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Quarter 4 - Module 3:
Battle against Bottle

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
Health – Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 3: Battle against Bottle
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Niño C. Pastor, Moriah Jireh Paña

Content Editors: Amor T. Ragosta, Maria Joan Princess C. Pulido
Illustrators: Ruth B. Mendoza, Mary Joy B. Oliverio
Layout Artists: Jaypee D. Platero, Blessy T. Soroysoroy, Armand D. Subingsubing
Content/Pedagogy Reviewers: Maricel G. Capiña, Gelody B. Elumba, Danny O. Baldos
Language Editors: Ivy I. Naparan, Ferdinand C. Elma, Jocelyn E. Plaza
Language Reviewers: Ever Joy M. Chucas, Pepsi C. Lopez
Book Design Review: Ruth C. Cuesta
Management Team: Francis Cesar B. Bringas, Isidro M. Biol Jr.,
Josephine Chonie M. Obseñares, Bernard C. Abellana,
Maripaz F. Magno, Lorenzo O. Macasocol, Gemma A. De Paz,
Lorna P. Gayol, Avalota A. Cejas, Lelani R. Abutay,
Abraham L. Masendo, Jocelyn E. Plaza, Joel P. Longaquit,
Philip Trillana, Narciso C. Oliveros Jr., Ferdinand C. Elma,
Ofelia C. Siangco, Menerva P. Barabar
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Quarter 4 – Module 3:
Battle against Bottle
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step
as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to
ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the
lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that
you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also provided
to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best
help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks
in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the negative health impacts of drinking alcohol, its harmful effects and the
physiological changes in the body. The Scope of this module permits it to be used
in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of the students. The Lesson is arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module contains:

Lesson: Health Impact of Drinking Alcohol

After going through this module, you are expected to:

Analyze the negative health impact of drinking alcohol (H8S-IVe-f-31)

1. describe the harmful short and long term effects of drinking alcohol;
2. interpret Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in terms of physiological
changes in the body; and
3. compose a jingle that centers on the negative health impact of alcohol.

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
What I Know

Directions: Read the questions below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Alcohol is what type of drug?

A. depressant B. heroin C. stimulant D. synthetic

2. Which of the following refers to the state of physical alcohol dependence?

A. addiction B. intoxication C. tolerance D. withdrawal

3. What part of the body is greatly affected when you intake alcohol?
A. bones B. brain C. heart D. spinal cord

4. Which among the statements below is TRUE about alcoholism? Alcoholism refers
to a____________________.
A. a disease where someone drinks poison
B. a condition of a person who does not drink
C. a condition of a person who drinks alcohol once a day
D. a disease which a person has a physical and psychological need for

5. Which among the statements below is FALSE?

A. Liver Cirrhosis affects the physical appearance of humans.
B. Liver Cirrhosis is the result of long term exposure to alcohol.
C. Liver Cirrhosis can damage the physical health of a person.
D. Liver Cirrhosis is a deadly disease that replaces healthy liver tissue with
useless scar tissue.

6. What organ is responsible for filtering toxins and poisons of the body?
A. eyes B. kidneys C. liver D. stomach

7. Which among the statements below is TRUE about alcohol poisoning? Alcohol
poisoning is _________________________.
A. a proper use of drugs
B. a physical effects of drugs
C. a result of short term exposure to alcohol
D. a damage to physical health caused by alcohol

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
8 What chronic disease includes problems in controlling drinking alcohol?
A. comatose C. liver disease
B. high blood pressure D. mild intoxication
9. What is the effect of alcohol on the brain when taken by the underage person?
A. It has adverse effects on the drinker.
B. It affects brain growth.
C. It develops diseases quickly.
D. It does not affect at all.
10. What is the correct acronym for BAC?
A. Blood Acid Concert
B. Blood Alcohol Cats
C. Blood Alcohol Concentration
D. Blood Alcohol Creator
11. What word/ phrase best defines hangover?
A. a state of coma
B. a physical effects of alcohol
C. a long term exposure to alcohol
D. a severe headache caused by drinking an excess of alcohol
12. What level of intoxication of alcohol causes the most deaths?
A. Coma
B. Drug overdose
C. Hangover
D. Long Term exposure to alcohol
13. How will you know the blood alcohol level on your body? You will know it
A. the percentage of alcohol in your blood
B. the percentage of blood in your alcohol
C. the number of bottled beers you have consumed
D. the amount of beer you have drunk
14. What part of your body will be affected when drinking alcohol?
A. central nervous system
B. digestive system
C. excretory system
D. respiratory system
15. Which of the following substance is used to produce alcohol?
A. drug created from the plant cannabis
B. a drug made from the juice of a fruit
C. a drug that naturally results in intoxication
D. drug created from chemicals found in fruits and grains

