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1. State the objective of financial management.

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2. Enumerate three important decisions taken

in financial management.

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3. State steps involved in financial planning.

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4. What is the link between operating cycle

and working capital?

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5. Why is dividend decision called residual


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6. How is interest coverage ratio computed?

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7. How is return on investment computed?

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8. What is the meant by gross working capital

and net working capital?

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9. How do growth opportunities affect

Dividend Decision?

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10. How does control of existing sharesholders

affect financing decisions?

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11. What is financial risk?

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12. What is the another name for long term

investment decision?

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13. Give two factors affecting financing


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14. Give two factors affecting dividend


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15. Give two factors affecting investment


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16. There are three important decisions which

an organisation has to take in respect of

financial management. Enumerate and explain

in brief these three decisions.

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17. How do loan components or debentures in

the capital structure act as level to raise the

return on equity share capital?

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18. These directions of a manufactering

company are thinking of issusing Rs20 crore

worth additional debentures expansion of

their production capacity. This will lead to an

increase in debt equity ratio from 2: 1 to 3: 1

What are the risks involved in it ? Explain any

four factors other than risk do yo think the

direcations should keep in view.

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19. You are the finance manager of a company.

The board of directors has asked you to

determine the working capital requirement for

the company. State the factor that you would

take in consideration while determining the

requirement of working capital for the


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Hots Higher Orders Thinking Skills And Case

1. Tata international Ltd. Earned a net profit of

Rs. 50 crores. Ankit, the finance manager of

Tata International Ltd. Wants to decide how to

appropriate these profits. Identify the decision

That Ankit will have to take and also dicsuss

any five factors which help him in taking this


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2. How to rising prices affect the requirement

of working capital of an organisation ?

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3. Shalini, after acquiring a degree in Hotel

management and Business Administration

took over her familiy food processing company

of manufacturing pickless, jams and squashes.

The business was established by her great

grandmother and was doing reasonably well.

However the fixed operating costs of the

business were high and the cash flow position

was week. She wanted to undertake

modernisation of the existing business to

introduce the latest manufacturing processes

and diversify into the market of chocolates

and candies. She was very enthusiastic and

approached a finance constultant, who told

her that approximately Rs. 50 lakh would be

required for undertaking the modernization

and expansion programme. He also informed

her that the stock market was going through a

builish phase.
(i) Keeping the above considerations in mind,

name the source of finance shalini should not

choose for financing the modernization and

expansion of her food processing business.

Give one reason in support fo your answer.

(ii) Explain any two other factors, apart from

those stated in the above situation, which

Shalini should keep in mind while taking this


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4. A business that does'nt grow dies' says Mr

Shah, the owner of Shah Marbie Ltd. With

glorious 36 months of its grand success

having a capital base Rs. 80 crores. Within a

short span of time, the company could

generate cash flow which not only covered

fixed cash payment obligations but also create

sufficient buffer. The company is on the

growth path and a new breed of consumers in

eager to buy the Ilatian marbie sold by Shah

Marbie Ltd.

To meet the increasing demand, Mr Shah

decided to expand his business by acquiring a

mine, This required an investment of Rs.120

crores. To seek advice in this matter, he called

his financial advisor Mr Seth who advised him

about the judicious mix of equity(40%) and

Debt (60%). Mr Seth also suggested him to

take loan from a financial institution as the

cost of raising funds from financial institution

is low. Though this will increase the financial

risk but will not dilute the control of equity

sharesholders. At the same time, the interest

on loan is a tax deductible expense for

computation tax liabilty. After due

deliberations with mr seth, Mr Shah decided

to raise funds a financial institution.

(a) Identify and explain the concept of

Financial Mangement as advised by Mr seth in

the above situation.

(b) State the four factors affecting the concept

as identified in part (a) above which have been

discussed between Mr Shah and Mr Seth.

