age was respectively 26 years old and 24 years old.

Both were still single.

If they had a wife, it would have been only natural to

attend together with her.

"Congratulations to your marriage, Erich." (Paul)

"Congratulations." (Helmut)

"Thank you very much, Paul-nii-san, Helmut-nii-san."


I had hardly ever spoken with those two elder bothers.

Although they congratulated Erich-nii-san, somehow their
facial expressions didn't match the celebratory occasion.

| Azura Ren |
"Is something wrong, elder brothers?" (Wendelin)

"Wendelin, huh. To tell you the truth, the reason is slightly

embarrassing..." (Paul)

"Currently you are the hot topic of the royal capital. We

came to hear about it even if it is blown out of proportion."

Honestly, because I haven't had a proper talk with them

yet, their calling out to me cause some uneasiness, though It
doesn't seem that my two elder brothers harbored particular
reservations towards me.

At the time when I still was at my family's home, the timing

to speak with them was difficult due to our big age gap.

And in regards to these two, a certain worry does exist.

"To be honest, this letter has arrived from home." (Paul)

Erich-nii-san began to read the letter which was taken out

by the third son Paul.

Although there was a tense air as he looked at it for a little

while, he breathed a sigh before long.

"Erich-nii-san." (Wendelin)

"I am troubled..." (Erich)

Erich-nii-san let me read the letter, too. The content

written within was outrageous.

To summarize it: They really didn't consider Erich-nii-san

to be adopted into a family of an equivalent knight peerage
| Azura Ren |
household. Furthermore, all the money they had saved up
until now was almost completely used for the eldest son
Kurt's marriage in the end. Honestly speaking, they had no
money to spend on him.

Moreover, there is no one who would take a congratulatory

money to the royal capital either.

Therefore, they left the loaning of money to "you", is what

was written there.

Written in the appendix was that they had paid "their"

reserve funds for independence in the first place and thus
had no further money to spend on "them". Thus, "them"
loaning out the money would be the expected way in this

It was a considerably irritating letter.

Besides, the pages were strangely filled with only hiragana

and katakana thus was quite difficult to read. Judging from
the handwriting, most likely it was written by the eldest son

By the way, regarding the "you" in the letter, I was told

Paul and Helmut were meant by that.

"Absurd and beyond the limit!" (Wendelin)

Towards the excessively irresponsible contents of the

letter, I was unable to be anything else but just shocked.

To begin with, the salaries my elder brothers received for

their work as guards are at most trivial amounts.

| Azura Ren |
It was annually 3 - 4 gold coins. This amount of money
would be sufficient to live an ordinary life in the countryside,
but the costs of living in a big metropolis like the royal capital
forced them to just barely scrape by with what they had.

Moreover, the funds for their own marriages were included

in that.

To loan out money as congratulatory gift was impossible in

the first place.

"Kurt-nii-san and father, what do they expect from

someone like us who are just regular members of the guard
troops in the royal capital?" (Helmut)

"No clue." (Erich)

Furthermore it had to be mentioned that my elder brothers

had left our home as they came of age on the condition of
resigning their rights of succession. Worrying about the
money, they had only received the nominal reserve funds for
self-support from father.

In other words, they already cut their relations to the

family. To pay out money for the sake of the Baumeister
household was completely unnecessary for them.

"They likely spent too much money on Kurt-aniki's

marriage." (Wendelin)

Accordingly, Erich-nii-san being adopted into the family of

a bride was a totally unforeseen event for them.

There was no money to pay out.

| Azura Ren |
"By the way, you received reserve funds on the condition of
resigning from the succession rights, too, Erich-nii-san, isn't
that right? Therefore, we can stop thinking about this matter
with this, no?" (Wendelin)

"No, such reason won't apply in this case." (Burkhart)

Burkhart-san immediately rejected my thoughts.

"In case of a marriage between noble families without the

succession on the line, there is no particular need to send
congratulatory gifts. However, Erich will become the next
head of the Brandt household. So to speak, the household will
be transferred to him. Usually, even if one has to take up a
loan, they will send a congratulatory gift by all means."

"Didn't the margrave-sama of Breithilde refuse that loan?"


"Certainly not! If they had asked him, he would have

absolutely lent them the money. If the Baumeaister
household can't send any congratulatory gifts because he
didn't loan them the necessary money, the lord would also
lose face." (Burkhart)

"I see..." (Wendelin)

Even though there were many people who agreed with

Burkhart-san's opinion, this talk had nothing to do with the
current situation.

Instead of blaming the stupid conduct of the Baumeister

household, time could be spent on better endeavors.

| Azura Ren |
At any rate, it was necessary to get those five
congratulatory gifts so that Erich-nii-san's reputation
wouldn't pummel for not receiving any congratulatory gifts
from his home.

"Then, I will put out the money." (Wendelin)

"That's a good idea. By luck, the boy has the money."


"Please tell me the estimated amount required. And also

about the goods, too, okay?" (Wendelin)

Before entering the prep school, I had trained my magic in

the savage lands and at the sea while at the same time
hunting, gathering and producing various commodities. If
there was something among those items that could be used, it
would be a simple retrieval from the magical bag.

If there isn't, I can call upon Artur-san's help, too.

In that person's case, it could be expected that the

appropriate goods for congratulatory gifts could be gathered
right away.

"Vel, I am sorry..." (Erich)

"We are too, all because of the Baumeister household. As a

household's head, doesn't nii-san think it's strange to not
congratulate?" (Paul)

Erich-nii-san is the brother I have the closest relationship

with, but this doesn't just finish as Erich-nii-san's problem.

It will turn into a huge blow to the honor and reputation of

| Azura Ren |
close relatives to the margrave of Breithilde as well. The
future of the remaining two elder brothers will be severely
influenced by this, too.

In this time's matrimony Erich-nii-san will become a

member of the Brandt family. The lower-ranking nobles
working at the governmental office involved in financial
affairs, their superiors, the close relatives and the nobles of
intermediate rank in the same faction within the upper
echelons, all of them will have a connection to him.

Since it seems like it will become impossible for my other

brothers, unlike Erich-nii-san, to be adopted into noble
households as well, it might be possible that they can only be
adopted into the households of branch families or of

"Or more precisely, there is a chance to tie connections to

the central government, no?" (Erwin)

Up until now, having kept quiet about the overwhelming

degree of stupidity of my family, Erwin leaked his thoughts

"Ah, the knight peerage household of Erwin-bou is low-

grade, too, huh?" (Burkhart)

Burkhart-san agreed to Erwin's assessment with an

understanding expression.

"Um, you can easily establish normal relations by

socializing here. If something then goes wrong, wouldn't you,
as a noble, be able to request the central government as
intermediary?" (Erwin)

| Azura Ren |
On rare occasions the central government appealed to the
small countryside feudal lords to solve troubles, too.

However, because the requests for such assistance from the

central government were so numerous, one had to wait in a
queue for a long time before their own turn would come up.

Even when, at last, one's turn came around for their

petition to be processed, it often happened that they were
rejected with simple words such as "It's impossible".

Therefore, the central government made the relatives of

low-ranked state-employed nobles, who were bound by
marriage connections, socialize with each other.

In the case that such a relative requested some assistance

from the central government, they entrust it to the other close
relatives of the lower-ranked state-employed nobles and the
intermediate-ranked nobles of the same faction.

Indeed, you can't stress enough how important personal

connections are.

Naturally, to maintain these relationships, it takes a small

amount of expenses, too. As the nobles are by nature stingy, I
think these costs are a problem.

"That only applies, if you consider normal nobles though,

however, the Baumeister household is somewhat of an
exception." (Burkhart)

"What do you mean by that?" (Erwin)

"They have a staggering preposition to be hikikomoris over

there." (Burkhart)
| Azura Ren |
Even though Burkhart-san answers Erwin's question, it
also seems to succinctly points out the reason why the
Baumeister household doesn't flourish either.

The founder was a poor second son of a knight peerage

household who never once able to hold a governmental office
in the royal capital. Hating these circumstances, he
apparently headed to the south.

He reclaimed uninhibited and undeveloped soil, eventually

founding a village there. He then received the kingdom's
recognition granting him that area as his own territory.

The hardships were not ordinary in the least. However, for

a second son and downward, this method was their best
chance to attain the status of a feudal lord.

Crossing the mountain range and reaching the basin where

he founded the village, the founder discovered just the right
plot of land.

The area was separated from other fiefs by mountain

ranges in the northern and western part, while to the east and
south there was a vast track of undeveloped land spreading
all the way to the sea. Just speaking of the extent, the size of
the area equaled a middle-sized nation.

There were no neighbors either, so it was also convenient

that he hadn't to worry about pointless conflicts over territory
and concessions.

The founder, who identified this place as his stronghold,

used his family's connection to invite the poor people living in
the capital to immigrate there and personally worked
diligently cultivating new land until they were covered in
| Azura Ren |

And that's what happened more than 100 years ago, with
the fourth generation being father, who is the current feudal

By the way, I only knew this because had checked on the

family tree in the past.

"However, they spent 100 years and the population is

currently around 800 people. There are three villages, right?
Is that a lot? Or is it few?"

"Considering it is a knight peerage, you could call that a lot.

Additionally, they seem to have recruited immigrants."

In that case the financial affairs should have a much better

state, if the bitter expedition to the Demon Forest didn't

"This problem originated with the head of the Baumeister

household by neglecting to keep close relationships, I
suppose. Maa, at least he hasn't had to frequently meet
someone this way though." (Burkhart)

Because close relations are required, it couldn't be helped

that he had to rely on the one closest to his territory, the
margrave of Breithilde. But, since the territory is physically
separated by the mountain range, too many connections
aren't possible either.

Even though the founder was able to live self-sufficiently

by being a hikikomori, he became an excessive hikikomori in
the end.

| Azura Ren |
"Forcing the previous lord to join the expedition wasn't
agreeable either." (Burkhart)

Desiring the ingredients for the unusually effective

medicine to cure his beloved son and heir from his illness, the
previous margrave of Breithilde put a huge strain on the
Baumeister household.

"That became the final push onto the road of excessive

isolation in the end. Up to that point is all I've heard from my
lord regarding the current circumstances..." (Burkhart)

"And that's why they didn't borrow any money from the
margrave of Breithilde?" (Erwin)

Since he remains a hikikomori, there is no particular need

for him to have close relations with the central government.

They have no money and they absolutely refuse to borrow

money from the margrave of Breithilde.

And even if the reputation of the Baumeister household

will plummet because of this case, they don't really care as
there is no punishment for it.

Since there is no violation of the law, the nobles living in

the royal capital will immediately forget about the breach of
noble manners of the Baumeister household which is located
in a remote region at the border.

Given that the margrave of Breithilde is a high ranking

person, Baumeister household can extend their thanks for
this "forgetfulness" to their lord.

Most likely that's what they are thinking.

| Azura Ren |
"They could care less about us..." (Paul)

Me, Erwin's group, Burkhart-san, and my elder brothers.

There were no words left to be said about the attitude of

the Baumeister household.

"That's quite the cruel story!" (Erwin)

"Burkhart-sama, can't the household of the margrave of

Breithilde dispatch a punitive force to the Baumeister
household?" (Helmut)

"That's no reason to dispatch soldiers." (Burkhart)

However, there is one thing bothering me that I can't


Nobles treasure their honor and pride above their own life.

Dispatching troops to pass over the mountain range is quite

difficult and it is obvious that it will end in failure.

Crossing a mountain is quite different from advancing in

the Demon Forest. Upon arriving, they would have to face a
defensive force of 800 villagers and the battle would turn into
a tragic event.

Assuming they win the battle while sacrificing many lives,

the resupply of goods on-site would still be impossible. Thus
they would have to rule over occupied territory across the
mountains while trying to revive it.

If you were to enact such an Endeavour, the finances of the

Breithilde margraviate would hit rock bottom.

| Azura Ren |
"It's only natural to see such things through." (Erwin)

"Well, even an ordinary mind would realize these

problems. Also, even small children should have the ability to
understand the strange obsession of the eldest inheriting son,
if they had seen his response." (Burkhart)

Given that insular territory, such considerations were


The eldest inheriting son was only concentrating on

keeping up the structure of the feudal lord being at the top of
the pyramid. That system was quite cold towards the children
and abandons any potential they had.

Even though there was no persecution and abuse, it also

was far from giving them the maximum of affection as it
considered any further kindness towards the young children
as being unnecessary.

Now that it has come to this, the old man within me was
troubled, too.

Surely I had distanced myself from my family because of

being seen with pity.

"In the case of Erich inheriting, that village would have

certainly developed far more for the better. Or, boy, in your
case as well." (Burkhart)

In the case I had become the head of the household, I could

have used magic to further the development. Actually, the
village chief Klaus had asked me to just do that.

"Also, if Erich-nii-san had become the head of the

| Azura Ren |
household, I would have assisted him." (Wendelin)

"Rather, the potential of that feels frightening... You seem

to get along well with others after all." (Erich)

I have confidence in my magic skills to some extent, but the

ways to govern a territory were mostly unknown to me. You
won't understand such things if you don't give them a go,

Therefore, if Erich-nii-san were to become the feudal lord,

I would have been happy to become his vassal.

"Huh? But, magicians mostly appear from ordinary

children. Wouldn't you feel like hiring them?" (Luise)

"That matter is quite easy. That's because it's impossible to

do so." (Burkhart)

Burkhart-san downright denied Luise's opinion.

"No matter how many children the boy produces, what do

you think it would take to employ magicians at the level of the
boy?" (Burkhart)

"But that's the price of a family." (Luise)

"It's always impossible to make a choice. Luise-jou-chan, if

you could hire a magic instructor for cheap money, what do
you think would happen? Your parents and siblings would say
'Such salary is no problem for our family'."

"Certainly, that is..." (Luise)

| Azura Ren |
Protected by that strong parental love, it would turn into a
relationship of exploitation. Such a thing wouldn't be able to
last for long.

"Isn't it? Furthermore, even if it would work at the

beginning, I think the boy would escape in the end."

To detain me, overwhelming strength would be necessary,

too. To lose such a magician due to ineptitude ought to cause
voices of dissatisfaction to appear.

"Anyway, it's not possible to pay the estimated salary, thus

it is better not employ such magician to begin with."

Then the topic returned to Erich-nii-san becoming the

head of the household again. Someone like nii-san will put in
great efforts to pay an appropriate salary and thus I can
understand that me trying to help out would put a huge strain
on him.

In any case, I can easily raise money by myself. Even if I

missed out on a successful career through such a small
contract, it would still be fine with me.

That said, please don't ask me to offer such free beneficial

services to such a father and Kurt-nii-san!

That is my heartfelt opinion.

"In a summary, for those accumulated reasons the situation

is hopeless in regards to the congratulatory gifts. Boy, the
only choice is for you to help out here. Afterwards my lord
will refund the total amount to you." (Burkhart)
| Azura Ren |
"I understand." (Wendelin)

Not returning the money is fine with me too though, but I

couldn't say that because it would impact the honor of
margrave-sama of Breithilde and I decided to accept a only a
portion of the refunds with the exception of the share of the
new Baumeister household head.

"I am sorry, Burkhart-sama." (Erich)

"We have no money..." (Paul)

"No, in this case it's the fault of your family's home being
weird... Asking the sons who were already paid out their
independence reserve funds to then pay the money for the
congratulatory gifts in advance, that's something you will
hardly, if ever, hear about." (Burkhart)

Although my elder brothers were apologizing to Burkhart-

san, it would certainly be unfair to blame them for this whole

Furthermore my elder brothers had already gone to a great

extent to buy their own congratulatory gifts for Erich-nii-san's

"Etto, how much will be needed to buy the congratulatory

gifts?" (Wendelin)

"In the case of a knight peerage household, it would be one

gold plate. But it's common custom to spend half of the gold
coins to buy goods for adding them to the gift tables as well."

During the party, the invitees would be able to look into

| Azura Ren |
open room holding the gifts without even having to say as

Also, because both families would be tied together in the

end, it was a good idea to blend in local products from their
territories as gifts as well.

Isn't this like placing kombu and surume (dried squid) on

top of a small offering stand as it happens during the
exchange of engagement gifts?

"Our own home's local special product, huh?" (Wendelin)

"There's really no need to think so hard about it though.

Typical goods from the region should be fine. If there's
nothing in your magical bag, get Artur to prepare some for
you, okay?" (Burkhart)

"Artur-san is a merchant after all, but he didn't receive an

invitation." (Wendelin)

"Well, that's only natural. He was able to make some

connection to the Brandt household since you are related to
them, boy, but it's not even at the level of them knowing each
other's faces yet. Furthermore..." (Burkhart)

In reality, there were quite a few nobles and merchants

wishing to participate in Erich-nii-san's marriage at the last
minute. It went so far that it was necessary to deal with it
carefully as to not trigger incidents.

Apparently the main reason for this was me.

"A lot of people are rushing in to have a chance of forming

connections with you. However, this is Erich's marriage party
| Azura Ren |
nonetheless, so I also asked Rüdiger-dono to handle these
issues to avoid such impolite arguments happening."

"That's quite some work..." (Wendelin)

"Of course. Or perhaps it would be a good idea to have

them treat me to sake as fee for their impoliteness."

"Sake? I actually do have some." (Wendelin)

Because I hesitated to place something so dull next to the

place adorned with all those congratulatory gifts, I had put
the bottles of sake into my magical bag. Now I began to take it

Those were the fruits of my reproduction experiments with

distillation and fermentation magic. I used such ingredients
as strawberries, mountain grapes, sugar, rice, wheat, and so

For the time being I piled up wine, fruit liqueur, rum,

shochu and ale on the table.

"Hee. You are able to use quite the variety of different

types of magic. Let's see..." (Burkhart)

Burkhart-san started to sampling the drinks right away.

There was no reason to use odd failed creative works as
congratulatory gifts even if they were just fine.

Since I still was a minor, I couldn't drink sake either.

"Very good flavor. Even if it falls behind the most famous

| Azura Ren |
brands of sake, it is sufficiently good enough to drink at home
with the evening meal." (Burkhart)

Although Burkhart-san ended up putting all the bottles I

had taken out at the beginning into his magical bag, I still had
quite a lot left as there was no space to actually place them all
in the open.

"Did you use magic for the sake bottle as well?" (Burkhart)

"Yes." (Wendelin)

"You... just how many more types of magic are you actually
hiding. I am quite jealous." (Burkhart)

Because a glass bottle had been impossible, I made all the

bottles with earthenware. Rather than calling it a bottle, it was
more like an earthenware container to be precise.

To seal the containers I used cork wood which is growing

in the Savage Lands. I also put in a lot of work to shape the
containers into practical forms as far as it was possible. The
sake didn't really leaked out more than was acceptable either.
But I can guarantee that there was no artistic quality.

Next I took out about 10 earthenware pots filled with salt

which I had made in huge amounts as well. Given that I was
planning to raise the available amounts for sale in the inland
areas around the royal capital, I am sure the people will be
glad about this.

I continued with taking out the same amount of

earthenware pots again but this time filled with sugar. This
was mainly produced in the south and thus the market price
for it was slightly high in the capital.
| Azura Ren |
Furthermore, there were bags filled with wheat and rice,
and some tanned hides I had processed from the bear and
deer pelts I previously received from hunting.

And also, there were the bow and arrows, I had ordered at
the shop in Breitburg for Erich-nii-san, placed inside the
magical bag.

For the bride I had previously purchased silken clothes in

Breitburg as I didn't really know what was a good gift to
present a woman. I also went and gathered agate and jade
ores in the Savage Lands.

"I think that's all of it?" (Wendelin)

"As you became the master of a household now, boy, that is

a plenty enough amount for two households." (Burkhart)

The space designated for the congratulatory gifts appeared

to be entirely buried all together at last.

If I didn't place it on the side of the congratulatory gifts

from the groom, the space would have been left empty which
would have caused Erich-nii-san to be publicly embarrassed.

"Whatever father and elder brother are doing, doesn't

really matter to us at all..." (Paul)

"If they live as shut-ins in their territory, they won't hear

about the bad reputation from outside anyway after all..."

Although I haven't spoken with Paul-nii-san and Helmut-

nii-san about this matter either, as one would expect they too
ended up judging it as pitiful in the end.
| Azura Ren |
"Sorry, Wendelin." (Paul)

"No, I hadn't revealed my congratulatory gifts because I

didn't arrange any. For the time being, I will entrust you with
the letter to father demanding him to return the loan."

"It might be futile." (Paul)

"Regard it as formality, just in case it won't be returned in

the end." (Wendelin)

"That's a good idea..." (Paul)

With a father causing such unprecedented trouble to the

degree of requesting his sons to loan the money for the
congratulatory gifts themselves, you could be 100% certain
that the money lent in advance won't be returned anyway.

Still, in order to send a letter pressing my demands, I asked

my elder brothers to handle it.

"Vel, I am very sorry..." (Erich)

"Erich-nii-san hasn't done anything wrong." (Wendelin)

In the end I took out the amount of money in gold coins

and goods as congratulatory gifts covering the portions of two

Still, with the inheritance from master I had received in the

past, the combined items I laboriously gathered and produced
in the Savage Lands since my childhood, and the 1350
platinum coins I received just two days ago from His Majesty,
such a degree of expenses wasn't even worth mentioning to
| Azura Ren |

"No, that's not it..." (Erich)

"Eh? What do you mean?" (Wendelin)

I noticed that somehow Erich-nii-san's apology wasn't

about the issue with the congratulatory gifts.

As the ceremony was about to begin, the invitees started to


| Azura Ren |
Chapter 31: Circumstances Of The Helmut Kingdom

"Haa... I'm tired..." (Wendelin)

It was now evening and Erich-nii-san's marriage

announcement party had safely ended.

Including the bride, Erich-nii-san had received various

words of congratulations and blessings from his friends and
co-workers from the town hall. Erwin, Ina and Luise busied
themselves with having a good time while mixing with the

"You had it rough. Viscount Mongérard was quite

persistent, huh." (Erwin)

"No, that person went around suppressing them. Thanks to

that, it actually was not that bad." (Wendelin)

If one were to speak of trouble, then certainly it would be

about the fact of I was continuously, without a break, being
surrounded by many participants during the ceremony.

At this time I finally understood the meaning behind Erich-

nii-san's apology...

The story of Burkhart-san and me defeating the ancient

dragon took merely hours to spread a roughly accurate tale
within the royal capital.

Burkhart-san, being aware that his own magic couldn't

defeat the ancient dragon, exerted himself to see to the
| Azura Ren |
matter of the defense of the magic airship while remaining on
the ship himself. Having the ancient dragon be put to rest by
cleansing it with my Holy magic, that could be called a fact up
till there.

Sadly, people kept omitting different parts in order to save

time with the argument "The story was different." when
recounting it with others who had also heard the story. As
such, I kept getting handled like a new toy by the party
participants in the end.

Certainly, they didn't expect the one in the rumor about

defeating an ancient dragon to be participating today in the
marriage party they attended.

Furthermore, I was actually the bridegroom's own little


Some of the sharp-sighted fellows noticed it, and

apparently quite a few nobles and merchants were scheming
in order to try participate in the party just to contact me.
Skilfully, without raising any strife, Rüdiger-san, Burkhart-
san, and the patron of the Brandt family, Viscount
Mongérard, took care of refusing their unreasonable

With a height of about 190 centimeters and a slender body

with a white skin, Viscount Mongérard, who appeared to be
about 40 years old, indeed had the countenance of a typical

Although it turned out that I took the leading part of the

marriage announcement party of his precious vassal, which
also caused me to feel as if I was being quite impolite, he
periodically came and dispersed the latest group of people
| Azura Ren |
hanging onto me for longer than was polite.

Indeed, such attentive concern could be also seen as

appropriate for a household serving as bureaucrats for

"I am thankful towards Viscount Mongérard." (Wendelin)

During the ceremony, the cruel fellows didn't even turn

their gaze towards the appearance of Erich-nii-san in his
uniform and the bride in her dress they had painstakingly
prepared for this occasion.

They continued to singularly talk to me.

Apart from retainer and servant candidates, there were

children introduced to me in order to make an acquaintance,
daughters were introduced to me where it was even fine for
them to just be a concubine, and it turned even more extreme
when they talked about suspicious investments and proposed

Owing it to them, I was beginning to feel full of guilt

towards Erich-nii-san.

However, while my side was troubled, Erwin's group fully

enjoyed blending in the crowd at that time, too. Seeing this,
my guilt lessened quite a lot.


"...You guys apparently had quite the fun." (Wendelin)

"Well, yea." (Erwin)

| Azura Ren |
After the party concluded without any problems, I lay
sprawled on top of the bed in the guest room that the Brandt
household had prepared for me while talking with Erwin.

Erich-nii-san had arranged it for us so that we could stay in

this room during our visit in the royal capital. Erwin and
myself, as well as Ina and Luise, were each assigned a double

"Although you are theoretically a retainer, you didn't come

to help me either." (Wendelin)

"As of yet it's only on paper, and I haven't receive any

wages yet either." (Erwin)

"Since that is a sound argument, there is nothing I can

retort to." (Wendelin)

Erwin's group had become retainers in name. This was all

in order to avoid having annoying job seekers swarm me.

For now there was no one but my party members, who

shared the same ambition as me to become adventurers. After
we retired from being adventurers, the plan was that they
would become true retainers accompanying me.

"However, it will become difficult for you from here on,

Vel." (Erwin)

"Leaving the royal capital..." (Wendelin)

"Since you can't do anything about that, how about you

have your fill of sightseeing of the capital during your
summer vacation?" (Burkhart)

| Azura Ren |
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and it was opened.

Burkhart-san stood there. Most likely he had heard our

conversation about the various topics.

Unexpectedly this kind of statement was said.

"Eh? We can't do anything about that?" (Wendelin)

"Ah, after this, the struggling of the boy will begin. Thanks
to that, I will be taking care of you while in the capital as well.
Though it's fine as it is an easy job." (Burkhart)

Suddenly subjugating an ancient dragon, receiving a medal

in a conferring of decorations, which hadn't been rewarded
for more than 200 years, honoring this achievement and
being appointed to the rank of associate baron as a young

Moreover, this young man attained an enormous wealth by

selling the bones and the magic core of the ancient dragon he
had defeated.

In such case, there could be only one thing that the nobles
of this kingdom, who only cared about wealth and the
authority to rule, would think of.

"The strive to become your retainers, wives, or concubines

is only the beginning of it all. To start with, this case will
become a competition." (Burkhart)

"'Who will make him their vassal', isn't it?" (Erwin)

"Ohh! Erwin-boy's unexpected wisdom has come around."

| Azura Ren |
"I am slightly hurt here though..." (Erwin)

"Sorry, sorry. With this you should understand the reason

why I will stay at the boy's side, right?" (Burkhart)

Patron and vassal.

Summarizing this system in a single comment, this was the

real aim of the aristocratic community.

From the knight peerage to the dukes, as they were all

appointed to their peerage by the royal family, they likewise
serve the royal family.

If we assume that this is the official stance, the economic

strength of a single village stems from the collected taxes and
the military strength comes from the dozens who can be
mobilized in a knight peerage. Such a territory can be
compared to a small country in regards to its economic
strength, but the earls and dukes at the border, which can
mobilize over 10'000 soldiers, are in no way the same
situation though.

This might be part of the real intention.

Even so, there are too many knight peerages, associate

barons and etc., for the kingdom to control. Thus the central
government leaves the management to the local high-ranking

With the kingdom having such a motive, this system has

continued its function since the establishment of the

The patron of my home, the Baumeister household,

| Azura Ren |
naturally is the margrave of Breithilde.

The reason is that the margrave household of Breithilde

gathered in the southern part of the kingdom, and thus for
such reason many normal nobles, governing over their own
territories from nearby places, gathered around them. It was
also normal for the nobles in office at the central government
to gather since the official positions were inheritable.

Actually, there are many like the Brandt family, which has
inherited the job related to financial affairs for many
generations. Viscount Mongérard was the vassal of Finance
Minister Rückner and thus served as his trusted retainer.

"But, it's strange. In case of Vel's patron, wouldn't the

margrave of Breithilde have priority?" (Erwin)

"If you consider things normally, that is true, but there are
people who don't think so . Furthermore, by their own
conclusion, this way of thinking is not wrong." (Burkhart)

Simply put, I am a vassal to the margrave of Breithilde as I

am coming from the Baumeister household. At the present
time I am aiming to become an adventurer and thus attending
the prep school that is also located in the territory of the
margraviate of Breithilde.

After graduation, the southern area, which contains the

territory of the margraviate, will become my area of activity.
Thus, thinking about it normally, the margrave of Breithilde
naturally has the privilege to take me in as their vassal.

"In reality, my master had decided to employ the boy

before he was swarmed. Due to the interference by that
shrewd king, the boy was raised to a direct retainer instead."
| Azura Ren |

Thus, since I am a noble of the kingdom as associate baron,

in the same way as the margrave of Breithilde, it would not be
possible for me to become a retainer of the margrave.

However, if we assume that His Majesty made me a noble

with such a hidden agenda, then His Majesty apparently is an
extremely shrewd person after all.

"Even if the boy became a vassal of someone, His Majesty

wouldn't say anything in particular. However, in the off
chance that an emergency occurs, at that time the royal family
would have the priority in ordering him." (Burkhart)

Other than following the orders of the patron, I would also

have to follow the orders of the royal family as they are my

Well, I guess that is just natural.

"Well then, given that situation, has margrave-sama of

Breithilde decided to become his patron?" (Erwin)

"On the contrary, there is no reason for such a conclusion."


First of all, it seems there will be difficulties in dealing with

the nobles in office as I have no territory of my own.

"In the same way as the boy, there have been many
examples of people obtaining achievements and getting a
similar conferring of decoration in the past." (Burkhart)

Because their achievements were great, they received the

| Azura Ren |
annual salary of nobles and were bestowed the right of
succession for their descendants.

But, there was no territory handed over alongside and

neither were they given any kind of official position.

Although it was necessary to visit the royal capital once a

year in order to receive their annual salary, they were
basically free to do whatever they wanted for the rest of the

They were in the same position as I am now. As a matter of

fact, it seems that quite a number of such people actually

"If there is territory, there will be an intermediate-ranked

noble with big influence in the local area, just like the
margrave-sama of Breithilde. Those are important nobles
who gather the smaller nobles under their control with no
means for them to escape, as there is hardly any other choice
left for those smaller nobles." (Burkhart)

There was a knock on the door.

This time it was Erich-nii-san, who had changed into casual

wear after the party ended, appeared in the doorway.

"However, doesn't this narrow down his options?" (Erwin)

"If I were to tell my position on this, wouldn't you want to

become the vassal of Marquis Rückner if it was possible?"

"Huh? You mean like Viscount Mongérard?" (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
"The patron of Viscount Mongérard is Marquis Rückner,
isn't he?" (Erwin)

This is the complicated part of the patron/vassal system.

Viscount Mongérard is the patron of the Brandt household
and at the same time he is the vassal of Marquis Rückner.

Thus it might be easier to understand if one were to call the

Brandt household the vassal's vassal of Marquis Rückner. As
one would expect though, there is no such designation such as
"yori mago."

"It's Marquis Rückner, isn't it?" (Wendelin)

"Vel ought to have met him during the audience with His
Majesty, the person who holds the position of Finance
Minister." (Erich)

"Ah, the guy who tried to be stingy with the sales of the
bones and magic core... Oops, that was a slip of tongue."

"Well... that gentleman is... However, the Finance Minister

certainly has a variety of difficulties to deal with." (Erich)

"After all the budget isn't inexhaustible. If His Majesty

would mention these stingy words, his popularity with the
people and nobles would also drop. Thus, it is sometimes the
Finance Minister's job to say those disagreeable things instead
of His Majesty." (Burkhart)

The outcry to bargain on the price of those bones during

the audience had such an ulterior motive, Burkhart-san

| Azura Ren |
Because the Finance Minister tried to lower the price of the
bones, he was disliked by me. And there, His Majesty
intervenes in order to salvage the situation in my favor.

(ED: Yes, you were played by the King, Wend.)

As thanks from His Majesty, the excess budget from the

cost of the magic core was given to the Finance Minister for
circulating it to other projects that were suffering a budget

It seems to be a complete give-and-take relationship.

"The Marquis is an outstanding statesman as he doesn't

abuse his authority, nor does he increase his own fortune
illegally. He also has the deep trust of His Majesty."

"Although this is quite wonderful to learn, I am quite full of

all the politic matters these past days." (Wendelin)

Honestly, no matter how much magic you use, it's still not
possible to make all these troublesome matters go away.

Just like in my previous life where there was this

troublesome matter called human relationships.

"And thus the talk has returned to its beginning. Boy, do

you want to become the vassal of my master?" (Burkhart)

"In the present situation, there is no other choice."


Currently I am a scholarship student at the adventurer

prep school managed by the margrave of Breithilde located in
| Azura Ren |
After graduation I had planned to operate in the vicinity of
Breitburg using the city as base of operations. It doesn't make
sense to become the vassal of another noble at this point.

"Although it isn't favorable for Erich-nii-san..." (Wendelin)

I told him that I wouldn't become the vassal of Marquis


"There is no particular need to worry about that. The idea

was only to the degree that he'd have been lucky if he was to
get you, so Marquis Rückner won't mind it either." (Erich)

Even if the Marquis Rückner household held the position

of Finance Minister as heritage, I wasn't going to risk such
foolery as making an enemy out of the Breithilde margraviate
household that managed the entire southern part of the

Moreover I am the biological little brother of Erich-nii-san

who is a vassal himself.

That is already more than sufficient as connecting

relationship. Any more than that might very likely be
considered to be greedy as well.

"Really, you can't help but get a stomach ache with that
noble's behavior..." (Wendelin)

"The seed of rice has been already planted for several

thousand years. I have the same degree of difficulties as I
stand at the entrance to this world as well. Being pushed like
this, haven't you already entered this world a little bit as well,
Vel?" (Erich)

| Azura Ren |
As the new head of the Brandt household, Erich-nii-san
has the position of vassal of the vassal to Marquis Rückner.
Luckily he has left a big impression on Marquis Rückner in
this matter during this time.

Furthermore, Erich-nii-san is frighteningly clever. Perhaps

he will be appointed to a responsible and trusted post by
Marquis Rückner in the future.

"If Erich-dono has a successful career, the impression of

his close little brother will improve as well. When this
happens, Erich-dono will very likely be able to request
various things of the boy." (Burkhart)

"Huh? What would he want to request of me?" (Wendelin)

"I don't know if it will be in ten years or even later, but that
fellow [Armstrong] might become aware of your
circumstances and the Palkenia Grasslands problem might
start to move, I guess ..." (Burkhart)

I wasn't aware of that person who is called Armstrong. If he

is a noble, it won't probably be any decent experience, I began
to think in the end.

If possible, I didn't want to get involved with him.

"I have no clue where the Palkenia Grasslands can be

found, but I am a minor. Lately, although I guess it shouldn't
really be a surprise, I have been dragged into weird power
struggles between nobles which usually invites misfortune.
For the remaining vacation I plan to enjoy myself with normal
activities such as sightseeing of the capital, shopping, and
indulging myself in eating high-quality food." (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
"But, boy. These things are things that cannot be done
without companions. Moreover, sightseeing and shopping,
are matters naturally reserved for only girlfriends for some
odd reason so to speak." (Burkhart)

"Ina and Lusie aren't really my lovers or wives though..."


For the remainder of my vacation, I want to go sightseeing

famous places in this vast capital, choose some goods to
purchase, and go around eating delicious things...

But by no means did I want to hear complaints from Ina

and Luise such as "You have neglected me for several days!"
since I wouldn't be able to think of an apology for that. I am
pretty confident that I can enjoy sightseeing by only myself
just fine.

"Because I (watashi) will keep them company with my

wife..." (Erich)

As one would expect, Erich-nii-san, who will already be 23

years old this year and has also married, apparently stopped
using "boku" to address himself.

And yet, will he still return to his old way when he is

talking with me? Once in a while there is a "boku" mixed in.

"Eh? Is it fine?" (Wendelin)

"I took three days off. I will guide them so they can enjoy
themselves." (Erich)

At last the marriage party has finished without any

incidents. I decided, with solid determination, that from
| Azura Ren |
tomorrow onwards I will fully enjoy my regular summer

| Azura Ren |
Chapter 32: Royal Head Magician, Klimt Christoph
Von Armstrong

"Oh, Your Majesty. I wish to express my gratitude for

reserving your precious time for someone like me." (???)

It was five days after a mere 12-year old boy subjugated an

undead, ancient dragon causing a huge uproar in the royal

The place was the audience hall of the royal castle, where
King Helmut the 37th granted his nation's Head Magician,
Klimt Christoph von Armstrong, an audience.

Armstrong-doushi1 had the appearance of a younger 30-

year old on a first look, but in reality the true age of his
youthful physique was actually nearing 40 years.

He was a genius who has worked as the kingdom's Royal

Head Magician for about ten years. Furthermore he
possessed a rather large build.

He is 210 centimeters in height and weighs over 130

kilogram; in other words, you could call him a bear of a man.

