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28/03/2022 22:19 Jira Fundamentals Assessment

Completed: Mar 28 - 11:18 PM

amina guerrab

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Total Points: 16/30 Correct Answers: 16/30

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28/03/2022 22:19 Jira Fundamentals Assessment

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Section 1 Points: 16/30

Your Responses

Question 1 of 30 +1

A team manages various work items such as:

1. Write job description for summer internship

2. Purchase new office printer

3. Send monthly newsletter to new prospects

What are these work items called in Jira?  6658573






Question 2 of 30 +1

Alina is both a Jira user and a Jira administrator. You are only a
Jira user. 2/21
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Identify two actions that only Alina can perform. (Choose

two.)  6658573

update assigned issues

view team progress on a board

update personal settings

enable Jira features

configure project permissions

Question 3 of 30 +1

Which two statements are true about Jira issues? (Choose

two.)  6658573

Issues can contain attachments.

All issues use the same set of fields.

An issue can belong to more than one project.

Issues can be organized by priority.

Question 4 of 30 +0 / 1

A software team is working on a new product called LEND.

They want to name their Jira project after a particular

deliverable of the new app. They will have more deliverables in
the future.

Select the most appropriate project name.  6658573

LEND team 3/21
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LEND alpha

LEND deliverable

LEND app

The correct answer was "LEND alpha".

A. Incorrect. They want to name the project after a particular deliverable of the new
app (LEND alpha is a good example), not their team name (LEND team).
B. Correct.
Since your team wants to name this project after a particular deliverable, naming it
after a specific release (like alpha) is the most appropriate option.
C. Incorrect. LEND
deliverable is too generic. It is not a suitable name for a specific/particular
deliverable. And they will have more deliverables in the future.
D. Incorrect. LEND
app is appropriate for a project that encompasses all releases/deliverables of the
app. But they want to want to name the project after a particular deliverable of the
new app.

Question 5 of 30 +0 / 1

You work on multiple projects and often need to switch

between them.

You are currently viewing the board for one of the projects.

Where can you see your full list of projects?  6658573

Projects dropdown in the project sidebar

Projects dropdown in the main navigation bar

Dashboards dropdown in the main navigation bar

Project pages link in the project sidebar

Your work dropdown in the main navigation bar

The correct answer was "Projects dropdown in the main navigation bar". 4/21
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A. Incorrect. The Your work dropdown in the main navigation bar shows you recent
issues, boards, and queues. If you choose “Go to your work page” on the bottom of
the dropdown, you can see your recent projects, but you won’t see all the projects
you’re involved in.
B. Incorrect. The project sidebar only shows the current project
you are in. It does not show the full list of projects you’re involved in.
C. Incorrect.
Project pages link in the project sidebar links out to Confluence.
D. Incorrect. The
Dashboards dropdown in the main navigation bar shows any saved or starred filters
and dashboards but not a list of all your projects.
E. Correct. The Projects dropdown
in the main navigation bar allows you to see all of the projects you’re involved in
(have access to) through the View all projects option, regardless of whether you
have recently accessed them or not.

Question 6 of 30 +0 / 1

You frequently run a particular search and want to mark it for

easy access.

How can you achieve this within Jira?  6658573

bookmark the search criteria

drag-and-drop the filter to Your work

save and star the filter

add the search bar to the project sidebar

The correct answer was "save and star the filter".

A. Incorrect. Browser bookmarks are not done within Jira.

B. Incorrect. You cannot
drag-and-drop anything to the Your work dropdown.
C. Correct. You can save the
search criteria as a saved filter and then star the filter for easy access through the
Filters dropdown in the main navigation bar.
D. Incorrect. You cannot add the search
bar to the project sidebar. Project administrators can “add items” to the sidebar and
this can include a URL link to a particular saved search. 5/21
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Question 7 of 30 +1

As you develop a new product, you frequently need to switch

between the Backlog and Kanban board to see various issues.

What is the quickest way to do so?  6658573

through the main navigation bar

through the product switcher

through the search bar

through the project sidebar

Question 8 of 30 +1

Josie works in a Scrum project and has trouble tracking


She wants to see a view that shows:

1. current issues in progress

2. a linear timeline of work being completed

3. dependencies and overlap among issues

Suggest the best type of work view for Josie.  6658573


Your work page


Roadmap 6/21
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Question 9 of 30 +1

You have been assigned to review an issue in the Legal project.

1. You need a visual display of this issue with respect to other

Legal issues in progress and in review.

2. Once you review it, you need to drag it to the Done status.

What single location will satisfy both needs?


