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After collecting and analyzing data, the
reporting of the findings starts

Way to report findings depends on the

objectives. The findings can be in terms of

1. Categories and theme, or

2. Categories only
The findings (relevant to a category or theme) are written in the form
of :

1. Paraphrased Excerpt:
The researcher reports the interviewee’s responses using the researcher’s own words.
Respondent B5 participated in golf with a client because it helped him to be closer to and understand his
client’s needs better. Hence, he is able to provide designs that suit the client.

2. Verbatim Excerpt
The researcher reports the interviewee’s responses using the interviewee’s actual words.
“I play golf with the client. Playing golf helps me be closer to the client. Then I can understand his needs
better. So, when I know his needs, I can provide designs that suit him….”
Respondent B5

Ratio of paraphrased excerpts to verbatim excerpts in reporting the findings is 70:30

In Findings chapter

Make sections for each research objective’s findings

Provide the category definition table for each

objective section

If the findings are plentiful, use two Finding

chapters to report the findings.
Eg. a research has two objectives for obtaining category
findings and one objective for creating a theme finding.
So the category findings are reported in a Category
Finding chapter. The theme finding is reported in a
Theme Finding chapter
Categories and meaning units need to be defined in text and in
table form
In the Findings chapter
1. Have a sub-section for each category
1. Give definition of the category
2. Provide sub-subsection for each meaning unit
i. Provide definition of the meaning unit
ii. Provide interview excerpts relevant to the meaning unit
iii. Most of the excerpts are paraphrased
iv. Provide OCCASIONAL verbatim excerpts of transcript relevant
to the meanings unit
v. Ratio of paraphrased excerpts to verbatim excerpts is 70:30
in dissertation
In Findings chapter

1. Report the category findings as described in previous slide.

2. Then, provide a subsection for the theme.

3. Provide a label (usually in the form of a phrase) and definition

of the theme.

4. Provide paraphrased excerpts that are relevant to theme.

5. Provide verbatim excerpts of transcript relevant to the theme.

6. Ratio of paraphrased excerpts to verbatim excerpts is 70:30

The Appendices is used to provide information that is related to
the analysis but is unsuitable to be placed in the main text.

The information in the Appendices is used to increase the readers’

believability of the validity and reliability of the qualitative

Provide in Appendices

1. Interview questions

2. Demographic information questionnaire

3. Two or three examples of category evidence tables

Provide in Appendices (contd)

4. Thematic evidence tables (if one of objectives is to generate a


5. Category definition table

6. Data consolidation table

7. Comparison tables showing comparison between categories

and demographic variable categories (if one of objectives is to
generate hypotheses or hypothetical framework)

8. Evidence tables for all categories or theme

9. All interview transcripts (if fewer than eight interviewees)

Suitable to be used if the objectives includes the generation of categories
Eg. in this case (a research on physical recreational activities participation
motives among Registered Architects”, the categories of participation reasons
are (1) Instrumental motives (2) Dispositional Motives (3) Opportunity motives
Suitable to be used if the objectives includes the generation of themes
Eg. in this case (a research on physical recreational activities participation
motives among Registered Architects”, lets assume that all respondents cited
Health as a motive. Thus, the theme is
“Registered Architects participate in physical recreational activities for health
Suitable to be used if the objectives includes the generation of a hypothesis
Eg. in this case (a research on physical recreational activities participation
motives among Registered Architects), a hypothesis can be made
“The status of employment (self employed vs employed) influences the physical
recreational activities participation among Registered Architects for marketing
services of their firms”
The reporting of group interview findings is
similar to the way of reporting individual
interview findings
The dissertation emphasizes the reporting of similar and mutually
supporting findings of the various data collection methods in the case
study research

The findings are organized in more than one Finding chapter.

Each Finding chapter will describe the findings relevant to a research

objective. The findings are organized into sections according to the
research methods. Next, a section is provided to report the similar and
mutually supporting findings of each research method.

The final Finding Chapter describes the parts of findings from each type
of data collection method that are either similar or mutually supportive.

Way to report findings in the sections depend upon the normal way of
reporting the particular research method findings, eg qualitative findings
are describe in terms of paraphrased and verbatim excerpts
Way to report findings depends on the objectives. The
findings can be in terms of categories, themes, hypotheses
or hypothetical framework

The findings are organized according to each objective.

The categories, theme, hypotheses or hypothetical
framework are described in dedicated sections of the

These descriptions in each section are paraphrased

descriptions of the raw observation notes.

Photographs of the observed objects, persons or activities

may be included to further support the findings
This is provided in the Discussion section of the
Findings Chapter ( or in the Discussion Chapter)
Make sections for each objective findings
1. Compare findings with past findings (in references of past
research cited in Literature Review Chapter)
2. Identify past findings that concur with research findings
3. Identify past findings that contradict with research findings
4. Suggest reasons for the contradiction of past findings with
research findings
5. Support the reasons by citing relevant references
Make a section that the implications of the findings to
the solving of the problem (practice gap and research
Title and Author’s Name
Pledge of original work submission
List of contents
List of Diagrams
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 3: Methodology
Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion
Chapter 5: Conclusion
List of References
Turnit in Report
The following were suggested by experienced
1. Each chapter has maximum of 30 pages maximum.
2. Use simple grammatically correct English
3. Ensure that there is content consistency and continuity
between the chapters and the paragraphs.
4. Make sure that all the contents are relevant to the
research aim and objectives
5. All references cited in the text is found in the
Reference List
6. All references in the Reference List is found cited in the
Your dissertation is examined by your supervisor
and another suitable lecturer
1. Examiners dislike dissertations that difficult to read
and understand.
2. To ensure easy reading by examiners
i. The contents are well organized.
ii. The language is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
iii. Use simple and common English words
iv. Use simple sentences (one message per sentence)
v. Be consistent in writing style (to avoid suspicion of
vi. There is a consistent story line (relevant continuity
between the sentences, paragraphs and chapters)

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