Because he was a magician he wore a robe, although the

inner part of the robe was filled with steel-like muscles.

Furthermore, the wand he held in his hand was also


It was nearly as long as his own height, difficult to be held

by a magician. Usually a wand is made out of wood but this
| Azura Ren |
one was completely made out of mithril. At the tip there was a
deep red magic crystal attached with a size of the degree of a

Based on his appearance, rather than a magician he could

certainly be labelled as a martial artist, warrior, or something
along those lines. Even if you assumed him to be a magician
after all, he would be categorized as the type specialized in

He had trained his body to the limits to use the vast

amount of mana he possessed. With his ultra high speed flight
magic, which allowed him to freely maneuver in all
directions, his enemies were pulverized.

Moreover, Armstrong-doushi's magic attribute of the

emission system was nothing to sneer at in regards to its

Its shape wasn't spherical, but appeared in the shapes of a

snake and he was capable of controlling up to 8 such bodies,
freely and all at once, which were made out of fire and ice.

There was no need to talk about its obvious power.

Since this world has not had a war in quite a while, this
combat-type Royal Head Magician was appointed to his
position because of his peculiar, offensive magic in these
times of pursuing a balance and peace.

At the military exercise which was performed once a year,

he was endowed with a strategic class fighting strength which
had earned him the title [Match for a Thousand].

"If a war was about to start, an unskilled invasion with an

| Azura Ren |
army corps, with a troubling composition, could be easily
massacred by Armstrong himself without concern for their

Those were the honest opinions of the Holy Empire

Urguhart's army top brass.

"To meet you, We don't mind spending some of Our time."

(King Helmut)

"I am extremely honored." (Armstrong)

An audience for the Royal Head Magician might seem

weird as the king of a whole country certainly was busy with
various issues. Thus no matter how much he was a Royal
Head Magician, it wasn't a simple feat to have a long
conversation with His Majesty. His previous words served as
proof of that.

Nevertheless, Helmut the 37th put in great efforts to meet

Armstrong-doushi as soon as possible.

Only that could serve as proof of his trust in Armstrong.

"Fumu. Sorry for troubling you with the scouting mission

in the Palkenia Grasslands." (King Helmut)

"Not at all, the scouting mission was quite easy. This

reconnaissance has already been done directly by seven
generations of Royal Head Magicians after all. Though there
is no new information to report either." (Armstrong)

"So, that's how it is. Just as before, as long as the [Grade

Grande] isn't defeated the development of the grasslands
remains impossible." (King Helmut)
| Azura Ren |
"I'm afraid that is so..." (Armstrong)

The royal capital of the Helmut Kingdom, Stadtburg,

exceeded a population of 1 million people. As a matter of fact,
there was a problem that was assigned for generations of
kings as homework.

That was to solve the problem of the food situation as there

were too many mouths to feed.

Of course, being completely self-supporting was close to

impossible and and the kingdom's side didn't intend to go
that far either.

However, the grain supply from the grain-producing

regions like the border territory of the margraviate of Holmer
was separated by over 1000 kilometers from Stadtburg which
obviously could be called a problem.

Although there was the problem of distance, too, if you

considered the issue of security guarantee, they wanted a
large-scale grain producing region under their direct control.

Several small to mid-sized areas already existed, but as far

as large-scaled areas were concerned, the geographical
conditions were severe.

Even on the condition of annexing such a place, if possible,

the reality was that there was no such place in the range of
100 kilometers from Stadtburg except one, the Palkenia

This Palkenia Grasslands was a huge flat grass-covered

region with just the proper amount of precipitation as well.
The water necessary for agriculture could be provided by the
| Azura Ren |
the rivers flowing close by and you could expect the
development to be comparatively easy!

Well then, why hadn't anyone develop this are untill now?
That was, simply put, because this area was a monster

"Because it is a plain, the Grade Grande can be seen quite

often. It was leisurely preying on a crowd of horn sheep and
attacked them." (Armstrong)

"That annoying old experienced mole." (King Helmut)

The Grade Grande was a huge monster with the Dragon

attribute which decided to make the Palkenia Grasslands it's
own turf.

Its age is assumed to be older than 5000 years and its over-
all length is about 30 meters.

Although it doesn't reach the power or length of the

undead, ancient dragon from before, it was a monster
(bakemono) categorized as Calamity Class by humanity.

"In the case of the Palkenia Grasslands, if only that Grade

Grande could be defeated, it would be possible to have the
adventurer forces to exterminate the other monsters in one
go..." (King Helmut)

The majority of the monster domains were forests,

mountains, plateaus, deserts and rocky areas. All the places
where it would be difficult to completely exterminate the
monsters living there. Most of the areas weren't worth the
time and labor to expressly clear of monsters.

| Azura Ren |
However, in the case of the Palkenia Grasslands, if the
Grade Grande was defeated, they could immediately start to
develop the area for agriculture.

Also, if the monsters domain in the grassland area, which

was about 100 kilometers away from the royal capital,
disappeared, then the access to the outer regions would
improve as the need for a large detour around it would also

Considering the point of view for the distribution of goods

along the roads, the economic effect would become

"That's why I thought, for generations of Majesties..."


"Well, there will be heaps of corpses around..." (King


Gathering a great number of adventurers, it was possible to

aim for the head of Grade Grande.

The military authorities would demand to be allowed to

dispatch the troops as physical training and wanting to reap
some achievements as well. The king could only imagine
thousands of military troops being annihilated at that time...

The kingdom came into existence by capturing relatively

easy monster domains and liberating them successfully at

Even if they didn't succeed in one, there were more than

double the amount of domains on the continent in
comparison. However the access to uninhibited savage lands
| Azura Ren |
wasn't available either.

But since then, the practice of liberating a monster domain

has hardly succeeded in the last millennium.

The locations that were fairly easy to liberate now were

those that were already prepared by the ancient people.

What remained were either areas with difficult and rough

geographies, or areas where the monsters are organize by
greater monsters whom reigned at the top of the food chain
as kings and are difficult to defeat.

"Very well, all that remains is the king of the domain with
the dragon attribute." (King Helmut)

"The domain is not fully explored yet, and if we're unlucky

then there might be Earth Turtles and Birds of Paradise that
have became kings as well." (Armstrong)

"Haste might not be the best course of action either...

Previously, there was a grand army sent to its death by
someone who wanted to obtain the ultra-rare ingredients for
an unusually effective medicine, all to cure their ailing son."
(King Helmut)

"The margrave of Breithilde, no?" (Armstrong)

"His predecessor; the current generation's head won't

imitate such reckless behavior. One way or another, we will
be busy with the reorganization." (King Helmut)

The annihilation of the previous margrave of Breithilde's

army in the Demon Forest was received with a shock in the
royal palace.
| Azura Ren |
If it was the arbitrary action of someone on the level of a
baron, the royal palace wouldn't pay any heed to it. But, as
the the margrave of Breithilde had the leading position in the
assembly on nobles in the southern part of the kingdom, such
a matter had caused huge waves.

If the margraviate of Breithilde somehow drifted into a

state of chaos, it would have a huge impact on the kingdom's
southern parts.

"Your best friend has already died." (King Helmut)

"Yes... Alfred wasn't a man who was supposed to die on

such an absurd expedition. Not only was he my best friend, he
also was my strongest rival..." (Armstrong)

The two were magicians born in the royal capital with the
same capacity in magic.

One was an orphan who didn't even know his parents,

while Klimt was the second son of the Kingdom's most
distinguished noble family, the Armstrong earl household.

By all rights, these two should have concluded their lives

while not meeting the gaze of the other in their whole life.
Yet, as a result of both having talent in magic, they both
enrolled in the capital's adventurer prep school and ended up
having their desks right next to each other, driving both to
further master magic and martial arts.

"His mana was slightly above mine, and the same can be
said about his level of physical ability enhancement magic.
My method of using magic of the emission system to gain
power originally was from Alfred's discovery. Furthermore,
Alfred skilfully mastered the usage of multi-colored magic. As
| Azura Ren |
I am an awkward person, I thought it would be impossible for
me to become the Royal Head Magician." (Armstrong)

As he had become that Royal Head Magician himself,

Alfred, who didn't have any nice memories of his childhood
as orphan in the capital, soon ended up being employed by
the margrave of Breithilde after retiring from his work as

Even so, that choice led the young talent leave behind the
land for eternity.

"I looked forward to having a serious magic duel with

Alfred someday..." (Armstrong)

"Regarding the circumstances of Alfred, I also feel sorry for

his master, Burkhart, who took care of him." (King Helmut)

Armstrong-doushi could still clearly recall the matter of

Burkhart becoming Alfred's master.

Although his mana fell short in comparison to those two,

he was a person who had ought to be respected for
compensating with his intelligence, experience, and training.

It was just slightly ironic that he occasionally stained this

respect with his excessive drinking.

"But now that Burkhart seems to be taking care of Alfred's

'disciple'. They are currently in the royal capital." (King

"About what you've just mentioned, please tell me more!"


| Azura Ren |
He ended up using a loud voice, but there was a good
reason for it.

The one rival he had recognized as such had a disciple;

Alfred even went as far as becoming a talking corpse to
convey his techniques to him.

Moreover that disciple, on the way to the royal capital in

order to attend his older brother's wedding, had defeated an
undead, ancient dragon almost completely by himself. The
chances of the appearance of such a beast and his actions
were close to a miracle.

"At the time Your Majesty summoned the boy, I was still at
the Palkenia Grasslands." (Armstrong)

'What a bad timing!' Armstrong-doushi ended up thinking.

Therefore he had considered to participate in the older

brother's marriage party, but his family ended up stopping

As that disciple had obtained such a level of achievement

he was granted the title of associate baron, it seems that there
were many who greedily wanted to use the opportunity of the
wedding to form a connection with him.

"You shouldn't ruin the elder brother's long-awaited

marriage announcement party with such boorish conduct."
was the warning given by the marquis Finance Minister
Rückner in the end.

"I want to meet that boy." (Armstrong)

"I can very well understand that feeling. But it should be

| Azura Ren |
fine to wait for a few more days." (King Helmut)

"A few more days? Oh! So you have approved my strategy!"


"No matter how strong you may be, that [Grade Grande] is
not anything you should fight by yourself. We are not overly
eager to lose you to such a gamble." (King Helmut)

It didn't matter how elite the army facing that dragon was,
it would still be an act of recklessness.

The vast range of its breath attack alone would end up

causing high, pointless losses in the long run.

In the worst case, all of them could end up being


In order to defeat the dragon, they decided to use

magicians who were capable of using ancient flight magic to
attack since it proved to be effective.

Flight magic was required as the attacks with regular

weapons from the ground wouldn't be able to critically injure
it due to its sheer size. No matter how sharp and nimble a
soldier could move, it was impossible to avoid the swings of
the gigantic tail that could crush them instantly.

In the end, it would be a battle for a few powerful and elite


Rather than using thousands of unskilled military troops,

the chance to win would increased manifold by having
extremely powerful magicians fight it in small numbers by
| Azura Ren |
However, having Armstrong-doushi fighting by himself was
quite disadvantageous as well.

"I am extremely honored." (Armstrong)

"And that's where you are allowed to laugh at the plan of

an amateur in magic. Then, how about having Associate
Baron Baumeister and Burkhart Ringstadt join you?" (King

Armstrong-doushi emitted a smile from the bottom of his

heart, that hadn't been seen up until now, towards the
strategic idea of King Helmut the 37th.

"Associate Baron Baumeister and I will keep Grade Grande

busy with attacks while Burkhart-dono will provide support
from the rear. There are plenty of chances to win this!"

"Then it is decided. We will order the subjugation of Grade

Grande by Our authority." (King Helmut)

One by one, the retainers of King Helmut the 37th

proceeded to run off to execute the order given by the
composed ruler.

The Minister for Agricultural Affairs Brückner advanced

the project of cultivating the new land and the Minister of
Military and Naval Affairs Edgar prepared the systematic
erasure of the monsters after the subjugation of Grade

Furthermore, in order to recruit the people to reclaim the

new land to be cultivated and the adventurers sent by the
guild to hunt the monsters in a joint operation with the army,
| Azura Ren |
Finance Minister Rückner was appointed to prepare the
necessary budget for these expenditures.

For some reason, all those involved held an unshakable

confidence in the strategy of Helmut the 37th to subjugate
Grade Grande.

"It won't be an overly great amusement." (Armstrong)

"That seems so. With this, it will be fine to do a showy

salute of guns for Associate Baron Baumeister." (King

Like this, without Wendelin even being aware of it, an

outrageous battle plan was forged. And he was nominated as
participant by Helmut the 37th.

| Azura Ren |
Chapter 33: A Brief Holiday

"Hee, isn't that an earth-shattering crowd of people?"


"It's because there are various stores both large and small
lined up in this shopping street. There are many different
people from the capital, other domestic places, and the Holy
Empire Urquhart who come here shopping for goods."

The next day after Erich-nii-san's marriage announcement

party safely concluded, we were guided by Erich-nii-san and
Miriam-gishi-san visiting the shopping streets of the royal

As one would expect of the shopping streets in the capital

representing an entire nation, they exceeded the scale by far
in comparison to the shopping streets in Breitburg.

Comparing it to my home village was quite unnecessary.

At any rate, there was not even one shop in the Baumeister

"I am sorry to have you expressly guide us, Miriam-gishi-

san." (Wendelin)

"Don't worry. I will have a three-day vacation with my

husband after this." (Miriam)

It seems that you usually receive a holiday of 2-3 days upon

marriage in this world.
| Azura Ren |
Apparently it only took one day of the holiday to report to
the church, thus the rest was reserved for the married couple
to spend some quality time with each other as they wished
after the hectic and exhausting preparations and execution of
the marriage announcement party.

Even so, going on a honeymoon was mostly for no one else

other than nobles and wealthy merchants as it required one to
have quite a surplus of money to spend.

The lower-ranking nobles in the urban areas and the

commoners living a standard level life took a holiday of about
three days, but they passed their time sightseeing and
shopping within their local cities.

In addition, those living in a rural area like our home didn't

take any days off at all.

Our elder brothers, who had married, continued with their

usual work the next day as well. That was one of the
differences between living in an urban area and living in the

But it is also possible that it was just because our home was
too poor for them to spend their time leisurely.

"In reality there are various merchant's houses." (Erich)

"Oh well, Breitburg is a splendid city as well." (Wendelin)

"Only that the population here is more than five times that
of Breitburg. I guess it can't be helped though." (Erich)

Since it was called the capital of the whole nation,

Stadtburg was recognised as metropolis by everyone.
| Azura Ren |
As centre of the economy and government, the majority of
the nobles who owned no lands had settled down here.
Famous companies always erected their headquarters in

The act of placing their headquarters here served as status

symbol for the merchants as well.

Furthermore, the area in a 200 km radius from Stadtburg

was dotted with many towns exceeding a population of
10'000 inhabitants. You could truly say that it was a capital
forming an economic bloc.

"Well, it's not like there are no shortcomings either."


"Shortcomings?" (Wendelin)

According to Erich-nii-san the cost-of-living has become

expensive as in the beginning there wasn't such a crowd of
people living here. The water was disgusting and couldn't be
drunk without processing it. And so forth.

The shortcomings of the royal capital were listed.

"Also, there is the hindrance called the Palkenia

Grasslands, which hinders any further development among
other things." (Erich)

Going by the words of Erich-nii-san, the Palkenia

Grasslands were the last monster domain remaining in the
outskirts of the royal capital.

An old mole called Grade Grande was the top in that area.
Up until now all attempts to subjugate it by groups of
| Azura Ren |
adventurers and the military ended in failure.

"If it becomes possible to develop the Palkenia Grasslands,

the capital will also become able to further expand." (Erich)

The possibility of developing a large-scale, grain-producing

area and establishing a road to the neighboring districts by
dividing the Palkenia Grasslands into parts will have an
immeasurable economic effect, Erich-nii-san explained.

Even a petty official in a governmental office related to the

financial affairs was able to easily recognise the importance.

"But, who will defeat such troublesome dragon?"


"In the end it's nothing more than a hypothetical talk. Now
come, let's enjoy the shopping." (Erich)

Like that Erich-nii-san put a close to the serious talk and

we decided to devote ourselves to enjoying the shopping.

"Eru, would this sword be fine?" (Wendelin)

"Since it uses a relatively fine steel, though you wouldn't

expect from its price. I wonder if I should purchase this one...
What do you think, Erich-san?" (Erwin)

"That one is a bargain." (Erich)

"You understand the quality of swords, Erich-nii-san?"


"Just a bit of self-studying. Huh. Vel, you also practiced

with the sword, didn't you?" (Erich)

| Azura Ren |
"Um... Because I have no talent in it, I shifted to using the
bow as I am better with that." (Wendelin)

"Uwaa... that part is just like our brothers..." (Erich)

In my time at home, I didn't forget to practice the sword

every morning for about an hour. But no matter how I think
about it, I don't have any talent in wielding one after all.

Instead I still had some hope in using the bow. Given that
practicing magic rewards one in proportion to the time spent,
I don't feel like practicing the sword these days at all.

Which reminds me, I had received a sword which can turn

its blade into any attribute. I was completely keeping it stored
away as is.

"Is there still room for growth in your magic capacity?"


"Yes, I can feel it quite clearly everyday." (Wendelin)

I followed the words my master had left me and before I

knew it I became comfortable doing my meditation in a cross-
legged position everyday. I didn't miss even a single day of my
practice to refine the mana within my body.

"Since it has become too disconnected from reality, you

won't hear anything from me." (Erich)

"But, too flashy magic can't be trained in the royal capital."


If this was Breitburg, I could have practiced flashy magic in

the outskirts. Since that was now impossible, I was only able
| Azura Ren |
to focus on the task of meditation to complete the circulation
of mana in my room.

Erwin's group, who had to practice in the garden, were

envious of this point.

Because of that Erwin often came and invited me to

practice the sword with the argument, "It is the etiquette for

Naturally, I tell him that instead of wasting my time

pointlessly I prefer to practice my magic, cutting him off like

Me holding a sword or something along those line, what's

the point in that?

"Alright! I got a new sword!" (Erwin)

Eventually while shopping, Erwin procured his new sword

and I got a brand new bow as well.

Because of my tendency to use the bow more frequently,

since I'm useless with a sword, it wasn't a waste.

Erich-nii-san also purchased several sets of ordinary

clothes as well as he didn't always have time to do so.

After that it seems that we followed the three people of

female group to who-knows-how-many tailor's shops,
accessory shops, etc.

Why I am speaking of "it seems" here? Honestly, keeping

woman company while they are shopping ends up wearing
down your body.
| Azura Ren |
"Erich-nii-san, don't you go out with Miriam-gishi-san
frequently enough?" (Wendelin)

"I accompanied her once before, because of that I learned

from experience." (Erich)

Because Miriam-gishi-san was born as lower-ranking

noble, she doesn't seem to be a person who squanders overly

Instead she searches for a bargain article by foot.

Moreover, I got the impression that keeping her company
made one wince.

Using a previously precious day off to walk around the

shopping street, for more than half day, caused him to be
totally exhausted at his desk the next day at work, Erich-nii-
san explained.

(Truthfully, housewives go berserk at the idea of bargain

sales.) (Erich)

Miriam-gishi-san is usually a gentle and kind feeling

woman. But as far as the single word "bargain" is
concerned, women should be avoided at all cost.

Also words like "Limited sales and "Clearance sale"

should be the same, huh?

It's the same here as it was in my previous world.

"Hey! I am searching for a merchant's store where I can

turn the jewels Vel-kun brought as his 5 congratulatory gifts
into accessories." (Miriam)

| Azura Ren |
Which reminds me, I came across the agate and jade ore,
which I used for my congratulatory gifts, buried in the Savage
Lands. It seems Miriam-gishi-san was hurrying with great joy
to turn these into accessories.

"Women like jewels." (Wendelin)

"By the way... that ore, just where did... nevermind, I

understand, I won't ask any further." (Erich)

Erich-nii-san apparently realized the truth that I got those

jewel ores from the Savage Lands.

It's really not a problem though as our home, the

Baumeister household, hasn't grasped the resources
allocation in the Savage Lands yet. Thus they couldn't
establish any proof of me illegally mining either. Especially
since they didn't know about it from the start.

"Certainly, that region falls under the jurisdiction of the

Baumeister household, but..." (Erich)

It's very unlikely that the Baumeister household by itself

will ever advance the development of that region. Even if the
royal family or a big noble target it, that's a matter that is at
the very least a few hundred years off into the future.

In the first place, currently the only people who could go

there would be those who can use Teleportation magic like

There are several hundreds of people who can use

Teleportation magic besides me, but if they decide to go to the
Savage Lands by teleportation, it won't work unless they had
the power to actually arrive on-site in just one go.
| Azura Ren |
There was also the method of teleporting alongside me, but
in that case they won't be able to memorize the route for the
teleportation themselves.

That's the truth of the [Teleportation] magic.

Doubtlessly it is a convenient tool, but it has never

happened that I was able to go to a place I've never been at
before. Also, the maximum amount of people I can take along
besides myself while teleporting is 10 people plus their hand

I also have investigated the limit of my own loading

capacity, so at the most I would only take 5 additional people
and hand luggage along.

Well, since I can teleport the members of our party there is

no inconvenience with that. Given that the share entering the
magic bag has no effect in my case, it's not a problem either.

"Since we're talking about it, Vel, you can come to the royal
capital in an instant, can't you?" (Erich)

"That's right." (Wendelin)

"The Minister of Military and Naval Affairs Edgar might

really want you to join him..." (Erich)

Since the maximum number of people who can be

teleported alongside me is about 10 people, it might be
difficult to use Teleportation magic strategically to overturn a
war situation.

However, you can use it to send in an elite unit or spies

nevertheless. Additionally, the magic bag is attached to the
| Azura Ren |
magician who uses the Teleportation magic as well.

Thus it is usable for things like suppressing a local

rebellion, arbitration in conflicts regarding territory and
concessions, and subjugation of larger bandit groups.

Organised army forces that were sent in early without a

group of packhorses will also be thankful if a teleporting
magician can be used as replacement for regular supply units.

Come to think of it, I recall that my master used this tactic

as well when he was deployed as supply officer of the
expedition force of the Breithilde margrave.

"The military usually makes sure that there are always

dozens of magicians who can use Teleportation. Now I
remember such a story that it was necessary, so you'll likely
be written down in a reserve list." (Erich)

Additionally, there are other lists as apparently they also

make sure that there are dozens of people capable of using
long distance communication in order to being able to use
that ability for long distance calls.

Although there is a magic tool that can be used for long

distance calling, if there is no magician available, there are
terribly few people who can manufacture it and thus it is
impossible to satisfy the demand.

Of course this was collected as well. Within the army

magicians, those who were able to use long distance
communication were assigned and distributed to each unit. It
could be said that this was a security policy of the kingdom.

As a matter of fact, my teacher had taught me the long

| Azura Ren |
distance communication magic as well.

However, I wasn't able to talk to other magicians using the

same long distance communication as it was necessary for
these magicians to exchange a small quantity of mana with
the other party to register them as relay point.

As for the concept, I think it would be easy to understand if

one were to compare it to the infrared data communication of
mobile telephones.

Even so, up until now I am not aware of any good

magicians besides my master who know it, thus I have never
been able to use it after learning it.

Even Burkhart-san can't use this magic, so it must be a

fairly unique magic.

Which reminds me, Burkhart-san surprisingly moves,

following the intentions of the margrave of Breithilde
skilfully, going about his duty. He doesn't seem to have
received any instructions via long distance communication,
thus he likely follows an objective to a certain extent from the
beginning. I have the impression, moreover, that he follows
his independent judgement on how to operate.

The biggest requirement for the magicians employed by

nobles was their experience they have piled up over the years.

The same could be said for a change of occupation in my

previous existence as experienced people were given priority.

"Well, Vel is still a minor." (Erich)

I won't become an adult for a little less than three years. By

| Azura Ren |
no means do I want to be involved in another dragon

Although that's what I was thinking, I had to immediately

withdraw this motion.


"How about that? Vel, doesn't it suit you?" (Ina)

"As you would expect of a shop in the capital. The style of

clothes is the best." (Wendelin)

"Admiring the clothes is fine, but you have to praise us,

who wear them, as well." (Luise)

And then, after who knows how many shops, Ina and Luise
appear to have bought all the new clothes they needed. They
delightfully displayed their purchased clothes to Erwin and

"However, we bought quite a lot. Will our funds be

alright?" (Ina)

"When we return from the capital, we will prioritize our

hunt around bears." (Wendelin)

"After fully saving up our money, we will return next year

to the capital to buy some new clothes." (Luise)

Although I couldn't think of anything else but being glad

that I didn't get any weird attire, the women group ended up
being influenced by the latest fashion in the royal capital.

It also takes quite a bit of money to buy the newest fashion.

| Azura Ren |
Thus Ina ended up being indebted to me as well. Where
money was concerned, there was no other choice but to hunt
for a lot of prey back in Breitburg.

Although it was a pathetic reason to go hunt for animals,

fortunately there was no animal welfare organisation in this

"Vel-kun, like this the cute girls got some new clothes.
Shouldn't you praise them here?" (Miriam)

"You are quite relentless towards your younger brother-in-

law, Miriam-gishi-san." (Wendelin)

"Is it really relentless? I think it's common sense."


| Azura Ren |
For the sake of fashionable clothes a large amount of bears
will be hunted. I ended up thinking that it's just a little
pitiable... Compared to the disaster visiting me tomorrow, this
matter is nothing but a trivial issue.

Even so, I only possess little to no vocabulary to properly

praise Ina's and Luise's new clothes. I noted down in my mind
those remarks which didn't receive a passing mark.

"Erwin is in the same category as Vel." (Ina)

"A little bit more sense in praising someone is necessary!"


Erwin seems to have a similar feeling regarding such a


| Azura Ren |
Chapter 34: Compulsory Army Order - Old Dragon



"Ooh! So this boy is Alfred's disciple, the hero-dono who

subjugated the ancient corpse dragon, huh?! I see, he doesn't
possess the carelessness one would assume considering his
age!" (Armstrong)

'Um... Burkhart-san?' (Wendelin)

'As usual, a sultry guy.' (Burkhart)

'He is an important person... isn't that right?' (Wendelin)

'Ah yes, he is the kingdom's head wizard.' (Burkhart)

The next day after everyone went shopping in the shopping

streets, I was suddenly visited by a messenger from the royal
palace along with an entourage of several knights. They
pushed me into a carriage and ended up taking me straight
away to the army garrison in the suburbs of the royal capital.

Although it gave of the feeling of something like a

kidnapping, it wasn't quite the case since the knights were
holding onto a decree by His Majesty.

At any rate, even though I wasn't certain whether I was

really loyal to His Majesty or not, it still remained a fact that I
was a retainer of the kingdom.
| Azura Ren |
The garrison I was brought to, was apparently the place
where the troops stationed in the capital always did their

Simply made log cabins, watchtowers in order to guard the

area, and a large tent.

Really, it was a structure of an army garrison as you'd

expect from the style of a fantasy world.

It was regularly serviced by the army without being

discouraged by the recent tendency of disarmament which
was quite unexpected.

Most likely it was something like a salvation for the young

nobles who weren't able to find any other work.

However, because they would end up receiving a label of

simply spending their time idly eating and drinking,
apparently the training was constantly strict and severe. As it
would be unreasonable for the entire army at once to practise
there though, the troops stationed in the royal capital
established a function of alternating between their divisions
to use the outskirts for performing maneuver exercises

The carriage I was stuffed into arrived in front of a log

cabin within the garrison.

When I entered it, after being urged on by the guard

standing at the entrance, I immediately recognized Burkhart-
san waiting inside.

Furthermore there was another person next to him, a

muscular middle-agged ossan who easily exceeded a height of
| Azura Ren |
2 meters.

Moreover, this ossan...

Despite being a lump of muscles, the clothes he wore was a

robe and he held staggering large unrefined wand in his hand.

In other words, rather than calling him a martial artist or

warrior, he was a magician.

Other than being able to use magic as well, he seemed to be

the type who likewise could easily beat his opponent to death
with that wand.

Fortunately it was affirmed by Burkhart-san's earlier talk

that he was a magician. Furthermore he was named as the
kingdom's head wizard earlier with certainty.

Due to the sudden appearance of such magician loaded

with muscles, I involuntarily ended up being struck

It was mostly because that person was the exact opposite of

my master.

'The kingdom's head "wizard"? Burkhart-san?' (Wendelin)

'As for that...' (Burkhart)

What's the difference between a magician and wizard?

After questioning in such way, apparently it was no more

than a mere variation in calling him.

However, both things possessed a huge difference.

| Azura Ren |
Wizards were chosen among the magicians serving the
kingdom, they were the ultimate elite.

Considering the person himself didn't put any value into

the huge significance of serving the court, it was quite a
ridiculous story. Nevertheless, from the viewpoint of the
society a wizard was no less than a person with a very high
social standing.

Even though the kingdom's nobles such as the cabinet

ministers held an exceedingly high social standing, one could
think of a wizard being a cut above them.

Besides, it wasn't particularly necessary for a wizard to be a

noble either.

No matter how much one was a noble, if they didn't possess

the essential magical talent, they wouldn't become one at any
rate anyway. Therefore it was obvious that society looked
upon them with eyes of reverence.

To top it off, the ossan in front of my eyes was the

kingdom's head wizard. This amazing and remarkable
difference was nothing to jeer at.

Going by his appearance he was a beefy middle-aged man

(ossan) though.

"Are you by chance nervous? If that's the case, it's not

really necessary. After all, you will fight alongside me after
this." (Armstrong)

"Fight?" (Wendelin)

"That's right. In order for the kingdom to prosper even

| Azura Ren |
further, we will liberate the Palkenia Grasslands from the one
occupying them for a long time, Grade Grande." (Armstrong)

Grade Grande at the Palkenia Grasslands.

It was the sorrowful situation I had just heard about from

Erich-nii-san yesterday... And now I finally understood why
we were summoned...

However, to call me for fighting a monster now ought to be

foul play.

Why? Because I am just a minor with my age of 12 years.

For minors it was not allowed to enter the domain where
monsters dwelt. That was reason why we trained in the prep
school by hunting ordinary prey everyday.

"Err... But I am an underage pupil..." (Wendelin)

Intending to use the reason of underage, I tried to refuse

the participation in subjugating the Grade Grande.

In the first place it couldn't be helped that I had to fight the

ancient dragon as I was forced to protect the magic airship I
had boarded in order to protect myself in the end.

It was nothing else but legitimate self-defense; an

emergency measurement.

Any kind of reasoning is fine, because that was my first

battle I just want you to spare me from fighting yet another
dragon after such a short while.

Who would be fond of being summoned just for being told

to fight a dragon next? At the very least, I am not such a
| Azura Ren |

"Those worries are totally unnecessary!" (Armstrong)

"Um... What do you mean by that?" (Wendelin)

The meaninglessly high-tensed ossan declared that me

being underage was of no concern at all.

"It is indeed against the rules for a minor to enter a domain

where monsters are dwelling! But! Since the lad is a noble, it's
absolutely fine!" (Armstrong)

"Ah, that's what this is about, huh..." (Burkhart)

It seems like Burkhart-san, who was to participate

alongside as well, had some kind of an idea.

For no more than an instant he faced towards me

displaying an expression of "What a pity.".

"Lad, you are the head of the Associate Baron Baumeister

household! Even though you are an under-aged noble, it has
never happened before that a decree for a campaign by His
Majesty wasn't followed! This time time His Majesty ordered
the military troops stationed at the royal capital to subjugate
the Grade Grande!" (Armstrong)

"..." (Wendelin)

The matter the muscular ossan was talking about,

apparently was an affair of utmost righteous importance to
the kingdom's nobles.

For me who just obtained the peerage a short while ago, it

| Azura Ren |
was a bolt out of the blue.

"Give it up. I was ordered by my lord to follow the army

decree as well. " (Burkhart)

Burkhart-san is quite pitiable as well it would appear as he

was ordered to follow the decree by Breithilde's margrave
and thus has no way to decline the participation in the
subjugation of the Grade Grande.

"Burkhart-san seems to unexpectedly have no luck either."


"Boy, your predisposition of attracting misfortune appears

to have infected me." (Burkhart)

"What are you talking about? Don't go making such

jokes..." (Wendelin)

"Half of it is serious though." (Burkhart)

"......" (Wendelin)

Completely losing all means to escape the situation, I am

forced to once more head towards a dragon extermination
together with Burkhart-san.

I don't think it is wrong to wish and hope for someone to

switch places with me, is it?


"Fuhahahahaha! As usual the scale is huge!" (Armstrong)

"Huge..." (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
"The ancient dragon wasn't small either. Even so, this one
is big..." (Burkhart)

One week after the fateful meeting with the muscular

doushi, Burkhart-san, Armstrong-doushi and me were flying
in the skies over the plains of the central part of the Palkenia
Grasslands using Flight magic.

The strategy this time was to attack with one sixth of the
troops stationed in the capital of the kingdom's army, namely
mobilising 10,000 troops. After moving the necessary
supplies to the garrison in the suburbs of the royal capital in
preparation, the troops were encamped close by to the

As for this, because the army entering the domain in force

would end up provoking a large amount of monsters and thus
end in a large-scale battle, the strategy was for them to wait at
the entrance to the domain until Grade Grande was defeated.

Apart from that, even though the great number of demons

wouldn't change at all once the Grade Grande was defeated, it
still remained a fact that Grade Grande was an existence
unifying them as boss of the domain. Although it
simultaneously reigned at the top of the food chain, it
apparently likewise instilled such a fear into the other
monsters that they weren't able to move about freely either.

Therefore, if Grade Grande died and thus was missing in

the lineup of the monster group, it would become possible for
the army to safely crush each and every monster afterwards.

Even though it would be impossible to get away without

receiving any damage at all, it was obviously still far better
than during the time when the boss is still going strong as
| Azura Ren |

And, in contrast to a forest area, a mountainous district and

such, these plains were potentially much more advantageous
to a mass deployment of an army, degrading the monsters in
the Palkenia Grasslands to a matter of relatively weak

Hunting as a small group of adventurers here, it can be

called as as a spot for beginners in comparison to other

"Now then, let's not waste any seconds and perform the last
rites for the Grade Grande!" (Armstrong)

Already looking down on the shape of the Grade Grande

while using Flight magic, Grade Grande wasn't overly pleased
with us looking down on him at all.

With a roar to the degree of almost tearing our eardrums, it

greeted us with a severe threatening.

"Doushi?" (Burkhart)

"Well then, I suppose this is the start! All that remains is to

clash power against power!" (Armstrong)

In the end the strategy was for only three people to defeat
Grade Grande, in other words the contents of the strategy
weren't overly complex.

Against such an imminent, overflowing violence, minuscule

strategies were useless any way.

In the first place, besides the stationed troops from the

| Azura Ren |
capital there were was an unit of approximately 2,000
adventurer mercenaries temporarily recruited by the
adventurer's guild's headquarters stationed outside the

But they wouldn't absolutely participate in the battle with

the dragon as unskillful participation would just pointlessly
increase the count of victims.

Receiving a dragon's breath from the front, it would spell

instant death for most people. Therefore, people who weren't
able to prepare for several such breaths would just pointlessly
increase the corpse count if they participated.

Thus it was arranged that the few of us would challenge

Grade Grande to a fight as elite assassins.

As an after effect, the poor group of Erwin, in their duty as

my retainers, participated in the assembled forces to
subjugate the monsters as the Associate Baron Baumeister
household's armed forces.

As for the reason, it was apparently due to the peculiar

complicated circumstances of nobles.

During the sortie preparations in the garrison, Erich-nii-

san visited claiming that the sortie of the Associate Baron
Baumeister household's armed forces was indispensable and
begging to be allowed to provide the necessary funds for that.

Afterwards, given that Erich-nii-san was likewise

participating holding both roles of being second-in-command
in addition to being a staff officer, I was at ease entrusting
him with a treasure of the degree of 100 platinum plates.

| Azura Ren |
If it's Erich-nii-san, he wouldn't try something like pilfering
the money he was given.

"Lad, you will focus solely on saving mana for the Cutter
Tornado! Burkart-dono, you will take care of supplying mana
at all times!" (Armstrong)

"Roger that!" (Wendelin)

"Leave it to me." (Burkhart)

As it had released such fierce attack, there was no other

choice but to make up one's mind and defeat the huge dragon

The strategy plan was that I would at all times equidistantly

stay away from the Grade Grande using Flight magic while
preparing to fire the strategic class magic from the wind
system, Cutter Tornado, at it.

As a matter of fact, the naming of magic in this world is

really quite ambiguous.

A magician who has talent can roughly guess the amount of

mana within himself and by only imagining the phenomenon
naturally materialize it. Because this was already the case
several tens thousand of years ago during the era of the
ancient magic civilization, the ancestors of the past have
devised multiple magic formula2 and noted them down.
Quite a few books with those notes are still remaining from
that time.