Legal search filter

Legal roadmap

Legal backlog

Legal kanban board

Legal dashboard

Question 10 of 30 +1

Jessica is viewing work progress on her team’s active sprint


She clicks the Create button in the main navigation bar and
adds a new issue to the project.

She now wants to go back and edit the issue, but does not see it
in her current view.

Where did it go?  6658573

within a different board 7/21
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linked to another issue

as a sub-task of her most recent issue

to the bottom of the backlog

Question 11 of 30 +0 / 1

Identify two types of boards you can create within Jira. (Choose
two.)  6658573






The correct answer was "Scrum, Kanban".

A. Correct. Kanban boards illustrate work going through a continuous workflow.

Incorrect. Company-managed is a type of project in Jira, but it is not a board type.
Incorrect. A roadmap shows work across a timeline. It is not a board type.
D. Correct.
Scrum boards are best for agile teams who want to visualize work in intervals
E. Incorrect. Sprint refers to an interval in which the work is completed on a
Scrum board. But Sprint is not a board type.

Question 12 of 30 +0 / 1

You joined a small and independent team that:

1. wants to complete their tasks in a continuous flow of work

2. wants tight control over their own processes and practices in

Jira 8/21
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3. does not want to standardize their way of working across

many other teams

Suggest the best type of board and project for the

team.  6658573

Scrum board in a team-managed project

Scrum board in a company-managed project

Kanban board in a company-managed project

Kanban board in a team-managed project

The correct answer was "Kanban board in a team-managed project".

A. Incorrect. Scrum boards are used to complete time-boxed iterations of work, not a
continuous flow of work. Additionally, company-managed projects are designed for
teams who want to standardize a way of working across many teams. These are
usually for larger teams and are maintained by Jira admins.
B. Incorrect. Scrum
boards are used to complete time-boxed iterations of work, not a continuous flow of
C. Incorrect. Company-managed projects are designed for teams who want
to standardize a way of working across many teams. These are usually for larger
teams and are maintained by Jira admins.
D. Correct. Kanban boards are used for the
continuous flow of work. And team-managed projects are best for smaller,
independent teams who want to control their own working processes and practices
in a self-contained space and not have to standardize their way of working across
many teams.

Question 13 of 30 +0 / 1

The human resources team manages various categories of

work in their project:

1. requests from employees

2. job applications

3. updates to salary and benefits 9/21
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What are these categories called in Jira?  6658573

issue types





The correct answer was "issue types".

A. Incorrect. Projects are collections of issues. Project have issue types. The stem
states that the HR team manages these categories of work “in their project” so
those three examples are not projects themselves.
B. Incorrect. Issues are the
distinct individual pieces of work that follow the workflow from creation to
completion. One particular request from an employee would be an issue. One
update to a particular employee’s salary is an update. But categories of such types
of work are called issue types.
C. Correct. The issue type represents the category and
size of the work to get done in a particular project. The usual issue types in a
software project are Epic, Bug, Task or Story, subtask, but other teams can create
their own issue types. In this example, it might be Request, Application, Update or
Task, or something similar.
D. Incorrect. There is no official term “item” in Jira.
Individual work items are called issues.
E. Incorrect. Sub-tasks are not categories
and cannot exist on their own. They are used to break down tasks, stories, or bugs
into smaller work items.

Question 14 of 30 +1

You are collaborating with others on an issue titled “Update

character design.”

You want to share a PDF of sketches so they can review it and

provide input. 10/21
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Suggest the best way to share the PDF within Jira.  6658573

Upload the PDF to a shared drive and add a web link.

Email them both the PDF and a link to the issue.

Add the PDF as an attachment to an issue comment and use @mention.

Add the PDF via the “Link issue” button.

Question 15 of 30 +1

Your team is working on a new game app.

They use three issue types: Epic, Story, and Bug.

Which issue summary is most likely to be classified as a

Bug?  6658573

Design player avatars.

Level 2 help links return 404 Not Found Error.

As a player, I want the ability to choose a good or evil character.

Update voice-over clip for character Zeus for version 1.1.

Question 16 of 30 +0 / 1

Issue DEV-34 has a parent issue and cannot exist on its own.

What is the issue type of DEV-34?  6658573


Bug 11/21
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The correct answer was "Subtask".

A. Correct. Subtasks must have a parent issue type. They cannot exist on their own.
So if DEV-34 has a parent, then it must be a subtask.
B. Incorrect. Stories can exist on
their own and do not have “parent” issues, although they can be related to Epics.
Incorrect. Bugs can exist on their own and do not have “parent” issues, although
they can be related to Epics.
D. Incorrect. Tasks can exist on their own and do not
have “parent” issues, although they can be related to Epics.