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5. Avik is the finance manager of mars Ltd. In

the current year. The company earned high

profit. However, Avik thinks that it is better to

declare smaller dividend as he is unsure about

the earning potential of the company in the

coming years.

Avik's choice of dividend decision is based on

which of the factor that affect it?

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6. When is financial leverage favorable?

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7. HCL Company's finance manager has decided

to retain its entire profit to meet financial

requirement for its growth. Name the type of

decision involved.

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8. Tata sons has debt equity ratio of 4:1 and

Bajaj has 1:1 debt equity ratio. Name the

advantage, Tata sons may have over bajaj.

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9. Dabur India has decided to increase credit

limit and duration of credit to its customers to

boost its sales. Name the type of decision


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10. Bharti Ltd. Is a leading mobile company. It

is planning to acquire Queen Ltd's (its close

competitor) business worth Rs. 1,000 crore.

Which financial decision is involved in it?

Explain it.

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11. Your are the finance maanger of a company

your board of directors have asked you to

decided the dividend policy of a company .

Explain the factors which you will consider

while determining the dividend policy.

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12. Pankaj is engaged in Warehousing-Business

Identify the woking capital requirements of

Pankaj stating the reason is support of your

answer. Pankaj is also planning to start his

Transport business.

Explain any two factors that will affect his fixed

capital requirments.
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13. Name the factor due to which a petro

chemical company requires much higher

investment in fixed capital than an

information technology company. However

both may generate same amount of revenue.

Explain any two factors affecting fixed capital


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14. "Ranbaxy Ltd. Has been earning handsome

profits since last 15 years. Company enjoy fair

goodwill in the market, so company can easily

arrange as well equity from the market,

Whenever needed. Therefore company decided

to declare dividend with a hike of 15% from

last year."

Which two components affecting dividend

decision have been highlighted in the above


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15. "During annual general meeting of prakesh

Ltd. CEO. Mr. Rajnesh put the expansion plan

for the coming year before sharesholderss and

asked for suitable sources of finance to finance

manager. Finance manager Mr. Kant proposed

issue of debentures than equity with a plan

that they can be paid back whenever

requirement fo funds is over. "

In the above paragraph, which component

affecting financing decision has been

highlighted? Explain the component.

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16. How does 'Trading on Equity affect the

Capital structure of a company?

Explain with the help of a suitable example.

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17. " Tax benefits is available only in case of

payment of interest and not on the payment

of preference dividend. " Why?

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18. REI Agro Food Ltd. Is a famous

multinational company. Mr. S.K. Nagi is its

finance manager. He is making efforts to

increase the market value of capital invested

by the equity sharesholders. He already knew

it could be possible only when price of the

shares increases and price of shares increases

only if financing, investment and dividend

decisions are taken optimally. He did the same

and achieved success.

Which objective of financial management has

been refered here? Explain.

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19. Jai Bharat Company Ltd. Is an autopart

supplier company in Guru Gram, Haryana. Its

business is spread over several cities. The CEO

of company wants to open a factory in Gujarat

near Tata motors Ltd. But due to recession for

the last two years, its business is facing slow

down. Company needs capital. Rakesh Gupta is

CA and financial advisor of the company. He

opines that during recession profit falls and

investors prefer to invest in debentures to

earn fixed income. Therefore, the company

should issue debentures.

In this paragraph, which factor affecting

financing has been highlighted? Explain state

of capital market.

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20. Canara Bank wants to open a new branch

of his bank. What is this decision called?

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21. A decision is taken to distribute certain

part of profit to sharesholders after paying

tax. What is this decision called? Explain any

three factors affecting such decisions.

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22. Name types of capital which are part of

capital structure.

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23. A decision is taken to raise money for long

terms capital needs to business from certain

sources. What is this decision called? Explain

the three factors affecting such decision.

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24. What is considered the cheapest source of


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25. What is financial leverage? Explain with the

help of an example.

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26. What is favourable financial leverage?