For example, in the case of magic from the fire system,

there would be only few magicians who wouldn't be able to
think up a Fire Ball.
| Azura Ren |
Furthermore there are such things as Fire Arrow, Fire Wall
and Fire Snake.

Those possessing magic power left a great number of

documents behind which only differ slightly in their
description. A master is just a human as well, he will only
teach the magic as reference which is the easiest for him to
obtain and use.

At the time you are casting magic, there are people who
don't chant, there are people who use only the spell's name
for chanting, and there are also people who chant something
like a spell formula in a way of resembling short sentences in
a semi-poetic manner.

And there are even more dreadful people who perform a

flashy dance and strike poses.

The point is, the method of how I materialize the magic is

entirely up to me.

By the way, I am in the chant-less group.

Previously there was someone who used such things as

embarrassing flashy poses and thought up chuunibyou-like
wordings for the spell incantation imitating what he has seen

But because of the power of embarrassment was quite

strong, he now doesn't use these anymore. Something like
"Heed my call of guidance and burn the opponent to cinders:
Crimson Flame~!".

Well I am still only 12 years old, but the record of that itself
would deem me as a splendid chuunibyou patient.
| Azura Ren |
"Being chant-less is the best. Without wording out the
spell, the opponent won't be able to perceive what kind of
spell is going to be used." (Alfred)

"Saying such embarrassing words like that. The power of

magic will drop!" (Burkhart)

Because I met master and Burkhart, it was the correct

choice to become their disciple.

We all belong to the so-called faction of chant-less. Except

that I don't know whether such a faction actually really exists.

Returning to the situation at hand, this time the opponent

is the Grade Grande, whose name originates from being an
old-aged dragon with an earth attribute.

The magic in this world has the basic four standard systems
Fire, Water, Earth and Wind. In addition to that there is Holy,
which can only very few people can use. There is also
Darkness, now treated as a legend, which was used by
demons (mazoku).

Excluding the unique systems, the standard four system

each have their own respective strong and weak attributes. To
put it bluntly, the relation between them is like 'Rock-Paper-
Scissors' (Janken).

Fire is weak to Water, Water is weak to Earth, Earth is

weak to Wind, and Wind is weak to Fire.

Because Grade Grande is a dragon with the using the earth

system, we have decided for me to bury it in one go using the
high power of the wind system's strategic class spell Cutter
| Azura Ren |
Or to be precise, it was Armstrong-doushi's strategy.


"Just speaking of magic capacity the lad already

surpasses me many-fold. After all the Lad's magic capacity is
even a little bit more than Alfred's was. Thus, we shall
entrust the finishing blow to the lad." (Armstrong)

Before the military operation started, I was told the

contents of the strategy by Armstrong-doushi at the field
where the troops were encamped.

"Lad, you will be using the highest class of wind magic in

order to consign Grade Grande to oblivion in one go."

"That's the appropriate way considering the intense Holy

Light the boy used to perish the undead ancient dragon.
There are plenty of chances to win this." (Burkhart)

"I am happy to receive Burkhart-dono's agreement."


Burkhart-san approved the strategy laid out by Armstrong-


"Still, preparing that spell completely will take time."


If it was poorly constructed, it wouldn't be able to finish off

the opponent which would be like putting the cart before the

I declared that I would need at the very least a span of time

| Azura Ren |
of 2 minutes.

Considering the case of storing mana, it definitely was

easier to accumulate mana aboard the magic airship the last

"A span of 2 minutes, huh." (Burkhart)

To finish off Grade Grande with certainty I had calculated

that it would be necessary to accumulate mana for 2 minutes
before deploying the Cutter Tornado.

Furthermore, if I were to be attacked by a breath attack in

the middle of accumulating mana it would slow down the
entire process in the end as I would be forced to deploy a
magical barrier.

In the previous fight with the ancient dragon I had at all

times the guarantee that Burkhart-san would protect the
magic airship with a magical barrier. That put my mental
state considerably at ease, as far as I can remember the
situation back then.

"2 minutes it is, I will fight with all my strength so there

shouldn't be any problem. Lad, you will stay back and
prepare the Cutter Tornado. I will challenge Grade Grande
to a fight with all my might. Burkhart-dono, you will be our
reserve combat force and in addition to that I'd like you to
supply me with mana in the rare occasion that I should run
out at some point in time." (Armstrong)

"Leave it to me." (Burkhart)

Mana supply is the act of sharing mana with another

person which is also the reason for that naming.
| Azura Ren |
However, there are only few magicians who can use this
special spell.

Well, all members present here can use it. However, at the
time of sharing your mana with another person there will be a
huge loss generated.

In the case of an ordinary magician, they can't supply more

than approximately 5 mana to another person while using
100 mana to do so.

Thus the conclusion would be that they wouldn't be too

eager to share their own mana they can use with another
person and there wouldn't need to suffer from downtime.

However, Burkhart-san is apparently able to supply more

than 95 mana while using 100 mana. It is no exaggeration to
say that this is a rare talent.

As one would expect, even master and me weren't able to

attain such level of mana supply.

Even so, Burkhart-san's mana capacity could be called to

be on the lower end of the advanced level category. Still, he
was able to use spells that other magicians wouldn't be able to
use at all. As for Armstrong-doushi, one could only
acknowledge his superiority.

The high evaluation of his surroundings was that he was a

veteran called [Expert Magician].

"Then it is possible that Burkhart-san will fight as a

substitute, isn't it?" (Wendelin)

"Even though that might have been possible in the time of

| Azura Ren |
my active duty, now it would be impossible for me."

It seems that's the reason why he will only serve as mana

supply for Armstrong-doushi.

"But, in reality I don't think it will be necessary to supply

mana. Thus I will really stay in the rear as reserve."

"Because Burkhart-dono will be prepared in the rear, I

will be able to act with corresponding composure."

Is what Armstrong-doushi says.

Challenging a formidable enemy in slightly harsh

conditions and winning barely at the last moment.

Considering this to be a saga read to children it's no

problem but since this will be an actual battle here which
would only drive us to the wall, others would call it a fool's

Adding Armstrong-doushi to Burkhart-san and me, who

have together defeated an ancient dragon, should
considerably raise the probability of defeating a dragon.

In that case, devising a proper strategy should even further

increase the certainty.

"I think the probability of me defeating it by myself is

about 60%. But that would be certainly irresponsible in my
capacity as Royal Head Wizard." (Armstrong)

| Azura Ren |
Armstrong-doushi is an outstanding talent that appears
once every 500 years and thus is very famous in the kingdom.
Moreover, he has a good pedigree.

Because he is the second son of an earl household there is

only little interference by other nobles due to jealousy.

Additionally, the character of the person himself is simple

like that; he doesn't try to amass more private property than
is necessary, he isn't absorbed in eagerly working towards a
successful career in his lust for power, and he doesn't show
any movements to form an odd faction.

Although he dons a muscular appearance, he is

surprisingly intelligent and quite capable in politics as well.

Going by Erich-nii-san's explanation, he is the most trusted

retainer of His Majesty.

At the time when we were summoned to the garrison in the

outskirts, I was told this information by Erich-nii-san who
expressively came to visit the garrison and after all I was able
to reaffirm that he (Armstrong) is an ikemen.

It could be called a fact though that we used the occasion to

discuss the organisation of the Associate Baron Baumeister
household's troops while pretending to not think about that
for the time being.

"That's true. If you were to die now, it would be hard on

His Majesty." (Burkhart)

"There is no reason for worry. I am thankful to both of

you though, Burkhart-dono, Lad." (Armstrong)

| Azura Ren |

After the above-mentioned exchange, only the three of us

were standing in front of Grade Grande to face it.

From the outset Armstrong-doushi rushes towards the

Grade Grande before our eyes. While setting up his large
wand with both hands, he shouts only a few words.

"Magical Mobile Armor and Helmet! Equip!" (Armstrong)

Thereupon Armstrong-doushi's entire face section is

covered by a jet black full face helmet.

Likewise on the wand he was holding the bright red magic

crystal couldn't be seen anymore as it had transformed into a
huge hammer.

"Eh!?" (Wendelin)

"Well, the appearance is as you can see." (Burkhart)

While remaining diagonally floating in the air in the back, I

was accumulating mana for the Cutter Tornado. Burkhart-
san, who was likewise floating in the air besides me, leaked

"It's an unique magic to change mana into material. Not

only does it provide a magical barrier but also boosts the
defensive strength overwhelmingly. Same with the wand,
changing it into a hammer made out of the same material
increases its power by leaps." (Burkhart)

Furthermore the physical ability is strengthened to the

limit. His speed of flight (magic) is the best in the entire
| Azura Ren |

Simply put, he overwhelms his opponent with combat

ability that could be labelled as one hit destroyer while he

Armstrong-doushi was toying as he pleases with the

helpless Grade Grande, striking its head, its arms and its feet.

He was randomly dishing out heavy blows with his

hammer across the entire body of the dragon piling up
damage on it.

Each time a blow lands, an unpleasant sound *bakibaki*

(cracking, breaking) escaped.

Because of the overwhelming pain and rage, Grade Grande

raised his severe roar towards the sky consecutively merely
tearing up the air.

"Incredible..." (Wendelin)

"There is still more to come, such a level is nothing yet..."


However, Grade Grande wouldn't allow to be one-sidedly

hit without doing anything either.

Grasping the habits in Armstrong-doushi's movement

pattern, it began to use it tail to shake off the attacks by
predicting the place he would move to.

Receiving one of those blows as an ordinary person, there

was no doubt that they would end up bursting open like a
water balloon.
| Azura Ren |
"Look out!" (Wendelin)

"It's fine." (Burkhart)

Burkhart-san really didn't show any hint of worrying, but

practically there was absolutely no reason to worry either.

Did he foresee this?

Armstrong-doushi caught the tail Grade Grande was

swinging at high speed and finished it by hurling that large
build as it is away.

"Seriously!?" (Wendelin)

"The materialised armor's purpose is to serve as last

defense. The reason for that is his favorite magic that grants
him the strongest physical ability." (Burkhart)

Furthermore the surprises continued.

As the Grade Grande was trying to stand up and recover

from the damage by being hurled away, Armstrong-doushi hit
its body one after the other with wind magic that had the
appearance of something like snakes.

The weakness of the earth system based Grade Grande was

wind system based magic.

Slowly Grade Grande was covered in wounds all over and

began to bleed in several places.

"Lad! Are the preparations done~!?" (Armstrong)

"Eetto, it's ready!" (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
Although I was unintentionally fascinated by the shocking
spectacle in front of my eyes, I naturally didn't forget to
accumulate the mana.

The time had slightly passed the 2 minutes and thus the
necessary magic power had been gathered.

After making sure that Armstrong-doushi had evacuated

the area quickly, I released the Cutter Tornado magic.

As the name implies, this Cutter Tornado magic was a spell

that engulfed the first target within a tornado.

Continuing the tornado will produce one by one sharp

blades as it held the dry wind attribute. The target will end up
being continuously injured by the blades.

| Azura Ren |
Each time its wounds increased, Grade Grande raised a
roar. As the tornado continued, its color began to tainted in a
red color.

The streaming blood was dragged into the tornado.

Gradually that red color thickened.

And then, as the red color was thickening, Grade Grande

lost the blood from inside its body.


"Is it slain? Died due to loosing a huge amount of blood,

huh? Very well done, Boy." (Burkhart)

"Is it your master's technique?" (Armstrong)

"He was also a person who nonchalantly had absolutely no

mercy for monsters." (Burkhart)

A few minutes after that, being exhausted of almost all its

blood throughout the body, Grade Grande collapsed to the
ground accompanied by a great tremor.

No matter how strong a living being might be, if they loose

all blood they will end up dying all the same.

"As one would expect of a dragon, it didn't die from the

cuts, huh." (Burkhart)

"That's true. Now then..." (Wendelin)

Just because Grade Grande had died, it didn't mean that it

all was finished with this. As I approached the still whirling
red tornado, I began to use magic from the water system this
| Azura Ren |

"What are you doing?" (Burkhart)

"The blood of a dragon is expensive." (Wendelin)

As a matter of fact there would be no reward for the

subjugation of the Grade Grande by the kingdom this time.

Reason being that it was a noble's obligation to fight at the


Because they usually got their profit from the annual

pension and their territory, it was inevitable to return those
favors with public duty. For that reason it often happened
that nobles were pillaging the battleground.

Even if it is a bad thing to do, the kingdom hadn't a surplus

of budget to the degree of always being able to pay the nobles
a salary and thus this pillaging was tolerated.

Since there was no war for more than 200 years, pillaging
itself didn't really occur. This time the opponent was a
monster. Pillaging from a monster was strange in itself as

Instead, now, after the subjugation of Grade Grande, the

soldiers participating in the strategy to exterminate the
monsters in the Palkenia Grasslands would be given a reward.

That was the privilege to collect the raw materials of the

monsters they had hunted themselves.

The monster's raw materials are well known to be very

| Azura Ren |
Therefore, the soldiers participating in the military
operation had heard such rumor and thus were greatly
looking forward to it.

Because the adventurers had this time gathered en masse

as well, they possessed a pointless fighting spirit and their
competitive awareness had been awoken.

As it would get bloody, victims would turn up. For the

soldiers, the high-selling raw materials of the monsters far,
surpassing the usual income, would allow them to live in
luxury with their families or lover. The procured raw
materials would be used by merchants and the guild to
produce various goods which they could sell.

The kingdom's tax revenue would rise as well. But above

that, by liberating the Palkeia Grasslands from the monster's
domain, the kingdom would obtain a gigantic grain-producing

In such situation the development of agricultural land

would advance and thus increase the grain production output
even further.

Having relied on the meat of hunting as supply until now,

the usage of the grain and herbs in the grasslands ought to

As the food self-sufficiency rate of the royal capital was

low, the kingdom had to transport grain from distant nobles,
too. If the meat supply procured by stock-farming by the
citizens in the neighborhood would become profitable, the
sale prices for grain would more and more decrease as well.

Going by economical history, it can be said with confidence

| Azura Ren |
that increasing the amount of businesses is a cheerful matter.

"For that reason I am taking the dragon blood." (Wendelin)

After gathering the dispersed blood in one place by using

water magic within the tornado, I froze it and retrieved the
lump of frozen blood stuffing it into my magic bag.

"Boy, that was admirably skilfull." (Burkhart)

"That's because the master of my master is staggeringly

skillful themselves." (Wendelin)

This can also be called an old man's wisdom.

It had reached the point that I was regularity receiving

coaching in Burkhart-san's magic. That's why I learned many
useful things.

Even now Burkhart-san emphasized on the importance of

training the foundations and power in his coaching as master
without having to expressively declare it.

Something like this I did for myself after all.

"All that remains is the corpse of Grade Grande."


Not just the blood, there was no portion of a dragon's body

that couldn't be processed, thus no matter which part of it,
they all sold for a lot of money.

Therefore I quickly put away the corpse of Grade Grande

in my magic bag.

Since time doesn't elapse within the bag, it would be fine to

| Azura Ren |
have it butchered at the guild afterwards.

As one would expect, for me to butcher a dragon myself

would be difficult. Handling it poorly and wasting time on it
would cause the quality of the meat to drop ending up
lowering its price.

I should entrust this to a professional.

"Amstrong-doushi, you are fine with splitting the profit on

sales of Grade Grande equally between the three of us, right?"

"I am fine with that. But, that Cutter Tornato was

magnificient. Just talking about its power, it has already
exceeded Alfred's magic. From now on, diligently put an
effort into practicing." (Armstrong)

"Yes." (Wendelin)

"Now then, since we have defeated Grade Grande, we

should expect the monsters in the vicinity soon to come here.
Today we will camp here and tomorrow we will prepare for
hunting the monsters." (Armstrong)

"...Eh?" (Wendelin)

"...What did you just say?" (Burkhart)

Burkhart-san and I ended up being astonished by

Armstrong-doushi's unexpected statement.

The mission this time was for us to defeat Grade Grande

and for the adventurers to exterminate the monsters. If we
imprudently started a fight here, we certainly would be
| Azura Ren |
snatching away the military's and adventurer's job.

"No matter whether we defeated Grade Grande, the

amount of remaining demons is quite large. Consequently,
without our help, the number of victims would unnecessarily
rise. We can expect a hard struggle tomorrow." (Armstrong)

"I am still under-aged and thus totally inexperienced in

hunting even ordinary monsters..." (Wendelin)

"The first and second monster fights were a pair of

dragons. Boy, you've got a staggering amount of experience.
However, since I have already retired from active duty..."

"With the three of us together it will become a trivial

matter~!" (Armstrong)

In the end, the three of us were rushing around across the

Palkenia Grasslands for the length of an entire week
afterwards. It took all of our energy to hunt the numerous


"Um... me and the hunted monsters..." (Erwin)

"Erwin-kun, you are Vel's representative, therefore you are

not allowed to to leave the front lines at any time, isn't that
so?" (Erich)

"If you don't move out, you won't be able to return Vel's
money." (Luise)

"Since there will be a reward for an excellent

| Azura Ren |
representative." (Ina)

"Is it more than one gold coin?" (Erwin)

"..." (Erich)

"Erich-san! Don't be silent now!" (Erwin)

In the meanwhile, Erwin's group didn't manage to become

accustomed to their post as mikoshi within the Associate
Baron Baumeister household's troops.

Everyday they departed while experiencing stomach pains.

(Note: Japanese mikoshi is a type of activities where a lot

of people (mostly males) drag a portable shrine from one
sacred location to another for some certain spiritual purpose.
There're a lot, forming front group and back group to drag it,
and it's pretty much taboo to let the portable shrine fall to the
ground or for it to be damaged. The context is that, the
retainer group of Wendelin must/should have been/supposed
to be situated in the center of their army, letting others fight
for them, and not expose themselves to danger no matter
what (as said in the following interlude). But Ina and Luise
are full of fighting spirit, so they don't let Erwin remain
behind and continuously advance to the frontlines.)

| Azura Ren |
Chapter 35: Fiancée

"Armstrong, Burkhart, Associate Baron Baumeister, the

three of you, have together successfully concluded the
mission of subjugating Grade Grande. We graciously thank
you for your hard work on this endeavor." (King Helmut)

Ten days after defeating Grade Grande, we, who

participated in this mission, once again had an audience with
His Majesty as result.

"Thanks to this, there are good prospects for Palkenia

Grasslands to become a grain-producing region." (King

His Majesty's facial expression showed a happy mood.

Despite it needing many years before favorable conditions

would appear, it was finally possible to develop the region,
which would have been impossible before considering the
obstacle called dragon.

Additionally, the subjugation of the remaining monsters

still continued until now. The majority of the monsters in the
former domain were already exterminated.

Nonetheless, the strength of Grade Grande, who ruled over

the Palkenia Grasslands, was indeed great.

Now the monsters weren't able to move as a group at all.

The soldiers and adventurers thus hunted them down one-

| Azura Ren |
The amount of casualties was up to 200, but that was most
likely something that couldn't be avoided.

"As for the victims, We have arranged abundant

reparations for the bereaved families. Although it might be
considered as hypocrisy, it is still better than nothing." (King

"This Armstrong is deeply moved by the kindness of His

Majesty. I admire you." (Armstrong)

You could certainly call it hypocrisy, but it was still better

than ignoring it completely.

Besides, such was the work of soldiers and adventurers to

begin with. Particularly the adventurers, it was said that there
were about 1000 casualties yearly.

Given that they weren't able to do any other work in order

to make a living, just because they failed in obtaining the
gratuity of money and prestige in their life, it didn't mean it
would be reasonable for them to complain about it

There also were many adventurers, after judging their own

skill calmly, decided not to participate in the military
operation this time.

Furthermore, considering the scale of the dispatched

troops for this military operation, the number of casualties
could be called few.

His Majesty had also ordered the church to provide as

many healers as possible for this campaign.

| Azura Ren |
Especially those clergymen who were able to use holy
healing magic, in contrast to the water healing magicians the
church usually deployed outside of office.

Practitioners of both healing magic systems in large

quantity were summoned by the church using its powerful
connections in order to deploy them for this campaign.

That in itself wasn't surprising as the church would profit

by constantly establishing new churches as the development
of the Palkenia Grasslands advanced.

The establishment of new churches naturally meant that

there would be a proportional increase of parishes and priest
positions. Officially it could be said that they abided to His
Majesty's decree, but in reality they were rubbing their hands
together due to receiving such a request.

While the clergymen at the actual scene were diligently

treating the wounded, the higher-ups hosted such an ulterior
motive. It was the same no matter in which world you were.

"We are very sorry that we cannot present you a

proportionally great reward." (King Helmut)

"It is fine because we received a large amount of money the

last time." (Burkhart)

Although that was true as well, this time we received the

valuable remains of Grade Grande. Things like the frozen
blood, the scales, the skin, the meat, the intestines and the

Because the remains were stuffed into the magic bag right
after killing the dragon, they preserved their freshness. Those
| Azura Ren |
would very likely sell for a large amount of money.

Also, because the remains held a gigantic magic crystal

within, the kingdom would purchase it for 400 platinum

As a result, combining it with the monster remains of the

one week of hunting afterwards, the total amount per person
was 450 platinum coins and 50 gold coins when split between
Armstrong-doushi, Burkhart-san, and myself.

In any event, all of the dragon's raw materials were


Supposing the undead ancient dragon from before was still

alive, the prices would have risen even more steeply.

"I don't quite understand it as a large amount of money

has already been given."(Wendelin)

Any further reward isn't really necessary, I thought due to

the reasons from above.

From the point of views of someone who monthly earned

58,746 yen (tax included) in his previous life, someone
possessing several platinum plates appeared to be plenty rich.
There were many people in this country who wouldn't get to
see something like a platinum plate until their death.

The people having seen something like a platinum plate

within his home territory were zero including his father who
was a noble.

"However, given that honor be fulfilled, We award the

three of you the Twin Dragon medal." (King Helmut)
| Azura Ren |
Even though there has been no one receiving it for more
than 200 hundred years, I got it after a long time, and now,
half month later, I end up receiving yet another one.

Although it's appearance is quite beautiful as it is made out

of gold and emerald, I somehow get the feeling that it isn't
really that valuable after all. My senses might be dull though.

Actually the expressions Armstrong-doushi and Burkhart-

san wore, as they were awarded the medal by His Majesty and
attached it to themselves, showed unusual nervousness.

"What's left is the peerage, huh? As Armstrong shall be a

viscount and Sir Baumeister shall be promoted in rank to
baron." (King Helmut)

Armstrong-doushi is the second son of an Earl's household.

Because he couldn't succeed the peerage as second son, he

independently received the peerage rank of baron from His
Majesty as he assumed his post as Royal Head Magician.

Just like myself, who doesn't possess any territory and only
receives the annuity, his peerage rank was raised to viscount
and mine was raised from Associate Baron to Baron at the
same time.

Holding the rank of Viscount grants you a annuity of 2

platinum coins, whereas someone holding the rank of Baron
receives 1 platinum coin as annuity.

It is a considerably high income.

As expected, there is quite the wall between an Associate

Baron and a Baron. That being said, there is a difference to
| Azura Ren |
me, who is a fake noble.

Normally, those nobles residing in the royal capital hire

suitable guards and servants for maintaining the grounds and
protecting the residence matching their family status. There
are various other roles and uses through their association as

Occasionally it is necessary for the patron to aid their

vassal, as at the time of Erich-nii-san's marriage for example.
It is necessary to present appropriate, to the family status,
congratulatory gifts at important ceremonial occasions in
family relationships.

Thus you can say that the money spending increases as


Indeed, in the end I can understand Erich-nii-san's remark

about the higher ranking nobles usually being tightwads

Also, normally a medal only equalled something like honor,

but apparently just the Twin Dragon medal is different.

Because there was no one receiving one for more than 200
years, the governmental official in charge ended up forgetting
to give an explanation about it. The Twin Dragon medal
apparently bestows an honorary annuity for one's lifetime.

The amount allocated is 3 platinum coins per year.

I, who possess two of them, will receive a annuity of 6

platinum coins. I guess this is actually a reward?

"I am extremely honored, Your Majesty." (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
"Compared to the raw materials of the dragon, this
certainly is a meager thing, but..." (King Helmut)

Due to subjugating two dragons, it could be viewed as

insignificantly sufficient amount of money compared to the
profit from selling the raw materials, but one had to consider
that a dragon subjugation normally took place about every 50
years in the first place.

Usually it was very rare that such large amount of money

was changing hands.

"Burkhart, do you have some wish for yourself?

Margraviate Breithilde shall receive a different reward."
(King Helmut)

Burkhart-san was Margraviate Breithilde's retainer. For

this time's campaign it took the form of His Majesty ordering
Margraviate Breithilde.

Therefore, no matter how much His Majesty wanted to

appoint a peerage rank to him, it was no good due to that

Given that the person himself didn't desire such a thing

either, he would receive such things like gems and treasures
from Margraviate Breithilde instead.

Still, as one would expect, without even that there would be

rumors about His Majesty not recognizing his achievements
decently in the end.

Also, although it was the Twin Dragon medal, it was still

just a medal and you couldn't just not bestow anything simply
because the target was a retainer either.
| Azura Ren |
Normally Burkhart-san should receive something as well.

Like this, there appeared to be various difficulties between

peerage connected directly to royalty and retainers serving
different nobles.

"On this occasion We are very satisfied with discovering

such a young talent. We would be very glad if thee could
diligently serve the kingdom from now on. We have high
expectations of thee, Baron Baumeister." (King Helmut)

"Understood!" (Wendelin)

Rather than such expectations, I wish to spend my summer

vacation peacefully and soon.

While I bowed towards His Majesty, such was my eager



"Another serving please!" (Wendelin)

"You really eat a lot." (Luise)

"I am hungry since I didn't get to eat anything decent for

about half a month here." (Wendelin)

After the audience had finished, I immediately returned to

the Brandt household and ate a late lunch there.

The maid prepared such things as stew, pasta and salad.

While eating I asked for a second serving.

Next to my place Luise stared at me with an astonished

face while starting a conversation.
| Azura Ren |
"The army needed one week to prepare for departure from
the garrison in the outskirts. It took three days until there
weren't any other monsters left in the center of Palkenia
Grasslands where Grade Grande was enshrined. Furthermore
it took another week to thin out the strong-looking monsters
within the former domain. And the return took three days.
Aaah... our precious summer vacation..." (Luise)

After I arrived at the royal capital, it was almost impossible

to follow my own intentions.

Although I planned to enjoy the long-awaited sightseeing

of the capital, mostly my impressions of the capital were the
formal audience at the royal palace and the garrison in the
outskirts which smelled of sweat and was covered with dust.
Therefore I only had quite an amount of unappetizing meals
so far.

And to top it off, I had to fight for my life with dragons that
looked like special effect monsters.

And at the end of the fight, just like in some famous manga,
a muscular ossan, who you wouldn't believe to be a magician,
came and concluded the battle climax.

Although he surpassed its scales, striking the dragon with

his bare hands, landing several kicks and throwing it after
grabbing its tail, you really couldn't call that a magician...

Afterwards, he proceeded to subjugate monsters claiming it

to be what a proper adult noble is supposed to do. To put it
bluntly, in comparison to the dragon these monsters were
weak. Just, the number of them was great.

Whenever possible he left for a clean up battle so that there

| Azura Ren |
would be no casualties amongst our troops and the
adventurers. Due to Armstrong-doushi's orders, they
continued to thin out the most powerful specimens.

For one week we continued the cleanup battles, acting as

search-and-kill forces, we three filthy men handled the killing
of monsters. The food was self-made and we slept by taking

Although I consider it to be a good experience before the

time I will become an adventurer, I could be called the only
person able to produce some normal food in the end among
the three of us.

As for the food of the army in the garrison, only the

amount of it could be viewed as decent.

Or more precisely, what did Armstrong-doushi and

Burkhart-san do during their time as active adventurers?

While pondering such things, Burkhart-san taught me the


"Such things like preparation of food, all of it was

entrusted to Artur-san. As long as I had some sake to drink,
there was no problem." (Burkhart)

I see, apparently it was Artur-san who had the thankless

task in that party. After retirement, he attained success as
merchant for that reason.

Putting that aside, I think it would be better for Burkhart-

san to stop only using salty jerky or their likes and sake as
replacement for a proper dinner.

| Azura Ren |
Your liver will deteriorate. That's one of the adult diseases
you shouldn't want to have, I ended up thinking to that

And then, the other person, Armstrong-doushi, was even

more outrageous.

While he was on duty we only ate monster meat which he

prepared by draining the blood, cutting the meat into slices
and then roasting it above open fire.

Although it was interesting and got a feeling of wildness on

the first day, it got rather tedious quickly after it being the
same every day.

Or rather, what kind of meals does Armstrong-doushi, who

bears the title of a noble, usually eat?

"Monster meat, which has been drained of its blood and

grilled with a sprinkle of salt, has a staggering amount of
nutrition." (Armstrong)

Honestly, he is a person I can't really call a noble at all.

Because we got filthy due to the monster subjugation

without being able to wash it off in a bath, we might have
ended up being mistaken as bandits if things didn't go well at
that time.

Likely, we would have to be prepared facing death if we

were caught on a mountain trail during the night.

"Boy, you are actually able to cook." (Burkhart)

"Umu, it tastes good. I have decided to leave the cooking to

| Azura Ren |
the lad from tomorrow onwards. (Armstrong)

Somehow coming up with something like soup and zousui

using rice, there was still a lot of room for improvement left
for me.

However, inadvertently the second half of the meal

preparation duty was pushed on me by the others.

Being the youngest in the group, I had no other choice by

to obediently consent to it.

"A summer vacation smeared in sweat, dust and blood,

huh..." (Ina)

"Ina, don't say that..." (Wendelin)

Actually, I am all the more upset because it is the truth

after all.

However, our time remaining the capital amounts to no

more than three days including today.

Although the summer vacation still continues past that, we

can't stay at the capital throughout the whole summer
vacation as we would become a bother to Erich-nii-san.
Frankly, I have a feeling that his nagging has increased lately.

Even now the enthusiastic yelling of "My certain death

skill, Giant Swing Spearmanship!" could be heard from in
front of the Brandt residence.

Though he seems to produce a bit of wind with his swing, I

think I am not wrong in not hiring the Giant Swing fellow, am
| Azura Ren |
Ina cold-heartedly replied "It's fine to leave him alone.".

"Soon it will even be too late to go and buy some

souvenirs." (Luise)

"I don't even know for whom I should buy souvenirs. For
the remaining three days I want to enjoy the capital as much
as possible." (Wendelin)

"You seem so desperate..." (Ina)

For souvenirs it is necessary that there is someone else, a

close friend or family members, that isn't present at the

Erwin has gone ahead by selecting close friends from the

prep school, except us. Ina and Luise still live at their parent's
home and it's not like their relation with the other family
members is particularly bad either.

I don't plan on meeting my family back home anymore

already, and as for friends, they have all come together with
me to the capital. Thus there is no need to expressly buy
souvenirs for them.

At most I could get some courtesy souvenirs for the

teachers and headmaster at the prep school, huh?

However that isn't necessary either as Rüdiger-san has

prepared the souvenirs for such personnage already.

"Anyway, I will leave now! Time for the sightseeing of the

capital!" (Wendelin)

"You are desperate. Vel... Isn't it fine to come here using

| Azura Ren |
teleportation magic anyway?" (Erwin)

For some reason Erwin looks at me while being astonished.

But it isn't the time to care about such things.

Anyway, for now I will go ahead and get my fill of the


Besides, it is certainly true that I can use magic to return to

the capital at any time I want.

However, what's important is now! How should I enjoy

myself at this time?

It isn't necessary to care about such things like the king or

nobles anymore.

"Please wait, Wendelin-dono." (Rüdiger)

Rüdiger-san hurriedly called out to me who was about to

leave the Brandt residence.

"Although I am feeling deeply regretful, the preparations

for the real baptism at the Holy Church headquarters has
been completed." (Rüdiger)

"Baptism...?" (Wendelin)

Ah. I forgot about that!

"Damn it!" (Wendelin)

Due to the matter of receiving the real baptism at the Holy

Church headquarters in order to keep up their prestige, I had
ended up promising to attend it to Cardinal Hohenheim at
the previous audience with His Majesty.
| Azura Ren |
However, because the previous arrangements had been
crushed by the sudden decision of the mission to subjugate
Grade Grande, I won't be able to disregard this any longer.

I cannot afford to make an enemy out of the church in this


"Real baptism, huh... You guys want to come along?"


"I will refrain from doing so." (Erwin)

Erwin immediately rejected it.

Given that it will be quite formal, he is very reluctant. I am

not very eager to go either.

"Erwin will take care of our baggage." (Ina)

"I can't repay the remaining one silver coin yet." (Erwin)

"With a new sword... Considering the souvenirs, how did

you calculate to reimburse the debt anyway? ..." (Wendelin)

Luise is currently shouldering the debt of Erwin towards


Although you would think that there was plenty of rewards

during the earlier campaign, the female group saved it up
while he didn't take into account to save some of it.

As they returned the full debt, they inflicted the penalty of

him carrying the baggage instead of paying interest.

"As for baked sweets, they will be preserved for a long

time." (Ina)
| Azura Ren |
"Oh well. There are plenty of other famous products, too.
Even if it is heavy, Erwin will take care of it." (Luise)

"Other than the weight of the baggage, I am worried about

what kind of shops we will visit..." (Erwin)

Apparently Erwin's group plans to stand in line at a

souvenirs shop that is aiming towards tourists visiting the
low-lying part of the capital (shopping district, factories, etc.)
in order to purchase their goods.

Thus, only I go ahead to the Holy Church headquarters in

order to receive the tedious real baptism.


"Welcome, please come inside, Associate Baron

Baumeister, no, sorry, you have become a Baron, haven't
you." (Hohenheim)

"I am also very humbled to receive God's guidance."


"Shall God bless you with His good divine protections,

Baron Baumeister." (Hohenheim)

I arrived at the Holy Church headquarters in the centre of

the royal capital. Waiting at the entrance, it was Cardinal
Hohenheim alongside 10 High Priests and a group of Bishops
who received me.

Still, as expected of the sole faith of the Helmut Kingdom,

which even encompassed the Holy Empire Urquhart, and its

| Azura Ren |
But given that the state religion of the Holy Empire
Urquhart was Protestantism, it looks to me that there is quite
a hateful relationship to the fellows at the Holy Church
headquarters as it is a completely different faith after all.

Likewise the grounds of the Holy Church headquarters is

grand. Anyone would understand the degree of money used
to build this building by a single glance.

The cathedral where the baptism is performed has one side

of its ceiling covered entirely in an enormous stained glass. I
was forced to believe that religion isn't a profitable business

(T/N: In other words, building such churches costs a lot of

money so they should be at the edge of zero or in the red...
well wishful thinking, but yea, that's what he means.)

Furthermore, although we had such an conversation,

should you call this the regular practice of greeting?

If I were to be a devout believer of the orthodox catholic

faith, should I express my gratitude with "Because of God's
blessing I was able to safely defeat 2 dragons. Thank you."
and should Hohenheim's group congratulate with "It is good
that our God has granted you His divine protection."?

I don't believe in the slightest that I defeated the two

dragons thanks to God. Also, the other side won't think that I
have properly given my gratitude to God either.

But since I am still a child, let's get along with the adults.

Although you could call it it a mutual give-and-take, to put

things bluntly it is only for today's purpose.
| Azura Ren |
"Being able to use the Holy Light to this extent, I am
certain that Baron Baumeister is loved by God." (Hohenheim)

"Nevertheless, I want to express nothing but my gratitude

for this divine love." (Wendelin)

As I wasn't religious in my previous life, the chances of me

visiting a church, with the exception for a baptism, were very
few in the period at my home in the present time.

Other than that, I don't think I have prayed sufficiently

enough to God to receive some kind of divine protection.

Apparently Holy magic has absolutely nothing to do with

faith. If the belief in a faith were to be required, it wouldn't be
strange for more clergymen being able to use Holy magic.

Well, it might be best to not mention it though, as the

church also uses its excessive money to shelter talented
people who are capable of using Holy magic.

The exceptionally few people able to use Holy magic are

convenient to defeat undeads of the wraith level once they
appear in an area. There is a lot of powerful healing spells
within the Holy magic.

In the case of a high-ranking Holy magic practitioner,

apparently they can reattach a torn off arm, able to cure
cancer, and they are also capable of reviving someone whose
heart has stopped beating within a few hours.

Although within my Holy magic only Holy Light has such a

high power, I am only able to use Water healing magic.

The troublesome matter is that it's almost completely the

| Azura Ren |
same with all healing spells from Water magic.

If you can use healing spells from Holy magic, you can't use
healing spells from Water magic. Therefore, as the other way
around is true as well, I won't be able to use any healing spells
from Holy magic.

Even though I would have been given a stamp of approval

in regards to my power if I could heal something like a torn
off limb, there hasn't occurred such great injury to that extent
in reality yet. Since there hasn't been such an injured person
until now, I lack the proper experience of using the magic,

Furthermore, there wasn't a time when Erwin's group was

really injured either.

Because at the most it was to the degree of a little scratch,

there was no opportunity to use healing as it wasn't a degree
of injury to require that.