Question 17 of 30 +0 / 1

You have a question about an issue that has been assigned to


What is the easiest way to find out who created the

issue?  6658573

check the Reporter field

run a basic search

use @mention to ask your teammates

pose a question in the comment field

The correct answer was "check the Reporter field".

A. Incorrect. Adding a comment is not the easiest way and you may not receive a
B. Correct. The reporter field shows you the person that created the issue,
so it’s the easiest way.
C. Incorrect. Running a search would return that issue (along
with others potentially). It would show you the Reporter field in a column of the
search results. But it is much easier to just look at the field on the issue.
D. Incorrect.
Using @mention is not the easiest way and you may not receive a response. 12/21
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Question 18 of 30 +0 / 1

A team has the following process for writing blog posts.

Readers suggest ideas that wait to be assigned. The assigned

writer works on the blog and submits it for review to an editor.
The editor can send it back to be rewritten and resubmitted or
he can approve and post it.

You need to identify the correct configuration of a board that

accurately represents their process with a minimum number of
columns in the correct order.

Which is the correct configuration?  6658573

To Do, In Progress, Review, Sent Back, Posted

New, Assigned, Submitted, Redo, Approved, Posted

To Do, In Progress, Done

Open, In Progress, Awaiting Review, Done

The correct answer was "Open, In Progress, Awaiting Review, Done".

A. Incorrect. This configuration does not include a step for editor review.
B. Incorrect.
This configuration includes 2 unnecessary steps so it does not represent the
minimum number of columns. If an editor sends it back, it can go back to Assigned
status. And you don’t need both Approved and Posted status.
C. Incorrect. This
configuration includes 1 unnecessary step so it does not represent the minimum
number of columns. If an editor sends it back, it can go back to In Progress status.
We don’t need the Sent Back status.
D. Correct. This configuration includes the
correct minimum number of columns in the correct order. Readers suggest ideas
that wait to be assigned (status = Open). The assigned writer works on the blog
(status = In Progress) and submits it for review to an editor (status = Awaiting
Review). The editor can send it back to be rewritten (status = In Progress) and
resubmitted (status = Awaiting Review) or he can approve and post it (status =
Done). 13/21
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Question 19 of 30 +1

Your team uses a dashboard that displays open issues.

You completed the work for a particular issue two days ago, but
it still shows up on the dashboard today.

What must you do so it no longer displays on the

dashboard?  6658573

Drag-and-drop the issue to the Done board column.

Refresh the dashboard.

Add a comment that the issue has been completed.

Remove the issue from the relevant gadget.

Question 20 of 30 +1

An issue was meant for your review, but a team member has
incorrectly marked it as Done.

You need the issue status to display as Review.

What should you do to keep the issue status accurate?  6658573

Link the issue to another one in Review status.

Update the issue status to Review.

Create a duplicate issue.

Delete the issue. 14/21
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Question 21 of 30 +1

You have completed your portion of the work on an issue and

want to move it along in the workflow.

Which action should you take?  6658573

Assign the issue to a reviewer.

Change the Due Date on the issue.

Comment on the issue.

Update the issue status.

Question 22 of 30 +0 / 1

You normally work only in the DEV board that shows issues
only from the DEV project.

You need to create an issue in the ENG project.

Identify the location where you can create the ENG

issue.  6658573

Your work

ENG dashboard

DEV backlog

DEV roadmap

Create button

The correct answer was "Create button".

A. Incorrect. Roadmaps can only include issues from a single project (DEV). Hence, in
the roadmap, you can create issues only in that project.
B. Incorrect. A backlog can 15/21
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be configured to show issues from multiple projects. When you create an issue from
such a backlog, you will receive the create issue dialog window that states “Due to
the configuration for this particular board, you'll have to use the full dialog to create
a new issue.” So you could choose a different project. However, in this case, the DEV
backlog only shows issues from a single project (DEV). Hence, it automatically
defaults to that project and allows you to create issues only in that project.
Incorrect. There is no way to create issues from the Your work dropdown.
D. Correct.
The Create button always presents the Creat issue dialog window from which you
can choose different projects and issue types.
E. Incorrect. You cannot create issues
from a dashboard.

Question 23 of 30 +0 / 1

You want to create multiple issues at one time for a particular


Identify two quick ways to do so. (Choose two.)  6658573

from the backlog

from the roadmap

by linking issues

by cloning issues

from the dashboard

The correct answer was "from the backlog, from the roadmap".