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27. What is the cost of raising funds called?

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28. What determine overall financial risk?

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29. In case of high fixed operating cost,

company should prefer debt or equity?

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30. What is the another name for long term

investment decision?

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31. A sound financial plan is the key to success

of sound financial management of the

company. Discuss.

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32. Amit is running as 'Advertising agency' and

earning a lot by providing this service to big

industries. State whether the working capital

requirement of the firm will be 'less' or ' more'.

Give reason in support of your answer.

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33. Satnam Singh wons a fruits or chit in

shimla where finest quality of apples are

grown. He plans to start 15 juice stations. Ind

different localities in Shimla, Chandigarh,

Solan, etc. In partnership with his friend

Gurpreet Singh. Instead of buying he plans to

take shops on rent us he needs money for

other inputs.

Indentify and explain two factors affecting

fixed capital requirements of Satnam's

business discussed in above para by quoting

the lines.

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34. PVR is a renowned multiplex operators in

India. It own 254 screens in 52 properties at 24

locations in the country. Considering the fact

is more growing trend among the people to

spend more of their disposable income on

entertainment, company planned to add more

screen at existing locations and start at new

locations also they also plan to add food chain

also at their locations. The company planned

to float equity shares in market to raise the

desired capital. The issue was fully subscribed

and paid. Over the years the sale and the

profit of the company have icreased

tremendously and it has been declaring higher

dividend and the market price of its share has

increased manifolds.

(a) Name the different kinds of financial

decisions taken by PVR Ltd. by quoting lines

from para.

(b) Do you think the financial management

team of the company has been able to achieve

its prime objectivies why or why not.

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35. Healthcare Ltd. Is a company engagged in

production of organic food. Presently It sells It

products through indirect channels of

distribution. The company is planning to start

its own show rooms and online portals. The

financial manager suggested to use debt to

ivest in own showrooms and online protals.

Company plans to raise debt. capital of Rs. 40

lakhs a loan from ICICI bank of 10% interest.

The present capital base of the company is 9

lakhs equity shares of Rs. 10 each. The rate of

tax is 30%

In the context of above case-

(a) Assuming expected rate of return same as

current year i.e., 15% do you think the decision

to use debt is justified.

Show your working clearly.

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is considered the cheapest source of

A. (a) Debenture

B. (b) Equity share capital

C. Preference share

D. Retained earning


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2. A decision to acquire a new and modern

plant to upgrade and old one is a

A. (a) Financing decision

B. (b) Working capital decision

C. (c) Investment decision

D. (d) Dividend decision


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3. Other things remaining the same, an

increase in the tax rate on corporate profits

A. Make debt relatively cheaper

B. Make debt relatively less cheap home

C. No impact on the cost of debt

D. We can't say


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4. Compaines with a higher growth pattern

are likely to :

(a) pay lower dividends

(b) pay higher dividends

(c) dividends not affected by growth


(d) None of the above.

A. (a) Pay lower dividends

B. Pay higher dividends

C. Dividends are not affected by growth


D. None of the above

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5. When is financial leverage favorable?

A. (a) Return on Investment is lower than

cost of debt

B. (b) ROI is higher than cost of debt

C. (c) Debt is nearly available

D. (d) If the degree of existing financial

leverage is low

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6. Higher debt equity ratio ( ) results


A. (a) Lower financial risk

B. (b) Higher degree of operating risk

C. (c) Higher degree of financial risk

D. (d) Higher EPS


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7. Higher working capital usually results in

A. (a) Higher current ratio, higher risks and

higher profits

B. (b) Lower current ratio, higher risk and

C. (c) Higher equitably, lower risk and lower


D. (d) Lower equitably, lower risk and

higher profits


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8. Current assets are those assets which get

converted into cash

A. (a) Within six months

B. (b) Within one year

C. (c) Between one and three years

D. (d) Between three and five years


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9. Financial planning arrives at

A. Minimising the external borrowing by

resorting to equity issues.