As a matter of fact I thought I might be able to practice it

during the time of the expedition to the Palkenia Grasslands,
but neither Burkhart-san nor Armstrong-doushi were injured
at all.

Anyway, the persons themselves boasted about not having

caught a single cold in their entire life until now.

"Somehow I haven't caught a cold yet." (Burkhart)

"It's just as you heard from Burkhart-san." (Armstrong)

Furthermore, although I tried to give medical assistance

after joining up with a friendly unit, I was mainly reminded
| Azura Ren |
by Armstrong-doushi that we should constantly be deployed
at the front.

"Entrust it to the unit dispatched by the church! They are

plenty prepared for support. Certainly our hunting of
dangerous monsters at the front will lead to the best method
of decreasing the victims!" (Armstrong)

Though it was a reasonable argument, I just once wanted to

take a break in the rear.

'Read the mood, you muscle doushi!' was what I ended up

screaming within my mind.

"Well then, let us begin the real baptism right away."


Although I had anticipated for the real baptism taking a lot

of time at the beginning, it only took 30 minutes to finish in

As for the aspect differing from the regular baptism, I think

it was mostly to the degree of Cardinal Hohenheim taking the
role of the priest and the other high priests additionally
taking care of the various chores, huh?

Since I was a valued client, the high-ranking clergymen

weren't stingy.

"The real baptism has finished safely, too." (Hohenheim)

"Thank you very much. Please take this as gratuity."


Although I was told it isn't necessary, there is no priest who

| Azura Ren |
isn't happy about receiving donations. I passed the donation
to Cardinal and he put it into his beautiful silken pouch.

It was 10 platinum coins.

Even though it was a large amount of money, I expected

the priests of the church to become my allies if I gave them
such an impact here.

After all I still have more than 1000 platinum coins which I
can't use up anyway.

"We thank you very kindly for this generous donation."


Just as I thought, seeing the coins taking their place

amongst gold coins within Cardinal Hohenheim's pouch, he
casually passed that pouch to a nearby high priest.

As expected, I shouldn't be caught in the action of seeing

the contents at this place.

I probably wasn't surprised knowing it afterwards. Well,

since I can't really estimate the donations from nobles, it
might actually be quite normal.

"Well, since the real baptism has finished, how about some
tea?" (Hohenheim)

Given that Cardinal Hohenheim has invited me to some

tea, I decided to take him up on his offer.

Leaving this impressive church and walking for a little

while, the building mentioned earlier, where Cardinal
Hohenheim's office is located at, became visible.
| Azura Ren |
Entering the interior of the building I was guided to a room
similar to a reception office with a sofa and desk.

"In the back is my office, although it is an ordinary study

lacking any appeal." (Hohenheim)

The door visible in the back apparently is the entrance.

After a few seconds, there was a knocking at the door and

following Cardinal Hoheheimer's reply a person clad in a
female learning attire entered the room holding a tray with
tea kettle and cups.

Well, although you could definitely say that she was a

woman, her height was not more than 150 centimeters. Also,
checking her face and trying to deduct her approximate age, I
wasn't able to.

You might even say that the certainly mysterious face of

this young lady made her into a well-featured beautiful girl.
The small amount of long blond hair being visible behind the
veil was glittering and shining. Adding to this these
mysterious pupils colored like amethyst, I ended up being
charmed for a moment by her face.

| Azura Ren |
What continued to be on my mind, were those bulges of a
certain part which weren't adequate at such degree
considering her age.

Although it would be rude to keep staring at her, there was

no one in the same generation like Ina who could win against
those two hills. The originally inconspicuous nun's habit was
pushed up by her breast portion.

Well there existed such things as 11 years old gravure idols

with F-cups in my previous life. There are many people in
this world who resembled Europeans and Americans in shape
and appearance.

Therefore it might not be too strange for an approximately

12-years old girl with above F-cups to exist here.

Considering it like that, Ina and Luise might have various

difficulties without me being aware of it, huh?

And then I also noticed one more fact.

"Her magic power is strong, isn't it?" (Wendelin)

"So you can tell after all, huh? Although I let her serve tea
as greeting today, she is in reality my granddaughter."

"Nice to meet you, Baron Baumeister-sama. My humble

name is Elise Katharina von Hohenheim." (Elise)

So this beautiful girl is Cardinal Hohenheim's


| Azura Ren |
Although I have certain feeling that her face among other
things doesn't resemble him at all, given that she is his
grandchild, his child might have not taken after him.

Thus, Cardinal Hohenheim is a noble as expected.

As a matter of fact, for appointed nobles lacking any

responsibilities, there are many cases where they made a
career as clergymen.

Though there was no designed difference in a successful

career for the commoners, nobles and merchants at my home
for the time being. I wonder all the same how long they would
need to collect donations in order to become distinguished.
You can only call this corrupt. The top-brass positions in the
church are all held by former nobles and merchants.

After all, the commandments are quite loose.

Marrying as it pleases you and also there are no restriction

regarding the consumption of meat and fish. At most it is to
the degree of not drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco in

In short, the thing called freedom wasn't overly frowned

upon by the clergymen in regards to society.

Nonetheless, apparently the amount of corrupt priests has

been increasing here lately.

Because they want to amass wealth they resort to things

such as loansharking in order to get money. As it is wrong of
them to officially have a mistress as you would expect, they
secretly surround themselves with lovers. And due to
excessive drinking of alcohol they become alcoholics.
| Azura Ren |
Apparently experiencing this for several hundred years
here, the faith of Protestantism was born due to that. These
circumstances also sprang forth the antagonism between both

However, even the fundamental beliefs of Protestantism

were lost in the several hundred years of history and now
there is no great difference between them and the orthodox
catholic church. Although there was another faction born in
reminiscence of the old days in order to correct this again,
history will just repeat itself.

For this nostalgic faction such things like the common

clergy re-marrying, consuming meat and fish meals, and
indulging in luxury items such as tea, alcohol and tobacco are
prohibited just as it was thousands of years ago.

Protecting the former rigid doctrine, they aim to create a

foundation returning to the original faith.

Therefore, a strict doctrine, with the exception of marriage

prohibition, was imposed upon their believers.

But, owing these circumstances the number of believers

hasn't increased in reverse which generated contradictions.

The majority of society scowls at the depravity of the


Even so, if you asked them to protect strict commandments

by their own will, the majority of people would disagree to do

Although I got all of my knowledge about this area of

expertise from Erich-nii-san, this story is depressing by only
| Azura Ren |
listening to it.

There is really no difference between religion in my

previous life and religion in the current world. (BakaG: As
claimed by the guy that avoided Church his entire life. Real
religion is about Common Decency, Faith, and Love. Do some
fact checking before you start condemning entire cultural
bodies, Original Author.)

"Cardinal Hohenheim is categorized as member of the less

objectionable group within the church, I heard in rumors.
Being appointed as duty-free Viscount, he isn't fussy about
receiving donations considering him being a clergyman."

The likes of imprudent commoners becoming high priests

are apparently quite annoying in receiving donation for no
matter what they do.

They can't sever and come clean of their time of suffering

due to having to meet the business quota called donations for
the sake of rising to the top.

On the other hand, because former nobles and merchants

don't go through such hardships in collecting the necessary
donations for advancing in rank, there are unexpectedly quite
a few generous people around in the church.

"Watch out for high priests that were commoners." (Erich)

This seems to be the common sense of this world.

"I am very proud of my granddaughter. Because she can

use Holy healing magic, she is allowed to practice as a nun in
this manner." (Hohenheim)
| Azura Ren |
Since the clergy, women as well as men, can marry as they
please in this world, the clergy's family members are also free
to come and go as they wish.

Even if they aren't proficient in Holy magic like her, there

are many children entrusted to the church.

Because there are many nobles who have time for teaching
and so forth, they receive an education. For the girls it is
training to become a bride in case they get such an offer.

"Holy healing magic, huh? I can only use Holy Light of the
Holy magic." (Wendelin)

"Only being able to use it is already a significant quality.

Moreover, can't you use Water healing magic?" (Hohenheim)

"Well yea..." (Wendelin)

'You are quite knowledgeable...'

As one should expect of one of the church's leaders

Cardinal Hohenheim I should say, huh?

Despite not being able until now to use the likes of Water
healing magic in a situation, he is well aware of the
circumstances that I can use it though.

Is the root of the information coming from the adventurer

prep school? Given that I displayed it several times at
practical lessons, this fact was obviously leaked.

At any rate it is a definite proof that the intelligence

network of the church is widespread and profound.

| Azura Ren |
"You know it very well." (Wendelin)

At that time I healed several slightly-injured people.

In truth, although master said that I should be able to heal

quite severely injured people as well, it's not like seriously
sick people will suddenly appear just because of that.

My healing magic still has some unfinished parts.

"Well, it's because the church has quite good eyes and
ears." (Hohenheim)

After all, since I am unskilled at hiding, not even talking

about concealing it in this situation, I decided to act
obediently here.

"As expected of Alfred's pupil! The handling of magic was

inherited from his master!" (Armstrong)

The only person declaring it in such earth-shattering

admiration was doushi-sama.

"I placed Elise here for her to thoroughly study before she
gets married." (Hohenheim)

"A~re? But, she can use Holy healing magic, isn't that
right?" (Wendelin)

"Yes, and in addition to that she is quite talented at it."


As for magic skill she can use from intermediate up to

advanced magic.

Although you might call it a flaw that she can use nothing
| Azura Ren |
but Holy magic, at the Palkenia Grasslands liberalization a
few days ago she was able to help with first-aid treatment for
the several hundred severely injured people brought in for
medical treatment according to Cardinal Hohenheim's story.

"As grandfather of this girl, I wish for her to marry

normally. In relation to her healing ability, it shouldn't cause
any difficulties in her wedded life and be fine, if she were to
be called upon to receive work." (Hohenheim)

Obviously Cardinal Hohenheim had at the very least no

intention to put his granddaughter into the clergy.

Since she can use healing magic anyway, it seems that she
can simply receive requests from the local church and the
adventurer's guild for medical treatment. In the end there
won't be any real changes, huh?

Until her marriage she will perform the healing as

apprentice nun of the church. After the marriage she will
perform healing upon request, whereas a part of the reward
will be donated to the church.

Apparently there are quite a few married women

possessing healing ability operating like this.

"The looks of this child are quite excellent and she has the
disposition of a gentle girl, too. Therefore I want to look for
the best husband." (Hohenheim)

Furthermore, Elise is the daughter of the eldest son of

Cardinal Hohenheim. Naturally, a husband who isn't suited to
this family status is useless.

Because Cardinal Hohenheim is a Viscount, it had to be an

| Azura Ren |
heir or family head of one level of the upper or lower class
(Earl or Baron).

I believe this much is the least estimation.

"Given that Elise-san is quite the beautiful type, the

competition should be quite fierce, shouldn't it?" (Wendelin)

Though I thought "Having her serve tea for people, what a

prided granddaughter!", there was no merit in angering a
big-shot of the church here either.

I was determined to do nothing but speak well of the girl

called Elise.

The tendency of a salary-man of a second-rate company in

my previous live came out.

In reality, since she is a beautiful to the degree of deserving

the admiration, it is quite easy to do my part without any
need to strain myself.

If she were a woman like Miriam, I wouldn't say a word

after all.

"Talking honestly, there are a lot of such families."


Since there are several Earl households, I have the

impression that she received many requests to become the
legal wife of a family head or an heir.

"I thought you'd say that. With such a degree of beauty, I

wonder whether I should become candidate as well?"
| Azura Ren |
Later on I would wonder why I said these words after
putting them under a careful consideration. Apparently it was
due to the strong influence of my previous life's memory.

In my previous life I wasn't very popular with women.

Since I was without exaggeration quite unpopular, after

becoming acquainted to such beautiful girls such as Ina and
Luise, I didn't properly consider the target of my passion and
marriage partner either.

I only thought that I was lucky to become their friend and

that I am unrelated to such a level of beautiful girls in the first

Up to here I might not have been realistic.

"Ooooh! So you will kindly receive Elise as wife?"


"As I am still not of age, wouldn't it be difficult for me to

enter an engagement at the current time?" (Wendelin)

Even though I spoke words due to my loose tongue I

usually would never utter at all, I thought of them as
impossible solution to begin with within my mind.

As a kind of lip service I planned for it to be a light joke.

"That's true. Since Elise is, just like Baron Baumeister, 12

years old, we can for now only announce the engagement and
then once you become an adult we will be able to officially
perform the marriage, isn't that right?" (Hohenheim)

"That's true." (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
"Then, it's decided." (Hohenheim)

"Eh?" (Wendelin)

Because of the serious look of Cardinal Hohenheim, my

smiling face ended up frozen.

"When I asked His Majesty, I received the words, 'Since

they are similar in age, they will be a well-suited marriage
couple'." (Hohenheim)

"Eh? This... Are you for real?" (Wendelin)

By no means I did believe to be betrothed to this girl called

Elise. My mind was completely in disorder.

"However, this girl's mother is in fact Armstrong-doushi's

imouto. Doushi also completely agrees to this engagement."

Furthermore I was plunged into outrageous news.

On top of being certified by His Majesty, this girl seems to

be niece of that muscled magician Armstrong-doushi!

Therefore, obviously I will end up becoming his relative.

If one were to speak of such things like "Apparently",

although the decision has only been openly declared, it is a
decided matter in reality already.

There might be nobles, who have the courage, to refuse the

marriage in such situation.

However I didn't feel inclined to such bravery since it was

no more than reckless foolishness.
| Azura Ren |
Even so, not hearing Elise's will in regards to the marriage
is quite unfair.

Being born as noble, she couldn't possibly refuse the

marriage arranged between her parents and me.

As for noble's marriages, half of them were due to

obligation of their vocation.

Therefore, marriages due to love were handed down as

curiosity to future generations.

"Elise is fine with this, too? For Baron Baumeister-dono to

become your husband? Please extend your greetings to him."

"Yes, esteemed grandfather. As Baron Baumeister-sama's

honorable activity has become a popular topic of conversation
within the royal capital, I inquired to be granted to visit him.
To be able to become the wife of such an esteemed person, I
am truly grateful." (Elise)

"..." (Wendelin)

"Baron Baumeister-dono?" (Hohenheim)

"Eetto ... I am Wendelin von Benno Baumeister. Please

treat me well after I become an adult and officially marry
you." (Wendelin)

"It is I who should say so, please treat me well." (Elise)

No matter how much memory I possess from my previous

life or how strong the magic I can use is.

| Azura Ren |
After all, I am still me.

Deceived by the experienced Cardinal Hohenheim, I ended

up having decided upon a fiance at the early age of 12 years.

| Azura Ren |
Chapter 36: My Fiancée Is Nicknamed 'Saint'

"...There is no alcohol?" (Burkhart)

"This is a coffee shop, Burkhart-san." (Wendelin)

"I know that, but..." (Burkhart)

Most of my precious summer vacation had been wasted on

monster extermination. Although I finally got some time for
myself in the remaining three days, I was once again met with
a turning point in life.

I went to the headquarters of the religion holding a large

influence on the entire Lingaia continent, to say nothing of
this Helmut kingdom, to receive my real baptism there. For
some reason I was tricked into being betrothed to the
granddaughter of a big-shot over there.

Furthermore, that big-shot was Cardinal Hohenheim.

Using his social status to freely enter the royal palace, he
already had obtained permission from His Majesty.

Doing such a thing like rejecting the marriage here would

have spelled the end of my life in the Helmut kingdom.

Even though it was very likely that I could have started a

second life by seeking asylum in the neighboring country,
Holy Empire Urquhart, I unfortunately had too little
information related to the Holy Empire Urquhart.

Therefore, I forsake such things like defection as it was

simply impossible.
| Azura Ren |
In the end this marriage became a settled matter.

My partner Elise is a beautiful girl which would cause 10

out of 12 men to turn their head upon seeing her. I also didn't
think it was possible for her to have such huge breasts at the
same age as me.

I guess there are only very few men who dislike huge
breasts in this world. I find them loveable to a great extent
myself too.

Besides, I am only engaged for now.

Young nobles decided their marriage partner following the

will of their parents.

Therefore, as this resembled the circumstances of the

decider, it wasn't unusual to have previously arranged
marriages ending up being cancelled either.

Certainly it can be said that there is likewise no guarantee

in me marrying Elise.

"Is it such a ridiculous story? His Majesty has already

given his approval to the marriage." (???)

"Won't His Majesty order the annulment of this marriage

authorization if the situation changed unexpectedly?"

"Such an accident won't happen! Or rather, boy, do you

find this girl disagreeable?" (???)

"No! Her looks are a strike!" (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
'Especially those breasts are excellent', I thought.

Although I still think even now that the various sizes of

breasts have their advantages and disadvantages, seeing the
actual things in front of my eyes I can't stop ending up
shifting my way of thinking.

'Hah, even if you call me a traitor, those are still


Since I didn't understand towards whom I am becoming a

traitor, I think pondering about this matter is just stupid.

"That cardinal! Isn't that a fine granddaughter he got! As

expected of the 'Saint of Hohenheim!'" (???)

"Saint of Hohenheim?" (Wendelin)

"It is the nickname of that girl. She is famous in the royal

capital." (???)

"I wasn't aware of that." (Wendelin)

Even though that nickname gave off the feeling of

something greatly divine, it ended up as a slightly pitiable
sign for someone with such a young age.

As I was bewildered by being suddenly called [Dragon-

Slaying Hero] as well, I was somehow able to cope with it as
my insides are those of an ossan (middle-aged man).

Anyway, for now I think the compatibility and such has to

be confirmed first before proceeding to talk about the actual

| Azura Ren |
As a matter of fact it is also possible that she has a bad
character, too.

Such being the case, not talking about the fiancée until it
has been decided and finalized, I returned to the Brandt
mansion after the real baptism.

After a while I invited Burkhart-san and Erich-nii-san to a

coffee shop close to the mansion and told them the whole
story so far.


"Cardinal Hohenheim completely led you by the nose!"


Burkhart-san shouted directly.

No wonder, legally speaking, although margrave Breithilde

won the competition to become my patron, the introduction
to my legal wife hasn't been arranged yet.

Well, actually, in the end, my legal wife has been decided to

be a relative of a noble appointed to the central government
in the end.

Furthermore, it isn't a noble just appointed to the central

government without responsibilities either.

She isn't only the grandchild of a big-shot in the state

religion, the orthodox catholic religion, but also the niece of
His Majesty's most trusted Royal Head Magician. With this,
you can't really say her standing is poor.

As Burkhart-san was completely outwitted, he was in a

| Azura Ren |
state of being at his wit's end what to tell his master, margrave
Breithilde, afterwards.

My surveillance and safeguarding, that is his job.

"How did it turn into marriage talks on the occasion of a

real baptism! Usually that's impossible!" (Burkhart)

Usually it is supposed to be impossible. Normally people

would judge this as imprudent. But that doesn't particularly
mean that it is a violation of the commandments.

"That person just ended up doing that. Even more so, he

earned His Majesty's authorization in advance. As he has His
Majesty's authorization, it will be already completed with the
ex-post-facto approval by margrave Breithilde." (Erich)

Although in reality he was forced to accept the prior talks,

in the end there still was the possibility of margrave
Breithilde having taken measures before this happened.

For this reason, he obtained the permission from His

Majesty in advance so that margrave Breithilde couldn't voice
any complaints afterwards either.

Even if margrave Breithilde is an influential person in the

southern parts of the kingdom, there were many instances
where appointed nobles led the provincial nobles around by
the nose due to their political distance from the central

Putting it conversely, being tricked due to the political gap

between them, there was no rebellion in the provinces either.
This peculiar state could be said to keep the peace within the
kingdom. (T/N: What the author probably means is that they
| Azura Ren |
can't react quickly and organise themselves into a revolting
force since the results of the schemes performed by the
nobles in the capital reach them quite delayed)

"Should I start a secluded life within the capital, I

wonder?" (Burkhart)

Despite him stating that he is only 50 years old previously,

Burkhart-san brought up the matter of retirement like an old
man himself.

Which reminds me, when a large-scale business deal in my

previous life broke down, I remember the section chief
wearing such a facial expression right after that too.

"In the recent case, margrave Breithilde got hold of a

generous portion as well, that's a fact. Therefore I think it's
fine to not say anything." (Erich)

"If Erich-dono says so. It might cause master to not yell too
much. But, you know..." (Burkhart)

If something happened that causes him to get angry, he

would deal with his retainers wearing a frightening, eerie
smile. I heard that it causes an icy feeling to travel down the

"I guess there is no point in voicing my complaints towards

the boy either..." (Burkhart)

"No matter how much of a genius in magic Vel is,

understanding and avoiding to be swept away by the complex
political conflicts within the capital is simply impossible for a
12-years old. Even for adults it is mostly impossible, too."
| Azura Ren |
Yes, since the degree of intellect contained within me is
after all the one of a second-rate trading company man, I
can't properly understand the complicated and mysterious
matters of the world of politics.

"I guess so. Ah, if I only had used Artur-san better."


Likewise stating this, it is already too late as the matter has

reached its conclusion by now. The three sipped the served

Coffee is a special product of the southern parts. Although

importing the goods from the south is expensive, it is a
beverage that is often drank by the common people of the
capital as well.

In opposite, those in Breitburg and their likes drink cheap


"Say, that boy..." (???)

"...Isn't that the Dragon-Slaying Hero?" (???)

"...He is still so small. Isn't he a cute one?" (???)

"...If you provoke him, you will be blown away with magic."

This coffee shop has a reputation of having many nobles as

regular customers. Even though the black tea, coffee and
desserts are delicious, it isn't really suited to use it for secret
talks like this.

Families, young couples and nobles together with their

| Azura Ren |
attendants occasionally sneaked a look our way and tattled
amongst themselves.

"Are you the customer who ordered the seasonal fruits

tart?" (Waitress-oneesan)

"Yes!" (Wendelin)

Without caring about the whispering, I cheerfully answered

the waitress-oneesan who brought my ordered dessert.

"Boy, how can you eat a dessert care-freely in this

situation!?" (Burkhart)

By the way, this coffee shop was listed in the guide of well-
known stores in the capital. Since Ina and Luise said that their
cakes were delicious, I thought that I want to eat them as well.

"Weeell, this matter has already been decided and brought

to a close. Or more precisely, I hadn't time yet to go
sightseeing the capital at all." (Wendelin)

Because she is equal to me, also has some magic talent and
since I was appointed to peerage by His Majesty, I don't have
the courage to do something like rejecting her.

Or rather, what kind of person could do such a thing

anyway, I ended up thinking.

Was it in a manga from previous life? Or a novel? Though it

was a protagonist who refused the rewards and proposals by
celebrities, I believed it to be a good decision to reject those

However, at least, for me, that is impossible.

| Azura Ren |
Moreover, even if my fiancée ended up being decided

Also, it can be said to be totally different if I am wedded to

a person that I truly love myself, not a fiancée decided by
some big-shot, otherwise I will only be a main character in the
emerging drama.

Besides, after thinking about it very carefully, presently I

have no lover I want to pledge my loyalty to no matter which
obstacles I will face in the future or what kind of difference
between our social position exists.

To me, an almost loner with an age of 12 years, I can't

picture such things like love either.

Given that my score in love is low by nature, that was

something that couldn't also be helped.

Therefore I will accept the engagement for now and focus

on spending my remaining time in the capital in an enjoyable

"As a matter of fact, you resemble Alfred quite well like

this. That guy also did things at his own pace contrary to his
appearance while donning a kind mask on the surface."

"I will take this as a compliment. But, an engagement is in

the end nothing more than an engagement, isn't that so?"

As I mentioned not long ago, you shouldn't rely on

something of the degree of an engagement between nobles
| Azura Ren |
The head of a noble's household decides for their
companions as they please. Even so, if the nobles having
pushed the marriage upon them this way didn't think well of
the other party, they immediately ended up cancelling the
marriage at their own convenience.

Also, since Elise will live in the royal capital until she
becomes an adult, I expect there won't be many opportunities
to meet face-to-face with me who will be in Breitburg.

Therefore I considered to stop making such an extent of

ruckus, too.

"The sweetness of peaches combined with the sour feeling

of the first pears of the season~." (Wendelin)

As you would expect of a dessert of a famous coffee shop in

the capital.

The somewhat suppressed sweetness is also very delicious.

At my home I wouldn't have been able to each such a thing

for an eternity.

"Vel, I hope that tart is tasty?" (Erich)

"Yes, it's perfect." (Wendelin)

"Burkhart-san, let's give up already. I also want one of

those tarts." (Erich)

"...Me too." (Burkhart)

Since the location was a coffee shop, secrecy would be

somehow suspicious. In the end, all three got excited and

| Azura Ren |
didn't decide on any countermeasure for the suddenly
appeared fiancée either.

After eating the cakes, which were the store's specialty,

they agreed with returning to the Brandt's mansion just like


"The time remaining for you to stay in the capital is scarce,

Wendelin-sama. During that time, you defeated the two
dragons, who appeared, as well. I hear that you hadn't the
occasion to spend some time on such things as sightseeing
overly much either. Today I will gladly guide you around the
capital." (Elise)

"Ahaha... In case of Elise-san, who was born in the capital, I

can feel relieved to entrust it to you..." (Wendelin)

"I am a woman chosen to become Wendelin-sama's wife.

Please call me Elise without adding any honorific titles."

"Is that so? Then there is no need for you to add -sama to
my name either--" (Wendelin)

"No, that's not something I can do." (Elise)

"..." (Wendelin)

The next day, only two days remained of my stay in the


As I was discussing with Erwin's group where we would go

out to today, the figure of yesterday's fiancée Elise appeared
| Azura Ren |
at the Brandt's mansion.

I unintentionally ended up sending my glance in the

direction of Ina and Luise.

Although neither of them showed any particular change of

their facial expression, I wondered, why I directed my gaze
towards them now that I think of it?

"Elise-dono? Expressly coming here, what an honor."


"I have heard of your fame from oji-sama, Ringstadt-

sama." (Elise)

"Well, I am a second-rate magician in comparison to

Armstrong-doushi." (Burkhart)

"No, there is no such thing. Oji-sama told me that he views

you as an expert magician." (Elise)

Next Burkhart-san appeared here and exchanged greetings

with Elise.

For Burkhart-san, you had to expect him to not find the

existence of Elise itself amusing.

The reason is, while my patron margrave Breithilde

probably planned to allocate a fiancée for me afterwards,
those plans had been completely ruined in the end.

However, after observing Elise yesterday, I arrived at the

conclusion that it would be unfair to turn this grudge towards

| Azura Ren |
For sure the instigator of the engagement is Cardinal
Hohenheim, thus all complaints should be directed at him.

Well, no matter what you say to this old man, I certainly

don't believe he will mind such things.


I gathered all available information related to Elise since

yesterday evening.

As Erich-nii-san and the people of the Brandt household

knew it, she is apparently called the [Saint of Hohenheim]
on the streets.

Though she is training in order to be wed, she is working as

a nun apprentice at the church.

I believed her to behave arrogantly since she is the

grandchild of a big-shot in the church. But she receives
everyone without any discrimination. People say that she
gives medical treatment to many people for free using her
understanding of Healing magic as long as time allows it.

Also, in addition, she sews clothes, makes sweets to eat and

instructs the study for the children of the orphanage run by
the church.

She participates at the periodically performed food

distributions for the poor, too.

I don't understand how it turned into her becoming my

wife as she is a girl suitable of the nickname Saint.

She simply is a flawless superwoman, I think.

| Azura Ren |
"Is her body being sacrificed to the Demon Lord-like me as
it would suit a holy woman?" (Wendelin)

"To call yourself to the extent of Demon Lord, I don't think

Vel is such a villain. Just that you become indistinguishable
in public, with the exception of the magic side." (Luise)

"You..." (Wendelin)

I shed tears when Luise spoke her mind.

"But, if someone is that perfect, there must be something

suspicious in reverse... If I may say myself, I think her
character might be bad." (Ina)

"The thing Ina mentioned, there might be some truth to it."


Although I listened to the view of Rüdiger-san and Erich-

nii-san being, "Isn't that just because she is quite well versed
at pretending?". It didn't look to me that she is very crude.

It is only the outcome of genuinely receiving the education

of public attitude as noble girl who has led a sheltered life. It
appears that she is a beautiful girl, who earnestly puts great
effort into being able to serve her future husband, just like the
impression given by a painting.

Also, although I don't quite understand, after killing two

dragons in sequence and receiving two Twin Dragon medals
and the rank of Baron from His Majesty, I got great
popularity among the women of the capital.

Therefore, it may also be possible that Elise is truly

attracted to me.
| Azura Ren |
And, after meeting Elise, it became apparent that she held
a very great reverence towards her uncle, Armstrong-doushi,
who used the same magic as herself.

Naturally, that uncle was totally speaking in high tones

about my abilities, thus there was no need to worry about her
hating me at least .

As I saw Elise's smile, that also became very apparent to

even someone like me.

'How regrettable, I am not such a noble person.'

"Will Elise-ojousama visit us soon?" (Rüdiger)

"Yes." (Wendelin)


And then, Elise came alongside a single attendant.

It was an elderly man with silver-grey hair which was

swept back. Summarizing it, this man certainly should be
called "The Butler". The name he introduced himself with
was Sebastian.

"Sebastian has served the Hohenheim household as butler

since before I was born." (Elise)

"At this time I have received the order from master to be

the attendant of Elise-sama and Wendelin-sama." (Sebastian)

From his outward appearance up to his speech and

conduct, he was, no matter where you looked, a butler
appearing like a role model of the Sebastian lineage

| Azura Ren |
(estimated 52 years old).

I even forgot my own current situation while being deeply

moved by my memories. As if he is an employee of a Butler

"Despite coming to the capital at great pains, I was

practically unable to go sightseeing the capital." (Wendelin)

"Wendelin-sama, you obtained achievements to such an

extent. It is only natural that you were busy. Then, shall we
go?" (Elise)

While I was deeply impressed by Sebastian's style as butler,

I left the Brandt's mansion together with Elise and him.

Although I had the feeling that I was forgetting something

important, I think I ought to focus on the sightseeing tour of
the capital which I would now experience finally after waiting
for such a long time.

Given that it was the only one day after the engagement
was decided, I had better cultivate a better understanding of
Elise as well.

But, after we left the Brandt's mansion behind, apparently

a quarrel broke out between the people left behind.


"That girl is Vel's fiancée, huh? But he is great after all, too,
isn't that so? Those breasts are enviable~" (Erwin)

"Erwin is just a normal man too." (Ina)

| Azura Ren |
"Is that bad? However, despite being in the same
environment as Vel, there hasn't been any attempt of such
things like talking about a fiancée for me." (Erwin)

Erwin honestly felt jealous of Wendelin.

Especially about those breasts.

At the same time he sent a glance towards Ina and Luise,

after looking at their chests he breathed a sigh.

He received a slap in the face from both turning both of

his cheeks red and turning the situation being awkward.

"I believe if you defeat 2 dragons as well you will be able to

get a fiancée too." (Ina)

'Although only on the same level as someone like me.' (Ina)

"You are asking the impossible, Ina. I decided to steadily

raise one flag." (Erwin)

"As adventurer? Or as Vel's vassal?" (Luise)

"U~~~n, I will play it by ear." (Erwin)

At the present state, he hadn't put together his future

objectives and plans as too many various things happened
recently, thus Erwin couldn't just give a single reply.

Also, from Ina's view, Erwin didn't want to feel inferior as a

man in comparison to Wendelin. Rather, his height was tall
and his face wasn't at a different level than Wendelin's.

Since the target of comparison next to him was simply far

too great, that was the only reason why he was losing out.
| Azura Ren |
"Well then, Ina become my fiancée." (Erwin)

"Impossible. Or rather, are you for real?" (Ina)

"I only wanted to try saying it~" (Erwin)

'Even though Luise also said that, on the occasion of that

garden party where margrave Breithilde was pleased with
Wendelin, my own future as mistress ended up being
acknowledged by the surroundings.' (Ina)

Though it wasn't clear whether he would make a move on

her in the future, Ina still thought that it would be fine either

He is a gentle man, he even excels as a magician and his

assets are great too.

As for the story of money on hand, mistress, be that as it

may, still ties the partner into a sexual relationship between
man and woman. There is no situation that is better than
having a partner who can secure a safe child birth.

Speaking of such requirements, Wendelin is the best


"Luise-jou-chan, I want you to preserve for a little longer."


And now, Burkhart whined to Luise.

Approximately 4 months after enrolling at the prep school,

since she went as far as staying at Wendelin's mansion, she
thought she simply wants to remove Elise's sex appeal.

| Azura Ren |
"Don't say something this pathetic, Burkhart. Even in the
case we would be in mutual love with Vel at this point in time,
we still wouldn't obstruct this engagement situation or today's
date." (Luise)

Although she was the daughter of a retainer, she would still

oppose the grandchild of an appointed viscount and
influential person within the church concerning the status of
being the true wife.

Going to the extent of doing such reckless competition,

even Luise wasn't that thoughtless either.

If she could choose these things, it would be more efficient

to direct her effort into something like receiving affection
after the marriage.

'This girl's characteristic is to not be concerned how she

appears to society.' (Burkhart)

"I am sorry. Those were idle complaints from an ossan.

But, you understand, don't you?" (Burkhart)

The matter Burkhart wanted to talk about, until now, more

than gaining fame in the capital, only Ina and Luise were
close to Wendelin and were treated as his women by these
needlessly excessive surroundings.

That's the thing he wanted to say.

"Back home they are evidently hoping that... I think."(Ina)

"By now there are no talks about marriage interviews from

my parent's house. Even though I didn't get a partner either."
| Azura Ren |
Judging by the way Ina's and Luise's parents handled
things, it would be convenient for them if their own daughters
became the mistresses of the dragon-slaying hero who is
margrave Breithilde's favorite.

From the start, due to the problem of family status, they

didn't held a speck of expectation for them to attain the status
of legal wife either.

The Baron Baumeister household would certainly receive

territory once he founded a family. Thereupon it would
become possible trying to teach spearmanship and establish a
new dojo for their magic combat style for the children given
birth by their own daughters.

Dispatching personnel to manage the dojo and its pupils, it

would allow them to adapt into working for the Baumeister

Even if they were only taught the basics of the martial arts
school in the dojo, it could be said that it had reasonable
advantages as it would be easy to gather pupils since there
were many options of employment afterwards.

'However, resolving to only use martial arts is like a meal

you can't eat.' (Ina)

Those were the words of Ina's grandfather who already

passed away.

With this you can be certain that the operation of a dojo is

quite difficult as well.

"You also have various difficulties." (Burkhart)

| Azura Ren |
"Go forward! Become Vel's mistress and establish a branch
of the magic combat style in the territory of the Baron
Baumeister household, as mother of the first-generation
teacher!" (Luise)

"Eeto. Similarly, Become Vel's mistress and establish a

branch spearmanship dojo on the territory of the Baron
Baumeister household, as mother of the first-generation
teacher!" (Ina)

| Azura Ren |
"Ina-jou-chan and Luise-jou-chan, don't use such obscene
words like mistress or concubine here..." (Burkhart)

"Embarrassing, isn't it?..." (Ina)

Different to the usually calm facial expression, Burkhart

looked at Ina's face, which had become red, while admiringly
thinking, "So she is able to make such a face, too.".

"However, that Elise-jou is a threat." (Burkhart)

At this late hour, it already wasn't because Burkhart

harbored reservations towards Elise.

Honestly speaking, she is an adorable girl. From the start

Ina and Luise had no hope of being the legal wives.

Moreover, as he didn't seem to be a pitiful person who

couldn't pay the expenses for receiving the report via
communication magic, it could be said that it was because
margrave Breithilde essentially hadn't properly prepared a
fiancée candidate.

Who the heck is it? It couldn't be that he wanted to

recommend a woman well past her prime who missed the
chance to get married so as to not hurt her feelings, could it?'

"Huh! Anita-sama will become Wend's fiance?" (???)

"Even if it is novel, I absolutely expect him to become

angry, but..." (???)

When Ina and Luise were told this later on secretly, they

| Azura Ren |
were lost for words too.

At that age, spending the energy she had for enjoying

herself without doing any work at the main residence of the
Breithilde household. She also didn't have a good reputation
among the retainers.

Because it wasn't possible to tell the person herself directly

in the face, it was arranged that her reputation wouldn't be
leaked to the public.

Furthermore, though regularly putting her looks in order

for aiming at the retainers, an unreasonable marriage
proposal was brought in.

Usually, it was for her to become the second wife of elder

nobles who passed the age of 60 and whose first wife already
passed away.

Since it was only such stories, the person herself

immediately rejected these proposals in the end.

margrave Breithilde was also hesitant to say anything, it

wouldn't be so bad when she were something like his younger
sister, but in fact she was his stubborn aunt.

Therefore he kept in mind to normally not come in contact

with this person as much as possible.