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
Lesson Negative Health Impacts of
1 Drinking Alcohol
Alcohol is a liquid form of substance that contains alcohol like ethyl which can
cause harm and even damage a person’s DNA. Alcohol consumption is recognized
worldwide as a leading risk factor for disease disability and death and is rated as
the most used and most abused substance for adolescents.

What’s In

In the previous module, you have gained an understanding of the negative

health impact of cigarette smoking.
This time, let us check if you have a clear understanding of your previous

Activity 1: Check the Label

Directions: Below are the five (5) impacts of cigarette smoking. Study each item
and put a check mark on item/s which you think is/are the
same impact with alcohol drinking.

Impact of Cigarette Smoking Impact of Drinking Alcohol

1. Cause death
2. Deterioration of Cells
3. Lung Cancer
4. Developed Illness
5. Cause of Bad Breath

Notes to the Teacher

Some activities might require learner to go out and
conduct interviews. Try to facilitate the difficulties of the
learners during the activity.

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
What’s New
Activity 2. What Can You Say About Me?

Directions: What have you seen in the picture? Write your observations on your
activity notebook.

Illustrated by: Mary Joy B. Oliverio

I observed that

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
What is It

Alcohol is a colorless, bitter-tasting substance

that humans are consuming since the past. It comes
from plants that underwent fermentation.
Fermentation is the process of extracting alcohol from
a plant or a fruit. An example of fermented alcohol
maybe a beer. A beer is extracted from grains. On the
other hand, wines are from grapes and other fruits.
There are three sorts of alcohol: isopropyl, methanol
and ethanol. When humans consume these in
unregulated amounts, it's going to result in intoxication and alteration of the
central nervous system. However, few people know that an excessive amount of
alcohol consumption could lead on to wreck to the body systems.

Technically, not all kinds of alcohol are often consumed. Only ethanol
which is additionally called beverage alcohol is often consumed. Other sorts of
alcohol, like methanol and isopropyl can cause extreme damage to the
bloodstream and even death may occur. Alcohol intake is often measured through
the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). It’s counted in percentages of ethanol
present during a person’s bloodstream at a particular period.

When alcohol enters the bloodstream, it goes altogether to the parts of the
body. The most effect of alcohol drinking reflects on a person’s Central Nervous
System (CNS). The CNS controls one’s mental processes, memory, speech,
learning and decision-making. It also affects a person’s senses, feelings,
movement and breathing.

The amount of alcohol that entered the bloodstream at a particular period

is often measured in percentages through Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) or
most frequently called Blood Alcohol Level (BAL). A BAC of 0.05 percent means
that there are 5 parts of alcohol per 10,000 parts of blood within the body. A 0.3-
0.5 percent BAC could lead on to coma, brain damages and even death.

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
Short Term Effects of Alcohol

Counting on what proportion is taken and therefore the fitness of the

individual, alcohol can cause:

Slurred speech
Diarrhea Upset Stomach
▪ Headaches
▪ Breathing difficulties
▪ Distorted vision and hearing
▪ Impaired judgment
▪ Decrease perception and coordination
▪ Unconsciousness
▪ Anemia (loss of red blood cells)
▪ Coma
▪ Blackouts (memory lapses)

Long Term Effects of Alcohol

Binge drinking and continued alcohol use in a great deal are related to
many health problems including:
• Unintentional injuries like a car crash, falls, burns, drowning
• Intentional injuries like fire arm injuries, sexual abuse, violence
• Increase family problems, broken relationships
• Alcohol poisoning
• High vital sign, stroke, and other heart-related diseases
• Liver disease
• Nerve damage
• Sexual problems
• Permanent damage of the brain
• Vitamin B1 deficiency may cause a disorder characterized by
amnesia, apathy and disorientation
• Ulcer
• Gastritis (inflammation of stomach walls)
• Malnutrition
• Cancer of the mouth and throat

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
What’s More

Activity 3: Think and Fill

Directions: Copy the diagram and fill in the effects of drinking alcohol to your


Illustrated by: Ruth B. Mendoza

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
What I Have Learned

1. Can drinking alcohol change our behavior? What are those acts which you
consider as a result of excessive alcohol intake?