B. Entering that the firm always have

significantly more fund than required so

that there is no paucity of funds.

C. ensuring that the firm paces neither a

shortage nor a glut of unusable funds.

D. Doing only what is possible with the

funds that the firms has at its disposal.

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10. Higher dividends per share is associated


A. (a) High earning, high cash flows

unusable earnings and higher growth


B. (b) High earning, high cash flows

suitable earnings and high growth

C. (c) High earning high cash flows a stable

earning and lower growth opportunities

D. (d) High earning, low cash flows, stable

earnings and lower growth



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11. A fixed asset should be financed through

A. (a) a long term liabilty

B. (b) a short-term liability

C. (c) a mix of long and short term


D. (d) None of these


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12. Current assets of a business firm should be

financed through

A. (a) Current liability only

B. (b) long-term liability only

C. (c) Partly from both types, i.e., long and

short- term liabilities.

D. (d) None of these


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Short Answer Type Questions

1. What is meant by capital structure?

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2. Discuss the two objectives of financial


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3. What is 'financial risk'? Why does it arise?

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4. Define a 'current assets' and give four


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5. Financial management is based on three

broad financial decisions. What are these?

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6. What are the main objectives of financial

management? Briefly explain.

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7. Discuss about working capital affecting both

the liquidity as well as profitability of a


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Long Answer Type Questions

1. What is meant by working capital? How is it

calculated? Discuss five important

determinants of working capital requirements.

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2. Capital structure decisions is essentially

optimisation of risk-return relationship.


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3. A capital budgeting decision is capable of

changing the financial fortune of a business.

Do you agree? Why or why not?

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4. Explain factors affecting the dividend


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5. Explain the term 'trading on equity'. Why.

When and how can it be used by a business


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Test Yourself Very Short Answer Questions

1. State the objective of financial management.

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2. Explain the concept of wealth maximisation

as an objective of financial management.

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3. Discuss the two objectives of financial


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4. What is financial risk and how does it arise?

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5. What is the link between operating cycle

and working capital?

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6. What do you mean by negative working


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7. Why is the dividend decision treated as a

residual decision?

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8. What do you mean by dividend decision?

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9. What do you mean by management of fixed


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10. Why is capital budgeting decision

considered as an important decision?

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11. Define a 'current assets' and give four


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Test Yourself Short Answer Questions

1. How are the shareholders likely to gain with

loan components in capital employed ? Explain

with suitable example.

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2. Explain the factors affecting the dividend

policy of a company.

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3. Explain the meaning and nature of financial


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4. Explain the meaning and nature of capital


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5. Give two factors affecting financing decision.

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Test Yourself Long Answer Questions

1. State whether the working capital

requirement of business manufacturing the

following items are big or small. Justify your


(i) Bread

(ii) Coolers

(iii) Sugar

(iv) Furniture
(v) Motor car

(vi) Locomotives

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2. Capital structure decisions is essentially

optimisation of risk-return relationship.


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3. Explain the term 'trading on equity'. Why.

When and how can it be used by a business


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Previous Years Examination Question 2014 2018

One Mark Questions

1. What is meant by 'financial management'?

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2. How does 'level of competition' affect the

working capital requirements of an

organisation? State.

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3. In the paint industry, various raw materials

are mixeds in different proportions with

petromleum for manufacturing different kinds

of paints. One specific raw material is not

readily and regularly availble to the paint

readily and regularly available to the paint

manufacturing companies. Bonler paints

company is also facing this problem and

because of this there is a time lag between

placing the order and the acutal receipt of the

amterial.But, once it receives the raw

materials, it takes less time in converting it

into finsihed goods.

Identify the factor affecting the working

capital requirements of this industry.

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4. What is meant by 'capital Structure'?

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5. Sika Ltd., a reputed industrial machine

manufacturer, needs Rupees twenty crores as

additional capital to expand the business. Mr.