"It is unnecessary to compare her with Elise." (Ina)

"Merely comparing is already pointless. Good grief, what

was master thinking... You two somehow suit the boy."

| Azura Ren |
"Leave it to me! I will use my strong sex appeal to
magnificently seduce Vel." (Luise)

"Strong sex appeal eh..." (Burkhart)

No matter how you enhanced her looks, currently you

couldn't view Luise as nothing else but a 10-years old.
Although you couldn't deny the potential once she grew up a

Furthermore it was certainly possible that Wendelin in

reality liked little girlish women too.

'To tell you the truth, there is a fixed number of such

nobles too...' (Burkhart)

Such things like the favorite concubine being a small girl, I

heard there were many nobles desiring them.

Actually, Burkhart already knew and witnessed the likes of


'At any rate, it is necessary to increase Wendelin's wives

and mistresses to a certain extent. It had better be various
types'. Burkhart considered.

When forcefully pushing for various types, it could be said

that you built a shelf within your mind where feelings of guilt
wouldn't erupt.

"It isn't an unusual story for mistresses to steal a march on

the legal wife either." (Luise)

"That is certainly true. So? Ina-jou-chan?" (Burkhart)

| Azura Ren |
"I will try with great effort..." (Ina)

Ina's face was once more dyed bright red while Burkhart
inquired for a reply.

Other than the usually composed facial expression, this

face filled with shame would give Wendelin a serious blow if
he saw it.

Burkhart, who had some experiences in his own way,

ended up thinking that.

"Anyway, in a few days we will already return to Breitburg.

Over there you can slowly seduce the boy." (Burkhart)

In the first place, with only 12 years too many various

things already happened.

Currently, there was only one 12-years old on the whole

continent, who spent his summer vacation with such thrilling
and hectic events.

That was Wendelin.

"However, a butler accompanying her on a date with the

fiancée. She is quite the ojousama." (Ina)

"Suddenly directly meeting at the rest area, such thing

might also be embarrassing, so isn't it fine?" (Luise)

"Luise-jou-chan's remark is quite radical." (Burkhart)

'Although she is of the same age as Wendelin, women are

dreadful.' Burkhart thought.

"Next time, I will get Vel to take me there." (Luise)

| Azura Ren |
"No, I will stop you at the gate. Since the boy will get angry
too." (Burkhart)

Since it was a place prohibited for minors to enter, he had

to give a warning there.

'Merely 12 years old and he had already to deal with 3

fiancées', he pitied Wendelin from the bottom of his heart.

It could be said that Burkhart was a particular noble who

lived affluently as unmarried person.

| Azura Ren |
Chapter 37: The Saint's First Date

"Wendelin-sama. It suits you very well." (Elise)

"I guess I can use this as my normal attire." (Wendelin)

"Yes." (Elise)

As it was the first date of Elise, the granddaughter of

Cardinal Hohenheim, who had become my fiancée, I planned
for it to go smoothly as well.

In all honesty, I wasn't up to the task of escorting her as I

was unfamiliar with the royal capital. As Elise was a sheltered
noble girl and an apprentice nun, I didn't expect her to know
the tourist attractions and well-known stores either.

Naturally, as for this time's date plans, they were arranged

by the butler Mr. Sebastian who was perfect no matter how
you looked at him.

Although usually you would have a problem with a butler

tagging along on a date, you couldn't expect two nobles, who
were yet only 12-years old, to walk around in the capital by
themselves either. I guess this is something that couldn't be

There was also the reason of crime-prevention since it was

something that was possible during our date.

In reality, with the exception of Mr. Sebastian, apparently

there were also several groups of men secretly guarding us
here as well.
| Azura Ren |
Without doubt those could be considered to be Cardinal
Hohenheim's subordinates.

However, as one would expect of the role model of butlers,


He didn't enter our field of view at all if there wasn't any

necessity to do so. But if it was necessary, he would precisely
follow on our side at once.

'It is on the degree from the butlers and such I have seen at
the residence of margrave Breithilde-sama.' (Wendelin)

Of course there was no such existence in my home, the

Baumeister household.

Even though there officially was one, it was just an old

person from the village. Rather than calling him a butler, it
was more accurate to describe him as simple servant.

In regards to the servants at my home, it was the elder

people who weren't suited to help with the tough farm-work
anymore. They were simple helpers as there weren't any
better substitutes.

Tentatively, it was possible to appeal to external

employees. But it was absurd for them to do something like
commuting considering the arranged low wages.

Things like other nobles being curious in the amount of

employees of the Baumeister main household, though I have
no doubt that there isn't a single person like that, this was also
something to be called the vanity of nobles.

"Well then, let's have them pack up those clothes."

| Azura Ren |

Although she wasn't well-informed of such things as

merchant's shops and tourist attractions in the capital, when
it came to the extent of Elise's home, clothes and such were
mostly order-made and then tasked to be delivered to them.

And yet, her sense in fashion was quite good.

Up until the age of 12 years I didn't wear anything but the

hand-downs from my brothers.

Also in my previous life Uniclo and Shimamura were my

main battlefields. There wasn't anything you could call
fashion sense.

Something like clothes, I considered them to be reasonably

good enough to wear as long as they weren't weird.

Since there were only few items I received as present from

Erich-nii-san for occasions like my birthday etc., I only own a
few stylish clothes.

"That's true. Thank you." (Elise)

"No, since this much is something I can do." (Wendelin)

I was able to spend an enjoyable time after a long time.

Except going on something like a date, it was possible for

me to sight-see, eat, and go shopping in the capital with a
gentle bishoujo having a supreme appearance.

There is no way I wouldn't enjoy this.

Lately there was only the teasing the king (majesty), greedy
| Azura Ren |
nobles, and a muscled doushi.

Due to interacting with them, my spirit was nothing but

dried out. After a long time it was finally supplied with water.

"How was that restaurant?" (Elise)

"It was delicious. It was a cooking made skilfully the best

use of the raw materials." (Wendelin)

"It was a shop recommended by Sebastian after all." (Elise)

Moreover, Elise appeared to be a very nice girl too.

As it was a restaurant which Sebastian went to look for so

we could eat our lunch, she ended up saying so honestly.

'Wendelin-sama, it is her long-awaited enjoyable first

date. It is the man's duty to get her something like a present
honoring the memory of the date...' (Sebastian)

| Azura Ren |
Furthermore Sebastian's directions were very good worthy
of his excellent capacity as butler.

Not forgetting to consider Elise, the granddaughter of his

master, he whispered to me to give her a present with the best
timing to mention it.

As expected of Sebas. He is a role model for all butlers.

"Elise, for the reason of us getting engaged safely and as it

is our first date today, I thought of giving you something to
remember this special day." (Wendelin)

"Um... is it really alright?" (Elise)

"Due to the two dragon subjugation, my pocket is filled to

the brim." (Wendelin)

I have more than enough surplus of money to get my

fiancée an accessory.

However, if I had that allowance in my previous life...

Given that it is an already finished case, I decided to put an
end to drawing out my memories.

'Wendelin-sama. As you can see, there is a a jewelry that

sells excellent items.' (Sebastian)

Once again Sebastian gave me a perfect advice in an

inaudible voice that only I could hear.

Furthermore, without us realizing his intentions, we were

guided close to a store. In my mind Sebastian's value rose
more and more.

| Azura Ren |
Frankly, it was to the extent that I wanted him to become
my butler.


"Koreha~ koreha~, welcome, please feel free to enter. I

guess the young master wishes to give the lovely young
woman here a gift~?" (Shopkeeper)

When we entered the jeweler we were told about by

Sebastian, a middle-aged man with a good physique
appearing to be the shopkeeper emerged from the inside.

It seems that this shop dealt with high-class jewelry and

was related to many noble customers. Apparently he assessed
us, who were yet not adults, as nobles and treated us as
valuable customers.

However, you could also say that it was due to the butler
Sebastian, who maintained a reasonable distance.

"Is it a betrothal gift~?" (Shopkeeper)

"Yes." (Wendelin)

As it was normal to be engaged at around our age,

apparently it wasn't very unusual for nobles to directly give
rings as presents.

The shopkeeper-like man rubbed his hands together as he

greeted us.

"Koreha~ koreha~, what a sweet ojou-sama~!"


| Azura Ren |
Elise also was a famous being in the capital called
[Hohenheim's Saint].

But, since she didn't wear her usual apprentice uniform

today, the shopkeeper didn't seem to notice her identity.

Although it wasn't because of the light-blue one-piece, I

noticed the shopkeeper's rude gaze, he only dispatched for an
instant, towards her quite conspicuous breasts.

I won't say such petty things such as, "Despite these being

In the case of males, it was normal for them to send their

gaze there first.

"And, the situation of your budget is..." (Shopkeeper)

"How much is the market price? Honestly, I don't quite

know about it." (Wendelin)

Even though I had the experience of giving women jewelry

in my previous life, it was to the degree of a working student
giving his girlfriend a Christmas present. Obviously it was a
totally different matter and situation to give a young noble
woman an engagement ring.

Moreover, such things like the customs of nobles were

totally unrelated to my family's home.

No one had taught it to me either as I was still a child. Thus

I wasn't well-acquainted with this part.

"Usually it is from one gold coin and upwards."

| Azura Ren |
In Japanese yen that would be around one million yen.

Given that it was an engagement ring presented between

nobles, I would say it was a moderately appropriate amount
of money.

Certainly the market price in regards to marriage rings

would yet again be a different one.

"Such an amount is normal, huh." (Wendelin)

"That is correct, I doubt that it is a good idea for noble-

sama to get something of too poor quality in these
circumstances." (Shopkeeper)

Although I guess that the shopkeeper wants to sell an

expensive ring which will yield him good profit, it could also
be called something impolite in reverse to recommend cheap
articles to nobles. But, I think he wants to force a sale of
something expensive after all.

"That ring shouldn't be too eccentric." (Wendelin)

While the shopkeeper was recommending various rings to

me, a ring displayed in an odd case within the many goods
began to catch my eye's.

"Yes. This is a special order-made ring with an unique

magic gem in the center." (Shopkeeper)

Given that basically a large magic gem could store a lot of

mana, it would cost a lot of money.

As there was a limit to it, among the craftsmen there were

only few who built magic tools. There were some who could
| Azura Ren |
also charge the magic gems quite efficiently with a lot of mana
even if they were small.

This ring apparently was made by such a magic tool


However, this craft seemed to be only applicable to small

magic gems.

The reason is simple. If we assume to apply the same step

to a large magic gem like the one used in magic airships, the
essential magic tool artisan would end up fainting the
moment they ran out of mana.

Furthermore, if you said to use the mana possessed by an

intermediate class magician, the magic airship wouldn't be
able to float either.

Indeed, you could agree to something like those expensive

fare prices.

"Although there is a limit to optimizing the magic gem, the

magic gem attached to this gem still has stored the amount of
mana comparable to an intermediate magician. And even
then, since it is in our shop, naturally you can also use it as
jewelry." (Shopkeeper)

"Also use it as jewelry?" (Wendelin)

"As for this, it is in a state of not being charged with mana.

If you charge it, it shines like an emerald." (Shopkeeper)

Nevertheless, apparently the other party naturally couldn't

bear to pay such a high price for this awkward gem.

| Azura Ren |
"As a matter of fact, it is a slightly troublesome item to deal
with..." (Shopkeeper)

Thinking that it would be popular, although he ordered a

expressively renown magic tool artisan, up until now it still
remained in stock. There was no indication that it would be
sold any time soon at all.

"After trying to reflect about it, there are unexpectedly few

nobles who can use magic..." (Shopkeeper)

There is absolutely no relation between magic talent and


In the olden days there was a famous researcher affirming

this after specially running some statistics. In the first place, if
magic ability was influenced by heredity, then the nobles
would have been full of magicians long ago already.

Although there were magicians raising in ranks after a

conferring of decorations due to their achievements, their
descendants afterwards were completely undistinguished.

With such examples, there obviously was no enumeration.

As far as Elise was concerned, you could say that her

relatives were quite the rare existences. In addition to
Armstrong-doushi there are 2 uncles and nieces who are
famous magicians.

"If you have the money to buy this ring, there are other
even more beautiful and great rings attached with gems."

"Judging by a normal magician, isn't it difficult for them to

| Azura Ren |
pay a large sum due to the jewelry?" (Wendelin)

"Yes." (Shopkeeper)

Certainly, if you examined it closely, the ring was made out

of silver. The circumference of the magic gem was also
adorned with something like diamonds.

Although it was natural that it was expensive since it was a

magic tool, it ended up adding additional cost in comparison
to other jewelry as well. Thus it became unnecessarily

"How much does it cost?" (Wendelin)

"Yes, three platinum coins it is." (Shopkeeper)

That would be 300.000.000 Japanese yen.

No matter how much one was a noble either, this item

wasn't something they could easily obtain.

"Honestly speaking though, it was originally 5 platinum

coins. But since I wouldn't be able to sell it like this, I had no
choice but to reduce the price." (Shopkeeper)

Even though the shopkeeper had a tone like being

mortified by the decision to lower the price, there wasn't any
merchant, neither in this world nor in any other, who would
do business transactions while recklessly incurring something
like a loss.

At most he only gets a little profit, huh? He probably

planned to recover the money to the extent of what he spent
for keeping it in stock.
| Azura Ren |
"If I charged it with mana in advance, would someone who
has no mana themselves still be able to use magic?"

"Of course, they would be. Since it is a highly efficient

magic tool, no matter their magic nature they will also be able
to use it disregarding whoever has charged it with mana.
Yes~." (Shopkeeper)

In order for a fellow magician to efficiently transfer mana,

they need a peculiar ability.

From the outset mana has the property of its owner or

more precisely, since it contains a component like a
fingerprint or gene, it ends up being futile to transfer the
mana to another person so they can invoke magic.

For this to be potentially possible, the condition was for the

magician to be able to perform sharing mana nature like in
Burkhart-san's case.

There are many magicians, who charge magic gems with

mana for the sake of having something in case there was a
problem with their own mana.

Myself as well has prepared several tens of those in the

unlikely event that something happened.

However, even if someone else would withdraw the mana

from the magic gem in order to use it for magic, I guess they
would be able to draw out at most 5% of the stored mana.

Even though there are many magic tools that don't have
this limitation, the magic tool artisans are every time forced
to ask magicians with the same very rare ability of sharing
| Azura Ren |
mana nature like Burkhart-san to engrave the formula into
their tool.

In addition, because Burkhart-san didn't possess the ability

to produce magic tools, the result was that he could only use
that mana transfer if the other party was a human.

"Although I don't have the talent for it either, I would be

discontent with it as well since I am weak at at doing that
sort of fiddly work." (Burkhart)

The person himself had arrived at such impression.

"It isn't only usable by the person himself but general

purpose?" (Wendelin)

"Yes, if they know the way of using magic, anyone is

capable to withdrawing the the stored mana." (Shopkeeper)

Thus, this ring, since the unique magic formula was

engraved on the ring's pedestal, anyone who had equipped it
was also able to freely use the mana put into the magic gem.

It was also a ring that reproduced the ability of Burkhart-


"As it also contains this condition, the price is high, huh.

Alright, I will buy it." (Wendelin)

"Thank you very much." (Shopkeeper)

Although Elise and Sebastian were surprised, it had a large

significance for Elise, who is an expert at healing magic, to
own this ring.

| Azura Ren |
Seeing that I wasn't able to use mana transfer on my
magician companions like Burkhart-san, I shouldn't be stingy
with money for such magic tool.

Charging the magic gem with mana and then in order for
transferring the mana to another person with this method,
this high priced magic tool was necessary. There is no
particular problem to use it as energy source for the previous
magical airship.

The mana in this world was truly a troublesome thing.

Even though the royal academy etc. were currently

researching the inner workings, they didn't obtain any
considerable results as of yet.


"Umm... As expected, such an expensive item..." (Elise)

"I suppose it was really expensive, but lately I got an

enormous incidental income." (Wendelin)

"Still..." (Elise)

"Won't we become a married couple? I might have to call

upon the mana of that ring." (Wendelin)

As I had profited on the sales of the raw materials of the

two subjugated dragons and also received the inheritance of
master, I still possessed more than 1000 platinum coins.

Therefore my sense of money was semi-paralyzed. I didn't

judge this ring to be particularly expensive.

| Azura Ren |
"Charging it with mana and keeping it close, won't you also
be able to use magic in case something unexpected
happened?" (Wendelin)

"Still..." (Elise)

"In the case of the church, won't you be able to use even
more healing magic?" (Wendelin)

"...Thank you very much. I will treasure it dearly." (Elise)

If she were to persistently refuse here, it would give off a

discourteous feeling in reverse.

Thus Elise obediently accepted the ring I bought for her.

However, that alone isn't the reason.

It was a kind of threat towards Cardinal Hohenheim.

As Elise was a celebrity to a certain degree, giving her such

a high priced engagement ring, she would always wear it,
since it was a magic tool in shape of a daily article, plainly
causing the surroundings to catch sight of it.

It was something you could expect to cause rumors quite


Even if I were to be dragged into a dispute between nobles

afterwards and was suddenly abandoned, would they be able
to let me be left high and dry?

Despite Baron Baumeister buying his granddaughter an

engagement ring for 3 platinum coins as present, the
reputation of Cardinal Hohenheim would certainly fall if he

| Azura Ren |
were a cold-hearted man who abandoned such a person.

'Protect me with the power of the church since half

of it is an engagement ring with the church.'

"Ah, can you replenish the mana?" (Wendelin)

Going by the explanation of the shopkeeper, while touching

the magic gem you should have an image of distributing the
mana. The magic gem, which had been grey until now, began
to shine in a color similar to emerald.

"Customer-sama is a magician after all? Which reminds

me, there is currently a rumor about Baron Baumeister in the
royal capital who gained fame by dragon slaying.
Furthermore Hohenheim's Saint-sama is to become his
fiancée or something like that." (Shopkeeper)

"What... So you notice?" (Wendelin)

Somehow or other, this shopkeeper somehow managed to

realize Elise's and mine true identities.

"Although half of it was intuition, I thought I should

recommend this ring's magic gem if that was the case."

"You are a merchant after all." (Wendelin)

"Yes, since that's how I make my living." (Shopkeeper)

Even though we were seen through, because I was able to

give Elise an excellent ring, serving a purpose of beauty and
practical use, I decided to consider it a good thing.

| Azura Ren |
Furthermore, this shopkeeper didn't seem to intend on
chatting needlessly to his surroundings about us being his
visitors either.

"The goods in our store are expensive. From the point of

view of crime prevention, we keep in mind to not leak
information about our customers." (Shopkeeper)

'As noble, there are often situations where they couldn't

publicly admit to give an accessory to a woman as well,
huh...' (Wendelin)

I safely finished my first date with Elise. I was also able to

raise my standing by buying her an engagement ring.

At last I feel like I was able to calm my mind.

| Azura Ren |
Chapter 38: Studying At The Royal Capital

"Boy, there is a letter from my master." (Burkhart)

"Letter?" (Wendelin)

After finishing the first date with Elise and returning to the
Brandt mansion, Burkhart-san gave me a single letter.

The sender of the letter was my official patron, margrave


"What? What? ...Burkhart-san, is this really true?"


"Because I have already submitted the authorization for

you to graduate from the prep school, I wish for you to
remain in the capital to work as adventurer there." was
written in the letter.

"It is really decided. This letter is in the handwriting of my

master, isn't it?" (Burkhart)

"If I'm not mistaken, that's how it is." (Wendelin)

However it had a point I couldn't really agree with.

It was impossible to return to the prep school after finally

managing to enroll there. Suddenly having to strive to work as
adventurer in the capital could only be commented with
"Damn it!"

"Burkhart-san. What is this about?" (Erwin)

| Azura Ren |
Erwin asked the question to Burkhart-san even faster than
I could.

The reason was that it wasn't only me who was treated like
that. Continuing to read what was written in the letter,
Erwin's group was likewise put in the same circumstances as I

"Those are adult circumstances, you guys." (Burkhart)

Burkhart-san explained the intention of the letter which

was sent by margrave Breithilde-sama.

First off, despite me still being a minor, I ended up

defeating two dragons. The outcome of that was that there
was no meaning in me to visit the adventurer prep school in
Breitburg any longer.

"At this late hour, what do you want to learn from the
lecturer for magic at that prep school?" (Burkhart)

"Well, look. Such things like knowledge necessary for

adventurers and skills besides magic. There are such things as
well, aren't there?" (Wendelin)

"If it's about such knowledge, you can likewise study it at

the capital. Besides, there is an exclusive school for
adventurers here as well. There are also many various schools
gathered here where you can study whatever you like."

To begin with, the magician at the prep school didn't

possess a remarkable ability to such an extent.

As it was, an oji-san, who was past at the age of 80 years,

| Azura Ren |
had already retired from the adventurer occupation. In case
one was an active adventurer working diligently, it was
possible to work at some noble household or mercantile
house receiving high salary until the age of around 60 years.

Therefore it was inevitable for such an old man to not

become anything else but a magic teacher or something like

Still, you could say it was still preferable even if it was only
to the degree of a magic teacher. As a matter of fact there also
was a severe shortage of magicians no matter where you
looked, be it prep schools or schools.

"Erwin and the boy as well as Ina-jou-chan and Luise-jou-

chan, too. As it it pointless to seclude yourselves for more
than 2 years by remaining at the prep school, it will be a
better to do something like taking lessons from a first-class
expert in the capital." (Burkhart)

Originally, Erwin's group were possessors of overwhelming

talent in comparison to students of the same age group.

Given that the martial arts teacher, like the magic teacher,
wasn't a master of such a degree either, Erwin's group in their
current condition would be too much for him to handle as his
own strength wasn't that different from theirs.

Even if they couldn't use magic, in case they were martial

arts experts, they preferred the direction of earning an
income as adventurers.

Therefore, expect for becoming a temporary advisor, it

would be strange for them to become full-time instructors at a
prep school. It was a truth that those were quite rare.
| Azura Ren |
Thanks to that, before departing to the capital with Erwin's
group, we received ordinary classroom lectures.

As for practical skill, we were stuck with doing practice

battles within our own party.

"I hear that Warren teaches in his free time, Erwin and
boy." (Burkhart)

We could learn the basics of how to handle magic power

from an expert as Warren-san is skilled as magic sword

Furthermore, given that he was promoted up to company

commander of the Imperial Knights corps due to those skills,
he was suitable as sword teacher for Erwin.

"I can introduce Ina-jou-chan as well, since there are

spearmanship experts in the Imperial Knight Order."

"Nee, what about me?" (Luise)

"I have arranged for an excellent teacher for you, too,

Luise-jou-chan." (Burkhart)

Also, rather than at a prep school in the southern remote

region even if it is the central city there, it was definitely more
advantageous to study at the capital no matter what.

But, expressly catering favors to such an extent for us, what

kind of gain would there be for the person who acquired
permission from margrave Breithilde-sama?

Unintentionally I ended up brooding over that.

| Azura Ren |
"In this case it was His Majesty's influence. Therefore my
master had no other choice but to give his permission."

According to Burkhart-san's explanation, apparently the

circumstances were that he wanted to sell us, who possessed a
promising future, favors without delay to establish a claim for
the future.

Because I am the eighth son of a poor Knight peerage

household, although I was completely under the radar of the
royal palace, I ended up defeating two dragons and becoming
a baron.

Naturally, even though it would be reasonable for any

noble to introduce me to their faction, as the privilege
belonged to the patron, they couldn't butt in and proceed this
way due to reason of me being the vassal of margrave

Next, as it could be predicted that they would try to lend

help to me since I was unfamiliar with the stay in the capital,
as I originally came here in order to attend the wedding of
Erich-nii-san, who was to be adopted into the Brandt Knight
peerage household, it would be wrong to try that.

Although lower class, the Brandt household was for

generations employed as governmental officials in the
financial affairs group. The finance minister Marquis Rückner
and his vassal Viscount Mongérard, who belonged to the same
financial affairs faction, due to receiving their instructions we
were taken care of apparently.

Even though the meals and lodging during our stay in the
capital could be referred to Erich-nii-san for having to look
| Azura Ren |
after us, fortunately the money for this was provided as
assistance by the Brandt household.

Besides Erich-nii-san, the prospects of the third son Paul

and the fourth son Helmut working in the capital were
guaranteed. I consider this to be plenty of favors.

Such way of thinking could be expected of important

appointed nobles, is what you should say, I guess?

And, even though this was mainly His Majesty's move, this
was for his own close friend's, Royal Head Magician
Armstrong, niece, who is my fiancée.

However at the same time, since there also was that

grandfather, Cardinal Hohenheim, who was in the upper
echelons of the church and yielded large influence in the
kingdom, it resulted in owing favors to the churches side as

"Since you are a precious magician who defeated a dragon,

it isn't unusual for everybody trying to forming a connection."

"Because of that various people try to steal a march in

order to get margrave Breithilde angry." (Wendelin)

"Do not dig into the wounds of people, boy. At any rate,
until you guys become 15 years old, you will strive to train
and study in the capital." (Burkhart)

This seems to be set in stone.

Also, no matter how strong I am in magic compared to

other people, it is difficult to go against the authorities and
| Azura Ren |
nation by myself.

As there is no particular reason to treat it as outrageous, I

decided to take advantage of His Majesty's good will for now
until I become an adult and will be able to officially debut as

Such were my thoughts.

"Although it's fine to live in the capital, what will happen to

the residence in Breitburg?" (Wendelin)

"Haa? Isn't it fine to occasionally return there with magic?

His Majesty is well aware of the boy having mastered
Teleportation magic." (Burkhart)

"Come to think of it, that's true." (Wendelin)

"Still, an extended stay at the newly-wed Brandt household

would also be quite tasteless. A proper house has been
prepared." (Burkhart)

In spite of of only expecting to enjoy sightseeing the capital

and participating at the wedding of Erich-nii-san during my
summer vacation, for some reason I was officially appointed
as noble and it was decided that I would spend my time in the
capital until I became an adult.

Half of this great change in my own fate caused me to be

surprised while the other half was me merely following the
flow of events.

| Azura Ren |
Chapter 39: Story About Increasing The Masters

"Naa, who will be Luise's teacher?" (Wendelin)

"I don't know? I haven't heard anything either. Vel?"


"...Although I can imagine who is it, I don't want to tell

you." (Wendelin)

"It's that person, isn't it?" (Luise)

The period of summer vacation had ended.

At first we had planned to gradually start the new new

school term but there was a great change in our future as we
were told that our graduation from the prep school had been

In order to make an effort of training even more until we

became adults, the adults chose for us to stay in the royal
capital in the end.

But that doesn't mean that there are any particular

problems with that decision.

Even if you were to study the same subject, you could

expect the educational field of the royal capital, the capital
city of the whole country, to have advanced subjects. Above
all the public infrastructure and the quality of entertainment
is far superior.

Although we don't intend to spend all of our time in idle

| Azura Ren |
amusement, we want to fully enjoy our days off when we have
the chance.

Practically it will be a lot more interesting to have a good

time in the capital than Breitburg. Just comparing this to
something like my dull and entertainment-lacking home
could be called something ridiculous.

We had also decided on the house for rent for the stay.
Furthermore I heard that margrave Breithilde would pay that

"The turf war of nobles is also quite dreadful" or such.

Several days after I thought that Luise and I for some reason
were heading towards the same place.

For the sake of taking sword lessons from Warren-san

Erwin was at the Imperial Knight Order. Ina also headed
towards the castle in order to take lessons in spear handling
as the same Imperial Order had experts at spearmanship as
well. Luise and I were told to go towards a military facility at
another location.

I am a magician. Though Luise can similarly enhance her

power by magic, it is limited to only her magic combat style,
otherwise she can't use her mana.

She isn't an all-around type like me. Yet, due to that she
can be categorized as some kind of specialized magician type.
There are a certain amount of such people, those possessing
piercing talent, albeit only in one kind of magic system.

Because of that, someone like Elise, who can't use anything

but holy magic centered on healing, could also be called a
specialized type.
| Azura Ren |
There are also people who can't use anything but magic
applied to produce magic tools, handy and unique magic of
the life system, and magic used by magicians for long-
distance communication or teleportation.

As this magic named [Calling] belongs to the wind magic

system, the magicians able of using it receive large amounts of
money and are well-protected by the military and merchants
as it is a convenient magic.

Once you master it, I hear it is possible to carry the voice to

a magic tool exclusively used for [Calling] and to teleport
several thousand kilos to a fellow magician without time lag.

Because I never had the opportunity to employ it, albeit

being able to use it, I am not aware of the details.

Yes, as I was originally a loner, there wasn't anything like a

partner I could use it for having a talk over a long distance.

Furthermore, doesn't the partner need to have the ability

to use communication magic? Given that I don't possess the
expensive magic tool for transmission use, communication
wouldn't be established. Hence I don't think I will have have
the opportunity to test it from now on either.

"Will I have special training together with Vel?" (Luise)

"Did you actually learn flame magic?" (Wendelin)

"That's impossible." (Luise)

For that reason there was no chance for Luise and I to train
at the same place.

| Azura Ren |
Since Luise uses her magic combat style, she is a close
combat type. I am a long distance combat type as I fire off
magic from far away.

It would likewise be troublesome to both of us if were were

given the same training menu in the current state.

"I'm sorry. Today is..." (Guard)

"Ooh! I am glad you came!" (???)

As the facility's guard taught us the details and wanted to

guide us inside at once, we were called from a certain
building's entryway. I met him there before.

No, half of my summer vacation we have spent together.

Although he should be a wonderful person being an elite as
magician, for some reason this person gave me nothing but a
sultry impression.

In spite of being the Royal Head Magician, that person was

much more suited to be a bandit who sunk his teeth in
roasted monster meat during the time of the monster
extermination expedition.

Possessing such a muscled appearance that you wouldn't

possibly imagine him to be the uncle of that big-breasted
angel-chan, Elise.

Viscount Klimt Christoph von Armstrong.

That person awaited us with his usual, sweltering smile

after all.

"So, Armstrong-doushi is our teacher after all..."

| Azura Ren |

"That's right! I wasn't able to easily fall asleep yesterday

due to my excitement~!" (Armstrong)

Although he was clad in an armor made by magic, he hit

the dragon with his bare hands.

It is reality, Armstrong-doushi, the magician who towers

above regular magicians by more than half, is our teacher.

I kept brooding over how to escape.

Even though it might be enjoyable for the other party, from

the point of view of my side, I had nothing but an unpleasant

Or more precisely, I could take lessons from Burkhart-san

as much as I wanted.

By no means had I meant to come taking lessons in the way

of 'hitting a dragon'...

'For me such magic is impossible! Or rather, is that even

magic at all!?' (Wendelin)

Even if Armstrong-doushi was the Royal Head Magician of

this kingdom because of that magic, I still ended up feeling
uncomfortable somehow.

'Even though I should be able to grasp it... wait, if it's

Luise, is it possible for her to learn it?" (Wendelin)

From my view, since I don't quite understand the

difference between Armstrong-doushi's hand-to-hand

| Azura Ren |
fighting and the magic combat style, only Luise may be able to
make progress in this kind of training.

Establishing an agreement in my mind, Luise, who is next

to me, abstains from talking as she became speechless after
seeing the muscled Royal Head Magician for the first time.

"For Luise this combat technique will undoubtedly be a

good reference. I would feel sorry to obstruct it, I think?"

"Eh? Only me? Also Vel, don't we usually decide together?"


I told Luise the story how Armstrong-doushi used his

magic to clad his full body in an armor by materializing his
magic power, used his high-speed flight magic to freely move
around Grade Grande to punch it, splitting its breath with his
fist and finally kept causing damage by firing highly focused
mana balls in succession.

From my point of view, I doubt that there is such a

technique within the magic combat style. Although I thought
as much after trying to inquire about it, Luise affirmed that
there is no such technique in the magic combat style.

"Materializing magic power? If everyone had such vast

magic power, there would be no particular reason to train in
magic combat style. Even the highly converged mana ball,
there is no such technique in the magic combat style. It is
standard to clad the fists and legs in mana in a battle. The
magic combat style is about efficiently using little mana to
benefit the combat abilities by adding martial arts. Although
I have a mana amount between the elementary and
intermediate level, the reason why I am taking lessons in
| Azura Ren |
magic combat style is that I can't use the crucial magic at
all." (Luise)

As for the way of Armstrong-doushi fights, even though it

has overwhelming offensive power, due to its extreme
consumption of mana, apparently it isn't suited for long

Considering all that, as Armstrong-doushi was full of spirit

after the battle, it serves as proof that he has an extremely
large amount of mana.

As you would expect from the person who was

acknowledged as rival of my master (Alfred).

Compared to master, who was the refreshing type, he has

the fault of being slightly sweltering.

"No, such things as martial arts isn't for me. Since I am the
long distance type, I am suited to support with magic attacks."

Although I more or less only practice the basic sword

handling since in my childhood, the combat instructor at the
adventurer prep school was forced as far as guaranteeing [It's
almost as if you had no aptitude at all] at the time of

In reality, despite having grades ranging from average to a

little above at the enrollment, nowadays my grades in sword
fighting has fallen as far as dead last making the the method
to count them easy.

The time of exposure of my poor ability in sword fighting

was only slightly delayed by the basic training I received at
| Azura Ren |
the Baumeister household.

But since it can be said that I am reasonably talented in the

arts of knife throwing and the bow, I trained it alongside my

"I am no good with the sword." (Wendelin)

"Even if you are no good with the sword, it might be fine if

it's martial arts, don't you think! Let's learn it together!"

As Luise was for some reason frantically persuading me, I

felt reluctant to have just the two of them, this sultry Royal
Head Magician and her, train together after all.

Speaking of why I think so, it's because it is unpleasant for


"I want to practice magic. I haven't reached my mana

capacity limit yet." (Wendelin)

As I am still 12 years old, I have been training everyday

without missing a single one the mana circulation and
practical application of all kinds of magic I received from

Also, such things like the economizing of the employed

magic I have been taught by Burkhart-san. That's also a task I
can practice for all my life without being able to say that I
have perfected it.

Besides, there are also the magic experiments I haven't had

a chance to try yet, the improvement of the quality of my
employed mana and something like noting down the matters
| Azura Ren |
concerning magic in my own way in a diary as possible
reference for the next generation.

If I feel like it, I will be able to busy myself as much as I


"What!? While already possessing mana that exceeds my

own, you still haven't hit your growth limit!?" (Armstrong)

"Yes. Therefore, I am..." (Wendelin)

Even though I tried to leave by only pushing Luise into it,

this was like a wholesale store not selling wholesale.

While the doushi was shedding tears of joy for some

reason, he firmly seized both of my shoulders.

'My shoulders will be crushed! My bones will be broken!

Or more precisely, I have to escape from here!' (Wendelin)

"If that's the case, it is all the more reason to partake in my

lessons! For training the circulation of mana there is nothing
as efficient as my magic mobile armor and helmet. There is
no need for an advanced close combat sense like in the magic
combat style for getting used to enhancing your physical
ability and using high-speed flight magic during combat. I
haven't been ever taught such things like martial arts from
another person either!" (Armstrong)

Having found a match with the reasoning of Armstrong-

doushi's explanation, I lost the chance to escape thanks to

Or rather, this muscle-doushi... That strength seems to be

only reproducible with a tough body and magic.
| Azura Ren |
Looking at it from the world of martial artists, he is an
unthinkable person.

"Alfred, who was a genius in skilfully mastering multi-

colored magic, different of someone like me who is a
magician who only uses close combat magic, completely
ignored the field of physical strength. But even though he said
himself that he had no talent in it, he at least wanted to
acquire my magic mobile armor and helmet only."

He might not have lost his life in that forest of demons at

the southern end.

Armstrong-doushi wore a lonely expression while talking

about it to us.

"Nee, Vel." (Luise)

"That's right. Arbitrarily deciding that it is impossible

without even ever having tried something yet might be rash."

Given that I am not able to skilfully act in order to conceal

my ability anyway, the latest dragon subjugation and the
following conferring of decorations were inevitable. I decided
to think of it like that.

But, since I ended up standing out due to that as well, some

hardship might visit me down the road.

Still, no matter how powerful my magic power as magician

becomes, something unexpected might happen. It's better to
have several methods in reserve to defend myself at the time
my mana diminishes.
| Azura Ren |
That's why I decided to learn magic or rather magic close
combat techniques from Armstrong-doushi.

"Lad, you have talent. You will learn it easily." (Armstrong)

"Thank you very much. But, are you fine with that?"

My only concern is the point called "Aren't you busy?"

since Armstrong-doushi is the Royal Head Magician.

Though I can't imagine the figure of Armstrong-doushi

poorly controlling his subordinates and his paperwork, he
can't escape from his work as Head Magician in the end.
That's the way I thought.

"If that's what it's about, you don't have to worry at all. I
won't be summoned by His Majesty nor will I have to go to
the castle." (Armstrong)

"Eh?" (Wendelin)

"Think about it. What use would it be for the kingdom to

govern someone like me everyday? Even though it was plainly
visible at the previous Grade Grande subjugation as well,
except for emergencies, someone like the Royal Head
Magician is basically only a decoration for the kingdom."