For me, drinking alcohol can change our behavior because


2. What are the effects of drinking alcohol on a person’s central nervous

system? The effects of drinking alcohol on a person’s central nervous
system are

3. What is the suggested blood alcohol level in our body for alcohol intake?
How does BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration measure blood alcohol level?

The suggested blood alcohol level in our body for alcohol intake is

Blood alcohol concentration measures blood alcohol level by


CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
What I Can Do

Activity 4: Compose, Ready Sing!

Directions: Compose a two-minute jingle that centers on the negative health

impact of alcohol. Write your jingle in your activity notebook. Be
guided by the rubrics below.


Rubric for Evaluation:

Criteria 3 2 1 Score
Content The lyric of the The lyric of The lyric of the
jingle imparts the jingle jingle imparts
5 or more imparts 3-4 0-2 negative
negative negative impacts of
impacts of impacts of alcohol.
alcohol. alcohol.

Organization Jingle contains Jingle Jingle contains

well–organized contains less unorganized
lyrics with organized information
maximum lyrics with with no
application of minimum application of
rhyme and application of rhyme and
poetic the rhyme and poetic elements.
elements. poetic

Timeliness The jingle is The jingle is The jingle is

submitted submitted on submitted after
ahead of time. time the deadline.

Total Score

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3

Test I: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read the questions below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the correct acronym for BAC?

A. Blood Acid Concert
B. Blood Alcohol Cats
C. Blood Alcohol Concentration
D. Blood Alcohol Creator

2. What word/ phrase best defines hangover?

A. a state of coma
B. a physical effects of alcohol
C. a long term exposure to alcohol
D. a severe headache caused by drinking an excess of alcohol

3. What level of intoxication of alcohol causes the most deaths?

A. Coma
B. Drug overdose
C. Hangover
D. Long Term exposure to alcohol

4. How will you know the blood alcohol level on your body? You will know it
A. the percentage of alcohol in your blood
B. the percentage of blood in your alcohol
C. the number of bottled beers you have consumed
D. the number of beers you have drunk

5. What part of your body will be affected when drinking alcohol?

A. central nervous system
B. digestive system
C. excretory system
D. respiratory system

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
Test II. True or False
Directions: Read the statements below. Write T if the statement is true and F if the
statement is false. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
________1. Fermentation is the process of extracting alcohol from a plant or a

________2. Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause a disorder characterized by

amnesia, apathy and disorientation.

________3. Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood
cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body tissues.

________4. Sexual abuse and firearm injuries are examples of intentional injuries.

________5. Alcohol intake is measured through the Blood Alcohol Concentration


________6. Alcohols like methanol and isopropyl can cause extreme damage to
the bloodstream and even death.

________7. The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) controls mental processes,

memory, speech, and decision-making.

________8. The inflammation of stomach walls is called gastritis.

________9. Beverage alcohol is an example of methanol.

______10. Burns, drowning, falls and car crash are examples of unintentional

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
What I Know Assessment
Test I. Multiple Choice
Activity 1
1. C
1. C 2. D
2. A 3. A
3. B 4. B
4. D 5. A
5. A
6. C Test II. True or False
7. D 1. T
8. C 2. F
9. A 3. T
10. C 4. T
11. D 5. T
12. A 6. T
13. B 7. F
14. A 8. T
15. D 9. F
Answer Key

Department of Education, Physical Education and Health 8, Learner’s Module

Philippines (Vicarish Publication and Trading, Inc., 2013)

“Ten health risks of chronic heavy drinking,” Kathleen Davis, FNP, last modified
February 19, 2018,

CO_Q4_Health8_ Module 3
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: [email protected] * [email protected]

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