Amit Joshi, the chief Exceutive officer (CEO) of

the company wants to raise funds through

equity. The finance Manager, Mr. Narender

Singh, suggested that the shares may be sold

to investing public through intermediaries, as

the same will be less expensive.

Name the method through which the

company decided to raise additional capital.

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6. What is meant by 'Trading on Equity'?

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7. Name and state the aspect of financial

management that enables to foresee the fund

requirements both in terms of 'the quantum'

and 'the timings'.

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8. Rizul Bhattacharya after leaving his job

wanted to start a Private Limited Company

wiht his son. His son was keen that the

company may start manufacturing of Mobile-

phones with some unique featurs. Rizal

Bhattacharya felt that the mobile-phones are

prone to quick obsolencence and a heavy fixed

capital investment would be required regularly

in this business.Therefore, he convinced his

son to start a furniture business.

Identify the factor affecting fixed capital

requirements which made Rizul Bhattacharya

to choose furniture business over mobile -


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9. Meca Ltd. A reputed auotmobile

manufacturer needs Rupees ten crores as

additional capital to expand its business. Atul

Jalan, the CEO of the company wanted to raise

funds through equity. On the other hand the

Finance Manager, Nimi sahdev said that the

public issue may be expensive on account of

various mandatory and non- mandatory

expenses. Therefore, it was decided to allot

the securities to institutional investors.

Name the method through which the

company decided to raise additional capital.

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10. Reliable Transport Service Ltd. ' specialises

in transporting fruits and vegetables. It has a

good reputation in the market as it delivers

the fruits and vegetables at the right time and

at the right place.

State with reason whether the workingh

capital requirements of 'Reliable Transport

Services' will be high or low.

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11. Explain how' cost of debt' affects the choice

of capital structure of a company.

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12. The size of assets, the profitability and

competitiveness are affected by one of the

financial decisions. Name and state the


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13. Radhika and Vani who are young fashion

designers left their job with a famous fashion

designer chain to set-up a company fashionate

Pvt. Ltd.' They decided to run a boutique

during the day and coaching classes for

entrance examination of National Institute of

Fashion Designing in the evening. For the

coaching Centre they hired the first floor of a

nearby building. Their major expense was

money spent on photocopying of notes for

their students. They thought of buying a

photocopier knowing fully that their scale of

operations was not sufficient to make full use

of the photocopier.

In the basement of the building of 'Fashionate

Pvt. Ltd.' Preveen and Ramesh were carrying on

a printing and stationery business in the name

of 'Neo prints Pvt. Ltd. 'Radhika approached

praveen with the prosposal to buy a

photocopier jointly which could be used by

both of them without making seperate

investment, praveen agreed to this.

Identify the factor affecting fixed capital

requirements of 'Fashionate Pvt.Ltd.

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14. How does 'cost of equity' affect the choice

of capital structure of a company? Explain.

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15. Best Bulbs Pvt. Ltd. Was manufacturing

good quality LED bulbs and catering to local

market. The current production of the

company is 800 bulbs a day. Sumit, the

marketing manager of the company surveyed

the market and decided to supply the bulbs to

five-star-hotels also. He anticipated the higher

demand in future and decided to buy a

sophisticated machine to further improves the

quantity of the bulbs produced.

Indentify the factor affecting fixed capital

requirements of the company.

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Previous Years Examination Question 2014 2018

Three Mark Questions
1. Ramanath Ltd. Is dealing in important of

organic food item in bulk. The company sells

the items in smaller quantities in attractive

pakages. Performance of the company has

been up to the expectations in the past.