For something like guarding His Majesty the Imperial

Guards and several of the intermediate-leveled kingdom's
wizards are sufficient in the end. The intermediate-leveled lot
doesn't bother themselves with the various paperwork either
as it apparently isn't any kind of problem to push it on those
| Azura Ren |
Also, I hear that something like periodically being in the
official function only meant for the Royal Head Magician to
occasionally make an appearance.

"However. His Majesty, who is a close friend since my

childhood, is also awe-inspiring. He told me to turn up at
fixed intervals." (Armstrong)

I see, following my guess, Armstrong-doushi seems to be a

person with a sharp mind contrary to his appearance.

Although he became His Majesty's childhood friend by

chance, his level as magician was referred to appear in the
kingdom once in 500 years.

But even if he could be as successful in life as he wants to if

he felt like it, he attained this exceeding court rank with only
the magic he is talented in.

Nevertheless, from the point of view of the nobles group

absorbed in engaging in power struggles, Armstrong-doushi
who is a favorite of His Majesty, is a pain in the butt to deal

"Wouldn't a type like Alfred be more suitable to be Royal

Head Magician~!?" (Armstrong)

In order to stay away from those who skilfully spreading

rumors to slander him in this way, he acted like a foolish
decoration entrusting his subordinates with the difficult tasks
on purpose. Only in emergencies he plays his role as Royal
Head Magician.

Already one of my masters, having hardships as orphan in

the capital in his childhood, shrunk back from those haunting
| Azura Ren |
guys in the royal palace and ended up escaping to the south.

'This person might be under quite the surveillance.'

And yet, he has deep loyalty towards His Majesty as his

close friend.

As result of that loyalty he wasn't used in strange ways, I

determined. Whether that can be done perfectly is another

"Besides, this is also the objective of my training."


"Armstrong-doushi's objective?" (Wendelin)

"That's right. I haven't yet reached the limit of my quantity

of mana." (Armstrong)

"Eh..." (Wendelin)

Even though he is a monster already, Armstrong-doushi,

with his age surpassing 40 years, is still en route to increase
his mana it seems.

In the normal case the increase of mana ends up reaching

the limit before an age of 20 years.

In other words, Armstrong-doushi can also be classified as

unique in relation to growth strength as magician.

"Luise-jou hasn't reached her mana growth limit yet either.

Therefore you will devote yourselves to capacity alignment
for starters today." (Armstrong)

At the end of the day I finished performing the task of

| Azura Ren |
aligning to the capacity of Luise, Armstrong-doushi and
dozens of apprentice magicians he had brought along.

For capacity alignment, if the partner with whom you join

your magic exceeds your own mana quantity limit, it is
possible to raise the maximum quantity of mana at once.

Since they ended up becoming aware of my ability, they

suffered a shock. Not being able to accept that reality, it
became a habit of those doing capacity alignment with me to
dish out abusive language and such.

As a matter of fact, it couldn't be done without having

mutual trust.

In other words, it is something like the relation between

master and disciple.

Those dozens referred to as Armstron-doushi's approved

disciples, since he spread groundless rumors talking about an
easy method of raising the amount of mana by capacity
alignment with a person who has an as high as possible mana
volume, Armstrong-doushi brought those guys along who
wanted to perform capacity alignment with me.

Of course, there is no truth in that.

Also another thing, there exist certain conditions as well.

In the past they conducted a capacity alignment with a

baby having talent in magic. I heard that this baby acquired
an enormous amount of mana.

Thereupon, the baby ruined the room each time it cried

with wind magic.
| Azura Ren |
When it wanted its mothers breasts, it drew its mother
forcibly toward itself with magic.

Once it began to walk, it used magic to take away the toys

from the children playing together.

Thus, in order for performing a capacity alignment it

became an indispensable condition for the other party to have
done training in magic to a certain extent and to have reached
above a certain level of reason and self-awareness.

Even though I felt like being an exception, Burkhart-san

voiced his opinion,

"I guess at around 5 or 6 years old. There is no amount of

mana that is too much for you to handle, boy, given that it
was approved by Alf via performing a capacity alignment
with you. I don't think there will be any problem."

In my case it is an exception since my inner self already is

an ossan.

"I guess the amount of mana has been raised to the limit
amongst every of you this time. But, you shouldn't be sad
about that quantity in the least. Although it is certainly
important to have an amount of mana as well, there are also
many other parts to be trained in magic. Rather, since you
saved time spent on increasing the amount of mana, you guys
can count yourselves lucky." (Armstrong)

Though I don't know from where he brought them along,

Armstrong-doushi explained this to them, who lied sprawled
on the floor due to mana intoxication after having done
capacity alignment with me.
| Azura Ren |
But, based on the fact that all of them at least maintained
an intermediate level of mana, I believe they are candidates
for being a Royal Wizard in the future.

"But why doesn't Armstrong-doushi suffer from mana

intoxication, I wonder?" (Luise)

Luise apparently also felt some slight dizziness, though not

to the degree of them.

Even though she sat down close to me, that growth can be
summarized in a single word, marvelous.

Talking about the quantity of her mana, it can be compared

with rising in level from intermediate to high level.

As one would expect, recently she started to become an

outstanding talent after not being restrained by her family's
practicing of mana strengthening.

However, it is uncertain whether Luise will be able to use

other magic.

I fear this will be the challenge for her from now on.

"Isn't that the same for me?" (Wendelin)

"Eetto... maybe?" (Luise)

Currently Armstrong-doushi's amount of mana is

completely the same as mine.

To put it simply, the matter is that despite having the same

amount of mana as him my mana growth hasn't reached its
limit yet.

| Azura Ren |
Or rather, I already have reached more than twice the
amount of master.

Continuing like that, I don't know how it would have ended

if Armstrong-doushi's rival, master, hadn't died.

"Fumu, it's been a while since I sensed the magic bag

enlarge by means of having a large amount of mana through
capacity alignment. What a nice sensation... Well then, let's
start with method of employing the magic mobile armor and
helmet right away~!" (Armstrong)

"We will study it now?!" (Wendelin)

"Naturally~!" (Armstrong)

Luise and I ended up spontaneously being drained of all

strength then and there due to the exceedingly spirited

And then after this, it was nothing but a matter of praying

that the legend of the strongest magic fighter Wendelin didn't

| Azura Ren |
Interlude 07: Circumstances Surrounding The
Composition Of The Associate Baron Baumeister's
Feudal Troops

– Ina POV –

"I hear that Vel exterminated yet another dragon." (Ina)

"Seriously?" (Luise)

I, Ina Susanne Hildbrun, together with my dearest friend

Luise got acquainted with one hell of an expert magician,
Wendelin von Benno Baumeister.

The first meeting between us was when he rescued us from

attacking wolves.

Just the same like the other day, when we were attacked by
a disaster level threat called [Ancient Undead Dragon]
while travelling on-board the magical airship in order to
reach the royal capital. He eliminated it almost all by himself.

And then, after selling the huge magical core and its bones
to the kingdom, he was awarded the rank of Associate Baron
for his achievement of exterminating the dragon.

The eighth son of the Baumeister household, who was until

then secretly called, [The poor knight household across
the mountain range] and [Peasant knight] half in jeer
and contempt by all of the Breithilde margraviate's family,
obtained the peerage of Associate Baron.

Even though it was known that he was talented in magic, it

| Azura Ren |
must have been a bolt out of the blue for them.

"However, that guy, Vel, shouldn't go too far ahead too

quickly." (Erwin)

Although it was obvious that he had the ability, it still

caused Erwin to be worried.

No matter how skilled he was in swords play, upon coming

to the royal capital Erwin found lots of knights within the
knight order who surpassed him in skill.

The same applies for me; there are plenty of people more
superior in spear handling than I am.

In that regard Luise is special, she only sticks to Vel causing

me to be worried from time to time as well, I think.

Basically Luise likes Vel as a woman.

Alongside his talent in magic, he has assets too.

His height is average, and regarding his face he always

says, "I am completely losing to Erich-nii-san", too. However
his looks are more balanced than well-featured, I would say.

Or more precisely, amongst the households of the

Breithilde margraviate Erich-san is a rarely seen handsome

Only comparing himself to Erich-san, Vel can certainly be

called reckless.

"Incidentally, the troubles have increased, too." (Luise)

Luise said, as it had become very clear these last days why
| Azura Ren |
Rüdiger-sama had given the "OK" for them to become Vel's
vassal even if only formally.


"My humble name is Hektor von Pringsheim. I am the

third son of the Pringsheim knight peerage household. There
is no one who can win in a sword fight against me." (Hektor)

"I have incapacitated three enemy knights during the

territorial border skirmish between the Ranke household and
the Altman household!" (Knight A)

"I am called Baron Elsheimer. I attended the party in Sir

Baumeisters residence honoring his outstanding efforts of
subjugating the ancient dragon last time. Although it is by
coincidence, I have a sister turning 12 this year..."

"In order to take care of Wendelins household and daily

necessities, a maid is indispensable, no? Therefore, our
Igormeier company has prepared excellent girls in order to
introduce them to you. I am confident that our girls can
make allowances for granting them this kind of favoritism,
too..." (Merchant A)

From the beginning of the next day after Vel had received
his conferring of decorations until the end of this day, it didn't
stop at all.


"My certain death skill (Hissatsu), Giant Swing

Spearmanship!" (Chuuninbyou A)

| Azura Ren |
In front of the gate to the Brandt's mansion today, is he
appealing? Or is it a gag?

I don't quite understand what this display of technique of

the ronin is about.

Although I understand that it is surely no good if you don't

stand out, but that doesn't mean it is fine to do whatever you
like, as you can see.

Somehow I have gotten the feeling that the methods in

front of the Brandt's mansion have become more forceful.

The applicants to become vassals of Vel, who became

Associate Baron, the nobles recommending their daughters or
sisters as wife and those pressing to become mistresses under
the pretense of being maids.

There are many company heads, who aspire to become

attached to the noble household alongside its fortunes by all

Usually they prefer nobles who own their own territory,

however, Vel possesses an outrageous amount of money.

If they become the purveyor of the Associate Baron

Baumeister household, they will be entrusted to handle Vel's

As Artur-san has said, the class of businessmen with

political ties regard him as an excellent object to the degree of

Such being the case, in order to avoid this currently present

mob, Erwin became the junior leading commander and Luise
| Azura Ren |
and I took on the two roles of being guards and maids.

Furthermore, I can certainly say that it is very satisfying if

the surroundings conclude on their own that we are his

By the way, isn't it necessary to wear maid clothes?

"All of you, you have such level of resolution to act together

with Sir Baumeister, but..." (Rüdiger)

Even though he used a polite tone, Rüdiger-sama's words

were severe.

Until now a part of me believed that it was fine to stick with

Vel, naturally taking into account the demerits. That's because
he said so.

"I haven't learned about such things as taking command of

an army and such." (Erwin)

Apparently Erwin has resolved himself to live as Vel's


There was no particular state of discomposure either.

"I am Vel's concubine? Mistress?" (Luise)

In regards to Luise it apparently was fine as long as she

could be close to Vel.

Given that she is the daughter of a retainer, the origin of

the sweet dream she is embracing can be called nothing but
odd as she won't be able to become his wife.

"Ina-dono, how about you?" (Rüdiger)

| Azura Ren |
"I..." (Ina)

Since the time we met him, Vel has offered us comfort and

Certainly that can be called sweet and I have depended on

that sweetness of him.

But different from Luise, I am not able to display a spoiled

behavior towards Vel and converse with him smoothly.

I am sure Vel thinks of me as dull and strong-minded


"Presently I think it is fine to hold both roles, as party

members of Sir Baumeister and as his vassals." (Erich)

Vel's onii-san, Erich-san, has joined us and addressed me

like that.

"However, I think that would be immoral as well." (Ina)

Due to Vel's talent, he wasn't chastised by his family, but

Erich-san's situation was different. Him and his family were
avoiding to get involved with each other for now more than 6

"At such an age it is quite unusual for someone to get used

to being alone. Just like not actively getting involved with
others. Truthfully, I didn't expect him to bring all of you along
to my wedding." (Erich)

I am sure Erich-san was likewise troubled over the matter

of "Merely turning an adult, will I be fine taking care of
myself in the capital?".
| Azura Ren |
His parents and brothers went as far as regarding Vel as

And yet, he calmly accepted and showed understanding

towards his younger brother, who surpassed him by far, albeit
still being a child.

"All of you, alongside Vel, are still children. It will only be

for a short time arranged as an formality for outward
appearances. It is fine to proceed in the same manner as
before." (Erich)

I feel like I have been saved by these comforting words.

But, several days after that, the same person brought a very
troublesome work to just these children.


"Associate Baron Baumeister household's feudal troops?"


"I didn't want to agree either, but it will cause various

difficulties without any kind of organization." (Erich)

The next day after Vel had been taken away to the army
garrison in the capital's outskirts due to receiving an order
from the kingdom.

In the morning while getting up, Erich-san came over and

began to talk.

The contents were about us organizing and becoming the

center of the feudal troops.

| Azura Ren |
"So suddenly?" (Erwin)

"Although regrettable, it won't be settled without some

kind of organisation." (Erich)

With these words Erich-san opened the curtains of the

living room. A lot of people had gathered outside the Brandt's
house where we have been freeloading.

"Are they all applying to serve as vassals?" (Luise)

"No, there are hardly any of those." (Erich)

In the last few days, our existence has become rather well
known, I fear.

Putting aside the few exceptions, the number of those

applying as vassals or those trying to become mistresses has
dropped significantly.

Instead it seems like those applying to be hired as

combatants has now increased.

"Hired combatants?" (Ina)

Because I heard this word for the first time, I ended up

unintentionally tilting my head to the side in confusion.

"In what kind of matter was Vel summoned in the first

place?" (Ina)

It appears that a message came from Erich-san's patrons

Finance Minister Rückner and Viscount Mongérard.

The highest standing person in the kingdom, for the

purpose of liberating the monster domain adjacent to the
| Azura Ren |
royal capital, has ordered Vel to subjugate the ruling old
dragon there.

Apparently the other members were the kingdom's head

magician and Burkhart-sama, who was just like Vel dragged
into it.

Unexpectedly, that person doesn't seem to have any luck

either, I guess.

"Those three will attack the dragon. Afterwards the

strategy apparently is to exterminate the remaining monsters
lead by the army and volunteering adventurers." (Erich)

The army that was supposed to participate in this battle

were the elites selected from the troops stationed in the royal

The remainder was arranged by the adventurer's guild

recruiting only those who are confident enough in themselves
to participate.

"Don't you think that something is missing?" (Erwin)

"Come to think of it..." (Luise)

For more than 200 years there hasn't been a war, and now
the kingdom was going to war. Usually the organised feudal
troops of nominated nobles were to participate alongside the
kingdom's army.

"Yes, the nobles possessing territory close to the royal

capital didn't receive a mobilization order. I hope that you
understand the reason?" (Erich)

| Azura Ren |
"Eetto... Is it because of receiving a reward on the occasion
of distinguished military service?" (Ina)

"That's correct." (Erich)

For the sake of obtaining a gigantic grain-producing region,

the kingdom is carrying out the military operation this time.

If many nobles take part in this battle, some may end up,
by slim chance, to achieve distinguished military services.

Of course one has to consider the possibility of giving

territory as a reward, too.

"There are nobles within the kingdom's army as well,

although with exception to the heads of household. They are
no more than representatives of the head of the household."

In regards to their rewards for distinguished military

service it can be simply settled with a medal and money.

Originally apart from nobles, for the kingdom's army

soldiers the chance of departing to the front just being a
pretext is high. Their rewards include things like money or
promotion within the military's ranks.

As for the adventurers, it was pointless to talk about it as

they were only paid for what they subjugated in the first

"Still, would they want land that is detached from their

original territory?" (Erwin)

"For the second son or the younger brother. It is fine if

| Azura Ren |
other relatives end up inheriting it." (Erich)

To Erwin's question, Erich-san gave such a reply.

Indeed, if you think of it as a way to relax the developing

fight over succession between relatives, it isn't a bad way of

"A~re? But, Vel is participating within the noble's rules,

isn't that right?" (Erwin)

By law it was prohibited for minors to enter a monster's


This time, a minor, Vel, was mobilized. It is problematic

that they used a hole within the law where the head of a noble
household has to follow the kingdom's decree of participation
in battle no matter how old they might be.

"Yes, the difference is the participation within the noble's

rules." (Erich)

Going by the conclusion that a noble is mobilized, there is

naturally no problem with him leading his own soldiers.

"Since his opponent is a dragon, he will act separately I

guess, but..." (Ina)

While the head of the household fights the dragon at the

front line, his feudal troops will fight the monsters in the rear.

Apparently this is the intended division of roles.

"The royal palace's head magician-sama is a baron, but he

is His Majesty's personal best friend and the most trusted

| Azura Ren |
vassal to begin with. Naturally he will be able to fully
understand His Majesty's intentions." (Erich)

Without reading the mood, though he may be a baron, he

may boldly organised the noble's forces and dispatch them.

Saying this much, it doesn't seem to be the case this time.

At least, I hear that Finance Minister Rückner, who is

Erich-san's patron, couldn't confirm such a movement.

"Because of his function as Royal Head Magician, huh? It

likely isn't that easy to organize the soldiers within the army
just like that." (Erwin)

This is identical to Burkhart-sama answering to a

deployment request by the margrave of Breithilde.

It's true that his residence in the capital has to be

maintained, however the number of permanently staying
retainers is limited to a few, mostly guards and servants to
preserve the residence.

With just those, one can't expect a formation of feudal

troops either.

The kingdom's side too, even if Breithilde decided to

dispatch his troops, he would only end up being embarrassed.
That's why he only rented Burkhart-sama to the kingdom.

"If you allow for the feudal troops of Breithilde-sama to

participate, the other margraviates will become fussy."

"Us too!" will be naturally requested in conclusion.

| Azura Ren |
"That means, only Vel remains in the end, huh." (Ina)

It looks to me that His Majesty hasn't said a word to Vel to

come alone either.

Thus it can also be interpreted that only Vel is free to lead

his military forces into this operation.

Just after becoming an Associate Baron, he is suddenly

ordered to depart to the front. As his household's appearance
and such hasn't been arranged yet, they are making light off
him, huh?

Or rather, is this intentional?

Therefore, returning back to the beginning regarding the

hired combatants, young nobles and ronins want to be placed
into the ranks of the Associate Baron Baumeister's household
troops in order to give weight to their personal careers with
this activity and to receive written letters of recommendation.

This system is called hired combatants.

Although calling it a system might not be appropriate


Even on the kingdom's side, given that the feudal troops of

the mobilized nobles are too little, they won't be dependable
in battle. Thus it was right to say that this hiring was partly

"The hired combatants want to receive distinguished

military services, honor and rewards." (Erich)

In the present situation, they will be able to earn rewards

| Azura Ren |
for hunting many monsters while having the opportunity to
receive a letter of recommendation depending on the
evaluation given for the degree of distinguished military
services they performed.

If they play a very active role, there is also the chance to be

scouted by a noble household as hired combatant.
Additionally, a letter of introduction together with the letter
of recommendation would become effective documents at the
time when they apply for other military services.

Conversely, the advantage for the Baumeister household is

that it won't at least lose face due to the number of military
forces fielded.

Due to the mobilization the providing of food is in the care

of the head of the Baumeister household, however the
responsibility of preparing such things like armors naturally
lies with the hired combatants themselves. Death in action
and battle injuries will be settled with a one-time payment of

In regards to the aspect of filling up the ranks of the

military forces cheaply, there is no such convenient system in

"Still, to tell me to organize the troops is..." (Erwin)

Although we are more or less capable, having three 12-

years old boy and girls act as main administrators of the
troops organisation is impossible, especially since there are
many veterans among those applying as hired combatants.

Being troubled by this, the rescuing lifeline was thrown by

| Azura Ren |
"Therefore it seems to be my turn. Un, just like my patrons
said." (Erich)

Although Vel is a dragon-slaying hero, for the Associate

Baron household it is the first sortie.

Embarrassing Vel at this time, how could I do that as noble

of the same kingdom?

Originally calling it a ceremony for the erection of a

household, disregarding Breithilde-sama, it will be a great
scheme to demand gratitude from Finance Minister Rückner
and Viscount Mongérard.

"As the nominated Brigadier General I entrust this task to

you, Erwin-kun, as junior leading commander."

I hear that these Baumeister troops won't be able to link up

with Vel, who is commander-in-chief, during the upcoming

Therefore Erwin will be set as commander and Luise and I

will act as staff officers.

The plan is for Erich-san to deal with the contract

negotiations of the hired combatants, manage the necessary
funds and materials, and submit the necessary documents to
the royal palace and governmental offices.

As far as I understand, a lot of businesslike work has to be


"Working as nominal staff officer and second-in-command

of the Baumeister troops, should I? Since my physical
strength is completely no good, I will do my best to specialize
| Azura Ren |
on logistical support." (Erich)

By now it's too late, as it seems the necessary funds have

already been provided by Vel after inquiry.

I guess I should say as one would expect of Erich-san, huh?

"However, aren't you the head of the Brandt household,

Erich-san?" (Erwin)

Because they are fellow nobles of the same rank, I have a

feeling that it will be a problem if one enters underneath the

"It's fine since I am still only the successor as father-in-law

still holds the title." (Erich)

If that's the case, there is no problem. Though it was

expected and planned to be done after the wedding, the
inheritance of the noble rank has been delayed.

It seems to be primarily upon the request of Finance

Minister Rückner.

These days it is fine to inherit the noble rank either while

the current head is still alive or postmortem.

However, those clad in a noble rank in the central

government mostly pass on their title while still alive,
whereas those nobles holding territory mostly pass on their
title after their death.

Although nobody understands why there is such a

difference, it is more correct to say that is nothing more than
a custom.
| Azura Ren |
Given that there are many who wear an official position,
the reason or perhaps I should say opinion is that those
holding such official position pass it on before losing the
ability to properly manage it due to advanced age.

In addition, after the successor inherits it, the predecessor,

who handed it over, still receives the benefits of the peerage

That doesn't mean that they still receive their annual

pension. It's about their treatment in official places. For
example Rüdiger-san will be treated the same as if he were
holding a knight's peerage.

If you think of it as some kind of honorable peerage, it

might be a bit easier to understand.

Having the successor say "I won't treat the retired old man
roughly!", this might also be the real intention of the senior
statesmen glimpsing through.

"Well then, there are no problems." (Erwin)

"'Uwa, how troublesome! Erich-nii-san treats himself to a

reward!' was said. Un, because there are expenses
immediately following after the wedding, I am thankful."

Naturally it doesn't only concern Erich-san.

For that reason Finance Minister Rückner and Viscount

Mongérard have appeared as well. They introduced the
children of the nobles affiliated with the financial affairs

| Azura Ren |
I hear that it is a group of kouhais from Erich-san's
workplace, who have been temporarily suspended from work
in order to help with the logistical support.

"Temporary suspension? Will it be alright?" (Erwin)

"There is absolutely no problem. Rather they are grateful

for the opportunity to receive a distinguished military
service." (Erich)

Since they submitted for permission to temporarily being

suspended from office, Finance Minister Rückner and
Viscount Mongérard won't be able to complain.

As they won't receive any wages while on temporary

suspension, Erich-san included a battlefield salary in the
plans for the budget he had received from Vel in order to
increase their income.

As for the assessment by the office, no matter how much

they are are governmental officials in the financial affairs
department, they are still nobles who had better obtain some
battlefield experience.

Since something like a temporary suspension won't occur

repeatedly for many months, they don't need to expect that it
will influence their career negatively either.

"There are quite a lot of applicants. Refusing your senpai's

will be quite difficult." (Erich)

As he is the number 2 in the feudal forces in reality, it will

be awkward for him to have his senpais from his work to
enter the forces as his subordinates.

| Azura Ren |
For that reason, I heard that Erich-san made sure that all
the supporters are his kouhais.

The personnel sent by Finance Minister Rückner and

Viscount Mongérard were given detailed instructions from
the outset, so there shouldn't be any problems.

"All that remains is the margrave of Breithilde, but..."


The choice of not sending even one person here can't be

possible in the first place. From his residence in the capital he
will send up to 3 civil officials from the retainers being in
charge of logistical support, 15 veteran guards from the guard
captain of the residence, and 20 hired combatants he has
employed himself.

By the way, the full amount of expenses will be the

responsibility of Breithilde-sama.

The motive for this is that although he wasn't able employ

Vel as magician, he certainly still yearns for him to become
his vassal.

As such he is covering the cost in order to fully restrain

Finance Minister Rückner and Viscount Mongérard, who
were obviously aiming for this gap in his defenses.

"Breithilde-sama shows some fighting spirit and sends us

some aid." (Ina)

After listening to Erich-san's talk about the composition of

the Baumeister household feudal troops, Luise and I
discussed it.

| Azura Ren |
Before long she pointed out to make use of the detached
residence of Breithilde-sama.

Making good use of all of her physical ability, Luise

immediately rushed back. Since it can be said with certainty
that the greatest help is one's family, it might be the best way
to secure Vel as vassal.

"Which reminds me, what about Erwin?" (Ina)

"He will interview the hired combatants." (Erich)

Even though it is called an interview, if the hired

combatants aren't powerful, they won't be of any use.

And then after contesting with Erwin, the remaining two

commanders began to conduct normal interviews.

By the way, the two commanders were two onii-san's who

were requested to help out by Erich-san.

"Anyway, since this is such a mishmash bunch, some kind

of command is necessary." (Erich)

Due to that reason, 10 soldiers of the capital guards, who

were commanded by Erich-san's and Vel's onii-san's, came

They were the third son Paul-san and the fourth son

The problem of temporarily suspending from guard duty as

well was avoided by the connection with Minister of Military
and Naval Affairs Edgar, thus there was no need to worry
about complaints either.
| Azura Ren |
Asking for the opinion of their direct superior officer, they
were told "Work hard!". I hear that 20 soldiers with noble
background were attached as unit to them.

They, Paul-san and Helmut-san, assisted with the

interviews as well.

"Luckily the funds provided by Vel are plenty. I only

wonder if it'll shape up in time." (Erich)

"How much was entrusted by Vel?" (Ina)

"100 platinum coins." (Erich)

"But in what way does Vel wants us to organize the

troops?" (Ina)

It was planned that the Baumeister troops would be

supplied with no less than 500 troops for rear support.

Even though it is called the feudal troops, in reality only by

receiving help from other households did the Associate Baron
Baumeister feudal troops actually get any substance to work

If the numbers of troops are too excessive, there will be

nobles making a fuss such as "Just because he is a new
Associate Baron...". The budget entrusted by Vel is simply
too much.

"If we properly write down the expenses, it will be fine to

just return the remaining budget later. Besides, the hired
combatants will be able to focus on hunting monsters without
having to worry." (Erich)

| Azura Ren |
In case they prove themselves to be active, not being stingy
with the reward serves as appeal of a good noble too.

Because this time it is a monster subjugation, the reward is

adjusted proportionally by contract to the number of
monsters they defeat.

Although I am not sure, it must also be connected to the

feeling of security that there won't be a situation where they
are told that there isn't enough reward money after they they
defeated too many monsters.

"For an Associate Baron, 500 troops are quite a lot." (Ina)

Usually in case of a newly appointed Associate Baron, the

reality would be more like boosting the composition of the
feudal troops with something like 30 troops up.

Because this number already includes the hired

combatants, it is quite understandable as employing people
costs money after all.

If they possess territory, it is possible to mobilize males

from the territory itself. In comparison to another peerage of
the same rank it will raise their numbers.

However, no matter how liberal such mobilization is

possible, excessively drafting of the working and tax-paying
men from the fief's population will cause the noble to plunge
deep into debts after the war as it has happened to many in
the past.

As there won't be enough hands left to harvest the fields,

the crops will wilt. But that's only natural due to the decrease
of working members through war injuries or death in action.
| Azura Ren |
"If we don't raise the amount of participants by this much,
there will be a lot of dissatisfaction amongst those who can't
participate." (Erich)

"Really, a motley bunch..." (Ina)

"There are many factions mixed into the troops. But you
pointed it out rather well." (Erich)

Just as Erich-san recognized it, there was no other way but

to express it like that.

The three brothers, their acquaintances and their

subordinates made up the core of the household.

Alongside Breithilde-sama, who was aiming for becoming

Vel's patron, as well as Finance Minister Rückner and
Viscount Mongérard.

Even the Minister of Military and Naval Affairs Edgar

helped out by approving the temporary suspension from the
office for Vel's two elder brothers.

"All of them want to form a bond with the dragon-killing

hero by different means." (Erich)

This applies to the hired combatants too. Even if they

aren't hired for participating actively by the government or
the feudal lord they were aiming to serve for, there are
various advantages to standing out in the only mobilized
feudal troops.

Therefore, they believe that obtaining a letter of

commendation and showing this letter to another noble will
have an effect, too.
| Azura Ren |
It took a lot of labor to narrow it down to this number of

"What a troublesome topic." (Luise)

"I think the one worrying about it the most is Vel. Well,
now that all personnel has been chosen we have to hold a
meeting to decide on everyone's roles. We also haven't
decided on the necessary food and which goods to buy. I
guess I have to get in contact with Artur-san." (Erich)

Apparently Erich-san's practical work experience turns out

to be quite useful here.

For us, who are only 12-years old children, handling the
necessary matters is too much after all.

Nevertheless, officially there are no other vassals of Vel but

us three.

"Occasionally it is necessary to act proudly in the assigned

position. Even if saying so might sound bad." (Erich)

As expected, it is hard to act as figurehead in the end.

Although it is embarrassing to suddenly act self-important

in everything, I won't complain about it.

"Also, there is one more official duty left." (Erich)

"What is it?" (Ina)

"Even if you have to heal injuries, don't die. Me, my two

elder brothers and you three aren't allowed to die." (Erich)

Although it is against monsters, you can definitely say that

| Azura Ren |
this is a war.

Naturally, the chances of casualties is rather high.

But it seems that Erich-san, the two onii-san's and us three

are prohibited from dying.

"Although it is pitiful, hired combatants are people who are

used to face death." (Erich)

Before they are rebuked, they will put their life on the line
while fighting in order to obtain the necessary evaluation.

Hearing such a thing from Erich-san, we ended up feeling

how considerably blessed our own environment is.

"For now the only thing we can do is to give our best."


"That's true. What should I, who can only calculate money,

say..." (Erich)


Several days after that the preparations of the 507 troops

of the Associate Baron Baumeister feudal troops were
finished in a mad rush.

We merged on the way to the battleground with the

expeditionary forces of the Kingdom's army, who was
likewise heading towards the Palkenia Grasslands.

"It's a chance to return the money I borrowed from Vel by

defeating a lot of monsters." (Erwin)

"Erwin, your task is to look after the troop headquarters."

| Azura Ren |

"I want to hunt monsters!" (Erwin)

"You?" (Luise)

"If you head to the front in order to play an active role, you
will be hated by the hired combatants. The safety of Erich-
san, Paul-san and Helmut-san comes first." (Ina)

"That's how it is." (Erwin)

My job is as usual to play the rebuking role; for some

reason that's the only thing I can do.

At any rate, somehow we managed to have the variously

mixed-factions troops, "The army filled with ulterior
motives by all nobles.", safely depart.

| Azura Ren |
Interlude 08: Behind The Scenes Of The Fiancée

"Now then, the problem is Wendelin-kun's fiancée..."


He had bad luck as well, as Cardinal Hohenheim's

arrangements for his granddaughter to become Wendelin's
fiancée immediately followed.

margrave Breithilde, having a feeling of being too late,

fervently hastened the work of selecting a fiancée in his office.

In any case, I am Wendelin's patron.

I thought it was natural that I would be the one to decide

his fiancée.

Although there is no time left any more. Because of that

margrave Breithilde was in a severe hurry.

The capital was far away from southern area of the

continent. Due to this extent of distance the current situation
could be explained.

"However..." (Retainer)

The retainer, who brought the documents about the fiancée

candidates to the office of margrave Breithilde, wore a
depressed facial expression.

The reason was because there was no girl of marriageable

age amongst the descendants of margrave Breithilde's
| Azura Ren |

They were completely lacking.

"Everyone's marriageable daughters are already married."


"Eh, is that so?" (Breithilde)

Certainly, since I remember attending their marriage

ceremonies quite well, all the girls have ended up being wed.

"From the start, the candidates shouldn't be too old, no?..."


Since it was a marriage between fellow nobles, the situation

of deciding on a too old wife had to be avoided by all means.

The commoners wouldn't be satisfied with that either, as

male chauvinism existed and was something deeply rooted in
this world.

Once in a while it happened that great nobles with superior

peerage pushed mature woman, who remained unmarried,
forcefully on lower-ranking nobles as wife.

But this method didn't occur if it was a regular patron to

vassal relationship. If that had been done to Wendelin, the
appointed nobles of the central government would condemn

"The dragon-slaying hero together with a mature

woman, of whom you don't know whether or not she
can give birth to any children? Good grief, that's
why it became a situation where the provincial
| Azura Ren |
nobles have women remaining unmarried." would be
the apparent criticism.

"Well then, for now let's set following as a condition: they

have to be below 13 years old." (Breithilde)

"Although, being the situation as it is ..." (Retainer)

I heard that there are several very young girls amongst the
branch families.

However, the oldest one is 4 years old. The bottom-most

was just born last month.

Doing such things like pushing such children forcefully

into an engagement will only give the greedy appointed
nobles in the center an opportunity to strike at.

"At the time when he becomes an adult, his

partner has to be an adult as well otherwise there is
no point in that! Else they won't be able to produce
offspring!" I fear that such a verbal attack would be the

In reality, there existed a great number or married couples

with many years difference between the parties due to the
political situation. To put it simply, any reason would be fine
as they aimed to find fault with margrave Breithilde.

"My children... aren't there only men!?" (Breithilde)

"I guess." (Retainer)

For some reason the children of the margrave Breithilde

main household had the tendency to only be male. Though
| Azura Ren |
they were occasionally born at the branch families and their
likes, the result still appeared to be the same.

Margrave Breithilde merely became speechless towards his

own misfortune.

"That's the reason why I extended the number of

concubines to such an extent..." (Breithilde)

"Because of that even more boys were born in vain..."


Even though it was problematic if there weren't any young

men to succeed the house, it would likewise become troubling
if one had to deal with too many of them.

As one would expect, it wasn't feasible to drop the children

of the margrave's main household to commoner status either.

"Let me adopt him!" (Breithilde)

"Even so, it will become fodder for criticism." (Retainer)

"Adopting a child with no blood relation, he

want's to claim the title of being a relative to the
dragon-slaying hero for himself, huh?" For those
greedy appointed nobles that is a very likely response,
margrave Breithilde judged.

"Those guys, in spite of us intending to adopt him without

hesitation, they will lodge a complaint towards such a
compassion." (Breithilde)

"Well, in fact that's because we only have few assets."

| Azura Ren |
Appointed nobles didn't possess any territory. Their
economical strength likewise was far inferior to the one of
equal nobles holding territory.

Thus, conducting themselves with the political influence of

the central government and their official positions, they
eternally competed with such big provincial nobles such as
margrave Breithilde.

"By the way, master. There is still the case of Anita-sama..."


"How did you end up bringing up this story here?"


Anita was an unmarried woman exceeding the age of 40

who was the younger sister of the previous margrave

Until this very day she was a woman living quietly and
comfortably free from worldly cares at the margrave
Breithilde's residence. If it were the Heisei era of Japan, her
social status as woman would be treated as domestic maid.

Since she was margrave Breithilde's aunt using strong

words on her wasn't possible either. The topic about her
becoming someone's wife also was troublesome.

If possible you didn't want to breach that subject in her


Because she knew of the various incidents in her own

childhood, at least she was aware that she was difficult to deal

| Azura Ren |
"Some of the retainers have the opinion that she should
marry into the Baron Baumeister household only for its
title..." (Retainer)

Among this lot were many who treated the home of the
Baumeister Knight household as poor and stupid. They
judged that for such an upstart a woman well past her prime,
who remained unmarried, was adequate.

"Aren't those guys useless as usual...?" (Breithilde)

Doing such a thing, will probably cause great joy for the
appointed nobles in the center.

"You, the patron of Baron Baumeister, are picking

a fight with him, aren't you! It will be necessary to
deal with firmly. Let's end this with changing the

A patron forcefully pushing an over 40 years old wife on

his 12 years old vassal.

In the Patron/Vassal relationship, if one side were to be

overly insincere, something like cancelling it would be
possible too.

After examination the side of the lower nobles

management organisation would immediately change the
patron once they discovered a compatible relationship. It was
normal for the central government to not say anything at all
to such procedure.

"Baron Baumeister is pretty stubborn for his age. There is

also Erich-san at the royal capital." (Retainer)

| Azura Ren |
It wouldn't be permitted to do something very ridiculous.

Rather than choosing a worthless proposal caused by envy

by his stupid retainers, margrave Breithilde should work
towards a direction of pleasing Erich and Wendelin.