A. Correct. Multiple issues can be created at one time directly from the roadmap.
Correct. Multiple issues can be created at one time directly from the backlog.
Incorrect. You cannot create issues directly from the dashboard.
D. Incorrect. Cloning
issues one-by-one is not a way to create multiple issues at one time quickly. It is a
multi-step process.
E. Incorrect. Issue-linking does not create issues. You can clone
(which automatically links the original and new issues) but you need to clone first.
And cloning is not a quick method. 16/21
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Question 24 of 30 +1

You have a question about one of your assigned tasks and want
to solicit feedback from Sonia.

You also want to ensure the information exchange is captured

on the issue.

What is the quickest and best way to do so?  6658573

Add a comment and @mention Sonia

Send Sonia an email with a link to the issue

Create a sub-task and assign it to Sonia

Reassign the issue to Sonia

Question 25 of 30 +1

You are not receiving Jira notifications when teammates

@mention you on their assigned issues.

What should you do to fix this?  6658573

Set yourself as the Assignee on those issues.

Go to personal settings and update your email notifications.

Star those issues to add to Your work page.

Click on Watch options to watch those issues.

Question 26 of 30 +0 / 1 17/21
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Everyone on your team uses the same dashboard.

Two of the gadgets will definitely show different results to

different team members.

Identify those gadgets. (Choose two.)  6658573

Created vs. Resolved Chart

Issues in progress

Activity Stream

Assigned to Me

The correct answer was "Issues in progress, Assigned to Me".

A. Incorrect. The Created vs. Resolved Chart can be based on a project or a saved
filter. If it is based on a project, it will show everyone the same results. If it is based
on a filter that uses a function such as currentUser() then it could possibly – but not
definitely – show different results to different team members.
B. Correct. Assigned
to Me gadget is always relative to the user viewing it. So it will definitely show
different results to different team members.
C. Incorrect. The Activity Stream gadget
can be filtered in various ways. If by project, it will show everyone the same results.
If it is based on username, then it could possibly – but not definitely – show different
results to different team members.
D. Correct. Issues in progress gadget is always
relative to the user viewing it. So it will definitely show different results to different
team members.

Question 27 of 30 +0 / 1

You are having trouble locating a particular issue.

The only thing you remember is that one of the comments

mentioned a screen error. 18/21
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Identify two ways you can use Jira’s native search functionality
to locate the issue. (Choose two.)  6658573

use a keyboard shortcut

enter keywords on Your work page

navigate to the search bar

use CTRL+F within the project backlog

The correct answer was "use a keyboard shortcut, navigate to the search bar".

A. Incorrect. There is no search functionality on the Your work page.

B. Correct. Jira
search allows you to locate issues using any related words. It will check issue
comments, descriptions, and other fields.
C. Incorrect. Using CTRL+F anywhere
within Jira will only find what’s visible on the page being searched, and won’t look
through comments.
D. Correct. There are two keyboard shortcuts that can help you
search. Quick search “/” goes to the search bar. Find issues “g” then “i” goes to the
issue navigator, either basic or advanced search. In both, you can enter search terms
that may appear in any system/custom text fields and comments.

Question 28 of 30 +1

You and your co-workers need a place to create pages and

manage documentation related to your software project.

Which Atlassian product integrates with Jira to meet this

need?  6658573




Microsoft Teams 19/21
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Question 29 of 30 +1

You received an email notification about a Jira issue.

Identify the fastest way to access that issue after receiving the
email.  6658573

Enter the issue key in the search bar.

Click the issue link within the email.

Find the issue under Your work dropdown.

Click on your profile icon in the project board.

Question 30 of 30 +0 / 1

You want to take steps to build a Jira habit.

Select two recommended best practices to help create a Jira

routine. (Choose two.)  6658573

Start a fresh browser for Jira each time you access it.

Be the Jira champion on your team.

Access Jira once a week.

Optimize Jira for your specific usage.

The correct answer was "Be the Jira champion on your team., Optimize Jira for your
specific usage.".

A. Incorrect. The best practice is to keep Jira open, always. Keeping Jira open on your
browser is a great way to make sure you are checking Jira regularly.
B. Incorrect. To
build a Jira habit, it’s recommended to find strategies that ensure you check it daily.
C. Correct. You should become the Jira champion on your team. A Jira champion can
help keep both you and your team accountable for using Jira more often.
D. Correct.
Setting up Jira the way you like it can help encourage you to use it often and with
ease. 20/21
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