Keeping up with the latest packaging

technology. the company decided to upgrade

its machinery. For this, the finance Manager of

the company, Mr. Vikrant Dhull, estimated the

amount of funds required and the timings.This

will help the company in linking the

investment and the financing decisions on a

continuous basis.
Therefore, Mr. vikrant Dhull began with the

preparation of a sales forecast for the next

four years. He also collected the relevant data

about the profit estimates in the coming

years. By doing this , he wanted to be sure

about the availability of funds from the

internal sources. For the ramaining funds he is

trying to find out alternative sources. Identify

the financial concept discussed in the above

paragraph. Also state any two points of

importance of the financial concept, so


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2. Explain briefly any four factors which affect

the choice of capital structure of a company.

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3. Explain briefly any four factors that affect

the working capital requirement of a company.

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4. What is meant by Capital Budgeting State

any four factors affecting fixed capital

requirement of a firm.

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5. Sika Ltd., a reputed industrial machine

manufacturer, needs Rupees twenty crores as

additional capital to expand the business. Mr.

Amit Joshi, the chief Exceutive officer (CEO) of

the company wants to raise funds through

equity. The finance Manager, Mr. Narender

Singh, suggested that the shares may be sold

to investing public through intermediaries, as

the same will be less expensive.

Name the method through which the

company decided to raise additional capital.

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6. Sarah Ltd. 'is a company manufacturing

cotton yarn. It has been consistently earning

good profits for many years. This year too, it

has been able to generate enough profits.

There is availability of enough cash in the

company and good prospects for growth in

future. It is a well managed organisation and

believes in quality. equal employment

opportunities andgood remuneration

practices. It has many sharesholders who

prefer to receive a regular inocome form their


It has taken a loan of Rs. 40 lakhs from IDBI

and is bound by certain restrictions on the

payment of dividend according to the terms of

loan agreement.
The above discussion identify and explain any

four such factors.

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7. Viyo Ltd.' is a company manufacturing

textiles. It has a share capital of rupees 60

lakhs. The earning per shares in the previous

year was rupees 0.50. for diversification, the

company requires additonal capital of rupees

40 lakhs . The company raised funds by issued

10% debentures for the same. During the

current year the company earned profit of

ruppes 8 lakh on capital employed. It paid tax


(a) State whether the sharesholders gained or

lost, in respect of earning per share on

diversification. Show your calculations clearly.

(b) Also, state any three factors that favour

the issue of debentures by the company as

part of its capital structure.

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Case Study
1. Rohan inherited a very large area of

agricultural land in Haryana after the death of

his grand father. He plans to sell this piece of

land and use the money to set up a small scale

paper factory to manufacture all kind of

stationery items from recycled paper. He

consulted friends. Ramesh, who is working in a

financial consultancy firm. Ramesh helped him

to prepare a blue print of his future business

operations. On the basis of sales forecast in

next five years, based on these estimates he

helped Rohan to assess the fixed and working

capital requirements of business.

In the context of above case-

(a) Identify the type of financial service that

Ramesh has offered Rohan.

(b) State any four importance of that service.

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2. A company's earnings before interest and

tax is Rs 10 lac. It pays 10% interest on its debt.

Total investment of company is Rs. 50 lac.

(a) Advise company whenever it should include

debt or equity ot raise its capital.

(b) Name the concept related to this.

(c) Will the company's decision to raise funds

from debt or equity will change if

company'sEBIT becomes 4 lac.

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3. Pinnacle Ltd. Deals in the sale of stationery

and office furniture. They source the finished

products from reputed brands who give them

four to six months credit. Seeing the demand

for electronic items, they are also planning to

market these items by opening outlets

throughout India. For this, they have decided

to join hands with a Japanese electronic goods


Identify and state any two factors that would

affect the fixed capital requirement of Pinnacle

Ltd. as discussed above. two factors that

would affect the fixed capital requirement of

Pinnacle Ltd. as discussed above.

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4. A businessman who wants to start a

manufacturing concern, approaches you to

suggest him whether the following

manufacturing concern would require large or

small working capital:

(a) Bread

(b) Coolers

(c) Sugar

(d) Motor car

(e) Furniture manufactured against specific


(f) Locomotives
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