"Those guys are ... even if they caused some scandal, it

would be thwarted right away anyway!)" (Breithilde)

"By the way, what will you do about the matter of the
fiancée candidates?" (Retainer)

"Having as close relation as possible, there is nothing but

adopting him, isn't that right?" (Breithilde)

This concern was also resolved without problems the next

day when the details about Wendelin's legal wife were
transmitted by Burkhart.

For Magrave Breithilde's work it was a terrible result.

"It's fine now. Because I will lead the heir sprouting forth
from Baron Baumeister's marriage." (Breithilde)

She was the granddaughter of Viscount Hohenheim who

also was a Cardinal, the niece of the royal palace's Royal Head
Magician Armstrong-doushi and she was acknowledged by
His Majesty.

Since it was futile to try finding any faults, margrave

Breithilde completely changed his way of thinking.

After all a noble was an ever-changing creature which

thought several decades ahead.

| Azura Ren |

"However, being a related party, what should I say. The

marriage between royalty and nobles is a troublesome thing."
(King Helmut)

"In my case, I think it is also fine to be branch royalty.

Thanks to Elise, I guess I should be grateful to have obtained
an excellent step nephew." (Armstrong)

"That girl is beautiful and also possess a fine disposition. I

think she is very suitable to Baron Baumeister with having
that (boin boin) special part of her despite being this young."

"Although I don't know whether it due to her family's

disposition, she definitely has that part." (Armstrong)

Just at the same time, in a room within the royal palace.

Being in one of his few private rooms, the king expressed

his own true opinion. Helmut the 37th had a private talk with
his friend Armstrong-doushi while drinking wine.

Inside the room there were only those two. There were
really few allowed into this room.

As for men, it merely was the two princes and Armstrong-


Armstrong-doushi had received such things as education

together with Helmut the 37th since their time as children.
They also had a relation to occasionally sneak out from the
palace to go play in the city.

He had transformed from old playmate to childhood friend

| Azura Ren |
by now.

"The origin of Baron Baumeister is being the eighth son of

a Knight household. There are many fellows who would
stammer in front of a royal daughter." (King Helmut)

"And yet, despite you can say that it is like that, isn't that
person..." (Armstrong)

For nobles marrying this was a problem lurking in the

shadows no matter what. Whether or not they would be able
to balance their status.

But, that didn't mean that the requirements were always

suitable for everyone with a nice timing.

Wasn't the outcome that there also were too many

unmarried woman having become too old if you restricted the
discussion to royalty and high-ranking nobles? Thus, they
ended up increasing in numbers.

Also one of the requirements could be called raising assets.

That had become the main reason why the number of such
women was increasing.

It was hopeless. Since those unmarried women had to be

supported until death for sure, the amount of those
mentioned ojousan's increase at top of the households in the

Putting them up for adoption into households of lower

family status and marrying from there, such an option existed
as well. But if the other party didn't want to adopt them, it
became difficult.

| Azura Ren |
As a result, the royal family also had several mature,
unmarried women.

"Anneliese-san is 35 years old, Diana is 29 years old,

Helmine is 27 years old and Hildegard is 25 years old. Baron
Baumeister possesses assets, too. 'Why don't you push them
forcefully onto him?', there is also such an opinion. As one
would expect, I had to restrain myself to not yell at them in a
thundering voice..." (King Helmut)

"In my case, I would seek asylum in the Holy Empire

Urquhart." (Armstrong)

"Me too, if my position were to be the same, huh." (King


Since those unmarried women were of royalty, there were

many selfish, strong-willed, spendthrift women amongst

Even Armstrong-doushi ended up planning to immediately


"Also, as I see it, it doesn't seem to be mere harassment."

(King Helmut)

For royalty those unmarried women caused the household

to fall.

Normally thinking, it could be said that for nobles the

highest reward was certainly their prestige.

But, looking at the true state of affairs, you couldn't see

nothing but vicious harassment.

| Azura Ren |
"Without even knowing whether or not a child can be born,
their only cause is to dry out the Baron's assets." (King

Before that, due to the overwhelming social status and the

difference in age, they would probably completely dominate
their husband.

No, in the case of the dragon-slaying hero, it might

backlash into becoming a fight as well.

"Likewise, those fellows proposing this, are aiming for that,

don't you agree?" (Armstrong)

Although merely 12 years old, he became a hero defeating 2

dragons and obtained the rank of Baron. Those assets were
something you couldn't disregard either.

Since their opponent was a magician holding tremendous

power, although they wouldn't openly use harassment to
compete with him, they were planning to apply such
entangling moves to chip away his strength.

Although that behavior was natural for them, there were

many who also considered these circumstances as "Nobles
can only be called animals...".

"Good grief, every last of them ..." (King Helmut)

In this way, once someone excellent appeared, those below

him came out and tried to pick a fight using stupid

Just how many nuisances were caused hindering the

growth of the capital due to those reasons?
| Azura Ren |
"If only I could dispatch them to the battlefield to thin out
their numbers." Helmut the 37th ended up thinking.

"However, as it stands now the boy has amassed too much

money." (Armstrong)

"Don't worry about it." (King Helmut)

There wasn't any indication of doing something like

wasting the money either as he had also donated a large
amount of money to the church.

Although it might be seen as pointless expenses at first

glance, there were also many cases of kings having the carpet
pulled from under them due to making light of the church.
After considering such incidents, 10 platinum coins weren't a
futile investment.

Even the Cardinal Hohenheim had admired him by saying,

"Despite being a child, he has parts that you
shouldn't underestimate".

Going by the report, Cardinal Hohenheim might have done

this by himself as flattery play for that Elise though.

So, completely overestimating him would only be due to

the misunderstanding mental belief of an unpopular man.

"Don't worry? To such thing..." (Armstrong)

'Didn't he plan to assign territory to him in the future?'

Armstrong ended up asking himself.

"As would be expected of such a person like you." (King

| Azura Ren |
Assigning territory to him will allow that place to be
developed extensively.

It is also a fact that he has plenty of funds for that.

Helmut the 37th thought about it in such manner.

"Be that as it may, the baron is still only 12 years old.

Becoming impatient will be the wrong way of handling it.
After him gaining experience by becoming an adult, it won't
be too late either. But ..." (King Helmut)

Not only myself, what are the other high-ranking nobles

and cabinet ministers planning?

Depending on the circumstances, we may have to move up

the plans too.

Although he was the king, it was difficult for him to control

the important nobles.

"Margrave Breithilde and the likes, I have a gut feeling that

they are plotting something." (Armstrong)

To Armstrong-doushi, even if he only looked at the

employed Burkhart, he considered his master, margrave
Breithilde, to be a troublesome existence.

Nevertheless, given that he had to deal with those sly

appointed nobles of the center, he considered the issues with
Maargrave Breithilde to still be more preferable.

"I guess he will have to deal with an undeveloped area?"

(King Helmut)

| Azura Ren |
It would be an impossible area if no one were to be able
arriving there. There were only very few who managed to
cross that great mountain range, thus the success of the
(Knight) Baumeister household in regards to the situation of
that area was mostly just on paper.

"But why do you leave the ownership of the that household

as it is?" (Armstrong)

"Now that I think about it, since neglecting the duty of

development is a crime, I could confiscate that territory."
(King Helmut)

For more than one hundred years up until now they

neglected to develop the territory.

The government officials of the central government

thought that confiscating everything, apart from the region
suitable for a Knight household, would just end up causing

Because they might continue the development project

sooner or later, it was less troublesome to leave it as it was for
the moment.

And that was the outcome of it.

"Furthermore, there is also Baron Baumeister's existence."

(King Helmut)

It was also possible to use the hand of ordering a division

of territory for Baron Baumeister.

At that time, rather than the main family, it could be

anticipated that the situation would develop into the branch
| Azura Ren |
family possessing an overwhelmingly vast territory.

In the long history of the kingdom such a reversal in the

power relationship between the main and branch families for
the likes of noble's households wasn't that unusual either.

It could also be said that a thing like that happening to the

Baumeister household was purely by chance too.

"An excellent portable shrine was completed¹, you might

consider it like that too. But, the baron is still a child. Though
it was a grave wrongdoing to force him into the dragon
subjugation, spending time normally, like he is currently, is
necessary as well." (King Helmut)

Additionally to that.

While it might only be true that he was an excellent

magician, it didn't imply that he would become and carry
himself as an excellent noble for that reason.

Why were Burkhart and his immediate close friend, who

struggled together with him through the hardships of the
world of the adventurer business, appointed to responsible

It was because they had accumulated that much


"Indeed. He is enrolled as student at the adventurer's prep

school." (Armstrong)

"Armstrong, therefore I hope you won't show him off too

much." (King Helmut)

| Azura Ren |
"I will use great effort to the best of my abilities."

Nevertheless, even such Helmut the 37th requested for

Armstrong-doushi to handle things without making waves in
such manner.

Seeing it like this, it was a befitting situation for Helmut the

37th to be laughing at it.

"Alfred, Burkhart-dono and me, I wonder how he will live

his life after being forged as pupil by the three of us. I am
looking forward to that very much." (Armstrong)

While saying this, Armstrong-doushi drank up the ordinary

filled glass of wine in one gulp.

| Azura Ren |
Interlude 09: At The Territory Of The Baumeister
Knight Peerage After The Dragon Subjugation

"The peddler group has arrived~~~!" (???)

"I wonder if they also have something new this time?" (???)

"Don't talk about such luxuries. At the least we have to

secure some salt." (???)

My name is Fritz.

I am a farmer living at a pioneer's village at the southern

tip of the Lingaia continent. I passed the mountain range
using a flying dragon from the territory of margrave

I am 26 years old and my family consists of my parents,

wife, and two children.

My son is 5 years old and my daughter is 3 years old.

Although there was also my younger brother Horst, he had

already been adopted into the family of his wife at the
neighboring village.

Since there hadn't been a male born in that family.

Even though I am not quite sure about it, it seems our

village chief-sama and the the village chief-sama of the
neighboring village have decided so after discussing it.

This pioneer's village is the only place on the southern side

| Azura Ren |
of the mountain range where people live.

I am told that more than 100 years ago the lord, before the
4th generation lord, led the people from the royal capital to
migrate here. Also, for more than 100 years we hung on
trying to reclaim the surroundings.

Although I believe it to be unimaginable hardship, I can

finish it by saying a single word, "Fu~n".

Moreover, it doesn't mean that continuing to make a living

nowadays has become any easier after all.


However, there is also the story of ten-odd years ago. At

the time when I was still not of age, there was a large-scale

The Lord ordered around 30 from this village as well to

participate in the expedition.

The granduncle of the Lord, who was assigned as junior

leading private-sama wore a heavy armor. I remember from
my time as boy that he was riding a beautiful horse
completely different from the farming horses.

But, as the expedition ended in failure, only 5 of the 30

returned to us.

Of course, that junior leading private-sama and his son's,

who were assisting him, didn't return, I heard.

I remember all of the few survivors to be in a worn-out

condition and having lost weight.
| Azura Ren |
As they were starving on the way back, they killed the
horses and ate them. Transforming their spears to walking
sticks, they came back by walking for something like several
hundred kilometers.

On their way back, their injuries grew worse, they became

sick and were attacked by packs of wolves.

In the end they were even unable to leave behind

mourning ornaments for their companions. As there were 5
survivors, I recall them talking about it regretfully.

Furthermore, it doesn't mean that you could call them

uninjured either.

They were strangely afraid of darkness. And they panicked

when they saw large bears or wild boars at the organized hunt
during autumn.

The place they went to is apparently called [Demon

Forest] and it seemed they experienced something
considerable dreadful there.

Having become a problem afterwards, the fellow villagers

antagonized these guys.

The official name for this reclaimed land is territory of the

Baumeister Knight peerage.

The Lord is a knight-sama.

The territory is generously divided by 3 villages. The total

population is just a little bit short of 700 inhabitants.

Although the territory of knight-sama seems to be large,

| Azura Ren |
our territory is poor.

With the failure of the expedition the population ended up

decreasing greatly.

That being the case, for some reason at such time came the
order from the Lord to participate in the work of expanding
the agricultural land.

Naturally, our village chief-sama and the village chief-sama

of the neighboring village protested against this.

Despite it taking all our effort to maintain the current

agricultural lands with the decreased workers, why pushing
the project of cultivating new land forcefully forward?

Also, apart from that, in preparation for the coming winter,

the hunting had to be intensified.

In my opinion, our and the neighboring village's village-

chief-sama's were right.

But even though it was correct, the Lord ended up

following the opinion of the village chief of the original
settlement, Klaus-sama, who had presented his daughter to
the Lord as mistress.

Thanks to that, I was also busy.

In case one was 14 years old, they were considered equal to

an adult and had to labor.

Even the children younger than this took occasionally a

break in playing around and worked diligently to assist their
families in cultivating new land for everyone.
| Azura Ren |
Naturally, as the time to hunt and collect in the forest and
fish in the river disappeared, the meals became thin.

As it is dangerous in this territory to leave when it becomes

dark, there is no way to do something like hunting in the
evening either.

During day time all of the time was used for cultivating
new land and farming. Thus it was naturally harsh.

Even though the harvest of wheat had increased,

everything besides the meals and the Lord's taxes had to be

Naturally this caused discontent. There was also a rumor

that the funds acquired by wheat sale and part of the
expenses for the cultivation of new land had been handed
over to the bereaved families of the people killed in action
during that expedition as one-off payment.

They said that despite margrave Breithilde-sama, who

forced them into the expedition, paying more than required
by the regulations, the portion above the regulated amount
was used as kickback for the Lord.

Albeit this being detestable rumors, it was a village usually

lacking sufficient entertainment.

The rumors were something that spread silently in secret.

Because of that the meals had only been thin salty

vegetable soup and dry and crumbling rye bread for quite a

Furthermore, lunch had been removed.

| Azura Ren |
No one but the Lord-sama's family and the village chief-
sama's families could eat something like three meals a day.

But, across the mountain range, at Breitburg, everyone

apparently was able to eat three meals a day.

Hearing of that, I ended up becoming slightly envious.

Given the current situation, it seemed that my childhood

friend Boris, who lived in the neighborhood, would join the
trading group next time and leave the village.

I am told that he would start as an apprentice at a

workshop in Breitburg.

Since Boris was the third son, his parents didn't oppose it.

Although the village chief-sama is requested to help with

having someone adopt into the farmer family of the bride if
the main provider of the household went missing, Boris was
yet 12 years old.

As it was impossible to become a son-in-law, I thought it

was also unfair to let him experience a shameful time at his
home in the meanwhile.

In the end Boris would leave the village. I also thought that
this would be the best.

Ah, that's right... From here on out it will become the main

At the time of almost finishing the cultivation of new land, I

turned 20 years old and it became a talk about me getting a
wife soon at that time.
| Azura Ren |
In regards to the eighth son of the Lord, there were only
few rumors spread.

I was told that this eighth son-sama was apparently able to

use magic.

I wasn't quite aware to what extent though. Anyway, I

hadn't even seen his face yet.

It might be to the degree of releasing a little bit of water or

he might also be able to blow away mountains with his magic.

Truthfully, the rumors were something really vague.

However, because it was special.

Presently, I wonder whether he couldn't do something

about that large boulder with his magic I was earnestly trying
to move alongside 4 others, since I am a lazy person?

After a short time the guys from the original settlement

came and said, "Wendelin-sama's magic isn't a big deal.
Don't expect him to help you with the hard work of
cultivating new land."

Apparently the eighth son-sama of the Lord was called


You may wonder why we didn't know about his name, but
since someone like the eighth son-sama wasn't expected to
remain at the village, we judged that it wasn't necessary to
remember his name forcefully.

Also, as I practically hadn't seen magic, I wasn't able to say

anything about it.

| Azura Ren |
At any rate, it was those guys from the original settlement
who came and talked about it.

The reason why this territory of the Baumeister Knight

peerage was divided into 3 villages is because there was local
disputes since the beginning of the hardships.

As they were descendants of the citizens the founding Lord

had brought along from the slums of the capital, the Lord's
residence likewise was situated at the original settlement.

The village chief Klaus-sama had given his daughter as

mistress to the Lord.

On top of that, since he managed any and every aspect

regarding the handling of the tax revenue, he was in reality
the number 2 in the territory.

Naturally, his reputation wasn't good.

Our and the neighboring villages village chief-sama's went

as far as declaring their hatred of him.

As the village chief-sama from our view was a person far

above the clouds as well, I judged it to not be of any particular
interest to me either way.

However, I hated the fellows from the original settlement.

Those guys thought of themselves to be much more

important than us as they had immigrated at the beginning.

They had a high pride.

We, who were part of the second and third village,

| Azura Ren |
immigrated here following the recruitment. Our birthplaces
were scattered too.

But, as we have lived here for over 100 years now as well,
our relations weren't bad either since we cooperated against
the discrimination from the fellows at the original settlement.

However, even with these small local disputes, our

territory was still shabby after all.

Something like that was the work of the great noble-sama's

living in the royal capital, I believed.


"I think a little bit is fine?" (Wendelin)

"Yes? Eetto, if I remember correctly, you are Wendelin-

sama?" (Fritz)

Although I heard only a few rumors about Wendelin-sama

before, I happened to talk to him several times.

When Wendelin-sama came to exchange the hunting spoils

I caught for soya beans.

"Good day, I would like to request exchanging 2 of each

from the Guinea fowls and the wild rabbits for soya beans."

"I am thankful for the Guinea fowls..." (Fritz)

Although Wendelin-sama was still small, he was very

skilled at hunting.

Such a thing like Guinea fowls, even Ingolf, who should be

| Azura Ren |
the best hunter in our village, was very satisfied with the
hunting spoils if he caught as much as one bird in three days.

But, why soya beans?

With them it was possible to increase the ingredients of a

soup, but something like feeding the livestock with only that
much wouldn't work.

Maa, as the transaction was greatly advantageous to me

that way, the dealings with someone close to a noble didn't
cause me any nervousness.

"Also, I also want to exchange it for the young, still unripe

ones." (Wendelin)

"Unripe oya beans, it is...?" (Fritz)

"The insides of the beans should have become big. It would

be good if it is just before they turn yellow." (Wendelin)

"Haa... really?" (Fritz)

"If you boil them and sprinkle them with some salt they are
delicious." (Wendelin)

How to say, he was an unusual noble-sama, I remember.

Still, the boiled unripe soya beans were really delicious!

Although I desired some alcohol to go with them for some

reason, since I couldn't drink so much alcohol here, that alone
caused me to feel regret.

"If you plant soya beans in fixed intervals, it will become a

method to reinforce the other crops' growth." (Wendelin)
| Azura Ren |
"I see..." (Fritz)

Only once Wendelin-sama talked about this.

Even though I was half in doubt, certainly it wasn't not

beneficial to the growth of the crops.


After that the fellows from the original settlement gossiped


"Wendelin-sama has a lazy character by nature. Although it

won't become a problem if he leaves the village soon."
(Spiteful Villager A)

Although they were saying such things, I shouldn't rely on

what those guys from the original settlement said.

If he was a lazy person, he shouldn't be capable of

producing accomplishments more than a professional hunter

Even though we tried to hear about him from our village

chief indirectly, from the point of view of the fellows of the
original settlement, the superior younger brother (otouto)
appeared to be an existence disturbing the order in the
territory to them.

"Those guys have a lot of pride for being native-born.

Consequently they are are afraid of having the situation of the
inheritance decision made by the Lord thrown out of order."
(Village Chief)

Other than the whole territory becoming wealthy, it was

| Azura Ren |
also important for us to get an upper hand over those native-
borns from the original settlement.

In the case of the countryside I heard that such a way of

thinking wasn't unusual.

But I thought as well that it would be better for me to

become a little rich.

"Humans are such creatures. Also, I don't understand what

that Klaus is thinking." (Village Chief)

Klaus-sama seems to be the village chief of the original


Even so, it didn't seem that the reason for it could be said
for him to perfectly follow the Lord like Yakult.

There were also rumors that he was planning to do

something behind the scenes. I don't quite understand. It
looks to me that he is a dangerous person.

And, our village chief-sama, Jürgen-sama even mentioned


In comparison to someone like Klaus I think he is a far

better village chief.

"Before that, I hate him (Klaus) as a person!" (Villager A)

"If Jürgen-sama heard this then you would get into

trouble." (Fritz)

After this sequence of events Wendelin-sama, who turned

12 years old, left the village.

| Azura Ren |
I was told that he apparently wanted to enroll in a school in
Breitburg to become an adventurer as soon as possible.

"So the life of eating soya beans and Guinea fowls has
ended, huh..." (Fritz)

There were many villagers lamenting over this.

But somehow the guys from the original settlement

lowered their shoulders caressing them in relief.

Compared to Kurt-sama becoming the successor I guess

there were various difficulties, huh?

However, before that, something similar had happened to

the fifth son-sama called Erich-sama as well.


And then it was the second time the peddler group had
arrived since Wendelin-sama left the village.  

As there was no merchant store in this territory, everyone

rushed and gathered.

Although the prices were slightly expensive, everybody

thirsted to buy rare articles with their money. Because of that
they diligently scrutinized before purchase.

But even then first off it was necessary to buy salt required
for keeping the body going.

"Everyone, today I brought the printed newspaper extra

from Breitburg." (Peddler)

I heard it was something that was distributed just before

| Azura Ren |
the peddler group departed.

Reading it right away after receiving it, there was an article

about Wendelin-sama's legendary ancient dragon

Even if we were in a rural area, we were still able to read

and write to a minimal extent.

That was because the priest-sama who could drop dead

now at any time, taught us at the church.

Even so, it was only the common letters of hiragana and

katakana. Kanji was too difficult after all.

"Wendelin-sama? That lazy person?" (Villager A)

"Do you believe in such rumors? It was the fellows from

the original settlement who came and talked about it!"
(Villager B)

"They tried to butter up to Kurt in order to gain favorable

treatment." (Villager C)

Also, in this poor territory something like favorable

treatment didn't amount to much.

In the first place, if they were really given favorable

treatment, it would be suspicious.

Living in the village where the Lord's residence was

located, they are the native-born.

Only the pride of that was sufficient enough for them, I


| Azura Ren |
"By selling the raw materials of the defeated ancient
dragon, he was able to procure a large amount of money. He
received the an amazing medal called the Twin Dragon medal
and he was appointed as Associate Baron, huh?"

"He isn't a lazy person at all, now is he!" (Villager D)

Certainly, I never heard a lazy person defeating a dragon.

Furthermore, you wouldn't think such an unbelievable

great man to originate from such rural area.

Or rather, why did the Lord let go of such an esteemed

person? Seeing the newspaper extra, everyone seemed to
think that.

On the other hand, it is unlikely that this newspaper extra

will be very amusing to those guys.

The fellows from the original settlement, that is.

Also, although Klaus-sama also saw it, it was eerie that it

didn't break his smile.

Indeed, it was as Jürgen-sama had said.

"However, this is..." (Jürgen)

Jürgen-sama's facial expression didn't reveal at what

conclusion he had arrived.


"In a few years it is very likely that there will be large

changes in this remote place. As a result, will it turn out well
or badly?" (Jürgen)
| Azura Ren |

And then, after three months the peddler group arrived for
the third time this year.

Wendelin-sama became a baron after defeating two

dragons. Once again he obtained a large amount of money.
The news about his engagement to the granddaughter of
some important person called cardinal or such was brought

"I am glad. This territory will become wealthy!" (Villager


"Banzai to Wendelin-sama, I guess." (Villager B)

Even though the people were innocently pleased, I

wondered, is that really the case?

I didn't believe that this story would turn out well just like
that when I looked at Jürgen-sama's expression.

| Azura Ren |
Interlude 10: Pink Hippo-san

"Why these four people?" (Wendelin)

"Umu, the monster this time is slightly troublesome."


"Monster? Hey! I'm a minor!" (Wendelin)

"Although it is categorized as monster, this [Pink Hippo-

san] doesn't inhabit a domain." (Armstrong)

It was several months since we started to study as

adventurer apprentices following the instruction given by His

Today it wasn't the usual special training by the strict

Armstrong-doushi either. I was delightfully hoping it would
turn into a day off.

For some reason I ended up keeping them company until

we reached the forest in the suburbs of the capital.

The members are the likewise forcefully recruited

Burkhart-san and Erwin, making it a total amount of four

Ina was practicing her spearmanship as usual. Luise was

ordered by Armstrong-doushi to stay behind doing special
training causing her to a facial expression of disappointment.

However, I wanted her to feel relieved.

| Azura Ren |
It didn't particularly mean that Armstrong-doushi and I
planned to play around.

Despite still being a minor I followed his lead doing work

that was related to monsters.

"P-pink Hippo-san?! It's fine for me to go back, r-right...?"


Although Burkhart-san is a former veteran adventurer, it

seems he wants to excuse himself from this [Pink Hippo-san].

Going by its name, even though I can't say that it got the
impression of feeling like some fancy hippopotamus, maybe it
possessed some earth-shattering killing technique?

Or rather, why does its official name have a [-san]

attached anyway?

I have an intense urge to ask the person who named it.

"I hear that every adventurer guild has completely refused

the task. Thus the pot has been passed on to us." (Armstrong)

Why do the adventurer apprentices, Erwin and I, have to

participate in such a request?

As if seeing through my thinking, Armstrong-doushi began

to explain.

"It isn't a subjugation request. This is a protection request."


"Protection?" (Wendelin)

The explanation continues further on.

| Azura Ren |
This monster called [Pink Hippo-san] apparently doesn't
live in a monster domain but in areas such as clean springs in
regular forests.

Its size is around the size of a Pony. The color if its entire
body is pink as indicated by its name.

Only females exist, who breed by laying an egg by


It also has a record of having a life span comparable to that

of a dragon. Or to put it simply, it has an extremely long life.

Naturally, in proportion to that, it only rarely lays an egg.

There are very few of them alive as well. I was told that
they are currently specified as protected animal in the

"Protected animal? Not protected monster?" (Wendelin)

"It doesn't really matter which way you classify it.

Differentiating it is a bother." (Armstrong)

I certainly didn't expect this world to have a concept of

animal welfare.

Furthermore, that 'protection' is a troublesome task.

It must be very troublesome if a person of Burkhart-san's

degree dislikes it.

"The eggshell is an immensely precious ingredient for

medicine!" (Armstrong)

"Medicine?" (Wendelin)
| Azura Ren |
"It's a wonder drug capable of curing the incurable!"

It is said that the royalty and titled nobles unanimously

guaranteed the protection of the [Pink Hippo-san] for that

They want it to feel good so that it lays its eggs so that they
can receive the eggshell after the hatching.

"This time, the specimen we are expected to protect has

ended up laying its egg prematurely." (Armstrong)

"It has laid its egg, huh? Is that alright?" (Burkhart)

"Isn't that dangerous?" (Wendelin)

"The only danger is the timing." (Armstrong)

Usually the Pink Hippo-san is a very docile monster.

Although it is placed within the category of monsters, it is a

lot more docile than something like a wild boar.

It eats the grass growing closing close to the forest spring.

If it isn't attacked, it seems that there is no way that it will

come and attack the other party.

But it is also said that it turns ferocious after laying its egg
in order to protect it.

Which reminds me, I happened to hear that in reality the

hippopotamus was unexpectedly ferocious in my previous life

| Azura Ren |
"Even if you say it's ferocious, that doesn't particularly
mean that it will come charging at us." (Armstrong)

"Only if you threaten it, right?" (Wendelin)

"That's why everyone refuses to do this request."


The hint is that the ingredient necessary for wonder drug is

the eggshell.

"The Pink Hippo-san uses an unique magic on its enemies

that try to hurt the egg or itself." (Armstrong)

It seems to use a mind attack which is almost as if

combining hypnotism and illusion together.

"Mind attack?" (Wendelin)

"It is something that no magician is capable of defending

against either..." (Armstrong)

In regards to the details, it also became clear that it caused

an extremely disastrous effect.

I was told that the female camp implored to be excused

from participation.

"In case of a man, is it fine to receive damage?" (Wendelin)

"You shouldn't say that. Maybe you might be able to defend

against its magic, boy." (Burkhart)

"That's right, last time my magic defense failed. I

experienced various disasters due to that. If it were possible, I
wouldn't want to participate! But, lad, you are Alfred's pupil!
| Azura Ren |
I will bet on that!" (Armstrong)

'...I have a very bad premonition about this.' (Wendelin)

The target [Pink Hippo-san] is deep within the forest close

to the spring.

Having created a nest with collected grass, it is guarding

the egg there.

"Will you take it along to another location for protection?"


"Indeed, we will take it to a special reserve prepared by the

kingdom. Come now..." (Armstrong)

But now, before we were leaving, Armstrong-doushi, who

is a stern muscled daruma, wasn't pleased.

Did you plan to steal the egg?


Before confronting us the [Pink Hippo-san] obviously hid

the egg away. Afterwards it started to stare our way with its
small eyes.

"Huh? There isn't even any intimidation?" (Wendelin)

But that was due to my lack of perception.

Also, in the meanwhile the gaze of the [Pink Hippo-san]

didn't move even a bit. Unconsciously I ended up matching
my line of sight with its small eyes gradually facing in this

| Azura Ren |
"Poor... This is..." (Wendelin)

Somehow it seems we ended up falling into its trap.

Gradually I am not even able to avert my gaze from the

[Pink Hippo-san].

My mind becomes hazy.

The last thing I could confirm was something like a pink

fog entering my field of vision from the sides.

"The boy is no good either, after all!" (Burkhart)

In spite of invoking a magic defense against it to protect

myself from such things as sleeping magic in advance, it
obviously didn't have any effect at all.

Slowly the freedom to move our bodies was stolen.

"Ku, I can't move my body!" (Burkhart)

"It can't be helped. We should resolve ourselves here and

generously pray to all gods after the consequences."

"Such way of talking?!" (Burkhart)

While Burkhart-san was making such complaints towards

the doushi, the quantity of pink color gradually increased in
my field of vision. If it goes on like this, we will loose
consciousness before long.


"Wake up, Shingo-kun." (???)

| Azura Ren |
"Huh? This is?" (Wendelin)

Opening my eyes, this place wasn't inside the forest.

It was the evening classroom of Heisei Japan, which I

thought impossible to see ever again.

Furthermore, checking my own appearance I am wearing

the uniform from my senior high school days. Even the
appearance of my face follows that specification.

A mob character student with black hair, divided in the

middle, a medium build and a common face wearing glasses.

This was me in my high school days.

"Is something wrong? Shingo-kun." (???)

Successively, I could see the woman, wearing the same

uniform as me, who had woken me up. I clearly remembered

It was the woman I liked during my high school days.

She was the idol of the Prefectural Sakuragaoka (Cherry

Tree Hill) Highschool, Ijuin Shizuka-san.

Accomplished in both arts, literary and martial, she was the

Student Council President.

And yet she had a nice character as well. Likewise she was
idolized by her kouhai and classmates.

Having received love letters by many males confessing

their love, she completely rejected them.

| Azura Ren |
If one were to speak of me then I was satisfied by just
watching that unattainable girl.

Naturally, I didn't expect to do such things as having a

conversation with her either. But even so I was called by her.

"No, it's nothing. Eeto, shouldn't you go home soon? Ijuin-

san." (Wendelin)

"Call me Shizuka, Shingo-kun." (Shizuka)

"...Eh? Are you serious?" (Wendelin)

Currently I am not Wendelin. I truly don't feel any sense of

discomfort acting as Ichinomiya Shingo.

Although I should be about to leave towards the forest in

order to protect the monster together with Erwin, Burkhart-
san, and the muscled doushi, I don't think that the current
situation is strange at all.

"Eetto... Shizuka?" (Wendelin)

"Yes, Shingo-kun." (Shizuka)

She was an idol I longed for without having had a proper

conversation during my highschool days.

Such girl asks me on her own accord to call her without


Gradually I became aware of my face getting hot.

"Shingo-kun..." (Shizuka)

"Yes?" (Wendelin)
| Azura Ren |
"Everybody has already gone home." (Shizuka)

As the time is half past six in the evening, only those guys
having their club activities on the sport grounds are left.

There is already no one but us two remaining in the


"Therefore..." (Shizuka)

While she was saying this, she closed her eyes and turned
towards my face.

'This is!?... Could it be!?'

She wanted to kiss me.

In the end I considered the possibility of some dust

entering her eyes since I am unpopular after all.

Something like kissing in the classroom after school, I

believed it to be an urban legend with the exception of stories.

'However, panicking here can be considered as blunder!

While taking a deep breath once...'

As expected of the unpopular me.

My mind was already engulfed in a great tumult of the

same level as just before the outbreak of the World War.

But, a woman having gone as far as this, there was nothing

left but to kiss her on my own accord!

'I am glad to be alive!'

| Azura Ren |
While thinking this, I also closed my eyes and put my lips
on top of hers.

Continuing onwards, both of us embraced each other

placing the hands on either back.

Only when you haven't done this before, such

unexperienced kiss is magnificent after all.

The nice fragrance characteristic to a female highschool

student. The soft touch of her lips.

Besides, my mind was also exalted by the the likes of the

soft feeling of her body.

I felt like staying like this for an eternity.

'It's the best feeling ever...'

However, my shoulders were shaken as I was at such

height of happiness. It was an awfully boorish guy!

Bothering me like this during this wonderful time. Even for

a gentle person like me it would be fine to be enraged.

You see, it's fine to become a victim of high level magic.

I trembled in anger while I opened my eyes.

Thereupon, in front of my eyes a scene of hell was


Despite of my anticipation of being in the classroom in the

evening kissing my admired idol Shizuka-chan.

For some reason there was a face similar to a oblong rock

| Azura Ren |
in front of my eyes, somehow like a pineapple.

After finishing uploading what was displayed, it was the

face of the muscled doushi with his grown, imposing
handlebar mustache under his nose.

"It seems you finally woke up!" (Armstrong)

"Eeto... doushi...?" (Wendelin)

As I should be kissing with my unrequited love from my

highschool days, the face of the muscled doushi was in front
of my eyes when I woke up.

Furthermore, my hands were resting on the back of the

muscled doushi and his hands were resting on my back. It
was a situation of us embracing each other.

"I don't accept this!" (Wendelin)

Although it was the best feeling ever, if a lie isn't exposed it

isn't a lie.

The strength of the muscled doushi's embrace gradually

even caused my shoulders and back to make creaking sounds.
That strength was so powerful to such an extent that the
bones in my body got cracked.

I wish I didn't wake up like this, remaining in my


"Although I understand how you feel, take a straight look

at reality." (Erwin)

As he was shaking my shoulders, it seems that Erwin was

| Azura Ren |
behind me.

Furthermore, he somehow makes sure to avoid matching

Burkhart-san's line of sight.

I don't think it is necessary to mention the reason for that.

"The [Pink Hippo-san] uses something like an illusionary

magic inducing the lustful desires of people like this! Do
you now understand the reason why we didn't bring along
female company?" (Armstrong)

Certainly, it would become a bad rumor if Erwin, the

doushi, and Burkhart-san were to kiss Elise, Ina, or Luise.

If things don't go well, it also isn't unlikely for the other

nobles to say for instance something like, "Such loose girls,
they aren't suitable as fiancées of Baron Baumeister, don't
you think so? Instead, my daughter...".

Therefore the doushi, without even explaining the

circumstances to Burkhart-san, brought us along to here.

"Yes. By the way, doushi." (Wendelin)

"What is it?" (Armstrong)

"Excuse me!" (Wendelin)

Shaking off the still embracing, overbearing muscled

doushi, I moved to a close by thicket.

And then...

"Ue~~~! A trauma for a lifetime~~~!" (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
"Even I am fond of normal women..." (Armstrong)

Having ended up experiencing the trauma of kissing that

muscled doushi, I kept on vomiting in the shadows of the
thicket for quite a while.


"However, this hippo. Because it is a protected animal, it

got cocky..." (Wendelin)

"Listen, Vel. Since a hippo can't get cocky..." (Erwin)

In the end, even though we attempted to protect the hippo

several times after that, it resulted in all of the attempts

I succeeded in planting the trauma three times within my

mind in total.

Next I was taken to the clubroom of my baseball club in

middle school.

I, who was an eternal bench warmer, liked it. When I

expected a kiss from the cute manager, who also was my
classmate, I was scowled at with a sour look by Burkhart-san.

"Thank you for the passionate kiss." (Burkhart)

"Please, you have to have some experience how to defend

against the magic of the hippo, Burkhart-san!" (Wendelin)

"I was reluctant to come here because it is impossible!"


Now I understand why no one wanted to take this request.

| Azura Ren |
Because even Burkhart-san was helpless in this situation.

"Let's try it once more." (Burkhart)

"Despite knowing it will be a failure... This isn't Burkhart-

san himself." (Wendelin)

"It can't be helped because it's that kind of contract!"


As feared, the third time was no good either.

The stage changed to the preparation room of the soccer

club during my time in elementary school. There the lovely
girl I had fallen in love with, who was also my classmate
skilled in soccer, gently shut her eyes.

Or rather, why did I only fall in love with girls that were
unattainable from the outset?

For sure it was because I chose to not take a straight look at

reality, though that wasn't something you said only while
being unpopular.

"Eru..." (Wendelin)

"Vel, huh..." (Erwin)

"You know..." (Wendelin)

"Don't finish what you are saying..." (Erwin)

The one time I kissed the muscled doushi was the worst

The second time I felt the taste of alcohol from somewhere.

| Azura Ren |
Comparing it to Burkhart-san with his distinctive body odor
of a middle-aged man from before, Erwin still entered the
group of being less objectionable?

This guy hasn't a poor-looking face either.

But, at the time of thinking like that it ended up becoming

a feeling of having lost something.

Erwin told me to not say anything because he thought the

same thing as well.

"And? What do we do about the fourth time?" (Wendelin)

"I tried it at the very least. I will go home now." (Burkhart)

Having fulfilled no more than his obligation, Burkhart-san

began to to prepare for returning home.

"But, will we leave the hippo as it is?" (Wendelin)

"Rather, if you think about it, it is impossible to accomplish

this without injuring that thing." (Burkhart)

Or more precisely, I don't understand why it is necessary to

expressly move the hippo to a reserve.

Any poacher won't be able to move his hand in front of that

illusionary magic.

"Actually, a watchman will come to see the state of affairs

in the morning..." (Armstrong)

In case it is a single poacher, he will do such things as

hugging and kissing a tree. Whereas in case it is more than
two it wasn't seldom for them to do some even more dreadful
| Azura Ren |

The partner may be a man or it may be a woman.

Even regarding the task of protecting it, there are also

many cases of adventurers being swallowed up in tragedies.

Coming to back to their senses, the male adventurers get

stuck with marriages as they have to take responsibility for
such sexual relations.

As it is, it seems many people end up awakening to their

homosexual love, too.

"I won't bring along Elise." (Wendelin)

"Indeed." (Armstrong)

As far as the officials of the church are concerned,

homosexual love is a heresy equal to a sin as well.

Likewise it is below the moral principles and unproductive.

Usually it was dealt with by severe punishment if it was


"She will faint if she sees such a thing like Vel and the
doushi kissing." (Erwin)

"The same for Eru and Burkhart-san, too." (Wendelin)

Although we finished the task with an extraordinary failure

in the end, we won't be charged with a penalty since all the
other adventurers had declined the mission.

In addition, although the [Pink Hippo-san] was a problem,

| Azura Ren |
it appears that parent and child will voluntarily move to the
reserve once the egg has hatched.

This one day of work was a complete loss.

"If I come back home, I will get Elise, Luise, and Ina to
remove the aftertaste. Deducting the number of people, it will
become zero, huh?" (Wendelin)

"No, you have to consider the impact of doushi's portion..."


Even so, I will have Elise's group get rid of the aftertaste.

And, I also plan to reach the point one day that I could say,
"It is already fine to not return being Ichinomiya Shingo."

| Azura Ren |
Interlude 11: The Saint's Confession

"Naa, Vel, isn't it almost time for your 13-years-old

birthday?" (Erwin)

"Now that you mention it, I guess there was something like
that." (Wendelin)

"You... Isn't that your own birthday...?" (Erwin)

In the afternoon of a certain day, in the residence that was

loaned to us by margrave Breithilde, I was asked by Erwin
whether I wouldn't be having my birthday in the near future.


If you thought about it normally, you would expect a happy

day of receiving congratulations from your friends and family.

Undoubtedly such things like a delicious feast and a cake

would be provided as well.

There should also be some presents.

But, comparing it to my previous existence it was different

for me here for about 10 years.

Apart from my childhood in my previous life, since I lived

alone since my time as a university student, I celebrated it
only twice during the time I had a girlfriend.

Afterwards, as I also became a working adult, it was normal

for the excessive eagerness to celebrate one's birthday to
| Azura Ren |

My 25-year-old birthday was particularly cruel.

As the overtime dragged on, I noticed my birthday on the

verge of the date changing.

On the way home, no sooner than wanting to buy a

shortcake at the convenience store, it was sold out. Since it
couldn't be helped I ate a pudding with fresh cream spread on
top of it that day.

After that, despite taking possession of a child's body, I

didn't really consider that the situation could get any worse.

Since I possessed Wendelin, the concept of something

called celebrating a birthday didn't exist in that home.

Only for eldest son, Kurt's birthday, they slightly splurged

with a magnificent meal, I guess that's about all?

He only received a slightly more favorable treatment in a

such way because he was the eldest son.

Something like the other sibling's birthdays were almost

ignored, or perhaps I should say they were completely

I guess that my father probably didn't even accurately

remember my birthday.

Even if he remembered it at most, something like a

birthday party could be expected to be impossible in that
home due to its economical condition.

| Azura Ren |
Since there were many siblings, celebrating each and
everyone's they would certainly run out of money in no time.

Therefore, my memory of birthdays after I became

Wendelin could be referred to only be at the age of seven
when Erich-nii-san told me "Happy Birthday!". Also, after
Erich-nii-san left home, he sent me a present and a letter
every year .

100% of the memory of receiving congratulations was

Erich-nii-san, no one else, huh...

Indeed, it was quite heartless.

I have no interest in my home's family members and the

only one, as an exception, who understands the reason for
that well is Erich-nii-san.

Recently, I also met Paul-nii-san and Helmut-nii-san.

I don't quite know how to talk with them being being much
younger then them.

Since I didn't know when it was arranged for me to leave

my home, I was busying myself with only my own matters.

"It is true that I will become 13 years old. Even so, it isn't
more than a single waypoint in life." (Wendelin)

Still this year there are Elise, Erwin, Ina, Luise, Erich-nii-
san's group and the Brandt family members who might
celebrate it with me.

Talking about such an expectation, I would set the stage

myself wholeheartedly.
| Azura Ren |
Therefore I decided to try replying slightly coldheartedly.

Most likely, if you combine these attitudes on the very day

of my birthday party, they will call me something which was
referred to as a tsundere in my previous life.

Such a thing like a tsundere guy, I think there isn't any

demand for that at all.

"Even if you don't ask for it, there is still the possibility that
it will be celebrated." (Erwin)

"Is that so?" (Wendelin)

"It will be full of nobles." (Erwin)

"Something like that is already fine." (Wendelin)

Even so, there seem to be nobles who are scheming

something, exceeding the scale of Erwin's anticipations, again.

They are really persistent.

Having this kind of toughness, they might have become a

first-rate businessman in the trading company I worked at in
my previous life as well.

Something like, "Ichinomiya, I want you to have a little bit

more guts.", I think my supervising boss wouldn't have said

"Yo, boys." (Burkhart)

Burkhart-san came looking for us there and greeted us.

"Did your work go well today, Burkhart-san?" (Wendelin)

| Azura Ren |
"It's work. Sunday next week the boy's birthday party will
be held." (Burkhart)

"Can you still be called a child at this age?" (Wendelin)

Basically, the reason could be said to be the noble's

fondness of parties.

There are also circumstances to decide holding the party

with such a scale and at such a time.

Even the nobles themselves, there are basically many who

like to party but you couldn't say it was 100% of them either.
There were many people who are saving up money regularly
for such occasions.

Because nobles host extravagant parties, they would be

exceedingly evaluated by the elegance of their assets
appropriate for a noble.

If there are many sponsors, this would also be rated and

deemed to be a sign of having wide connections.

Personal connections are the sole weapon of a noble.

"Although it is unusual, we've got to host a party for you.

You are a dragon-slaying hero after all, boy." (Burkhart)

In other words, there will be many nobles and merchants

who will intrude uninvited to pass on their presents.

And then they will expect a return gift, I guess.

Come to think of it, I remember my yet healthy obaachan

in my hometown saying: "There is nothing more expensive in

| Azura Ren |
this world than something that's free!".

"But, it will be impossible in the garden of this house."


Although this house was a splendid home to live in for a

student commuting to the adventurer prep school, comparing
it to the house of a noble, it is small.

Since the garden is particularly small, it can be considered

to be ill-suit for a party.

"The party will be carried out in margrave Breithilde's

residence in the capital. It will be fine for you to simply come
on the appointed day, boy." (Burkhart)

"Understood." (Wendelin)

"You are rather obedient." (Burkhart)

"No, it would be detestable of me to say that I would

prepare everything by myself..." (Wendelin)

"In any case, as you are the guest of honor, boy, you will be
continuously busy during the party." (Burkhart)

Somehow or other, this is a clear sign that I will be busy

during the party with various matters to attend to.

Since it seems that I will have to keep many people

company either way, I resolved myself that this matter
wouldn't be any fun.


– Ina's POV –
| Azura Ren |
"Birthday party? It will be held at the residence of
margrave Breithilde. I hear it is because there are many
nobles who want to form ties with Wendelin-sama." (Elise)

Vel's 13-years-old birthday party will be held in the

residence of margrave Breithilde.

At the time we heard this story from Burkhart-sama, Vel's

fiancée Elise calmly analyzed it in that way.

Elise, the granddaughter of an important appointed noble,

who is training in the capital everyday, cooking and making
sweets, is a girl that likes to prepare tea.

Her blood is the genuine blue (noble) blood after all.

When Vel became famous to this degree, he had to learn

various things necessary for a noble such as taking care of
etiquette, customs and knowledge.

Honestly, in Vel's upbringing there might not have been

time to learn these things.

Even if there was, you couldn't expect that home to teach


After all, they most likely didn't learn it either.

For that reason, it would be necessary for him to always

follow and stick close to Elise during the party.

"But, there is also Ina-san and Luise-san." (Elise)

"The three of us have to support him." (Ina)

"Yes, otherwise..." (Elise)

| Azura Ren |
Not having learned their lesson, how many more times will
these troublesome circumstances of forcing concubines and
maids concealed as concubines would occur?

Only thinking about it, it looks to me that it would result in

something terrifying.

"However, you approved of us... Elise?" (Luise)

"Even though things may appear this way, I am a noble's

daughter after all." (Elise)

I hear that it is unusual for nobles to have only one wife.

Even in Elise's home it is like that. It seems there is an

elder brother, likewise being the grandson of Cardinal
Hohenheim, from a different mother.

"To tell you the truth, it is the same in our home as well."

"In mine as well." (Ina)

In case of a great noble's retainer, there are many instances

of situations of having several wives after all.

I am not hated as a daughter or younger sister. The reason

for that is my position of not being involved in the succession
at all.

In reality, if the legal wife and the mistress give birth to

males close in age, the child of the mistress will receive the
same type of affection. It isn't a rare case for a dangerous
relationship between both parties to develop.

| Azura Ren |
"For this reason all three of us have to give our best to
prevent these things." (Elise)

"Isn't Elise unexpectedly a hard worker-san?" (Luise)

Maa, it's better than the three of us not getting along.

Speaking of troubles, it would be a lot more problematic to
increase the amount of mistresses.

Cooperating here will prevent there being even more rivals.

In a certain sense, those also are troublesome opponents

since it's different from defeating a monster.

"And furthermore..." (Elise)

"There is still more?" (Ina)

"Yes, it is Wendelin-sama's birthday." (Elise)

It can't be helped that a large-scale birthday party will take

place at the residence of margrave Breithilde. It seems Elise
wants to consult about the modest birthday party held in this
house, which is supposed to be only for concerned parties.

"Since I will prepare the cake, I would like to request you

two to handle the cooking." (Elise)

"Alright. Even for Vel, such a party should be unpleasant."


As for Vel, he couldn't simply state his reluctance as the

birthday party will especially be managed by margrave

As it was the duty of a noble, it is obvious for us to attend,

| Azura Ren |
even if unwillingly.

"At any rate, the three of us have to promise to not hinder

each other." (Elise)

"That's for sure. But, that's unexpected." (Luise)

"Really?" (Elise)

"Un, listen to me without getting angry. It hasn't been long

since Cardinal Hohenheim told you to become vel's fiancée,
right? In Vel's eyes, he still doesn't think that you like him so
much." (Luise)

"Even for us, it hasn't been a year yet since we got to know
each other." (Ina)

It hasn't been such a long time since Luise and I became

acquainted with Vel.

For Elise it has been even less time.

Even though she is sort of his girlfriend, at the current time

one could doubt whether she likes Vel.

I can't talk about other people's circumstances overly much


"That's true, isn't it? At the time when I was told by my

honorable grandfather-sama, I was surprised at first." (Elise)

I hear that there were many marriage proposals offered to

Elise up until now.

Regardless of appointed nobles or nobles with territory,

there were dozens ranging from baron household's up until
| Azura Ren |
viscount households.

There were even more; Marquis households, margrave

households and even Duke households who wanted her to
enter as a mistress.

Elise said that they wanted her fame as a prominent Holy

healing magic user which earned her the title [Saint of

Since they are nobles, certainly you could expect them to

desire something like that.

In fact, even now there are many nobles swarming around

Vel due to his reputation as a [Dragon-slaying Hero].

"Jiji-sama continuously refused such approaches. I am sure

that somehow he realized that I hate these." (Elise)

Because she is a noble's daughter, she can't simply refuse

marriage proposals offered by her home.

Therefore she seems to genuinely be very grateful.

"Well, in fact, right after the rumors about Wendelin-sama

subjugating an ancient dragon came up..." (Elise)

Vel had his audience with the king and obtained

immediately afterwards the status of Associate Baron.

It looks to me that she heard about it from Cardinal

Hohenheim all at once.


– Elise POV –
| Azura Ren |
"Elise, your husband has been decided. It is Associate
Baron Baumeister-dono." (Hohenheim)

"Baumeister-sama? That dragon-slaying hero-sama?"


"That's right. It's exactly that dragon-slaying hero."


"Although that is fine with me, the dragon-slaying hero-

sama seems to only be an Associate Baron." (Elise)

Even though it is a troublesome story, the Hohenheim

family is a Viscount household.

Until now we even rejected the appeals of Duke

households. Without even being at the very least a Baron, it
can be expected that there will be complaints about this.

"There is no problem in regards to matching the family

status. His Majesty told me that he would become a Baron
soon." (Hohenheim)

"Does this maybe concern the Palkenia Grasslands?" (Elise)

Because of the state of the current church, since the army

will be dispatched to the Palkenia Grasslands, I was told that I
would participate in the expedition as one in charge of
medical treatment.

As there will be other healing magic practitioners, and also

priest-samas, who will join to hold memorial services for the
casualties on site, I am told that it will become a work of being
a front line healer.

| Azura Ren |
Although I wondered whether it would be alright to face
the elder dragon as an opponent who repelled many punitive
forces in the past, I felt relieved when I was told that the
dragon-slaying hero-sama also departed to the front in an
advance party.

Even including us, the main body of the expeditionary

force wouldn't participate in the fight against the dragon, it

In addition there would be my uncle, the Royal Head

Magician, and the trump card of the margrave Breithilde
household, Burkhart-sama, a very renowned magician.

Apparently the kingdom is bent on capturing the Palkenia

Grasslands by putting its back into it.

"As soon as Associate Baumeister returns from the

expedition, I plan to hold the ceremony of real baptism at the
headquarter of the Holy church. At that time I will introduce
you to him." (Hohenheim)

"I understand." (Elise)

I honestly pondered about what kind of person he is.

Born as the eighth son of a poor noble, in name only,

household, which was made fun of by the retainers of the
household's patron. That is what I heard from jiji-sama.

Such a person ended up becoming the head of an

independent noble household after subjugating a dragon.

I wonder, what kind of frame of mind does he own?

| Azura Ren |
And, as the Palkenia Grasslands expedition began, I was
only able to think about such things while performing medical
treatment to the wounded in the medical station established
next to the troops headquarters.

On the way, one-by-one the reports about the vanguard

group of Uncle-sama came in.

Uncle-sama had suppressed the movement of the dragon

by using his prided magic of combat magic.

Meanwhile the dragon-slaying hero-sama prepared a

strategic class spell, and in the end the dragon seems to have
met it's demise quickly.

As for Burkhart-sama, it was said, "He just took it easy as

there was nothing left for him to do. But then again, if
Associate Baron Baumeister-dono hadn't been there, it might
have become dangerous."

Although Uncle-sama overwhelmed the elder dragon with

his combat magic, the consumption of mana is so extensive
that he wouldn't have been able to fight on after a few
minutes later, it appears.

"I was fortunate to have calculated the mana consumption

after all! If I weren't able to kill the opponent within 8
minutes of using my whole energy, it would have been myself
who died!" (Armstrong)

I heard that this was what Uncle-sama reported to the

soldier who went there for reconnaissance.

And even after the death of the elder dragon, Uncle-sama's

group continued to subjugate the remaining monsters at the
| Azura Ren |

They kept thinning out the monsters which were

dangerous for the army and adventurer volunteers.

As for the medical station, the number of wounded brought

in easily exceeded 100 per day.

Even though I was earnestly performing medical

treatment, apparently this was considerably according to
what the elder priests told.

"It was an inevitable future as in my youth I participated in

the Palkenia Grasslands campaigns due to the order by the
king." (Old Priest)

Back then, thousands met instant death with a few shots of

the elder dragon's breath. The surviving soldiers didn't know
if they would be covered in severe wounds the next day
either. Furthermore they suffered from being pursued by the
monsters who joined the fray.

Let alone bringing in the wounded to the medical station,

while withdrawing only those people were treated who
seemed to be able to survive. I hear that it was like a scene
from hell after they left.

"The soldiers who couldn't be saved were left behind in the

monster's estimated advancement route. We used the time
the monsters spent on tormenting and devouring these
soldiers to gain a lead. Everyone was crying while deserting
their comrades in arms..." (Old Priest)

"However, wouldn't it have been possible to save them with

resurrection magic?" (Elise)
| Azura Ren |
"The mana needed for that spell allowed us instead to use
healing magic several tens of times on others. That's how it
was." (Old Priest)

With an anguished facial expression the old priest-sama

told this story.

And yet, even this time there is no way that there wouldn't
be any casualties.

Even if their hearts stopped beating, although there are

many cases where it is possible to use resurrection if it's
within a few hours, there wouldn't be any meaning in doing
so if their body was extremely damaged.

Even after revival, they would simply die again due to the
injuries awaiting them.

Since it isn't effective to use healing magic on a body of

which the heart has stopped beating, you can't say that
resurrection magic is perfect either.

In the first place, there are only very few people who can
use it.

"Saint-sama, are you alright?" (Old Priest)

As there were many wounded, occasionally a casualty

appeared as well.

Due to the actual scene being quite gruesome, concerned

people called out being worried about me.

"I'm alright." (Elise)

| Azura Ren |
There is no way I could have said that I am not fine. I
forced myself to smile.

Since I had to keep the appearance of being the saint of the

Hohenheim household.


– Ina POV –

"Eetto, it is slightly hard to tell you my impressions..." (Ina)

Due to Elise's talk about the expedition, we unintentionally

ended up becoming speechless.

It seems it was stupid of us to think something like,

"Staying in the back, she had it easy since she didn't have to

"Even you two went to the front leading the feudal troops,
no?" (Elise)

"But we were completely decorations." (Ina)

Given that we were told "Don't get injured!" and "Don't

die!", we were just guarded by Erich-san's group in the rear.

Although there were 5 casualties amongst the hired

combatants, it was said by everyone that this degree was
comparatively few.

Being worried, Vel provided a larger portion of

remuneration money.

"After that I met Wendelin-sama." (Elise)

| Azura Ren |
Even though she was wondering what kind of grim
appearance he would have, I think she was relieved that he
was just a normal person.

Also, there was the first date.

"The saint of the Hohenheim household, huh? Although I

can understand you since I was called such things like
dragon-slaying hero all of a sudden. There is a bit of
pressure, right?" (Wendelin)

"......Pressure?" (Elise)

"Something like being delighted and obediently accepting

being called a hero, I am not so bold." (Wendelin)

"When Wendelin-sama said this, I felt that I had met

someone who understands my own feelings for the first time."

Having the talent in healing magic since birth, she used it

to heal a lot of people and earned their reverence.

While thinking that she was pitied by Cardinal Hohenheim,

she hardened her heart as a noble and used the healing magic
for the sake of the Hohenheim household.

And thus she also continued to put in great effort in order

to meet those expectations.

Even if Cardinal Hohenheim didn't want to use her as she

is his granddaughter, it would also be wrong for her as a
noble not to be used. Elise understood this quite well too.

But it is a fact that she felt stress due to that.

| Azura Ren |
"As a matter of fact, Wendelin-sama didn't really consider
me to be a saint at all." (Elise)

"About this, weren't you angry?" (Ina)

"No, on the contrary, I was happy." (Elise)

He didn't think of her being an excellent magician as she is

only specialized in healing magic.

But, this evaluation made her happy in reverse.

"But, when I decided to make a meal before." (Elise)

When she participated in the periodic food distribution of

the church by making sweets for the children of an
orphanage, he praised her skill as remarkable.

"Hee, Elise, you are quite skilled in cooking. I feel like you
are quite used to it. In my case, I can only prepare rough,
guy-type things." (Wendelin)

"I think that Wendelin-sama's cooking is delicious as

well." (Elise)

"Just a little bit... though the flavoring is a bit unusual."


"Certainly, I have never seen that black liquid and light

brown paste before." (Ina)

Although they appear to be called miso and soy sauce, it

seems to be something produced with Vel's own original

Even though the flavoring was ambiguous and the naming

| Azura Ren |
criterion wasn't very good either, it was popular with
Burkhart-san and Armstrong-doushi in the aforementioned
Palkenia Grasslands expedition.

"I think it is similar to a [Sho]" (Elise)

"What is a [Sho]?" (Luise)

Towards Luise's question, Elise answered.

[Sho] is a seasoning produced at the eastern coast lands of

the kingdom.

Such things like small ocean fishes and shrimps are put
into a big earthenware pot and large amounts of salt are
added to it in order to let it ferment.

Although it has a slightly peculiar smell and appearance, it

seems to be imported and sold in the royal capital as well.

I hear that there are many loyal fans in the capital too.

"Since the smell is weaker than [Sho], it (Soy n Miso) might

become popular if sold." (Elise)

'It's getting dangerous. I thought she wouldn't have a clue

of cooking since she is the daughter of an important noble,
but ...' (Ina)

Speaking of experience, she might be superior.

Or more precisely, she can also make tea and skilfully

prepare sweets.

As a woman of the same age, I irritably feel a slight sense of

defeat in the end.
| Azura Ren |
"Furthermore, Elise's style is excellent as well." (Luise)

"Because that is embarrassing..." (Elise)

Due to Luise's undisguised old man remark, Elise's face

turned bright red.

"For the male's side, all of their stares go towards those..."


That is, those breasts.

Though telling them to not look, might be harsh in reverse.

"I know. Even I keep staring at those breasts." (Luise)

"As a matter of fact, Wendelin-sama as well..." (Elise)

Vel is a guy after all too.

Because he steadily gazes at Elise's breasts.

"It can't be helped if it's a guy. Rather, you should think of

it as an asset." (Luise)

"Is that really so?" (Elise)

"That's how it is, isn't it? In reality it is a fact." (Ina)

"Although I think it is still fine for Ina as hers are normal, I

am in serious trouble. Whether they will grow from now on or
not. Elise is lucky. At this rate you will become a winner even
after you become an adult." (Luise)

As the talks proceeded after that, only concerned parties

would carry out Vel's birthday party, excluding the decision
| Azura Ren |
that the cooking would only be handled by us.

It became only pointless chatting afterwards.

But I think that's fine as it was enjoyable.

I also think that we became even closer to Elise.

| Azura Ren |
Interlude 12: The Lord's Weird Instruction

– Ina POV –

"Nee, what's the deal?" (Ina)

"There is something important we have to talk about, just

the two of us." (Luise)

Although it was Vel's birthday party, it was held in the

mansion at the royal capital of margrave Breithilde-sama, just
as planned.

The invitees numbered above 200 despite it only being

large and small nobles and merchants.

Even margrave Breithilde-sama himself unusually turned

up. Burkhart seemed to have done a careful selection of those
allowed to attend beforehand.

Since the participants included Finance Minister Rückner,

Cardinal Hohenheim, Minister of Military and Naval Affairs
Edgar, Minister of Agricultural Affairs Brückner, and those
others of worthy social class, I considered it to be my own
defeat if I weren't to participate myself as well.



"Lad! Happy Birthday!" (Armstrong)

Armstrong-doushi, who lately monopolized all the talks on

| Azura Ren |
the street and was called "Muscled Doushi" by Wend,
appeared. He strongly shook Vel's hands making me wonder
whether Vel's palm wouldn't be crushed by it.

"Let's aim together towards the highest peaks as magician

from here on out as well!" (Armstrong)

"Doushi! It hurts! Hey! I am in pain!" (Wendelin)

Armstrong was striking Vel's shoulders with a *ban ban*

causing me to question whether the shoulder bones will be

Come to think of it, it seems Vel silently healed his palm

and shoulders with healing magic afterwards.

Maybe, it might have gone as far as receiving a crack.

In addition to being absorbed in salutations, they

aggressively gave their presents to him.

Even though Vel appeared to be busy, even this duty

finished at last. The birthday party next week would be only
held for concerned parties.

The participants would be Erwin, me, Luise, Elise,

Burkhart-san, Armstrong-doushi, Artur-san, Erich-san, Paul-
san and Helmut-san.

Also it had been decided that Erich-san's wife Miriam-san

as well as her parents, the Brandt's, would participate.

Although Artur-san, who is called a businessman with

political ties, unexpectedly decided that he would take part as
well, it might be due to his skill in crafting strong personal
| Azura Ren |

"As for the cake, Elise is the main. As for the cooking, it will
be us while receiving help from Miriam-san and the madam."

Madam being the wife of Rüdiger-sama, Marion-sama.

Because she had married into the family from a Knight

household, she is generally good at cooking.

Also, there are various hardships for women of lower

ranked noble households.

"I want to talk about Vel's present." (Ina)

The person himself said "I don't really need anything.

Simply celebrating with a party is more than enough for

But it seems that everyone is preparing something for him.

Since the time Erich-san left his home, he had given a

present to Vel every year. Likewise Vel gave him a return gift
every year as well.

Given that he is a low-ranked governmental official, it

doesn't mean that he has such a surplus of money though.

And yet he gave such things like a sweater with sufficient

good taste to be used as plainclothes and a book about rare
magic he stumbled upon in the capital.

Although those weren't expensive items, he had a

staggering good taste in choosing presents. Vel also said, "The

| Azura Ren |
quality of his good taste can't be imitated.".

Likewise each of the other participants will likely think it


"We have to think it over as well. It has to be something

with impact." (Ina)

"Recklessly aiming for such a thing could cause us to

terribly fail." (Luise)

Most likely Luise was conscious of Elise.

Which reminds me, Elise skilfully sewed male clothes.

Besides cooking, something like sewing was one of her

fortes as well.

It was to the degree that Luise cried out, "What! This

perfect superwoman!"

The person herself hearing that, answered, "Because of the

charity bazaar occasionally organized by the church, I
sewed clothes to display them as goods there."

Also, in addition, she made clothes for the children in the

orphanage and I hear there are many situations where she
has to mend clothes as well.

What to say? "You can't underestimate the church!" is what

you can say about her.

In order to become an excellent bride, it might be good to

receive the education of the church.

"It's for opposing such high-scoring Elise!" (Luise)

| Azura Ren |
With these words, Luise took out a single copy of a worn
out book.

Looking at the leather binding used as cover, this thing

could be called an item aiming at a minority of enthusiasts.

Examining its age, you could deem it to have a value as


However, from where did Luise obtain this expensive-

looking book?

"Where did you buy this?" (Ina)

"I borrowed it from margrave Breithilde-sama." (Luise)

It appears she borrowed it at the birthday party that took

place a few days ago.

"What kind of book is it?" (Ina)

"It's a book to make Vel entranced in anything about us."


Come to think of it, as for the sole hobby of margrave

Breithilde-sama's deceased father, it was to collect valuable
rare books, I heard.

I guess this is likewise one of the books from that precious


Though the relation between that precious collection and

Vel becoming crazy about us is quite ambiguous.

"But, not flipping through it would be a waste, right?" (Ina)

| Azura Ren |
"We might never again be able to obtain something this
valuable." (Luise)

Even putting aside the price and so on, there are also
things that you can't find no matter how long you look for

"I wonder, what kind of book is it?" (Ina)

While saying this, I looked at the front cover.

[The maids afternoon with their beast-like master.]

was written there.

Let me correct.

It's already enough to just borrow such a book.

"Just looking at the title I get a bad feeling about this."


"Margrave Breithilde-sama lent it to me at great pains."


Pulling myself together, I decided to try looking at the


However, has margrave Breithilde-sama really read this


Within my mind my image of a calm domestic person

seems to crumble.

No, on the contrary, since he has accumulated stress, there

might also be a way of thinking like it is told in this book.

| Azura Ren |
"Eeto... [We, the maid duo, love our master. But
lately, our master might have become tired of us]..."

Although the title was like that, maybe the contents would
crush such hopes from the beginning.

Even the style was normal seen from the view of amateurs
like us.

The contents appeared to be like the novels the royal

capital occasionally prohibited to be sold to children.

Having a heavy use of kanji characters, only that part might

be high quality for this book.

"Go on reading." (Luise)

"Yes..." (Ina)

Summarizing the contents, it seems to be a story about two

young maids coming up with original ideas in regards to their
master who got tired of them.


Chapter 1 – Volume of Miniskirt Maids.

Chapter 2 – Volume of Nekomimi Maids.

Chapter 3 – Volume of Maids disguising as Butlers.

Chapter 4 – Obtaining the outfits of waitresses in popular


Chapter 5 – The last measure: The epic battle of a night

| Azura Ren |


Even though the book had more chapters following after

this, we decided to stop for a moment since it seems to
become more stupid the more you read.

"It appears to be utterly retarded." (Ina)

"Men like stuff like this." (Luise)

The problem is what to use as reference in this story.

The maid clothes with the staggeringly short skirts? Or

should we attach a tail to our behind and wear cat ears on the
head as decoration? Cross-dressing as male? Or should we
obtain the uniforms of popular cafes in the current capital?

"Ina-chan, I think the last is good." (Luise)

"Isn't that the most embarrassing one?" (Ina)

On master's birthday party in the nude with only a ribbon

coiled around.

[We are the p-r-e-s-e-n-t!] is what is written in the book

to be done.

In reality that is a very unlikely spectacle.

But I guess if it is important nobles, they might actually end

up doing such a play.

I have a feeling that I am starting to gradually becoming

unable to judge normally.
| Azura Ren |
"Isn't that shameful usually? Or rather, doing that will end
various things, I think." (Ina)

Although we will win if Vel is delighted, it has the

possibility of him becoming disgusted.

"But, it is a book from margrave Breithilde-sama." (Luise)

"If you say this..." (Ina)

Because the other party is the current head of the main

family, there shouldn't be any problem no matter what he
does in the end.

I don't think it's like that but that might also have the
reason that it is too embarrassing to execute this.

However, while it may be true that people do that, the book

margrave Breithilde-sama gave us is somewhat frightening as

Since he wasn't able to send in a fiancée from his relatives,

it seems that he has high expectations of us.

"The methods shown in this book are for Anita." (Luise)

"Stop!" (Ina)

Even though this might be rude towards the main family, if

the over-40-years-old Anita-sama used the appearances
written in this book to seduce Vel, you could expect that even
Vel would get angry.

It might be possible that he would beg to Erich-san in tears

for the margrave Breithilde household to quit being his

| Azura Ren |

"I guess it can't be helped..." (Luise)

Is she sad? After all she is the daughter of a Magrave's


We are not able to go against the order from margrave


In regards to who was responsible for the outcome, that is

something we don't know either.

"As for the ribbon's colors, mine will be blue and Ina's will
be red." (Luise)

"It matches the color of our hair..." (Ina)

Really, it is fine either way, I guess.

And yet, we bought matching ribbons that day. We spent

time carefully arranging things in preparation.


"Fa~~~~a! I am sleepy~~" (Wendelin)

And then, after carrying out the plan day after day.

The day the birthday party was held ended joyfully due to
the cozy mood.

Everyone enjoyed eating the cooking, the presents were

passed on to Vel and then he blow the fire lit on the candles
placed on the cake.

| Azura Ren |
Vel looked happy. It was a very great and fun party.

And then, in the night of that day.

Finally the time came to carry out our plan.

"I visit Vel's room quite often." (Luise)

"The exquisite secret skill of the magic combat style to

erase one's presence is very useful." (Ina)

Although it felt like a waste to disclose such a precious

secret, it is a fine due to the expectation of entering Vel's
room with this afterwards.

"I am not ashamed. This is also for the sake of Vel. For
myself." (Ina)

"I don't think you have to justify your actions like this.
Taking part in something such as this is absurdly enjoyable."

Incidentally as they were talking about this, Vel opened the

door of the room while rubbing his sleepy eyes and entered

Now, the battle shall begin from here on out.

"...Eeto." (Wendelin)

Suddenly seeing the nudity with the ribbon passing

through the embarrassing parts, Vel was easily able to see
Luise and me with the bow-knot part on top of our heads.

Vel appeared to be surprised about the unexpected

| Azura Ren |
There was no other choice but to press on as is after this.

Being awkwardly bashful here would become all the more

disgraceful later on. That was written in that stupid book as

In order to connect it to a future victory, it is surely better

to let loose here.

'We can't turn back at this point anymore!' (Ina)

""We are your p-r-e-s-e-n-t!"" (Luise & Ina)

Both of them spoke this line simultaneously. They

displayed the fruits of their research by showing Vel a perfect

No matter how prudent Vel usually is, he still occasionally

kissed us.

Same as he instantly glanced at Elise's chest so his view

couldn't be traced back, even if the action itself was
completely pointless.

There shouldn't be no way for her to attempt such two-

sided naked ribbon attack either.

Although the reference book has its problems, it is

according to the request of margrave Breithilde-sama who
likewise is our lord.

'Now then, how will he react? Maybe...' (Ina)

While also bearing in mind the possibility of Vel getting

stimulated, I, together with Luise, was watching out what Vel

| Azura Ren |
would do.

Then Vel followed up with embracing me all of a sudden.

Luise was likewise surprised by this unexpected


"Ve- Ve-! Vel!?" (Ina)

"Yes, I know. Because I understand you." (Wendelin)

Even though I didn't comprehend what exactly he

understood, Vel continued with even more words.

"Luise instigated you into doing this. There is no way Ina

would have done such a thing by yourself." (Wendelin)

"Eh, you have such an image of me?" (Luise)

| Azura Ren |
In regards to Vel's remark about the instigation, Luise
seemed to be unhappy.

"Umm... Vel?" (Ina)

"To tell you honestly, I got quite excited. But, please

understand, Ina has plenty of charm without having to do
such a thing." (Wendelin)

"Err... about that..." (Ina)

Being suspected of having instigated this, Luise seemed to

be already half absentminded.

What to say? For her usual speech and conduct to become

this fragile due to such an influence. I think I can learn a lot
from that.

Practically it is is no lie as Luise is the principal offender in


Even so, as for Vel's image of myself, I guess he thinks of

me as calm serious woman after all.

Also, I feel that Vel finds such me desirable.

Although it might be slightly off from a love affair, it might

be possible for a good partner (married couple) to be apart.

"Recently, though I was washed away being celebrated as

important person, I am certain that I want to marry Ina and
Luise once I become an adult. But it is impossible to do that
as of yet." (Wendelin)

With this, Vel made us wear the sheet of the bed and his
| Azura Ren |
own shirt and then left the room in the end.

Afterwards only we were left.

When I calmed down, I became very embarrassed having

only the appearance of the naked ribbon.

Also, as for margrave Breithilde-sama, I wonder what kind

of gain he would get from making us do such a thing?

Maybe I have overestimated margrave Breithilde-sama, I


Collecting myself to a certain degree, I realized that I was

filled with only useless thoughts.

"...Um, was this a success?" (Ina)

"...Since we even heard a statement coming close to a

proposal, isn't that a success?" (Luise)

Once in a while, he did something that somehow didn't

match with his character.

Also, while saying that he is unpopular, I realized that Vel

was unexpectedly cool. I think it was a good result.


– Wendelin POV –

"Those two, they used a frightening method to indecently

seduce me..." (Wendelin)

I never expected them to use such aggressive statement of

giving a present of naked ribbon.
| Azura Ren |
The best I could do was to somehow flee without yielding
to the temptation.

Since there are also Elise's outrageous breasts recently, I

want you to bear with me here.

'After I become an adult, I will make a move on you!'


Given that Wendelin's contents thought like that, he had no

intention to ignore this.

He usually kisses them, but that was like a greeting in

Europe and America in his previous life.

Therefore I arbitrarily decided that kissing in this world is

an extension of greetings in this world as well.

'I am sorry, that's a lie. I just wanted to kiss earth-

shattering adorable girls.' (Wendelin)

Although it was unknown to whom he was apologizing,

because of the strange hippo from before, he ended up with
kissing three men including the muscled doushi at that time.

"However, once I become an adult, I will have three wives,

huh? Am I one of those winners in life?" (Wendelin)

Provided that his thoughts were those of a lewd person, he

swore to himself that he wouldn't hold back anymore once he
became an adult.

While thinking that he cannot help it wanting to become of

age soon.

| Azura Ren |

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